Elizabeth Lewis Weebly Newsletter

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Bainbridge High School

Bainbridge, GA
Au g u s t 2 3 , 2 0 1 6
F i r s t N i n e Wee k s

Ms. Lewis Chorus Newsletter

About the Teacher

Why A Newsletter?

Hello chorus students and parents! My

name is Elizabeth Lewis, and I am so
excited about the wonderful things
planned for the choral program this
year. I am thrilled to have the
opportunity to teach this group of
chorus students as the very first
group of students in my teaching
career. Lets have a great first nine

A newsletter is an excellent source of

information that can be pulled up on a
smart phone anywhere, anytime! The
students will receive a copy of the
newsletter every nine weeks, and
parents will be emailed a copy as well.
If you have not yet added your email
to my email list, please email me at
the school email (contact info in the
next section). The newsletter will
contain all of the same dates such as

I was raised in Bainbridge, GA and

attended Bainbridge High School.
After graduation in 2013, I received

Contact Info
Work Number: (229)-2482222

All folders, music, and pencils will be
provided for the students.
The chorus fee is $65. This will cover
the cost of festival fees, accompanist
fees, and the cost to rent the schools
formal black dresses and tuxes.

Ms. Lewis Chorus Newsletter

Classroom Rules and

NO food or drink in the chorus
classroom! A water bottle is allowed and
No one is to leave the room without
permission and a hall pass.
Absolutely no gum or candy is allowed at
any time. This presents a serious choking

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Upcoming Dates
Monday, Sept. 5 Labor Day (No
Tuesday, Sept. 20 Chili Dinner/Concert
(tickets will be going out next week)
Tuesday, October 5th Fall Concert at the
Kirbo Center
Saturday, Oct. 15 All-State Auditions at
Crisp County Middle School, Cordele, GA

Be kind and respectful to everyone.

Making beautiful music as a choir is a
TEAM effort, and we must be in unity.
Lastly, enjoy yourself and give it your all!

Reminders to Students and

If any students are interested

in auditioning for GMEA AllState Chorus, please bring

your $18 by Sept. 2nd.
Chorus fees are due by

Friday, Aug. 26th.

Please mark all chorus events

in your calendars and email

me if you have any

Choral Events
Chili Dinner and Fundraiser Concert
September 20th, 6 PM (tickets will be
$5 per person) in the BHS cafeteria.
Fall Concert October 5th, 6:30 PM in
the Kirbo Center
Choral Festival Competition, Dothan,
AL Friday, Nov. 11 (Permission slips will
be sent home two weeks prior to the
event. This is a school sanctioned
absence.) Bus will depart from BHS
parking lot at 8 AM.
Christmas at the River Dec. 5th,
7:00 PM at the Boat Basin performance

At Home Practice

Below are some music theory and ear

training links that will assist chorus
students in enhancing their musical

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