Theories of Crime Causation JULY 2023

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Theories of Crime Causation a.Social learning Theory b.Containment Theory

1. Are those who commit crime due to less physical stamina and less c.Broken Window Theory d.Social Bond Theory
A. Criminaloid B. Psuedo Criminals 11. This book contains all of the Stigmata of a potential criminal
C. Criminal by Passion D. Born criminals written by Lombroso on hi medical studies in the inmate of the
different prison.
2. A state of normlessness as proposed by Durkheim that describes A. The Criminal Mind B. Atavistic
France during its trying times. C. Atavism D. The Criminal Man
A. Strain Theory B. Anomie
C. Labeling Theory D. Chicago Area Project 12. This theory was essentially a cognitive theory in which the
individual learn ideas through association with other ideas, and
3. Lombroso referred to these criminals as alcoholics, kleptomaniacs, behavior was said to follow from those ideas. Proponent of this
nymphomaniacs, and child molesters. Although insane criminals bore argued that crime begins as a fashion and later becomes a custom,
some stigmata, they were not “born criminals”; rather they become much like any other social phenomenon.The law of adaptation of
criminal as a result “of an alteration of the brain, which completely” superiors by inferiors.
upsets their moral nature. a. Differential Reinforcement Theory
A. Criminaloid B. Insane Criminal b.Gabriel Tarde’s Law of Imitation
C. Atavistic D. offender c.Drift Theory by Gresham Sykes
d. Differential Association Theory
4. Psychogenic Approach refers to?
a. Emphasis is based on linking criminal behavior to mental state 13. Which of the following is not true about the principles of
b. Says that it study of criminal in biological perspective Positivism?
c. Different crimes are result of different combination of the factors A. stated that criminality is inherited
d. None of these B. criminal behavior is caused by internal factors
C. imposition of deterrence
5. Cultural Deviance Theory is a combination of? D. understanding criminality through the study of human behavior
a.Strain and Differential Opportunity Theory
b.Strain And Social Disorganization Theory 14. Cesare Lombroso was considered as the father of Modern
c.Strain and Sub-Cultural Theory Criminology and the father of the Italian school of Criminology. Which
d.Strain and Differential Association of the following is not part of his works?
A. Identifying the three types of criminal
6.What theory is founded by Social Scientist who argued that there B. he took a scientific approach in the study of crime
are circumstances that makes free impossible to exercise,free will C. he was the one who wrote “The Criminal Mind”
are reason to exempt the accused from conviction. They argued that D. none of these
freewill can be mitigated by pathology,incompetence,mental
disorder? 15. The concept refers to the potential rewards and punishment for
a.Classical b.Neo Classical committing or not committing a criminal or deviant act.
c.Positivist d.Conflict theory a. Differential Association Theory
b.Differential Identification Theory
7. According to Lombroso,the physical characteristics that distinguish c.Differential Reinforcement Theory
born criminals from the general population and are throwbacks to d.Differential Opportunity Theory
animals or primitive people is called?
a.Criminaloids 16. Which is not true about Criminology?
b,Born Criminals A. considered as an applied science
c.Parasitism B. It is stable and it varies from one time and place to another
d.Atavistic Anomalies C. study of crime as a social phenomenon
D. none of these
8. The following are the classifications of criminals by Cesare
Lombroso except one… 17. Identify the concept of Richard Dugdale about the Juke Family
A. Born Criminals tree.
B. Criminal by Passion a.Heredity as a source of criminality based on studies of generations
C. Psuedo Criminals of criminals in relation to degeneracy and depravity.
D. Deficient Criminals b.Criminals general were different from non-criminal
c.Criminality was a product of physical stigmata
9. This type of physique has relatively predominant muscles, bones d.Crime is a result of social conflict
and motor organs of the body.
A. Viscerotonic B. Mesomorphic 18. The theory argues that intelligence is largely determined
C. Endomorphic D. Ectomorphic genetically;that ancestry determines IQ;and that low intelligence as
demonstrated by low IQ is linked to behavior including criminal
10. Under the social theory,these are factors of attachment, behavior.
commitment, involvement and belief. These are called_____ and the A.Nature Theory B.Strain Theory
stronger these are, the less likelihood of delinquency. C.Psychological theory D.Labeling Theory
Theories of Crime Causation

