Oegc Basic Teachersnotes 03
Oegc Basic Teachersnotes 03
Oegc Basic Teachersnotes 03
page 35
language notes
The differences between the structures used to talk about the future are complicated, and
not very important for beginners. Note that many languages use a present form to talk
about the future in cases where English doesnt:
*We have a party this evening.
*I promise I never forget you.
Where English does use a present form to talk about the future, it is most often a present
progressive (see page 38).
page 36
page 37
page 38
language notes
Note that first-person shall is becoming uncommon except in offers and questions about
obligation. (Shall I carry something for you? Shall we wait here?). In other cases, I/we will is
normal. The information in some older grammars about differences between will and shall
is no longer accurate.
page 40
page 41
language notes
Where English uses a present form to talk about the future, it is most often a present
progressive. The simple present is only used in certain cases.
On the other hand, some languages use a future form after a conjunction, where English
uses a present:
*Ill phone you as soon as Ill arrive.
*When Ill have some time Ill paint the kitchen.
pages 4243
page 44
Oxford English Grammar Course Basic Michael Swan and Catherine Walter 2013