In Nomine - Angelic Players Guide (Sjg3307)
In Nomine - Angelic Players Guide (Sjg3307)
In Nomine - Angelic Players Guide (Sjg3307)
Early Days
The Eden Experiment
First Contact
Outcasts, or The Second Fall
A Glimpse of the Other Side
Simplicity and Confidence
Defining Passions
Choirs and the Individual
On the Naming of Angels
Traditional Duties
Celestial Duties
Typical Roles
Cherubim and Human Society
More Sophisticated Uses
of Resonance
On Earthly Matters
Dealing With Dissonance
Cherubim Check Digit Remits
(Special Use at -2 Penalty)
Touchy Situations
Special Discords
Cherubim Check Digit Results
(Special Use at -4 Penalty)
Cherubim and Superiors
The Cherub Perspective
Traditional Duties
Celestial Duties
Typical Roles
Seraphim and Human Society
More Sophisticated Uses
of Resonance
On Earthly Matters
Dealing With Dissonance
Touchy Situations
Special Discords
Superiors and Seraphim
The Seraph Perspective
Traditional Duties
Celestial Duties
Typical Roles
Elohim and Human Society
More Sophisticated Uses
of Resonance
On Earthly Matters
Dealing With Dissonance
Touchy Situations
Special Discords
Elohim and Superiors
The Elohite Perspective
Traditional Duties
Celestial Duties
Typical Roles
Malakim and Human Society
More Sophisticated Uses
of Resonance
On Earthly Matters
Dealing With Dissonance
Touchy Situations
Special Discords
Malakim and Superiors
The Malakite Perspective
Traditional Duties
Celestial Duties
Typical Roles
Mercurians and Human Society
More Sophisticated Uses
of Resonance
On Earthly Matters
Mercurian Check Digit Results
(Special Use at -2 Penalty)
Mercurian Check Digit Results
(Special Use at -4 Penalty)
Touchy Situations
Dealing With Dissonance
Special Discords
Mercurians and Superiors
The Mercurian Perspective
Nature of Intervention
Beneficial Coincidences
Intercession . .
Making an Angel
Celestial Crossbreeds
The Songs of Fruition
Using Relievers
Reliever Player Characters
Graduation Day
Sample Relievers
Allies of the Moment
Outlaw Celestials
Enemies Together
Player Conflict
Seeking Change
Being Traded
Starting Over
Broken Hearts
Tripping: Becoming Outcast
On Being Outcast
Outcast Motives
Life as an Outcast
You're Asking for It
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How Do I LOOK?
Your Friends
The Choirs
Dissonance and Your Boss
Reactions to Falling
What Do I Get?
The Boys
The Unknown
Slipping Through the Cracks ........
New Ranged Weapons
Non-Lethal Weaponry
Cars and Chases
New Contact Weapons
Choir Mechanics
Superior Mechanics
.. 127
Yves gently closed the book, paused and pursed his lips,
then carefully placed the volume on the ground. He considered his audience with a gaze that was kind and gentle, yet tinged with an infinite sadness. More than one of
his listeners shuddered.
"We, the angels, did not yet exist," he said. "And
though those of us who were created that day still
remember the first moments of our existence, there are
many things, things which come later, that have been
"Some of us can clearly recall one hundred years back;
some have memories that run a thousand years back and
the more divine of us can recall all their days in the last
ten thousand years - but none of us can remember every
moment of our existence."
He paused to let what he had said sink in, then continued: "Why is our memory shortened? To truly help die
humans. So that even the most divine of us can hold in
our thoughts some inkling of mortality, we have had the
capacity of our minds limited. For us, a loss of past
knowledge is nothing, compared to the even greater sacrifice God has made in giving up His memories of the
"He blinds himself to the flood of onrushing future
events so that humans, and perhaps even angels, may
have some taste of free will, rather than feeling like actors
in a machination, performing for a higher being's entertainment."
He paused, even longer still. The young Ofanim nearly stilled by the soft sound of his voice - began to
stir as the essence of their nature once again took hold.
Others among his audience listened even more alertly
than before, realizing that they yet awaited the true
import of this lesson.
The oldest Archangel spoke again.
"The point is, in the beginning there was light, not
darkness," he said. "This is the story we tell ourselves;
this is the tale we hold to be true.
"If it were not so, how can we possibly hope to win
against an Enemy who had the upper hand even before
Archangel Yves ran his perfect hands through his perfect hair and sighed deeply.
"This is all I will tell you today," he said.
God created Heaven and Earth - that much is certain.
Everything else is speculation on half-remembered
scenes across ten billion years taken one second at a time.
Some find it amazing that glorious celestials have chosen to focus their attentions on a fragile, newborn race on
just one of countless planets circling one of countless
stars. They should not. Many an angel believes the reason he exists is because humanity exists.
Regardless of what else may be out there - regardless
of what else may exist in portions of Heaven concealed
from most eyes - the angels that deal with humanity are
inextricably linked to their Earth-bound charges. Not all
of them like humans, not all of them even tolerate
What all of them must do is deal with mankind.
Heaven and Earth - The First Angels - Humanity Adam and Eve
The universe brought forth consciousness, creating
Yves, the first being. He then named God. This was
God then created many more celestial creatures, which
were called angels. Michael was the first; Lucifer the second. The other early celestials were Baal, David, Eli,
Gabriel and Uriel.
The seven of them helped God create the universe,
which some call the Symphony. Lucifer, the
Lightbringer, gathered the elements together and start-
As more angels were created and their numbers
increased, they began to display several distinctive
natures. They called these Choirs. The greatest of the
Choirs were the Seraphim, Cherubim, Ofanim, Elohim,
Kyriotates and Mercurians. Each Choir had its own resonance with the Symphony and served God just as different instruments serve a conductor.
The universe continued cooling, and a greater number
of celestials found themselves focusing on the detailed
constructions of life. The corporeal process itself offered
little more challenge than maintaining the balances in
the heart of a star, but it commanded the attention of the
angels. Yves seemed particularly interested in what life
would become. His interest alone was enough to involve
the others.
In those days, angels could only manifest on Earth in
their celestial forms, and then only for brief periods. As
eons passed, they began to notice reality putting up a
greater resistance to their pressures, and their celestial
presences began disturbing the Symphony at large. They
turned to life for the answer, and developed the patience
for manifesting as naturally occurring forces and forms.
Janus, a later creation, discovered he could imbue the
great ocean waves and powerful winds with his celestial
Even when manifesting as animals, angels felt they had
only the crudest of tools for manipulating the awesome
powers available on Earth. Then came humanity. Finally,
humans offered a natural pattern of corporeal existence
complex enough to serve as an adequate vessel for celestial consciousness. Angels took to human forms quickly,
enjoying their many advantages over animal
God, dirough Yves, warned the
celestials: they were not to tamper with the works of humanity, nor was the young race
to be damaged in any
way. They were special
and, as God's most
complex creations, to
be given deference.
This didn't sit well
with many an angel,
who saw no real difference between the
humans and animals.
Though they saw
humans develop language, they pointed
out that animals spoke
too, after a fashion.
Monkeys used sticks to pull
insects from their mounds
long before the first human
shaped a tool. Though they had no
ready comparison to the first human
who drew on a cave wall, they countered with
the question: would God have the angels adoring spiders
for the elaborate webs they weave? They argued that though life has an undeniable beauty - there should be a
limit to what one adores.
Then humans created religion, and no angel could
deny for any longer that mankind offered something special after all. In time, the angels learned that humans possessed the capacity to think and reason - also the awe-
The Great Division - The First Battles of the War The Creation of the Grigori
Eventually, Lucifer rebelled from God and took almost
a third of the angels with him. Heaven had never
endured such a conflict before, and never has since. The
ensuing chaos led to the creation of an entirely new
Choir, the Malakim, formed of the purest celestials who
chose to take up arms against their siblings to defend the
will of their Creator.
Michael - the mightiest of all the angels - forcibly
ejected Lucifer from Heaven, and the Lightbringer fell
to the furthermost edge of reality, to the place most distant from God. Yves named this place Hell. The rem-
8H I S T O R Y
nants of Lucifer's rebels set out for that place of their own
God appointed Michael as general of Heaven's armies,
making him the Archangel of War, and charged him with
defending the Symphony against the forces of Lucifer.
Relative peace marked the first few millennia of the
Fallen ones' captivity. There was no strife, but the most
powerful of God's forces, the Archangels, braced themselves for a second attack.
Until the rebels were dealt
with, God lifted the ban on
intervention in human affairs,
but warned that celestial influences should be handled with the
utmost delicacy. Without God's
omniscient direction, an angel's
actions on Earth could easily and
unwittingly end up helping the
demons more than the angels.
The angels established the
Seraphim Council, composed of
the wisest and most divine
among them. The Archangels
each began to organize the forces
beneath them into structures
they felt would best defend
Heaven and still serve the purpose originally assigned to them
by God. Many Archangels, their
previous tasks completed, reapplied their talents toward helping
The angels first rediscovered their Fallen brethren in
the Marches, the ethereal lands explored by Blandine and
Beleth, which humans visit while dreaming. At the far
end of the Marches, opposite from Blandine's tower, a
similar structure was rising. Beleth laid claim to Hell's
end of the Marches. She has been slowly expanding her
territory ever since.
After making their way into the ethereal realm, the
rebels eventually discovered how to travel to and from
their dark celestial realm and Earth. Thus came the
beginning of the dark influence on the corporeal plane.
Their infernal machinations spread from the nightmares
of humans to their waking hours.
Some angels mutter darkly that this is when civilization
was truly born.
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New Archangels - The Rise of New Demon Princes God's Ineffable Plan - Lucifer's Inscrutable Motivations
Humans had always fallen back on delusion and denial
to create die illusion of security in their lives. Yves
learned early on that religion proved a powerful tool in
persuading humanity to "be good." The demons soon
discovered that with an artful twist or two it also provided excellent excuses to "be bad," though all in all religion
has helped humanity more than it has hurt it.
Saminga was die first demon to warp religion for his
own gain, rising to power for his work among die ancient
Egyptians. Magog, a servant of David, helped accelerate
die collapse of the Egyptian empire before engaging
Saminga's demons in open warfare, which was forbidden
then as it is today. Magog Fell soon after. He and those
loyal to him were entombed beneath the sands of Egypt
by David, widi the help of Khalid, the Angel of Faidi.
Magog is to remain imprisoned until Armageddon, at
which point die angels and demons may once again fight
openly on die Earth.
Uriel had his hands full promoting and protecting
what eventually became die Roman Empire, riding herd
over die growing number of pagan gods who grew
increasingly impertinent as their power rose. The pagan
deities were beings formed from the stuff of dreams,
born in the Marches and fueled by die worship of
humanity. Some of the pagans, it was suspected, were
almost as strong as a lesser Archangel. The Seraphim
Council finally ruled diat this would not do.
Yves, in pushing humanity toward its brightest possible
future, saw that religion gave people strength in times of
weakness, and suggested that the other Archangels promote monodieism as a way to offer humanity strength
without feeding the pagan gods at the same time. Eli
made a great deal of progress with die prophet Zoroaster,
and saw his teachings spread as Persia grew. The
Archangel of Destiny watched for four decades, dien he
With the help of Gabriel and Raphael, in ways diat are
even today not all that clear, Yves grew Christianity in
the blink of an eye. It consumed die worship that had
been the source of power for many pagan gods. These
rival deities, cut off at die knees, lost a great deal of influence as their modest Tediers were rechristened as temples to God. Many of diem fled to die side of die
demons, while others fought to retain what few worshipers remained faidiful to them.
Heaven was bolstered by the success of Christianity. As
die Roman Empire accepted Christianity so, too, did
Uriel, proclaiming himself the patron Archangel of
Christianity, endorsing its values as the proper way for
humanity to live. Archangel Dominic also let it be known
diat he supported Christianity and its virtues, especially
A Shedite named Legion developed the ability to possess multiple humans at the same time, controlling their
acts in unison. As his power grew, so did his abilities,
until he was capable of turning any human within a mile
into his mindless slave.
For the first time, the powers of light and darkness
worked together to battle a common enemy, but Legion
proved too powerful to be defeated, even by the combined strengths of many of the Superiors of the day. Only
An angel is a vital engine of reality, an instrument most
fulfilled when its song blends perfectly with the
Symphony, adding to its strength without detracting
from the Big Picture. (By contrast, a demon can be seen
as the jerk in the third row shouting "FREEBIRD!" at
the conductor and laughing his head off.) Angels are
much more aware of their place in the grand scheme of
things than are humans. That makes them less occupied
with themselves.
This is a double-edged sword when dealing directly
with humanity, which is why the more divine Choirs (the
Seraphim in particular) have such trouble doing so. An
angel belonging to one of the "higher" Choirs, or one
who hasn't been among humans in a long time, will likely retain a concept of sympathy that can seem cold to
human eyes.
A comparative example: when humans see a woman
crying, they see a person in pain. When an angel sees a
woman crying, he sees a wound on the fabric of the universe, a jarring note in the Symphony. Because an angel
is truly aware of the depth and breadth of reality, he tends
to view any given human as an abstraction. Relating to a
mortal as an individual can require real concentration,
and a serious shift in viewpoint. More importantly, angels
to some extent see themselves this way . . . less as individuals, and more as one part of the greater whole that is the
divine Symphony.
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angel gets,
the simpler he
becomes. Remember that the angelic idea of
social climbing boils down to "become the embodiment
of a single, abstract notion."
It's a gentle curve that begins when an angel first comes
into being - the first few years of a young angel's existence are spent in a state of ravenous curiosity that is ultimately satisfied as the angel learns that he is very much
connected to everything, and that every action he takes
sings out into the Symphony, forever. Angels tend to be
very personally secure because they learn at an early
stage of development that they're very important, that the
tiniest waves they make are never truly absorbed by the
oceans of reality. Every angel's actions are immortal.
Only when an angel performs some harmful act does his
confidence become shaken - and that can become a great
In their early days of exploring, each angel finds a
handful of concepts that resonate with personal importance. Throughout an angel's life, those concepts shape
The Cherubim are the clearest examples of how
extreme and simple an angel's love can be, and how utterly unconditional. A Cherub, once he is bound to someone, will be devoted to their safety, comfort and happiness but all of the angels, down to the most antisocial
Malakite, possess this same immense capacity for intense,
unquestioning love. In each angel, it manifests different-
tend to love these people just as fiercely as they love anything, but - depending on how open they are about their
celestial nature - that might be something they keep hidden most of the time, taking quiet joy whenever they see
a human they care about achieve something good, or get
through a rough spot in their lives.
* What places and things does the angel love? An
angel can fall in love with a city or orchard or sewer in a
way that doesn't make a lot of sense to many humans.
The perspective of the divine is sometimes so large and
abstract that angels find symbols hidden in the landscape
that have no real meaning on the human level, but that
are a source of awe and peace to a celestial - or at least,
to that particular celestial. The same can go for the simplest of ordinary objects. This is a very individual trait;
maybe your angel loves an old firehouse in Chicago;
maybe he loves snow.
* What about Choir and Superior specifics? If your
angel serves Jordi, what animals, in particular, bring him
the most happiness? Is there a city zoo that he visits regularly? Is there a nest of eagles that he's taken under his
wing? If the angel is an Ofanite, where does he most
enjoy cutting loose with speed? If he's a Mercurian, what
social group does he most enjoy hanging out with?
The views and behavior of angels change over the centuries . . . angelic society evolves. There are genuine
philosophies among the angels, competing schools of
thought, trying to work out the meaning of it all. To really understand this would be very sobering to many of the
faithful on Earth, who take comfort in the knowledge
that Heaven has all the answers. Its inhabitants don't, and
they have argued just as fiercely over the questions as we
People as Weapons
This is an issue of great concern to the Seraphim
Council, particularly among Archangels active in the
planning of the War, but it is argued from the highest
thrones of Heaven to the lowliest hell-holes of Earth.
Are humans to be sheltered from the War, or forged into
an active weapon? Some angels dislike the concept of
Soldiers entirely, and some are even uncomfortable with
the idea of enlisting the aid of human servants. Angels
disinclined to use humanity as a fighting force tend to see
humans as something that should be kept away from the
War entirely. They also believe (and vocally suggest) that
angels working on the corporeal level should put forth
their best efforts to keep the War away from humans, as
well . . . believing that the Fallen mingle closely with
The angels don't set off Armageddon
for several reasons, but the reasoning
behind the reason depends on the angel
you ask. Some angels, were it left to
them, would storm Hell tomorrow. Still,
what holds the Host back is that:
* In a slugging match, unless God
intervened, they'd lose. The demons are
more plentiful and in total, more powerful.
For the angels to assume that God would
intervene is, depending on who you ask, (a) a
necessary component of faith in God or (b)
hubris bordering on madness.
Note that most angels would sacrifice themselves without a thought to serve the higher
good that is the Symphony, but few court their
own needless destruction, and none want to trigger a battle that could lose the War. (But then, is
it faithless treason to contemplate the idea that
God's side could lose?)
* Armageddon would destroy Earth as we know
it, and most mortals. This would be (a) unimportant in the greater scheme of things, (b) the callous
sacrifice of everything the angels have fought for,
(c) the fate and destiny of Earth and the mortals,
or (d) a much-overdue housecleaning.
* God has not commanded it. This means that
(a) it shouldn't even be considered or (b) the
angels are supposed to use their free will and
decide for themselves.
Free Will
This questions holds more complexity than most, for
the celestials as well as humans. A typical discussion of it
might go like this:
Angels have free will. Don't we?
Of course we do. We can Fall.
Those who Fall were fated to do so. They played their
part. They were fated to believe they had free will, and
that they were doing as they wished.
Does that mean that the selfish demons have free will,
but we do not?
Everything they do is part of the Divine Plan, too. The
demons are the part of the Plan that opposes, so the rest
may grow stronger.
But if everything is part of the Divine Plan, what is the
point of any part of it growing stronger? If the Plan is as
it is, perfect and unchanging, what use is all the suffering
and struggle?
