Tomeofhorrors 4 PF

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Tome of Horrors 4

ISBN: 978-1-62283-192-0

Tome of Horrors 4

The Tome of Horrors 4

Lead Designer Special Thanks To
Amy, Mark, Peyton, Tracey, Meghan, Erica,
Scott Greene
Dave, Sammy, Elijah, Abby, Kevin “Boz”
Baase the Creature Catalog guru, Erik Mona
Designers/Contributors and the Paizo gang for keeping the game
Erica Balsley, Casey Christofferson, going, the “One Step at a Time” crew on
Jim Collura, Lance Hawvermale, the Necromancer Games forums, all the
Patrick Lawringer, Phillip Larwood, Bill Webb Necromancer Games, Frog God Games, and
Paizo fans around the world, Mike Chaney,
Ryan Dancey, and of course E. Gary Gygax,
Cover Artists Dave Arneson, Clark Peterson, and Bill Webb.
Charles A. Wright & MKUltra Studios
Interior Artist This book is dedicated to Eric “Shade”
Chris McFann Jansing (1971–2012). Thanks for keeping the
Creature Catalog flame burning at ENWorld.
Development You will be missed my friend.

Bill Webb, Scott Greene, Skeeter Green

Playtesters/Feedback This book is dedicated to Ransom Jones
(1958–2012); one of the best people I’ve ever
Kristi Arenas, Erica Balsley, Rebecca Charles, known. Always missed; never forgotten.
Chris Gann, Danielle Gordon, Scott Greene,
Meghan Greene, Shane Griffin, Claire Hatch,
Matt Hicks, Justin Heaton, Aaron Holloway,
Shelly Isaacson, John Lloyd, David Lomas,
Hannah Parks, Randy Polston, Brandon Reed,
Russ Shuler, Keith Tallent, Michael Tallent,
Eileen Wick.

©2013 Frog God Games.

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not
guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license.

One can simply never have enough monsters. The greatest trick a GM can play is to show up with something new that the
players have never heard of before. Anyone who has been doing this for very long knows the drill, “Goblins, ok, fighters to
the front so they get multiple attacks”, or “a troll! Get fire and acid ready!”.
Imagine what happened to the first group of players that encountered a nilbog—and watched it grow in size as the fighters
each hit it 5 times. What about a pyrohydra—fire had no way to stop it from growing new heads… “Oh my, what do we do
now?” may have been the next battlecry.
Its not always necessary to make every monster a death-dealing enigma, however fear of the unknown is one of the
strongest tools in the GM’s arsenal. It keeps players on their toes and makes the game more fun. Certainly the old mundane
standby’s need a place at the table (and the miniature case). After all, what is a dungeon without a troll or ten?
One of the things I have been most proud of about my career in the game industry has been my company’s ability to bring
new and interesting denizens to light. Starting with our collaboration with White Wolf on the Creature Collection in 1999,
and continuing with our award winning Tome of Horrors series and Monstronomicon, Necromancer Games, and its spawn
Frog God Games have always been at the leading edge of the new monster game.
Thus we are proud to bring you Tome of Horrors IV, fresh from the mind of that evil genius Scott Greene and his
henchwoman Erica Balsley (otherwise known as D&D Chick). This book will be our first foray into the world of color
monster books. All of these critters are never seen before and new to the table, and I am told, are anxious to get off the page
and onto what they do best…eat adventurers.
Much in the same way I like my monsters to use the unexpected tactics my dungeons are so famous for, Scott and his crew
have come up with a vast array of new beasts and demons to frighten and challenge your players. I personally cannot wait
for this book to ship, as there are several creatures I cannot wait to add to my bi-monthly Rappan Athuk updates!
Enjoy this new trove of monsters, and feedback is, as always, welcome!

— Bill Webb
CEO Frog God Games

Tome of Horrors 4
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................ 2 Demon, Tatarux................................. 54 Ghaggurath......................................... 104
Addath..................................................... 5 Demonic Mist........................................ 55 Ghirru................................................. 105
Algidarch................................................ 6 Devil, Dantalion (Duke of Hell)........... 56 Giant
Amalgamation........................................ 7 Devouring Mist..................................... 57 Giant, Coral..................................... 106
Amber Skeleton...................................... 8 Dinosaur Giant, Crag...................................... 107
Animal, Elemental.................................. 9 Dinosaur, Euparkeria........................ 58 Giant, Jotun..................................... 108
Argos..................................................... 10 Dinosaur, Gorgosaurus...................... 59 Gibbering Abomination..................... 109
Astral Spider......................................... 11 Dinosaur, Nothosaurus...................... 60 Gibbering Orb
Aswang.................................................. 12 Dinosaur, Podokesaurus.................... 61 Gibbering Orb................................. 111
Aurochs, Northlands............................ 13 Dire Animals Gibbering Orb, Lesser..................... 112
Baba Yaga............................................. 14 Dire Fox............................................ 62 Glacial Haunt..................................... 114
Baboonwere.......................................... 15 Dire Mastiff....................................... 62 Gloom Haunt...................................... 115
Banshee, Lesser.................................... 16 Dire Stag........................................... 63 Golem
Battlehulk............................................. 17 Dobie Golem, Crystalline.......................... 116
Bear, Shadow Dire................................ 19 Dobie................................................. 64 Golem, Necromantic....................... 117
Beetle, Ravager..................................... 20 Enlarged Dobie................................. 64 Golem, Philosopher......................... 118
Beetle, Stench........................................ 21 Domovoi................................................ 65 Golem, Skiff.................................... 120
Blaze Boa............................................... 22 Dracohydra........................................... 66 Golem,
Blood Orchid Dragon, Grey........................................ 67 Spontaneous-Ossuary Golem.......... 121
Blood Orchid..................................... 23 Drake Grave Mount...................................... 122
Blood Orchid Savant......................... 23 Drake, Brine...................................... 71 Grey Spirit.......................................... 123
Blood Orchid Grand Savant.............. 24 Drake, Storm..................................... 72 Gribbon............................................... 124
Bloodsoaker Vine................................. 25 Drake, Vile........................................ 73 Grimlock............................................. 125
Bloodworm........................................... 26 Drakeling Grimshrike.......................................... 126
Boarfolk................................................ 27 Drakeling, Flame............................... 74 Hag Nymph......................................... 127
Bone Crawler........................................ 28 Drakeling, Frost................................ 75 Hedon.................................................. 128
Bone Delver........................................... 29 Dreadweed............................................ 76 Hellwidow........................................... 129
Boobrie.................................................. 30 Dune Horror......................................... 77 Hooded Horror................................... 130
Borsin.................................................... 31 Dwarf, Frost.......................................... 78 Horde, Zombie.................................... 131
Bronze Minotaur.................................. 32 Ebony Horse......................................... 79 Horse, Rhianna................................... 132
Bucentaur.............................................. 33 Edon...................................................... 80 Inphidian
Burning Ghat........................................ 34 Eel, Fire................................................. 81 Inphidian, Death’s Head.................. 133
Carrion Claw........................................ 35 Ekimmu................................................. 82 Inphidian, Grey-Scale..................... 134
Cavern Crawler.................................... 36 Elemental Lords Jolly Jelly............................................ 136
Char Shambler..................................... 37 Inder (Fire Elemental Lord).............. 83 Jynx..................................................... 137
Chike..................................................... 38 Lypso (Water Elemental Lord).......... 84 Kamarupa........................................... 138
Chuul-Ttaen......................................... 39 Onyst (Earth Elemental Lord)........... 85 Kapre................................................... 139
Cimota Susir (Air Elemental Lord)............... 86 Knight Gaunt...................................... 140
Cimota............................................... 40 Elementals Korog
Guardian Cimota............................... 40 Elemental, Salt.................................. 87 Korog Technician............................ 141
High Cimota...................................... 41 Elemental, Smoke............................. 89 Korog Scientist................................ 141
Cinder Knight....................................... 43 Elemental, Wood............................... 91 Kulgreer.............................................. 142
Cobalt Viper Emberleaf.............................................. 92 Lamprey, Burrowing......................... 143
Cobalt Viper...................................... 44 Fachan................................................... 93 Leonine................................................ 144
Giant Cobalt Viper............................ 44 Firebird................................................. 94 Leviathan............................................ 145
Conshee................................................. 45 Fisherman............................................. 95 Lightning Bladder.............................. 146
Crimson Death..................................... 46 Flayed Angel......................................... 97 Lightning Lamprey............................ 147
Crysolax................................................ 47 Fountain Fungus.................................. 98 Living Disease
Daochyn................................................ 48 Fungus Man Festering Lung................................ 148
Dark Custodian.................................... 49 Fungus Man...................................... 99 Blackrot........................................... 148
Deathstroke Serpent............................ 50 Fungus Man King............................. 99 Living Monolith
Defender Globe..................................... 51 Galley Beggar..................................... 100 Living Monolith.............................. 150
Demon Gargoyle, Spitting.............................. 101 Crawling Offspring......................... 151
Demon, Ciratto.................................. 52 Gelatinous Emperor........................... 102 Lizard
Demon, Kytha................................... 53 Genie, Seraph..................................... 103 Lizard, Giant Forest........................ 152

Table of Contents
Lizard, Lava.................................... 153 Seal.................................................. 199 Weirds
Lupin................................................... 154 Serpent Creeper................................. 200 Weird, Lesser, Acid......................... 246
Lurker Wraith.................................... 155 Sewer Sludge....................................... 201 Weird, Lesser, Frost........................ 246
Lycanthrope, Werewolverine............ 156 Shadow Hunter Weird, Lesser, Magma.................... 247
Malkeen............................................... 157 Shadow Hunter................................ 202 Weird, Lesser, Mud......................... 247
Mandrake, Deadly............................. 158 Shadow Hunter Hatchlings............. 202 Weird, Lesser, Ooze........................ 247
Megaswarm Shadow Wing...................................... 203 Weird, Lesser, Smoke...................... 247
Megaswarm, Dire Rat..................... 159 Shark, Swordtooth............................. 204 Weird, Greater, Air.......................... 247
Megaswarm, Dretch........................ 160 Shattered Soul, Impaled Spirit......... 205 Weird, Greater, Earth...................... 248
Mimic, Undead................................... 161 Silverfish Weird, Greater, Fire......................... 248
Monkey, Ghoul................................... 162 Silverfish, Giant.............................. 206 Weird, Greater, Water...................... 248
Monkey, Spire..................................... 163 Silverfish Swarm............................. 206 Wichtlein............................................. 249
Mordnaissant...................................... 164 Sirine Flower...................................... 207 Wight, Sword...................................... 250
Mummy, Asp Skin Feaster........................................ 208 Witchlights
Mummy, Asp................................... 165 Skull Child.......................................... 209 Withclight........................................ 251
Asp Swarm...................................... 165 Slitherrat............................................. 210 Elder Withclight.............................. 251
Naga Slug, Dimensional............................... 211 Worg, Dire.......................................... 252
Naga, Death..................................... 166 Sojourner of the Sea........................... 212 Xacon................................................... 253
Naga, Ha-Naga................................ 167 Soul Knight......................................... 213 Xothotak............................................. 254
Naga, Hanu-naga............................. 168 Sphinx, Dromosphinx........................ 214 Yhakkor.............................................. 255
Narwhal............................................... 169 Spider Zombie, Pyre...................................... 256
Necro-Phantom.................................. 170 Spider, Albino Cave........................ 215 Zombyre.............................................. 257
Neomimic............................................ 171 Spider, Giant Funnel-Web............... 216
Niserie.................................................. 172 Spider, Shard................................... 217 Appendix A: Templates
Nithu.................................................... 173 Spider, Lich..................................... 218 Chose of Lilith................................ 258
Noble Steed......................................... 174 Stone Idol Crazed.............................................. 260
Ommoth.............................................. 175 Frog Stone Idol............................... 219 Crystalline Creature......................... 261
Ooze Variant Frog Stone Idol................... 219 Death Knight.................................... 263
Ooze, Ebon...................................... 176 Gargoyle Stone Idol........................ 220 Fallen Elf.......................................... 265
Ooze, Spawn of Jubilex.................. 177 Shedu Stone Idol............................. 220 Fleshewn.......................................... 266
Oozeanderthal.................................... 178 Sphinx Stone Idol............................ 221 Guardian Beast................................. 267
Peg Powler.......................................... 179 Stygian Spawn.................................... 222 Meat Puppet..................................... 269
Pestilential Cadaver........................... 180 Swarm Minikin............................................. 270
Petrified Horror.................................. 181 Swarm, Bladecoin........................... 223 Reborn.............................................. 271
Piranha Swarm, Bone................................... 224 Refracted Creature........................... 273
Giant Flying Piranha....................... 182 Swarm, Lamprey............................. 225 Shade................................................ 275
Piranha Swarm................................ 182 Swarm, Skeletal.............................. 226 Soulless............................................ 276
Plant Guardian Swarm, Stirge.................................. 227 Vapor Creature................................. 277
Algant.............................................. 183 Swarm, Sparksting.......................... 228 Winged Creature.............................. 278
Banyant........................................... 184 Sword Spider...................................... 229 Zombie, Hungry............................... 280
Sargassant....................................... 184 Talorani............................................... 230 Appendix B:
Cactant............................................ 184 Thought Eater.................................... 231 Universal Monster Rules................ 281
Plantoid Tombotu.............................................. 232 Appendix C: New Feats..................... 288
Plantoid........................................... 185 Treant Appendix D: Creature Types............ 289
Plaintoid King................................. 185 Treat, Razor..................................... 233 Appendix E: Monsters by Type........ 295
Plantoid Servitor............................. 186 Treant, Stone................................... 234 Appendix F: Monsters by CR........... 296
Proto-Creature Troll Legal Appendix.................................. 297
Proto-Creature................................. 187 Troll, Black..................................... 235
Giant Proto-Creature....................... 187 Troll, Huge Black............................ 235
Rakewood........................................... 188 Troll, River...................................... 236
Rat-Ghouls.......................................... 189 Troll, Undead.................................. 237
Ravager............................................... 190 Uggoth................................................. 238
Salamander, Ice.................................. 193 Undead Elemental, Fire..................... 239
Sciurian............................................... 194 Valeany................................................ 240
Scorpionfolk....................................... 195 Vampire Spawn, Feral....................... 241
Screamer............................................. 196 Voltar................................................... 242
Sea Serpent, Finback......................... 197 War Flower......................................... 243
Sealwere Wasp, Elven........................................ 244
Sealwere.......................................... 198 Water Leaper...................................... 245

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature appears to be a giant twenty-legged spider with no head. Tentacles (Ex) The addath’s tentacles are always a primary
Its underside holds a large ravenous maw from which four long foul attack for the creature. It can transfer a grabbed creature
tentacles emerge. from a tentacle to its mouth as a move action.
ADDATH CR 16 The addath is a fearsome subterranean hunter that makes its home in
XP 76,800 caves, caverns, and ruins. It is a highly aggressive predator that paralyzes
CE Huge aberration its victim, carries it back to its nest, and devours it at its leisure.
Init +6; Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense Addaths do not spin webs, but live in large tunnels and chambers or
60 ft.; Perception +26 within ruined structures that can accommodate their massive size. Addath
lairs are typically littered with the bones and carcasses of uneaten meals
AC 28, touch 10, flat-footed 26 (+2 Dex, +18 natural, –2 size) and so emanate the stench of death that is easily detectable (and functions
hp 220 (21d8+126) as a warning to others not to intrude).
Fort +15; Ref +11; Will +14 An addath stands almost 20 feet tall. Its body is dark in color and
Defensive Abilities bristles, spider poison immunity; DR 15/ covered with dark (usually black) hairs. Its legs are long and sleek and
cold iron; Resist cold 20, fire 20; SR 27 covered in deadly black bristles. The creature’s mouth is located on its
underside and is surrounded by four long tentacles. The tentacles are slick
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. and hairless and either dark brown or black in color. The creature’s eyes,
Melee 4 tentacles +24 (2d6+10 plus grab), bite +24 (4d6+10 tiny and almost undetectable are spaced evenly around its central form.
plus poison) Addaths, when hunting, attack from ambush, usually clinging to an
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. overhang or ceiling and waiting for prey to pass beneath. Some prefer
Special Attacks bristles, constrict (2d6+10), poison, swallow hiding in shadows and springing out when prey is detected, and still
whole (4d6+15 acid damage, AC 19, 22 hp) others prefer hiding in huge pits and holes, rushing forth whenever their
tremorsense detects movement in the area. Addaths attack by grabbing
Str 31, Dex 15, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14 their prey with their tentacles biting it repeatedly. Addaths try to stay in
Base Atk +15; CMB +27 (+31 grapple); CMD 39 (51 vs. trip) melee range at all times, knowing eventually a creature can’t help but
Feats Bleeding Critical, Cleave, Critical Focus, Great contact its poisonous bristles.
Fortitude, Improved Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative,
Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon
Focus (bite, tentacle)
Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +42, Escape Artist
+26, Perception +26, Stealth +18, Survival +16
Languages Common, Undercommon

Environment any underground

Organization solitary
Treasure standard

Bristles (Ex) Long bristles cover the

addath’s spidery legs. With the
addath’s erratic movements in
combat, any creature adjacent
to and attacking the addath has
a chance of being hit by the
bristles. Each time a creature
attacks an addath with a
melee attack it must make
a DC 22 Reflex save to avoid
being punctured by several
bristles. Each time a creature
is punctured by these bristles,
it takes 1d6 points of piercing
damage and is exposed to the
addath’s poison. A creature
that grapples an addath is
automatically hurt by these bristles.
The save DC to avoid the bristles is
Poison (Ex) Bristles or bite—injury; save
DC 26 Fort; frequency 1/round for 6
rounds; effect 1d6 Strength damage;
cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is
Spider Poison Immunity (Ex) An addath is
immune to the venom of ordinary spiders, giant
spiders, and phase spiders.

Addath to Aurochs, Northland

This monstrous humanoid is dressed in furs and carries a massive Skin color among algidarchs is always pale with a slight hint of blue.
sword slung across its back. Its flesh is bluish-white, and its hair the color Algidarchs’ hair is always worn long and though color can vary slightly, it is
of snow. almost always white or some shade of white. Most males have long beards
they wear braided or tied. Females are slightly smaller in stature than males,
ALGIDARCH CR 5 but no less effective in combat. Algidarchs can live to be 225 years old.
XP 1,600 An algidarch announces its presence by flooding the area with freezing
CE Large humanoid (cold, giant) winds and a sudden avalanche. This avalanche can take the form of their
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7 special ability or can be a true avalanche caused by several algidarchs
Aura cold (10 ft., 1d6 cold) perched atop a snow-covered hillside or mountaintop. Survivors are
attacked in melee with the intent of capturing or killing them. Slain
AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+7 natural, –1 size) opponents are left to scavengers after their bodies are looted.
hp 66 (7d8+28 plus 7)
Fort +9; Ref +2; Will +4
Immune cold
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire

Speed 40 ft.
Melee greatsword +10 (3d6+9) or 2 slams +10 (1d6+6 plus
1d6 cold)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks avalanche, freezing wind

Str 22, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +5; CMB +12; CMD 22
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack,
Skills Climb +6, Intimidate +7, Perception +7, Stealth +1 (+5 in
snow), Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in snow
Languages Giant

Environment cold hills and moutains

Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–4), hunting band (3–4
plus 5–8 frost men, 1–2 winter wolves), or tribe (5–16 plus
50% noncombatants, 4–8 frost men, 4–6 winter wolves, plus
1 adept, cleric, or sorcerer of 3rd–5th level; 1 barbarian of
4th–6th level)
Treasure standard (greatsword, other treasure)

Avalanche (Su) Once per day, as a standard action, an

algidarch can cause a deluge of snow and ice to rains
down in a 60-foot radius. This ability has a range of 100
feet. Creatures caught in the area take 5d6 points of cold
damage and the avalanche affects a creature as if hit
with a bull rush (CMB +17). A DC 17 Reflex save reduces the
damage by half. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Freezing Wind (Su) Once per day, as a standard action,
an algidarch can create a freezing wind that functions
as a wind wall spell (CL 7th) and that deals 5d6 points of
cold damage (DC 17 Fortitude save for half) to creatures
affected by the wind. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Algidarchs are an offshoot of giants (possibly jotuns or frost giants)

and dwell in crude structures built atop hills and rocky outcroppings.
Entire villages are sometimes found jutting from the side of a cliff or hill.
Villages are normally ruled by a chieftain (a fighter of 6th–8th level) and
some contain witch doctors or shamans (both being witches, sorcerers, or
clerics of 4th–6th level).
Algidarchs are a selfish, malevolent race that takes great pride in
both of those facts. They frequently waylay travelers on nearby roads,
stealing goods, treasure, women, and whatever else they desire at the
time. Captured humanoids are kept as slaves or sold to other giant races as
slaves. Algidarchs rarely eat humanoids they capture. In tough times when
food is scarce they might, but the meat portion of their diet is generally
deer, elk, moose, and even mastodon.
Algidarch adults stand around 9 feet tall and weigh roughly 1,000 pounds.

Tome of Horrors 4
A large collection of items rises up, forming into a swirling chaos weapons, activate magic items, hurl alchemical items like
that is the body of this being. The items move about throughout its bulk, thunderstones, or slam random objects against opponents.
somehow not touching one another in their mad dance. Swarm Attack (Ex) The amalgamation can move over
enemies and damage them with the flying weapons and
AMALGAMATION CR 20 objects composing its bulk. It does this simply by moving
XP 307,200 over its victims, who are allowed either a DC 34 Reflex save
N Gargantuan construct or an attack of opportunity against the amalgamation,
Init +9; Senses blindsight 100 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light at their option. Anyone who begins their turn engulfed
vision; Perception +5 by the amalgamation takes 10d6 points of damage per
round, with a DC 34 Reflex save allowed for half. This is not
AC 25, touch 25, flat-footed 16 (+10 deflection, +9 Dex, –4 size) considered an area effect for the purposes of evasion and
hp 225 (30d10+60) similar abilities. The damage inflicted by the amalgamation
Fort +10; Ref +19; Will +15 overcomes all forms of damage reduction except
DR 10/—; Immune construct traits (+60 hp), epic. The save DC for both Reflex
magic saves is Dexterity-based. Further,
this damage is considered
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) continuous for the purposes
Melee varies +33 (damage by of determining if it disrupts
weapon) spellcasting, concentration
Ranged varies +35 (damage and the like.
by weapon) Immunity to Magic (Ex)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. The amalgamation
Special Attacks multiple is immune to any
attacks, swarm attack (10d6) spell or spell-like
ability that allows
Str 24, Dex 28, Con —, Int —, spell resistance.
Wis 20, Cha 1 In addition,
Base Atk +30; CMB +41; certain spells and
CMD 60 effects function
SQ item use differently against
the creature,
Environment as noted: Dispel
underground magic and greater
Organization solitary dispel magic can be
Treasure standard used to deactivate
(varies with individual magic items, as per a
Amalgamation) targeted item dispel.
Mage’s disjunction
Item Use (Su) The causes it to subside into
amalgamation can use quiescence for 1d4+1
any of the items contained rounds, during which time
within its bulk. When it is considered helpless.
activating magic items, it is
considered to be using them as if The amalgamation is a special
a person of the required class, with a creation used by certain ancient
20 in any relevant ability scores (or its natural spellcasters to defend their hordes
scores, whichever are better). Furthermore, and treasure vaults—for even should
because of its innate magical nature, the save DC the guardian fall, most of the items being
against any effects produced by magic items is 2 greater guarded would be destroyed, and hence not fall into enemy hands. The
than normal. Finally, it can wield weapons and items as if it creature is composed of a large number of magical and mundane items,
were of the appropriate size class for their type, so it suffers and it can use any of them to attack. Because of its magical nature, the
no hit penalties for being a Gargantuan construct with such amalgamation can even wield magic items such as wands without penalty.
items. Unless instructed otherwise, the amalgamation uses The amalgamation resembles a vortex or cloud of items 20 ft. in diameter,
items at random from its bulk. However, it does not target swirling within a shimmering field of energy. The precise appearance of
them randomly—it uses them with care and precision, as if the construct depends on the items that comprise its bulk.
it had 18 Intelligence. Items with limited uses, such as scrolls
and wands, are expended normally. Credit
Multiple Attacks (Ex) The amalgamation can activate and Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded
use up to five items per round. It can therefore attack with (© Necromancer Games, 2006)

Addath to Aurochs, Northland

Amber Skeleton
This amber-colored skeleton shambles forward wielding a spear
encased in crackling fire.
XP 2,400
N Medium construct
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0

AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21 (–1 Dex, +12 natural)

hp 69 (9d10+20)
Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +3
DR 10/—; Immune construct traits (+20 hp), magic
Weaknesses vulnerability to water

Speed 30 ft.
Melee spear +14/+9 (1d8+7 plus 2d6 fire) or 2 slams +14
(1d8+5 plus 2d6 fire)
Special Attacks fire bolt, heated body

Str 21, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1

Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 23

Environment any
Organization solitary or gang (2–5)
Treasure none

Fire Bolt (Su) Once per round, as a standard action, an

amber skeleton can discharge a line of fire from its spear.
The bolt has a range of 40 feet and deals 6d6 points of fire
damage against a single target (Reflex save DC 14 for half).
This is a function of the amber skeleton and not the spear
itself. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Heated Body (Ex) Any creature striking an amber skeleton
unarmed or with natural weapons takes 2d6 points of fire
damage (no save). Weapons striking an amber skeleton
take this same fire damage unless the attacker succeeds on
a DC 14 Fortitude save. Damage caused to weapons in this
manner is not halved, but hardness does prevent some of Amber skeletons are constructed and used by high level spellcasters,
the damage dealt. The save DC is Constitution-based. often acting as guardians to keep secret some unknown or lost knowledge.
Immunity to Magic (Ex) An amber skeleton is immune to An amber skeleton appears as an amber-colored skeleton, about 7 feet
spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain tall, with two large gemstones that function as eyes. It is often mistaken
spells and effects function differently against it, as noted: for an undead creature. The gemstones can be pried out of a destroyed
A magical attack that deals fire damage heals 1 point of amber skeleton with a DC 20 Strength check. Each gemstone is worth
damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would 1,000 gp if fully intact and not damaged when it is removed.
otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the
amber skeleton to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains Construction
any excess as temporary hit points. An amber skeleton gets An amber skeleton’s body is made from 3,000 pounds of amber worth
no saving throw against fire effects. a total of 5,000 gp.
Vulnerability to Water (Ex) A significant amount of water,
such as that created by a create water spell, the contents AMBER SKELETON
of a large bucket, or a blow from a water elemental, that CL 12th; Price 69,000 gp
strikes an amber skeleton forces the creature to make a DC
20 Fortitude save to avoid being staggered for 2d4 rounds. CONSTRUCTION
An amber skeleton that is immersed in water must make Requirements Craft Construct, animate objects, flame strike,
a DC 20 Fortitude save each round (the DC increases by geas/quest, spell turning, creator must be caster level 12th;
+1 each subsequent round) or take 1d6 points of damage Skill Craft (sculptures) or Craft (stonemasonry) DC 16; Cost
each round until the water is gone. 64,000 gp

Tome of Horrors 4
Animal, Elemental
At various places in the planes, rifts of special tears appear and allow monstrosity slightly larger than a dog. The pincers, if they could extend
the mundane creatures of one plane to intermix with the creatures of other fully (the joints of a fire crab almost turn in on themselves), would reach
planes. On these occasions, it is most often not the terrible beasts such some 10 ft. or more.
as demons or angels that pour through, but much less powerful (but not The coloration of a medium fire crab varies from a bright red to nearly
harmless) creatures mirroring the beasts of the natural realm. maroon in older specimens.
Fire crabs are omnivorous; they feed on other animals and any plant life
FIRE CRAB, SMALL CR 1/2 that survives the fire crabs native environment. The fire crabs may survive
XP 200 temperatures lower than 100 degrees for 1 hour per point of Constitution,
N Tiny vermin (fire) or run the risk of freezing.
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4

AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +2 size)

hp 5 (1d8+1)
Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +0
Immune fire, vermin traits
Weaknesses cold vulnerability

Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee 2 claws +0 (1d2–2 plus grab and heat)
Space 2–1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (1d2–2), heat (1d4 fire damage)
Str 7, Dex 15, Con 12, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +0; CMB +0 (+4 grapple); CMD 8 (20 vs. trip) XP 400
Skills Perception +4, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +4 N Small animal (aquatic*, fire)
Perception, uses Dex to modify Swim Init +6; Senses low-light vision, tremorsense 10 ft.; Perception +7
Aura heat (5 ft. radius)
Environment any warm or hot
Organization solitary or clutch (2–20) AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
Treasure none hp 13 (3d8)
Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +2
These small crabs are about the size of a man’s fist. They are a deep Immune fire
reddish color, tapering to yellow on the underbelly. Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
The fire crab’s heat extends roughly 3 to 5 ft.
Fire crabs are omnivorous; they feed on other animals and any plant life Speed swim 40 ft.
that survives the fire crabs native environment. The fire crabs may survive Melee slam –1 (1d4–4 plus heat)
temperatures lower than 100 degrees for 1 hour per point of Constitution, Special Attacks heat (1d4 fire damage)
or run the risk of freezing.
Str 3, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 5
FIRE CRAB, MEDIUM CR 2 Base Atk +2; CMB +0; CMD 12
XP 600 Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative
N Medium vermin (fire) Skills Perception +7, Sense Motive +3, Swim +16; Racial
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 Modifiers uses Dex to modify Swim

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) Environment Plane of Fire
hp 19 (3d8+6) Organization solitary or school (4–80)
Fort +5; Ref +2; Will +1 Treasure none
Immune fire, vermin traits
Weaknesses cold vulnerability Aquatic Firefish can swim and breathe in molten lava as
easily as a regular fish in water. They are ‘aquatic’ only in the
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. sense that their natural environment is lava instead of water.
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d4+2 plus grab and heat)
Special Attacks constrict (claw) 1d4+2, heat (+1d6 fire Light orange to bright red in color, the fire fish is approximately the size
damage) of a common salmon. Firefish frequently stay in their schools; a solitary
fish is easy prey for many predators.
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 2 Firefish spawn yearly, and attempt to return to their place of origin to
Base Atk +2; CMB +4 (+8 to grapple); CMD 15 do so. If unable, a firefish locates a warm, rocky area to deposit their eggs.
Skills Perception +4, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +4 The females perish within a day after depositing the eggs. The males, after
Perception, uses Dex to modify Swim fertilizing the eggs, swim off, living perhaps another week before perishing.
These are just a few of the possible creatures available, but they should
Environment any warm or hot be a good starting point to create other elemental animals.
Organization solitary or clutch (2–20)
Treasure none Credit
Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded
Significantly larger than their cousins, the medium fire crab is a (© Necromancer Games, 2006)

Addath to Aurochs, Northland

This monstrous piscine humanoid has a scaly hide of dark grayish-blue. Argos are particularly fond of humans, elves, aquatic elves, and merfolk; the
Its muscular arms end in webbed claws. latter being considered a delicacy. Squid is never eaten by an argos; the animal
being considered sacred and the favored animal of the Drowning Lord.
ARGOS CR 3 In combat, an argos prefers to fight with a spear and its vicious bite. If
XP 800 disarmed or simply by choice, an argos can fight with its webbed claws
NE Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic, extraplanar) to rend and slash its foes. When battling, an argos prefers to fight in the
Init +1; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception water where it has the advantage. Favored tactics include swooping down
+8 on prey from above or swimming up beneath prey and attacking from
surprise. When attacking seaside towns civilizations, argos raiding bands
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +6 natural) attack at night and can number up to 80 individuals. They prefer to swarm
hp 30 (4d10+8) their opponents and attack using their great numbers to overwhelm their
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +5 opponents. They use the same general tactics when attacking seagoing
Immune poison; effects of the River Styx; Resist electricity 10 vessels as well, swarming their targets and crushing them under the
Weakness light sensitivity onslaught. Prisoners are rarely taken in such raids as most land-based
life cannot breathe underwater or survive the memory-draining power of
Speed 30 ft., swim 60 ft. the River Styx. Some argosian cities do use magic however to sustain air
Melee spear +7 (1d8+4), bite +2 (1d4+3) or 2 claws +7 breathing slaves and prisoners. These are rare, as most prisoners are slain
(1d4+3), bite +7 (1d4+3) and devoured within a few hours.

Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Great Fortitude, Power Attack
Skills Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (planes) +4,
Perception +8, Stealth +8, Survival +8, Swim +18
Languages Aquan, Argos, Common
SQ amphibious

Environment any (River Styx)

Organization Solitary, pair, team (5–8), patrol (11–20
plus 1 lieutenant of 5th level), band (20–80 plus 100%
noncombatants, 1 lieutenant of 5th level and 1 chieftain
of 6th level per 20 adults), or tribe (70–160 plus 100%
noncombatants, 1 lieutenant of 5th level per 20 adults, 1
chieftain of 6th level per 40 adults, 9 guards of 6th level, 1–4
water priestesses of 4th–7th level, 1 priestess of 8th level, 1
priest-king of 7th–9th level)
Treasure standard (spear, other treasure)

Believed by some to be far-distant relatives of the

sahuagin, the argos are an aggressive race of aquatic
creature that dwell in the depths of the River Styx living
in great underwater castles and cities. Argosian cities and
strongholds are constructed of stone and coral. The argos
are a highly superstitious race, not really trusting arcane
magic, but reveling in the miracles of divine magic and
what it can do. Most argosian towns, cities, and strongholds
have a temple at the center. Some have several temples; one
larger one dedicated to the Drowning Lord and several
smaller temples dedicated to the lesser aquatic deities.
Rulers in argosian society are known as priest-kings,
and all are mid- to high-level clerics. These individuals
are revered by all argos and many consider them to be
the living embodiment of their deity. To kill an argosian
priest or priestess is punishable by death. In some argosian
societies, even merely offending a priest or priestess brings
swift and harsh punishment.
The typical argos stand 6 feet tall and weigh just over 200 pounds. Its hide
is scaly grayish-blue shading to light colors on its chest. A long dark gray fin
runs from the crown of its head to its lower back. Its clawed hands and feet
are both webbed, and its eyes are the color of soot. Females stand just less
than 6 feet tall and are usually lighter in color. Argos mate once every few
years generally, and gestation lasts about 6 months. Young are born live and
are light gray in color, reaching maturity within 15 months. An argos
typically lives to about 40 years of age. The typical argos diet consists
of shark, small fish, seaweed and undersea plants and humanoid flesh.

Tome of Horrors 4
Astral Spider
This giant silvery spider has ten legs, and a glossy silver abdomen with months after hatching.
tiny black streaks that seem to move and sway on their own. Astral spiders sustain themselves on a diet of other creatures,
particularly astral sharks and planar travelers. When food is scarce, an
ASTRAL SPIDER CR 8 astral spider can enter a state of semi-hibernation, remaining motionless
XP 4,800 in its web without food for months at a time.
N Large outsider An astral spider is about 8 feet long with a glossy silver body covered
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +25 in tiny, dancing black streaks. Its ten legs are glossy silver and its eyes
appear as small dots of black ink. The creature’s mandibles are slightly
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size) oversized and dull silver in color. Its underside is dull silver, fading to a
hp 104 (11d10+44) dull grayish-silver near the spider’s rear legs. Older astral spiders have
Fort +11; Ref +12; Will +6 completely gray undersides.
An astral spider rarely initiates combat and simply lies in wait,
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. motionless, in its webs. When it detects movement, it scuttles out and
Melee 4 legs +15 (1d6+5), bite +15 (1d8+5 plus poison) attacks. In combat, an astral spider rears on its back six legs and slashes
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. its foes with its front four legs, following quickly with its deadly bite.
Special Attacks web (+13 ranged, DC 23, 16 hp) Particularly bothersome opponents are webbed and immobilized with the
spider moving into bite its trapped foe quickly. Slain prey and webbed
Str 20, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11 prey are carried back to its lair and fed to the young. Portions of the prey
Base Atk +11; CMB +17; CMD 30 (42 vs. trip) not devoured are webbed and worked into solid makeup of the lair.
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge,
Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Climb +25, Perception +25, Stealth
+17 (+21 in webs); Racial Modifiers +12
Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 in
SQ strong webs

Environment any (Astral Plane)

Organization solitary or band
Treasure incidental

Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC

21 Fort; frequency 1/round for 8
rounds; effect 1d4 Con; cure 2
consecutive saves. The save DC
is Constitution-based and gains
a +2 racial bonus.
Strong Webs (Ex) An astral
spider’s webs gain a +4 bonus to
the DC to break or escape, and
have +50% hit points.

Astral spiders are ambush hunters that

dwell on the Astral Plane, using their
silvery webs to capture and entangle prey.
They make their lairs wherever they can
on their endless plane; using dead planar
travelers (that aren’t devoured), bits of
planar refuse, bits of solid matter, and
anything else they can cobble together.
An astral spider’s lair can stretch over
several hundred feet.
A typical lair contains a single female
astral spider who several times a year lays
up to 30 eggs at a time. These eggs are
wrapped tightly in the spider’s webs and
attached to some part of the lair. Within 6–8
weeks, the eggs hatch, the newborn astral
spiders using their sharpened mandibles to
tear through the eggs and webbing. Most
hatchlings don’t survive, being eaten by
other astral spiders, astral sharks, or some
other denizen of the plane. Those that do reach
adulthood, journey off into the Astral Plane a few

Addath to Aurochs, Northland

This hideous creature wears rags and has long unkempt black hair,
filthy claws, bloodshot eyes, and a long black snake-like tongue.
ASWANG CR 6 Detecting an Aswang
XP 2,400
One method of detecting a nearby aswang is through the use
CE Medium undead
of exotic oils made from mammal fat mixed with rare herbs. The
Init +8; Senses corpse scent 100 ft., darkvision 60 ft.;
mixture is then blessed by a cleric of 6th level or higher. Whenever
Perception +14
an aswang (even one currently using its change shape ability)
approaches within 50 feet of the blessed mixture, the concoction
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+4 Dex, +7 natural)
boils and bubbles, and quickly fades to a dark brown color. This
hp 60 (8d8+16 plus 8)
mixture is good for a single use and lasts three weeks if sealed in
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +7
an air-tight container and unused.
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 10/cold iron;
Immune undead traits; Resist cold 10
Weaknesses vulnerability to garlic
Devouring multiple hearts does not increase
Speed 40 ft. this bonus. Such a victim cannot be restored
Melee 2 claws +8 (1d4+2 plus grab), bite +8 (1d6+2/18–20) to life by a raise dead spell (though
Special Attacks blood drain, deceiving sound, devour resurrection and true resurrection can
heart still revive the victim). Any creature that
witnesses this event must succeed on a
Str 15, Dex 18, Con —, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 15 DC 16 Will save or be shaken 1d4 rounds.
Base Atk +6; CMB +8 (+12 grapple); CMD 22 The save DC is Charisma-based.
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Vulnerability to Garlic (Ex) Aswangs
Attack, Toughness cannot tolerate the odor of garlic, and
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +9, Craft +8, Disguise will not enter an area laced with it. It
+13, Knowledge (any) +5, Perception +14, doesn’t harm an aswang—it merely
Stealth +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth keeps it at bay.
Languages Common, plus any one
SQ change shape (human, alter self, or Aswangs are extremely malevolent undead
black dog, beast shape I) with a taste for blood. These creatures drink
the blood of both the living and the recently
Environment any dead; including devouring the victim’s heart
Organization solitary should it still be intact. Aswangs generally
Treasure none haunt graveyards and ruins, but can be found
just about anywhere.
Blood Drain (Su) An aswang can suck blood Aswangs sleep during the day and venture out
from a grappled opponent; if the aswang at night. Sunlight doesn’t harm aswangs; they just
establishes or maintains a pin, it drains blood, prefer to hunt at night. Many aswangs prefer to dwell
dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage. The in cities where they have their pick of victims. These
aswang heals 5 hit points or gains 5 temporary aswangs make use of their shapechanging ability
hit points for 1 hour (up to a maximum number to appear human and blend in with the population.
of temporary hit points equal to its full normal hit Aswangs sleep on grave dirt or in coffins filled
points) each round it drains blood. with grave dirt. Sages debate whether this is by
Corpse Scent (Ex) An aswang can detect necessity or simply a ritual performed by aswangs.
corporeal undead within 100 feet. It can Aswangs disorient potential victims by using
detect fresh corpses (creatures killed within their deceiving sound ability hoping to catch them
the last two hours) to a range of one mile. unaware. In combat, aswangs attack with their
Deceiving Sound (Su) An aswang can claws and nasty bite. Aswangs that kill their foes
produce a ‘tik-tik’ sound from its throat devour the heart, though not during combat. They
that seemingly originates from up to 100 are smart enough to wait until all opponents are
feet away from the aswang’s actual dead or fleeing.
location. Creatures hearing this sound
can attempt a DC 16 Perception
check to pinpoint the aswang’s
true location.
Devour Heart (Ex) An aswang’s
bite attack threatens a critical
hit on an 18–20. If an aswang
kills a foe with a critical hit,
it can tear out the victim’s
heart as a free action.
An aswang that devours
a victim’s heart gains a +4
bonus to Strength for 1 hour.

Tome of Horrors 4
Aurochs, Northlands
This massive ox is as tall as a man at the shoulders. Its coat is black opportunity) anything of size Gargantuan or smaller that
with a pale stripe down its spine. Great lyre-shaped horns sweep forward is in their path, but no CMB check is necessary, and the
from its bony brow. target cannot choose to let them pass without taking any
damage. The stampede deals 5d6 points of damage for
NORTHLANDS AUROCHS (DIRE KINE) CR 7 every two aurochs in the herd (rounded up). Any victims
XP 3,200 of the stampede can make a DC 25 Reflex save for half
N Huge animal damage. The save DC is Strength-based.
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +20
These massive aurochs (singular and plural) are prehistoric cattle that
AC 20, touch 8, flat-footed 20 (+12 natural, –2 size) once roamed the plains and forests of the world in vast herds but are now
hp 105 (10d8+50 plus 10) on the verge of extinction, being found only in the primeval forests and
Fort +14; Ref +7; Will +4 remote places of the Northlands where their horns are prized trophies of
the hunt—though many a hunter has fallen beneath their spearlike horns
Speed 40 ft. and crushing hooves in the attempt. Massive beasts, these prehistoric
Melee gore +16 (2d8+15) aurochs have been used as symbols of fertility and strength for many cults
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
down through the ages appearing in decoration from the crudest cave
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore +18, 4d8+15),
paintings to ornate temples. When captured they command a high price
stampede, trample (2d8+15, DC 25)
for use in the arenas of cosmopolitan regions, though they often take a
heavy toll among the matadors who face them.
Str 30, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +7; CMB +19; CMD 29 (33 vs. trip) Northlands aurochs stand 6 feet or more high at the withers with their
Feats Endurance, Great Fortitude, Toughness, Skill Focus heads rising 2 feet above that. Their characteristic lyre-shaped horns
(Perception), Weapon Focus (gore) extend upward another 2 feet. They grow up to 18 feet long and can weigh
Skills Perception +20 as much as 8,000 pounds. Males have a black coat with a pale stripe down
the spine, and females and calves have a reddish coat. A light load for a
Environment Northlands forests and plains Northlands aurochs is up to 3,200 pounds; a medium load 3,201–6,400
Organization solitary, pair, or herd (3–12) pounds; and a heavy load 6,401–9,600 pounds. An aurochs can drag
Treasure none 48,000 pounds.

Stampede (Ex) A frightened herd of aurochs (3 or more) Credit

flees as a group in a random direction (but always away Original author Greg A. Vaughan/Kenneth Spencer
from the perceived source of danger). They literally run Originally appearing in Northlands Saga 3: The Death Curse of
over (as an overrun that does not provoke attacks of Sven Oakenfist (© Frog God Games/Kenneth Spencer, 2011)

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

Baba Yaga
This hideous crone has brownish-green flesh, a large nose and razor- baba yaga).
sharp teeth. Decaying Hex (Su) As a standard action, a baba yaga
can place a hex on any living creature within 60 feet. If
BABA YAGA CR 10 the creature fails a DC 22 Fortitude save it takes 3d6 points
XP 9,600 of damage plus 2d6 bleed damage. A creature that fails
NE Medium monstrous humanoid its save by 5 or more also takes 1d2 points of Constitution
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +27 damage. The bleeding can be stopped with a DC 15 Heal
Aura fear (30 ft., DC 20) check or through the application of any magical healing.
The save DC is Intelligence-based.
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+4 Dex, +8 natural) Spells A baba yaga casts spells as a 12th-level witch
hp 114 (12d10+48) (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide).
Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +14 They do not gain access to any other witch abilities.
DR 10/cold iron and magic; Immune charm, fear, sleep; Swamp Stride (Ex) A baba yaga can move through bogs
Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 22 and quicksand without penalty at its normal speed.

Speed 30 ft. Long thought to be a solitary or unique being (similar to the medusa),
Melee 2 claws +17 (1d6+5 plus grab), bite +17 (1d8+5) sages and scholars have come to believe the baba yaga are in fact a race
Special Attacks decaying hex (DC 22), evil eye (DC 22), of evil crones related to the hag race. Perhaps this theory is accurate, or
rend (2d6+7) perhaps it is what the true Baba Yaga wants the world to believe; no one
Spells Prepared (CL 12th; melee touch +17, ranged touch is quite sure what is true and what isn’t when it comes to the baba yaga.
+16): A baba yaga makes its home deep in the darkest and most remote
6th—greater dispel magic, flesh to stone (DC 22), mass swamps and fens. There in the center of the swamp is her home: a large
suggestion (DC 22) wooden hut perched atop two tall and muscular chicken legs. The hut
5th—dominate person (DC 21), feeblemind (DC 21), hold is believed to be highly magical, ten times larger on the inside than it
monster (DC 21), summon monster V appears outside, and possibly contain portals to other planes. It is also
4th—enervation, ice storm, poison (DC 20), scrying (DC 20) believed by some to be some sort of construct or golem, though no proof
3rd—bestow curse (DC 19), dispel magic, fly (DC 19), of such claims exists. Surrounding the hut is a small dark picket fence
screech (DC 19), spit venom (DC 19) which holds the skulls of the baba yaga’s victims. The hut can lower
2nd—alter self, death knell (DC 18), enthrall (DC 18), hold itself to the ground so the baba yaga can enter, but it only functions if she
person (DC 18), touch of idiocy, web (DC 18) chants, and it only functions for the baba yaga that dwells there. No other
1st—cause fear (DC 17), charm person (DC 17), dancing creature has figured out how to control the baba yaga’s hut.
lantern, mage armor (DC 17), obscuring mist, sleep (DC 17) Adventurers who have seen a baba yaga on the move say she moves
0 (at will)—bleed (DC 16), dancing lights, putrefy food and through her swampy lair at in a giant mortar, steering it with a large pestle
drink (DC 16), touch of fatigue (DC 16) in one hand, and using a magic broom to sweep all traces of her passing
with the other. This mortar, rumors say, can only be driven by a baba yaga
Str 20, Dex 19, Con 19, Int 23, Wis 18, Cha 19 or high level spellcaster, but again, no one is certain what the truth is.
Base Atk +12; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 31 A baba yaga appears as a slightly hunched, old, and hideously ugly
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Improved crone, with a large nose, long sharp
Initiative, Iron Will, Quicken Spell teeth, and hands that end in
Skills Bluff +16, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (arcana) wicked claws. She dresses
+18, Knowledge (nature) +22, Knowledge (planes) +18, in loose fitting ugly brown
Perception +27, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +19 cloaks. When moving
(+27 in swamps), Use Magical Device +16; Racial Modifiers about in civilized areas,
+4 Knowledge (nature), +4 Perception, +8 Stealth in swamps a baba yaga often pulls
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, the hood of her cloak
Sylvan over her head, walks
SQ swamp stride slowly, and carries
a crooked and
Environment temperate swamps rotting walking
Organization solitary or coven (3) stick.
Treasure standard

Aura of Fear (Su) This aura functions as a fear spell (CL 12th).
A creature that successfully saves against the baba yaga’s
aura is unaffected by the same baba yaga’s aura for one
day. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-
based. A baba yaga can suppress or restart this aura as a
free action.
Evil Eye (Su) As a standard action, a baba yaga can crush
the will of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target
must succeed on a DC 22 Will save or take a –4 penalty on
attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the evil eye
is removed. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Intelligence-
based. A creature currently affected by a baba yaga’s evil
eye cannot be affected again (by the same or a different

Tome of Horrors 4
This lithe creature has the head of a baboon, a fur-covered body, and villages. Usually when the livestock and cattle begin turning up missing
sharpened fangs that glisten with fresh blood. or slain is when the baboonwere moves on, before the finger of suspicion
is pointed its way.
BABOONWERE CR 2 In its hybrid form, a baboonwere stands just over 5 feet tall and weighs
XP 600 roughly 130 pounds. Its hair tends to be either light brown or dark brown.
CE Medium magical beast (shapechanger) Eyes are always brown.
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Baboonweres fight with weapons, usually longswords, short swords,
Perception +5 and spears or crossbows and a diseased bite. Slain foes are dragged back
to their lairs and eaten at the baboonwere’s leisure.
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1 Baboonweres are frequently found among normal baboons and are
natural) indistinguishable from them when in animal form. The statistics for
hp 15 (2d10+4) a standard baboon may be found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +1 Bestiary 2.
DR 5/cold iron

Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +5 (1d8+1), bite +0 (1d6 plus disease) or
bite +5 (1d6+1 plus disease)
Special Attacks weapon intuition

Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +4, Climb +3, Perception +5,
Stealth +7, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2
Bluff, +2 Climb, +2 Survival
Languages Common
SQ baboon empathy, change shape

Environment warm forests and plains

Organization solitary, pair, gang (1–2 plus 6–10
baboons), or troop (3–6 plus 10–20 baboons)
Treasure standard (leather armor, longsword,
other treasure)

Baboon Empathy (Ex) A baboonwere can

communicate and empathize with baboons,
and can use Bluff as if it were Diplomacy to
change a baboon’s attitude, receiving a +4
racial bonus to do so.
Change Shape (Su) A baboonwere has three
forms. Its natural form is that of a baboon, but
it can also take the form of a human or human-
baboon hybrid. A baboonwere’s human form
is fixed—it cannot assume different human forms.
A baboonwere can only use its diseased bite in
hybrid or baboon form. In baboon form, it functions
as a baboon. In its hybrid form, a baboonwere can
make a bite attack as a secondary attack, while in
human form it lacks its bite entirely. A baboonwere
can shift into any of its three alternate forms as a
move action. Equipment does not meld with the
new form between human and hybrid forms but
does between those forms and its baboon form.
Disease (Ex) Filth Fever: Bite—injury; save DC 13 Fort;
onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex
damage and 1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive
saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Weapon Intuition (Ex) A baboonwere is proficient
with simple and martial melee weapons.

Baboonweres are evil baboons born with the ability to

assume human or hybrid human form. Baboonweres are most
often found among normal baboons, though some prefer to maintain
their human form and live amongst ordinary people in small towns and

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

Banshee, Lesser
A beautiful , ghostlike elven woman beckons you closer, ever closer. keening (death wail), and fondness for attacking from solid objects.
The air seems to chill as she opens her mouth… Lesser banshees cling to areas they were familiar with in life; many
lesser banshees may be found in dark forests or rolling moors; rarely, their
BANSHEE, LESSER CR 13 incorporeal nature allows them to travel to new places, and such creatures
XP 25,600 become interred in dungeons or mausoleums, completely unaware of
NE Medium undead (incorporeal) where they are or why they are there. This infuriates the banshees even
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense; Perception +24 more, and makes them far deadlier opponents.

AC 23, touch 23, flat-footed 15 (+7 deflection, +5 Dex +1 Credit

dodge) Original author William Loran
hp 142 (15d8+75) Christensen
Fort +10; Ref +12; Will +13 Originally appearing in Fane of the
Defensive Abilities incorporeal traits; Immune undead traits Fallen (© Frog God Games/ William
Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness Loran Christensen, 2010)

Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect)

Melee incorporeal touch +18 (1d6 plus energy drain)
Special Attacks create spawn, energy drain (1 level, DC 22),
wail (DC 24)

Str —, Dex 24, Con —, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 20

Base Atk +10; CMB +18; CMD 41(cannot be grappled
or tripped)
Feats Ability Focus (wail), Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack,
Weapon Finesse
Skills Diplomacy +20, Fly +33, Intimidate +23, Knowledge
(arcane) +21, Perception +24, Sense Motive +22, Stealth
+25; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven

Environment any (usually tombs)

Organization solitary or rarely pair
Treasure none

Create Spawn (Su) The spirit of any female humanoid

that is slain by a lesser t’s death wail or energy drain rises
to become a banshee in 1d4 rounds. Similarly, any male
humanoid slain by a banshee’s death wail or energy drain
rises to become a dread wraith in 1d4 rounds.
Lifesense (Ex) Lesser banshee’s can detect living creatures
within 60 feet, as if they possessed the blindsight ability. In
addition, the lesser banshee senses the strength and life-
force of the creature, as the spell deathwatch.
Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex) A banshee is powerless in natural
sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flees from it,
typically by hiding within a solid object. A banshee caught
in sunlight cannot attack or use its wail and can take only a
single standard or move action in a round.
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals can sense the aura of a lesser
banshee at a distance of 30 feet. The animal will not willingly
near a lesser banshee, and panics if forced to do so.
Wail (Su) A lesser banshee may let loose a wail so horrible
that those within 30 feet must make a DC 24 Fortitude save
or die. The lesser banshee may only use her death wail at
night, and no more than twice per day. After using this
ability a lesser banshee must wait for 1d6 rounds before
using it again. The save is Charisma-based, and includes the
bonus from the Ability Focus feat.

Lesser banshees are the spirits of departed women (especially of

elven heritage) that were cruel and evil in life. Lesser banshees appear
as ghostly, translucent figures, and bear the same beauty they possessed
in life. Lesser banshees attack with their incorporeal touch, and drain
the energy of their foes. They are most widely known for their horrible

Tome of Horrors 4
A massive block of stone rolls ponderously forward on great stone Organization solitary
rollers. Iron plates armor this stone monstrosity, the front of which is Treasure none
studded with spikes of iron, adamantine and stone. Great stone clubs
capped in iron sprout from loopholes in the sides like the arms of a giant. Bull Rush (Ex) If the battlehulk is charging it can opt to
The top of this huge structure is a platform surrounded by stone merlons make a bull rush attack without provoking an attack of
to provide cover for any defenders riding upon it. At the back edge of opportunity. If the bull rush is successful, the defender is
this platform extend two chains that end in great stone spheres that spin automatically pushed back the distance that the battlehulk
on a pivoted base and lay waste to anyone behind the mobile fortress. moves forward past his position. The battlehulk does
not require a check result of 5 or more higher than the
BATTLEHULK CR 13 defender’s check result to determine how far back the
XP 25,600 defender can be pushed. The battlehulk can bull rush as
N Huge construct (good) many opponents as occupy the squares in its path of travel
Init –4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0 with the usual –4 penalty to additional combat maneuver
AC 27, touch 4, flat-footed 27 (+2 armor, –4 Dex, +21 natural, Charge (Ex) Each round a battlehulk double moves in
–2 size) a straight line, it adds an additional 10 ft. to its speed as
hp 177 (25d10+40) its weight and inertia propel it forward. It can reach a
Fort +8; Ref +4; Will +8 maximum speed of 80 feet in this way. A battlehulk can
DR 15/adamantine; Immune acid, cold, electricity, fi re, stop after charging only by striking an unyielding obstacle
construct traits (+40 hp); SR 20 (like a mountain) or by gradually slowing. It can reduce
its speed by 10 feet per round as it slows its momentum. A
Speed 10 ft.; charge battlehulk can only turn when going at a speed of 30 feet
Melee ram +38 (4d8+22) and 4 slams +38 (2d10+15) or less. If traveling downhill on a steep slope, the battlehulk
Space 15 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with slams) accelerates twice as fast (i.e. it goes from 10 feet, to 30 feet,
Special Attacks bull rush, charge, ram, sweep, trample to 50 feet, etc.) and decelerate twice as slow (i.e. it takes
(8d8+44, DC 37) 2 rounds to decelerate from 80 feet to 70 feet and so on).
Likewise if traveling up hill on a steep slope it decelerates
Str 40, Dex 3, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 twice as fast and accelerates twice as slow.
Base Atk +25; CMB +42 (+46 bull rush); CMD 48 (52 vs. bull Immunities (Ex) A battlehulk is immune to acid, cold,
rush, can’t be tripped) electricity, and fire and confers this immunity to anyone
Feats Greater Bull RushB, Improved Bull RushB sealed within its inner compartment.
Ram (Ex) The ram attack of the battlehulk is with the
Environment any relatively flat and dry terrain ironplated and spike-studded front face. The damage this

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat
attack deals is considered both piercing and bludgeoning. Hardness 8. These hit points are not deducted from the battlehulk’s total.
Because of the different metal compositions used in the Slaying the controller does not stop the battlehulk, which continues to
spikes and enchantments placed on this front facing, this carry out the controller’s last command.
attack is both cold iron and adamantine and is considered A battlehulk is a 15-foot cube atop three 5-foot diameter stone rollers.
magic and good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming It weighs about 50,000 pounds.
damage reduction. This attack is particularly useful against A battlehulk is nonintelligent and has no forms of communication,
evil outsiders. taking direction telepathically from its controller. It rolls with a grinding
Sweep (Ex) As a full round action a battlehulk can make a rumble, crushing anything in its path. Despite its bulk it is able to maneuver
bull rush attack with each of its slamming arms on targets well since its rollers are able to swivel individually to some extent.
within range without provoking attacks of opportunity. Each A battlehulk is a terror to behold in combat, and very few will willingly
stone arm is considered a Large creature for this purpose stand against one. Entire enemy formations are often routed by the mere
and has a combat maneuver bonus of +45. The flail on the presence of a battlehulk on the field. Against obstacles and large masses
back is also capable of making this bull rush attack on any of troops, the battlehulk usually attempts its bull rush, ram, and trample
targets atop the platform (roll separately for each target). attacks, flailing with its slamming arms at any who linger near. Against
Anyone moved off the platform results in a 15-foot fall to the smaller groups it divides its slam attacks against those within range and
ground below for 1d6 points of damage. focuses its ram and trample attacks at those who appear to be inflicting
the most damage.
Battlehulks are constructs crafted for war. They were created by the
Army of Light to roll over enemy lines, smash enemy fortifications and, if
necessary, fight toe-to-toe with even the mightiest balor demon. Construction
It resembles a squat stone building surmounting massive stone rollers A battlehulk is constructed from a single block of granite and exotic
that provide it mobility. From embrasures in the sides (one on each side metals and processes that cost 10,000 gp. When created it is attuned to
and one in back) project long stone arms capped in iron that the construct an amulet or ring that is worn by a controller who can command the
uses for slam attacks. In addition at the upper edge of the back is a massive battlehulk telepathically within a quarter mile.
swivel-mounted double flail that also provides a slam attack.
The front is studded with many spikes for ramming opponents. BATTLEHULK
Defenders can ride atop the platform and obtain cover from its merlons CL 18th; Price 250,000 gp
while firing down on enemy troops. Normally they would lower a rope
or ladder to allow other riders on — otherwise it requires a DC 25 Climb CONSTRUCTION
check (DC 35 if the battlehulk is moving). The battlehulk is able to reach Requirements Craft Construct, bull’s strength, geas/
those atop it with its flail slam if enemies reach that position, though not quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, align weapon,
with its club slams. creator must be caster level 18th; Skill Craft (sculptures) or
In the center of the platform is a secret door (DC 25 Perception check to (stonemasonry) DC 18; Cost 70,000 gp.
locate) leading to an interior chamber large enough to hold two Medium
creatures. This compartment is sealed against water and air and holds Credit
enough air to supply two Medium creatures for 10 minutes before the Original author Greg A. Vaughan
door must be opened again or suffocation begins. Ordinarily the controller Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
would ride here. Anyone opening this door other than the controller must Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)
make a DC 40 Strength check or deal 60 points of damage against a

Tome of Horrors 4
Bear, Shadow Dire
A looming shadow like that of a massive bear with claws like sickles weapons can hit normally, it can ignore damage from
rises before you. attacks with normal weapons from a corporeal source 50%
of the time. It does not retain any of the other incorporeal
SHADOW DIRE BEAR CR 10 traits while in this state.
XP 9,600 Strength Damage (Su) The touch of a shadow dire bear
CE Large undead (incorporeal) while incorporeal deals 1d6 points of Strength damage to a
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 living creature. This is a negative energy effect. A creature
dies if this Strength damage equals or exceeds its actual
AC (incorporeal) 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 deflection, Strength score.
+1 Dex, +1 dodge, –1 size) or
AC (partially corporeal) 18, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, A strange incarnation of sentient darkness and feral rage, this is an
+1 dodge, +7 natural, –1 size) incorporeal form of a dire bear that resembles its earthly form in all other
hp 90 (12d8+24 plus 12) respects. Its origin lies in the strange result of a shadow’s create spawn
Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +9 ability affecting an animal. How such an outcome occurred is anyone’s
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, incorporeal; guess, but sages in the lore of undeath have been unable to recreate it
Immune undead traits since. It is difficult to see in dark or gloomy places but is clearly visible
in bright illumination.
Speed fly 40 ft. (good) Like a dire bear the shadow dire bear is over 12 feet long, but it is
Melee 3 incorporeal touches +10 (1d6 Strength damage) or weightless except when partially corporeal when it weighs about 1,000 lb.
claw +19 (1d6+10 plus grab) and bite +18 (1d8+10) A shadow dire bear attacks aggressively like its living counterparts with
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. its incorporeal claws and bite alternating this with its grab and tearing
Special Attacks create spawn claws as it becomes partially corporeal.

Str 31, Dex 13, Con —, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14 Credit
Base Atk +9; CMB +11 (incorporeal) or +20 (partially Original author Greg A. Vaughan
corporeal); CMD 24 (incorporeal) or 32 (partially corporeal) Originally appearing in Slumbering
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception), Tsar (© Frog God Games/ Greg
Toughness, Weapon Focus (claw), Weapon Focus A. Vaughan, 2012)
(incorporeal touch)
Skills Fly +10, Perception +11, Stealth +4 (+8 dim light);
Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in dim light (–4 in bright
SQ partially corporeal

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Create Spawn (Su) Any animal reduced to

Strength 0 by a shadow dire bear becomes
a shadow animal within 1d4 rounds. It is not
under the control of its killer but attacks all
living targets immediately.
Grab (Ex) While partially corporeal,
a shadow dire bear that hits with a
claw attack can then attempt to start
a grapple as a free action without
provoking an attack of opportunity. The
grapple is lost if the shadow dire bear
becomes incorporeal again. If the shadow
sire bear gains a hold, it automatically deals
bite damage each round that the hold is
Partially Corporeal (Su) As a move action a
shadow dire bear can become partially corporeal
without provoking attacks of opportunity. It can
likewise resume its incorporeal state as a move
action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
While in its partially corporeal state the shadow
dire bear benefits from its natural armor and its
Strength bonus for attacks and damage.
In this state its attacks have a 20%
chance to ignore natural armor,
armor, and shields. Likewise, though
attacks against it with magic

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

Beetle, Ravager
This creature is covered in a jet black carapace with whitish markings
crisscrossing its back and gold-tinted wing covers.

XP 600
N Medium vermin
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +0

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19

(+9 natural)
hp 26 (4d8+8)
Fort +6; Ref +1; Will +1
Immune mind-affecting

Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +6 (1d8+4 plus
poison and grab)

Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int —, Wis

10, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 16 (24
vs. trip)
Skills Fly –4

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary, pair, cluster
(3–8) or nest (9–20)
Treasure none

Gnaw (Ex) A ravager beetle

that is grappling a foe and
chooses to damage the foe with
an additional grapple check
deals twice its normal bite damage
(2d8+8 points of damage for most ravager beetles), in
addition to injecting an additional dose of poison with each
successful check.
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 14 Fort; frequency 1/
round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Constitution damage and
excruciating pain (–2 penalty on attack rolls, checks, and
saves); cure 1 save. Multiple bites do not result in cumulative
penalties to attack rolls, checks, and saves. Apply the
penalties only once for the duration of the poison. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
generally lay 4–8 eggs in soft earth or soil and within two weeks the
Ravager beetles are omnivorous beetles found in temperate or warm larva emerges. Young are almost always born in the warmer spring and
forests, hills, and swamps. While generally sustaining themselves on early summer months. Young are noncombatants and rely solely on their
a diet of foliage and grasses, they sometimes scavenge the remains of mother for protection and food, feeding generally for 10 days before
creatures killed by other predators. entering the pupa stage. After about 20 days, the pupae become adults.
Like most beetles, a ravager has a thick plated carapace and two large Ravager beetles are generally scavengers by nature, and rarely
mandibles it uses to crush and chew its food. Its carapace is black in color attack, except in times when food is scarce. Even then, they usually
with several white streaks crisscrossing it. Its mandibles are dark bluish- limit their attacks to weakened, sleeping, wounded, or otherwise
black. Its wing covers are black with hints of gold. A typical ravager incapacitated prey. When attacking, ravager beetles lock onto an
beetle is about 4 feet long. opponent with their mandibles and continue biting and crushing the
Ravagers have a single life cycle that spans an entire year. Females target until it is dead.

Tome of Horrors 4
Beetle, Stench
This beetle is about the size of a small dog and has a mottled green body splits open and releases a deluge of nauseating fluids
carapace with darker legs fading to black near the ends. Its mandibles and gasses. Creatures within 10 feet must make DC 13
are dull brown. Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds and sickened
for 1d6+2 minutes thereafter. The save DC is Constitution-
STENCH BEETLE CR 1/2 based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
XP 200
N Small vermin Stench beetles are small, nocturnal hunters that sustain themselves
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 on a diet of grains, fruits, vegetables, and leaves. In civilized lands they
Aura stench (DC 11, 10 rounds) are considered a nuisance for the damage they cause, especially in larger
groups, to crops and farmlands. If faced with extreme hunger, stench
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+3 natural, +1 size) beetles eat cattle, small game animals, and the occasional child that
hp 9 (2d8) wanders too far into the forests.
Fort +3; Ref +0; Will +0 Stench beetles make their lairs in large hollow logs and fallen trees.
Immune mind-affecting effects A typical lair can contain almost twenty of these creatures with half that
number in noncombatant young. Females lay up to a dozen eggs at a given
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor) time, usually once per year. Eggs are laid on leaves, and the female chews
Melee bite +2 (1d4) the ends of the leaves so it curls and folds around the eggs, concealing
Special Attacks death throes them from predators and protecting the eggs from the elements. Young go
from larvae to adulthood in the span of a year. When they reach adulthood
Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 6 most stench beetles leave the lair.
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 10 (18 vs. trip) Stench beetles attack with their bite, seeking retreat if combat goes
Skills Fly -2 against them.

Environment temperate forests or plains

Organization cluster (3–6) or colony (7–16)
Treasure none

Death Throes (Ex) When a stench beetle dies violently, its

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

Blaze Boa
This enormous, muscular snake has crimson scales and emerald eyes. body is a crimson colored background overlaid with dark red blotches.
Its charcoal tongue flicks rapidly as it slithers forward. Its eyes are emerald and set high on its head. Its tongue is the color of
charcoal. Faint wisps of smoke seem to rise from the body of a blaze boa.
BLAZE BOA CR 6 Blaze boas lurk in treetops or just beneath the surface of the water,
XP 2,400 waiting for prey to come close. When prey is detected, a blaze boa strikes
N Large magical beast from its hiding place, wrapping the creature in its deadly coils. Prey that
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; proves resistant to its constriction attack is subjected to the blaze boa’s
Perception +14 conflagration ability. Slain prey is either devoured immediately or carried
back to the creature’s lair to feed the young.
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +8
natural, –1 size)
hp 85 (9d10+27 plus 9)
Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +4
DR 5/magic; Resist fire 30

Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee bite +16 (2d6+10/19–20 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (2d6+10 plus conflagration)

Str 25, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +9; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD
31 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Dodge, Improved Critical (bite), Skill
Focus (Perception), Toughness, Weapon
Focus (bite)
Skills Acrobatics +17, Climb +15,
Perception +14, Stealth +9, Swim +15;
Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4
Perception, +4 Stealth

Environment warm forests and marshes

Organization solitary or pair
Treasure incidental

Conflagration (Su) A blaze boa that has an

opponent wrapped in its coils can ignite its
body as a free action. This deals 2d6 points
of fire damage (in addition to constriction
damage) to the grappled target each
round the grapple persists. Once the
grapple ends, the blaze boa’s fire
burns out. A blaze boa can stop
and restart this ability as a free
action (once per turn), but can
only use it if it is grappling a foe.

Blaze boas are dangerous constrictor

snakes found in jungles, warm forests,
and swamplands. From the treetops
they survey the area, ever watching for
potential prey. These creatures sustain
themselves on insects, wild animals,
and small humanoids (particularly
halflings and goblins). Cannibalism is
not unknown among blaze boas.
Blaze boas reproduce on average, once
per year, with the female giving birth to
live young after a gestation period of roughly
8–9 months. The female can birth up to twenty
newborns at one time. Blaze boas are dark red in
color when newborn. Young reach maturity within
two years.
Blaze boas can reach lengths of 40 feet or more, though the
average blaze boa is 10–15 feet long and weighs 150 pounds. Its

Tome of Horrors 4
Blood Orchid
This beast has three downward curving “petals” of flesh with a dark, Poison (Ex) Tentacle—injury; save DC 16 Fort; frequency 1/
pebbly outer hide and a pallid whitish underside. The petals end with round for 4 rounds; effect unconsciousness; cure 1 save.
split tip, and converge at the blood orchid’s center. On its underside at Telepathic Bond (Ex) Blood orchids communicate through
the center dangle a swarm of writhing pallid tentacles: 16 manipulator a non-magical telepathic bond. They can sense emotions
arms and eight thinner tendrils with red eyes at the ends. At the center of in other blood orchids at a distance of 100 ft. or less, and
these tentacles is a sphincter-shaped mouth at the end of a flexible trunk emotions in other creatures at a range of five feet. They
one foot long and six inches in diameter. At the apex of the creature there can communicate mentally with each other through full
is another cluster of eye tendrils. telepathy at a distance of 20 ft. or less, and can share
knowledge very rapidly when touching each other.
LE Large aberration XP 2,400
Init +5; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.; Blood orchid sorcerer 4
Perception +15 LE Large aberration
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size) Init +6; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.;
Perception +21
hp 52 (7d8+21)
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +8 AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size)
Immune sonic; Resist acid 10, cold 10, hp 71 (7d8+14 plus 4d6+8 plus 4)
electricity 10, fire 10 Fort +5; Ref +7; Will +14
Immune sonic; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity
Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (good) 10, fire 10
Melee 6 tentacles +7 (1d3+2
plus grab plus poison) Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (good)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Melee 6 tentacles +9 (1d3+2 plus grab plus
Special Attacks blood poison)
drain Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks blood drain
Str 15, Dex 12, Con Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL
16, Int 11, Wis 12, 4th; ranged touch +9):
Cha 13 7/day—acidic ray (1d6+1)
Base Atk +5; CMB Spells Known (CL 4th; melee
+8 (+12 grapple); touch +9, ranged touch +9):
CMD 19 2nd (4/day)—
Feats Improved touch of idiocy
Initiative, Iron 1st (7/day)—
Will, Lightning burning hands,
Reflexes, cure light
Weapon Focus wounds, magic
(tentacle) missile, shield
Skills Fly +7, 0 (at will)—daze,
Intimidate +10, detect magic, flare,
Knowledge light, mage hand,
(dungeoneering) resistance
+10, Perception Bloodline Aberrant
+15, Stealth +7; Racial
Modifiers +4 Perception Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int
SQ telepathic link 13, Wis 16, Cha 18
Base Atk +7; CMB +10 (+14
Environment underground grapple); CMD 22
Organization solitary, brood Feats Combat Casting, Eschew
(3–8), or colony (9–20) MaterialsB, Extend Spell, Improved
Treasure standard Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
Weapon Focus (tentacle)
All-Around Vision (Ex) A blood Skills Fly +9, Intimidate +13,
orchid sees in all directions at Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge
once. It cannot be flanked. (dungeoneering) +11, Perception +21, Spellcraft
Blood Drain (Ex) On a successful grapple check with two or +10, Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
more tentacles against a single foe a blood orchid can pull SQ telepathic link
the grappled creature to the mouth on its underside as a
free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. All-Around Vision (Ex) A blood orchid sees in all directions at
The mouth latches on and drains blood from the victim. once. It cannot be flanked.
Each round it maintains its grapple, the blood orchid Blood Drain (Ex) On a successful grapple check with two or
automatically deals 1d4 points of bite damage and 1 point more tentacles against a single foe a blood orchid can pull
of Constitution damage as it drains its victim’s blood. the grappled creature to the mouth on its underside as a

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat
free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (tentacle)
The mouth latches on and drains blood from the victim. Skills Fly +7, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +14,
Each round it maintains its grapple, the blood orchid Knowledge (dungeoneering) +11, Perception +20, Spellcraft
automatically deals 1d4 points of bite damage and 1 point +12, Stealth +8; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
of Constitution damage as it drains its victim’s blood. SQ telepathic link
Poison (Ex) Tentacle—injury; save DC 17 Fort; frequency 1/ Gear ring of protection +2
round for 4 rounds; effect unconsciousness; cure 1 save.
Spells: The blood orchid savant replaces its bloodline bonus All-Around Vision (Ex) A blood orchid sees in all directions at
spells with the following: cure light wounds (3rd), cure once. It cannot be flanked.
moderate wounds (5th), cure serious wounds (7th). Also, Blood Drain (Ex) On a successful grapple check with two or
blood orchid savants do not cast spells in the same way more tentacles against a single foe a blood orchid can pull
most creatures do. Their spells require no verbal or material the grappled creature to the mouth on its underside as a
components to be cast, though somatic components free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
(tentacle writhing) is still required. The mouth latches on and drains blood from the victim.
Telepathic Bond (Ex) Blood orchids communicate through Each round it maintains its grapple, the blood orchid
a non-magical telepathic bond. They can sense emotions automatically deals 1d4 points of bite damage and 1 point
in other blood orchids at a distance of 100 ft. or less, and of Constitution damage as it drains its victim’s blood.
emotions in other creatures at a range of five feet. They Poison (Ex) Tentacle—injury; save DC 21 Fort; frequency 1/
can communicate mentally with each other through full round for 4 rounds; effect unconsciousness; cure 1 save.
telepathy at a distance of 20 ft. or less, and can share Spells: The blood orchid savant replaces its bloodline bonus
knowledge very rapidly when touching each other. spells with the following: cure light wounds (3rd), cure
moderate wounds (5th), cure serious wounds (7th). Also,
BLOOD ORCHID GRAND SAVANT CR 9 blood orchid savants do not cast spells in the same way
XP 6,400 most creatures do. Their spells require no verbal or material
Blood orchid sorcerer 7 components to be cast, though somatic components
LE Huge aberration (tentacle writhing) is still required.
Init +5; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.; Perception Telepathic Bond (Ex) Blood orchids communicate through
+20 a non-magical telepathic bond. They can sense emotions
in other blood orchids at a distance of 100 ft. or less, and
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+2 deflection, +1 Dex, +1 emotions in other creatures at a range of five feet. They
dodge, +10 natural, –2 size) can communicate mentally with each other through full
hp 119 (7d8+28 plus 7d6+28 plus 7) telepathy at a distance of 20 ft. or less, and can share
Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +15 knowledge very rapidly when touching each other.
Immune sonic; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Blood orchids are territorial, xenophobic, and possessive. They rarely
Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (good) form alliances with other creatures, as their alien mindset keeps them from
Melee 6 tentacles +14 (1d3+6 plus grab plus poison) forming any common ground. They regard other races as aberrant and not
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. to be trusted, even other lawful creatures.
Special Attacks blood drain Communication for blood orchids is through a means of empathy/
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; ranged touch +8): telepathy. They have no sense of hearing, which helps render them immune
8/day—acidic ray (1d6+1) to sonic effects. The blood orchid can close its outer petals downward and
Spells Known (CL 7th; melee touch +13, ranged touch +8): rest on the ground, where it resembles a rocky nodule or fungus of some
3rd (5/day)—lightning bolt (DC 18), vampiric touch kind.
2nd (7/day)—cure moderate wounds, false life, scorching Blood orchids occasionally develop sorcerous talents, and transform
ray, touch of idiocy into savants. When their abilities have reached a certain level, they can
1st (8/day)—burning hands, color spray (DC 16), cure light evolve into a grand savant. Normally each colony of blood orchids is led
wounds, mage armor, magic missile, shield by a single grand savant, and another cannot evolve while one is present.
0 (at will)—daze, dancing lights, detect magic, flare, light, Typically, a blood orchid savant ready to become a grand savant leaves
mage hand, resistance the colony with a few followers, and set out to establish a new brood
Bloodline Aberrant elsewhere.

Str 23, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 20 Credit
Base Atk +8; CMB +15 (+19 grapple); CMD 26 Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded
Feats Arcane Strike, Combat CastingB, Dodge, Eschew (© Necromancer Games, 2006)
MaterialsB, Extend Spell, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,

Tome of Horrors 4
Bloodsoaker Vine
The vines dangling from the treetops are about as thick as a halfling’s The bloodsoaker vine is a horrid plant that is believed to have its
leg. They sway gently and almost innocently in the breeze, but the origins in the blood-stained fields of the Plane of Agony. Some unknown
wicked barbs along their lengths glisten unwholesomely with a reddish botanist–perhaps one of the N’gathau themselves–supposedly spliced an
liquid. The smell of decaying flesh is unmistakable. unknown root from that dismal place with the assassin vine to create this
monstrosity. Several other theories as to this plant’s origin abound, but
BLOODSOAKER VINE CR 9 this one is the most widely accepted.
XP 6,400 The root system of the bloodsoaker vine needs blood to
N Large plant (extraplanar) survive in the same manner as other plants need
Init +0; Senses blindsight 60 ft., tremorsense 60 water. The vine provides nourishment
ft.; Perception +9 for itself and the host tree from
which it dangles by shredding
AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+10 unfortunate forest travelers into
natural, –1 size) easily degraded bits. The trees
hp 115 (11d8+55 plus 11) benefit from the meaty compost
Fort +14; Ref +3; Will +6 while the bloodsoaker vine–true to
DR 10/slashing; Immune plant traits the name–hungrily feeds on the blood of
its victim and any that saturates the nearby
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft. soil.
Melee 6 tendrils +14 (1d8+6 plus A typical bloodsoaker vine is a mass
bleed) of roots, vines, and tendrils. Coloration
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. ranges from deep greens to various
Special Attacks bleed (1d6), browns, and all colors in between.
rend (2 tendrils, 1d8+9) The bloodsoaker vine eventually
changes colors to better match its
Str 22, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis surroundings the longer it remains
12, Cha 6 in one location.
Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 25 Ironically, the bloodsoaker vine
(can’t be tripped) produces an orchid-like flower
Feats Great Fortitude, Iron Will, thought by many to be among
Power Attack, Toughness, Vital the most beautiful in creation.
Strike, Weapon Focus (tendril) Far above the carnage below,
Skills Climb +14, Perception +9, where its tendrils break the forest
Stealth +5 canopy, delicate pink blossoms
spread their petals and nourish
Environment temperate forests or birds and insects with sweet-
marshes smelling nectar.
Organization solitary or colony (2–5)
Treasure incidental

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

This creature appears to be a large semi-translucent worm about 15 Bloodworms are carnivorous hunters with voracious appetites, and
feet long. Pale red stripes line its segmented body. though not aquatic by nature, prefer a diet of fish, especially smaller
sharks and dolphins, shellfish, and the occasional swimmer. Hunting
BLOODWORM CR 4 occurs whenever the bloodworm is hungry–day or night.
XP 1,200 A bloodworm’s lair is beneath the ground, usually in soft earth near
N Large vermin the shoreline of lakes and streams. A typical lair is at least as deep as the
Init +0; Senses bloodsense 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft., bloodworm is long and terminates in a large round chamber. Here the
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +0 bloodworm dine on captured prey and spawn during mating season.
Bloodworms mate during the late summer months. Young are born
AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 natural, –1 size) alive and kept wet by secretions from the larger bloodworms as well as
hp 45 (6d8+18) water from nearby lakes and rivers. The young do not hunt yet and are
Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +2 cared for by the adults. Within a few months the young are strong enough
Immune mind-affecting effects to fend for themselves and do so, going out on their own.
Bloodworms are pale and slightly pink in color. They can grow to a
Speed 20 ft., burrow 10 ft., swim 20 ft. length of 40 feet or more, though most average about 12–15 feet long.
Melee bite +8 (2d6+7 plus bleed) The red stripes seen along its body are actually a combination of its
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. bodily fluids and the fluids of recently devoured prey flowing through
Special Attacks bleed (1d6) the creature.
A bloodworm lies in wait for its prey, most often just beneath the silt
Str 21, Dex 10, Con and sand near shorelines. When it detects a potential meal, the bloodworm
17, Int —, Wis 10, lunges from its hiding spot, striking with its extended proboscis. Slain
Cha 2 prey is dragged into its lair and devoured.
Base Atk +4;
CMB +10; CMD 20
(can’t be tripped)
Skills Swim +13

Environment temperate
and warm coastlines and
Organization solitary or
gang (2–5)
Treasure incidental

Bloodsense (Ex) When a

bloodworm bites an opponent, it
secretes a pheromone that mixes
with the blood and that can be
detected by other bloodworms to a range
of 120 ft. This functions on both land and in water.

Tome of Horrors 4
A group of large, wild-pig-faced humanoids snort derisively and head
towards you. They do not appear to be friendly at all.
XP 9,600
N Large magical beast
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
Perception +17

AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size)

hp 126 (13d10+42 plus 13)
Fort +12; Ref +11; Will +5
Defensive Abilities ferocity

Speed 40 ft.
Melee greatclub +20/+15 (1d10+10), gore +20 (2d6+10)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks trample (1d6+10, DC 23)

Str 24, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 8

Base Atk +13; CMB +21 (+23 sunder); CMD 34 (36 vs. sunder)
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Iron Will,
Martial Weapon Proficiency (greatclub), Power Attack,
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +6, Swim +15
Languages boarfolk
SQ rage (32 rounds/day)
Gear Greatclubs

Environment temperate forest

Organization solitary, pair, or club (4–9)
Treasure no coins; 50% goods

Boarfolk are giant humanoids standing some 9 to 10 feet tall, weighing

nearly 700 pounds. They possess boar-like features, including large tusks
that protrude from their mouths.
Boarfolk are created by the sorceress, Circe, on the Isle of the Phoenix,
in the Land of the Dead. There she uses her powers to transmute travelers
that are unfortunate enough to cross her path. Once transmuted the
boarfolk grow enthralled by her beauty and charisma, and serve her
without question.
Boarfolk speak an offshoot of Common, but so thickly accented as to
make it a separate language.
The boarfolk live in nomadic, tribal fashion. Should the influence of
Circe ever depart, the boarfolk would turn to infighting and barbaric tribal
law; the strongest would rule, and the rest of the boarfollk would split into
warring tribes.

