Section3 AOF Standards 200910

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Section 1:
Quality Standards,
Technical Information
& Typical Analysis

Copyright Australian Oilseeds Federation. July 2009


Definitions ................................................................................................................. 5

Classification Dispute Settlement .......................................................................... 16

1. Harvest Deliveries ......................................................................................................................16
2. Consignment Deliveries ...............................................................................................................16

Section 1: AOF 1-1, Grain Quality Standards ......................................................... 18

1.0 PREAMBLE .................................................................................................................................18
2.0 GENERAL PROCEDURES ..............................................................................................................18
3.0 COMMODITY STANDARDS ...........................................................................................................19
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 1: Canola Standard.................................................................................................................... 19
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 2: Non-GM Canola Standard ........................................................................................................ 20
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 3: Rapeseed Standard................................................................................................................ 21
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 4: Polyunsaturated Sunflower Standard ....................................................................................... 22
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 5: Monounsaturated Sunflower Standard ..................................................................................... 23
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 6: Sunflower Birdseed Grade Standard ........................................................................................ 24
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 7: Edible Milling Grade Soybean Commodity Standard .................................................................. 25
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 7 (cont): Edible Milling Grade Soybean Commodity Standard ........................................................ 26
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 8: Edible Manufacturing Grade Soybean Commodity Standard ....................................................... 27
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 8 (cont): Edible Manufacturing Grade Soybean Commodity Standard ............................................. 28
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 9: Crushing Soybean Standard.................................................................................................... 29
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 10: Cottonseed Standard ........................................................................................................... 30
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 11: Polyunsaturated Safflower Standard ...................................................................................... 31
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 12: Monounsaturated Safflower Standard .................................................................................... 32
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 13: Linseed Standard ................................................................................................................. 33
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 14: Linola Standard ................................................................................................................... 34
Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 15: Peanut Standard .................................................................................................................. 35
4.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS .................................................................................................................36
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 36
4.2 Corrected Net Weight........................................................................................................................................... 36
4.3 Clean Seed Value ................................................................................................................................................. 36
5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS ...................................................................................................................37

Section 1: AOF 1-2, Vegetable Oil Quality Standards ............................................ 38

1.0 PREAMBLE .................................................................................................................................38
2.0 PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................38
3.0 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................38
4.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS .................................................................................................................42
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.2 Free Fatty Acids (FFA) .......................................................................................................................................... 42
4.3 Moisture, Volatiles and Impurities ......................................................................................................................... 43
4.4 Chlorophyll in Canola Oil ...................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5 Phosphorus ......................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.6 Peroxide Value .................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS ...................................................................................................................43
6.0 COLD PRESSED OILS ..................................................................................................................43
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 43
6.2 Specification........................................................................................................................................................ 43
6.3 Price Adjustments ................................................................................................................................................ 44

Section 1: AOF 1-3, Oilseed (Vegetable Protein) Meals and Hull Quality Standards45
1.0 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................45
2.0 PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................45
3.0 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................45
4.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS .................................................................................................................48
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 48
4.2 Protein................................................................................................................................................................ 48
4.3 Moisture ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
4.4 Other analyses .................................................................................................................................................... 48
5.0 DISPUTED RESULTS ...................................................................................................................48

Section 1: AOF 2, Technical Information................................................................ 49

Copyright Australian Oilseeds Federation. July 2009

Section 1: AOF 2-1, Common Storage of Oilseeds - Accounting for Gains/Losses50
1.0 DEFINITION ..............................................................................................................................50
2.0 GUARANTEED OUTTURN .............................................................................................................50
3.0 MATERIALS BALANCES................................................................................................................50
3.1 Seed Price ........................................................................................................................................................... 50
3.2 Analysis .............................................................................................................................................................. 50
3.3 Transfers ............................................................................................................................................................ 51
3.4 Calculations......................................................................................................................................................... 51

Section 1: AOF 2-2, Typical Density Guide for Seed and Meal............................... 54

Section 1: AOF 2-3, Code of Practice for the Bulk Transport of Vegetable Oils by Road and
Rail .......................................................................................................................... 55
1.0 CONTAINERS, VALVES, PIPES AND DISCHARGE HOSES ..................................................................55
1.1 Provisions ........................................................................................................................................................... 55
1.2 Certificate of Cleanliness ...................................................................................................................................... 55
1.3 Minimum Cleaning Procedures .............................................................................................................................. 55
1.4 Company Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 56

Section 1: AOF 2-4, Code of Practice for the Bulk Transport of Vegetable Oilseeds, Meals and
Hulls by Road and Rail ............................................................................................ 57

Section 1: AOF 2-5, Code of Practice for the Cleaning Of Containers List of Prohibited
Immediate Prior Loads ........................................................................................... 58

Section 1: AOF 2-5.1 ............................................................................................... 60

CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS.............................................................................. 60

Section 1: AOF 2-6, AOF TEST-CHECK Program ..................................................... 61

1.0 DEFINITION ..............................................................................................................................61
2.0 LABORATORY PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................61
3.0 TEST-CHECK LABORATORY EVALUATION ......................................................................................62

Section 1: AOF 2-6.1, TEST-CHECK Participants Result Sheet Rounds 1-7........... 63

Section 1: AOF 2-6.1, TEST-CHECK Participants Result Sheet Rounds 8-12 ........ 64

Section 1: AOF 2-6.2, TEST-CHECK Program Report ............................................. 65

Section 1: AOF 3, Technical Information................................................................ 66

Section 1: AOF 3-1, Typical Composition of Vegetable Fats and Oils.................... 67

Section 1: AOF 3-1, Typical Composition of Vegetable Fats and Oils (cont.) ....... 68

Section 1: AOF 3-2, Colour Comparisons ............................................................... 69

Section 1: AOF 3-3, Typical Amino Acid Composition of Meals ............................. 70

Copyright Australian Oilseeds Federation. July 2009


This Manual is compiled by the Australian Oilseeds Federation Inc. as an industry reference for Quality and
Trading Standards and Methods of Analysis. Use of these Standards is not mandatory however industry is
encouraged to adopt all elements of the Standards where possible. Use and compliance with these
Standards will provide consistency in the marketing and trading of oilseeds.

The Standards are developed by the Australian Oilseeds Federation Standards Committee. This is a
technical committee comprising industry experts in relevant fields of breeding, growing, marketing,
processing and consumption of a range of oilseeds. The Standards are reviewed annually and published on
the Australian Oilseed Federation website.

The Standards committee meets at last three times a year to review all potential changes to the Standards.
All changes must be approved by the Standards Committee prior to adoption in the Standards.

As these Standards are a direct reflection of industry requirements, industry are encouraged to actively
participate in their review and feedback from industry at any time is welcome. All feedback should be
provided to the Australian Oilseeds Federation in written form.

The address for all correspondence is Further information relating to technical
issues and Standards used by the Australian oilseed industry can be found at the following website:


This Manual lists the specifications and Standards which are agreed to by both the buyer and the seller on
a contractual basis. However, this does not absolve either party from complying with the relevant human
food and stock feed regulations which may apply at either the Federal and/or State level.

Changes reflected in this edition of the

AOF Quality Standards are highlighted.

Copyright Australian Oilseeds Federation. July 2009

Adventitious Presence

Adventitious Presence is defined as the unintended presence of:

• Seed/meal containing GM event(s) approved by the OGTR in non-GM seed/meal, and/or

• Seed/meal containing GM event(s) approved by the OGTR in a seedlot or meal from another GM
variety approved by the OGTR.

Appropriately Certified Laboratory

An Appropriately Certified Laboratory is defined as a laboratory that has one or more of the following

 participates in the AOF Test Check Program and meets the defined performance criteria, or

 has NATA accreditation for the particular test method and oilseed commodity combination in question

As Is

In terms of sample assessment, is the representative sample as taken from the load tendered for delivery
without any interference to the sample. That is, there has been no cleaning or screening of the sample
prior to analysis. Also referred to as “tale quale” or “dirty” sample.


Bleaching removes trace metals, colour such as chlorophyll, soaps and oxidation products. Bleached oils
are relatively colourless and have a low peroxide value.

Broken or Split Seed

For soybeans, broken or split soybeans are those soybeans not otherwise damaged that are three quarters
of a soybean or less in size (except fines classified as impurities). Separated hulls are to be classified as
broken or split soybeans.

For edible soybeans, broken or split is defined as half soybean or greater parts thereof (with or without
hull) that do not come within the definition of damaged soybean. This includes soybeans, hulls and parts
thereof not classified as damaged seed.

For all seeds other than soybeans and peanuts, all hulls, kernels or parts thereof, not otherwise damaged
shall be classified as split or broken seed (except fines classified as impurities).

Broken or split seed is not included in the Defective Seed or Damaged seed category.

Broken or split seed is to be taken as a percentage of clean seed and expressed to the nearest 0.1%.


Chlorophyll is defined as a compound in plants that converts radiant energy to chemical energy through
the process of photosynthesis. Its presence in seed devalues the seed and subsequent oil extracted from
that seed. Chlorophyll is an alternative green seed assessment in canola and rapeseed.

Chlorophyll is to be determined on a clean seed basis and expressed in whole numbers and the amount
reported in ppm.

Clean Seed

Clean seed includes all seed of the particular oilseed being tested other than that defined as impurities.

Cold Pressed Oil

Cold pressed oils are edible vegetable oils obtained by mechanical extraction from the parent oilseed
without pre-cooking or heating and without subsequent chemical extraction and/or chemical refining. They
may have been purified by washing with water, settling, filtering and centrifuging only.
Issue No. 8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 5 of 70

For colour, analysis is to occur via different methods as indicated, with results expressed in AOCS Lovibond
units or Gardner 1933. Where specified, the maximum Red value is indicated by R and the maximum
Yellow value is indicated by Y. For all oil types and all methods, the colour value is to be reported to the
nearest whole number.

Crude Fibre

Crude fibre is a mixture of largely indigestible substances of vegetable origin and consists chiefly of
cellulose and other vegetable cell wall substances. Crude fibre is to be determined from the entire sample
and reported to the nearest percent.

Crude Oil

Crude oil, sometimes referred to as raw oil, is oil in an unrefined or natural state.

Crude Protein

Crude protein is defined as the amount of protein in the sample of meal or hull, based on the amount of
nitrogen in the meal or hull. Crude protein is to be analysed on the entire sample and reported to the
nearest percent.

Damaged Seed

Damaged seed includes whole and pieces of seed that are bin burnt, diseased, affected by field fungi, frost
damaged, heat damaged, insect damaged, weather damaged, weather stained and immature. It does not
include Broken or Split seed, Green seed (canola, rapeseed and soybeans only) or Sprouted. Damaged
seeds are included for assessment in the Total Defective category.

Seeds which are surface damaged only are to be classified as sound.

Damaged seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Defective Seed

Defective seed includes whole and pieces of seed that are classified as Damaged seed. This includes seed
that is bin burnt, diseased, affected by field fungi, frost damaged, heat damaged, insect damaged, weather
damaged, weather stained and immature. Defective seeds also include Green seed (canola, rapeseed and
soybeans only) and Sprouted. It does not include Broken or Split seed. Refer also to Damaged Seed.

For edible soybeans, Defective seed includes soybeans and pieces of soybean which are frost damaged,
badly weather stained, field fungi discoloured (including purple stain), weed stained (including nightshade
purple stain), heat damaged, diseased, insect damaged or otherwise materially damaged.

Seeds which are surface damaged only are to be classified as sound.

Defective seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Degraded Seed

Degraded seed is seed which is hot, musty, sour, mouldy or contains harmful substances, or not otherwise
suitable for human or animal consumption. Degraded seed is to be rejected. Degraded seed is classified
under the heading Objectionable Material.

Degummed Oil

Degumming is the process of separating phosphatides/gums by using degumming agents such as water,
enzymes and other permitted chemicals. The phosphatides content shall be expressed as the amount of
Phosphorus (as phosphatides) in the oil, expressed to the nearest ppm.

Dehulled Seed

A dehulled seed is a seed that has the hull completely removed from the kernel.

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Discoloured Seed

Discoloured seeds, relating to edible soybeans, are part of Damaged seed and are those whose seed coats
have a colour that is distinctly different to that of the predominant variety in the sample. This includes
excessive seed coat staining such as purple staining.

Discoloured seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Diseased Seed

Diseased seed are those seeds that have not matured as per a normal seed. Diseased seed may be caused
by a number of factors including pathogens, insufficient nutrients or pollution. Seeds are generally whole
and do not fall into other damaged seed categories listed in the definitions section. Diseases seed is to be
classified as a part of Damaged seed.

Diseased seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Field Fungi

Field fungi affected seeds are those that have the seed coat discoloured by fungal spores due to the
presence of air-borne fungal spores that adhere to the surface of the grain, generally after rain. Fungi
grow on the seed as a result of high moisture conditions during the maturation phase. Field fungi seeds
are to be classified as part of Damaged seed.

Field fungi seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Field Insects

Field insects are those insects that contaminate the seed through their presence on or in the vicinity of the
growing crop. Field insects generally do not harm seed.

Note that there may be variances with the tolerances applied at export by AQIS.

Table 1: Field Insects


Large Field Insects
Grasshoppers Various
Ladybirds Various
Rutherglen Bugs Nysius vinitor
Wood Bugs Various
All Other Large Field Insects Various

Small Field Insects

Aphids Various
Mites Various
All Other Small Field Insects Various

Field insects are to be reported to the nearest whole number in the entire half litre sample.

Flash Point

The Flash point is defined as the lowest temperature, corrected to a barometric pressure of 101.3 kPa
(760 mm Hg), at which the application of an ignition source causes the vapours above the surface of the
oil sample to ignite under specified test conditions. The closed cup equilibrium method is to be used and
the result reported to the nearest degree Celsius.


Foots is defined as the sediment (fine solids) that forms during the refining of oil. Foots are to be reported
as a percentage of the total oil content, reported to the nearest 1%.

Foreign Material

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Foreign material is a part of impurities and is defined as all material other than whole, split or broken
seeds or hulls of the respective oilseed being assessed if it falls through the screen. Foreign material is
often referred to as admixture or foreign matter.

For edible soybeans, it includes all material other than soybeans passing through a 4.75 mm round hole
sieve using 20 shakes including pods, but excluding cottonseed, canola and weed seeds.

Foreign Material is to be expressed as the percentage by weight of the entire half litre sample and reported
to the nearest 0.1%.

Fractions in Proportion

This term relates to the determination of premiums and discounts for various quality parameters. Refer to
Section 1: AOF 2-1, for more details on how to calculate results.

Free Fatty Acids

Free fatty acids shall be defined as oleic acid unless otherwise specified. Free fatty acid content is to be
determined on a weight basis on clean seed.

For seed, results are to be reported to the nearest 0.1%.

