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the blades, close to the ribs without looseness. Legs, viewed from the front, straight with good
bone, but not to the point of coarseness. Pasterns short and strong, sloping slightly with no
suggestion of weakness. Dewclaws on forelegs may be removed, but are normally left on. Feet
medium size, round, compact, and well knuckled, with thick pads. Excess hair may be trimmed
to show natural size and contour. Splayed or hare feet to be faulted.
Hindquarters: Broad and strongly muscled. Profile of croup slopes slightly; the pelvic bone
slopes at a slightly greater angle (approximately 30 degrees from horizontal). In a natural stance,
the femur joins the pelvis at approximately a 90-degree angle; stifles well bent; hocks well let
down with short, strong rear pasterns. Feet as in front. Legs straight when viewed from rear.
Cow-hocks, spread hocks, and sickle hocks to be faulted.
Coat: Dense and water-repellent with good undercoat. Outer coat firm and resilient, neither
coarse nor silky, lying close to body; may be straight or wavy. Untrimmed natural ruff; moderate
feathering on back of forelegs and on underbody; heavier feathering on front of neck, back of
thighs and underside of tail. Coat on head, paws, and front of legs is short and even. Excessive
length, open coats, and limp, soft coats are very undesirable. Feet may be trimmed and stray
hairs neatened, but the natural appearance of coat or outline should not be altered by cutting or
Color: Rich, lustrous golden of various shades. Feathering may be lighter than rest of coat. With
the exception of graying or whitening of face or body due to age, any white marking, other than a
few white hairs on the chest, should be penalized according to its extent. Allowable light
shadings are not to be confused with white markings. Predominant body color which is either
extremely pale or extremely dark is undesirable. Some latitude should be given to the light puppy
whose coloring shows promise of deepening with maturity. Any noticeable area of black or other
off-color hair is a serious fault.
Gait: When trotting, gait is free, smooth, powerful and well coordinated, showing good reach.
Viewed from any position, legs turn neither in nor out, nor do feet cross or interfere with each
other. As speed increases, feet tend to converge toward center line of balance. It is recommended
that dogs be shown on a loose lead to reflect true gait.
Temperament: Friendly, reliable, and trustworthy. Quarrelsomeness or hostility towards other
dogs or people in normal situations, or an unwarranted show of timidity or nervousness, is not in
keeping with Golden Retriever character. Such actions should be penalized according to their
Disqualifications: Deviation in height of more than one inch from standard either way.
Undershot or overshot bite.
Approved October 13, 1981
Reformatted August 18, 1990