Workshop IP - Yogyakarta 2014

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Interactive Petrophysics (IP)

Workshop by
Alexander Pradana


Software products

Senergys powerful petrophysics analysis
tool offering some of the most advanced
and sophisticated interpretation modules
in the industry.

Oilfield Data Manager (ODM) is a

subsurface application for the integration,
interpretation and presentation of well
based data.

Over 1,000, licences sold in over 60 countries

Over 250 licences sold in over 25 countries


The IP database is a collection of binary data files (.DAT), of which there is 1 per well,
stored together in a selected PC directory/folder.
Up to 9,999 wells can be saved into an IP database
Up to 2000 wells can be active in memory any one time
Up to 50 wells can be displayed simultaneously in multi-well correlation plot
Each well can contain up to 200 curve sets
Each well can contain up to 10,000 curves
Each curve set can contain up to 3 million depths

Summary of IP Version 4.2 Additions

Major New Functionality &

Module Enhancements

New Modules

Crossplot with Histograms

Unconventional Resources

New Text Curves & Formula Text


Gas Analysis

New Picks Enhancement

Cement Evaluation

Por/Sw Enhancements

Production Logging

Image Analysis Enhancements

Database Upgrader

Saturation Height Enhancements

Updated Lithology Shading

Self Organising Maps

Within IP Basic Module

Loading/Exporting data
Deterministic Petrophysical
Curve Editing
Auto Depth Shifting
Plot Output
Graphic File
Deep Plot View

3D Petrophysics (multi-well)
Environmental Corrections &
Analysis History Log
User Scripts/Programming
Multi-Well Log Display
Multi-Well Processing
NMR Processing
External Database Links
Well Security
Batch Processing
Well mapping
Total Organic Content

IP Advanced Modules

Each module provides tools to address complex petrophysical issues

Mineral Solver
Curve Prediction
Multiple Linear Regression
Neural Networks
Fuzzy Logic
Principal Component
Rock Typing Module
Cluster Analysis
Self Organizing Map
Pore Pressure Prediction
Monte Carlo Analysis
Saturation Height Modelling

Image Log Processing &

Chrono Log (MWD,LWD)
Eastern European Resistivity
Rock Physics
Formation Test
Real TimeData
SandPit 3D
Cement Evaluation
Production Log Analysis
Accoustic Waveform Analysis

Total Organic Carbon-Content

calculation (14 density regression
Identifies Heavy Minerals (e.g.pyrite)
Updates to Phi Sw and Mineral Solver
modules to handle Shale workflows

Mineral Solver Update

Shale Plays

TOC Module


NMR Interpretation comes as standard with IPs Basic Module.

The NMR modules provide the following functionality :

NMR Normalisation
Cutoffs and Spectral BVI
NMR Sw using Dual Water
Regression tool for Perm Coefficients
Calibrate T2 to Pc and derive Sw_Ht
NMR Processing (coming soon)

Corporate Folders

Allows users to share resource

Log Plot formats
Xplot / Histo formats
User Programs
Default file configurations
Alias tables

Search for files uses folder order

When disconnect from network
IP uses local settings

IP Support

24 hour support from our offices around the world

Support staff in UK, Norway, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, US, Brazil
Global pool of Senergy Senior+ Consultants
Via IP hotline +44 20 3608 8024
Via IP hotline +1 (713) 489 3995

Email :

I have been extremely impressed with Senergys strong support of

Interactive Petrophysics. It is some of the best software support Ive ever
John Kovacs, Taqa North, Calgary

IP Training

Senergy offers public training courses in various locations

around the world
Senergy also provide tailored in-house courses for individual
Senergy Senior+ Petrophysicist consultants provide IP

Email :


Interactive interpretation
Efficient workflows
Customisable development solution
Work the way you want to work
Fully featured base module
Technically robust

Complete petrophysical package
Workflows for many disciplines

IP Database and Wells

Database File Structure

The main database folder contains the following files:

main data file for a well, contains well header information, all curves,
last parameters ran on a single well module, basic curve history and
default log plot for that well.

Contains a cache of the well names, depth range, create date, modified
date for each well in the database. Saves the program having to step
through every well (.dat file) when looking at a database to retrieve this
keeps a record of which well (.dat) in a database is opened by which
Hist.ald & Hist.ale
Contains the detailed history of changes to curves and parameters used
to create the curves. Also used for undo options.
From IP4.2 onwards a new .history replaces the old Hist.ald and
Hist.ale files. It contains a detailed history of changes to parameters and

New Database

A new database can be created within IP

by navigating to File > New Database.
This will create a blank database at the
location specified in the new database

Once the database has been created the

user can navigate to File > Explore
Database Folder and it will take the user
to the newly created folder.

Database Navigation

Open Database Option

Option to launch on IP start up
Lists the last set of databases
that you had previously opened
Allows you to browse to an
existing database folder and
opens that database.
Allows you to create a new
database and point IP at it.
Option to create a desktop
to launch IP focussed
on the highlighted database

Load Wells from IP Database

Use left mouse click plus Ctrl and Shift keys to select groups of wells.

Wells can also be loaded from the database

browser and the well map modules.