For bleached or refined oils, the results are to be reported to the nearest 0.01%. For all other oil types,
the results are to be reported to the nearest percent.

Frost Damaged Seed

Frost damaged seeds are part of Damaged seeds and are those seeds affected by frost during the growing
phase. Seeds are generally recognised as intact shells only with no core.

Frost damaged seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Genetic Modification

The adventitious presence of up to 0.9% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of
the Gene Technology Regulator is allowed in non-GM canola. Canola is rejectable over this limit.

The adventitious presence of up to 5% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the
Gene Technology Regulator is allowed in non-GM canola meal. Canola meal is rejectable over this limit.

Where required, genetic modified seed or meal is to be expressed as the percentage by weight of the
clean seed or meal and reported to the nearest 0.1%.


Germination is defined as the initiation of growth of a dormant seed. Depending on the seed type, the
definition may refer to different levels of initial growth of the seed that is seen visually by the naked eye.


The glucosinolates are a class of organic compounds that contain sulphur, nitrogen and a group derived
from glucose. They occur as secondary metabolites of many plants and plants use substances derived from
glucosinolates as natural pesticides and as a defence against herbivores. Glucosinolates are to be
determined from the entire sample and reported to the nearest micromole per gram of oil-free air-dry


Gossypol is a toxic phenolic compound that occurs in seed as a natural defence against insects. Gossypol
effects the animals fed the resultant oilseed meal. Gossypol is to be determined on the entire sample and
reported to the nearest 0.01%.

Green Seed

Green seeds only apply to canola and rapeseed and are those that are distinctively green when crushed, or
when a cross-section shows an intense green colour. Seeds that are yellow-green are not considered
green. Green seeds are not part of Damaged but are a part of Total Defectives.
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Green seed is to be assessed on the clean seed.

Heat Damaged Seed

Heat damaged or bin burnt seed are those seeds and pieces of seed that are materially discoloured and
damaged by heat. Heated seeds may have a heated odour or a brown powdery appearance when crushed.
Heat damaged is a part of Damaged seed.

Heat damaged seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Heat Test

The Heat test determines the cloud and break temperature, the amount of break and quality of heat
bleach of oil when exposed to high temperature. Results are to be expressed as a descriptor of the break
and bleach at the relevant temperature.

Immature Seed

Immature seeds are those that have not developed fully and are thus not whole sound seeds. Seeds may
appear soft when crushed. Immature seeds are a part of Damaged seed.

Immature seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.


For cottonseed, impurities consist of foreign matter other than seed material, where seed material includes
cotton fibre attached to the seed coat.

For all other commodities, impurities shall consist of the following:

a. Foreign matter (organic or inorganic) other than seeds of the respective oilseed being assessed. For
peanuts the outer shells or hulls are classified as impurities except when shell and kernel are intact.
For all other commodities, except peanuts and soybeans, the outer shells or hulls are always to be
classified as impurities. For all commodities other than peanuts, when any seed is present in an
unthreshed state, the seed and attached surrounding plant material is to be classified as impurities.
Note that ryegrass ergot is not included under this definition as a separate tolerance exists.

Note that there are separate tolerances for specific weed seeds within Foreign Matter, as described
under the definition for Weed Seeds. There may also be specific tolerances for elements of impurities
within each commodity Standard.

b. All material, including whole seed and partial seed material of the respective oilseed being assessed,
passing through the screen prescribed for that oilseed. This material passing through the screen is
also sometimes referred to by the name “fines”.

The impurity content is to be determined on a weight basis from the entire half litre sample and reported
to the nearest 0.1%.

Insect Damaged Seed

Insect damaged seeds are those that have been eaten in part by field or stored product insects. Insect
damaged seeds are visually recognised through holes being present in the seed and are included in the
damaged seed category.

Insect damaged seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Iodine Value

The iodine value shall be defined as the Wijs Iodine value. The iodine value for various oil types varies
subject to seasonal variation with the range permitted as specified for the various oils listed in the Quality
Specifications table. For all oil types, the iodine value is to be reported to the nearest whole number.

Linoleic, Linolenic, Oleic Acid

Issue No. 8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 9 of 70
For all oil types, the Linoleic, Linolenic or Oleic Acid content is to be determined on a weight basis and the
result is to be reported to the nearest percent.


Oilseed meals are the by-products of oil production and are a good source of protein for stockfeed.

Moisture Content

Rapid direct reading moisture testers shall be used only as a guide for acceptance or rejection of a
consignment by the crusher or his agent. Where a moisture deduction is to be made from a receival
account, the results of the prescribed oven test method expressed to the nearest 0.1%, as received basis,
shall be applied. Moisture deductions shall only be based on the results obtained in this way.

Moisture content is to be determined on the entire sample as received and reported to the nearest 0.1%.

Moisture, Volatiles and Impurities

For all oils, the moisture, volatiles and impurities content is to be determined on a weight basis. For
bleached or refined oils, the results are to be reported to the nearest 0.01%. For all other oil types, the
results are to be reported to the nearest 0.1%.

Mouldy Seed

Mouldy seed refers to seed that is visibly affected by mould, fermentation and any subsequent
deterioration. It is included in the category of Degraded seed under Objectionable Material.

Objectionable Material

This includes harmful substances and material which significantly devalues the appearance of the
commodity, imparts an unacceptable odour, renders the commodity unfit for human or animal
consumption or is a food safety issue. Includes but is not limited to:

 Contaminants such as live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil, specified
weed seeds in excess of the lowest limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed Regulations lists of
permitted weed seeds, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks

 Inorganic material such as glass and metal

 Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.

 Chemicals such as pickled seed, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not registered for use,
used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted levels

Note that there may be separate tolerances in edible soybeans for particular quality parameters within
Objectionable Material such as dead stored insects and sand/earth.

This category does not include parameters that are classified under Impurities.

Objective Test

An objective test is one where the analytical result is determined by an instrument e.g. Oil content.

Official Sample

The Official Sample is that sample representing the oilseed or oilseed product that is to be assessed for
classification purposes and following analysis, payment for the commodity is to occur.

Oil Content

The oil content shall be that quantity of oil contained in the sample of clean seed as determined by the
relevant prescribed solvent extraction method or by any rapid test procedure whose calibration is based

(100 − delivered moisture )

Oil content (delivered ) = Oil content (retest) ×
(100 − retest moisture)
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Oil content is to be expressed to the nearest 0.1% and determined on a clean seed basis.

Oilseed Hulls

The hull is defined as the outer covering of a vegetable oilseed, also referred to as the husk.

Peroxide Value

The edible grades (refined and deodorised products), contain specified antioxidants. The peroxide value is
to be reported to the nearest whole number and the units are mEq/kg.


The Phosphorus content is a direct reflection of the degumming process, with Degummed oils containing
low phosphorus content. Phosphorus is to be reported to the nearest whole number in ppm.


Pressed extraction is the mechanical method used to remove oil from vegetable oilseeds.

Refined Oil

Refined Oil may be defined as the second stage of oil production where the crude oil is subjected to a
combination of heat, chemicals or enzyme treatments to remove odours, discoloration or contamination.

Refractive Index 25oC

The refractive index is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in the particular oil.
It is regarded as a measure of the purity of the oil. Refractive index is measured at 25oC and reported to
the nearest 0.001.

Relative Density 25oC

Relative density is the density of oil relative to the density of water. It is measured at 25oC and reported to
the nearest 0.001.

Reporting Level

Is defined as the number of decimal places at which results are to be reported following analysis.

Note that mg/kg is equivalent to ppm where listed in these Standards.


Retention is defined as the amount of the commodity remaining above the screen after shaking. Screen
dimensions and the procedure to be used during the shaking process are outlined in the following
Procedures section. Retention is to be reported to the nearest 1%.

Ryegrass Ergot

Ryegrass ergot is the infection of ryegrass kernels with the fungus Claviceps purpurea. Ergot produces
elongated fungus bodies with a purplish-black exterior, a purplish-white to off white interior and a
relatively smooth surface texture.

The tolerance is determined by the maximum length (in cm) that the pieces in the entire sample are not to
exceed when aligned end to end.

Sand or Earth

Sand or earth is generally regarded as unconsolidated mineral or organic material and comprises clumps of
earth and grains of sand.

For soybeans, a separate tolerance exists for sand/earth. For all other commodities, sand/earth is included
in the definition of Objectionable Material.

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Saponification Value

The Saponification value (or "Saponification number") is the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide
required to saponify 1g of fat under the conditions specified. It is a measure of the average molecular
weight of all the fatty acids present. The Saponification value is reported to the nearest whole number.

Small Foreign Seeds

Small foreign seeds are those weed seeds that fall through the screen used for the particular commodity
and into the catch pan during the sieving process and do not have a specific tolerance nominated in the
list of Weed Seeds in Table 4. Where a particular commodity is being assessed, if it is listed in the
following table, the definition as a Small Foreign Seed does not apply. e.g., canola is not a SFS in canola.

Table 2: Small Foreign Seeds

Common Name Botanical Name Common Name Botanical Name

Amsinckia Amsinckia spp Milk Thistle (Seeds) Sonchus oleraceus

Australian Phalaris Phalaris aquatica Mustard Sisymbrium spp
Bladder Soapwort Vaccaria hispanica Mustard (Indian Hedge) Sisymbrium orientale
Burrweed (Yellow) Amsinckia spp Paradoxa Grass (Seed) Phalaris paradoxa
Canary Grass (Wild) Phalaris canariensis Peppercress Lepidium spp
Canola Brassica rapa Phalaris (Australian) Phalaris aquatica
Celery (Slender) Apium leptophyllum Rapeseed Brassica rapa
Charlock Sinapis arvensis Ryegrass Lolium spp
Clover (Ball, Ball Clover) Trifolium glomeratum Sage (Wild) Salvia verbenaca
Cockspur (Maltese) Centaurea melitensis Salt Bush Atriplex muelleri
Dock Rumex spp Slender Celery Apium leptophyllum
Fat Hen Chenopodium album Sorrel Rumex acetosella
Fescue Festuca spp Sowthistle Sonchus spp
Hares Ear Conringia orientalis Thistle Milk (seeds) Sonchus oleraceus
Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium officinale Turnip (Mediterranean) Brassica tournefortii
Horehound Marrumbium vulgare Turnip (Wild) Brassica tournefortii
Knotweed Polygonum aviculare Urochloa Grass Urochloa panicoides
Lesser Canary Grass Phalaris minor Verbena Verbena spp
Lettuce Lactuca spp Wild Canary Grass Phalaris canariensis
Lucerne (Seeds) Medicago sativa Wild Radish (Seeds)
Maltese Cockspur Centaurea melitensis Wild Sage Salvia verbenaca
Marshmallow (Seeds) Malva palviflora Wild Turnip Brassica tournefortii
Medics (Seeds) Medicago spp Wireweed Polygonum aviculare
Muskweed (Seeds) Myagrum perfoliatum Yellow Burrweed Amsinckia spp
Other seeds not listed may also fall into the Small Foreign Seeds category.

Small Foreign Seeds are to be reported to the nearest whole number and are to be determined based on
their number in the entire sample received.

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Snails refer to whole snails or substantial portions thereof and include bodies without shells.

Table 3: Common Snails

Common Name Scientific Name

Common White Snail Cernuella virgata
White Italian Snail Theba pisana
Pointed Snail Cochlicella actua
Small Pointed Snail Cochlicella Barbara
Any other snail species Various

Snails are to be reported to the nearest whole number based on their presence in the entire sample.

Solvent Extraction

Is the main method used to remove oil from vegetable oilseeds and involves the use of a solvent such as

Sprouted Seed

Sprouted Seed is also referred to as "shot" or "sprung". Sprouted seeds are those that show signs of
swelling, splitting or the presence of a rootlet. Seed that gives any indication of the commencement of
growth is to be classified as being sprouted. Sprouted seed is not included in Damaged, but is in the Total
Defective category.

Sprouted seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.


Stones include hard shale, coal, hard earth pellet, meghemite (ironstone or buckshot), limestone or other
non-toxic material of a similar nature.

The number of stones in the entire sample is to be reported to the nearest whole number.

Subjective Test

A subjective test is where the analysis result is determined by an operator using visual analysis and
includes all Defective Seed tests (bin burnt, diseased, frost damaged, heat damaged, insect damaged,
weather damaged, weather stained and immature), Broken and Split seed, Sprouted, Green seed and
Chlorophyll (ruler method).

Test Weight

Test weight is a measure of the bulk density or volume of the oilseed based on the entire sample as
received, measured in kilograms per hectolitre.

Test weight is to be reported to the nearest 0.1kg/hl.

Trade Certified

Trade Certified refers to equipment whose model has a Certificate of Approval issued by the National
Measurement Institute and which is monitored for use under an approved program by the user of that

Unmillable Material Above Screen

For edible soybeans, includes all material other than soybeans retained above a 4.75 mm round hole sieve
using 20 shakes including pods, but excluding cottonseed, canola and weed seeds.

Unmillable material is to be reported to the nearest 0.1% based on the entire sample received.

Issue No. 8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 13 of 70

Unsaponifiable Matter

Unsaponifiable matter includes those substances frequently found dissolved in fatty acids and drying oils
which cannot be saponified by caustic treatment, but which are soluble in the normal fat solvents. Included
are the higher aliphatic alcohols, sterols, pigments, and hydrocarbons. Unsaponifiable matter is to be
reported to the nearest 0.1%.

Weather Damaged Seed

Weather damaged seeds are those that have been subjected to rain during the maturation phase. Seeds
are generally recognised as having a grey washed out appearance. When crushed, they may have a chalky
texture. It is often difficult to determine the difference between these grains and Weather Stained grains.
Weather Damaged seeds are classified under Damaged Seeds.

Weather damaged seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Weather Stained Seed

Weather stained seeds are those that have been subjected to rain during the maturation phase. Seeds are
generally recognised as having a greyish washed out appearance. Weather Stained seeds are often
indistinguishable from Weather Damaged seeds and are often referred to as discoloured seeds and are
classified under Damaged Seeds.

Weather stained seed is to be taken as a percentage of the clean seed expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

Weed Seeds

The total weed seed content is to be included in the assessment of impurities. There are specific
tolerances for various weed seeds for each commodity. In addition there are separate tolerances for
specific weed seeds that are common to all commodities as outlined below except for edible soybeans
which have a separate list of weed seeds. Refer also to the definition of Small Foreign Seeds.