We don't understand. It's ineffable. You were fated to
ask that question.
(At this point, if in celestial form, one angel usually
remembers urgent business elsewhere. If corporeal,
crockery is thrown.)
Seraph names often are rooted in a name of God, and
they like the cadences of Hebrew. The "-el" suffix ("of
God") is common in angelic names, but most so in this
Seraphim cannot use an alias in human society. They
may consent to "shortening" their angelic name; Zebadiah might be persuaded to go by "Zane." But he will
never say he is Zane. Instead, he will use Seraphic evasions . . . "I go by Zane," or, "People call me Zane."
Seraphim do much more than conduct celestial truth
tests, especially since their very presence on Earth tends
to keep other angels honest. They are respected for their
wisdom and insight, and it is their advice other angels
seek when in doubt. In a mixed group of angels,
Seraphim don't always assume overt leadership, but
rarely will a plan proceed without their approval.
Archangels send Seraphim on an assignment when they
want things done by the book. Their presence lends a
high degree of moral authority to any mission.
Seraphim tend to be highly perceptive. They're usually not oriented toward the corporeal side
of things, though there are notable
exceptions (such as Michael!). With
their resonance for the truth, keen
insight and information-gathering
attunements, Seraphim can make
excellent detectives. Their low
tolerance for pretension, falsehood and immorality, on the
other hand, make them lousy
diplomats. Seraphim are usually
poor choices for assignments
requiring finesse, but given their
usefulness when dealing with mortals, they may be assigned such tasks
anyway, with a more suave angel along to help with
social situations.
Seraphim are also the "internal affairs" officers in
every Archangel's hierarchy. How vigilantly they
monitor their fellow Servitors depends on how concerned (or paranoid) their Superior is about such
things, but all Seraphim keep an eye out for signs of
dissonant behavior. If a Superior is afraid one of his
angels may be in danger of Falling, he usually sends a
Seraph to investigate.
Seraphim also judge disputes between an Archangel's
Servitors on Earth. The ruling almost always is accepted,
since die alternative would be to bring the matter before
the Archangel. Archangels hate settling squabbles.
In Heaven, the Seraphim are judges and mediators.
While lesser angels handle many of the mundane chores
of running Heaven, Seraphim are Heaven's nobility. Put
in a more modern context, they are management. The
lowest-ranking Seraphim are usually in charge of minor
administrative tasks, such as fielding requests from angels
who want an audience with their Superior (and trying to
deal with their problems first so an audience isn't necessary). The most important Seraphim are on the
On Earth, Seraphim are often found in the legal profession, especially Seraphim of Judgment. A judge Role
obviously suits them, but those angels able to reconcile
The Trisagion, or "Song of Holies," is a very special
Song. Any angel can learn it, but it's not usually taught to
anyone except a Seraph chosen to be a Trisagionist. It
cannot be sung by anyone with dissonance or Discord. It
also cannot be learned at a higher level than the angel's
Singing Skill. Diabolicals cannot learn this Song!
The Trisagion invokes the presence of the Almighty.
Of course, this does not mean a Song can summon God,
but successful performance attracts a tiny portion of
divine attention. For a number of minutes equal to the
check digit of a successful performance, there is an
increased chance that God will be watching. This is represented by treating any intervention roll (111 or 666) by
anyone in the vicinity, as a divine intervention.
The check digit of a successful singing of the Trisagion
can also be added to the chance of invocation when
attempting to summon an Archangel. This does not
mean that the Archangel will necessarily be happier
gives away the celestial nature of the person (though the
reason for the disguise is subject to discovery).
Many actions may be a lie in one context but not in
another. A woman who dyes her hair blonde to conceal
her identity is lying. One who dyes it blonde solely for a
change of pace is not lying to anyone a Seraph will not
know or care, nor will his resonance detect it.
Seraphim can't detect deceit inherent in an object
(such as a fake ID lying on the ground); their resonance
only works on people, since only people can speak lies in
their presence and trigger their resonance. On all but the
highest check digits, it will only detect a deceitful item if
the person the resonance is scanning knows it's a fraud:
someone who is unknowingly passing fake currency isn't
being deceitful himself, but the Seraph who rolls a check
digit 6 will know the Truth of the matter anyway!
This sort of ignorance on the target's part often limits
the resonance in other ways. For instance, Seraphim usually can't mine news reports for hidden truths. The medium gives them a -1 to their check digit, making it hard to
automatically detect the Truth, and the newscaster's own
"truth" is that he read what he stated off a TelePrompter.
Unwitting falsehoods often slip past this resonance.
Evading Seraphim
Angels and demons alike have developed several evasive responses to Seraphim, some better than others.
Only novice celestials respond to a dangerous Seraph
question with, "None of your business!" Often, it is the
Maintaining Mystery
A competent Seraph can make a good mystery go bad
in a hurry. If he can gather all the murder suspects in the
parlor, invoke his resonance on each, and ask if they
killed Mr. Appleby, then he'll have the butler on his way
to a cell within minutes.
Fortunately, parlors are rare and set-piece circumstances rarer in the In Nomine setting. The resonance
can be kept from getting out of hand.
The Seraph should have to work to gain access to anyone he seeks to question. Then, with mortals for whom
the War must remain secret, how does he explain why he
wants to ask his questions? Once past this hurdle, many
people won't respond directly to a direct question. A
response akin to "Ask my lawyer!" will be common; the
even more common "Why do you want to know?" puts
the Seraph back in an uncomfortable spot with mortals.
Just as importantly, the unvarnished truth can be harder to sort out than normal, social conventions. To use an
earlier example, detecting dyed blonde hair as a lie may
not distinguish whether the intent was to disguise the
person or simply conceal their age!
Finally, Seraphim don't use their resonance casually,
since a failure might incapacitate their ability for hours.
Thus, the Detect Lies Skill is not redundant for
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Seraphim resonate with the truth, and incur dissonance for violating it. The best way for them to realign
themselves with their angelic nature is to become a
paragon of truth, expunging even the slightest hint of
falsehood from their lips.
A Seraph who has lied can erase the dissonance caused
by that lie by confessing to it and revealing the whole
truth to everyone who heard the lie, and then receiving
forgiveness from all of them. This is usually not practical, since a Seraph would not lie in the first place unless
there was a dire need to do so.
Alternatively, a Seraph can erase 1 point of dissonance
incurred by a lie by spending one week engaging in
absolute, utter truthfulness. This means that not only can
the Seraph not lie, but he cannot engage in the sort of
evasion they usually use to get around difficult truths.
The Seraph must speak the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth. If someone asks a question the
Seraph does not wish to answer, or cannot answer (such
as "Are you an angel?"), his only option, other than complete disclosure, is silence. The Seraph cannot use the
Fast-Talk Skill during this time. Also, he cannot stand
silently by while others lie; when subjected to falsehood,
he must either expose it or immediately leave.
This can make it very difficult for the angel to interact
normally with mortal society. One other way to erase a
point of dissonance is to uncover a very great lie, and
reveal the truth. This must be a complicated fabrication
that will require a lot of work to unravel, and it must
serve some greater good to undo it.
The GM determines whether a particular deception is
suitable. Exposing dangerous false advertising might
qualify, or freeing a prisoner who had been convicted on
false testimony.
Obviously, a Seraph's greatest danger is getting trapped
in a lie. Humans (and angels used to dealing with them)
can accept the polite fictions that make day-to-day life
easier. When someone asks, "How do I look?" Seraphim
have trouble understanding the speaker isn't asking for
an honest evaluation. Experienced angels usually spend
some time teaching Seraphim newly assigned to Earth
that "How are you?" and "See you later," aren't meant
to be taken literally. That is, the Truth is that those words
don't mean what they sound like. This is an explanation that
a Seraph can understand, even if it makes his head hurt.
Seraphim can learn to avoid blurting out tactless
observations, and even to endure lies in silence, but they ]
cannot say something that is even a little bit dishonest.
Thus, they could not answer, "How do I look?" with,
"You look fine," if they think the person actually looks
overdressed and tawdry. They can, however, focus on
one aspect of the truth, "I like that color," or answer indirectly, "You'll make quite an impression," or even provide the literal truth, "You've never looked lovelier."
Seraphim find Fast-Talk useful, though easily abused.
Seraphim avoid situations where they may be asked
difficult questions.They can deal with blatant attempts
by other celestials to take advantage of them; they can j
always simply refuse to answer. But diabolicals delight in
engaging Seraphim in conversation, and trying to lead
them into situations where they either give up valuable
information or lie. Wise Seraphim simply walk away.
Forked Tongue (Celestial)
Whenever the Seraph speaks, make a reaction roll,
reduced by the level of this Discord. If the roll fails, the
listener believes the Seraph is lying. If the Seraph is lying,
add the level of his Discord to all Detect Lies rolls. If
what the Seraph is saying is obviously true, the listener
still believes the Seraph is being dishonest about something. Forked Tongue does not mislead the resonances of
other Seraphim. This Discord can afflict other Choirs.
Truthfulness (Ethereal)
This Discord can afflict any celestial, but it most often
afflicts Seraphim. A victim of Truthfulness must make a
Will roll minus the level of his Discord whenever he
Seraphim are especially suited to Words that serve the
truth. Dominic, Archangel of Judgment, and Litheroy,
Archangel of Revelation, have typical Seraph Words.
Michael earned his Word by defending God's truth
against Lucifer. Any Word related to communication,
divination or knowledge is suitable. Some Word-bound
Seraphim include the Angel of Astronomy (and his rival,
the Angel of Astrology), the Angel of Dictionaries, the
the Angel of Navigation and the Angel of Statistics (the
Demon of Statistics is a Balseraph, naturally).
"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy
ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot
against a stone."
-Psalms 91:11-12
Only a step below the Seraphim in divinity, the Cherubim
have always been much more active on Earth, protecting all
God's creations. No Choir works harder (only the Malakim are
their equals in relentless devotion to duty). If humans knew just
how much the Cherubim have done for them, they would occupy the most privileged station in angelic lore.
Cherubim are the guardian angels of myth, the heavenly
hosts who surround and protect God's chosen ones. Yet older
myths portrayed them more accurately - as fierce, even monstrous, beasts who would devour anyone who threatens that
which they protect. Novalis and Blandine, the two greatest
Cherub Archangels, reflect the "kinder, gender" Cherubim of
modern times, for they are die friendliest toward Man. The
relendess David is of the older breed; he was a Cherub, guarding civilization, before the Choir of Malakim was created.
Like Seraphim, the Cherubim are partial to Enochian true
names, often ending in "-el." Like Mercurians, on Earth the
Cherubim use names appropriate for their duties; especially
those evocative of guardianship. Unlike Mercurians, the
Cherubim prefer names that won't stand out.
Unlike other Choirs, Cherubim are rarely sent to Earth as
"free agents." Other angels may simply wander around looking
Cherubim are the gatekeepers and sentinels of
Heaven. Malakim are posted to cathedrals, too, but their
presence is more military than custodial. A Cherub will
contentedly watch the same spot for centuries, pleased
with his purity of purpose.
Anyone visiting an Archangel's cathedral probably will
be greeted by a Cherub, and a Cherub will escort him
into his Superior's presence. In Heaven, Cherubim make
up the largest part of an Archangel's retinue. With their
infinite patience and devotion, they will watch whatever
they're told to watch, and note everything.
If an Archangel is worried about a particular Servitor such as when an angel is unusually dissonant he may
assign a Cherub to watch tbat angel's Heart. If the angel
risks becoming Outcast, or Falling, that Cherub may be
dispatched to rescue him, or to drag him back to Heaven.
Cherubim take Roles that will facilitate their protective
duties, but not all their Roles are overtly protective in
nature. Certainly, a Role as a professional bodyguard can
be awfully convenient, but it's also a bit obvious. You'll
find a lot more Cherubim working as janitors. Janitors
can go everywhere, and they're rarely noticed, allowing
them to unobtrusively stay near the object of their
attunement. And unlike some other angels, a Cherub
won't consider it beneath his dignity to mop floors.
Private investigator, bounty hunter and photographer
are also jobs that give Cherubim
the freedom to travel and loiter in
places most people shouldn't. There
are many other human occupations
that satisfy a Cherub's need to protect
and serve; police officer is an obvious
one, and some Cherubim become soldiers,
but they prefer emergency services (EMT, fireman, ambulance driver), or professions that
give them a custodial role (park ranger,
search-and-rescue worker, lifeguard or EPA
scientist). Less glamorous, but equally
important, are teachers, crossing guards,
nurses and other "care-giving" professions.
A Cherub who is present when his charge is attacked
in any fashion may make a Dodge roll (plus his Celestial
Forces) to interpose himself between his charge and the
threat. If this roll is successful, he becomes the target of
the attack, but still gets his own normal defense roll.
(Think of a knight jumping in front of the prince in battle, and then trying to catch the blow on his own shield.)
A Cherub adds his Celestial Forces to any skill roll that
is made in direct protection of his charge, including his
attacks on anyone immediately attacking or threatening
his charge, and his own defenses against such an attacker. Again, this is the GM's decision. A Cherub who really
does nothing except watch and defend his charge will
receive a bonus on almost everything he does, as is
appropriate for Heaven's guardians. But the bonus does
not apply to a preemptive strike, or to retribution against
someone who has already destroyed his charge.
Another reason that Cherubs are such effective
guardians is their ability to hunt down those who injure
their charges. This makes Hellspawn wary of attacking a
Cherub's charges just to harass him. It can backfire. It
also means that if a demon needs to kill someone the
Cherub protects, it will probably attack the Cherub first.
That's fine with the Cherub.
Should the object of a Cherub's attunement be
destroyed or severely harmed (GM's decision), he will
know something of when and how it happened, and may
attempt a Perception roll to link to the antagonist
1 .... Ifou only have a vague sense if someone else
is watching your attuned object.
2.... You know for certain if someone else is
watching it.
3 .... You have a good idea of who is watching it.
4 .... YOVL know exactly who is watching it.
5 .... You know exactly who and to what extent
someone is watching your attuned object.
(This includes the location of bugs and cameras.)
6 .... You know exactly who, to what extent and
why someone is watching it.
1.... You learn the name of the object of attunement, or its basic function.
2 .... You learn basic facts about a person (age, profession, city of residence, etc.), the name of
the person who owns an object or the significance of a place.
3 .... You learn the above, plus a person's basic personality, an object's advanced functions and
the major events of the last year at a place.
4.... You learn the above, plus a person's basic
desires, the last year of an object's history and
the major events and visitors of the last five
years at a place.
5.... You learn the above, plus a person's basic
fears, die last five years of an object's history
and every detail of its operation, and the
major events and visitors of the last 10 years
at a place.
6.... You learn the above, plus every significant
event in the lifespan/history of the person,
place or thing.
Earthly Location
Heaven's hounds can't always rely on their resonance
to hunt things down - they might need to find something in order to attune themselves to it. When attuned,
though, the resonance is almost fail-safe. Even at the
lowest check digits, a Cherub can use triangulation to get
a very good idea of an attuned item's corporeal location.
This does not work in the higher realms, of course.
Similarly, a Cherub attuned to two or more locations
can use those attunements to figure out his own location,
provided the attuned locations aren't close to each other
in relationship to the Cherub's distance from all of them.
The greatest danger to a Cherub is an ill-thought
attunement. Flis resonance can be very convenient for
"keeping tabs" on things, but a Cherub becomes devoted
to whatever he has attuned himself to. He becomes
honor-bound to protect it; he will suffer if it is harmed,
and earn dissonance if it's destroyed. Only a foolish
Cherub uses his resonance as a celestial locator for a foe,
or attunes himself to more objects than he can defend.
A Cherub doesn't have to be attuned to someone to
suffer dissonance. A Cherub's word is his bond, and
promising to do something and failing can inflict dissonance as well. Likewise, pledging loyalty to a cause and
then abandoning it violates a Cherub's steadfast nature.
For this reason, they choose their friends carefully, and
Life-Linked Attunement (Corporeal)
When an object to which a Cherub is attuned is damaged, he will feel the loss as a sharp pain in his gut, inflicting Body hits equal to the number of Forces destroyed
plus the level of this Discord. If the object is destroyed (or
a living being is killed), damage is equal to the total
Forces lost times the Discord's level!
Overzealous (Celestial)
A form of externalized Paranoia in which the Cherub
becomes convinced of imaginary threats to his charges.
He loses his perspective, and will take preemptive action
against perceived threats before they pose any real danger. The Cherub must spend a minimum of twice the
Discord's level in hours per day hovering near objects of
his attunement and looking for threats. (Tariel, in the A
Bright Dream segment of In Nomine, was definitely
Overzealous!) Word-bound angels sometimes display a
form of this Discord, spending the time seeking out and
striking at threats to their Word that only they can see.
Cherubim are assigned Words that give them custodianship over some aspect of the Symphony. Few Words
are especially "Cherubic" in nature - what makes a
Cherub's Word special is the way that he serves it. The
Seraphim Council, mindful of how devastating failure is
for Cherubim, is very careful to assign Words no broader than the Cherub's ability to maintain and defend.
Dreams, Flowers and Children are examples of Words fit
only for Archangel Cherubim. Among lesser Words
defended by Cherubim are Pets, Ships, Archaeology,
Factories, Subways and Mountain Climbers.
-Ezekiel 10:10-12
The Ofanim, known also as Thrones, Galgillim or most commonly - the Wheels, are God's fastest creatures. They embody the dynamic, primal energy of the
universe. Try to restrain an Ofanite at your peril! Nearly
every Ofanite has at least one Song of Motion.
Some angels believe the Ofanim are heedless of their
duties, and indifferent to the work of others. They're
wrong; the Ofanim are as dedicated as every other Choir
to Heaven's cause. They just don't believe convictions
can be adequately expressed in words; actions count!
Janus and Gabriel are the greatest Ofanim in Heaven,
both of them ancient, powerful beings, and both misunderstood and often mistrusted by their peers.
