Endophyticms 2
Endophyticms 2
Endophyticms 2
Environmental Microbiology Group, Northwestern Center for Biological Research (CIBNOR), Mar Bermejo 195, Colonia Playa Palo de Santa Rita, La Paz, B.C.S. 23090, Mexico
Pacic Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA
Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, 429 Shantz Building #38, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 20 August 2008
Received in revised form 3 February 2009
Accepted 21 April 2009
Rock degradation
Nitrogen xation
Phosphate solubilization
Rock weathering
Soil formation
a b s t r a c t
A plantbacterium association between the giant cardon cactus Pachycereus pringlei and endophytic bacteria help seedlings establish and grow on barren rock. This cactus, together with other desert plants, is
responsible for weathering ancient lava ows in the Baja California Peninsula of Mexico. When cardon
seeds are inoculated with endophytic bacteria, the seedlings grow in pulverized rock for at least a year
without fertilization and without showing distress. The bacteriaplant association released signicant
amounts of necessary nutrients from the substrate. When endophytic bacteria were eliminated from the
seeds by antibiotics, development of seedlings stopped. In complementary experiments of sterile seeds
inoculated with the same endophytic bacteria, plant growth was restored. This study and the previous
one show that, under extreme environmental conditions, a symbiotic relationship is present between
endophytic bacteria and their cactus host.
2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Several species of desert plants, mainly cacti, grow without soil
on rocky cliffs, large rocks, and ancient lava ows in hot desert
areas of the Baja California Peninsula of Mexico where weathering
is not apparent (Bashan et al., 2002, 2006). Higher plants are known
to considerably affect the kinetics of dissolution of basalt in other
environments (Hinsinger et al., 2001). Chemical weathering of lava
ows beneath mature forests continues unabated for thousands of
years after initial colonization (Cochran and Berner, 1996). In Iceland, the rate of weathering of rock by higher plants is two to ve
times higher in vegetated areas than in barren areas (Moulton and
Berner, 1998). Involvement of microorganisms in these processes
is inherent because they are widely present in bulk soil (Berthelin
et al., 1991). Mycorrhizal fungi in European coniferous forests that
grow on shallow granite rock are able to penetrate and dissolve the
rocks. Dissolved products are translocated by the host plant roots,
Fig. 1. (A) Viable endophytic bacteria count (by FDA) after treatment with different antibiotics. (B) The same counts under different concentrations of an antibiotic mixture
(mixture contained: chloramphenicol 500 g ml1 and tetracycline 12 g ml1 ). (C) Effect of different concentrations of an antibiotic mixture on germination of cardon seeds.
Effect of two concentrations of an antibiotic mixture on dry weight (D), root length (E), and height (F) of cardon seedlings growing for 10 days in pulverized igneous rock
substrate after treatment. Columns denoted by a different letter, in each subgure, differ signicantly at P < 0.05 by one-way ANOVA. Bars represent SE. The absence of SE
indicates a negligible value. The experiment was repeated ve times.
Fig. 2. Growth promotion of cardon plants growing in volcanic rock for 12 months
and inoculated with the endophytic bacteria Pseudomonas sp. SENDO 2 (A) and Bacillus sp. SENDO 6 (C) compared to plants growing in the same substrate without
inoculation with endophytic bacteria. The experiment was repeated twice.
Fig. 3. Effects of six endophytic bacteria, two control PGPBs, and one mixture of endophytic bacteria on promotion of growth of giant cardon cactus seedlings (dry weight,
volume, height, root length, and nitrogen content) growing in pulverized igneous rock supplemented with perlite (AE) or exclusively on perlite (FJ) for 12 months after
inoculation of seeds. Columns denoted by a different letter in each subgure differ signicantly at P < 0.05 by one-way ANOVA. Bars represent SE. The experiment was repeated
Fig. 5. (AD) Removal of P2 O5 , K2 O, Fe2 O3 , and MgO from pulverized rock substrate in which cardon cacti, inoculated with six endophytic bacteria, two control PGPBs, and
one mixture of endophytic bacteria, were grown. Number at each subgure represents the quantity of each of the four minerals in the pulverized rock. Results are presented as
percentage of depletion of the element. (E) pH changes of substrate of pulverized volcanic rock plus perlite by cactus seedlings inoculated with either a mixture of endophytic
bacteria or a control of a PGPB after 1 year of cultivation. Columns denoted by different letters in each subgure differ signicantly at P < 0.05 by one-way ANOVA. Bars
represent SE. The absence of SE indicates a negligible value. The experiment was repeated twice.
and the root exudates containing organic acids (Lynch and Whipps,
1990; Carrillo et al., 2002). Additionally, nonsymbiotic microora
are known to increase the rate of absorption of Ca and Mg by plants
(Berthelin and Leyval, 1982; Berthelin et al., 1991). The exact source
of nitrogen used by the plants was not determined. However, several of the endophytic bacteria used were diazotrophs (Puente et
al., 2009).
Minerals from igneous and metamorphic rocks contain most
of the nutrients required by higher plants for normal growth
and development. Geochemical studies of the breakdown of rock
minerals and formation of clay minerals have explained the general reaction pathways by which nutrients are released, which is
enhanced by disequilibrium between the soil solution and mineral surfaces through the removal of ions by processes such as
leaching and nutrient uptake. Rhizosphere processes and other biological activity further enhances breakdown of minerals through
the release of hydrogen ions and complex organic compounds that
react with mineral surfaces (Harley and Gilkes, 2000). The bacteria
used in this study have these abilities (Puente et al., 2009).
Taken together, these two papers raise questions for future
research: (1) what is the evolutionary signicance of such associations? (2) How does the extra genetic diversity of endophytes
contribute to better plant growth in ways that the plant genotype
could not satisfy by itself? (3) Are endophytes inoculated into plants
also colonize the rhizosphere, which is essential for accelerating
biological weathering of rocks?
In summary, this study indicates that endophytic bacteria
are essential for the development of cardon seedlings in rocky
substrates and promote growth of cacti in soilless environments.
We thank Al Soeldner at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, Maria del Carmen Rodrguez, and Ariel Cruz at CIBNOR for
assisting in histology, image analysis, and electron microscopy;