Intro To Crim Questionnaire
Intro To Crim Questionnaire
Intro To Crim Questionnaire
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item and shade the corresponding letter of your choice. Put your answer on the
answer sheet. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.
Among the following, who studied the case history of group of criminals and derived the
idea that physical make up of a person have something to do with his behavior.
a. Charles Darwin
c. Charles Goring
b. Cesar Lombroso
d. Alphonse Bertillon
Who originated the system of classifying criminals according to bodily measurement?
a. Alphonse Bertillon
c. Cesare Beccaria
b. Charles Deckins
d. Charles Goring
The person who states that crime is essentially a social and moral phenomenon and it
cannot be treated and checked by the imposition of punishment rather by individual
treatment for rehabilitation.
a. Cesare Lombroso
c. Emile Durkheim
b. Jeremy Bentham
d. Mark Angel
The American authority in criminology, which considered criminology at the present not a
science, but has hopes of becoming a science.
a. William Mckorkle
c. Edwin H. Sutherland
b. Cresare Beccaria
d. George L. Wilber
The person who argued in his work The scientific adequacy of criminological concept
that criminology cannot be possible become a science.
a. Edwin H. Sutherland
c. George L. Wilber
b. William Mckorkle
d. Cesare Beccaria
The author of An Essay of crimes and Punishment
a. E. Ferri
c. R. Garofalo
b. C. Becarria
d. F. Hegel
Who among the following international criminologist classified crimes by its motives with
vengeance as the principal drive?
a. W. A. Bonger
c. R. Garofalo
b. C. Lombroso
d. H. Gross
Who studied the theory that deals with feebleminded person which is inherited and
possible causes crime.
a. Walter Bonger
c. Henry H. Goddard
b. Richard Dugdale
d. W.F. Ogburn
The person who once said, the Dominant culture could control the predatory cultures
without difficulty, and what is more, it could exterminate them, for no criminal subculture
can operate continuously and professionally without the connivance of the law
a. David W. Maurer
c. Orlando Wilson
b. John Edgar Hoover
d. August Vollmer
The person who expound the idea of the greatest happiness of the greatest number of
a. Cesare Beccaria
c. Cesare Lombroso
b. Jeremy Bentham
d. Emile Durkheim
This theory explains that the absence of norms in a society provides a setting conducive to
crimes & anti-social acts.
a. Differential association theory
c. Social learning theory
b. Anomie theory
d. Differential opportunity theory
This theory explains that the belief of inheritance is the primary determinants of behaviour
& the body physique is reliable indicator of personality.
a. Somatotyping theory
c. Control theory
b. Strain theory
d. Social conflict theory
This theory maintains that the failure of man to achieve a higher status caused them to
commit crimes in order for that goal to be attained.
a. Somatotyping theory
c. Control theory
b. Strain theory
d. Social conflict theory
14. This theory maintains that the original causes of crime is not known, no behavior is
intrinsically criminal thus behavior becomes criminal if it is branded as such.
a. Sub-culture theory
c. Consensus theory
b. Neutralization theory
d. Labeling theory
It is the test for the legal sanity of the defendant in any criminal case.
a. Classical rule
c. MNaughten Rule
b. Miranda warning
d. Neo-classical rule
It is the theory that focus on the obedience of the rules & practices of the society.
a. Social Control theory
c. Consensus theory
b. Neutralization theory
d. Labeling theory
This theory arose from the classical criminology which states punishments should be
proportional to the seriousness of offenses so that the cost of crime always exceeds its
a. Rational choice theory
c. Deterrence theory
b. Differential opportunity theory
d. Victimology
The person who propagated the criminal formula Criminal behavior is equals to
criminalistic tendencies plus crime inducing situation divided by the persons mental; or
emotional resistance to temptations.
a. Aichorn
c. Sigmund Freud
b. Abrahamsen
d. Franz Gall
This theory maintains that an individual will obey societal rules depending upon his ability
to rationalize whether he is protected from hurt or destruction.
a. Neutralization theory
c. Rational choice theory
b. Biological theory
d. Labeling theory
This is the study of the external formation of the skull.
a. Craniology
c. Epidemiology
b. Ecology
d. Anthropology
It is the result of multiple forces and combines to produce crime.
a. Conflict perspective
c. Developmental perspective
b. Process perspective
d. Choice perspective
They are those who commit crimes in an impulsive manner.
a. Passive inadequate criminals
c. Active aggressive criminals
b. Socialized delinquents
d. Passive-aggressive criminals
Crimes which occur per 100,000 populations per month. It is the theoretical basis which
determines peace & order situation.
a. Index crimes
c. Non-index crimes
b. Crime rate
d. Crime statistics
The term used to describe a person who uses his will prior to his action.
a. Rational criminal
c. Irrational criminal
b. Instant crime
d. Blue collar crime
It is the reaction to events with alertness and vigilance accompanied by a feeling of
a. Dementia praecox
c. Hallucination
b. Paranoia
d. Depression
It is an irrational fear which is fixed, uncontrollable and often has no reasonable
a. Phobia
c. Delusions
b. Regression
d. Anxiety
It is the principle that states a man by nature always tries to maximize pleasure and avoid
a. Utopia
c. Hedonism
b. Socialism
d. Atavism
It is the mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong.