Ofanim like short names quick to say and easy to pronounce often in Heaven as well as on Earth.
Other Choirs do things thoroughly, thoughtfully, creatively or subtly. Ofanim do things quickly. This is not to
say an Ofanite can't be thorough, thoughtful and creative
(subde is difficult), but their primary virtue is speed.
They perform their tasks with consummate speed and
skill, and they never complain about being overworked.
Ofanim are most often used as messengers. They
understand how to move things quickly and efficiently they are transportation specialists who can set up a supply line overnight, and in the information age they have
a real knack for networking. If you want an assembly line
to run efficiently, or an organization to run smoothly, let
an Ofanite draw up the flowchart - just
don't let him actually manage it!
Ofanim also make excellent navigators, and in this capacity, they
often act as guides. The best
way to learn a new territory is
to have an Ofanite show you
around; just make sure to
fasten your seat belt!
While not usually combat
monsters, the Ofanim resonance gives them a definite
edge in battle; an Ofanite
devoted to combat can be deadlier than any Malakite! The war
hosts of Heaven are made up mostly
of Malakim, but there are many, many
Ofanim among their number.
Superiors usually include Ofanim in a group when they
have a specific goal in mind that requires immediate
action. It is unwise to give Ofanim long-term assignments, or assignments which require subtlety. Patience is
not an Ofanim virtue.
In the old days, the Ofanim were most often messengers of one kind or another, though some were soldiers,
tinkers and sailors. The fast-paced modern world offers
them many other options, particularly in an urban environment. Few Ofamin enjoy maintaining Roles; they seldom have one above level 3. Any Role that lets them
travel and doesn't require much in the way of maintaining social ties is ideal: bounty hunter, private investigator,
truck driver, cycle-gang member, bush pilot, wilderness
guide, photojournalist. . . just to name a few.
A lot of earthbound Ofanim are pizza-delivery men.
Pizza men are ubiquitous and have a reason to be almost
anywhere, so it is a useful Role and gives them a reason
to keep moving. No Ofanite has ever had to discount his pizza for failing to deliver on time.
Cab driving is another ideal Role. Cabbies
are expected to know their way around the
city and get from point 'A' to point 'B' as
fast as possible. No sweat; it's in their
blood. Ofanim cabbies are just as rude and
pushy as the mundane ones. Being expected to run lights and ignore lane markings is
a sweet deal by Ofanim standards.
Soldiers and sailors still get plenty of
opportunity to travel, but Ofanim in the
military will only be content in elite, rapiddeployment forces. Ofanim with a taste for battle do better as mercenaries than regular soldiers.
Ofanim do much the same thing in Heaven that they
do on Earth: carry messages and act as guides. Some
cathedrals are so vast that only the Ofanim assigned to it
really know where everything is. Heaven also has some
wild, unexplored places, and there are times when
Archangels need to send someone into those regions.
Nearly always, their first choice for such a task will be an
Ofanite. And because they are so fast, and can find their
way around unfamiliar territory, Ofanim also have the
unpleasant duty of bearing the occasional communication to Hell and back. (This assumes the errand involves
only carrying a message and possibly a reply; if there's
actual negotiating to be done, someone else will go.
Ofanim do not make good diplomats.)
On the Road
While turning passengers' hair gray and terrorizing
pedestrians of all stripes, Ofanim can perform minor
miracles behind the wheel of an automobile (see p. 119).
But as with other applications of their resonance, they
can only enjoy so much of a good thing.
A competent Ofanite often can - and will be tempted
to - cut travel times to 50 percent of normal or less. In an
automobile, a 50 percent reduction means the angel is
traversing pedestrian malls to avoid backups at red lights
and/or exceeding 150 mph on the interstate! Obviously,
slashing vehicular travel time too far will invite unwanted
attention from mortal "servitors of judgment" wearing
badges and driving black-and-white cars . . .
Fast Facts
Moving on foot or in celestial form, Ofanite speeds
lend some stealth benefits as well - but only to a certain
Any Ofanite in celestial form moving at a resonancebased miles per minute enjoys a -4 modifier on others'
chance to perceive him. He simply flits by too fast for
most to notice. Generally, the GM can rule that humans
won't perceive him, but other celestials along his path
should still get a roll.
Any Ofanite using his resonance-based "instant move"
in corporeal form is, indeed, effectively invisible along
his path of travel, and can seemingly disappear by ducking around a corner. But he can't safely open a door, window or the like while traveling at this speed - if he doesn't stop, he'll rip it from its frame and probably shatter it,
taking some small damage from fragments.
Combustible (Corporeal)
This Discord causes deterioration of an
Ofanite's corporeal vessel through
vibrations at high speeds. Any
time the Ofanite moves
quickly for an extended
period of time (a foot
chase, for example), his
vessel will actually
begin to smoke and
its physical features
will begin to melt. If
the angel doesn't
slow down, he will
take a number of
Body hits equal to
his Combustion level
each minute.
The most painful situation for
Ofanim is to be constrained.
They can't stand waiting in line.
They avoid any situation in
which they might have to wait on
someone else, which means they
don't work well in organizations,
especially tight, hierarchical ones.
Ofanim are not natural team players.
This is a problem when they have to
function as part of a team. When working with Ofanim, wise angels try to give
them as much leeway as possible, and never
assign them to any kind of static activity.
Ofanim are also notorious for taking risks, and it's
their ability to pull off foolhardy, death-defying stunts
that makes them what they are. But foolish risks can
result in dissonance; they must learn when it's worth
invoking their resonance and when it's not. The best way
to avoid failing is to become as skilled as possible Ofanim always try to perfect their Skills at any Agilitybased task. They also become very good at calculating
Most of all, Ofanim must recognize situations in which
they will be helpless, and avoid them. There are times
when nothing can be done about this, but an Ofanite
must try never to place himself in a no-win situation.
Claustrophobia (Ethereal)
This is a variation of the Fear Discord (In Nomine, p.
87) which is particularly horrifying for Ofanim, because
it will cause them to take dissonance if they're trapped in
A Hyperactive Ofanite can't
stop moving. Ever. He cannot stand
or sit in one place, but must have an area
equal to the Discord's level in yards to move around in.
Otherwise, he becomes useless, a frantic, spastic cripple.
Given their resonance, this is more than just jitters; it
is downright unnerving. This Discord makes it very difficult for the angel to maintain a Role, because his hyperactivity is clearly unnatural. (He can make a Will roll, at
a penalty equal to Discord level, to suppress his Hyperactivity for a number of minutes equal to the check digit.)
Twitchy (Corporeal)
This Discord from In Nomine, p. 86, is a common
(and terrible) affliction among Ofanim.
Ofanim are assigned Words that deal with action and
change. They like to keep the Symphony in motion, and
their Words reflect that. The angels of Highways, Radio,
Roller Coasters, Tornadoes and Travel are all Ofanim.
O 39
"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and
evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice ..."
Ephesians 4:31
Often cold and seemingly aloof, the Elohim are unique
among angels in their carefully cultivated detachment.
They see the truth of the soul by freeing their reason if not their entire mind - of anything that would color
their perception, striving to transform themselves into
divine mirrors. This outlook can be very useful, but is
alien to most humans and even to celestials such as the
passion-fueled Ofanim.
In Heaven, the Elohim are represented by Jean, a
patrician technocrat whose demeanor is the Elohite ideal
- objective and rational, but not without its personal
Elohim don't give much thought to names - a name
has only as much importance as you attach to it. To the
Elohim, they are designators, nothing more, even when
spoken in the celestial tongue.
Elohim often take similar Roles to those they
serve in Heaven. Elohim make good doctors, counselors,
psychologists, therapists and advisors of all kinds. They
perform well in environments where emotions run high,
providing the much-needed voice of reason. Elohim can
do nearly anything well, really, as long as they aren't
required to become emotionally involved. They can
work equally well in very social professions, doing anything from waitressing to diplomacy, and very technical
ones, such as accounting, engineering, and computer
The Elohim are not just good for support roles.
Because their resonance gives them the ability to see into
the hearts of mortals and read their emotions and motivations), they make excellent detectives. Michael's Elohim
are famous for their courage under fire, and those sitting
across from an Elohite who serves Marc should expect to
stay at the table until the deal is signed.
Elohim often find themselves at a strange crossroads.
As previously mentioned, their objective perspective
often reaches conclusions that would make other angels
blanch. In addition, their resonance makes them particularly well suited for finding subtle but terribly effective
ways to make these conclusions into fact. Yet at the same
time, their objectivity stems from a sense of God's
Symphony being perfect as is. What foolish hubris it
would be to impose the Elohite's perspective - no matter
how rational - over that of God himself!
The end result is that most Elohim, left to their own:
initiative, find the most subtle, least Symphony-disturbing way to manifest their goals on Earth. But even the
most inconspicuous Elohite can and will take extreme
measures when under orders from a superior (who, after
all, represents an aspect of God's will).
Under these conditions, an Elohite will prefer to use
his resonance to maneuver humans into accomplishing
his goals - this disturbs the Symphony less than other
methods. If a superior has ordered the angel to make sure
a porn-video store closes down for good - and make sure
the process sets an example for other peddlers of filth the Elohite could buy a gallon of gas, a Zippo and a cat
o' nine tails and do it himself. But he won't. He might
motivate some human crusader, even a murderous one.
He's even likelier to manipulate the store owner into
"seeing" the error of his ways and publicly expressing
remorse - by burning his own store down. But where
another angel might give up if he couldn't reform the
store owner, the Elohite won't hesitate to manipulate
him into a temporary, false feeling of self-sacrifice and
virtue . . . as long as it gets him to light the match.
An Elohite requires a light touch. Trying to refrain
from taking sides is very difficult, especially when trying
to balance one's own nature at the same time as balancing one's influence on the world.
Elohim do have emotions (though many strive to strip
these away). They can express their emotions (and freely
fake them with Emote) without dissonance - but expressing emotion without letting it influence their reasoning
is very tricky.
Many risk losing their perspective if they become
overzealous in suppressing their feelings, so they hold
opinions as completely subjective as having a favorite
color. Many others fear letting their interior bias creep
into their exterior objectivity, so they attempt to cleanse
themselves of all potential for any bias.
Likewise, Elohim can form opinions, and express them
- they simply must be sure that their opinions are based
on wholly objective criteria, after gathering as many facts
as possible. Wise Elohim never trust the "obvious" conclusion.
Emotional Static (Ethereal)
The Elohite loses control of his resonance and will
start "picking up" information from everyone in the
immediate area, making it very difficult for the angel to
concentrate on anything but die voices in his head. An
Elohite suffering from Emotional Static receives a penalty to all rolls equal to the number of other people within
range of his resonance, up to a maximum penalty of die
Discord level.
Also, whenever he applies his resonance to someone,
he will receive information from a number of subjects
(within range) equal to the Discord's level, and be unable
to tell which data came from which person.
Empathy (Celestial)
Oversensitive (Ethereal)
Normally, the Elohim use their resonance to perceive
what others feel, and they distance themselves from it
with a practiced mask of objectivity. When an Elohite
develops this Discord, his protective barrier of reason
will fail from time to time, subjecting him to a terrifying
rush of emotions that would delight a Habbalite.
Whenever an Oversensitive Elohite fails a resonance
roll, he will be assailed by his subject's emotions. Fears
and anxieties will swell until they are overwhelming.
Even joy will seem terrible. The angel will be stunned for
a number of minutes equal to the check digit, and will be
unable to bring himself to attempt another resonance
roll for a number of hours equal to the Discord's level.
There are many Words appropriate for the Elohim; in
fact, an Elohite can serve nearly any angelic Word, so
long as it can be served objectively and impersonally.
Major Words served by Elohim include Determination,
Teaching, Repentance and Guilt.
demnation of violence - particularly against demons and their objective natures. They don't endorse violence,
but they can't summarily dismiss it, either.
Yves: Many Elohim like to think that Yves represents
the archetypical Elohite, though he belongs to no Choir.
His ranks are full of Elohim, though.
"Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say
thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should
God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the ivork of thine
Ecclesiastes 5:6
The Malakim are virtues embodied. They were not
created with the other Choirs, but came into being during Lucifer's rebellion. The noblest and purest angels,
led by Uriel, became a new kind of celestial, warrior
angels so resolute that they could not Fall. Since then,
they have been Heaven's first and last line of defense
against the diabolical hordes. In Heaven, they are represented by David and Laurence, two Archangels with very
different temperaments, but identical in their passion to
eradicate the forces of Hell.
Malakim often take the names of virtues for true
names. If a Malakite 's true name doesn't fit earthly naming conventions, then on Earth he'll take the name of
someone he admires for embodying that virtue, often a
saint, king or hunter.
, (}
Malakim don'? judge morality as part of their celestial
duty or Choir nature. They simply perceive how a person relates to the code of morality they believe in; in
other words, how selfless or selfish they have been.
A Malakite cannot choose to suffer an evil to live. Many
firebrand Malakim interpret this oath more strictly than
their Creator perhaps intended. Some take it to mean
they must delay an attack only long enough to unsheathe
a sword. This perspective can lead to dissonance!
Reflexively destroying the evil at hand and allowing
greater evil to escape - or unwisely launching an attack
that can't succeed - amounts to a choice that allows evil
to live. The cold anger of their Malakite brethren is as
harsh a punishment as the dissonance they gain.
Wise Malakim realize the oath enforces no time limit.
They will reconnoiter, stalk and plan until they can
launch their best attack, or until their hand is forced by
circumstances. Once all leads and advantages have been
explored, all hesitation ends, for an evil escaping while
they wait also triggers dissonance.
This oath makes it hard for Malakim to ally with
demons, but not impossible. A temporary alliance that
offers an opportunity to erase greater evil is acceptable. If
a Malakite is forced to choose which of two evils will
escape, he earns no dissonance for choosing the lesser!
A superior's orders trigger the "when it's his choice"
portion of the oath and allow a Malakite to co-exist with
diabolicals, but he won't be happy and will impatiently
await opportunity to "repair" circumstances.
What a Malakite will refuse to do is "see no evil" when
other angels cultivate diabolical relationships that don't
offer the opportunity to improve their body count.
Breaking an oath would be bad enough; doing so in such
an underhanded way would violate the very concept of
honor. A Malakite can be duped in these circumstances;
he simply can't be expected to help dupe himself.
The one case where a Malakite may have to suffer a
demon is when his resonance picks up the noble act of
seeking Redemption! A Redeemed demon is a permanently destroyed evil, rather than the "temporary" death
of a slain vessel, so most Malakim feel they must not
obstruct the effort (and sending a demon back to Hell's
influences usually qualifies as bad for Redemption's
odds). Some might even aid the demon in some quick
fashion; Malakim don't have a nurturing nature.
Another danger for Malakim is getting tangled up in
conflicting oaths, or foolish ones such as "Never lose a
fight." Even older Malakim can find it hard to obey all
their vows, especially if they've added new ones to dispel
dissonance. While Malakim cannot take spurious oaths,
nor multiple versions of the same oath ("Never use a
rifle," "Never use a pistol," etc.), wise Malakim take very
specific vows, carefully considering how they mix with
their other vows, and their Superior's dissonance rules.
A Superior can remove an oath. He will usually teach
the Malakite a painful lesson before providing the ser-
Binding Oath (Celestial)
When a Malakite attempts to violate any of his oaths,
he must make a Will roll minus the level of this Discord
or he will be literally unable to act, paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to the Discord level. If the Will roll
succeeds, he may act, but he will take celestial damage
equal to the level of the Discord. This can cause the loss
of a Force. Malakim must include the level of this
Discord when making dissonance rolls!
M A L A K! M
"For rf>e Lordseeth not as man seeth;for man looketh on the
outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."
I Samuel 16:7
Howling pack, buzzing swarm, ancient oak, modern
computer, humans young and old; Kyriotates have been
all of these things and more. The Dominations are girted with the ability to take part in the different corporeal
aspects of the Symphony; seeing the world through an
endless array of eyes. They are the most alien of all of die
Choirs, capable of experiencing life in ways other angels
can only imagine, but they are also closest to the human
experience in many ways.
Classical Kyriotate names usually relate to their role as
Dominations. They often have names meaning "multitude," "cloud of God," "possession" or "domination."
Kyriotates also tend to refer to themselves in the plural, especially when inhabiting multiple vessels. Human
language rarely contains the right pronouns for
Kyriotates to describe their complex multi-dimensional
existence and relationship with their various hosts.
With their ability to possess and control multiple vessels, Kyriotates make the most capable spies and informants of the Heavenly Host. They provide true "inside"
intelligence about Earthly goings-on, blending into an
ocean of humanity and flitting from host to host to see
and hear things of value to the forces of Heaven in the
Although Ofanim are the best messengers in Heaven,
Kyriotates are very capable coordinators of information
and activity between far-flung groups of angels and their
allies. A Kyriotate can handle multiple activities at once,
and is aware of everything going on around any of its
hosts, so it can have one host working with
a group of angels planning at the local
Tether while another host hits the
streets to gather information and
another gives instructions to some
Soldiers across town. Their resonance
handles such multitasking smoothly
and easily.
Although Heaven is officially
against interfering with the free
will of any creature, Kyriotates are
sometimes used in sticky situations
where direct control over a human
being or some other corporeal
aspect of the Symphony is necessary. Kyriotates are always
careful to be sure their possession doesn't cause more problems than it solves. Kyriotates
can often act where their human
hosts cannot, allowing them to extract a host from a difficult situation. Many unexplained cases of people manifesting extraordinary abilities under stress, then "waking
up" with no memory of what happened, are the result of
Kyriotate intervention.
In Heaven - though limited to their one, true form
Kyriotates remain masterful multitaskers and organizers.
This makes them useful as clerks, record-keepers,
researchers, administrators and many of the other scattered support tasks of Heaven. The Kyriotates keep all of
the various wheels of Heavenly activity turning, juggling
many different tasks at once.