Table 4: Weed Seed Limits by Species (maximum seeds per half litre)

Common Name Scientific Name Tolerance per half litre

Alligator weed Alteranthera philoxeroides Nil
Cape Tulips Homeria spp. Nil
Castor Oil Plant Ricinus communis. Nil
Coriander Coriandrum sativum Nil
Creeping Knapweed Acroptilon repens Nil
Darling pea Swansonia spp. Nil
Dodder Cuscuta spp. Nil
Giant Sensitive plant Mimosa invisa Nil
Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum Nil
Parthenium weed Parthenium hysterophorus Nil
Ragweed Ambrosia spp. Nil
Rattlepod Crotalaria spp. Nil
Saffron Thistle Carthamus lanatus Nil
St. Johns wort Hypericum perforatum Nil
Star Burr Acanthospermum hispidum Nil
Stinkwort Inula graveolens Nil
Burrs – all, except where listed in this table Xanthium spp. 1
Wild mignonette Reseda lutea 1
Crow Garlic Allium vineale 2
Skeleton weed Chondrilla juncea 2
Thornapple Datura spp. 2
Common Heliotrope Heliotropium europeaum 3
Darnel Lolium temulentum 3
Hexham scent Melilotus indicus 3
Jute Corchorus olitorius 3
Mexican poppy Argemone mexicana 3
Mintweed Salvia reflexa 3
Nightshade Solanum spp. 3
Sesbania pea Sesbania cannibina 65
Issue No. 8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 14 of 70
Where a weed seed or plant part imparts an odour to the commodity, there is a nil tolerance for that weed
seed or plant part and the load is to be rejected.

Weed seeds are to be reported to the nearest whole number and are to be determined based on their
number in the entire sample received.

Issue No. 8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF - Definitions Page 15 of 70

Classification Dispute Settlement
1. Harvest Deliveries

1.1 If in place, a Storage and Handling Agreement may over-ride the terms and conditions outlined in the
following procedure.

1.2 Retesting and dispute settlement can be carried out on objective and subjective test methods.

1.3 Retesting and dispute settlement can only be carried out if the load can be accepted. Where objectionable
contaminants are found, or the load cannot be accepted due to issues such as high moisture content, the
load will be rejected without appeal.

1.4 If the classification of a load tested on receival is disputed by the owner or their representative, the
classifier shall retest another sample drawn from the original speared sample bucket for that load. The
second test results will override the initial test results. A full objective classification as per the Receival
Standards for that commodity of the second sample shall occur.

1.5 Should the owner or representative continue to dispute the second sample, the load may be re-sampled
and fully classified once. These results override all previous results. (Note: re-sampling may not be
possible if the load has moved from the sampling platform, in which case the load must rejoin the end of
queue and re-present as a new load). If the receival testing equipment is trade certified, any further
clauses under this section do not apply.

1.6 If the owner or representative continues to dispute the test result(s) and if the load has not been rejected
then it will only be received and binned as per the site classification.

1.7 Duplicate one (1) litre samples will be taken and placed into appropriately marked sample bags, which are
then to be sealed. One sample is to be retained on site for a period of 2 months and one is to be
forwarded to an appropriately certified laboratory for a full objective classification as per the Receival
Standards for that commodity.

1.8 The costs of laboratory testing, including sample freight and other related external costs will be borne by
the person originating the dispute, unless the results of the laboratory testing result in the load being
classified into a higher grade or at least a 1% increase in oil content or a 30% relative reduction in
impurities. In this case the receiver of the load shall pay the testing costs. All internal costs shall be borne
by each party.

1.9 Where laboratory facilities are available, testing in these premises using reference methods shall take
precedence for rejection over in-field assessment using rapid assessment methods.

1.10 For the determination of Oil Content, in cases of dispute, the prescribed solvent extraction method shall be
the basis for decision unless otherwise agreed to by mutual decision. The results of oil content re-tests
shall be adjusted to the basis of the moisture content at the time of delivery but only where oven moisture
is available on the original test otherwise the original moisture result is to apply.

2. Consignment Deliveries

2.1 Trade disputes, unless otherwise agreed will be settled on a load by load basis. Contracts for the delivery
of oilseeds should nominate and agree an appropriately Certified laboratory to resolve disputes prior to the
commencement of delivery. The contract should also nominate and agree if “quality is final on outturn” or
“quality is final on delivery”. If the testing equipment is trade certified, any further clauses under this
section do not apply. A Storage and Handling Agreement may impact on and over-ride this dispute

2.2 All loads being delivered must be sampled in accordance with AOF approved sampling methods.

2.3 For each load received, two clearly identified, sealed 1/2 litre samples shall be retained for a period of 2
months. The name of the person responsible for collecting the sample shall be clearly identifiable. If no
dispute is lodged within this period, the samples may be disposed of and no further quality disputes will be
accepted on the loads represented by these samples.

2.4 For each load disputed, one of the load samples shall be sent to the agreed laboratory for analysis. The
laboratory shall be made aware that the samples are to settle a trade dispute under these rules and the
Issue No. 8, July 31 2009 Section 1 AOF – Classification Dispute Settlement Page 16 of 70
AOF reference methods shall be used to settle the dispute. A full objective classification must be
undertaken for each load.

2.5 The costs of laboratory testing, including sample freight and other related external costs will be borne by
the person originating the dispute, unless the results of the laboratory testing improve the payment value
of the load. In this case the receiver of the load shall pay the testing costs. All internal costs shall be
borne by each party.

Issue No. 8, July 31 2009 Section 1 AOF – Classification Dispute Settlement Page 17 of 70
Section 1: AOF 1-1, Grain Quality Standards

1.1 This document outlines the Quality Specifications for the various oilseeds as listed in these Standards. The
Standards apply to all oilseeds and are to apply at Receival and / or on outturn, whichever is applicable.
1.2 Notwithstanding the specifications outlined in this document, all oilseeds and oilseed products (i.e. oil,
meal and hulls) must comply with the relevant Federal and / or State stockfeed or agricultural regulations.
1.3 In particular oilseeds and oilseeds products must comply with the maximum residue levels (MRLs) listed in
both the FSANZ Food Standards Code and the APVMA MRL Standard (maximum residue limits in food and
animal feedstuffs).
1.4 Sampling procedures as outlined in Section Two must be followed to ensure that the Official Sample used
for analysis is representative of the consignment.
1.5 For domestic trading, the Official Sample shall be taken by the buyer or their appointed agent at the
receival point at the time of receipt of the lot, or as otherwise agreed to. Samples shall be retained by the
buyer for at least two months after receival.
1.6 The following Quality Standards and price adjustments are applicable to the results of the analysis of
Official Samples tested according to the prescribed methods outlined in Section Two.


1. The Standards listed in the following tables and all other information detailed in this section applicable to
these Standards, are to be applied to each individual load of the respective oilseed commodity.

2. With the exception of impurities, test weight and moisture, all analyses shall be conducted and reported on
a clean seed basis.

3. For snails and stones, in any consignment there is a nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails or
stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole screen. If one snail or stone is found above the screen in the
half litre sample, then a further four half litre samples should be taken. If a snail or stone is found in any
one of the subsequent samples, the load is to be rejected.

4. A consignment containing Objectionable Material that is detected at any stage of the receival process shall
be rejectable.

5. Protein (dry matter basis) = protein ‘as is’ x 100 / (100 – ‘as is’ moisture).

6. Where a commodity does not have a minimum or maximum tolerance for that particular quality parameter
as indicated by “n/a” (not applicable), a test for that quality parameter is not required.

7. A strictly nil tolerance applies where a commodity has a tolerance of “nil” listed.

8. For commodities that have a tolerance listed at a “base level”, receival of a commodity with a quality
parameter above or below that base level may occur with consent between the two parties and with the
application of appropriate discounts.

9. Where Green canola seed can be measured as Chlorophyll, the Chlorophyll result overrides any result
determined by the ruler method.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 18 of 70


Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 1: Canola Standard

Commodity : CANOLA Standard Reference No: CSO 1

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
Description Canola is defined as seed of the species Brassica napus or Brassica campestris but containing less
than 30 micromoles of specified glucosinolates per g of oil-free air-dry solids and not more than
2% erucic acid in the oil component, as a proportion of the total fatty acids content. The specified
glucosinolates are any one or a mixture of 3-butenyl, 4-pentenyl, 2-hydroxy-3-butenyl and
2-hydroxy-4-pentenyl glucosinolates
Oil 42% base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 42%
Free Fatty Acid 1% base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 2.5%
Moisture 8% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight 62 kg/hl minimum Rejectable under this limit
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Canola (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1.0mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Green 2% maximum No penalty up to a maximum of 2%, rejectable over 2% using the ruler method. Alternatively,
determine as chlorophyll, with a maximum of 12ppm and rejectable over.

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 3% maximum Is all material falling through the 1.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of
impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4%.
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen.
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 19 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 2: Non-GM Canola Standard

Commodity : CANOLA Standard Reference No: CSO 1-a

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
Description Canola is defined as seed of the species Brassica napus or Brassica campestris but containing less
than 30 micromoles of specified glucosinolates per g of oil-free air-dry solids and not more than
2% erucic acid in the oil component, as a proportion of the total fatty acids content. The specified
glucosinolates are any one or a mixture of 3-butenyl, 4-pentenyl, 2-hydroxy-3-butenyl and
2-hydroxy-4-pentenyl glucosinolates. The adventitious presence of up to 0.9% of GM events
approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted
Oil 42% base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 42%
Free Fatty Acid 1% base level 2% deduction for each 1% over the base level, rejectable over 2.5%
Moisture 8% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight 62 kg/hl minimum Rejectable under this limit
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Canola (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1.0mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Green 2% maximum No penalty up to a maximum of 2%, rejectable over 2% using the ruler method. Alternatively,
determine as chlorophyll, with a maximum of 12ppm and rejectable over.

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 3% maximum Is all material falling through the 1.0mm round hole screen. 1% deduction for each 1% of
impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over 4%.
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen.
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

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Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 3: Rapeseed Standard

Commodity : RAPESEED Standard Reference No: CSO 2

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Rapeseed tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product
insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil 42% base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 42%
Moisture 8% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight n/a
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Rapeseed (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1.0mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Green 2% maximum No penalty up to a maximum of 2%, rejectable over 2% using the ruler method. Alternatively,
determine as chlorophyll, with a maximum of 12ppm and rejectable over.

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 3% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

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Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 4: Polyunsaturated Sunflower Standard

Commodity : SUNFLOWER - Polyunsaturated Standard Reference No: CSO 3

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Sunflower tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product
insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil 40% base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 40%
Linoleic Acid 62% minimum Rejectable under this limit
Moisture 9% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight 32kg/hl minimum Rejectable under this limit
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Sunflower (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 4% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 22 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 5: Monounsaturated Sunflower Standard

Commodity : SUNFLOWER – Monounsaturated Standard Reference No: CSO 4

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Sunflower tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product
insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil 40% base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 40%
Oleic Acid 80% minimum Rejectable under this limit
Moisture 9% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight 32kg/hl minimum Rejectable under this limit
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Sunflower (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 4% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 23 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 6: Sunflower Birdseed Grade Standard

Commodity : SUNFLOWER BIRDSEED GRADE – Grey Stripe or Black Standard Reference No: CSO 5
Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General The seed shall be free of staining, well defined stripe or shiny black as per type for that variety,
fresh, bright and of sound merchantable quality
Moisture 9% maximum Rejectable over this limit
Test Weight 38kg/hl minimum
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a See Admixture
Germination n/a

Defective Sunflower (Maximum % wt/wt)

Broken or Split
Total Defective 2.5% Seed or grain
Insect Damaged

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated)

Admixture 6.0% maximum by wt Subject to rejection at buyers option over 6.0%. Screen size retention on 7.5 mm round on top
screen and throughs on 4.0 mm slot bottom screen
Soil Nil Nil tolerance for soil subject to rejection at buyers’ option
Insects nil Live insects
5 Dead insects
Ryegrass Ergot
Objectionable Nil Objectionable material is defined as material or evidence of other items that may be found in the
Material delivered product which cannot be processed into a saleable product.
• Seed must comply with the Agricultural Standards Regulations regarding pesticides in grain.
• No Contaminants e.g. pickle
• Nil GMO refers to each contracted commodity
• mould , fungus or toxins
• Vermin and or excrement.
• Any harmful substance including prohibited and noxious seeds as declared by State Legislation
and which are not otherwise of commercial quality, will be subject to rejection
• Free of odour , rancidity and or mustiness
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds)
various Where weed seeds are evident in birdseed then the tolerance levels are the same as those
nominated in the grain sorghum and or wheat standards.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 24 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 7: Edible Milling Grade Soybean Commodity Standard

Commodity : EDIBLE MILLING GRADE SOYBEAN Standard Reference No: CSO 6

Parameter Specification Comment/Variation
Description Edible soybeans comprising clean, sound, whole soybeans of light hilum varieties suitable
for milling into flour
General Soybeans tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored
product insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Genetic Modification nil Beans shall comply with the Australian standard for freedom from genetically modified
Moisture 12% maximum
Test Weight 70 kg/hl minimum Must be measured by a Trade Certified Chondrometer
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Soybeans (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 4.75mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 10% maximum Defined as half soybean or greater parts thereof (with or without hull) that do not come
within the definition of damaged soybeans
Total Defective n/a
Damaged 3% maximum Includes soybeans and pieces of soybean which are frost damaged, badly weather stained,
field fungi discoloured (including purple stain), weed stained (including nightshade purple
stain), heat damaged, diseased, insect damaged or otherwise materially damaged.
Sprouted Nil Soybean that gives any indication of the commencement of growth
Green 2% maximum Are soybeans where a cross section shows an intense green colour, or when it is green in
colour and of a chalky consistency
Discoloured 1 bean maximum per Discoloured soybean that is not indicative of variety. Excessive seed coat staining is
½ litre rejectable by visual inspection

Seed Contaminants (Maximum per half litre)

Type 1 * individual seed 5 Colocynth, Double Gee or Spiny Emex or Three Corner Jack, Long Headed Poppy, Mexican
basis Poppy, Field Poppy, Horned Poppy, Wild Poppy, New Zealand Spinach, Parthenium Weed
(Qld only)
Type 2 nil Castor Oil plant, (Ricinis communis) Coriander, Crow Garlic or wild Garlic, Darling Pea,
Opium poppy, Ragweed, Rattlepods, Common Broomrape, Star Burr, St Johns Wort
Type 3 (a) 2 Bathurst burr, Bulls Head or Caltrop or Cats Head, Cape Tulip, Cottonseed, Dodder,
Noogoora Burr, Thornapple – (Datura spp or False Castor Oil) Bellvine
Type 3 (b) 4 Vetch (Blue) and Vetch (Commercial)
Type 3 (c) 8 Heliotrope (Blue) and Heliotrope (Common)
Type 4 (a) 5 Bindweed (Field) Cutleaf Mignonette, Darnel, Hexham Scent (Hexham Scent is only
acceptable if no tainting odour is present) or King Island Melilot, Hoary Cress, Mintweed,
Nightshades, Paddy Melon, Skeleton Weed, Variegated Thistle
Type 5 10 Creeping Knapweed or Russian Knapweed, Patersons curse or Salvation Jane, Sesbania Pea.
Type 6 10 Saffron Thistle
Type 7 (a) 1 Chickpeas, Corn (Maize) Cowpea, Faba Beans, Lentils, Lupin, Field Peas, Safflower,
Sunflower, Mung Beans
Type 7 (b) 5 Barley, Australian Bindweed, Black Bindweed, Wheat, durum, Black Oats, Sand Oats, Wild
Oats, Common Oats, Rice, Rye (Cereal) Triticale, Turnip Weed, Forage Sorghum, any other
weed seeds not specified in Types 1 – 7(a) or SFS
Small Foreign Seeds 5 SFS – Small Foreign Seeds