C. Instrumentalist Theory
19. A theory based upon the idea that the assessment of the D. Neutralization Theory
person's outer appearance, primarily the face, may give insights into
one's character or personality. 27. Jon and his fellow are living with economic difficulties and are
A. Physiognomy     B. Phrenology     engaged in some unlawful activities.Adjacent in their environments is
C. Biological Theory D. Ecology Theory a subdivision not regularly patrolled by policemen and “tanods” and
whose residents are mostly middle and upper class of the society
20. He used empirical methods and an ethnographic approach to whose houses are fully equipped with easily saleable items fictures
address social questions and poverty, and presented his studies in and appliances.Applying the routine activity theory,which may aptly
London Labor and the London Poor. consider to Jon and his fellow adolescents?
A. Rawson W. Rawson B. Emile Durkheim a.Capable guardian b.motivated offenders
C. Henry Mayhew D. Willem Adrian Bonger c.economically poor d.suitable target

21.Which of these may refer to the transmission of physical 28. A condition in which the glucose in the blood falls levels
characteristics,mental traits,and tendency manifest by an organism to necessary for formal and effecent brain functioning.
develop in the likeness of a progenitor due to the transmisson of A. Diabetes B. Hypoglycemia
genes in the reproductive process. C.Leukemia D.Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
B.genetics 29. What theory provides that criminal behavior is learned through
C.Eugenics interaction with other persons in the process of communication or
D.Reproductive system potentially significant to police planning?
A. Strain theory
22.This theory says that increasing opportunities of women reduced B. Social disorganization theory
the rates of violent female offending, but increased the rates of C. Psychoanalytical theory
property crime. D. Differential association theory
a.Marginalization Theory
b.Adler’s theory of masculinity 30. Which of the following would categorize as Crime is expensive?
c.Opportunity theory A. The government and private sector spend an enormous
d.feminist theory amount of money for crime detection, prosecution, correction
and prevention.
23. The Differential Association Theory provides a good illustration B. Crime as an associate of society affects almost all people
of a social learning approach perspective in Criminology – regardless of age, sex, race, nationality, religion, financial
Criminal behavior according to this theory is: condition, education and other personal circumstances.
A. A result of an emotional disturbance C. Many lives have been lost because of crimes like murder,
B. An inmate quality of goodness or badness homicide, and other violent deaths.
C. Learned and not inherited D. Crime rate or incidence in a given locality is reflective of
D. An excess of wisdom  the effectiveness of the social defenses employed by the
people primarily of the police system.
24. When almost all member of a free society are once upon a time a
victim or an offender of a criminal act. Crime as an associate society 31. The main objective of this notion is that there is a terrific morality
affects almost all people – regardless of age, sex, race, nationality, of cases between the times a crime has been reported up to the time
religion, financial condition, education and other personal a verdict of conviction has been made.
circumstances. It connotes what? A. existence of crime B. legal point of view
A. Crime is Pervasive C. scientific viewpoint D. all of these
B. Crime is Expensive
C. Crime is expensive 32. The following are true, except?
D. crime is destructive a. Aging out phenomenon is called “Spontaneus Remission”
b. Bias crimes refers to violent acts directed against a particular
25. This explains that the imbalance state of Id, Ego and Super ego member of a group due to the victim’s ethical, racial, religious or
is the cause of the deviation of the individual to the normal pattern of gender characteristic.
rules and regulations present in the society. c. Cerebrotonic are introvert person full of functional complaints,
A. Physiological allergies skin troubles, chronic fatigue, sensitive skin and to noise
B. Psychoanalysis shrinks front crow.
C. Psychiatric d. According to positivist, people are rational human beings who
D. Psychological choose to commit criminal behavior and can be dissuaded from doing
so by the threat of punishment.
26. This theory maintains that an individual will obey or disobey
societal rules depending upon his ability to rationalize whether he is 33. This theory reflects the way people react to a given situation
protected from harm or destruction. based on the social influences they acquired from other people that
A. Labeling Theory practically determine their behaviours.Thia theory likewise serves as
B. Differential Opportunity Theory the learning process of delinquent behaviors and considered as one
of the most important theory in crime causation.
Theories of Crime Causation