Original author William Loran Christensen
Originally appearing in Fane of the Fallen (© Frog God
Games/ William Loran Christensen, 2010)

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

Bone Crawler
Unarmored, the bone crawler is a fleshy disc-shaped lump approximately receives no bonus to AC for its Dexterity. After the first 10 hit
six ft. in diameter, with a slightly concave top. The bottom curves downward, points of damage, every 10 hit points worth of bone armor
and ends with a circular mouth at its nadir. From the central mass sprout provides the bone crawler with one bone blade that it can use
several dozen tentacles, each specialized to perform different functions: stubby in melee as described below. As its armor receives damage, it
muscular ones provide movement, thin graceful tendrils are tipped with sensory likewise loses these bone blades. The last 10 hit points of bone
organs, and the long, limber whipfronds are used as a means of attack and armor represent those protecting the main body itself; until the
manipulation. The flesh of a bone crawler ranges from olive green to slate armor is destroyed, the central body is considered to have total
grey to jet black. When it is encased in bone armor, the bone crawler appears cover. A bone crawler can repair its armor by absorbing new
much different. When still, it resembles a 15 ft. diameter mound of bones, bones into its mass. This requires a 24-hour period while enzymes
piled haphazardly together. A canny observer may note fleshy tendrils or roots secreted by specialized tendrils harden the bone. The number
webbed through the mass. Once it begins to move, the armored crawler is a of hit points gained depends on the size of the skeleton or bone
whirling nightmare of interlocked bones forming a 15 ft. diameter central mass, collection absorbed: a Tiny skeleton repairs 1 hit point, a Small
with bony tentacles extending out from it in all directions. skeleton 1d4 hit points, a Medium skeleton 2d4 hit points, and
Large and larger skeletons 4d4 hit points. Note that skeletons of
BONE CRAWLER CR 12 Huge size and larger contain many bones that are too large for
XP 19,200 the bone crawler to absorb effectively into its mass, which is why
N Huge aberration the hit points gained do not increase after Large size.
Init +3; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +15 Bone Blade (Ex) The bone crawler has a number of bony
limbs that it can manipulate with its whipfronds. When
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 8 (+3 Dex, –2 size) or attacking with these, it gains its full attack bonus as a
AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (+10 natural armor, –2 size) in primary weapon attack. It can only attack a creature or
bone armor creatures in a single 5 ft. square with a maximum of 4 bone
hp 114 (12d8+60) blades at once. Sunder attacks directed at bone blades do
Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +10 damage to the creature’s bone armor (see above).
Defensive Abilities bone armor, cannot be flanked; SR 23 Whipfrond (Ex) The bone crawler’s primary attacking tentacles
are called whipfronds. It has one whipfrond per hit die. A
Speed 20 ft. in bone armor (30 ft. base), climb whipfrond can be severed with a
10 ft. successful Sunder attack with a
Melee up to 12 bone blades +16 slashing weapon that inflicts, in a
(1d8+8/19–20) and/or up to 12 single blow, a number of points
whipfronds +15 (1d4+8) of damage equal to or greater
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. than the bone crawler’s hit dice.
Special Attacks bone blades, Whipfronds cannot be sundered
whipfronds, whirling frenzy while encased in bone armor;
the armor must be destroyed
Str 26, Dex 16, Con 21, Int 9, first. As with the bone blades, the
Wis 15, Cha 9 bone crawler can only attack a
Base Atk +9; CMB +19; CMD 32 single 5 ft. square area with up to 4
Feats Cleave, Improved Critical whipfronds at a time, no more.
(bone blade), Lightning Reflexes, Whirling Frenzy (Ex) As a full round
Lunge, Power Attack, Weapon action the bone crawler may whirl
Focus (bone blade) its bone blades around it in a swirling
Skills Acrobatics +11, Climb +25 (+15 in storm of sharpened edges. This attack
bone armor), Disguise +5 (+15 disguised inflicts 1d8+4 points of damage per three
as mound of bones), Perception +15, Stealth +8; Racial bone blades used (round down) on anyone within the bone
Modifiers when in bone armor, a bone crawler gains a +10 crawler’s reach. A DC 19 Reflex save is allowed to take
on disguise checks to resemble a mound of bones, and only half damage from this attack; alternately, a targeted
takes a –10 armor check penalty on Climb checks creature may opt instead to make an attack of opportunity
Languages Aklo against the bone crawler instead. The save DC is Dexterity-
Environment underground
Organization solitary The bone crawler is an unusual aberration that girds itself with
Treasure standard hardened bones, fused together and manipulated by lenticular limbs
called whipfronds, to serve as both a weapon and a defense.
Bone Armor (Ex) The bone crawler is normally encountered Bone crawlers exist by attacking and killing just about anything they
encased in a shell of iron-hard bones. This shell has a hardness can come to grips with. They feast upon the flesh of their enemies, and
of 10, takes half damage from energy attacks (except sonic then integrate the bones of their prey into their armor, repairing any
attacks) and has hit points equal to 10 x (HD + 1). Bone armor damage it has sustained. Some bone crawlers have been known to seek
weighs 1 pound per hit point. It can take damage like any out crypts and graveyards, exhuming bodies for their bones.
object, though it receives the bone crawler’s saving throws and Bone crawlers understand and may speak Aklo, but rarely converse
spell resistance. Unlike carried objects, area of effect attacks with their victims.
require the bone crawler to roll a separate saving throw for
its bone armor, even if it makes the saving throw itself. Spell Credit
resistance is checked just once for the overall creature and its Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded (©
armor, however. While it bears bone armor, the bone crawler Necromancer Games, 2006)

Tome of Horrors 4
Bone Delver
This rotting humanoid wears tattered rags that hang loosely about its
twisted and hunched form. Its face is twisted into a visage of pain and
rage, and its clawed hands clutch the tools of its trade—a shovel and a
lantern that glows with an eerie red hue.
Bone Delver Lantern
BONE DELVER CR 2 Aura moderate divination; CL 6th
Slot hand; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
XP 600
CE Medium undead
The lanterns bone delvers perpetually carry are
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
formerly mundane hooded lanterns that were infused
Aura grave light (10 ft.)
with negative energy in the same way as their unliving
bearers. In between the hours of dusk and dawn, a
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 natural)
bone delver lantern glows with a red glowing light
hp 13 (2d8+4); fast healing 2
and continually emanates an effect that functions as
Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4
detect undead (CL 6th). In addition, it increases the
Immune undead traits
effectiveness of negative energy channeling by +2.
This +2 bonus adds to damage done (or healed) by a
Speed 30 ft.
negative energy burst, and increases the Will save for
Melee shovel +4 (1d6+1 plus disease) or 2 claws +4 (1d4+1
the Command Undead feat by +2.
plus disease)
The bone delver lantern is completely powerless
Special Attacks grave light, scream of agony
during daylight hours, and does not show an aura
if detect magic is cast on it during that time. A
Str 13, Dex 16, Con —, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14
bone delver lantern is an innately evil creation, and
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
generates one negative level in any good creature
Feats Weapon Finesse
that carries it. This negative level cannot be removed
Skills Disable Device +9, Knowledge (local) +2, Perception
until the good-aligned creature gets rid of the lantern.
+6, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Disable Device, +2
The lantern must be taken from a bone delver before
the creature is destroyed in order for the item to retain
Languages Common
any power.
SQ shovel
Requirements special; a bone delver lantern cannot
Environment any land
be crafted as they are spontaneously created when
Organization solitary or crew (2–5)
a slain grave robber rises as a bone delver.
Treasure standard (shovel, bone delver’s lantern, thieves’
tools, other treasure)

Disease (Ex) Filth Fever: claws or shovel—injury; Shovel A bone delver suffers no penalties on attack rolls
save DC 13 Fort; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/ when wielding a shovel as a weapon.
day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con
damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The Cemeteries and graveyards are well known for their
save DC is Charisma-based. concentration of negative energy and it is this, rather
Grave Light (Su) A bone delver’s lantern than the mere presence of the buried dead, that can
sheds light in a 10-foot radius. Living cause all manner of creatures to rise from their graves
creatures within the area take 1 point to haunt the living. A few braves souls make their
of damage each round. Additionally, gruesome livelyhood by preying on graves, digging up
a bone delver’s fast healing only works the treasures and riches sometimes laid to rest with their
when it is within 10 feet of its lantern. owners. Thes graverobbers are detested by most civilized
The lantern can be extinguished with societies for their callous nature, and all too often would
a bless spell (it relights after 1 hour) or be graverobbers fall foul to the unliving denizens of the
attacked and destroyed (hardness 5, graveyard.
hp 10). This lantern functions only for the Bone delvers were in life graverobbers that died whilst
bone delver to which it belongs. In the performing their nefarious tasks. Some may have inadvertently
hands of living creatures it functions awoken undead creatures in their graves, others were outwitted
differently (see below). by cunning traps placed in well protected mausoleums. Bone
Scream of Agony (Su) A bone delver delvers usually appear as hunched, shambling humanoids
can unleash a bone-chilling shriek with faces twisted into a visage of pain and rage. They
that affects all who hear it within visibly carry the wounds that caused their demise. Bone
30 feet. An affected creature must delvers forever carry the tools of their trade—a lantern
make a DC 13 Will save or be shaken and a shovel, though lockpicks are also commonly found
for 1d4+2 rounds. Creatures with on their walking corpses. The lantern still burns, though
more than 4 HD are unaffected with an unnatural and eerie red glowing light.
by this attack. Creatures that A bone delver initiatiate its attack by uttering
successfully save are immune to the a chilling scream of terribly agony, rage, and
scream of agony of that bone delver frustration that transcensds death itself. Those not
for one day. The save DC is Charisma- affected by the scream are made targets of melee
based. attacks with the creature’s shovel or filthy claws.

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

This creature stands taller than a normal human and resembles successfully saves is immune to the wail of that boobrie for
a crane with rich, black feathers that fade to dull gray on its one day. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a
undercarriage. Its bill is long, slightly curved, and serrated. Its feet are +2 bonus from the boobrie’s Ability Focus feat.
sharp and sport wicked talons that resemble twisted, almost humanoid
clawed hands. The boobrie, or marsh terror, is a quick-moving, malign, flightless bird
found haunting desolate and overgrown swamps, wetlands, and marshes.
BOOBRIE CR 5 It is carnivorous by nature and feasts on a diet of crocodile meat, fish,
XP 1,600 and humans (the last of which is one of its favorite meals). When food
N Large magical beast (aquatic) is scarce, boobrie flocks often war with each other, eating the fallen and
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +8 the slain.
A boobrie flock dwells in thick, overgrown (and usually well-hidden)
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size) marsh groves. A typical flock consists of more males than females and a
hp 67 (9d10+18) number of young equal to the combined total of adult boobries. A single
Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +5 dominate male acts as the leader of the flock and commands
Immune poison the others of the flock in carrying out particular
Weakness marsh bound tasks. Boobrie flocks sometimes settle near
(but not too near) human settlements
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. and conduct raids into the settlements,
Melee 2 claws +11 (1d8+3/19–20), bite +11 (2d6+3) stealing livestock, children, and even
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. lone adults.
Special Attacks wail Boobries speak broken Common
and their own language of hoots,
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 12 croaks, and clicks.
Base Atk +9; CMB +13; CMD 25 Boobries are vicious creatures
Feats Ability Focus (wail), Alertness, Improved with voracious appetites. They
Critical (claw), Power Attack, Swim-By Attack are almost always hungry and
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +7, Swim +16 usually attack prey on
Languages Common sight. A boobrie attacks
SQ amphibious, with two sharpened
change shape talons and a nasty bite
from its serrated bill.
Environment Slain prey is dragged
temperate to the lair and given
marshes to the young who
Organization promptly tear it to
solitary or flock shreds, devouring
(3–6 plus 100% as much of the kill as
noncombatants) they can. Leftovers are
Treasure none simply discarded and
left to rot or discarded for
Change Shape (Su) A other scavengers to claim.
boobrie can assume the
form of a Large heavy
warhorse as a standard
action. In this form, it can run
on top of water (including
deep water such as rivers and
lakes) and marshy ground as if it
were solid, flat terrain. The boobrie
is still marsh bound in this form
and suffers the normal penalties if it
moves too far from its environment.
Marsh Bound (Ex) A boobrie can survive
away from its marshy home for 1 hour per
2 points of Constitution. After that, refer to
the drowning rules.
Wail (Su) Once every 2d4 rounds as a
standard action, a boobrie can emit an
eerie wail that deals 4d6 points of sonic
damage to all creatures within 40 feet
that hear it. A DC 18 Fortitude save
reduces the damage by half. Further,
a creature failing its save is paralyzed
for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic mind-
affecting attack. A creature that

Tome of Horrors 4
A borsin is a creature with the head, arms, and upper body of an
ape joined to the body and legs of a quadruped. The lower half may be
that of a boar, equine, or hound; these may be a race of battle-beasts
magically crossbred in antiquity.
XP 800
N Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)

hp 30 (4d10+8)
Fort +3; Ref +6; Will +6

Speed 45 ft.
Melee 2 claws +8 (1d6+4) and bite +3 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+6)

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 20 (24 against trip)
Feats Fleet, Improved Initiative, RunB
Skills Intimidate +6, Perception +7, Survival +9
Languages Aklo

Environment temperate forest or plains

Organization solitary, pair or tribe (3–12 plus 1 8HD
Treasure none

A borsin is a savage, cunning beast capable of problem-solving

and setting crude traps. They do not use weapons or tools, or carry
treasure, although pack leaders will drape themselves in the skins
and furs of creatures they have killed – including humans and
Borsin form packs led by the strongest member. They attack
with two claws and a bite, and use pack tactics to drive opponents
and prey into traps, kill zones, or natural hazards such as cliffs
and ravines. Borsin packs stake out their territory by making small
cairns topped with the skulls of their kills, and patrol their borders
regularly. Borsin are omnivorous and hardy, capable of surviving
on plant matter, yet enjoying a fresh kill.
Borsin speak Aklo, but rarely speak with those outside of
their own tribe.

Original author Scott Wylie Roberts, “Myrystyr”;
Pathfinder conversion by Skeeter Green
Originally appearing in Jungle Ruins of Madaro-
Shanti (© Frog God Games, 2010)

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

Bronze Minotaur
This massive bronze figure is shaped as a common minotaur, although must be caster level 16th; Skill Craft (blacksmithing) DC 18;
its sheer bulk and slow movements bely it is an automaton of some kind. Cost 60,000 gp.
XP 12,800 Original author Mark R. Shipley
N Large construct Originally appearing in The Black Monastery (© Frog God
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0 Games/ Mark R. Shipley, 2011)

AC 26, touch 8, flat-footed 26 (–1 Dex, +18 natural, –1 size)

hp 107 (14d10+30)
Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +4
DR 5/adamantine; Immune construct traits (+30 hp), magic

Speed 20 ft.
Melee large greataxe +23/+18/+13 (3d6+13/x3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks breathe fire (4d6, DC 17)

Str 28, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1

Base Atk +14; CMB +24; CMD 33

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Immunity to Magic (Ex) A bronze minotaur is immune to

any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
In addition, certain spells and effects function
differently against the creature, as noted: A magical
attack that deals electricity damage slows a bronze
minotaur (as the slow spell) for three rounds with
no saving throw. A magical attack that deals fire
damage breaks any slow effect on the bronze
minotaur and heals one point of damage
for every three points of damage the attack
would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing
would cause the bronze minotaur to exceed
its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as
temporary hit points. A bronze minotaur gets no
saving throw against fire attacks.
Breath Fire (Su) A bronze minotaur can breathe
fire as a free action on the first round of combat
and every other round thereafter. A bronze
minotaur’s fiery breath shoots from its mouth in a
30 foot cone inflicting 4d6 damage. A DC 17 Reflex
save can reduce the damage by half. The save DC is
Constitution based.

Tall, dark and powerfully built, the bronze minotaur is an intimidating

sight. Standing over 8 feet tall, and weighing nearly 4,000 pounds, it is a
massive and impressive guardian.
Bronze minotaurs can understand simple commands from their
creators. They follow these orders unswervingly.

A bronze minotaur is constructed from 5,000 pounds of bronze, forged
with rare minerals and oils casting at least 10,000 gp.

CL 16th; Price 120,000 gp

Requirements Craft Construct, burning hands, geas/
quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, creator

Tome of Horrors 4
This hulking brute has the lower torso of a powerful black bull and the pounds. Skin colors vary widely, but most tend to be darker colors such
upper torso of a powerfully built man with the head of a bull. as blacks or blackish-blue. Eyes are almost always dark. Bucentaurs
typically live to 50 years of age.
BUCENTAUR CR 6 Bucentaurs are straightforward combatants, bull rushing and goring
XP 2,400 foes before cutting them down with their greataxes. They are savage
CE Large monstrous humanoid creatures, and rarely flee from a fight, preferring to inflict as much damage
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 as possible on their foes before the need to escape.

AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size)

hp 68 (8d10+24)
Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7
Defensive Abilities natural cunning

Speed 40 ft.
Melee greataxe +12/+7 (3d6+7), 2 hooves +7 (1d6+5), gore
+7 (1d6+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore +12, 2d6+7)

Str 21, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip)
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack,
Skills Intimidate +9, Perception +14, Stealth +6, Survival
+14; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Survival
Languages Giant

Environment temperate forests and plains or

Organization solitary, pair, band (3–6), or herd
(7–16 plus leader of 10th–12th level)
Treasure standard (greataxe, other

Natural Cunning (Ex) Although

bucentaurs are not especially
intelligent, they possess innate
cunning and logical ability. This
gives them immunity to maze spells
and prevents them from
ever becoming lost.
Further, they are
never caught flat-

These beings, also

known as mantaurs or
bulltaurs are the progeny of a
minotaur and a heifer, though rarely (1%
chance) one is born to normal minotaurs.
Bucentaurs are considered to be a blessing
by many minotaur clans, and are often raised
by minotaur priests to be kings and rulers
of a minotaur tribe. Their battle prowess
is legendary, the skulls of many heroes
adorning the walls of their pen.
Bucentaurs make their home in
desolate forests and ruins, generally away
from civilized races. They are fiercely
territorial, attacking any who trespass
their realm, including other bucentaur clans
on occasion. Hunts are a standard occasion
and can see up to six or eight of these creatures
strike out to capture and kill large game.
Bucentaurs stand almost 8 feet tall and weigh over 2,200

Baba Yaga to Burning Ghat

Burning Ghat
A humanoid figure stands swathed in smoke, its distinct features The burning ghat is a rare form of undead created in areas of unusually
obliterated by the charred and blackened flesh. Ash perpetually trails high negative energy when a living creature is put to death by fire for
from the creature as it moves and small patches of burnt skin flake from a crime it did not commit. Utterly twisted and maddened by its fate, a
its body. Its eyes are small dots of brilliant crimson fire. burning ghat is a fearsome creature, consumed with a hatred for the living
and seeking to end life wherever it finds it. The distinct and pungent
BURNING GHAT CR 3 stench of burnt flesh is often the harbinger of a burning ghat’s arrival
XP 800 and is easily noticeable within 30 feet of the creature. They can often still
CE medium undead (fire) be found wearing the clothes they wore as they burned to death, if the
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 garments survived the flames, though a burning ghat of any great age will
usually have none.
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) Burning ghats inhabit remote areas near places where they were
hp 26 (4d8+8) put to death. They are not bound to this area as some undead seem
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +6 to be, but they seldom wander more than a mile or so away from
DR 5/magic; Immune fire, undead traits their death site. Most encounters are with a lone burning ghat, but
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold occassionally when more than one innocent has been put to the
flames, a pack of these creatures can be found. Burning ghats
Speed 30 ft. are nocturnal pack hunters, feasting on the charred flesh of
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4+1 plus burn) those they encounter and kill. They are seldom found
Special Attacks burn (2d6, DC 14), burning with other undead, preferring to keep company with
blood, fire burst their own kind or operating alone.
A typical burning ghat is 6 feet tall and weighs
Str 13, Dex 15, Con —, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14 150 pounds. A burning ghat can communicate in
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 16 the Common tongue and any other language it
Feats Blind-Fight, Weapon Finesse knew in life. Its voice crackles and hisses like a
Skills Climb +8, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate freshly-stoked fire.
+9, Perception +9, Stealth +9 A burning ghat attacks with its claws, seeking
Languages Common to slay any living creature it encounters. A
SQ odor burning ghat’s claws heats the blood of living
creatures upon contact, causing great pain as
Environment any it sizzles and boils away into the air. It favors
Organization solitary or gang (2–4) burning its victims to death but is content to
Treasure standard rend them apart if they should prove immune
to fire.
Burning Blood (Su) When a burning
ghat takes damage from a slashing
or piercing weapon, its flesh bursts
open and sprays the attacker with a
mixture of burning fluids. The attacker
must succeed on a DC 14 Reflex save
or take 1d6 points of fire damage. The
save DC is Charisma-based.
Fire Burst (Ex) Once per day, a burning
ghat can unleash a burst of flames in a
20-foot radius centered on itself. Creatures
caught in the burst take 4d6 points of fire
damage. A successful DC 14 Reflex save
reduces the damage by half. The burning ghat
is slowed (as the slow spell) for 1d4 rounds after
using this ability. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Odor (Ex) A burning ghat reeks of charred
flesh, which can be detected at a range of 30
feet with a DC 10 Perception check. Creatures
with the scent ability automatically detect its
presence as soon as they come within 60 feet of
a burning ghat.

Tome of Horrors 4
Carrion Claw
This insect-like horror has six large, spear-like legs and a poison bite.
It crawls about on hundreds of legs, using its six spears to impale victims
which it then bites. It resembles a centipede. Its body is covered with
tiny hair-like barbs that allow this creature to grapple a man sized or
smaller opponent.
XP 2,400
NE Large magical beast
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +6
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +3
natural, –1 size)

hp 51 (6d10+12 plus 6)
Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +3
Weaknesses light sensitivity, vulnerable to
magical light

Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.

Melee 6 claws +10 (1d6+4 plus grab), bite +9
(1d3+4 plus paralysis)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks hatred of elves (+1 to hit and
damage), paralysis (1d4 hours, DC 15)

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +6; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD
23 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness,
Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Climb +17, Perception +6, Stealth
+11; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth
SQ superior climbing

Environment underground or temperate forest

Organization solitary, gang (2–5) or fist (5–30)
Treasure incidental
The creature can climb any surface, even hanging upside down from
Superior Climbing (Ex) A carrion claw need not make Climb the ceiling if desired. The carrion claw is terrified of and hates magical
checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even light.
upside down). It retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class Carrion claws hunt in packs, with one claw feigning injury on a floor,
while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their while the rest of its pack circle prey along the walls and ceiling to drop
attacks against it. It cannot, however, use the run action and attack with surprise.
while climbing. Carrion claws are used by drow to hunt down elves frequenting their
Vulnerable to Magical Light (Ex) A carrion claw that is the underground lairs. Forward posts of the dark elves usually have up to a
target of a spell with the light descriptor must succeed on a dozen carrion claws used for shock troops against elven incursions.
Will save or be dazed for 1 round. The Will save DC is equal
to 10 + the spell level + the caster’s key ability. Credit
Original author John Bentley Webb
Carrion claws have a preferential taste for elf flesh, and seek to attack Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God Games/
and eat elves before other opponents. It does not like halfling flesh, and John Bentley Webb, 2012)
kills but does not devour halflings.

Carrion Claw to Crysolax

Cavern Crawler
This creature appears to be a wild mix of giant centipede and slate
gray reptile.
XP 1,200
N Medium magical beast
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +10

AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +8 natural)

hp 51 (6d10+18)
Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +3

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Melee bite +11 (1d8+6 plus disease)

Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 22 (34 vs. trip)
Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception),
Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Climb +22, Perception +10; Racial
Modifiers +4 Climb

Environment any underground

Organization solitary, gang (2–5), or
swarm (6–12)
Treasure none

Disease (Ex) Cavern Sickness:

Bite—injury; save DC 16 Fort;
onset 1 minute; frequency 1
day; effect 1d2 Str damage
and –2 penalty on all attack
rolls, checks, and saves
while underground; cure 2
consecutive saves. Note:
Failing two consecutive saves
results in the victim being
affected as if by a confusion
spell for the duration of
the disease. The save DC is

Cavern crawlers are subterranean

creatures that make their lairs in narrow
pits and shafts, feeding on cave rats,
monstrous centipedes and spiders, and other
such underground denizens. They are feared by
subterranean dwellers for their toxic bite which
causes its victims to become delusional or lost in deep
dark cavern recesses.
Cavern crawlers lair in areas where food is plentiful; when
their source of food runs out, they move the entire lair to a new
area, digging new tunnels and chambers as needed by the nest. A
cavern crawler can go roughly a week without food before it begins eighteen short clawed legs on each side of its body which allows it to
to exhibit signs of starvation. Many resort to cannibalism before that climb on any rocky surface with ease. Its body is slate gray and lighter on
happens however. A cavern crawler nest consists of a single female and the underside. Its legs are covered in short bristles of dark gray or black. A
several male workers and soldiers. The workers hunt for and supply typical cavern crawler can reach lengths of 6 feet or more. Some species
needed food for the nest while the soldiers guard the female and young. up to 12 feet long are rumored to have been encountered by unsuspecting
The female lays 10–20 eggs at one time which are buried beneath the adventurers, but these reports have yet to be confirmed.
ground in a special chamber dug off the main chamber of the lair. Eggs A cavern crawler attacks from ambush, clinging to stalactites or
hatch 60–90 days after incubation and young reach maturity in about overhangs and dropping on its unsuspecting prey. The target is subjected
12 months. to repeated bites and dragged to a safe place before being devoured by the
A cavern crawler has a reptilian head similar to that of an iguana and cavern crawler.

Tome of Horrors 4
Char Shambler
The humanoid creature looks like a mass of charred skin, burned black each round (DC 24, +1 per previous check) or spend that
and hard with cracks showing raw, red flesh beneath. Visible waves of round coughing and choking. This is saving throw in addition
heat rise from this creature and a miasma of foul smoke seems to follow to the sickening effects of the char shambler’s stench. A
its every shuffling step, and the stench of scorched flesh and acrid smoke character who chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes 1d6
clings to its flesh. points of nonlethal damage. The save DC is Constitution-
based and includes a +2 bonus from its Ability Focus feat. A
CHAR SHAMBLER CR 11 char shambler is immune to the effects of smoke (its own or
XP 12,800 otherwise) and ignores the concealment it provides as well.
CE Medium magical beast (fire)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +7 A char shambler is the result of a failed experiment to create a creature
Aura desecrating aura (20 ft.), smoke cloud (10 ft., DC 24), known as a charfiend (see Creature Collection by Sword and Sorcery
stench (10 ft., DC 22, 1d8 rounds) Studios) from some base stock. The only documented examples come
AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 25 (+15 natural) from the work of the lich Saca-Baroo and his experiments with the silid
race (see The Tome of Horrors Complete by Frog God Games), but
hp 147 (14d10+70) other examples may exist.
Fort +14; Ref +9; Will +6 As described, a char shambler’s skin is charred and broken, and
Immune fire the creature lives in constant searing pain from the failed process that
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold created it. It typically stands 6 to 7 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds.
Its face is a mask of charred flesh hiding the appearance of the
Speed 20 ft. original creature. This tough, charred shell provides it with good
Melee bite +19 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 fire), 2 claws +18 natural armor.
(1d4+4 plus 1d6 fire plus grab) Whether a char shambler can speak or not is unknown, as
Special Attacks burning touch none have ever been known to. They do respond to commands
in Common when under magical compulsion or a similar
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 12 condition.
Base Atk +14; CMB +18 (+22 grapple); CMD 28 A char shambler’s existence is typically occupied by its
Feats Ability Focus (smoke cloud), Cleave, never-ending desire to feed, and its actions tend to follow this
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus course. When prey is spotted, it tries to disperse its enemies
(Stealth), Weapon Focus (bite) with its stench and smoke cloud so that it can focus on
Skills Intimidate +6, Perception +7, Stealth +11 capturing and feeding on one individual without distractions.
Languages Undercommon (cannot speak)
Environment any land or underground near cities Original author Greg A. Vaughan
Organization solitary or pair Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog
Treasure none God Games/ Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)

Burning Touch (Su) A char shambler that

wins a grapple check establishes a hold,
latching onto the opponent’s body and
automatically doing bite damage each
round that the hold is maintained. In
addition the fire damage from the bite
attack increases from 1d6 on the first round
to 3d6 points of damage on the third round. As
the char shambler makes this attack it slowly begins
charring its opponent. If it kills an opponent in this
manner, the victim’s flesh and tissues are completely
charred away while the char shambler inhales the
resulting smoke for its sustenance. It then devours the
scorched and crumbling bones in 1d4 rounds.
Desecrating Aura (Su) Through the sheer foulness of its
presence, a char shambler emits an aura within a 20-
foot radius similar in effect to the secondary function of
a desecrate spell (i.e. cutting off an area’s connection
to a non-associated deity and countering consecrate).
This effect does not offer any bonuses to undead within
the radius. Furthermore, it counters and dispels spells with
the good descriptor within its area as if it was casting
dispel magic as a 5th-level wizard.
Smoke Cloud (Ex) In addition to its stench, a char
shambler continually gives off a cloud of acrid
smoke from its scorched flesh. This cloud likewise
affects all within 10 feet of the char shambler. The
smoke provides concealment (20% miss chance) to
those within the cloud and they must make a Fortitude save

Carrion Claw to Crysolax

Chike (Croc Folk)

This green-scaled reptilian humanoid is powerfully built and has the tall on average. Greenish-brown scales cover the chike’s back while their
head of a crocodile. sides and underbellies are generally smooth and lighter in color. Chike
reproduce on average once per year with the female laying up to six
CHIKE CR 2 eggs at a time. Eggs are buried deep within their muddy lair in a special
XP 600 incubation hut. The female spends most of her time with the eggs until
NE Large humanoid (reptilian) they hatch. Both the eggs and young are protected by all adults in the
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8 tribe. Females fight to the death to protect their eggs and young.
Chike are feared by many other races for their brutality and savagery
AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 11 (+2 natural, –1 size) in battle. These creatures prefer to use weapons and a fearsome bite, but
hp 30 (4d8+12) particularly savage chike forego weapons and simply rend their opponents
Fort +7; Ref +1; Will +1 to pieces using their powerful claws. When hunting, chike submerge
in water, leaving only their eyes and snout exposed. When their quarry
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. moves within range, chike spring to attack. Though chike possess tails,
Melee battleaxe +6 (2d6+4), bite +1 (1d8+2) or 2 claws +6 they do not normally use them in combat.
(1d6+4), bite +6 (1d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Str 18, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 18
Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Perception +8, Stealth –2 (+6 in water), Swim +13;
Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +8 Stealth in water
Languages Chike
SQ crocodile empathy, hold breath

Environment temperate and warm marshes and rivers

Organization solitary, pair, raiding party (3–6 plus 2–3
crocodiles), band (7–12), or tribe (20–40 plus 4–6 crocodiles
plus 1–2 dire crocodiles)
Treasure standard (battleaxe, other treasure)

Crocodile Empathy (Ex) A chike can communicate and

empathize with crocodiles and dire crocodiles. They can
use Diplomacy to alter such an animal’s attitude, and when
doing so gain a +4 racial bonus on the check.
Hold Breath (Ex) A chike can hold its breath for a number of
rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks

Chike are savage crocodilian humanoids (called Crocfolk by other

races) that make their homes deep within swamps and marshlands. They
are believed to be descended from or related to actual crocodiles, though
scholars cannot find a link between the two somewhat related creatures.
Chike usually live in small tribal villages of up to
40 individuals led by a tribal leader (usually
the strongest of the group). Buildings are
constructed of whatever natural resources
and materials the chike can find. Larger
tribes also have one or two shamans in their
midst. Chike are extremely territorial,
generally sharing their domain only with
actual crocodiles. Some tribes however
do associate with marsh-dwelling
races such as lizardfolk engaging in
trade and allying against common
Chike are diurnal hunters,
preferring the heat of the day vs. the
cold and darkness of night. Favored
meals include birds, fish, humans, goblins,
and reptiles (including other chike if food
truly becomes scarce). Being cold-blooded,
a chike’s metabolism allows it to survive up to 3
months without eating.
Chike males stand over 8 feet tall while females stand just about 8 feet

Tome of Horrors 4
A thick armored shell protects this Abyssal-dwelling lobster-like Paralytic Tentacles (Ex) A chuul-ttaen can transfer a
creature. Tiny glowing-red eyes gleam above a mouth full of writhing grappled victim from a claw to its tentacles as a move
tentacles. action. The tentacles grapple with the same strength as
the claw but deal no damage, instead exuding a paralytic
CHUUL-TTAEN CR 9 secretion. Anyone held in the tentacles must succeed on a
XP 6,400 DC 23 Fortitude save each round on the chuul-ttaen‘s turn
CE Large aberration (aquatic) or be paralyzed for 6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-
Init +7; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; darkvision 60 ft.; based. While held in the tentacles, paralyzed or not, a
Perception +19 victim automatically takes1d8+7 points of damage each
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size) round from the creature’s mandibles.

hp 138 (14d8+56) Chuul-ttaens are similar to their normal chuul cousins, possessing
Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +11 many of the same skills, attacks and defenses.
Defensive Abilities darkvision camouflage; Immune poison The ttaen versions are said to swim in the cold depths of the world and
Weakness light blindness only find their way to the surface when summoned by particularly vile
wizards. Others claim they are simply underground albino versions of
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. a normal chuul – albeit a more intelligent and deadly monstrosity. The
Melee 2 claws +17 (2d6+7 plus grab) heavily armored chuul-ttaens are excellent swimmers, and often rise up
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. from the depths to grab land-bound creatures in their claws and tentacles.
Special Attacks constrict (3d6+7), larvae spray, paralytic Some scholars say the ttaen addition to their names is a designation of
tentacles royalty or a higher ranking in chuul society, although this has not been
Str 25, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 5 The ttaens are able to communicate more easily with other races via a
Base Atk +10; CMB +18 (+22 grapple); CMD 31 (35 vs. trip) raspy Common speech. Chuul-ttaens have little interest in conversation,
Feats Ability Focus (paralysis), Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat however, and are much more likely to attack before asking questions.
Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack Only extremely powerful foes give them pause and might warrant words
(claw), Weapon Focus (claw) before weapons.
Skills Knowledge (nature) +10, Perception +23, Sense Motive Underground races fear the chuul-ttaens, claiming the hideous creatures
+11, Stealth +13, Swim +32 were bred to wipe out all life in the tunnels under the land. They are
Languages Common, Undercommon perfect assassins and even the deadly drow fear these versions that can
SQ amphibious hide from darkvision.

Environment warm subterranean lakes and rivers Credit

Organization solitary, pair, or pack (3–6) Original author Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
Treasure standard Originally appearing in Splinters of Faith Adventure 8: Pains
of Scalded Glass (© Frog God Games/ Gary Schotter & Jeff
Darkvision Camouflage (Ex) A chuul-ttaen is virtually Harkness, 2011)
impossible to detect solely using darkvision. A chuul-ttaen
is considered invisible (+40 Stealth or +20 Stealth when
moving) when encountered in the dark by a creature using
darkvision. In lit areas, a chuul-ttaen appears as a ghostly
white surface-dwelling chuul.
Larvae Spray (Ex) Once per week as a free action,
a female chuul-ttaen can release a spray (15-foot
cone) of minute barbed larvae. The initial blast
deals 1d8 points of damage and injects larvae
into the opponent’s body. The affected creature
must succeed on a DC 23 Fortitude save to
avoid implantation. The save DC is Constitution
based. If a chuul-ttaen implants larvae into a
paralyzed or otherwise helpless creature, it gets
no saving throw. The larvae pupate over the
course of 10 days. The host becomes increasing ill
suffering a –1 to Strength, Constitution and Dexterity
each day of the pupation (–10 maximum) as the
pupae absorb nutrients. At the end of the 10
day gestation, 2d4 Diminutive chuul-ttaen burst
from the host, killing it in the process. A remove
disease or heal spell rids a victim of the larvae/
pupae as does a DC 25 Heal check. If the
check fails, the healer can try again, but each
attempt (successful or not) deals 1d4 points
of damage to the patient. The ability score
damage heals normally after the larvae/pupae
have been removed.

Carrion Claw to Crysolax

A figure materializes out of the surrounding shadows. It has the Although their physical forms may be damaged by
black cloak and cowl of a monk, floating in the air with no visible body. normal attacks, their unholy existence grants them SR 17.
Menacing green eyes glare from inside the dark hood. Because cimota exist partially on the Negative Material
Plane they are subject to banishment or other spells that
affect outsiders.
XP 1,200 Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals do not willingly approach within
LE Medium undead 30 ft. of a cimota unless a master makes a DC 25 Handle
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense; Perception +10 Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check. This aura takes effect
Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.) when a cimota manifests on the Prime Material Plane.
Animals that come within 30 ft. of a place where cimota
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 natural, +3 Dex) are lurking on the Negative Material Plane, or an artifact to
hp 47 (5d8+25) which a cimota is bound; Will be uneasy and show signs of
Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6 disquiet.
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, displacement,
unholy existence; Immune cold, electricity, undead traits; GUARDIAN CIMOTA CR 6
SR 12 XP 2,400
LE Medium undead
Speed fly 60 ft. (good) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense; Perception +13
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d6+3/19–20) Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.)
Special Attack manifestation
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+6 natural, +4 Dex)
Str 16, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 21 hp 85 (8d8+48)
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 19 Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +8
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, displacement,
Skills Diplomacy +10, Fly +7, Intimidate +13, Knowledge unholy existence; Immune cold, electricity, undead traits; SR
(planes) +7, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +11 15
Languages Common, Infernal
Speed fly 60 ft. (good)
Environment any Melee 2 scimitars +11 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 negative
Organization solitary, pair, or haunt (3–6) energy/18–20, evil-aligned)
Treasure standard Special Attack manifestation, superior two-weapon fighting

Displacement (Su) Cimota manifest on the Prime Material Str 18, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
Plane as a shifting cloud of shadows that coalesce into their Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 20
cloaked and hooded forms. On any round that a cimota Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Lightning
first manifests (see below), its shifting forms affect it as a Reflexes, Weapon Focus (scimitar)
displacement spell. Attacks on a cimota at this time have a Skills Diplomacy +13 Fly +12, Intimidate +17, Knowledge
50% miss chance as if the cimota had total concealment. (planes) +10, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +13
Unlike actual total concealment, this displacement does Languages Common, Infernal
not prevent enemies from targeting a cimota normally. This
effect is canceled one round after a cimota manifests, or if Environment any
a cimota takes any action in its new locale. Organization solitary or pair
Lifesense (Su) A cimota notices and locates living creatures Treasure standard
within 60 ft., just as if it possessed the blindsight ability.
Manifestation (Su) As a standard action, a cimota can Displacement (Su) Cimota manifest on the Prime Material
transport itself via planar travel from any point on the Prime Plane as a shifting cloud of shadows that coalesce into their
Material Plane to another point within its defined area, or cloaked and hooded forms. On any round that a cimota
within 300 ft. of the artifact to which it is bound. A cimota first manifests (see below), its shifting forms affect it as a
may also lurk on the Negative Material Plane, prepared to displacement spell. Attacks on a cimota at this time have a
manifest on the Prime Material if certain conditions are met, 50% miss chance as if the cimota had total concealment.
such as trespassers entering the area they are doomed Unlike actual total concealment, this displacement does
to guard. A cimota cannot attack or move in the same not prevent enemies from targeting a cimota normally. This
round in which it manifests, although it may manifest as effect is canceled one round after a cimota manifests, or if
partial surprise action before initiative. A cimota benefits a cimota takes any action in its new locale.
from displacement (see above) on the round in which it first Lifesense (Su) A cimota notices and locates living creatures
manifests. within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability.
Unholy Existence (Su) Although it is possible to temporarily Manifestation (Su) As a standard action, a cimota can
destroy a cimota’s physical form, it will return in 1d6 days, transport itself via planar travel from any point on the Prime
manifesting again to continue its unholy existence. The Material Plane to another point within its defined area, or
only way to permanently destroy a cimota is to disrupt within 300 feet of the artifact to which it is bound. A cimota
its existence by consecrating the ground to which it is may also lurk on the Negative Material Plane, prepared to
tied or the destruction of the artifact to which it is bound. manifest on the Prime Material if certain conditions are met,
Sometimes, significant alteration of an unholy place, such such as trespassers entering the area they are doomed to
as demolition of an evil temple or burning a haunted guard. A cimota cannot attack or move in the same round
forest, could cause cimota to fade away permanently. in which it manifests, although it may manifest as partial

Tome of Horrors 4
surprise action before initiative. A cimota benefits from Languages Common, Infernal
displacement (see above) on the round in which it first
manifests. Environment any
Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex) A black skeleton Organization solitary
usually fights with a short sword in each hand. Treasure standard
Because of its magical nature, its Two-Weapon
Fighting feat allows it to attack with both Dark Fury (Su) As a free action a high cimota may
weapons at no penalty. generate a field of negative energy in the form
Unholy Existence (Su) Although it is possible to of black lightning. A high cimota may use this
temporarily destroy a cimota’s physical form, power at the start of combat and every 1d3
it will return in 1d6 days, manifesting again to rounds thereafter. This field of energy may
continue its unholy existence. The only way to take the form of black lightning either in a
permanently destroy a cimota is to disrupt its 20 ft. radius ball around the high cimota
existence by consecrating the ground to which or as a 100 foot line extending from
it is tied or the destruction of the artifact to which the high cimota’s invisible fingertips.
it is bound. Sometimes, significant alteration of Dark fury inflicts 6d6 negative energy
an unholy place, such as demolition of an evil damage on any living creature in its
temple or burning a haunted forest, could area of effect unless it succeeds on a
cause cimota to fade away permanently. DC 19 Reflex save. This save is charisma
Although their physical forms may be based. Undead, constructs and other
damaged by normal attacks, their unholy non-living objects are not affected by
existence grants them spell resistance 17. dark fury.
Because cimota exist partially on the Negative Displacement (Su) Cimota manifest on
Material Plane they are subject to banishment the Prime Material Plane as a shifting
or other spells that affect outsiders. cloud of shadows that coalesce into
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals do not willingly their cloaked and hooded forms. On
approach within 30 feet of a cimota unless any round that a cimota first manifests
a master makes a DC 25 Handle Animal, (see below), its shifting forms affect it
Ride, or wild empathy check. This aura as a displacement spell. Attacks on a
takes effect when a cimota manifests on cimota at this time have a 50% miss
the Prime Material Plane. Animals that chance as if the cimota had total
come within 30 feet of a place where concealment. Unlike actual total
cimota are lurking on the Negative concealment, this displacement
Material Plane, or an artifact to does not prevent enemies from
which a cimota is bound; Will targeting a cimota normally. This
be uneasy and show signs of effect is canceled one round
disquiet. after a cimota manifests, or if a
cimota takes any action in its
HIGH CIMOTA CR 9 new locale.
XP 6,400 Manifestation (Su) As a
LE Medium undead standard action, a cimota
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., can transport itself via
lifesense; Perception +20 planar travel from any
Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.) point on the Prime
Material Plane to
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 another point within
(+7 natural, +4 Dex) its defined area,
hp 141 (14d8+84) or within 300 feet
Fort +10; Ref +10; Will +12 of the artifact
Defensive Abilities to which it is
channel resistance +4, bound. A cimota
displacement, undead may also lurk on
traits, unholy existence; the Negative
Immune cold, electricity; Material Plane,
SR 17 prepared to
manifest on the
Speed fly 60 ft. (good) Prime Material if
Melee 2 scimitars +15 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 certain conditions
electrical/15–20, evil-aligned) are met, such as
Special Attack dark fury, manifestation, trespassers entering the
superior two-weapon fighting area they are doomed
to guard. A cimota cannot
Str 18, Dex 18, Con —, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 22 attack or move in the same
Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 28 round in which it manifests,
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical although it may manifest as
(scimitar), Improved Initiative, Lightning partial surprise action before
Reflexes, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Two- initiative. A cimota benefits from
Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (scimitar) displacement (see above) on the
Skills Diplomacy +20, Fly +13, Intimidate +23, Knowledge round in which it first manifests.
(planes) +16, Perception +20 Sense Motive +20, Stealth +19 Lifesense (Su) A cimota notices and locates living creatures

Carrion Claw to Crysolax
within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability. The physical form of a cimota is a floating figure in a monk’s cassock.
Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex) A black skeleton usually Green eyes glow deep within their raised cowls, but their bodies are
fights with a short sword in each hand. Because of its entirely invisible. See invisibility, true sight, or some similar ability to
magical nature, its Two-Weapon Fighting feat allows it to see invisible objects will reveal a ghostly, black human figure within the
attack with both weapons at no penalty. cimota’s cloak. Cimota are manifestations of evil that may be touched
Unholy Existence (Su) Although it is possible to temporarily like any other creature. They take damage from normal weapons. Their
destroy a cimota’s physical form, it will return in 1d6 days, unnatural existence allows them to fly on the Prime Material Plane just
manifesting again to continue its unholy existence. The like an incorporeal creature, except that they cannot pass through solid
only way to permanently destroy a cimota is to disrupt objects. When a cimota is destroyed in combat only a few shreds of
its existence by consecrating the ground to which it is tattered black cloth remain to show that they ever existed.
tied or the destruction of the artifact to which it is bound. Cimota are bound to repeat the evil thoughts and actions that created
Sometimes, significant alteration of an unholy place, such them. When they manifest they will endlessly repeat the deeds that
as demolition of an evil temple or burning a haunted forest, spawned them. So, for instance, a group of cimota may haunt a ruined
could cause cimota to fade away permanently. Although temple, re-enacting evil rituals. Cimota may guard an unholy site such
their physical forms may be damaged by normal attacks, as a city, forest or building. They will fight to the death to defend these
their unholy existence grants them spell resistance 17. places. Cimota who are bound to an artifact may act out the intentions of
Because cimota exist partially on the Negative Material that artifact. A cimota might follow the owner of an artifact, for instance,
Plane they are subject to banishment or other spells that slaying the owner’s friends and associates while keeping its existence
affect outsiders. a secret. Within the parameters of their creation, cimota are capable of
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals do not willingly approach within strategy, deception and intelligent tactics.
30 feet of a cimota unless a master makes a DC 25 Handle Cimota are created by evil energy. Their supernatural nature gives them
Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check. This aura takes effect the ability to fight with two fists or two weapons without penalty, each
when a cimota manifests on the Prime Material Plane. attack landing with the force and accuracy of a single weapon attack.
Animals that come within 30 feet of a place where cimota Cimota attacks are either a rake of invisible claws or a blow from a fist.
are lurking on the Negative Material Plane, or an artifact to They are capable of delivering slashing or bludgeoning blows as needed.
which a cimota is bound; Will be uneasy and show signs of Cimota are capable of speaking Common and Infernal. Their voices
disquiet. are either hollow, ringing and unnatural, or malevolent whispers. Most
often cimota use their voices to chant or to shout out dire condemnations
Cimota are the physical manifestations of evil thoughts and actions. at intruders. They do not parley and they never negotiate unless it is to
They exist on the Negative Material Plane, manifesting in the Prime deceive mortals to their deaths.
Material as cloaked figures. Their existence is always tied to a specific
area or artifact that is imbued with ancient and highly malevolent evil. Credit
A cimota is able to manifest itself anywhere within an accursed locale Original author Mark R. Shipley
that has given it life, or within 300 feet of an evil artifact to which it is Originally appearing in The Black Monastery (© Frog God
attached. Games/ Mark R. Shipley, 2011)

Tome of Horrors 4
Cinder Knight
This intimidating figure stands unmoving, an immense sword clutched Cinder knights are elemental creatures composed completely of fire and
in its hands. Wisps of smoke rise from its blackened armor. encased in suits of irremovable armor. Over time, the armor adheres to the
cinder knight’s form, and the armor chars and blackens as the flames of
CINDER KNIGHT CR 11 the cinder knight’s body scorch and burns it. Cinder knights dwell on the
XP 12,800 Plane of Fire among other fire elementals and creatures. The creature’s
N Medium outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire) true origins are unknown, but some believe the cinder knight to be an
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +19 advanced form of fire elemental or perhaps a fire elemental punished for
Aura heat (10 ft., 1d6 fire) some transgression.
A cinder knight stands over 6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds (without
AC 26, touch 11, flat-footed 25 (+9 armor, +1 Dex, its armor, its true form weighs less). The creature’s true form is never
+6 natural) seen, for when a cinder knight dies, its fires extinguish, and it
hp 142 (15d10+60) vanishes in wisps of smoke, leaving only its armor behind. The
Fort +15; Ref +8; Will +12 armor is extremely hot to the touch and deals 1d6 points of fire
Immune elemental traits, fire; SR 21 damage to any creature touching it. One hour after a cinder
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold knight dies, the armor, while still warm, can be handled
without taking damage.
Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. unarmored) A cinder knight rarely attacks using natural
Melee mwk greatsword +24/+19/+14 attacks, preferring the use of weapons in combat.
(2d6+10 plus 1d6 fire) or 2 slams +22 (1d4+7 Greatswords are the most common weapon,
plus 1d6 fire) followed by mauls, longswords, and flails.
Regardless of the weapon used, a cinder
Str 24, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 12, knight deals fire damage with its fire attack
Cha 11 (a product of the creature itself and not the
Base Atk +15; CMB +22; CMD 35 weapon).
Feats Cleave, Critical Focus, Great
Cleave, Great Fortitude, Iron Will,
Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon
Focus (greatsword)
Skills Diplomacy +18, Intimidate
+18, Knowledge (planes) +18,
Perception +19, Sense Motive
+19, Survival +19
Languages Common, Ignan

Environment any (Plane of Fire)

Organization solitary
Treasure standard (full plate armor,
masterwork greatsword, other

Carrion Claw to Crysolax

Cobalt Viper
This creature appears to be a metallic blue-scaled snake with crystal GIANT COBALT VIPER CR 7
eyes. Its forked red tongue flicks from its fanged mouth.
XP 3,200
COBALT VIPER CR 4 N Large magical beast (extraplanar)
XP 1,200 Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
N Medium magical beast (extraplanar) Perception +14
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Aura poison (20 ft., DC 17)
Perception +11
Aura poison (10 ft., DC 17) AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 104 (11d10+44)
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 natural) Fort +11; Ref +10; Will +6
hp 42 (5d10+15)
Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +3 Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +17 (2d6+9 plus poison)
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Melee bite +9 (1d8+1 plus poison)
Str 22, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 17,
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 10 Cha 12
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 19 (can’t be tripped) Base Atk +11; CMB +18; CMD 31
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse, (can’t be tripped)
Weapon Focus (bite) Feats Improved Initiative, Power
Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +15, Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Vital Strike,
Perception +11, Stealth +11, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Swim +11; Racial Modifiers +8 (bite)
Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 Skills Acrobatics +16, Climb +19,
Stealth; Dexterity modifies Perception +14, Stealth +12,
Climb and Swim Swim +14; Racial Modifiers +8
Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4
Environment any (Plane of Stealth
Molten Skies)
Organization solitary, pair, Environment any (Plane of
or nest (3–6) Molten Skies)
Treasure incidental Organization solitary, pair,
or nest (3–6)
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; Treasure incidental
save DC 17 Fort; frequency 1/
round for 6 rounds; effect 1d3 Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save
Con damage; cure 2 consecutive DC 21 Fort; frequency 1/
saves. The save DC is Constitution- round for 6 rounds; effect 1d6
based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Con damage; cure 2 consecutive
Poison Aura (Ex) A cobalt viper’s saves. The save DC is Constitution-based and
poison is so potent, that it exudes it in includes a +2 racial bonus.
an aura around its body. A creature Poison Aura (Ex) A cobalt viper’s poison is so potent, that
that starts its turn within the area it exudes it in an aura around its body. A creature that
is subjected to the cobalt viper’s starts its turn within the area is subjected to the cobalt
poison. The poison from this aura is viper’s poison. The poison from this aura is weaker than its
weaker than its bite however, and bite however, and deals only 1d2 points of Con damage
deals only 1 point of Con damage (instead of 1d6 Con damage).
(instead of 1d3 Con damage).
Cobalt vipers are poisonous snakes found on the Plane of Molten
Skies. Whatever magic transported the Steel Garden to that realm is
thought to have brought the vipers here as well. They are indigenous to
the Garden and are virtually unknown outside of it.
A cobalt viper appears to be constructed of metal; in fact its scales are
actually a composite of the steel found within the Steel Garden and normal
snake scales. How exactly these creatures came to exist is unknown.
A typical cobalt viper is about 5 feet long though species up to 12 feet
long or more have been sighted. Cobalt vipers are sometimes hunted by
intelligent races for their scales. The scales are taken and fashioned into
various pieces of jewelry or used to adorn armor and weapons.
Cobalt vipers are highly aggressive predators that prefer to attack from
ambush. Normally, a cobalt viper trails its prey allowing its poison aura to
sap the target’s strength. After its prey is sufficiently weakened, the cobalt
viper lunges from its hiding place and strikes.

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature appears to be a tiny, hairless, gray-skinned humanoid Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th):
with leathery wings, small horns, and bulbous crimson eyes. Constant—detect evil, detect good
3/day—faerie fire, light, silent image (DC 12)
CONSHEE CR 1/3 2/day—blink, entangle (DC 12), invisibility (DC 13), levitate
XP 135 1/day—fear (DC 15), silence (DC 13), warp wood (DC 13)
CN Tiny fey
Init +2; Senses detect evil, detect good, low-light vision; Str 6, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13
Perception +7 Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Alertness
AC 16 touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size) Skills Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +6, Fly +18,
hp 3 (1d6) Perception +7, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +14
Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +3 Languages Common, Sylvan
DR 4/cold iron
Environment any underground
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) Organization troop (3–6), band (7–12), or swarm (13–22)
Melee dagger +0 (1d2–2) Treasure standard (dagger, shortbow with 20 arrows, other
Ranged short bow +4 (1d3–2) treasure)
Space 2–1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Conshee make their homes in large, open subterranean caverns
far from the surface world. They spend most of their days mining,
collecting minerals, or simply enjoying the natural beauty of their
surroundings. Conshee don’t take intrusions lightly and are moved
to anger quickly when their homes are threatened. The conshee
have an intense dislike for mites (see the Tome of Horrors
Complete) and generally attack them on sight.
Captured mites are killed almost immediately; very
rarely are they ever taken prisoner. Mites seem
to dislike the conshee equally as much, though
captured conshee are often kept as slaves or sold
back to their conshee clan or family.
Conshee prefer ambush tactics to straight-forward
combat, attacking at range with their short bows and
spell-like abilities. Some conshee also use daggers,
saps, and other such weapons, allowing them to
attack quickly and often times unnoticed. Conshee
also employ a wide array of traps, snares, and pitfalls
to injure, confuse, or capture would-be opponents. The
corridors and passages leading to a conshee lair are often
rife with all manner of such traps and pitfalls. Conshee often
employ natural poisons as well, taken from the various plants,
leaves, and underground flowers near their lairs.
An adult conshee stands about 2 feet tall. It is a small lithe creature with
grayish skin, a hairless body, and two leathery bat-like wings growing
from its back. Its hands end in claws, though they are not strong enough
to use in combat.

Carrion Claw to Crysolax

Crimson Death
Seemingly made of red vapor, the crimson mist is an outstanding stealth Organization solitary
hunter. The crimson death is vaguely humanoid in appearance, with arms, Treasure incidental
torso and a head being discernible. The creature has no distinct facial
features, other than 2 glowing points where eyes should be. Engulf (Ex) When a crimson death strikes a target with one
of its tentacles, it can immediately make an engulf attack,
CRIMSON DEATH CR 10 including moving into the opponent’s square. Targeted
XP 9,600 creatures can make attacks of opportunity against
NE Medium aberration the crimson death, but if they do so, they are not
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +29 entitled to a saving throw against the engulf
attack. Those who do not attempt attacks of
AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+4 Dex, +10 opportunity can attempt a Reflex (DC 18) save
natural) to avoid being engulfed—on a success, they
hp 127 (17d8+51) are pushed back or aside (target’s choice) as
Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +15 the crimson death moves forward. Engulfed
DR 5/magic and silver; SR 21 opponents gain the pinned condition, are
in danger of suffocating, are trapped
Speed 60 ft. (30 ft. after feeding) within the crimson death’s body until they
Melee 2 tentacles +17 (1d6 plus are no longer pinned, and suffer 1d6
engulf) points of damage and 1d6 points of
Special Attacks engulf (DC 18, Constitution damage every round.
1d6 plus 1d6 Con) A victim reduced to 0 Constitution
dies. The save DC is Strength-based.
Str 11, Dex 18, Con 16, Susceptibility (Ex) After draining its
Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 16 victim’s Constitution, the crimson
Base Atk +12; death, sated from its feeding,
CMB +16; CMD 26 moves at half its normal speed,
Feats Agile loses its racial bonus to
Maneuvers, Stealth checks (because it
Great Fortitude, flushes crimson, hence the
Improved Initiative, name), and suffers a –4
Iron Will, Lightning circumstance penalty to
Reflexes, Skill Focus AC. These effects last for
(Perception), Skill 1 hour.
Focus (Stealth),
Weapon Finesse, A crimson death attacks
Weapon Focus from ambush, usually hiding
(tentacles) in naturally occurring fog and
Skills Climb +20, waiting for potential prey to
Escape Artist wander close. Often times, a
+24, Knowledge crimson death uses sound (imitating
(dungeoneering) +23, cries for help, for example) in an attempt to
Perception +29, Stealth lure a victim into its grasp.
+30 (+42 in mist or fog), Survival A crimson death can understand Aklo,
+23, Swim +20; Racial Modifiers +12 although it does not speak.
Stealth in mist or fog
Languages Aklo (can’t speak) Credit
SQ susceptibility Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk
Reloaded (© Necromancer Games, 2006)
Environment swamp or underground

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature looks like a horrible amalgam of a centipede and a treasure it may have gathered. Though not a creature known for collecting
praying mantis made out of translucent white crystal with brilliant treasure, a crysolax is quite fond of gemstones, and as such a large amount
multifaceted blue eyes. of said treasure usually can be found in its lair. While a crysolax has no
need to eat, some do enjoy ingesting certain gemstone (the exact type
CRYSOLAX CR 15 seems to vary between each crysolax).
XP 51,200 A crysolax attacks with its bite, attempting to petrify the strongest
LE Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar) opponents first. It also rakes and slashes with its razor-sharp claws or
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +24 grabs a foe and repeatedly subjects it to its bite attack, knowing that
Aura scintillating aura (20 ft.; DC 20 Will) eventually the victim will succumb to its petrifying nature.

AC 27, touch 11, flat-footed 24 (+3 Dex, +16 natural, –2 size)

hp 172 (15d10+90)
Fort +17; Ref +12; Will +7
DR 10/magic and bludgeoning; Immune blindness, light-
based effects; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 26
Weakness vulnerable to sonic

Speed 50 ft.
Melee 2 claws +22 (1d8+8/19–20 plus grab), bite +21 (2d6+8
plus 1d6 Dex damage)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks petrifying bite, scintillating aura

Str 27, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +15; CMB +25 (+29 grapple); CMD 38 (50 vs.
Feats Ability Focus (petrifying bite), Alertness, Improved
Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (claw), Great Fortitude, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +21, Climb +26, Escape Artist +21,
Knowledge (planes) +19, Perception +24, Sense Motive
+4, Stealth +13, Survival +20
Languages Common, Terran

Environment any (Plane of Earth)

Organization solitary or carat (2–4)
Treasure incidental coins and items; twice standard

Petrifying Bite (Ex) The bite of a crysolax deals 1d6

points of Dexterity damage. A creature reduced to
Dex 0 is turned to crystal (as the stone to flesh spell)
permanently if it fails a DC 25 Fortitude save. The
save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2
bonus from the crysolax’s Ability Focus feat.
Scintillating Aura (Ex) As long as there is a light
source present within 30 feet of it, the crysolax
constantly radiates an aura that duplicates the
effects of a rainbow pattern spell (CL 15th). The
save is Charisma-based.

A terrifying predator native to the Plane of Earth (and also

a pocket dimension known as the Demiplane of Crystal), the
crysolax is a hunter, active most often during the daylight hours.
During the day, natural sunlight refracts from the crysolax causing
it to appear to be a multitude of different colors. It uses this natural
sunlight to activate its aura when hunting or in combat.
A crysolax spends its days hunting creatures native to the Plane of Earth,
while at night, the creature is usually found in its lair, a large and complex
maze of twisting corridors, caverns, and spiraling tunnels located deep
within the rocky earth of its native plane. A crysolax lair usually consists
of 2–4 adults and twice that number in smaller noncombatant crysolax.
The female lays 4–8 large crystal eggs usually once per year. These
eggs usually hatch within 60 days and a crysolax reaches
maturity within two years. Its lair is also scattered with any

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

This creature resembles a manta-ray in general outline. It is a bat- rather than young).
like, with a long, powerful tail and membranous “wings” with which it On the Plane of Water daochyns sustain themselves on a diet of small
effortlessly darts through the water. The mouth of a creature is wide, like a elemental fish and other creatures. On the Material Plane, daochyns eat
shark’s, and contains multiple rows of razor-sharp serrated teeth. The tip a variety of foods ranging from aquatic plants to fish to those swimmers
of each wing ends in cruel-looking claws. unlucky enough to run across a hungry sea phantom.
A typical daochyn is 5 feet long and weighs 150 pounds.
DAOCHYN CR 5 In combat, a daochyn lashes out with its tongue, attempting to weaken
XP 1,600 stronger opponents with its desalination attack, while attacking other
N Medium outsider (extraplanar, water) opponents with its tail and raking claws. An opponent that gets too close
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 is subjected to a bite from its massive jaws. A daochyn has the ability to
alter its coloration to appear almost transparent while in water and does
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 so if attacking from ambush or attempting to flee.
hp 76 (8d10+32)
Fort +10; Ref +9; Will +3
DR 5/magic; Immune cold

Speed swim 50 ft.

Melee bite +11 (1d6+3), 2 claws +11 (1d4+3), tail slap +6
(1d6+1) or tongue +11 (desalination and grab)
Special Attacks desalination

Str 17, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +8; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD 25 (can’t be
Feats Dodge, Lunge, Mobility, Power Attack
Skills Knowledge (planes) +9, Perception +12, Stealth +14
(+22 in water), Swim +22; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in water

Environment any (Plane of Water)

Organization solitary, pair, or pod (4–12)
Treasure none

Desalination (Ex) The touch of a daochyn’s

tongue wicks away salt and other vital minerals
from a living opponent, dealing 1d2 points
of Constitution damage. A daochyn that is
grappling with its tongue automatically deals
this damage each round to the grappled
opponent for as long as it maintains the
grapple. A daochyn that is grappling an
opponent with its tongue cannot use its bite

The daochyns (or sea phantoms), are creatures from the

Plane of Water. It is uncertain how the daochyns manage
to cross from their home plane to the Material Plane.
Sailors’ legends say that in the middle of the deepest
ocean there is a massive waterspout that is the nexus of
a permanent gate between this world and the Plane of
Water. This waterspout has never been documented
or proven to exist, however, so that tale remains in
doubt. The most powerful daochyns are sometimes
worshipped as gods by seafaring creatures such as
sahuagin and some clans of merfolk.
Daochyns are in a constant state of motion
and never stop swimming. Generally an
encounter is with a solitary creature,
though some do travel in pods
or family units of up to twelve
creatures. Sages are not sure how
daochyns procreate but encounters
with young have been reported
(though these encounters could in
fact be with smaller adult daochyns

Tome of Horrors 4
Dark Custodian
A dark robed and hooded figure moves across the floor effortlessly, is forcefully ejected from the object’s nearest surface, and
almost as if floating. Its hands are tucked away in the sleeves of its cassock, the opponent takes 1d6 points of damage in the process.
and where its face should be is only the blackness of the pit. The dark custodian must then try to hit with its incorporeal
touch attack again to try to reestablish the grapple. Once
DARK CUSTODIAN CR 9 the dark custodian has an opponent pinned, it attempts
XP 6,400 to drag him away to devour him in peace. Lifesense (Su) A
NE Medium undead (incorporeal) dark custodian notices and locates living creatures within 60
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft.; Perception +25 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability. It also senses
Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.) the strength of their life force automatically, as if it had cast
deathwatch. Walls less than 5 feet thick are no impediment
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+2 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 to this ability.
dodge) Silence of the Grave (Su) As a standard action a dark
hp 91 (14d8+28) custodian can use its silence of the grave ability. This
Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +11 creates a silence effect as the spell in a 20-foot radius
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal; for 7 rounds. This silent zone acts as a desecrate spell
Immune undead traits giving the dark custodian a +1 profane bonus on
Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws, as
well as, imposing a –3 profane penalty on turn
Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect) checks. Any living creature within the area of
Melee incorporeal touch +13 (1d8 plus energy affect must succeed on a DC 19 Will save or
drain and incorporeal grab) become dazed for 1 round. A new save is
Special Attacks devour, energy drain (1 level, allowed each round. This is a sonic mind-
DC 19), silence of the grave affecting compulsion effect. Because it
takes place in an area of silence, it cannot
Str 20, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15 be counteracted by bardic music. A
Base Atk +10; CMB +15 (+19 grapple); CMD creature that successfully saves cannot be
31 affected by the daze effect of the same
Feats Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved dark custodian’s silence of the grave for
Initiative, Mobility, Skill Focus (Perception), 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex) Dark custodians
Skills Fly +28, Intimidate +19, Knowledge are powerless in natural sunlight (not merely
(religion) +19, Perception +25, Spellcraft a daylight spell) and flee from it. A dark
+19, Stealth +20 custodian caught in sunlight cannot attack and
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal can take only a single move action or attack
action in a round.
Environment any Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild
Organization solitary, gang (2–4), or swarm or domesticated, can sense the unnatural
(6–11) presence of a dark custodian at a distance of
Treasure none 30 feet. They do not willingly approach nearer
than that and panic if forced to do so; they
Devour (Su) Any living creature that is pinned remain panicked as long as they are within
by a dark custodian’s grapple gains two that range.
negative levels per round that the hold is
maintained rather than the standard one Dark custodians are the undead remains of evil
negative level of its energy drain. Any clerics tasked to remain behind after death and guard
creature slain by the dark custodian’s the sacred places of their vile worship. They hate
energy drain is left a steaming, bloody all living things and seek to devour any who come
skeleton, all of its soft tissues having been within their guarded precincts. They do not require
consumed by the undead. these feedings for sustenance but rather merely take
Incorporeal Grab (Su) If a dark custodian pleasure in the carnage and brutality.
hits with an incorporeal touch, it can A dark custodian’s true form is hidden beneath
then attempt to start a grapple as a its ghostly burnoose with a lightless black void
free action without provoking an attack of where its face should be. Only in combat are its hands
opportunity. During the course of this grapple, seen, appearing pale with thickened, clawlike nails. They
the dark custodian becomes partially corporeal understand the languages they knew in life, but cannot speak.
and its opponent becomes partially incorporeal. A dark custodian prefers to attack from ambush, leaping through
This has no game effect other than allowing the dark a solid wall to make an incorporeal grab before dragging its prey back
custodian to use its Strength bonus in its CMB. If it wins the through with it. When attacking in groups they usually surround their prey
grapple, it establishes a hold at which point its opponent and use their silence of the grave abilities before trying to grab and drag
becomes completely incorporeal, as well, along with the individual opponents in different directions to be consumed.
dark custodian. The dark custodian automatically begins
to devour the held opponent each round he is held. The Credit
opponent remains incorporeal until he manages to break Original author Greg A. Vaughan
the grapple at which time he becomes immediately Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
corporeal. If this occurs within a solid object, the opponent Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Deathstroke Serpent
This gigantic serpent has dark green and black mottled scales. There Deathstroke serpents are greatly feared predators found dwelling in
appears to be a hint of intelligence behind its pale gray eyes. forests, jungles, marshes, and bogs. These creatures generally sustain
themselves on a diet of large game and other animals, but eat anything
DEATHSTROKE SERPENT CR 12 readily available, including humanoids if the opportunity presents itself.
XP 19,200 These creatures are generally solitary, so mating and reproduction
CE Huge magical beast information is unknown, though scholars assume these rituals mimic other
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see serpentine creatures.
invisibility; Perception +19 Deathstrokes, because of their intelligence and cunning are often
worshipped by scaly humanoids as gods or quasi-deities. The deathstroke
AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 23 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +15 does nothing to dismiss these beliefs as the worshippers keep it supplied
natural, –2 size) with a steady supply of animal and humanoid sacrifices.
hp 161 (14d10+70 plus 14) Deathstroke serpents can reach lengths of 50 feet. Colorations may also
Fort +14; Ref +10; Will +6 vary depending on climate and habit, but most deathstrokes are dark green
DR 10/cold iron; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 23 with mottled scales. Deathstroke serpents spend large parts of their days
sleeping, being mostly active at night. Prey is often ambushed and killed,
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. and then returned to the deathstroke’s lair to be devoured. After feeding,
Melee bite +24 (3d6+16/19–20 plus grab) deathstrokes can sleep for up to one week.
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. A deathstroke serpent attacks by biting and grabbing its opponent.
Special Attacks constrict (3d6+16) A grappled foe is quickly wrapped in its coils and constricted, while
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; melee touch +23, ranged touch remaining foes are assaulted by the deathstroke’s lightning bolts and
+13): blasphemy spell-like abilities.
Constant—see invisibility
At will—detect good, detect magic
3/day—lightning bolt (DC 15), magic circle against good,
unholy aura (DC 20), unholy blight (DC 16), wall of fire
1/day—blasphemy (DC 19), desecrate, greater teleport (self
plus 50 lbs. of objects only)

Str 33, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +14; CMB +27 (+31 grapple); CMD 39 (can’t be
Feats Dodge, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative,
Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness, Weapon
Focus (bite)
Skills Acrobatics +19, Climb +25, Knowledge (any) +8,
Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge
(religion) +3, Perception +19, Stealth +7, Swim +19; Racial
Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Languages Common, Undercommon

Environment temperate and warm lands and underground

Organization solitary
Treasure standard

Tome of Horrors 4
Defender Globe
This small glowing orb radiates light similar to that of a lantern. Small Environment any
filaments of electrical energy dance across its illuminated surface. Organization solitary
Treasure incidental
XP 800 Awareness (Ex) A defender globe cannot be surprised or
N Small outsider (elemental, native) flanked.
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 Defensive Aura (Ex) A defender globe adds its Charisma
bonus to its AC and CMD as a deflection bonus.
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 13 (+2 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 Flight (Su) A defender globe can cease or resume flight
dodge, +1 size) as a free action. The ability is supernatural, so it becomes
hp 26 (4d10+4) ineffective in an antimagic field, and the defender globe
Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +5 loses its ability to fly for as long as the antimagic effect
Defensive Abilities awareness, defensive aura; Immune persists.
electricity; Resist cold 10, fire 10
This small outsider is bound by spellcasters using the summon monster
Speed 5 ft., 40 ft. fly (perfect) III or lesser planar binding spells, serving for up to 1 day per caster level.
Ranged electrical bolt +8 (2d6 electricity) Using more powerful incantations can bind the globes for longer periods
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th): (GM’s discretion).
Continuous—light They can understand, but not speak, any language spoken by their
summoner. The summoned globes can understand simple orders, and
Str 4, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 14 carries out their last order until destroyed or dismissed.
Base Atk +4; CMB +0; CMD 16 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Dodge, Mobility Credit
Skills Fly +20, Knowledge (planes) +4, Perception +8 Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God Games,

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Demon, Ciratto
This powerful entity has the lower torso of a black horse and the upper of weapons including maces, morningstars, and spiked clubs. In combat,
torso of a charcoal-colored humanoid. Its eyes blaze the color of fire and they quickly close ranks with their opponents after unleashing a barrage
two downward curving horns protrude from its head. Four long, sinewy of spell-like abilities so they can use their hooves and poisonous snakes.
snakes seem to grow from the humanoid back of this creature. Slain foes are usually devoured immediately. Those not eaten, or parts
of creatures not eaten, are left for scavengers. Ciratto, while they enjoy
CIRATTO CR 16 hunting devils, never eat their flesh, finding it disgusting to both smell
XP 76,800 and taste.
CE Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility; Perception +24
Aura unholy aura (DC 24)

AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (+5 Dex, +15 natural, –1 size)

hp 187 (15d10+105)
Fort +12; Ref +14; Will +17
DR 10/good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10,
cold 10, fire 10; SR 27

Speed 60 ft.
Melee mwk heavy mace +23/+18/+13 (2d6+8/19–
20), 4 snakes +18 (1d6 plus poison), 2 hooves +17
Ranged composite longbow +19/+14/+9 (2d6+8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; melee touch +22,
ranged touch +19):
Constant—see invisibility, unholy aura (DC 24)
At will—call lightning (DC 19), greater dispel magic,
greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), slow
(DC 19), unholy blight (DC 20)
1/day—blasphemy (DC 23), summon (level 5, 1
ciratto 20%, 1 nalfeshnee 35%, or 1d6 glabrezus 60%)

Str 27, Dex 21, Con 25, Int 21, Wis 22, Cha 22
Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 39 (43 vs. trip)
Feats Cleave, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Improved
Critical (heavy mace), Iron Will, Power Attack, Vital Strike,
Weapon Focus (snakes)
Skills Bluff +24, Diplomacy +24, Escape Artist +20,
Intimidate +24, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge
(planes) +23, Perception +24, Sense Motive +24,
Stealth +23, Survival +24, Use Magical Device +24
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common,
Draconic, telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary or troop (1 ciratto and
1–4 glabrezu)
Treasure standard (masterwork heavy mace,
composite longbow, other treasure)

Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 24 Fort; frequency 1/round

for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Constitution damage; cure 2 saves.
The save DC is Constitution-based.

Ciratto demons are bred for combat, and as such are often found
leading other demonic troops in battle. Cirattos can be found on any of
the Abyssal layers in the employ of numerous lords and nobles. When not
carrying out the orders of their master, they often spend their time hunting
lesser demons and adventurers foolish enough to wander into the Abyss.
Ciratto demons are centaur-like demons with the lower torso of a black
horse and the upper torso of a dark-skinned demon. Its head sports two
large gray horns and its mouth is lined with small needle-like teeth. Four
large poisonous dark mottled vipers grow from its back. A ciratto demon
stands over 8 feet tall and weighs around 2,500 pounds.
Ciratto demons enjoy wading into battle. They attack with an array

Tome of Horrors 4
Demon, Kytha
This powerful creature has bluish-black scaly skin, a triangular head, running down its back are coal black.
large ruby-colored eyes, and two downward-curving horns. Its mouth is Upon entering combat, a kytha often frightens its opponents as
filled with needle-sharp fangs, and a small ridge of spines runs from the it seemingly changes into a mindless killing machine; roaring and
crown of its head to the small of its back. growling, drooling and hissing, as it circles its prey. A kytha attacks with
its wickedly-sharp claws and with its envenomed tongue. Kytha enjoy
DEMON, KYTHA CR 9 combat, especially against creatures weaker than themselves, and so they
XP 6,400 never flee unless facing overwhelming odds. Many kytha however, equate
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) fleeing with cowardice and choose to fight to the death, no matter the
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +22 odds.

AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 20 (+3 Dex, +10 natural)

hp 112 (9d10+54 plus 9)
Fort +12; Ref +6; Will +8
DR 10/cold iron or good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist
acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 20

Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +16 (1d6+7), bite +16 (1d8+10/19–20), tongue
+16 (1d6+7 plus poison)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; melee touch +16, ranged touch
At will—deeper darkness, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of
objects only)
3/day—enervation, silence (DC 15)
1/day—mass hold person (DC 20), summon (level 4, 1 kytha
40% or 1d2 babaus 30%)

Str 24, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +9; CMB +16; CMD 29
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
ToughnessB, Vital Strike
Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Intimidate +19, Knowledge
(planes) +13, Perception +22, Sense Motive +14, Stealth +15;
Racial Modifiers +4 Intimidate, +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Abyssal, Celestial, Celestial, Draconic,
Draconic, telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary or gang (2–4)
Treasure standard

Poison (Ex) tongue—injury; save DC 18 Fort; frequency 1

round for 8 rounds; effect 1d6 Strength damage, creatures
reduced to Str 0 suffocate; cure 2 saves. The save DC is
Serrated Bite (Ex) A kytha’s bite always deals 1–1/2 its
Strength modifier on damage rolls and threatens a critical hit
on a roll of 19–20.

Kytha are lesser demons found throughout the various layers of

the Abyss. Though native to just about all of the Abyssal planes, they
generally avoid those steeped in cold and ice (they have no particular
vulnerability to cold; they just don’t like it).
Kytha are often employed by the Abyssal dukes and nobles as ground
troops and soldiers in their battles against one another and against
interlopers from other planes. The kytha’s love of blood and battle greatly
enhances their usefulness in the eyes of many of the Abyssal nobility.
When not serving in the rank-and-file of some Abyssal noble’s army,
these monsters are found roaming the various Abyssal planes hunting and
tracking down food, which to a kytha is just about anything it can catch
and kill. It has a great fondness for the flesh of minor demons (dretch for
example) and humans. Captured prey is usually devoured on the spot;
rarely does a kytha kill something and save it for later.
A kytha stands about 7 feet tall and weighs around 300 pounds. Its skin
is usually blue-black or solid black, and its eyes red. The fin-like spines

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Demon, Tatarux
This massive creature stands well over 10 feet tall. Its lower torso tatarux hunts them down and finally slays them.
is covered in black fur and its powerful legs end in cloven hooves. The Though quite intelligent, the tatarux prefers to embrace its animalistic
monster’s eyes are black with white pupils and its mouth is filled with side and is rarely found leading other demons. Most of their time is spent
serrated teeth. hunting, feeding, or resting. They do have an affinity for vrocks and both
races can often be found hunting together.
TATARUX CR 13 A tatarux stands 12 feet tall and weighs just over 4,000 pounds. Its body
XP 25,600 is dark, usually black, and its fur is always black and often caked with
CE Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) the dried blood of those it has slain. These demons are manifested from
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +19 the souls of murders and cold-blooded killers who died without remorse.
Aura unholy aura (DC 22) Tatarux demons charge into combat first by unleashing a fire storm on their
foes, followed quickly by blasphemy. Creatures left standing are put to the
AC 28, touch 13, flat-footed 24 (+4 Dex, +15 natural, –1 size) tatarux’s claws and ripped to pieces.
hp 188 (13d10+117) Against powerful opponents,
Fort +19; Ref +8; Will +13 they use bull’s strength and
DR 10/good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold haste to deal maximum
10, fire 10; SR 24 damage.

Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +22 (2d6+10 plus bleed), bite +22
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks bleed (2d6), rend (2 claws,
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; melee touch +22,
ranged touch +16):
Constant—unholy aura (DC 22)
At will—detect good, greater dispel magic,
greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects
3/day—blasphemy (DC 21), bull’s
1/day—fire storm (DC 22), haste,
summon (level 5, tatarux, 25%, 1d4
vrocks 40%, or 1d4 gulazu 40%)

Str 30, Dex 18, Con 28, Int 16, Wis 16,
Cha 18
Base Atk +13; CMB +24; CMD 38
Feats Awesome Blow, Great Fortitude,
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical
(bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Power Attack
Skills Bluff +20, Diplomacy +20, Escape
Artist +20, Intimidate +20, Knowledge
(planes) +19, Perception +19, Sense
Motive +19, Stealth +20, Survival +19
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic,
telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary or band (1–2
plus 2–5 vrocks)
Treasure standard

The bestial tatarux spends its days

roaming the Abyss, always on the hunt.
This ferocious creature relishes the blood
of battle and the cries of its enemies as
they fall to this monstrous creature.
Though they can be found on any
Abyssal plane, they prefer layers with
mires and swamps or overgrown
jungles. These layers offer more
places for their enemies to hide,
and more excitement when the

Tome of Horrors 4
Demonic Mist
This cloud of sickly green mist seems to move as if it were alive. Some scholars and sages believe a demonic mist is the incomplete
manifestation of a demon on the Material Plane. Others conjecture it is a
DEMONIC MIST CR 5 representation of chaos unleashed by the denizens of the Abyss. Whatever
XP 1,600 the true nature of its origin, a demonic mist is a creature wholly
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar) chaotic and evil. When encountered on the Material Plane
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 it is most often in areas of consecrated ground such as
graveyards, temples, and holy sites. In their native
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 10 (+5 Dex, environment, demonic mists are found haunting
+1 dodge) the most putrid and disgusting of the Abyssal
hp 47 (5d10+20) planes. Those planes covered with oozes,
Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +2 mires, fens, and swamps are favored by
Defensive Abilities amorphous; DR 5/ these creatures. Demonic mists have
magic; Immune acid, cold; Resist fire voracious appetites and always seem
10; SR 16 to be on the hunt. They are carnivorous
Weaknesses vulnerability to wind creatures devouring just about anything
they came across. Once a demonic mist
Speed fly 50 ft. (perfect) slays its prey, it moves over the body
Melee touch +10 (5d6) and rapidly digests it, draining blood
Special Attacks psychic crush and body fluids, and leaving nothing
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; melee more than a dried husk.
touch +10): A demonic mist’s semi-solid body
At will—detect magic is composed of a strange, sickly green
2/day—enervation, vampiric touch and ever-shifting mist. It can change
1/day—cause fear (DC 14), its color to a semi-translucent whitish
confusion (DC 17) smoke, thereby blending in and hiding
in areas of normal fog and mist. When
Str —, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 13, hiding in this way, a demonic mist seeks
Cha 16 to quickly close ground with its target and
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 21 (can’t be attack from ambush, unleashing its psychic
tripped) crush and enervating attacks at the closest
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon and strongest opponents.
Finesse Demonic mists are often found in the
Skills Acrobatics +13, Escape Artist +13, Fly employ of clerics dedicated to the demonic
+21, Knowledge (planes) +8, Perception +9, lords (particularly Tsathogga and Jubilex),
Stealth +13 (+21 in fog or mist); Racial Modifiers serving as temple guards or assassins.
+8 Stealth in fog or mist
Languages Abyssal, Common; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ gaseous

Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–6)
Treasure standard

Gaseous (Ex) A demonic mist can pass through small

holes, even cracks, without reducing its speed. It cannot
enter water or other liquid. It has no Strength score, and
cannot manipulate objects.
Psychic Crush (Su) Three times per day, as a standard
action, a demonic mist can attempt to crush the mind of a
single creature within 40 feet. The target must make a DC
15 Will save or take 3d6 points of damage and become
sickened for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect.
The save DC is Charisma-based.
Vulnerability to Wind (Ex) A demonic mist is treated as a Tiny
creature for the purposes of determining the effects high
wind has upon it.

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Devil, Dantalion (Duke of Hell)

This creature appears to be a handsome human with deep reddish- Dantalion is a Duke of Hell and commands 30 legions of barbed
brown skin, dark hair, and fiery yellow eyes. It stands about 9 feet tall devils in service to Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh Hell. He is a highly
and wears robes of gold and black. Its small black horns and snake-like charismatic creature and rules by wits and wile more than by might and
barbed tail betray its true origins. power. Those who know him however, know he is capable of much more
than he appears, and none, especially those serving him, dare cross him.
DANTALION (DUKE OF HELL) CR 24 Dantalion once served as viceroy to Lucifer, millennia ago when
XP 1,230,000 Lucifer ruled the Nine Hells. When the battle for rulership came,
LE Large outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful) Dantalion first showed loyalty to his master and fought against the armies
Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic, detect of Asmodeus and Mephistopheles.
thoughts, see in darkness, see invisibility; Perception +34 Feeling the tide turning,
Dantalion betrayed Lucifer
AC 40, touch 25, flat-footed 32 (+8 Dex, +15 natural, –1 size, at crucial moment in the war
+8 profane) and switched allegiances,
hp 356 (23d10+230); regeneration 10 (good weapons, good forever pledging fealty
spells) to Asmodeus. When the
Fort +19; Ref +17; Will +19 war ended, Asmodeus
DR 15/good and silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, rewarded him by
cold 10; SR 35 appointing him Duke under
Baalzebul. Lucifer, now an
Speed 40 ft. outcast, would like nothing
Melee +4 unholy heavy mace +37/+32/+27/+22 (2d6+14) more than to see Dantalion’s
and tail sting +32 (1d6+10 plus poison) devilish smile wiped from his
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. face and his head at the end of
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 23rd; melee touch +32, ranged touch Alastor’s greataxe.
+35): Dantalion’s fortified black
Constant—detect magic, see invisibility stone keep rests atop a craggy
At will—blasphemy (DC 25), detect thoughts (DC 20), fireball mountain within the seventh
(DC 21), greater dispel magic, greater scrying (DC 25), Hell. Many barbed devils
greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), hold person guard the only passage leading
(DC 21), lightning bolt (DC 21), magic circle against good, to his castle, killing any who
mass charm monster (DC 26), power word blind, suggestion do not have Dantalion’s
(DC 21), touch of idiocy, trap the soul (DC 26), unholy aura permission to traverse the
(DC 26), wall of fire, web (DC 20) road. A large company of
3/day—baleful polymorph (DC 23), energy drain (DC 27), barbed devils, rumored to be
flame strike (DC 23), heat metal (DC 20), meteor swarm (DC several hundred in number,
27), persistent image (DC 23), phantasmal killer (DC 22) make their home beneath the
1/day—harm (DC 24), power word kill, summon (level 9, keep. There they stand guard,
1d8+3 barbed devils, 100%; 1d4 pit fiends, 90%) awaiting Dantalion’s orders
should the castle walls ever
Str 31, Dex 26, Con 31, Int 27, Wis 27, Cha 26 be sieged.
Base Atk +23; CMB +34; CMD 52
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting, Deceitful,
Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (fireball), Vital Strike,
Weapon Focus (mace)
Skills Bluff +36, Climb +36, Diplomacy +34, Disguise +33,
Intimidate +34, Knowledge (arcana) +31, Knowledge
(planes) +34, Knowledge (religion) +34, Perception +34,
Sense Motive +34, Spellcraft +31, Stealth +34, Survival +34,
Use Magical Device +31
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant,
Infernal, telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any (Nine Hells)

Organization solitary or troupe (Dantalion plus 4–12 barbed
Treasure triple standard (+4 unholy heavy mace, other

Poison (Ex) Tail sting—injury; save DC 31 Fort; frequency 1/

round for 10 rounds; effect 1d8 Constitution damage; cure 3
consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Tome of Horrors 4
Devouring Mist
This drifting nightmare resembles a cloud of dark red vapor about 10
ft. in diameter.
XP 9,600
NE Large undead (swarm)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +26

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 9 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, –1 size)

hp 133 (14d12+42)
Fort +9; Ref +10; Will +12
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, swarm traits;
Immune undead traits, weapon damage; SR 24
Weaknesses swarm traits

Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect)

Melee swarm (blood drain)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks create spawn, distraction (DC 20)

Str 1, Dex 19, Con —, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 16

Base Atk +10; CMB —; CMD —
Feats Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Channel
Resistance, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Skill Focus
(Perception), Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Fly +27, Perception +26, Stealth +23 (+33 in
the Bloodways); Racial Modifiers +10 circumstance
bonus on Stealth checks while in the red mists of the

Environment underground (the Bloodways)

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Blood Drain (Ex) Creatures in the devouring mist’s space

at the end of its movement each round take 1d4 points
of Constitution damage as it siphons blood out of
the victim’s body. For every point so drained, the
devouring mist heals 5 hit points of damage.
Creatures without blood take no damage from
the devouring mist.
Create Spawn (Su) Any creature slain by a
devouring mist rises as a vampire spawn in 1d4
days, unless the remains are blessed. If the victim
had more than 5 hit dice, there is a 1% chance
per hit die that it arises as a full-fledged vampire
instead, or a 5% chance per hit die if the victim was
of the humanoid type.

Spawned of the dreams of the Bloodwraith, devouring mists are undead

composed of equal parts blood and malice, wedded together by negative
energy. They drift the halls of the Bloodways, looking for living prey to
feed on and torment. When they strike, they surround their enemies and
draw their blood from their bodies.
Devouring mists are possessed of a malicious cunning. They are quite
capable of blending into the mists of the Bloodways so as to take their
prey unaware. They may also follow creatures for a time and attack when
they are distracted or preoccupied. A devouring mist may even stalk its
prey over hours or even days, striking again and again, in effect milking
them of blood.
Devouring mists do not speak, nor can they be communicated with.

Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded (©
Necromancer Games, 2006)

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Dinosaur, Euparkeria
This grayish-green reptile is about the size of a small dog. Its snout is
long and its mouth is filled with needle-like teeth.
XP 200
N Small animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +10

AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)

hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +1

Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d4+1), 2 claws (1d3+1)

Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Great Fortitude
Skills Perception +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception

Environment any land

Organization gang (2–4) or pack (5–12)
Treasure none

Euparkeria is a nocturnal carnivore, feeding on insects and

small game. When moving, it usually moves on
all fours; however, when running or in combat, it
stands and fights on its back legs.
A euparkeria can reach lengths of 3 feet or
more. Skin coloration is gray or grayish-green.
When attacking prey, the euparkeria stands on its
hind legs and attacks with a vicious bite. Its front
legs feature a small thumb-like claw that it uses
to slash its opponents. Much like other small
dinosaurs, by itself the euparkeria doesn’t pose
much of a threat. In large numbers however,
they can easily catch and kill prey much larger
than themselves.

Tome of Horrors 4
Dinosaur, Gorgosaurus
This huge reptile has small two-fingered forelimbs, strong powerful
legs, and an enormous mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth.

XP 3,200
N Huge animal
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +30

AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +10 natural, –2 size)

hp 105 (14d8+42)
Fort +12; Ref +10; Will +7

Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +15 (3d6+14/19–20 plus grab)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks swallow whole (2d6+7, AC 15, 10 hp)

Str 25, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +10; CMB +19 (+23 grapple); CMD 30
Feats Critical Focus, Diehard, Endurance, Improved Critical
(bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Perception +30; Racial Modifiers +6 Perception
SQ powerful bite

Environment warm plains and shorelines

Organization solitary or pack (2–4)
Treasure none

Powerful Bite (Ex) A

gorgosaurus applies twice
its Strength modifier to bite

A gorgosaurus is about 28
feet long from snout to tail and
weighs almost 6,000 pounds.
Its coloration can vary from
dark shades of green to
various shades of gray. Its
diet consists of anything it
can catch and kill, including
large animals such as
mastodons and mammoths,
brontosauruses, and other
such creatures.
A gorgosaurus’s tactics
are simple: charge, bite,

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Dinosaur, Nothosaurus
This grayish-blue reptile has a long sleek body, webbed feet, and long
jaws that open to reveal needle-like teeth.

XP 2,400
N Large animal
Init +6; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +13

AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size)

hp 76 (9d8+36)
Fort +12; Ref +8; Will +4

Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft.

Melee bite +12 (2d6+9 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 22, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +6; CMB +13 (+17 grapple); CMD 25 (can’t be
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
(Perception), Swim-By Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Perception +13, Stealth +3 (+11 in water), Swim +18;
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in water
SQ hold breath, speed surge

Environment temperate and warm aquatic

Organization solitary, pair, or school (3–6)
Treasure none

Hold Breath (Ex) A nothosaurus can hold its breath

for a number of minutes equal to 6 times its
Constitution score before it risks
Speed Surge (Ex) Three times
per day as a swift action, a
nothosaurus may take an
additional move action in that

A nothosaurus is about 13 feet long and

grayish-blue in color. When swimming, its
uses its webbed feet, fin-like tail, and powerful
legs to propel it through the water. It sustains itself
on a diet of fish, seals, walruses, and other marine
animals. The nothosaurus breathes air and moves slowly on
land, rarely venturing far away from the shoreline. When not hunting, a
nothosaurus often suns itself on large rocks.
Nothosaurus is an ambush hunter, moving quietly through the water as
it sneaks up on its prey. As the nothosaurus draws closer, it uses
its speed surge to close rapidly and grab the prey with its
powerful jaws.