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 25 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 7 (cont): Edible Milling Grade Soybean Commodity Standard


Parameter Specification Comment/Variation
Other Contaminants (Maximum per half litre)
Chemical Treatment nil No chemical treatments are to be used on harvested soybeans unless authorised in writing
by the buyer. Any other chemical treatments must be declared at the time of delivery
Specific Allergens nil Nil presence of peanuts in the form of kernel or peanut shell in any of the soybeans
tendered for delivery. Additionally, should any form of peanut trash (including any form of
vegetative matter be found in the delivery, the receival agent should be made aware of the
heightened risk of peanut allergen and records of the observation retained and the buyer of
the grain should be alerted. Should this instance arise, the truck should be re-sampled and
reassessed to confirm the absence of peanut shell or kernel.
Foreign material (below 4.75 4% maximum by All material other than soybeans passing through a 4.75 mm round hole sieve using 20
mm round hole screen) wt shakes including pods, but excluding cottonseed, canola and weed seeds
Unmillable material (above 0.5% maximum All material other than soybeans retained above a 4.75 mm round hole sieve using 20
4.75 mm round hole screen) by wt shakes including pods, but excluding cottonseed, canola and weed seeds
Smut/Ergot/Sclerotinia nil
Stored Grain Insects - Live nil Includes Pea Weevil
Stored Grain Insects - Dead 5 maximum Dead insect pests of stored grain (includes pea weevil), by count
Field Insects 3 maximum Nizura viridula (Vegetable Bugs)
3 maximum Field insects by count – All others
Snails nil
Sand/Earth (>/= 4 mm nil
Sand/Earth (< 4 mm 20 grains
Objectionable Matter nil Sticks, stones, glass, concrete or any other commercially unacceptable contaminant, smell
or taste
Pickled and coloured seeds nil Fusarium (pink) fungal stained, pickled grain
Odours – sour and musty nil Beans which have any foreign odour due to taints or improper storage conditions resulting
in mould, souring or musty odours

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 26 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 8: Edible Manufacturing Grade Soybean Commodity Standard


Parameter Specification Comment/Variation
Description Edible soybeans comprising clean, sound, whole soybeans of light hilum varieties suitable
for production of tofu, tempeh, soymilk etc
General Soybeans tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored
product insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Genetic Modification nil Beans shall comply with the Australian standard for freedom from genetically modified
Moisture 12% maximum
Test Weight 70 kg/hl minimum Must be measured by a Trade Certified Chondrometer
Protein 40% DMB Measured on a dry matter basis
Seed Retention 90% minimum Retained on a 6mm round hole screen after removing screenings through a 4.75 mm round
Germination 85% minimum

Defective Beans (Maximum % wt/wt based on a cleaned half litre sample retained above a 4.75 round screen)
Broken or Split 5% maximum Defined as half soybean or greater parts thereof (with or without hull) that do not come
within the definition of damaged soybeans
Total Defective n/a
Damaged 3% maximum Includes soybeans and pieces of soybean which are frost damaged, badly weather stained,
field fungi discoloured (including purple stain), weed stained (including nightshade purple
stain), heat damaged, diseased, insect damaged or otherwise materially damaged.
Sprouted Nil Soybean that gives any indication of the commencement of growth
Green 2% maximum Are soybeans where a cross section shows an intense green colour, or when it is green in
colour and of a chalky consistency
Discoloured 1 bean maximum Discoloured soybean that is not indicative of variety. Excessive seed coat staining is
per ½ litre rejectable by visual inspection

Seed Contaminants (Maximum per half litre)

Type 1 * individual seed 5 Colocynth, Double Gee or Spiny Emex or Three Corner Jack, Long Headed Poppy, Mexican
basis Poppy, Field Poppy, Horned Poppy, Wild Poppy, New Zealand Spinach, Parthenium Weed
(Qld only)
Type 2 nil Castor Oil plant, (Ricinis communis) Coriander, Crow Garlic or wild Garlic, Darling Pea,
Opium poppy, Ragweed, Rattlepods, Common Broomrape, Star Burr, St Johns Wort
Type 3 (a) 2 Bathurst burr, Bulls Head or Caltrop or Cats Head, Cape Tulip, Cottonseed, Dodder,
Noogoora Burr, Thornapple – (Datura spp or False Castor Oil) Bellvine
Type 3 (b) 4 Vetch (Blue) and Vetch (Commercial)
Type 3 (c) 8 Heliotrope (Blue) and Heliotrope (Common)
Type 4 (a) 5 Bindweed (Field) Cutleaf Mignonette, Darnel, Hexham Scent (Hexham Scent is only
acceptable if no tainting odour is present) or King Island Melilot, Hoary Cress, Mintweed,
Nightshades, Paddy Melon, Skeleton Weed, Variegated Thistle
Type 5 10 Creeping Knapweed or Russian Knapweed, Patersons curse or Salvation Jane, Sesbania Pea.
Type 6 10 Saffron Thistle
Type 7 (a) 1 Chickpeas, Corn (Maize) Cowpea, Faba Beans, Lentils, Lupin, Field Peas, Safflower,
Sunflower, Mung Beans.
Type 7 (b) 5 Barley, Australian Bindweed, Black Bindweed, Wheat, durum, Black Oats, Sand Oats, Wild
Oats, Common Oats, Rice, Rye (Cereal) Triticale, Turnip Weed, Forage Sorghum, any other
weed seeds not specified in Types 1 – 7 or SFS
Small Foreign Seeds 5 SFS – Small Foreign Seeds

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 27 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 8 (cont): Edible Manufacturing Grade Soybean Commodity Standard


Parameter Specification Comment/Variation
OTHER CONTAMINANTS (Maximum per half litre)
Chemical Treatment nil No chemical treatments are to be used on harvested soybeans unless authorised in writing
by the buyer. Any other chemical treatments must be declared at the time of delivery
Specific Allergens nil Nil presence of peanuts in the form of kernel or peanut shell in any of the soybeans
tendered for delivery. Additionally, should any form of peanut trash (including any form of
vegetative matter be found in the delivery, the receival agent should be made aware of
the heightened risk of peanut allergen and records of the observation retained and the
buyer of the grain should be alerted. Should this instance arise, the truck should be re-
sampled and reassessed to confirm the absence of peanut shell or kernel.
Foreign material (below 4.75 3% maximum All material other than soybeans passing through a 4.75 mm round hole sieve using 20
mm round hole screen) by wt shakes including pods, but excluding cottonseed, canola and weed seeds
Unmillable material (above 4.75 0.5% maximum All material other than soybeans retained above a 4.75 mm round hole sieve using 20
mm round hole screen) by wt shakes including pods, but excluding cottonseed, canola and weed seeds
Smut/Ergot/Sclerotinia nil
Stored Grain Insects - Live nil Includes Pea Weevil
Stored Grain Insects - Dead 5 maximum Dead insect pests of stored grain (includes pea weevil), by count
Field Insects 3 maximum Nizura viridula (Vegetable Bugs)
3 maximum Field insects by count – All others
Snails nil
Sand/Earth (>/= 4 mm nil
Sand/Earth (< 4 mm diameter) 20 grains
Objectionable Matter nil Sticks, stones, glass, concrete, or any other commercially unacceptable contaminant,
smell or taste
Pickled and coloured seeds nil Fusarium (pink) fungal stained, pickled grain
Odours – sour and musty nil Beans which have any foreign odour due to taints or improper storage conditions resulting
in mould, souring or musty odours

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 28 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 9: Crushing Soybean Standard

Commodity : SOYBEAN Standard Reference No: CSO 8

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Soybeans tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product
insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil n/a
Linoleic Acid n/a
Oleic Acid n/a
Moisture 13% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight n/a
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Soybeans (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 3.175mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 20% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 4% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Including Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Including all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 29 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 10: Cottonseed Standard

Commodity : COTTONSEED Standard Reference No: CSO 9

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Cottonseed tended for delivery should predominantly be of a white colour and be free
from rancidity and musty or commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil n/a
Linoleic Acid n/a
Oleic Acid n/a
Moisture 11% maximum AOCS Aa 3-38. May be rejectable over 11%
Test Weight n/a
Protein 15% minimum
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Cottonseed (Maximum % wt/wt based on a 0.5kg sample). May be rejectable over.
Total Defective, of which 5% maximum, of which
Damaged 1% maximum
Weather Damaged/Field Fungi 2% maximum
Sprouted 2% maximum

Contaminants (Maximum per 0.5kg unless otherwise stated). May be rejectable over.
Foreign Material, including Seed 2% maximum Unless tighter limits apply as per State Stockfeed legislation
Stones Nil
Field Insects 10 Sitona weevil
3 All others
Stored Product Insects Nil May be rejectable over
Ryegrass Ergot As per State Legislation
Objectionable Material nil Nil substances harmful to animal health including glass, metal, sticks, soil, smut, pre
or post-harvest chemicals not registered for use or at levels in excess of permitted

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 30 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 11: Polyunsaturated Safflower Standard

Commodity : SAFFLOWER - Polyunsaturated Standard Reference No: CSO 10

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Safflower tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product
insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil 38% base level 2% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 38%
Linoleic Acid 75% minimum Rejectable under this limit
Moisture 8% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight n/a
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Safflower (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2.0mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 4% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 31 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 12: Monounsaturated Safflower Standard

Commodity : SAFFLOWER – Monounsaturated Standard Reference No: CSO 11

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Safflower tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product
insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil 38% base level 2% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 38%
Oleic Acid 75% minimum Rejectable under this limit
Moisture 8% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight n/a
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Safflower (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2.0mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 4% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 32 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 13: Linseed Standard

Commodity : LINSEED Standard Reference No: CSO 12

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Linseed tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product
insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil 39% base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 39%
Moisture 10% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight n/a
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Linseed (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 4% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% for each 1% of impurities over 4%
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 33 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 14: Linola Standard

Commodity : LINOLA Standard Reference No: CSO 13

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General Linola tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product insect
infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil 40% minimum 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 40%
Linoleic Acid 66% minimum Rejectable under this limit
Linolenic Acid 3% maximum Rejectable over this limit
Moisture 9% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight n/a
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Linola (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 1mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split 7% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Total Defective, 10% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum
Damaged 3% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum, rejectable over 10%
Sprouted 5% maximum 0.5% deduction for each 1% over the maximum

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 3% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 2% deduction for each 1% of impurities over
Cruciferous seeds 1% maximum Maximum of 1% Cruciferous seeds
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 34 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-1 Table 15: Peanut Standard

Commodity : PEANUT Standard Reference No: CSO 14

Parameter Specification Comment/Price Adjustment
Physical & Chemical Parameters
General The peanuts tended for delivery shall be free from any uncharacteristic odours, live stored product
insect infestation and any nominated commercially unacceptable contaminant
Oil 41% base level 1.5% premium or deduction for each 1% above or below 41%
Free Fatty Acid 2% base level 2% deduction for each 1% of FFA up to 3%, 3% deduction for each 1% of FFA between 3% and
5%. Rejectable over 5%. Applied on clean seed.
Moisture 9% maximum Immediate processing - if accepted over the maximum, 2% deduction for each 1% over maximum
For storage - if accepted over the maximum, 1.5% deduction for each 1% over maximum plus a
drying charge
Test Weight n/a
Protein n/a
Seed Retention n/a
Germination n/a

Defective Peanuts (Maximum % wt/wt based on cleaned half litre sample retained above 2mm round hole sieve)
Broken or Split n/a
Total Defective, n/a
Damaged n/a
Sprouted n/a

Contaminants (Maximum per half litre unless otherwise stated, rejectable over unless deductions are stated as applying)
Impurities 4% maximum 1% deduction for each 1% of impurities up to 4%, 1.5% deduction for each 1% of impurities over
Snails/Stones Nil above screen Nil tolerance per 2.5 litre sample for any snails/stones remaining above a 3.0 mm round hole
screen. If one snail/stone is found above the screen in the ½ litre sample, then a further four ½
litre samples should be taken. If a snail/stone is found in any one of the subsequent samples, the
load is to be rejected.
1 stone/snail per ½ litre Tolerance of 1 stone/snail per ½ litre sample, passing through a 3.0 mm round hole screen
below screen
Field Insects 10 large per ½ litre Includes Rutherglen bugs, ladybirds, grasshoppers and wood bugs
100 small per ½ litre Includes all species of aphid and all species of mites
Ryegrass Ergot 0.5cm maximum Maximum of all pieces aligned end on end
Objectionable nil Harmful substances include live or dead stored grain product insects, live or dead pea weevil,
Material glass, metal, specified weed seeds in excess of the limit prescribed in any of the State Stockfeed
Regulations lists of permitted weed seeds, the presence of pre or post-harvest chemicals not
registered for use, used in excess of permitted levels or with residues in excess of their permitted
levels, smut, material imparting an odour to the grain, sand, earth, sticks and pickled grain.
Includes Degraded seed such as smutty seed, hot seed, musty seed, sour seed, mouldy seed.
Seed Contaminants (maximum tolerance per half litre to apply to individual seeds, rejectable over)
Type A nil Alligator Weed, Cape Tulips, Castor Oil Plant, Coriander, Creeping Knapweed, Darling Pea, Dodder,
Giant Sensitive Plant, Opium Poppy, Parthenium Weed, Ragweed, Rattlepod, Saffron Thistle, Star
Burr, Stinkwort, St. Johns Wort
Type B 1 Burrs (Xanthium spp.) – all except where otherwise stated, Wild Mignonette
Type C 2 Crow Garlic, Skeleton Weed, Thornapple
Type D 3 Common Heliotrope, Darnel, Hexham Scent, Jute, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Nightshade
Type E 65 Sesbania Pea

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 35 of 70


4.1 General

Where stated in the comment/price adjustment column and agreed by the buyer, several commodities may
be accepted at Receival with an impurities level over the tolerance limit. However acceptance of
commodities over this limit is not mandatory.

Where a commodity is accepted over the Standard limit for impurities, in addition to the adjusting charge
the buyer may also apply a grading charge which is calculated at their own discretion.

For cottonseed, edible milling grade soybeans and edible manufacturing grade soybeans no price
adjustments are applicable for impurity content.