Creating a New Well in memory

A new well can be created by navigating to Well > Create New Well
Or via the Create New Well Icon
Well name must be filled in
Other fields can be left blank and will populate based on the first external Data File
Once created the well will be given a negative number until saved
Denotes whether the well is in Active Memory or Stored to the database

Loading LAS Data

LAS Data

IP Supports standard LAS formats

including LAS3
LAS data can be loaded into IP by
using the LAS Loader
This can be accessed by either of the
Navigating to Input / Output > Load
Data > LAS / LBS Load
Dragging and dropping the LAS file
onto the IP Work Area

LAS Loader

LAS Name
Name of curve in LAS file
IP Name
How the curve name will appear
in IP
Sets defaults of curve based on

Load Into Set

Curves can be loaded into
different sets
Select curves to be loaded into IP

LAS Loader

Embedded Sequences
LAS files may contain multiple
runs/wells of data
Load LAS Parameters
Well/Run information copied to
IP Well Header

Use Run # from file

LAS parameters copied to that
run under Logging Tab in Well
Start at Run
User can specify which run to
start at

LAS Loader

IP Well Units and Step

If a well is not setup these will
be the defaults for the new well
Interval to Load
User can specify the data
interval to be loaded into IP

Reference Curve
If multiple depth curves are
present user can specify which
to use as a reference
Add to Curve Name
Allows prefixes and extensions
to be added to curve names
E.g adding a suffix for data from
another run

LAS Loader

Fill Data Gaps

Allows the extrapolation across
gaps in the data during load
Value is in Well Step Intervals

Default Load Set

User can specify a set to load
all the curves into

LAS Loader

View File
Opens up the original LAS file in
a text editor
LAS Certify
Used to verify the LAS file
conforms to LAS Standards
be downloaded
separately from:

Loads the data into IP
New File
Allows the user to select another
file to load

LAS 3 Loader

Allows the loading of LAS3 data

Accessed by Drag and Drop or Input > Output > LAS / LAS3 Load
Similar features to standard LAS loader

Loading Multiple LAS Files

Multiple LAS files for the same well or multiple wells can be loaded together

Loading ASCII Data


ASCII files are text files that can be read using Notepad or common
Can contain curve data or irregular data such as core
May or may not have header info
IP has an ASCII Loader
Allows importing of data from text/ascii/spreadsheet files
These can be space, tab or comma delimitated

ASCII Loader

Well Setup
Editable if a new well is being

Number of Input Columns

User can specify how many
columns are present in ASCII data
Data Starts/Stops at line:
Data values may not always start
on line 1
User can specify which line to
start/stop on

Read curve names/units from

User can specify the line which
these can be read from
Can do this manually

ASCII Loader

Null Value
Specify the null value if
Multi Line Data
Data may be stored on multiple
Specify how many lines are per
Fill Data Gaps
Allows the extrapolation across
gaps in the data during load
Not recommended for core
Data Formatting
What is in the spaces

ASCII Loader

Curve Information
Picked up from selecting
Can set up Curve Types if
not already assigned

Change the Load Set

ASCII Loader

Data preview pane

Lines can be interactively selected

from here by using the Select Line
Loads the data into IP

New File
Allows the user to select another file
to load
Save / Load Format
Allows loading and saving of the
window set
Full Saves all information of file
and setup window
Generic Saves information about
file format and data lines

Loading DLIS Data

DLIS Loader

Multiple DLIS File Display

Green Light means it has
been read correctly

Scans the DLIS file and
provides a summary
Curve filters can be applied
to narrow down the list of
curves to load
Step that the data was
recorded at
Will be loaded as array if <
well step
Vals Column
Shows number of samples
in X dimension

DLIS Loader

automatically split into
Or specified by the user
If high sample data not
required it can be loaded
in as an average

If multiple curves exist

numerical suffix can be

Well Header and Curve Header

Well Header

Well header information populated from input data files, manually typed
or loaded using Load Well Attributes
Position Tab contains the well location parameters
Well Path Information populated if curves are present or calculated
using IP
Default Parameters allows setting of values used to populate other
e.g. Logging Contractor sets up the Neutron Tool Type parameter and
default Look-Up tables
Logging Data Tab is used to store logging run parameter information

Well Header

Well Header

Well Header

Well Header

Curve Header

Manage Curve Headers allows the user to control and view the curves
present in the well
Curves can be Locked to prevent editing or set to Final

Curve descriptions can be changed from what was loaded from the
input file
Statistics allows the user to view basic information about the data
Curve history can be viewed
The default setup for curve display can be controlled

Curve Header

Curve Header

Curve Header

Curve Header

Curve Header

Loading Formation Data

Zone Data

Formations and Zones

treated as the same in IP


Should be in the format of Well

Name, Formation Name, Top
Depth and Bottom Depth
If a database link has been used
Formations/Tops can be copied
Used for selecting data in many
modules (e.g User Formula,


Each pick has a single depth

associated with it
Can be used in interpretation
If a database link has been used
Formations/Tops can be copied
Used for selecting data in many
modules (e.g User Formula,