Tome of Horrors 4
Dinosaur, Podokesaurus
This small bipedal reptile has a long, narrow head and sharp, curved

XP 135
N Tiny animal
Init +8; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +4

AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)

hp 6 (1d8+2)
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +0

Speed 60 ft.
Melee bite +1 (1d3–1), 2 claws +1 (1d2–1)
Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks pounce

Str 8, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 5

Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 11
Feats Improved Initiative, RunB
Skills Perception +4

Environment warm forests

Organization gang (5–12) or pack (13–24)
Treasure none

Podokesaurus are small, swift-footed pack hunters

that feast on a diet of meat, often attacking prey much
larger than themselves. In such instances, they use their
overwhelming numbers to bring their quarry down.
An adult podokesaurus stands about 1 foot tall and is
around 3 feet long. Its long tail acts as a counterweight to
keep it upright when it is running at a high rate of speed.
Skin color varies slightly, but is usually varying shades
of browns and grays. Its teeth are curved and serrated to
aid in tearing meat for consumption.
A lone podokesaurus isn’t much of a threat, especially to larger
opponents. In large numbers however, these creatures become extremely
dangerous, using pack and swarming tactics to attack. Prey that attempts
to escape is easily run down by the swarming podokesaurus.

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Dire Animals
Dire animals are large, feral looking animals. They are not just bigger and early spring months. Those found in warmer climates mate during the
versions of normal animals, however. On the whole, dire animals are winter. This is the only time more than one dire fox will be encountered
bigger, stronger, faster, and much more aggressive than their normal and such encounters consist of one male and at least one female (two
counterparts. females sometimes). If pups are present, there will be 2d6 of them. Young
Scholars are uncertain as to the origins of dire animals. Some maintain dire foxes reach maturity at about 10 months of age and leave the den to
nature caused animals to adapt to the ever-changing world around them, claim their own hunting territory which can be up to 250 miles away from
while others insist dire animals are a regression to a more savage time. their birthplace.
Dire foxes are about 5 feet long and have yellowish-red or reddish-
brown fur. A strip of black fur runs across their shoulders and down the
Dire Fox center of their backs. The dire fox’s underbelly is white more often than
not, but a gray underbelly is not uncommon. Dire foxes have thick, bushy
This giant fox has dark red fur and a mouthful of white glistening fangs. tails with the same color fur as their body. The tail ends in a black or white
bushy tip. The lower legs of a dire fox are either black or white and their
DIRE FOX CR 2 eyes are yellow. A rare breed of dire fox has silver or silver-black fur.
XP 600 A dire fox prefers to sneak up on its prey and catch it unaware. When it
N Medium animal spots a potential meal, the dire fox stands motionless, waiting for its target
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +11 to move closer. When its prey is within range, it leaps out and attacks. If
cornered, dire foxes fight to the death.
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 34 (4d8+16)
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +4 Dire Mastiff
Speed 50 ft. This large black hound is about the size of a small horse.
Melee bite +7 (1d6+4)
Str 16, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 10 XP 800
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 20 (24 vs. trip) N Large animal
Feats Great Fortitude, Weapon Finesse Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +11, Stealth +13, Survival +8;
Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth, +4 AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, –1 size)
Survival hp 42 (5d8+20)
Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +2
Environment cold and temperate forests and plains
Organization solitary Speed 50 ft.
Treasure none Melee bite +7 (1d8+6 plus trip)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Dire foxes are larger and fiercer versions
of the normal fox. They are solitary Str 19, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
creatures whose hunting grounds can Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 20 (24 vs. trip)
cover up to 10 square miles. Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus
Dire foxes spend about one- (bite)
third of their day hunting for Skills Acrobatics +7 (+11 jumping), Perception +9, Survival
food. They are excellent +2 (+6 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when
hunters and have no jumping, +4 Survival when tracking by scent
problem attacking and
bringing down Environment any
large prey. They Organization solitary, pair, or pack (3–12)
are omnivorous Treasure none
and feast on a
diet of rodents, Dire mastiffs are the domestic equivalent of dire wolves. They are large,
dire rodents (such vicious canines highly prized for their ability to track and kill opponents
as dire rats), insects much larger than themselves. Domesticated dire mastiffs are often trained
and giant insects, and outfitted for war in spiked, studded leather armor. Orcs often use
and various plants trained dire mastiffs in warfare.
and herbs. If food is Dire mastiffs are much like wolves, and in the wild, they commingle
scarce, dire foxes live in packs of up to twelve. The dominant male is always the leader, though
off of carrion until their other males frequently challenge for the position. Such exchanges, while
food supply increases. violent, rarely result in death. The loser of the contest simply submits to
Mating season the victor and acknowledges it as the new pack leader.
varies depending on Dire mastiffs are carnivores and their diet consists of just about
climate. Dire foxes any animal or creature they can catch and kill. Favorite meals include
found in colder leopards, skunks, horses, and rodents. They rarely devour humanoid flesh,
climates mate but will do so if food is scarce. Kills are often carried back to the lair and
during the distributed among the pups and females.
late winter Dire mastiffs breed twice a year, usually every 6 months. The

Tome of Horrors 4
Perception, +4 Stealth

Environment cold or temperate forests and plains

Organization solitary, pair, or herd (10–50 deer plus 1 dire
stag per 10 deer)
Treasure none

Dire stags are impressive creatures found in all but the warmest regions.
Most inhabit forests and plains, though some often roam more rugged
territory. Dire stags are aggressive giant versions of male deer.
Dire stag are nocturnal creatures and exist on a diet of leaves, vines,
ivy, and meat, the latter consisting of rodents and small animals (rabbits,
moles, pigs, and wolves). A typical male’s territory covers a range of 5
square miles. Dire stags mark territorial boundaries by digging holes with
their antlers. Such holes can measure up to 6 feet wide and 3 feet deep.
They often thrash the ground throughout their territory, stirring up the
leaves and underbrush, to further define their territory.
Dire stags are solitary creatures, but sometimes band together, usually
during mating or rutting season. During rutting season, a dire stag gathers
up to 12 female deer in its territory. Mating season is usually late fall and
gestation typically lasts 8 months. Newborn are nursed by the females
and are dependent on their mother for the first few months of their lives.
Young are slowly weaned over a period of 6 months and reach maturity
by 18 months.
A dire stag stands 6 feet at the shoulder and about 12 feet long with
its weight exceeding 1,000 pounds. Its antlers average up to 8 feet wide,
though some of the largest dire stag have antlers reaching up to 12 feet
wide. Its coat varies in color from brown to brownish-white to black, with
its underbelly being lighter, and usually white. Its antlers are brown or
black. Dire stags are hunted for their meat as well as their tough hides. A
reasonably intact dire stag hide is worth 500 gp or more.
Dire stags are aggressive animals and rarely back down from a challenge.
They unleash a guttural, blood-curdling bleat before attacking. This serves
actual month or time varies depending on climate, terrain, and other to warn the females and young as well as potential aggressors. Dire stags
environmental factors. Gestation lasts about 4 months after which time almost never retreat, preferring to fight to the death against a foe.
the female gives birth to 1d3+3 pups. Pups depend on their mother or the A dire stag attacks with its antlers, goring its opponent, or it rears onto
hunters of a pack to feed them and rarely journey out on their own until its hind legs and slashes with its hooves. Most dire stags fight to the death
they reach 4 months of age. Dire mastiffs reach maturity around 8 months to protect their young.
after birth.
Before attacking, the hair on the neck of a dire mastiff rises, its ears
fold back, its tail stiffens, and it bears its sharpened teeth, through
which a low growl is often heard. A dire mastiff rushes its opponent
and bites ferociously with its powerful jaws.

Dire Stag
This gigantic stag stands as tall as a human at the shoulders and has
antlers that are almost twice that long.

XP 800
N Large animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +12

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +4

natural, –1 size)
hp 42 (5d8+20)
Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +3

Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +7 (1d8+5), 2 hooves +5 (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 21, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 23 (27 vs. trip)
Feats Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, MultiattackB, Run
Skills Perception +12, Stealth +8; Racial Modifiers +4

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

This sylvan creature resembles a 5-foot tall elf with brownish-tan skin, don’t disturb them, they always fashion them in such a way that allows
large pointed ears, and brown eyes. the dobie to keep a watchful eye on its domain at all times. Dobies are
solitary creatures; if more than one is encountered they are likely a mated
DOBIE CR 4 pair. Dobies mate for life.
XP 1,200 Dobies stand about 5 feet tall but can alter their size to attain heights
CN Medium fey of 10 feet. They dress in brightly colored clothes and overcoats of green,
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11 brown, red, and tan. Dobies can live to be 600 years old, generally
reaching maturity around age 100.
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 Dobies enlarge themselves at the start of combat, seeking to gain any
natural) advantage they can over their enemies, attacking with both weapons and
hp 33 (6d6+12) spell-like abilities. If the battle is going against a dobie, it uses its summon
Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +9 ability to bring forest creatures to its aid and to cover its escape.
DR 5/cold iron
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire DOBIE (ENLARGED) CR 4
XP 1,200
Speed 30 ft. CN Large fey
Melee longsword +4 (1d8+1/19–20) Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11

Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 15 AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +3
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 18 natural, –1 size)
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will hp 45 (6d6+24)
Skills Bluff +11, Craft (any one) +7, Diplomacy +8, Escape Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +9
Artist +12, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (nature) DR 5/cold iron
+10, Perception +11, Perform (dancing) +8, Weaknesses vulnerability to fire
Stealth +12
Languages Common, Sylvan Speed 40 ft.
SQ size alteration Melee longsword +6 (2d6+4/19–20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Environment temperate forests
Organization solitary or pair Str 18, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 15,
Treasure standard (longsword, other treasure) Cha 15
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 21
Size Alteration (Su) At will as a standard Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
action, a dobie can change its size between Skills Bluff +11, Craft (any one) +7,
Medium and Large. Weapons, armor, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +11, Handle
and other objects on the dobie’s person Animal +5, Knowledge (nature) +10,
grow proportionally when it changes Perception +11, Perform +8, Stealth +7
sizes (objects revert to normal size one Languages Common, Sylvan
round after a dobie releases them). SQ size alteration
When a dobie becomes Large, its
speed increases to 40 feet, it gains Environment temperate forests
+6 Strength, –2 Dexterity, and +4 Organization solitary or pair
Constitution, and takes a –1 size Treasure standard (longsword,
penalty to AC. other treasure)
A dobie can use this ability only in its
natural environment. If a dobie leaves
its natural environment while enlarged,
it immediately reverts to its normal size.
Additionally, an enlarged dobie that takes
10 points of fire damage or more from a
single fire effect immediately reverts to its
normal size. It cannot enlarge itself again for 3
rounds after being hit by a fire effect.

Dobies are forest creatures believed by some to be

the offspring of a spriggan and a dryad, though most
learned sages brush this off as simple folklore. They
are generally good-natured creatures and aid good-
aligned or neutral creatures in need. Creatures they
encounter destroying their forests or slaughtering
its denizens are attacked almost immediately without
Dobies build their homes deep within the
forests they protect. Though their homes
are generally secluded so prying eyes

Tome of Horrors 4
This small hairy humanoid has pointed ears, a long dirty beard, and
wields a short sword in its wicked clawed hands.

XP 1,200
CE Small fey
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +8

AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)

hp 26 (4d6+8 plus 4)
Fort +3; Ref +8; Will +5
DR 5/cold iron; SR 15

Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee short sword +7 (1d4+1), bite +2 (1d4) or 2 claws +7
(1d3+1 plus grab), bite +7 (1d4)
Special Attacks sneak attack (2d6), telekinesis
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; melee touch +4, ranged touch
At will—dancing lights, prestidigitation (DC 11)
3/day—heat metal (DC 13), sleep (DC 12), snare

Str 13, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +2 (+6 grapple); CMD 16
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +11, Climb +14, Craft (any one) +7, Escape
Artist +9, Intimidate +5, Perception +8, Stealth +15
Languages Sylvan, Undercommon
SQ knocker spirit

Environment any urban or underground

Organization solitary or gang (2–5)
Treasure standard (short sword, other treasure)

Knocker Spirit (Su) A domovoi killed by violence rises in 1

hour as a poltergeist.
Telekinesis (Su) As a standard action once per turn, a
domovoi can use telekinesis. This ability functions as the
telekinesis spell with a CL equal to the domovoi’s Hit Dice
(CL 4th for most domovoi). A typical domovoi has a ranged
attack roll of +5 when using telekinesis to hurl objects or
creatures, and can use this ability on objects or creatures of
up to 75 pounds. If a domovoi attempts to hurl a creature
with this ability, that creature can resist the effect with a
successful DC 13 Will save. The save DC is Strength-based.

Domovoi are wicked fey found at the forests’ edge, in underground

caves, and in small cities and towns, usually dwelling in ruined buildings
or in attics and crawlspaces of occupied residences. They are capricious
and violent creatures and take great delight in inflicting harm on those that
cross them—and sometimes on those that don’t.
Domovoi stand just over 2 feet tall and weigh around 60 pounds. Their
clothes are usually dirty and smelly, but other than that seem to be well
kept (no holes, no tears, for example). The creature’s hair is dark and
wildly unkempt. Males have long dirty beards the same color as their hair.
No females or young domovoi have been encountered.
Domovoi prefer to attack from ambush, startling their opponents with
sudden attacks and catching them unaware. A favored tactic is to stay
hidden and assault a target with random objects through the use of the
domovoi’s telekinesis.

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Five dragon-like heads of varying colors rise from the sleek, serpentine
body of this hideous monster.

XP 9,600
N Huge magical beast
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
Perception +12

AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +11 natural, –2 size)

hp 105 (10d10+50); fast healing 10
Fort +11; Ref +10; Will +5
Defensive Abilities all-around vision; Resist acid 10, cold 10,
electricity 10, fire 10

Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee 5 bites +14 (2d6+5/19–20)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks 5 breath weapons (30-ft. cone, DC 19, 4d6
damage; see text), savage bite

Str 21, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +10; CMB +17; CMD 28 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge,
Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)B
Skills Intimidate +6, Perception +12, Swim +13; Racial
Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ hydra traits, regenerate head acid or fire damage (after overcoming the dracohydra’s
resistances) must be dealt to the stump (a touch attack
Environment any to hit) before they appear. Acid or fire damage from area
Organization solitary attacks can affect stumps and the body simultaneously. A
Treasure double standard dracohydra doesn’t die from losing its heads until all are cut
off and the stumps seared by acid or fire.
Breath Weapon (Su) Each of a dracohydra’s heads has a
single breath weapon. To determine each head’s color and Savage Bite (Ex) A dracohydra applies 1–1/2 times its
the associated breath weapon, choose from or roll on the Strength bonus to damage dealt with its bite attack, and it
table below. threatens a critical hit on a 19–20.

1d10 Head Color Breath Weapon Believed to be either the mating of a hydra and a dragon or the offspring
1–2 Black Acid of a draconic deity, the dracohydra is truly a fearsome monster. Most
3–4 Blue Electricity intelligent creatures do their best to avoid trespassing on a dracohydra’s
5–6 Green Acid domain for these creatures are extremely territorial, even more so than
7–8 Red Fire some dragons. Dracohydras prefer lairing in remote locations such as
9–10 White Cold mountaintops and ruins, far away from civilization and far away from
adventurous treasure seekers.
Fast Healing (Ex) A dracohydra’s fast healing applies only to Dracohydras, while solitary, often make pacts with local humanoids;
damage inflicted on the dracohydra’s body. most often orcs, gnolls, and hobgoblins. Generally these pacts are lopsided
Hydra Traits (Ex) A dracohydra can be killed by severing deals that favor the dracohydra: give it food and it won’t eat your village.
its heads or slaying its body. Any attack that is not an Such food usually consists of herd animals or cattle, and sometimes
attempt to sever a head affects the body, including area humanoids if necessary to sate the dracohydra’s voracious appetite.
attacks or attacks that cause piercing or bludgeoning Humanoid sacrifices usually take the form of slaves or prisoners, but if
damage. To sever a head, an opponent must make a either of those is in low numbers, tribes have been known to sacrifice their
sunder attempt with a slashing weapon targeting a head. own to appease a dracohydra.
A head is considered a separate weapon with hardness Betraying their draconic origin, dracohydras amass treasure in great
0 and 10 hit points. To sever a head, an opponent must quantities. Most treasures are left strewn about the lair, but some, such as
inflict enough damage to reduce the head’s hit points to rare gemstones and small trinkets are devoured by dracohydras.
0 or less. Severing a head deals 10 points of damage to Dracohydras do not associate with other dracohydras, hydras, or
the dracohydra’s body. A dracohydra can’t attack with a dragons. Hydras are particularly reviled for unknown reasons, and are
severed head, but takes no other penalties. attacked on sight and slaughtered, their bodies being almost completely
Regenerate Head (Ex) When a dracohydra’s head is devoured by a dracohydra.
destroyed, two heads regrow in 1d4 rounds. The heads A dracohydra’s body is usually dark gray or dark grayish-blue. Its
are of the same color as the one that was severed. A dragon-like heads are scaled and vary in color blending into the body at
dracohydra cannot have more than 10 heads at any one the neckline. A dracohydra’s eyes are always sapphire blue, regardless of
time. To prevent new heads from growing, at least 5 points of the color of the dragon’s head.

Tome of Horrors 4
Dragon, Gray
Steam emanates from the nostrils and mouth of this slate gray dragon. Fort +4; Ref +8; Will +3
Immune paralysis, sleep
NE dragon (water) Speed 60 ft., fly 100 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d3), bite +5 (1d4)
CR 2; Size Tiny; Hit Dice 3d12 Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. (5 ft. with bite)
Speed 60 ft., swim 40 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon (30-ft. line, 2d6 fire; DC 12
Natural Armor +4; Breath Weapon line, 2d6 fire Ref half)
Str 11, Dex16, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 9
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 9
Environment warm coastlines Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14 (18 vs. trip)
Organization solitary Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Treasure triple standard Skills Bluff +5, Fly +13, Intimidate +5, Perception +6, Stealth
+17, Swim +8
Breath Weapon (Su) A gray dragon’s breath weapon is a Languages Draconic
superheated line of steam.
Gray dragons are evil dragons that inhabit mountains and hills near XP 1,200
coastlines. They have little regard for other races and often enslave others NE Small dragon (water)
to do their bidding. Adult and older gray dragons are rarely found without Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +11
a retinue of humanoid slaves. Gray dragons mate for life and a single
mated pair often terrorizes nearby villages, laying waste to those that AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +7 natural, +1 size)
oppose the dragon’s will. hp 42 (5d12+10)
Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5
Wyrmling immunity to poison —
Very Young water breathing — Speed 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
Young change shape, fog cloud — Melee 2 claws +8 (1d4+2), bite +8 (1d6+3)
Juvenile create water 1st Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
Young Adult DR 5/magic, spell resistance 3rd Special Attacks breath weapon (40-ft. line, 4d6 fire; DC 14
Adult corrupt water, Ref half)
frightful presence 5th
Mature Adult DR 10/magic 7th Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 11
Old control winds 9th Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 18 (22 vs. trip)
Very Old DR 15/magic 11th Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Ancient control water 13th Skills Bluff +8, Fly +12, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (local) +7,
Wyrm DR 20/magic 15th Perception +11, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +14, Swim +14
Great Wyrm — 17th Languages Draconic

Change Shape (Su) A young or older gray dragon can take YOUNG GRAY DRAGON CR 6
any animal or humanoid form 3/day as if using polymorph. XP 2,400
Corrupt Water (Sp) Once per day an adult or older gray NE Medium dragon (water)
dragon can stagnate 10 cubic feet of still water, making it Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +13
foul and unable to support water-breathing life. The ability
spoils liquids containing water. Liquid-based magic items AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +10 natural)
(such as potions) and items in a creature’s possession must hp 66 (7d12+21)
succeed on a Will save (DC 19) or become ruined. This Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +6
ability is the equivalent of a 1st-level spell. Its range is 180 ft. Immune paralysis, sleep
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp)
A gray dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable Speed 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
at will upon reaching the listed age category. Melee 2 claws +11 (1d6+4), bite +11 (1d8+6), 2 wings +11
• Young—fog cloud; (1d4+2)
• Juvenile—create water; Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
• Old—control winds; Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. line, 6d6 fire; DC 16
• Ancient—control water; Ref half)
Water Breathing (Ex) A gray dragon breathes water and can
use its breath weapon, spells, and abilities underwater. Str 19, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +7; CMB +11; CMD 23 (27 vs. trip)
WYRMLING GRAY DRAGON CR 2 Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,
XP 600 Multiattack
NE Tiny dragon (water) Skills Bluff +10, Fly +12, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (local) +8,
Init +7; Senses dragon senses; Perception +6 Perception +13, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +12, Swim +17
Languages Draconic
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +2 size)
hp 22 (3d12+3)

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost
XP 3,200 XP 6,400
NE Medium dragon (water) NE Large dragon (water)
Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +16 Init +5; Senses dragon senses; Perception +18

AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 23 (+2 Dex, +13 natural) AC 26, touch 10, flat-footed 25 (+1 Dex, +16 natural, –1 size)
hp 94 (9d12+36) hp 115 (11d12+44)
Fort +10; Ref +10; Will +8 Fort +11; Ref +10; Will +9
Immune paralysis, sleep Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 20

Speed 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average), swim 40 ft. Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +14 (1d6+5), bite +15 (1d8+7), 2 wings +14 (1d4+5) Melee 2 claws +16 (1d8+6), bite +17 (2d6+9), 2 wings +14
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) (1d6+3), tail slap +14 (1d8+9)
Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. line, 8d6 fire; DC 18 Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
Ref half) Special Attacks breath weapon (80-ft. line, 10d6 fire; DC 19
Spells Known (CL 1st; melee touch +13, ranged touch +11): Ref half)
1st (4/day)—protection from good, obscuring mist Spells Known (CL 3rd; melee touch +16, ranged touch +11):
0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, ray of frost, resistance 1st (6/day)—burning hands (DC 12), protection from good,
obscuring mist
Str 21, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 13 0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, ray of
Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 26 (30 vs. trip) frost, resistance
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,
Multiattack, Weapon Focus (bite) Str 23, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 13
Skills Bluff +13, Fly +14, Base Atk +11; CMB +18; CMD 29 (33 vs.
Intimidate +13, Knowledge trip)
(local) +13, Perception +16, Feats Alertness, Improved
Sense Motive +4, Stealth Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,
+14, Swim +25 Multiattack, Power Attack,
Languages Common, Weapon Focus (bite)
Draconic Skills Bluff +15, Fly +13,
Intimidate +15, Knowledge
(local) +15, Perception
+20, Sense Motive +4,

Tome of Horrors 4
Stealth +11, Swim +28 OLD GRAY DRAGON CR 13
Languages Common, Draconic
XP 25,600
ADULT GRAY DRAGON CR 10 NE Huge dragon (water)
XP 9,600 Init +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +26
NE Large dragon (water) Aura frightful presence (240 ft., DC 21)
Init +5; Senses dragon senses; Perception +21
Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 18) AC 33, touch 8, flat-footed 33 (+25 natural, –2 size)
hp 212 (17d12+102)
AC 29, touch 10, flat-footed 28 (+1 Dex, +19 natural, –1 size) Fort +16; Ref +12; Will +14
hp 149 (13d12+65) Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 24
Fort +13; Ref +11; Will +11
Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 21 Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +24 (2d6+9), bite +25 (2d8+13/19–20), 2 wings
Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swim 40 ft. +22 (1d8+4), tail slap +22 (2d6+13)
Melee 2 claws +19 (1d8+7), bite +20 (2d6+10/19–20), 2 wings Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)
+17 (1d6+3), tail slap +17 (1d8+10) Special Attacks breath weapon (100-ft. line, 16d6 fire; DC 24
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Ref half)
Special Attacks breath weapon (80-ft. line, 12d6 fire; DC 21 Spells Known (CL 9th; melee touch +24, ranged touch +15):
Ref half) 4th (4/day)—dimension door, greater invisibility
Spells Known (CL 5th; melee touch +19, ranged touch +13): 3rd (7/day)—dispel magic, gaseous form, protection from
2nd (5/day)—blur, eagle’s splendor energy
1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 13), magic missile, obscuring 2nd (7/day)—blur, eagle’s splendor, locate object, mirror
mist, protection from good image
0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, light, 1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 14), magic missile,
ray of frost, resistance protection from good, obscuring mist, shield
0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, light,
Str 25, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 15 mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, resistance
Base Atk +13; CMB +21; CMD 32 (36 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Str 29, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 17
Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Base Atk +17; CMB +28; CMD 38 (42 vs. trip)
Focus (bite) Feats Alertness, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Improved Critical
Skills Bluff +18, Fly +15, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (local) +18, (bite), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack,
Perception +23, Sense Motive +23, Stealth +13, Swim +31 Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic Skills Bluff +23, Fly +16, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (local)
+23, Perception +28, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +23,
MATURE GRAY DRAGON CR 11 Stealth +12, Swim +37
XP 12,800 Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic, Giant
NE Large dragon (water)
Init +5; Senses dragon senses; Perception +23 VERY OLD GRAY DRAGON CR 14
Aura frightful presence (210 ft., DC 19) XP 36,400
NE Huge dragon (water)
AC 32, touch 10, flat-footed 31 (+1 Dex, +22 natural, –1 size) Init +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +28
hp 172 (15d12+75) Aura frightful presence (270 ft., DC 22)
Fort +14; Ref +12; Will +12
Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 22 AC 36, touch 8, flat-footed 36 (+28 natural, –2 size)
hp 237 (19d12+114)
Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swim 40 ft. Fort +17; Ref +13; Will +17
Melee 2 claws +22 (1d8+8), bite +23 (2d6+12/19–20), 2 wings Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 25
+20 (1d6+4), tail slap +20 (1d8+8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (80-ft. line, 14d6 fire; DC 22 Melee 2 claws +27 (2d6+10), bite +28 (2d8+15/19–20), 2
Ref half) wings +25 (1d8+5), tail slap +25 (2d6+15)
Spells Known (CL 7th; melee touch +22, ranged touch +15): Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)
3rd (4/day)—dispel magic, gaseous form Special Attacks breath weapon (100-ft. line, 18d6 fire; DC 25
2nd (7/day)—blur, eagle’s splendor, locate object Ref half)
1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 13), magic missile, obscuring Spells Known (CL 11th; melee touch +27, ranged touch +17):
mist, protection from good, shield 5th (4/day)—cloudkill (DC 18), telekinesis
0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, light, 4th (6/day)—dimension door, greater invisibility, scrying (DC 17)
ray of frost, read magic, resistance 3rd (7/day)—dispel magic, gaseous form, protection from
energy, ray of exhaustion (DC 16)
Str 27, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 15 2nd (7/day)—blur, eagle’s splendor, gust of wind (DC 15),
Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 35 (39 vs. trip) locate object, mirror image
Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (bite), 1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 14), magic missile,
Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power protection from good, obscuring mist, shield
Attack, Weapon Focus (bite) 0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, light,
Skills Bluff +20, Fly +17, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (local) +20, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of
Perception +25, Sense Motive +25, Stealth +15, Swim +34 fatigue (DC 14)
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic
Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 17

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost
Base Atk +19; CMB +31; CMD 41 (45 vs. trip) 5th (6/day)—cloudkill (DC 18), telekinesis, transmute rock to
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Improved Critical mud, wall of stone
(bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, 4th (7/day)—dimension door, greater invisibility, scrying (DC
Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite) 18), stoneskin
Skills Bluff +25, Fly +18, Intimidate +25, Knowledge (local) +25, 3rd (7/day)—dispel magic, gaseous form, protection from
Perception +30, Sense Motive +30, Spellcraft +25, Stealth +14, energy, ray of exhaustion (DC 17)
Swim +40 2nd (7/day)— blur, eagle’s splendor, gust of wind (DC 16),
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic, Giant locate object, mirror image
1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 15), magic missile,
ANCIENT GRAY DRAGON CR 15 protection from good, obscuring mist, shield
XP 51,200 0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, light,
NE Huge dragon (water) ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue (DC 14)
Init +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +31
Aura frightful presence (300 ft., DC 24) Str 35, Dex 8, Con 25, Int 19, Wis 21, Cha 19
Base Atk +23; CMB +37; CMD 46 (50 vs. trip)
AC 39, touch 8, flat-footed 39 (+31 natural, –2 size) Feats Alertness, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave,
hp 283 (21d12+147) Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Fort +19; Ref +14; Will +19 Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Vital Strike,
Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 26 Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Bluff +30, Fly +21, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana)
Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swim 40 ft. +30, Knowledge (local) +30, Perception +35, Sense Motive
Melee 2 claws +30 (2d6+11), bite +31 (2d8+16/19–20), 2 +35, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +17, Swim +46
wings +28 (1d8+5), tail slap +28 (2d6+11) Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Common, Draconic, Giant
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (100-ft. line, 20d6 fire; DC 27 GREAT WYRM GRAY DRAGON CR 18
Ref half) XP 153,600
Spells Known (CL 13th; melee touch +30, ranged touch +19): NE Gargantuan dragon (water)
6th (4/day)—flesh to stone (DC 20), move earth Init +3; Senses dragon senses; Perception +36
5th (6/day)—cloudkill (DC 19), telekinesis, transmute rock to mud Aura frightful presence (360 ft., DC 27)
4th (7/day)—dimension door, greater invisibility, scrying (DC
18), stoneskin AC 42, touch 5, flat-footed 42 (–1 Dex, +37 natural, –4 size)
3rd (7/day)—dispel magic, gaseous form, protection from hp 362 (25d12+200)
energy, ray of exhaustion (DC 17) Fort +22; Ref +15; Will +22
2nd (7/day)— blur, eagle’s splendor, gust of wind (DC 16), Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 29
locate object, mirror image
1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 15), magic missile, Speed 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
protection from good, obscuring mist, shield Melee 2 claws +34 (2d6+13), bite +35 (2d8+19/19–20), 2
0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, light, wings +32 (2d6+6), tail slap +32 (2d8+19)
ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue (DC 14) Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (120-ft. line, 24d6 fire; DC 30
Str 33, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 19, Wis 21, Cha 19 Ref half)
Base Atk +21; CMB +34; CMD 44 (48 vs. trip) Spells Known (CL 17th; melee touch +34, ranged touch +20):
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, 8th (4/day)—horrid wilting (DC 23), moment of prescience
Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning 7th (6/day)—limited wish, power word blind, waves of exhaustion
Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite) 6th (6/day)—flesh to stone (DC 21), greater heroism, move earth
Skills Bluff +28, Fly +20, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (arcana) 5th (7/day)—cloudkill (DC 20), telekinesis, transmute rock to
+28, Knowledge (local) +28, Perception +33, Sense Motive mud, wall of stone
+33, Spellcraft +28, Stealth +16, Swim +43 4th (7/day)—dimension door, greater invisibility, scrying (DC
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Common, Draconic, Giant 19), stoneskin
3rd (7/day)—dispel magic, gaseous form, protection from
WYRM GRAY DRAGON CR 16 energy, ray of exhaustion (DC 18)
XP 76,800 2nd (7/day)—blur, eagle’s splendor, gust of wind (DC 17),
NE Huge dragon (water) locate object, mirror image
Init +3; Senses dragon senses; Perception +33 1st (8/day)—burning hands (DC 16), magic missile,
Aura frightful presence (330 ft., DC 25) protection from good, obscuring mist, shield
0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, light,
AC 41, touch 7, flat-footed 41 (–1 Dex, +34 natural, –2 size) mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of
hp 310 (23d12+161) fatigue (DC 15)
Fort +20; Ref +14; Will +20
Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 27 Str 37, Dex 8, Con 27, Int 21, Wis 23, Cha 21
Base Atk +25; CMB +42; CMD 51 (55 vs. trip)
Speed 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swim 40 ft. Feats Alertness, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave,
Melee 2 claws +33 (2d6+12), bite +34 (2d8+18/19–20), 2 Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital
wings +31 (1d8+6), tail slap +31 (2d6+18) Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack,
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (100-ft. line, 22d6 fire; DC 28 Skills Bluff +33, Fly +21, Intimidate +33, Knowledge (arcana)
Ref half) +33, Knowledge (local) +33, Knowledge (nature) +33,
Spells Known (CL 15th; melee touch +33, ranged touch +20): Perception +38, Sense Motive +38, Spellcraft +33, Stealth
7th (4/day)—power word blind, waves of exhaustion +15, Swim +49, Use Magical Device +33
6th (6/day)—flesh to stone (DC 20), greater heroism, move earth Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal

Tome of Horrors 4
Drake, Brine
This creature resembles a giant eel with a draconic head and a mouth Brine drakes are often confused with sea dragons and have a similar
full of razor-sharp teeth. The creature’s head has small pectoral and appearance to their much larger, and deadlier cousins. Like true sea
caudal fins. A sail-like dorsal fin runs from the base of its skull to the tip dragons, brine drakes are the bane of major shipping lanes, lying in
of its tail. shallow water near the surface and attacking small lightly armed vessels
and hunting lesser creatures.
BRINE DRAKE CR 9 Brine drakes make their homes in underwater caverns and the hulls
XP 6,400 of sunken vessels large enough to handle their huge size. What treasures
NE Large dragon (aquatic) they scour from the depths of the sea are piled within their caverns.
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Brine drakes thankfully mate only once every few years, with a female
Perception +14 producing a clutch of two to six eggs. Eggs hatch within 8 months and
young reach maturity in roughly 5 years. Brine drakes are over 12 feet
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+2 Dex, +12 natural, –1 size) long and weigh around 1,600 pounds. They live up to 300 years.
hp 105 (10d12+40) Brine drakes attack from beneath whenever possible, rising from the
Fort +11; Ref +11; Will +8 waters at great speed, latching their jaws around their target and coiling
Immune paralysis, sleep themselves around other prey or crushing the hulls of vessels under 30
feet in length. Brine drakes drive other creatures away with slaps of its
Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft. deadly tail.
Melee bite +14 (2d6+5/19–20 plus grab), tail slap +9 (1d8+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (2d6+7), maelstrom, watery

Str 21, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +10; CMB +16; CMD 28 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power
Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Swim-By Attack
Skills Intimidate +14, Perception +14, Stealth +17, Survival
+14, Swim +26
Languages Draconic
SQ amphibious, speed surge

Environment any oceans

Organization solitary, pair, or wing (3–8)
Treasure standard

Maelstrom (Ex) Once per day, as a standard action, a brine

drake can create a whirlpool within 100 feet. The whirlpool
is 50 feet deep and covers a 30-foot radius at
its top. Ships and creatures of the brine drake’s
size or smaller that come into contact with the
whirlpool must succeed on a DC 19 check
(Swim check for creatures, Profession [sailor]
check for ships) or be pulled into the swirling
waters and trapped, spinning around the
whirlpool and taking 6d6 points of bludgeoning
damage initially and 3d6 points of bludgeoning
damage for another 1d6 rounds at which point
the whirlpool dissipates. A brine dragon is immune
to the effects of its own maelstrom. The check DC is
Savage Bite (Ex) A brine drake applies 1-1/2 times its
Strength bonus to damage dealt with its bite attack, and it
threatens a critical hit on a 19-20.
Speed Surge (Ex) Three times per day as a swift action, a
brine drake may draw on its draconic heritage for a boost
of strength and speed to take an additional move action in
that round.
Watery Breath (Su) Once per round, as a standard action,
a brine drake can unleash a blast of salt water in a 60-foot
cone. Creatures caught in the area take 7d6 points of
bludgeoning damage (DC 19 Reflex half). Once a brine
drake has used its watery breath, it cannot use it again for
1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Drake, Storm
This powerful dragon is dull gray in color and sports massive wings. Its A storm drake is merciless in combat, biting and slashing its foes with
mouth is lined with razor-sharp fangs the length of daggers. its dagger-like teeth and claws. An ambush hunter by nature, a storm
drake’s approach is usually foreshadowed by a sudden shift in the weather
STORM DRAKE CR 7 from clear or slightly overcast skies to dark skies and storms.
XP 3,200
LE Large dragon (air)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, storm
vision; Perception +12

AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)

hp 84 (8d12+32)
Fort +10; Ref +7; Will +9
Immune paralysis, sleep; Resist electricity 20

Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)

Melee bite +13 (2d6+6/19–20), 2 claws +13 (1d6+6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks lightning breath, savage bite
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th):
3/day—call lightning (DC 14), fog cloud,
obscuring mist, sleet storm
1/day—control weather, control winds (DC 16)

Str 22, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 26
Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron
Will, Power Attack
Skills Fly +10, Intimidate +12, Knowledge
(nature) +6, Perception +12, Stealth +8,
Survival +8
Languages Draconic
SQ speed surge

Environment temperate mountains

Organization solitary, pair, or wing (3–8)
Treasure standard

Lightning Breath (Su) A storm drake can, as a standard

action, breathe a ball of electricity that explodes upon
contact with a solid surface or target. This attack has
a range of 100 feet and deals 7d6 points of electricity
damage (DC 18 Reflex half) to all creatures within a 20-foot
radius spread. Once a storm drake has used its lightning
breath, it cannot do so again for 1d6 rounds. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
Savage Bite (Ex) A storm drake applies 1-1/2 times its
Strength bonus to damage dealt with its bite attack,
and it threatens a critical hit on a 19-20.
Speed Surge (Ex) Three times per day as a swift
action, a storm drake may draw on its draconic
heritage for a boost of strength and speed to take
an additional move action in that round.
Storm Vision (Ex) A storm drake can see through fog,
clouds, and similar obscuring effects with perfect clarity,
including areas affected by spells such as obscuring mist
and fog cloud.

Storm drakes are fierce creatures that make their lairs high atop storm-
ravaged mountains. From here, they can survey their territory, and dive
to the attack when a potential meal is spotted. Favored meals include hu-
manoids of all kinds, and large game such as deer, elk, and moose.
Storm drakes are generally 20 feet long from nose to tail and weigh
over 3,000 pounds. Colors range from dark, dull gray to slate gray mottled
with lighter grays. Claws and talons are black and its eyes are the color of
dark storm clouds. Storm drakes typically live 300 years.

Tome of Horrors 4
Drake, Vile
This sleek dragon is black in color with graceful wings and a horned Vile drakes prey upon those creatures unlucky enough to find them-
head. Sizzling acid drips from its toothy maw. selves caught in the drake’s territory. Travelers, fishermen, crocodiles, liz-
ardfolk, and chikes (see their entry in this book) are the usual victims and
VILE DRAKE CR 8 subsequent meals of vile drakes. Prey that is not devoured immediately
XP 4,800 is carried back to their swampy lairs and stored under the muck and mud
CE Large dragon (water) for later consumption.
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Vile drakes are about 9 feet long and weigh close to 800 pounds. Their
Perception +15 scales are usually black or dark gray, with lighter colors present on their
undersides. Eyes are always dark in color. Vile drakes mate for life with
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +9 natural, –1 size) the female laying a clutch of up to five eggs once per year. Eggs are laid in
hp 94 (9d12+36) the mud and buried to hide them from predators and poachers. Eggs hatch
Fort +10; Ref +10; Will +6 within 9 months. Young reach maturity rapidly, usually within 3 years.
Immune paralysis, sleep; Resist acid 20 Vile drakes, on average, live up to 200 years.
Vile drakes often stalk their prey for miles before attacking. They are
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average), swim 20 ft. generally pack hunters and so encounters with a solitary vile drake are
Melee bite +13 (2d6+5/19–20 plus disease), 2 claws +13 rare. When they spring to attack, vile drakes open with their breath weap-
(1d6+5) on, and then rush in to bite with their nasty fangs.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks acid breath, disease, savage bite

Str 21, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 27
Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,
Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Fly +12, Intimidate +13, Perception +15, Stealth +10,
Survival +7, Swim +21
Languages Draconic
SQ speed surge, swamp stride, water breathing

Environment temperate and warm marshes

Organization solitary, pair, or wing (3–8)
Treasure standard

Acid Breath (Su) A vile drake can, as a standard

action, spit a ball of liquid that explodes into a cloud
of acid. This attack has a range of 60 feet and deals
6d6 points of acid damage (DC 17 Reflex half) to all
creatures in a 20-foot radius spread. Additionally, a
creature that fails its save takes 3d6 points of acid
damage one round after failing its save. Once a
vile drake has used its acid breath, it cannot do so
again for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-
Disease (Su) Marsh Sickness: Bite—injury; save DC
17 Fort; onset 1 day; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3
Con and 1d3 Int damage. A creature whose
Int score drops below 12 as a result of marsh
sickness acts as if affected by a confusion spell
(CL 9th) until the disease is cured; cure 2 saves.
The save DC is Constitution-based.
Savage Bite (Ex) A vile drake applies 1-1/2 times
its Strength bonus to damage dealt with its bite
attack, and it threatens a critical hit on a 19-20.
Speed Surge (Ex) Three times per day as a swift
action, a vile drake may draw on its draconic
heritage for a boost of strength and speed to take
an additional move action in that round.
Swamp Stride (Ex) A vile drake can move through
bogs and quicksand without penalty at its normal
Water Breathing (Ex) A vile drake can breathe
underwater indefinitely and can freely use its acid breath
and other abilities while submerged.

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Drakeling, Flame
This tiny creature looks like a miniature red dragon. Fire drakelings are believed to somehow be related to red dragons or
flame drakes, but scholars have yet to find any connection linking the
FLAME DRAKELING CR 2 races together. Fire drakelings are generally docile creatures and make
XP 600 their lairs near active volcanoes. They are active during the day most of
N Tiny dragon (fire) the time, feeding on insects and small game.
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Flame drakelings are about 12 inches long and weigh close to 70 pounds.
Perception +7 Scales are varying hues of red, with darker scales running the length of
the drakelings back and wings. Females and males are indistinguishable
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +2 size) from one another. Flame drakelings mate twice per year with the female
hp 22 (3d12+3) laying a small clutch of 4–6 eggs in the lair. eggs incubate for up to 8
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +4 months before hatching, and hatchlings reach maturity within 2 years.
Immune fire, paralysis, sleep Flame drakelings live up to 150 years on average.
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold Flame drakelings generally shun combat with larger foes, seeking
refuge among the hills and mountains where their opponents can’t reach
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor) them. If cornered or defending their young, flame drakelings attack with
Melee bite +8 (1d6–2 plus 1d4 fire) a vicious bite and surprisingly potent breath weapon.
Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks fire breath, heat generation

Str 6, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 8

Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 12
Feats Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +9, Intimidate +5, Perception +7, Stealth +17
Languages Draconic

Environment warm hills and mountains

Organization solitary, pair, or band (3–6)
Treasure standard

Fire Breath (Su) A flame drakeling can, as a standard

action, spit a line of liquid fire to a range of 20 feet.
A creature struck takes 2d6 points of fire damage (DC 12
Reflex half). Further, a creature that fails its save catches on
fire and takes 1d6 points of fire damage each round until
the flames are extinguished. Once a flame drakeling uses its
fire breath, it cannot do so again for 1d4 rounds. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
Heat Generation (Su) As a free action, a flame drakeling
can increase its body temperature to extreme levels.
Creatures attacking the flame drakeling with natural
weapons or touching the flame drakeling take 1d4 points of
fire damage each round of contact.

Tome of Horrors 4
Drakeling, Frost
This miniature dragon has dull blue scales and long wings with ice blue Frost drakelings are, like their counterparts the flame drakelings,
tipped claws. believed to be related to or an offshoot of dragons or drakes (in this case
white dragons or frost drakes). As with the flame drakelings however,
FROST DRAKELING CR 3 scholars find nothing linking the races together.
XP 800 Frost drakelings are diurnal hunters and feed upon small game found in
N Tiny dragon (cold) their artic territories. Frost drakelings hunts are known to span several
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; miles from their lair, especially if tracking game. Prey is
Perception +7 killed and dragged back to their lair (usually a frigid cave
complex set into the side of a mountain out of reach of
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +2 other predators).
natural, +2 size) Frost drakelings are about 18 inches long and
hp 25 (3d12+6) weigh 50 pounds. Their scales are dull blue with
Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +4 some frost drakelings having white blotches on
Immune cold, paralysis, sleep their bodies. Wings are long and thin and usually
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire icy blue in color. Eyes are deep, rich blue in
color. Frost drakelings mate for life and when
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor) reproducing, the female lays a small clutch of one
Melee bite +8 (1d6–1 plus 1d4 cold) to three eggs. Eggs are small, frail, and sapphire blue
Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. in color, resembling large gemstones. The eggs hatch
Special Attacks icy breath, cold generation within 6 months, and young reach maturity within 2 years.
Frost drakelings live up to 120 years on average.
Str 8, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 8 Frost drakelings, unlike other drakelings, do not shy away
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 13 from combat. When confronted, the creature unleashes its
Feats Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse frigid breath weapon and swoops in to attack with its
Skills Climb +4, Fly +8, Intimidate +4, Perception bite.
+7, Stealth +17
Languages Draconic
SQ icewalking

Environment cold hills and mountains

Organization solitary or band (2–4)
Treasure standard

Cold Generation (Su) As a free

action, a frost drakeling can
decrease its body temperature
to extreme levels. Creatures
attacking the frost drakeling
with natural weapons or
touching the frost drakeling
take 1d4 points of cold
damage each round of
Icewalking (Ex) This
ability works like spider
climb, but the surfaces
the frost drakeling
climbs must be icy.
It can move across
icy surfaces without
penalty and does
not need to make
Acrobatics checks to
run or charge on ice.
Icy Breath (Su) A frost drakeling can, as a standard action,
spit a line of freezing ice to a range of 20 feet. A creature
struck takes 3d6 points of cold damage (DC 13 Reflex half).
Further, a creature that fails its save is slowed (as the slow
spell) for 1d4 rounds. Once a frost drakeling uses its icy
breath, it cannot use it again for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

This humanoid figure appears to be comprised of a tangle of roots and A dreadweed is a strange plant creature that grows on unholy ground.
vines. Infused with negative energy, it feeds on any living creature it encounters.
A dreadweed never stops growing as long as it is able to find food, so in
DREADWEED CR 8 the right cursed soil these plants can grow to truly monstrous proportions.
XP 4,800 At rest, a dreadweed resembles a matted, chaotic tangle of vines and
CE Medium plant undergrowth, filled with old sticks, briars, thistles, and nettles. Once
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception roused, however, the dreadweed pulls together into a vaguely humanoid
+9 shape and emits a chilling aura that saps the life from living creatures.
Aura enervating aura (10 ft., DC 19) A dreadweed is about 6 feet tall but only weighs 75 pounds.
A dreadweed attacks with its vine-like tentacles, tearing at its prey and
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 injecting a powerful poisonous sap with its bite attack. It often attacks
natural) in ambush, leaping towards its victim in a swirl of lashes. During battle,
hp 76 (8d8+40) a dreadweed can focus its negative energy aura into a powerful ray that
Fort +11; Ref +5; Will +4 further damages its foes.
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity; DR 10/magic or
good; Immune plant traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +10 (1d8+4 plus poison)
Ranged 4 vines +10 (1d6+4 plus 1d4 negative energy
plus pull)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (20 ft. with vine)
Special Attacks enervating ray, pull (vine, 5 ft.)

Str 18, Dex 17, Con 21, Int 4, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+14 with pull); CMD 24
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved
Initiative, Weapon Focus (vine)
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +10

Environment any temperate or warm

Organization solitary or cluster (2–8)
Treasure incidental

Enervating Aura (Su) Negative

energy weeps from a dreadweed’s
form. Living creatures in the area
take 2d6 points of negative energy
damage each round. A successful
DC 19 Fortitude save negates the
damage that round. A new save must
be made each round. The save DC is
Enervating Ray (Su) Once per round
and no more than three times per day,
as a standard action, a dreadweed can fire
a ray of negative energy at a single target to a range of 30
feet. This ray functions as an enervation spell (CL 8th). Each
time a dreadweed uses this ray, it suppresses its enervating
aura for 1d4 rounds.
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 19 Fort; frequency 1/round
for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Con damage; cure 1 save. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
Vines (Ex) A dreadweed can extend up to four vines from its
body at a time, launching them to a maximum range of 20
feet. A dreadweed’s attacks with its vines resolve as ranged
touch attacks. These vines are quite strong, but can be
severed by any amount of slashing damage (a vine is AC
20).If a dreadweed uses its pull ability to pull a target within
reach of its bite attack, it can immediately make a free bite
attack with a +4 bonus on its attack roll against that target.

Tome of Horrors 4
Dune Horror
This gigantic sand-colored scorpion-like creature has two large claws, The dune horror is a massive and vicious creature that makes its lair
a long tail ending in a massive stinger, and a long thick neck that ends in in the warmer regions of the world, usually deserts, but occasionally
a large snake-like head. underground. A typical underground lair is a large rocky cave while
those living aboveground dwell beneath the sand and earth. Dune horrors
DUNE HORROR CR 13 sustain themselves on a diet of plants such as mosses or cacti and meat,
XP 25,600 such as preferring larger animals and humanoids, including giants to other
N Huge magical beast sources of meat.
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, tremorsense A typical dune horror is 20 feet long with a light brown carapace. Its
60 ft.; Perception +21 legs and claws are dark brown, growing darker near the ends. Its tail is
dark brown as well, and the stinger black. The dune horror’s serpentine
AC 24, touch 8, flat-footed 24 (+16 natural, –2 size) neck is covered in light brown scales and its eyes are ruby-colored. Males
hp 168 (16d10+80) and females are indistinguishable from one another, save the females
Fort +17; Ref +10; Will +7 are sometimes smaller. A typical female dune horror lays 2–16 eggs
DR 10/magic; Immune mind-affecting effects; Resist fire 20; once every few years, with the eggs usually hatching 90–100 days later.
SR 24 Juvenile dune horrors are dark brown in color and are blind for the first
month of their life. They mature rapidly, reaching adulthood within 6
Speed 40 ft., burrow 30 ft. months. Dune horrors generally live for 20 years.
Melee 2 claws +25 (1d8+10 plus grab), bite +25 (2d6+10/19– Dune horrors prefer to attack from ambush, often hiding just beneath the
20 plus poison), sting +25 (1d8+10 plus poison) surface waiting for prey to come close. When prey
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. is detected, the dune horror springs to the attack,
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+10), rapid sting rending its prey with its claws, stinging it
with its deadly stinger, and biting it with its
Str 31, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 10 serpentine fanged maw. Grabbed prey is
Base Atk +16; CMB +28 (+32 grapple); CMD 38 (50 vs. stung to death and devoured. Dune
trip) horrors do not collect treasure; any
Feats Awesome Blow, Great Fortitude, treasure found within its lair is the
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), remnants of a previous meal.
Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon
Focus (bite, sting), Weapon Focus (claw)B
Skills Climb +14, Perception +21, Stealth
+11; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +8
Perception, +8 Stealth

Environment warm deserts

Organization solitary
Treasure incidental

Poison (Ex) Bite or Sting—injury; save DC 23

Fort; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect
1d4 Strength damage and 1d4 Constitution
damage; cure 3 consecutive saves. The
save DC is Constitution-based.
Rapid Sting (Ex) A dune horror can
make one additional
attack in a round with
its sting as a swift

Daochyn to Dwarf, Frost

Dwarf, Frost
This stocky humanoid is about 4 feet tall with bright blue eyes and long and prefer to attack using dirty tricks such as unleashing avalanches
bluish-white hair. upon unsuspecting travelers, then pick through their frozen carcasses
for loot. Higher level frost dwarves often ride winter wolves as
FROST DWARF CR 1 mounts. It is not uncommon for 1–2 of the beasts to be in the company
XP 400 of a frost dwarf squad.
CN (evil tendencies) Medium humanoid (cold, dwarf)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1

AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 natural)

Frost Dwarf Society
Frost dwarves are commonly found serving frost giant masters. In their
hp 13 (2d8+4) own nations they elect a king from the ruling clans. This jarl rules for life
Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +1 though does not necessarily establish any form of dynasty. Frost dwarf
Immune cold clans organize themselves loosely after the fashion of their mountain and
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire hill dwarf cousins, but are more tribal in nature. Frost dwarves keep a
semblance of military titles amongst the various clans. Frost dwarves
Speed 20 ft. are attuned to the use of magic and many of their leaders are powerful
Melee battleaxe +3 (1d8+1 plus 1d4 cold) wizards or clerics. They are equally likely to be barbarians.
Special Attacks breath weapon (20-ft. line, 2d6 cold There are no frost dwarf females. Frost dwarves are born
damage; DC 13 Ref half, 3/day) to the union of a frost dwarf and dwarf (any), human,
gnome, or frost or hill giant. Any child conceived
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 6 from such a union is always born a frost dwarf
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 12 male and reaches full size within a matter of weeks.
Feats Weapon Focus (battleaxe) Frost dwarf children are often abandoned near
Skills Craft (any) +5, Perception +1, Stealth +0 known frost dwarf communities where it is expected
(+4 in snow), Survival +6; Racial Modifiers +4 they will be found and cared for or claimed by their
Stealth in snow father’s clan. Frost dwarves are often shunned by
Languages Common, Dwarf, Giant their maternal parent as an abomination,
SQ dwarf traits especially among hill and mountain
dwarves who likely banish the
Environment cold mountains mother from their halls if she
Organization Team (2–4), squad (9–16 plus 3 3rd- survives the child’s birth. The
level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-8th level, exception to this rule is that
or clan (30–100 plus 30% non-combatants of frost dwarves born to frost
plus 1 3rd level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th- giant and jotun mothers. In
level lieutenants, and 3 7th level captains, frost giant culture, frost
or jarldom (2–6 clans plus one jarl or king of dwarves are considered a
level 10+) sign of good luck. They
Treasure standard (leather, battleaxe, are however still sent to
other treasure) live amongst others of
their kind until they reach
Cold (Su) When a frost dwarf is in a cold the age of maturity, which
climate, it deals an extra 1d4 points of is about 50 years old, when
cold damage with both weapons and they are welcomed back
natural attacks. This does not function if amongst the frost giants who
the frost dwarf is in temperate or warmer sired them.

Frost dwarves are chaotic and untamed as the glacial expanses

which they inhabit. Often they have lairs hidden deep beneath
snow and ice packs burrowed deep into the living stone where
they plunder for gemstones and metals as any other dwarf.
Skilled crafters, frost dwarves trade freely with frost giants,
constructing many of their massive weapons and armor in
exchange for loot and protection. They are typically disliked
and dismissed by their “true” dwarven kin who consider them
to be abominations or worse.
Frost dwarves are known for their rudeness and coarse sense
of humor. They are however famed for their skill at craftsmanship
and the enchantment of strange and unusual magical items. Most
typically frost dwarves are worshippers of Thrym and enjoy his taste
in puzzles and conundrums. Frost dwarf traps are legendary amongst
the frozen wastes of the world.
Frost dwarves are proficient combatants and make use
of their natural surroundings to their advantage. They
assault enemies with crossbows from distance and use
their battleaxe to crush charges. They enjoy surprise

Tome of Horrors 4
Ebony Horse
This large horse has black skin, a black mane, and inky-black hooves. Ebony horses are massive stallions prized for their loyalty, running
speed, their ability to fly, and their ability to enter the various elemental
EBONY HORSE CR 6 planes unharmed. These creatures are often used by genies, demons, dev-
XP 2,400 ils, and others due to their innate ability to withstand the various planar
N Large outsider (extraplanar, native) atmospheres and survive unharmed while simultaneously extending this
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception protection to others.
+16 Ebony horses are generally solitary creatures but on very rare occasions
a small herd of these creatures may be encountered. When not travel-
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size) ing the many planes of existence, ebony horses spend their time roaming
hp 84 (8d10+40) vast grasslands on the Material Plane. They do not associate with normal
Fort +7; Ref +10; Will +9 horses or other steeds, preferring to keep company with their own.
Ebony horses kick with their front hooves and lash out with a nasty
Speed 50 ft., fly 90 ft. (good) bite when forced into combat. They are strong-willed and brave creatures,
Melee 2 hooves +7 (1d6+2), bite +12 (1d8+5) rarely backing down when confronted. They are, however, smart enough
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. to know when the battle is lost and take to the air in such times. An ebony
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th): horse is fiercely loyal creature to its rider and, if on a hostile plane and
1/day— plane shift (self plus five others to elemental planes, protecting a rider with its elemental endurance ability, it will not flee and
Astral Plane, or Material Plane only) end this protection, even fighting to its death if necessary. Ebony horses
have no known enemies, but tend to show aggression around nightmares.
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 11 While no known enmity exists between the two, combat is as likely to
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) occur as is no confrontation at all.
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Flyby Attack, Run Larger ebony horses (10 HD, Huge size) are known to exist and are
Skills Fly +17, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (planes) +12, used extensively by the seraphs (see the Genie, Seraph entry in this book)
Perception +16, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +11, Survival +14 in their ongoing wars with the efreet.
Languages Common, any two elemental languages
(Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran), any one planar language
(Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal)
SQ elemental endurance

Environment warm and temperate plains

Organization solitary or herd (2–4)
Treasure none

Elemental Endurance (Ex) An ebony horse can remain on

the Planes of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water for up to 24 hours
at a time. An ebony horse can extend this protection to
its rider and up to four of the rider’s allies in a 30 foot
radius around itself. If the ebony
and horse and any protected
allies move more than 30
feet apart, the protection
ends for that individual and
cannot be regained for 24
hours. If the ebony horse is
killed, this protection ends
immediately. Failure to
return to the Material Plane
before that time expires
causes an ebony horse
to take 1 point of damage
per additional hour spent on
the elemental plane, until it dies or returns to
the Material Plane. Other creatures protected by
elemental endurance suffer damage normally from the
elemental plane when that time expires.

Ebony Horse to Emberleaf

This creature resembles a small hairy ape-like humanoid with long
muscular arms that end in slightly oversized clawed hands.
XP 400
N Small magical beast
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5
Aura stench (DC 13, 1d4 rounds)

AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 natural,

+1 size)
hp 15 (2d10+4)
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +1
Immune sonic

Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.; brachiate

Melee 2 claws +5 (1d3+1), bite +5 (1d4+1)

Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +13, Perception +5;
Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Climb
Languages Sylvan (can’t speak)
SQ deaf

Environment warm or temperate forests

Organization gang (2–5) or pack (6–11)
Treasure standard

Brachiate (Ex) An edon can move its climb

speed through treetops by leaping
from tree to tree so long as the trees
are no more than 10 feet apart and
the creature’s hands are empty.
Deaf (Ex) An edon is deaf and
automatically fails any Perception check
based on sound. It is immune to any effect
that requires the target be able to hear.
Stench Aura (Ex) An edon’s stench aura
affects only humans and halflings, and creatures with
the scent special ability. All other creatures are immune
to its effects. An edon can suppress its stench for 1d2
hours by rubbing juniper berries on its body. Doing so
negates the aura for the duration.

Edons are forest-dwelling creatures with a great fondness for human

and halfling flesh. At first glance they appear to be monkeys or small apes
with powerful arms and sharp claws. They are territorial creatures that
dine on mosses, leaves, small forest animals, and of course their favorite
meal: humans and halflings. Edons are active during the day and rest in
their treetop lairs at night.
An edon stands about 3 feet tall and weighs around 60 pounds. Its fur
is brown or brownish-gray and its eyes are gray. An edon has a lifespan
of roughly 50 years.
Edons are completely deaf and do not speak, though they do seem to
understand the Sylvan tongue. They communicate with others of their
kind through body motion and sign language.
Edons attack by hiding among the treetops and dropping on
unsuspecting prey. They are relentless in their attacks, slashing and biting
their foe until it is dead. Edons realize they are not the strongest or largest
creatures, so they rely on their sheer numbers to gang up on their foes.
Recent encounters with packs of edons have led to stories of pack leaders
who appear to be smarter than the average edon and who employ traps
such as tripwires and deadfalls to catch or disable their prey.

Tome of Horrors 4
Eel, Fire
This eel is about 10 feet long and roughly one foot thick. It has a broad,
triangular head and dark gray scales.

XP 1,600
N Large magical beast (aquatic)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +7

AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size)

hp 51 (6d10+18)
Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +4
Resist fire 20

Speed swim 40 ft.

Melee bite +12 (2d6+9 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks fire shroud

Str 22, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +6; CMB +13 (+16 grapple); CMD 25 (can’t be
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon
Focus (bite)
Skills Escape Artist +10, Perception +7, Stealth +3,
Swim +19; Racial Modifiers +8 Escape Artist

Environment temperate and warm oceans

Organization solitary, pair, or nest (3–10)
Treasure incidental

Fire Shroud (Ex) A fire eel constantly secretes

highly flammable oil from its body. Upon contact with the
air, the oil bursts into flames. The oil normally burns for 1
minute before extinguishing itself. Anyone contacting the
burning oil takes 3d6 points of fire damage.
Underwater, a fire eel can release this oil quickly (as a
swift action) in a 10-foot radius around its body. The oil
automatically ignites at the start of the fire eel’s next turn.
It deals the same fire damage as above, but only burns for
5 rounds underwater. A fire eel can ignite its oil once per
minute in this way.

Fire eels are a beautiful but dangerous species of aquatic beast that
secrete and can ignite an oily residue on their skin to drive away predators
and attract a mate. The flames emitted by a fire eel can be green, blue, red,
or violet, or even a pattern of these colors, depending on the individual
eel. Fire eels can be particularly dangerous to seagoing vessels during
their mating season, when they come to the surface en masse to perform
fiery courtship rituals, and are more aggressive than usual.
Fire eels are at home in both saltwater and freshwater, and
live in groups of up to 10 eels. A fire eel lair consists of a number
of long and winding tunnels burrowed into sand, rocks, or mud in
shallow water. These tunnels eventually empty into a large central
chamber. Fire eels, normally non-aggressive, become highly
aggressive if their lair is threatened.
Fire eels are normally inoffensive, and avoid combat if possible.
However, if they are attacked, grabbed, or if it is their mating season,
they become more aggressive, and use their fire shroud to ward off
attacks while they bite relentlessly until their opponents are driven

Ebony Horse to Emberleaf

This spectral figure moves forward, its face bent and twisted in anguish. An ekimmu is the evil ghost of one who has been denied entrance to
the underworld and is doomed to wander the earth. It is greatly feared, for
EKIMMU CR 7 it attaches itself quite easily to virtually any living person regardless of
XP 3,200 whether that person has been acquainted with the dead one. Once it has
CE Medium undead (incorporeal) possessed a living host, it is very difficult to exorcise.
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft.; Perception +13 An ekimmu roams the lands near where it was killed. Though it is not
Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.) bound to the area, it feels a sense of connection to it and rarely wanders
more than a few miles from it. An ekimmu has no permanent lair and
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 15 (+5 deflection, +1 dodge, +3 Dex) wanders its realm perpetually, always on the move.
hp 84 (8d8+40 plus 8) An ekimmu roams the earth, seeking victims to possess and using its
Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +10 hosts to bring misfortune and death to the living. Its howling in the night
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal, is often the only warning of its approach. In battle, it uses its array of abili-
rejuvenation; Immune undead traits ties to defeat and destroy its opponents, opening combat with its paralyz-
ing howl and then using its malevolence to attack a target it deems weak-
Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect) willed and open for possession.
Melee incorporeal touch +9 (7d6, DC 19 Fort half)
Special Attacks malevolence, paralyzing howl

Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 21

Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 28
Feats Ability Focus (malevolence)B, Dodge, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Toughness
Skills Fly +22, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (local) +10,
Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +14
Languages Common

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Incorporeal Touch (Su) By passing part of its incorporeal

body through a foe’s body as a standard action, the
ekimmu inflicts 7d6 damage. This damage is not negative
energy—it manifests in the form of physical wounds and
aches from supernatural aging. Creatures immune to
magical aging are immune to this damage, but otherwise
the damage bypasses all forms of damage reduction. A
Fortitude save halves the damage inflicted.
Lifesense (Su) An ekimmu notices and locates living creatures
within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability.
Malevolence (Su) The ekimmu’s jealousy of the living is
particularly potent. Once per round, the ekimmu can merge
its body with a creature on the Material Plane. This ability is
similar to a magic jar spell (CL 8th), except that it does not
require a receptacle. To use this ability, the ekimmu must be
adjacent to the target. The target can resist the attack with
a successful DC 21 Will save. A creature that successfully
saves is immune to that same ekimmu’s malevolence for
one day. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2
bonus from the ekimmu’s Ability Focus feat.
Paralyzing Howl (Su) At will, an ekimmu can let out a
fearsome howl that paralyzes all within a 30 feet radius for
1d4+1 rounds unless they succeed on a DC 19 Will save. A
creature that successfully saves is immune to that ekimmu’s
howl for one day. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Rejuvenation (Su) In most cases, it’s difficult to destroy an
ekimmu through simple combat: the “destroyed” spirit
restores itself in 2d6 days. Even the most powerful spells
are usually only temporary solutions. The only way to
permanently destroy an ekimmu is to determine the reason
for its existence and set right whatever prevents it from
entering the underworld.
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals do not willingly approach
within 30 feet of an ekimmu, unless a master makes a DC 25
Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check.

Tome of Horrors 4
Elemental Lords
For every type of elemental, there is a ruler, a huge elemental of mas- 22), wall of fire
sive size and strength that holds dominion over its own kind. These rulers 1/day—incendiary cloud (DC 25), summon (level 9, 1d2
are often worshipped by elementals and some are even worshipped by elder fire elementals, 1d4 greater fire elementals, 1d4 efreet,
cults on the Material Plane. At the GM’s discretion, clerics who worship or 4–8 salamanders 100%)
an elemental ruler gains access to one elemental domain related to the
elemental lord, plus another domain. Suggested domains are below. Str 35, Dex 37, Con 24, Int 22, Wis 24, Cha 24
Base Atk +40; CMB +54; CMD 78
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes,
Command Elementals (Su) As a standard action, an Critical Focus, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude,
elemental lord can attempt to gain control of any Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lightning
elemental creature of the same element within 100 feet. Stance, Lunge, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Vital
Elementals receive a Will save to negate the effect. The DC Strike, Weapon Finesse, Whirlwind Attack, Wind Stance
for this Will save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the elemental lord’s + Skills Acrobatics +56, Climb +52, Diplomacy +47, Escape
its Charisma modifier. Elementals that make their save are Artist +53, Intimidate +50, Knowledge (arcana) +49,
immune to the command of that elemental lord for one Knowledge (planes) +49, Knowledge (religion) +49,
day. Elementals that fail their saves fall under the elemental Perception +50, Sense Motive +50, Stealth +48, Survival +47
lord’s control, obeying its commands to the best of their Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Terran;
ability. An elemental lord does not need to concentrate to telepathy 100 ft.
maintain control over commanded elementals.
Once commanded, an elemental serves until either it Environment any (Plane of Fire)
dies, the elemental lord dies, the elemental lord dismisses Organization solitary or band (Inder plus 2–4 greater fire
it, or the summoning magic ends (if the elemental was elementals)
summoned). An elemental lord can command any number Treasure triple standard
of elementals, so long as their total Hit Dice do not exceed
twice the elemental lord’s Hit Dice. If an elemental creature Searing Heat (Ex) Any creature that
is under the control of another creature, the elemental lord starts its turn within 30 feet of
can attempt an opposed Charisma check to gain control of Inder must succeed on a DC 37
the elemental. Fortitude save or take 2d8 points
of fire damage. Anyone striking
Elemental Lord Element Domains Inder with a natural weapon
Inder Fire Fire, Healing or unarmed strike takes 4d6
Lypso Water Water, Travel points of fire damage (DC
Onyst Earth Earth, Strength 37 Reflex save for half). A
Susir Air Air, Weather creature that grapples
Inder or is grappled by
Inder takes 4d6 points
Inder (Lord of Fire Elementals) of fire damage each
round the grapple persists
This creature appears to be a 20-foot tall column of fire, vaguely (DC 37 Reflex save for
humanoid in shape. half). The save DCs are
XP 820,000 Inder rules over fire elementals
N Huge outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire) and makes his home within a massive
Init +17; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +50 fiery lake on the Plane of Fire. He is
Aura searing heat (30 ft., DC 37) attended by 4 elder fire elementals who
serve in his court as advisors. Other
AC 34, touch 22, flat-footed 20 (+13 Dex, +1 dodge, +12 fire-based creatures such as efreet,
natural, –2 size) azer, and lesser fire elementals serve
hp 500 (40d10+280) him in the court in minor roles.
Fort +31; Ref +35; Will +22 Inder also keeps a large retinue
DR 15/—; Immune elemental traits, fire; SR 34 of female fire-based creatures as
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold his harem, having over thirty
wives at last count.
Speed 60 ft. Inder rarely engages in
Melee 2 slams +51 (4d6+12 plus burn) battle, preferring to let his
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. fire elementals fight for him.
Special Attacks burn (4d6, DC 37), command fire elementals If forced however, he opens
(DC 37) with a fireball, incendiary
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; melee touch +50, ranged touch cloud, and fire storm, before
+51): summoning creatures to his
At will—detect magic, dispel magic, greater teleport (self aid. When facing a large
plus 50 lbs. of objects only), heat metal (DC 19), scorching number of opponents, he
ray often rides a red dragon of
3/day—fire storm (DC 25), fireball (DC 20), flame strike (DC largest size into battle.

Ebony Horse to Emberleaf
on attack and damage rolls if both he and his opponent
Lypso (Lord of Water Elementals) are touching water. If the opponent or Lypso is touching
the ground, Lypso takes a –4 penalty on attack and
This massive creature appears to be a gigantic crashing wave. No other damage rolls. These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun
features are discernible on its form. maneuvers, whether Lypso is initiating or resisting these kinds
of attacks.
XP 820,000 Lypso rules over water elementals and those who call the Plane of
N Huge outsider (elemental, extraplanar, water) Water home. His lair is a massive cavern deep within the Plane of Water.
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +50 His court consists of water elementals, water weirds, and marid. His
most trusted advisor is a marid of ancient age and power. Lypso keeps an
AC 32, touch 16, flat-footed 24 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge, +16 “aviary” of water mephitis for his amusement as well. Legends tell of a
natural, –2 size) great enmity between Lypso and Inder, the Lord of Fire Elementals, and
hp 540 (40d10+320) that a great elemental war is brewing between the two. This same legend
Fort +32; Ref +31; Will +22 reveals that Lypso and Inder are brothers. Whether this is truth or not is
DR 15/—; Immune elemental traits; SR 34 currently unknown.
In combat, Lypso uses his vortex attack and horrid wilting attack to
Speed 30 ft., swim 100 ft. begin battle. Creatures that survive are subjected to his ice storm ability
Melee 2 slams +55 (4d6+16/19–20) as well as a pummeling by his powerful slam attacks. If outclassed, Lypso
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. summons water creatures, or a small army of sahuagin to his aid.
Special Attacks command water elementals (DC 37),
drench, vortex (DC 46), water mastery
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; melee touch +54, ranged touch
At will—control water (DC 23), create water, detect magic,
dispel magic, fog cloud, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of
objects only)
3/day—cone of cold (DC 22), horrid wilting (DC 25),
ice storm
1/day— summon (level 9, 1d2 elder water
elementals, 1d4 greater water elementals, 1d4
marid, or 20–40 sahuagin 100%)

Str 43, Dex 25, Con 27, Int 22, Wis 24, Cha 24
Base Atk +40; CMB +58; CMD 76
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat
Expertise, Critical Focus, Dodge, Great
Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved
Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slam),
Improved Initiative, Improved
Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Iron
Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility,
Power Attack, Spring Attack,
SwimBy Attack, Vital Strike,
Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Acrobatics +50, Diplomacy
+47, Escape Artist +47, Intimidate +50,
Knowledge (arcana) +49, Knowledge
(planes) +49, Knowledge (religion) +49,
Perception +50, Sense Motive +50, Stealth
+42, Survival +47, Swim +67
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan,
Terran; telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any (Plane of Water)

Organization solitary or band (Lypso plus 2–4 greater water
Treasure triple standard

Drench (Ex) Lypso’s touch puts out

nonmagical flames of Large size or smaller.
He can dispel magical fire he touches as
dispel magic (CL 20th).
Vortex (Su) Lypso can create a whirlpool
as a standard action, at will. This ability
functions identically to the whirlwind
special attack, but can only form
underwater and cannot leave the water.
Water Mastery (Ex) Lypso gains a +1 bonus

Tome of Horrors 4
Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (slam)
Onyst (Lord of Earth Elementals) Skills Climb +62, Diplomacy +46, Intimidate +46, Knowledge
(arcana) +48, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +48, Knowledge
This 15-foot tall hulking humanoid appears to have been chiseled from (planes) +48, Knowledge (religion) +45, Perception +49,
stone. Its face is mostly featureless though dark recesses seem to function Sense Motive +49, Stealth +37, Survival +49
as eyes. Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Terran;
telepathy 100 ft.
XP 1,230,000 Environment any (Plane of Earth)
N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar) Organization solitary or band (Onyst plus 2–4 greater earth
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception elementals)
+49 Treasure triple standard

AC 37, touch 11, flat-footed 34 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +26 Earth Glide (Ex) Onyst can pass through stone, dirt, or
natural, –2 size) almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily
hp 660 (40d10+440) as a fish swims through water. If protected against fire
Fort +35; Ref +24; Will +21 damage, he can even glide through lava. His burrowing
DR 15/—; Immune elemental traits; SR 35 leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any
ripple or other sign of his presence. A move earth spell
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.; earth glide cast on an area containing him flings him back 30 feet,
Melee 2 slams +58 (4d8+19/19–20) stunning him for 1 round unless he succeeds on a DC
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. 15 Fortitude save.
Special Attacks command earth elementals (DC Earth Mastery (Ex) Onyst gains a +1 bonus on
36), earth mastery attack and damage rolls if both he and his
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; melee touch +57, foe are touching the ground. If an opponent
ranged touch +40): is airborne or waterborne, Onyst takes a –4
At will—detect magic, dispel magic, greater penalty on attack and damage rolls. These
teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun
soften earth and stone, stone shape maneuvers, whether Onyst is initiating
3/day—flesh to stone (DC 22), move or resisting these kinds of attacks.
earth, wall of stone (DC 21) (These modifiers are not included
1/day—earthquake (DC 24), in the statistics block.)
summon (level 9, 1d2 elder
earth elementals, 1d4 greater Onyst makes his home in a gigantic
earth elementals, 1d4 shaitan, complex of caverns hollowed into
or 4–8 xorn 100%) the side of an enormous mountain
of stone on the Plane of Earth.
Str 49, Dex 14, Con 32, Int 20, Wis He is constantly attended by
22, Cha 22 various earth elementals, stone
Base Atk +40; CMB +61; CMD giants, and xorn. He has a
74 blue dragon of advanced age;
Feats Awesome Blow, Blind- some say the dragon serves as
Fight, Cleave, Critical Focus, advisor and counsel, others say
Dodge, Great Cleave, Great it is nothing more than a pet.
Fortitude, Greater Bull Rush, In battle, Onyst likes to
Greater Overrun, Greater pound his foes with his
Sunder, Improved Bull Rush, enormous fists. Creatures that
Improved Critical (slam), prove meddlesome are turned
Improved Overrun, Improved to stone and then pulverized,
Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, their remains scattered to the
Iron Will, Lunge, Power Attack, winds.

Ebony Horse to Emberleaf
Susir (Lord of Air Elementals)
This enormous cloud-like creature has no discernible features as it
spins into cyclone form.

XP 820,000
N Huge outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +18; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +49

AC 35, touch 23, flat-footed 20 (+14 Dex, +1 dodge,

+12 natural, –2 size)
hp 500 (40d10+280)
Fort +31; Ref +38; Will +21
Defensive Abilities air mastery; DR 15/—; Immune
elemental traits; SR 34

Speed fly 120 ft. (perfect)

Melee 2 slams +53 (4d6+14)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks command air elementals (DC
36), whirlwind (DC 44)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; melee touch +52,
ranged touch +52):
At will—control winds (DC 21), detect magic,
dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of
objects only), gust of wind (DC 18), obscuring mist
3/day—chain lightning (DC 22), control weather, wind wall
(DC 19)
1/day— summon (level 9, 1d2 elder air elementals, 1d4
greater air elementals, 1d4 djinn, or 4–8 invisible stalkers

Str 39, Dex 38, Con 24, Int 20, Wis 22, Cha 22
Base Atk +40; CMB +56; CMD 81
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat
Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Greater Flyby
Attack, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative,
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Mobility, Power Attack,
Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (slam),
Whirlwind Attack
Skills Acrobatics +57, Diplomacy +46, Fly +61, Intimidate
+46, Knowledge (arcana) +48, Knowledge (planes) +48,
Knowledge (religion) +48, Perception +49, Sense Motive +49,
Stealth +49, Survival +49
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Terran;
telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any (Plane of Air)

Organization solitary or band (Susir plus 2–4 greater air
Treasure triple standard

Air Mastery (Ex) Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on

attack and damage rolls against Susir.

Susir makes his home hidden among the fog and clouds of the Plane of
Air. His great airy palace is formed of the same material as the Plane itself
and swirls and shifts across the great expanse of the Plane of Air. Within
his palace dwell air elementals of all sizes and ages, invisible stalkers,
will-o-wisps, and an array of other air-based creatures.
Susir dislikes combat, believing it a boring and mundane activity. If
forced into battle however, he attacks first using his chain lighting attacks,
followed by his whirlwind.

Tome of Horrors 4
Elemental, Salt
This crystalline humanoid is slightly translucent and light gray in color. Feats Power Attack
Its head has no discernible features and its power arms end in massive Skills Climb +5, Perception +4, Stealth +8
Languages Terran N Medium outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
Environment any (Plane of Earth) Aura dehydration (10 ft., DC 12, 1d6)
Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8)
Treasure none AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 natural)
hp 19 (3d10+3)
Dehydration Aura (Su) A salt elemental’s aura draws Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +3
moisture from an area centered on itself. Living creatures Immune elemental traits
within range take damage (damage is detailed with each Weaknesses vulnerability to water
elemental) each round they remain in the area. A successful
Fortitude save reduces the damage by half. This effect Speed 20 ft.
is especially devastating to plants, animals, and aquatic Melee claw +5 (1d6+3 slashing plus salt poisoning)
creatures, which take a –4 penalty on their saving throws. Special Attacks salt poisoning (6 rounds, DC 12)
The save DC is Constitution-based.
Earth Mastery (Ex) A salt elemental gains a +1 bonus on Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 15
the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the Feats Cleave, Power Attack
elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Skills Climb +8, Perception +6,
These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun maneuvers, Stealth +6
whether the elemental is initiating or resisting these kinds
of attacks. (These modifiers are not included in the
statistics block.)
Salt Poisoning (Ex) Anyone hit by a salt elemental’s
claw attack is sickened for 3 rounds + 1 round per
Hit Dice of the salt elemental. A successful Fortitude
save negates this effect. The save DC is Constitution-
Vulnerability to Water (Ex) A salt elemental
submerged in water that covers at least half its
body takes 1d6 points of damage each round until
it escapes. Damage from water-based attacks (such
as the slam attack of a water elemental) deal +50%
damage to a salt elemental.

Size Height Weight

Small 4 ft. 60 lbs.
Medium 8 ft. 560 lbs.
Large 16 ft. 4,500 lbs.
Huge 20 ft. 25,000 lbs.
Greater 26 ft. 30,000 lbs.
Elder 32 ft. 36,000 lbs.
XP 200
N Small outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
Aura dehydration (10 ft., DC 10, 1d4)

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+5 natural, +1 size)

hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +2; Ref +0; Will +2
Immune elemental traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to water

Speed 20 ft.
Melee claw +3 (1d4+1 plus salt poisoning)
Special Attacks salt poisoning (4 rounds, DC 10)

Str 13, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 11

Ebony Horse to Emberleaf
Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +13, Stealth +5
N Large outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar) XP 9,600
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Aura dehydration (10 ft., DC 15, 1d8) Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15
Aura dehydration (20 ft., DC 20, 2d10)
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, –1 size)
hp 45 (6d10+12) AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+1 Dex, +12 natural, –2 size)
Fort +7; Ref +2; Will +5 hp 114 (12d10+48)
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits Fort +12; Ref +5; Will +8
Weaknesses vulnerability to water DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to water
Speed 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +9 (1d8+4 slashing plus salt poisoning) Speed 20 ft.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Melee 2 claws +18 (2d8+7 plus salt poisoning)
Special Attacks salt poisoning (9 rounds, DC 15) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks salt poisoning (15 rounds, DC 20)
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 21 Str 25, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack Base Atk +12; CMB +21; CMD 33
Skills Climb +13, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Power
Knowledge (planes) +4, Perception +9, Stealth +5 Attack, Step Up, Weapon Focus (claws)
Skills Climb +22, Intimidate +12, Knowledge
HUGE SALT ELEMENTAL CR 6 (dungeoneering) +15, Knowledge (planes) +15, Perception
XP 2,400 +15, Stealth +8
N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 Salt elementals inhabit regions rich in salt upon the Plane of Earth.
Aura dehydration (20 ft., DC 17, 2d6) Some believe they originated on a pocket plane somewhere near the en-
ergy planes and Plane of Water; perhaps an Elemental Plane of Salt. Salt
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+1 dodge, +9 natural, –2 size) elementals, avoid large expanses of water at all costs, knowing exposure
hp 68 (8d10+24) to such a large quantity spells disaster.
Fort +9; Ref +2; Will +6 Salt elementals spend most of their time wandering their realm and of-
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits ten make forays into other planes (except the Plane of Water), seeking
Weaknesses vulnerability to water creatures on which to feed. They are particularly fond of plants, which are
extremely vulnerable to their dehydrating ability.
Speed 20 ft. A salt elemental generally appears as a humanoid with no discernible
Melee 2 claws +11 (2d6+5 plus salt poisoning) features, though they can take other forms, and some do, preferring to ap-
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. pear in the shape of large animals or giant vermin (usually beetles).
Special Attacks salt poisoning (11 rounds, DC 17)

Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 26
Feats Cleave, DodgeB, Endurance, Great Cleave, Mobility,
Power Attack
Skills Climb +16, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5,
Knowledge (planes) +5, Perception +11, Stealth +3


XP 4,800
N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
Aura dehydration (20 ft., DC 19, 2d8)

AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +10

natural, –2 size)
hp 95 (10d10+40)
Fort +11; Ref +4; Will +7
DR 10/—; Immune elemental traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to water

Speed 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +14 (2d8+6 plus salt poisoning)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks salt poisoning (13 rounds, DC 19)

Str 23, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +10; CMB +18; CMD 29
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Mobility, Power Attack
Skills Climb +17, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8,

Tome of Horrors 4
Elemental, Smoke
A black cloud of acrid smoke drifts ahead. Melee slam +3 (1d4 plus burn)
Special Attacks burn (1d3, DC 9), engulf (DC 11)
Languages Auran Str 11, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13 (can’t be tripped)
Environment any (Plane of Air, Plane of Fire, or Plane of Feats Flyby Attack
Smoke) Skills Fly +17, Perception +5, Stealth +11 (+19 in smoke or
Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8) fog); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in smoke or fog
Treasure none SQ gaseous

Air Mastery (Ex) Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on MEDIUM SMOKE ELEMENTAL CR 3
attack and damage rolls against a smoke elemental. XP 800
Burn (Ex) A smoke elemental’s burn DC includes a –2 N Medium outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar, fire)
racial penalty, as their fires don’t burn as hot as a true fire Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
elemental’s flames.
Engulf (Ex) A smoke elemental can engulf creatures of its size AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +3 natural)
or smaller into its smoky form as part of a standard action. It hp 30 (4d10+8)
cannot make any other attack in which it engulfs. The smoke Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +1
elemental merely has to move over its opponents, affecting Defensive Abilities air mastery, amorphous; Immune
as many as it can cover. Targeted creatures can make elemental traits, fire
attacks of opportunity against the creature, but if they do Weaknesses vulnerability to cold, vulnerability to wind
so, they are not entitled to a saving throw against the engulf
attack. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect)
can attempt a Reflex save to avoid being engulfed—on Melee slam +5 (1d6+1 plus burn)
a success, they move back or aside (target’s choice). The Special Attacks burn (1d4, DC 11), engulf (DC 13)
smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet
and grants concealment to creatures inside the cloud from Str 13, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
attacks by opponents that are not adjacent to them. Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 19 (can’t be tripped)
Engulfed opponents do not gain the pinned condition Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative
and may move normally. Each round a creature begins Skills Fly +19, Perception +7, Stealth +11 (+19 in smoke or
its turn engulfed, it suffers from burning eyes (–2 on attack fog); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in smoke or fog
rolls and Perception checks) and takes 3d6 points of fire SQ gaseous
damage from smoke inhalation. The penalties and damage
continue for a number of rounds equal to the smoke LARGE SMOKE ELEMENTAL CR 5
elemental’s Hit Dice even after escaping the engulf. A XP 1,600
creature can make a Fortitude save (DC is listed with each N Large outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar, fire)
elemental) to end the penalties and damage. The save DCs Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
are Constitution-based.
Gaseous (Ex) A smoke elemental can pass through small AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+6 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size)
holes or narrow openings without reducing its speed. hp 60 (8d10+16)
Vulnerability to Wind (Ex) A smoke elemental is treated as Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +2
two sizes smaller for purposes of determining the effects high Defensive Abilities air mastery, amorphous; DR 5/—; Immune
wind has upon it. elemental traits, fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold, vulnerability to wind
Size Height Weight
Small 4 ft. 1 lbs. Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect)
Medium 8 ft. 2 lbs. Melee 2 slams +13 (1d8+3 plus burn)
Large 16 ft. 4 lbs. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Huge 20 ft. 6 lbs. Special Attacks burn (1d6, DC 15), engulf (DC 17)
Greater 26 ft. 7 lbs.
Elder 32 ft. 8 lbs. Str 16, Dex 23, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 28 (can’t be tripped)
SMALL SMOKE ELEMENTAL CR 1 Feats Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative,
XP 400 Weapon Finesse
N Small outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar, fire) Skills Escape Artist +17, Fly +23, Perception +11, Stealth +13 (+21
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 in smoke or fog); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in smoke or fog
SQ gaseous
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)
Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +0 XP 3,200
Defensive Abilities air mastery, amorphous; Immune N Huge outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar, fire)
elemental traits, fire Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold, vulnerability to wind
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 13 (+1 dodge, +8 Dex, +5
Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect) natural, –2 size)

Ebony Horse to Emberleaf
hp 85 (10d10+30)
Fort +10; Ref +15; Will +3
Defensive Abilities air mastery, amorphous;
DR 5/—; Immune elemental traits, fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold,
vulnerability to wind

Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect)

Melee 2 slams +16 (2d6+5 plus burn)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks burn (1d8, DC 18), engulf (DC 20)

Str 20, Dex 27, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +10; CMB +17; CMD 36 (can’t be
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack,
Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Escape Artist +21, Fly +25, Perception
+13, Stealth +13 (+21 in smoke or fog); Racial
Modifiers +8 Stealth in smoke or fog
SQ gaseous
XP 6,400
N Huge outsider (air, elemental,
extraplanar, fire)
Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
Perception +16

AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+1

dodge, +9 Dex, +6 natural, –2 size)
hp 123 (13d10+52)
Fort +12; Ref +17; Will +4
Defensive Abilities air mastery,
amorphous; DR 10/—; Immune elemental
traits, fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold,
vulnerability to wind

Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect)

Melee 2 slams +20 (2d8+7 plus burn)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks burn (2d6, DC 18), engulf (DC 23)

Str 24, Dex 29, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +22; CMD 42 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack,
Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse Special Attacks burn (2d8, DC 24), engulf (DC 26)
Skills Escape Artist +25, Fly +29, Intimidate +16, Perception
+16, Stealth +17 (+25 in smoke or fog); Racial Modifiers +8 Str 27, Dex 31, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Stealth in smoke or fog Base Atk +16; CMB +26; CMD 47 (can’t be tripped)
SQ gaseous Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack,
Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse
ELDER SMOKE ELEMENTAL CR 11 Skills Escape Artist +29, Fly +33, Intimidate +19, Knowledge
XP 12,800 (planes) +19, Perception +19, Stealth +21 (+29 in smoke or
N Huge outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar, fire) fog); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in smoke or fog
Init +14; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +19 SQ gaseous

AC 27, touch 19, flat-footed 16 (+1 dodge, +10 Dex, +8 Smoke elementals are creatures of elemental smoke: part fire, part air.
natural, –2 size) Where the Elemental Plane of Air meets the Elemental Plane of Fire lies
hp 152 (16d10+64) a para-elemental plane, that of Elemental Smoke. It is from that black
Fort +14; Ref +20; Will +5 clouded region that these creatures hail.
Defensive Abilities air mastery, amorphous; DR 10/—; Smoke elementals spend most of their time on their home plane, only
Immune elemental traits, fire occasionally venturing into the Elemental Planes of Air or Fire. Rarely do
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold, vulnerability to wind they ever enter the Material Plane unless called by a spellcaster.
A smoke elemental appears as a cloud of black smoke or thick fog. No
Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect) discernible features can be seen in its form, though it can reshape itself at
Melee 2 slams +24 (2d8+8 plus burn) will to form two large eyes and a mouth of empty darkness (which serve
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. no purpose other than to perhaps startle onlookers).

