2016 Demo Reel Breakdown

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Demo Reel Breakdown

Please note: all CG elements in the shots listed below were created by a Modeller/Animator and rendered by a
Lighter. I was responsible for combining and colour correcting the various 3d renders to create a photo real look.

Robocop / 2014, feature film.

For this shot, I had to digitally remove the runners prosthetic legs and replace them
with CG metallic legs. This was a difficult task due to the fact that the actor had
spring-like prosthetic legs and the director wanted a more natural stride for final look.
This required a lot of clean up which I accomplished using a combination of camera
projections and painting.
The second difficult task was removing the reflection of the camera crew as they
approached the clear glass doors at the end of the shot. I had to meticulously rebuild
each object behind the glass door with camera projections and painting.
Software used: Nuke.
Robocop / 2014, feature film.
I removed the actors hands and guitar from the plate which were replaced with CG
elements. I used camera projections and painting to repair the knee, stomach and
Software used: Nuke.
Robocop / 2014, feature film.
I removed the actors hands and guitar from the plate which were replaced with CG
elements. I colour corrected and warped the cg sleeves to match the real shirt.
Software used: Nuke.

Insurgent / 2015, feature film.

Actress was originally shot on a blue screen. I had to key her and composite her into
over the background.
Software used: Nuke.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (R&D test only) / 2011, feature film.
This was a bidding test for the film Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I composited the
CG ape into the scene.
Software used: Nuke.

The Darkest Hour / 2011, feature film.

I composited and colour corrected the CG submarine and CG water.
Software used: Nuke.

The Beet Party / 2012, television series.

The Beet Party was a stereoscopic television series. There were 50 episodes that
were about 3-4 minutes long. I was responsible for supervising half of the 50
Software used: Nuke.
The Beet Party / 2012, television series.
(see description above)

Poltergeist / 2015, feature film.

I composited the CG tree into the shot.
Software used: Nuke.

Poltergeist / 2015, feature film.

The rig on the car was removed by another artist. I rotoscoped the actors and
composited in the CG smoke and debris.
Software used: Nuke.
Poltergeist / 2015, feature film.
I was responsible for compositing all the CG elements into this shot.
Software used: Nuke.

Poltergeist / 2015, feature film.

I added the cracks to the wall with crack elements, camera projections and
geometry. I composited in the breaking CG wall and debris.
Software used: Nuke.
Poltergeist / 2015, feature film.
This was more of the difficult shots. On the original plate, there was a large flood
light above the trees on the left side of the plate. I had to remove this light as well as
the huge lens flare that it created over the entire left side. To do this, I had to rebuild
the entire left side of the plate. So ever tree, mailbox, house, car, etc. was rebuilt
with geometry and camera projections. This was a very big task.
The second task was then adding in the CG house/debris/tree and atmosphere.
Software used: Nuke.

Splice / 2010, feature film.

For this shot I had to seamlessly combine a CG mutant forehead with the lower
portion of the actress' face.
Software used: Digital Fusion.
Splice / 2010, feature film.
I combined a CG mutant forehead with the lower portion of her face.
Software used: Digital Fusion.

Splice / 2010, feature film.

I removed the tracking dots from her face and then added the CG eyes over her face,
I also composited the CG wings on her arm and back.
Software used: Digital Fusion.
Splice / 2010, feature film.
I removed the rig holding her legs, repaired the roof and added in the CG legs and
tail. Also, I removed a finger from each hand, added the CG eyes over her face and
did a final colour correct to the plate.
Software used: Digital Fusion.
Tudors, Season 1 / 2007, TV series.
I added in the CG bodies/grass. I added in a smoke elements from the elements
Software used: Digital Fusion.
Tudors, Season 1 / 2007, TV series.
I composited the matte painting into the shot.
Software used: Digital Fusion.

Tudors, Season 1 / 2007, TV series.

This shot was created by combining 2d elements (such as the sky, smoke, people)
with 3d elements (building and plaza). I composited the many layers of 3d and 2d
elements and colour corrected them to create a final look.
Software used: Digital Fusion.
X-men Origins: Wolverine / 2009, feature film.
I keyed the actor (who was shot on a green screen) and then composited in the CG
guns and clips.
Software used: Shake.

The Book of Eli / 2010, feature film.

This was shot on a green screen. The destroyed bridge and water are 3d elements.
The land and sky are matte paintings. All of which were colour corrected by me.
Software used: Shake.
Knight and Day / 2010, feature film.
This was a 20 second shot that had to be completed in 2 days. I was the lead
compositor on this shot who organized about 15 rotoscope artists who helped me to
rotoscope everything in the foreground (car, bikes, trees buildings). I colour
corrected the mountain matte painting and added in a CG car which drives up the
mountain. The CG car was originally colour corrected by another 2d artist.
Knight and Day / 2010, feature film.
For these two shots, I composited the first shot entirely by myself. A CG car and
debris were created for me. I also added in smoke and spark elements. For the
second shot, I composited the CG rolling truck/debris/smoke. Other compositors
keyed the foreground vehicle (which was shot on a green screen) and composited
the CG tractor-trailer and tunnel. I supervised the final result.
Software used: Nuke.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter / 2012, feature film.
In the original plate, the actor was holding an axe handle. This had to removed and
replaced with a flying CG axe. I accomplished this by painting and camera
projections. The film's director also requested a post production camera move that
pulled back the camera further than what was originally shot. This dramatic camera
move required me to add an additional 25% of ground that was not originally there in
the original plate. I worked closely with a Matte Painter and a 3d Tracking Artist to do
this set extension. I also time warped the final result.
Software used: Nuke.
Jack the Giant Slayer / 2013, feature film.
These 2 shots are CG set extensions. The only thing real in these shots are the
outer gate, and the pathway leading to the drawbridge. The rest of the castle (along
with the fire, smoke and soldiers standing along the outer curtain walls) are CG
elements which I composited into the shot.
Software used: Nuke.
(see description above)

Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse / 2004, feature film.

A 3d artist created the monster, gargoyles and church for me. I was responsible for
colour correcting the 3d elements and compositing them into the shot. I also
removed the tracking poles from the original plate, and time warped the final shot.
Software used: Digital Fusion, Twixtor.

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