Load Zone Tops can be found in

Input / Output > Load Data >
Load Zone Tops
Data is entered by:
spreadsheet using the paste
Manually typing into the
Zone colours can be changed
from the default if required

Log Plots

Log Plots

Curve Dragging

Curves can be dragged and dropped onto tracks from

both the Database Browser and the Curves and Sets
Curves can also be dropped into most curve drop down
boxes in addition to log plot tracks.
Once in a log plot curves can be dragged and moved
between tracks as well as copied between tracks using
the Shift and Ctrl Keys.
Ctrl Right Click drag = copy curve

Shift Right Click drag = shift curve

`Right Click Track Header drag = Shift whole track with

Line Styles



Graphical way of
representing the
distribution of a curve

Data can be displayed

by zone
Histogram can be output
to multiple formats
(.jpeg, .bmp, etc)
Can be used to view
multiple wells
Various display options
Showing percentiles,
mean, median lines


Data can be normalised

between different runs
in same well
Or between multiple
Different Normalisation
1 Point Linear Shift
1 Point Scale Factor
2 Points

Interactive Selection
Normalise to fixed



Graphical way of plotting

two curves against each

Highlight using a third

Eg Gamma Ray
Data can be displayed
by zone
Discriminators can be
applied to remove bad

Copy/Save crossplot for



Points can be highlighted

on a log with area or point
Default Crossplots can be
loaded quick way to load
standard crossplot

Stand alone crossplots can

be launched
Thomas Stieber
Pickett Plot
Butterfly Rv/Rh
Pressure Gradients


Histograms can be
plotted along the
axes of the crossplot

Up to 6 histograms can
be displayed
Can be toggled on via
the histograms tab
Can be toggled on/off
bydefault under Tools
> Options

Interactive Depth Shift

Depth Shifting

What is Depth Shifting?

Data from multiple runs
can be off depth
By using reference points
the data can be re-aligned

Depth shifting is used to:

Align data from multiple
runs to a common
Align data from LWD to

IP Interactive Depth Shift

Uses a wizard to work through a depth shift

Define a reference curve and curves to shift

Allows shifting of multiple runs
Used to shift regular curves and core data
Automatic Depth Shifting
Shift other curves to the shifted curve

Curve Splicing

Curve Splicing

Curve splicing is used to join together multiple

curves to form a single continuous curve
Join together multiple runs of data from LWD or WL
Splice LWD and WL data together
Null certain intervals

Interactive Curve Splicing

Interactive curve splicing log plot

Zones used to split intervals

Few guidelines for picking splice
Pick in a non-reservoir zone, e.g.
Pick an area where the curves are
reading similar values avoids
having jumps in the curve
Use as much of original data
rather than relog borehole issues
Make sure data is on depth

Splicing Other Curves

Allows splicing of multiple curves at the same time

Can use the splice points from Interactive Curve Splice
IP can search for best splice to give the most seamless transition

User Formula

User Formula

Allows the user to enter

their own formula
Use the IF, Then, Else
Useful to calculate where
the data is not null
Can clip the result curve
Eg Clip a porosity curve
above 0.6
Formulae can be saved
and loaded
Can be run across multiple

User Formula Syntax

Multi Line Formula

User Formula

The module allows the creation and execution of multiple formulae in a single
Uses same syntax as User Formula
Comment lines can be added

Clay Volume in IP

Interpretation Workflow

IP Clay Volume

Interpretation > Clay

Interactively calculate Clay
Multiple Indicators
Individual output curves

Apply Bad Hole Indicators

Can select Shale or Clay

Shale vs Clay Volume

Shale vs Clay Volume

IP Clay Volume

Curves are output for each

Minimum Clay / Shale Volume
Picks the minimum of all active
clay indicators

Average Clay / Shale Volume

Averages between all the active
clay indicators
Clay / Shale Volume Mixed
Allows mixing of Average and
Minimum between zones

Clay Volume Parameters

Clay Volume parameters

can be edited manually
Extra parameters can be

Interpretation > Clay

Volume Parameters
Clicking the Clay Volume
Parametes Button on

Porosity and Water Saturation in IP

Water Saturation

Iterative Loop
Single fluid parameters split up
Eg Fluid density can be split into
Flushed Zone Water and
Excavation effects on neutron log
and hydrocarbon electron density
corrections considered
Equations solved simultaneously
and iteratively

The Phi Sw Module

Interpretation > Porosity and Water

Interactively calculate
Porosity and Water Saturation
Choose Porosity Equation
Choose Water Saturation Equation

Apply Bad Hole Indicators

Output Curves

Select output curves to produce

Change output set

Turn on additional porosity / Sw

curves for comparison
Edit curve names

Output Curves

Initial setup of the plot that will

Lithology shading
Kill Flags

Phi / Sw Interactive Plot

Cutoff and Summation


Up to 10 input curves
can be used
3 defaults
7 user defined

User defines names to

be displayed in IP

Reports Setup

Setup up of default cutoff values

Additional reports can be added
Eg Net Sand
Up to 5 reports can be generated

Output Curves

Define output curve names

Net Height

Cumulative Output Curves

Cutoff and Summation Module

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