Tome of Horrors 4
Elemental, Wood
Wood elementals appear as twiggy, wooden beings, with long, elf-like
ears and curious features. They are quite strong, although slow moving
and deliberate. Wood elementals encountered are always huge beings,
and it is not known if smaller versions exist.
XP 76,800
N Huge outsider (elemental, native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +24 (+28 in forests)

AC 26, touch 7, flat-footed 26 (–1 Dex, +19 natural, –2 size)

hp 252 (21d10+105)
Fort +17; Ref +6; Will +15
DR 15/slashing; Immune elemental traits
Weakness vulnerability to fire

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +33 (3d6+13/19–20)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks flesh to wood (touch +32, DC 21),
forest mastery

Str 37, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +21; CMB +36 (+38 sunder); CMD 45 (47 vs. sunder)
Feats Awesome Blow, Bleeding Critical, Cleave, Critical
Focus, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Critical
(slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural
Attack (slam), Improved Sunder, Iron Will,
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Intimidate +21, Knowledge (history)
+12, Knowledge (local) +25, Knowledge
(nature) +25, Knowledge (the planes) +25,
Perception +24 (+28 in forests), Sense Motive
+24 , Stealth +12 (+28 in forests), Survival +24;
Racial Modifiers +4 Perception and +16 Stealth in forests
Languages Sylvan

Environment any forest or jungle (Prime Material Plane)

Organization solitary, pair or stand (3–6)
Treasure none

Flesh to Wood (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds a wood

elemental may attempt to turn flesh to wood with a
successful touch attack. A DC 21 Fortitude save negates.
The save is Constitution-based. This malady cannot be
remedied short of a wish, miracle, or Dobrynya the druid’s
Forest Mastery (Ex) A wood elemental gains a +1 bonus to
both attack and damage rolls if she and her opponent are
both in a forested area. This ability has been added in to the
above stat block.
Wood elementals serve as protectors of the forest, and each forest usu- Original author William Loran Christensen
ally has one, while great primeval forests may boast several. Wood el- Originally appearing in Fane of the Fallen (© Frog God
ementals spend most of their time in a euphoric slumber, waking only Games/ William Loran Christensen, 2010)
when their forest is in danger. At these times the wood elemental moves
forth to seek and destroy that which threatens the forest. At times they
are known to ally with factions that work to protect and save the forest,
especially elves. Wood elementals attack with a slam attack, as their limbs
are strong and powerful, much like those of a treants.
Huge wood elementals stand 16 to 24 feet tall, with a 3 foot to 7 foot
trunk, weighing 1,500 to 4,000 pounds. Wood elementals typically repli-
cate the look of the native trees of their forest; some wood elementals ap-
pear as mighty oaks, some as maples, birch, pine or majestic cedar trees.
More exotic species are certainly possible (tiger wood, ipe, etc.).

Ebony Horse to Emberleaf

This small flowering plant has dark green leaves shot through with to come to them. The sweet smelling flowers and aroma given off by the
crimson. Several small bright yellow flowers are sprinkled around its form. flowers usually attracts insects and small game who unknowingly wander
into range of the emberleaf’s tendrils. Particularly tough opponents are
EMBERLEAF CR 4 subjected to its heat aura. If extremely hungry, an emberleaf uses its ring
XP 1,200 of fire attack to prevent its prey from escaping.
N Small plant
Init +6; Senses blindsight 60 ft., scent; Perception +4
Aura heat (10 ft., 1d6 fire)

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)

hp 51 (6d8+24)
Fort +9; Ref +4; Will +3
Defensive Abilities fire healing; Immune fire, plant traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold

Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee 2 tendrils +7 (1d6+2 plus 1d6 fire)
Special Attacks ring of fire

Str 14, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved
Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Climb +10, Perception +4, Stealth
Languages Sylvan (can’t speak)

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary or patch (2–4)
Treasure incidental

Fire Healing (Ex) An emberleaf subjected to fire damage

regains 1 hit point for every 3 points of damage the
attack would have otherwise dealt.
Heat Aura (Ex) An emberleaf can suppress or restart
its heat aura as a free action. If it uses its ring of fire
ability, its heat aura automatically dissipates and it
cannot restart it again for 1 hour.
Ring of Fire (Su) Once per day as a standard action, an
emberleaf can create an immobile, blazing ring of fire in a
30-foot radius around its form. This fire is similar to a wall of
fire spell. The ring of fire is 20 feet tall, and deals 2d6 points of
fire damage to creatures within 10 feet of it. Those beyond
10 feet but within 20 feet take 1d6 points of fire damage.
Creatures passing through the ring take 3d6 points of fire
damage. The ring deals this damage when it appears, and
to all creatures in the area on the emberleaf’s turn each
round. The ring of fire lasts a number of rounds equal to the
emberleaf’s Hit Dice (6 rounds for a standard emberleaf).
The emberleaf cannot use this ability to invoke its fire

The emberleaf is a sentient plant found deep within darkened and

desolate forests where it preys on insects and other small game animals.
Often times, an emberleaf makes its lair near trails or roads that wend
their way through the forests in hopes of catching a larger meal passing
An emberleaf appears as a small flowering plant with various yellow,
sweet smelling flowers. It typical grows no taller than two or three feet
and when at rest resembles an ordinary plant. The creature is active during
the day and rests during the nighttime hours. During warmer months,
the creature is more active, while during cooler months and winter, the
creature is dormant most of the time. An emberleaf can go up to one
month without eating.
Emberleafs do not actively hunt prey. Rather, they wait for their prey

Tome of Horrors 4
This hideous creature is a bizarre giant that has a single leg, one arm
that sprouts from the middle of its chest, and one eye in the middle of its
XP 2,400
NE Large humanoid (giant)
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0

AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)

hp 73 (7d8+35 plus 7)
Fort +10; Ref +1; Will +4; +4 vs. fear effects
DR 5/—

Speed 30 ft.
Melee greatclub +12 (2d8+10) or slam +11 (2d6+10)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks horrific visage, powerful grip

Str 25, Dex 9, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 12

Base Atk +5; CMB +13; CMD 22 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull RushB, Iron
Will, Power Attack, ToughnessB, Weapon Focus
(greatclub) B
Skills Intimidate +11
Languages Giant
SQ one-legged stance

Environment any land

Organization solitary, gang (2–5), or tribe
Treasure standard (greatclub, other treasure)

Horrific Visage (Ex) Any creature within 30 feet viewing a

fachan must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be shaken for
1d4+2 rounds. A creature that makes its save is immune to
the horrific visage of that fachan for one day. The save DC is
Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
One-Legged Stance (Ex) Fachans are surprisingly nimble
while hopping on their single leg. This unusual mode of
movement allows the fachans to ignore the effects of
difficult terrain on movement and makes it impossible to trip.
Powerful Grip (Ex) A fachan can wield a two-handed
weapon in its single hand, gaining all the usual benefits for
wielding a two-handed weapon.

Fachans are foul-tempered and foul-smelling beasts with a taste for

human flesh. Despite having only one leg and arm, they are extremely agile.
Having only one eye does not hamper their vision any more than one leg
hampers their mobility. Some sages believe fachans are an offshoot of one
of the giant races while others believe fachans are the deformed offspring of
a failed hill giant and ogre or cyclops mating. These creatures are shunned
by other giant races, except hill giants with whom they have a distant but
tolerable relationship. They rarely associate with other races for any reason.
Fachans take up residence wherever they can find a warm, dry spot. They
are not against building huts and hovels when they must, but they prefer
the convenience of driving out the residents of an existing structure and
claiming it as their own. They are most often encountered in wastelands
and swamps. Fachan villages can consist of up to 30 individuals plus 30%
noncombatant young. Fachan leaders are always fighters or barbarians.
Fachans stand 12 feet tall and weigh 1,000 pounds. Their hair is unkempt
and matted. Skin tone is usually bronze or brown, and their hair is dark.
A fachan makes for an odd opponent at best. It most often attempts a
bull rush against its largest foe in the first round of combat, and tries to
avoid spellcasters. After this, it moves in with its melee attacks.

Fachan to Fungus Man

A majestic bird about 8 feet long swoops overhead. Its feathers shine dryads, and druids and can sometimes be found in the company of such
like silver and gold and its eyes are the color of crystals. creatures. They dislike orcs, goblins, and any who would despoil and
destroy the forests.
FIREBIRD CR 8 These creatures roost in great caves far away from civilized lands
XP 4,800 and are usually only seen in the early morning or evening hours. Once
NG Large magical beast a month firebirds take to the night sky at the stroke of midnight. To the
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception casual observer a firebird in the night sky appears to be a shooting star or
+15 comet flying across the sky.
Firebirds claim vast amounts of territory as their own, protecting this
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +9 natural, –1 size) domain from evil, and also using it as their own personal hunting ground.
hp 85 (9d10+36) Such domains often overlap with other firebirds (which suits each just fine
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +7 as they share the duties of guardianship over the overlapping territory).
Defensive Abilities magic circle against evil; DR 10/evil; Firebirds live on a diet of game animals, fruits, nuts, and berries.
Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 19 A firebird appears as a large bird about 8 feet long with golden and
silver feathers. A majestic crest of gold runs from its head, along its back,
Speed 30 ft., fly 70 ft. (good) and disappears into its tail feathers. Its beak and claws are the color of
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d8+5), bite +13 (2d6+5), 2 wings +11 pearls and its eyes shine like crystal.
(1d6+2) Firebirds almost always attack evil-aligned creatures and those that
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. would despoil their forests. They prefer to fight from
Special Attacks blinding brilliance, breath weapon (60-ft. the air and always enter battle with their magic circle
cone, 5d6 fire damage; DC 18 Ref half, every 1d4 rounds) against evil in effect. A firebird usually begins
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th): combat using its blinding brilliance, followed
Constant—magic circle against evil quickly by its breath weapon. Foes that
At will—detect evil, flare (DC 12) continue to press the fight are held (if evil)
3/day—cure moderate wounds (DC 14), hold person (DC or subjected to a sunburst.
15; evil creatures only)
1/day—fire shield, sunburst (DC 20)

Str 21, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 27
Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Skills Diplomacy +11, Fly +8, Heal +11, Knowledge (any one)
+11, Perception +15, Sense Motive +8; Racial Modifiers +4
Languages Auran, Celestial, Common, Sylvan
SQ chant

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary or pair
Treasure standard

Blinding Brilliance (Su) At will as a swift action, a firebird can

increase the light output of its tail feathers so they radiate
brilliant yellow light in a 100-foot radius. Creatures in the
affected area must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save
or be blinded for 2d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-
Chant (Su) By chanting for one full round, a firebird
can create any one of the following effects: cure
serious wounds, remove blindness/deafness,
remove disease, remove fear, or slow poison.
Each is usable once per round at will, but a
single creature can only gain the benefit of
each one once per day. Each functions as
the spell of the same name with a caster
level equal to the firebird’s Hit Dice.

Firebirds are considered by many to be

good luck. Sighting one on a journey is
considered to be a boon (unless of course
you are evil, in which case it is deemed
bad luck to see a firebird). Firebirds are
thought of as protectors and guardians
of the forest and often befriend elves,

Tome of Horrors 4
This large humanoid stands over 10 feet tall,
and is clad in the garb of a mundane fisherman.
Its eyes glow with an eerie blue light and its
grizzled face is trimmed with a gnarled beard
from which scuttle small crabs, fish, and shrimp.

XP 51,200
LE Large outsider (aquatic, evil, lawful,
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch
15 miles, weather sense 30 miles; Perception +23

AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +10 natural,

–1 size)
hp 202 (15d10+120)
Fort +13; Ref +11; Will +16
DR 15/magic; Immune cold; Resist electricity 10, fire 10;
SR 26

Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee +3 boat hook +26/+21/+16 (1d8+13) or
+3 boat hook +22/+17/+12 (1d8+9), +3 boat hook
+22 (1d6+9) or +3 boat hook +22/+17/+12 (1d8+9),
+3 gaff hook +22 (1d8+9)
Ranged net +16 (entangle)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th):
Constant — deathwatch (15 mile radius), freedom of
movement (underwater)
1/day—summon nature’s ally V
Spells Prepared (CL 9th; melee touch +23, ranged
touch +16):
5th—slay living (DC 20, x2)
4th—control water, spell immunity, unholy blight
(DC 19)
3rd—bestow curse (DC 18), deeper darkness, magic
circle against good, water walk
2nd—align weapon, darkness, death knell (DC 17),
enthrall (DC 17), silence (DC 17)
1st—bane (DC 16), command (DC 16), curse water x2,
obscuring mist, sanctuary (DC 16)
0—bleed (DC 15), create water, detect magic,

Str 28, Dex 15, Con 26, Int 15, Wis 21, Cha 20
Base Atk +15; CMB +25; CMD 37
Feats Cleave, Diehard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Iron
Will, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Vital Strike
Skills Bluff +23, Craft (any) +20, Diplomacy +23,
Intimidate +23, Knowledge (local) +20, Perception +23,
Sense Motive +23, Swim +35
Languages Aquan, Sylvan
SQ amphibious, create soul cage, exotic weapons,

Environment any aquatic

Organization solitary
Treasure standard (+3 boat hook, +3 gaff hook, net,
other treasure)

Create Soul Cage (Su) Using debris that floats to the

bottom of the ocean, a fisherman can construct a soul
cage. The soul cage is a magical construction that,
through its crafting, has been endowed with a trap the

Fachan to Fungus Man
soul spell. The spell requires no material components other boathooks, gaff hooks, and nets to ensnare and slay those who intrude
than the debris from which it is created. The magic of the upon their habitat. All fishermen seem to be male — no female of the
soul cage only functions for fishermen and the souls remain species has ever been witnessed by any sailor. They are powerful creatures
trapped for as long as the fisherman wishes and remains who enjoy tormenting seafarers and work hard to collect the souls of those
on the Material Plane. Usually, only upon the death of the who die at the hands of the sea. At the bottom of the ocean they may be
fisherman may the trapped souls be released. A soul cage found tending to devices called soul cages that resemble ordinary lobster
can hold up to six souls at any given time. traps, though they are used to imprison the spirits of the drowned. The
Deathwatch (Sp) A fisherman makes constant use of the territory of a fisherman can extend over a dozen miles from its lair.
spell deathwatch, as cast by a 15th level cleric. The range Fishermen stand between 11 and 12 feet tall and weigh 1,600 pounds.
of a fisherman’s deathwatch is 1 mile per hit die, allowing it When a fisherman detects a great storm at sea, or is otherwise aware
to sense the life state of any creature within its territory. This that sailors are meeting watery deaths, it rises to the surface in order to
ability can be negated, but the fisherman can reactivate it start collecting as many of the souls as it can. An individual fisherman
the next round as a free action. may tend to as many as 3d6 soul cages, each containing the incarcerated
Exotic Weapons (Ex) A fisherman is proficient in the use of spirits of 1d6 unfortunate sailors, all of which have met their deaths
the boat hook and gaff hook. through storm, shipwreck, or some other maritime disaster. Those slain by
Gambling (Ex) Fishermen are fond of games and gambling intentional violence are left to wander the depths by the fisherman. They
and should one be offered a fair chance of odds, he are very competitive with others of their kind but occasionally they swap
may find a wager impossible to resist. In this way, it may souls to enhance their own collections.
be possible to bargain for the release of the soul of a
companion or loved one. Although evil, fishermen are
bound by a personal code and honor the terms of a wager Special Weapons
if they lose.
Spells Fishermen cast divine spells as 9th-level clerics. They Boat Hook: A boat hook resembles a quarterstaff with a barbed hook
do not gain access to domains or other cleric abilities. at one end. Sailors use boat hooks to snag mooring lines and pull in small
Weather Sense (Su) A fisherman always knows the condition boats. Because a boat hook is not intended to be used as a weapon, it
of the weather within a 30 mile radius, even if he is currently requires the Exotic Weapon Proficiency to be used in that capacity. A boat
underwater. hook is a double weapon. The damage is given as hook/staff.
Cost 6 gp; Small 1d4/1d3, Medium 1d6/1d4, Large 1d8/1d6; Critical
The fisherman is a rare creature not often encountered by the mortals of x2; Weight 5 lb.; Type Bludgeoning/Piercing.
the material world. Sages and scholars often postulate these aquatic spirits
may hail from some other plane of existence, whilst others assume the Gaff Hook: A gaff hook is a curved metallic hook with a cross bar. Gaff
fisherman is some strange form of undead, the powerful soul of a legendary hooks are used by fishermen to lift heavy catches into their boats. Because
seaman fated to lurk in the depths of the ocean. Sailors know only that a gaff hook is not intended to be used as a weapon, it requires the Exotic
they are to be feared. Although they do not often engage in melee combat, Weapon Proficiency to be used in that capacity.
many have found to their own detriment that fishermen are quite skilled. Cost 4 gp; Small 1d4, Medium 1d6, Large 1d8; Critical x2; Weight 3 lb.;
Fighting with a variety of maritime tools and weapons, fishermen favor Type Piercing.

Tome of Horrors 4
Flayed Angel
This once angelic being has been reduced to a twisted mass of oozing, and weighs about 450 pounds.
raw flesh and muscle tissue, every bit of the skin having been stripped Flayed angels have lost most of their original battle prowess becoming
away from the body. The neck ends at a jagged stump, and the tattered, little more than lumbering death dealers. However, they are still quite agile
shredded remains of once-beautiful wings extend behind it. and, as former flyers of great renown, are still expert jumpers. They often
climb to a higher position in order to leap down on their foes and attack in
FLAYED ANGEL CR 16 a sad caricature of their former ability to swoop down upon enemies from
XP 76,800 above. Regardless, their attacks soon devolve into brutish attempts to rend
NE Large undead (extraplanar) their foes into unrecognizable hunks of meat.
Init +8; Senses blindsight 120 ft.; Perception +18 They strangely retain their inherent damage reduction that can only
be overcome by evil-aligned weapons, often making them difficult and
AC 32, touch 24, flat-footed 27 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 confusing foes. Their natural attacks are no longer considered good-
natural, +10 profane, –1 size) aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
hp 252 (24d8+120 plus 24) The acidic blood mixture that continually oozes through their bodies
Fort +17; Ref +14; Will +19 splatters upon a foe on a successful melee hit and deals acid damage as
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +6, profane presence; well.
DR 10/evil; Immune acid, undead traits; SR 27
Speed 40 ft. Original author Greg A. Vaughan
Melee 2 slams +25 (2d6+7/19–20 plus 2d6 acid) Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)
Special Attacks gout of blood, rend (2 slams,
3d6+10 plus 2d6 acid)

Str 25, Dex 18, Con —, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 21

Base Atk +18; CMB +26; CMD 51
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Great Fortitude,
Improved Critical (slam), Improved
Initiative, Improved Natural Attack
(slam), Mobility, Power Attack, Skill Focus
(Acrobatics), Spring Attack, Toughness,
Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Acrobatics +34 (+46 jump), Climb
+22, Perception +18; Racial Modifiers +8
Acrobatics to jump

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Gout of Blood (Ex) Whenever a flayed angel is

physically struck in battle, the impact causes a spray
of acidic blood to fly off the creature at anyone within
5 feet. Anyone in the area of affect must make a DC 24
Reflex save or take 1d6 points of acid damage from this
splatter. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Profane Presence (Su) The existence of a flayed angel
is such an anathema to the order of the multiverse that
its very presence is a profanity of nature. This presence
provides it with a +10 profane bonus to Armor Class and a
+2 profane bonus to its saves.

On some rare occasions when an extremely powerful angel is captured,

tortured to death and subjected to particularly vile rituals, dark gods of
evil will intervene and prevent that being’s essence from returning to
its celestial home, instead trapping it within the mutilated corpse as a
horrifyingly profane undead abomination. Such creations are anathema to
the heavenly hosts and are actively hunted down by angles and archons
whenever their existence is discovered. They seek to erase the stain upon
the forces of good by the perversion of such a champion and to release its
essence back to its rightful plane.
A flayed angel is horribly mutilated, its skin flayed away, its wings
crippled, and its head removed. The preparation ritual also involves the
introduction of an acidic embalming fluid that mingles with the blood left
in its body as a continually-leaking, caustic brew.
A flayed angel stands around 8 feet tall due to the removal of its head

Fachan to Fungus Man

Fountain Fungus
This appears to be a large fountain covered in vines and mold. A fountain fungus is a semi-intelligent plant creature that enjoys luring
other creatures to their doom and then devouring them. While it appears
FOUNTAIN FUNGUS CR 8 to be an ordinary fountain carved of stone and covered with mold and
XP 4,800 vegetation, the fountain fungus is 100% vegetable matter through and
N Large plant through. The gray coloration of its central body lends to its deception.
Init +5; Senses blindsight 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +9 Fountain funguses can be found just about anywhere save the coldest
of climates. Many are encountered underground as these creatures seem
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size) to have a particular like for the dampness and darkness that dungeons
hp 114 (12d8+60) and caverns provide. Fountain funguses subsist on a diet of blood, so
Fort +15; Ref +5; Will +5 regardless of where they lair, they always make sure a supply of fresh food
Immune plant traits; Resist acid 20 is readily available (e.g., a popular dungeon perhaps where adventurers
like to explore). When a fountain fungus’s food supply dwindles it simply
Speed 10 ft. rolls itself into a ball and moves to another location.
Melee 2 tendrils +16 (1d6+7 plus grab), bite +15 (2d6+10) A fountain fungus is about 10 feet in diameter. Its central body is stone
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tendril) gray with many vines, leaves, and mushroom-like growths of varying
Special Attacks acid fountain, swallow whole (4d6 acid greens covering it. Somewhere in this tangled mass are four tentacles that
damage, AC 15, 11 hp) look like thick rugged vines.
A fountain fungus’s tactics are simple: spray acid on foes, slap and
Str 25, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 6 whip foes with its tendrils, and finally grab an opponent and attempt to
Base Atk +9; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 28 (can’t be swallow it. Creatures killed by a fountain fungus are wrapped in its vines
tripped) and pulled into its body. The fountain fungus spends the next few days
Feats Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power absorbing all fluids and nutrients from its prey before ejecting a dried out
Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (tendril) husk of its victim onto the ground.
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +10 (+18 in undergrowth); Racial
Modifiers +8 Stealth in undergrowth
SQ camouflage

Environment any non-cold

Organization solitary
Treasure incidental

Acid Fountain (Ex) As a standard action every 1d4 rounds, a

fountain fungus can spray acid into the air. This acid quickly
falls and covers a 10-foot-radius burst around the fountain
fungus. Creatures in the area take 7d6 points of acid
damage. A DC 21 Reflex save reduces the damage by half.
The save is Constitution-based.
Camouflage (Ex) Since a fountain fungus looks like
a normal moss-covered fountain when at rest, a DC
20 Perception check is required to notice it before it
attacks for the first time. Anyone with ranks in Survival or
Knowledge (nature) can use either of those skills instead
of Perception to notice the plant.

Tome of Horrors 4
Fungus Man
These small, non-aggressive plant-men appear to be mobile toadstools,
with brightly colored caps, stubby arms and thick, trunk-like legs. They do
not speak, but they hold up their hands in a sign of peace or supplication.
XP 600
N Small plant
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9

AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)

hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +2
DR 5/slashing or piercing; Immune poison, plant traits,
Resist cold 5
Weaknesses vulnerable to fire

Speed 20 ft.
Melee slam +5 (1d3–2)
Special Attacks spore cloud

Str 6, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 10

Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 11
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon FinesseB
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +10

Environment underground
Organization pod (4–16), branch (17–30), colony (30+, plus a
fungus man king)
Treasure incidental

Spore Cloud (Ex) Once per round as a standard action,

a fungus man can release a cloud of noxious spores.
All living creatures within 5 ft. must make a DC 12 Fortitude
save or become nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. The save
DC is Constitution-based. This is a poison effect, and once a a fungus man can release a cloud of noxious spores. All
creature successfully saves it is immune to the spore cloud of living creatures within 5 ft. must make a DC 16 Fortitude
that particular fungus man for 24 hours. save or become nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. The save DC
is Constitution-based. This is a poison effect, and once a
FUNGUS MAN KING CR 4 creature successfully saves it is immune to the spore cloud of
XP 1,200 that particular fungus man for 24 hours.
Male giant fungus man
N Medium plant Fungus men are an extremely peaceful and easy-going race of intelligent
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12 plants. They are bipedal, in a squat, humanoid fashion. The fungus men
are sexless, and reproduce by means of spore clouds. They lack the
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) appendages for fine manipulation of objects, but are quite dexterous in
hp 45 (6d8+18) their own way. The fungus men are fiercely loyal to their fungus man king,
Fort +8; Ref +3; Will +5 and attack immediately if it is threatened.
DR 5/slashing or piercing; Immune poison, plant traits, Fungus men do not communicate by verbal means; they have learned to
Resist cold 5 deal with outsiders by using hand gestures and supplicating movements.
Weaknesses vulnerable to fire They communicate with each other by pheromones and spores release.
Fungus men cohabitate in enclaves throughout the underdark, farming
Speed 20 ft. lichen and mosses to trade with other races for soil and excrement (their
Melee slam +5 (1d4) sources of food). Some fungus man colonies keep “domesticated” giant
Special Attacks spore cloud lizards available to replenish their dung fields and for pack animal uses.
Fungus man colonies are not hostile towards each other; neither do they
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 10 work together in any societal fashion.
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception), Credit
Weapon FinesseB Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded (©
Skills Perception +12, Stealth +5 Necromancer Games, 2006)

Environment underground
Organization solitary or colony (with 30+ fungus men)
Treasure incidental

Spore Cloud (Ex) Once per round as a standard action,

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Galley Beggar
This creature looks like a translucent, headless, skeletal humanoid A galley beggar is a hateful creature, unhappy and resentful of its current
wrapped in a tattered black shroud. Tucked under its arm is its rotting and state of unlife. It seeks nothing more than to kill any living creature it
seemingly lifeless head. The creature floats a few feet above the ground. encounters.
Galley beggars are believed to speak Common and at least one other
GALLEY BEGGAR CR 8 language, though sages are unsure of this as no galley beggar has ever
XP 4,800 conversed with a living creature (or at least conversed with any living
CE Medium undead (incorporeal) creature that lived to tell about it).
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +19 A galley beggar begins combat the instant it encounters a living
Aura frightful presence (40 ft., DC 18) creature. It opens a battle using its annihilating wail if any opponent is
within range by extending a skeletal arm and showing its severed head
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+3 deflection, +1 dodge, +2 to its foes. If no opponent is within range the galley beggar moves in
Dex) and uses its annihilating wail as soon as possible. It follows this with its
hp 85 (10d8+30 plus 10) incorporeal or draining touch.
Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +8
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal;
Immune undead traits

Speed fly 50 ft. (perfect)

Melee incorporeal touch +9 (5d6+3, DC 18 Fort half) or
incorporeal drain +9 (1d4 Cha drain)
Special Attacks annihilating wail, draining touch, unholy

Str —, Dex 15, Con —, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 16

Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 25
Feats Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning
Reflexes, Toughness
Skills Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Fly +23, Intimidate +16,
Knowledge (any) +6, Perception +19, Sense Motive +11,
Stealth +18; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Stealth
Languages Common

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Annihilating Wail (Su) Once per minute, a galley beggar

can emit a piercing and heart-stopping scream that affects
all creatures within 60 feet that hear it. Affected creatures
must make a DC 18 Fortitude save. Those making their save
are blinded for 1d4+4 rounds. Those failing their save take
10d6 points of damage. A creature that makes its save is
immune to the annihilating wail of that galley beggar for
one day. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Draining Touch (Su) The incorporeal touch of a galley
beggar drains 1d4 points of Charisma. On a successful
attack, the galley beggar also heals 5 points of damage to
Incorporeal Touch (Su) By passing part of its incorporeal
body through a foe’s body as a standard action, the galley
begger inflicts 5d6+3 damage. This damage is not negative
energy—it manifests in the form of physical wounds and
aches from supernatural aging. Creatures immune to
magical aging are immune to this damage, but otherwise
the damage bypasses all forms of damage reduction. A
Fortitude save halves the damage inflicted.
Unholy Touch (Su) A galley beggar adds its Charisma
modifier to damage for its incorporeal touch attack.

Galley beggars are the ghostly remains of travelers who met their
demise before their journey was complete. Therefore most encounters
with galley beggars occur on roads and paths between cities and towns.
A galley beggar generally haunts a single area of no more than 1 square
mile, and though it is not tied to the area, it rarely ever ventures far from
the place where it died.

Tome of Horrors 4
Gargoyle, Spitting
A grotesque winged humanoid, it has a stony hide and wickedly-pointed SQ freeze
horns. Its mouth is a gaping “O” like a water spout, and its chin is stained
with a green patina of corrosion. Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or nasty (5–16)
SPITTING GARGOYLE CR 5 Treasure standard
XP 1,600
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (earth) Acid Spit (Ex) 30-foot line, once every 4 rounds, damage
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10 3d6 acid, Reflex DC 16 half. The save DC is Constitution
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) Freeze (Ex) A spitting gargoyle can hold itself so still it appears
hp 52 (5d10+20 plus 5) to be a statue. A spitting gargoyle that uses freeze can take
Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +4 20 on its Stealth check to hide in plain sight as a stone statue.
DR 10/magic
Like its cousin the common gargoyle, spitting gargoyles are cruel
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) creatures taking great delight in torturing others just to watch their
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d6+2), bite +7 (1d4+2), gore +7 (1d4+2) suffering. Before closing to attack with their melee attacks, spitting
Special Attacks acid spit gargoyles often dive to use their acid spit attacks initially to soften up their
targets. Other than the variations mentioned here, they in all other ways
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 7 conform to the standard gargoyle as detailed in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 19 Game Bestiary.
Feats Hover, Skill Focus (Fly), Toughness
Skills Fly +13, Perception +10, Stealth +12 (+16 stony Credit
environs), Survival +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Original author Greg A. Vaughan
Stealth (+6 in stony environs) Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
Languages Common, Terran Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Gelatinous Emperor
This large, reddish-brown amorphous blob moves slowly forward. Gelatinous emperors are intelligent, foul oozes found in the court of
Jubilex. What purpose and in what capacity they serve the Faceless Lord
GELATINOUS EMPEROR CR 17 is anyone’s guess. From his Abyssal plane they strike out, devouring
XP 102,400 anything and everything they run across. They are eternal hunters, always
CE Huge ooze (chaotic, evil, extraplanar) moving and always hungry. When a gelatinous emperor slips into the
Init +4; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +23 Material Plane it quickly ravages the area leaving it devoid of all life.
Thankfully these creatures are not often found on the Material Plane.
AC 29, touch 8, flat-footed 29 (+21 natural, –2 size) A gelatinous emperor is believed to be a foul mix of gelatinous cube,
hp 256 (19d8+171) gray ooze, black pudding, and all other manner of puddings and oozes
Fort +17; Ref +8; Will +10 meshed together by Jubilex, either for some nefarious purpose or for
DR 10/magic and good; Immune acid, electricity, ooze nothing more than his sheer amusement. Sages believe the latter to be the
traits; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 28 truer of the two theories.
A gelatinous emperor attacks by forming multiple pseudopods from
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. its amorphous body and lashing out at its opponents. If the emperor can
Melee 2 tentacles +23 (2d8+10 plus 2d8 acid) maneuver its opponents into a tight group it employs its trample attack,
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. crushing as many of its foes in one move as possible.
Special Attacks spew acid, trample (2d8+15 plus 2d8 acid,
DC 29)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th):
1/day—summon (level 7, 1d4 black puddings 100%, 1d4
gelatinous cubes 100%, or 1d2 15 HD black puddings 50%)

Str 31, Dex 10, Con 28, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 13
Base Atk +14; CMB +26; CMD 36 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Alertness, Critical Focus, Great Fortitude,
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus
(Perception), Staggering Critical,
Weapon Focus (tentacle)
Skills Climb +27, Perception +23,
Sense Motive +4, Stealth +1,
Swim +19
Languages Abyssal (cannot speak)

Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary or gang (1 emperor plus 2–5
advanced black puddings)
Treasure none

Acid (Ex) A gelatinous emperor’s acid does not

harm metal or stone.
Spew Acid (Ex) A gelatinous emperor can,
as a standard action, spew forth acid
in a 30-foot line at a single target. A
creature struck takes 12d6 points of acid
damage. A DC 28 Reflex save reduces
the damage by half. Once a gelatinous
emperor has spewed acid, it cannot do
so again for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is

Tome of Horrors 4
Genie, Seraph
This creature resembles a ten foot tall human with brick-red skin and attempts to flee; covering its escape by turning invisible or erecting a wall
coal-black hair, long and braided. of fire between itself and its enemies. When battling efreet, a seraph often
employs cold-based magic weapons such as frost scimitars and icy burst
GENIE, SERAPH CR 8 spears.
XP 4,800 A typical seraph stands 10 feet tall and weighs about 1,500 pounds.
NG Large outsider (extraplanar, fire) Some seraphs are noble, known as
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15 beys or caliphs. A noble seraph has
14 Hit Dice and gains the following
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 spell-like abilities: 3/day—fire
natural, –1 size) seeds, heat metal; 1/day—
hp 95 (10d10+40) elemental swarm (fire elementals
Fort +7; Ref +11; Will +9 only), greater invisibility. A
Immune fire noble seraph’s caster level for its
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold spell-like abilities is 16th. Noble
seraphs are CR 10.
Speed 40 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee mwk scimitar +14/+9 (1d8+4 plus 1d6 fire) or 2 slams
+13 (1d8+4 plus 1d6 fire)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks fire burst, heat
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; melee touch +13, ranged touch
Constant—detect evil, detect magic
At will—flame blade, plane shift (willing targets to elemental
planes, Astral Plane, or Material Plane only), produce flame,
pyrotechnics (DC 15)
3/day—fireball (DC 16), flame strike (DC 18), invisibility (self
only), see invisibility, wall of fire
1/day—fire storm (DC 21), wish (to non-genies only)

Str 19, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 17
Base Atk +10; CMB +15; CMD 30
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved
InitiativeB, Mobility, Power Attack
Skills Craft (any one) +15, Diplomacy +16, Fly +23,
Knowledge (planes) +15, Perception +15, Sense Motive +15,
Spellcraft +15, Stealth +13
Languages Celestial, Common, Ignan, telepathy 100 ft.

Environment any (Plane of Fire)

Organization solitary, pair, company (3–6), or band (7–12)
Treasure standard (masterwork scimitar, other treasure)

Fire Burst (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action,

a seraph can emit a blast of elemental fire in a 30-foot-
radius burst. Creatures in the area take 8d6 points of fire
damage. A successful DC 19 Reflex save reduces the
damage by half. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Heat (Ex) A seraph generates so much heat that its mere
touch deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. A
seraph’s metallic weapons also conduct this heat. A seraph
can start or stop this ability as a free action once per round
on its turn.

The seraphs are genies from the Plane of Fire, and the sworn enemies of
the efreet. A violent war between the two genie races has spanned centuries
and spilled into an uncountable number of planes. Any encounter between
a seraph and an efreeti sparks a battle that only ends when one or the other
is killed. Those that aid the efreeti are treated by seraphs as if they were
efreeti themselves; no mercy is shown in battle to an ally of the hated fire
genies. The seraphs often align themselves with djinn as they both share
the efreeti as a common enemy.
A seraph prefers to use its spell-like abilities over melee weapons
in combat, often allowing its opponents to move in close so the seraph
can unleash its fire burst. A seraph facing overwhelming odds in battle

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

This massive creature appears to be a pile of brownish-gray flesh
covered in large eyes. Eight long tentacles sprout from its body, each
ending in a mouth lined with sharpened fangs. Its large central mass is
amoeba-like and oozes a foul-smelling liquid.
XP 153,600
N Huge aberration
Init +5; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense
60 ft.; Perception +36

AC 31, touch 13, flat-footed 26 (+5 Dex, +18 natural, –2 size)

hp 304 (21d8+210)
Fort +19; Ref +12; Will +20
Defensive Abilities resistant to poison; DR 15/—; Immune
charm, fear, paralysis, sleep; Resist acid 20, cold 20, fire 20,
sonic 20; SR 29

Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee 8 bites +27 (2d6+13/19–20 plus grab)
Ranged 4 thrall worms +18 (1d8 plus poison)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (30 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks thrall

Str 37, Dex 21, Con 30, Int 24, Wis 22, Cha 21
Base Atk +15; CMB +30 (+34 grapple); CMD 45 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Bleeding Critical, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus,
Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Iron Will,
Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Bluff +26, Climb +45, Escape Artist +29, Intimidate +29,
Knowledge (any) +31, Knowledge (history) +28, Knowledge it at one time; it can however be attacked by and bitten by
(planes) +28, Perception +36, Sense Motive +27, Stealth +21, multiple thrall worms. The check DCs are Constitution-based.
Survival +30, Swim +22 Thrall (Su) A victim whose Wisdom score drops to 0 from
Languages Abyssal, Common, Giant, Goblin, Infernal, the ghaggurath’s poison is automatically dominated (as
Terran, Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft. by a dominate monster spell, CL 20th). This effect lasts until
the thrall worm is removed and at least 1 point of Wisdom
Environment any underground is restored. The ghaggurath does not have to concentrate
Organization solitary each day to maintain this effect, and a dominated
Treasure double standard creature does not receive a save to break the effects. If
the ghaggurath is slain, any thrall under its command fall
Poison (Ex) Thrall worm—injury; save DC 30 Fort; frequency unconscious and remain so until the thrall worm is removed
1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d6 Wisdom damage; cure 2 and at least 1 point of Wisdom is restored.
consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Resistance to Poison (Ex) A ghaggurath is highly resistant to The ghaggurath is a massive subterranean creature feared for its ability
poison. Whenever it makes a saving throw against poison, it to enslave others to its will, and feared for its ability to devour just about
can roll its save twice, keeping the better result. anything it desires. Though the ghaggurath has a seemingly endless
Spittle (Ex) In lieu of biting, a tentacle mouth can eject a hunger, it can in fact go up to 6 months without a meal; its body enters a
fleshy worm, called a thrall worm, at a single target to a sort of hibernation to sustain the creature. During this time, many creatures
range of 50 feet. A target that is hit is automatically bitten assume the ghaggurath is vulnerable; it isn’t. Though the creature appears
by the worm and subjected to the ghaggurath’s poison. to be hibernating, it is completely aware of its surroundings. Many would-
Regardless of which head fires the worm, a ghaggurath can be predators and foolish adventurers have stumbled upon a hibernating
launch only 24 such worms in any 24-hour period. ghaggurath assuming it unaware, only to become the creature’s next meal.
When a thrall worm strikes its target, it quickly burrows into Resourceful adventurers who have braved the subterranean worlds tell
the target’s body. This worm can be safely removed with a of huge cities governed by ghagguraths and whose entire populations are
successful DC 30 Heal check or by the application of a cure enslaved and under command of these creatures. Other tales speak of an
spell; otherwise removing the worm deals an extra 1d6 points underground race of humans that worship the ghaggurath as deities. Most
of damage to the target. After 1d4 rounds, the worm works subterranean races fear these creatures and avoid them at all costs.
its way so deep into the target’s body that it can only be In combat, a ghaggurath lashes out with its tentacles, the mouths biting
removed by cutting open the area (dealing 1d8 points of and gnashing its opponents. A grabbed foe is held and subjected to multiple
damage to the victim) before attempting a Heal check or bites. Stronger opponents, particularly spellcasters, are of great interest to
casting a cure spell. A remove disease spell destroys the worm a ghaggurath, and it usually subjects such opponents to its thrall worms,
if the caster succeeds on a caster level check against DC 30. attempting to bring them under its control. Controlled spellcasters are forced
As long as a thrall worm remains inside a target, the target to do the ghaggurath’s bidding or carried back to their great underground
cannot heal the Wisdom damage dealt by the ghaggurath’s cities, enslaved, and experimented upon. Eventually, when a ghaggurath
poison. A creature can only ever have one thrall worm inside grows weary of the creature, it devours it.

Tome of Horrors 4
This undead creature’s flesh is burned and charred and hangs loosely A ghirru attacks with its claws and bite, attempting to grab its prey and
about its form. The stench of burnt flesh permeates the air as it draws set it on fire. A grappled creature is held and incinerated, then promptly
closer. devoured by the ghirru.
XP 6,400
LE Large undead (extraplanar, fire)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception

AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex,

+1 dodge, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 95 (10d8+50)
Fort +10; Ref +6; Will +9
DR 5/good; Immune fire, undead traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +15 (1d8+8 plus burn and grab), bite
+14 (2d6+8 plus burn)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks burn (1d8, DC 20)

Str 27, Dex 17, Con —, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 20
Base Atk +7; CMB +16 (+20 grapple); CMD 30
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (claws)
Skills Bluff +15, Intimidate +18, Perception +19, Sense Motive
+15, Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Terran
SQ change shape (flame-spawned dire wolf; does not
detect as undead in this form; beast shape II), genie-kin

Environment any (Plane of Fire)

Organization solitary or pack (2–6)
Treasure standard

Burn (Ex) A ghirru deals burn damage each round it

grapples. A creature that catches on fire cannot extinguish
the flames until it first escapes the grapple.
Change Shape (Su) A ghirru can assume the shape of a
Large flame-spawned dire wolf. A flame-spawned dire wolf
is an 8 HD dire wolf with the following abilities: immunity to
fire, vulnerability to cold, deals 1d6 points of fire damage
with its bite attack.
Genie-kin (Ex) For all race-related effects (such as a
ranger’s favored enemy), a ghirru is considered a genie
even though its type is undead.

Ghirru are undead efreet, returned to the land of the living by efreeti
necromancers through foul and dark magic. A ghirru closely resembles its
original efreeti form, save its flesh is charred and hangs loosely about it,
sometimes falling off in pieces as the creature moves.
Ghirru haunt cemeteries, ruins, ancient temples to the efreet gods, and
other such places. Legend speaks of a large lair of these creatures led by
a sorcerer of vast power hidden somewhere beneath the fabled City of
Brass. None have found this secret lair thus far. And few go looking for it.
Ghirru have a taste for genie flesh, particularly djinn and marid, though
the latter is often hard to come by on the Plane of Fire. When hunting on
the Material Plane, ghirru are found in warmer lands, often near extinct
volcanoes and other such warm places.
A ghirru stands 12 feet tall and weighs around 1,500 pounds. Its skin
is charred and burned, though in a few places the original crimson color
shines through. Its body constantly emanates small wisps of smoke, and
the smell of burnt flesh lingers in the air around the creature.

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Giant, Coral
This towering humanoid has reddish skin and long, dark hair. It is clad maneuvers, whether the coral giant is initiating or resisting
in loose-fitting clothes and carries a massive trident. these kinds of attacks.
Water Stride (Ex) A coral giant suffers no penalties for
CORAL GIANT CR 9 fighting in or under water (as if affected by a freedom of
XP 6,400 movement spell).
CN Large humanoid (giant)
Init +2; Senses darkvision Coral giants are 12-foot tall humanoids that dwell
60 ft., low-light vision; beneath the waves. They make their homes in great
Perception +13 undersea castles constructed of stone. They are
generally peaceful creatures and spend their days
AC 23, touch 12, flat- fishing and tending to their coral farms. Their
footed 20 (+2 Dex, +1 diet typically consists of undersea plants, fish,
dodge, +11 natural, and the like, with occasional forays onto land
–1 size) to hunt large game. Trade with other intelligent
hp 123 (13d8+65) races is common, with coral giant jewelry being
Fort +13; Ref +6, prized by many races. These creatures are on
Will +5 generally good terms with merfolk, tritons,
Defensive Abilities rock storm giants, and humans. Wars are waged
catching; Resist cold 20 against the sahuagin, krakens, and aboleths,
the latter being a particularly hated foe.
Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft. Coral giant homes are most always
Melee mwk trident +17/+12 constructed of smooth stone and contain
(2d6+10) or 2 slams +15 (1d8+7) large, open expanses and rooms. Their
Ranged rock +11 (1d8+10) homes usually contain a few rooms
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. constructed for air-breathers so
Special Attacks rock throwing land-based visitors can move about
(150 ft.), water mastery somewhat freely. Homes are deep under
the waters, but no so deep as to be
Str 25, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 11, Wis inaccessible to other races looking to
12, Cha 10 trade and bargain. Though coral giants
Base Atk +9; CMB +17; CMD 30 can survive in any waters, they prefer
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Dodge, temperate or warm environments to
Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack, cold temperatures. They can also
Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon freely breathe air, but prefer life
Focus (trident) underwater to land.
Skills Craft (jewelry) +9, Intimidate Coral giants are, on average, 12 feet
+14, Perception +13, Sense Motive +3, tall and weigh 1,500 pounds. Females
Survival +10, Swim +21 tend to be slightly smaller and lighter
Languages Giant than males. Skin tones vary in color but
SQ amphibious, water stride are always some shade of coral. Hair
color varies from deep blacks to light
Environment temperate and warm aquatic reds. On very rare occasions, a coral giant
Organization solitary, gang (2–5), hunting is encountered that has white hair. Coral giant’s
party (6–9), or clan (10–20 plus 1 fighter chief eyes are usually dark blue or green. They can live
of 5th level, and 11–20 sharks) to be 400 years old. Coral giant leaders are typically
Treasure standard (masterwork trident, other fighters or barbarians, though a few are rangers. Druids
treasure) and clerics are common among coral giants; other
spellcasting classes are not.
Water Mastery (Ex) A coral giant gains a +1 Coral giants fight with massive tridents in
bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and combat, fiercely protecting their territory and
its opponent are touching water. If the opponent young. Creatures not driven off are slaughtered
or the coral giant is touching the ground, the coral and left for scavenging fish to feed upon.
giant takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage
rolls. These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun

Tome of Horrors 4
Giant, Crag
This muscular giant has dark brown skin and wild, long, black hair. It Skin color is almost always dark brown, but some slate gray crag giants
wields a huge club in its massive hands. have been encountered. Hair on both males and females tends to be long
and worn in ponytails. Hair color ranges from black to brown to red. Eyes
CRAG GIANT CR 11 are usually brown or green. Crag giants generally live to be 250 years old.
XP 12,800 Crag giants are violent creatures and wade headlong into combat,
CE Large humanoid (giant) swinging their massive clubs or smashing their foes with their great fists.
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +14 If interlopers are detected early and crag giants have the high ground, they
bombard their foes with rocks, moving in to mop up any survivors.
AC 25, touch 9, flat-footed 25 (+16 natural, –1 size)
hp 133 (14d8+70)
Fort +14; Ref +4; Will +7
Defensive Abilities rock catching

Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.

Melee greatclub +18/+13 (2d8+13) or 2 slams +18 (1d8+9)
Ranged rock +10 (2d8+13)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery, rock throwing (180 ft.)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th):
1/day—earthquake (DC 19), summon monster VII (earth
elementals only)

Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +10; CMB +20; CMD 30
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush,
Improved Sunder, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will,
Marital Weapon Proficiency (greatclub)B, Power
Skills Climb +24, Intimidate +20, Perception +14,
Stealth +2, Survival +5
Languages Giant
SQ stonecunning

Environment any mountains

Organization solitary, gang (2–5), band (4–8), or tribe
(10–20 plus 40% noncombatants, 1–2 elders, and 4–8
Treasure standard (greatclub, other treasure)

Earth Mastery (Ex) A crag giant gains a +1 bonus on

attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are
touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or
waterborne, the crag giant takes a –4 penalty on
attack and damage rolls. These modifiers apply to
bull rush and overrun maneuvers, whether the crag
giant is initiating or resisting these kinds of attacks.
(These modifiers are not included in the statistics
Stonecunning (Ex) This ability functions as the
dwarf’s stonecunning ability.

Crag giants are malicious and capricious giants

found inhabiting mountains and hills. They are highly
territorial and attack most any creatures that wander
into their lands. Bestial creatures are slaughtered and
served as food while humanoids, especially dwarves,
orcs, and humans are enslaved and forced into manual
labor serving the crag giants and their ilk. When labor
is in short supply and high demand, crag giant hunting
parties venture forth, raiding nearby civilized lands
and capturing whatever humanoids they can.
Slave trade is common between crag giants,
other giant races, and drow.
Crag giants stand 11 feet in height,
and typical weigh around 1,100 pounds.

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Giant, Jotun
This large muscular humanoid has frost-white skin, bright blue eyes, Unlike normal frost giants, Jotuns have a taste for finery, not usually
and bluish-white hair. found amongst their lesser cousins. They prefer masterwork and magical
gear as well as finely tailored furs to the sloppy filth of normal frost giants.
JOTUN CR 11 Truly ancient jotuns rival titans in size and the power of their illusions.
XP 12,800 A jotun’s skin is white as snow and their eyes glitter like blue diamonds.
CE Large humanoid (cold, giant) Their hair color ranges from red, yellow, blue-grey and even white.
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +15 Females of the species are quite beautiful and have been known to seduce
human men to their death with their feminine wiles. Jotun females are
AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 23 (+4 armor, +10 natural, –1 size) frequently sorcerers.
hp 152 (16d8+80) Adult males stand 15–17 feet tall and weigh between 2,800 and 3,200
Fort +15; Ref +5; Will +7 lbs. Females are only slightly smaller averaging 14–16 feet in height.
Defensive Abilities rock catching; Immune cold Jotuns’ have a potential lifespan of over 1,000 years and continue to grow
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire in size and magical prowess throughout the span of their lives.
It is not uncommon for a jotun to have a few levels of sorcerer, wizard
Speed 40 ft. (Illusionist) or cleric as well as their natural powers and abilities.
Melee mwk greataxe +22/+17/+12 (3d6+15) or 2 slams +21 A jotun prefers to conceal itself with powerful illusions and take its
(1d6+10) enemies by surprise, attacking one opponent at a time until
Ranged rock +11 (1d8+15) all are subdued or slain. When ganged up on by
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. greater numbers of smaller foes it overruns
Special Attacks rock throwing (120 ft.) them, stomping its opponents into the
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th): snow, slaughtering them before
3/day—alter self they have a chance to rise.
1/day—enlarge person (self only), major image When threatened with
(DC 14), reduce person (self only) death, a jotun may
attempt to flee or
Str 31, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 12 barter for its life.
Base Atk +12; CMB +23; CMD 33
Feats Cleave, Critical Focus, Great Cleave,
Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Martial
Weapon Proficiency (greataxe), Power
Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Climb +22, Craft (any) +11, Diplomacy
+9, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (any) +10,
Knowledge (local) +8, Perception +15,
Stealth +6 (+12 in snow); Racial Modifiers +6
Stealth in snow
Languages Common, Giant

Environment cold mountains

Organization Solitary, gang (2–4), band (2–4 plus
2–8 frost giants plus 1 wizard or cleric of 3rd–5th level),
hunting/raiding party (3–6 plus 3–9 frost giants plus 1
cleric or wizard of 4th–8th level plus 2–4 winter wolves
and 2–3 ogres), or tribe (10–20 plus 15–30 frost giants
plus 35% noncombatants plus 1 wizard, cleric, or
sorcerer of 6th or 10th level plus 12–30 winter wolves,
12–22 ogres, and 1–2 young white dragons)
Treasure standard (masterwork chain shirt,
masterwork greataxe, other treasure)

Jotuns are the purest blooded of the frost giant race,

from which all other frost giants sprang. As brutal as their
lesser cousins, they are also highly intelligent, possessing
the knowledge of ancient runes with which they may tap
into great magical powers. The jotun lineage is said to go
back to that of the elder gods, with some jotun females
having been the mothers of demigods still worshipped
by various races to this day. Jotuns are held as nobility
amongst normal frost giant tribes, who obey them as the
true children of the frost giant god.
Jotuns love games of chance, puzzles and
conundrums. The sometimes offer prisoners such
a game to win their freedom; of course, the jotun
frequently cheat at these games, taking perverse
pleasure in doing so.

Tome of Horrors 4
Gibbering Abomination
This massive fleshy conglomeration is covered with madly staring eyes, grapple); CMD 27 (can’t be tripped)
gaping mouths in screaming faces, and pulsing orifices exuding foul- Feats Combat Reflexes, EnduranceB, Great FortitudeB,
smelling substances. Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)
GIBBERING ABOMINATION CR 13 Skills Climb +11, Fly +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8,
XP 25,600 Perception +18, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +14, Survival +9;
CE Large aberration Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Init +7; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense Languages Aklo
60 ft.; Perception +18 SQ deathless

AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size) Environment forest or underground
hp 162 (13d8+91 plus 13); fast healing 3 Organization solitary
Fort +13; Ref +9; Will +8 Treasure standard
Defensive Abilities amorphous; DR 10/bludgeoning; Immune
critical hits, nausea, pain, precision damage, sickening; All-around Vision (Ex) A gibbering abomination sees in all
Resist electricity 10, sonic 10 directions at once. It cannot be flanked List special ability
info here.
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft. Amorphous (Ex) A gibbering abomination’s body is
Melee 6 bites +12 (1d8+4 plus grab /19–20) malleable and shapeless. It is immune to precision damage
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (like sneak attacks) and critical hits, and can move through
Special Attacks arcane frenzy, blood drain, disruptive an area as small as one-quarter its space without squeezing
cacophony or one-eighth its space when squeezing.
Spell-like Abilities (CL 13th; ranged touch +12): Arcane Frenzy (Ex) A gibbering abomination is capable
At will—blur, confusion (single target only, DC 18), daze of using its spell-like abilities more frequently than other
monster (no HD limit, DC 16), dispel magic, creatures. It may use a single spell-like ability each
enfeeblement (as ray but no ranged round as a swift action, two spell-like abilities as a
attack required, DC 15), fear (single standard action, or four spell-like abilities as
target only DC 18), freedom of a full-round action; it may not choose to
movement, freezing ray (as do more than one of these in the same
scorching ray but cold round, and cannot use this ability in
damage) overland the same round it uses Disruptive
flight, telekinesis Cacophony. When engaging in
(325 pounds an arcane frenzy, the gibbering
max, DC 19) abomination may use the same
spell-like ability multiple times,
Str 18, Dex 16, but may not use the same spell-
Con 25, Int 10, like ability against the same
Wis 6, Cha 19 target twice in one round. If
Base Atk +9; more than one spell-like ability
CMB +14 (+18 is used, the specific spell-like

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike
abilities and their targets must be determined before any
effects are determined, including saves and attack rolls.
Blood Drain (Ex) On a successful grapple check after
Gibbering Abomination Variants
grabbing, several of the creature’s mouths attach to its As the result of the twisted experiments that created them, no two gib-
target. Each round it maintains its grapple, the gibbering bering abominations have the same selection of spell-like abilities. The
abomination automatically deals 3d6+12 points of bite abilities listed in the stat block above are merely an example of a typical
damage and 1 point of Constitution damage as it drains its specimen—if such a term could be applied to a creature as bizarre as this.
victim’s blood. When creating new gibbering abominations, use the following guide-
Deathless (Su) When a gibbering abomination is slain, it is lines to assist in assigning spell-like abilities to the creature:
not truly dead, and 1 hour later it returns to life at 0 hit points,
allowing fast healing thereafter to resume healing it. A 1 The abomination should have between 8 and 12
gibbering abomination can be permanently destroyed only spell-like abilities, with a combined total spell level
with death magic or complete incineration of its remains of 38–45.
(such as dumping it into a pool of magma). 2 Roughly half the spell-like abilities should be derived
Disruptive Cacophony (Su) As a free action the gibbering from 1st to 3rd–level spells, and the other half 4th to
abomination may produce a horrible quasi-arcane 6th–level spells. Just one should be of 7th to 9th
chanting that is highly disruptive to nearby magic effects. level; the higher level that spell is, the more
Any creature that can clearly hear this chanting (maximum it should be a non-primary combat spell effect.
range 100 ft.) must make a concentration check (DC 20 3 Any spell with an area effect should be changed to
plus level of spell) to successfully cast a spell or use a spell- affect a single target only with a range of Close.
like ability. The check DC is Charisma-based. A gibbering Similarly, any spell that would normally generate a
abomination that uses this ability may not use any of its spell- ray effect no longer needs a ranged touch at
like abilities on its current turn, or until the start of its next turn. tack to hit, but if the spell would normally generate
Pain Immunity (Ex) Because the gibbering abomination multiple rays, any additional rays are lost.
is already in incredible pain, it is immune to any effect or 4 Any caps for maximum hit dice of creatures
condition caused as a result of extreme pain or agony. This affected should be removed, but other level-
ability does not protect it against any physical damage it dependent caps, such as maximum number of dice
might suffer as well, however. of damage, should remain.
5 Do not use spell-like abilities with casting times
A horrifying expanse of fused faces and parts of faces, the gibbering greater than one standard action, such as most
abomination is the result of foul arcane experiments studying the creation summoning spells.
of chimerical creatures. It bears a close superficial resemblance to a gib- 6 In general, it is best to pick spell-like abilities with a
bering mouther or lesser gibbering orb, and may be mistaken for one of balance of offensive, defensive, tactical, and
those, but they are no true relation. Instead, the gibbering abomination utilitarian spell effects. However, creating a
has been cobbled together from the faces and organs of dozens of human- gibbering abomination focused for a particular task
oid creatures; its innards are a bizarre tangle of brains, hearts, and other is certainly possible, as the mad beings who created
organs. The gibbering abomination is in constant pain as a result of the it may have designed it with just such a purpose in
process that created it, haunted by half-remembered memories from the mind.
creatures it was composed from.
Gibbering abominations have clear memories of the experiments and Credit
procedures they suffered in their formation, and value nothing more than Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God Games,
their own personal freedom. Beyond that, their constant anguish has given 2012)
them a hateful attitude toward other creatures.

Tome of Horrors 4
Gibbering Orb
These great masses of floating amorphous flesh appear to be covered in Organization solitary
bloodshot, weeping eyes and disgustingly vile mouths. The gibbering orb Treasure standard
is a pulsing mass of sickly greyish-green flesh, roughly 20 ft. in diameter.
The orb distends and undulates as it flies, seeming to spasm through the Eye Rays (Su) Two dozen of the eyes can each produce a
air rather than fly. The creature does not seem to have a top or bottom, nor magical ray each round, with each eye emulating a spell
does it have any form of appendages for handling objects. from among the list of spells below (CL 27th). The save DCs,
where applicable, are 16 + spell level. A gibbering orb has
GIBBERING ORB CR 27 no directional limitations on where it can point its eye rays,
XP 3,276,800 because the eyes orbiting around its body drift and float
CE Huge aberration wherever needed. However, a gibbering orb can never aim
Init +16; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +37 more than five rays at any single target, due to limitations of
aiming. All rays have a range of 150 ft. Each of these effects
AC 48, touch 32, flat-footed 36 (+12 Dex, +12 insight, +16 functions as a ray, regardless of the normal parameters
natural, –2 size) of the spell it resembles. That is, each is usable against a
hp 337 (27d8+216) single target and requires a ranged touch attack. The eye
Fort +17; Ref +21; Will +24 rays are: cone of cold, disintegrate, dominate
Defensive Abilities all-around vision; DR 10/ monster, energy drain, feeblemind, finger
epic; Immune critical hits, flanking; SR of death, flesh to stone, greater dispel
37 magic, harm, hold monster, horrid
wilting, implosion, inflict critical
Speed 5 ft., fly 20 ft. (good) wounds, lightning bolt, magic
Melee 12 bites +30 missile, mage’s disjunction,
(2d8+11/19–20 plus grab) irresistible dance, baleful
Ranged 24 eye rays +31 polymorph, power word
touch blind, power word kill,
Space 15 ft.; Reach power word stun,
10 ft. prismatic spray, slay
Special Attacks living, and temporal
eye rays, gibbering stasis.
(60 ft.; DC 29 Will), Flight (Ex) The
steal spell, steal gibbering orb’s
spell-like ability, body is naturally
swallow whole buoyant. This
(4d8 constriction buoyancy allows
damage plus 3d10 it to fly as the spell,
acid damage, AC as a free action,
18, hp 33) at a speed of 20
Spell-like Abilities ft. This buoyancy
(CL 27th; save DC 16 also grants it a
+ spell level): permanent feather
At will—two stolen fall effect with
spells or spell-like abilities personal range.
per round Gibbering (Su) The
cacophony of speech
Str 32, Dex 35, Con 27, Int 40, emanating from the scores
Wis 24, Cha 22 of mouths that make up the
Base Atk +20; CMB +33 (+37 orb forces all within 60 ft. of the
to grapple); CMD 55 (can’t be creature to succeed at a DC 29
tripped) Will save each round or suffer the
Feats Bleeding Critical, Critical Focus, Die effects of an insanity spell.
Hard, Endurance, Flyby Attack, Greater Vital Steal Spell/Steal Spell-Like Ability (Su) When
Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Critical (bite), Improved a creature dies by being swallowed whole (or when a
Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Vital Strike, Weapon creature killed by the gibbering orb in some other fashion
Focus (eye ray), Weapon Focus (bite) is eaten by it), the gibbering orb absorbs the creature’s
Skills Acrobatics +42, Bluff +33, Diplomacy +33, Escape Artist known spells, prepared spells, and spell-like abilities. The
+42, Fly +42, Heal +34, Intimidate +36, Knowledge (arcana) orb can use any two of those abilities per round as a free
+45, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +42, Knowledge (history) action. Each originates from an eye that is not producing an
+42, Knowledge (local) +42, Knowledge (planes) +45, eye ray (see above) that round. Stolen spells and spell-like
Knowledge (religion) +27, Linguistics +42, Perception +41, abilities are lost after 24 hours.
Sense Motive +34, Spellcraft +45 , Stealth +34, Survival +37,
Use Magic Device +33; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception These great harbingers of insanity and chaos are fortunately very rare
Languages all indeed. Locked away by whatever powers preserve order and sanity,
SQ flight the gibbering orbs occasionally make their way to the civilized world
to satiate its ravenous hunger for sentient beings. While the gibbering
Environment any orb looks like a mass of chaotic, insanely impossible flesh, it is a clever

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike
and very intelligent adversary. If any being is so foolish as to attack a long in any one place is if they are guarding some location for their own
gibbering orb, it hurls itself at its foes with complete abandon, somehow amusement, or if they are stranded or bound to a location. Woe to those
making tactical decisions despite its completely random approach to who stumble upon an orb that cannot leave of its own free will!
destruction. Gibbering orbs in combat are forces of nature. They attack with seeming
Gibbering orbs speak all languages, and frequently speak in several abandon, although they are incredibly intelligent, their ego does not allow
tongues at once to disorient their opponents. Gibbering orbs are incapable them to comprehend the concept other being are as powerful as they are.
of speaking in a non-dominant role, their egos are too vast. Gibbering orbs consume there foes fully, drawing them into their various
Gibbering orbs are 20 feet or more in diameter, weighing at least 8,000 mouths; thus, any treasure found with a gibbering orb is one the inside of
pounds. Their coloration varies from a sickly, mottled gray to luminescent the creature.
green or deep magenta at random intervals. The orbs flesh spasms and Gibbering orbs are never found together. It is unknown how they
twitches constantly, and the entire surface is covered in eyes, mouths reproduce, and such an event would most likely take place in a very
and other incomprehensible appendages. The orb has no obvious top or secluded lair.
bottom; as it hovers, the entire mass continuously rotates so no one side is
ever in direct contact with opponents for longer than a few seconds. Credit
Gibbering orbs are planar travelers; fortunately, they grow bored of Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God Games,
one place quickly. The only time gibbering orbs maintain a residence for 2012)

Gibbering Orb, Lesser

These hideous masses of floating flesh appear to be covered with staring Melee 6 bites +12 (1d8+3 plus grab)
eyes and hungry mouths. The lesser gibbering orb is a pulsing mass of Ranged 6 eye rays +13 touch
sickly greyish-green flesh, roughly 8 ft. in diameter. The orb seems to fly in Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
starts and fits, but this is a ruse, for the creature is nimble for its bulk. It Special Attacks eye rays, gibbering (60 ft.; DC 23 Will),
may be a distant cousin to the eye of the deep or similarly-orbed entities. steal spell, steal spell-like ability, swallow whole (1d8 acid
damage, AC 14, hp 9)
LESSER GIBBERING ORB CR 11 Spell-like Abilities (CL 14th; save DC 16 + spell level)
XP 12,800 Constant—fly
CE Large aberration At will—one stolen spell or spell-like ability per round
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +23
Str 16, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 22
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size) Base Atk +10; CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 27 (can’t be
hp 91 (14d8+42) tripped)
Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +13 Feats Diehard, Endurance, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative,
Defensive Abilities all-around vision; Immune critical hits, Iron Will, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (eye ray)
flanking; SR 21 Skills Acrobatics +20, Fly +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge
(arcana) +22, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +19, Linguistics
Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (good) +19, Perception +23, Sense Motive +16, Stealth +19; Racial

Lesser Gibbering Orb Eye Rays

Lesser gibbering orbs are an immature or offshoot form of the great ROLL EYE RAY
and terrible aberrations that are known to inhabit the dark recesses of 1 acid arrow
the world. Created in some manner of magical nightmare, the orbs are 2 blindness/deafness
as different as their underground realms. If the GM so desires, these 3 chill touch
additional eye powers are presented as possible replacements. 4 color spray
5 daze monster
Eye Rays (Su) Six of the eyes can each produce a 6 dispel magic
magical ray each round, with each eye emulating a 7 flaming sphere
spell from among the list of spells below as if cast by 8 glitterdust
a 14th-level caster. The save DCs, where applicable, 9 grease
are 16 + spell level. A gibbering orb has no directional 10 hypnotism
limitations on where it can point its eye rays, because 11 hypnotic pattern
the eyes orbiting around its body drift and float wherever 12 inflict light wounds
needed. However, a gibbering orb can never aim more 13 inflict moderate wounds
than three rays at any single target, due to limitations of 14 magic missile
aiming. All rays have a range of 80 feet. Each of these 15 ray of enfeeblement
effects functions as a ray, regardless of the normal 16 ray of frost
parameters of the spell it resembles. That is, each is 17 shatter
usable against a single target and requires a ranged 18 sleep
touch attack. 19 slow
A lesser gibbering orb can have up to 6 eye rays, each 20 touch of fatigue
based on a 0–3rd level cleric or sorcerer spell. The rays
can be determined by the GM or rolled randomly on the
table below.

Tome of Horrors 4
Modifiers +4 Perception on a DC 23 Will save or be confused for 1d4 rounds. This is a
Languages all mind-affecting compulsion insanity effect. A creature that
SQ flight saves cannot be affected by the same orb’s gibbering for
24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Environment any Steal Spell/Steal Spell-Like Ability (Su) When a creature dies
Organization solitary or occulum (2–3) by being swallowed whole (or when a creature killed by
Treasure standard the gibbering orb in some other fashion is eaten by it), the
gibbering orb absorbs the creature’s known spells, prepared
Eye Rays (Su) Six of the eyes can produce a magical ray spells, and spell-like abilities. The orb can use any one of
per round, with each eye emulating a spell from among those abilities per round as a free action. Each originates
the list of spells below as if cast by a 14th-level caster. The from an eye that is not producing an eye ray (see above)
save DCs, where applicable, are 16 + spell level. A that round. Stolen spells and spell-like abilities are
gibbering orb has no directional limitations on lost after 24 hours.
where it can point its eye rays, because the
eyes orbiting around its body drift and float The lesser gibbering orb is either a smaller or
wherever needed. However, a gibbering younger version of the gibbering orb, or so similar
orb can never aim more than three rays it makes no difference for naming purposes. These
at any single target, due to limitations of odd beasts are not quite the force of nature their
aiming. All rays have a range of 80 feet. larger brethren are, but they are every bit as chaotic
Each of these effects functions as a ray, and hungry as the larger version. These creatures
regardless of the normal parameters are very distinct, and no two lesser gibbering
of the spell it resembles. That is, each orbs encountered are the same, if the encounter is
is usable against a single target and survived at all!
requires a ranged touch attack. The eye The gibbering orb has the ability to bite its foes
rays are: daze monster, dispel magic, by extending a pseudopod with one of its mouths
flaming sphere, inflict moderate wounds, protruding from the end. The orb can extend two of
magic missile, and ray of enfeeblement. The these at any one foe, or a total of six in any given round. At
save DC is Charisma-based. the same time, the legions of eyes have the ability to cast a host
Flight (Sp) The gibbering orb’s body is naturally buoyant. of spells at a rapid rate.
This buoyancy allows it to cast fly, as the spell, as a free Like their larger kin, lesser gibbering orbs speak any language, and
action, at a speed of 30 ft. This buoyancy also grants it a constantly babble and gurgle unintelligible gibberish to confuse and
permanent feather fall effect with personal range. disorient their foes.
Gibbering (Su) As a free action, no more than once per
1d4 rounds, a gibbering orb can emit a cacophony of Credit
maddening sound. All creatures other than gibbering Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God
mouthers and gibbering orbs within 60 feet must succeed Games, 2012)

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Glacial Haunt
This humanoid has pale white skin and is partially covered in ice and living creatures in its domain, and then spring from ambush to assault
snow. Its hair appears stiff and frozen, glittering with small particles of them when they move near. Glacial haunts batter their foes with their fists,
ice. Its eyes are deep blue and show no signs of life. seeking to destroy them by literally smashing the life from them.
XP 600
CE Medium undead (cold)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 100 ft.; Perception +8
Aura bitter cold (10 ft.)

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+1 dodge, +2 Dex, +4

hp 22 (4d8+4)
Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +5
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2; Immune cold,
undead traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire

Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. (ice and snow only); snow glide
Melee slam +6 (1d4+3 plus heat drain)

Str 14, Dex 15, Con —, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 13

Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Dodge, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Climb +9, Perception +8, Stealth +9
Languages Common

Environment cold lands

Organization solitary or gang (2–5)
Treasure none

Bitter Cold (Ex) A glacial haunt radiates intense cold in a 10-

foot radius. Creatures in or entering the area take 1d2 points
of cold damage each round.
Heat Drain (Su) A glacial haunt’s slam attack drains away
body heat from living creatures. This attack deals 1d4 points
of Strength damage to a living creature. This is a negative
energy effect. A creature freezes to death if this Strength
damage equals or exceeds its actual Strength score.
Lifesense (Ex) A glacial haunt can detect living creatures
within 100 feet by the heat their bodies radiate. This includes
invisible creatures.
Snow Glide (Ex) A burrowing glacial haunt can pass through
ice and snow as easily as a fish swims through water. Its
burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it
create any ripple or other sign of its presence.

The icy wastes sometimes grant unlife to those who freeze to death at
her unforgiving hands. The result is a glacial haunt, the utter bane of the
unwary traveler, for the glacial haunt is drawn to the heat of all sources,
be it from magic, fires, or the warmth given off by living creatures. Glacial
haunts spend most of their time wandering their frigid domains seeking
to kill and devour anything they encounter. When winter spreads her icy
embrace to other lands, the glacial haunt’s hunting grounds increase.
A glacial haunt is 6 feet tall and weighs about 165 pounds. It is usually
dressed in the attire it wore at the time of its death, though much of it has
rotted or fallen away. Glacial haunts seem to understand, and possibly be
able to speak, the Common tongue, but no encounters with these creatures
has born any hard evidence of this. Multiple glacial haunts in a single
encounter is rare and believed to come about when a group of adventurers
succumb to the cold and perish together. Others have speculated that
glacial haunts actually reproduce by melting and then splitting into two
identical creatures.
Glacial haunts detest living creatures and attack them on sight. A
favored tactic of glacial haunts is to burrow into the snow when it detects

Tome of Horrors 4
Gloom Haunt
A vaguely humanoid shape composed of darkness rises from the are different creatures, unrelated to the aforementioned undead at all.
shadows. While both prefer areas of gloom and darkness, and both seem to be
formed of shadowstuff, that’s where the similarities end.
GLOOM HAUNT CR 5 Gloom haunts are vile evil creatures, who seem to have no ties to the
XP 1,600 living (i.e., scholars cannot find any reasonable explanation as to why
CE Medium undead (incorporeal) they exist), though a few learned sages believe gloom haunts to be the
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness; spiritual remains of paladins who were sacrificed by evil clerics to their
Perception +13 vile and dark gods. Gloom haunts are found haunting graves, dungeons,
and catacombs. These creatures detest light (though they are not harmed
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 15 (+5 deflection, +3 Dex) by it) and move about at night when their natural coloration and abilities
hp 57 (6d8+30) help them the most.
Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +7 A gloom haunt appears as a humanoid-shaped somewhat translucent
Defensive Abilities incorporeal, channel resistance +2, creature formed of darkness. Two small pinpoints of red light function as
shadowy resolve; Immune undead traits eyes. A gloom haunt does not speak or utter any sounds.
Gloom haunts use their ability to hide in shadows to wait for living
Speed fly 50 ft. (good) creatures to come close. When such a creature does, glooms haunt leap
Melee incorporeal touch +7 (3d6+5 plus pain touch) to the attack.
Special Attacks shadow mastery

Str —, Dex 17, Con —, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 20

Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 25
Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative
Skills Fly +16, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (any one) +8,
Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +12 (+16 in dim
light, +8 in bright light); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in dim
light (–4 in bright light)
SQ creeping shadows

Environment any
Organization solitary or gang
(gloom haunt plus 2–4 shadows)
Treasure standard

Creeping Shadows (Su) Once per

day, a gloom haunt can emanate
an inky darkness in a 30-foot-radius
burst as a standard action. This functions
as a deeper darkness spell (CL 6th).
Incorporeal Touch (Su) By passing part of its
incorporeal body through a foe’s body as a standard
action, the gloom haunt inflicts 7d6 damage. This damage
is not negative energy—it manifests in the form of physical
wounds and aches from supernatural aging. Creatures
immune to magical aging are immune to this damage,
but otherwise the damage bypasses all forms of damage
reduction. A Fortitude save halves the damage inflicted.
Pain Touch (Su) A gloom haunt adds its Charisma modifier
on damage rolls with its incorporeal touch. Additionally,
the touch of a gloom haunt sends a wave of intense pain
through the opponent’s body. A creature touched must
succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1
round and shaken for 1d4+2 rounds thereafter. The save DC
is Charisma-based.
Shadow Mastery (Su) A gloom haunt is a creature of
darkness. In areas of total darkness (including that created
by its creeping shadows ability), a gloom haunt gains a
+2 racial bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks. These
bonuses are not included in the statistics block.
Shadowy Resolve (Su) In areas of shadowy illumination or
total darkness, a gloom haunts channel resistance increases
to +4.

Gloom haunts are believed to somehow be related to shadows though

most learned scholars agree that people simply relate them to shadows
because of their resemblance to said creatures. In actuality, gloom haunts

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Golem, Crystalline
A man-size biped made entirely of what looks like glass or crystal
moves forward, the light reflecting off is faceted form in a dizzying array.

XP 1,600
N Medium construct
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +0

AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (–1 Dex, +8 natural)

hp 44 (8d10+20)
Fort +2; Ref +1; Will +2
DR 5/adamantine; Immune construct traits (+20 hp),
electricity, fire, magic
Weakness vulnerability to sonic

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +11 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks crystalline destruction

Str 16, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1

Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 20

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Crystalline Destruction (Ex) When reduced

to 0 hit points, a crystal golem shatters in
an explosion of jagged shards of rock. All
creatures within a 10-foot burst take 3d6
points of slashing damage and 2d6 points of
bludgeoning damage; a DC 13 Reflex save
halves the damage. The save DC is Constitution-
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A crystal golem is immune to any
spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance, with the
exception of spells and spell-like abilities that have the sonic
descriptor. In addition, certain spells and effects function
differently against the creature, as noted: A transmute rock
to mud spell slows a crystalline golem (as the slow spell) for
2d6 rounds, with no saving throw, while transmute mud to
rock heals all of its lost hit points. A stone to flesh spell does
not actually change the golem’s structure but negates its
damage reduction and immunity to magic for 1 full round.

Crystalline golems are man-shaped growths of crystal, animated by a

powerful wizard and possessed of rudimentary intelligence. They attack
by clubbing with their rock-like fists. These are comparably quite a weak
form of golem, but the process of creating them is not as arduous as for
the other sorts.

Construction Credit
Crystalline golems are created out of fine quartz or other crystal Original author Matthew J. Finch
weighing 1,200 pounds, and worth 3,000 gp. The crystal is shaped into a Originally appearing in The Spire of Iron and Crystal (© Frog
man-size form, and infused with electricity to spark its animation. God Games/Matthew J. Finch, 2011)
CL 8th; Price 6,000 gp

Requirements Craft Construct, geas/quest, limited wish,
shocking grasp, creator must be caster level 8th; Skill; Cost
3,000 gp

Tome of Horrors 4
Golem, Necromantic
This creature looks like a large, rotting humanoid whose body has been energy in a 20-foot cone. Creatures caught in the area
stitched together with cord, wires, and string. take 6d6 points of negative energy damage (good-aligned
outsiders caught in the area take 6d8 points of negative
NECROMANTIC GOLEM CR 8 energy damage). A DC 15 Reflex save reduces the damage
XP 4,800 by half. The save DC is Constitution-based.
N Large construct
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1 A necromantic golem resembles a flesh golem, and is often times
mistaken for said creature. It is assembled in much the same way as a
AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21 (+12 natural, –1 size) flesh golem is (humanoid body parts stitched together into a single form),
hp 90 (11d10+30) and infused with negative energy during the construction process.
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +4 A necromantic golem stands 8 feet tall and weighs around 500 pounds.
DR 5/adamantine; Immune construct traits (+30 hp), magic Its sickly greenish flesh is drawn tight around its frame in areas and rotted
completely away in others. Its form weeps fluids from various sores and
Speed 30 ft. injuries. A necromantic golem wields no weapons and wears whatever its
Melee 2 slams +14 (2d6+4 plus 1d6 negative energy) creator gives it, usually ragged clothing and nothing more.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. A necromantic golem cannot speak, though it does seem to understand
Special Attacks enervating ray, unholy blast basic commands spoken in the Common tongue.
In combat, a necromantic golem attacks with its unholy blast and
Str 18, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 1 powerful slam attacks, usually opening battle with its enervating ray. It is
Base Atk +11; CMB +16; CMD 26 relentless and fights to the death unless otherwise instructed by its creator.
SQ rejuvenation A necromantic golem moves and walks with a stiff gait.

Environment any
Organization solitary Construction
Treasure none The pieces of a necromantic golem must come from normal humanoid
corpses that have not decayed significantly. Assembly requires a minimum
Enervating Ray (Su) Once per day, a necromantic golem of six different bodies—one for each
can unleash a ray of negative energy in a 30-foot line. A limb, the torso (including head),
creature struck must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or gain and the brain. In some cases, more
2d4 negative levels. Even on a successful save, the victim bodies may be necessary. Special
gains 1d4 negative levels. Assuming the target survives, it unguents and bindings worth 500
regains lost levels after 11 hours have passed. Negative gp are also required. Note that
levels from a necromantic golem do not have a chance of creating a necromantic golem
becoming permanent. The save DC is Constitution-based requires casting a spell with
and includes a +2 racial bonus. the evil descriptor.
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A necromantic golem is immune
to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. NECROMANTIC
In addition, certain spells and effects function differently GOLEM
against the creature, as noted: A magical attack that CL 10th;
heals living creatures slows a necromantic golem (as the Price 24,500 gp
slow spell) for 2d6 rounds (no save). A magical attack that
deals negative energy damage breaks any slow effect CONSTRUCTION
on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for every 3 Requirements Craft
points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the Construct, animate
amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its dead, bull’s
full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit strength, enervation,
points. A necromantic golem gets no saving throw against geas/quest, limited
attacks that deal negative energy damage. A raise dead wish, creator must
spell deals 6d6 points of damage to a necromantic golem. be caster level 10th;
A necromantic golem gets no saving throw against this Skill Craft (leather) or
effect. A resurrection or true resurrection spell negates its DR Heal DC 15;
and immunity to magic for 1 minute. In an area affected Cost 12,000 gp
by a hallow spell, a necromantic golem takes a –2 penalty
on attack rolls, damage rolls, checks, and saves, and a
–2 penalty to AC. In areas affected by an unhallow spell,
a necromantic golem gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls,
damage rolls, checks, and saves, and a +2 bonus to AC.
Rejuvenation (Su) A necromantic golem heals 1 hit point
every hour up to its maximum hit points. If reduced to 0 hit
points or less, the golem continues to heal. A necromantic
golem can be permanently destroyed by reducing it to 0
hit points or less, casting a hallow spell on the corpse, and
dousing the golem with holy water.
Unholy Blast (Su) As a free action once every 1d4+1 rounds,
a necromantic golem can unleash a blast of negative

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Golem, Philosopher
This creature appears as a nine-foot tall humanoid crafted from lapis The philosopher golem is a completely self-aware construct, designed
lazuli. It has a regal bearing and wields a rod of platinum in its hand. as an aid to powerful spellcasters. The philosopher golem is subservient to
its master but acts more as a companion and confidant, having its own mind
PHILOSOPHER GOLEM CR 9 as to choices of right and wrong or good and evil. Philosopher golems are
XP 6,400 often used as proxies in the crafting of dangerous magical items by their
N (usually; but any) Large construct creators who use the philosopher golem in the handling of volatile spell
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +14

AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20 (+11 natural, –1 size)

hp 112 (15d10+30)
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +9
DR 10/adamantine; Immune construct traits (+30 hp), magic

Speed 30 ft.
Melee platinum rod +19/+14 (1d8+5) or 2 slams +19 (2d6+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks spells
Spells Known (CL 7th; melee touch +19, ranged touch +14):
3rd (4/day)—lightning bolt (DC 15), sleet storm
2nd (7/day)—flaming sphere (DC 14), invisibility, web (DC 14)
1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 13), charm person (DC 13),
detect secret doors, ray of enfeeblement (DC 13), true strike
0 (at will)—bleed (DC 12), dancing lights, detect magic, flare
(DC 12), mage hand, read magic, touch of fatigue (DC 12)

Str 20, Dex 11, Con —, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 15
Base Atk +15; CMB +21; CMD 31
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Craft ConstructB, Craft
Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Power
Attack, Quicken Spell
Skills Craft (any one) +12, Knowledge (any one) +12,
Knowledge (arcana) +12, Perception +14, Sense Motive +4,
Spellcraft +12, Use Magical Device +12
Languages Common, plus two others

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure platinum rod (1,500 gp)

Immunity to Magic (Ex) A philosopher golem is immune

to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
In addition, certain spells and effects function differently
against the creature as noted: A shatter spell deals
damage to a philosopher golem as if it were a crystalline
creature. A keen edge spell affects a philosopher golem’s
slam attacks as if they were slashing weapons. A magical
attack that deals cold damage slows a philosopher
golem (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds (no saving throw).
A magical attack that deals fire damage ends any slow
effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for
each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise
deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem
to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as
temporary hit points. A philosopher golem gets no saving
throw against fire effects.
Spells When a philosopher golem is created, it is
programmed with spells. The creator can add as many or
as few spells as desired up to the limit of the golem’s caster
level. A philosopher golem has a caster level equal to one-
half its Hit Dice. A philosopher golem does not require any
spell components or focuses to cast its spells, and once a
spell is cast, it is expended until the golem recharges it. To
recharge its expended spells, a philosopher golem must
remain idle (resting, more or less) for 8 hours.

Tome of Horrors 4
components or in the acquisition of reagents from hostile environments. Removing a Programmed Spell
Philosopher golems can, or so it is rumored, teach other spellcasters the Removing a programmed spell from a philosopher golem takes 1 hour
spells they have programmed if the spellcaster is of sufficient level to cast per spell level and requires a DC 20 Spellcraft check. Modify the DC as
the spell. A philosopher golem cannot change its programmed spells, but follows (add all that apply).
its creator or another spellcaster can. Spells can be added, removed, or
changed by the creator or another spellcaster. Circumstance DC
Philosopher golems are most often found in the employ of wizards, Spellcaster is not the golem’s creator +5
sorcerers, and clerics. In combat, philosopher golem uses its programmed
Spell doesn’t appear on spellcaster’s list
spells and powerful slam attacks to dispatch its foes. It can also attack
(or doesn’t know the spell) +5
with its platinum rod (treat as a club).
Spell is of a higher level
than spellcaster can cast +5 per level over
Reprogramming a Philosopher Golem
A spellcaster can add, remove, or change the philosopher golem’s If the Spellcraft check succeeds, the spell is removed. If the check
programmed spells. fails, the spell is not removed. The spellcaster can try again, but the DC to
remove that spell increases by +5 each time he fails this check.
Adding a New Programmed Spell
The following rules apply when adding a new spell to an existing Changing a Programmed Spell
philosopher golem. Changing a spell requires the spellcaster to first remove the spell (using
The philosopher golem must have available spell slots. A golem has as the rules above), and then add the spell to the golem (using the rules
many spell slots as would a spellcaster equal to its caster level. above).
A new spell can only be added in a spell slot of the spell’s level or
The spellcaster must be able to cast the spell to be added and must have Construction
access to it (that is, it must appear on his spell list and he must have access A philosopher golem’s body is chiseled from a single block of lapis
to it via spellbook, prepared spell or known spell, scroll, etc.) lazuli, weighing at least 2,000 pounds. The lapis lazuli must be of
Adding a new spell takes 1 hour per spell level and the spellcaster must exceptional quality, and costs 10,000 gp.
expend a number of gold pieces equal to the spell’s level x the philosopher
golem’s caster level x 500 gp. 0th level spells cost one-half this price. PHILOSOPHER GOLEM
The spellcaster makes a Spellcraft check (DC 20 if the spellcaster is the CL 14th; Price 64,000 gp
golem’s creator; DC 25 if not + the spell’s level). If successful, the new
spell is added to the golem. If the check fails, both time and cost are CONSTRUCTION
wasted. Requirements Craft Construct, antimagic field, geas/quest,
limited wish, all of the spells the creator wants to program
into the philosopher golem, creator must be caster level
14th; Skill Craft (sculpting) or Craft (jewelrymaking) DC 17;
Cost 37,000 gp

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Golem, Skiff
This unusual river skiff is constructed of finely-crafted wood. On the otherworldly determination.
bow of the ship stands a statue of a skeletal figure dressed in a hooded If attacked, or if travelers attempt to board the skiff without first paying,
black robe. Its hand clutches a long staff. a skiff golem attacks with its ebon staff and breath weapon (the skeletal
figure pivots to face its opponents). If it manages to paralyze an opponent
SKIFF GOLEM CR 11 with its staff, it attempts to knock that foe from its skiff into the waiting
XP 12,800 waters. If threatened with destruction, the skiff golem summons several
N Huge construct (extraplanar) charonadaemons to its aid or makes haste to retreat, poling thru rock,
Init –2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0 stone, magical obstructions, water and fire if necessary.