The nature of their resonance draws most Kyriotates
to some kind of Earthly service sooner or later, sent to
gather information in the corporeal realm for their
Superiors. They are one of the Choirs closest to the corporeal world, and so spend a great deal of time there.
possessed by Kyriotates of Yves, except it is not automatic and the degree of access is determined by the check
digit. Consult the Special Use at -4 Penalty table.
Kyriotates present more than their share of challenges
and opportunities to Game Masters and players alike.
Their abilities and limitations when using hosts on Earth
require further elaboration.
The range of a Kyriotate's resonance is the same as
other resonance abilities (In Nomine, p. 57) with the limitation that recordings and reproductions of a subject
cannot be used. Live transmissions do work, so Kyriotates
can attempt to use their resonance on someone over a
telephone or a live video transmission. Kyriotates call
this trick "reaching out and touching someone" and use
it to get somewhere on Earth quickly without assuming
their time-limited celestial form and disturbing the
A Kyriotate gains all of the natural abilities of its host,
including senses, natural weapons, movement abilities
and the minimal base knowledge of how to use them.
Skills and information are not accessed unless the
Kyriotate is a Servitor of Yves or uses the advanced resonance technique described in this chapter. So, for
instance, a Kyriotate possessing a bird can fly, but would
not know any special aerial maneuvers that the bird has
learned. Kyriotates have no access to a host's Essence,
Songs, attunements, etc.
A Kyriotates' greatest advantage is the ability to inhabit and control multiple hosts simultaneously. Each one is
a channel for the Kyriotate's Forces and can act independently of the others. This gives Kyriotates an incredible
innate feeling for teamwork, coordinating different hosts
to accomplish complex tasks together. A Kyriotate's hosts
do not have to communicate, since they have the same
mind behind them.
A Kyriotate suffers no disorientation in switching
hosts. Masters of multitasking, the angels require only a
moment to invoke their resonance and take control of a
new vessel, then they can act normally. Using resonance
counts as a Kyriotate's action in combat, just like other
uses of resonance.
Kyriotates may not extend their stay in a host by "repossessing" it before their time expires. As long as they
don't fail a resonance roll, thought, they could switch
between two hosts indefinitely. Most Archangels frown
upon relying too heavily on this method of operation,
however; it's unfair to the hosts and contrary to true
Kyriotate nature.
Often, questions concerning Kyriotates hinge on when
to treat them as one being or many. Generally, the rules
allow multiple actions per round for purely corporeal
1.... You know what your host was thinking about
when you took control.
2 .... You can access your host's memories of the last
hour and use one of its Skills (your choice).
3 .... You can access your host's memories of the
past week and use two of its Skills.
4.... You can access your host's memories of the
past month and use three of its Skills.
5.... You can access your host's memories of the
past year and use four of its Skills.
6.... You can access all your host's memories and
use any of its Skills for as long as you remain.
Human Hosts
Attunement at all. Once the vessel is generated, however, the Forces are tied up until the vessel is destroyed,
even when the Kyriotate "vanishes" it and assumes celestial form. (Note that a Kyriotate with a true vessel may
vanish it while possessing another host and not assume
celestial form if it so chooses.) Except for these special
rules, the vessels are treated like those of any celestial.
Animal Hosts
Animal hosts are useful to Kyriotates for many reasons:
they're common, they're easy to control, they have fairly
uncomplicated lives and many animals tend to be overlooked by humans and celestials alike, allowing the
Kyriotate to operate without being noticed. Animal vessels are also quite useful in combat, although not as much
as before the advent of modern weaponry.
An animal host allows a Kyriotate to make use of the
animal's senses and other natural abilities. Animals are
limited in their ability to operate in human society,
although a favorite pet can be very useful for keeping an
eye on a household. Or a guard animal can be possessed
to keep it from raising an alarm.
Plant Hosts
Kyriotates of Novalis can possess living plants, and can
imbue them with the ability to move branches and such,
though rooted plants must stay where they are. A house
plant or small lawn would be considered to have 1 Force,
an average tree 3; a giant oak could be as many as 5
Forces. Though a Kyriotate normally uses its own characteristics while in a host, those possessing plants use the
host's Strength, which is normally twice its total Forces.
Non-Living Hosts
Kyriotates ofjean have the ability to inhabit non-living
objects. Inhabiting an object requires 1 Force; especially
large or complex objects will require additional Forces
per GM ruling. The GM also determines what sorts of
object can be inhabited; something like an old log might
not be what this Archangel had in mind . . .
The Kyriotate retains its normal senses of sight, hearing and touch while inhabiting the object, and gains any
This need to protect host vessels can often cause
Kyriotates' duty and nature to conflict. While other
angels might sacrifice a vessel for the greater good, a
Fractured Forces (Celestial)
This Discord affects a Kyriotate's resonance, creating a
break in its harmony with the Symphony. It "isolates" a
number of Forces equal to its level. These Forces can still
be used to control hosts, but cannot be combined with
the rest of the angel's Forces. The Kyriotate can "underspend" in either type of Force if so desired.
For example, Abdeel, a 9-Forces Kyriotate of Jordi, has
Fractured Forces/2. Two of Abdeel's Forces are separated from the whole of his being, leaving him with 7 other
Forces. Abdeel is no longer able to control a vessel with
all 9 of his Forces. He could invest his isolated 2 Forces
in a small vessel like a bird or a swarm while his other 7
can be divided and used normally. He can also divide up
his 2 Fractured Forces to control two small 1-Force creatures, but he cannot combine any of his 2 Fractured
Forces with any of his 7 normal Forces in the same host.
This Discord can be abused. Game Masters should be
wary of PC angels beginning play with Fractured Forces.
Contrariness (Ethereal)
From time to time, some of the Forces of the Kyriotate
with this Discord will act against the Kyriotate's desires.
Any time the Kyriotate controls a host with a number of
Forces less than or equal to the level of the Discord, the
GM can call for a Will roll when the Kyriotate wishes the
host to act. If the Will roll fails and the check digit is
equal to or less than the level of the Discord, the vessel
will act in a manner opposite the Kyriotate's wishes. This
can cause the Kyriotate to earn additional dissonance.
magnified by the angel's presence. For example, a normally timid host might cause the Kyriotate to suffer
Cowardice, a violent host would cause Anger and so
forth. A Kyriotate with this Discord inhabiting multiple
hosts can seem almost schizophrenic, suffering from
multiple, wildly different Ethereal Discords at once!
Kyriotates are most suited to wide-reaching Words
that draw on their resonance for multiplicity. Jordi's
Word of Animals is one example. Other Kyriotates are
given to overseeing Words with a similar broad scope,
such as Orc, the Angel of Networks, whose Word
includes the vast and growing Internet.
Their nature also suits them for Words alien to human
experience. Words of plants, geographic features,
machines and similar non-human things fit well.
Balseraphs: They know a little too much about subtlety. They can tell you night is day and make it seem true.
Learning to see things from different perspectives can
help expose some of their lies.
Djinn: Perversity incarnate, they take the holy guardian
role once theirs and twist it until it is unrecognizable. We
must protect humans from their gentle "care."
Calabim: They take the easy way out. They know it is
easier to destroy than to create. We help build up what
they tear down.
Habbalah: These are sad creatures. They lost their
hold on reality, and subsequently lost their place in the
Symphony. Do not become drawn into their twisted
Lilim: Beware their webs or you'll end up losing the
freedom they claim to spring from.
Shedim: They are our dark reflections. They use mortal lives without any concern for their well-being, trying
to draw humans down into Hell with them. They've lost
their divine multiplicity . . . it's up to us to
protect humanity from their ever-increasing
Impudites: They may be good at taking,
but we're better at giving.
"But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I bring you
good news of greatjoy that will be for all the people.''
-Luke 2:10
The Mercurians are the angels charged with relations
with mankind, and thus the least divine of all the angelic
Choirs. Although most at home on Earth, they are represented by the Archangels Eli and Marc in Heaven.
Mercurians' true names vary widely, especially since
many younger ones choose a current Earthly translation
to better reflect their nature. When choosing an earthly
name, Mercurians make certain it is appropriate and
essentially normal - but also has a certain style or flair.
Mercurians will never choose a name that is out of date,
threatening or simply too unusual.
Mercurians typically hold any duties that deal with
blending into, interacting with, observing or influencing
human society directly from within. They are often utilized as spies, propagandists or envoys. In more mundane
capacities, Mercurians usually choose to fulfill roles that
place themselves as patrons of the arts or preachers of
true faith.
Within the celestial realms, Mercurian duty lies almost
solely in the realm of politics. It was the Mercurians who
attempted to stop the War, although their peaceful
accords were, in the end, futile. The Mercurians are now
mainly charged with helping and advising the human
souls, saints and the bodhisattva. They also act as the specific eyes of their Archangel, keeping tabs on other
Archangel's plans and making sure that no one group or
individual's plans are counterproductive to their own
Mercurians tend to hold Roles that
put them into contact with lots of
people. These Roles reflect their
duties, leaning toward positions
that allow them to gather information or directly influence.
Some applicable roles include
administrator, bartender, courier,
detective, doctor, entertainer, journalist, lawyer, politician, psychologist and religious figure.
Mercurians simply love humans, especially their capacity for intense emotion. They love all forms of artistic
expression, be it painting or drawing, music, writing,
dance or what have you - that is, as long as the emotion
and motivation behind the expression is pure.
They openly curse any artistic endeavor born of
impure emotions, such as hate or greed, and any art in
whatever form it takes that encourages evil behavior. And
more than anything else, they weep for the degeneration
of artistic culture that has taken place over the last halfcentury.
Since Mercurians are so closely connected and enamored with humans and human society, they overlook
nothing. To them, humanity and society are both much
like art; they are to be studied and experienced in their
fullest. In this capacity, they serve the War greatly.
1 ....You can sense a person's most immediate
desire; what he most obviously enjoys or needs.
2 ....You can sense a person's current motivating
desire; what would bring a smile to his face.
3 ....You can sense a person's basic desires; what
would bring him joy for a couple of days.
4 .... You can sense a person's deeper desires; what
would bring him joy for an extended period.
5 .... You can sense a person's deepest desires; what
would make him a very happy creature.
6 .... You can sense an individual's secret desires;
what would bring the greatest amount of joy
or fulfillment for a very long time.
Though they would rather help than hinder, sometimes a Mercurian has to take an aggressive stance. In
these rare instances, their true forte is creating trouble of
the social kind for those that deserve it. An inspired and
gifted Mercurian can take a human - or another celestial
- out of action for as long as necessary with his resonance
and the right Skills and Songs.
Law enforcement serves the Mercurians as a favorite
tool, here. If someone needs to be out of the angel's way,
he can fabricate a trumped-up accusation to have them
arrested, or at least detained for questioning for the rest
of the afternoon.
For most people, this isn't simple. While some hotbutton accusations - such as child abuse - will eat up a
few hours in interviews without a shred of proof, most {
require some sort of evidence. The person fabricating
the accusation may need to plant this evidence - which
finally gives celestials a use for those hard-to-dispose-of
bodies they tend to accrue. Celestials with
Transubstantiation can always trump up drug-related
evidence. Those with excellent timing and the Ethereal '
Song of Light can make a police officer think he saw
overwhelming evidence!
Mercurians find this job much simpler, because using
their resonance on the target can tell them if he's ever
been in legal trouble before, what kind of trouble and
who in law enforcement might be waiting for anodier
shot at him.
In the same vein, their resonance can open the way to
a variety of similar distractions. A Mercurian who knows
his target has been an unfaithful husband - and whose
resonance tells him the target highly values his wife's
trust - can shuffle the human's priorities with a single
phone call to his home. If his resonance tells him his target lusts after baseball cards, he might be able to trade a
Ken Griffey rookie-season for a life.
Overall, some celestial philosophers theorize that me
Symphony prohibits Mercurians from violence as a sort
of cosmic balance, because their resonance offers so
many other ways to manipulate people. Mercurians may
combine their gambits with appropriate Skill and/or
Song use, but their resonance doesn't really improve the
odds of a given course of action. It holds the more powerful effect of pointing out the most effective courses of
action. Perhaps a given human wouldn't listen to
Heaven's needs if they were presented by any celestial
short of God himself but would readily agree to meet
those needs if asked by his 3-year-old son. Only a
Mercurian would divine this truth.
Mercurians' lives on Earth can be very interesting,
even by angelic standards, as a result of this use of their
Mercurians generate dissonance through violence,
unless the object of their rage is Hellspawn.
Unfortunately, their duties . . . or infernal plotting . . .
often put them into a position where violence seems
For any variety of reasons - for instance through
greed, necessity, hate or demonic influence - a
Mercurian may be attacked by human beings. In many
cases, the angel may be able to solve or avoid these situations through non-violent means. In these cases, the
Songs of Charm, Form (Ethereal), Harmony (Corporeal
and Ethereal), Light (Ethereal), Motion (Corporeal and
Celestial) and Shields (Corporeal and Celestial) become
particularly useful.
Soldiers of Hell are still humans; Mercurians generate
dissonance if they act violently against them. They will
have to resolve the conflict non-violently, hope that one
of their associates is better suited for violence . . . or bite
the bullet and generate a dissonant note.
In some situations, a Mercurian will have no option
but to act violently. Sometimes a human will have left
them no other course, or perhaps an individual is so evil
or wicked that he needs to be destroyed right then and
there. In these situations, as long as the Mercurian is sure
that he is doing the right thing, he will simply have to
accept the dissonance and hope he can remove it later.
Unnerving Stare (Corporeal)
The angel develops an unnatural stare that unnerves
onlookers. Perhaps his eyes open too wide, perhaps he
no longer blinks or his gaze just appears murderous.
Regardless, he suffers a penalty to all die rolls for interpersonal relations equal to the level of this Discord.
Other Choirs have exhibited this Discord, as well.
Oblivious (Celestial)
The angel becomes increasingly blind to the emotional states and desires of those with whom he interacts. At
level 1, the angel might miss subtle cues he normally
would have noticed, while at level 6 he appears to be
downright callous or clueless. Sometimes angels from
Mercurians are naturals for any Word that deals with
human politics, relationships or emotion. Word-bound
Mercurians include angels of Good Neighbors,
Reunions, and Consolation to the Bereaved, Truces and
Seraphim: When we talk
about the "straights," this is
who we mean. They just don't get it. Why can't they
learn to deal with mortals?
Cherubim: They show admirable dedication and are
pretty cool guys, but they're so darn focused. Cherubs
should look up from what they're protecting for once,
and experience the world in which their wards live.
Oranim: Whoo-hoo! Slow down, Tex! The Ofanim
are a bit frazzled, but they can be a lot of fun.
Elohim: How can they live like that? There's a place
for objectivity, but all the time? The Elohim need to let
their hair down, so they can enjoy God's creation. That's
what it's here for.
Malakim: Surprisingly enough, we get along. We do
the talking, and when the talking doesn't work they come
in and clean things up. Not to mention the fact that they
cut out the cancer within society.
Kyriotate: They know how to experience. Rock on.
They're probably our favorite teammates when a job
needs to be done.
Balseraph: As if there weren't enough problems in
society without some demon who can make his lies real.
Loathe them, for their work makes life more and more
difficult for those humans they affect.
Djinn: Yes, they understand dedication. But a Djinn's
understanding of dedication is sick.
Calabim: Life is about creation, not destruction.
Works of art that took a lifetime of inspiration and dedication to complete withstand but a thought from these
Habbalah: Emotions are sacred, part of what make
humanity special, and not to be toyed with. People have
enough trouble keeping control of their emotions without the Habbalah to make things worse. "Oh, you're an
angel, eh? Come here, I'll show you an angel."
Lilim: They may be fun, but keep two things in mind
about the Lilim. One: wrong kind of relationships, kids.
Two: beauty is only skin deep.
Shedim: There are some things people need not experience.
Impudites: Our Fallen brethren are sick
perversions of what we are. We hate them,
and reserve our repressed violence for
ing their orders directly from an Archangel under normal circumstances. Their immediate "superior" is more
likely to be a Word-bound intermediary. Some angels are
assigned a minor superior on a semi-permanent basis;
others may be transferred from one superior to another
for each mission. And some Servitors may not know who
their Archangel has assigned to supervise them, until the
angel in charge shows up, demanding a status report!
An angel's relationship with his supervisor may be very
close, even to the point of becoming his direct Servitor
and serving his Word. Or your supervisor might just be
someone you call once a week to give a progress report,
and receive any recent directives from On High.
If an angel becomes a Servitor of his Word-bound
superior, then he takes that superior's Word, and has
access to the rites of that lesser superior as well as those of
his Archangel. For instance, if a Cherub serving Jean
becomes a permanent Servitor of Orc, the Angel of
Networks (In Nomine, p. 194), then the Cherub would
now be a "Cherub of Networks." Both of them still ultimately serve Lightning, but the Cherub would be more
directly serving the Word of Networks, and receiving his
instructions from Orc rather than Jean.
All Servitors still have the ability to invoke their
Archangel directly, of course, whereas most lesser Wordbound superiors cannot be summoned in the same manner. Archangels like to have some contact with all their
Servitors from time to time, so even if you are an
Ofanite, serving the Angel of Falcons, who serves the
Angel of Birds of Prey, who serves the Angel of Birds,
who serves the Archangel of Animals, Jordi himself may
still appear to you directly now and then.
Some angels do operate outside their Superior's normal chain of command. Every Archangel has a few
favored Servitors that are assigned special missions, and
who report only to the Archangel himself. The PCs may
be such angels. Even if they don't have a regular intermediate supervisor, however, favored Servitors still
should not expect to see their Superior on a regular basis.
There are only two times an Archangel usually wants to
see his Servitors; when he's giving them orders for their
next assignment, and when they are reporting to him at
the end of that assignment (hopefully to inform him of its
successful conclusion)! If the Archangel needs to communicate with them in the interim, he may send another
Servitor to deliver his message and receive their reply
(usually a messenger Ofanite; possibly just a reliever, if
the message is simple). Likewise, not all successful invocations result in the personal appearance of the
Archangel. If the angels are asking for something relatively minor, the Archangel is likely to send an intermediary to deal with the request (or to tell them to stop
bothering him with trifles).