A.Social Disorganization theory 43. Mr, Trilly resorted of committing a crime because it is hard for him
B.Culture conflict theory to achieve his material goals as he is in the group of a lower class
C.Differential Association theory while Mr. Alejandry come to easy reaching his material wants for he
D.Social Reaction theory is in the upper class. What theory does this represent?
34. This belief is true during the pagan age when any wrongful act of A. Differential Association C. Social learning theory
man is attributed to the will of evil. The statement is referring to: B. Cultural deviance theory D. Strain theory
A. Devine will theory
B. Supernatural theory
C. Classical theory 44. This ideas believes that becoming criminal is a discovering
D. all of these occurrence in which potential felons master techniques that enables
35. Which of the following best explains why Cesar Lombroso was them to counterbalance conventional values and drift back and forth
regarded as the father of modern Criminology? between illegitimate and conventional behavior.
A. He established the Positivist School A. Differential reinforcement theory B. Neutralization theory
B. He contributed through Empirical research to the field of C. Containment theory D. Differential association theory
C. Founded the anthropological study which became the
pillar of the positivists school of Criminology 45. Also called Direct conditioning. This theory holds that crime is
D. He studied thousands of criminals committed when the behavior is reinforced by being either rewarded
or punished while interacting with others.
36. What school of thought adopted a social ecology approach to A.Social Reaction theory
studying cities, and postulated that urban neighborhoods with high B.Social Disorganization theory
levels of poverty often experience breakdown in the social structure C.Social Reinforcement theory
D.labeling theory
and institution such as family and schools. arose in the early
twentieth century, through the work of Robert Ezra Park, Ernest
46. . He introduced the “theory of imitation” which states that
individuals copy behavior patterns of other individuals, and that those
A. Chicago School of thought B. Classical school with weaker personalities tend to get influenced easier by those with
C. positive school D. Chicago School stronger personalities:
A. Emile Durkheim B.Adolphe Quetelet
37. This theory states that obedience to the norms of lower-class C. Gabriel Tarde D.Enrico Ferri
culture places people in conflict with norms of the dominant culture.
A. Theory of anomie 47. A Scottish woodcutter was accused of killing a man he believed
B. Strain theory to be Prime Minister for thought that he was persecuted by the Tories
C. Differential association theory and their leader, Robert Peel, however turned out to be another
D. Culture conflict theory person. The court believed he was so mentally deranged that it would
be inhuman to convict him since it was clear he was not in control of
38. Billones belongs to a poor family and commits crimes due to his faculties. This case became known as:
financial inadequacy, this scenario applies to what theory. A. The irrational Mind Rule C. The Durham Rule
A. Culture Deviant Theory B. Life Course Theory B. The M’nagten Rule D. The Brawner Rule
C. Strain Theory D. None of these
48. A serious mental and emotional disorder that is a manifestation of
39. Victims of crime, especially victims of childhood abuse, are more withdrawal from reality. Some of examples are encephalitis,
likely to commit crimes themselves. intoxication, cerebral arteriosclerosis, senile brain disease, mania,
A.Cycle of Violence B.Chivalry hypothesis dementia praecox, or split personality.
C.Crime pattern D.Masculinity hypothesis A. Psychomatic C. Psychosis
B. Psychoneurosis D. Psychogenic
40. Who advocated the Free will theory of crime causation?
A.Charles Darwin B.Cesare Beccaria 49.According to this view, as children mature within their
C.Jeremy Bentham D.Raffaele Garofalo environment, elements of socialization control their development
process and either insulate them from delinquency or encourage their
41. The theory which states that attachment,connection and link to antisocial activities
society will determine whether a person shall commit a crime or not: a.Social development model
A.Social Control B.Social Bond b.Diffrential coercion
C.Social Disorganization D.Social Learning c.Control balance theory
d.Age-graded theory
42. What is this theory of TRAVIS HIRSCHI states that members in
society from bonds with other members in society or institutions in 50.The view that victimization results from the interaction of three
society such as parents, prosocial friends, churches, schools, factors;the availability of suitable targets,the absence of capable
teachers and sports team? guardians,and the presence of motivated offenders.
A. Social control theory C. Interactional theory A.Routine activity theory B.Lifestyle theory
B. Self-control theory D. Self-derogation theory C.Devant place theory D.Victim precipitation theory

Theories of Crime Causation

11. Raul Dalisay is a volleyball team captain that keeps the game on
even if it is 25-20 they’re losing at the fourth set of game. The
situation is referring to:
HUMAN BEHAVIOR a.. Denial b. Avoidance
c. Dissociation d. Acting out
1.It refers to the sum total of man's reaction to his environment or the
way human beings act.

