Shih Tzu Dec 1 2014ukc Standards
Shih Tzu Dec 1 2014ukc Standards
Shih Tzu Dec 1 2014ukc Standards
The heavily plumed tall is set on high and carried in a
curve well over the back. The height of the tail should
be approximately the same as the height of the skull, to
give a balanced appearance.
The breed is double coated. The luxurious, dense coat is
long and flowing. A slight wave is permissible. Length or
amount of coat should not affect movement or vision.
The hair on the top of the head is customarily tied up.
The breed is to be shown in as natural a state as
possible. Trimming is done on the feet and at the anus
for neatness.
Faults: Sparse coat. Curly coat. Single coat. Excessive
All colors and markings are acceptable and are to be
given equal consideration.
Disqualification: Albinism.
Ideally not more than 10 inches in height.
The ideal weight of mature dogs is from 9 to 16
In order to evaluate its smooth, flowing, effortless,
straight gait, the Shih Tzu is to be shown at its own
natural speed; neither raced nor strung up. There is a
good reach in the front and an equally strong rear drive.
While gaiting, the backline is level, the head is carried
naturally high and the tail is carried in a gentle curve
over the back.
(A dog with a Disqualification must not be considered
for placement in a conformation event, and must be
reported to UKC.)
Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid.
Viciousness or extreme shyness.