Almost every Archangel briefs his Servitors personally
before they are sent to Earth for the first time. And
almost every angel on Earth will see his Archangel again
sooner or later. For some (such as Servitors of Dominic),
this is a regular occurrence. For most, it is rare. It's possible for an angel with a well-established Role, engaged
in a long-term assignment, to go for years without hearing from his Superior. Most Archangels will make sure
that such Servitors are staying in touch with someone,
however. The situations where Archangels are likely to
appear in person are outlined below, but here is some
advice every angel should keep in mind during any audience with his Superior:
Be Discreet
Be Brief
The busy Archangels hate having their time wasted.
Even when they're happy to see a favorite Servitor, they
rarely have time for a lengthy chat. It should be obvious
that summoning a Superior unnecessarily is bound to
irritate him. When it is necessary to speak to your
Archangel, keep it brief. He'll appreciate it.
Be Reasonable
Archangels have finite resources. Every angel they
place on Earth is an investment; they expect their
Servitors to get the job done with a minimum of assistance. If you really need help, ask for it, and if you really
need a flight of Malakim armed with holy relics to storm
an enemy Tether, in order to preserve the very integrity
of your Superior's Word, then he'll probably provide
them. But anything you ask for should be something you
can't get anywhere else, and further, is vital to your mission. If you're constantly needing information, weapons,
backup or Essence, your Superior will find someone else
who can get the job done without being so demanding.
By the same token, if your Archangel grants a boon for
meritorious service, don't be greedy. A Rite, Song or
Porsche (some angels do like to get around in style) is
probably a reasonable request after successfully completing a mission of moderate importance. Don't ask for
more than you expect to get; Archangels don't haggle
with their Servitors, and they value humility over pride.
Be Polite
Some Archangels are more formal than others when
meeting with their Servitors (see p. 72), but even the
most casual Superior expects respect. Expressing dissent
Mission Briefings
If you're one of those Servitors who receives your
orders directly from your Archangel, then you'll probably see him before each mission. Here, the time and
place of your meeting is chosen by your Superior. He
The most likely reason an Archangel
will appear during an adventure is because
an angel summoned him. A successful
invocation roll means you have caught the
Archangel's attention, and will receive a
response, but it doesn't always mean the
Archangel will manifest in person.
Although an Archangel doesn't automatically know why his Servitor is calling him,
he can usually figure it out with a glance
from afar.
If it's evident that a corporeal manifestation is not necessary, and the invocation
Mission Debriefings
If your Archangel assigned your mission personally, then it's him you'll probably see when you're done. Obviously,
this audience will be more pleasant if
your mission was successful. The
Archangel may expect you to summon
him when you've completed your assignment, or he may schedule a meeting
afterward. It's also not uncommon for
Archangels to keep an eye on their
Servitors' progress, and appear at mission's end, before the Servitor has even
had time to call. Some Archangels hold
these audiences in their cathedral, and present awards
and penalties in a formal manner, while others will show
up at your apartment, receive your report and then let
you know what they think of the job you did.
If your mission was an overwhelming success, it's all
right to be proud, but don't be arrogant, or expect profuse thanks from your Superior. After all, you are just
doing what he expects you to do. On the other hand, if
you bungled it badly, it's time to walk that fine line
between abject humility and groveling. Archangels aren't
much moved by apologies, and they hate excuses. The
best thing to do, in such a situation, is to accept full
responsibility for your failure, show that you understand
why you failed and plead for another chance to prove
yourself. Suggest a way that you can do this, and you
might get off more lightly than if you leave it up to your
Archangel to devise a suitable mission of redemption.
Unexpected Visits
Busy as they are, Archangels like to drop in unexpectedly from time to time. Nothing keeps an angel on his
toes like knowing that his Superior could be watching,
and at any time might make an appearance. Often, these
visits are to check on a Servitor's progress, or to demand
Audiences in Heaven
Some Archangels prefer to meet with their Servitors in
their cathedral. Audiences in Heaven tend to be more
formal. An Archangel is rarely alone there; a host of
other Servitors are always standing by, taking notes,
relaying messages and implementing every command the
Archangel gives. A much greater degree of etiquette is
imperative. Since both Archangel and Servitor are in
their celestial forms and speaking the angelic language,
not even the slightest deception is possible.
An angel can choose to ascend to Heaven (and sometimes is forced to, such as when suffering corporeal
death, or in the case of Kyriotates who don't find a host
in time). Archangels always know when one of their
Servitors has arrived in Heaven, but usually won't see
them immediately, if at all. If it's a Kyriotate who was
forced out of the corporeal plane, an intermediary will
probably demand an explanation and then send the angel
back to Earth. (The Kyriotate will hear about it from his
Archangel later!) If it's a celestial form in Trauma, there
are divine "nurses" who tend to these poor souls until
they've recovered and are ready to return.
An angel who ascends to Heaven because he wants to
speak to his Archangel in person can expect a long wait
Angels who seek a Heavenly audience with an
Archangel should make a reaction roll (In Nomine, p.
44). The target number is 4 plus the Archangel's Chance
of Invocation. (For Dominic, the target number is 4.)
Use normal celestial reaction modifiers. (Discord gives a
penalty; Status has no effect. Trying to Fast-Talk an
Archangel's secretary is not recommended.) The following modifiers also apply:
Seraphim get +1. Angels with Distinctions get a bonus
equal to the Distinction's level (i.e., Vassals get +1,
Friends get +2 and Masters get +3). Word-bound angels
get an additional +2. Outcasts (seeking redemption, presumably) get -4. If seeking an audience with an
Archangel other than your own: -2 if the Archangel is
allied to your Superior, -3 if he is associated, -4 if they are
neutral and -6 if he is hostile.
The GM may assign other modifiers, based on the
angel's current status in the eyes of his Superior.
On an unsuccessful roll, the angel is denied an audience and sent away. The check digit is the number of
days before the angel can come back and try again (trying again sooner will result in expulsion from the
Archangel's cathedral).
On a successful roll, the Archangel will see the supplicant in 6 days, minus the check digit. On a check digit of
6, the angel gets an audience that very day (but will still
probably have to wait a few hours).
Like every other meeting with an Archangel, formal
audiences should be kept brief. Archangels are usually
more accommodating when a Servitor has asked permission to see them and then waited patiently for his turn,
as opposed to summoning the Archangel to Earth, but
they still don't expect an angel to take up more than a few
minutes of their time.
sonance too often. A mission specifically designed to
teach an errant Servitor a lesson may be hard on his ego,
but it can spare him far greater suffering later.
Lastly, Archangels may just want to see how their
Servitors react to being set up. The harder an angel's trials, the higher his Superior will regard him, especially if
he endures without complaint and accepts the Superior's
wisdom in the end. This does not mean the angel will be
rewarded; sometimes surviving an impossible mission
only earns a nod and new orders. Angels who lose their
faith, or hurl recriminations at their Superior when they
find out they were being tested, become suspect. The
Archangel will keep a close eye on them, and probably
will not select them for greater responsibilities until they
have had more seasoning and gained greater wisdom.
7M ELE T I N G Y O U R B o s s
Divine intervention can strike at any time. There are
dramatic moments when the Hand of God will drastically alter the outcome of a scenario . . . but there are also
times when someone will roll '111' while trying to jump
over a fence. Should the Hand of God descend from
Heaven and lift him over the obstacle? The guidelines
presented below are merely to give the GM some ideas
for how to use divine intervention these are suggestions,
not rules! (If you want the Hand of God to flatten that
fence, then do it ... just remember that frequent, dramatic interventions will have increasingly less impact on
the players.)
This is probably the most common type of intervention; the beneficiary may not even know that an intervention has occurred! A beneficial coincidence gives
someone a bit of unexpected "luck." The car he's chasing
blows a tire, he finds a vital clue lying directly in his path
One of the most overt forms of divine intervention is
timely aid. When an angel or Soldier is hard pressed, a
divine intercession may bring the cavalry to the rescue.
This can take the form of angels descending from
Heaven to join him in battle, but it can also be the sudden arrival of a friendly police officer (who turns out to
be a Soldier of God), or an angry bear attacking the
hunter who's chasing him. (This might also be a sort of
beneficial coincidence, of course - remember that the
different types of divine intervention are not hard and
fast categories.) Usually, aid sent by God will return from
whence it came once it is no longer needed, but some
helpers might stay longer, even joining the angel on his
Divine miracles are rare in the modern age, but contrary to popular belief, they do still occur. The rarest and
most dramatic form of divine intervention is the proverbial "Hand of God." The miracle may not be dramatic,
Beneficial Coincidence
Something lucky happens, but nothing out of the ordinary. Someone recognizes the angel and becomes friendly, or the angel himself finds a useful clue.
The PC succeeds very well indeed, but nothing spectacular occurs. Usually, a check digit of '6' and perhaps
some small additional benefit is sufficient.
An angel who just spent Essence recovers it. He finds
he has a little more ammunition than he thought. A
minor wound heals.
A friendly NPC appears to help out. A Reliever might
happen by and assist the character.
Hand of God
Something miraculous occurs, but the outcome is no
more than what the angels could have accomplished on
their own. A ray of light might illuminate an important
clue, or what the PCs seek appears before them. (Trivial
interventions rarely involve the Hand of God.)
A minor intervention occurs when the situation is significant, but not urgent. The angel may not need God's
help, but it will be appreciated.
Beneficial Coincidences
The angel has an extraordinary bit of luck. He finds a
weapon he'll need later, an inconvenient device breaks
down or one that was broken suddenly works again.
The PC is restored completely in every way; all
Essence is recovered, all wounds are healed and he may,
at the GM's option, lose all dissonance as well.
Major reinforcements will arrive on the angel's behalf;
this could be a powerful Word-bound angel, some heavily armed Malakim, or one of Archangel David's cycle
Hand of God
The character succeeds spectacularly. The level of success should be greater than what he could normally
accomplish, but probably not supernatural. A hacker trying to break into a computer system might suddenly
bypass every security measure; an attempt to overcome
Discord might banish it for hours, or even a whole day!
Beneficial Coincidences
Hand of God
A major intervention occurs during serious encounters, such as when life is at stake. Most combat situations
fall into this category, as does any important interaction
with a major NPC. A divine intervention in these situations should be decisive!
Beneficial Coincidences
The "coincidence" will be clearly out of the ordinary,
even astounding. Lightning takes out a generator, or an
unarmed fugitive discovers a powerful weapon while
being pursued.
The character will surpass his usual limits, and accomplish extraordinary feats. He might receive the equivalent of double the amount of Essence he spends on an
action, or have his attacks doubled in power. This may
last for one round, or for the remainder of a fight.
The lucky servant of God will become a living vessel of
divine power. Whatever he's trying to do will automatically succeed, at miraculous levels. Opponents may be
slain by a single blow - the mortal David rolled one of
these against Goliath.
Everyone on the divine side will receive healing and an
Essence recharge; the PC who rolled the intervention
will not only lose any dissonance, but may have some of
his Discord taken away as well.
The situation will attract the attention of an
Archangel, who will either appear in person or send
some of his hand-picked Servitors.
Hand of God
The issue will be settled by a miracle of Biblical proportions. Seas part, fire rains from the sky, Demon
Princes are banished to Hell. Time and space can be
altered; the only limit is in how much impact the GM
wants to allow on his campaign.
k 1.1 i.
Angels only a few years old have 9 Forces, just like any
other starting character. What they lack are Resources.
New angels just haven't had enough time to acquire most
Resources. Archangels tend not to give a lot of attunements to their newest Servitors, and reserve distinctions
for those who have done their jobs well. Most of the
other Resources have to be acquired by experience, or by
carefully developing a human persona.
Generally, a newborn angel spends his first few years in
Heaven before getting an assignment on Earth. This initial period gives the new being a chance to become accustomed to his powers and abilities, and lets him develop a
personality. Young angels have lived a sheltered existence
in Heaven, under careful supervision. They cannot begin
with Discord of any type, not even a Geas. (The only
possible exception is Mercy, and even that would only be
allowed for a servant of one of the pacifist Archangels like
Novalis or Yves.)
A young angel on his first assignment to Earth has only
one vessel; he's going to have enough trouble learning to
act like a human in one form to worry about juggling
multiple identities. (Kyriotates, of course, are a natural
exception to this rule.) His Role shouldn't be more than
level 2 at best, as maintaining a solidly rooted persona
takes more knowledge of humans and the world than
most rookies possess. The Status of a new angel's Role
can be any level - it isn't any harder to maintain the identity of a vastly rich human than it is to be a working stiff.
Superiors are extremely unlikely to entrust their
newest Servitors with any artifacts, and the naive youngsters probably won't realize how useful they can be anyhow. Nor are young angels likely to have any servants.
An experienced Soldier of God may be assigned to help
out a first-time angel, but the Soldier probably answers
to a different angel rather than the newbie.
Even some Skills are hard for a young angel to acquire.
A young servant of Laurence can get plenty of practice in
swordsmanship in Heaven, but there aren't too many
opportunities to develop one's Lying or Seduction Skill
in the divine realm.
Because they can't acquire many other Resources,
young angels don't have much to spend character points
on except Skills and Songs. This can create a very unbalanced character, but there are two ways for the Game
Master to prevent that. One is to reduce the character
points available to a young angel during character creation. Instead of points equal to 4 times the character's
Forces, the Game Master can reduce the multiplier to
only 2, or even 1. The disadvantage to that method is
that the character is obviously going to be weaker than
the other angels in the party.
To solve this problem, the GM may "bank" the young
angel's character points. At character creation the young
Yo U N G E R A N G E L S
example, a new angel performing a mission in modernday America knows that interstate buses are a method of
transportation, and that they begin and end their trips in
metropolitan bus stations. A servant of Yves might even
know all the bus schedules by heart. But the angel is
unlikely to realize that it's a bad idea to spend the night
in a bus station, or that the nice man who offers to watch
your luggage while you get a drink won't be there when
you get back (and neither will your luggage).
Young angels tend to take things at face value. Nobody
lies in Heaven (well, hardly anyone), and consequently
young angels have difficulty with the concept of falsehood or hypocrisy. Those with resonances or attunements that allow them to detect lies or deceptions are not
impaired. It's just that rookie angels have a hard time
realizing that a nation's government might not always act
in the best interests of its citizens, or that charities might
spend more money on "administrative expenses" than on
helping people. For players with a satirical bent, a young
angel character provides a great opportunity to question
some of the idiocies and stereotypes of modern life.
Running an older angel character is best left to players
who've had some experience with In Nomine. It destroys
the image of a wise, grizzled elder if the player has to
keep asking the Game Master questions. An old character is great for the sort of player who enjoys getting totally immersed in the game world.
The most important thing for players to keep in mind
is that elder celestials have had enough time to develop a
personality. Newborn angels are much alike, at least
within their Choir. Only with time do celestials gain likes
and dislikes, personal quirks and opinions of their own.
An old angel must have an interesting personality.
The Malakite who's tired of killing, the Ofanite who
spends his time flying antique planes, the servant of
Novalis who has become fascinated by technology -
Angel Children
The process of child-raising among angels is of course
very different from that among humans. A newborn
angel is a fully functional celestial, able to survive and
serve in Heaven as well as any adult. What a celestial
child does need is training. The parents must instruct
their offspring on all the things an angel can learn only
through experience - tricks in using one's attunements,
the unwritten rules of the Host, the ins and outs of dissonance and Discord and how to get along with other
Choirs. The most important thing angelic parents must
teach their child is how to avoid the snares of diabolicals.
Most angels are made. "Natural-born" angels are a rarity among the Host, and this sometimes affects the way
other celestials react to them. The infinitely compassionate angels are of course far beyond things like prejudice
or discrimination, but still there is a certain feeling
The above procedure is the norm when two angels
have a child together. But angels have been known to fall
in love with other celestials, even with mortals. Such
loves are strictly forbidden, and offspring extremely rare.
Kori watched the little boy wander off from his family in the
park and into the woods. She followed along discreetly to make
sure nothing happened to him. As the sun dropped toward the
horizon and the shadows of the forest darkened, it was obvious
the boy was lost. He wandered around in circles for a while
before throwing himself down at the base of a towering tree and
starting to cry. It was time for Kori to take a hand.
The boy looked up when he felt the warm, golden
light. The beautiful winged figure hovering in the air
in front of him smiled at him and hisfear and sadness were replaced with wonder. "Don't worry,"
she said. 'Til get you home. Just follow me."
Relievers will show up most often as servants of angels.
They can go unseen into places where human servants
might not be able, and have their own Songs and celestial abilities. Human servants, on the other hand, do not
disturb the Symphony and are generally not vulnerable
to celestial combat, which destroys a reliever fairly easily.
Celestials can also encounter a reliever performing a
duty for another Superior. Relievers usually watch over
particular people, places or things, performing small,
helpful deeds to help ease the lot of humanity. While
watching over a household, soup kitchen or kindergarten
might not carry the prestige of guarding an important
human or Seneschal of a Tether, every task is important
in the eyes of Heaven. A reliever knows his assignment
very well and can be a valuable source of information.
Eventually, relievers can
gather additional power and
additional Forces through
faithful service. A reliever
with 9 Forces becomes an
angel of whatever Choir the
player and GM feel is appropriate. Usually the choice of
Choir is determined by the
reliever's personality, the
attunements he has acquired
and the types of assignments
he has performed. The occasion of a reliever "earning his
halo" is a joyous one for
Heaven because it means
another celestial spirit has
entered God's service in the
cause of Heaven.