For other commodities, namely linseed, sunflower, safflower, soybean, canola, linola, rapeseed and
peanuts, the impurity content or, where over 4%, the corrected impurity content, shall be deducted from
the gross weight of seed received to give the Corrected Net Weight from which shall be calculated the
Clean Seed Value.

The Clean Seed Value shall be the basis for calculation of all premiums and deductions.

In relation to premium and deduction adjustments, fractions will be in proportion.

Peanuts for oil extraction are generally purchased as a by-product of the preparation of food-grade nuts.
In this case rejection clauses may not apply. Price adjustments shall be applied to the Clean Seed Value.

4.2 Corrected Net Weight

For linseed, sunflower, safflower and soybean the standard impurity limit is 4%, over which the seed is
rejectable. If accepted, the gross weight shall be adjusted by a 1% deduction for each 1% of impurity up
to 4% and a 2% deduction for each 1% of impurity over 4% (fractions in proportion).

For canola, linola and rapeseed the standard impurity limit is 3%, over which the seed is rejectable. If
accepted, the gross weight shall be adjusted by a 1% deduction for each 1% of impurity up to 4% and
thereafter a 2% deduction for each 1% of impurity over 4% (fractions in proportion).

For peanuts, the standard impurity limit is 4%, over which the seed is rejectable. If accepted, the gross
weight shall be adjusted by a 1% deduction for each 1% of impurity up to 4% and thereafter a 1.5%
deduction for each 1% of impurity over 4% (fractions in proportion).

4.3 Clean Seed Value

Clean Seed Value is the price per tonne of a commodity multiplied by the corrected net weight.
Adjustments shall then be applied to the Clean Seed Value as follows:

4.3.1 Oil Content

For safflower seed a 2% premium or deduction applies for each 1% of oil content above or below
the standard respectively (fractions in proportion).

For all other commodities where an oil tolerance is stated in the standard, a 1.5% premium or
deduction applies for each 1% of oil content above or below the standard respectively (fractions
in proportion).

4.3.2 Moisture

Where stated in the relevant standard, receivals above the maximum limit may occur for
particular commodities:

- For commodities purchased for immediate processing, if accepted over the maximum limit,
a 2% deduction applies for each 1% of moisture over the maximum limit (fractions in

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 36 of 70

- For commodities purchased for storage, if accepted over the maximum limit, a 1.5%
deduction applies for each 1% of moisture over the maximum limit (fractions in
proportion). A drying charge may also be applied.

4.3.3 Broken or Split Seed

For those commodities with a tolerance for broken or split seeds, excepting edible soybeans, a
0.5% deduction applies for each 1% of broken or split seeds above the maximum limit (fractions
in proportion).

4.3.4 Green Seed

For canola and rapeseed, no penalty shall be incurred for up to a maximum of 2% green seed.
Seed is to be rejected above that limit.

4.3.5 Damaged Seed

For all commodities with a tolerance for damaged seed and/or sprouted seed, excepting edible
soybeans, a 0.5% deduction applies to each parameter for each 1% over 3% (fractions in
proportion) up to a maximum of 10%. For these commodities, the maximum level is 10% and
seed is to be rejected above that limit.

4.3.6 Free Fatty Acids

For peanuts, the standard is 2%. A 2% deduction applies for each 1% of free fatty acids over 2%
to 3%, and a 3% deduction applies for each 1 % of free fatty acids over 3% to 5% (fractions in
proportion). The commodity is to be rejected if free fatty acids are over 5%.

For canola, a 2% deduction applies for each 1% of free fatty acids above 1% (fractions in
proportion). The canola is to be rejected if free fatty acids are over 2.5%.


Refer to front of Standards Manual for applicable procedures

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-1 Page 37 of 70

Section 1: AOF 1-2, Vegetable Oil Quality Standards

1.1 This document outlines the Quality Specifications for various vegetable oils obtained from the processing
of oilseeds. The Standards listed in this document apply to all vegetable oils traded and are to apply at
Receival and / or on outturn, whichever is applicable.

1.2 Notwithstanding the specifications outlined in this document, all vegetable oils must comply with the
relevant Federal and / or State stockfeed or agricultural regulations.

1.3 In particular vegetable oils must comply with the maximum residue levels (MRLs) and any other quality
specifications listed in both the FSANZ Food Standards Code and the APVMA MRL Standard (maximum
residue limits in food and animal feedstuffs). Requirements of State Health Acts and Regulations must be
observed where appropriate.

1.4 Sampling procedures must be followed to ensure that the Official Sample used for analysis is
representative of the consignment.

1.5 For domestic trading, Official Samples shall be taken by buyer and seller respectively at the time of
receival and dispatch of each load. Samples shall be retained for at least two months after dispatch.

1.6 Specifications and price adjustments recorded are applicable to the analysis of Official Samples taken and
tested according to the prescribed methods.

1.7 The vegetable oil shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices.

1.8 The vegetable oil shall have a light viscosity and shall not have a heavy oily mouth feel.

1.9 The vegetable oil shall have a clean, fresh flavour and shall be free from rancid, beany, painty, sour or
other objectionable flavours or odours.

1.10 The vegetable oil shall be free from foreign material, such as, but not limited to, dirt, insect parts, hair,
wood, glass or metal.


2.1 Procedures as per those outlined in Section 1, AOF 1-1 are to be followed unless otherwise

2.2 Correction Factors are to be applied as follows:

Relative Density
- To be adjusted by -0.0007 per degree centigrade (0C) above 25oC, and
- To be adjusted by +0.0007 per degree centigrade (0C) below 25oC.

Refractive Index
- To be adjusted by -0.00036 per degree centigrade (0C) above 25oC, and
- To be adjusted by +0.00036 per degree centigrade (0C) below 25oC.

2.3 Where a commodity does not have a tolerance for that particular quality parameter as indicated by “n/a”
(not applicable), a test for that quality parameter is not required.


See Table 1: Vegetable Oil Standards.

Any variations to the specifications for a particular trade are to be stated in the contract between the
buyer and the seller.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-2 Page 38 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-2 Table 1: Vegetable Oil Standards

Quality Parameter CSOF-6 CSOF-21 CSOF-30 CSOF-33 CSOF-34 CSOF-24 CSOF-5

Canola Oil - Canola Oil - Rapeseed Oil - Soybean Oil – Soybean Oil - Cottonseed Oil - Cottonseed Oil -
Crude Degummed Bleached Refined Crude Degummed Crude Bleached Refined Bleached Refined Alkali Refined
Free Fatty Acids max 1% max 0.25% max 2% max 1% max 0.25% max 0.25% max 0.25%
Linoleic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Linolenic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Oleic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Erucic Acid max 2% max 2% max 5% n/a n/a n/a n/a
Colour (AOCS - Lovibond max 7R 70Y max 4R max 7R 70Y max 7R 70Y max 5R max 6R max 12R
units or Gardner, 1933, (25.4 mm) (133.35 mm) (25.4 mm) (25.4mm) (133.35mm) (133.35 mm) (133.35 mm)
where indicated)

Moisture, Volatiles and max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.3% max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.25% max 0.25%
Iodine Value 110-126 110-126 110−126 127-140 127-140 103−113 103−113
Refractive Index 25°C 1.470−472 1.470−472 1.470−472 1.471-475 1.471-475 1.470−472 1.470−472
Relative Density 25°C 0.910−916 0.910−916 0.910−913 0.915-922 0.915-922 0.911−917 0.911−917
Saponification Value 182−193 182−193 188−193 190-196 190-196 190−198 190−198
Peroxide Value mEq/kg max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10
Unsaponifiable Matter max 1.5% max 1.5% max 2% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5%
Phosphorus max 200ppm n/a max 200ppm max 200ppm n/a n/a n/a
Sulphur max 10ppm max 10ppm n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Foots Clear at 650C Clear at 650C Clear at 650C Clear at 650C Clear at 650C n/a n/a
Heat Test n/a n/a n/a n/a no break at 340°C n/a n/a
heat bleaches
Flash Point (Closed Cup) min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C
Chlorophyll 30ppm 30ppm n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Monounsaturated fat n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
For "crude" oil the specification is the same as "crude degummed" with the exception that phosphorus and foots specifications do not apply
For “crude super degummed” oil, the specification is the same as “crude degummed” with the exception that phosphorus is maximum 50ppm

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Section 1 AOF 1-2 Table 1 (cont): Vegetable Oil Standards

Quality Parameter CSOF-35 CSOF-36 CSOF-37 CSOF-38 CSOF-39 CSOF-40 CSOF-27

Sunflower Oil – Sunflower Oil - Sunflower Oil - Sunflower Oil – Sunflower Oil – Sunflower Oil – Linola Oil – Crude
Crude Degummed Bleached Refined Monounsaturated Crude High Oleic High Oleic Refined High Oleic Refined Degummed
Crude Degummed Bleached Bleached
Free Fatty Acids max 2% max 0.25% max 2% max 2% max 0.25% max 0.10% max 2%
Linoleic Acid min 62% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a min 66%
Linolenic Acid max 1% max 1% max 1% max 1% max 1% max 0.5% max 3%
Oleic Acid n/a n/a min 80% min 80% min 80% min 80% n/a
Erucic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Colour (AOCS - Lovibond max 6R 70Y max 4R max 6R 70Y max 6R 70Y max 4R max 2R max 5R 70Y
units or Gardner, 1933, (25.4mm) (133.35mm) (25.4mm) (25.4mm) (133.35mm) (133.35mm) (25.4 mm)
where indicated)

Moisture, Volatiles and max 0.3% (Crude max 0.25% max 0.3% max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.10% max 0.3%
Impurities grade max.0.5%)
Iodine Value 120-140 120-140 78-88 77-88 77-88 77-88 n/a
Refractive Index 25°C 1.472-474 1.472-474 1.467-470 1.472-474 1.472-474 1.472-474 n/a
Relative Density 25°C 0.914-920 0.914-920 0.914-917 0.909-0.915 0.909-0.915 0.909-0.915 n/a
Saponification Value 190-196 190-196 190-196 182-194 182-194 182-194 n/a
Peroxide Value mEq/kg max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10 max 10
Unsaponifiable Matter max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5%
Phosphorus max 200ppm n/a max 200ppm max 200ppm n/a n/a max 200ppm
Sulphur n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Foots Clear at 650C Clear at 650C Clear at 650C n/a n/a n/a Clear at 650C
Heat Test n/a no break at 340°C n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
heat bleaches
Flash Point (Closed Cup) min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C n/a min 150°C
Chlorophyll n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Monounsaturated fat n/a n/a n/a min 80% min 80% min 80% n/a

For "crude" oil the specification is the same as "crude degummed" with the exception that phosphorus and foots specifications do not apply
For “crude super degummed” oil, the specification is the same as “crude degummed” with the exception that phosphorus is maximum 50ppm

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-2 Page 40 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-2 Table 1 (cont): Vegetable Oil Standard

Quality Parameter CSOF-4 CSOF-31 CSOF-32 CSOF-25 CSOF-26 CSOF-28 CSOF-29

Safflower Oil – Safflower Oil - Safflower Oil - Linseed Oil - Crude Linseed Oil – Peanut Oil - Crude Peanut Oil -
Crude Degummed Monounsaturated Bleached Refined Refined Bleached Refined
Crude Degummed
Free Fatty Acids max 2% max 2% max 0.25% max 2% max 0.25% max 2% max 0.25%
Linoleic Acid Minimum 75% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Linolenic Acid max 1% max 1% max 1% n/a n/a n/a n/a
Oleic Acid n/a min 75% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Erucic Acid n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Colour (AOCS - Lovibond max 5R 35Y max 5R 35Y max 4R 10−12 max 5 max 4R 35Y max 2.5R
units or Gardner, 1933, (25.4 mm) (25.4 mm) (133.35mm) Gardner Gardner (25.4 mm) (133.35mm)
where indicated)

Moisture, Volatiles and max 0.3% (Crude max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.5% max 0.25%
Impurities grade max 0.5%) (Crude grade max 0.5%)
Iodine Value 138-150 141-147 138-150 min 175 min 175 85−105 85−105
Refractive Index 25°C 1.472-4755 1.473-1.476 1.472−4755 1.477−482 1.477−482 1.466−470 1.466−470
Relative Density 25°C 0.918-924 0.919-0.924 0.918−924 0.924−930 0.924−930 0.907−912 0.907−912
Saponification Value 190-196 186-194 190−196 188−195 188−195 188−196 188−196
Peroxide Value mEq/kg max 10 max 10 max 10 n/a max 10 max 10 max 10
Unsaponifiable Matter max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1.5% max 1% max 1%
Phosphorus max 200ppm max 200ppm n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Sulphur n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Foots Clear at 650C Clear at 650C Clear at 650C max 1% 96 hours Clear at 650C n/a Clear at 650C
Heat Test n/a n/a no break at 340°C n/a no break n/a n/a
heat bleaches AT 340°C −
heat bleaches
Flash Point (Closed Cup) min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C min 150°C
Chlorophyll n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Monounsaturated fat n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
For "crude" oil the specification is the same as "crude degummed" with the exception that phosphorus and foots specifications do not apply
For “crude super degummed” oil, the specification is the same as “crude degummed” with the exception that phosphorus is maximum 50ppm

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-2 Page 41 of 70

4.1 General

A consignment shall be accepted by the purchaser if it conforms to specification requirements for clarity,
flash point, colour, free fatty acids, refractive index and heat test properties and otherwise meets the
Australian Oilseeds Federation (AOF) industry characteristics.

Where stated in the following section and agreed by the buyer, oil may be accepted with a quality
parameter over the tolerance limit. However acceptance of this oil over the limit is not mandatory.

In relation to premium and deduction adjustments, fractions will be in proportion.

4.2 Free Fatty Acids (FFA)

If accepted over the specified limit, the following price deductions shall apply.

4.2.1 Crude Oils other than those specified below

2.0−3.5% 2% price deduction for each 1% over 2% (fractions in proportion)

Over 3.5% Rejectable

4.2.2 Soybean Oil

1.01%−1.05% 0.6% price deduction (fractions in proportion)

1.06%−1.15% 0.9% price deduction
1.16%−1.25% 1.2% price deduction
1.26%−1.35% 1.5% price deduction
1.36%−1.50% 1.8% price deduction
Over 1.5% Rejectable. If accepted over 1.5% a 2% price deduction for each 1% over
1.5% shall apply

4.2.3 Sunflower Oil (all types), Linola Oil

2.1%−2.29 0.3% price deduction (fractions in proportion)

2.3%−2.49 0.7% price deduction
2.5%−2.69 1.1% price deduction
2.7%−2.89 1.5% price deduction
2.9%−3.0% 1.9% price deduction
Over 3% Rejectable. If accepted over 3%, a 3% price deduction for each 1% over 3%
shall apply

4.2.4 Canola Oil Crude Degummed

1.01%−1.29% 0.5% price deduction (fractions in proportion)

1.3%−1.5% 1.0% price deduction
Over 1.5% Rejectable. If accepted over 1.5% a price deduction of 2% for each 1%
over 1.5% shall apply

4.2.5 Peanut Oil

2.0%−3.0% 2% price deduction for each 1% over 2% (fractions in proportion)

3.10%−5.0% 3% price deduction for each 1% over 3%
Over 5% Rejectable over

4.2.6 Unbleached Refined Cottonseed Oil

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Over 0.25% is rejectable. If accepted over 0.25%, a 2% price deduction for each 1 % of free
fatty acid that exceeds this limit shall apply (fractions in proportion). Negotiable over 0.75%.