a.Human Beings b.Learning 12.This is the process of excluding from the consciousness a thought
or feeling that causes pain, shame or guilt.
c.Human Behavior d.Stimulus
a. identification b. regression

c. repression d. fixation
2.Refers to any behavioral reactions or reflexes exhibited by people
because of their inherited capabilities or the process of natural
selection. 13.This is an attempt to disguise or cover-up felt deficiencies or
undesirable traits by emphasizing a desirable type of behavior.
a.Inherited Behavior b.Inborn Behavior a. rationalization b. sublimation
c. compensation d. projection
c.Learned Behavior d.both a and b
14.This is a serious mental and emotional disorder that is a
manifestation of withdrawal from reality.
a. Neurosis b. Depression
3.It is a behavior pattern where an individual return to a state of form c. Psychosis d. Anxiety
adjustment and attempt to experience them again in memory.
a.phobia b. anger 15. The aggregate observable responses of an organism to internal
c.frustration d. regression and external stimuli.
a. human behavior b. behavior
4.Defense mechanisms are used to shield one’s self from _____. c. personality d. attribute
a. anger b. fear
c. pleasure d. pain 16. It is characterized by anxiety, depression and phobia.
a. psychoses b. neuroses
5.Human behavior is man’s response to the interpretation of the c. abnormality d. Psychopathy
______ from within the person or from his environment.
a. stimulus b. action 17. Cardo a child who was frustrated in this particular stage will tend
c. perception d. inclination
to become optimistic.
a.. Oral stage c. Genital stage
6.This personality system controls the gateway to action.
a. alter ego b. Id c. Anal stage d. Latency stage
c. ego d. Superego

7.This is a brain structure that is particularly important to consider in

light of its role in regulating fear and 18. A distortion in reality such as delusion, hallucination and
other emotional responses. regression.
a. Amygdala b. Thalamus
c. Hypothalamus d. Cerebrum a. psychosis b. neurosis

c. abnormality d. psychopathy
8.What is the process of interpreting our behavior in ways to make it
more acceptable to the self usually with the use of good reasons and
alibi to substitute for real cause?
19.A self made millionaire who grew up in poverty sets up a
a. projection b. sublimation
charitable foundation and gain great pleasure from how it helps
c. rationalization d. Compensation
others get out of the poverty trap.She receives social accolade and
public recognition for her good deeds gratefully.
9.Manny, angry at his girlfriend, boxed a nearby tree manifests what
a.Displacement b.Regression
particular defense mechanism?
c.Altruism d.Aim Inhibition
a. repression b. sublimation
c. displacement d. projection

10.An uncontrollable, morbid propensity to steal or pathological 20. Ryan, a B.S. Criminology student in the evening session, blames
stealing. his poor performance in the preliminary examination to his professor
a. kleptomania b. pyromania rather than his lack of preparation. This is an example of what type of
c. phobia d. Dipsomania defense mechanism?

Theories of Crime Causation

a.Reaction formation b.displacement 30.A person suffers from _____ when he developed a maladaptive
behavior in his childhood as a result of an external influence that later
c.Sublimation d.Rationalization on becomes a part of his lifestyle and which he uses to relate to the
world around him.

21. An older man has sexual feelings towards a teenager and quickly a.personality disorder b.abnormal behavior
removes his thought.
a.displacement b.suppression c.personality behavior d.abnormal personality
c.regression d.repression

