Happiness Is A Choice
Happiness Is A Choice
Happiness Is A Choice
Happiness first! Happiness now! Just bringing happiness (and love) to center stage will make a
profound difference. Although the validity of this statement might appear obvious, rarely do people put
happiness first in their lives.
No reason to make happiness the dessert on the menu; it can be the whole meal. Even in the face of
an attack or the loss of a treasure, you can affirm your first priority in every situation to be happy.
You can trust that your happiness will realign not only the dendrites in your brain but also the molecules
of your material world and become a lullaby that will charm the universe.
The risk you associate with authenticity is illusory. The more you nurture yourself, remove the masks
and allow yourself uncensored expression, the more the rhythms within blend with those surrounding
Personal authenticity leads you to abandon the masks and masquerades you do not truly own so that
you can embrace and celebrate your most central character.
In effect, simplify your life. One face greets every situation without embarrassment or regret. Rather
than rehearse the right response, you can trust yourself by allowing the response you feel in any
given moment.
Unhappy commentaries are not signs of authenticity; they are signs of unhappiness.
Increased openness and honesty enhance a sense of personal ease and inner harmony. With that
growing river of comfort (happiness) comes increased respect and love for those around us.
This doorway to happiness opens easily. You can begin by sharing with a lover, a friend, a co-worker, a
son or daughter or parent some fact about yourself you might have kept secret or at least, shared rarely
with others.
Of all the shortcuts to happiness, letting go of judgments can be the most dazzling. By discarding
judgments and embracing people and situations more openly, you not only provide yourself with
opportunities for great happiness, but also sometimes pierce walls formerly viewed as impenetrable.
Judgments about people and possibilities limit your thinking and what you might try to accomplish.
People have become geniuses in pinpointing all thats difficult and bad in their lives and the world
around them. People set themselves up for unhappiness rather than for peace or comfort.
Misery as a human experience comes from judging yourself, other people and events as bad or terrible.
Acceptance and utilization, not condemnation, of the miracle of consciousness and your ability to
reason will lead you to happiness.
You are the belief maker! You can find the best or create the best in each and every situation. The
good and the bad and what follows (the happiness or the misery) are products of your judgments
pure and simple!
You can dump the old judgments like dusty plates from old cupboard shelves and refuse to make new
ones. You can begin anew today, right now. Just decide.
Let go of the judgments and you will fly on the wings of acceptance, love and happiness!
Unhappiness exists only as a reflection or regret about the past or as anticipation or worry toward the
future. It does not exist right now, in this moment... if we stay in this moment.
You create limitations with obsolete concepts that do not serve you.
Unhappiness is akin to confusion. By holding on to old discomforts, you bury the present and its wonder
in the fog of the past. You are not in pursuit of history; you are in pursuit of happiness.
You have only to remind yourself to attend to each unfolding moment in your chosen endeavors. Being
present not only increases your skill and effectiveness in personal and global relationships; it expands
profoundly the depth and scope of each experience.
Letting go of the past and future is diving into the current in a river or a stream. Such a decision is
neither irresponsible nor risky. Being present opens the doorway to happiness.
A personality characteristic that people clearly display when they become happier is their unending
sense of gratitude.
Being happy brings not only a recognition and harnessing of the power of your inner guidance, but also
an acknowledgement of the synergistic power of a user-friendly universe that makes such happiness
and self-trust possible.
Gratitude is the sweetest way to embrace happiness. You can cut through all the misery by turning your
attention to being grateful. Gratitude then becomes the shortest of shortcuts to happiness.
To be grateful means not only to delight, enjoy and appreciate, but also to recognize simultaneously the
blessing and the wonder of an experience. In such moments there is only happiness.
You can train yourself to be sensitive to the many miracles of living. In the face of such awareness,
gratitude (and happiness) will bubble easily to the surface.
Whenever you think you have lost your way or have noticed joy to be absent from your daily endeavors,
you can look around and find a host of things, events or people to appreciate. If you make the items
specific, you will never exhaust the resources with which to fuel your gratitude.
You can smile at a stranger, hug someone you know or tidy a disorganized shelf and be thankful for the
opportunity. If you choose gratitude, you will be happy!
This shortcut encompasses all the other shortcuts and could render them obsolete as you learn to
empower your decisions.
By deciding to be happier (to dispense with your unhappiness), you acknowledge your capacity to
choose your beliefs and feelings as well as to take a directorial role in guiding your responses to events
and people with a clear and conscious intention.
In deciding to be happy, you cut through to the heart of who you are. You want it! And you will do it
If you decide to satisfy your inner longing for happiness, you can use these simple tools, these shortcuts, to
grease the wheels that will speed you on your way!