Corporeal Forces - 1 Strength 1
Agility 3
Ethereal Forces - 1
Intelligence 2 Precision 2
Celestial Forces - 1
Will 2
Perception 2
Vessel: None
Skills: Emote/2, Singing/1, Tracking/2
Songs: Attraction (Celestial/2), Healing (Corporeal/2),
Light (Corporeal/2), Motion (Ethereal/1)
Kori is a very new celestial in the service of an angel of
Destiny. Her duty is to watch over a young boy named
Colin Galeba and his family, ensuring Colin does not
come to harm. She handles most of the day-to-day stuff
herself and alerts her superior immediately if anything
more important happens. Kori has no idea why Colin is
important, but she has grown fond of the boy and will
do what she can to keep him safe to follow his destiny.
/ waited in the corner booth at Burger Hut. Raggai came in
at a quarter to twelve, right on schedule. He ordered six
Gutbusters and sat down to shovel them in, making as much
noise as possible. One guess which Prince he serves.
When he left, picking his teeth and belching, I followed. On
the corner, a small dog sat watching traffic. As I passed it, I
nodded. The dog winked back and ran off. Fersaith is a nice
From time to time, angels and demons wind up working together because they're ordered to by their
Superiors. Nobody likes to talk about it, but it happens
more often than most Archangels admit. Orders from
above make a very simple way for a Game Master to
bring together the Host and the Fallen.
Of all the Superiors on opposite sides, Asmodeus and
Dominic have the best working relationship. Both have a
strong interest in tracking down Outcasts and
Renegades, and in finding out if any of the other
Archangels and Princes are working together. But they
aren't the only ones who sometimes cooperate.
Andrealphus has forged a tentative, very secret alliance
with Novalis in the interests of holding back the war
hawks on both sides (she knows he's trying to dupe her,
but for now it's convenient for her to pretend he's succeeding). And Marc and Lilith have occasionally found it
profitable to do a little business together.
In an allies campaign, the celestials don't have to like
each other much, but they are under strict orders to
cooperate, at least until the mission objective is achieved.
Often there are secret orders and hidden objectives on
both sides. There are plenty of opportunities for treachery, double-crosses and spying.
From the Game Master's perspective, the difficulty is
that eventually the objective will be achieved, and then
the characters have no further reason to remain together. If he's running a one-shot adventure or a "miniseries," that's not a problem. But if the players want to
keep adventuring together, then he must keep coming up
with increasingly improbable reasons to make the
demons and angels work together. If the characters have
somehow managed to strike up friendships, the campaign might become more like an "Enemies Together"
scenario, p. 91.
/ brought the package of greasy chicken back to the van.
"A couple of guys in the chicken place were watching me," /
said. "More than just the usual once-overfor strangers."
"Malakim?" asked Nagor, nibbling his skinless drumstick.
Later he'd insist on going jogging to burn off the extra fat.
Even though Andrealphus wants him dead, Nagor still follows
his Prince's rule and keeps himself looking gorgeous.
"No, they looked like local folks. Kyrios, maybe."
"Or Shedim. "Alashae reached past me to snag a drumstick.
"I find it hard to believe Asmodeus would give up so easily after
his goons almost got us last time."
"Whoever they were, we can't stay here long. Where to?" I
climbed into the driver's seat and started the van.
"There's a Lilim in Vegas who still owes me a little favor,"
said Nagor. "Vegas is Mammon's town; he wouldn't like a
bunch of Asmodeus' boys muscling in there."
"Fine for you," said Alashae, "but what about us? Vegas is a
dangerous enough placefor angels who haven't been kicked out.
Daraul and I wouldn't last a minute there."
"I'm not so sure," I said. "We would be relatively safe from
the Inquisition in Las Vegas. As long as Nagor's friend can
keep us safe from other diabolicals, we shouldn't have anything
to worry about." I started the engine.
Alashae leaned forward to whisper. "And what do we do if
Nagor's leading us into a trap?"
"It's a gamble. But isn't that why everyone goes to Vegas?"
have some good reason for not wanting him dead, making sure he Falls all the way to demonhood is an obvious
precondition for his continued survival. So an Outcast
among demons has to worry about vengeful angels, killer
demons and the plots of his friends. Rival Princes will be
trying to woo or destroy him, and if Dominic learns he's
preparing to go over, he'll have the Inquisition to worry
There is always the possibility that an Outcast could be
a double agent, just like a Renegade. His Discord was
deliberately gained as a cover, and his Archangel is in on
the plot (as probably is Dominic as well). Such an assignment is insanely dangerous, but an angel who could pull
it off is likely to be rewarded by his Archangel with
greater power and responsibilities. Naturally, no angel
would be asked to take such an incredible risk unless the
situation was particularly dire.
All Outlaws
If all the player characters are Outcasts or Renegades,
the group has all the problems listed above, plus a few
extras. They're going to be on the run from both the host
and the diabolicals, with nobody to help them at all.
An interesting campaign could be built around a
"Dirty Dozen" group of Outcasts and Renegades who do
the dirty work for an angelic patron. Even grittier is the
idea of a band of celestial mercenaries, who undertake
jobs for both sides!
A party of Outcasts and Renegades would be the perfect group to discover the secret of the Grigori, and the
characters might be able to strike up some kind of
alliance with the Watchers and their human descendants.
Or die outlaw celestials could league themselves with the
old pagan gods of the Marches.
Again, there is always the possibility for duplicity in
such a group. What if one of the angels is actually a secret
operative for the Inquisition, under deep cover as an
Outcast in order to penetrate the party and learn what no
member of the Host could ever see? Or perhaps one of
the Renegades is a servant of Kobal, setting everybody up
for a deadly joke?
He was sitting by the Picasso statue in Daley Plaza, feeding
the pigeons. I sat down next to him. "Nice day," I said.
"Nice enough. How'veyou been?"
"Tired. I'm working double shifts trying to catch that crazy
Sbedite who's been causing all the gangsta shootings lately."
He tore off a bit of crust and tossed it to an old bird with one
eye. "Isaw him this morning down at the Point. He's living in
a big kid named Raheem."
"Thanks. Oh - I almost forgot. Someone's been careless.
David knows about the Tether to Tartarus in Hyde Park. He's
In almost any mixed party of celestials, diere's a good chance
somebody has a hidden agenda. Demons betray angels, angels
outwit demons and sometimes people get hurt. In most roleplaying games, the player characters are assumed to be on die
same side. Treachery can come as a shocking surprise.
It can also be a shock to die players. Most gamers identify
strongly with their characters, and a fictional act of betrayal
can cause some very real hurt feelings. Game Masters should
make sure die players understand that character conflict cannot spill over into die real world.
In particular, the Game Master should avoid seeming like a
"co-conspirator." Often simply because of his position, he
knows about an impending betrayal in advance. At die very
least, he will not have moved to make the treachery impossible
- some players won't understand why he didn't.
The GM must stay rigorously impartial. Congratulating a
sneaky player on a well-executed bit of treachery should be
done in private. Sympadiy and sincere regrets for die victim
will help keep diings from getting too hostile.
-Genesis 28:12
The ultimate goal of many
an angel is gaining a Word,
becoming a living embodiment
of an aspect of the Symphony, a
soloist in God's great opus. As the
saying goes, some angels are born to a
Word while others have a Word thrust upon
A Word is the embodiment of a concept, a strain of the
Symphony. It can be anything, from the great to the
seemingly insignificant. There are Words for things,
people, places, philosophies, ideas and abstract concepts.
New Words are appearing all the time as the Symphony
continues to become more and more complex and God
adds new parts for angels to play. Every part of the
Symphony is important in some way, or at least that's
what die angels tell themselves. If a Word seems insignificant, it simply means the angel has a tough job ahead.
Certainly no one expected Words like Internet or
Animation to take off like they did!
An angel who is Word-bound becomes the embodiment of his Word. As the power and influence of the
Word grows, so does that of the angel. But if the power
of an angel's Word begins to wane, so does he. This
means angels aggressively promote the cause of their
own Word in the Symphony, which is just what they are
supposed to do. Many celestials see gaining a Word as
the ultimate means of rising in the ranks, and every truly
influential celestial in Heaven has a Word to call his own.
as well. The angel can't gain the Word without transferring to serve the Archangel it falls under. If the vacant
word doesn't readily fall under any
Superior's word, then the angel is free
to apply for it. If he gets it, his Word
becomes a facet of his Superior's
Word. This can result in some seemingly strange combinations . . .
The applicant petitions publicly.
Any other angel may speak for or
against him. Multiple applicants offer
their petitions in turn. The Seraphim
Council considers the petitions and
chooses whether or not to grant the
Not all Words are granted. The
Seraphim Council must first consider
whether or not there is a need for the
Word to be directly overseen by an
angel or whether it is best to allow that
part of die Symphony to play on without accompaniment. Every possible
Word does not have an angel - only
diose most important to the overall
cause of the War. The Seraphim
Council has no desire to see the
resources of Heaven wasted on trivial
or needless Words, so the applicant
must clearly demonstrate how granting them the Word will further the
cause of Heaven.
A desired Word may also run
counter to the policies and plans of the
Heavenly Host and the Archangels, in
which case the Council may prefer to
leave the Word vacant. For example,
the Seraphim Council has declined to
grant the Word of Purity to any other
angel since Uriel's Purification
Crusade resulted in the Archangel of
Purity being called to the higher levels
of Heaven.
The Testing
Provided the Word is vacant, and
granting it will further the cause of
Heaven in some way, the Seraphim
Council will then determine if die
applicant is worthy of the honor
through a Testing.
The Test helps determine if the
applicant possesses the ability to serve the Word that he
desires in the best manner possible. It is also used to sin-
An angel who is dissatisfied with his Archangel can
seek to leave that Superior's service and become the
Servitor of another. This is a very serious decision.
Usually - though circumstances often vary - the first
step requires the angel to petition the Superior he desires
for the privilege of serving him. Then he must ask his
current Archangel for permission to leave his service. In
most cases, an angel's Superior will want to know exactly
whom he expects to serve.
The reaction of an Archangel to a servant's petition
varies greatly depending on the standing of the Servitor,
the views of his Archangel and, finally, whom the petitioner wants to serve. If it is an Archangel who has little
rapport with the current Archangel, the reaction is likely
to be negative. If the two Archangels get along well,
things may go more smoothly. No Archangel likes to lose
a Servitor, especially a valuable one. The petitioner will
be thoroughly questioned and asked to provide all his
reasons for wanting to serve another Archangel. If the
Archangel finds the petitioner's reasons to be flawed or
selfish (and Archangels are very perceptive about such
things) the petition will be denied.
In all cases, a frustrated angel seeking to serve another
Superior has one other option: to bring his petition
directly before the Seraphim Council and request their
judgment on the matter. This is considered a last resort.
The Council will hear the angel's case and their judgment on the matter is final. The angel must have the
backing of the Archangel he wishes to serve if he is to
have any chance of gaining a judgment in his favor, and
such cases often result in bad blood between the angel
and his former Superior, and between the Archangels
involved in the case.
An angel who changes Archangels will find his personal resonances with the Symphony altered by the experience. The angel loses all of the attunements of his former
master, although he may be allowed to retain distinctions
or Rites - perhaps even a Servitor Attunement - if the
parting was cordial. Any character points invested in the
lost attunements are lost. Depending on the circumstances, the GMmay "pool" the lost points for rapid
replacement, as with young angels (p. 79).
The angel's new Archangel grants him the appropriate
Choir Attunement. The angel must purchase any other
attunements for himself or have them granted by the
new Archangel over time. The new Servitor usually starts
out with no distinctions and a fairly low standing in the
new Archangel's hierarchy until he has proven himself
through service and loyalty. The new Archangel may
require some difficult and dangerous assignments from a
new servant in order for him to prove his worth. Other
angels will tend to look on the newcomer with some
amount of suspicion for a while, depending on how he
happened to leave the service of his former Archangel.
Archangels know that servants may sometimes want to
switch their allegiance, and each one feels somewhat differently about it. An angel who tries to change Superiors
more than once is almost certain to become Outcast for
his presumptive and rebellious attitude, and the angel
will suffer many trials to gain his former Archangel's forgiveness and trust. Not being able to work within the
hierarchy of Heaven was what led the forces of Lucifer to
Fall in the first place, and Superiors are very careful
about angels who seem to have the same qualities.
It isn't easy being an angel. Embodiments of Heavenly
Essence, angels can only stay in tune with the Symphony
by remaining true to their divine nature. But every angel
experiences the same temptations that led their diabolical brethren to Fall: conflicting loyalties, the unyielding
demands of a Superior or one's own selfishness can drive
an angel to act against his God-given nature. When an
angel's personal melody is no longer in tune with that of
his Choir, or his Superior, dissonance occurs. When this
dissonance becomes too great, the angel experiences a
painful fracture in his soul. The dissonant angel has
become Outcast, not yet Fallen, but no longer completely divine.
This fracture manifests physically in his angelic Heart.
An Outcast's Heart does not shatter, but cracks appear on
its surface, spreading and growing deeper as the angel
accumulates more dissonance. The bond between an
outcast and his Heart has been broken; it no longer acts
as a beacon for his celestial form. Thus, the angel can no
longer ascend to Heaven, nor can anyone use it to locate
him on the corporeal plane. Though ridding oneself of
dissonance will partially mend a broken Heart, only an
Archangel can make it whole again. The Outcast can
ascend to Heaven, but it's up to his Superior to let him
back in.
Archangels always know when one of their Servitors
has become Outcast, but it is forbidden even to them to
deliberately shatter an angel's Heart. Some Archangels
leave the fractured Hearts of their Outcasts lying where
they are, hoping the lost ones will return to die fold,
while others consider disfavored Servitors to be traitors,
litde better than one of the Fallen, and hide their Hearts
so as not to be reminded of their flawed creations. Only
the angel's own actions can cause the final destruction of
his Heart. Until an Outcast Falls, his Heart is sacred and
inviolable, even to his Superior.
Outcasts still regenerate Essence at sunrise, but they do not have access to any Rites, either
those of their own Superior or those they may have been
granted by some other Superior. There are two exceptions to this rule: first, a Word-bound Outcast may still
use his own Rites. Secondly, Word-bound Outcasts, and
diabolical Superiors, may grant Rites to an Outcast!
However, an Outcast greatly diminishes his chances of
redemption by using the Rites of another Outcast; most
Archangels will be tempted to write their former Servitor
off as a lost cause. And using diabolical Rites virtually
guarantees permanent exile from Heaven, and a short
Fall to Hell; every time an Outcast uses a diabolical Rite,
he gains another note of dissonance. Princes are usually
only too willing to grant Rites to Outcasts whom they
think will use them, for exactly this reason.
Outcasts still have all their Songs, and keep their Choir
and Servitor attunements, but they lose any distinctions
they may have had when they become Outcasts. A
Superior may or may not restore these when the Outcast
is restored to grace, depending on the circumstances of
his fall. An Outcast can try to invoke his Superior only if
he has no current dissonance.
Outcasts do have one advantage; while they're still subject to the dissonance rules of their Choir, they are no
longer bound by the dissonance restrictions of their former Superior. Despite that, Archangels have a way of
knowing when one of their former Servitors is
violating their Word. An Outcast who
hopes to regain favor would be wise
not to flaunt the fact that the
rules no longer apply to him.
Possibly the most crippling disadvantage for an
Outcast is the inability
to ascend to the celestial plane. (Exception:
an Outcast can follow
another celestial to
Hell! But he'll probably regret it...) An
Outcast will not be
Heaven until he is
free of dissonance,
and even then, his
Heart will not call to
him until his Superior
W mends it. Thus, dissonant
or not, the celestial forms of
Outcasts in Trauma don't
return to Heaven to recuperate;
they go to a different place.
There are many of reasons why angels become
Outcasts. Some are paying a heavy price for a few minor
errors in judgment; others are willfully disobeying the
mandates of Heaven. Some may think they know better
than their Superior how to fight the War; some just don't
care anymore. When playing an Outcast, you may wish
to consider which of the attitudes below most closely
reflects his own nature.
The Repentant
"Oh, how I have learned my lesson! Give me one more
chance, my Lord, and I will never stray again!"
The Self-Pitying
"Yeah, I made a mistake. So has every other angel on Earth,
at one time or another! I was just unlucky enough to get slapped
down for it. Here, but for the grace of God, go you!"
0 U T CA S T S
want to be demons,
either. Such Outcasts
try to maintain their
precarious status as long
as they can, and rather
than opposing either side,
may succumb to apathy,
and try to retire from the
War completely.
"Take counsel, execute judgment;
make thy shadow as the night in the
midst of noonday; hide the outcasts,
discover not the fugitive."
Isaiah, 16:3
constrained by an inflexible Superior. They are Heavenly
vigilantes, and while some angels may (quietly) sympathize with them, the defiant Outcast's methods are
inevitably destructive and dissonant. Sooner or later, a
defiant usually goes too far, and Falls to the side he was
The arguments of a defiant Outcast may be very alluring to frustrated angels who are experiencing doubts
about their own effectiveness, and the course of the War.
For this reason, Dominic considers these sorts of
Outcasts to be the most dangerous. Conversely, they are
also the sort of Outcast some of the more militant
Archangels recruit for special missions (see Outcast
Missions, p. 102).
The Defiant
Word-Bound Outcasts
It's rare for a Word-bound angel to stray so far as to
become an Outcast, but it happens. Word-bound
Outcasts do keep their Word; the Seraphim Council cannot take away a Word by decree. They can award the
Word to another angel, but it creates severe conflict in
the Symphony for two celestials to resonate with the
same Word. Thus, the Council will usually only award an
Outcast's Word to another angel who is capable of seeking out and destroying his rival. Since the Word-bound
Outcast's former Superior may object to this, given any
hope of the Outcast redeeming himself, usually Outcasts
are allowed to retain sole custody of their Word until
they die, redeem themselves or Fall.
Word-bound Outcasts are persecuted by Dominic's
Inquisition just like any other. They may display any of
the attitudes described under Outcast Motives, but most
often, one of the Word-bound who trips has become the
defiant sort of Outcast, who chooses to wield his Word
on his own terms, instead of obeying an Archangel.