22. He is known as the “Father of Psychoanalysis”. 31. When both hostage and hostage taker develop a mutual feeling
a.Sigmund Freud b. Wilhelm Woudt of sympathy, understanding, and other shared stand on issues,
c.Erick Erickson d.Charles Darwin leading them to become enemies of the State, this turn referred to as,
a.Stockholm Syndrome b.Confrontation
22.Human actions in relation to events taking place inside the body c.Negotiation d.familiarization
such as the brain and the nervous system is known as:
a.Neurological b.psychological 32.A person has _____ when he/she has painful memories
b.Cognitive d.Humanistic associated with some shocking experience which are repressed and
cannot be recalled.
23.A child who is always brushing his teeth after eating manifests a. anxiety b. delusions
what particular classification of human behavior? c. amnesia d. phobia
a.Habitual b.Complex
c.Instinctive d.Symbolic 33.Antonio, a funeral parlor attendant takes place pleasure in
imagining having sexual relations with newly dead young female
bodies who were victims of suicides or vehicular accidents. What
24.It is the ability to withstand frustration without developing sexual deviant act did Antonio commit?
inadequate modes of response such as being emotionally depressed a.necrophilia b. rape
or irritated, becoming neurotic, or becoming aggressive. c. incest d. none
34.It is one type of sexual deviancy which sexual pleasure is
a.Frustration Tolerance b.Frustration Shield obtained by exposing one’s genitals to others.
a.exhibitionism b.Fetishism
c.Voyeurism d.Transvestitism
c.Frustration Flexibility d.all of the above
36.It is one of the common defense mechanism which is defined as
the development of a traits which are the opposite of tendencies that
25.It is a behavior of a person suffering from paraanoia mistrusts the we do not want to ecognize.The person is motivated to act in a
motives of others and has a fear of being taken advantage by others. certain way.Consequently,he is able to keep his urges and impulses
a.Protective thinking b.Hostility under control.
c.Delusion d.Suspicious a.Repression b.Suppression
c.Denial d.Reaction Formation
26.An abnormal sexual behavior or perversion characaterized by
pleasure and especially sexual gratification n inflicting or suffered 37.These are somatoform disorders that is defined as conditions that
pain. involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory,awareness,identity and
a. alogolagnic b. pedophile or perception.
c. profanity d. plagiarism a.Somatization Disorder b.Somatoform Disorder
c.Conversion Disorder d.Dissociative Disorders
27.A group of mental disorders characterized by intentionally
creating,falsifying or exaggerating psychological and or medical 38. This is the inexcusable reverential of a special situation when
symptoms in order to gain the role of patient without anyu obvious there is no existing evil that are totally out of dimensions.
and conscious secondary gains generally termed as __.
a. Phobias b. Dementia c. Grandeur d. Persecution
a.Factitious Disorders b.Dementia Parecox
c.Hallucination d.Assumed personality

39. This is characterized by cold, cruelty, social insensitivity,

28.This is an abnormal mental condition whereby a person performs disregard for danger, troublesome; behavior, dislike of others, and
an act while sleeping. attraction toward unusual.
a. somnambulism b. mesmerism a. Psychoneurosis b. Psychoticism
c. somnolencia d. delirium c. Psychosomatic d. Psychosis

29.Animals are used for the achievement of sexual excitation and

gratification. 40. A manifestation of mental disorder through an erroneous
a.voyeurism b.fetishism perception without external object of stimulus.
c.Pedophilia d.Bestiality a. Mania b. Illusion c. Hallucination d. Delusion

Theories of Crime Causation

41. What type of victim who is an easy target, carless and

a. Wanton type b. Tormentor type 50.This theory application is concerende on the situations where a
c. Greedy type d. Depressive type victim’s negligence or carelessness makes them more susceptible to
criminal conduct.This is known as____.

42. Those with any behavior disorder, whether functional or organic, a.Victim facilitation theory b.Victim Analyzation theory
which is of such a degree of severity as to require professional help
or hospitalization. c.Victim Inducement d.Victim Interpretation
a. Mentally retarded children b. Emotionally handicapped
Dispute and Resolution
c. Mentally Ill children d. Physically Handicapped
1.It is defined as the clash between individuals arising out of a
43.What type of victim described as containing persons who difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interest,
provoked the criminal or actively induced their own Victimization? requirements and even sometimes perceptions.
a.problem b.agreement
a.The completely innocent victim c.settlement d.Conflict

b.The victim guiltier than the offender

2.This struggle happened within a person’s mind over a problem,
issue or question.
c.The most guilty victim”who is guilty one
a.interna conflict b.external conflict vs. man vs.his environment
d.Victimized due to ignorance

3.Dispute Resolution was first formaly used in what country.