AC 21, touch 6, flat-footed 21 (–2 Dex, +15 natural, –2 size)

hp 122 (15d10+40)
Fort +5; Ref +3; Will +5
The construction of a skiff
DR 10/adamantine; Immune construct traits (+40 hp), golem is a closely guarded secret,
magic; Resist fire 20 known only to Charon and some
of his most loyal servants.
Speed 40 ft., swim 50 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +23/+18/+13 (2d6+15 plus paralysis)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (30-ft. cone, 7d6 electricity
damage; DC 17 Ref half, usable five times/day), man
overboard, paralysis (2d4 rounds, DC 17)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th):
1/day—passwall, summon (level 8, 1d4 charonadaemons

Str 31, Dex 6, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 11

Base Atk +15; CMB +27; CMD 35 (can’t be tripped)
Skills Swim +18
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal (cannot speak any)

Environment any (lower planes)

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Immunity to Magic (Ex) A skill golem is immune to any spell

or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition,
certain spells and effects function differently against the
creature, as noted: Warp wood or wood shape slows a
skiff golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds (no save). A
magical attack that deals cold damage breaks any slow
effect on the skiff golem and heals 1 point of damage for
every 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal.
If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed
its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit
points. A skiff golem gets no saving throw against attacks
that deal cold damage. Repel wood drives the skiff golem
back 30 feet and deals 2d12 points of damage to it (no
save). Ironwood heals a skiff golem of all its lost hit points.
Man Overboard (Ex) A skiff golem can rock itself violently
back and forth as a move action, causing all those onboard
to fall into the water (which if on the River Styx could be a
very bad thing indeed). A creature can attempt to maintain
its footing and grab onto the skiff golem by succeeding on
a DC 27 Acrobatics check. The check DC is Strength-based.

Crafted by Charon, the Boatman

of the Lower Planes and his
servants, these creatures serve as an
automated means of transportation
across the Styx. A rider’s destination
need merely be whispered in the golem’s
ear and payment dropped into a nearby
container on the skiff. When these conditions
are met, the skiff sets out immediately at full
speed, polling across water and land alike with

Tome of Horrors 4
Golem, Spontaneous — Ossuary Golem
A massive amalgamation of jagged bones bears a multitude of wickedly temporarily fall away from its body which slows (as the slow
clawed arms and a head formed of numerous skulls held in place together. spell) the golem for 1d4 rounds. A raise dead spell with
It moves quickly on its many limbs before rising to its full height of 12 feet a successful touch attack deals 5d6 points of damage.
and bringing its four skeletal arms to bear. A resurrection spell with a successful touch attack deals
1d6 points of damage per caster level
OSSUARY GOLEM CR 11 (15d6 maximum). A speak with dead
XP 12,800 spell stuns the golem for 1 round as
N Large construct the spirits of the many deceased
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; temporarily confuse it while vying for
Perception +20 control of their individual bodies.
AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 23 (+14 A true resurrection spell with a
natural, –1 size) successful touch attack deals 10
points of damage per caster
hp 96 (12d10+30) level to a maximum of 150
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +6 points at 15th level (as the
Defensive Abilities disassemble; harm spell).
DR 10/adamantine and Wounding (Ex) The
bludgeoning; Immune jagged, bony claws of an
construct traits (+30 hp), ossuary golem function as
magic wounding weapons, dealing
1 point of bleed damage per hit.
Speed 40 ft. Bleeding creatures take the bleed damage
Melee 4 slams at the start of their turns. Bleeding can be
+18 (2d10+6 plus stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or through
wounding) the application of any spell that cures hit point
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. damage. A critical hit does not multiply the
Special Attacks wounding bleed damage. Creatures immune to
critical hits are immune to this
Str 22, Dex 10, Con —, Int 2, bleed damage.
Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +12; CMB +19; Spontaneous golems are
CMD 29 (37 vs. trip) constructs, much like the more
Feats Cleave, Improved common golem varieties, but they
initiative, Lightning Reflexes, have no creator and are completely
Power Attack, Skill Focus independent. A place of great pain,
(Perception), Weapon Focus great fear, or great sorrow may,
(slam) if conditions are just right, become
Skills Disguise +0 (+20 as pile of the birthplace of one of these hideous,
bones), Perception +20, Stealth –4 soulless things. These rare and possibly
(+26 among other bones); Racial unique creatures possess a degree of
Modifiers +20 Disguise as pile of cunning spurring them on in whatever
bones, +30 Stealth when among violent impulse takes them.
other bones such as battlefields, Ossuary golems form only after many
catacombs, etc. souls were slain in some catastrophic calamity and
large quantities of intact bone lie exposed for long
Environment any periods of time.
Organization solitary An ossuary golem cannot speak. It walks with a
Treasure none spindly though agile gait. Composed entirely of dry
bones calcified into hardened rods, it weighs only 200
Disassemble (Ex) When at rest with no living pounds.
prey nearby, an ossuary golem as a free action An ossuary golem is vicious in combat raking with
separates into its component skeletons that lie its many claws leaving horrid wounds in their wake.
inert in true death. In this form it is immune to Typically it focuses its multitude of attacks on a single
all damage short of disintegration. As a free opponent until the target is reduced to bloody ribbons
action, an ossuary golem can reassemble into before moving on to another. Based on the Spontaneous
its conglomerate form to attack. While living Golem type from Creature Collection III: Savage
prey is nearby, an ossuary golem will not use its Bestiary by Sword & Sorcery Studio.
disassemble ability. Use of this ability does not
provoke attacks of opportunity. Credit
Immunity to Magic (Ex) An ossuary golem is Original author Greg A. Vaughan
immune to any spell or spell-like ability that Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar
allows spell resistance. In addition, certain (© Frog God Games/ Greg A. Vaughan,
spells and effects function differently against 2012)
the creature as noted: An animate dead
spell causes several of the golem’s bones to

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

Grave Mount
This eerie black warhorse is rotting and decaying; its skeleton exposed
in many places across its body. Its eyes burn red and its jet black mane is
falling out in clumps.
XP 1,200
LE Large undead
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +10
Aura frightful presence (30 ft., DC 14)

AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +9 natural, –1 size)

hp 33 (6d8+6)
Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +6
DR 10/magic; Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +7 (1d8+4 plus bleed), 2 hooves +5 (1d8+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks bleed (1d4), breath weapon (30-ft. cone,
DC 14 Fort, tomb fever, usable 3/day)

Str 18, Dex 15, Con —, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Run
Skills Bluff +7, Intimidate +10, Perception +10, Sense Motive
+10, Stealth +7
Languages Common (can’t speak)

Environment any land

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Disease (Su) Tomb Fever—inhaled; save DC 14 Fort, onset

1d6 days, frequency 1/day, effect 1d4 Dex damage and
1d4 Con damage, cure 2 consecutive saves. The DC is

The grave mount is the insult to all that is good and holy when a
paladin’s steed is returned from the dead to wreak havoc upon the world.
These undead creatures are rare and usually created when a death knight
rises from the grave to ride the steed he owned in his former life, though
a few necromancers are also able to raise a grave mount given time and
Grave mounts stand 5 to 6 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh between
800 and 1,000 pounds.
A grave mount begins melee with its breath weapon. Once engaged, it
uses its hooves and bite attack to battle its opponents.

Tome of Horrors 4
Grey Spirit
The lone female figure is clad in long, flowing grey robes and scarves Many a sailor who ventures out into the trackless sea is destined never
which whip around her wildly even in the absence of a strong wind. Her to look again on the loved ones he left behind. Either death or the lure of
head is covered by a wrapped veil, shielding her face from those who foreign lands keeps them from returning to those who wait patiently for
would see it. them. A grey spirit, usually female, is the shade of someone who died
heartbroken and alone, pining away on shore and ultimately dying of a
GREY SPIRIT CR 5 broken heart while waiting for the return of a loved one from across the
XP 1,600 sea.
NE Medium undead (incorporeal) A grey spirit attacks any creature that approaches her, her rage and
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 frustration at having lost her loved one knowing no bounds. In melee, a
Aura frightful presence (30 ft., DC 17) grey spirit fails wildly with her ghostly arms and hands, screaming and
cursing all the while. If an opponent proves to be particularly strong, a
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +3 Dex) grey spirit pulls aside the cowl that covers her face.
hp 51 (6d8+24)
Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +5
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal,
rejuvenation; Immune undead traits

Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect)

Melee incorporeal touch +8 (2d6 cold plus energy drain)
Special Attacks energy drain (1 level, DC 17), ravages of
death gaze

Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 18

Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 24
Feats Ability Focus (gaze), Skill Focus
(Perception), Weapon Focus (incorporeal
Skills Fly +11, Intimidate +13, Perception +12,
Sense Motive +9, Stealth +12
Languages Common
SQ harbinger

Environment any land

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Harbinger (Su) The appearance of a grey spirit is usually a

harbinger of some future catastrophe, such as a great
storm or a shipwreck. Such events occur within 1d6 days
of the sighting of a grey spirit. Note that the grey spirit
does not cause this catastrophe, rather she predicts it.
Ravages of Death Gaze (Su) Any living creature
that sees the face of a grey spirit suddenly knows
her pain, frustration, and rage, and has glimpse of
the anguish of what it is like to die broken hearted.
Any opponent experiencing this tragic emotion
must succeed on a DC 19 Will save or be stunned
for 2d6 rounds. A creature stunned by a grey spirit
is wrought with despair, weeping and wailing
uncontrollably. A calm emotions spell ends this
effect. This is a mind-affecting effect A creature
who succeeds on the save cannot be affected
by the same grey spirit’s gaze for one day. The
save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2
bonus from the grey spirit’s Ability Focus feat.
Rejuvenation (Su) In most cases, it’s difficult to
destroy a grey spirit through simple combat:
the “destroyed” spirit restores itself in 2d4 days.
Even the most powerful spells are usually only
temporary solutions. The only way to permanently
destroy a grey spirit is to confront her with
irrefutable evidence of her loved one’s death. The
exact means varies with each spirit and may require
a good deal of research, and should be created
specifically for each different grey spirit by the GM.

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

This wicked little creature looks like an oversized monkey with leathery Organization gang (2–5), band (6–11), or tribe (10–100 plus
bat wings. It clutches a needle-like dagger in its claws. champion of 3rd level per 20 adults, 1 priestess of 3rd–5th
level, 1 sorceress leader of 5th–8th level, and 2–8 wolves)
GRIBBON CR 1/2 Treasure standard (dagger, dart, other treasure)
XP 200
NE Small monstrous humanoid Coordinated Attack (Ex) When making a combat maneuver
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 check, a gribbon gains a +2 bonus on its CMB check for the
first gribbon adjacent to it, and an additional +1 bonus on
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size) CMB checks for each additional adjacent gribbon.
hp 6 (1d10+1)
Fort +1; Ref +5; Will +2 Gribbons, at first glance, resemble large monkeys with bat wings.
Closer examination, however, reveals facial features of a more human
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor) than simian nature. Their bodies are covered in a coarse, brown fur,
Melee dagger +3 (1d3+1/19–20) or 2 claws +3 (1d3+1 plus and their hands end in powerful and sharp claws. These creatures are
grab) fiercely territorial and prefer to swoop down from the treetops and assault
Ranged dart +5 (1d3+1) trespassers without warning. Though they greatly prefer forests, gribbons
Special Attacks coordinated attack, grab (Medium) have been known to reside in caves and caverns, especially those higher
up with outcroppings where they can perch and survey their territory.
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11 Gribbons are equally as likely to attack their opponents with weapons
Base Atk +1; CMB +1 (+5 grapple); CMD 14 (preferring daggers and darts, though sometimes employing short swords)
Feats Flyby Attack as they are with their claws. Their favorite tactic is to grab an opponent,
Skills Climb +5, Fly +5, Perception +4, Stealth +11 (+15 in fly above the ground and drop it.
forests); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in forests

Environment temperate forests

Tome of Horrors 4
This hulking stone gray humanoid is dressed in rags and torn clothes, to other grimlocks, and possibly other creatures with a strong olfactory
and grips a sharpened axe in its hands. Its hair is filthy and dark, and its sense.
eyes are clouded milky white. Due to their lack of sight, grimlocks prefer melee to ranged combat
and close on enemies quickly when engaged. They attack with their
GRIMLOCK CR 1 menacing axes or powerful slams, slashing or pummeling their foes until
XP 400 their opponents are dead. Opponents that attempt to flee are run down and
NE Medium monstrous humanoid killed. Grimlocks that fall in combat are “honored” by being carried off
Init +1; Senses blindsight 40 ft., scent; Perception +9 the field of battle and devoured by their own.
Recent forays into underground caverns and caves by an intrepid band
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) of adventurers speak of another race of grimlocks, civilized, and non-
hp 15 (2d10+4) cannibalistic. These same adventurers speak of a large underground city
Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +2 full of these creatures. Whether these are truly advanced grimlocks or
Immune gaze attacks, illusions, visual effects another race entirely is yet to be confirmed.
Weaknesses blindness

Speed 30 ft.
Melee battleaxe +4 (1d8+2) or 2 slams +4 (1d4+2)

Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats AlertnessB, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Climb +7, Perception +9, Sense Motive +1, Stealth
+6 (+14 in stony environs), Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +8
Stealth in stony environs
Languages Grimlock, Undercommon

Environment any underground

Organization Gang (2–4), hunting party (5–8), pack (10–20),
or tribe (10–60 plus 1 leader of 3rd–5th level per 10 adults)
Treasure standard (battleaxe, other treasure)

Grimlocks are evil and foul subterranean dwellers

believed to be descendants of an ancient human
race. Legends speak of long ago wars between
various races that drove humans underground.
For a while, they survived on what food
they could forage, but eventually turned
to cannibalism; beginning with small
underground animals such as rats and
other rodents, and eventually turning
to aboveground raids on other races.
Grimlocks dine on humanoid flesh and
blood (with humans and dwarves being
their favorite meals). They are primitive
creatures, living in tribal communities of up to
60 or more individuals in underground caves and
tunnels. Raiding and hunting bands often venture to the
surface world to attack nearby settlements, capturing or killing those
they encounter and returning to their lair to feast upon their spoils. Raids
such as these are always conducted at night under the cover of darkness
when grimlocks have the advantage. Grimlocks detest sunlight but are
not harmed by it.
When not raiding the surface world, grimlocks often battle with other
subterranean races including drow, dwarves, duergar, and even other
grimlock tribes. Such battles can consist of outright warfare, but
most of the time the battles are simple raids into other underground
lairs to procure food (usually human or dwarven slaves kept by the
other underground races). When engaged in wars with other races,
grimlock leaders often ride basilisks into battle. Some larger grimlock
lairs often have at least one medusa in midst as well.
A grimlock stands 5 to 6 feet tall and weighs 150 to 200 pounds.
Its skin is slate gray and its hair is oily and matted. The creature
emanates a stench that most others find nauseating, yet to a
grimlock, it’s a means of identification, for each scent is
unique to a grimlock. Such fine distinctions are noticeable

Galley Beggar to Grimshrike

A gaunt, gargoyle-like figure passes silently overhead. It has bat-like fouling the very essence of which the demiplane was created. In a matter
wings, long, cruel talons, and its eyes seem to burn with a cold white fire. of hours, all life in that plane ceased to exist. The primary inhabitants of the
Two serpentine tails, ten feet long, trail behind the creature as it wheels demiplane, a race of twin-tailed gargoyles, were reanimated as the tortured
around and dives to attack. servants of the nightshades. Grimshrikes are often given as rewards to
powerful necromancers who have performed some service of the nightshades.
GRIMSHRIKE CR 4 An army of zombies or skeletons is made all the more frightening by presence
XP 1,200 of grimshrikes urging them on and bolstering their strength.
NE Medium undead (extraplanar) A grimshrike is about 7 feet tall and weighs 350 pounds.
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 To look into the eyes of a grimshrike is to invite madness. A grimshrike
is forever tortured by the horrible vision of death and agony that befell
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) its home plane. It can temporarily relieve itself of the vision by mentally
hp 37 (5d8+15) transferring the vision into the mind of a living victim with but a gaze. A
Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +6 grimshrike attacks first with its gaze, attempting to bring down the most
DR 5/darkwood; Immune undead traits powerful opponents as quickly as possible. In combat, it concentrates its
attacks on clerics and paladins first, before moving to fighters and arcane
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) spellcasters. In melee, a grimshrike tries to remain out of reach of its
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d6+3), bite +6 (1d8+3), 2 tail slaps +4 opponent, lashing with its tails or further weakening its opponent with its
(1d6+1) foul breath weapon.
Special Attacks negative energy breath, gaze of lost souls

Str 17, Dex 12, Con —, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 16

Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Command Undead, Flyby Attack,
Skills Fly +11, Intimidate +9, Knowledge
(arcana) +5, Perception +8, Stealth +7
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal,

Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or flight (3–12)
Treasure standard

Negative Energy Breath (Su) Once per

round and no more than 6 times per day,
as a standard action, a grimshrike can
exhale a 30-foot cone of negative energy
that functions as the channel negative
energy ability of an evil cleric whose
level equals the grimshrike’s Hit Dice.
This cone deals 3d6 points of damage
to living creatures (DC 15 Will save for
half) or heals 3d6 points of damage
on undead creatures in the area (no
save). If a grimshrike takes levels in
a class that provides the channel
energy ability, its racial Hit Dice
stack with the levels of that class
for the purposes of determining the
damage dealt or healed and the
save DC. This ability counts as the
channel energy class ability for any
feat that requires it. The save DC is
Gaze of Lost Souls (Su) Creatures meeting
a grimshrike’s gaze must succeed on a
DC 15 Will save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom
damage and be paralyzed 1d4 rounds. The save
DC is Charisma-based. This is a gaze effect.

Grimshrikes are native to a dark demiplane about which little is known

other than its terrible history. The place was once vibrant and full of life every
bit as diverse and beautiful as the Material Plane. Centuries ago, however, all
that changed. Something rent the boundaries between that placid demiplane
and the Negative Energy Plane. Dark energies spilled forth unchecked,

Tome of Horrors 4
Hag Nymph
This hideous, bent crone has sickly green skin, thin dark green hair The true origins of the hag nymph are cloaked in secrecy. Tales speak
and hands that end in wicked claws with filthy nails. of a band of nymphs that blasphemed their goddess and were punished
for dare offending her. Other legends say the hag nymph is the resulting
HAG NYMPH CR 10 offspring of a demon and nymph. Regardless, these creatures are vile and
XP 9,600 evil and take great pleasure in tormenting others.
CE Medium fey Hag nymphs live deep within dark forests in huts composed of mud
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +16 and timber. These huts are well constructed and littered with the rotting
remains of creatures they devour. Hag nymphs relish the taste of humanoid
AC 25, touch 21, flat-footed 19 (+1 dodge, +5 Dex, +4 flesh, but sustain themselves on a diet of forest animals when humanoids
natural, +5 profane) are scarce. Forays under the cover of darkness into towns on the edge of
hp 75 (10d6+40) the forest are not unheard of. In such raids, children are the most likely
Fort +12; Ref +17; Will +15 victims as they are easier to carry away.
DR 10/cold iron; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 21 Hag nymphs stand 6 feet tall and weigh 150 pounds. Their frames are
somewhat emaciated, almost corpse-like in appearance. Their clothes
Speed 30 ft. usually carry the bloodstains of previous victims. Hag nymphs live for
Melee 2 claws +11 (1d6+2) 150 years.
Special Attacks profane beauty, spells Hag nymphs attack from range bombarding their foes with an array of
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; melee touch +10, ranged touch spells. Slain opponents are dragged to the hag nymph’s lair and devoured
+10): at her leisure. Occasionally hag nymphs seek to capture rather than kill
Constant—detect good, detect magic their opponents. Such opponents are taken prisoner and used as slaves by
At will—alter self, inflict light wounds (DC 16) the hag nymphs, performing manual labor for them or being used as blood
3/day—inflict serious wounds (DC 18) sacrifices in dark rituals.
1/day—baleful polymorph (DC 20), summon (level 7, 1d3
shadow demons 50%)
Spells Known (CL 10th; melee touch +10, ranged touch +10):
5th (4/day)—beast shape III
4th (6/day)—bestow curse (DC 19), greater invisibility
3rd (7/day)—fly, haste (DC 18), lightning bolt (DC 18)
2nd (7/day)—blindness/deafness (DC 17), fog cloud, ghoul
touch (DC 17), spider climb (DC 17)
1st (8/day)—cause fear (DC 16), charm person (DC 16), chill
touch (DC 16), disguise self, ray of enfeeblement (DC 16)
0 (at will)—acid splash, bleed (DC 15), daze (DC 15),
flare (DC 15), ghost sound (DC 15), open/close,
prestidigitation (DC 15), read magic, touch of fatigue (DC 15)

Str 15, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 21
Base Atk +5; CMB +10; CMD 28
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Casting, Dodge, Weapon
Finesse, Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Bluff +18, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +18, Handle
Animal +11, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (nature) +12,
Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16,
Stealth +18
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Sylvan
SQ profane grace

Environment temperate and cold forests

Organization solitary or coven (3 hag nymphs)
Treasure standard

Profane Beauty (Su) This ability affects all

humanoids within 30 feet of a hag nymph.
Those who look directly at a hag nymph must
succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 2d4
points of Strength damage. A hag nymph can
suppress or resume this ability as a free action.
A creature that saves or fails its save cannot be
affected by the same hag nymph’s profane beauty for
one day. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Profane Grace (Su) A hag nymph adds her Charisma
modifier as a racial bonus on all her saving throws, and as a
profane bonus to her Armor Class.
Spells A hag nymph casts spells as a 10th-level sorcerer, and
does not need any material components.

Hag Nymph to Horse, Rhianna

This creature resembles an ugly elf with the lower torso of a giant
bird. Its legs are the clawed talons of a falcon, covered in sickly
greenish-brown feathers. Its hands end in wicked claws with dirty brown
nails. A forked black tongue dances across the creature’s lips, revealing
a mouth of sharpened fangs.
XP 800
CE Medium fey
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)

hp 16 (3d6+6)
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +5
DR 5/cold iron

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +2 (1d4+1 plus grab)
Special Attacks rake (2 claws, 1d6+1)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; melee touch +2, ranged touch
Constant—detect good, speak with animals
3/day—entangle (DC 13), heat metal (DC 14), scare (DC
14), shatter (DC 14), shocking grasp

Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB +2 (+6 grapple); CMD 14
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative
Skills Bluff +8, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge (nature) +6,
Perception +8, Perform (dancing) +8, Stealth +8
Languages Common, Sylvan, speak with animals

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary or gang (2–5)
Treasure standard

The origins of the hedon are shrouded in mystery but many sages and
scholars believe the creatures to be the union of a harpy and an elf or a
harpy and some fey creature. Other sages dispute these claims and believe
the hedon are the result of a curse laid on an entire community of fey
creatures by a vengeful annis or hag.
Hedons are malevolent and violent fey creatures that dwell in darkened
forests found on the fringes of civilization. They take great delight in
tormenting travelers and townsfolk and always lair near heavily traveled
roads or paths and communities. Many hedons sneak into nearby towns
under the cover of darkness and slaughter livestock or kidnap children
(because they are easier to carry and control than adults).
Hedons lair in caverns, caves, or nests built from branches, straw, twigs,
and so on. Lairs are always kept well hidden away from prying eyes and
are difficult to locate by all but the best of scouts and trackers. A typical
hedon lair contains 2–4 adults and an equal number of noncombatant
young. Mating season for hedons is year round and the female lays a
clutch of 1d4 eggs. The eggs hatch after about 3 months and young reach
maturity within 2 or 3 years.
A hedon appears as a tan-skinned elf with the lower torso of a hawk or
falcon. It rarely wears clothes, but should it choose to do so (and some do,
especially to hide their appearance when they attempt to move through a
populated area without drawing undue attention to themselves), it usually
dons a long hooded cloak or robe of green, gray, or brown. Hedons rarely
carry weapons, preferring to fight with their claws.
A hedon attacks with its spell-like abilities, targeting the strongest
perceived foes first. It quickly follows this barrage with melee by grabbing
its foe and raking with its clawed feet.

Tome of Horrors 4
This massive long-legged giant spider is crimson in color with dull Hellwidows are giant spiders that make their home within the Nine Hells.
red, barely visible, hourglass-shaped markings on its underside. They are believed to be the result of diabolical experiments that crossed
giant black widows with devils. These creatures, while possibly related to
HELLWIDOW CR 8 black widows, are much more cunning and intelligent. Hellwidows dwell
XP 4,800 on the warmer planes of Hell’s layers, generally avoiding the colder lower
LE Large magical beast (extraplanar) planes. Giant web-filled caverns serve as their lairs. When encountered
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, tremorsense on the Material Plane, it is most often in thick forests or caverns in
60 ft.; Perception +8 warmer climates. Evil spellcasters occasionally summon a hellwidow to
the Material Plane and strike a bargain with the creature offering food,
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size) treasure, or the like in return for some service (usually guarding a location
hp 95 (10d10+40) or killing a particular enemy).
Fort +13; Ref +12; Will +5 Hellwidows are roughly 9 feet long and weighs nearly 1,000 pounds,
Defensive Abilities venom resistance; DR 10/silver; Immune with males being slightly smaller than females. Hellwidows mate several
fire; Resist acid 10, cold 10 times per year with the female laying up to 100 eggs in a single dull gray
egg sac. The eggs hatch within 30 days, with only about 25% of the young
Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft. surviving. Young are blood red in color with dull yellow stripes on their
Melee bite +17 (2d8+10 plus 1d6 fire and poison) abdomens. Young mature rapidly, reaching adulthood within six months.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Hellwidows are carnivores and prey on various types of other creatures,
Special Attacks fiery webs, web (+12 ranged, DC 19, 10 hp) including lesser devils, fiendish insects, and even other hellwidows. Prey
is quickly cocooned in the hellwidow’s webbing, set on fire, and then
Str 24, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 15, Cha 12 bitten repeatedly until it succumbs to the widow’s poison. Once the prey is
Base Atk +10; CMB +18; CMD 31 (39 vs. trip) dead, the hellwidow carries it back to its lair to be devoured. Hellwidows
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, prefer to hunt by ambush; usually hiding in dark corners within their webs.
Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (bite) When they detect movement, such as a creature becoming entangled in
Skills Climb +22, Perception +8, Stealth +8 their webs, they quickly move to strike.
Languages Infernal (can’t speak)

Environment any (Nine Hells)

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–6)
Treasure incidental

Fiery Webs (Ex) The hellwidow can set any of its webs
on fire as a free action at the start of its turn merely
by touching the webbing. Creatures caught in the
webs when they catch fire take 2d6 points of fire
damage each round until they escape. After
escaping, creatures continue
taking this damage each
round unless they succeed on
a DC 15 Reflex save. A new
save can be made each
round to extinguish the fire.
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save
DC 23 Fort; frequency 1/
round for 6 rounds; effect
1d4 Constitution damage
plus 1d6 fire damage
and staggered; cure 2
saves. The save DC is
Constitution-based and
includes a +4 racial
Venom Resistance
(Ex) Hellwidows gain
a +4 racial bonus
on saving throws
against spider

Hag Nymph to Horse, Rhianna

Hooded Horror
This creature looks like a humanoid dressed in a tattered and rotting ruined temples to good-aligned deities, and other such places where its
brownish-black hooded robe. Its head and face are obscured by the chosen targets might be encountered.
hood, though its eyes seem to flash the color of blood. A hooded horror appears as a rotting and skeletal humanoid cloaked in
a brownish-black hooded robe. Its eyes are deep sockets, pitch black with
HOODED HORROR CR 8 a small pinpoint of red light. Its hands end in razor-sharp talons.
XP 4,800 Hooded horrors understand Abyssal, Celestial, and Common, but do
CE Medium undead not appear to speak any of these languages. Methods of communication
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect thoughts, true seeing; with (and between) these creatures is unknown.
Perception +15 A hooded horror begins an encounter by revealing its desiccated
Aura horrific appearance (30 ft.) countenance to its foes thereby invoking fear in those that see it.
Creatures that succeed on their save are then assaulted by the creature’s
AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +10 breath weapon and filthy claws. If it can, the hooded horror attempts to
natural) charm and bring under its control any paladins and good-aligned priests it
hp 75 (10d8+30) encounters. Other good-aligned creatures that oppose the hooded horror
Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +11 are simply destroyed.
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 10/magic;
Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d8+3)
Special Attacks desiccating breath (40-ft. cone, 8d6
negative energy damage; DC 20 Will half, usable
every 1d4 rounds), horrific appearance
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th):
Constant—detect thoughts (DC 15), true seeing
1/day—blasphemy (DC 20), charm monster (DC
18), unholy blight (DC 17)

Str 16, Dex 16, Con —, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +7; CMB +10; CMD 24
Feats Ability Focus (desiccating breath), Dodge,
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Disguise +11, Intimidate +16, Knowledge
(arcana) +10, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge
(religion) +10, Perception +15, Sense Motive +15,
Stealth +16
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common (can’t speak
any languages)

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure standard

Horrific Appearance (Su) A hooded horror can

pull back its hood and reveal its skeletal visage
to those who gaze upon it. Anyone within 30
feet who sets eyes upon the hooded horror must
succeed on a DC 18 Will save or be instantly
weakened, taking 1d6 points of Strength
damage. Creatures that are affected by
this ability or that successfully save against
it cannot be affected again by the same
hooded horror’s horrific appearance for
one day. This is a mind-affecting effect. The
save DC is Charisma-based.

A hooded horror is an undead creature believed to have

been created by Orcus in order to subjugate and corrupt
paladins and good-aligned priests. Though often
found wandering the Undead Lord’s great abyssal
palace, the hooded horror itself is not native to that
plane, as Orcus created and unleashed them on the
Material Plane (if the legends are to be believed). Hooded
horrors spend their time seeking out priests and paladins in
order to fulfill their desires and are often found amidst graveyards,

Tome of Horrors 4
Horde, Zombie
A stumbling crush of moaning, reaching bodies comes towards you. area-affecting attacks, then 2d6 surviving members of the
Empty eyes seek you out, each staggering footstep bringing the deathless horde continue their attack, though now only as individual
mass closer. Straining to grasp you, this group of zombies are so tightly creatures. Otherwise, a horde conforms to all of the other
packed together it seems to be a single mass of undead, flailing limbs. swarm traits as described in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Bestiary.
ZOMBIE HORDE CR 14 Rend (EX) Due to the grasping and clawing nature of the
XP 38,400 zombie horde attack, any time the horde does more than
NE Colossal undead (horde) 20 points of damage, add 3d6 slashing damage from the
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 additional pulling and tearing. This ability is lost if the swarm
AC 13, touch 2, flat-footed 13 (+11 natural, –8 size) is broken up.
hp 110 (20d8 plus 20)
Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +12 Zombies are one of the most used and abused of the mindless undead.
Defensive Abilities half damage from piercing weapons; DR Singly, a zombie may be dealt with by experienced adventurers. When
10/slashing; Immune undead traits gathered together in a horde, these mindless creatures are a terror to
behold. Packed together as tightly as they are, they appear as one solid
Speed 30 ft. mass of decaying flesh and sinuous limbs.
Melee horde attack (6d6) The flailing nature of the zombie horde’s limbs allow the throng to
Space 30 ft.; Reach 5 ft. grasp and tear at opponents, dealing rend damage in addition to their base
Special Attacks feral rage, rend (+3d6) attack. Any time the horde is in an opponent’s square, the target risks
being completely overrun by the horde
Str 22, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10 If the horde takes enough individual damage to break it up, up to a
Base Atk +15; CMB +29; CMD 39 (can’t be tripped) dozen of the creatures continue on their rampage of destruction, until
Feats Improved OverrunB, ToughnessB finally they too must be slain.
Skills Stealth –16
Environment any Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God Games,
Organization solitary, mass (2–4 hordes), or apocalypse (5+ 2012)
Treasure none

Feral Rage (Ex) The horde attacks as a ruthless mob, intent

only on tearing apart those that fall into their clutches. This
frenzy prevents them from using any sort of tactics,
and frees them from any form of control by
other beings. However, the sheer force
of the wave attack allows them to
deal 6d6 points of damage to
any creature whose space
they occupy at the end of
their move. This ability is
lost if the horde is broken
Horde Traits (Ex) Hordes
are not so called because
of the size of the group
but rather the size of the
creatures that compose
the horde. Unlike normal
swarms, hordes are
composed of
Medium creatures
which are usually
a normal version
of a creature but
otherwise behave in
a swarmlike manner. There are
usually around 50 creatures in
a horde. The net effect is that
they take only half damage
from piercing weapons but
take normal damage from other
weapons. In addition when the
swarm is reduced to 0 hit points
or lower and breaks up, unless
the damage was dealt by

Hag Nymph to Horse, Rhianna

Horse, Rhianna
This horse is shorter and less elegantly muscled than most other riding companionship. Most homesteaders choose the Rhianna breed as well,
breeds. It has a shaggy brown coat and a long, thick mane. as they are equally suited to long-distance rides over varied terrain and
drawing a market cart over rutted roads. Only the heaviest farm labors,
HORSE, RHIANNA CR 1 such as breaking sod, spring plowing and pulling stumps, are reserved for
XP 400 larger draft horses, and many of the farmers of the valley make do with
N Large animal Rhiannas alone.
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6 Rhianna horses differ from other light warhorses in several ways.
Although they are similar in build to warhorses, they cannot fight with
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, –1 size) a rider. While their speed is the same, they do not perform as well when
hp 16 (3d8+3) heavily loaded. Due to their evolution in a valley littered with obstacles
Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +2 such as trees, streams, boulders and scrub growth, they are extremely agile
Weakness encumbrance penalty and adept at negotiating obstacles. They are resistant to damage incurred
by fatigue, and may be pushed harder and for longer periods of time
Speed 60 ft. without the risk of injury. Because of their intolerance for encumbrance,
Melee 2 hooves –1 (1d4+1) Rhiannas make ideal mounts for lightly armed and armored heroes. Even
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. encumbered, their ability to increase their speed for short distances gives
them an advantage over common riding horses. This is especially useful
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6 when difficult terrain disallows running and charging.
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Nimble Moves, RunB Credit
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+9 to balance), Perception +6; Racial Original author Nathan Douglas Paul
Modifiers +4 Acrobatics to balance Originally appearing in The Eamonvale Incursion
SQ dexterous, docile, hardy (© Necromancer Games, 2008)

Environment temperate plains

Organization solitary, pair, or herd (3–30)
Treasure none

Dexterous (Ex) Rhiannas convey a +2 bonus to their riders’

Ride checks to avoid obstacles.
Docile (Ex) Unless specifically trained for combat (see the
Handle Animal skill), a Rhianna’s hooves are treated as
secondary attacks.
Encumbrance Penalty (Ex)
Rhiannas lose the benefits
of the Run feat whenever
they are encumbered.
They may still run at 4
times their speed with
light encumbrance
(up to 228 lbs.), and
3 times their speed
with medium (459 lbs.)
or heavy (690 lbs.)
Hardy (Ex) Rhiannas
are extremely durable
creatures. Unlike
with other mounts,
anytime a hustle,
forced march or
spurred movement
would do damage to
these horses, they are
allowed a Constitution
save to negate the

Domesticated Rhiannas retain

the notable traits of their wild
ancestors: small size, endurance and
sure-footedness. They are especially
popular with woodsmen — those
who opt for mounted travels — due
to their hardiness, dexterity and

Tome of Horrors 4
Somewhere in humanities lost eons a race of malformed serpentine
humanoids rose, now known as inphidians. While the truth of their origins
has been long forgotten, most sages subscribe to one of two theories. The first
states the creatures are the failed results of horrific experiments performed
by the dark and nameless sorcerers of an ancient snake cult in their attempts
to ensorcel their followers. The second theory contends the inphidians were
once a cult of snake worshippers cursed by an ancient snake-god for some
transgression against the ethos. Whatever the truth, it appears as of late
that the inphidians have evolved into true race, beyond the machinations
of arcane experiments or curses. While several known species exist, recent
reports describe encounters with yet unidentified inphidians, and others are
sure to surface as encounters with the race grow more frequent.

All inphidians, regardless of the subspecies, have viper heads in place

of their hands. The creatures use these in combat to deliver a powerful bite
that injects the victim with poison. Inphidians, particularly the craftsmen,
wear special gloves called inphidian gauntlets that let them use their hands
like any other humanoid with five digits (including an opposing thumb)
uses its hands.
Inphidians trade with other races, particularly evil underground races
such as derro, driders, and drow. Trade usually takes the form of crafted
goods, food, or slaves. Inphidian craftsmen are some of the finest known
distillers of poisons, venoms, and antitoxins. Their products are highly
sought after by all manner of poison-using races.
An important aspect of any inphidian community is religion. The
inphidian race as a whole worships the Great Serpent (Hassith-Kaa). Little
is known of this religion or the priests of the Great Serpent. Inphidian
clerics can choose from any of the two following domains: Evil, Serpent,
Strength, and Trickery.

Inphidian, Death’s Head

This tall slender humanoid is dressed in dark-colored robes. Its body is
covered in dull blue-green scales with whorls of reddish-brown. Its head is
viper-like and its arms end in snake-like hands. It clutches a long wooden
staff tipped with a ruby-encrusted snake’s skull.


XP 1,600
NE Medium monstrous humanoid (reptilian)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +16

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+3 Dex, +8 natural)

hp 68 (8d10+24)
Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +11

Speed 40 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +12/+7 (1d6+4 plus poison or grab) or 2
snake-hands +13 (1d8+4 plus bleed and poison)
Serpent Domain
Granted Powers Over time, your devotion bestows you with
Special Attacks bleed (1d4), death’s head staff
serpentine traits. As the great serpent, you can hypnotize prey with
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th):
your gaze. You also slowly develop an immunity to poison.
Constant--speak with snakes (as speak with animals, but
Serpent’s Gaze (Su) As a full-round action, you can attempt a
snakes only)
gaze attack to hypnotize a single opponent with 30 feet (as per a
3/day—cause fear (DC 15), suggestion (DC 17)
hypnotism spell). You can use this ability a number of times per
1/day—accelerate poison (DC 16; see sidebar), snake staff
day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
(see sidebar)
Poison Resistance (Ex) At 8th level, whenever you make a
saving throw against poison, you can roll twice, taking the better
Str 18, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 18
result. At 12th level, you gain immunity to poison.
Base Atk +8; CMB +12 (+16 grapple with staff); CMD 25
Domain Spells 1st—magic fang; 2nd—summon swarm (snakes
Feats Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative,
only); 3rd—greater magic fang; 4th—charm monster; 5th—
Weapon Focus (snake-hands)
animal growth; 6th—irresistible dance; 7th—creeping doom (Tiny
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +8, Climb +11, Diplomacy +12,
snakes); 8th—animal shapes (snake forms only); 9th—summon
Intimidate +15, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (religion)
nature’s ally IX (snakes only)
+11, Perception +16, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +14, Survival +16

Languages Common, Inphidian, Sylvan, Undercommon, willingly attack a death’s head inphidian, though they can
speak with snakes be forced to do so by magic. If the death’s head inphidian
SQ snake empathy attacks a snake, its protection against that creature ends.
Death’s Head Staff (Ex) The staff of a death’s head inphidian
Environment warm forests and plains or underground can hold poisons in a specially crafted chamber inside the
Organization band (1 death’s head inphidian plus 1–2 rattler jewel encrusted snake skull. The chamber holds enough
inphidians) or troupe (1 death’s head inphidian plus 1 night poison to deliver three doses. Most death’s head inphidians
adder inphidian, 1–2 rattler inphidians, and 3–4 giant vipers) fill the chamber with their own poison (use the stats above).
Treasure standard In lieu of poisoning an opponent struck by the staff,
a death’s head can command its staff to grapple and
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 21 Fort; frequency 1/round constrict its target. When a foe is successfully hit by the
for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive staff, the death’s head inphidian can make an immediate
saves. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +4 grapple check as a free action. If successful, the opponent
racial bonus. is pinned and takes 1d6+6 points of bludgeoning damage
Snake Empathy (Ex) Snakes, including giant snakes, do not each round until it escapes. (Use the death’s head
inphidian’s statistics above to resolve the grapple and
escape.) This staff functions only in the hands of a death’s
head inphidian. In the hands of any other creature, it acts
Accelerate poison as a normal quarterstaff. The gem-encrusted snake skull is
School transmutation; Level druid 2, ranger 2, worth a total of 1,000–3,000 gp.
sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action Death’s head inphidians may not be the strongest or largest of the
Components V, S, M (a thorn) inphidian races, but they certainly are the most feared and respected;
Range touch hence the reason the death’s head is the leader of an inphidian nest. These
Target creature touched creatures rule by fear and maintain tight control over their nest. Rules,
Duration instantaneous commands, judgments, and punishments are all meted out by a death’s
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes head and all come quickly. As a death’s head ages and draws near the end
You hasten the onset of poison in the target. If the poison of its life, its position is often challenged by other death’s heads, all vying
normally has an onset time, its effects begin immediately. If the for control of the inphidian nest. Such challenges generally end in the
poison has no onset time, its frequency is doubled, requiring two death of all but one death’s head inphidian, who becomes the new leader
saving throws and inflicting damage twice per round or minute, of the nest, after the current leader dies (which is often times aided by the
though its duration is halved. Accelerate poison does not change death’s head in waiting). For this reason, as a death’s head ages, it is rarely
the cure condition for the poison. If the target is affected by ever encountered alone, always having a retinue of other inphidians or
more than one poison, you may choose which is affected if you giant snakes around it at all times.
administered the poison; otherwise, randomly determine which A typical death’s head inphidian stands 6 feet tall and weighs 180
poison is affected. pounds. Its dull blue-green scales darken and fade as it ages. A death’s
head has an average lifespan of 50 years.
A death’s head in combat is a fearsome creature, having many tools
Snake Staff at its disposal—and it uses all of them to the best of its ability. It usually
School transmutation; Level cleric 5, druid 5 opens combat with its spell-like abilities (suggestion or cause fear) and
Casting Time 1 standard action then launches into melee with its snake hands and staff. A poisoned foe
Components V, S, M (a knife suitable for whittling) is subjected to its accelerated poison spell-like ability. If overwhelmed, a
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) death’s head uses its snake staff ability to occupy its opponents while it
Target 1 or more pieces of wood, no two of which makes its escape.
can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell
Resistance yes (object)
Inphidian, Gray-Scale
With a long hissing whisper, you transform ordinary pieces of This hulking brute is covered in slate gray scales. It has the head of a
wood into various sorts of snakes that immediately attack your giant venomous snake, and its long, muscular arms end in large snake
foes. As long as the snakes remain within sight, you can direct heads where its hands should be.
their actions telepathically as a free action. You can only apply
this spell to wooden objects not in a creature’s possession or not GRAY-SCALE INPHIDIAN CR 6
part of a larger structure or plant. Each time you cast this spell you XP 2,400
can create a number of snakes equal to your caster level. More NE Large monstrous humanoid (reptilian)
powerful snakes take up more than one of your available total, as Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
noted below. See snake statistics and advanced and giant simple
templates. AC 17, touch 8, flat-footed 17 (–1 Dex, +9 natural, –1 size)
Venomous Snake: A stick or piece of firewood (counts as 1 hp 76 (8d10+32)
snake). Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +7
Constrictor Snake: A staff or tree branch (counts as 2 snakes).
Advanced Venomous Snake: A stick or piece of firewood (counts Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
as 2 snakes). Melee 2 snake-hands +13 (1d8+6 plus poison and grab), bite
Advanced Constrictor Snake: A staff or tree branch (counts as +13 (2d6+6/19–20 plus poison)
3 snakes). Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Advanced Giant Venomous Snake: A log or pile of debris
(counts as 4 snakes). Str 22, Dex 8, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 12
Advanced Giant Constrictor Snake: A fallen tree or a large pile Base Atk +8; CMB +15 (+19 grapple); CMD 24
of debris (counts as 5 snakes). Feats Cleave, Improved Critical (bite), Power Attack,

Tome of Horrors 4
Uncontrolled Rage of the experiments conducted on them, or perhaps by design, but no
Skills Climb +14, Intimidate +8, Perception +12, Stealth +2, sightings of female gray-scales have ever been reported. Likewise,
Swim +14 gray-scales appear to be sterile, unable to reproduce with others of the
Languages Inphidian inphidian race.
SQ magic bane (see text) In battle, a gray-scale inphidian prefers to overwhelm its opponents
with its pure strength instead of attacking from ambush. It lashes out with
Environment warm forests and plains or underground both snake hands followed closely with a vicious bite from its viper head.
Organization solitary or gang (1 gray-scale inphidian plus A grabbed opponent is repeatedly bitten by the gray-scale until either it is
2–3 cobra-back inphidians) dead or wounded enough to be out of the fight. The gray-scale then turns
Treasure incidental its attention to another opponent. If faced with a spellcasting opponent,
it usually focuses all attention in the spellcaster’s direction, even pushing
Magic Bane (Ex) There is a 50% chance that any gray-scale through other opponents to get to the spellcaster.
encountered has this ability. It grants the gray-scale a +2
bonus on attack and damage rolls against spellcasters. A
gray-scale with this special ability also takes a –2 penalty on
all saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 20 Fort; frequency 1/
round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Str and 1d4 Con;
cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is
Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial
Uncontrolled Rage Uncontrolled Rage is a
new feat detailed in the appendix.

The gray-scale inphidian (also called the

abomination inphidian) is the result of a
magical experiment gone awry. Foul, dark
magic brought down by inphidian sorcerers
on others of their race resulted in this
creature; the strongest of the inphidian race
perhaps, but also the most weak-minded
and slowest. Most gray-scales seemingly
have no memories of their past life or the
tortures inflicted on them; those that do
however, have both a hatred and fear for
magic and those that wield it.
Gray-scales are considered by many
inphidian nests to be dangerous,
unstable, and an abomination against
the race, particularly the gray-scales
with the magic bane quality. These
feelings, often times come from inphidian
night adders (some of whom likely assisted
in helping the gray-scale into its current state).
Most often, gray-scales are shunned by their
inphidian nest and cast out, left to wander the
world and survive on their own, by whatever
means they can. In some instances, a gray-
scale stays with its nest, never fully accepted
by many of the other inphidians, but tolerated,
feared and respected for their battle skills. In
these cases, one or more gray-scales serve
as guards for the nest, or the muscle for an
inphidian raiding party.
A gray-scale inphidian appears as
an 8-foot tall hulking and slightly
hunched humanoid with slate gray
scales, the head of a giant viper
with elongated fangs and red eyes,
and the distinguishing inphidian
characteristic: the heads of
vipers in place of its hands.
They shun wearing both armor
and clothing. Gray-scales
understand the Inphidian
language, but seemingly
have trouble speaking it;
communicating in a slow
and broken tone.
Perhaps a side-effect

Jolly Jelly to Jynx

Jolly Jelly
This creature appears to be a bright pink ooze speckled with spots of Jolly jellies are psychic vampires which feed on positive emotion.
green, yellow, and blue. Scattered across the body of the ooze are small The mere presence of a jolly jelly causes living creatures in its vicinity
spiracles through which it apparently breathes. to become dour and petulant. Often the victims of a jolly jelly descend
into violence against one another as all traces of happiness and mirth are
JOLLY JELLY CR 5 drained away by the creature. A jolly jelly needs no nourishment other
XP 1,600 than the emotions it drains from its victims. A jolly jelly can go several
N Medium ooze months between meals before the effects of starvation are noticed.
Init –5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception –5 Jolly jellies are mostly active during sunrise and sunset, even
Aura gloom (30 ft., DC 14) underground. During daylight hours they are sedentary in their lair which if
aboveground is usually under fallen trees or hollowed logs. Underground,
AC 10, touch 5, flat-footed 10 (–5 Dex, +5 natural) jolly jellies dwell in damp caves and caverns.
hp 63 (6d8+36) Jolly jellies vary in size, but a typical specimen is 5 feet across and
Fort +8; Ref –3; Will –3 weighs 100 pounds. A jolly jelly that has recently eaten (usually within
Immune fire, ooze traits the last 4 hours) is flushed with a deeper pink hue than one that hasn’t.
Unlike most oozes, a jolly jelly has no acid with which it can attack.
Speed 30 ft. Its only means of physical defense are slams from its multi-colored
Melee 3 slams +6 (1d6+2) pseudopods. As a last-ditch defense, a jolly jelly can emit a cloud of
Special Attacks pheromones pheromones containing the mirth it has absorbed from its victims. It is
this laughter-inducing cloud that gave the jolly jelly its name.
Str 14, Dex 1, Con 22, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 11 (can’t be tripped)

Environment temperate land

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Aura of Gloom (Su) Any living creature that

comes within 30 feet of a jolly jelly must
succeed on a DC 14 Will save or take 1d2
points of Charisma damage. A new save
must be made each round the creature
remains in the area. A creature that takes
6 or more points of Charisma damage from
this attack is automatically affected as if by
a rage spell (CL 6th) with the exception that it
cannot tell friend from foe. The affected creature
remains enraged until it moves more than 30 feet
away from the jolly jelly. There is no save against the
rage effect. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC
is Charisma-based.
Pheromones (Ex) Once per day, as a
swift action, a jolly jelly can emit a
cloud of pheromones containing
the distilled essence of the
positive emotions the jelly has
consumed. This cloud covers
a 20-foot-radius burst around
the jelly. Living creatures in the
cloud must succeed on a DC
19 Fortitude save or be affected
as by a hideous laughter spell
(CL 6th) for 2d4 rounds. The save
DC is Constitution-based.

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature resembles a 3-foot tall elf with slightly longer ears and a
pair of glittering insect-like wings. Its clothes are varying shades of green,
and the creature carries a small short sword.
XP 600
CN Small fey
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7

AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +1

natural, +1 size)
hp 9 (2d6+2)
Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +5
DR 5/cold iron; Immune electricity; SR 13

Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect)

Melee short sword +6 (1d4–2)
Ranged shortbow +6 (1d4–2)
Special Attacks jinxed
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; melee touch +0, ranged touch
Constant—detect evil, detect good, detect magic
At will—dancing lights, daze (DC 13)
1/day—color spray (DC 14), detect thoughts (DC 15), dispel
magic, entangle (DC 14), misdirection (DC 15), ventriloquism
(DC 14)

Str 7, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB –2; CMD 13
Feats Dodge, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +8, Escape Artist +9, Fly +19,
Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7,
Stealth +13
Languages Common, Sylvan

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary, gang (2–4), or band (6–11)
Treasure standard (short sword, short bow, other treasure)

Jinxed (Su) As a standard action, a jynx can place a

curse on a single creature within 30 feet. A DC 14 Will
save negates the effect. On a failed save, the target is
permanently cursed. The victim of the curse takes a –2
penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and checks until
the curse is removed. A creature can only be affected by a
single jynx at one time. This is a curse effect. The save DC is

Jynx are small whimsical, fun-loving forest fey thought to be an offshoot Jynx have good relations with other forest-dwelling humanoids and
of the elven race. They live in small moss-covered caves within their creatures (elves, sprites, pixies, etc.) and can often be found in their midst.
forests, with such caves often being located near well-travelled roads and They are on good terms with neutral and good-aligned druids and rangers
paths, but still well hidden from prying eyes. This location makes it much as well.
easier for the jynx to partake in one of their favorite pastimes—leading A typical jynx stands around 3 feet tall and weighs about 40 pounds.
travelers astray. Jynx rarely try to harm the target of their pranks; they Skin color is usually tan and hair color varies wildly from the deepest
simply delight in sewing confusion and watching the target’s reactions blacks to the brightest blondes. Eyes are most often deep blue or dark
to such events. Those that despoil the forests on the other hand, are led green. A jynx’s lifespan is about 300 years.
astray and often led into jynx-placed traps that seek to maim or even kill Jynx tend to avoid melee combat, preferring to assault their enemies
such creatures. with their spell-like abilities and shortbows.

Kamarupa to Kulgreer

This floating nightmare has twisted facial features that are filled with Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals sense the kamarupa’s
hatred for the living. Their voices sound like the screaming wind, and their unnatural presence at 30 feet. They panic if forced to get
forms are insubstantial. closer and remain panicked while within range.
KAMARUPA CR 7 A kamarupa appears as a mockery of its former fleshbound life. Its
CE Medium undead (incorporeal) hollow eyes and mouth are black voids, and its facial features twist and
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; stretch into a nightmarish appearance. Kamarupa are the distorted souls of
Perception +16 evil priests betrayed and sacrificed to their deity.
Kamarupas are highly intelligent and communicate in voices similar
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+2 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 to the screaming wind. They hate life and light. A kamarupa is roughly
dodge) human-sized and weightless. A kamarupa attacks with its heart-stopping
hp 65 (10d8) touch. It uses its incorporeal nature to move through walls, ceilings and
Fort +5; Ref +8; Will +12 floors to attack.
Defensive abilities +4 channel resistance, incorporeal,
unnatural aura; Immune undead traits Credit
Weakness Powerless in sunlight Original author Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
Originally appearing in Splinters of Faith Adventure 5: Eclipse
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect) of the Hearth (© Frog God Games/ Gary Schotter & Jeff
Melee incorporeal touch +10 (2d6 plus death touch) Harkness, 2010)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks death touch, gaze attack, nightmare

Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 15

Base Atk +7; CMB +10; CMD 26
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
Reflexes, Toughness
Skills Fly +24, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (history) +12,
Knowledge (religion) +10, Perception +16, Sense Motive +11,
Stealth +16

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Death Touch (Su): Creatures hit by a

kamarupa’s incorporeal touch must make
a DC 17 Fort save or die as the touch stops
the heart. Even if the save is successful, the
creature suffers 2d6 points of damage as
the kamarupa clutches its heart. Often, a creature
surviving a touch attack acquires a harmless trait or
characteristic for 2d4 months. Traits can be a white streak of
hair, a nervous twitch, pale complexion or dilated eyes. The
save DC is Charisma-based.
Frightful Gaze (Su): A kamarupa’s glance creates dread in
living beings, at a range of up to 30 feet. Creatures meeting
the gaze must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or become
panicked for 3d4 rounds. Even if successful, the subject
becomes shaken for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-
Nightmare (Su): Once per night, a kamarupa places a
nightmare on one creature it has encountered. They prefer
to send the nightmare to particularly powerful opponents or
priests night after night until the opponent dies. The target
can resist the attack with a DC 17 Will save. A creature that
drops any possession (while panicked) near the kamarupa
suffers a –4 penalty to the save until the item is recovered. A
creature that successfully saves is immune to the nightmare
for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Powerless in Sunlight (Ex): Kamarupas are powerless in
natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and fl ee before
it. A kamarupa caught in sunlight cannot attack and can
take only a single move action each round. Kamarupas
lose one-third of their hit points each round spent in direct

Tome of Horrors 4
This humanoid creature has dark brown skin, the color of tree bark and
long black hair.

Kapre Belt
XP 600 This is a thick leather belt, well-made and tailored. By activating
N Medium fey the power of the belt, the wearer gains the benefits of invisibility
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10 for up to 5 minutes per day. The usage need not be consecutive.

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) Faint illusion; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility;
hp 18 (4d6+4) Price 12,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +5
DR 5/cold iron; SR 13

Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee club +4 (1d6+2) or 2 claws +4 (1d4+2)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th):
At will—dancing lights, ventriloquism (DC 13)
3/day—confusion (DC 16)
1/day—dispel magic, entangle (DC 13)

Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Alertness, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Bluff +7, Climb +15, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge
(nature) +5, Perception +10, Perform (singing) +9, Sense
Motive +3, Stealth +8, Survival +5
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ woodland stride

Environment temperate and warm forests

Organization solitary or gang (2–5)
Treasure standard (club, other treasure)

Woodland Stride (Ex) A kapre can move through any sort

of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown
areas, and similar terrain) at its normal speed and without
taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However,
thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been
magically manipulated to impede motion still affect it.

Kapres are peaceful forest- and mountain-dwelling creatures that make

their homes in the dense, thick treetops of large trees. If threatened or
provoked, however, kapres do not hesitate to fight (especially if their lair
or young are threatened). They exist on a diet of plants, small forest game,
and nuts and berries. They are adept hunters and fishermen and prefer
rabbit, deer, and boar above all other meats. Though they appear to some
to be primitive savages, kapres do not eat humanoids and have no love
for human flesh. (Rumors speak of a degenerative race of kapres who
do in fact enjoy the taste of flesh; these rumors are believed to be stories
told by other humanoid races to their children in order to keep them from
wandering into the forests alone.)
Kapres stand about 7 feet tall with dark hair and dark skin. Clothes are
usually well maintained and match the color of their surroundings. Kapres
live for up to 250 years.
In battle, a kapre uses its confusion and then attacks with a large
wooden club, or if unarmed, slashes with its claws. It seeks to drive off
its foes rather than kill them if possible. If a battle goes against a kapre, it
attempts to take to the trees and flee. If its homeland, mate, or young are
threatened however, it fights to the death. Some kapre also wear magical
belts that grant them the ability of invisibility.

Kamarupa to Kulgreer

Knight Gaunt
This desiccated creature resembles a once proud knight fallen from wears the armor it wore when alive and still carries the weapons it wielded
grace. Its armor reveals its former station. The creature’s eyes burn red in life. Its skin is ash gray in color and its eyes are milky white with fiery
and its hands end in wicked claws. red pupils.
A knight gaunt fights with bladed weapons in battle, preferring
KNIGHT GAUNT CR 3 longswords, greatswords, and axes to all others. Only when disarmed does
XP 800 it resort to using its claws. A knight gaunt that retains its mount (that is
CE Medium undead undead now as well) or procures some undead steed to carry it into battle
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 wields a lance in addition to its other weapons. In battle, a knight gaunt
is relentless, attacking with its blades until all of its foes are vanquished.
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +4
hp 26 (4d8+8)
Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +5
Immune undead traits; Resist cold 10; SR 14

Speed 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)

Melee longsword +6 (1d8+3 plus bleed) or 2 claws +5 (1d4+2
plus bleed)
Special Attacks bleed (1d4), smite good, weapon

Str 15, Dex 12, Con —, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Cleave, Power Attack
Skills Intimidate +9, Perception +8, Ride +0, Stealth +3
Languages Common

Environment any
Organization solitary or troop (2–8)
Treasure standard (chainmail armor, longsword, other

Smite Good (Su) Once per day, a knight gaunt can smite
good. As a swift action, the knight gaunt chooses one
target within sight. If this target is good, the knight gaunt
adds its Charisma bonus on its attack rolls and adds its
Hit Dice on all damage rolls made against that target.
If the target is an outsider with the good subtype or a
good-aligned creature with levels of cleric of paladin, the
bonus to damage on the first successful attack is doubled.
Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically
bypass any DR the creature might possess. Additionally, the
knight gaunt gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma
bonus to AC against attacks made by the target of the
smite. The smite good remains in effect until the target of
the smite is dead or until 24 hours have passed.
Weapon Attunement (Su) A knight gaunt gains a +1
bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with any
melee weapon it wields. Additionally, it gains the
bleed special attack with any melee weapon it

A knight gaunt is an undead creature created when a paladin falls in

battle. Other than a few fleeting thoughts perhaps of the martial training
they received in life, these creatures have no memories of their former
lives. A knight gaunt often wears the armor it wore in life and wields the
weapons it carried into its last battle before rising as undead.
Knight gaunts are most often found in the employ of death knights
serving as companions or knights-in-training. Others wander the world
seeking out goodness wherever they find it, squashing it beneath their
steel-booted heel and putting the righteous to their blades. Paladins and
clerics of good alignment are hated by many knight gaunts for they
represent everything the knight gaunt isn’t, and perhaps once was or once
strived to be.
A typical knight gaunt stands 6 feet tall and weighs 180 pounds. It

Tome of Horrors 4
The Korog resemble tall men, but with a head somewhat like that of a Defensive Abilities protean resistance (+4), reality wrinkle (12
hairless horse with long teeth, and smoldering, malevolent eyes. rounds); Resist acid 10
KOROG CR 4 Speed 10 ft.
XP 1,200 Melee 2 tentacles +14/+9 (1d6+4 plus grab)
LE Medium humanoid (korog) Special Attacks protoplasm (7/day)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 90 ft.; Perception +4 Spells Known (CL 12th; melee touch +13, ranged touch +9):
6th (3/day)—flesh to stone (DC 22)
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 armor, +2 Dex, +3 5th (5/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 21), major creationB,
natural) suffocation (DC 19) *
hp 28 (4d8+4) 4th (7/day)—confusion (DC 18)B, detonate (DC 18) *, greater
Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +6 invisibility, stone shape
3rd (7/day)—deep slumber (DC 17), dispel magic,
Speed 30 ft. gaseous formB, haste, seek thoughts (DC 17) *
Melee unarmed strike +5 (1d3+2) 2nd (7/day)—blindness/deafness (DC 16),
blurB, hideous laughter (DC 16), levitate
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 11, (DC 18), resist energy, share language*
Cha 8 1st (7/day)—break (DC 15) *, charm
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17 person (DC 15), entropic shieldB, ray
Feats Improved Iron Will, Iron Will of enfeeblement (DC 15), reduce
Skills Craft (any) +13, Disable person (DC 17), vanish*
Device +8, Knowledge 0 (at will)—acid splash (DC 15),
(dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge arcane mark, bleed (DC 15),
(engineering) +8, Perception +4, detect magic, detect poison,
Profession (scientist) +7 mage hand, message, open/
Languages Terran, Undercommon close, touch of fatigue (DC 15)
Combat Gear wand of hold person Bloodline Protean*
(CL7th; 5 charges; DC 15); Other
Gear masterwork tools, leather work Str 18, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 3, Wis
apron, 1d6 gp. 11, Cha 18
Base Atk +9; CMB +14 (+18 grapple);
Environment any (underground) CMD 24 (cannot be tripped)
Organization solitary or consortium Feats Deepsight*, Extend Spell, Great
(2–8) Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude,
Treasure standard (wand of hold Improved Iron Will, Greater Spell Focus
person, other treasure) (transmutation), Iron Will, Spell Focus (transmutation), Spell
The Korog resemble tall men, but with a head somewhat like that of a Skills Perception +16
hairless horse with long teeth, and smoldering, malevolent eyes. Standing Languages Terran, Undercommon (does not speak)
between 6 and 7 feet tall, The korog are typically quite thin, weighing SQ bloodline arcana
around 150 to 180 pounds. They possess horse-hooves, and natural
coloration is dull grays and light browns. Environment any (underground)
Various Korog “castes” exist, with differing abilities, but adventurers Organization solitary
most frequently encounter the technician and warrior castes. Treasure standard
All Korog technicians carry a silver wand with them at all times for *
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide
self-defense. These wands can be used by non-Korogs, but they carry only
five charges and can only be recharged in the Korog laboratories beneath Iomnogoron is a desiccated, almost skeletal creature encased in a huge
the earth. Korog warriors may use any weapon or armor, butprefer exotic pillar-like glob of transparent ooze, combining korog technology with his
weapons and light armor. massive sorcerous abilities. He is dependent on this ooze-prison for his
The Korog are the ancient race of beings from which the wizard almost immortal lifespan.
Iomnogoron evolved (see The Spire of Iron and Crystal from Frog The creature is no longer sane, but is cunning and still evidences a
God Games for more information). Few yet live, but some of these still dangerous intelligence. Iomnogoron can cast spells at the same time his
continue very limited operations in the deep, dark places beneath the earth, outer ooze attacks with its two tentacles.
collecting surface essences for their machinations in deep underground
strongholds. SPECIAL: Due to Iomnogoron’s insanity, his concentration score is
reduced by half. While he may use his tentacles and spells in the same
IOMNOGORON, KOROG SCIENTIST CR 12 round, he has only a 50% chance of doing so, due to his lack of coherent
XP 19,200 thought.
Male korog scientist sorcerer 10
LE Large humanoid (korog) Credit
Init +0; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +13 Original author Matthew J. Finch
Originally appearing in The Spire of Iron and Crystal (© Frog
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 natural) God Games/Matthew J. Finch, 2011)
hp 80 (4d8+4 plus 12d6+16)
Fort +8; Ref +5; Will +14

Kamarupa to Kulgreer

This is a macabre creature, possessing no evident features common to white light.
other living creatures such as a cranium, appendages, or eyes. It has a The kulgreer navigates the depths in a non-cognizant state, pointed-
long, conical body and a horrific gaping maw. end first; its conical body gradually rotates and propels itself forward
subconsciously, amassing various creatures into its frame as it passes
KULGREER CR 16 through. If awakened from this state, the kulgreer is generally violent. It
XP 76,800 is popular belief that creatures sucked into the kulgreer’s funnel-like body
N Gargantuan aberration (aquatic) are teleported to another plane of existence.
Init +4; Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +27 Though not consciously aggressive, the circumstances presented
through a kulgreer’s presence inevitably lead to conflict. If provoked, the
AC 22, touch 6, flat-footed 22 (+16 natural, –4 size) kulgreer typically tramples its opponent in a fit of sudden sentience and
hp 252 (24d8+144) conclude in the use of its supernatural ability.
Fort +16; Ref +10; Will +16
DR 20/magic; SR 27

Speed swim 50 ft.

Melee slam +27 (4d6+18/19–20)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks vortex

Str 34, Dex 10, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
Base Atk +18; CMB +34; CMD 44 (can’t be
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great
Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush,
Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative,
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack,
Skill Focus (Swim), Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Escape Artist +15, Intimidate +29,
Knowledge (arcana) +12, Perception +27,
Swim +53
Languages Common (can’t speak)

Environment any oceans

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Vortex (Su) Three times per day, a kulgreer can create a

powerful, self-contained whirlpool within its conical frame.
This lasts for 1d6+6 rounds. Huge and smaller creatures within
20 feet of the kulgreer must succeed on a DC 34 Swim
check or be yanked into the 30-foot diameter mouth of
the whirlpool. As the whirlpool spirals through the kulgreer’s
frame, creatures inside are thrashed violently about taking
2d6+18 points of damage each round. A successful DC 34
Reflex save or DC 34 Swim check negates the damage for
that round and allows the trapped creature to escape. The
save DCs are Strength-based.
During the final round of the vortex’s duration, any creatures
still trapped are pulled through the sphere of dim, white
light in the kulgreer’s tapered outlet. Such creatures
must succeed on a DC 28 Fortitude save or take
12d6 points of damage. Those succeeding
on their save take only half damage and
are forcibly ejected from the kulgreer and
flung 40 feet away. There is a 5% chance
that any ejected creature is instead sent
to a random plane of existence (GM’s
choice as to which one). The save DC is

The kulgreer is a massive, abominable being of

the deep sea that creates powerful whirlpools inside
its funnel-like body. It has a 30 foot long, conical body
resembling a funnel, beginning in a wide mouth 30 feet in
diameter, and tapering into a 5 foot diameter outlet of dim,

Tome of Horrors 4
Lamprey, Burrowing
This eel-like creature has leathery-looking skin almost black in color. can prevent Con damage for that round, but the only cure
No discernible features are present on its form. is to remove the burrowing lamprey from the host.
BURROWING LAMPREY CR 2 The burrowing lamprey is an eel-like fish that attaches to its prey, and
XP 600 then burrows into its body, feasting on blood and the rich vital organs.
N Small magical beast (aquatic) They are a danger to fish and aquatic mammals, and can be as deadly
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5 as a school of piranha when encountered in large numbers. Burrowing
lampreys resemble eels three to four feet long, with sphincter-like mouths
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size) positioned within hardened cartilaginous beaks.
hp 8 (1d10+3) Although they are usually marine creatures, burrowing lampreys breed
Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +1 in coastal freshwater swamps and rivers, and thus can be found in both
fresh and saltwater environments.
Speed 5 ft., swim 30 ft. They prefer to either ambush prey by hiding along the ocean
Melee bite +4 (1d4 plus attach plus poison) floor or in rocky crevices, or swarm around a target if traveling in
Special Attacks attach, flesh burrow, poison numbers. However, it is possible that they can be encountered inside a
dead creature’s remains, feeding on its vital organs.
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Medium- and large-sized burrowing lampreys are less common,
Base Atk +1; CMB +0 (+8 grapple when attached); CMD 12 but sometimes found in the deeper sea, where they may attack large sharks
(can’t be tripped) or even small whales.
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB Burrowing lampreys seek out targets at least equal to their size category,
Skills Escape Artist +10, Perception +5, Swim +8; Racial and up to three sizes larger, if they can, though a starving lamprey attacks
Modifiers +8 Escape Artist just about anything. They attack with their bite, then immediately attempt
SQ amphibious to burrow into their victim.

Environment temperate and warm aquatic

Organization cluster (2–5) or swarm (6–20)
Treasure none

Attach (Ex) When a burrowing lamprey hits

with a bite attack, its suckered mouth
latches onto the target, anchoring it
in place. An attached burrowing
lamprey is effectively grappling its
prey. The burrowing lamprey loses its
Dexterity bonus to AC and has an
AC of 13, but holds on with great
tenacity. A burrowing lamprey
has a +8 racial bonus to maintain
its grapple on a foe once it is
attached. An attached burrowing
lamprey can be struck with a
weapon or grappled itself—if its prey
manages to win a grapple check
or Escape Artist check against it, the
burrowing lamprey is removed.
Flesh Burrow (Ex) At the start of its next
turn, the round after it attaches to its
prey, a burrowing lamprey burrows into
the target’s flesh and subjects it to its
poison. Applying flame to the point of entry
deals 1d6 points of fire damage to both the
host and the burrowing lamprey. Cutting the
lamprey out works, but the longer the lamprey
remains in the host, the more damage this method
does. Cutting a lamprey out requires a slashing
weapon and a DC 20 Heal check, and deals
1d6 points of damage to the host per round
the lamprey has been inside it. If the Heal
check succeeds, one lamprey is removed.
Remove disease instantly kills any burrowing
lampreys inside a host.
Poison (Ex) Flesh burrow—injury; save DC 14
Fort; effect 1d2 Constitution damage; cure —.
The save DC is Constitution-based. The lamprey’s
poison liquefies the host’s organs. A successful saving throw

Lamprey, Burrowing to Lyconthrope, Werewolverine

This muscular creature has the upper torso of a golden-skinned human captured humanoids to him. These prides feel a connection to Gorson and
with long flowing braided hair and the lower torso of a powerful lion. Its some believe he is the progenitor of the first leonines.
massive fists clutch tightly around a wicked-looking spear. A leonine stands 7 feet tall and can reach lengths of up to 10 feet long.
Average weigh is around 700 pounds. Males sport long, flowing hair of
LEONINE CR 4 black or brown and usually wear it braided. A strip of hair runs from the
XP 1,200 base of its neck, down its back, and blends into its lion-like body. Females
NE (sometimes LE) Large monstrous humanoid are slightly smaller than males, wear their hair shorter, and do not have the
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +14 strip of hair running down their back. While females generally take care of
the young, they are just as fierce and effective in combat as males. Young
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, –1 size) leonines are born live and reach maturity within three years. If the young
hp 51 (6d10+18) are threatened, the entire pride fights to protect them.
Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7 Leonines fight with wicked, slightly curved spears and their forepaws.
If disarmed, they can slash with their clawed hands. They attack from
Speed 40 ft. ambush when hunting, often tracking their quarry for several miles before
Melee spear +9/+4 (2d6+6), 2 fore-claws +9 (1d4+4) or 2 springing to the attack. Leonines have a longstanding hatred for the tabaxi
claws +9 (1d4+4), 2 fore-claws +9 (1d4+4) race and kill them on sight.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks pounce
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th):
Constant—speak with animals (lions and dire lions only)

Str 19, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 23 (27 vs. trip)
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
Skills Acrobatics +12, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +7,
Perception +14, Stealth +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics,
+4 Stealth
Languages Leonine
SQ feline passivism

Environment warm plains and forests

Organization solitary, pair, hunting
party (3–8 plus 1–4 lions), or pride
(10–20 plus 4–6 lions)
Treasure standard (spear, other

Feline Passivism (Ex) Lions

(including dire lions) do not
willingly attack a leonine, though
they can be forced to do so
through magic. If a leonine
attacks a lion or dire lion,
its protection against that
creature ends.

Leonines are nomadic centaur-

like creatures, part human and part
lion. They make their homes upon
the warm grasslands and plains of the
world, living in prides of up to 20 or more
individuals. Each pride has a leader, usually a
fighter of 3rd–5th level. Some prides also have
a shaman (a cleric of 2nd–4th level). Prides
are territorial with areas covering up to 5
square miles. Prides generally do not
encroach on another’s territory. In cases
where territories overlap, bloody battles
are fought between the prides with the
victors claiming rights to the area.
Some particularly evil leonine prides
worship Gorson, the Blood Duke (see
The Tome of Horrors Complete by Frog
God Games for details), and sacrifice

Tome of Horrors 4
This is a tremendous sea creature, resembling a whale of gigantic
proportions. Its humped back stands like a mountain, and its massive eye
is nearly as large as a sailing ship. Its cavernous blowhole spews forth a
jet of water like a cyclone.
XP 204,800
N Colossal magical beast
Init –2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +27

AC 30, touch 0, flat-footed 30 (–2 Dex, +30 natural, –8 size)

hp 310 (20d10+200)
Fort +24; Ref +10; Will +12
DR 20/magic; Immune cold, electricity; Resist fire 20,
sonic 20; SR 30

Speed swim 60 ft.

Melee bite +34 (6d6+22/19–20), tail slap +29
Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks capsize, smashing breach, swallow
whole (6d8+22 acid damage, AC 25, 31 hp), tail each size
storm, whale song smaller than
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th): Huge a ship is.
3/day—control weather, summon nature’s ally IX (aquatic The save and base
animals only) check DC is Strength-
Str 54, Dex 6, Con 30, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 21 Whale Song (Su) As a
Base Atk +20; CMB +50; CMD 58 (can’t be tripped) swift action, a leviathan
Feats Augment SummoningB, Critical Focus, Diehard, can unleash a song that
Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved is so deep and of such low
Critical (bite), Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Swim), frequency that the vibrations
Staggering Critical alone have adverse effects on
Skills Knowledge (any one) +24, Knowledge (local) +24, living creatures. Any living creature
Knowledge (nature) +24, Perception +27, Stealth +5, Swim +59 within 100 feet of a singing leviathan
Languages Aquan must succeed on a DC 30 Fortitude save
SQ hold breath or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. A creature that succeeds
on its save is unaffected by that leviathan’s whale song
Environment any oceans for one day. This song is more felt than heard, and can
Organization solitary be detected by creatures up to 10 miles away. Creatures
Treasure standard capable of detecting extremely low-frequency sounds
(e.g. dolphins, whales, other leviathans) can detect this
Smashing Breach (Ex) As a full-round action, a leviathan song up to 100 miles away. The save DC is Constitution-
can make a special charge attack against creatures on the based.
surface of the water. At the end of its charge, the leviathan
breaches, then slams down onto the target with incredible Legend holds that there is but one leviathan in every ocean in the
force. Any Huge or smaller creatures in the leviathan’s world, each creature being the undisputed sovereign of its domain.
space must make a DC 30 Reflex save or take 4d8+33 Smaller leviathans control the seas, whilst the tiniest—still massive by
points of bludgeoning damage and be forced into the any measure—lurk in a few secluded bays within the lonelier parts of
nearest square that is adjacent to the whale. This breach the world. Completely unopposed by any other creature, they dominate
automatically attempts to capsize any boats caught wholly their realms. When a leviathan grows to such size that it can no longer
or partially in this area. The save DC is Constitution-based. be supported by its territory, it challenges another larger in size, seeking
Tail Storm (Ex) As a full-round action, a leviathan can raise its to gain mastery of its sea or ocean. Failure in this challenge results in
massive tail and bring it crashing down into the water, causing a death but if it overcomes its rival, the leviathan assumes sovereignty of
massive wave that sinks ships in the area. The resulting wave fans the domain. Battles between these titanic creatures are an awesome sight
out from the leviathan’s tail in a 100-foot cone. Huge or smaller to behold, for tidal waves and hurricanes erupt, devastating nearby coastal
ships caught in the area and within 10 feet of the leviathan’s tail settlements.
automatically sink. Creatures in the water and within 10 feet of Leviathans are over 500 feet long and weigh many hundreds of tons.
the leviathan’s tail take 4d6+22 points bludgeoning damage. Leviathans are seldom stirred to anger and only attack to defend
A successful DC 42 Reflex save reduces the damage by half. themselves from opponents who can truly harm them—a rare occurrence
Additionally, a creature that fails its save is pushed 6d6 x 10 feet indeed. They strike with their massive tail or by biting. A leviathan is
away. Huge or smaller ships more than 10 feet away within the so immense that it cannot bite any creature smaller than Huge; such
area must succeed on a Profession (sailor) check or capsize. small prey is simply swallowed whole. Any enemy flanking a leviathan
The DC of this check is 42, decreasing by 5 for every 10 feet from from behind is attacked with a devastating tail slap or subjected to the
the leviathan a ship is. The DC increases by a cumulative +5 for leviathan’s tail storm attack.

Lamprey, Burrowing to Lyconthrope, Werewolverine

Lightning Bladder
A roiling, bubble-like creature slowly oozes its way towards you, tiny Lightning bladders are a form of ooze, contained within a thin, mem-
surges of electricity arc through its semi-transparent form, and an acrid branous skin; they resemble massive, half-filled blue water balloons some
stench surrounds the creature like a cloud. 5–6 feet in diameter.
The inside of the creature is charged with immense electrical potential,
LIGHTNING BLADDER CR 4 clearly visible as lightning-like flashes and forks within the bluish-hued
XP 1,200 interior of the shapeless mass. The exterior membrane is highly acidic,
N Medium ooze and the creature will attack by slumping up against its opponents to slam
Init –5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception –5 them. The more dangerous aspect of a lightning bladder, however, is what
happens when a pointed or cutting weapon pierces its outer membrane,
AC 5, touch 5, flat-footed 5 (–5 Dex) releasing the inner electrical charge.
hp 50 (4d8+32)
Fort +9; Ref –4; Will –4 Credit
Defensive Abilities ooze traits; Immune cold, electricity, fire Original author Matthew J. Finch
Originally appearing in The Spire of Iron and Crystal (© Frog
Speed 10 ft., swim 30 ft. God Games/Matthew J. Finch, 2011)
Melee slam +6 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 acid)
Special Attacks acid, electrical discharge

Str 16, Dex 1, Con 26, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1

Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 11 (can’t be tripped)

Environment any (underground)

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Acid (Ex) The corrosive acid that covers a lightning

bladder dissolves metals and organic material, but
not stone. Each slam attack deals 1d6 additional acid
damage. Armor or clothing worn by a creature touched
by a lightning bladder takes the same amount of acid
damage unless the wearer succeeds on a DC 20 Reflex
saving throw. A wooden or metal weapon that strikes the
creature takes 1d6 acid damage unless the weapon’s
wielder succeeds on a DC 20 Reflex save. The
bladder’s touch deals 12 points of acid damage
per round to wooden or metal objects, but the
bladder must remain in contact with the
material for 1 full round in order to deal this
damage. The save DCs are Constitution-
Electrical Discharge (Ex) Any hit
scored against a lightning bladder
with a piercing or slashing weapon
opens a hole in the creature’s
acidic membrane, through which
lightning-like charges of electricity
will blast out each subsequent
combat round. These bolts of
lightning inflict 2d6 points of
damage against a randomly
determined opponent (DC 15
Reflex save for half damage). The
bladder can have any number of such
openings before it is eventually killed
from the damage.

Tome of Horrors 4
Lightning Lamprey
Lightning lampreys are floating, eel-like creatures about 3 ft. long that
are covered in static electricity, with arcs and bolts of tiny lightning flying
off in all directions.
XP 600
N Small magical beast
Init +1; Senses blindsight 30 ft.; Perception +0

AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 size)

hp 25 (3d10+6)
Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +1
Immune mind-affecting effects

Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (good)

Melee bite +4 (1d2 plus 1d6 electrical)

Str 11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 1
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 13 (can’t be
Skills Fly +7, Stealth +5 (+13 in clouds);
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in clouds

Environment any
Organization solitary or schools (2–20)
Treasure none

These strange, flying leeches are very similar to their water-born

kin; they are roughly 3 feet long, thin grayish-blue creatures
with tiny arcs of electricity playing over their bodies. They
constantly twitch and writhe, as if receiving electrical
stimulation throughout their bodies.
Schools of lightning lampreys drift along in the wake of
storm clouds, feeding upon powerful electrical currents
and lightning. They are not normally encountered away
from electrical storms (some may sniff their way down
from higher altitudes if lightning is actually striking the
ground). However, they might be found in unusual magical
environments where electrical discharges or lightning is plentiful.
Their bodies are extremely good electrical conductors, and may have
uses in magical experiments (value 200 gp to an interested alchemist or

Original author Matthew J. Finch
Originally appearing in The Spire of Iron and Crystal (© Frog
God Games/Matthew J. Finch, 2011)

Lamprey, Burrowing to Lyconthrope, Werewolverine

Living Disease
A cloud rises before you like a dark smear in the air, the smell of death through regular exposure or another encounter with a living
in its wake. disease. Once a creature has made a successful saving
throw against the disease of a living disease, it is immune to
FESTERING LUNG CR 10 future bouts of disease of that particular living disease for 1
XP 9,600 year.
N Medium vermin (swarm) Festering Lung: This infection gets into the lungs of the
Init +5; Senses lifesense 60 ft.; Perception +0 affected creature and begins to break down the respiratory
system, producing choking and copious amounts of bloody
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+5 Dex) phlegm. It saps the strength from the victim due to poor
hp 52 (15d8–15); fast healing 10 oxygenation and renders him unable to speak or
Fort +8; Ref +10; Will +5 make any vocal noises two days after contraction.
Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune mind- Creatures that do not breathe are immune to
affecting effects, weapon damage, festering lung.
swarm traits, vermin traits Festering Lung: Swarm—inhaled; save DC
Weaknesses swarm traits, vulnerability 24 Fort; onset immediate; frequency 1/day;
to remove disease effect 1d4 Str damage and 1d4 Con
damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The
Speed fly 10 ft. (perfect) save DC is Dexterity-based.
Melee swarm (disease) Evasion (Ex) Due to its composition of
Space 5 ft.; Reach 0 ft. billions of highly resilient microscopic
Special Attacks disease, organisms, if it makes a Reflex
distraction (DC 16) saving throw against an attack
that normally deals half
Str —, Dex 20, Con 8, Int —, damage on a successful save,
Wis 10, Cha 1 a living disease instead takes
Base Atk +11; CMB —; CMD — no damage. It is identical to the
Feats Ability Focus (disease)B rogue ability of the same name.
Skills Fly +13, Stealth +5 (+21 in Lifesense (Ex) The
darkness); Racial Modifiers +16 overpowering drive to
Stealth in darkness propagate itself gives a living
disease the ability to notice and
Environment any locate living creatures within
Organization solitary 60 feet, just as if it possessed the
Treasure none blindsight ability.
Vulnerability to Remove Disease (Ex)
Disease (Ex) Any If a remove disease is cast on a living
creature whose space disease or a victim currently in a space
is occupied by the occupied by a living disease and the
living disease at living disease fails a Fortitude save
the end of its move against the spell, it deals 5d10 points
is exposed to the of damage to the living disease. A
form of disease of creature that has remove disease
which the swarm is cast on it is not cured unless outside
composed. Such a of the swarm’s area when the spell is
creature must succeed cast or unless the living disease was
at a Fortitude save each destroyed by the casting of the spell.
round that it is in the Otherwise, an infected creature will
swarm or take ability require an additional remove disease
damage for that round as upon leaving the living disease’s
indicated under the disease space if it contracted the disease while
type. There is no incubation within.
period for this type of exposure and
its method of delivery is irrelevant BLACK ROT CR 16
due to the sheer concentration XP 76,800
of disease organisms present. N Medium vermin (swarm)
Even after a creature leaves the Init +5; Senses lifesense 60 ft.;
area of a swarm, it must make the Perception +0
appropriate Fortitude save or continue
to take ability damage each day AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+5 Dex)
as indicated by the disease. At this hp 108 (24d8); fast healing 10
point two successful saving throws in Fort +14; Ref +13; Will +8
a row indicate that the creature has Defensive Abilities evasion;
fought off the disease and recovers, Immune mind-affecting effects,
taking no more damage. However, weapon damage, swarm traits,
the disease can be contracted again vermin traits

Tome of Horrors 4
Weaknesses swarm traits, vulnerability to remove disease swarm under certain exceedingly foul or magical conditions. They seek
out hosts through which to propagate their contagion. Though they are
Speed fly 10 ft. (perfect) considered swarms, their individual components are so small as to be
Melee swarm (disease) invisible to unaided sight, exponentially smaller than even Fine creatures,
Space 5 ft.; Reach 0 ft. and they are thus considered one Medium creature. They are only visible
Special Attacks disease, distraction (DC 22) at all due to the sheer number of individual organisms that comprise the
swarm; literally billions of them make up a single living disease.
Str —, Dex 21, Con 10, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1 Living diseases offer no resistance to items or creatures entering their
Base Atk +18; CMB —; CMD — midst and cannot be physically felt. They make no sound whatsoever. A
Feats Ability Focus (disease)B living disease in the dark is terrible indeed, as there is no indication it is
Skills Fly +13, Stealth +5 (+21 in darkness); Racial Modifiers present until its effects are first felt.
+16 Stealth in darkness Living diseases neither see nor sleep. Their movements are by pure
instinct, and they locate potential hosts with their lifesense. Because of
Environment any their resilience and extremely high reproductive rate, the microorganisms
Organization solitary of a living disease give it fast healing 10.
Treasure none Though extremely rare, there are many different kinds of living diseases
— potentially as many kinds as there are diseases. Two in particular are
Disease (Ex) Black Rot: This highly infectious disease affects described here: festering lung and black rot.
the skin and muscles of the victim, creating an accelerated A living disease seeks to surround any potential host it senses. It
gangrenous process that turns the affected tissue black and instinctively avoids undead, oozes, plants and constructs, which do not
eats it away. For every 4 points of Con damage sustained by make suitable hosts for the spreading of disease. Unlike normal swarms,
the victim, a random limb is lost and can only be recovered a living disease does not deal physical damage. Instead it exposes any
by regeneration or similar magic. Black Rot: Swarm— creature whose space it occupies at the end of its move to its form of
contact; save DC 29 Fort; onset immediate; frequency 1/ disease.
day; effect 1d6 Con damage, 1d6 Dex damage, and 1d3
Cha damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Credit
Dexterity-based. Original author Greg A. Vaughan
Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
Living diseases are swarms of microscopic organisms, harmful bacteria Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)
or viruses that have supernaturally gained limited sentience as a cohesive

Lamprey, Burrowing to Lyconthrope, Werewolverine

Living Monolith
This massive creature appears to be an amorphous column of flesh Organization solitary
coated in a thick, bubbling slime. Several large maws litter its form, each Treasure standard
filled with sharpened teeth. Many long tentacles whip and flail about its
body. Acid (Ex) A living monolith secrets a digestive acid that
dissolves organic material and metal quickly, but does not
LIVING MONOLITH CR 13 affect stone. Each time a creature suffers damage from
XP 25,600 a living monolith’s acid, its clothing and armor take the
N Gargantuan ooze same amount of damage from the acid. A DC 27 Reflex
Init –2; Senses blindsight 120 ft., tremorsense 120 ft.; save prevents damage to clothing and armor. A metal
Perception –5 or wooden weapon that strikes a living monolith takes
2d6 points of acid damage unless the weapon’s wielder
AC 24, touch 4, flat-footed 24 (-2 Dex, +20 natural, –4 size) succeeds on a DC 27 Reflex save. If a living monolith
hp 225 (18d8+144); regeneration 10 (fire) remains in contact with a wooden or metal object for 1 full
Fort +14; Ref +4; Will +1 round, it inflicts 27 points of acid damage (no save) to the
DR 10/—; Immune acid, electricity, ooze traits; Resist cold 20; object. The save DCs are Constitution-based.
SR 24 Spawn Offspring (Ex) Every 1d4 rounds, a living monolith
spawns 1d6 crawling offspring from its form, but 1d6 of these
Speed 5 ft. are instantly destroyed or reabsorbed by the living monolith.
Melee 4 tentacles +20 (2d6+11 plus 2d6 acid and grab) or (See the Crawling Offspring entry below.)
bite +20 (4d8+24 plus 2d6 acid; only against grabbed foe) Tentacles (Ex) A living monolith can transfer a grabbed
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. opponent from a tentacle to one of its mouths as a move
Special Attacks spawn offspring, swallow whole (6d8 acid action.
damage, AC 20, 20 hp)
The living monolith, sometimes called a monolith of fecundity, is a
Str 32, Dex 6, Con 26, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 slow-moving pillar of amorphous flesh dripping with slime. Along its
Base Atk +13; CMB +28 (+32 grapple); CMD 36 (can’t be gigantic bulk are several gaping mouths and writhing pseudopods. This
tripped) loathsome being is usually brought forth by the summoning spells of
clerics who worship perverse fertility deities.
Environment underground At irregular intervals its flesh breaks open and instantly regenerates as
the living monolith spawns twisted offspring that crawl and slither away
from its progenitor. Some of these spawn are instantly disintegrated by the
acidic slime dripping from the monolith or torn to pieces by pseudopods
and ravenous mouths, but a few scuttle away and survive (see the crawling
offspring entry).
A living monolith thrashes mindlessly at opponents with its tentacles.
When disturbed, it constantly seeps its acidic slime which is as likely
to destroy its crawling offspring as inflicting damage on opponents. An
opponent unlucky enough to be grabbed by a flailing tentacle is shoved
into one of the living monolith’s maws and swallowed whole, subjected to
the monster’s deadly digestive acids.