Word-bound Outcasts can grant their Rites to other
Outcasts. (They can also grant them to non-Outcasts, but
few angels would accept.) Thus, a few disfavored Wordbound angels have formed networks in the Outcast subculture. Associating with them may endanger an Outcast's
chances to ever be restored to favor, but it could be an
Outcast's only chance of survival.
ine qRAss is q
Yes, it really is like falling. The term came from the creation
of Hell, when Lucifer and his Renegades were thrown "down"
from the walls of Heaven. And falling is only the beginning.
Originally, I was workingfor the Archangel Michael. Being
a Mercurian, I belonged to the only Choir of angels who could
not lash out against humans, even when it was necessary. Even
with my temper, even if I didn 't think I should, I was directed
to keep the peace.
At first, I always did what I was told and I kept my temper
in check. After spending many centuries working in the celestial realm, I was finally chosen to go to Earth. I guess my
mindless devotion paid off.
So there I was, among the race I was born to protect. Like
any good soldier, I immersed myself in studying the enemy. It
took quite a few years, but I came to a conclusion that I still hold
to this day - humans are their own worst enemy. True, they
have a great capacity for good, but most are basically selfish and
therefore evil. Regardless of what we do, they are destined to
destroy themselves.
I took it upon myself to begin removing the cancer, so that the
race might be saved. I followed orders when they made sense,
but when any of the humans I dealt with showed their true colors as selfish (and a surprisingly large number did), I killed
them. This didn't go over too well On High, so I was told to
spend some time tending Tethers and listening to lectures. That
kept me from thinking for a while, I guess, but sooner or later
I went back to doing what made sense.
During all of this, I was generating dissonance like nobody's
business. A Mercurian is not supposed to take violent action
against humans, but again I could see that they needed it. My
vessel started warping as Discord set in and I had to go on the
run from Michael. Eventually, the boys upstairs stopped talking to me altogether. I continued my work, convinced that I was
right and they were wrong.
Not long after that, it happened. I was pulling my sword out
of a serial rapist I had cornered. Instead of the usual dissonant
note I had become so accustomed to, I was struck with pain so
profound that no description can really do it justice. Humans
describe instances where their nerves feel like they're on fire,
Some angels, especially Seraphim, simply come clean
to their friends every time they get any dissonance. They
may be matter-of-fact about it, or emotional. (This can
be stressful to others ... which, of course, makes it fun to
roleplay.) The group then must decide: help out its troubled member or go on about their business? Remember:
not all your fellow angels are your friends. If you admit
dissonance to the wrong person, you may get a visit from
Dominic's inquisition, or your own divine boss.
The angel has a neurotic response to his guilt and
worry, which manifests itself in a way that would be considered a "mental problem" in a human. This is pure
roleplaying. Pick an appropriate personality-related
Discord and act as though you had it already! This may
be a Discord that you would choose if you had to trade
off dissonance for it ... or one you hope not to get.
Should you ever actually acquire Discord, the GM can
keep in mind how good, or bad, a job you did with its
neurotic imitation.
The other side of the coin is the angel who earned dissonance by breaking a Superior's rule . . . and resents
that. He may neurotically flirt with the borders of the
rule . . . or he may just lose his faith in his Superior's wisdom or importance. Servants of Marc fast-talk mortals
into questionable deals to get a bit of extra Essence;
angels of Gabriel make excuses for the cruel.
The best thing that can happen to such an angel, if he
doesn't come to his senses, is to manage a transfer to
serve another Superior - see p. 97. The worst thing that
can happen is for their Superior to notice his attitude!
It's a long way - metaphorically as well as in other senses - from Heaven to Hell. And it takes an angel in good
standing a goodly amount of time to make that plummet.
Before an angel can Fall, he is cut off from Heaven and
dubbed an Outcast. At this point, the angel has a warped
view of the cosmos. The dissonance he carries causes him
to think and act contrary to his nature by Choir; it may
also cause him to overcompensate in his assigned duties
according to the Word he serves. Indeed, he is a
wretched thing to behold.
As an Outcast, he no longer has direction, but hopefully has the presence of mind to attempt to rid himself
of the offending dissonance and redeem himself.
If the Outcast continues to accumulate dissonance, he
is likely to Fall from Grace. When he finally does Fall,
the sensation is disorienting and painful. First, the angel
often feels as if he is falling from a great height, feeling
himself diminishing as the divine music of the Symphony
slowly fades, although he never physically moves.
Second, the pain strikes. Imagine white fire coursing
through every cell of your being mind, body and spirit. This is the closest approximation that can be made in
human terms, but it pales in comparison to the celestial
reality. The very core of what makes an angel an angel is
being twisted into its polar opposite. This pain truly lasts
but a minute, even though it seems like an eternity.
As the pain subsides, the former angel wakes to a completely different outlook. The saddest part is, most of
them don't realize how twisted it has become.
Since an angel's friends know him better than anyone
else, they are going to be the first to notice his decline
into dissonance. Of course, each angel is an individual,
but there are a few basic consistencies we can examine.
Each Choir reacts to a dissonant angel in typical ways,
though the reacting angel's Superior and his own personality will modify the Choir-standard reaction greatly.
Seraphim will help a comrade who is trying to help
himself. But if they don't feel that the dissonant angel is
being completely honest with himself and others about
the problem, and working to fix it, they will lecture him
mercilessly, and may report him to "higher authority."
Cherubim are very caring and do their utmost to assist
a dissonant friend in any way they can. They favor a
"tough love" approach. They are the ones guarding the
locked door while the junkie rages through withdrawal.
The manic Ofanim are lucky if they even notice that
another angel has become dissonant. If they do, they usually look puzzled, say something ineffectual like, "Hey
man, get straight," then forget about it as they travel on.
Elohim don't like dissonance anywhere in the
Symphony. It makes them nervous. Elohim are not judgmental, but they will go to great lengths to help a dissonant angel back onto the right path.
The Malakim are in no way caring or understanding
toward those with accumulated dissonance. They have a
very simple position - get rid of it or die.
A Kyriotate will simply venture his opinion as to the
situation and what he would do to fix it, and then leave
the angel to do what he feels is right.
Mercurians are much like the Cherubim, caring and
understanding. They will listen for however long it takes
as an angel discusses his problems, and then do their best
to help them remove their dissonance.
The Archangel of Dreams pays little attention to dissonant Servitors, unless their dissonance is corrupting
her orders and goals. Since her angels work largely in the
Ethereal realm, many forms of dissonance may not
become readily apparent. If a dissonant Servitor's dissonance becomes a noticeable problem, she will most likely give him a chance to redeem himself and to remove his
dissonant notes. If this fails, she will alert Dominic.
The Archangel of Stone does not tolerate corrupt
Servitors. He gives his less dissonant Servitors the opportunity to work things out for themselves. If they do not
remove their dissonance, or if they become very dissonant, he will have them destroyed.
The Archangel of Judgment treats dissonance among
his Servitors with less tolerance than any other. Subtly
dissonant Servitors are given the opportunity to redeem
themselves, but are under constant watch. If they stray
from their redemption, they are destroyed. The moment
one becomes very dissonant, he is marked for doom.
The Archangel of Animals is primal; if a Servitor
becomes so dissonant that he ceases to be useful, he is
destroyed. Otherwise, he assumes they will fend for
Working for the Archangel of the Sword, an angel is
expected to do as told. Acting against his nature is not
following expectations. Laurence will let dissonance slide
for a short time if a Servitor is trying to remove it, but
will have him destroyed if it goes too far.
The Archangel of Trade has a simple rule when dealing with dissonant Servitors - if one starts acting stupidly, he is obviously bad for profits. He will counsel his dissonant Servitor in an attempt to rehabilitate and rededicate him. He will work closely with the angel, for Marc
hates wasting valuable resources. Sometimes a Servitor is
too far gone or thoroughly resistant to counseling, and
must be "let go."
The Archangel of Creation figures his Servitors will
work everything out for themselves. Besides, he isn't
often around to deal with it, anyway.
The Archangel of Fire is under too much mental strain
to notice her highly dissonant Servitors. If one of them
were to attract the unwanted attention of Dominic, she
would eliminate the problem rather than rehabilitate it.
The Archangel of the Wind is difficult to predict.
Depending upon his mood, he might simply remove dissonance from a Servitor, if they ask nicely, or he might
destroy them utterly.
The Archangel of Lightning may be a micromanager,
but as long as his Servitors are doing their job, he's will-
Michael, surprisingly enough, is among the most forgiving Archangels. This is not to say that he takes dissonance lightly, but when one of his Servitors trips,
Michael sometimes displays unusual compassion. If the
Outcast gets rid of his dissonance and asks for forgiveness, Michael will be firm but fair. The mission to regain
favor will probably be difficult and dangerous, but if the
angel succeeds, all will be forgiven. Michael very rarely
employs Outcasts, but there have been times when he
needed to put a hurt on somebody, and politics prevented him from being able to act directly.
The Archangel of Flowers always has compassion for
her Servitors. She takes dangerously dissonant Servitors
in, and does what she can. The angel may or may not
survive the experience.
Strangely enough, the Archangel of Destiny does
nothing in regard to his dissonant Servitors. Some take
this as a sign of his divine wisdom and knowledge of the
future, while Michael sees this as an ill omen.
Different angels have different reactions to dieir Fall.
Some relish their new-found freedom, while others are
deathly afraid of their new existence, while others mourn
their fate. Some common reactions:
I am free! Heaven will be sorry they didn't listen to
me. (Common.)
* I am free, and the Earth is now my playground.
(Common, with a low survival rate.)
* The Almighty has finally freed me to serve him as I
know best. (Typical Habbalite reaction.)
What will I do now? I have no true purpose.
(Uncommon; Fallen angels usually find their purpose in
either self-protection or self-aggrandizement.)
* What will I do now? I must protect myself by finding
allies. (Fairly common.)
* What will I do now? I must hide. (No one knows how
common this is.)
* I'm damned! I must seek forgiveness. (Rare.)
* I'm damned and an abomination. I must destroy
myself. (Rare.)
A few recently Fallen angels still hold some of what they
once were and mourn their fate, but in the end, their selfpity is impractical. If diey truly cared, they would have
taken steps to prevent this from happening. Now they
must either come to grips with dieir new existence and
survive, or die at the hands of other demons who mock
the newly Fallen angel's pitiable existence.
As an angel's dissonance builds, he becomes undeniably attractive to the hosts of Hell. Many demons lack
the vision to fully understand the opportunity that a
highly dissonant angel presents; they simply revel as their
enemies are smitten from within. On the other hand,
there are demons, particularly those higher up the chain,
who understand die angel's position in one simple term.
Recrui table.
Most demons are small-minded. They won't understand the symptoms of dissonance in an angel, and won't
take any action until an angel has become an Outcast.
Woe betide die Outcast angel who falls into die clutches
of demons. The Outcast angel has no friends and waning
power, and demons enjoy nothing more than spending a
Friday night torturing an angel who has lost his focus.
Their deatii will neither be pleasant nor quick.
Those demons who truly understand approach things
from a different angle. They learn to recognize the
symptoms of dissonance. Demons who are indeed true
When angels Fall, they immediately become the infernal analog of their former Heavenly Choir. They lose all
their attunements save their newfound Band attunement, cannot descend into Hell and only regenerate
Essence at nightfall. Many things change once Hell
courts the angels into service.
While an angel cannot initially descend into Hell on
his own, he can follow another demon down to it. He
may also enter Hell through the Marches, but must pass
through Beleth's Tower. This may not be the best idea,
unless he wishes to serve Beleth or be destroyed. If the
angel has been courted by demons during his Fall, it will
not be difficult for him to descend. Otherwise, he must
wait for the courting process to begin.
Some of the newly Fallen become a strange sort of
Renegade demon - one of the Unknown. The Unknown
are Fallen angels who choose to remain on the fringes of
Hell, having never had a master and never desiring one.
They can remain unknown to the forces of Hell and stay
thus for a long time. The Unknown are rare, but they do
exist, hiding and living on their own terms.
The newly Fallen angel will have a rough time among
his new comrades. At the very least, they'll treat him as
an object of ridicule, and at the most, they'll fully and
outwardly resent him.
If the new demon didn't receive any special favor or
power during the courting process, he'll have to tolerate
much ridicule. He will be hearing jokes about "tripping,"
"clipped wings" and "tarnished halos" for a long time.
This doesn't necessarily mean that all the other demons
won't welcome him as a new comrade, but, as with the
new guy in any group, he'll be the brunt of some degree
of their cruelty for a while. They are demons, after all.
Depending upon how much extra favor or power the
newly Fallen angel received through the courting
process, he may be outright resented by other demons.
He may find jealous demons allying against him, and he
may have to work twice as hard to get anything done
because of this extra resistance.
This resentment is especially acute if the newly Fallen
angel is endorsed for a Word. He will have to overcome
much resistance as other demons who may have been
questing for that Word come out of the woodwork with
many of their friends in tow. Of course, in the end it really doesn't matter unless they kill him. Only Lucifer's
judgment counts, and if Lucifer wants to give the newly
Fallen angel the Word, no one's going to argue.
After time, all this ridicule and resentment will fade as
the newly Fallen angel proves himself useful to others or
establishes his personal strength. Depending upon how
the new demon carries himself, this might take months
or centuries.
The Malakim are a very special case among the Choirs
of angels. Never in the entire history of Creation has a
Malakite been damned. They don't Fall. Ever.
This does not mean that they don't generate dissonance like other Choirs of angels. In fact, the Malakim
have many opportunities in which to gain dissonance,
most of those based upon their own personal code of
honor. But three important factors keep die vast majority of Malakim free of dissonance, much less free from a
level of taint that would make other angels Fall.
First, the Malakim love their work. This is inherent in
them all. They not only have complete and utter faith in
their duty, their Superior and their God, they simply
enjoy what they do. They are able to walk among men,
purifying the impure and cutting out the cancer of the
hopelessly unredeemable. Created to correct or kill, the
Malakim are, more so than any other Choir, perfectly
suited for their work. And they wouldn't have it any other
Second, Malakim will not accumulate dissonance
unless they simply cannot avoid it. At the first opportunity, they will work to remove any dissonant notes. It is
utterly important for a Malakite, for reasons of both
pride and survival, to be clean of dissonance. If, for some
reason, they are not able to remove their dissonance,
because of a given assignment or situation, and they
accumulate more than 2 points, most Malakim will
immediately convert the dissonance into Discord. As
horrible as a badge of shame is to a Malakite, it's preferable to running the risk of perverting their very existence.
Third, and perhaps most important, is that the
Malakim police themselves very seriously. A Malakite
with even one note of dissonance is a virtual loner among
his own Choir. They keep an eye on each other, and
those who serve Dominic are bound to report any
Malakite with more than a single dissonant note to an
Archangel. In this way, they assure that no Malakite
degenerates too far. If a Malakite shows too much
Discord or gains what others of his kind might feel is too
much dissonance to be safe, he is destroyed. If a Malakite
is ever Outcast, he is hunted relentlessly by each and
As mentioned before, when a Malakite has accumulated more than one dissonant note, he is in danger of being
reported. Any Servitor of Dominic is bound to report
him, usually to the Archangel whom the dissonant
Malakite serves. Each Archangel will react in a different
way, as described on pp. 110-111, but this does not usually represent the full peril facing a dissonant Malakite.
A dissonant Malakite has one option to spare himself
the threat of discovery - turn himself in. He can present
himself to his Archangel, admit to his dilemma and outline what steps he will be taking to rectify the situation.
Unfortunately, he'll have to swallow his pride, confess to
If successful in concealing his plight and intent on surviving it - a dissonant
Malakite must quickly get rid of that dissonance. The Choirspecific methods are
detailed on p. 49.
The prideful reasons
that many Malakim
avoid the universal technique - working at a
Tether - mirror those reasons they avoid turning themselves in to their Archangel (see p.
115). Note that a Malakite may be able
to avoid the shame and scrutiny if the
Seneschal is a friend who is willing to cover for him, but
this is more rare than one might think.
A Dissonant Malakite
Helmrich, a young Malakite of the Sword, has imperiled himself with a radical lapse of judgment. Assigned by
Laurence himself to watch for and intervene in any
breach of security at a New Orleans hotel, he left his post
for a few minutes to chase a demon he recognized.
This bagged an infernal but gained a point of dissonance for disobeying Laurence. Then, compounding his
error, Helmrich fudged his account of what happened to
his immediate superior, the Angel of Sentries, after a
purse snatcher scampered away with a valuable reliquary
right in front of where Helmrich was supposed to be stationed. Despite his oath to "always speak the truth plainly," Helmrich decided in this case he was better off with
the dissonance.
Helmrich now has the option of confessing his condition to Laurence or working it out on his own. Since
confessing would tear at his Malakite pride, usher in a
JK. m.
+5 (+9) -
* Per grenade, see Explosives.
100 (16)
Power Accuracy
Skill Required
Small Weapon
Large Weapon
Large Weapon
Large Weapon
Driving time:
5/6 of a minute
1 minute
1 1/2 minutes
2 minutes
11/2 minutes
2 minutes
If new to area:
5/6 of a minute
11/4 minutes
2 minutes
2 1/2 minutes
3 minutes
41/2 minutes
VI '
This step-by-step guide is for those players who are
familiar with the rules and tired of flipping through big
sections of In Nomine to create an angel character. It has
all of the character-generation information listed in a
succinct format. Note that this guide is not intended to
replace the main rulebook for information, just to give
informed players enough information to make appropriate character decisions.
(In Nomine, p. 96)
Resonance: the resonance of Ofanim is motion and their
divine perception of the Symphony will instantly reveal
the quickest path.
Game Mechanics: Perception d666 roll. Check digit can
be added to any roll against Agility or an associated Skill,
to any Area Knowledge Skill roll to get a "feel" for the
quickest/closest way, or to travel quickly in celestial form.
Details on In Nomine, p. 97. Advanced uses on p. 36.
Dissonance: inaction.
(In Nomine, p. 98)
Resonance: stripped clean of any personal prejudice,
they are able to objectively understand the emotions and
psyche of another and predict the reactions of the person
to any given action.
