D&D 5E - Homebrew - Class Diplomat

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hile most humanoids in this realm were Quick Build
trained for combat, the diplomat was trained
with literacy. He was trained to string together You can make a a diplomat quickly by following these
words to difuse or advance a situation. suggestions. First make Charisma you highest ability score,
Diplomats were trained under harsh followed by Wisdom. Choose your favored background.
conditions. They have been trained to resist
torture and to never divulge information they
dont want to. Further more, their training has made them
experts in deception and persuasion. A diplomat has been
trained to get out of any situation using only his words.
The Science of Microexpressions
Diplomats have been trained to read microexpressoins or
facial cues. These cues can show the true intent of a person
before they show thier hand. Diplomats use this information
to their advantage to gain knowledge that most wouldnt be
able to aquire. This allows them to act before the enemy can
suprise them. If the expression shows ill intent towards the
diplomat or his alies, he can relay this information as to be
ready for when the enemy strikes. This training also makes
diplomats experts at deducing lies from the truth.

Years of Training
Diplomats have gone through extisive training to aquire their
skills. To begin with, the diplomat went through harsh
courses to ingrain the signs of deception into their heads.
They would be tested in a real world enviorment, if they failed
they would be forced out of their acadamey. If they suceeded
they would move onto the next course, persuasion. Diplomats
were trained to persuade even the best, they have been
known to even be able to beat the zone of truth with enough
pratice. They can dodge even the most well worded question
by giving vauge answers that could mean anything. Once they
passed that course they were trained in insight. For their final
test they would be put in a crowded area and told to find the
assassin. If they failed, they would be killed as to preserve the
good name of the diplomats. If they suceeded they would
graduate from the academy and sent out to work their type of

Creating a Diplomat
When Creating a Diplomat you need to think about where he
or she was trained. How you got into the academy, and how
close you came to failing the tests. Were you forced into this
job by your controlling parents or did you choose yourself?
Did you leave or were you assigned to a agressive party as a
way to fix the problems that violence couldnt fix? Did you
turn evil and use your newly found power for your own
benefit, or do you use your powers for the good of the
common man? Most Diplomats are True Nuetral as to not
take sides and to be fully able to go however far they need to
diffuse a situation.
The Diplomat Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Shortsword, Dagger, Rapier, Blowgun
Proficiency Persuasion Tools: Calligraphers tools
Level Bonus Features Points Skills: Choose two from Deception, Insight, Investigatoin,
1st +2 Diplomatic Training — Perception, Persuasion, and Stealth
2nd +2 Persuasion Points, Diffuse +2 Equipment
3rd +2 Helping Hand +3 (a) A Shortsword or (b) A Rapier
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, +4 (a) 5 Daggers or (b) Blowgun
Diplomatic Training Feat Leather Armor and Diplomats Pack
5th +3 True Persuasion +5
Diplomatic Training
6th +3 Mental Training +6
Due to the field of diplomacy having a long spanning history,
7th +3 Alter Memory, (2) Diffuse +7 many people have adopted differnet styles. The three main
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, +8 fields that have held up in todays society would be Social
Linguist Scoundrel, Suave Spy, and Sophisticated Skirmisher. You are
9th +4 Charismatic Manipulation +9 Granted Feats at Lvl 1, 4, 12, and 18
10th +4 Words of Wisdom- +10 Persuasion Points
11th +4 Counter Charm +11 Starting at 2nd Level, your training allows you to gain
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, +12 persuasion points. Your persuasion points vary depending on
Diplomatic Training Feat your level. These points allow you to tap into your training to
13th +5 Overwhelming Personality +13 use special features that give you a andvantage in combat.
These points refresh after you take a short or long rest. Some
14th +5 Crowd Control +14 Persuasion Point Abilities cause targets to make a saving
15th +5 Facial Deductoin +15 throw, in that case your save throw DC is caculated as
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement +16
17th +6 Diplomatic Suggestion +17 Diplomatic Save Dc
18th +6 Diplomatic Training Feat +18
8+Proficiency bonus+ Charisma
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement +19 Diffuse
20th +6 Master Diplomat +20 In Battle you can use your lingust ability to calm a oppenent
down that you can see within 60 ft. On your turn, Spend 1
Persuasion Point. The target of your choice has to make a
wisdom saving throw agianst your Diplomic Save DC. On a
failed Save the target cannot attack anything until the end of
Class Features your next turn. During this time he is contemplating which
side he should be on. On a Successful save nothing happens.
As a diplomat, you gain the following class features At Level 7 you will gain the ability to choose 2 targets
Hit Points A Helping Hand
Hit Dice:1d6 per diplomat level Starting at 3rd, you gain the ability to cast the Cantrip
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6+ your Consitution modifer Friends, the 1st level spell Command, and the 2nd level spell
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Consitution Suggestion. Your Spell Casting Ability is Charisma, Your
modifier per diplomat level after 1st Spell modifier is equal to your Proficiency plus your charima
modifier. Your spell save DC is replaced by your Diplomatic
Save DC.
True Persuasion
Starting at 5th level spend 1 Diplomacy Point to gain
advantage on deception or persuasion rolls agianst a target.
This must be used before you role.
Mental Training Facial Deduction
Starting at 6th level due to your Diplomatic Training, your Startng at level 15, when there are people around other than
thoughts can not be read by any means, the only thing that your party, spend 4 persuasion points to learn their true
will be heard when this is tried will be a faint humming. You intent. This can be used on the amount equal to you
can also bluff your way through zone of truth. Charisma modifer. They can not hide their true intent, and
Alter Memory you can deduct their weaknesses.
Starting at 7th level, you can spend 2 persuasion point to Diplomatic Suggestion
change the memory of a person. This effect does not actually
change the memory only their recolection of it. You use your Starting at level 17, you can cast mass suggestion. You can
ability as a wordsmith to make the target remeber something cast this 4 times per day. This regenerates after a long rest.
a little differently. They must make a Intelegence saving Your stats are the same as the helping hand feature.
throw agianst your diplomatic save DC.
Master Diplomat
Linguist Starting at level 20, you can choose three times per day to
Starting at 8th level, you can learn a new language. It is negate the cost of any persuation point feature.
recommended to choose a language you have come across.
Charismatic Manipulation
Diplomatic Training
Depending on which school you studied under, you would
Stating at 9th Level, you can attempt to charm a person using have been trained in different ways. These ways all still hold
your words. Spend 2 persuatoin points. The target must true to always use words as your primary option and
succeed on a wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you. For violoence only as a secondary. All of these schools coexist in
the next 4 minuets, the target must relay any information you perfect harmony even though their views might be slightly
ask a question about. After the effect ends, the target does not different.
realize he was charmed by you, and does not remeber the
conversation. If you fail, the target knows you tried to charm The Training of the Social
them and become slightly agressive towards you. Scoundral
Words of Wisdom The Social Scoundral is a walking lie detector. He has the
Starting at 10th level you gain the ability to inspire your party perfect insight into any humanoid or being in the realm. He
members. Choose 2 party memebrs to give words of wisdom was trained to harness microexpressions more than the
to. Spend 2 Persuasion Points. They gain 1d6+ you common diplomat. He can look through lies and get to the
Charisma mod to any roll they choose. true intent of any person.