a. Discernment
c. Morality
b. Ethics
d. Imbecility
Referred to as the dementia praecox.
a. Schizophrenia
c. Manic depression
b. Paranoia
d. Psychopath
This refers to the conscience of man.
a. Ego
c. Id
b. Super ego
d. Spirit
Which of the following is described as the threatening behaviors either verbal or physical?
a. Abnormality
c. Dependency
b. Aggression
d. Violence
32. A person who gains gratification or satisfaction by watching a nude man or woman.
a. Transvestite
c. Fetishism
b. Exhibitionist
d. Voyeurism
33. When there is an apparent, intentional, and physically aggressive act irrespective of
severity against another person, there isa. Battering
c. Assault
b. Chaos
d. Crisis
34. It is a false belief based on the inference about external reality.
a. False alarm
c. Wrong perception
b. Hallucination
d. Delusion
35. Among the following which is the most contagious human emotion?
a. Fear
c. Panic
b. Worry
d. Dementia praecox
36. It is the term used to refer the adverse psychological impact on the rape victim.
a. Sexual anxiety
c. Rape trauma syndrome
b. Fear
d. Neurotic behavior
37. It is the painful memories associated with shocking experiences which are repressed and
cannot be recalled.
a. Regression
c. Amnesia
b. Compulsion
d. Anxiety
38. It is a form of stress, which result to tension.
a. Phobia
c. Frustration
b. Conflict
d. Anxiety
39. It is normally called as neurotic fear.
a. Panic
c. Maniac
b. Delusion
d. Anxiety
40. It is regarded as the most severe type of mental disorder. He may have delusion and
a. Neurotic
c. Psychopathic
b. Sociopathic
d. Psychotic
41. They are those persons who are in the twilight zone between normality and abnormality.
a. Psychoneurotic
c. Psychosis
b. Sociopath
d. Psychopath
42. It is the science pertaining to mind, the sum total of all the human actions, attitudes,
thoughts, and mental states?
a. Sociology
c. Pathology
b. Psychology
d. Common sense
43. This is also known as partial loss of sensitivity.
a. Anesthesia
c. Hyperesthesia
b. Hypoesthesia
d. Paresthesia
44. It is the persistent fear of the diseases.
a. Ocholophobia
c. Pathophobia
b. Mysophobia
d. Hematophobia
45. This type of psychopathic disorder is characterized by immaturity and the person is
uncomfortable of the situation in which they are not the center of attention.
a. Schizoid
c. Histrionic
b. Narcissistic
d. Problematic
46. The type of psychotic behavior characterized by a severe impairment of information
processing in the brain affecting the basic process of attention, perception, memory and
a. Delirium
c. Dementia
b. Hallocinosis
d. Delusion
47. It is the persistent occurrence of hallucination, the false perception that arise in full
wakefulness state.
a. Dementia
c. Hallocinosis
b. Organic affective syndrome
d. Grandeur
48. It is blaming others for his failures.
a. Escape goat
c. Suicide
b. Compensation
d. Displacement
49. It refers to the propensity to make love.
a. Erotomania
c. Logomachy
b. Megalomania
d. Sex Addiction
50. This is the usual motive of terrorists attack.
a. Political and economic leverage
c. Revenge
b. Publicity
d. Economic gain
51. Who among the foregoing possess more complexity and difficulty in hostage negotiations?
a. Professional criminal
c. Terrorist
b. Escapees
d. Psychotic individual
69. They are those who commit crime because the situation is conducive to it.
a. Situation criminal
c. Accidental criminal
b. Expert criminal
d. Anticipating criminal
70. It is the evaluation of genetic influences to criminal behavior.
a. Biological Approach
c. Psychological approach
b. Physiological approach
d. Medical approach
71. Who is the father of modern criminology?
a. CesareBeccaria
c. Jeremy Bentham
b. Cesare Lombroso
d. Max Will
72. The following are classification of criminals by Lombroso, EXCEPT.
a. Born criminals
c. Insane criminals
b. Criminal by Insanity
d. Criminaloid
73. He is an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who founded the psychoanalytic theory.
a. Raffaele Garofalo
c. Enrico Ferri
b. David Emile Durkheim
d. Sigmund Freud
74. It is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality
a. Super ego
c. Id
b. Ego
d. Super id
75. He advocated the Human Ecology Theory.
a. Robert Ezra Park
c. Charles Goring
b. Max Will
d. Karl Max
76. This theory states that crimes against person predominate in the South Pole while crimes
against property predominate in the North Pole.
a. North and South Pole
c. Season of the Year
b. Approach to Equator
d. None of these
77. This is the study of the external formation of the skull that indicates the formation of the
brain and the development of its various parts in relation to the behavior of the criminal.
a. Phrenology
c. Physiognomy
b. Craniology
d. a and b
78. Relatively predominance of muscles, bone, and the motor organs of the body; large wrist
and hands.