Game Mechanic: Perception d666. Check digit chart on
p. 99. Advanced uses on p. 42.
Dissonance: acting on emotions rather than fact, subjectivity.
(In Nomine, p. 93)
Resonance: if the Seraphim are paying attention at all,
no one - human or celestial - can lie to them without it
ringing false.
Game Mechanics: Perception d666 roll, duration: 10check digit minutes. Check digit chart on In Nomine, p.
94. Advanced uses on p. 24.
Dissonance: lying.
(In Nomine, p. 94)
Resonance: with just a touch they can attune themselves
to something (or someone). If on the corporeal plane
they will have a feel for its location and condition.
Game Mechanics: Perception d666 roll. They can
attune themselves to as many different items/people as
they have Forces. If an object is destroyed, the pieces can
only be detected with a 6 check digit. Will roll needed to
negate an attunement. Check digit chart on In Nomine,
p. 96. Advanced uses on p. 29.
Dissonance: Betrayal of devotion to their attuned, superior, friends, ideals or self.
(In Nomine, p. 99)
Resonance: they can see in a human the purity of his
nature and the virtue of his principle. Their resonance is
honor more sacred than their own lives.
Game Mechanic: Perception d666. Check digit chart on
In Nomine, p. 101. Advanced uses on p. 48.
Dissonance: Dishonoring themselves or others - they
cannot Fall. They take four oaths; two are constant:
never suffer an evil to live when it's your choice, and
(In Nomine, p. 101)
Resonance: diey can control multiple vessels, and must
use these bodies to make their mark on reality.
Game Mechanics: Will d666. Unwilling subject can
make a Will roll to reject for a number of hours equal to
subject's Will check digit. Can control/possess creatures
up to his Forces. They cannot spend more than 10 x
Celestial Forces minutes in celestial form widiout any
host vessels. Details on In Nomine, p. 102. Advanced
uses on p. 54.
Dissonance: leave a host in worse shape than when you
found it.
In Nomine, pp. 110-111.
Dissonance: an angel of Blandine may not take his celestial form in die mundane world, nor use Celestial Songs
on Earth.
(In Nomine, p. 103)
Resonance: they comprehend the relationships and
responsibilities of a person at a glance, and the importance of them to the person.
Game Mechanic: the effects last for 10 minutes minus
the check digit. Check digit chart on In Nomine, p. 104.
Advanced uses on p. 61.
Dissonance: violence generates dissonance, except
against demons.
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: recognize intruders in a dream. Add
Ethereal Forces to Perception in the Marches.
Cherubim: automatically enter dreamscape of a person to whom they are attuned.
Ofanim: while Dream Walking they can stay in a
dreamscape for a number of minutes equal to the check
digit of their successful Perception roll times dieir
Ethereal Forces.
Elohim: dieir resonance is constantly active in the
Marches - "check digit" equal to their Ethereal Forces.
Malakim: they are not noticed in the Marches unless
they wish to be (Perception penalty of minus Ethereal
Forces of Malakite).
Kyriotates: while asleep, can be in more than one
place in the Marches at a time - up to their Ethereal
Mercurians: can move between dreamscapes of people who are close and are on the same side of the
Servitor Attunements
Dream Walking: enter Marches through a dreaming
Healing Dream: allows modification of a person's
In Nomine, pp. 112-113.
Dissonance: Being provoked into attacking first, using
distance weapons.
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: detect presence and quality of all minerals
within 1 yard of their vessels for every
Corporeal Force they possess.
Cherubim: create a pseudo-magnetic field
that can pull into their hands any object made
mostly from minerals.
Ofanim: move slowly through mineral
matter taking along what they wear.
Elohim: absolute direction, always know
where they are and what time it is.
Malakim: can become immovable and indestructible
once per day.
Kyriotates: may create their own stone vessels.
Mercurians: can sense the way a building is made and
put together, and its floorplan.
Servitor Attunements
Deep Gaze: see through minerals.
Cold Touch: turn a foe to stone.
In Nomine, pp. 114-115.
Dissonance: inflicting a punishment greater than the
crime, standing by while the innocent are punished
unfairly, overlooking what they feel to be heresy in an
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: bonus of die angel's Celestial Forces to any
Resonance roll.
Cherubim: generates no dissonance due to a subject
of inquiry being hurt.
Ofanim: can sense and understand another's Discord.
Elohim: can see guilt like bloody sweat on another's
Malakim: can hear dissonance in others.
Kyriotates: generates no dissonance for the poor care
of a host who has Discord.
Mercurians: natural resonance also tells what most
deviant act the target has done and die last time he committed it, and they don't generate dissonance by punishing the guilty as long as the punishment fits the crime.
Servitor Attunements
Incarnate Law: innate knowledge of rules.
Heavenly Judgment: summon a luminous sword that
flies to die attack.
In Nomine, pp. 116-117
Dissonance: None generated from serving Eli's Word.
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: recognize gifted individuals.
Cherubim: know who created an item and when it was
made, and if it was celestial (angel or
demon) or human in origin.
Ofanim: adjust something or someone's age by a number of years equal to
Precision, and dieir vessels heal fast.
Elohim: create relics and reliquaries
by binding Songs into physical objects.
Malakim: anything picked up can be
used as a weapon with a Power equal to the check digit
of a successful Perception roll, for a single combat.
Kyriotates: may perform the Celestial Song of Form
on their hosts at no Essence cost.
Mercurians: can make talismans.
Servitor Attunements
Abracadabra: Create base matter from nothingness.
Transubstantiation: Imbue inorganic elements with life.
In Nomine, pp. 118-119
Dissonance: allow die cruel to go unpunished.
Choir Attunements
Most of Gabriel's angels detect various kinds of cruelty at a glance. Each choir detects:
Seraphim: those who profit knowingly from die suffering of others or lie to themselves about what monsters
they really are.
Cherubim: those who within the last year have horribly betrayed someone devoted to them.
Ofanim: those who flee justice, whom they also pursue. Also, they are immune to damage from corporeal
heat, radiation and electricity.
Elohim: those who delight in the pain of odiers.
Malakim: those whom Gabriel decides to target
specifically. They also have die ability to encircle their
hands with green celestial flames, burning everything
they touch.
Kyriotates: those who enjoy inflicting physical pain
upon others.
Mercurians: those who delight in being cruel to
Servitor Attunements
Dance of the Atoms: change ambient temperature.
Smite: a fiery ranged attack.
In Nomine, pp. 120-121.
Dissonance: may not stay in one location for more than
three days.
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: add the number of their Celestial Forces to
their Fast-Talk rolls.
Cherubim: can only attune to one person at a time,
but the subject of the attunement becomes enthralled
with the Cherub.
Ofanim: add their Ethereal Forces to any roll involving breaking locks, opening doors or otherwise freeing
themselves or others from corporeal restraint.
Elohitn: can predict the weather.
Malakim: are good at demolitions, adding their
Ethereal Forces to any rolls involving them.
Kyriotates: may assume a gaseous form.
Mercurians: crowds part for them, and they can tell
whether something was stolen or not.
In Nomine, pp. 124-125.
Dissonance: valuing human life over animal life.
Choir Attunements
They are attuned to animals - they can communicate
to their attuned animal and they must purchase at least
one animal vessel (except for Kyriotates).
Seraphim: attuned to amphibious and marine life.
Cherubim: attuned to cats.
Ofanim: attuned to flying animals.
Elohim: attuned to reptiles.
Malakim: attuned to dogs, wolves and pack creatures.
Kyriotates: serve as Jordi's eyes and ears, and able to
control more animal hosts than human hosts.
Mercurians: attuned to apes.
Servitor Attunements
Passage: open any lock.
Swipe: make an object vanish for a while.
Servitor Attunements
Call of the Wild: summon a small group of local animals, costs 2 Essence.
Animal Magnetism: charm any single animal within
eyesight, costs 1 Essence.
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: have photographic memory and can summon a video screen to show anything they have seen or
heard. Costs 1 Essence.
Cherubim: can connect a phone call from any phone
to any phone nearest the person to whom they are
attuned. Spend 1 Essence for an instant cell-phone.
Ofanim: with a conductor may convert into electricity.
Elohim: may conjure a pocket-sized computer. Costs
1 Essence.
Malakim: add Ethereal Forces to any Chemistry,
Electronics or Engineering roll, or to repair a technological object.
Kyriotates: can possess corporeal objects as vessels.
Mercurians: always succeed at the Ethereal Song of
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: knows if foes are on the side of good or evil.
Cherubim: can use resonance on anything they see.
Ofanim: gain movement bonus in combat or pursuit.
Elohim: can feel emotions from people in the past as
well as in the general vicinity.
Malakim: add their Ethereal Forces to the check digit
of any successful resonance roll.
Kyriotates: are bound into a warrior who died a
meaningless death, now renewed and living again.
Mercurians: may add their Corporeal Forces to their
Dodge Skill roll or check digit.
Servitor Attunements
Servitor Attunements
Generator: create a lot of electricity through whatever you touch. Costs variable essence.
Remote Control: mentally control devices.
In Nomine, pp. 128-129.
Dissonance: breaking your word when it was given
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: can tell how much a person will pay for
something by looking them in the eye.
Cherubim: know any object's true owner.
Ofanim: know how to get anything anywhere, the
Elohim: can tell the fair market value of item they
Malakim: after looking someone in the eye, can tell
what something means to him.
Kyriotates: automatically enter hosts, although they
can be resisted with Will.
Mercurians: can tell how much money a person has
received and what they did to earn it.
Servitor Attunements
Servitor Attunements
In Nomine, pp. 130-131
Dissonance: retreating from any conflict without a
direct order.
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: their targets Dodge at a penalty of the
Seraph's Corporeal Forces.
Cherubim: know when an object of their attunement
may die within 24 hours.
Ofanim: always go first in combat.
Elohim: can tell how serious someone is how willing
to risk their life.
Malakim: can sense danger coming.
Kyriotates: can generate their own vessels.
Mercurians: know the price of peace what will
resolve conflict.
Servitor Attunements
Proficiency: gives expertise with one type of weapon.
Howl: stuns others with a war cry.
T / .,
1 ** I
Choir Attunements
In Nomine, pp. 132-133.
Dissonance: taking any action to move a person toward
their fate.
Choir Attunements
Seraphim: know the true name of everyone they contact and every item they see clearly or handle.
Cherubim: know if and when a person will die within
the next year of "natural" causes.
Ofanim: add their Celestial Forces to any Intelligenceor knowledge-based Skill roll.
Elohim: automatically succeed in their resonance
when touching their targets.
Malakim: can tell divine disturbances of the
Symphony from infernal ones.
Kyriotates: have access to the memories of their hosts,
including any of their Skills while in possession.
Mercurians: can intuit a person's fortune.
Servitor Attunements
Divine Destiny: the angel can see the fate and destiny
of a mortal in his face.
Divine Logic: the angel can make practically anyone
concede practically anything that he believes himself.
Select Resources. You have (4 x
total Forces) in character points to
purchase artifacts, vessels, Roles,
Servants, Skills and Songs. You may
take Discord, if you like and the GM
allows, to get extra points.
In Nomine, p. 41.
Corporeal artifacts cost 1 character point per level as a Resource.
Talismans cost 2 points per level.
Relics cost 3 points per level.
Reliquaries cost 3 points per level.
A celestial artifact that is both relic
and reliquary, but with Essence only
usable for Songs in the relic, costs 5
points per level.
A celestial artifact that is both, but
with its Essence unrestricted in use,
costs 6 points per level.
In Nomine, p. 48.
Vessels cost 3 points per level.
Charisma costs another 2 points per
level. Up to two levels of negative
Charisma can subtract 2 points per
level from vessel or Role cost.
In Nomine, p. 43, p. 72.
Roles cost Status x level divided
by 2, round up. Roles can only be
bought at character creation. Some
samples with requirements:
Archeologist (Survival, Status 3-4)
Bartender (Fighting, Status 2-4)
Doctor (Medicine, Status 4-6, Precisian above 5)
Entertainer (Performance Skills, Status
3-6, Charisma useful)
Hacker (Computer Operation, Status
Hunter (Combat Skills, any Status)
Journalist (Fast-Talk; also useful: Move
Silently, Lockpicking, Computer Operation, Dodge, Escape; Status 3-6)
Lawyer (Fast-Talk, Status 3-6)
Policeman (Need 2 of following: Detect
Lies, Area Knowledge, Ranged
In Nomine, p. 45.
Servants cost Class x level as a
Resource, divided by 2 (round up).
In Nomine, p. 46, pp. 73-78.
Each level of a Skill costs 1 point.
Acrobatics (Agility), Default -3
Artistry (Perception), Default -2
Chemistry (Intelligence), Default -5
Climbing (Agility), Default -2
Computer Operation (Intelligence), Default -4
Detect Lies (Perception), Default -2
Dodge (Agility), Default -1
In Nomine, pp. 78-85.
Songs cost 1 point per level. Most
Songs have three versions - one for
each realm of existence. These must
be purchased separately.
Corporeal: Causes two items to
"tug" toward each other, useful for
making a "homing device."
Ethereal: Makes the victim passionately attracted to a person or
object of the singer's choosing.
Celestial: "Attunes" singer to
something; gives a general feel for
location and condition.
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: check digit.
Each Song reduces one of two
characteristics of victim by its check
digit. Characteristics affected are:
Corporeal: Strength or Agility.
Ethereal: Intelligence or Precision.
Celestial: Will or Perception.
Essence Requirement: 2
Degree of Disturbance: check digit.
Corporeal: per Dream Walking
attunement (In Nomine, p. 110), the
singer enters the Marches through
the mind of a dreamer.
Ethereal: adds to or subtracts
from Skill rolls within a dream.
Celestial: controls style and
direction of subject's dream. Singer
must be within subject's dreamscape.
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: number of
people affected.
These work on singer only.
Corporeal: adds Protection.
Ethereal: makes semi-invisible.
Celestial: alters appearance.
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: check digit,
but only after the Song's effects end.
Corporeal: all in area become
weak and sluggish, unable to attack.
Ethereal: renders people incapable of mental conflict.
Celestial: temporarily negates the
effects of Discord.
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: number of
people affected (including performer).
Corporeal: heals Body hits.
Ethereal: heals Mind hits, insanity.
Celestial: heals Soul hits, Will.
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: check digit.
Corporeal: produces a glowing
aura of light around the performer.
Ethereal: creates illusions.
Celestial: dazzling light attack.
Essence Requirement: 1, maximum 3
Degree of Disturbance: none.
Corporeal: lets performer fly.
Ethereal: lets performer move
matter with his mind.
Celestial: lets performer teleport
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: check digit.
Numinous Corpus
These corporeal songs create one
of the following natural weapons:
Feet (hooves or spurs)
Tongue (long and barbed)
Wings (non-weapon; allow flight).
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: none.
Corporeal: projects singer to any
place on Earth previously visited.
Ethereal: projects singer to any
place in Marches previously visited.
Celestial: projects singer to a
celestial level, and if in Heaven or
Hell to any place previously visited.
Essence Requirement: 2
Degree of Disturbance: Celestial
Forces x 2.
Corporeal: protects from all
physical attacks.
Ethereal: protects against any
Essence-based attacks, including
resonances and attunements.
Celestial: creates barrier to observation for celestial senses, and delays
disturbances to the Symphony.
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: check digit.
Corporeal: subject can speak any
human language.
Ethereal: subject can communicate telepathically.
Celestial: binds brief message to a
bit of Essence that can be sent to
anyone singer has previously met.
Essence Requirement: 1
Degree of Disturbance: none.
Celestial Discord
In Nomine, pp. 85-89.
Discord provides 3 character points
per level. Unlike demons - some of
whom must begin play with Discord
- angels rarely may begin play with
it (only with the Game Master's
Corporeal Discord
Burning Touch (Malakim):
touching demon damages both
angel and demon (p. 50).
Combustible (Ofanim): quick
movement causes burning (p. 38).
Damaged Sense: Perception
rolls get more difficult.
Crippled: portion of anatomy lost.
Discolored: strange pigmentation.
Life-Linked Attunement (Cherubim): damage taken when attuned
object damaged (p. 32).
Obese: unnatural girth.
Painful Lies (Seraphim): lies
become painfully unbearable (p. 26).
Pallid: deathly appearance and odor.
Stigmata: open, bleeding wounds.
Twitchy: lower Precision, Agility.
Ugly: very ugly vessel.
Unnerving Stare (Mercurian)*:
gaze causes others to avoid (p. 63).
Vestigium: supernatural growths
that are useless and pathetic looking.
Vulnerable: specific physical
weakness that causes damage.
Ethereal Discord
Develop the character's background. Think about his appearance, the kind of food and music he
likes, the hobbies he's picked up,
how he gets along with others, etc.
Show the character to the GM for
Evil, beware! The Heavenly Host is here, terrifying and
beautiful, and ready to play.
The Angelic Player's Guide contains
everything you ever wanted to know
about angels - their history, their laws,
the Choirs they belong to and the
Superiors they serve ... even the
dark paths that can lead them to a
Fall from Grace, In addition to
expanded angel descriptions, it
provides the players with four
new campaign concepts and
several ways to run them.
Also included are special
rules for playing Outcasts and
relievers, and a chapter on
angelic reproduction. The
Angelic Player's Guide even has a
step-by-step "Angel Creation
Guide" for quickly and easily
generating unique angel characters.
The Angelic Player's Guide is a
companion to the In Nomine
roleplaying game.
Watch your step and don't Fall,
<T * 1
This book is intended for
mature readers. It contains
interpretations of religious
themes which some readers may
find unsettling.
Cover by Rowena
p^.by Heather Bruton, Steve Bryant,
David Fooden, April Lee,
Craig Maher, Ramon Perez,
Dan Smith and Ray Snyder
ISBN l - S 5 b 3 M - 3 H D - X
9 "781556"343407"
SJGO1995 3307
Printed in the