4.3 Moisture, Volatiles and Impurities

Oil is rejectable over the prescribed limit. If accepted over the prescribed limit, a 2% price deduction for
each 1% of moisture, volatiles and impurities that exceed this limit shall apply (fractions in proportion).

4.4 Chlorophyll in Canola Oil

If accepted over the prescribed limit of 30ppm, the following price deductions shall apply.

31−35ppm 1.0% price deduction (fractions in proportion)

36−40ppm 2.0% price deduction
41−45ppm 2.5% price deduction
46−50ppm 3.0% price deduction
Over 50ppm Rejectable over

4.5 Phosphorus

Oil is rejectable over the prescribed limit. If accepted over the prescribed limit, a 0.06% price deduction
for each 10ppm the phosphorus content exceeds this limit shall apply (fractions in proportion).

4.6 Peroxide Value

Oil is rejectable over the prescribed limit of 10mEq/kg. If accepted over this limit, a 1.5% price deduction
shall be applied for each 1mEq/kg. Negotiable over 15mEq/kg if accepted.


Refer to front of Standards Manual for applicable procedures.


6.1 General

Cold pressed oils are edible vegetable oils obtained by mechanical extraction from the parent oilseed
without pre-cooking or heating and without subsequent chemical extraction and/or chemical refining.

The oilseeds shall be selected so as to give an extracted oil of the characteristic odour, taste and free fatty
acids content.

Specified cold test requirements specifications as outlined in 6.2 shall only be applicable when the oil is
labelled "Winterised".

6.2 Specification

All cold pressed oils must conform to the basic standards of the oil listed in table 1 obtained via non-cold
pressed methods.

In addition, the following specifications must be met where different to those specified, or where not
specified, for the oil obtained via non-cold pressed methods:

Odour: Mild, pleasantly characteristic

Taste: Bland, with a slight nutty flavour
Free Fatty Acids: FFA should be below the “Rejectable over limit’ for FFA as per the COMMODITY
TRADING STANDARDS, Section 1 AOF 1-1, for oilseeds
Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-2 Page 43 of 70
Peroxide Value: Limit of 15 mEq active oxygen / kg oil

6.3 Price Adjustments

Price adjustments for cold pressed oils shall apply.

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Section 1: AOF 1-3, Oilseed (Vegetable Protein)
Meals and Hull Quality Standards


1.1 This document outlines the Quality Specifications for various Oilseed (Vegetable Protein) Meals and Hulls
obtained from the processing of oilseeds. The Standards listed in this document apply to all oilseed meals
and hulls traded and are to apply at Receival and / or on outturn, whichever is applicable.
1.2 Notwithstanding the specifications outlined in this document, all oilseed meals and hulls sold for
incorporation into stockfeed must comply with the relevant Federal and / or State stockfeed or agricultural
1.3 In particular oilseed meals and hulls must comply with the maximum residue levels (MRLs) and any other
quality specifications listed in both the FSANZ Food Standards Code and the APVMA MRL Standard
(maximum residue limits in food and animal feedstuffs). Requirements of State Health Acts and
Regulations must be observed where appropriate.
1.4 Sampling procedures must be followed to ensure that the Official Sample used for analysis is
representative of the consignment.
1.5 For domestic trading, Official Samples shall be taken by the buyer and seller respectively at the time of
receival and dispatch of each load. Samples shall be retained for at least two months after dispatch.
1.6 Specifications and price adjustments recorded are applicable to the analysis of Official Samples taken and
tested according to the prescribed methods.



Where a commodity does not have a tolerance for that particular quality parameter as indicated by “n/a”
(not applicable), a test for that quality parameter is not required.


For all meals, retention is to be assessed as follows:

3 mm screen using woven wire DIN 3, 200g sample for 3 minutes, or
2 mm screen using woven wire US10 DIN 2, 200g sample for 3 minutes.


The Quality Specifications as outlined in Table 1 apply to all oilseed meals and hulls traded at any stage in the
supply chain. Any variations to the specifications for a particular trade are to be stated in the contract between the
buyer and the seller.

The gossypol content for cottonseed is either maximum 0.10% (solvent extracted) or 0.12% (pressed).

Any variation to the general standard for crude protein shall be specified in the contract.

Issue No.7, 18 April 2008 Section 1 AOF 1-3 Page 45 of 70

Section 1 AOF 1-3 Table 1: Quality Specifications – Oilseed Meals and Hulls
Crude Retention Retention Glucosinolates Erucic Acid Gossypol
Trading Standard Oil Crude Fibre Moisture
Commodity Name Protein max (%) max (%) (micromoles /g oil- (%) (%)
Reference (min %) (max %) (max %)
(min %) 3mm screen 2mm screen free air-dry solids)
Oilseed Meals
CAN:M:392/93 Canola Meal Solvent 0.5 36 15 12 2 10 < 30 <2 n/a
CAN:M:392/94 Non GM Canola Meal Solvent 1 0.5 36 15 12 2 10 < 30 <2 n/a
CAN:M:391/93 Canola Meal Pressed 4 32 14 11 2 10 < 30 <2 n/a
1 10
CAN:M:391/94 Non GM Canola Meal Pressed 4 32 14 11 2 < 30 <2 n/a
COT:M:313/93 Cottonseed Meal Solvent Hi Pro 0.5 43 15 12 2 10 n/a n/a 0.10
COT:M:312/93 Cottonseed Meal Solvent 0.5 36 15 12 2 10 n/a n/a 0.10
COT:M:314/93 Cottonseed Meal Pressed Hi Pro 6 40 17 10 2 10 n/a n/a 0.12
COT:M:315/93 Cottonseed Meal Pressed 6 35 20 10 2 10 n/a n/a 0.12
COT:M:316/93 Cottonseed Meal Pressed Full Fat 18 22 23 10 2 10 n/a n/a 0.12
LINOLA:M:341/94 Linola Meal Pressed 4 30 11 11 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
LIN:M:323/79 Linseed Meal Solvent 0.5 32 12 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
LIN:M:322/86 Linseed Meal Pressed 4 31 11 11 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
PEA:M:332/79 Peanut Meal Solvent 0.5 46 10 9 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
PEA:M:331/79 Peanut Meal Pressed 4 44 10 9 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
RAP:M:333/79 Rapeseed Meal Solvent 0.5 34 15 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
RAP:M:332/79 Rapeseed Meal Pressed 4 31 14 11 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
SAF:M:362/79 Safflower Meal Solvent 0.5 23 32 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
SAF:M:361/79 Safflower Meal Pressed 4 22 30 8 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
SES:M:365/79 Sesame Meal Pressed 4 42 11 10 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
SOY:M:372/79 Soybean Meal Solvent 0.5 46 7 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
SOY:M:371/79 Soybean Meal Pressed 4 44 7 11 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
SUN:M:382/93 Sunflower Meal Solvent 0.5 28 24 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
SUN:M:381/86 Sunflower Meal Pressed 4 27 22 8 2 10 n/a n/a n/a

The adventitious presence of up to 5% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted
Non-GM canola meal must only be processed from canola seed that has been traded, handled and stored as CS-01A Non-GM Canola Seed. Seed traded as CS-01A must follow
industry guidelines for crop management, handling and traceability to ensure that customers purchasing the seed and/or the oil or meal from this seed can be assured of its
Under this Standard there will be no requirement for testing for presence of GM protein or DNA. However, commercial arrangements for any additional testing between suppliers
and customers can be negotiated as part of normal commercial practice.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-3 Page 46 of 70

Crude Retention Retention Glucosinolates Erucic Acid Gossypol
Trading Standard Oil Crude Fibre Moisture
Commodity Name Protein max (%) max (%) (micromoles /g oil- (%) (%)
Reference (min %) (max %) (max %)
(min %) 3mm screen 2mm screen free air-dry solids)
SUN:M:385/93 Sunflower Meal - Dehulled Solvent 0.5 36 19 12 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
SUN:M:384/93 Sunflower Meal - Dehulled Pressed 4 35 18 8 2 10 n/a n/a n/a
Oilseed Hulls
COT:H:313/96 Cottonseed Hulls 1 3.5 50 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

SOY:H:373/96 Soybean Hulls 0.5 10 50 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

SUN:H:386/96 Sunflower Hulls 1 4 50 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-3 Page 47 of 70


4.1 General

Requests for adjustment for quality deficiencies of meals shall be made in writing within 30 days of the
date of delivery of the load in question. Where such adjustments are to be made, and unless otherwise
agreed to, the Official Samples of both buyer and seller shall be analysed by their respective laboratories
and an average of the two results taken.

Claims for quality deficiencies of hulls shall be subject to negotiation between buyer and seller.

Where stated in the following section and agreed by the buyer, oilseed meals and hulls may be accepted
with a quality parameter outside the tolerance limit. However acceptance of this oilseed meal or hull over
the limit is not mandatory.

In relation to premium and deduction adjustments, fractions will be in proportion.

The adventitious presence of up to 0.9% of GM events approved by the Australian Government Office of
the Gene Technology Regulator is permitted in the various nominated non-GM canola meals listed in table

4.2 Protein

4.2.1 Moisture within specification

Where the crude protein level (or adjusted protein, see 5.2.2) is greater than 0.5% below the
minimum trading standard, the selling price shall be adjusted in the proportion that the
measured protein bears to that minimum standard.

4.2.2 Moisture outside specification

Where the moisture is outside specification, the crude protein level shall be adjusted to the basis
of the maximum moisture trading standard and pride adjustments made as in 5.2.1 above using
this adjusted protein:

(100 - Standard moisture)

Protein, Standard moisture = Protein, actual ×
(100 - Actual moisture

4.3 Moisture

Where the moisture content is above the maximum trading standard and the meal or hull is accepted, a
1% price deduction shall apply to the selling price up to 1% over the maximum level and a 1.5% price
deduction shall apply between 1% and 2% over the maximum level (fractions in proportion). Meals and
hulls are rejectable above 2% over the maximum moisture level.

4.4 Other analyses

Should analysis show any other specifications do not meet the trading standard, settlement is to be made
between the parties concerned on the basis agreed to at the time of offer acceptance. If a settlement basis
has not been defined at that time in the contract, then settlement will be made on a mutually acceptable
basis or as decided by a mutually acceptable arbitrator.


Refer to front of Standards Manual for applicable procedures.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 1-3 Page 48 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2,
Technical Information

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2 Page 49 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-1, Common Storage of Oilseeds -
Accounting for Gains/Losses

This Standard gives a means of determining losses in common storage and their allocation to pool participants. In
principle, seed is valued on receival and outturn: loss in value due to loss of stock, weighing errors, analysis errors,
etc. as well as gains are divided among participants. On the other hand, losses above a guaranteed level are
allocated to the Pool Manager.

However, the disadvantage of the procedure has been that it requires finalisation of the pool before allocations can
be made; this leads to unacceptable delays because the pool is mostly not finalised for some time after completion
of the intake. Costs of sampling and testing of outturns and the differences noted in analyses have also been of
concern, even though effects of the latter are covered in the standard.

This current revision offers a compromise to satisfy these concerns: value allocations are made on finalisation of
intakes to participants according to a comparison of the intake value of each at average receival analysis with the
value of the receival weight at average total pool analysis. The assumption is that all outturns will be at intake
weight and near enough to average pool quality. At completion of the pool a final supplementary adjustment is
made for each party for the actual weight of outturns together with any deficiency for guaranteed outturn that may
be payable by the Pool Manager.


The Pool Manager shall guarantee a percentage outturn yield based on the value of the intake (or a percentage of
the pool intake weight valued at average pool analysis) and this shall be specified in the contract. If the value of
the total outturn at average pool analysis is less than this calculated yield value, the Manager shall make a credit of
the deficiency to the parties using the facility. The major portion of such credit can be made with seed of no lesser
quality than the pool average. The Pool Manager shall direct all outturn deliveries to those participating in the
storage programme and to no other party except by direction of one of the parties (see 3.3 below). Any guarantee
adjustment shall be made according to the proportion of the value of the intakes (at intake analysis) plus outturns
for each party (at average pool analysis) to the value of total intakes plus outturns so calculated.


3.1 Seed Price

3.1.1 The price of seed at standard quality, clean seed basis, shall be agreed upon by participating
parties and shall reflect the value of the seed accumulated at the time of intake including storage
costs. It shall be specified in the agreement.

3.1.2 This price, adjusted for quality (oil content, clean seed basis, impurities and other parameters to
be determined by the parties) according to the provisions of the AOF*, shall be used for
determining seed value in storage calculations.

3.1.3 Where transfers within the pool are made between participating parties to the pool, the price of
the seed traded or transferred between parties will only be of concern to the parties involved (see
3.3 below).

3.2 Analysis

3.2.1 Seed into storage shall be sampled and analysed according to the Quality Standards of the AOF
whose provisions for disputed results shall also apply. Samples shall be stored in sealed plastic
bags or containers in a protected area to minimise moisture changes. Analyses shall be carried
out by an independent NATA* Laboratory or as otherwise agreed.

AOF - Australian Oilseeds Federation Inc
Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-1 Page 50 of 70
3.2.2 The Pool Manager (or as otherwise agreed) shall take duplicate 1 kg samples of each load going
into storage, sending one of these to each party or their agent for analysis and calculation of
purchase payments and/or calculation of storage adjustments according to AOF provisions.
Analyses of all seed for storage shall be sent to the Pool Manager as soon as completed.

Note : This eliminates the need for analysis of the intake by the Pool Manager. Analysis of the 500 tonne composites is
thereby eliminated. Also no outturn analyses.

3.3 Transfers

3.3.1 Transfers or trade between pool participants or with an outside party shall be handled as a
separate calculation by the pool participant(s) concerned, not by the Pool Manager. All seed in the
pool retains the identification of the originators during the course of the pool.

3.3.2 Transferred seed shall be outturned under the originator's name, but with a further description
such as "Oilseeds Pty Ltd a/c Smith & Co." and shall be valued separately for the sale by the
parties involved but included in the originator's pool calculations at pool price. The originator will
either apply a set surcharge to the agreed transfer price to take care of any possible pool charges
for an early settlement or apply a proportion of the pool charges (or credits) when known to the
agreed transferred seed price, the proportion being:

Value of transfer at pool price

Value of transerer' s total seed out
including transferred quantities

NOTE: Transfers are completely separate to and independent of pool calculations.

