Druid Circle - Circle of The Beast
Druid Circle - Circle of The Beast
Druid Circle - Circle of The Beast
Animal Companion
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain a beast
companion that accompanies you on your adventures and is
trained to fight alongside you. Choose a beast that is no
larger than Medium and that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or
lower. Add your proficiency bonus to the beasts AC, attack
rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any skills and saving
throws it is proficient in. Its hit point maximum is equal to its
normal maximum plus four times your druid level. It gains a
number of hit dice equal to your druid level appropriate for its
size (see the Hit Dice by Size table in the Monster Manual),
which you can choose to spend during a short rest to heal it.
It regains these hit dice when you take a long rest.
The beast obeys your commands as best as it can. It takes
its turn on your initiative, though it doesnt take an action
unless you command it to. On your turn, you can verbally
command the beast where to move (no action required by
you). You can use a bonus action to verbally command it to
take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action. If
you are incapacitated, the beast will do its best to defend you
and itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise takes no
Your companion is considered to be trained to accept you
as rider and may be controlled by you when mounted in
If the beast dies, you can obtain another one by spending 8
hours magically bonding with another beast that isnt hostile
to you, either the same type of beast as before or a different
Nature's Bond
When you gain your animal companion at 2nd level, you can
cast the spell beast bond on it as a ritual. At 3rd level, you can
cast beast sense. You do not need to have these spells
prepared to cast them as rituals on your animal companion.
Additionally, at 5th level, your bond to your companion
allows you cast revivify on it. You always have this spell
prepared and it does not count against the number of spells
you can have prepared each day. This spell has no effect if
cast on a creature other than your animal companion.
Natural Selection
Fight As One
When you reach 14th level, when you cast a spell or make an
attack, your companion can make an attack against a
creature targeted by that spell or attack as a part of that
In addition, when you and your companion can see each
other, you gain advantage on saving throws to resist or
overcome being charmed or frightened.
Art by Eva Widermann
PHB-style Homebrew Template
by stolksdorf