44.A psychological type of victim classified by those who are a. England b.USA c.Rome d.Philppines
emotionally disturbed by virtue of heartaches and pains.
a.The heartbroken b.The tormentor 4.The person who will settle the issue ?
c.The lonesome d.The Acquisitive or Greedy a.Mediator b.Arbitrator
c.Concilliator d.None of these
45.What type of victim are those who are weak by virtue of age and
a.The young b.the female 5.It also called ADR( Alternative Dispute Resolution )or External
c.the Old d.Mentally defective Dispute Resolution.
a.Dispute b.Dispute Resolution
c.Alternative Dispute Resolution d.None of these
46.General Classes of victims according to Hans Von Hentig who are
unsure of the rules of conduct in the surrounding society. 6.The following are the advantages of ADR,except ?
a.It is cheaper b.The resolution is not faster
a.The minorities b.The immigrants c.Offers greater involvement d.None of these

c.The mentally defective d.The old 7.In the process of ADR,is having an attorney are requirement?
a.Yes b.No c.True d.False

47.Routine activity theory states that in order for a crime to be 8.It means a voluntary dispute resolution process in which one or
commited,three specific criteria must be involved.Which one should more arbitrators, appointed in accordance with the agreement of the
not be included? parties, it resolve the conflict by rendering an award.
a.There must be a motivated offender b.A suitable target a.arbitration b.mediation
c.Opportunity is blocked d.Absence of capable guardian c.negotiation d.conciliation

9.What is the role of attorney in dispute resolution process.

48.Refers to the interactions of victims with those who commit crimes a.He should be involved in light felony cases
against them. b.He should be involved in small amount claims
c.If the case involves legal technicalities
a.Victim precipitation theory b.Victimization d.All of the above
c.Victim participation theory d.Victim Opportunity
10.Its ultimate goal is to help the involve parties come to a
49.According to this theory, victims do not encourage crime but are consensus of their own?
victim prone because they reside in socially dis-organized.High-crime a.Mediation b.Arbitration
areas where they have the greatest risk of coming into contact with
c.litigation d.None of these
criminal offenders, irrespective of their behavior or lifestyle.
a. Deviant place theory b. Lifestyle theory
c. Victim precipitation theory d.Victimology 11.The neutral third person in the first phase of ADR?

Theories of Crime Causation

a.Mediator b.Arbitrator  
c.Judge d.None of these
24.The most important consideration in a hostage taking situation.
12.What is the role of Mediator? A. protection of life B. media coverage
a.Impose a resolution b.Make a resolution C. protection of property D. capture of the
c.Implement punishment d.None of these hostage taker.

13.Can the mediator allowed both parties to air their grievances to 25.Which of the following is not a terrorist tactic?
alleviate their grudges. A. noise barrage B. bombing
C. assassination D. kidnapping
a.Yes b.No c.True d.False

14.Its goal is to render a peaceful resolution in dispute. 26.The following are short range terrorist goal, except…
a.Mediation b.Arbitration A. obtain money, weapon or equipment.
c.Litigation d.None of these B. cause dramatic change in the government
C. satisfy vengeance
15. Can a party negotiate the process of the arbitration including the D. free prisoners
rules and decision?
a.Yes,it can be negotiated 27. Which of the following is not an answer to the demands of the
b.No,it is final hostage takers?
c.Not to negotiate but to appeal a. confirm that his demand will be granted immediately
d.None of these b. don’t give concession at once, subject to interpretation that you
could get easily
16.Is the rules of evidence will be applicale in the process of c. delay, impress hostage taker even simple demand are hard to get;
arbitration? that you need to talk with commander or other people etc.
a.Yes b.No c.Maybe d.None of these d. get something in return for every concession granted, like aged,
  sick and youngster hostages.

17.It involves a defendant facing off a plantiff before the judge?

28.Which of the following does not apply to the principle of hostage
a.Mediation b.Arbitration negotiation and recovery?
c.Litigation d.None of these a. hostage situation, not to go violent, is to the interest of the hostage
taker, as to authoririties
18. Who is responsible for weighing the evidence and making ruling b. recovery of properties should be done at all cost
in litigation? c. the hostage has no value to the hostage taker
a.Lawyer b.Complainant d. to successfully negotiate, there must be a need to live on the part
c. Arbitrator d. None of these of hostage taker.
29.The highest ranking field commander should not also be the chief
19.The information regarding of the proceedings or hearing shall be negotiator because…
entered and stay as? a. hostage takers will be afraid
a. Private Record b. Public Record b. he is not authorized to grant concession
c. Official Record d. None of these c. of conflict of interest as mediator and decision maker
d. hostage taker will not trust him
20.How the judge is selected in the litigation process?
a.Thru lottery b.Thru raffle 30.The following are guidelines for police negotiators, except one.
c.Selected by either parties d.None of these a. don’t raise the aspirations or expectations of the hostage takers
b. give in to all of the terrorist’s demands
21.The one who makes complete estimate of the crisis situation and c. conserve your concession
plans his course of actions upon arrival at the incident area while d. make sure you get something in return for a concession
negotiation is in progress is the…
a. Chief Negotiation b. Tactical Commander 31.Reason why not commander as negotiator.
c. Fire fighting team d. Support Unit Commander a. as a cardinal rule, commander doesn’t negotiate, negotiator
doesn’t command
22.What do you call the phenomenon where a hostage begins to b. he may make impossible demand
identify his captor and give his sympathy to his own hostage taker. c. he will have a sense of importance
a. Stockholm syndrome b. lima syndrome d. all of these
c. London syndrome d. none of these
32. If an assault is necessary in a hostage situation, it should be
initiated by…
23.In hostage situation, this is non-negotiable. a. the negotiator as the first option
A. food B. telephone b. a sizeable group of regular PNP
C. media access D. firearm c. By one or two specially trained teams
Theories of Crime Causation