3.4 Calculations

3.4.1 Average Analysis of Seed

Calculate the average analysis (oil content, clean seed basis and impurities) of the total seed
intake for each party in the pool as described below. Other quality parameters shall be evaluated
where above the allowed levels, but only if stipulated in the contract. For each load calculate :

wt. seed × (100 - impurities , %)

Weight of clean seed =

oil content, % × wt. clean seed

Weight of Oil =

wt. seed × impurities , %

Weight of impurities =
Then calculate for each party and the total pool :

total wt. oil × 100

Average oil content, % =
total wt. clean seed

total wt. impurities × 100

Average impurity content, % =
total wt. seed as received

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-1 Page 51 of 70

3.4.2 Value of Seed Intakes and Total Seed Stored

a. Calculate the weight and value of seed into storage for each party in the pool using the average
analysis of each party's intake at the agreed seed price. From these calculate the total pool weight and
value. Pool intake values shall be of the dried seed where drying has been undertaken.

b. Calculate the average total pool analysis. Calculate the value of each party's intake at average pool
analysis by taking a proportion of the total pool value based on each party's weight to total pool

3.4.3 Seed Balances

a. Preliminary Base Adjustment:

At the completion of receivals, determine the excess or deficit of the calculated seed value for
each party taking the seed value out as being equivalent to the receival weight at the total pool
average analysis. These adjustments will be self-balancing:

Base Adjustment = Value in − Value at average pool analysis

A positive result indicates a credit due to the party and vice versa. These are the first payments
made to all parties at the completion of receivals.

b. Overall Seed Value Balance

When all outturns have been made from the pool determine the overall seed value balance for the
pool "in" minus “out” in this case using actual weights out of storage for each party and the total
pool but still at the average pool value (ie analysis).

c. Determine the proportion of the value of intakes plus outturns (at average analysis) for each party
in relation to the total value of intakes plus outturns (at average analysis). Intakes and transfers
do not include any transfers between parties to the pool (see 3.3 above).

d. Apportion the overall seed value balance, either as a debit or credit as appropriate, to each party
according to (see 3.4.3, c.). In this case a positive result indicates a debit to the party and vice

3.4.4 Outturn Guarantee

Determine the extent, if any, that the total outturn value is below the guarantee as specified in
the contract and credit each party for any deficiency in terms of seed value in the proportion of
the value of seed each has received and out-turned (see 4.3.4, c). These payments are payable
by the Pool Manager.

3.4.5 Supplementary Final Adjustment

Subtract the Preliminary Base Adjustment from the corresponding Total Pool Adjustment to give a
final outstanding credit/debit to be applied to each participant and the Manager (if required).

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-1 Page 52 of 70

Storage Calculations − an example
(Outturn Guarantee 99.5%)
Accounting for Gains/Losses

Wt. Tonnes 1355 950 2391 4696
Value $450,352.71 $318,478.07 $802,135.79 $1,570,966.57

Outturn Assumption for Preliminary Calculations

Wt. Tonnes 1355 950 2391 4696

Value $453,292.10 $317,806.27 $799,868.20 $1,570,966.57
(at pool average)

Outturn − Actual
Wt. Tonnes 1350 955 2360 4665
Value $451,619.44 $319,478.93 $789,498.69 $1,560,596.05

Preliminary Base Adjustment

3.4.3 Seed Balances
i) Value in − Value out $2,939.39 dr $671.80 cr $2267.59 cr
ii) Pool Balance Nil

FIRST PAYMENT $2,939.39 dr $671.80 cr $2267.59 cr

Supplementary Final Adjustment

3.4.3 Seed Balances

i) Value in − Value out $1,266.73 dr $1,000.86 dr $12,638.11 cr
ii) Overall Balance $10,370.52 dr
iii) Proportion in and out 28.80262205% 20.37184248% 50.82553546%
iv) Balance to each party $2,986.98 dr 2,112.67 dr $5,270.87

3.4.4 Outturn Guarantee Deficit

Outturn − $1,560,596.05 −
99.5% outturn − $1,563,111.74 −
Deficit − $2515.69 cr −

$724.58 cr $512.49 cr $1,278.61 cr

Total $3,529.12 dr $2,601.04 dr $8,645.61 cr
Less Base Adjustment $2,939.39 dr $671.80 cr $2,267.59 cr
FINAL PAYMENT $589.73 dr $3,272.84 dr $6378.26 cr
Manager pays $2,515.69


3.5 Party A transfers $200,000 seed (pool value) at an agreed price of $210,000 to Party B (identified as “A,
a/c B”) and $100,000 seed (pool value) at an agreed price $110,000 to an “outside” party, Smith & Co,
(identified as “A, a/c Smith & Co”).

Adjustments are then calculated as follows:

* Party B: $3529.12 dr x $200,000 / $450,352.71 = $1567.26 dr

* Smith & Co: $3529.12 dr x $100,000 / $450,352.71 = $783.63 dr

These adjustments are added to the respective agreed prices of seed for each of the transfers.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-1 Page 53 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-2, Typical Density Guide for Seed
and Meal

1 lb/cu ft = 16.018 kg/cu m.

1 Imperial Bushel = 2219.3 cu ins = 1.2843 cu ft = 0.363677 hectolitres
1 US or Winchester Bushel = 2150.42 cu ins = 1.2444 cu ft = 0.35238 hectolitres


& LINOLA (all types) & RAPESEED
lb/cu ft 33 32 45 36 26 28 43 40 47 37

kg/cu m 529 513 721 577 416 449 689 641 753 593

kg/hl 53 51 72 58 42 45 69 64 75 59

lb 42 41 57 46 33 36 55 51 60 47

kg 19 19 26 21 15 16 25 23 27 21

ft/ton: 67 70 50 62 85 79 52 56 48 60

ton: 53 54 39 49 67 62 41 44 37 48

tonne 1.87 1.95 1.39 1.73 2.38 2.21 1.44 1.56 1.33 1.67

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-2 Page 54 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-3, Code of Practice for the Bulk
Transport of Vegetable Oils by Road and Rail


Containers and associated valves, pipes and discharge hoses used for the transport or handling of vegetable oils
shall be clean and dry and safe for this use. Copper or its alloys shall not have been used in their construction.
Discharge hoses shall have only been used for the conveying of food products or those vegetable oils commonly
used for food purposes ("food oils"). Raw or refined linseed oils (but not otherwise processed) are deemed
acceptable in this context.

In the case of 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 below, and in particular where petroleum oils and solvents have been carried, all
containers shall undergo cleaning procedures using steam, chemical or high pressure water jet cleaning or a
combination of these as appropriate. Cleaning by rinsing with product alone is not acceptable, except where the
prior load has been a food oil.

1.1 Provisions

1.1.1 Prohibited Prior Loads

Classes 6, 7 and 9** substances (unless itemised separately under the list of immediate prior loads, AOF
2-5), being toxic and infectious substances, radioactive substances and miscellaneous known dangerous
substances such as pesticides.

1.1.2 Prohibited Immediate Prior Loads

Class 3 and 5** products, inedible processed vegetable oils and those materials specified in the FOSFA*
list (see AOF 2-5). Leaded petrol and other leaded products must not have been carried in any of the
three prior loads. Unleaded petrol and solvents containing more than 1% aromatics must not have been
carried in the immediate prior load. Organic polymers are also included in this group.

1.1.3 Acceptable Prior Loads

Edible products. However, this does not remove any obligation of the supplier to ensure that the quality
of it's product is not affected adversely by said prior loads. Dieseline (Automotive Diesel Fuel, such as AS
3570) and aliphatic hydrocarbons with aromatic contents less than 1% are acceptable for the immediate
prior load, but require complete removal of traces of the material by draining and cleaning of the
container as referred to elsewhere in this Standard.

1.2 Certificate of Cleanliness

With each consignment, the transport contracting body, the shipper and/or their appointed agent as
appropriate shall supply an AOF Certificate of Cleanliness (AOF 2-5.1) specifying the previous three loads
carried and the method used for cleaning, etc. A copy shall be handed by the driver to the consignee's
representative at the discharge point. If at any time Certificates of Cleanliness are not available, the
transport contracting body or shipper's certificates can be used provided they contain the necessary
information required by the AOF*. The shipper shall prepare two copies of the certificate: one signed
copy shall go to the receiver of the goods, and one shall be retained.

1.3 Minimum Cleaning Procedures

Where permanent chemical cleaning facilities are not available, minimum cleaning procedures shall be
observed as follows:

1.3.1 Ensure that the container has not previously carried prohibited products. If so, the container
shall not be used for carrying vegetable oils destined for food use. (See 1.1).

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-3 Page 55 of 70

1.3.2 Open all drain valves and drain to ensure that all compartments are empty. Close all drain valves.

1.3.3 Clean each compartment with rotating tank cleaning nozzles using high pressure (10,000 kPa),
high temperature (100°C) water for five minutes. Alternatively, steaming using a lance or other
suitable device can be used. Open drain valves and continue cleaning for a further five minutes.
During this period, ensure that all valves and pipes receive direct injection of the cleaning

1.3.4 Mop up all surplus water from each compartment.

1.3.5 Inspect the container, valves and pipes, and if odour or visible foreign matter is evident repeat
the cleaning procedure. This is especially important for the removal of traces of diesel fuel oil.

1.3.6 A Certificate of Cleanliness (See 1.2) shall be made out when inspection shows that cleaning has
been carried out satisfactorily and this Certificate shall accompany the load.

1.4 Company Policy

A clear Company policy should be established to designate authorised personnel for observing the
requirements of this code of practice with regard to the proper handling and inspection of containers
and/or consignments and the reporting associated therewith.

This Code is in no way to be considered a substitute for any legal requirements for the transportation of
foods or raw materials associated therewith.

* AOF - Australian Oilseeds Federation Inc.

FOSFA - Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Association Limited.
** As Described in the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail.

Issue No.7, 18 April 2008 Section 1 AOF 2-3 Page 56 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-4, Code of Practice for the Bulk
Transport of Vegetable Oilseeds, Meals and Hulls
by Road and Rail

1.1 Trailers/rail cars must be free of any product from the prior load/s and should be swept clean before any
product is loaded.

1.2 Cleaning facilities are not available at supplier pick-up points, therefore cleaning should be carried out at
the last place of delivery.

1.3 The supplier will not accept responsibility for the cleaning and will hold the carrier responsible for any
contaminations that may occur from prior loads.

1.4 Customer/persons contracting or arranging for carriers are responsible for notifying the carrier of the AOF
Code for Bulk Transport of Vegetable Oilseeds, Meals and Hulls prior to picking up the product from

1.5 All carriers will complete a Certificate of Cleanliness at the supplier pick-up point before loading

1.6 Immediate prior load restrictions include:

 meals (meat and poultry)

 fertiliser (includes sulphate of ammonia, urea, Nitrame, gypsum, Superphosphate, lime meal,
Nitropil, Bombay dust)
 scrap metal (unless containerised separately in the trailer)
 cement (unless bagged)
 animal manure
 any form of garbage

Note: in the case of fertilisers, if the trailer has been washed clean and dried after carrying fertilisers, plus inspected
prior to loading then an exemption will be accepted.

1.7 All trailers/rail cars will be inspected prior to loading at supplier premises. Any trailers/rail cars failing
inspection will be turned away and any costs incurred will be borne by the carrier. Loading will only take
place if the trailer/rail car is cleaned, or a written clearance is received from either the carrier or the
customer accepting full responsibility.

1.8 All trucks, once loaded, will be properly tarped before leaving supplier’s premises.

1.9 Under no circumstances is a carrier to spray or treat the load with any chemicals

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-4 Page 57 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-5, Code of Practice for the
Cleaning Of Containers List of Prohibited
Immediate Prior Loads
(Based on the FOSFA list, 28 December 2007 as amended)

Acetone Cyanohydrin (ACH; Alpha- Isocyanates These include - Toluene di-isocyanate

Hydroxyisobutyronitrile; 2 methyllactonitrile) (TDI), Polyphenyl polymethylene isocyanate (PAPI), Di-
Acrylic Acid (Acroleic Acid; Propenoic Acid) phenyl methane di-isocyanate (MDI), Methyl isocyanate
Acrylonitrile (ACN; 2-Propenenitrile, Vinyl Cyanide) Lube Oil Additives
Adiponitrile (1-4 Dicyanobutane) Methyl Acrylate
Aniline (Phenylamine; Aminobenzene) Methyl Methacrylate Monomer
Butylacrylate (n-and tert-,) Methyl Styrene Monomer (Vinyl Toluene), alpha-
Methyl Styrene Monomer (AMS) para-Methyl Styrene
Monomer (PMS)
Carbon Tetrachloride (CTC; Tetrachloromethane; Morpholine
Cardura E (Trade Name for a glycidyl ester of Versatic Morpholine Ethanol (n-hydroxyehtylmorpholine)
911 Acid)
Cashew Nut Shell oil (CNSL; Cashew Nut shell Liquid)
Crude Mineral Oil Oils - Mineral with aromatics greater than 1%
Dibutylamine Perchloroethylene (PCE; perc; tetrachloroethylene)
Diethanolamine (DEA: di (2-Hydroxyethyl)amine) Petrol (Leaded) cannot be carried as any of the three
prior loads
Diethylenetriamine Phthalates These include: Di-octyl phthalate (DOP); Di-
Di-isopropylamine iso octyl phthalate (DIOP); Di-iso nonyl phthalate
(DINP); Di-iso decyl phthalate (DIDP); Di-allyl phthalate
Dipropylamine Polymers, Organic
m-Divinylbenzene (DVB; Vinylstyrene) n-Propylamine
Epichlorohydrin (EPI; Chloropropylene Oxide)
Epoxy Resins (uncured)
Ethyl acrylate Propylene Oxide (Methyl Oxirane; 1,2- Epoxypropane)
Ethylene dichloride* (EDC; 1,2-dichloroethane) Pyridine
2-Ethylhexyl acrylate Styrene Monomer** (Vinyl Benzene; Phenyl Ethylene;
Ethanolamine (MEA: Monoethanolamine; Colamine; 2- Silicone Oils
Aminoethanol; 2 Hydroxyethylamine) Solvents with aromatics greater than 1%
Ethylenediamine (1,2 Diaminoethane) Tall Oil (tallol; liquid rosin)
Furfuryl Alcohol (Furyl Carbinol) Tall Oil (fatty acid equivalent to ASTM type 111)
Glutaraldehyde Transformer Oils of PCB Type
Heavy mineral oil – oils other than crude oils having Vinyl acetate monomer (VAM)
either a density at 15oC higher than 950kg/m3 or a
kinematic viscosity at 50oC higher than 180mm2/s, with Vinyl chloride monomer (VC; chloroethane;
the exception of lubricating oil without additives (base chloroethylene)
Hexamethylenediamine (1.6-Diaminohexane; 1.6

LEADED PRODUCTS shall not be carried for the previous three loads
* ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE shall not be carried as the three previous cargoes in organic coated tanks or as the last cargo in stainless
steel and inorganic coated tanks.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-5 Page 58 of 70

** STYRENE MONOMER shall not be carried as the three previous cargoes in organic coated tanks or as the last cargo in stainless
steel and inorganic coated tanks.

