August DKG Newsletter
August DKG Newsletter
August DKG Newsletter
Aug u st 2 0 1 3 Vo l u me 8 , I s su e 2
President: Lynn Asente 1 s t V i c e P r e s i d e n t : C a r o l H u l s e ma n n 2nd Vice President: Barb Baltri nic Treasurer: Diana Jones R e c o r d i n g S e c r e t a r y : D o n n a C u r f ma n Corresponding Sec. : Phy llis Woodrum
Presidents News
Hello Ladies We had a great organizational meeting on July 8 at Panera Bread. We got so much done and are ready for the upcoming year. Our first meeting will be at my house on Sunday, Sept. 8 at 1:00. It will be a potluck dinner; I will provide the hotdogs and hamburgs and drinks. Just let me know if you can make it. You can email me at or call me at 330-929-7110. We will have Karen Poulos as our speaker; she will talk about Young Graduates. Fran Howell is also working on another speaker for this meeting, a young author Barb Baltrinics book will be on sale or you can get one at See the information about her website and the book, which will be the focus of our November meeting. In addition to our service project for Open-M, we will also discuss other ways to spend our monies for our next year. Young Graduates has been suggested and we can also talk about Christopher Milos new focus and decide if we want to be a part of that. We are continuing with Building Blocks, Open Ms pre-school, which is beginning their second year. Delta Kappa Gamma members are asked to bring ageappropriate books and/or board games. Kay Franks will head up this project again this year and will also take donations to purchase some of their bigger-ticket requests, a laminator and a color printer. Please be sure to write a check to Delta Kappa Gamma Phi Chapter if you would would like to make a donation. Marna Wheaton, Nancy Rossi, and Judy White will make our scholarship basket. October 17, 2013 other details to follow; we will have Dr. Mari Halkovich talk about the Ohio First Ladies and their vintage jewelry and clothing. This will probably be a dinner meeting at 5:00. Place to be determined. We will be meeting with other chapters who expressed interest in joining us when it was suggested at the May Founders Day Luncheon. Cindy Sapronetti and Carol Hulsemann will provide the scholarship raffle item.
Potluck Picnic
at Lynns house.
November 16, Saturday, Book Discussion Time and details will follow.
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Barb Baltrinic will lead the discussion about her novel, A Founder for All, which is on It is about Abraham Clark, an ancestor of Barbs and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. As we get closer to this program, more information will be shared, but you can also visit her Facebook page (with a like) at ef=hl Details will be given about how to purchase her book. You may visit her webpage at Rita Sano will provide the scholarship raffle item.
December 14, 2013 Judy White has graciously
No meetings until the spring time. We will be attending a performance of the Mastersingers. More information will follow when their schedule is firm, but it will be on a Sunday, and we have to carpool. Mary Jean Lyon and Janna Bruner are members of this local group. If you have ever heard them perform, you know that they are a true Akron treasure. They are absolutely wonderful. We will probably not have a basket for this meeting. If we decide on one at a later date, Allison Seefeldt will make it. Our Founders Day will be the first Saturday in May with information given in the spring. We are hoping that the officers and committee members remain the same for the upcoming year. I will have order forms available for Delta Kappa Gamma jewelry at our first meeting.
agreed to be our contact with Rosemont Country Club to determine our menu and the specific times that we need to know for our Christmas brunch. Surely, a revisit to their ice cream ball dessert will be in order. Fran Howell is changing it up a bit for this event and encourages you to wear your ugliest/cutest (you be the judge) Christmas sweater. A prize will be awarded to the winner. She will conduct an oral auction that features donations from members and their travels this calendar year. So, ladies, be sure to be on the lookout for an item from your vacation this summer and fall. No purses this year, but Fran will be sure to bring the laughs as she always does. We are the entertainment for this meeting. Kay Franks and I will do the scholarship raffle basket.
A note from Barb Baltrinic Please go to the website above and mark it as a favorite so you can check back on it for announcements and information. After jumping through countless hoops, our website is now officially recertified and linked through the international website. I think you will find this new site easy to use. WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBER, JANNA BRUNER!
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October 1, 2013 is the deadline for dues. Our dues will not go up this year even though the international dues did.
Please send dues to Diana Jones at 687 Clark Drive, Tallmadge, Ohio 44278. You must have the completed dues form with your check. This means one form from everyone even if your information has not changed. If you do not complete your forms, Diana must make a copy of your old form. That is a lot of work for her to do, so please help her out by completing the dues form that is included in this newsletter. It also makes record keeping and updating our spreadsheet easier as well. This is a busy time of year for the DKG treasurer and giving her one less thing to do. Dianas job is big enough with recording checks and monies and running to the bank. Members, thank you so much!! And thank you, Diana
Note: although the International dues are going up, we will NOT raise our dues. Did I mention that once or twice????? We have been very careful with our monies over the past years and will continue to do so this year. Here are some very important tips from our treasurer Diana Jones: All checks must be made out to DKG, Phi Chapter. All cash needs receipted and given to her. Following directions of who, when, where and amount is very important to the success of our meetings and programs. Please do not pass it on to someone else to pass on to her. At events, she is so busy collecting money, checks, and documenting that she is missing out on the fun.
Our dues are not going up and are as follows: Active - $60.00 Active Retired - $54.00 Reserve - $25.00 More news about our finances - 2012-2013 Report: Deposits Made: $3,259.13 Expenditures: $3,466.42 Total: $207.29 Checking Account Balance: $3,373.61 Savings Account Balance: $2,071.96 Assets: $5,445.57
Last Name___________________ First Name________________________ Check one: ____Miss ____Ms ____Mrs. ___Dr. Mailing Address: _________________________________________ _________________________Zip _____________ Phone _______________ Email ___________________________________ Birth Date:__________(year is NOT necessary) Current Position and School_______________________________________ Check your membership category: ______Active $60.00_____Active Retired $54.00 _____Reserve $25.00
Please list three references who will each send a recommendation letter attesting to your abilities and potential. In order to be considered, all letters must be received no later than October 31, 2013.
Send letters to: Cindy Mathias, Scholarship Chairwoman 518 Catalina Drive Akron, OH 44319 Reference Name
Please list any current leadership and service to your university or community. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Please list any awards or honors received from your university or community. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Please attach a letter explaining your need for financial assistance. This MUST be included. Please send completed application which must be received on or before October 31, 2013 to Cindy Mathias, Scholarship Chairman 518 Catalina Drive Akron, OH 44319
(Street, Route, P.O. Box)
(City) (State/Country) (Zip/Postal Code)
Current PositionTitle: __________________________________________________________________ Employer: _______________________________________ Total years as professional educator: ____ Highest educational degree granted: __________________Year: ______ Field:____________________ Professional accomplishments: Include items such as professional development presentations, campus or departmental leadership roles, published materials, offices in other organizations honors and/or awards ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Community activities: __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Endorsed by one or more members:
Signature Chapter State Date Required _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Optional) ______________________________________________________________________________________________