a. Endomorphic
c. Ectomorphic
b. Mesomorphic
d. None of these
79. Who is the mother of criminal?
a. Ada Juke
c. Margaret Juke
b. Margaret
d. None of these
80. In his book entitled Wayward Youth (1925) said that the causes of crime and delinquency
are the faulty development of the child during the first few years of his life.
a. Aichorn
c. Cyril Burt
b. Abrahamsen
d. Healy
81. This refers to all types of external forces which may prevent an individual from committing
a. Potential Satisfaction
c. Contact with Reality
b. Situational Crime Potential
d. External Inhibition
82. There is complete loss of consciousness and general contraction of the muscles.
a. Jacksonian Type
c. Grand Mal
b. Petit Mal
d. None of these
83. It is a condition wherein a person is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or alcohol
a. Drunken Master
c. Alcoholism
b. Alcoholic
d. Lasing
84. He proposed that through interaction with others, individual may learn their criminal
a. Edwin Sutherland
c. William Sheldon
b. Daniel Classer
d. None of these
85. It is the theory that focuses on tumors or seizures and has been associated with
aggression with violent behavior.
a. Brain lesion theory
c. Neurotic Mind theory
b. Conspiracy theory
d. Dementia Praecox
86. Centuries ago, criminal behavior was believed to be the result of evil spirits and demons.
Guilt and innocence were established by a variety of procedures that presumably called
forth the supernatural allies of the accused. The accused were innocent if they could
survive an ordeal, they were guilty if they died at the stake or if omens were associated
with them. In the 18th century, this spiritual determination began to give way to:
a. The belief that there is no such thing as bad spirits
b. The belief that humans are rational creatures with free will, who seek happiness and
pleasure and avoid pain
c. The belief that man is a demon and devil
d. The belief that man is evolved from the animal ape.
87. The following are the classical perspectives, except.
a. The Classical school of Criminology is spearheaded by Bentham and Beccaria.
b. The Classical School of Criminology is an advocate of punishment as a deterrent to
c. The Classical School of Criminology argues that criminals were primitive creatures,
incapable of living normally in society.
d. The Classical School of Criminology also argued that nature has placed mankind
under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure.
It is the school of thought that challenges the proposition that man has absolute free will.
a. Neo-classical School of Criminology
c. Hedonistic Calculus
b. Positivism
d. Radical Criminology
The Classical School of thought in criminology is based on the principle of free will. What is
the focus of the Positivist School of thought?
a. Darwinism
c. Cognitive Functioning
b. Determinism
d. Conceptual Thinking
It is the best description of Differential Association Theory.
a. A result of an emotional disturbance
c. Learned and not inherited
b. An inmate quality of goodness or badness
What perspective in criminology probes the situational or environmental action and
examines the underlying conditions within the environment that may encourage criminal
a. Psychiatric Criminology
c. Sociological Criminology
b. Psychological Criminology
d. Criminal Anthropology
In the past, psychologist assumed that they could best understand human behavior by
searching for a stable, consistent personality dispositions or traits that exert orderly
generalized effects on behavior. Which among the following theory on Criminal Behavior is
not consistent with the previous statement?
a. Psychoanalytical Theory
c. Behavioral descriptions
b. Strain Theory
d. Psychological Determination
Based on Lombrosos works, he classified criminals as: the born criminal, the habitual, the
passionate and the criminoloid. Which of the following statements describes a criminoloid?
a. The morally insane and hysteric criminal
b. The impulsive and cruel criminal
c. The weak natures susceptible to bad examples
d. The primitive and atavist
Some criminology theorists have linked physical characteristics with personality. Among
these theories is William Sheldons Somatotyping theory. He classified body physique into
three categories as the endomorphic, the mesomorphic and the ectomorphic body. Of the
following statements, which appropriately describes the mesomorphic?
a. The twin and fragile with withdrawn behavior
b. The muscular and hard physique
c. The attractive and beautifully shaped
d. The fat and soft body type
According to Hans Eyesenck, in his study about the behavioral character and incidence to
crime, the typical extravert is one who is:
a. Sociable, impulsive, optimistic and has high needs for excitement
b. Reserved, quiet and cautious
c. Undersized, short and untidy
d. Over sized, heavy and firm
To explain human behavior, social learning theorists place great emphasis on cognitive
variables. Social learning reflects the theorys strong assumption that we learn primarily
by observing and listening to people around usa. Social environment
b. The stimulus that elicit response
c. The mental state and brain-mediation processes.
d. The reinforcements for behavior
It is the meaning of guilty by act.
a. Actus Reus
c. Giltus reus
b. Actus Numbus
d. Rea mensa
98. During the commencement of trial, the authenticity of an item as evidence is crucial,
whether it be a physical object like a bullet, a medical record or a photograph. The item
cannot be offered in court without a testimonial sponsor who can vouch for its unaltered
authenticity to the court and the jury. To validate an items unaltered authenticity, a record
must be kept of each and every time the item changes hands. This refers to
a. Records management
c. Chain of custody