d. by anybody after giving due warning to hostage taker 42.Any person authorized by the commander or negotiator to
communicate with the hostage takers on either the request of the
33.In dealing with the media during hostage situation, one must latter or to facilitate smooth communication between the designated
always remember that… negotiators and the hostage takers.
a. media people are nuisance and may get in the way of operation a.field commander b.politician
people c,negotiator d.intermediary
b. media has a right and responsibility to report events during an
c. conflict between management and the media is always bound to 43.The negotiator in any hostage situation must be
happen in a hostage situation credible,collected,trained and….
d. control over media people should be aimed to restrict their b.aggressive
movement within the inner perimeter c.coward tempered

34. During the negotiation, it is preferable that the negotiator should 44.A result of a perpetration of crime that went wrong and the
be in civilian attire because… criminals were trapped or cornerned by law enforces.
a. civilian uniform is threat a.hostage-taking b.criminal siege
b. hostage takers are afraid of the military or uniformed personnel c.stronghold d.hostage situation
c. civilian is perceived by the terrorist to be broadminded than military
d. a civilian attire advances the neutral image and blocks aversion of 45.One of the qualifiactions of a good negotiator is calmness in
terrorist to militant personnel dealing with the situation.Whch of the following is not a manifestation
  of such attitude?
35.People who take hostages for personal, rather than ideological a.Giving all of the demands at once b.Being firm and decisive
reasons. c.Avoid making threats and imposing deadlines
a. person in crisis b. political terrorist d.Building rapport with the hostage taker.
c. common criminals d. psychotics
46.What is the short debriefing conducted by negotiating team prior
36.People who take hostages during a period of prolonged to turn over to another set of negotiating team?
frustration, despair and problems. debrief b.Short debrief
a. common criminals b. psychotics c.debriefing d.briefing
c. political terrorist d. person in crisis
47.Which of the following situation indicates that negotiation is still
37.It means to arrange by conferring or discussing. necessary?
a. validate b. vindicate
a.there is proof of life b.the hostage negotiator is highly trained
c. negotiate d. extricate
c.the tactical assault team is ready at any call
38.The stage of advance planning, organization and coordination and d.the hostage taker is mentally deranged
control in response to an anticipated future crisis occurrence is
A. reaction phase B. performance stage 48.When the hostage takers demand a prostitute,it must be
C. proactive crisis management D. reactive crisis considered as a.
management a.negotiatble b.non-negotiable
39.It is one of the types of crisis which is typically natural disasters
considered as acts of God,such as environmental phenomena like 49.What is established when the negotiator and hostage taker
earthquakes,volcanic eruptions,tornados and hurricane that threatens
develops friendly relationship?
life,property and the environment itself.
a.Man mad crisis b.Natural crisis
a.rapport b.decit
c.Disaster crisis d.Envionment crisis c.concession d.demands

50.Which of the following would be the best approach in

40.Preservation of lives is one of the priorities in hostage situations. negotiating with a paranoid schizophrenic?
a.the statement is true b.The statement is not true
c.Maybe it is true d.Maybe it isn’t true
b.communicate to him that his belief is true
c.convince him that his belief is wrong
41.What is the situation in a hostage incident whrein there is no d.tell him that he is crazy
agreement,in other words,failure of the negotiation?
a.Deadlock b.Assault
c.Stale time d.demand

Theories of Crime Causation

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