The Tool For Business
The Tool For Business
The Tool For Business
expenses/deductions you may claim against your income. During the tax year you must
generally pay provisional tax, which is a series of instalments of income tax for this tax year.
You pay income tax on your net profit for the year. To work out your net profit, deduct your
business expenses from your income for the year.
The Tool for business
The Tool for business helps you get all your small business tax issues sorted quickly and simply.
Filing business income tax returns
IR3 and IR3NR customers who earn income other than salary and wages will need to file an income tax return.
If you're in business, you'll need to complete and send us an income tax return, that is an IR4, IR6, IR7, IR8,
IR9 or IR44. Find out more about the types of business income tax returns, the due dates for completing them
and the financial reporting you may need to do.
Claiming business expenses
Most businesses incur expenses when generating income and most of these can be deducted from its income
to arrive at its net profit or taxable income. It is on this amount that you pay income tax. Certain business
expenses that are paid for out of business income cannot be claimed as allowable business expenses.
Watch our short video on claiming business expenses
Depreciation allows for the wear and tear on a fixed asset and must be deducted from your income. You must
claim depreciation on fixed assets used in your business that have a useful lifespan of more than 12 months.
Not all fixed assets can be depreciated. Land is a common example of a fixed asset that cannot be
depreciated. Learn about methods of depreciation and the records you must keep.
Watch our short video on depreciation
Imputation is a tax mechanism available to registered companies and certain other types of business.
Paying tax
If you are running a business, you will need to fill out a tax return each year and send it to us by the due date.
When completing your tax return you will need to include income from all sources, and work out the tax on your
total taxable income. Learn about which income tax rate applies to your type of business, when income tax
returns should be sent in and what income tax returns to use.