Tome of Horrors 4
Living Monolith (Crawling Offspring)
Crawling Offspring
This slime-covered humanoid lurches forward, its frame twisted, eyes
Crawling Offspring Features
bulging. Roll 1d6 to determine the crawling offspring’s special
CRAWLING OFFSPRING CR 5 1 Spit Acid (20-ft. line, 2d6 acid damage,
XP 1,600 Reflex DC 16 half)
N Small aberration 2 Rotting Touch (1d3 Con damage)
Init +0; Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 3 Tentacle Attack (10-ft reach, 1d3+3 damage,
in addition to slam attack)
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+5 natural, +1 size) 4 Regeneration (5 [fire]; replaces fast healing)
hp 60 (8d8+16 plus 8); fast healing 2 5 Flight (fly 30 ft., average maneuverability)
Fort +6; Ref +2; Will +8 6 No special feature

Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +10 (1d3+4)
Special Attacks varies (see below)

Str 16, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 18
Feats Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Toughness
Skills Climb +10, Perception +9

Environment any
Organization pack (4–6) or swarm (7–12)
Treasure none

Crawling offspring are mindless creatures spawned from a living

monolith. There is great variety in the form and appearance of the crawling
offspring; such as bulging eyes, flapping wings, writhing tentacles, slime-
covered pseudopods, and so on.
Most crawling offspring are destroyed and re-absorbed by the living
monolith they were spawned from, but those few that escape wander or
crawl about seeking prey. A crawling offspring attempts to devour the
nearest living creature it detects.
Each crawling offspring is unique; roll on the Crawling Offspring
Features table to determine the special attack of each.

Lamprey, Burrowing to Lyconthrope, Werewolverine

Lizard, Giant Forest

This giant lizard has brown and green markings on its body, a long, Giant forest lizards are carnivorous animals that dwell in overgrown
thick tail, and a blunt snout that opens to reveal a mouth full of strong, forests, making their lairs in hidden caves and passages. These creatures
thick teeth. are highly territorial, nocturnal and spend most of the day sleeping in
their lair or sunning themselves on large tree limbs where the sun breaks
GIANT FOREST LIZARD CR 5 through the treetops. Giant forest lizards dine on other forest animals,
XP 1,600 consuming almost anything they find. When food is scarce, they scavenge
N Large animal as well. A typical giant forest lizard’s territory covers several square miles.
Init +6; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +11 A giant forest lizard is 9 feet long and weighs nearly 2,000 pounds. Its
coloration and markings are browns and greens, allowing it to adapt and
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size) hide in the forests. These creatures mate but once a year with the female
hp 68 (8d8+32) depositing up to four eggs in the lair. Eggs hatch within 3 months and
Fort +12; Ref +8; Will +3 young reach maturity within 10 months. Forest lizards can live to be 20
years old.
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft. When hunting, a giant forest lizard perches within the trees on strong,
Melee bite +12 (2d6+9 plus poison) overhanging limbs. When potential prey passes beneath it, it drops to
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. the ground and attacks. Prey that is killed is carried back to its lair and
eaten or saved for later consumption. In combat, or when warning other
Str 23, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 creatures that have entered its territory, the giant forest lizard vocalizes,
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip) emitting a deep, rolling hissing sound.
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
(Perception), Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+14 jumping), Climb +18, Perception
+11, Stealth +3 (+7 in undergrowth); Racial Modifiers +8
Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Stealth in undergrowth
SQ powerful leaper

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary or pack (2–5)
Treasure none

Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 18 Fort; frequency 1/round

for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Dexterity damage; cure 2 saves. The
save DC is Constitution-based.
Powerful Leaper (Ex) A giant forest lizard uses its Strength to
modify Acrobatics checks made to jump, and it has a +8
racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump.

Tome of Horrors 4
Lizard, Lava
This massive lizard is dark cherry red with a pale yellow underbelly.
XP 4,800
N Large magical beast
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
Perception +11
Aura heat (10 ft., DC 18)

AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +10

natural, –1 size)
hp 94 (9d10+36 plus 9)
Fort +12; Ref +9; Will +5
Immune fire; Resist cold 20

Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee bite +14 (3d8+7 plus burn)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks burn (2d6, DC 18), heated flesh

Str 21, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 26 (30 vs. trip)
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,
Skill Focus (Perception), ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Climb +18, Perception +11, Stealth +2, Swim +18
SQ lava affinity

Environment warm mountains

Organization solitary, pair, or band (3–8)
Treasure none

Heat Aura (Ex) A lava lizard radiates heat, and

any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of
a lava lizard must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude
save or take 1d6 points of fire damage. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
Heated Flesh (Ex) Any metal weapon
striking a lava lizard must succeed at
a DC 18 Fortitude save or take 3d6
points of fire damage. Wooden
weapons take double damage.
Damage caused to weapons in this
manner is not halved, but hardness
does help prevent some of the damage
dealt. Unarmed and natural attacks made
against the lava lizard deal 2d6 points of fire damage to the Lava lizards are about 10 feet long and weigh around 600 pounds. Their
attacker. The save DC is Constitution-based. skin is always a shade of cherry red and their eyes are pale yellow. These
Lava Affinity (Ex) A lava lizard can breathe and swim while creatures reproduce once per year on average with the female laying 4
submerged in lava and magma. to 6 large reddish eggs. These eggs are usually tucked away beneath a
lava pool to not only incubate them, but also deter predators. Eggs hatch
Lava lizards make their lairs in or near active volcanoes, spending within 60 days and young reach maturity with 3 years. Lava lizards live
their days swimming in the boiling magma. These creatures have few about 100 years.
predators, save for some red dragons and fire giants. Lava lizards prefer Lava lizards generally avoid combat unless provoked, threatened, or
to hunt during the day and sustain themselves on a diet of large game hunting. In combat they assault their prey with their bite attempting to
animals or whatever happens to wander close to their lair. Most prey is incinerate it as quickly as possible. Lava lizards that are outmatched flee if
killed and carried back to the lair to be devoured later. Lava lizards often possible, seeking refuge in nearby magma pools or lava tubes where most
store their prey in magma pools as they prefer high temperature food. attackers dare not venture.

Lamprey, Burrowing to Lyconthrope, Werewolverine

This dog-headed humanoid has dirty, matted dark fur and appears the pups afterward. Halfling settlements when found are ravaged and
slightly taller than the average human. burned to the ground. Halfling temples and holy grounds are desecrated
and defaced, the priests of these places torn to shreds, their bodies littered
LUPIN CR 2 about the ruined temples and grounds.
XP 600 Lupins are savage and ferocious in battle, attacking with longswords
LE Medium humanoid (lupin) and a vicious bite. Their battle tactics are well-organized and focused,
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +6 usually concentrating on the single strongest opponent, and only moving
to the next target, when that opponent falls. When overwhelmed and
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +1 Dex, +2 outnumbered, lupins resort to ambush and hit-and-run tactics. In large
natural, +1 shield) scale battles, lupins often employ gnolls and flinds (and occasionally, but
hp 22 (4d8+4) rarely, goblins and kobolds) as shock troops.
Fort +5; Ref +2; Will +1 Lupin leaders are generally rangers or fighters. Lupin females generally
take the role of caregiver in a lupin tribe, staying out of battles and tending
Speed 30 ft. to the pups. Some however, seem more skilled in the magical arts than their
Melee longsword +5 (1d8+2) and bite +5 (1d6+2) male counterparts, and sometimes take up the path of the sorcerer. Clerics
Ranged longbow +4 (1d8/x3) are highly regarded among lupin tribes and often serve as counselors to the
tribal leaders. Religion among lupin tribes is scattered and generally varies
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12 from tribe to tribe. Lupins do not seem to have just one god they call their
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16 own. Each tribe pays homage to its own god, usually one of the arch-devils.
Feats Alertness, Power Attack Lucifer, Belial, Geryon, Moloch,
Skills Perception +6, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +3, Survival and Asmodeus seem to be
+5 (+9 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Survival when the most prevalent.
tracking by scent
Languages Gnoll, Lupin

Environment temperate and warm plains or desert

Organization solitary, pair, hunting party (2–5 lupins and
1–2 dogs), band (10–100 adults plus 50% noncombatant
children, 1 sergeant of 5th level per 20 adults, 1 leader of
6th–8th level, and 5–8 dogs or wolves), or tribe (20–200 plus 1
sergeant of 5th level per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of 6th
or 7th level, 1 leader of 8th–10th level, 7–12 dogs, and
4–7 wolves)
Treasure standard (leather armor, light wooden
shield, longsword, longbow, 20 arrows, other

Lupins are dog-headed humanoids standing over 6 feet tall

with grayish skin and dark, usually filthy and matted fur. These
creatures have an excellent sense of smell, and their tracking
ability is often times unmatched. Lupins are colorblind and see
only in shades of gray.
These creatures are believed to be related to both gnolls and
flinds though sages have never found a true link tying the races
together. These canine humanoids are carnivorous nocturnal pack
hunters and relish in the hunt, often toying with their prey before taking
it down. Though savage by some standards, lupins are still considered to
be more organized and civilized than their cousins the gnolls.
Lupin tribes form loose alliances with nearby tribes and settlements,
sometimes offering protection to weaker tribes (such as those
composed of goblins or kobolds) in exchange for gold, food, and
anything else the tribe feels it needs. Lupins are generally on good
terms with all the goblinoid races as well as minotaurs, orcs,
and the occasional ogre or hill giant tribe. Human settlements
sometimes form an alliance with a nearby lupin tribe as well;
out of mutual need, or out of fear. The other humanoid races,
dwarves, elves, gnomes, are generally treated with tolerance, but
few alliances between lupins and these races are known to exist.
Elves are often viewed as a weak race and, any such alliance
between a lupin tribe and elven settlement is extremely shaky
at best. Halflings are the single race the lupins detest (Sages are
uncertain as to the exact reasons for this hatred). Halflings
are killed on sight, carried back to the lupins’ lair, and fed
to the lupin pups. Other times, halflings are captured
and hunted for sport by the lupins, and then fed to

Tome of Horrors 4
Lurker Wraith
A diaphanous, almost translucent curtain blows on a nonexistent points. The save DC is Charisma-based.
breeze towards you. It spreads its folds wide as it approaches as if to Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid slain by either a lurker
envelop you. wraith’s Constitution drain or smother attack becomes a
ghoul in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are not under the command
LURKER WRAITH CR 10 of the lurker wraith (which typically ignores
XP 9,600 them), but they do
NE Large undead instinctively protect their
Init +5; Senses creator. They do not
darkvision 60 ft.; possess any of the
Perception +11 abilities they had
in life. A humanoid of 4 Hit
AC 18, touch Dice or more rises as a
10, flat-footed ghast, not a ghoul.
17 (+1 Dex, +8 Smother (Ex) When a
natural, –1 size) lurker wraith grapples
hp 112 (15d8+30 plus 15) a target, it continues
Fort +7; Ref +8; Will +9 its Constitution drain
Defensive Abilities each round (though
amorphous, channel the victim is still
resistance +4; DR 10/ allowed a save each
silver and piercing round). In addition it forms
or slashing; Immune an airtight seal around
undead traits its prey. A grappled target
Weaknesses sunlight cannot speak or cast spells with
powerlessness, verbal components and must hold
vulnerability to fire its breath (see “Suffocation” in
Chapter 13 of the Pathfinder
Speed fly 40 ft. (average) Roleplaying Game).
Melee buffet +20 (2d4+15 plus 1d6 Con Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex)
drain and grab) A lurker wraith caught in
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. sunlight cannot attack
Special Attacks create spawn, smother and is staggered.

Str 30, Dex 12, Con —, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 14 If there is an undead form of
Base Atk +11; CMB +22 (+26 grapple); CMD the aberrations known as lurkers,
33 (can’t be tripped) this is surely it. They have a gauzy
Feats Blind-Fight, Deceitful, Hover, Improved appearance and resemble some thin cloth,
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus though close inspection reveals they are quite
(Perception), Skill Focus (Stealth), Toughness durable and thick with a certain translucence. They
Skills Bluff +8, Disguise +12 (+20 as curtain, wall hanging often disguise themselves as tapestries or curtains in order
or textile), Fly +3, Perception +11, Stealth +25; Racial to lure the unwary into their smothering embrace. Sometimes
Modifiers +4 Stealth, +8 Disguise as curtain, wall hanging or they roll themselves up to appear as innocuous bolts of cloth
textile before unfurling and revealing the true horror. They tend to lurk
in subterranean areas or within ruins where they avoid rays of direct
Environment any sunlight.
Organization solitary or pair A lurker wraith is about 10 feet long by 10 feet wide and approximately
Treasure none 1/4 inch thick. They weigh less than 50 pounds. Lurker wraiths typically
disguise themselves as ordinary textiles and then try to attack prey with
Amorphous (Ex) Lurking wraiths are immune to precision surprise by buffeting them and attempting to smother.
damage (like sneak attacks) and critical hits, and can move There are often a few stray ghouls lairing near where lurker wraiths
through an area as small as one-quarter their space without dwell — past victims that will come to defend their creator.
squeezing or one-eighth their space when squeezing.
Constitution Drain (Su) Creatures hit by a lurker wraith’s Credit
buffet attack must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save Original author Greg A. Vaughan
or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. On each such Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
successful attack, the lurker wraith gains 5 temporary hit Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)

Lamprey, Burrowing to Lyconthrope, Werewolverine

Lycanthrope, Werewolverine
Howling out of the taiga comes a ferocious humanoid creature covered Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Toughness
in thick grey fur. Its hands are tipped in long claws. Skills Climb +12, Intimidate +9, Perception +7, Survival +7
Languages Common
WEREWOLVERINE (HUMAN FORM) CR 3 SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and wolverine;
XP 800 polymorph), fast movement, trap sense +1, lycanthropic
Human natural werewolverine barbarian 3 (Pathfinder empathy (badgers and wolverines)
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook)
CN Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger) Rage (Ex) A werewolverine in hybrid or animal form that
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7 takes damage in combat flies into a rage on its next turn,
clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is
AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 11 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, –2 rage, dead. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.
+1 shield)
hp 43 (3d12+12 plus 6) In their humanoid forms, werewolverines are wiry, muscular folk
Fort +7; Ref +2; Will +4 with broad shoulders and powerful hands. Their faces are almost
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge always contorted into a twitchy sneer. Quick to anger and slow to
calm, werewolverines are seemingly always on the brink of a powerful
Speed 40 ft. emotional outburst. When angered, a werewolverine screams and howls
Melee battleaxe +8 (1d8+5/x3) in a raspy voice that speaks of violent, primal rage.
Ranged throwing axe +4 (1d6+5) Instinctively brutal, werewolverines make the ideal strong-arms for
Special Attacks rage (10 rounds), rage power (intimidating bandit gangs.
glare) Note that the statistics presented here for werewolverines assume that
the creatures are in their barbarian rage — if the creatures are encountered
Str 21, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10 at another time, simply adjust their statistics accordingly.
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 19
Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Toughness Credit
Skills Climb +9, Intimidate +9, Perception +7, Survival +7 Original author Nathan Douglas Paul
Languages Common Originally appearing in The Eamonvale Incursion (©
SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and wolverine; Necromancer Games, 2008)
polymorph), fast movement, trap sense +1, lycanthropic
empathy (badgers and wolverines)

Environment cold forests

Organization solitary, pair, family (3–6), pack (6–10), or
troupe (11–20)
Treasure NPC gear (battleaxe, 2 daggers, 2 throwing axes,
studded leather armor, small wooden shield, other gear)


XP 800
Human natural werewolverine barbarian 3
(Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook)
CN Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7

AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +1

Dex, +4 natural, –2 rage, +1 shield)
hp 46 (3d12+15 plus 6)
Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +4
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge; DR 10/

Speed 40 ft.
Melee battleaxe +9 (1d8+6/x3), or
2 claws +9 (1d6+6), bite +9 (1d4+6
plus curse of lycanthropy; DC 15)
Ranged throwing axe +4
Special Attacks
rage (10 rounds),
rage power

Str 23, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 19

Tome of Horrors 4
This large cat resembles a brown-furred leopard.
XP 2,400
N Large magical beast
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
vision; Perception +10

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex,

+1 dodge, +4 natural, –1 size)
hp 76 (8d10+32)
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +4
Immune mind-affecting effects

Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d6+5), bite +12 (1d8+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks mind blast, pounce, rake (2 claws +13,

Str 21, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 27 (31 vs. trip)
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception),
Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Perception +10, Stealth +7 (+11 in
marshes), Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4
Stealth (+8 in marshes)
Languages Common; telepathy 100 ft.

Environment temperate and warm marshes

Organization solitary or pair
Treasure standard

Mind Blast (Su) As a standard action, a malkeen can

deliver a massive blast of mental energy at a single
target within 50 feet. The target must succeed on
a DC 15 Will save or take 6d6 points of damage.
A malkeen can use this ability once every 1d6
rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Malkeens are intelligent, ferocious swamp cats that closely

resemble dark furred leopards. These creatures are extremely
territorial with the average malkeen’s territory covering 10 square
miles or more. Creatures entering its territory are stalked and watched
from afar before the malkeen moves in to attack. Malkeens are generally
passive creatures and only attack if threatened or hungry. They are
carnivores and dine on creatures such as alligators, marsh reptiles, marsh
birds, and wild game.
Malkeens reach lengths of 12 feet or more and weigh up to 5,500
pounds. Malkeens can live for up to 50 years.
Malkeens are ambush hunters and sneak up on their prey before
lunging to attack. These creatures almost always open combat with their
mind blast attack, attempting to kill or disable their opponent as quickly
as possible. After that, opponents left standing are assaulted by claws and

Malkeen to Mummy, Asp

Mandrake, Deadly
This creature appears as a tiny humanoid, brownish-green in color with
a large flowering plant growing from its head.

XP 600
N Tiny plant
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)

hp 16 (3d8+3)
Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +2
DR 5/cold iron; Immune plant traits; SR 13

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.

Melee 2 claws +8 (1d2–2)
Space 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks death scream
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th):
At will—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 13), prestidigitation
(DC 13)
3/day—lesser confusion (DC 14), hypnotism (DC 14)
1/day—hallucinatory terrain (DC 17), sleep (DC 14)

Str 6, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 12
Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +5, Escape Artist +5, Knowledge (nature)
+1, Perception +7, Perform (sing) +4, Sense Motive +3, Stealth
+16 (+24 in vegetation); Racial Modifiers +8 in vegetation
Languages Common, Sylvan

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary or grove (2–6)
Treasure standard

Death Scream (Su) Once per minute, a deadly mandrake

may scream as a full-round action. The scream lasts until
the beginning of its next turn. All creatures within 40 feet of
the deadly mandrake when it begins its scream, as well as
those that end their turn within the area, must succeed on
a DC 14 Fortitude save. (This save is only required once per
scream.) Creatures under the effects of a fear effect take
a –2 penalty on this save. Creatures that make their save
are sickened for 1d2 rounds. Those that fail their save take
20 points of damage. If a screaming mandrake is damaged
during a scream, it must make a Will save (DC 15 + damage
taken) to maintain the scream; otherwise it ends. This is a
sonic death effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Deadly mandrakes are mischievous plant creatures believed to be part

plant and part fey. They relish in playing tricks on those passing through
their domain. These tricks are always more playful than harmful, at least
to the deadly mandrake. Most such tricks take the form of lights or weird
sounds meant to distract and confuse travelers.
Deadly mandrakes sustain themselves on a diet of tree bark, leaves, and
berries, and are most active during the day. At night they burrow into the
ground to rest. Often times, a deadly mandrake burrows just far enough
into the ground to cover its body, leaving the flower on top of its head
exposed. Little else is known of these creatures thus far. Any deadly mandrake killed has a 1% chance of returning in 1d4 days as
Deadly mandrakes, despite their name, are generally inoffensive a mandragora. If the deadly mandrake’s body is doused with demon ichor
unless disturbed. If disturbed or forced into battle, deadly mandrakes use (from a demon CR 6 or above), or a deadly mandrake is killed by a demon
their death scream immediately in an attempt to end the confrontation CR 6 or above, the chance rises to 10%. Using a deadly mandrake in the
as quickly as possible. Creatures that resist are subjected to sleep, lesser alchemical creation of a mandragora lowers the Craft (alchemy) DC from
confusion, or hypnotism. They can attack with their claws if needed, but 25 to 20. (See the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 “Mandragora”,
rarely do so. for details on the mandragora and the creation of a mandragora.)

Tome of Horrors 4
Megaswarm, Dire Rat
A squirming horde of vicious rats the size of small dogs streams
forward. They have coarse, spiky fur, feral eyes, and jagged, yellowed
teeth. They surge ahead in a roiling mass of filth and stench.
XP 1,600
N Small animal (megaswarm)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +11

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size)

hp 52 (8d8+8 plus 8)
Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +3
Defensive Abilities half damage from
piercing weapons

Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee swarm (2d6 plus disease)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks disease, distraction
(DC 15)

Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13,

Cha 4
Base Atk +6; CMB —; CMD —
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative,
Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness
Skills Climb +11, Perception +11, Stealth
+14, Swim +11; Racial Modifiers uses Dex to
modify Climb and Swim

Environment any urban

Organization solitary, pack (2–4
megaswarms), infestation (7–12
Treasure none

Disease (Ex) Filth fever: Swarm—injury;

save DC 15 Fort; onset 1d3 days;
frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex
damage and 1d3 Con damage; cure
2 consecutive saves. The save DC is
Megaswarm Traits (Ex) Megaswarms are
not so called because of the size of the
swarm but rather the size of the creatures
that compose the swarm. Unlike normal
swarms, megaswarms are composed of Small
creatures which are usually a megafauna version
of a normal swarm and otherwise behave in a
swarmlike manner. There are usually around 100
creatures in a megaswarm. The net effect is that they
take only half damage from piercing weapons but take they can catch. A dire rat swarm usually exists in abandoned ruins or city
normal damage from other weapons. In addition when the dumps where there is a plentiful food supply and a lack of significant
swarm is reduced to 0 hit points or lower and breaks up, predators.
unless the damage was dealt by area-affecting attacks, A dire rat swarm seeks to overrun and attack any warm-blooded prey
then 2d6 surviving members of the megaswarm continue it encounters. It typically ignores undead and other creatures that are not
their attack, though now only as individual creatures. warm-blooded.
Otherwise, a megaswarm conforms to all of the other swarm
traits as described in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Credit
Bestiary. Original author Greg A. Vaughan
Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
Much like a swarm of ordinary rats, a dire rat swarm is composed of Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)
a teeming mass of disease-ridden dire rats intent on feeding on whatever

Malkeen to Mummy, Asp

Megaswarm, Dretch
A roiling mass of rubbery skin and flailing limbs surges towards you. any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their
Demonic eyes stare at you above slack, fang-filled mouths. This horde is move rather than the 4d6 typical for a swarm of their HD.
comprised of small creatures with pale, hairless hide compressed so close This ability is lost if the swarm is broken up.
together that it is difficult to tell where one of these rabid monstrosities Megaswarm Traits (Ex) Megaswarms are not so called
ends and the next one begins. because of the size of the swarm but rather the size of the
creatures that compose the swarm. Unlike normal swarms,
DRETCH MEGASWARM CR 12 megaswarms are composed of Small creatures which
XP 19,200 are usually a megafauna version of a normal swarm and
CE Small outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar, otherwise behave in a swarmlike manner. There are usually
megaswarm) around 100 creatures in a megaswarm. The net effect is that
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +25 they take only half damage from piercing weapons but
take normal damage from other weapons. In addition when
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 dodge, +3 natural, the swarm is reduced to 0 hit points or lower and breaks up,
+1 size) unless the damage was dealt by area-affecting attacks,
hp 136 (16d10+32 plus 16) then 2d6 surviving members of the megaswarm continue
Fort +14; Ref +7; Will +12 their attack, though now only as individual creatures.
Defensive Abilities half damage from piercing weapons; DR Otherwise, a megaswarm conforms to all of the other swarm
5/cold iron or good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid traits as described in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary.
10, cold 10, fire 10 Smite Good (Su) The collective chaos and evil
concentrated in the existence of a dretch megaswarm
Speed 20 ft. allows the swarm deal extra damage equal to its HD (+16)
Melee swarm (6d6) once per day against a good foe. This ability is lost if the
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft. swarm is broken up.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 20), feral rage,
smite good The lowly dretch are the most moblike of the demons and in certain
crowded conditions actually develop a pack mentality and form a swarm.
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 11 In their rabid mob, dretch swarms lose their ability to communicate with
Base Atk +16; CMB —; CMD — others telepathically, though they can still receive the telepathic commands
Feats DodgeB, Endurance, Great Fortitude, of other demons to guide them in their attacks.
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning If the swarm breaks up, then surviving dretches continue
Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception), Stealthy, their attacks, though now as individual creatures regaining
Toughness their normal abilities and tactics (see Pathfinder Roleplaying
Skills Escape Artist +20, Perception +25, Game Bestiary) and losing their feral rage.
Stealth +23 Like individual dretches, dretch megaswarms rely on
Languages Abyssal (cannot speak); their sheer numbers when attacking. Unlike individuals,
telepathy 100 ft. (limited to Abyssal- though, megaswarms are not cowardly and attack
speaking targets) in a maddened frenzy regardless of the damage
they are taking or the stoutness of the adversity.
Environment any (Abyss) Their own mob mentality prods them on so
Organization solitary, that the commanding presence of a more
pack (2–4 megaswarms), powerful demon is not required
infestation (7–12 to motivate them.
megaswarms) A dretch megaswarm’s
Treasure none natural attacks are treated
as chaotic-aligned and evil-
Feral Rage (Ex) Dretch aligned for the purpose of
megaswarms attack in a overcoming damage reduction.
mindless mob intent only
tearing apart those that Credit
fall into their clutches. This Original author
frenzy prevents them Greg A. Vaughan
from using any of Originally
their regularly- appearing in
available spell- Slumbering Tsar
like or summoning (© Frog God
abilities. However, Games/ Greg A.
the wild abandon of their attack allows Vaughan, 2012)
them to deal 6d6 points of damage to

Tome of Horrors 4
Mimic, Undead
Two sinewy tentacles sprout from what appears to be an ancient and via raise dead (resurrection and more powerful effects work
slime-covered chest. normally though the undead mimic must still be destroyed
before this magic works).
UNDEAD MIMIC CR 6 Weeping Discharge (Ex) An undead mimic constantly leaks
XP 2,400 and oozes its foul adhesive in a 20-foot-radius area around
NE Medium undead (shapechanger) its body. The area quickly becomes coated in the fluids
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15 and is considered difficult terrain. Undead mimics are not
hampered by this secretion (their own or that of another
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +6 natural) undead mimic). The slimy coating lasts for 1 hour before
hp 59 (7d8+21 plus 7) becoming inert.
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +7
Immune acid, undead traits Undead mimics are believed to be the result of experimentation on
mimics by insane necromancers. What possessed them to create an undead
Speed 10 ft. version of a truly horrid creature is beyond most scholars’ comprehension.
Melee slam +11 (1d8+7 plus adhesive) Undead mimics, unlike standard mimics, are evil, poisoned by the
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+7), soul drain, weeping necromantic magic that created them. They desire flesh and blood and
discharge dine on the souls of those they slay.
Undead mimics do not associate with standard mimics (or most other
Str 21, Dex 12, Con —, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16 creatures for that matter). Often times, an undead mimic is found in the
Base Atk +5; CMB +10; CMD 21 (can’t be tripped) employ of an evil necromancer, possibly the one that created it.
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus
(Perception), ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Climb +15, Disguise +13 (+33 when mimicking objects),
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Perception +15, Stealth
+11; Racial Modifiers +20 Disguise when mimicking objects
Languages Common
SQ mimic object

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure incidental

Adhesive (Ex) An undead mimic exudes a thick

slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast
any creatures or items that touch it. An adhesive-
covered undead mimic automatically grapples any
creature it hits with its slam attack. Opponents so grappled
cannot get free while the undead mimic is alive without
removing the adhesive first. A weapon that strikes an
adhesive-coated undead mimic is stuck fast unless the
wielder succeeds on a DC 18 Reflex save. A successful
DC 18 Strength check is needed to pry off a stuck
weapon. Strong alcohol or universal solvent dissolves
the adhesive, but the undead mimic can still grapple
normally. An undead mimic can dissolve its adhesive at
will, and the substance breaks down 5 rounds after the
creature is destroyed. The save DC is Strength-based.
Mimic Object (Ex) An undead mimic can assume the
general shape of any Medium object, such as a massive
chest, a stout bed, or a door. The creature cannot
substantially alter its size, though. An undead mimic’s
body is hard and has a rough texture, no matter what
appearance it might present. An undead mimic gains a
+20 racial bonus on Disguise checks when imitating an
object in this manner. Disguise is always a class skill for an
undead mimic.
Soul Drain (Su) An undead mimic can take a move action
to devour the soul of an adjacent creature it has recently
(within the last hour) killed. A creature whose soul is
drained cannot be restored to life until the undead mimic
containing its soul is destroyed. Each time an undead mimic
drains a soul it gains 1d8 temporary hit points and gains a
+2 bonus to Strength for 1 hour. These bonuses stack with
themselves. After 24 hours, the soul is completely devoured,
and the deceased creature cannot be brought back to life

Malkeen to Mummy, Asp

Monkey, Ghoul
Filthy, emaciated beasts, ghoul monkeys are depraved examples of
harmless animals saturated in evil.
XP 400
CE small undead
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)

hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +5
Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Melee bite +4 (1d2+1 plus disease) and 2 claws +4 (1d2+1
plus disease)

Str 12, Dex 15, Con —, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +14, Perception +7, Stealth +11

Environment warm jungles

Organization solitary, pair, or pack (4–12)
Treasure none

Disease (Su) Ghoul Monkey Fever:

Bite—injury; save DC 13 Fort; onset
1 day; frequency 1/day; effect 1d2
Con and 1d2 Dex damage; cure 2
consecutive saves. The save DC is

Ghoul monkeys are cunning, undead monkeys

2–3 feet tall, weighing 10–20 pounds. These monkeys
often appear in jungle areas where there is great residue
of evil and chaos, such as forgotten temples or altars
where dead monkeys might rise in this vile form of
undeath. Unlike “human-type” ghouls, their bite does not
cause paralysis.
They extremely vulnerable to holy water (2d6 damage)
and to being turned (no channel resistance).
Ghoul monkeys lose the social drive of normal monkeys,
but occasionally group together when the draw of evil is
powerful enough.

Original author Scott Casper
Originally appearing in Jungle Ruins of
Madaro-Shanti (© Frog God Games, 2010)

Tome of Horrors 4
Monkey, Spire
The Spire Monkey is a two-headed, six-armed monkey that lives on
roofs (spires and minarets are preferred) and high in the treetops. In some
tropical countries they are tolerated in cities as messengers of the gods,
and roam temples with impunity.
XP 100
N Tiny animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)

hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +1

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Melee 2 claws +4 melee (1d3–1) and bite –1 (1d3–1)
Space 2–1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Str 8, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5

Base Atk +0; CMB –3; CMD 9
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +10, Perception +5;
Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, uses Dex for Climb checks

Environment warm jungles

Organization solitary, pair, or clan (3–14)
Treasure none

Omnivorous and foul-tempered, spire monkeys

race from rooftop to rooftop and steal food (and
occasionally loose coins or trinkets) from the streets
below. Spire monkeys attack by clawing, as well as
by throwing rocks or other small objects (such as
roof tiles), and can divide their attacks between two
opponents. They can climb as fast as they can run,
and leap from tree to tree or building to building.

Original author Scott Wylie Roberts,
“Myrystyr”; Pathfinder conversion by
Skeeter Green
Originally appearing
in Jungle Ruins of
(© Frog God
Games, 2010)

Malkeen to Mummy, Asp

Floating before you is a horrid, shriveled human fetus nested within a the pain it experiences every moment of its existence. All
translucent sphere of dark energy. Its jet-black eyes glitter with intensity living creatures within 20 ft. must make a DC 20 Will save or
as it twitches and spasms slightly, as if in great pain. be dazed for one round. For every 20 points of damage the
mordnaissant takes, the save DC increases by +1.
MORDNAISSANT CR 7 Shield of Agony (Su) A mordnaissant harnesses the pain of
XP 3,200 its existence to shield it. It adds its Charisma modifier as a
NE Tiny undead deflection bonus to its AC and CMD.
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense; Perception +18
Occasionally when a gravid woman dies violently in a place infused
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 18 (+6 deflection, +2 Dex, with unholy or negative energies, the unborn child within her does not
+2 size,) perish, but instead continues to grow, vitalized by dark power, until it
hp 94 (9d8+54) is capable of clawing its way free from its dead mother. This horrible
Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +10 creature, known as a mordnaissant, lives an existence of eternal pain,
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, shield of agony; loneliness and suffering, relived only by its ability to inflict harm on those
Immune undead traits around it. Mordnaissants avoid bright light if they can, though they suffer
no ill effects from it.
Speed 5 ft. (cannot run), fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d2–4) Credit
Ranged lash of fury +11/+6 Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded (©
Space 2–1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. (30 ft. with lash) Necromancer Games, 2006)
Special Attacks death curse, lash of fury, pain wail

Str 3, Dex 14, Con —, Int 7, Wis 18, Cha 23

Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 18
Feats Ability Focus (lash of fury), Improved Initiative, Skill
Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (ray)
Skills Fly +19, Perception +18, Stealth +21

Environment any
Organization solitary, twins, or litter (3–8)
Treasure none

Death Curse (Su) As a final cruel jest to the

individual that puts a mordnaissant out of its
misery, the slayer must make a DC 20 Will save
or suffer from a terrible curse that reduces all
subsequent experience points awarded by
50%. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Lash of Fury (Su) The mordnaissant can
lash out with its negative energy powers
and directly attack the vitality of living
creatures, in the form of a twisting stream
of black energy. The mordnaissant must
make a ranged touch attack against
its target as an attack action. If the
ray hits, the victim must make a DC
22 Fortitude save for half damage
or duration, depending on the specific
effect chosen by the mordnaissant. The save
DC is Charisma-based. The lash of fury has a
range of 30 ft. with no range increment.
The mordnaissant can pick from three possible
lashes; it must make its choice prior to rolling
the attack. The three options are: whip
the flesh (as inflict moderate wounds,
2d8+9 damage), whip the mind (1d4
points of Intelligence damage), or whip
the soul (stun 1d4+1 rounds). A critical
hit doubles the damage rolled or the
duration, in the case of whip the soul.
Lifesense (Su) A mordnaissant notices and
locates living creatures within 60 ft., just as if it
possessed the blindsight ability.
Pain Wail (Su) As a swift action, the mordnaissant
can produce a terrible wailing sound that reflects

Tome of Horrors 4
Mummy, Asp
This humanoid is wrapped in loose-fitting and dirty bandages. Clutched Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is
in each powerful fist and wrapped around the creature’s arms is a long Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
black snake. Several more snakes slither in and out of its bandages and Writhing Snakes (Ex) When a creature adjacent to an asp
across the creature’s body. mummy makes a melee attack against it, that creature
must succeed on a DC 18 Reflex save or be subjected to
ASP MUMMY CR 8 the asp mummy’s poison as the many snakes slithering in
XP 4,800 and out of the its bandages spring and bite. The save DC is
LE Medium undead Charisma-based.
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21
Aura despair (30 ft., paralyzed for 1d4 rounds; DC 18 Will negates) Similar in many respects to standard mummies, asp mummies are created
to guard tombs of regal kings and nobles. Some believe these creatures even
AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22 (+12 natural) have a spark of the divine mixed in with their creation and are appointed by
hp 85 (10d8+40) the gods themselves to watch over their favored followers. Asp mummies
Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +11 are known to be favored as guardians among the followers of Set.
DR 5/—; Immune undead traits The creation of an asp mummy follows the same procedure as a
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire standard mummy, save that many small asps are placed into the hollowed
corpse along with the herbs and flowers.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +16 (2d6+8 plus mummy rot), snakes +10 (1d6+8
plus poison)
Special Attacks asp storm, writhing snakes
Asp Swarm
The statistics for the asp swarm are taken from the Pathfinder
Str 26, Dex 10, Con —, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 17 Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 (Venomous Snake Swarm entry). See that
Base Atk +7; CMB +15; CMD 25 book for more information.
Feats Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception),
Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam) ASP SWARM CR 4
Skills Intimidate +16, Perception +21, Stealth +17; Racial XP 1,200
Modifiers +4 Stealth N Tiny animal (swarm)
Languages Common Init +7; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +13

Environment any AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
Organization solitary, pair, or court (3–6) hp 37 (5d8+15)
Treasure standard Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +2
Defensive Abilities swarm traits
Asp Storm (Su) Once per day, as a standard
action, an asp mummy can call down a Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 10 ft.
deluge of poisonous asps. The rain of asps Melee swarm (1d6 plus distraction and poison)
functions as a venomous snake swarm (see Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
below). Special Attacks distraction (DC 15)
Despair (Su) All creatures within a 30-foot
radius that see an asp mummy must make a Str 9, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
DC 18 Will save or be paralyzed by fear for 1d4 Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 13 (can’t be
rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, tripped)
that creature cannot be affected again by the Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,
same asp mummy’s despair ability for one Skill Focus (Perception)
day. This is a paralysis and a mind-affecting Skills Acrobatics +7 (+3 when jumping),
fear affect. The save DC is Charisma-based. Climb +15, Perception +13, Stealth +19,
Mummy Rot (Su) Curse and disease—slam; Swim +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4
save DC 18 Fort; onset 1 minute; frequency Stealth; uses Dex to modify Climb and Swim
1/day; effect 1d6 Con and 1d6 Cha;
cure —. Mummy rot is both a curse and Environment any
disease and can only be cured if the Organization solitary, nest (2-4 swarms), or
curse is first removed, at which point the knot (5-7 swarms)
disease can be magically removed. Even Treasure none
after the curse element of mummy rot is
lifted, a creature suffering from it cannot Poison (Ex) Swarm—injury; save DC 17 Fort;
recover naturally over time. Anyone casting frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d3
a conjuration (healing) spell on the afflicted creature Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves.
must succeed on a DC 20 caster level check, or the The save DC is Constitution-based and
spell is wasted and the healing has no effect. Anyone includes a +2 racial bonus.
who dies from mummy rot turns to dust and cannot be
raised without a resurrection or greater magic. The
save DC is Charisma-based.
Poison (Ex) Snake Bite—injury; save DC 20
Fort; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d3

Naga, Death to Noble Steed

Naga, Death
A death naga is an undead snake covered in rotting or tattered scales unharmed within the cone but gain 2d4x5 temporary hit
flowing down its sinuous body from its humanoid head. A horrible points for 1 hour. The save DC is Charisma-based.
stench emanates from the naga’s snake body as its tattered skin is a husk Infernal Blessing (Su) A death naga adds her Charisma
containing rotted organs and entrails. Their eyes are missing, hollow voids modifier as a deflection bonus to her armor class.
in their female faces. A few lack flesh completely and appear as skeletal Naga Venin Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save DC 20 Fort;
snakes with leering skull heads. Many have loose vertebrae jutting from frequency 1 round (2d4 rounds); effect 1d2 Constitution
the tips of their tails to create bone rattles. damage; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Spells Death nagas cast spells as 9th-level sorcerers with
DEATH NAGA CR 12 access to the divine domains of Death and Destruction as
XP 19,200 sorcerer spells.
LE Large undead
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17 Death nagas are what remains of dark or spirit nagas slain by powerful
negative energy. It is unknown why or how these nagas return as undead
AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 16 (+4 deflection, +3 Dex, versions of their former selves. They often dominate ruins and remote
+1 dodge, +7 natural, –1 size) regions using zombies and skeleton minions. Death nagas often ally
hp 85 (12d8+48) themselves with powerful undead. Death nagas speak Common and any
Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +11 languages known in life.
Defensive Abilities infernal blessing; Immune undead
immunities Credit
Original author Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
Speed 40 ft. Originally appearing in Splinters of Faith Adventure 10:
Melee bite +15 (1d8+4), sting +12 (2d4+4 plus poison) Remorse of Life (© Frog God Games/ Gary Schotter & Jeff
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with sting) Harkness, 2011)
Special Attacks atrophic breath (DC 22)
Spells Known (CL 9th; melee touch +12, ranged touch +11):
4th (5/day)—greater invisibility, stoneskin
3rd (7/day)—displacement, haste, lightning bolt (DC 17)
2nd (7/day)—cat’s grace, command undead, scorching
ray, web
1st (7/day)—mage armor, magic missile, ray of
enfeeblement (DC 15), shield, silent image
0 (At will)—daze (DC 15), detect magic, ghost sound, light,
mage hand, open/close, ray of frost, read magic

Str 19, Dex 17, Con —, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 19
Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 32 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Ability Focus (atrophic breath), Alertness,
Combat Casting, Dodge, Eschew MaterialsB,
Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +17,
Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Perception
+17, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +17
Languages Common, Infernal

Environment any underground

Organization solitary or nest (2–4)
Treasure standard

Atrophic Breath (Su) Once every 1d4

rounds, death nagas can blast
opponents with a 60-ft. cone
of deteriorating negative
energy. The blast deals
12d6 points of unholy
and negative
energy damage
(half of each). In
addition, those
within the cone
gain one negative
level. A Refl ex
DC 22 save halves
the damage and
prevents the negative
level. Undead remain

Tome of Horrors 4
Naga, Ha-Naga
This enormous snake-like creature has the head of a gigantic humanoid.
XP 76,800
CE Huge aberration
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility; Perception +35

AC 31, touch 15, flat-footed 24 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge,

+16 natural, –2 size)
hp 250 (20d8+160)
Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +20
DR 10/magic; Immune charm, sleep; Resist cold 20, fire 20;
SR 27

Speed 50 ft., fly 80 ft. (good)

Melee bite +21 (2d8+8), sting +21 (1d8+8 plus poison), tail
slap +19 (2d6+4 plus grab)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks charming gaze, constrict (2d6+8), poison
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th):
Constant—see invisibility
3/day—plane shift (self plus willing targets only)
Spells Known (CL 15th; melee touch +21, ranged touch +19):
7th (5/day)—finger of death (DC 24), prismatic spray (DC 24)
6th (7/day)—chain lightning (DC 23), summon monster VI,
true seeing
5th (7/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 22), feeblemind (DC
22), symbol of sleep (DC 22), teleport (DC 22)
4th (7/day)—bestow curse (DC 21), fear (DC 21), greater
invisibility, wall of fire
3rd (8/day)—dispel magic, hold person (DC 20), magic
circle against good, sleet storm
2nd (8/day)—blindness-deafness (DC 19), blur, gust of wind
(DC 19), invisibility, shatter (DC 19)
1st (8/day)—chill touch (DC 18), mage armor, magic missile,
protection from good (DC 18), true strike
0 (at will)—acid splash, bleed (DC 17), daze (DC 17), detect
magic, flare (DC 17), message, open/close, read magic,
touch of fatigue (DC 17)

Str 27, Dex 23, Con 26, Int 24, Wis 26, Cha 24
Base Atk +15; CMB +25 (+29 grapple); CMD 42 (can’t be
tripped) The ha-naga is a stronger, fiercer version of the more common naga
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, that spends its time moving from plane to plane, engaging in diplomacy,
Eschew Materials, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Lightning courtly intrigues and plotting, and even hunting (both for sport and for
Reflexes, Mobility, Multiattack food). These creatures are known for their voracious appetites, eating
Skills Acrobatics +25, Bluff +27, Diplomacy +27, Fly +24, anything, both alive or dead, except for others of their own kind (even in
Intimidate +25, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge times of starvation).
(nobility) +27, Knowledge (planes) +27, Perception +35, Ha-nagas lair in deep, dark caves or ruins, far away from most civilized
Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +21 (+29 blending); lands. A typical ha-naga lair is a twisted maze of tunnels and chambers
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth blend with surroundings with multiple entry and exit points, all camouflaged and trapped with both
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, mundane and magical traps.
Infernal, any one elemental language (Aquan, Auran, Ha-nagas are generally solitary creatures but can occasionally be
Ignan, Terran) encountered with other nagas of evil disposition. These creatures
sometimes make truces with local evil humanoids (gnolls, inphidians
Environment temperate and warm lands and underground especially, or hobgoblins) allowing the humanoids to serve them or in
Organization solitary some cases even worship them as gods, and exchanging gifts and treasure
Treasure double standard for knowledge, food, and other goods.
A typical ha-naga stretches over 20 feet and weighs over 600 pounds.
Charming Gaze (Su) This ability functions as a charm Larger versions are known to exist. They are stronger and smarter than the
monster spell (CL 20th); 90 feet; DC 27 Will negates. The save ha-naga presented here. One unique ha-naga of Colossal size, Sss’ashisth,
DC is Charisma-based. dwells in the fabled City of Brass, spending his days in the court of the
Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save DC 28 Fort; frequency 1/round Sultan. (See the City of Brass boxed set from Necromancer Games for
for 6 rounds; effect 1d6 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive details.)
saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Naga, Death to Noble Steed

Naga, Hanu-Naga
Hanu-nagas are a predominantly tropical and subtropical form of
naga; rather than a human-headed giant snake, hanu-nagas have a feral
monkey head upon a great serpentine body.
XP 1,200
CE Large aberration
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, –1 size)

hp 47 (5d8+25)
Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +5

Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee bite +8 (1d6+5 plus poison and constrict)
Ranged spit +6 touch (poison)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks call monkey dance, constrict (1d6+7),
control simians

Str 21, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 23 (can’t
be tripped)
Feats Acrobatic, Diehard,
Skills Acrobatics +15,
Climb +17, Escape
Artist +10, Intimidate
+11, Perception +7,
Stealth +8, Survival
+7; Racial Modifiers +4
Acrobatics, +4 Climb
Languages Aklo,
common, speak with

Call Monkey Dance (Su)

A hanu-naga calls 1d6 ghoul
monkeys every 1d4 rounds as a 9th-level sorcerer. The call
lasts as long as the hanu-naga performs its swaying dance.
The naga may use the dance 3/day. The stylized, writhing dance of a hanu-naga allows it to exert a mystic
Control Simians (Su) The hanu-naga may command any control over apes and monkeys within a radius of 300 ft. These controlled
simian within 60 ft. (no save). creatures act at the naga’s mental command. It is not necessary for the
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury or spit—contact; save DC 17 Fort; apes to actually see the naga’s dance to fall under its control; indeed,
frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con damage; when a hanu-naga begins its dance, simian creatures within one mile (to
cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution- a maximum of 20 apes) immediately begin moving at top speed to the
based. dancing naga’s presence. The naga may dance and attack at the same time.
Spit (Ex) A hanu-naga can spit its venom up to 30 feet as The bite of a hanu-naga is poisonous, and if the naga hits with its
a standard action. This is a ranged touch attack with no constricting attack it inflicts automatic damage of 1d6 per round until
range increment. Opponents hit by this attack must make killed.
successful saves (see above) to avoid the effect.
The Hanu-nagas lair in jungles and rainforests, haunting forgotten Original author Scott Casper
temples and ancient ruins, where many are worshipped by tribes of wild Originally appearing in Jungle Ruins of Madaro-Shanti (©
monkeys and/or apes. The most intelligent of hanu-nagas may have Frog God Games, 2010)
followings of tribesmen or cavemen.

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature appears as a large bluish-white whale with white blotches
on its skin. A horn, as long as a man grows from its head.
XP 1,200
NG Large magical beast
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
vision, tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +12

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +4 natural,

–1 size)
hp 42 (5d10+15)
Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +3
DR 10/evil; SR 15 (against spells cast by evil-aligned
creatures only)

Speed swim 50 ft.

Melee gore +10 (2d6+5) or slam +9 (1d8+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th):
At will—aid, detect evil, magic circle against evil
3/day—bless weapon, bless, prayer

Str 21, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 23 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Alertness, Swim-By Attack, Weapon Focus (gore)
Skills Perception +12, Swim +13
Languages Celestial, Common (can’t speak any)
SQ ghost form, hold breath

Environment cold and temperate oceans

Organization solitary, pair, or pod (3–6 plus 6–12
noncombatant young)
Treasure none

Ghost Form (Su) Once per day, a narwhal can

assume an ethereal form. This functions as the
etherealness spell (CL 10th).

A narwhal (sometimes called a ghost whale or sea unicorn) is a good-

aligned creature found swimming throughout the world’s oceans. Most
narwhals prefer colder waters and as such will be more commonly
encountered in arctic environments. These creatures do not like warm
waters and are never encountered in such places.
Mistakenly, many who encounter a narwhal believe it to have a horn
growing from its head. Closer inspection reveals this to be false however.
The horn is actually a single tooth that grows straight from the creature’s
mouth and can reach lengths of 10 feet or more. Narwhals use this horn to
defend themselves and their young.
Narwhals spend the majority of their time swimming through the
oceans feasting upon smaller sea life and plants (including coral, one of
their favorite meals). A typical narwhal school consists of 2–6 adults and
twice as many (noncombatant) young. Young narwhals lack the horn that
adults have (though by age 2 it has grown in).
Narwhals typically average 10 to 12 feet in length, though they can
grow to a length of 15 feet. A typical narwhal weighs up to 1-1/2 tons.
Narwhals understand Celestial and Common but cannot speak.
Narwhals are generally non-aggressive creatures only entering battle
when threatened, when their pod is threatened, or when it sees a good-
aligned creature in trouble. Upon entering battle, a narwhal uses its horn
to spear and impale its enemies. When aiding good-aligned creatures (or
facing evil-aligned creatures on its own), a narwhal uses its bless and
magic circle spell-like abilities to aid itself and its allies.

Naga, Death to Noble Steed

This creature appears to be a rotting corpse dressed in dirty and torn detects a necromancy spell, it focuses its attention on that spellcaster,
clothing. Its hair is unkempt, its nails long and filthy. Its eyes show no ignoring all other opponents until the necromancy-wielding caster flees
semblance of life but glow with an eerie pale green light. or is dead. If one necro-phantom out of a group successfully identifies a
necromancy spell, it signals to the others of its kind and all move to attack
NECRO-PHANTOM CR 3 the spellcaster.
XP 800
CE Medium undead
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., sense necromancy 60 ft.;
Perception +11

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)

hp 26 (4d8+8)
Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +5
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, resist the grave;
DR 5/magic; Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d6+3 plus 1d4 Con damage), bite +6
Special Attacks grave touch

Str 16, Dex 13, Con —, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Climb +8, Intimidate +9, Perception +11, Spellcraft +5,
Stealth +8
Languages Common

Environment any
Organization solitary or gang (2–5)
Treasure none

Grave Touch (Su) The claws of a necro-phantom deal 1d4

points of Constitution damage (DC 14 Will save negates).
A successful critical hit causes 1d4 points of Constitution
damage and 1 point of Constitution drain (instead of
double Constitution damage). With each successful attack,
a necro-phantom gains 5 temporary hit points. The save DC
is Charisma-based.
Resist the Grave (Ex) A necro-phantom gains a +4 racial
bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities
from the school of Necromancy.
Sense Necromancy (Su) A necro-phantom can attempt a
Spellcraft check to identify a spell being cast within a 60-
foot radius (DC 15 + spell level). The necro-phantom gains a
+4 racial bonus on its check if the spell is from the school of

A creature that dies (either of its own accord or one that is killed) in
an area poisoned by necromantic magic sometimes returns to the land
of the living as a necro-phantom, an evil undead creature with a hatred
for all things living, especially those who dabble in necromancy. Necro-
phantoms are found haunting cemeteries, temples, mausoleums, and any
other place necromantic magic is or was once prevalent. Often more than
one necro-phantom is encountered; some strange effect of the magic that
created them seems to draw these creatures to one another.
A necro-phantom appears as a rotting desiccated corpse still dressed in
the clothing it wore in life (though it is now tattered and worn). Its nails
are filthy and long and its teeth are broken. Each necro-phantom varies
in height from 5 feet to almost 7 feet tall and weighs anywhere from 100
pounds to over 200 pounds. Necro-phantoms can speak Common, but
seldom bother unless they are cursing a necromancy-wielding opponent.
Necro-phantoms attack their opponents by raking and slashing with
their claws. A necro-phantom engaged in battle with a spellcaster uses
its sense magic ability to attempt to identify any spell being cast. If it

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature is grey-green blob of what appears to be human flesh. Unlike its lesser kin, the skin of a neomimic is soft and fleshy, and it
It shudders, and then begins growing arms and legs as it assumes a cannot substantially alter its texture to appear as wood or stone. When
humanoid shape. taking the form of a creature of any kind, a neomimic cannot assume
the form of a specific individual. Anyone who examines the neomimic
NEOMIMIC CR 5 can detect the ruse with a successful Perception check opposed by the
XP 1,600 neomimic’s Disguise check.
NE Medium aberration The neomimic is thought by sages to be an advanced species of mimic
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 perhaps from some distant future or unknown plane. Neomimics may also
be somehow related to doppelgangers, but any such relationship has not
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 natural) been proven.
hp 52 (7d8+21) In its natural state, a neomimic is an amorphous blob of fleshy substance
Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +7 approximately 5 feet across. Its skin is the color of dead tissue, a sickening
Defensive Abilities amorphous; Immune acid grey-green hue tinged here and there with what appears to be healthy
human skin. Like normal mimics, a neomimic can assume nearly any
Speed 30 ft. shape it can conceive. A neomimic often takes humanoid form, however,
Melee slam +10 (1d8+6 plus adhesive) or 2 slams (1d8+6 plus and rarely resorts to taking the shape of inanimate objects.
adhesive) A neomimic in its natural form is 6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds.
In its natural form or the form of an inanimate object, a neomimic
Str 19, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 13 pounds its opponent with powerful fist-shaped pseudopods in much the
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 21 same way as a normal mimic. While in the form of a creature, however,
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium)B, Improved a neomimic strives to fight as much as possible like the creature it is
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon ProficiencyB, emulating.
Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Climb +14, Disguise +8, Intimidate +9, Knowledge
(dungeoneering) +8, Perception +12, Stealth +13
Languages Common
SQ change shape (small, medium, or large creature;
alter self, beast shape III, and plant shape I)

Environment any land and underground

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Adhesive (Ex) A neomimic exudes a thick slime

that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast
any creatures or items that touch it. An adhesive-
covered neomimic automatically grapples any
creature it hits with its slam attack. Opponents so
grappled cannot get free while the neomimic is alive without
removing the adhesive first. A weapon that strikes an adhesive-
coated neomimic is stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds on
a DC 17 Reflex save. A successful DC 17 Strength check
is needed to pry off a stuck weapon. Strong alcohol
or universal solvent dissolves the adhesive, but
the neomimic can still grapple normally. A
neomimic can dissolve its adhesive at
will, and the substance breaks down 5
rounds after the creature dies. The
save DC is Strength-based.
Alter Physique (Ex) At will as a
standard action, a neomimic can
alter its physical structure to affect
its physique. A neomimic can
shift points between its Strength,
Dexterity, or Constitution by
reducing one or more of the scores
while raising one or more by the same
amount. The neomimic can shift no
more than 12 points at one time and no
score can be raised or lowered by more than
10 points. For example, a neomimic can reduce its
Strength from 19 to 10 while increasing its Dexterity from 14 to
18. It could not, however, decrease its Strength to less than
9, or increase its Dexterity to greater than 24. These changes
remain in effect until the neomimic uses this ability again.

Naga, Death to Noble Steed

Reclining on a rock in the surf is a gorgeous and voluptuous female
humanoid with long golden hair, pearly white skin, and blue eyes. She is
clad in soft, silk-like cloth of white and gold.
XP 3,200
CN Medium fey (water)
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9

AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge)

hp 22 (4d6+8)
Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +6
Defensive Abilities water form; SR 18

Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

Melee dagger +2 (1d4)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th):
At will—control water (DC 20), fog cloud, water breathing
(on another)
Spells Prepared (CL 7th; melee touch +2, ranged touch +4):
4th—unholy blight (DC 16)
3rd—bestow curse (DC 15), remove curse
2nd—bear’s endurance (DC 14), cure moderate wounds,
silence (DC 14), sound burst (DC 14)
1st—bane (DC 13), comprehend languages, cure light
wounds, doom (DC 13), obscuring mist
0—bleed (DC 12), create water, purify food and
drink (DC 12), resistance (DC 12)

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 18
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats DodgeB, Great Fortitude, Improved
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11,
Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge
(nature) +8, Perception +9, Sense
Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +7,
Stealth +7 (+15 in water), Swim
+8; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in
Languages Aquan, Sylvan
SQ amphibious

Environment any aquatic

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–6)
Treasure standard (dagger, other treasure) to their watery graves. Also known as sea nymphs, niserie prefer trickery
to combat and flee if presented with overwhelming odds.
Spells Niserie can cast divine spells as 7th-level clerics. They Niserie stand from 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh around 130 pounds. They
do not gain access to domains or other cleric abilities. are always female; there are no male niserie (that scholars are aware of).
Water Form (Ex) As a standard action, a niserie can turn While most niserie have golden hair, the rare niserie has seaweed green
into a mobile pool of water. This functions like gaseous form, hair with moss green eyes.
except that the niserie cannot fly in this form. It retains its If forced into combat, a niserie defends herself with her spell-like
own base speed, and its swim speed doubles to 80 feet. The abilities and dagger, seeking escape at the earliest convenience by
niserie can remain in her water form for a number of minutes changing into water and flowing away.
equal to twice her Constitution bonus and can end this
ability as a standard action.
A spell with the cold descriptor inflicts no damage on a
niserie in its water form, but instead automatically slows the
creature as per the spell for 1d6 rounds or until she leaves
her water form.
A spell with the electricity, fire, or sonic descriptor inflicts
normal damage on a niserie in its water form.

Niserie (also called undine or true undine) are playful and mischievous
fey. On occasion they are malicious, taking great pleasure in luring sailors

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature appears to be a semi-translucent and ever-shifting mass
of protoplasm floating a few feet above the ground. Four long and sinewy
tentacles writhe and sway from its form. It has no other discernible
XP 2,400
NE Large aberration
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18
Aura stench (DC 17, 1d6 rounds)

AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+5 Dex, +7 natural, –1 size)

hp 60 (8d8+24)
Fort +5; Ref +7; Will +8
DR 10/magic; Resist cold 10, fire 10

Speed fly 40 ft. (good)

Melee 4 tentacles +10 (1d8+3 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (1d6+3), disease

Str 16, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+14 grapple); CMD 25 (can’t be
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Skill Focus
(Perception), Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +16, Intimidate +10, Perception +18, Stealth +10,
Survival +11
Languages Common (cannot speak)

Environment temperate forests or marshes

Organization solitary
Treasure incidental

Disease (Ex) A creature hit by two or more

tentacles in the same round is subjected to mire
Mire Blindness tentacle—injury; save DC 17
Fort; onset 1 day; frequency 1/day; effect
blindness and 1d3 Constitution damage; cure 2
consecutive saves. A creature that fails two saving
throws is rendered permanently blinded. The save
DC is Constitution-based.

Nithus are evil monsters that dwell deep within darkened swamps,
bogs, mires, and marshes. These creatures sustain themselves on a diet of
swamp creatures: alligators, fish, and adventurers and just about anything from translucent light gray to a darker, but still semi-translucent gray. Its
else that enters their domain. Slain prey is either devoured immediately or tentacles, usually the same color as the body change colors as well.
dragged back to the nithu’s lair where it is slowly devoured over the course A nithu cares little to nothing for treasure; thus, any treasure found in or
of a few days. A nithu’s lair is a well-hidden and dark cave, cavern, or around its lair is typically all that remains of those who have fallen prey to
other such place. Nithus occasionally make truces with nearby humanoids the creature’s insatiable hunger.
(particularly orcs, gnolls, and goblins) in exchange for a steady supply of The nithu is an ambush hunter, preferring to lay in wait for potential prey
food (victims). to pass near. A nithu picks and chooses its targets carefully. The creature’s
Nithus are solitary creatures and extremely territorial, even fighting average intelligence is enough to let it to know when it is outmanned
their own kind for control of an area. No encounters of multiple nithus and outclassed; thus it prefers to attack the lone straggler or a party
have been recorded. Sages are unsure how (and if) nithu reproduce. They member who may have become lost in the monster’s swampy lair. Unless
appear to be sexless creatures and no young have ever been encountered. extremely hungry, an nithu doesn’t attack a large group of creatures unless
A typical nithu has a lifespan of 20 years. As a nithu ages, its color shifts it itself is threatened and attacked first or unless it is assured of victory.

Naga, Death to Noble Steed

Noble Steed
The horse has a sturdy body and long, powerful legs. It has an extremely
long tail, nearly reaching the ground. Its mane is also unusually long and
flows back from its head and neck in long, graceful locks. The huge hooves
of the animal let loose a small shower of sparks as it runs.
XP 1,200
N Large magical beast
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception

AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size)

hp 52 (5d10+25)
Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +4

Speed 70 ft., fly 70 ft. (perfect)

Melee 2 hooves +10 (1d6+5), bite +9 (1d4+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 4, Wis 17, Cha 11
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Run B, Skill Focus (Fly), Weapon Focus
Skills Fly +17, Perception +10
Languages Auran (can’t speak)

Environment any land

Organization solitary, mated pair, family (solitary mare
plus 1–3 foals), or herd (5–20)
Treasure none

Flight (Su) A noble steed’s ability to fly is magical in

nature, and becomes ineffective in an antimagic
field. The noble steed loses the ability to fly for as
long as the antimagic effect persists or for as long
as it remains in the area.

Noble steeds are highly prized as mounts. They are about the
same size as warhorses, but have leaner musculature and long,
flowing manes and tails. Noble steeds are incredibly fast, and can even
run on air. In the wild, noble steeds can often be found associating with
normal horses and pegasuses.
Adult wild noble steeds are incapable of being tamed; these animals
must be raised as foals in captivity if they are to be tamed. Domesticated
adult noble steeds can cost as much as 800 gp when they can be found.
Noble steed foals cost around 400 gp.
Noble steeds can vary in color just as standard horses do. Most tend
toward lighter shades however, with slightly darker manes and tails.
Noble steeds can breed with normal horses. The offspring however is
always a normal horse. Only the mating of two noble steeds produces
another noble steed. Noble steeds can live up to 50–60 years.
Noble steeds are generally docile and avoid combat if possible. If the
family or herd is threatened however, the males move to attack while
females move to protect the young. Much like their mundane counterparts,
noble steeds attack with a combination of hooves and biting. If combat
goes against them, noble steeds can usually outrun their foes or can take
to the air and flee.

Tome of Horrors 4
This twelve-foot long creature resembles a giant scorpion with four with a series of tail stings and claw attacks. An ommoth flees if confronted
menacing pincers and dual stingers. by a superior opponent, but if the nest is threatened, it fights to the death.
An ommoth appears as a twelve foot long giant scorpion with four large
OMMOTH CR 5 claws, two long tails that each end in a wicked stinger, and a carapace of
XP 1,600 reddish-brown or black. It has one set of eyes on the front of its head and
N Large magical beast two other pairs just behind those on the sides of its head. The creature has
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, tremorsense two sets of serrated mandibles that help in rending its food. Its forelegs
120 ft.; Perception +14 are slightly longer and thinner than its others legs and it uses these to
detect prey and explore its surroundings. Some species have white or tan
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 (+9 natural, –1 size) markings on their undersides or white bands on their forelegs.
hp 59 (7d10+21)
Fort +10; Ref +5; Will +2

Speed 40 ft.
Melee 4 claws +13 (1d6+6 plus grab), 2 stings +13 (1d6+6
plus poison)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (1d6+6)

Str 23, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +7; CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 24 (36 vs. trip)
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Climb +11, Perception +14, Stealth +5; Racial Modifiers
+8 Perception, +4 Stealth

Environment warm or temperate deserts, forests, plains, or

Organization solitary, pair, hunting band (3–6)
Treasure incidental

Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save DC 18 Fort; frequency 1/round

for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Strength damage; cure 1 save.
The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial

Ommoth are diurnal hunters that dine on giant insects and rodents; and
the occasional adventurer that wanders too close to their nest. Hunting
bands consist of both male and female ommoth with the strongest male
being the leader of the pack. Favored prey of an ommoth includes large
game, humanoids, and the occasional giant scorpion. Prey is always
killed and carried back to the lair to be devoured or fed to the young.
Young ommoth remain in the lair for three to six months
generally, before dispersing into the world. A
typical ommoth can live up to 30 years.
An ommoth lair is an underground
burrow, either of their devising
or an existing and abandoned
burrow created by some
other burrowing creatures.
An existing burrow is often
reconfigured to consist of
a single long passageway
that empties into a large main
chamber. Here in the main
chamber is the ommoth’s nest.
Any other passageways and
chambers are sealed off by the
ommoth with dirt, rocks, debris, and
anything else it can find.
An ommoth is highly aggressive
and attacks any creature that wanders into
its territory. If cornered or threatened, it responds
by rearing its claws and poising its tail overhead.
Creatures that continue to harass the ommoth are met

Ommoth to Oozeanderthal

Ooze, Ebon
This is a jet-black, loathsome mass in a roughly spherical shape that Treasure standard
slithers forward with a wet slurping sound.
Negative Energy Affinity (Ex) An ebon ooze is healed by
EBON OOZE CR 6 negative energy attacks, and harmed by positive energy,
XP 2,400 as if it were undead.
NE Huge ooze Slimy Doom (Ex) Slam—injury; save DC 21 Fort; onset 1
Init +2; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +2 day; frequency 1 day; effect 1d4 Con damage; cure 2
consecutive saves.
AC 6, touch 6, flat-footed 6 (–2 Dex, –2 size)
hp 100 (8d8+56 plus 8) The ebon ooze is a cousin of the black pudding. It has an affinity for
Fort +9; Ref +2; Will +4 negative energy, and tends to dwell in locations near undead and evil
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity; Immune acid, priests. Unlike most oozes, an ebon ooze is intelligent, and takes great
disease, ooze traits, sonic pleasure in stalking and devouring living creatures. Although it is not
harmed by sunlight, the ebon ooze finds it painful, and usually takes
Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft. shelter in a dark, shady location if outdoors during the day.
Melee slam +12 (3d6+10 plus 2d6 acid plus grab) Ebon oozes are ambush predators, using terrain to their advantage to
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. conceal itself until prey draws near. If it feels it clearly outmatches its
Special Attacks disease (slimy doom, DC 21) prey, an ebon ooze may choose to forego grabbing and killing it outright,
instead stalking and toying with it. However, when facing a clearly
Str 24, Dex 7, Con 24, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 3 superior opponent, the ebon ooze is not afraid to retreat, and generally
Base Atk +6; CMB +15 (+19 to grapple); CMD 23 (can’t be tries to have some means of escape should a fight go against it, such as a
tripped) deep, narrow crevice or the bottom of a deep pool.
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus
(Stealth), ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (slam) Credit
Skills Stealth +1 Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded (©
Necromancer Games, 2006)
Environment underground
Organization solitary

Tome of Horrors 4
Ooze, Spawn of Jubilex
This humanoid creature wears chain armor and wields a gleaming
battleaxe. Its entire form drips with viscous black slime.
XP 2,400
CE Medium ooze (extraplanar)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9

AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, –1 Dex, +3 natural)

hp 80 (7d8+49); fast healing 5
Fort +9; Ref +1; Will +4
Defensive Abilities amorphous; DR 5/magic; Immune acid,
ooze traits; Resist fire 10

Speed 20 ft. (30 ft. unarmored)

Melee mwk greataxe +10 (1d12+6 plus
1d6 acid) or 2 slams +9 (1d6+4 plus
1d6 acid)
Special Attacks death throes

Str 18, Dex 8, Con 24, Int 10, Wis 10,

Cha 6
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 18
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will
Skills Perception +9, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +6

Environment any (Abyss)

Organization solitary or warband (2–7)
Treasure standard (chainmail armor, masterwork greataxe,
other treasure)

Acid (Ex) A spawn of Jubilex’s acid does not harm metal or

Death Throes (Ex) When a spawn of Jubilex is slain, it melts
into a pool of caustic acid that quickly covers a 10-foot by
10-foot square area. Creatures within or entering the area
must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 2d6 points
of acid damage each round they remain in the area. The
save DC is Constitution-based.

Spawn of Jubilex were once human creatures corrupted by foul and

dark rituals at the hands of Jubilex the Faceless Lord. The first known
sighting of these creatures was in the Citadel (see G5 Chaos Rising, by
Necromancer Games) when Jubilex used his power to corrupt a group of
dwarves (known now as The Corrupted). Using his dark magic, Jubilex
slayed the dwarves, liquefied their remains, and reanimated them as his
Spawn are not mindless, but do not retain much of their former lives.
Fleeting memories perhaps, but nothing else seems to remain. These
creatures are hateful and attack anything they encounter.
Spawn look as they did in their former lives, save they are covered in a
thick, black slime that constantly weeps from their bodies.
Spawn attack with weapons, favoring weapons they used in their former
life. These creatures rarely retreat from battle, their ever-consuming
hatred driving them to their own destruction.

Ommoth to Oozeanderthal

Oozeanderthals are humanoid host beings that have been magically
altered in a terrifying fashion. These host creatures are coated in a slimy
substance about an inch thick, a product of ancient and forgotten magic.
The bones of their forearms have been magically grown outward from the
skin, and drastically elongated, with the fingers extending out into foot-
long, semi-crystallized claws.

XP 200
NE Medium undead
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0

AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural)

hp 22 (3d8+3)
Fort +1; Ref +1; Will +3
Immune electricity, turning

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d6+4 plus toxic ooze)
Special Attacks toxic ooze (DC 15)

Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10

Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats ToughnessB
SQ ooze coating

Environment any
Organization solitary or clan (2–7)
Treasure standard

Ooze Coating (Su) Oozeanderthals are

entirely covered in slime approximately
1 in. thick. This slime is highly toxic to
others and if an oozeanderthal rakes an
opponent with its slime-covered claws the
victim must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or
fall twitching to the ground for 1d6 rounds from
muscle spasms. The nonconductive nature of
the ooze surrounding an oozeanderthal makes
it immune to electrical damage. The save is

Undead creatures created from a lost form of magic,

the oozeanderthals are truly horrible wretches. Not able to
leave the mortal realm, the host body inside an oozeanderthal
dies slowly to feed the enveloping slime. The power of the sustaining
slime is enough to retain the oozeanderthal in a zombie-like existence
for many years, although it weakens and deteriorates over the centuries.
Oozeanderthals are completely non-intelligent and use straightforward

Original author Matthew J. Finch
Originally appearing in The Spire of Iron and Crystal (© Frog
God Games/Matthew J. Finch, 2011)

Tome of Horrors 4
Peg Powler
This creature appears to be a bent, ugly crone with sickly green skin
and sharp teeth.
XP 800
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)

hp 38 (4d10+16)
Fort +5; Ref +7; Will +6
DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, sleep

Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

Melee 2 claws +8 (1d6+4 plus grab)
Special Attacks rend (2d6+6)

Str 18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +4; CMB +8 (+12 grapple); CMD 21
Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Bluff +10, Intimidate +9, Perception +9, Stealth +13,
Swim +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Bluff
Languages Common, Giant
SQ amphibious, sound mimicry (voices)

Environment any aquatic

Organization solitary or gang (2–5)
Treasure standard

A peg powler appears as an old crone, believed to be distantly related

to the various hags (particularly sea hags). The creature makes its home
on the bottom of rivers and lakes, but spends most of its time near the
shore where it attempts to lure fishermen, children, and sometimes even
animals to their watery graves. Though it can sustain itself on a diet of
seaweed, kelp, and various underwater plants, the peg powler prefers the
taste of flesh and blood. Stories told, perhaps only to scare children, speak
of swarms of peg powlers journeying far inland when their shoreline food
supplies run scarce. These stories tell of entire villages being destroyed
and every single inhabitant devoured by the ravenous peg powler swarm.
Peg powlers tolerate the presence of sea hags, but there is no love lost
between the two races. Stories speak of some peg powlers enjoying the
taste of a sea hag’s flesh over that of any other creature. This doesn’t sit
well with sea hags who have heard this tale.
A peg powler appears as an emaciated woman with sickly green skin
wearing tattered rags. Her hair, wild and unkempt, is usually brown or
black. Her eyes are gray and appear almost pupiless. A typical peg powler
stands roughly 6 feet tall and weighs 140 pounds.
A peg powler attacks with its claws, attempting to grab its foe, and drag
it into its watery lair. A favored tactic of the peg powler is to hide near the
riverbanks, grab an unsuspecting foe as it passes by, and then drag it into
the water where it is drowned.

Peg Powler to Proto-Creature

Pestilential Cadaver
This creature appears to be an animated corpse composed of cadaver (as the daze spell) for 3 rounds (no save). A
mismatched body parts, crudely stitched together. Maggots and worms magical attack that inflicts disease heals the cadaver of
writhe from its rotting form. 1d6 hit points per level of the spellcaster. A remove disease
spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum
PESTILENTIAL CADAVER CR 7 10d6) to a pestilential cadaver. The creature can attempt a
XP 3,200 Fortitude save to reduce the damage by half. A heal spell
N Medium construct functions as a harm spell against a pestilential cadaver.
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6 Sickness (Ex) A living creature hit by a pestilential cadaver’s
Aura disease (30 ft., DC 15) slam attack must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or
become sickened for 2d6 rounds. A creature that fails its
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +8 natural) save by 5 or more is must immediately attempt another DC
hp 64 (8d10+20); fast healing 5 15 Fortitude save or be subjected to one of the diseases
Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +2 above just as if it had been affected by the cadaver’s aura.
DR 5/magic; Immune construct traits (+20 hp), magic A creature that succeeds on the second Fortitude
save is not subject to the disease effects of this
Speed 30 ft. ability for one day, even if it fails any subsequent
Melee 2 slams +12 (1d8+3 plus sickness) Fortitude saves by 5 or more. The save DC is
Special Attacks disease aura, sickness Charisma-based.

Str 16, Dex 12, Con —, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12 The pestilential cadaver is literally a walking disease,
Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 22 a construct formed from the bodies of those who died of
Feats Ability Focus (disease), Alertness, Stealthy, plague and fever. It is ever active, seeking to spread its
Weapon Focus (slam) contagion to all who live. It rots constantly, losing flesh
Skills Disguise +7, Escape Artist +3, Perception +6, to decomposition, but gaining material from those
Stealth +13; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth it slays.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal Although it moves awkwardly, in fits and
(cannot speak any languages) jerks, the pestilential cadaver is as swift and
dexterous as a healthy man, even capable of
Environment any running (though it rarely does so). It stands
Organization solitary about 6 feet in height, and weighs roughly 150
Treasure none pounds.
The pestilential cadaver engages in combat
Disease Aura (Ex) A pestilential cadaver primarily as a means of infecting new victims and
exudes a putrid aura in a 30-foot radius absorbing their diseased remains once it slays them. It
around itself. Creatures entering or is a straightforward combatant, deadly even to those it does
caught in the area must succeed not touch.
on a DC 15 Fortitude save or
contract one of the diseases
listed on the table below. A
creature that saves is immune
to the disease aura of that
pestilential cadaver for
one day. The save DC is

1 Blinding sickness
2 Cackle fever
3 Filth fever
4 Mindfire
5 Red ache
6 Shakes
7 Slimy doom
8 Roll twice, ignoring any results of 8

Fast Healing (Ex) A pestilential cadaver’s fast

healing only works if it is within 30 feet of a
fresh corpse. A fresh corpse is defined as any
living creature killed within the last 24 hours.
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A pestilential cadaver
is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that
allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells
and effects function differently against the
creature, as noted: A magical attack that
deals fire damage dazes a pestilential

Tome of Horrors 4
Petrified Horror
A revolting stack of carnage stands before you. Its delicate silhouette This can be quite disconcerting when a delicate ballerina statue suddenly
belies the true horror that it is. It is as if someone carved a human-sized becomes a lumbering pile of bleeding meat and bone. Creators of these
sculpture from the still-living flesh, bone and muscle of a much-larger creatures often use them like time bombs, inert until freed by the spells
creature, and then somehow gave that figure life. of an inquisitive intruder or as part of a trap activated by the intruders.
They instinctively recognize and avoid harming their creator but have no
PETRIFIED HORROR CR 15 compunctions about destroying anything and anyone else they see.
XP 51,200 In statue form, a typical specimen stands 5 to 8 feet tall and, being
N Medium construct composed of solid stone, weighs anywhere from 1,000 to 1,800
Init +8; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +0 pounds. Despite being a typical statue, it does give off a moderate
Aura frightful presence (60 ft., DC 20) aura of transmutation. When the creator or someone else casts
stone to flesh or break enchantment the construct transforms to
AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+4 Dex, +10 natural) flesh and weighs 300 to 500 pounds depending on its height. As
hp 140 (20d10+30) a construct it is does not require a Fortitude save to survive the
Fort +6; Ref +10; Will +6 transformation. Because the petrified horror is constructed from
DR 5/adamantine; Immune construct traits (+30 hp), a larger creature, it gains the bonus hit points of a size Large
magic construct rather than a Medium. Because it has no actual eyes,
it sees through blindsight rather than with the traditional
Speed 30 ft. darkvision and low-light vision of a construct.
Melee 2 slams +25 (2d6+5) Despite its lumbering appearance, a petrified
Special Attacks bloodstorm horror’s newly crafted form is quite quick and agile.
It moves with a discernable squishing noise and
Str 21, Dex 19, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, leaves a trail of blood and ichor wherever it goes.
Cha 10 Petrified horrors are incapable of speech and do
Base Atk +20; CMB +25; CMD 39 not understand or heed commands.
Feats Improved InitiativeB Petrified horrors are typically left in out-of-the-
way places by their creators, so when activated
Environment any the damages they cause can be minimized. Once
Organization solitary released from its stony imprisonment petrified
Treasure none horrors immediately go into a rampage destroying
all they see, preferring living creatures over
Bloodstorm (Su) A petrified horror can inanimate objects but content to demolish even
create a bloodstorm effect (as the inanimate objects if that is all there is. As part
spell) centered upon itself as a free of their programming, they rush directly into the
action once every 2 minutes. The center of whatever group is nearest to them (bull
bloodstorm forms a whirlwind of blood rushing if necessary) while flailing with their fists.
in a column 25 feet in diameter and Once they are in amongst their foes, they use their
40 feet high. The effect has a duration bloodstorm ability as they continue to fight.
of 12 rounds, requiring those within to
make a DC 20 Reflex save to avoid
being blinded while they remain within
the whirlwind and for 2d6 rounds after
leaving it and a DC 20 Will save to avoid A petrified horror is carved from the petrified
becoming panicked if less than 8 HD or form of a Large creature which usually costs
frightened if 8 HD or above for the duration 10,000 gp to procure. Special masterwork tools
of the effect. Furthermore, creatures for this process worth 500 gp are also required and
fighting within the bloodstorm or ranged are ruined in the creation process. Sculpting the body
attacks passing through it take –4 penalty from the base material requires a DC 25 Craft (sculptures)
on attack rolls Finally, the blood is slightly check. Failure means that the petrified creature’s form has
acidic and deals 1d4 points of acid damage been cracked and ruined and a new Large petrified creature
per round. The petrified horror is immune to the must be procured.
effects of the bloodstorm, including the attack
penalties, and the whirlwind remains centered PETRIFIED HORROR
on the petrified horror even if it moves. The save CL 14th; Price 110,000 gp
DCs are Constitution-based.
Full details of the bloodstorm spell can be CONSTRUCTION
found in Relics & Rituals by Sword & Sorcery Requirements Craft Construct, animate dead,
Studios. bloodstorm, flesh to stone, geas/quest, limited
wish, caster must be at least 14th level; Skill Craft
The name of the petrified horror belies the true nature of (sculptures) DC 25; Cost 65,500 gp.
this hideous construct. For while it is true that the construct
is crafted from the petrified remains of a Large creature, it is Credit
not until the new Medium statue is returned to flesh from Original author Greg A. Vaughan
its prison of stone that the horror is unleashed. Until Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog
then it just resembles an ordinary statue in whatever God Games/ Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)
shape it was sculpted to be and is incapable of action.

Peg Powler to Proto-Creature

Perhaps no creature of the water is feared more than the piranha.
Lightning speed, coupled with vicious teeth and a pack-slaughter
mentality place this predator firmly at the top of the food chain. Whether
swarming together to take down larger prey, or developing wings to
attack land creatures, the ravenous piranha cannot be stopped.


XP 600
N Small animal (aquatic)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +3

AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size)

hp 18 (3d8)
Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +2

Speed swim 50 ft., fly 20 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +6 (1d4–2 plus 2 bleed)
Special Attacks bleed (2)

Str 7, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2

Base Atk +3; CMB –1; CMD 12 (cannot be tripped)
Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Fly +6, Perception +3, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +8 to
Swim, uses Dex for Swim

Environment any warm saltwater

Organization solitary or cloud (2–20)
Treasure none

Larger cousins to the standard piranha, the giant flying piranha is

vicious fish between 2–3 feet in length, with a silver-gray coloration
along the dorsal spine; brighter colors in red, orange, and yellow
decorate the underbelly. Rows of tightly packed teeth give the
piranha is distinctive underbite, with the individual teeth
being 1 inch in length, and broadly arrowhead-shaped.
Some humanoid tribes prize the giant teeth for use in
weapons and tools.
Giant piranha usually attack intruders while in the
water, but may attempt to strike an unwary victim
walking near the water’s edge. The giant piranha’s
goal is to get prey in or very near water. While
they can fly for short periods, the giant piranha do cannot leave the
water for long before they being to suffocate (see suffocation rules in the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Games Core Rulebook). Weapon FinesseB
Skills Perception +6, Swim +22; Racial Modifiers +8 to Swim,
PIRANHA SWARM CR 4 use Dex for Swim
XP 1,200
N Tiny animal (aquatic, swarm) Environment any warm saltwater
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6 Organization solitary or mass (2–4 swarms)
Treasure none
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size)
hp 28 (5d8) This large grouping of piranha is a fearsome sight. While individual
Fort +4; Ref +7; Will +2 piranha are frightening enough, the piranha swarm attacks as a single-
minded mass of predatory fish. With lining speed, a piranha swarm can
Speed swim 70 ft. strip the flesh of a Large creature in seconds.
Melee swarm (1d6 plus bleed)
Special Attacks bleed (2 points), distraction (DC 12) Credit
Original author Scott Casper
Str 3, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Originally appearing in Jungle Ruins of Madaro-Shanti (©
Base Atk +3; CMB -3; CMD 10 (cannot be tripped) Frog God Games, 2010)
Feats Alertness, Skill Focus (perception), Skill Focus (swim),

Tome of Horrors 4
Plant Guardian
The plant guardians are, as their name suggests, the self-proclaimed
protectors and wardens of regions of unspoiled wilderness. There are several
species of plant guardians, the most well-known of which is the treant. There
is at least one type of plant guardian for every imaginable environment.
Plant guardians prefer to watch potential foes carefully before attacking.
They often charge suddenly from cover to trample the despoilers of their
environment. If sorely pressed, they animate plants as reinforcements.

Plant Guardian
Animate Plants (Sp) A plant guardian can animate any
plants of the same type within 180 feet at will, controlling
up to two such plants at a time. It takes 1 full round for the
plant to uproot itself, after which it moves at a speed of
10 feet and fights as a plant of the same type as the one
animating it (exceptions are noted in each entry below),
gaining the plant guardian’s vulnerability to fire. If the
plant guardian that animated it terminates the animation,
moves out of range, or is incapacitated, the plant
immediately takes root wherever it is and returns to
its normal state.
Double Damage against Objects (Ex) A plant
guardian or animated tree that makes a full
attack against an object or structure deals
double damage.
Plantspeech (Ex) A plant guardian has the ability
to converse with plants as if subject to a continual
speak with plants spell, and most plants greet
them with an attitude of friendly or helpful.

A large tentacle rises from this gigantic mass of
XP 3,200
NG Huge plant (aquatic)
Init +2; Senses blindsense 60 ft., tremorsense 120 ft.;
Perception +11

AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +10 natural, -2 size)

hp 95 (10d8+50) Organization solitary or patch (2–7)
Fort +12; Ref +5; Will +7 Treasure standard
DR 10/slashing; Immune plant traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire Engulf (Ex) An algant can simply engulf Huge or smaller
creatures in its path as a standard action. It cannot make
Speed 10 ft., swim 30 ft. a slam attack during the round in which it engulfs. The
Melee slam +12 (2d6+10/19–20 plus grab) algant merely has to move over the opponents, affecting
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. as many as it can cover. Opponents can make attacks of
opportunity against the creature, but if they do so they are
Str 25, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12 not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt
Base Atk +7; CMB +16 (+20 grapple); CMD 28 attacks of opportunity can attempt a DC 22 Reflex save to
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Improved Critical (slam)B, Iron avoid being engulfed—in a success, they are pushed back
Will, Power Attack, Swim-By Attack or aside (opponent’s choice) as the creature moves forward.
Skills Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Engulfed creatures are subject to an automatic slam attack
Perception +11, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +1 (+17 in native each round, gain the pinned condition, are in danger of
environs), Swim +15; Racial Modifiers +16 Stealth in native drowning, and are trapped within the algant’s body until
environment they are no longer pinned. The save DC is Strength-based.
Languages Algant, Aquan, Common
SQ amphibious, animate plants, double damage against The algants are the plant guardians of the water. An algant resembles a
objects, plantspeech large mass of algae and dwells in freshwater.

Environment any freshwater

Peg Powler to Proto-Creature
This creature appears to be a gigantic animated cactus covered in
many sharp needles.
XP 2,400
CG Huge plant
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14

AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +9 natural, –2 size)

hp 76 (9d8+36)
Fort +10; Ref +5; Will +7
DR 10/slashing; Immune plant traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +11 (1d8+7 plus bleed)
Ranged rock +7 (2d6+10)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks bleed (1d4), needles, needle storm, rock
throwing (150 ft.)

Str 25, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +15; CMD 27
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus
Skills Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (nature) +5,
Banyant Perception +14, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +1, Survival +6
Languages Cactant, Common, Sylvan
This animated tree has many large branches that writhe and thrash about it. SQ animate plants, double damage against objects,
XP 6,400 Environment warm deserts
CG Huge plant Organization solitary or grove (2–7)
Init –1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +13 Treasure standard

AC 19, touch 7, flat-footed 19 (–1 Dex, +12 natural, –2 Needles (Ex) The body and limbs of a cactant
size) are covered in the characteristic needles of
hp 114 (12d8+60) a cactus, and deal 1d4 bleed damage
Fort +15; Ref +3; Will +8 with a slam attack. Any creature
DR 10/slashing; Immune plant traits grappling a cactant or attacking it with
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire a natural weapon automatically takes
bleed damage.
Speed 20 ft. Needle Storm (Ex) Once per round
Melee 4 slams +14 (1d8+7/19–20) as a standard action, a cactant can
Ranged rock +7 (2d6+10) release a hail of needles in a 30-foot-
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. radius burst. Creatures caught in
Special Attacks rock throwing (150 ft.) the area take 7d6 points of piercing
damage and 2d4 bleed damage. A
Str 25, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12 successful DC 18 Reflex save reduces
Base Atk +9; CMB +18; CMD 27 the damage by half and negates the
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical bleed damage. A cactant can use this
(slam), Iron Will, Power Attack ability once every 1d4 rounds, and no more
Skills Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, than five times per day. The save DC is
Perception +13, Sense Motive +8, Stealth –2 (+14 in native Constitution-based.
environs), Survival +6; Racial Modifiers +16 Stealth in native
environment The cactants are the plant guardians of hot, dry
Languages Banyant, Common, Sylvan deserts. A cactant resembles a large saguaro cactus
SQ animate plants, double damage against objects, with thick arms.

