Prepared By: Ankit J. Raichura: Sr. No. Content
Prepared By: Ankit J. Raichura: Sr. No. Content
Prepared By: Ankit J. Raichura: Sr. No. Content
Ankit J. Raichura
Sr. Content
1 What is marketing
Difference between Marketing and
3 Importance of Marketing
4 Marketing Environment
5 Marketing Mix
6 Marketing Segmentation
7 Marketing Reasearch
8 Communication Mix
9 About Consumer Behavior
Basics of Marketing
1. What is Marketing?
Marketing is based on identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer
needs effectively and profitably. It encompasses market research, pricing,
promotion, distribution, customer care, your brand image and much
– The Chartered Institute of Marketing
Marketing is the multifaceted, systematic approach to selling goods,
adopted by every business and not for-profit agency and group with a
The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion,
and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that
satisfy individual and organizational objectives. – American
Marketing Association.
Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying,
anticipating and satisfying consumers' requirements profitably.
"Marketing is the set of human activities directed at facilitating and
consummating exchanges." - Philip Kotler
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Basics of Marketing
Conceptual and analytical skills are Selling and conversational skills are
required. required.
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Basics of Marketing
3. Importance of Marketing
Business Point of view Consumer Point Of
- Effective movement of goods - Higher standard of
- Widens markets - Generates Employment
- Information for decision - Improve quality and
reduce cost
- Accomplishment of firms objective - Spread Effect
- Bring reputation - Creates Equality
- Helps to introduce new product - Enhance economic
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Basics of Marketing
Price is exchange value of the product at which the seller is willing to sell
and the buyer is willing to buy. Pricing strategies or methods or policies
are cost oriented, competition oriented, demand oriented, psychological,
single pricing, leader pricing, skimming or cream pricing, monopoly
pricing, promotion pricing, etc.
Promotional activities are required to communicate and convince the
buyers to buy the product and services. Promotion includes, Advertising,
Personal Selling, Publicity, Public Relation, Sales Promotion.
It refers to placing the products in the hands of the buyers. Place involves
distribution channels and physical distribution.
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Basics of Marketing
The systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about problems
relating with the marketing of goods and services – American Marketing
A systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the
purpose of improved decision making and control in the marketing of
goods and services.
Steps in marketing research
- Indentify primary problems
- Determine research objective
- Determine data sources
- Create the research design
- Data collection
- Organization of data
- Data analysis
- Research report
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Basics of Marketing
Advertising is intended to persuade and to inform. The two basic aspects
of advertising are the message (what you want your communication to
say) and the medium (how you get your message across)
Personal Selling
Personal selling is an oral presentation in a conversation with one or more
prospect purchaser for the purpose of making sales.
Sales Promotion
Providing incentives to customers or to the distribution channel to
stimulate demand for a product.
Public Relation
Public relation practices are the deliberate, planned and sustained effort
to establish and maintain mutual understanding between the organization
and the general public. In short, public relation is a dully planned effort to
develop the mutual understanding between the organization and the
general public.
Publicity is a non commercial communication
The main object is only to inform the audience of the latest events.
Publicity forms part of the editorial content and the wording or content
and the location of the information about the product or service are
controlled by the publisher.
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