Issue No.7, 18 April 2008 Section 1 AOF 2-3 Page 59 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-5.1
This Certificate must be completed by the
Transport Company and/or Tanker Wash Station
Date …………………………………
Transport Carrier: ………………………………………………………………………….
Prime Mover Registration:……..…………………..Tanker Nos.:……………………………….
PRIOR LOAD/S: 1. ……………………… 2. ……………………… 3. ……………………….
(Do not use Trade Names) (Immediate Prior Load)
Prior Load Restrictions: See AOF “Code for the Bulk Transport Of Vegetable Oils By Road and Rail”.
Unleaded petrol not to be carried as the immediate prior load.
Leaded products not to be carried for the three prior loads.
Hoses to be used only for food products.

CLEANING METHOD/S (Circle Yes or No as to the method/s used) :

Not Cleaned Yes No Well Drained Yes No
Water Yes No Caustic Soda Yes No
Steam Yes No Solvent Yes No
Detergent (*) Yes No Dried Yes No
Acid Yes No

(*) If YES, Detergent must be suitable for use in the food industry.
Specify Name: …………………………………………………………………………….
VISUAL INSPECTION (Tick and fill in appropriate details) :
Clean Dry Free Of Free Of Seal No/s. Remarks
Odour Foreign Matter
Compartment 1
Compartment 2
Compartment 3
Compartment 4
Compartment 5
Compartment 6
Compartment 7
Compartment 8

Inspected By: …………………………………………………………………………………

(Company Name – Print)

Name Of Person Inspecting: ……………………………………………………………….

(Print Name)
Signature Of Person Inspecting: ……………………………………Date: …………………

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-5.1 Page 60 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-6, AOF TEST-CHECK Program


1.1 TEST-CHECK is a formal check analysis program designed to determine Inter-Laboratory Correlations for
analyses that are used for the valuation of oilseed products. Results are designed to give an indication of
the performance of any Laboratory that is involved in analysis for grower payments or other value-related
operations. When a range of results has been established, a statistical evaluation can be made to
determine permissible variations for all laboratories.

1.2 The program can be applied to solvent oil content tests which are the prime method of analysis used to
calibrate electronic instruments or to the results obtained from secondary rapid test methods which are
the methods used for crop payments. It also has application in the determination of a range of other
quality parameters in oilseeds such as impurities.

1.3 TEST-CHECK can also be used for other tests and crops or products that relate to end-product
specifications such as protein analysis of meals.

1.4 In the current round, TEST-CHECK only applies to canola seed.

1.5 TEST-CHECK is the initiative of the AOF on behalf of industry and is currently managed on its behalf by
ABB Limited.


2.1 Each month the controlling laboratory generates representative samples for provision to industry
participants in the program. Samples are truly homogenous and represent a range of quality parameters
expected to be present in that particular crop.

2.2 Samples are arranged in rounds and despatched with results due as per the following timetable.

Month Round Date Sample Dispatch Date Results Due

December 1 Wednesday 12th December 2007 Wednesday 9th January 2008
January 2 Thursday 10th January 2008 Thursday 7th February 2008
February 3 Friday 8th February 2008 Friday 7th March 2008
March * 4 Monday 10th March 2008 Monday 31st March 2008
April 5 Tuesday 1st April 2008 Wednesday 30th April 2008
May 6 Thursday 1st May 2008 Friday 30th May 2008
June 7 Monday 2nd June 2008 Monday 30th June 2008
July 8 Tuesday 1st July 2008 Thursday 31st July 2008
August 9 Friday 1st August 2008 Friday 29th August 2008
September 10 Monday 1st September 2008 Tuesday 30th September 2008
October 11 Wednesday 1st October 2008 Friday 31st October 2008
November 12 Monday 3rd November 2008 Thursday 28th November 2008
* Shortened due to late start

2.3 Laboratories are to analyse the samples as received for the tests as outlined in the following results
sheet. Where the laboratory does not conduct a particular test as a routine, analysis is not required. Note
that for rounds 1-7, a single 1kg sample is to be analysed and reported in duplicate whereas for rounds 8-
12, 3x1kg samples are to be analysed and reported in duplicate.

2.4 AOF methods are to be used where published.

2.5 Results are to be provided on the result sheet in the format outlined. Only results received by the
reporting date will be included in reports to industry participants.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-6 Page 61 of 70

2.6 Payments by each laboratory to participate in the program are to be made through the AOF. The AOF will
invoice participants for the service and recompense the TEST CHECK manager for the services according
to an agreed schedule of fees.


3.1 As current manager of the program, ABB Limited provide results to industry participants after each round
as per the TEST-CHECK Results Report.

3.2 The identity of each laboratory remains confidential with each laboratory allocated a code.

3.3 Each year the program manager reviews all results submitted by participants to assess individual
analytical performances and report in confidence to the Technical and Quality Standards Committee
Chairperson any adverse results for further consideration.

3.4 Satisfactory performance by participants in the TEST-CHECK program shall be acknowledged by the
Technical and Quality Standards Committee based on the precision of the laboratory and continuing
participation in the program. Note however that before an adequate evaluation can be made, there must
be a sufficient number of participants, samples and parameters to satisfy statistical requirements.

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-6 Page 62 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-6.1, TEST-CHECK Participants
Result Sheet Rounds 1-7
Month: _______________

Round: _______________ Note this Result Sheet is only to be used for LAB
Rounds 1-7 CODE

Analysis Result A Result B Method of Analysis

Test Weight (kg/hl)

Impurities %

Oil % – Rapid (Clean Seed Basis)

Oil %– Solvent (Clean Seed Basis)

Oil %– Solvent (Clean Seed Basis)
Reference Method
Oil % – SFE Extraction

Moisture % - Oven

Moisture % - Rapid

Oleic (percent oil)

Linoleic (percent oil)

Free Fatty Acid (percent of oil)

Testing Laboratory/Company Name: _____________________

Contact Person: __________________________

Date: _____________________________________

Note: Please include Method of Analysis

Fax or email Result Sheet to:
ABB Grain Ltd Analytical Chemist – Dao Ho
Phone No: 08 8304 5030 Fax No: 08 8211 6505 Email:

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-6.2 Page 63 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-6.1, TEST-CHECK Participants
Result Sheet Rounds 8-12
Month: _______________

Round: _______________ Note this Result Sheet is only to be used for

Rounds 8-12 CODE

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Method of
Result A Result B Result A Result B Result A Result B

Test Weight (kg/hl)

Impurities %

Oil % – Rapid (Clean Seed

Oil %– Solvent (Clean Seed
Oil %– Solvent (Clean Seed
Basis) – Reference Method

Oil % – SFE Extraction

Moisture % - Oven

Moisture % - Rapid

Oleic (percent oil)

Linoleic (percent oil)

Free Fatty Acid (percent of


Testing Laboratory/Company Name: ________________________

Contact Person: _____________________________

Date: ________________________________________

Note: Please include Method of Analysis

Fax or email Result Sheet to:
ABB Grain Ltd Analytical Chemist – Dao Ho
Phone No: 08 8304 5030 Fax No: 08 8211 6505 Email:

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-6 Page 64 of 70

Section 1: AOF 2-6.2, TEST-CHECK Program Report
Report Date: ________________________

Sample: _____________________________ Sample Reference: ________________

Sample Distribution Date: ______________

Authorised Distribution Agent: ___________________________________________



Test Weight (kg/hl)

Impurities %
Oil % – Rapid (Clean Seed
Oil %– Solvent (Clean Seed
Oil %– Solvent (Clean Seed
Basis) – Reference Method
Oil % – SFE Extraction

Moisture % - Oven

Moisture % - Rapid

Oleic (percent oil)

Linoleic (percent oil)

Free Fatty Acid (percent of oil)

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 2-6 Page 65 of 70

Section 1: AOF 3,
Technical Information

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 3 Page 66 of 70

Section 1: AOF 3-1, Typical Composition of Vegetable
Fats and Oils
Caprylic Capric Lauric Myristic Palmitic Palmitoleic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic
Carbon double
8-0 10-0 12-0 14-0 16-0 16-1 18-0 18-1 18-2 18-3
Castor (1) 1 2 3 4
Canola 0.1 4 0.3 2 62 19 9
Coconut 8 7 48 16 8 1 4 6 2
Corn (maize) 8 7 48 12 2 30 54 1
Cottonseed 0.7 22 0.6 2 20 54
Crambe 3 2 18 10 6
Linola 7 4 17 69 2
Linseed (4) 6 4 18 19 53
Oticica (2) 7 6 5
Olive 1 12 1 2 75 9
Palm 1 47 4 38 10
Palm kernel 3.3 3.4 48 16 8 1 16 1
Peanut 1 10 0.2 3 44 34 66
Perilla (4) 2 2 51 18 7 2 13 12 2
Poppyseed 12 2 19 65
Rapeseed 4 1 17 13 8
Rice bran 17 2 39 39 3
Safflower 0.1 7 0.1 3 12 78 0.4
Sesame 9 5 45 41
Soybean 0.1 10 0.1 4 22 55 8
Sunflower – hilin 6 4 24 65
Sunflower – lolin 6 4 32 56
Sunflower – mono 4 0.1 4 80 10
Unsaturated tung 4 1 8 4 3

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 3-1 Page 67 of 70

Section 1: AOF 3-1, Typical Composition of Vegetable
Fats and Oils (cont.)

Total Total Mono- Total Poly- Iodine Saponification

Saturated Unsaturated
Saturated saturated unsaturated value value
Carbon double
18 2-3
Castor (1) 85 180
Canola 20-24 6 62 28 112 190
Coconut 20-24 1-3 91 7 2 9 255
Corn (maize) 14 30 55 122 190
Cottonseed 25 21 54 108 192
Crambe 5 18 16 95 170
Linola 11 17 71 139 190
Linseed (4) 10 18 72 180 190
Oticica (2) 59(5) 7 150 190
Olive 14 75 9 80
Palm 52 38 10 52 200
Palm kernel 82 16 1 20 250
Peanut 18 44 34 100 190
Perilla (4) 5(30 9 13 78 200 190
Poppyseed 14 19 67 134 190
Rapeseed 4 9 17 21 104 175
Rice bran 19 39 42 87 190
Safflower 53(6) 10 12 78 145 190
Sesame 14 45 41 110 190
Soybean 1 15 22 63 135 190
Sunflower – hilin 1 11 24 65 134 190
Sunflower – lolin 1 11 32 56 125 190
Sunflower –
1 9 81 5 165 190
Unsaturated tung 80(7) 165 190

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 3-1 Page 68 of 70

Section 1: AOF 3-2, Colour Comparisons
(Approximate Conversions Only)



1 1R 10Y 1R 10Y 0.24R 2.4Y 0.24R 2.4Y

2 1.6R 16Y 1.6R 16Y 0.32R 3.2Y 0.32R 3.2Y

3 2.5R 25Y 3.0R 25Y 0.45R 4.5Y 0.45R 4.5Y

4 4R 40Y 4.5R 40Y 0.65R 6.5Y 0.65R 6.5Y

5 6.2R 62Y 7.0R 62Y 0.8R 8.0Y 0.8R 8.0Y

6 8.5R 80Y - 1.2R 12.0Y 1.2R 12.0Y

7 - - 1.7R 17.0Y 1.7R 17.0Y

8 - - 2.15R 21.5Y 2.5R 21.5Y

9 - - 2.9R 29.0Y 3.5R 29.0Y

10 - - 4.0R 40.0Y 4.5R 40.0Y

11 - - 5.5R 55.0Y 5.9R 55.0Y

12 - - 7.3R 73.0Y 7.9R 73.0Y

13 - - 10.0R 100Y -

14 - - 14.9R 149Y -

15 - - 20.0R 200Y -

16 - - 25.0R 250Y -



Procter Thomson, Journal of American Oil Chemists Society, Society, 30, 259 (1953).
V C Mehlenbacher “Analysis of Fats and Oil” (The Garrard Press).
Tintometer brochure “Lovibond Colour Scale Renotation”.

Note The Lovibond scale listed applies to models up to Model D. Model E uses the “renotated Lovibond
glasses”. It gives a slightly higher reading on the red scale with the same yellow scale up to 20Y. Over
this there is a slight change in the renotated yellow glasses. The AOCS red scale is the renotated red
values multiplied by 0.95. This has been taken into account in the above conversion.

The Gardner 1933 scale (Hellige discs 620C-40 and 620C-42) gives a much better colour comparison for
vegetable oils than the colours of ASTM D 1544 (Hellige discs 620C-43 and 620C-44).

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 3-2 Page 69 of 70

Section 1: AOF 3-3, Typical Amino Acid
Composition of Meals
(as percentage of protein)

Typical Amino Acid Composition (% of Protein) Australian Oilseed Meals

Cottonseed Linseed Peanut Rapeseed Safflower Soybean Sunflower

& Canola
Alanine 3.7 4.3 3.7 4.2 4.1 3.9 4.0
Arginine 11.7 9.1 11.3 6.2 8.9 7.1 7.9
Aspartic Acid 8.8 7.8 8.7 5.9 8.3 9.5 8.0
Cystine 2.5 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.3 1.4
Glutamic Acid 21.0 20.3 19.3 18.4 21.6 18.9 21.2
Glycine 3.4 5.7 5.3 5.3 5.9 4.3 5.8
Histidine 3.3 2.5 2.4 3.1 2.6 2.8 2.6
Leucine 5.1 5.8 6.2 7.0 6.4 7.4 6.5
lsoleucine 3.1 3.9 3.0 4.0 3.7 4.4 4.0
Lysine 4.5 4.0 3.5 5.9 3.3 6.1 3.5
Methionine 0.8 1.7 1.1 2.0 1.2 1.3 2.1
Phenylalanine 4.7 4.5 4.8 4.3 5.0 4.8 4.7
Proline 3.5 3.6 4.0 6.1 4.4 4.7 4.4
Serene 4.4 4.1 4.0 3.7 3.8 4.6 3.8
Threonine 3.5 3.6 2.6 4.0 3.1 3.9 3.7
Tyrosine 2.4 2.5 3.5 3.0 2.6 3.4 2.7
Valine 3.8 4.9 3.6 4.8 4.9 4.5 4.7

Issue No.8, July 31, 2009 Section 1 AOF 3-3 Page 70 of 70

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