Environment warm plains Sargassant

Organization solitary or grove (2–7)
Treasure standard A variant of the algant is the sargassant. It
resembles a large floating mass of sargassum weed
The banyants are the plant guardians of warm plains and dwells in saltwater environments.
such as savannas and equatorial grasslands. A banyant
resembles a banyan tree.

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature is a floating sphere of moss with several red eyes that Moss Tendrils (Ex) A plantoid lashes out with several mossy
are randomly spaced over the surface of the sphere, looking out through tendrils when it attacks, gaining a +1 bonus on its grapple
eyelid-like gaps. check for each tendril that hit its opponent.
Control (Ex) The tendrils of a plantoid inject a mind-
PLANTOID CR 4 controlling substance, which it injects as a free action as
XP 1,200 part of its grapple check. Anyone touched by the mossy
N Medium plant (extraplanar) tendrils must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or fall under
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11 control of the plantoid. This otherwise acts like the dominate
person spell except that the plantoid must touch the target
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 and it functions on any Medium humanoid or monstrous
natural) humanoid. Control lasts for as long as the plantoid maintains
hp 42 (5d8+10) contact. The victim also gets another saving throw to
Fort +6; Ref +2; Will +4 resist as described under the dominate person spell, and
Immune bludgeoning damage, plant traits once every 4 hours after control is initiated. The save DC is
Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect) Create Servitor (Ex) Anyone who remains controlled by
Melee 4 tendrils +3 (1d4–1 plus grab) a plantoid for more than 24 hours becomes a plantoid
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tendrils) servitor, all human reason irrevocably lost. A plantoid can
Special Attacks control, create servitor, moss tendrils (+1 to only control and transform a single creature or servitor at a
grapple per tendril) time.

Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 16 Plantoids are creatures from another dimension or plane of existence,
Base Atk +3; CMB +2 (+6 grapple); CMD 14 (can’t be occasionally summoned forth into the Material Plane. The eyes are not
tripped) magical, but the long strands of moss trailing after the plantoid have a
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus (tendrils) very dangerous ability to enslave anyone caught within them. The soft,
Skills Fly +14, Knowledge (planes) +6, Perception +11, mossy consistency of plantoids makes these creatures immune to blunt
Stealth +7 weapons. The plantoids can snap their mossy beards out like whips,
Languages Plantoid attempting to touch a potential victim.
SQ alien plant

Environment any
Organization group (1–8 plus
Plantoid King
one servitor per plantoid) It is rumored that plantoid
Treasure none “Kings” exist, with 10 HD and
a limited immunity to both
Alien Plant (Ex): spells (SR 11+ CR) and non-
Plantoids are magic weapons (DR 5/
extradimensional magic).
fungi, and have the
same class skills as

Peg Powler to Proto-Creature

Plantoid Servitor
These shambling humanoids resemble green-skinned zombies with
glowing red eyes, their heads draped with moss.

XP 600
N Medium plant
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4

AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural)

hp 22 (3d8+6 plus 3)
Fort +5; Ref +1; Will +1
Immune plant traits

Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 slams +4 (1d4+2 plus grab)
Special Attacks grab and bite (melee +4, 1d3+2 plus
poison), poison

Str 14, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 1
Base Atk +2; CMB +4 (+8 grapple); CMD 14
Feats Endurance, Die HardB, Toughness
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5
Combat Gear special (see description)

Environment any
Organization solitary, gang (2–5)
Treasure special (see description)

Grab and Bite (Ex) A plantoid servitor that succeeds on a

grapple check can make a bite attack against its opponent
as an immediate action. This attack uses the plantoid
servitor’s full attack bonus and deals 1d3+2 damage.
Poison (Ex) Transformative Poison: Bite—injury; save DC 13
Fort; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect special; cure 1
save. On the first failed save, the victim is paralyzed for 1d6
rounds. On the second failed saving throw, moss rapidly
grows on all skin surfaces. The victim gets a +2 bonus on
the third saving throw, but if the third save fails the victim
becomes a plantoid servitor under the control of the nearest
plantoid. There is a 25% chance that the victim becomes
a new plantoid in a hideous transformation that takes 24
hours. If the victim succeeds on his third saving throw, the
moss that grew on him withers and dies and falls away within
a few minutes. The save DC is Constiution-based.

Plantoid servitors are humans (and their ilk) who have fallen prey to a
plantoid. It is possible for a plantoid servitor to operate independently of
a plantoid, in which case the eyes will not glow. Plantoid servitors acting
independently from one of the plantoid masters are capable of following
only the simplest of instructions, such as “attack anyone entering this
room,” and the plantoid is not able to give further instructions until it can
once again gain physical contact with the plantoid servitor.
Plantoid servitors drop any held equipment when they are first
dominated, but retain any worn gear such as armor, backpacks, capes,
rings, and so on. At the GM’s discretion, a plantoid servitor may still be
wearing—and gaining the full benefit of—any special worn gear or magic
items it possessed in its previous life.

Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God Games,

Tome of Horrors 4
You can tell that this creature was once something else, but it has Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
somehow been horribly misshapen. It still retains a vaguely humanoid Special Attacks acidic sweat (2d6 acid)
form, but it now consists of a terrible conglomeration of exposed organs
and bone, gnarled limbs, corded muscles with patches of strange, pebbly Str 24, Dex 8, Con 26, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 5
flesh and eyes and mouths in unnatural locations. Base Atk +14; CMB +22 (+26 grapple); CMD 31
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved
PROTO-CREATURE CR 8 Natural Attack (slam), Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon
XP 4,800 Focus (slam)
NE Medium monstrous humanoid Skills Perception +17, Survival +17
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13 Languages Common (cannot speak)

AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21 (–1 Dex, +12 natural) Acidic Sweat (Ex) The acid damage from a giant
hp 125 (10d10+60 plus 10); fast healing 10 proto-creature is 2d6 points of damage.
Fort +11; Ref +6; Will +7
Defensive Abilities ferocity; Immune acid, electricity, Proto-creatures are the results of the failed early
critical experiments with protomatter by the Disciples of
hits, nonlethal damage, sneak attacks Orcus in their attempts to create
ever better and more powerful
Speed 30 ft. servants and warriors. The
Melee 2 slams +16 (1d6+5 plus grab) proto-creatures proved to be too
Special Attacks acidic sweat (1d6 acid) dumb and too difficult to control.
Rather than destroy the beasts,
Str 20, Dex 9, Con 22, Int 6, Wis 10, they were instead placed in
Cha 5 suspended animation and secreted
Base Atk +10; CMB +15 (+19 away at various locations in case a use
grapple); CMD 24 should ever be found with them.
Feats Cleave, Great Fortitude, All proto-creatures encountered to date have
Power Attack, Toughness, come from either humanoid or giant stock. Proto-creatures
Weapon Focus (slam) stand about 7 feet tall and weigh as much as 350 pounds.
Skills Perception +13, Survival +13 Giant proto-creatures are up to 12 feet tall and 1,500
Languages Common (cannot pounds.
speak) The secret of their accidental creation has been lost,
and proto-creatures cannot propagate their own species,
Acidic Sweat (Ex) The so their dwindling numbers are limited to those that were
metabolism and biology first created by the Disciples of Orcus.
of a protocreature has been so corrupted, Proto-creatures exist in constant pain. The only
that unidentifiable caustic fluids now course thing that distracts them from this pain is the release
through its body instead of the traditional of combat. Therefore, they always seek to engage
humors. In the third round of combat or heavy other creatures in combat upon first sighting them.
exertion, a proto-creature begins to secrete The fact that these opponents also serve as their
this fluid through the pores of its skin as sweat. source of food is a merely a convenient byproduct.
Anyone physically touching a protocreature (not A proto-creature’s body has been so warped and
including with a weapon or other object) or who twisted by the experiments that created it, that it
is hit by a slam attack after this sweating begins no longer has a recognizable physiology. This
takes 1d6 acid damage. An opponent that is combined with its extreme resilience makes it
grappled by a proto-creature takes double immune to acid and electricity as well as sneak
this damage each round that the grapple attacks, critical hits, and nonlethal damage.
is maintained. A living proto-creature In combat, a proto-creatures prefers to focus
continues to sweat this substance for 10 its attacks on a single opponent, grappling and
minutes following the completion of the subjecting the victim to its acidic sweat as soon as
battle or other activity that initiated it. it begins to flow. They have been known to be fooled into
dropping a victim who goes limp and plays dead in order to move onto
GIANT PROTO-CREATURE CR 12 other opponents. Such a subterfuge requires a Bluff check opposed to the
XP 19,200 proto-creature’s Sense Motive.
NE Large monstrous humanoid
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17 Credit
Original author Greg A. Vaughan
AC 26, touch 8, flat-footed 26 (–1 Dex, +18 natural, –1 size) Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
hp 203 (14d10+112 plus 14); fast healing 10 Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)
Fort +14; Ref +8; Will +9
Defensive Abilities ferocity; Immune acid, electricity, critical
hits, nonlethal damage, sneak attacks

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +21 (2d6+7 plus grab)

Rakewood to Ravager

Poking up through the leaf litter is a rounded hump of green, woody
fungus. Waving in the air are three dull brown tendrils oozing a foul-
smelling sap.
XP 6,400
N Large plant
Init +0; Senses blindsight 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception

AC 24, touch 9, flat-footed 24 (+15 natural, –1 size)

hp 115 (11d8+66)
Fort +13; Ref +3; t +4
DR 10/slashing or piercing; Immune plant traits

Speed 20 ft.
Melee 3 slams +16 (1d8+8 plus grab), bite +16 (2d6+8/19–20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks spores, swallow whole (3d6 acid damage,
AC 17, 11 hp)

Str 26, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 27 (can’t be
Feats Cleave, Improved Critical (bite), Power Attack, Step
Up, Weapon Focus (bite, slam)
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+13 in undergrowth); Racial
Modifiers +8 Stealth in undergrowth

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary or grove (2–5)
Treasure incidental

Spores (Ex) As a standard action once every 1d6 rounds,

a rakewood can release a cloud of deadly spores in a
20-foot-radius burst. Creatures caught in the cloud must
succeed on a DC 21 Fortitude save or be paralyzed
for 2d4 rounds. Creatures succeeding their save are
sickened for 1d4 rounds instead. The cloud lasts
for 1 round before dispersing. The save DC is

A rakewood is a barely sentient plant creature that lives

deep within old-growth forests. It consists of a filthy, spheroid fungal
mass with a ring of three brown tendrils at the top. The tendrils surround
a sphincter-like mouth lined with razor-sharp spiny teeth. Although it can
move of its own accord through the use of finger-like cilia at its base,
a rakewood rarely moves once it has settled itself. Rakewoods live on
decaying plant matter, and generally they are content to let the world go
by as the soak up nutrients from the leaf litter. In less productive seasons
such as winter, rakewoods supplement their diet with animal flesh.
Rakewoods are about 10 feet long and weigh 1,000 pounds. Coloration
can vary from rakewood to rakewood, but most are dark green in color
and covered in various fungi and molds. When at rest, a rakewood’s
tendrils appear to be tree roots or large, thick vines.
A rakewood enters combat by releasing its cloud of paralytic spores.
Any opponents left standing are then pummeled with its slam attacks. A
grappled or paralyzed opponent is pulled into its maw to be swallowed.

Tome of Horrors 4
The foulest form of common vermin, rat-ghouls are abnormally large
rats that have been infused with necrotic energy, either from proximity to
a source of foulness, or feasting upon necrotic flesh.

XP 135
N Small undead
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +4

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size)

hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +3
Immune undead traits

Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee bite +1 (1d4 plus disease)
Special Attacks disease, paralysis (1d4 rounds, DC 10, elves
are immune to this effect)

Str 10, Dex 17, Con —, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 10

Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 12 (16 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Climb +11, Perception +4, Stealth +11, Swim +11; Racial
Modifiers uses Dex to modify Climb and Swim

Environment any
Organization solitary or flood (2–40)
Treasure none

Disease (Ex) Filth fever: Bite—injury; save DC 10 Fort; onset

1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and
1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is

Resembling giant rats with desiccated, leathery skin, and patches of

missing fur and flesh, the rat-ghoul is created when normal or dire rats
feast on undead flesh, or being inundated with black magic or necrotic
forces. Rat-ghouls may be found in any evil area, and they act much as
normal rats in their typical environments.
Rat-ghouls retain a spark of their former rat
intelligence. They tend to stay in packs, looking
to feast on flesh and detritus. If no “normal”
food is available, the rat-ghouls begin
feasting on each other, and then possibly
even themselves, so strong is their
Rat-ghouls attack en masse,
and attempt to overrun their
opponents. Rat-ghouls that
successfully take an opponent
to the ground swarm and
eat the creature as soon as
possible. Rat-ghouls retain
the ability to paralyze foes
as normal ghouls.

Original author
James C. Boney
Originally appearing
in Dread
(© Frog God

Rakewood to Ravager

The Ravager has three possible forms, and corresponding descriptions: Toughness, Vital Strike
Skills Perception +45
The Crawler: This enormous creature stands 18 ft. high at the shoulders SQ form-shifting
and has a body 30 ft. long. Its body is long and narrow, with eight stubby
legs ending in ebon claws the size of large falchions. Its mouth is filled Environment any
with sharp black teeth, and its eyes are jet-black orbs the size of Organization solitary
dinner platters, set above a delicate muzzle like that of a bulldog. Treasure none
The body is hairless, covered with a thick, leathery crimson hide.
The Brawler: Towering 35 ft. high is a massive, apelike
creature, resting on two sets of powerfully muscled legs. A third
set of arms, thick and corded with muscle, bulges out from its
massive shoulders, ending with massive black claws. The mouth
is filled with jagged black teeth, and glistening black eyes are set
over a wide muzzle. Its skin is deep red, somewhat lighter on the
The Flier: With a crack and boom, this creature spreads a
pair of great leathery wings over 50 ft. in span. Its body is lean
and covered with rippling muscle beneath a thick, leathery crimson
hide. Its claws and teeth are black, as are its eyes.
XP 9,830,400
N Gargantuan magical beast
Init +7; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent,
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +45

AC 45, touch 13, flat-footed 38 (+7 Dex, +32 natural, –4 size)

hp 857 (35d10+630 plus 35); regeneration 20 (epic-level
weapons and artifacts), vampiric healing
Fort +39; Ref +26; Will +20
Defensive Abilities magic disruption (1–4 on d20); DR 30/
epic; Immune energy drain; Resist death, energy 20

Speed 50 ft., burrow 20 ft.

Melee bite +46 (6d6+15/19–20/x3), 4 claws +46 (4d6+15/15– THE RAVAGER (BRAWLER FORM) CR 30
20) XP 9,830,400
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. N Gargantuan magical beast
Special Attacks trample (4d6+22, DC 42) Init +7; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent,
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +45
Str 40, Dex 24, Con 46, Int 6, Wis 25, Cha 24
Base Atk +35; CMB +54; CMD 71 (75 vs. trip) AC 45, touch 13, flat-footed 38 (+7 Dex, +32 natural, –4 size)
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great hp 612 (35d10+385 plus 35); regeneration 20 (epic-level
Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Improved weapons and artifacts), vampiric healing
Critical (claw), Improved Natural Armor (x4), Improved Fort +32; Ref +26; Will +20
Natural Attack (bite), Defensive Abilities magic disruption (1–4 on d20); DR 30/
Improved Natural epic; Immune energy drain; Resist death, energy 20
Attack (claw),
Improved Vital Speed 70 ft.
Strike, Iron Melee bite +51 (3d8+20/x3), 2 claws +51 (3d8+20/15–20)
Will, Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Power Special Attacks trample (3d8+30, DC 45)
Str 50, Dex 24, Con 32, Int 6, Wis 25, Cha 24
Base Atk +35; CMB +59; CMD 76
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Reflexes,
Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude,
Improved Critical (claw), Improved Natural
Armor (x4), Improved Natural Attack (claw)
(x2), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack,
Toughness, Vital Strike
Skills Perception +45
SQ form-shifting

Environment any
Organization solitary

Tome of Horrors 4
Treasure none incapacitate it, including petrification and imprisonment.
Against such effects it is considered to automatically make
THE RAVAGER (FLIER FORM) CR 30 any required saving throws.
XP 9,830,400 Energy Resistance (Ex) The Ravager possesses energy
N Gargantuan magical beast resistance against all forms of energy attack (fire, cold,
Init +14; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent, electricity, acid, and sonic).
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +45 Form-Shifting (Ex) The Ravager can physically alter its
physiology to take on one of the three listed forms: the
AC 52, touch 20, flat-footed 38 (+14 Dex, +32 natural, –4 size) crawler, the brawler, or the flier. Doing so takes one minute,
hp 612 (35d10+385 plus 35); regeneration 20 (epic-level and during this period it cannot take any other actions,
weapons and artifacts), vampiric healing though it is not considered helpless.
Fort +34; Ref +33; Will +20 Magic Disruption (Su) Every time the Ravager comes into
Defensive Abilities magic disruption (1–4 on d20); DR 30/ contact with a spell or spell-like or supernatural effect, there
epic; Immune energy drain; Resist death, energy 20 is a chance as indicated above that the magic does not
affect it. In the case of ongoing effects, a new check is
Speed 20 ft., fly 140 ft. (good) made each round.
Melee bite +46 (6d8+15/x3), 2 claws +46 (2d8+15/18–20) Regeneration (Ex) The Ravager and its brood treat all
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. damage as subdual, except damage from epic-level
weapons and artifacts.
Str 40, Dex 38, Con 32, Int 6, Wis 25, Cha 24 Trample (Ex) The Ravager gains its vampiric healing ability
Base Atk +35; CMB +54; CMD 78 on this damage where appropriate. The Ravager does not
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Flyby Attack, have this ability in its flier form. Instead, it gains Snatch as a
Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Hover, Improved Natural bonus feat.
Attack (bite) (x2), Improved Natural Armor (x4), Improved Vampiric Healing (Su) Whenever the Ravager hits with
Vital Strike, Iron Will, Power Attack, SnatchB, Toughness, Vital a melee attack, it is healed hit points equal to half the
Strike damage it inflicts on its opponent. This ability cannot heal it
Skills Perception +45 above its natural maximum hit points. This ability extends to
SQ form-shifting its trample special attack, where applicable.

Environment any The Ravager was created eons ago by a primeval race of beings who
Organization solitary believed in the unity of three forces: body, mind, and spirit. In their
Treasure none ongoing war with another race of savages, they created several weapons
of terrible power. The greatest of these is the living beast known only as
Death Resistance (Ex) The Ravager possesses an innate the Ravager.
resistance to effects that would kill or permanently This beast was given incredible vitality, and the power to manipulate its

Rakewood to Ravager
own body to assume a form most advantageous to it: a crawling weasel-like Will, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical,
form that can burrow, a hulking apelike humanoid form with greater reach Toughness, Vital Strike
and strength, and a winged form to allow it greater mobility and agility. Skills Perception +40
After being used once or twice on the battlefield, those who created it SQ form-shifting
realized its awesome danger and contained it in the strongest prison they
could devise, suspended in time until it would once again be needed. Environment any
However, due to the subsequent influence of Orcus near the vault where Organization solitary or brood (2–8)
the Ravager was contained, the wards were damaged, and a taint of evil Treasure none
infected its quarantine. This has resulted in it reproducing asexually, and
has granted the ravager an astonishing capacity for growth. For every RAVAGER SPAWN (FLIER FORM) CR 20
week that it lives, it permanently gains 1 hit die. There is no known limit XP 307,200
to how far this advancement can go before it either devastates the planet it N Huge magical beast
lives on or collapses under its own weight. Init +8; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent,
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +18

RAVAGER SPAWN (CRAWLER FORM) CR 20 AC 40, touch 16, flat-footed 32 (+8 Dex, +24 natural, –2 size)
XP 307,200 hp 405 (30d10+210 plus 30); regeneration 5 (epic-level
N Huge magical beast weapons and artifacts), vampiric healing
Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent, Fort +25; Ref +27; Will +19
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +40 Defensive Abilities magic disruption (1 on d20); DR 15/epic;
Immune energy drain; Resist death, energy 5
AC 40, touch 13, flat-footed 35 (+5 Dex, +27 natural, –2 size)
hp 495 (30d10+300 plus 30); regeneration 5 (epic-level Speed 20 ft., fly 100 ft. (good)
weapons and artifacts), vampiric healing Melee bite +37 (3d6+9/x3), 2 claws +37 (1d12+9/18–20)
Fort +29; Ref +22; Will +19 Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Defensive Abilities magic disruption (1 on d20); DR 15/epic;
Immune energy drain; Resist death, energy 5 Str 28, Dex 26, Con 24, Int 5, Wis 25, Cha 18
Base Atk +30; CMB +41; CMD 59
Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Endurance,
Melee bite +37 (3d8+9/19–20/x3), 4 claws +37 (2d8+9/18–20) Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Hover, Iron Will, Lightning
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Reflexes, Lunge, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Fly), Snatch,
Toughness, Wingover
Str 28, Dex 20, Con 30, Int 5, Wis 25, Cha 18 Skills Fly +22, Perception +18
Base Atk +30; CMB +41 (+43 to bull rush); CMD 56 (58 vs. bull SQ form-shifting
rush, 60 vs. trip)
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Environment any
Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Organization solitary or brood (2–8)
Critical (bite), Improved Natural Armor (x3), Improved Treasure none
Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Iron
Will, Power Attack, Toughness Death Resistance (Ex) A Ravager spawn possesses an
Skills Perception +40 innate resistance to effects that would kill or permanently
SQ form-shifting incapacitate it, including petrification and imprisonment.
Against such effects it is considered to automatically make
Environment any any required saving throws.
Organization solitary or brood (2–8) Energy Resistance (Ex) A Ravager spawn possesses energy
Treasure none resistance against all forms of energy attack (fire, cold,
electricity, acid, and sonic).
RAVAGER SPAWN (BRAWLER FORM) CR 20 Form-Shifting (Ex) A Ravager spawn can physically alter
XP 307,200 its physiology to take on one of the three listed forms: the
N Huge magical beast crawler, the brawler, or the flier. Doing so takes one minute,
Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent, and during this period it cannot take any other actions,
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +26 though it is not considered helpless.
Magic Disruption (Su) Every time a Ravager spawn comes
AC 37, touch 13, flat-footed 32 (+5 Dex, +24 natural, –2 size) into contact with a spell or spell-like or supernatural effect,
hp 405 (30d10+210 plus 30); regeneration 5 (epic-level there is a chance as indicated above that the magic does
weapons and artifacts), vampiric healing not affect it. In the case of ongoing effects, a new check is
Fort +26; Ref +22; Will +19 made each round.
Defensive Abilities magic disruption (1 on d20); DR 15/epic; Regeneration (Ex) A Ravager spawn treats all damage as
Immune energy drain; Resist death, energy 5 subdual, except damage from epic-level weapons and
Speed 50 ft. Vampiric Healing (Su) Whenever a Ravager spawn hits
Melee bite +40 (3d6+12/x3), 2 claws +40 (1d12+12/15–20) with a melee attack, it is healed hit points equal to half the
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. damage it inflicts on its opponent. This ability cannot heal it
above its natural maximum hit points. This ability extends to
Str 34, Dex 20, Con 24, Int 5, Wis 25, Cha 18 its trample special attack, where applicable.
Base Atk +30; CMB +43 (+45 to bull rush); CMD 58 (60 vs. bull
rush) Credit
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded (©
Focus, Great Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Bull Necromancer Games, 2006)
Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Vital Strike, Iron

Tome of Horrors 4
Salamander, Ice
This creature has the scaled upper torso of a humanoid, a snake-like When summoned to the Material Plane ice salamanders can be found
head, and the lower body of a four-legged lizard with thick powerful legs. in arctic regions where the temperatures are constantly freezing or lower
Its scales are icy blue and the creature’s underbelly is white. (which to an ice salamander is still too warm). On the Material Plane, ice
salamanders are often found acting as guards for high-level wizards or
ICE SALAMANDER CR 5 temple guardians for clerics of the frost gods. Some ice salamanders find
XP 1,600 their way to the Material Plane on their own, in areas where the elemental
CE Medium outsider (air, cold, extraplanar, water) planes have spilled over to the Material Plane.
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 An ice salamander stands about 6 feet tall with a serpentine head and
Aura bitter cold (10 ft.) the lower torso of a salamander. Its scales are blue mottled white, and its
underbelly is stark white. Its eyes are ice blue and its pupils are dark. Cold
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +7 natural) seems to emanate from the creature at all times.
hp 59 (7d10+21) Ice salamanders jump headlong into melee, slashing their opponents
Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +4 with their wicked spears or claws. Prisoners are rarely taken, unless the
DR 10/magic; Immune cold ice salamanders are instructed to do so. Most of the time, prey is devoured
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire as soon as it’s killed.

Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. (ice and snow only)

Melee spear +11/+6 (1d8+4/x3 plus 1d6 cold) or 2
claws +10 (1d6+3 plus 1d6 cold)

Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12
Base Atk +7; CMB +10; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power
Attack, Weapon Focus (spear)
Skills Bluff +11, Intimidate +11, Knowledge
(planes) +11, Perception +12, Sense Motive +12,
Stealth +11, Survival +12
Languages Aquan, Common
SQ snow move, snow vision

Environment any (Plane of Water)

Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–5)
Treasure standard (spear, other treasure)

Bitter Cold (Ex) All creatures within 10

feet of an ice salamander take 1d6
points of cold damage each round on
the ice salamander’s turn. Additionally,
creatures that takes cold damage from
the salamander’s aura must succeed
on a DC 16 Fortitude save or be
staggered for 1 round. The save DC is
Snow Move (Ex) An ice salamander
suffers no penalties for moving through
snow-covered terrain.
Snow Vision (Ex) An ice salamander can
see perfectly well in snowy conditions and
does not take any penalties on Perception
checks while in snow.

Ice salamanders are malign creatures that

dwell on the elemental planes where Water meets
Air. Scholars speculate an entire plane (a para-
elemental plane of cold or ice) exists where the
Plane of Air and Plane of Water meet. There,
the great ice salamanders make their homes
carved into great icebergs or upon vast sheets of
ice. Upon their home plane, the ice salamanders
gather in large, loose tribes, led by the strongest
member of the group. Infighting is common
among tribal members and should a
dispute escalate, it is usually settled in
a makeshift arena where all participants
fight to the death.

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

This halfling-sized creature is covered in gray fur. She has rounded
ears, large black eyes, and a long bushy tail that reaches up to the back of
her head before curling away.
Sciurian Society
Sciurians live in small tribal communities in huts built high in the tops of
tall trees. The huts are connected by a complex network of narrow walkways,
XP 200 rope bridges, and swing-lines. Aside from allowing the sciurians to take
Sciurian ranger 1 advantage of their natural abilities as agile climbers, these connections also act
NG Small humanoid (sciruian) as defensive barriers for the community, allowing the sciurians to freely move
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7 about while hampering the movements of invaders. Sciurians are territorial,
and attempt to drive off any interlopers that stray too close to
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1 their communities. Sciurian tribes are led by a shaman-chief,
dodge, +1 size) elected from among the tribe’s spell casters. Most shaman-
hp 12 (1d10+1 plus 1) chiefs are divine spellcasters, but occasionally an arcane
Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +3 spellcaster or even a rogue with magical abilities can be
found in the position. Sciurian tribes farm nut-producing
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.; scamper trees to provide food for their members, augmented by
Melee shortspear +2 (1d4) ground-level foraging. They store away the excess to
Ranged short bow +5 (1d4/x3) provide food through harsh winters.
Special Attacks favored enemy (+2 Sciurians relate most easily to elves and gnomes,
magical beasts) the former because of the elves’ love of the natural world,
and the latter because of the gnomes’ fey nature. Humans and
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, dwarves tend to think of sciurians as silly and annoying, often
Cha 8 overlooking the quiet forest dwellers to their detriment. On
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 14 those occasions when halflings and sciurians meet, there
Feats Dodge is a mutual respect between them due in part to their
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +14, similarities in size and nature. Half-orcs often need to be
Heal +7, Knowledge (nature) +4, reminded that sciurians are not food.
Perception +7, Stealth +11, Survival +7; Sciurians are fun-loving creatures who enjoy the
Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb sights and sounds of the forest. Tall trees are near
Languages Common, Sciurian and dear to the hearts of all sciurians. They revere the
SQ nature’s acrobat, scamper, track, wild Great Oak, an immense, neutral, treant-like goddess who is
empathy all things: provider, teacher, protector, creator, and destroyer.
Young sciurians bored with the day-to-day routines of
Environment temperate forests tree farming and foraging often seek adventure in the lands
Organization solitary, foraging party (2–4), beyond their community. Sciurian adventurers tend to be
tribe (4–24 non-combatants plus 2d6 1st eager to please, hoping to overcome their reputation as being
level warriors, 1d4 1st level aristocrats and flighty tree-hoppers. Unfortunately, their eagerness often leads to
one 5th level aristocrat chief) reinforcing those stereotypes instead. Sciurians are not strong in combat, and
Treasure standard (leather armor, shortspear, short bow, 20 thus avoid the more combative classes such as barbarian and fighter. Most
arrows, other treasure) sciurian adventurers are divine spellcasters, rangers, and rogues.
Nature’s Acrobat (Ex): All sciurians have a +2 racial bonus
on Climb and Acrobatics checks. Climb is always class
skill for a Sciurian. Once per day, when a sciurian makes a
Sciurian Racial Traits
Reflex saving throw, she can roll the saving throw and take Sciurians are defined by their class levels—they do not possess racial
the better result. The sciurian must decide to use this ability Hit Dice. Sciurian clerics of the Great Oak can choose from among the
before the saving throw is attempted. following domains: Community, Knowledge, Plant, and Protection. All
Scamper (Ex): A sciurian adds +10 ft. to its ground speed sciurians have the following racial traits.
when charging, running, or withdrawing. –2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis: Sciurians are not physically powerful, but are
extremely agile and shrewd.
Sciurians resemble humanoid squirrels. They are a diminutive, furry Small: Sciurians are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to
folk who dwell deep in the forests far from the intrusions of other races. A their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat
typical sciurian is curious, but also somewhat skittish. They are prone to Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus
nervous twitching of their tails, and often pause to scan the surrounding on Stealth checks.
area for danger. In a comfortable environment, sciurians are amiable Speed: Sciurians have a base speed of 30 ft. and a climb speed 20 ft..
creatures and enjoy music and celebration. Nature’s Acrobat: All sciurians have a +2 racial bonus on Climb and
Sciurian fur ranges from gray to brown to orange-red, and fades to Acrobatics checks. Climb is always class skill for a Sciurian. Once per
white on their bellies. They have bushy, s-shaped tails. Their eyes are day, when a sciurian makes a Reflex saving throw, she can roll the saving
large and dark, and their rounded ears are situated on the tops of their throw twice and take the better result. The sciurian must decide to use this
heads. Sciurians have long fingers and toes tipped with claws which ability before the saving throw is attempted.
enable them to climb with startling speed. Sciurians use the claws on their Scamper: A sciurian adds +10 ft. to its ground speed when charging,
hands and feet to climb, so they do not wear any sort of footwear. Magical running, or withdrawing.
footwear worn by a sciurian becomes open-toed and thus does not hinder Languages: Sciurians begin play speaking Common and Sciurian.
her climbing ability. Sciurians with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following
bonus languages: Elf, Gnome, Sylvan, Halfling, and Terran.

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature has the upper torso of a muscular bronze-skinned both nomadic and settled, often have a shaman (a cleric or sorcerer of
humanoid and the lower torso of a giant sand-colored scorpion. 5th–8th level) in their midst. These shamans tend to the sick and injured
and sometimes take part in raids or excursions by the scorpionfolk. Tribal
SCORPIONFOLK CR 5 leaders are fighters or barbarians of 6th–9th level.
XP 1,600 Scorpionfolk stand just over 6 feet tall and are over 10 feet long from
LE Large monstrous humanoid head to the base of the tail. Tails range from 8 to 10 feet long. Scorpionfolk,
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; on average, weigh around 2,000 pounds. Their skin is usually bronze,
Perception +14 brown, or black, and the lower scorpion torso dark tan or the color of dark
sand. Hair color varies, with most males shaving their heads and females
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size) wearing their hair long in tightly knotted ponytails.
hp 59 (7d10+21) Scorpionfolk prefer to attack with weapons and a tail sting, only
Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +9 resorting to their clawed hands if necessary. Favored weapons of these
Defensive Abilities poison resistance; SR 16 creatures include falchions, spears, scimitars, and shortbows.

Speed 40 ft.
Melee mwk falchion +11/+6 (2d6+6), sting +5 (1d6+2
plus poison) or 2 claws +10 (1d6+4), sting +10
(1d6+2 plus poison)
Ranged mwk composite shortbow +8/+3 (1d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 19, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 23 (35 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills Climb +8, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +9,
Perception +14, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +4,
Survival +9; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb,
+4 Perception
Languages Sadara

Environment warm deserts

Organization solitary, gang (2–5), band (6–10 plus
1–4 medium scorpions), troop (11–20 plus 2–8
medium scorpions and 1 giant scorpion), or tribe
(20–40 plus 8–16 medium scorpions and 2–4
giant scorpions)
Treasure standard (masterwork falchion,
masterwork composite shortbow, 30 arrows,
other treasure)

Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save DC 16 Fort;

frequency 1/round;
effect 1d2 Strength
damage; cure 1
save. The save DC
is Constitution-
Poison Resistance
(Ex) Scorpionfolk
gain a +4 racial
bonus on all saving
throws against poison.

The people known as scorpionfolk (known as sadara among

their own kind) are a race of nomadic desert-dwellers known for their
cruelty and combat prowess. Believed to have once been a just and kind
race that became corrupted by magic, scorpionfolk are feared and avoided
by most intelligent desert-traveling races.
Most scorpionfolk tribes tend to be nomadic and move around frequently,
only settling in one place until the food source runs out. These tribes use
tents for shelter and care little for any belongings other than what they
can carry. Some few tribes settle in an area and construct small towns and
villages of hardened mud, rock, and occasionally limestone. These tribes
tend to be slightly more civilized than the nomadic scorpionfolk, and are
often looked upon with disdain by their nomadic brothers. Larger tribes,

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Racing toward you is a ghostly form like the tattered shreds of Rejuvenation (Su) A screamer cannot be killed through
a translucent pennant. It retains a vaguely humanoid form trailing simple combat. If reduced to 0 hit points it disappears
behind its forward-facing head. Hollows mark its eyes above its most only to reform 24 hours later. The only way for a screamer
distinguishing feature, a gaping mouth locked in a perpetual scream—like to be truly laid to rest is for it to die while possessing a host
a maw opening into eternal darkness. body with its malevolence ability. When the body dies, the
screamer spirit ceases to exist.
SCREAMER CR 4 Scream of Hopelessness (Su) Once every hour, a screamer
XP 1,200 can loose a horrific, mournful scream. Any living creature
CE Medium undead (incorporeal) within hearing distance of this scream (it can carry up to
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 a mile outdoors) must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or
become shaken for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +3 Dex) affecting fear attack. Creatures that successfully
hp 34 (4d8+16) save cannot be affected by the same
Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +4 screamer’s scream of hopelessness for 24
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, hours. The effects of multiple screamers’
incorporeal, rejuvenation; Immune undead traits screams cannot stack. The save DC is
Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect) Suicidal Frenzy (Su) If a screamer
Melee incorporeal touch +6 (1d4 succeeds in possessing a target
Charisma drain) with its malevolence ability, it
Special Attacks Charisma drain, immediately begins to make
malevolence, scream of suicidal attacks on the
hopelessness, suicidal frenzy possessed body
with the body’s
Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int 6, own weaponry.
Wis 11, Cha 18 Each round,
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD the screamer
23 uses the body’s
Feats Flyby Attack, full attacks
Improved Initiative to direct its
Skills Fly +16, weaponry
Perception +6, against itself. It
Stealth +9 uses the possessed victim’s attack
and damage modifiers and must
Environment any only succeed on an attack against
Organization solitary, the body’s flat-footed armor class.
gang (2–4), or swarm Damage, including the possibility of
(6–11) critical hits, is rolled normally. Due to
Treasure none the inhabiting spirit, the possessed body
continues its attacks even between –1 and –9 hit
Charisma Drain (Su) points, though only single attacks can be made at
A screamer causes this point. If the possessed body is made helpless the
1d4 points of Charisma screamer departs to find another target. If the possessed
drain each time it hits body dies, the screamer’s spirit is destroyed as it goes to its
with its incorporeal final rest.
touch attack. On each
successful attack, it gains 5 These terrible undead are the remnant of soldiers who have fallen to
temporary hit points. the horrors of mass conflict and warfare. Whether each of these creatures
Malevolence (Su) Once per round, a screamer can is the remains of a single fallen soldier or a conglomerate of the scarred
merge its body with a creature on the Material Plane. This psyches of several such casualties remains up for debate, however what
ability is similar to a magic jar spell (caster level 10th or the is known as that all of these creatures harbor an unending hatred of the
screamer’s Hit Dice, whichever is higher), except that it does living and an unceasing quest for the release of death. These mutual
not require a receptacle. To use this ability the screamer drives combine to create a horrifying fate for all those unfortunate enough
must try to move into the target’s space; moving into the to encounter a screamer.
target’s space to use the malevolence ability does not A screamer retains no language.
provoke attacks of opportunity. The target can resist the In combat a screamer emits a continual piercing keen which rises in
attack with a successful DC 16 Will save, but the target adds volume and pitch to become its scream attack. It uses this in conjunction
(or subtracts) its Charisma modifier to this saving throw roll. with its charisma-draining touch to wear down its victim and make them
A creature that successfully saves is immune to that same susceptible to its malevolence attack. A screamer attack that is completely
screamer’s malevolence for 24 hours, and the screamer successful always ends in the creature’s own destruction.
cannot enter the target’s space. If the save fails, the
screamer vanishes into the target’s body. Screamers prefer Credit
to use this attack after having made several Charisma drain Original author Greg A. Vaughan
attacks to weaken a target’s resistance. The save DC is Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
Charisma-based. Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)

Tome of Horrors 4
Sea Serpent, Finback
This enormous creature is mottled green and has a dark green dorsal
fin that runs the length of its body. Its mouth opens to reveal hundreds of
razor-sharp teeth.


XP 51,200
CE Gargantuan magical beast (aquatic)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +10

AC 30, touch 9, flat-footed 27 (+3 Dex, +21

natural, –4 size)
hp 250 (20d10+140)
Fort +21; Ref +15; Will +6
Immune cold; Resist fire 30

Speed swim 60 ft., surge 500 ft.

Melee bite +28 (4d8+11/19–20 plus grab),
tail slap +22 (3d8+5 plus grab)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon
(60-ft. cone, 8d12 fire damage;
DC 27 Ref half, usable every
1d4 rounds), capsize, constrict
(3d8+11), swallow whole
(4d8+16 bludgeoning damage
plus 2d8 fire damage, AC 20,
hp 25)

Str 32, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 4, Wis

11, Cha 11
Base Atk +20; CMB +35 (+39
grapple); CMD 48 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Awesome Blow, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush,
Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Skill Focus (Stealth), Swim-By Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon
Focus (bite)
Skills Perception +10, Stealth +5, Swim +27
Languages Aquan (can’t speak)

Environment any oceans

Organization solitary
Treasure none

Breath Weapon (Su) The finback sea serpent’s breath

weapon is a cone of superheated steam and water.
Capsize (Ex) A finback sea serpent can attempt to capsize
a boat or ship of its size or smaller by ramming it as a charge
attack and making a combat maneuver check. The DC of
this check is 25 or the result of the boat captain’s Profession
(sailor) check, whichever is higher. have unknowingly entered its domain. Finbacks dine on large aquatic
Surge (Ex) A finback sea serpent can surge forward as a animals such as octopi, giant fish, and even krakens. Aquatic humanoids
full-round action at a speed of 500 feet. It must move in a are a delicacy as are land-based humanoids that sail their ships too close
straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity to a finback’s lair.
while surging. Finback sea serpents reach lengths of up to 60 feet and weigh close
to 5,000 pounds. Larger specimens are rumored to exist, but thankfully
Finback sea serpents make their lairs deep beneath the ocean’s waves none have been encountered thus far. Finback sea serpents are long, sleek
in undersea caverns, often killing the former owner to claim such a lair. creatures, usually grayish-green in color, with a large sail-like dorsal fin
Finbacks are malevolent creatures and take great pride in causing death spanning the length of its body.
and destruction. These legendary creatures are both feared and respected Finback sea serpents attack with a powerful breath weapon and
by sailors and seafarers. ferocious bite. When confronted by ship-sailing creatures, finbacks attack
Finbacks spend much of their time dormant in their watery lair. When the ship, attempting to capsize it and dump the crew into the water where
roused to action, it is most often to feed or to ward off trespassers that they are quickly disposed of.

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

This humanoid has the head of a seal with deep blue
eyes. Its mouth is lined with sharpened teeth.
XP 600
NE Medium magical beast
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
low-light vision, scent;
Perception +7

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)

hp 15 (2d10+4)
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +1
DR 5/cold iron

Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee short sword +4 (1d6), bite +4 (1d6)
Special Attacks gaze, weapon intuition

Str 11, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +4, Perception +7, Stealth +6,
Swim +12; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2
SQ change shape, hold breath, seal

Environment cold and temperate aquatic

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–6 plus 8–12 seals)
Treasure standard (short sword, other treasure)

Charm Gaze (Su) This ability functions as a charm person

spell (CL 3rd) and has a range of 30 feet. A creature making
a successful DC 12 Will save negates the effect. A creature
that succeeds on its saving throw cannot be affected by
the same sealwere’s charm gaze for one day. This is a mind-
affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Change Shape (Su) A sealwere has three forms. Its natural
form is that of a seal, but it can also take the form of a
human or human-seal hybrid. A sealwere’s human form is
fixed—it cannot assume different human forms. A sealwere
can only use its bite in hybrid or seal form. In seal form, it
functions as a seal. In its hybrid form, a sealwere can make
a bite attack as a secondary attack, while in human form
it lacks its bite entirely. A sealwere can shift into any of its
three alternate forms as a move action. Equipment does
not meld with the new form between human and hybrid
forms but does between those forms and its seal form.
Hold Breath (Ex) A sealwere in hybrid form can hold its Sealweres are anthropomorphs: animals that can take human or hybrid
breath for a number of minutes equal to 4 × its Constitution form. These creatures spend most of their time in seal form moving among
score before it risks drowning. normal animals of their kind. When hungry and on the hunt however, a
Seal Empathy (Ex) A sealwere can communicate and sealwere assumes human or hybrid form and stalks its prey, preferring to
empathize with seals, and can use Bluff as if it were attack from the shadows when possible.
Diplomacy to change a seal’s attitude, receiving a +4 racial A sealwere stands about 6 feet tall and weighs 150 pounds. Hair and eye
bonus to do so. color vary among individuals, but eyes are almost always a shade of blue.
Weapon Intuition (Ex) A sealwere is proficient with simple
and martial melee weapons.

Tome of Horrors 4
This sleek, aquatic mammal has a pair of flippered limbs, a powerful
tail, and a muzzle full of small sharp teeth.
XP 135
N Small animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)

hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +1

Speed 10 ft., swim 60 ft.

Melee bite +2 (1d4)

Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 10 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Perception +12, Swim +8; Racial Modifiers +4
SQ hold breath
Languages none

Environment any oceans

Organization solitary, pair, rookery (3–24)
Treasure none

Hold Breath (Ex) A seal can hold its breath for a number
of minutes equal to 6 × its Constitution score before it risks

Sleek-bodied aquatic mammals, seals spend the majority of their lives

in the water, whether in the harbors of tropical ports or amid wandering
icebergs. They prefer rocky beaches, upon which they rest, raise their
young, and dive to hunt fish, squid, sea birds, and other small aquatic
creatures. They are well known for their vocal communications consisting
of barks, grunts, and flipper slaps, traits that cause many humanoids to
remark on their intelligence and the ease with which they can be trained.

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Serpent Creeper
This large vine springs to life revealing a serpentine head with fanged
XP 1,200
N Large plant
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +11

AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size)

hp 51 (6d8+18 plus 6)
Fort +8; Ref +5; Will +3
Immune plant traits

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Melee bite +8 (1d8+7 plus acidic poison and grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks acidic poison, constrict (1d8+7)

Str 21, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Atk +4; CMB +10 (+14 grapple); CMD 23
(can’t be tripped)
Feats Power Attack, Stealthy, Toughness
Skills Climb +13, Disguise –2 (+10 as vine),
Escape Artist +5, Perception +11, Stealth +11;
Racial Modifiers +12 Disguise (as vine), +4
Perception, +4 Stealth
SQ lure

Environment temperate and warm forests

Organization solitary or grove (2–6)
Treasure incidental

Acidic Poison (Ex) The bite of a serpent creeper deals

1d6 points of acid damage initially and 1d2 points of acid
damage each round thereafter. A DC 16 Fortitude saving
throw or a DC 16 Heal check ends the ongoing acid
damage. Multiple bites are cumulative. The save DC and
check DC are both Constitution-based.
Lure (Ex) A serpent creeper has a special air sac in its
throat that it can turn inside out. By doing so, the air sac
appears to be a piece of low-hanging fruit. A serpent
creeper uses this ruse to draw its prey in closer.
When a serpent creeper does this, it gains a +8
bonus on Disguise checks beyond its normal
racial bonus.

Serpent creepers are dangerous carnivorous plants

that resemble 12-foot long pythons. When at rest, their
green and brown coloration and the leafy patterns
on their scales make them hard to distinguish from
ordinary vines. Whether these creatures are naturally
occurring or some weird magical cross of serpent and
plant is unknown.
Serpent creepers are typically 12–15 feet long. Their
bodies are green and brown scales covered with various
leaf-like patterns to aid them in their camouflage. Some serpent serpent creeper hangs from a tree and puffs out its air sac, disguising it
creepers can change the color of their scales slightly to better match as a fruit indigenous to the local area. When prey moves in to examine
their surroundings, adding to the ruse. Young serpent creepers are rarely or pluck the fruit, the serpent creeper springs to life and quickly coils
encountered, but have been spotted. They appear as smaller versions around the target while biting it. Slain prey is dragged to a safe place and
of the adults, about 3 feet long. Reproduction and life cycles of serpent devoured over the course of several hours. An unfinished meal is left to
creepers are unknown. forest scavengers. Serpent creepers have a particular like for the flesh of
Serpent creepers are quintessential ambush hunters. When hunting, a goblins and halflings.

Tome of Horrors 4
Sewer Sludge (Spawn of Dungie)
Suddenly, the pile of sewage rises up and extends a long brown
pseudopod dripping with vulgar fluids.
SEWER SLUDGE CR 3 Spawn of Dungie
XP 800
The origin of sewer sludges was unknown until recently.
N Medium ooze (aquatic)
Diligent research by a curious adventurer named Bilark Weterson
Init +0; Senses blindsight 30 ft.; Perception –5
finally tracked down where these creatures came from, and the
Aura stench (10 ft., DC 17)
news was not good at all. Weterson realized that sewer sludges
first appeared in cities often frequented by travelers returning from
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural)
a certain famous dungeon. Following a hunch, he investigated
hp 38 (4d8+20)
and was never heard from again. Weterson’s diary was recently
Fort +6; Ref +1; Will -4
uncovered in a used book store in Bard’s Gate, and in it were
Immune cold, electricity, ooze traits
discovered his theories about sewer sludges.
It is known that in the upper levels of the dungeon known as
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Rappan Athuk there exists a creature called the Dung Monster.
Melee slam +6 (1d8+4 plus disease and grab)
The good news is that the Dung Monster, nicknamed ‘Dungie’ by
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+4)
those few who have survived an encounter with that it, is content
to remain in Rappan Athuk and not venture into the outside world.
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 20, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
The bad news is that Dungie has begun to reproduce.
Base Atk +3; CMB +6 (+10 grapple); CMD 16 (can’t be
Once every few years, Dungie grows odd nodules on its surface.
These nodules continue to bud until they fall away and take on a
Skills Climb +11, Swim +11
life of their own. Sometimes, a bud finds its way outside of Rappan
SQ amphibious, camouflage
Athuk, either on its own or hidden in the packs and clothing of
weary adventurers as they exit the dungeon. If undetected, these
Environment any
buds drop out into the sewers of the great cities of the world
Organization solitary or smattering (2–5)
and grow into sewer sludges. Fortunately, sewer sludges remain
Treasure none
mindless oozes as they age. Were they to mature into adhesive,
shape-changing, immortal monsters like their progenitor, the
Camouflage (Ex) Since a sewer sludge looks like normal
world might surely be doomed!
sludge when at rest, a DC 20 Perception check is required to
notice it before it attacks for the first time. Anyone with ranks
in Survival or Knowledge (dungeoneering) can use either of
those skills instead of Perception to notice the ooze.
Cold Immunity (Ex) A sewer sludge hit by a cold-based
attack takes no damage. However, if the amount of
damage it would have otherwise taken exceeds its
Constitution score, the sewer sludge is slowed (as the slow
spell) for 1d6 rounds.
Disease (Ex) Filth fever: Slam—contact; save DC 17 Fort;
onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage
and 1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save
DC is Constitution-based.
Stench Aura (Ex) Creatures entering the area must succeed
on a DC 17 Fortitude save or be sickened for as long as they
remain in the area and for 1d4 rounds after leaving it. The
save DC is Constitution-based.

A sewer sludge is a disgusting ooze that resembles nothing more than

a filthy pile of sewage. They lurk in the sewer and waste-water systems
of large cities, usually content to feed on rats and refuse that filters down
from the streets overhead.
A sewer sludge is a globular mass about 4 feet across, and weighing
100 pounds.
Sewer sludges are almost always hungry, and do not hesitate to attack
prey larger than themselves. A sewer sludge’s usual method of attack is to
glom onto the body of a creature struck by its pseudopod, grip it tightly,
and liquefy its flesh by releasing acidic digestive enzymes.

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Shadow Hunter
The shadow hunter is a great, dark serpent that dwells in deep caverns SHADOW HUNTER HATCHLINGS CR 2
beneath the earth, where it hunts dark elves and other Medium to Large
sized creatures. An adult specimen is over 40 ft. long and nearly 5 ft. thick XP 600
in its midsection. In bright light it can be seen to be covered with non- N Medium magical beast
reflective black scales, and its underbelly is the dark red of clotted blood. Init +1; Senses darkvision 30 ft., low-light vision, scent,
Shadow hunters have the supernatural ability to blend in with shadows, tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception +9
both to protect themselves and to stalk and ambush prey. Unlike normal
snakes, shadow hunters often work in groups of two or three to corner AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural)
prey in passages. hp 22 (3d10+3)
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +1
SHADOW HUNTER CR 8 Defensive Abilities shadowblend
XP 4,800
N Huge magical beast Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 20 ft.
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, Melee bite +6 (1d4+4 plus poison plus grab)
tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +12
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 3
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, –2 size) Base Atk +3; CMB +6 (+10 to grapple); CMD 17 (can’t be
hp 76 (8d10+32) tripped)
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +4 Feats Ability Focus (poison), Skill Focus (Perception)
Defensive Abilities shadowblend Skills Climb +11, Perception +7, Stealth +6 (+16 in dimly lit &
unlit areas), Swim +11; Racial Modifiers +10 racial bonus on
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 30 ft. Stealth checks in areas of dim or no light.
Melee bite +14 (1d8+10 plus poison plus grab) SQ hunt by scent
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Environment underground
Str 24, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 3 Organization solitary, or nest (5–8 hatchlings)
Base Atk +8; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 29 (can’t be Treasure standard
Feats Ability Focus (poison), Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 14 Fort; frequency 1/
Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (bite) round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Constitution damage; cure 2
Skills Climb +15, Perception +12, Stealth +4 (+14 in dimly lit & consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
unlit areas), Swim +15; Racial Modifiers +10 racial bonus on Hunt by Scent (Ex) Shadow hunters are expert at tracking
Stealth checks in areas of dim or no light. prey through the dim warrens where they dwell. They can
SQ hunt by scent track using their Perception skill in place of Survival.
Shadowblend (Su) In areas of dim and no light, shadow
Environment underground hunters gain improved concealment; there is a 40% miss
Organization solitary, pair, trio, or nest (1–3 adults and 5–8 chance when attacking one in such conditions.
Treasure standard Credit
Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded (©
Shadowblend (Su) In areas of dim and no light, shadow Necromancer Games, 2006)
hunters gain improved concealment; there is a 40% miss
chance when attacking one in such conditions.
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 20 Fort; frequency 1/
round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Constitution damage; cure 2
consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Hunt by Scent (Ex) Shadow hunters are expert at tracking
prey through the dim warrens where they dwell. They can
track using their Perception skill in place of Survival.

Shadow hunters generally prefer to hunt in networks of twisting

passages that allow them to move around their intended prey, or even
approach it from multiple directions. They are particularly fond of elf
flesh, but eats any Small to Large creature as long as it is living, organic,
and animal-based (i.e., not a plant or fungus). When they attack, they
prefer to strike and envenom their prey, holding on and chewing the
poison into their opponent until it stops struggling. If there is more than
one foe present, they do not try to grab their prey, preferring to strike at
those that threaten it, retreating if need be to return later to consume
their hopefully dead prey.

Tome of Horrors 4
Shadow Wing
This giant creature seemingly composed of the night itself resembles a Shadow wings are nocturnal predators formed of inky blackness that
mix of hawk and manta ray. resemble a cross between a giant hawk and giant tailless manta ray. They
are fierce hunters, and once prey is sighted, shadow wings are relentless in
SHADOW WING CR 8 their pursuit. A typical shadow wing hunter claims a territory in a 5 mile
XP 4,800 radius around its lair. To the shadow wing, any living creature entering
N Large magical beast this area is fair game.
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., superior low-light vision; The common shadow wing makes its lair within a secluded and hard to
Perception +18 reach cave high in mountainous regions. A typical nest contains 2 adults
and 1d4 newborns or 2d4 eggs. Shadow wing eggs are blackish-blue in
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+5 Dex, +9 natural, –1 size) color and soft and leathery to the touch.
hp 95 (10d10+40) Shadow wings prefer to scout for food under the cover of darkness
Fort +11; Ref +12; Will +4 when their shadow blend ability is the most useful. Using its superior
vision it almost always sights its target before they ever know the shadow
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) wing is there. Prey is killed and either devoured on the spot or carried
Melee bite +13 (2d6+4), 2 wings +8 (1d8+2 plus poison) back to the lair.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. A shadow wing measures 9 feet long and has a wingspan of 20 feet. Its
Special Attacks shadow blend body is composed of darkness and shadowstuff and it resembles a manta
ray with a hawk’s head. Its beak is formed of the same inky blackness as
Str 19, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 11 the rest of its form. Other than two piercing red eyes no other discernible
Base Atk +10; CMB +15; CMD 30 features can be made out in its form. Shadow wings speak with a low,
Feats Alertness, Greater Flyby Attack, Flyby Attack, Power raspy voice.
Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth) A shadow wing attacks by swooping low at an opponent and slashing it
Skills Fly +8, Perception +18, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +11 with its wings or stabbing with its beak. Since most attacks instigated by
(+19 in darkness); Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Stealth shadow wings occur under the cover of darkness, they use their shadow
in darkness blend ability to conceal themselves from their foes.
Languages Auran, Common

Environment temperate mountains

Organization solitary, flock (2–5), or roost (3–6)
Treasure none

Poison (Ex) Wing—injury; save DC 19 Fort; frequency 1/

round for 6 rounds; effect 1d6 Strength damage; cure 2
consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Shadow Blend (Su) During any conditions other than bright
light, a shadow wing can disappear into the shadows as
a move-equivalent action, effectively becoming invisible.
Artificial illumination or light spells of 2nd level or lower do
not negate this ability.
Superior Low-Light Vision (Ex) A shadow wing can see five
times as far as a human in dim light.

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Shark, Swordtooth
This giant gray shark opens its great mouth to reveal multiple rows of
dagger-like teeth.
XP 800
N Large animal (aquatic)
Init +5; Senses blindsense 60 ft., keen scent, low-light vision;
Perception +10

AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +6 natural,–1 size)

hp 39 (6d8+12)
Fort +9; Ref +6; Will +3

Speed swim 60 ft.

Melee bite +8 (2d6+8/18–20 plus bleed)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks bleed (1d6, DC 15)

Str 19, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 20
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative,
Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Perception +10, Swim +12

Environment any oceans and underground

Organization solitary, school (2–5), or pack (6–9)
Treasure incidental

Keen Scent (Ex) A swordtooth shark can notice creatures by

scent in a 180-foot radius underwater and can detect blood
in the water at ranges of up to a mile.
Savage Bite (Ex) A swordtooth shark applies twice its
Strength bonus to damage dealt with its bite attack, and it
threatens a critical hit on an 18–20.

Swordtooth sharks are highly aggressive carnivores that spend most

of their time hunting and killing. Swordtooth sharks are found in both
freshwater and saltwater, and while most dwell in the large expanse of the
world’s oceans, some take to underground rivers and lakes where the fish
are plentiful and other predators are rare. Swordtooth sharks, like their
brethren, are pure killing machines, highly aggressive when hungry, and
extremely territorial. A typical swordtooth’s territory can cover several
square miles.
Swordtooths, like some other sharks, are not required to be in perpetual
motion. They often rest on the bottom of the ocean’s floors staying
motionless for up to 24 hours. When resting, a swordtooth is highly attuned
to its surroundings and always has its eyes open and focused on anything
moving near it. Because of their resting habits, some swordtooths have
developed ambush tactics, lying in wait on the ocean floor for prey to
swim nearby before striking with blinding speed.
The average swordtooth shark is 10 feet long and weighs 350 pounds,
but can grow to lengths of up to 20 feet and weigh over 500 pounds.
A swordtooth shark has three rows of razor-sharp teeth, pointed lower
teeth for gripping its prey and serrated upper teeth for tearing flesh and
muscle. Smaller prey is usually swallowed whole, while large prey is torn
into large chunks before being eaten. Occasionally a swordtooth is cut
open and a small amount of treasure spills out; remnants of a previously
digested meal. A swordtooth has an average lifespan of 20–30 years while
those that have migrated underground have an average lifespan of roughly
20–25 years.

Tome of Horrors 4
Shattered Soul, Impaled Spirit
This ghostly spirit’s face is twisted in eternal torment. The creature impaled, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, checks,
clutches a translucent spear-like pole. and saves from the pain until freed.
An impaled creature can be freed if the ghostly spike
holding the victim is destroyed or pulled from the ground.
XP 9,600 The ghostly spike is AC 20, hp 20, hardness 10. Corporeal
CE Medium undead (incorporeal) creatures cannot pull the spike from the ground but can
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft.; attack it with magic weapons. Normal weapons have no
Perception +17 effect. Ethereal creatures can attack the spike with normal
Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.) weapons or remove it from the ground with a successful
DC 21 Strength check. A heal, holy word, wish, or miracle
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 15 (+5 deflection, +1 spell destroys the ghostly spike instantly. The save DC is
dodge, +3 Dex) Charisma-based.
hp 126 (12d8+60 plus 12) Lifesense (Su) An impaled spirit notices and locates
Fort +9; Ref +7; Will +12 living creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal; blindsight ability.
Immune undead traits Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals do not willingly
approach within 30 feet of an impaled spirit, unless a
Speed fly 60 ft. (good) master makes a DC 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild
Melee incorporeal spike +12 (1d8 plus impale soul) or empathy check.
incorporeal touch +12 (1d8 plus sickened)
Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with incorporeal spike) Shattered souls are the
Special Attacks impale soul ghostly spirits of living
beings executed through
Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 21 brutal torture: impalement,
Base Atk +9; CMB +12; CMD 31 disembowelment, or worse. Their
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved souls having not entirely departed the
Initiative, Iron Will, Toughness Material Plane, they have risen to seek
Skills Fly +22, Intimidate +20, Knowledge vengeance on the living, particularly clerics or
(religion) +17, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, other divine spellcasters whom they blame for having
Stealth +18 forsaken them and allowed them to die in such a ghastly
Languages Common manner.
Impaled spirits are the ghostly remains of living beings
Environment any executed through impalement; a brutally slow and extremely
Organization solitary painful form of execution.
Treasure standard Impaled spirits are most often encountered above
ground in or near the place of their execution; rarely are
Impale Soul (Su): An they found anywhere else. They are completely oblivious
impaled spirit carries to everything but pain, and seek to inflict as much on
an incorporeal version a living creature as is inhumanly possible. They hold
of the spike that caused its death, a 10-foot long spear-like no memories of their former life, save the pain and
instrument. On a successful melee attack with this spike, suffering they endured at their time of execution.
the target must succeed on a DC 21 Will save or have its Am impaled spirit appears as a translucent humanoid
soul impaled on the ghostly implement. A ghostly duplicate floating a few feet above the ground carrying a 10-foot
of the impaling instrument and its victim now impaled on long ghostly spike or spear. It makes no noise, though
the spike appear planted in the ground within 5 feet of the it almost seems to be trying to cry out in agony; a
target. A thin silvery cord connects the translucent, impaled silent reminder of the pain endured as the impalement
creature with its corporeal self. Another thin silvery cord spike pierced its internal organs while it was dying. Its
connects the ghostly impalement back to the impaled spirit. eyes are glossy white.
This attack deals 1d6 points of Constitution drain initially An impaled spirit hates all living creatures and attacks any it encounters.
and 1 point of Constitution drain each round thereafter until Though it can use its incorporeal touch attack, it prefers to attack with its
the creature dies or is freed. Each round an impaled victim incorporeal spike, attempting to impale its foes. An impaled creature is
takes Constitution drain, the impaled spirit connected to it left to die an agonizing death. The impaled spirit turns its attention to
gains 5 temporary hit points. An impaled creature cannot another foe, attempting to repeat the process. Much like other shattered
move more than 10 feet from the spot where its soul is souls, an impaled spirit hates clerics and attacks them first.

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Silverfish, Giant Silverfish Swarm

This giant insect is about 6 feet long with silver scales. This mass of flattened, silver insects moves forward in a wriggling, fish-
like motion.
N Medium vermin XP 4,800
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +0 N Fine vermin (swarm)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +0
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 22 (3d8+9) AC 24, touch 21, flat-footed 21 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +8 size)
Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +1 hp 105 (14d8+42)
Immune mind-affecting effects Fort +12; Ref +7; Will +4
Defensive Abilities swarm traits, vermin traits; Immune mind-
Speed 30 ft. affecting effects, weapon damage
Melee bite +3 (1d6+1 plus 1d6 acid)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 16, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2 Melee swarm (3d6 plus distraction and 3d6 acid)
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16 (20 vs. trip) Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 20)
Environment temperate and warm forests, underground,
and urban Str 1, Dex 16, Con 16, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Organization solitary, gang (2–5), or infestation (6–15) Base Atk +10; CMB —; CMD —
Treasure none
Environment temperate and warm forests, underground,
Acid (Ex) A giant silverfish’s acid does not harm metal or and urban
stone. Organization solitary, pair, or infestation (3–6)
Treasure none
These creatures are thought to be one of the oldest insects in the world.
Silverfish live in and around dark, damp places replete with moisture but Silverfish swarms are highly destructive creatures, consuming anything
can wander into any environment when hunting. These nocturnal hunters and everything they encounter.
consume just about anything they come across, including using their acid
to break down bits of paper and small wooden objects to extract what
nutrients they can from the material.
Giant silverfish appear as almost flattened insects tapered at one end,
giving them a fish-like appearance. Their scales are grayish-silver in color
and their tails are composed of equal-length bristles that trail behind them
as they move. They use their long antennae to sense their environment.
Giant silverfish can grow to lengths of 8 feet or so, though most are around
6 feet long. Their typical lifespan is up to 8 years.
Giant silverfish avoid combat most of the time unless they are hunting.
When attacking, they prefer to attack from ambush, either springing from a
secluded location to attack or dropping on unsuspecting prey from above.

Tome of Horrors 4
Sirene Flower
This creature appears as an animated plant with a flowering base and flower emits a pleasant odor noticeable to a range of 30 feet. They are
several writhing stalks each topped with flowers of red, amber, gold, most often found in dense forests near other plants where they sit waiting
silver, bronze, and purple. for prey to move within range. Typical prey for a sirine flower includes
small birds, rodents, and other such creatures. Such creatures supply the
SIRINE FLOWER CR 3 sirine flower with sustenance for a time, but in order to gain the nutrients
XP 800 it needs to sustain it, the sirine flower must kill an intelligent creature and
N Medium plant feed on its essence.
Init +4; Senses blindsight 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +9 The sirine flower typically stands about 5 feet tall from base to the tip
of its stalks. They can grow to a height of nearly 10 feet, though flowers
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 natural) this large are uncommon at best. The base of a sirine flower is a thick,
hp 32 (5d8+10) leathery, brown-colored sac about 2 feet in diameter, located just beneath
Fort +8; Ref +1; Will +2 the surface of the ground. Strong, thick roots grow in all directions from
Immune plant traits; Resist fire 5 the base, reaching lengths of 5 to 6 feet. Above ground, a thick clump of
leaves grows from the base of the plant. From these leaves a series of 6 to
Speed 10 ft. 10 stalks reach upward. Each stalk is thick, slightly coarse and leathery to
Melee 4 tendrils +6 (1d4+2 plus grab) the touch with many small leaves and flowers growing from it. Flowers
Special Attacks charming song, essence drain are red, amber, gold, silver, bronze, purple, or gray. Hidden among the
base leaves and stalks are the creature’s four tendrils which it uses to
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14 ensnare its prey. The tendrils, like the stalks, are grayish-brown in color.
Base Atk +3; CMB +5 (+9 grapple); CMD 15 The sirine flower begins combat using its charm ability to lure its
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus prey in where it can attack with its tendrils. Once an opponent is within
(tendril) range, it lashes out, attempting to grab the foe with its tendrils. A grabbed
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +8 (+18 in undergrowth); Racial opponent is held and drained of its Intelligence until it escapes, is slain,
Modifiers +10 Stealth (in undergrowth) or rendered unconscious (and helpless). Unconscious foes are slain and
Languages Common (cannot speak) devoured by the sirine flower’s roots but only if all other attackers have
been slain, rendered unconscious, or fled. If the sirine flower still faces
Environment temperate forests or marshes aggressors, it turns its attention to them. Only when
Organization solitary, pair, or grove (3–5) all are defeated or fled, does the sirine flower
Treasure incidental digest its meal.

Charming Song (Su) Sirine flowers emit a soothing and

tranquil humming in a 60-foot radius that resembles music
or birds singing. Those hearing the song must succeed on
a DC 16 Will save or become captivated by the sound. A
creature that successfully saves is not subject to the same
sirine flower’s song for one day. A victim under the effects
of this ability moves toward the sirine flower using the most
direct means available. If the path leads them into a
dangerous area such as through fire or off a
cliff, that creature receives a second saving
throw to end the effect before moving
into peril. Captivated creatures
can take no actions other than to
defend themselves. A victim within
5 feet of the sirine flower simply
stands and offers no resistance
to the sirine flower’s attacks. This
effect continues for as long as
the sirine flower sings and for
1 round thereafter. This is a
sonic mind-affecting charm
effect. The save DC is
and includes a +2
Essence Drain (Su) A
grabbed creature
takes normal damage
plus 1d2 points of
Intelligence damage
each round until it escapes.

Sirine flowers are sentient, slow-moving,

flesh-eating, 5-foot tall flowers with
many thick stalks and leaves. The

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Skin Feaster
This hideous creature is almost completely skinless. Its rotting muscles planning its next meal.
and sinew are clearly visible as it moves. Its hands end in filthy claws and Skin feasters stand about 6 feet tall and generally weigh 150–180
its eyes are hollow sockets. pounds.
A skin feaster slashes at its opponents with its razor-sharp fingernails,
SKIN FEASTER CR 2 flaying off chunks of flesh with each strike. Skin feasters are so overcome
XP 600 with agony that they often stop in the middle of combat to devour any
CE Medium undead flesh they manage to tear away from their victims.
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 natural)

hp 26 (4d8+8)
Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +6
Immune undead traits
Weaknesses flesh consumption

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d6+1 plus necrotic touch)

Str 12, Dex 16, Con —, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 15

Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +6, Perception +7, Stealth +8
Languages Common
SQ skin regrowth

Environment any
Organization solitary or gang (2–7)
Treasure incidental

Flesh Consumption (Ex) A skin feaster that successfully

deals Constitution damage to a living humanoid creature
must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or spend its next turn
devouring the flesh that has fallen from that opponent. It
takes no other actions during this time but can defend itself
normally. It consumes an amount of flesh equal to 3 points of
Constitution damage (or drain) each round.
Necrotic Touch (Su) The touch of a skin feaster deals 1d3
points of Constitution damage if the target fails a DC
14 Fortitude save. If the save fails by 5 or more, 1 point is
actually Constitution drain instead. The save DC is Charisma-
Skin Regrowth (Su) If a skin feaster manages to consume an
amount of flesh equal to 6 points of Constitution damage in
any 24-hour period, it begins to regrow its skin. The process
requires 1d6 hours and for the next 1d3 days thereafter, the
skin feaster appears just as it did before its death. During this
time, the skin feaster loses its flesh consumption weakness
and appears human (though it is still undead). Once this
period ends, the skin feaster’s skin sloughs off, restoring it to
its original appearance.

When a humanoid dies as a result of being skinned alive, it often returns

to the land of the living as a skin feaster; an undead creature driven by
an insatiable hunger for the skin and flesh of living creatures. Only by
consuming living flesh can a skin feaster relieve itself of the burning pain
of its raw muscles and nerves.
Skin feasters often make their lairs near populated areas where meals
are plentiful. The lair itself is usually a nearby cave complex or ruined and
abandoned buildings; places that allow the skin feaster to remain hidden,
yet keep it close enough to feed when hungry. Skin feaster raids into
towns and villages almost always occur at night. While they occasionally
consume the flesh of cattle and other small game, they prefer the flesh
of humanoids above all others; it’s also the only way a skin feaster can
regrow its flesh. During times when a skin feaster has regrown its skin,
it moves around villages and towns, mingling among living creatures,

Tome of Horrors 4
Skull Child
This small child’s head is a pathetic skinless skull with gnashing teeth youngster who mixes with other, more normal children. At night however,
and blazing red eyes. its true demeanor becomes all too apparent. As the sun sinks below the
horizon, the flesh retreats from the head of a skull child, revealing a bare
SKULL CHILD CR 4 skull with blazing eye sockets and sharp, needle-like teeth. The rest of the
XP 1,200 creature’s body becomes putrid and rotten. A skull child feeds on the life
NE Small undead force of other living creatures, draining the essence of its victims, though
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 only at night. A skull child often poses as an orphan in order to be taken
in by a well-meaning and unsuspecting family, while other skull children
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, operate in gangs as destitute children in larger cities.
+1 natural, +1 size) A skull child seeks to insinuate itself into groups of children,
hp 26 (4d8+8) camouflaging itself among the living and slowing preying upon them,
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +4 one by one. It is not known whether a skull child prefers to stalk children
Immune undead traits in order to create more of its own kind or simply because children are far
easier targets than adults.
Speed 20 ft. Skull children stand between 2 and 4 feet tall, and weigh about 30 to
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d4/19–20 plus energy drain), bite +6 (1d6 60 pounds.
plus weakness) Skull children prefer to avoid combat if possible, all too aware that
Special Attacks create spawn, energy drain (1 level, DC 14), their small forms are unsuited to melee. When forced to fight, however,
terrifying gaze, vicious claws, weakness they attack with their bony claws and a vicious bite.

Str 10, Dex 15, Con —, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 15

Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +13, Climb +5, Perception +7, Stealth +11; Racial
Modifiers +4 Bluff (Bluff is always a class skill)
Languages Common
SQ daylight powerlessness, masquerade

Environment any land

Organization solitary or gang (2–7)
Treasure none

Create Spawn (Su) A juvenile humanoid slain

by a skull child rises the following night as a
free-willed skull child. A bless spell cast on the
body before that time ceases the transformation.
Adults and non-humanoids killed by a skull child do
not rise as undead.
Daylight Powerlessness (Su) A skull child’s energy
drain, create spawn, terrifying gaze, and
weakness abilities only function after sunset.
Masquerade (Su) Between the hours of dawn
and dusk, it is impossible to tell a skull child from
another, normal, child of the race it is posing as. Any
form of detection, such as detect undead reveals nothing.
True seeing or similar spells show a dark haze around a skull
child during the day but nothing else. Additionally, Bluff is
always a class skill for a skull child.
Terrifying Gaze (Su) Any living creature that meets the gaze
of a skull child must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be
shaken for 1d4 rounds. Creatures with more than 5 HD are
immune to this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Vicious Claws (Su) The claws of a skull child are
supernaturally sharp. A skull child threatens a critical on a
19–20 with its claw attack.
Weakness (Su) The bite of a skull child deals 1d4 points of
Constitution damage on a successful hit unless the target
succeeds on a DC 14 Fortitude save. A creature dies if
this Constitution damage equals or exceeds its actual
Constitution score. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Skull children are small and pathetic but sadistic undead creatures,
often spoken of in folklore and myth, though few actually believe in
their existence. By day, a skull child is virtually indiscernible from any
humanoid child of its size and apparent age. It appears as a happy, playful

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

These rodents have a long three to four foot long snakelike body covered
in fur, with four almost vestigial legs on each side. The long body tapers
into a rat-like tail at the end, adding another foot to the creature’s overall
length. The head, although large, is clearly that of a giant rat; but the long
front teeth glitter, for they are made of thin, sharp diamond.
XP 800
N Medium animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +4

AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 natural)

hp 25 (4d8+4)
Fort +5; Ref +7; Will +2

Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.

Melee bite +6 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks diamond teeth

Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13,

Cha 4
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16 (20
against trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception),
Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +8, Perception +4, Stealth
+8; Racial Modifiers uses Dex to modify
SQ pass through crystal

Environment any underground

Organization solitary or cache (2–12)
Treasure none

Diamond Teeth (Ex) Because the teeth are

so hard and sharp, a slitherrat’s bite attack
bypasses all hardness and deals 1d6+1
Pass Through Crystal (Ex) Slitherrats may pass through
crystal and similar gemstone-like materials as if they were
not even present, leaving no trace of their passage.

Slitherrats are a bizarre variant of the giant rat, sometimes found in

places with heavy crystalline mineral deposits. These strange creatures
use their teeth to dig through earth and solid rock when they encounter
such obstacles.

Original author Matthew J. Finch
Originally appearing in The Spire of Iron and Crystal (© Frog
God Games/Matthew J. Finch, 2011)

Tome of Horrors 4
Slug, Dimensional
This gigantic brownish-gray slug drips acid from its shimmering form. at a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take
damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape.
DIMENSIONAL SLUG CR 10 The save DC is Strength-based.
XP 9,600 Ethereal Ambush (Ex) A dimensional slug that attacks foes
N Huge magical beast on the Material Plane in a surprise round can take a full
Init +2; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +10 round of actions if it begins the combat by phasing into the
Material Plane from the Ethereal Plane.
AC 25, touch 7, flat-footed 24 (–2 Dex, +1 dodge, Ethereal Jaunt (Su) A dimensional slug can shift from the
+18 natural, –2 size) Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as a free action, and
hp 126 (12d10+60) shift back again as a move action (or as part of a move
Fort +15; Ref +6; Will +7 action). The ability is otherwise identical to ethereal jaunt
Defensive Abilities ethereal jaunt; DR 10/slashing or piercing; (CL 15th).
Immune acid Spit Acid (Ex) A dimensional slug can spit acid at an
Weaknesses vulnerability to salt opponent within 60 feet (no range increment). With a
successful ranged touch attack, the target takes 12d6 points
Speed 20 ft. of acid damage (no save).
Melee tongue +20 (2d10+10 plus 2d8 acid) Malleable (Ex) A dimensional slug’s body is very malleable,
Ranged spit +8 (12d6 acid) allowing it to fit into narrow areas with ease. A dimensional
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. slug takes no penalty to its speed or checks when squeezing
Special Attacks crush, ethereal ambush in an area that is one size category smaller than its actual
size (10 feet wide for most dimensional slugs). A dimensional
Str 31, Dex 6, Con 20, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 10 slug can squeeze normally through an area two size
Base Atk +12; CMB +24; CMD 33 (can’t be tripped) categories smaller than its actual size (5 feet wide for most
Feats DodgeB, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved dimensional slugs).
Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth) Vulnerability to Salt (Ex) A handful of salt burns a
Skills Climb +14, Perception +10, Stealth +1 dimensional slug as if the salt were a flask of acid, causing
SQ malleable 1d6 points of damage per use.

Environment any underground Dimensional slugs are offshoots of giant slugs that now dwell in the
Organization solitary Ethereal Plane. They feed upon the detritus, which is sometimes drawn
Treasure none into the ether, and occasionally shift themselves into the Material Plane to
feed. These creatures detest phase spiders and attack them on sight.
Crush (Ex) A dimensional slug can rear up and fall on its A dimensional slug commonly attacks by spraying acid and crushing its
opponents, affecting as many Medium or smaller size opponents. If combat is going poorly for a dimensional slug, it shifts back
opponents as it can cover. Opponents in the affected to the Ethereal Plane.
area must succeed on a DC 26 Reflex save or be pinned,
automatically taking 2d8+15 points of bludgeoning damage
during the next round unless the creature moves off them.
If the creature chooses to maintain the pin, it must succeed

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Sojourner of the Sea

This metallic construct appears as a crudely rendered statue of a any hold effect on the sojourner and heals 1 point of
human male, with fully articulated joints. Though its facial features are damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would
nothing more than vague shapes with little definition, its torso is carved otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the
with an intricate pattern of runes. Along the area of its left “thigh” is a sojourner to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any
long silvery abrasion, perhaps the result of some ancient battle. excess as temporary hit points. A sojourner gets no saving
throw against cold effects.
SOJOURNER OF THE SEA CR 15 A sojourner is unaffected by rust attacks, such as those of a
XP 51,200 rust monster or a rusting grasp spell.
N Medium construct Powerful Blows (Ex) A sojourner deals one and a half times
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; its Strength modifier and threatens a critical hit on a 19–20
Perception +0 with its slam attacks.
Resilient (Ex) A sojourner gains bonus hit points as a
AC 30, touch 10, flat-footed 30 (+20 natural) construct as if it were two sizes larger.
hp 150 (20d10+40)
Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +6 This metal construct, known as the sojourner of the sea, is believed
DR 20/—; Immune construct traits (+40 hp), magic to be one of a kind, and for that the civilized world is thankful. The
sojourner is a man-shaped machine that constantly walks the ocean
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 20 ft. floor on an unknown quest, destroying anything that attempts to sway
Melee 2 slams +28 (2d8+12/19–20) it from its inexorable path.
Special Attacks aquatic combat, aquatic The sojourner was given its name by a maritime explorer
entangle who encountered it, fought it, and retreated with his life
to tell the tale. No one knows the sojourner’s real name,
Str 27, Dex 11, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, or even if it has one. The sojourner is fashioned from a
Cha 10 special, highly resilient metal of unknown origin, its
Base Atk +20; CMB +28; CMD 38 power source hidden somewhere deep inside its nearly
Skills Climb +16 impregnable frame. It continuously and unstoppably walks
SQ resilient the lightless ocean floor, having traversed thousands of
miles since it was first spotted years ago. So far it has
Environment any oceans proven indestructible. Its purpose remains a mystery.
Organization solitary The symbols on its torso are as inscrutable as the
Treasure none sojourner itself.
During its endless trek along the sea bed, if the
Aquatic Combat (Ex) A sojourner suffers no sojourner encounters an obstacle it cannot pass
penalties when fighting underwater. through or climb over, it walks around the obstacle’s
Aquatic Entangle (Su) Once every four rounds, perimeter or burrows beneath it, regardless of the
a sojourner can animate the local sea flora to distance required. It descends into the deepest ocean
entrap its opponents. This ability functions as an trenches and slowly advances up the far side. If a living
entangle spell (Reflex DC 20 partial; CL 20th). being attempts to impede its progress, the sojourner
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A sojourner is immune to attacks without hesitation, though it never initiates
spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. combat until it is touched or attacked. The unrelenting
Certain spells and effects function differently against sojourner of the sea cannot swim. The creature is
it, as noted below. immune to the corroding and rusting effects of water.
A magic missile paralyzes a sojourner (as the hold In combat the sojourner is mindless, fearless, and
person spell) for 1 minute, with no saving throw. unremitting. Once battle commences, the sojourner does
A magical attack that deals cold damage breaks not relent until all opponents are eliminated or have fled.

Tome of Horrors 4
Soul Knight
A suit of blackened ornamental armor houses two red orbs where eyes
should be, and a cold malignance emanates from the creature like an evil
XP 2,400
NE medium undead
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
Aura fear (30 ft., DC 17)

AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+9 armor, +2 Dex,

+1 Dodge)
hp 68 (9d8+27)
Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +6
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk greatsword +12/+7 (2d6+6/19–20)

Str 18, Dex 14, Con —, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 21
Feats Dodge, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword),
Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes
Skills Climb +10, Intimidate +15, Perception +12, Knowledge
(religion) +12
SQ animated dead
Gear masterwork plate armor, masterwork greatsword

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure (masterwork full plate, masterwork weapon, other

Fear Aura (Su) The soul knight projects a fear aura that
functions like the fear spell within a 30 ft. radius. Affected
creatures must make a DC 17 Will save to resist the effect.
Use of this ability is a free action. This save is Charisma-

A soul knight is a suit of armor animated by the lingering soul of an evil

knight, cursed to undeath as punishment for having committed betrayal,
murder or other crimes. The evil spirit continues to inhabit its old armor,
repeating the deeds that brought about the living knight’s ruin.
Soul knights seek out those that remind them of their past station
(good clerics, paladins, etc.) and attack those foes first in combat.

Original author Mark R. Shipley
Originally appearing in The Black
Monastery (© Frog God Games/ Mark
R. Shipley, 2011)

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Sphinx, Dromosphinx
This creature has the black wings of a bird, the body of a lion, and the Some of the strongest and smartest of the sphinxes, dromosphinxes
long neck and head of a camel. are treacherous and merciless, caring little for anything and anyone.
All dromosphinxes are male. Dromosphinxes detest androsphinxes and
DROMOSPHINX CR 8 attack them on sight. Unlike the smaller and weaker hieracosphinxes,
XP 4,800 dromosphinxes can generally hold their own against androsphinxes. They
NE Large magical beast are indifferent against the other sphinxes and often bully the smaller
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; hieracosphinxes into serving them for a period of time.
Perception +20 Dromosphinxes are highly territorial and do not take intrusions
lightly. Trespassers are quickly disposed of when encountered. Since
AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+10 natural, –1 size) dromosphinxes love riddles, when intelligent creatures are encountered,
hp 93 (11d10+33) they often present them with a riddle. If the targets answer incorrectly or
Fort +10; Ref +7; Will +5 cannot answer, dromosphinxes attack and attempt to devour the victims.
Those answering the riddle correctly are allowed to continue on their way,
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor) much to the dromosphinx’s dismay.
Melee 2 claws +17 (1d6+7), bite +17 (1d8+7/19–20 plus 1d6 When combat begins, a dromosphinx spits its acid at the closest foe. It
acid) next pounces on the next closest foe, and disperses its opponents with a
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. combination of claws, bites, and acid. During combat, it often takes to the
Special Attacks pounce, spit acid (+10 ranged touch) air and uses a series of diving attacks to rid itself of its opponents while
keeping them off balance.
Str 25, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +11; CMB +19; CMD 29 (33 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Critical (bite),
Power Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Skills Bluff +13, Fly +2, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (any one)
+8, Perception +20, Sense Motive +4
Languages Common, Sphinx

Environment warm deserts and hills

Organization solitary, pair, or flock (3–6)
Treasure standard

Spit Acid (Ex) Once every 1d4 rounds, a dromosphinx can

spit a line of highly caustic saliva at a single target within
20 feet. The target takes 6d6 points of acid damage. A
successful DC 18 Reflex save reduces the damage by half.
The save DC is Constitution-based.

Tome of Horrors 4
Spider, Albino Cave
This tiny hunting spider is about the size of a man’s fist. It is pallid Racial Modifiers +8 to Acrobatics when jumping, +4
white, often with irregular light brown blotches on its abdomen, which Perception, +4 Stealth; use Dex to modify Climb
helps it blend in with the toadstools and fungus which is its home. The
albino cave spider normally feeds on normal and dire rats, but it attacks Environment underground
anything that comes within range. Organization solitary or nest (2–20)
Treasure standard
XP 200 Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 14 Fort; frequency 1/round
N Tiny vermin for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Constitution damage; cure 1 save.
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4 The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +4 racial
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8) Albino cave spiders hunt rats in caves or in deep underground regions
Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +0 where the sun never reaches. These tiny killers are extremely sensitive to
Immune vermin traits movement, and despite their unique coloring, are highly adept at hiding
and stealthy stalking.
Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft. The albino cave spider is mildly toxic, as some of the other Under
Melee bite +6 (1d3–3 plus poison) Realm predators have discovered. They use their poisonous bite to sicken
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 2 1/2 ft. prey and follow until they can feast on the remains.
Male and female cave spiders are roughly the same size, with females
Str 4, Dex 18, Con 10, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 3 being slightly larger. The females are the predominant hunters, with the
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 9 males tending to the web-nest when an eggsack is present. Both sexes
Feats Weapon Finesse B are extremely protective of the eggsack, and attack larger foes when it is
Skills Acrobatics +4 (+12 jump), Climb +12, Stealth +16; threatened.

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Spider, Giant Funnel-Web

This gigantic spider is glossy bluish-black and hairless. It rears on its Hold Breath (Ex) By trapping air bubbles on tiny hairs around
back legs and reveals long fangs dripping with venom. its abdomen, a funnel-web spider can hold its breath for a
number of hours equal to its Constitution score before it risks
XP 2,400 Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 22 Fort; frequency 1/round
N Large vermin for 8 rounds; effect 1d4 Constitution and sickened; cure 3
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4 saves. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +4
racial bonus.
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, –1 size) Powerful Bite (Ex) A giant funnel-web spider applies twice its
hp 68 (8d8+32) Strength modifier to bite damage.
Fort +10; Ref +5; Will +2 Strong Webs (Ex) A giant funnel-web spider’s webs gain a +4
Immune mind-affecting effects bonus to the DC to break or escape.

Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 30 ft. Giant funnel-web spiders are deadly, nocturnal predators that dine
Melee bite +12 (2d6+14 plus grab and poison) on living creatures. Most of their time is spent inside their tube-like lair
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. where they simply wait for prey to pass by. Once prey is detected, they
Special Attacks web (+8 ranged, DC 22, 8 hp) rush to the attack, quickly poisoning their target, and dragging it back into
their lair.
Str 25, Dex 17, Con 18, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2 Giant funnel-web lairs are large spiraling tubes with open funnel-like
Base Atk +6; CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 27 (39 vs. trip) mouths, typically built under large rocks, fallen trees, or straight into the
Feats LungeB, Virulent PoisonB ground. The entirely of the tube is covered with thick spider webs. Trip
Skills Climb +23, Perception +4, Stealth +3 (+7 in webs); lines radiate outward from the mouth of the lair, up to 100 feet away.
Racial Modifiers +8 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 in These trip lines signal to the spider that prey is near.
webs) Female funnel-web spiders are generally larger than males, with shorter
SQ hold breath legs and thicker abdomens. Females lay several egg sacs a few times each
year which quickly hatch. The young rapidly develop and reach maturity
Environment any temperate and warm within 2 years generally, and leave the lair to go out on their own. Giant
Organization solitary or burrow (2–5) funnel-web spiders can live up to 20 years.
Treasure incidental A giant funnel-web spider is highly aggressive. If threatened or pro-
voked, unlike other spiders, it rears on its back legs and displays its fangs.
Ambush Strike (Ex) A giant funnel-web spider is particularly This warning position signifies the spider is about to strike. When a fun-
adept at moving quickly when its foes are surprised. During nel-web attacks, its grabs its prey and repeatedly injects it with its deadly
a surprise round, a giant funnel-web spider gains a +4 racial poison.
bonus on its attack roll.

