Phi August 2016

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Phi Chapter Reminders and New Info

Please fill out the dues form that can be found below and mail
that to Denise Vittum with your check made out to Delta Kappa
Gamma Phi Chapter. Her address is 267 Castle Blvd.; Akron, Ohio
44313. You may also take care of this at our September meeting.
The Sperry scholarship will be awarded at our December
brunch. I will forward a form to anyone who wants to nominate a
young woman for this honor. The scholarship application needs to
be to Cindy Mathias by the end of October. Let me know if I need
to forward a copy of this form.
I am working on a new yearbook that I hope to have this done by
October or November to distribute at the Christmas brunch.
Please verify your information as it appears in our current
Reminder: donation for International Institute:

September twin
sheets; these are on
sale right now due to
going back to college
sales, so the price is
October laundry
November alarm
December towels and
wash cloths*
Spring toothbrushes
and toothpaste - new
May silverware

*The towels and washcloths can be gently used but washed first
before donating.

Our first meeting is at Barb Baltrinics house on September 20,

2017 at 5 P.M. Please email me your RSVP or call me at 330-9297110 by September 15, 2016. I will be gone through September
2, 2016, so please call after that date. Her address is 522
Riverdale Circle; Munroe Falls, Ohio 44262. Her phone number
is 330-688-1287. She will serve as our hostess and will provide a
spaghetti dinner. She and her husband Mike will be discussing the
topic: Ohio Depression Glass and Art Pottery. Dont forget your
dues and donations for the International Institute, which will be
twin sheets. Carol Hulsemann will provide the raffle basket.
Our October meeting is hosted by Marna Wheaton. We will meet
at Papa Joe's in the valley at 5:00 pmon October 19. We will order
off the menu. Judy White, Nancy Rossi, Marna Wheaton and Mary
Jean Lyon will provide the scholarship basket. Laundry detergent
is the donation for the International Institute. Our speaker will be
Mary Raignano from the International Institute. Don't forget your
dues; please call Marna by October 12 at 825-0687 or RSVP via
email to me at
Our next meeting is hosted by Kay Franks and will be at
the Cooper Cancer Center at Summa Hospital in their conference
room on Forge Street on November 3rd at 5:00 pm. Until 7:00 pm.
It will be catered by Virtues, and we will have a tour. The
speakers will be Dr. Trochee man and Dr. Lynch. The scholarship
basket will be provided by Jennifer Walls and Stephanie Abood,
and our donation to the International Institute will be alarm
clocks. Please call Kay to RSVP at 330-633-7946 by October 27 or
email me
On December 10, 2016, we will have our holiday brunch at
Rosemont Country Club at 10 A.M.; this will be hosted by Judy
White and Lynn Asente with the scholarship baskets being
provided by Alison Seefelt and Carol Drescher. Marna Wheaton
will present our necrology service at this time. We will also have

the Don Drumm Christmas ornaments on sale for The Blessings in

a a Backpack fundraiser; if you would like to make a donation to
Blessings in a Backpack, please bring oatmeal or applesauce , or
you can make a cash donation. The donation for the International
Institute will be towels and washcloths. Stephanie Abood has
arranged for various dance teams from McCardles Studios to be
our entertainment. More information about cost, menu, and
reservations will be out at a later date.
Our spring meeting is still to be determined as far as date and
time goes. Barb has made arrangements for us to see a rehearsal
at the Miller South Performing Art School with dinner at Bob
Hamburgs to follow. Lynn and Kay will provide the scholarship
basket, and donations for the International Institute are
toothbrushes and toothpaste.
We are in charge of the Founders Day venue, and I have made
arrangements for a brunch at Fairlawn Country Club on May 6,
2017. MUCH more info to follow! Linda Shippy has volunteered for
the favors for this event. We still need someone to make the
basket for the raffle. Each chapter brings one basket; we keep the
proceeds from the ticket sales for our scholarship awards. More
info later.
See you at Barb's!

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