Counter Charm Social Expertise

Starting at 11th level, when being charmed by a target you Starting at level 1, due to your extensive training, you gain
can either see or hear, after suceeding on not being charmed proficieny in Persuasion and Insight. If you already have
yourself, spend 3 persuasion point to charm them instead. proficieny in these feats, you gain the feature of expertise,
The target must suceed on a wisom saving throw or be meaning your proficieny bonus is doubled.
charmed by you. Anyone immune to being charmed Truth Among Scoundrals
automatically suceeds.
Starting at level 4, you cannot be fooled by lies. You gain the
Overwhelming Personality ability to see through the best of trickery. You cannot
Starting at level 13, when attempting to use any persuassion determine what the truth is but you know when you have
point abilities, or charisma skills spend 3 persuassion points been lied to.
to gain advantage on that roll. If the ability requires the target The Body Never Lies
to make a saving throw they gain disadvantage.
Starting at level 12, you gain the ability to expend 3
Crowd Control persuasion points to see a targets weakness. When this
Starting at level 14, spend 4 persuasion points. When doing happens the target must make a deception check agianst
so, you can sway 2 enemys onto your side for 8 minuets. The your insight, which you have adv on . If you see through the
targest must Suceed on a wisdom saving throw, or fight for deception you know what types of damage they are weak to
you. They will protect you at all costs, going so far as to die and the party gains advantage until the end of your next turn.
for you. If you fail to sway them, they become extremly
Agressive towards you, focusing the extent of their rage on
Insight into the Soul
At 18th level, spend 4 persuasoin points to gain advantage on Battle Hardened Words
all insight checks for the next 5 hours. Starting at level 12 you gain the ability to use your words to
steal life from others. You spend 3 persuasion points to gain
Suave Spy 3d8 life from a target. The target will take 3d8 unless they
This type of training allows you to blend in with the smallest suceed on a constitution saving throw agianst your
of crowds. This training allows you to talk your way out of the diplomatic save dc.
worst criminal situations, you have been trained to be the
best spy. Petrified by Words
Starting at level 18, spend 4 persuasion points. You gain the
Criminal Expertise ability to frighten and cause your targets to take damage from
Starting at 1st Level , due to your extensive training, you gain you at the same time. The target must make a wisdom saving
proficieny in Deception and Stealth. If you already have throw agianst your Diplomatic Save Dc or be frightened by
proficieny in these feats, you gain the feature of expertise, you, and take 4d10 damage. If they take any damage after this
meaning your proficieny bonus is doubled. ability is used their fear is broken as they no longer dwell on
your words.
Another Face in the Crowd
Starting at level 4, you can spend 1 persuasion point to gain
the ability to hide in a group of people. There must be 2
people, not including your self. For a target to see you they
must make a perception check with disadvantage agianst
your stealth.
Magic Touch
Starting at level 12, you gain the ability to spend 3 persuasion
points to be able to pickpocket 3 items without being noticed.
You have advantage on your sleight of hand checks, and the
target has disadvantage on their roll to notice you.
Suave Deception
Starting at level 18, you can spend 4 persuasion points to talk
your way out of the worst situations. This allows you to lie to
anybody without being caught. This effect only lasts for 5
minuets but during this time you can not be caught in a lie.
They will believe every word you say, unless they use magic to
see through it.
Sophisticated Skirmisher
The Sophisticated skirmisher puts the myth of words will
never hurt me to rest. He gains the ability to use his words to
lessen the life of others. This style of diplomacy leans
towards the dark side of the field.
Sophisticated Expertise
Starting at 1st Level , due to your extensive training, you gain
proficieny in Perception and Investigatoin. If you already have
proficieny in these feats, you gain the feature of expertise,
meaning your proficieny bonus is doubled.
Charismatic Drain
Starting at level 4, you can spend 1 persuasion point to use
your words to inflict pain on your enemies. You get 2d6
damage plus your cha mod. The target must make a
consitution saving throw agianst your diplomatic save dc or
take the full extent of your damaging words.

PART 1 | Vincent Lowe Homebrew

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