Specialist 20 July 2010

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Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 Grower Information Bulletin

Call toll free: 1300 28 12 28 Facsimile: 02 6828 1249 Email: admin@wsoc.com.au ABN: 64 136 637 333
www.specialonegrain.com.au If you would like to unsubscribe please contact us.

Special One Grain Pool ESR Update

All Special One Grain Pool ESR's have been revised in recent weeks. Prices quoted are
Newcastle Track prices. Please deduct individual silo GTA differential to get your estimated
silo return.
2009/2010 Harvest Pools for Wheat

Grade 12mth Paid to 24mth Paid to

ESR Date ESR date
APH1 $235 $223 $243 $227
APH2 $232 $220 $240 $224
H1 $227 $215 $235 $219
H2 $222 $210 $230 $214
AUH2 $202 $190 $210 $194
APW1 $212 $200 $220 $204
ASW1 $202 $190 $210 $194
AGP1 $192 $180 $200 $184
HPS1 $187 $175 $195 $179
FED1 $177 $165
DR1 $242 $230
DR2 $222 $210
DR3 $205.2 $193.25
Port Zone Spreads - Brisbane ($5), Gladstone ($6), MacKay ($12), Port Kembla $5, Melbourne $0, Portland ($5),
Geelong $0
2009/2010 Contract Managed Pools (CMP)
Grade CMP1 Paid to CMP2 Paid to
ESR Date ESR date
APH1 $295 $258 $285 $248
APH2 $292 $255 $282 $245
H1 $287 $250 $277 $240
H2 $285 $248 $275 $238
AUH2 $267 $230 $257 $220
APW1 $277 $240 $267 $230
ASW1 $257 $220 $247 $210
AGP1 $252 $215 $242 $205
HPS1 $227 $190 $217 $180

Disclaimer:Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this information, Walgett Special One Co-operative,
trading as Special One Grain is not liable for any actions arising from reliance upon this information.
2008/2009 Harvest Pools for Wheat
Grade 18mth Paid to 24mth Paid to
Date date
AH9 $230 $194.18 n/a n/a
FED1 $200 $164.18 n/a n/a
APH2 $310 $241
H1 $290 $221
H2 $290 $221
AUH2 $290 $221
APW1 $280 $211
ASW1 $260 $191
AGP1 $255 $186
HPS1 $285 $216

Final Payment 08/09 AH9 18mth pool - July 2010

Final Payment 08/09 Open Harvest 24mth wheat pool - Nov 2010.

Barley Pools
08/09 Barley Pool - FB1 ESR $190/mt Newcastle Track. Paid to Date $166/mt. Final Payment to be
made July/Aug 2010.
09/10 Barley Pool - FB1 ESR $175/mt Newcastle Track. Paid to Date $132/mt. Final
payment Nov 2010.

Chickpea Pools
Both the CMP and the harvest pool ESR's are currently under review. A revised ESR will be
posted as soon as possible.

Whilst we are upgrading our computer system, we respectfully request that you use the
above information to calculate your pool equity. Thankyou for your understanding.

Please note these prices are estimates only and may vary.

Crop Insurance - Insure through Special One Insurance Brokers. "The Growers Broker"
For a crop insurance cover note call us on 1300 281 228. We will email / fax our information
sheet to you. The information sheet are also available on our website
www.specialonegrain.com.au use the Green button "Click Here for Crop Insurance".
Special One Insurance Brokers is a registered trading name of Special One Financial Services Pty Ltd. ABN: 64 136 637 333. AFSL: 338350.

Disclaimer:Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this information, Walgett Special One Co-operative,
trading as Special One Grain is not liable for any actions arising from reliance upon this information.

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