Tome of Horrors 4
Spider, Shard
This large hairy spider has a dull black body shot through with dull Organization solitary
red streaks. Treasure none
SHARD SPIDER CR 9 Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 22 Fort; frequency 1/round
XP 6,400 for 8 rounds; effect 1d6 Strength damage; cure 2 saves.
N Large magical beast The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11 bonus from the shard spider’s Ability Focus feat.

AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+4 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size) Shard spiders are giant, black, nocturnal hunting spiders that dwell in
hp 114 (12d10+48) dark forests and feed upon those creatures unlucky enough to stumble into
Fort +14; Ref +12; Will +5 their lair. Shard spiders live under fallen trees or in tunnels in the ground.
Defensive Abilities split (critical hit, 20 hp) A nest typically contains a single shard spider and up to 10 noncombatant
young. Shard spiders usually hunt denizens of the forests and drag their
Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft. prey back to their lair to be divided among the young.
Melee bite +17 (2d6+9 plus poison and grab) Shard spiders stand 8 feet tall. Their bodies are covered in short, thick
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. black fur. Though intelligent, shard spiders seem unable to converse with
any but their own kind. Communication among shard spiders takes the
Str 22, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 10 form of body language and hissing sounds. Shard spiders have an average
Base Atk +12; CMB +19 (+23 grapple); CMD 33 (45 vs. trip) lifespan of 30 years.
Feats Ability Focus (poison), Great Fortitude, Improved A shard spider attacks from ambush, seeking to neutralize its prey as
Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception, Stealth) quickly as possible with its poisonous bite. Due to its magical ability to
Skills Climb +21, Perception +11, Stealth +10 split, a shard spider welcomes melee and engages its foes as quickly as
Environment temperate forests

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Spider Lich
This chill of death emanates from this giant skeletal spider. Its blackened mind-affecting fear effect.
eyes show a remarkable intelligence. Paralyzing Bite (Su) Any living creature a spider lich hits with
its bite attack must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save
SPIDER LICH CR 10 or be paralyzed for 1d6+12 minutes. Remove paralysis or
XP 9,600 any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim (see
CE Large undead the bestow curse spell description). The effect cannot be
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by a spider lich seems dead,
Perception +21 though a DC 20 Perception check or a DC 15 Heal check
Aura fear (60 ft. radius, DC 19) reveals that the victim is still alive.
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save DC 21 Fort; frequency 1/round
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +7 natural, –1 size) for 6/rounds; effect 1d4 Strength damage; cure 1 save. The
hp 102 (12d8+48) save is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +10 Rejuvenation (Su) When a spider lich is destroyed, its
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; phylactery (which is generally hidden by the spider lich in a
DR 15/bludgeoning and magic; Immune cold, electricity, safe place far from where it chooses to dwell) immediately
undead traits begins to rebuild the undead spider lich’s body nearby. This
process takes 1d10 days—if the body is destroyed before that
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. time passes, the phylactery merely starts the process anew.
Melee bite +11 (2d8+3 plus paralysis and poison) Spells A spider lich does not require any verbal, somatic, or
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. material components to cast its spells.
Special Attacks web (+11 ranged, DC 19, 12 hp)
Spells Known (CL 12th; melee touch +10, ranged touch +11): The true origin of the spider lich is
6th (3/day)—chain lightning (DC 19) shrouded in mystery. Scholars argue
5th (5/day)—cloudkill (DC 18), dominate person (DC 18) constantly about its origins and how it
4th (6/day)—bestow curse (DC 17), crushing came into existence. Some stand by
despair (DC 17), enervation the theory that intelligent giant spiders,
3rd (7/day)—fireball (DC 16), haste (DC perhaps phase spiders or some offshoot
16), rage, slow (DC 16) race of that dreaded creature, discovered the
2nd (7/day)—alter self, blur (DC path to lichdom. Others contend a spider lich
15), darkness, see invisibility, web is the byproduct of a failed sorcerer’s attempt
(DC 15) at lichdom. Still others argue that the
1st (7/day)—burning hands spider lich is simply a spellcaster’s
(DC 14), jump (DC 14), ray chosen form once it achieved
of enfeeblement (DC 14), lichhood. Whatever its true
shield, true strike origins, the spider lich is
0 (at will)—acid splash, truly a dreaded creature
bleed (DC 13), daze (DC that many adventurers hope
13), detect magic, ghost they never run across.
sound (DC 13), light, mage hand, ray of frost, Spider liches are most often
touch of fatigue (DC 13) encountered underground in
dungeons, caves, and crypts or in
Str 15, Dex 17, Con —, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16 ruined temples and shrines, leading to
Base Atk +9; CMB +12; CMD 28 (36 vs. trip) further speculation among scholars as to
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Defensive the creature’s origins. They do not associate
Combat Training, Empower Spell, Toughness, with true spiders but are often encountered with
Weapon Focus (bite) other undead, particularly wraiths and spectres.
Skills Acrobatics +11, Climb +25, Intimidate +18, Spider liches have an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Knowledge (arcana) +18, Knowledge (planes) Countless days, months, years are spent pouring over ancient texts and
+9, Perception +21, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +18, Stealth tomes. Though evil by nature, spider liches often work with other creatures,
+18; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 particularly evil spellcasters to quench their thirst for this knowledge.
Stealth Spider liches stand over 8 feet tall and resemble skeletal spiders. Their
Languages Common, Undercommon, plus two others eight eyes are deep black in color. Other than the sound of their bony legs
SQ rejuvenation clattering across stone floors, these creatures make no sound. They can
speak a variety of languages but rarely do so.
Environment any
Organization solitary or troop (1 spider lich plus 2–4 wraiths or
Treasure standard
The Spider Lich’s Phylactery
An integral part of becoming a spider lich is the creation of the
Fear Aura (Su) Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius phylactery in which the creature stores its spirit. The only way to get rid
that look at the spider lich must succeed on a DC 19 Will of a spider lich for sure is to destroy its phylactery. Unless its phylactery is
save or become frightened. Creatures with 5 HD or more located and destroyed, a spider lich can rejuvenate after it is killed.
must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for 1d6+6 rounds. The typical spider lich phylactery is a gemstone of not less than 1,000
A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected gp value. The spider lich hides the gemstone in a safe place and wraps it
again by the same spider lich’s aura for one day. This is a securely in a complex mesh of super strong webbing (DR 10/—, 24 hp).

Tome of Horrors 4
Stone Idol
Stone idols are automatons constructed to guard and watch over
temples, religious quarters, holy (or unholy) grounds, and often times
tombs of now-deceased high priests or other important religious figures.
Until disturbed, a stone idol sits or stands unmoving, appearing as nothing
more than a stone statue.
Once triggered, a stone idol follows its creator’s orders until the condition(s)
that triggered it have been removed, destroyed, or otherwise eliminated.
Stone idols vary in shape and size, some appearing as animals or
magical creatures, others appearing as humanoids. All are carved of fine
and smooth stone, though many may appear aged and weathered. Stone
idols often have holy or unholy symbols (representative of the creator’s
god) carved into their forms upon creation.

Environment any
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure none

Immunity to Magic (Ex) A stone idol is immune to any spell

or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition,
certain spells and effects function differently against the
creature, as noted below. Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip)
A transmute rock to mud spell slows a stone idol (as Skills Acrobatics +0 (+8 jumping); Racial Modifiers +8
the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw, while Acrobatics when jumping
transmute mud to rock heals all of its lost hit points. SQ powerful leaper, site bound
A stone to flesh spell does not actually change the stone
idol’s structure but negates its damage reduction and Crush (Ex) A frog stone idol can land on foes as a standard
immunity to magic for 1 full round. action, using its whole body to crush them. Crush attacks
A disintegrate spell deals +50% damage to a stone idol. are effective only against opponents one or more size
A chaos hammer, holy smite, order’s wrath, or unholy categories smaller than the frog stone idol. A crush attack
blight spell deals 1d4 points of damage per two caster levels affects as many creatures as fit in the stone idol’s space.
to a stone idol if the creator’s alignment matches one of the Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a DC 16
aforementioned spells. Reflex save or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning
Rejuvenation (Su) Unless a stone idol’s main body is damage during the next round unless the stone idol moves
shattered into small fragments and scattered to the winds, off them. If the stone idol chooses to maintain the pin, it must
the creature reforms itself at full strength in 1d4+2 days. succeed at a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned
Site Bound (Ex) A stone idol cannot travel more than 200 foes take damage from the crush each round if they don’t
feet from a central point designated by its creator. Once escape. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a
this point is selected, it can never be changed. A stone idol +2 racial bonus.
taken outside the area ceases functioning until it is brought Powerful Leaper (Ex) A frog stone idol uses its Strength to
back into the area. modify Acrobatics checks made to jump, and it has a +8
racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump.

Frog Stone Idol A stone idol frog is about 10 feet long and weighs 10,000 pounds. It
leaps at its foes attempting to crush as many as it can before resorting to
This giant frog statue has intricate markings and symbols carved into its powerful bite attack.
its stony construction.
FROG STONE IDOL CR 6 Variant Frog Stone Idol
XP 2,400 The stone idol frog detailed above is not the only known to exist. One
N Large construct such variant is detailed below.
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
Tsathogga Frog Stone Idol: This creature is identical to the
AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20 (+11 natural, –1 size) standard stone idol frog. It also gains the following special
hp 79 (9d10+30) attack.
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +3 Vile Croak (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard
Defensive Abilities rejuvenation; DR 10/adamantine; action, a Tsathogga idol can unleash a croak that affects
Immune construct traits (+30 hp), magic all that hear it within 60 feet. Affected creatures take 5d6
points of negative energy damage. A DC 16 Will save
Speed 20 ft. reduces the damage by half. The save DC is Constitution-
Melee bite +13 (2d6+7) based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks crush (4d6+7; DC 16 Ref half)
Str 21, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 A stone idol frog is chiseled from a block of smooth stone that weighs

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider
at least 3,000 pounds. It must be of exceptional quality and have a value a cone of superheated steam and water. Creatures of an
of not less than 5,000 gp. alignment opposite that of the cleric that created the stone
gargoyle are also sickened 1d4+3 rounds if they fail their
FROG STONE IDOL save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2
CL 10th; Price 69,000 gp racial bonus.

Requirements Craft Construct, animate objects, geas/quest, Stone gargoyles stand 7 feet tall and weigh about 600 pounds. Though
wall of stone, creator must be caster level 10th; Skill Craft they have wings, they cannot fly. They can give the appearance of flight by
(sculpting) or Craft (stonemasonry) DC 16; Cost 37,000 gp. leaping from high places and flapping their stone wings.

Gargoyle Stone Idol Construction

A stone gargoyle’s body is chiseled from a single block of hard stone,
This crouching horned and winged automaton appears to be carved such as granite, weighing at least 2,000 pounds. The stone must be of
from stone. exceptional quality, and costs 3,000 gp.


XP 1,600 CL 12th; Price 39,000 gp
N Medium construct
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0 Requirements Craft Construct, antimagic field, geas/
quest, limited wish, bless water or curse water, creator
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +8 natural) must be caster level 12th; Skill Craft (sculpting) or Craft
hp 47 (5d10+20) (stonemasonry) DC 17; Cost 21,000 gp
Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +1
Defensive Abilities rejuvenation; DR 10/adamantine;
Immune construct traits (+20 hp), magic Shedu Stone Idol
Speed 30 ft. This gigantic statue has the body of a powerful bull and the head of a
Melee 2 claws +9 (1d8+4), bite +9 (1d6+4), gore +9 (1d6+4) bearded human.
Special Attacks breath weapon (30-ft. cone, 4d6 fire
damage and see below, Reflex DC 14 half, usable every
1d4 rounds) XP 12,800
N Huge construct
Str 19, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 7 Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, true seeing;
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 21 Perception +0
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+12 jumping); Racial Modifiers +10 Aura fear aura (20 ft., DC 13)
Acrobatics when jumping
SQ site bound AC 27, touch 7, flat-footed 27 (–1 Dex, +20 natural, –2 size)
hp 128 (16d10+40)
Breath Weapon (Su) The stone gargoyle’s breath weapon is Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +5
Defensive Abilities rejuvenation; DR 20/adamantine;
Immune construct traits (+40 hp), magic

Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)

Melee gore +23 (2d8+9), 2 hoofs +23 (1d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks trample (4d6+13, DC 27)

Tome of Horrors 4
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th): Skills Fly +1; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly
Constant—true seeing
Environment any
Str 28, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 Organization solitary or pair
Base Atk +16; CMB +27; CMD 36 (40 vs. trip) Treasure none
Skills Fly –5 SQ site bound
SQ site bound
Roar (Su) A sphinx stone idol can roar up to three times per
Smite (Su) As a free action, every 1d4+1 rounds, a shedu day as a standard action. Affected creatures become
stone idol can unleash a burst of holy energy from its body frightened for 2d6 rounds. A DC 17 Will save negates the
in a 20-foot-radius burst. All creatures caught within the effect. The roar is a mind-affecting fear effect and a sonic
area take damage as follows: evil-aligned outsiders, 10d6 effect that fills a 100-foot-radius burst, centered on the stone
points of damage; evil-aligned non-outsiders, 6d6 points of idol sphinx. A creature that successfully saves cannot be
damage; good- and neutral-aligned creatures, 6d6 points affected again by the same sphinx stone idol’s roar for one
of damage. A DC 20 Reflex save reduces the damage by day. The save DC is Charisma-based.
half. A creature that fails its save is blinded for 1d4 rounds as
well. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 A stone idol sphinx is about 15 feet long and weighs around 29,000
racial bonus. pounds. A sphinx stone idol often has the head of an animal considered
sacred by the religion: jackal-headed, goat-headed, vulture-headed, and
A stone idol shedu stands almost 9 feet tall and can reach lengths of 15 so on.
feet. It typically weighs about 25,000 pounds. A stone idol shedu when A stone idol sphinx attacks first using its roar and then using its vicious
disturbed opens combat with its smite attack before attempting to trample bite and slashing with its stony paws. It often takes to the air where it can
its foes. gain an advantage on its foes.

Construction Construction
A stone idol shedu is chiseled from a block of smooth stone that weighs A stone idol sphinx is chiseled from a block of smooth stone that
at least 6,000 pounds. It must be of exceptional quality and have a value weighs at least 6,000 pounds. It must be of exceptional quality and have a
of not less than 10,000 gp. value of not less than 10,000 gp.


CL 12th; Price 124,000 gp CL 14th; Price 110,000 gp

Requirements Craft Construct, animate objects, geas/quest, Requirements Craft Construct, acid fog, fear, shout, creator
holy smite, dispel evil, creator must be caster level 12th; Skill Craft must be caster level 14th; Skill Craft (sculpting) or Craft
(sculpting) or Craft (stonemasonry) DC 20; Cost 67,000 gp. (stonemasonry) DC 19; Cost 65,000 gp.

Sphinx Stone Idol

This statue is constructed of smooth stone and has a leonine body with
the head of a jackal. Two large stony dragon-like wings protrude from its
back. Ruby red gemstones seem to function as eyes.
XP 9,600
N Huge construct
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-
light vision; Perception +0

AC 29, touch 9, flat-footed 28 (+1

Dex, +20 natural, –2 size)
hp 117 (14d10+40)
Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +4
Defensive Abilities
rejuvenation; DR 10/
adamantine; Immune
construct traits (+40 hp), magic

Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)

Melee bite +20 (4d6+8), 2 claws +20 (2d6+8)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (30 ft cone,
12d6 acid; DC 17 Ref half, usable every 1d4
rounds), roar

Str 27, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 11,

Cha 10
Base Atk +14; CMB +24; CMD 35 (39
vs. trip)

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Stygian Spawn
This creature resembles a monstrous amphibian, with equal
parts toad, newt, and salamander. Its smooth skin
erupts here and there with hideous lesions, each one
leaking a viscous ichor the color of mucus.
XP 25,600
NE Huge outsider (aquatic, evil,
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
Perception +18

AC 24, touch 10, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex,

+14 natural, –2 size)
hp 162 (13d10+91)
Fort +18; Ref +10; Will +8
DR 10/good; Resist acid 10, cold
10, fire 10; SR 24

Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee bite +21 (2d6+10), 2 claws
+21 (1d8+10), tail slap +19 (1d8+5
plus grab) or tongue +22 touch
(1d8+10 plus grab)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (30 ft. with tongue)
Special Attacks breath weapon (60 ft. line, 10d6 sonic, DC
23 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), swallow whole (6d6 acid
damage, AC 17, 16 hp), tongue
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th):
At will—detect good, detect magic
3/day—magic circle against good, unholy blight (DC 17)

Str 31, Dex 15, Con 24, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +13; CMB +25 (+29 grapple); CMD 37 (41 vs. trip)
Feats Critical Focus, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative,
Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Skills Acrobatics +9, Intimidate +19, Knowledge
(planes) +14, Perception +18, Stealth +16, Swim +18
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
SQ amphibious

Environment any (River Styx) only eat creatures not native to the lower planes; such creatures
Organization solitary or pack (2–6) are the spawns’ only source of food. Travelers in the realms of
Treasure standard the lower planes quickly learn to fear the horrid Stygian spawn,
which awaken from their hibernation and erupt from the mud
Tongue (Ex) A Stygian spawn’s tongue is a primary of the River Styx with surprising speed. A Stygian spawn
attack with a reach equal to twice the spawn’s normal summoned to another plane is dangerous to all life there,
reach. A Stygian spawn’s tongue is covered in sharpened since it can eat any organic substance that fits in its mouth.
barbs and any attempt to break free of a grapple with Occasionally, Stygian spawn are awakened on purpose
it, whether successful or not, deals an extra 1d6 points of by bored charonadaemons who hunt the creatures for sport. Stygian
piercing damage to the target. A Stygian spawn does not spawn tadpoles are harmless, and resemble pale, boneless fish that swim
gain the grappled condition while using its tongue in this mindlessly in the River Styx. These tadpoles are a frequent source of food
manner. for hungry hydrodaemons.
A fully-grown Stygian spawn is 20 feet long and weigh 3,000 pounds.
A Stygian spawn is a creature that lurks along the banks of the River Since their only source of food—extraplanar travelers—are so rare,
Styx. Unlike amphibians on the Material Plane, Stygian spawn spend Stygian spawn attack with their barbed tongue, trying to grapple and
very little time in the water. Most of the time, these vile creatures reside swallow their opponents as quickly as possible. In extended combats,
deep in the mud in a self-induced state of hibernation. Stygian spawns however, a Stygian spawn blasts at opponents with its breath weapon.

Tome of Horrors 4
Swarm, Bladecoin
What appeared at first to be a pile of copper, gold, and platinum coins
suddenly takes life and whirls into an amorphous cyclone of coins that
jingle, hum, and clank together as the creature moves forward.
XP 2,400
N Fine construct (swarm)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +0

AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +8 size)

hp 66 (12d10)
Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +4
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; DR 5/
adamantine; Immune construct traits, magic,
weapon damage

Speed fly 30 ft. (good)

Melee swarm (3d6 slashing plus distraction and
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks bleed (1d6), distraction (DC 16)

Str 1, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1

Base Atk +12; CMB —; CMD —
Skills Fly +13
SQ swarm traits

Environment any
Organization solitary, bankroll (2–3), or
jackpot (4–6)
Treasure none

Bladecoins are tiny constructs fashioned by tricky spellcasters

hoping to fool and detour would-be thieves. They are often
constructed by spellcasters for others, such as merchants, local
rulers, and sold to the client at a somewhat reasonable price.
At rest, a bladecoin swarm appears to be nothing more
than a pile of brass or copper coins. When it senses
intruders entering the area it is tasked with guarding,
it swirls into a cyclone form and moves to the attack,
slashing its opponents with its razor-sharp edges.

A bladecoin’s body is constructed from melted brass and
copper coins with a total value of at least 1,000 gp.

CL 9th; Price 30,000 gp

Requirements Craft Construct, alarm, animate objects,

bleed, geas/quest, limited wish, creator must be caster level
9th; Skill Craft (sculpting) DC 15; Cost 15,500 gp

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Swarm, Bone
Tumbling across the floor are the shattered remains of dozens of
skeletons: a mass of bone fragments, shards, teeth, and broken skulls.
XP 1,200
NE Tiny undead (swarm)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)

hp 27 (6d8)
Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +5
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2,
swarm traits; DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold,
undead traits, weapon damage

Speed 30 ft.
Melee swarm (2d6 slashing and piercing)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13)

Str 15, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10

Base Atk +4; CMB —; CMD —
Feats Improved InitiativeB

Environment any
Organization any
Treasure none

A bone swarm is created when multiple animated

skeletons are destroyed more or less simultaneously, either
through a single powerful area attack or by simply being
smashed to pieces in melee. The bones of the skeletons
are scattered and smashed, but the necromantic magic
that animated them lingers on, pulling the bones back
together in a mass of clattering fragments.
A bone swarm is ten feet across and is comprised of
hundreds of bones and bone shards. When it forms to
attack, it appears as a roiling mass of bone shards.

Tome of Horrors 4
Swarm, Lamprey
A black cloud of eel-like fish swims rapidly forward.
XP 1,600
N Tiny animal (aquatic, swarm)
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)

hp 52 (8d8+16)
Fort +8; Ref +10; Will +5
Defensive Abilities swarm traits;
Immune weapon damage

Speed 5 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee swarm (2d6 plus distraction and
blood drain)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 16)

Str 5, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2

Base Atk +6; CMB —; CMD —
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
Reflexes, Skill Focus (Swim)
Skills Escape Artist +10, Perception +8, Swim
+15; Racial Modifiers +8 Escape Artist
SQ amphibious, swarm traits

Environment temperate and warm aquatic

Organization solitary, pair, cluster (3–6 swarms)
Treasure none

Blood Drain (Ex) Any living creature that takes

damage from a lamprey swarm must succeed
on a DC 16 Reflex save. On a failed save, several
lampreys have attached themselves to the target
and the creature takes 1d3 points of Constitution
damage each round as the lampreys drain blood.
This effect continues as long as the victim remains in
the swarm and for 1d6 rounds after it leaves the swarm.
The attached lampreys can be killed instantly by dealing
at least 6 points of damage to the victim (any weapon or
energy-based attacks work), ending the effect prematurely.
A successful DC 16 Heal check reduces the duration by 1d6
rounds, ending the effect prematurely. The save DC and
check DC are both Constitution-based.

A lamprey swarm is a mass of lampreys numbering in the hundreds,

possibly thousands. These creatures are attracted to living creatures in the
water and quickly attach themselves to their targeted prey.
Lamprey swarms attack any living prey encountered in their paths,
swimming over the creature and draining as much blood as possible.
When their prey is dead, they move on, seeking out a new source of

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Swarm, Skeletal
A clattering mass of dismembered skeletal hands, claws and assorted
limbs scuttles across the ground like a moving bony carpet.
XP 4,800
NE Tiny undead (swarm)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
Perception +0

AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed

13 (+4 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)
hp 66 (12d8 plus 12)
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +8
Defensive Abilities half damage
slashing or piercing;
Immune cold, swarm traits,
undead traits

Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee swarm (3d6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 16)

Str 18, Dex 18, Con —, Int —,

Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB —; CMD —
Feats Improved InitiativeB,
Skills Climb +12

Environment any
Organization solitary or pack
(2–14 swarms)
Treasure none

Skeletal swarms are the remains of pieces cast off of whole skeletons
collected together and animated en mass. They scuttle about mindlessly,
often lying inert until something passes nearby for them to attack. A
skeletal swarm can be encountered anywhere that necromancers or other
practitioners of the dark arts who participate in grave robbing and undead
creation are found.
A skeletal swarm attacks as a massive bony wave moving to engulf
whatever living creatures are closest and not moving on until they have
been reduced to bloody shreds. Due to its unique composition of animated
hand and claw bones, the swarm gets its strength bonus added to its
swarm attacks.

Original author Greg A. Vaughan
Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)

Tome of Horrors 4
Swarm, Sparksting
A cloud of two inch blobs resembling airborne jellyfish hover in the air.
Sparks of electricity snap and dance from creature to creature, and the
swarm produces a noticeable hum.

XP 1,200
N Diminutive magical beast (swarm)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
synapse sense 60 ft.; Perception +1

AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 size)

hp 44 (8d10)
Fort +6; Ref +12; Will +5
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; Immune
electricity, weapon damage

Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average); speed burst

Melee swarm (2d6 electricity plus distraction)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 14)

Str 3, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 9

Base Atk +8; CMB —; CMD —
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Lightning
Reflexes, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Fly +21, Perception +1

Environment warm marshes

Organization solitary, flight (2–5), or cloud (6–12)
Treasure none

Synapse Sense (Ex) A sparksting swarm

can detect the tiny charges caused by
electrical impulses of brain activity in living
creatures within 60 feet. Creatures without
an Intelligence score or creatures immune to
mind-affecting effects cannot be detected
using this ability.
Speed Burst (Ex) A sparksting swarm can increase
its speed by 10 feet for 1d6 rounds. After using this
ability, it must wait 1 minute before it can use it again.

Sparkstings are found in remote swamps and marshes and from

a distance, when the electricity in a swarm flashes, are often mistaken
for will-o-wisps. These electrical flashes are used not only for attracting
a mate, but also for luring in prey. Sparkstings are insectivores, and hunt
by flying into a swarm of insects and flailing about with their tentacles.
Electrocuted insects adhere to the tentacles, which the sparksting then
draws into its mouth, located under its body.
Sparkstings are asexual and reproduce by budding. Mating season
for these creatures is every few months, and the number of spawn is
controlled by the amount of readily available light. Newborn sparkstings
have tiny tentacles and do not generate the electrical discharge adults
do. The tentacles grow rapidly however, and within three months, the
creature reaches adulthood. The typical lifespan of a sparksting is roughly
1 year. The sparksting has few natural predators: other sparkstings and a
few larger insects seem to enjoy dining on these creatures.
A sparksting is a tiny creature about 2 inches across. It consists of a
membranous, fleshy bag with the consistency of egg yolk. Beneath the
main body of a sparksting hang its tentacles, a fibrous mass that flickers
with electrical arcs.
Sparksting swarms cloud the air around any creature that disturbs them,
attacking like angry bees.
Some spellcasters have begun experimenting with using sparkstings as
alternate spell components for lightning bolt spells and in the construction
of shock-based magic weapons.

Salamander, Ice to Sword Spider

Swarm, Stirge
Even an animal-level of intelligence is enough for a creature to know
there is safety in numbers!
XP 2,400
N Tiny magical beast (swarm)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +11

AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 size)

hp 78 (12d10 plus 12)
Fort +8; Ref +14; Will +5

Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)

Melee swarm (3d6 plus blood drain)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks blood drain (1d6
Constitution), distraction (DC 16)

Str 3, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 6

Base Atk +12; CMB —; CMD —
Feats Improved Initiative, Improved
Lightning Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes,
Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus
(Stealth), Toughness
Skills Fly +17, Perception +11,
Stealth +20
SQ diseased

Environment underground or temperate

and warm swamps
Organization solitary, or a pall (2–4 swarms)
Treasure none

Diseased (Ex) Stirges are harbingers of disease.

Any creature subjected to a stirge’s blood drain
attack has a 10% chance of being exposed to filth
fever, blinding sickness, or a similar disease (Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, “Diseases”). Once this
check is made, the victim can no longer be infected by
this particular stirge, though attacks by different stirges are
resolved normally and may result in multiple illnesses.

A massive cluster of stirges, the stirge swarm is a band of flying

bloodsuckers combining their relatively small personal power to bring
down larger foes (and for self-preservation). Stirge swarms are found in
the same types of locals as normal stirges; however, they band together
when other predators are too powerful or too numerous for the singular
stirges to survive.

Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God Games,

Tome of Horrors 4
Sword Spider
This enormous spider is constructed from steel and its eight legs end in affected normally by rusting attacks, such as those of a rust
large sharpened blades. monster or a rusting grasp spell.
Poison (Ex) A sword spider’s bite injects poison from a
SWORD SPIDER CR 10 hidden reservoir within its metal body. Because it is a
XP 9,600 construct, the sword spider does not naturally produce this
N Large construct poison, and its creator must manually refill this reservoir. The
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0 reservoir holds enough poison for 5 successful bite attacks,
after which the sword spider deals only bite damage.
AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 24 (+1 Dex, +15 natural, –1 size) Refilling the reservoir takes 1 minute and provokes attacks of
hp 112 (15d10+30) opportunity. The creator can fill the reservoir with any injury
Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +5 poison (typically spider venom), though acid, alchemical
DR 10/adamantine; Immune construct traits (+30 hp), magic substances, and even stranger liquids have been used.
Giant Spider Venom: Bite—injury; save DC 14 Fort;
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Strength
Melee sword-leg +16/+11/+6 (2d6+2/19–20), 3 sword-legs damage; cure 1 save.
+16 (2d6+2/19–20), bite +16 (1d8+2 plus poison) Sword-Legs (Ex) A sword spider’s legs act as longswords,
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. granting it iterative attacks just as if it wielded multiple
Special Attacks sword-legs weapons. It cannot be disarmed and a sword spider never
takes penalties to its attack rolls (for multiweapon fighting)
Str 14, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 when fighting with its sword-legs.
Base Atk +15; CMB +18; CMD 29 (41 vs. trip)
Skills Climb +10 A sword spider resembles a giant-sized arachnid constructed of steel.
Its eight spidery legs end in large sharpened blades resembles longswords
Environment any or greatswords. A typical sword spider stands 10 feet tall and weighs
Organization solitary or pair 3,000 pounds.
Treasure none When activated, a sword spider fights relentlessly and tirelessly to
vanquish its foes, slashing them with up to four of its sword-like legs.
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A sword spider is immune to any
spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance, except
as noted: A keen edge spell affects all of a sword spider’s
sword-leg attacks as if they were slashing weapons.
A sword spider’s body is constructed from at least 3,000 pounds of
Transmute metal to wood slows a sword spider for 1d4 smelted steel. The metal must be of exceptional quality, and costs at least
rounds (as the slow spell), during which time its damage 5,000 gp.
reduction is negated (no save). A magical attack that deals
fire damage ends any slow effect on the sword spider and SWORD SPIDER
heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the CL 14th; Price 122,000 gp
attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would
cause the sword spider to exceed its full normal hit points, Requirements Craft Construct, antimagic field, geas/quest,
it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A sword spider keen edge, poison, creator must be caster level 14th; Skill Craft
gets no saving throw against fire effects. A sword spider is (sculpting) or Craft (metalworking) DC 19; Cost 63,500 gp

Talorani to Troll, Undead

This completely hairless humanoid creature has oversized hands and riotous youngsters is that ‘the Mother will see you’ if they misbehave. One major
feet which are webbed with thin membranes of flesh. Each finger and toe taboo that jeopardizes one’s relation to the Mother is an unnecessary death. All
has an extra joint. It has large, apparently pupil-less eyes and a small creatures of the sea are considered an inherent part of it, and a creature’s death
nose. Two small gills line each side of its neck, and four larger ones open may mean that somewhere else, something will not come into being because
and close rhythmically on each side of its chest. the creature was no longer present. To an underdweller, all creatures need all
other creatures, if not now, then in the future to survive. Of course, preventing
TALORANI CR 1/2 one’s own death is desirable for the same reason.
XP 200 Death is looked upon as a sad event and underdweller funerals do
Talorani warrior 1 not differ much from human ritual. The dead are interned within
CN Medium humanoid (aquatic, talorani) caves near the shore, along with their most prized possessions.
Init +0; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; The entrance is sealed with rock, and the place is marked. Even
Perception +0 enemies are buried this way, though are placed far from the
cemeteries of the community.
AC 11, touch 10, flat-footed 11 (+1 natural) Humans and all other land-based races are looked on with a
hp 7 (1d10+2) mixture of awe, fear, suspicion, and fascination. For centuries
Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +0 untold, the underdwellers have kept to themselves and avoided
the petty attentions of the land races. Although there have
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. been no major altercations between the land races
Melee longspear +2 (1d8+1) and the underdwellers, complete avoidance of
all surface-dwelling races is usually the law in
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8 underdweller communities.
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 12 A normal underdweller mating ritual allows
Feats Endurance for the complete polygamy of both sexes. Any
Skills Swim +13 underdweller may have as many mates as they
Languages Talorani; empathic desire. Children born of such unions are taken to the
communication community nursery to be raised by the matriarchs —
SQ amphibious rearing children is the responsibility of the entire community
rather than just the child’s parents. Female underdwellers have
Environment any aquatic the ability to control their own fertility, so the choice to bear a
Organization child is a mother’s alone, though it is the law for them to inform
solitary, band (2–5), prospective paramours of her intention to bear children. Other than that,
or tribe (6–11) sex is common, often experienced, and willingly shared without many of
Treasure standard the taboos and discretion known by other races. A marriage ritual known as
(longspear, other life-binding occurs when two underdwellers agree to swear lifelong loyalty
treasure) to one another in the presence of the community All-Father and the Mother.
No other may mate with one who has been life-bound.
Empathic Communication (Su) Names amongst the underdwellers are descriptive of an individual’s
Talorani have the ability to empathically appearance, traits or some event in their life. Houses are constructed of
communicate basic ideas (little more than worked coral and shipwreck debris, shaped like upturned boats facing into
emotion and direction) to any others of their kind within the current with entrances as round holes in the top of the dome. These
20 feet. Other creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Sense homes are often decorated with brightly colored rocks, coral, anemones,
Motive check to receive empathic imagery from a talorani. and ship figureheads or name plates.

The talorani, more commonly called underdwellers, are an aquatic

humanoid race thought to be the descendants of merfolk and elves. They
dwell in shallow coastal waters, having carved out a niche for themselves
Talorani Characters
between their aquatic elven ancestors close to shore and their merfolk Talorani are defined by their class levels — they do not possess racial
relatives in deeper waters. Their webbed hands and feet have an extra hit dice. Talorani clerics revere “The Mother,” and have access to the
joint in each finger and toe, allowing them to move through the water with Animal, Travel, and Water domains. All Talorani have the following
a speed and agility. On land, however, they are slow and ungainly. racial traits.
Talorani are about 5 feet tall and weigh 125 pounds. +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, −2 Charisma: Talorani are hardy and
wise but introverted.
Slow: Speed 20 ft. A talorani is slower on land than in the water.
Talorani Society Aquatic: Talorani are aquatic and amphibious. They and can breathe
both air and water, and have a swim speed of 30 ft.
Underdwellers live in a clan-based social system comprising, in order Natural Armor Bonus: Talorani have a +1 natural armor bonus.
of increasing size: families – clans – houses – guilds – community. An Deep-Dweller: All talorani have darkvision out to 120 ft. and low-light
underdweller known as a Father leads a family, a Grand-Father leads a vision.
clan, a Great-Father leads a house, a High-Father leads a guild, and an Empathic Communication: Talorani have the ability to empathically
All-Father leads the community. communicate basic ideas (little more than emotion and direction) to any
There is no true religion amongst the underdwellers as most other races others of their kind within 20 feet. Other creatures must succeed on a DC
understand it, but the sea, called the Mother, is highly revered within the 20 Sense Motive check to receive empathic imagery from an underdweller.
community as a living entity that controls all within it. It is not worshipped as Languages: Talorani begin play speaking Talorani. Talorani with high
a god but there are taboos and requirements in place that are observed to avoid Intelligence scores can choose any of the following bonus languages:
retribution from the Mother. A common reprimand from the matriarchs to warn Aquan, Common, Draconic, and Sahuagin.

Tome of Horrors 4
Thought Eater
This bizarre creature is about three feet long with a feline-like hairless when it has consumed at least 12 points of Intelligence in a
body. Its sickly gray and translucent flesh allows its skeletal and muscular given 24-hour period.
systems to be easily seen. The creature’s head seems to be a weird mix of Ethereal Jaunt (Su) A thought eater can shift from the
feline and avian. Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as part of any move
action, and then shift back again as a free action. This
THOUGHT EATER CR 2 ability is otherwise identical to the ethereal jaunt spell (CL
XP 600 10th).
N Small aberration Precognition (Su) As a standard action, a thought eater
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 can concentrate and glimpse fragments of potential future
events—what it sees probably happens if no action is taken
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size) to change it. The vision, however, is incomplete, and makes
hp 13 (3d8) no sense until the events begin to unfold. On its next action,
Fort +1; Ref +5; Will +4 a thought eater gains a +2 insight bonus on a single attack
Defensive Abilities ethereal jaunt, spell absorption; SR 13 roll, damage roll, saving throw, or skill check. The bonus can
be applied to the roll after the results of the dice are known.
Speed 40 ft. Spell Absorption (Su) If a thought eater’s spell resistance
Melee touch +7 (1d2+1 plus eat thoughts) protects it form a magical effect, the creature absorbs that
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd): magical energy into its body. Absorbing a spells heals a
At will—daze (DC 12), detect magic thought eater a number of hit points equal to the absorbed
spell’s level. This cannot increase a thought eater’s hit points
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14 above its normal maximum hit points.
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Thought eaters are bizarre creatures that spend their time swimming the
Skills Perception +11, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Ethereal Plane feeding on the thoughts and intelligence of living creatures.
Perception What little is known of these strange creatures has only recently been
SQ precognition discovered. Thought eaters, on average, live about 15 years in the Ethereal
Plane. Whether this low life expectancy is the result of predation, natural
Environment any (Ethereal Plane) selection, or the result of some anomaly is unknown. Their diet consists
Organization solitary of only the thoughts, intelligence, and mental powers of other creatures.
Treasure none They need not eat or drink anything else to survive. No juvenile or young
thought eaters have ever been seen, but it is hypothesized that young are
Detect Magic (Sp) A thought eater can use its detect magic born live and mature very quickly.
spell-like ability to detect magic-using creatures. Magic- When a thought eater detects an intelligent creature, it manifests on the
using creatures are defined as creatures with levels in a Material Plane and attacks from ambush, seeking to feed its insatiable
spellcasting class or creatures with spell-like abilities or the appetite. A thought eater can spend a maximum of 1 minute (10 rounds)
ability to cast spells. on the Material Plane before its wispy flesh disintegrates and the creature
Eat Thoughts (Su) The touch of a thought eater deals 1d2 falls dead. If badly wounded, a thought eater seeks escape to the Ethereal
points of Intelligence damage. A thought eater is sated Plane rather than continuing the fight.

Talorani to Troll, Undead

This creature vaguely resembles a gorilla. It is gray in color, however,
and much more powerfully muscled than any natural ape. From its lower
jaw sprout two vicious upward-thrusting tusks.
XP 1,200
N Large monstrous humanoid
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent;
Perception +11

AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +4

natural, –1 size)
hp 42 (5d10+15)
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +5

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Melee 2 claws +9 (1d6+5 plus grab), bite +9 (1d8+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+7)

Str 21, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +5; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD 23
Feats Alertness, Endurance, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +19, Diplomacy +3, Perception
+11, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +6
Languages Common, Tombotu

Environment warm forests, hills, mountains, and plains

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–6)
Treasure incidental

Tombotu are believed to be the foul offspring of a quasi-deity ape

god (believed to be Bonjo Tombo or his twin brother Ponjo Tombo).
These gray, apelike humanoids are bred from human or apelike mothers,
although the resulting progeny often kills the mother. Tombotu may mate
with other tombotu. The tombotu are fairly intelligent aggressors and are
often found leading dire apes, girallons, and other ape-like creatures,
communicating with them through grunts and body language.
Some humanoid cultures journey to the tombotu homelands
where they conduct raids, capturing as many tombotu as they
can. Captured tombotu are sold as slaves and used as opponents
in gladiatorial contests where their ferocious skills are put to the
test. Some few tribes of tombotu have actually made truces with other
humanoid races, agreeing to sell off their children in exchange for food
and other things the tribe may need. Such things are frowned upon by
most other tombotu tribes, viewing those who engage in such practices as
savages and traitors to their own race.
Tombotu are fond of human flesh and often organized massive hunts
where humans are the prey. Some tombotu tribes disdain this practice,
feeling it makes them little better than the animals they ascended from.
Others however, relish in the hunts, which can lasts for days at a time.
Humans are also kept as slaves by many tombotu tribes. Even those tribes
that look down upon the hunts keep human slaves. Most human slaves
are house slaves, tending to the needs of the family, such as cooking and
In combat, a tombotu likes to attack using surprise, often hiding and
dangling from jungle trees as its prey pass beneath, snatching up the
unsuspecting prey and strangling it to death or breaking the neck of
its quarry while it is held immobile by the tombotu’s great strength. If
threatened with death, a tombotu attempts to flee rather than face certain

Tome of Horrors 4
Treant, Razor
This thin and gnarled black tree grows wickedly sharp razors death, remaining for only 1d2 rounds. The area around the
instead of leaves. The razors ring like a thousand tiny bells with every treant is considered difficult terrain during that time.
wind gust.
Razor treants are the evil and hateful cousins of the treants, often
RAZOR TREANT CR 11 combating with treants over rulership of vast primordial forest in distant
XP 12,800 and exotic lands. However, unlike their kind cousins, they hate all non-
CE Huge plant plant creatures with passion and enjoy nothing more than torturing a
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +25 hapless traveler for hours by inflicting on him hundreds of small wounds,
until he finally dies from pain, exhaustion or loss of blood.
AC 22, touch 8, flat-footed 22 (+14 natural, –2 size) Animals know better than to come anywhere near the murderous trees,
hp 171 (18d8+90) making the area around the razor treant deathly still when there is no wind.
Fort +18; Ref +6; Will +11 Because of their slow movement rate, razor treants prefer to trick
DR 10/slashing; Immune plant traits their opponents into coming within its reach and then attacking with its
Weakness vulnerability to fire slam attack if there are few victims or with bloody autumn attack if it
is surrounded by a large group. Groups of razor treants enjoy “playing”
Speed 10 ft. with their victims by hurling them at each other. Few are the heroes who
Melee 2 slams +22 (2d6+11 plus 1d4 slashing plus 1 bleed) suffered these sadistic games and lived to tell the tale. Razor treants often
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. let wounded opponents flee on purpose, knowing they will die of loss of
Special Attacks bloody autumn (10d4 slashing plus 1d4 blood within minutes anyway.
bleed; DC 20 Ref for half and no bleed), razor leaves
Str 32, Dex 11, Con 21, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 12 Original author Uri Kurlianchik
Base Atk +13; CMB +26; CMD 36 Originally appearing in The Hollow Mountain (© Frog God
Feats Awesome BlowB, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Games, 2011)
Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved
Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Bluff +15, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (nature) +16,
Perception +25, Sense Motive +17
Languages Infernal, Razor Treant, Sylvan

Environment forests or jungle

Organization solitary, pair, or grove (3–6)
Treasure incidental

Bloody Autumn (Ex) In this awesome

attack the razor treant violently shakes
itself as a full-round action, letting all
of its leaves fall off to the ground. All
creatures within 30 feet of the razor
treant suffer 10d4 slashing damage
and 1d4 bleed damage (DC 20 Reflex
save for half and no bleed damage).
Those who fail the Reflex save must
succeed on an additional DC 20 Will save
or be staggered for 1 round from the terrible
pain of the hundreds of small wounds inflicted
on them.
Using this attack leaves the razor treant without its
razor leaves for 2–6 days so it only resorts to this tactic in
desperate situations.
Razor Leaves (Ex) Razor treants grow razors instead of
leaves, hence the name. These extremely keen steel blades
range from one to three inches in length and can easily
cut through flesh. Any physical attack made by a razor
treant is counted as being keen and wounding (already
incorporated into the statistics above). Even merely
touching a razor treant (including unarmed melee attacks)
inflicts 1d4 points of slashing damage plus wounding on the
When a razor treant is struck for more than 20 points
of damage in a single blow, it loses some of its poorly
connected leaves. Everyone within 30 feet of the razor
treant suffers 1d4 points of wounding slashing damage
(DC 20 Reflex negates).
The razor leaves break down quickly after the treant’s

Talorani to Troll, Undead

Treant, Stone
This creature looks much like an animated sculpture of a tree. It has damage to the person who struck it. A DC 20 Reflex save
a thick, corrugated hide of bark like stone, with many thick branches. It reduces this damage by half. The blood becomes inert one
travels along on clusters of humping and twining stone roots. It possesses round after leaving the elemental’s body.
no discernible face. Radial Symmetry (Ex) Because of its shape, the stone treant
can bring no more than four of its slam attacks to bear on
STONE TREANT CR 16 any one target. However, it also perceives the area around
XP 76,800 it equally well, and thus it cannot be flanked.
N Huge outsider (earth, elemental, native)
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 120 ft.; The stone treant is a variant of the treant native to the Plane of Earth.
Perception +27 They are very rare even there, located in isolated pockets in the plane where
they tend groves of crystals and natural gem outcroppings. Knowledge of
AC 22, touch 7, flat-footed 22 (–1 Dex, +15 natural, –2 size) their existence has been all but lost, as has the ritual of summoning and
hp 346 (21d10+210 plus 21) binding them into service.
Fort +17; Ref +13; Will +17 A stone treant stands 20–30 ft. tall, with a trunk about 4 ft. in diameter.
DR 10/slashing and adamantine; Immune elemental traits; It weighs close to 10,000 pounds.
SR 31 Stone treants are intelligent, and speak Terran. They generally do not
bother to communicate with non-earth elemental beings, however.
Speed 30 ft., burrow 5 ft.
Melee 6 slams +32 (3d8+12) Credit
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded (©
Special Attacks acidic blood (5d4 acid, DC 20 Reflex half), Necromancer Games, 2006)
trample (3d8+18, DC 32)

Str 35, Dex 8, Con 30, Int 10, Wis

16, Cha 12
Base Atk +21; CMB +35 (+39
bull rush and sunder); CMD 44
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave,
Greater Sunder, Improved Bull
Rush, Improved Sunder, Iron
Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power
Attack, Toughness, Vital Strike,
Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Intimidate +25, Knowledge
(history) +24, Knowledge (planes)
+24, Perception +27, Sense Motive +27,
Stealth +15 (+21 in stony underground areas);
Racial Modifiers +6 Stealth in stony underground
Languages Sylvan, Terran
SQ radial symmetry

Environment underground
Organization solitary, or grove (2–16)
Treasure standard

Acidic Blood (Ex) Anyone striking the stone treant with a

piercing or slashing attack and inflicting damage releases
a gout of acidic blood, which causes 5d4 points of acid

Tome of Horrors 4
Troll, Black
This tall, grotesque creature has a shiny black hide and hands that end normal brethren and often associate with them as well. Their appetites
in wicked claws. Two large tusks protrude from its fang-filled mouth. are no less impressive than other trolls, and some would argue theirs is
even greater. Black trolls dine on anything they catch and kill, including
BLACK TROLL CR 7 scavenging and dining on the leftovers of other animals’ meals. Black
XP 3,200 trolls do not eat other trolls, regardless of the food situation.
CE Large humanoid (giant) Black trolls stand 14 feet tall and weigh around 1,000 pounds. When
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; they swell to Huge size, they reach heights of 21 feet or more and weigh
Perception +8 over 3,000 pounds. Black trolls flesh is rubbery to the touch and always
shiny black in color. Eyes are almost always dull gray, though a few
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size) black trolls have bright blue eyes. Young are born live and reach maturity
hp 84 (8d8+48); regeneration 5 (acid or cold) relatively quickly. Black trolls can mate with other trolls, but the offspring
Fort +12; Ref +3; Will +3 is always the same type as the other parent. Only black trolls mating with
their own spawn another black troll.
Speed 30 ft. A black troll attacks by slashing and biting its foes. Its ability to deal
Melee bite +12 (1d8+7), 2 claws +13 (1d6+7) horrendous amounts of damage is cause for concern among many that
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. have faced a black troll. Often when in combat, a black troll shuns fire,
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+9) hoping its opponent senses a weakness and decides to unleash a fire attack
at the troll. Many adventurers have met their untimely demise this way. If
Str 24, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 5, Wis 9, Cha 6 the ruse doesn’t appear to work, and there is a large source of fire nearby,
Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 25 a black troll subjects itself to the fire in order to grow to Huge size.
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Skill Focus
(Perception), Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Climb +12, Intimidate +11,
Perception +8
Languages Giant

Environment cold mountains

Organization solitary or gang
(1–2 plus 2–5 trolls)
Treasure standard

Fire Absorption (Su) Any fire effect that

would deal 20 or more points of damage
to a fire troll causes the creature to grow
to Huge size. A black troll can induce this effect
itself by stepping into a large source of fire that deals
20 or more points of damage in a single round. It must
spend one full round in the flames for this method to work.
This size change lasts 1 hour before the black troll reverts to
its normal size.


XP 3,200
CE Huge humanoid (giant)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
Perception +8

AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (+10 natural, –2 size)

hp 100 (8d8+64); regeneration 5 (acid or cold)
Fort +14; Ref +2; Will +3

Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +15 (2d6+11), 2 claws +16 (1d8+11)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d8+16)

Str 32, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 5, Wis 9, Cha 6

Base Atk +6; CMB +19; CMD 29
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception),
Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Climb +16, Intimidate +15, Perception +8
Languages Giant

Black trolls are an offshoot of standard trolls, believed to be

supernaturally altered by magic. They dwell in the same climate as their

Talorani to Troll, Undead

Troll, River
Similar in many respects to their swamp-loving kin, river trolls prefer a
less slimy existence, and prefer to live in forested regions near rivers and
streams, or under bridges.
XP 1,600
CE Large humanoid (amphibious, giant)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
Perception +8

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +5 natural,

–1 size)
hp 63 (6d8+36); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Fort +11; Ref +4; Will +3

Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

Melee bite +8 (1d8+5), 2 claws +8
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+7)

Str 21, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6

Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 22
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Skill
Focus (Perception)
Skills Intimidate +9, Perception +8, Swim +13
Languages Giant
SQ amphibious

Environment temperate forest

Organization solitary, or gang (3–6)
Treasure standard

River trolls patrol the banks of large rivers, looking to hunt the
forest creatures that use the river for sustenance. Very rarely, the
river trolls are indigent enough to use crude nets or spears to
harvest fish and other aquatic foods from the river itself.
River trolls are more frequently found as a group, as
they are somewhat smaller than a normal troll (those
only other trolls really notice this). They will work
together with those of their own kind, but not with
other common trolls.
River trolls are adept swimmers, and like to lurk
underwater for prey near bridges, if possible.

Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk
Reloaded (© Necromancer Games,

Tome of Horrors 4
Troll, Undead
tThis tall and hideous humanoid has sickly green, rotting flesh and
hands that end in filthy claws.

XP 2,400
CE Large undead
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., scent;
Perception +10

AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size)

hp 68 (8d8+24 plus 8); fast healing 5
Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +7
DR 5/magic; Immune undead traits; Resist cold 10, fire 10

Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +12 (1d8+7), 2 claws +12 (1d6+7 plus bleed)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks bleed (1d6), rend (2 claws, 1d6+10)

Str 24, Dex 14, Con —, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 16

Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 26
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Skill Focus
(Perception), Toughness
Skills Climb +11, Intimidate +18, Perception +10,
Stealth +6
Languages Giant

Environment cold mountains or any

Organization solitary or pair
Treasure standard

Sometimes when a troll dies, the evilness within the creature

raises it as an undead troll; a mockery of life and even more
evil than it was before (if such is possible). Undead trolls despise
all living creatures, especially other trolls. Their sole purpose
now seems to be to kill and devour every living thing they encounter.
Undeath seems to have cursed them with an eternal hunger, and undead
trolls are forever seeking to satiate their appetite. Undead trolls do not eat
other undead trolls however. Though they tend to inhabit the same cold
mountains they did in life, undead trolls can be found anywhere.
Undead trolls generally resemble normal trolls in stature. Their flesh
has taken on a sickly green appearance and is rotting in various places.
Their teeth and nails are filthy and these creatures are almost always
caked in dried blood.
Undead trolls are relentless in combat, always fighting to the death.
They attack as do standard trolls, using wicked claws and bites. While
they lack the true regenerative powers of a standard troll, their ability to
quickly heal still complicates combat for a lot of would-be troll slayers.

Uggoth to Undead Elemental, Fire

This hideous humanoid creature has the lower torso of an octopus and a blast of mental energy at a single target within 40 feet.
the upper torso of a human. Two long tentacles protrude from each side of The blast deals 8d6 points of damage to a single target if
the creature’s body, just beneath its arms. Its head, while vaguely human, it fails a DC 24 Will save. This is a mind-affecting effect. The
is hairless and features an elongated skull. save DC is Charisma-based.
Spell Reflection (Su) Any spell that fails to overcome a
UGGOTH CR 8 uggoth’s spell resistance is reflected back on the caster who
XP 4,800 becomes the target of the spell. Area spells still affect the
CE Medium aberration area around the uggoth, but the portion that would affect it
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect thoughts; Perception +16 is reflected back on the caster.
Tentacles (Ex) A uggoth’s tentacles are always primary
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 attacks for the creature.
hp 67 (9d8+27) Uggoths are subterranean creatures
Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +12 once bent on destruction and expanding
Defensive Abilities spell reflection; DR 10/cold their own realm from the underworld to
iron; SR 19 the surface world. Legends say the uggoth
race was formed when a band of ancient
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. humans offended their gods
Melee 2 claws +10 and were forever cursed.
(1d4+4), 4 tentacles Scholars cannot verify
+10 (1d6+4 plus grab) or disprove this origin
Special Attacks myth.
mind thrust Uggoths dwell in
Spell-Like Abilities great underground
(CL 12th): cities, most of
Constant— which are built
detect and maintained by
magic slave labor. Once
At will— an ambitious race
charm with desires to rule
person (DC both underground
16), detect and aboveground,
thoughts (DC 17), uggoths now spend
hypnotic pattern (DC 17), most of their time
suggestion (DC 18) lounging in their homes or
1/day—charm monster in public places within the uggoth
(DC 20), mass cities partaking of various dream-
suggestion (DC 21), inducing narcotics. They are still
plane shift (DC 22) very active in trade, usually trading
with other evil-aligned subterranean
Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, races. In exchange for various foods,
Int 19, Wis 19, Cha 21 manufactured weapons, and spices,
Base Atk +6; CMB +10 the uggoth receive slaves, exotic herbs,
(+14 grapple); CMD 23 and the like.
Feats Combat Casting, Uggoths stand between 6 and 7 feet
Dodge, Improved Initiative, tall and weigh 160 to 180 pounds. Their
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes humanoid flesh is dark amber and leathery to
Skills Bluff +14, Diplomacy the touch. Their lower torsos are even darker amber
+14, Intimidate +17, fading to black near the tips of the tentacles. Uggoths live for 150 years
Knowledge (any one) +13, typically.
Knowledge (arcana) +16, Perception +16, Sense Motive +13, A uggoth attack with its mind thrust attack in an effort to dispatch its
Spellcraft +12, Swim +12, Use Magical Device +9 enemies as quickly and efficiently as possible. Creatures that survive
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic, Undercommon are attacked with various spell-like abilities and slashed or grabbed by
SQ water breathing the creature’s tentacles. Opponents that are killed are usually devoured
on the spot or carried back to the uggoth’s dwelling and eaten later or
Environment any underground fed to the young. Opponents that show promise as slaves are captured
Organization solitary or gang (2–4) instead of killed. Potential slaves are carted back to the uggoth’s city
Treasure standard and placed in a public slave pen where they are eventually sold to the
highest bidder. Occasionally the city’s overseer allows the uggoth to
Mind Thrust (Su) Three times per day, a uggoth can unleash keep captured slaves.

Tome of Horrors 4
Undead Elemental, Fire
A pillar of black flame glowing with a bluish nimbus seems to contain a
humanoid shape at its heart. The crackling flames give off an intense chill
that drains the heat from the surrounding air.


XP 4,800
NE Medium undead (cold)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15

AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +5

hp 102 (12d8+36 plus 12)
Fort +7; Ref +8; Will +8
Defensive Abilities chill shield; Immune cold, fire, undead

Speed 50 ft.
Melee slam +13 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 cold and coldfire)

Str 16, Dex 19, Con —, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 16

Base Atk +9; CMB +12; CMD 27
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring
Attack, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Perception +15
Languages Ignan
SQ snuff

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none

Chill Shield (Su) In addition to being immune to cold and

fire, the flames that wreath an undead fire elemental also
act as a fire shield spell. Any creature striking the undead
fire elemental with a natural or handheld weapon takes
1d6+12 points of cold damage. This effect cannot be
Coldfire (Su) Each time an undead fire elemental Occasionally a horrible tragedy befalls a summoned fire elemental such
successfully hits a living creature, that creature must make that it is destroyed but is not permitted to return to its plane of origin.
a DC 19 Fortitude save or catch on fire from the elemental’s When this happens, what can eventually form is a horrendous creature
cold flames. These flames deal 1d6 Strength damage per composed of its original element infused with raw negative energy.
round as the life-giving heat is snuffed from its body. The The resulting undead creature is an abomination to its element, seeking
afflicted creature is entitled to a new saving throw each nothing more than to snuff out all heat it encounters. Divorced of its
round. This coldfire burns for 1d6 rounds or until a successful natural element, undead fire elementals are no longer hindered by water
save is made. Resistance to cold or fire does not prevent this or bodies of nonflammable liquids.
damage, though death ward does. The save is Charisma An undead fire elemental stands 7 feet tall but weighs only 75 pounds
based. due to its ephemeral nature.
Snuff (Ex) As a standard action (that does not provoke Undead fire elementals retain the ability to speak Ignan but rarely deign
an attack of opportunity), an undead fire elemental can to speak to those they are about to consume in their cold fury.
extinguish itself, thereby reducing itself to the form of its base Undead fire elementals usually remain in their lairs, morosely
component — a small pile of cold ashes. The undead fire remembering their prior warm existence. However, when anything living
elemental will rarely do this while in the presence of other comes within range, they quickly resume their burning form and surprise
creatures because of the inherent vulnerability involved. attack with glee to forever destroy the heat that they sense in their prey.
If the cold ash can be scooped up and placed in a
stoppered container, the undead fire elemental is trapped Credit
until released. Likewise if the ash pile is exposed to winds Original author Greg A. Vaughan
of 50 mph or greater, the undead fire elemental’s material Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
form is dispersed, and it is unable to manifest its burning form Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)
again until it is able to reform its ash pile — a process usually
taking several years. While in its ash pile form, an undead
fire elemental can burst into its burning form as a free action
without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Valeany to Voltar

An exquisitely beautiful creature with pointed ears and long flowing Embrace (Su) A valeany that grapples and pins a foe deals
hair emerges from the forest. 1d4 points of Strength damage to the target each round
the pin is maintained.
VALEANY CR 3 Mark (Su) A valeany can “mark” an opponent that instills
XP 800 distrust in all animals. No animal, wild or domesticated,
CN Medium fey approaches within 30 feet of a marked foe; if forced
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 to do so, the creature panics and remains so as long
as it’s within 30 feet of the target. The mark can
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, be removed by a break enchantment or dispel
+3 natural) magic (the latter of which must be cast by a
hp 22 (4d6+8) spellcaster whose caster level is equal to or
Fort +3; Ref +8; Will +6 higher than the valeany’s Hit Dice). Dryads,
DR 5/cold iron druids, and valeanys can sense a marked
creature within 60 feet.
Speed 30 ft. Nature’s Empathy (Su) This ability functions as
Melee mwk dagger +7 (1d4/19–20) or a druid’s wild empathy class feature, except
touch +6 (mark) or unarmed +6 (1d3 plus the valeany has a +4 racial bonus on the
grab) check. The valeany’s effective druid level is
Special Attacks embrace equal to her Hit Dice for determining her total
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; melee touch modifier to the check.
+2, ranged touch +6)
3/day—entangle (DC 15), hypnotism The valeany or “forest girl” is thought to be
(DC 15), suggestion (DC 17) distantly related to the dryad and nymph. She makes
1/day—call lightning (DC 17), her home deep in a secluded area of a forest, not far
dimension door (DC 18), flame from civilized areas perhaps but secluded enough
blade, hold person (DC 17), that it is away from prying eyes. Valeanys
summon nature’s ally III, tree are free-spirited creatures that enjoy games,
shape frivolity, and nature. They are often found in
the company of dryads, nymphs, sirines, and
Str 10, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 15, Wis elves.
15, Cha 19 A valeany appears as a comely human
Base Atk +2; CMB +2 (+6 female with long flowing golden hair that
grapple); CMD 17 nearly reaches the ground. The eyes of a
Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse valeany are a deep golden blue or brown.
Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11, Skin color ranges from light golden to dark
Handle Animal +8, Knowledge tan. The valeany wears either lightly colored
(nature) +9, Perception +9, and lightweight gowns or nothing at all.
Sense Motive +9, Stealth +11, Valeany, like their cousins the dryad and nymph,
Survival +6 are not combatants. They seek to avoid combat when
Languages Common, Sylvan possible, unless they themselves, their homes, or their
SQ nature’s empathy allies are threatened or harmed. Most often, a valeany
uses its spell-like abilities to slip away from battle as soon as
Environment temperate forests possible, marking its enemies as it does so.
Organization If forced into combat, a valeany fights using its spell-like
Treasure standard (masterwork abilities and embrace. Incapacitated or weakened foes are left
dagger, other treasure) where they fall.

Tome of Horrors 4
Vampire Spawn, Feral
This brutish monstrosity appears to have once been a human, though to the creature causing a fate worse than even that of a typical vampire
its formerly fine grave clothes are tattered and smeared with the filth of a spawn. On these occasions whether by accident or design, upon waking
boneyard. Massive muscles ripple beneath its cold, hard flesh contributing to its new undead existence the newly created spawn finds itself trapped
to its hunched posture, and jagged, broken fangs extend from between its within its coffin or tomb and unable to free itself even in gaseous form.
bloodless lips. In these instances the spawn rages and struggles to escape as it slowly
goes insane, a victim of its all-consuming hunger. When the master
FERAL VAMPIRE SPAWN CR 6 vampire finally deigns to release its new spawn or it finally manages to
XP 2,400 break free — sometimes years after its creation — the spawn is feral and
CE Medium undead (augmented human) nearly mindless, though with a much greater strength due to its incessant
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +8 rage. Vampire masters often find such spawn less of a threat and easier to
dispose of when their usefulness has ended.
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 natural) Unlike typical vampire spawn, feral vampire spawn resemble primitive
hp 68 (8d8+24 plus 8); fast healing 2 or Neanderthal-like versions of their former selves with heavy frames
Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +4 supporting a massive musculature and a face twisted by rage and hate into
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 5/silver; an almost animal-like mask. They are usually hunched over from long
Immune undead traits; Resist cold 10, electricity 10 confinement and weigh up to 200 pounds more than typical for a member
Weaknesses vampire weaknesses of their species of their relative size.
Feral vampire spawn have lost the ability to speak beyond inarticulate
Speed 30 ft. roars, though they can understand and obey verbal commands from their
Melee slam +13 (1d6+10 plus energy drain) master.
Special Attacks blood drain, energy drain (1 level, DC 10) Feral vampire spawn attack without thought or tactics using their
tremendous brute strength to smash their foes and feed. Though it is
Str 25, Dex 14, Con —, Int 2, Wis 6, Cha 16 presumed that they should still be capable of assuming gaseous form at
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 25 will or using their domination gaze like standard vampire spawn, feral
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, vampire spawn seem to have forgotten how to use these abilities.
Skills Climb +15, Perception +8, Stealth +13; Racial Modifiers Credit
+4 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth Original author Greg A. Vaughan
Languages Common (cannot speak) Originally appearing in Slumbering Tsar (© Frog God Games/
SQ gaseous form, shadowless, spider climb Greg A. Vaughan, 2012)

Environment any
Organization solitary or pack (2–5)
Treasure none

Blood Drain (Su) A feral vampire spawn can suck blood from
a grappled opponent; if the feral vampire spawn establishes
or maintains a pin, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
Constitution damage. The feral vampire spawn heals 5 hit
points or gains 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour (up to a
maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full
normal hit points) each round it drains blood.
Energy Drain (Su) A creature hit by a feral vampire spawn’s
slam gains one negative level. This ability only triggers once
per round, regardless of the number of attacks the feral
vampire spawn makes.
Fast Healing (Su) A feral vampire spawn has fast healing 2. If
reduced to 0 hit points in combat, it assumes gaseous form
and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within
2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to 9 miles in
2 hours.) Additional damage dealt to a feral vampire spawn
forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest, it is
helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no helpless
and resumes healing at the rate of 2 hit points per round.
Gaseous Form (Su) A feral vampire spawn can only assume
gaseous form when it has been reduced to 0 hit points in
combat. It then assumes gaseous form as the spell (caster
level 5th) and returns to its coffin. While gaseous it has a fly
speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.
Shadowless (Ex) A feral vampire spawn casts no shadows
and shows no reflection in a mirror.
Spider Climb (Ex) A feral vampire spawn can climb sheer
surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.

Sometimes when vampires create minions something horrible happens

Valeany to Voltar

A man-sized humanoid whose body is covered with crackling and long and wide. No teeth seem to be present in its mouth.
arcing blue and white electricity stands before you. Its eyes are oversized A voltar speaks its own tongue consisting of clicks and guttural sounds.
empty white sockets. Small sparks of electricity seem to dance inside the It seems to understand Common, but does not appear to be able to speak it.
empty sockets. A lone voltar does not attack if outnumbered (unless it is cornered and
cannot escape). When more than one voltar is present, however, they often
VOLTAR CR 4 attack creatures that wander too close to their lair. In combat, a voltar
XP 1,200 attacks with its electrically-charged fists, weapon, or by hurling a bolt of
N Medium outsider (electricity, extraplanar) lightning at an opponent.
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)

hp 37 (5d10+10)
Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +3
DR 5/magic; Immune cold, electricity, poison
Weaknesses vulnerability to water

Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +9 (1d8+3 plus 1d6 electricity), 2 slams +3
(1d4+3 plus 1d6 electricity)
Ranged lightning bolt +7 (2d6 electricity)
Special Attacks death throes, lightning bolt

Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Ability Focus (death throes), Iron Will, Weapon Focus
Skills Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (planes)
+8, Perception +8, Stealth +10, Survival +5
Languages Common (can’t speak), Voltar

Environment any (Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning)

Organization solitary or pair
Treasure incidental (longsword, other treasure)

Death Throes (Su) When reduced to 0 hit points or less, a

voltar explodes in a blinding flash of electricity that radiates
outward and deals 5d6 points of electricity damage to
everything within 30 feet. A DC 16 Reflex save reduces the
damage by half. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Lightning Bolt (Su) A voltar’s lightning bolt has a range of 100
Vulnerable to Water (Ex) A voltar submerged in enough
water to cover its entire body is immediately reduced to 0
hit points and explodes just as if it had used its death throes

Voltars are organic creatures semi-composed of lightning that hail from

the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning. Though rarely encountered on
other planes, they do enjoy traveling to the Material Plane from time to
time, journeying to the plane via lightning storms and riding the lightning
bolts to the ground.
On the Material Plane, voltars make their lairs near civilized areas,
but not close enough to draw attention to them. Most such lairs consist
of well-hidden and camouflaged caves or caverns in dense forests or
hilly areas. They enjoy watching natives of the Material Plane and
often make forays into nearby civilized areas to observe the locals.
Voltars are nocturnal hunters, preferring to hunt during
thunderstorms, rainstorms, and especially lightning storms. A
voltar’s diet consists primarily of whatever it can catch and kill
supplemented with a mix of berries, nuts, and fruits.
A voltar appears as a milky-white slender and lithe humanoid
standing about 6-1/2 feet tall. Its body, armor, and weapon is
covered in dancing and arcing crackling electricity of blue and
white. Its eyes are white and empty (save for the small sparks of electricity
that seem to play in them). Its head is long and rectangular and its mouth

Tome of Horrors 4
War Flower
This beautiful and yet disturbing flower resembles a man-sized
sunflower that grows daggers instead of petals and has a great, round eye
in its center. From its thin stem a small iron shield and a needle thin rapier
sprout. Suddenly, the thing stirs.

XP 1,200
N Medium plant
Init +9; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9

AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+5 Dex, +5 natural)

hp 33 (6d8+6)
Fort +6; Ref +9; Will +2
Immune plant traits
Weakness thin stem

Speed 40 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +10 (1d6+2/18–20), or dagger +9
Special Attacks dagger wind (1d4 daggers; DC 18 Ref
Spell-like Abilities (CL 6th):
1/day—haste (self only)

Str 14, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 21
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Perception +9

Environment temperate forests (The Hollow Mountain)

Organization garden (3–12)
Treasure (masterwork rapier, dagger, other treasure)

Dagger Wind (Ex) A war flower can lunch all its dagger-
petals in all directions at once. Every creature in a 30
ft. radius must succeed a DC 18 Reflex save or be hit
by 1d4 daggers for 1d4+2 damage each. This attack is
usually performed when the flower is mortally wounded or
hopelessly outnumbered. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Thin Stem (Ex) A war flower has a thin and fragile stem. The
thin stem makes it extremely vulnerable to slashing weapons.
A war flower that suffers a critical hit from a slashing weapon
must make a Fortitude save equal to DC 10 + the damage
dealt or die as result of its stem being chopped in two.

War flowers were among of the first of the Tree That Sees creations
(see The Hollow Mountain from Frog God Games for more information
on the Tree That Sees), a union of the gentleness and beauty of the flower
with the grace and deadliness of a rapier. Although only slightly smarter
than normal flowers they nevertheless can follow one-word orders, tell
the difference between friends and foes and fight with unpredictable style
and elegance.
War flowers usually wait until an enemy comes close enough to rain a
hail of daggers on him before charging with their rapiers. Since they are
nearly mindless they fight until either they or their designated target are
The group stumbles upon a group of warflowers lying in ambush for
any trespassers into the Tree That Sees’ realm. There is a 20% chance for
a dead adventurer along with his treasure to lie in the area.

Original author Uri Kurlianchik
Originally appearing in The Hollow Mountain (© Frog God
Games, 2011)

War Flower to Worg, Dire

Wasp, Elven
This large wasp has a sapphire blue body and jet black wings. hidden and difficult to locate (Search DC 20). The wasps also build a
special incubating nest nearby (usually within 500 feet of the main nest);
ELVEN WASP CR 4 another large spiraling tunnel that empties into a large main chamber. It is
XP 1,200 in this incubating nest where they store their victims and the female lays
N Medium vermin her eggs.
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 Elven wasps are hunters; their favorite food being elves. Though not
particularly picky with their elven diet, they prefer surface elves to drow
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +5 natural) or aquatic elves.
hp 58 (9d8+18) Elves that fall prey to these wasps are used not only as food, but also as
Fort +8; Ref +5; Will +4 “incubators” for the young. A paralyzed elf is dragged back to the wasp’s
Immune mind-affecting effects incubating lair and dropped into the main chamber. While still alive and
paralyzed, the elf’s abdomen is slit open and the female elven wasp lays
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) a single large egg in the wound. The female then leaves the chamber and
Melee sting +9 (1d6+4 plus poison) seals the entrance. In a short time the egg hatches and the elven wasp
larvae begin devouring the still living elf. After devouring the majority of
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 10 the elf, the larvae spin cocoons and pupate, hatching several months later
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 21 as elven wasps—they then dig their way out of the lair and fly off on their
Skills Fly +6, Perception +9, Stealth +6; Racial Modifiers +8 own into the world.
Perception, +4 Stealth Elven wasps are large 6-foot long wasps, though they can grow to be up
to 10 feet in length. Females tend to be slightly larger and more aggressive
Environment temperate forests than males.
Organization solitary, group (2–5), or nest (6–12) An elven wasp attacks with a vicious stinger that can paralyze its victim.
Treasure incidental A paralyzed victim, if it’s an elf, is dragged back to the wasp’s lair where
it is used as food and an incubator for the queen’s eggs. Non-elf victims
Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fortitude DC 18; frequency are stung to death or left to other predators and scavengers. Some elven
1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Dexterity damage; cure 1 wasps, seemingly aware that their paralyzed victims occasionally shake
save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 off the effects of their venom, break an elven victim’s legs to prevent or
racial bonus. Non-elves gain a +2 bonus on their Fortitude hamper any chance a recovered victim has of escaping the lair.
saves against an elven wasp’s poisonous sting.

Elven wasps build their lairs deep within the ground in temperate
forests, plains, and hills. A rare species is believed to inhabit warm and
tropical forests and hills as well. A typical lair is a spiraling tunnel that
empties into a large open chamber. The entrance to the lair is usually well-

Tome of Horrors 4
Water Leaper
This creature resembles a dog-sized legless toad with large bat-like
wings and a tail. It is a rotund, slimy beast with bulging eyes and a
massive mouth filled with dagger-like teeth.

XP 600
N Medium magical beast (aquatic)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
vision; Perception +8

AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +5

hp 22 (3d10+6)
Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +4

Speed 20 ft., fly 10 ft. (clumsy), swim 30

Melee bite +5 (1d8+3/19–20), tail
barb +5 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks powerful bite

Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 12,

Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17 (21 vs.
Feats Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Fly –1, Perception +8, Stealth +6
(+14 in water), Swim +10; Racial Modifiers
+4 Stealth (+12 in water)
SQ amphibious

Environment any aquatic

Organization solitary or brood (2–6)
Treasure none

Powerful Bite (Ex) A water leaper’s bite attack

always applies 1–1/2 times its Strength modifier
on damage rolls and threatens a critical hit on a
roll of 19–20.
Wail (Su) As a standard action, a water leaper can
unleash a high-pitched wail that causes living
creatures within 60 feet that hear it to make a DC 14
Will save or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Whether
or not the save succeeds, that creature cannot
be affected again by that water leaper’s wail for
one day. This is a sonic, mind-affecting effect.
The save DC is Charisma-based.

Water leapers are the bane of fresh water fisherman. They

snap angling lines and nets as easily one would snap a spider
web. They lie in ambush in the shallows of lakes to attack
anything that comes down for a drink, and overturn boats to
feast on the fishermen as they struggle in the water. Water
leapers inhabit nearly any source of fresh water, from river to
lakes. They remain in the shallow parts of the lakes, only diving
to deeper waters to avoid capture.
A water leaper lair is underwater and usually close to the shoreline.
Here the female deposits up to 30 eggs, most of which hatch within two
to three weeks. Young water leapers resemble adults save their wings and varies depending on the creature’s surroundings and environment (water
tail. The wings are almost non-existent, consisting of two small ridges leapers gradually change colors over time to blend more with their
on the water leaper’s back. The tail of a young water leaper is short and surroundings), but usually consists of gray or brownish-green. Eyes are
round, and lacks the barbed stinger of the adult. Both are fully developed always dull brown.
by the time the young reaches maturity (in about 5 months). A water Water leapers hide in the water, waiting for prey to move close so they
leaper has a lifespan of roughly 20 years. can spring to attack. They wail to immobilize their opponents then leap
Water leapers are about 6 feet long and weigh 300 pounds. Coloration from their hiding places and attack, biting and stinging their prey.

War Flower to Worg, Dire

Weirds are creatures from the elemental planes. Lesser weirds are made negate the effect. Elementals that fail their saves fall under
up of elements from the demi-, para-, and quasi-elemental planes, while the lesser weird’s control, obeying its commands to the best
greater weirds are composed of elements from the pure elemental planes of their ability as if under the effects of a dominate monster
(air, earth, fire, and water). spell. Intelligent elementals receive a new save once each
Both types can be encountered on the Material Plane, often in the week to resist command. A lesser weird can command any
employ of a powerful spellcaster. Bribery is the usual means of gaining number of elementals, so long as their total Hit Dice do not
the services of a weird, though some spellcasters resort to even more exceed its own. If the elemental is under the command of
deceitful practices or trickery to gain the services of these creatures. another creature, the lesser weird must make an opposed
Spellcasters beware! Weirds are intelligent creatures and do not take Charisma check to gain control of the elemental. The save
kindly to deception (unless they are the ones engaging in such trickery). DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Many weirds are bound to an area when summoned (caster’s choice). Rejuvenation (Su) When reduced
If bound, the area usually covers an area in a 100-foot radius (or less) to 0 hit points or less, a lesser
centered on the point where the weird first appears. Most casters bind weird collapses. If contacting
weirds into pools of their element, such as an acid weird being summoned its element, it reforms 1
and bound into a large pool of acid or a mud weird being bound into a minute later with 5 hit points,
large mud pool. A weird that is bound to an area can move freely within allowing its fast healing
the area but cannot leave it. thereafter to resume healing
All weirds, regardless of their makeup, are serpent-like creatures about it.
10 feet long (lesser weirds are 8 feet long), and being of an evil and malign Transparency (Ex) When
nature. Weirds speak the common language of weirds and the language submerged in its element,
native to their home plane. Some speak more languages, and still some a lesser weird is effectively
can speak Common. invisible and gains total
concealment (50% miss
chance). Additionally, a
Weird, Lesser submerged lesser weird
gains a +12 racial bonus
This creature resembles an 8-foot long serpent formed of elemental on Stealth checks and can
material. move at full speed without
taking a penalty on Stealth
XP 1,200
CE Large outsider (extraplanar, varies) Acid Weird (Acid)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 Acid weirds are normally
encountered on the Quasi-
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 Elemental Plane of Acid or
natural, –1 size) on the Material Plane.
hp 51 (6d10+18); fast healing 5 Fast Healing Works only
Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +4 when in contact with acid.
Defensive Abilities rejuvenation, transparency; DR 5/ Speed Swim 40 ft.
bludgeoning Immune Acid
Weaknesses Vulnerability to
Speed 40 ft. water
Melee bite +11 (1d8+7 plus grab) Melee plus 1d8 acid
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Vulnerability to Water (Ex) A
significant amount of water, such as
Str 21, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 11 that created by a create water spell, the
Base Atk +6; CMB +12 (+16 grapple); CMD 25 (can’t be contents of a large bucket, or a
tripped) blow from a water elemental,
Feats Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Mobility, Weapon Focus that strikes an acid weird
(bite) forces the creature to make a
Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +9, Intimidate +9, Knowledge DC 20 Fortitude save to avoid
(planes) +9, Perception +11, Stealth +7 (+19 submergd in being staggered for 2d4 rounds. An
element); Racial Modifiers +12 Stealth when submerged in acid weird that is immersed in water
element must make a DC 20 Fortitude save
Languages Weirdling, one appropriate elemental language each round (this DC increases
(Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran) by +1 each subsequent round) or
take 1d6 points of damage each
Environment any (elemental planes, quasi-elemental planes, round until the water is gone.
para-elemental planes)
Organization solitary or pack (2–4) Frost Weird (Cold)
Treasure standard Frost weirds are normally
encountered on the Para-
Command Elemental (Su) As a standard action, a lesser Elemental Plane of Ice, the
weird can attempt to enslave elementals of the same Plane of Water, the Plane of Air, or
type within 30 feet. Elementals receive a DC 15 Will save to on the Material Plane.

Tome of Horrors 4
Fast Healing Works only when in contact with
ice or snow.
Immune Cold
Weird, Greater
Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire This creature resembles a 10-foot long serpent formed of elemental
Melee plus 1d6 cold material.

Magma Weird (Fire) GREATER WEIRD CR 8

Magma weirds are normally XP 4,800
encountered on the Para-Elemental N Large outsider (elemental, extraplanar, varies)
Plane of Magma, the Plane of Fire, Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +25
the Plane of Earth, or on the Material
Plane. AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +8
Fast Healing Works only when in natural, –1 size)
contact with magma or lava. hp 95 (10d10+40); fast healing 5
Speed Burrow 20 ft.; magma glide Fort +11; Ref +9; Will +5
Immune Fire Defensive Abilities rejuvenation, transparency; DR 10/
Weaknesses Vulnerability to cold bludgeoning
Melee plus 1d6 fire
Magma Glide (Ex) This ability Speed 40 ft.
functions as an earth elemental’s earth Melee bite +15 (1d8+7 plus grab)
glide, but allows the magma weird to Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
pass through lava as well. Special Attacks command elemental, constrict (1d8+7)

Mud Weird (Earth) Str 21, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 14
Mud weirds are normally Base Atk +10; CMB +16 (+20 grapple); CMD 29 (can’t be
encountered on the Plane of tripped)
Earth or on the Material Plane. Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Skill Focus
Fast Healing Works only when (Perception), Weapon Focus (bite)
in contact with mud. Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +10, Climb +15, Intimidate +10,
Speed Burrow 20 ft.; earth glide Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +25, Stealth +15 (+27
Immune Acid submerged in element); Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4
Melee bite +11 (2d6+7 plus grab) Stealth (+16 when submerged in element)
(replaces the line in the stat Languages Weirdling, one appropriate elemental language
block) (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran)

Ooze Weird (Water) Environment any (elemental planes, quasi-elemental planes,

Ooze weirds are normally para-elemental planes)
encountered on the Para- Organization solitary or pack (1 greater weird plus 2–4 lesser
Elemental Plane of Ooze, the weirds of the same element)
Plane of Water, the Plane of Treasure standard
Earth, or on the Material Plane.
Fast Healing Works only in wet or Command Elemental (Su) As a standard action, a greater
muddy environments. weird can attempt to enslave elementals of the same
Speed Swim 30 ft. subtype within 30 feet. Elementals receive a DC 19 Will save
Melee plus sickened to negate the effect. Elementals that fail their saves fall
Sickened (Ex) Anyone bitten by under the greater weird’s control, obeying its commands to
an ooze weird must succeed the best of their ability as if under the effects of a dominate
on a DC 16 Fortitude save or monster spell. Intelligent elementals receive a new save
be sickened for 1d6 rounds. once each week to resist command. A greater weird can
command any number of elementals, so long as their total
Smoke Weird (Air) Hit Dice do not exceed its own. If the elemental is under
Smoke weirds are normally the command of another creature, the greater weird must
encountered on the Para-Elemental make an opposed Charisma check to gain control of the
Plane of Smoke, the Plane of elemental. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a
Air, the Plane of Fire, or on the +2 racial bonus.
Material Plane. Rejuvenation (Su) When reduced to 0 hit points or less, a
Fast Healing Works only in greater weird collapses. If contacting its element, it reforms
smoky environments. 1 minute later with 5 hit points, allowing its fast healing
Immune Fire thereafter to resume healing it.
Weaknesses Vulnerability to cold, Transparency (Ex) When submerged in its element, a greater
vulnerability to wind weird is effectively invisible and gains total concealment
Melee bite +11 (2d6+7 plus grab) (50% miss chance). Additionally, a submerged greater weird
(replaces the line in the stat block) gains a +12 racial bonus on Stealth checks and can move
Vulnerability to Wind (Ex) A smoke weird is treated as two sizes at full speed without taking a penalty on Stealth checks.
smaller for purposes of determining the effects high wind has upon it.
Air Weird (Air)
Air weirds are normally encountered on the Plane of Air or on the
Material Plane.
Fast Healing Works only in airy environments.

War Flower to Worg, Dire
Weaknesses Vulnerability to wind
Speed Fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee bite +15 (2d6+7 plus grab) (replaces the line in the stat block)
Skills Fly +0
Vulnerability to Wind (Ex) An air weird is treated as two sizes smaller
for purposes of determining the effects high wind has upon it.

Earth Weird (Earth)

Earth weirds are normally encountered on the Plane of Earth or on the
Material Plane.
Fast Healing Works only when in contact with earth.
Immune Acid
Speed Burrow 20 ft.; earth glide
Melee bite +15 (2d6+7 plus grab) (replaces the line in the stat block)

Fire Weird (Fire)

Fire weirds are normally encountered on the Plane of Fire or on the
Material Plane.
Fast Healing Works only when in contact with fire.
Immune Fire
Weaknesses Vulnerability to cold
Speed 60 ft. (replaces the line in the stat block)
Melee bite +15 (1d8+7 plus grab and burn) (replaces the line in the stat
Burn (Ex) A fire weird deals fire damage in addition to damage dealt
on a successful hit in melee. Those affected by its burn ability must also
succeed on a DC 19 Reflex save or catch fire, taking 1d8 points of fire
damage for an additional 1d4 rounds at the start of its turn. A burning
creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action. Dropping and
rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. Creatures that hit
a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire
damage as though hit by the burning creature and must make a DC 19
Reflex save to avoid catching on fire. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Water Weird (Water)

Water weirds are normally encountered on the Plane of Water or on the
Material Plane.
Fast Healing Works only in water.
Defensive Abilities Resistance to fire 10
Speed Swim 60 ft.
Special Attacks Drench, water mastery
Skills Swim +13

Tome of Horrors 4
The creature sliding out of the stone appears to be a tiny man with ugly, mistaken for such until the viewer draws near enough to recognize how
bulbous features, dull gray skin, and gemstone teeth. It is clad in dirty truly ugly the wichtlein is.
overalls and wears a floppy cap on its head. Unfortunately while helpful, wichtlein are not especially bright, and
usually fail to accurately convey the sort of danger approaching. Most
WICHTLEIN CR 3 of the time, wichtlein simply pound on nearby rock and stone to indicate
XP 800 danger, a sign that miners are wise to heed.
NG Tiny fey Individual wichtlein occasionally leave their mines to dwell in and
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10 under the homes of humans or other humanoids. This happens when
a wichtlein becomes smitten with a human of the opposite gender,
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size) something which occurs rather more frequently than might be expected.
hp 19 (3d6+9) These “house wichtlein” maintain the home, cleaning and repairing to the
Fort +4; Ref +6; Will +5 best of their ability while their beloved is away. Such “relationships” most
DR 5/cold iron; SR 15 frequently end when the wichtlein finally reveals itself to the object of its
affections, and is usually rejected. Some wichtlein, despite their generally
Speed 20 ft., earth glide good alignment, wreak havoc on the home of the one who rejected it
Melee pickaxe +6 (1d3) or touch +6 (slow) before returning, dejected, to its mine.
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. Wichtlein dislike confrontation, and prefer to flee when possible. If
Special Attacks fear, slowing touch (as the slow spell, CL 5th; they have no opportunity to run, and cannot create such an opportunity
DC 13 Will) with their slow and fear abilities, they try to bribe their attackers with
knowledge of the local mines and caves. (Wichtlein almost always know
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 8 where to find gems and valuable metals.) Only if all else fails do they
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15 engage in combat.
Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Perception +10,
Profession (miner) +5, Stealth +17 (+25 underground), Survival
+5; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth while underground
Languages Sylvan
SQ limited precognition, stonecunning

Environment any underground

Organization solitary, gang (2–4), or team (5–25)
Treasure standard

Fear (Su) By scrunching up its face, a wichtlein causes fear

in those within 30 feet that look upon it. Creatures affected
must succeed on a DC 10 Will save or be affected by fear
(CL 5th). Creatures that save are unaffected by the same
wichtlein’s fear for one day. Creatures with 6 or more HD are
not affected by this fear. The save is Charisma-based.
Limited Precognition (Su) Wichtlein are immediately
aware of upcoming danger, so long as the hazard is not
deliberately created by an intelligent creature. Thus, a
wichtlein could sense a coming cave-in, or the approach of
a bestial monster, but not a raiding party of drow or a miner
planning a murder. A wichtlein can sense this danger 3d10
minutes before it occurs, and always attempts to warn any
other intelligent creatures within the area.
Earth Glide (Ex) A wichtlein can move through any sort of
natural earth or stone as easily as a fish swims through water.
It leaves no sign of its passage or hint at its presence to
creatures that don’t possess tremorsense. A move earth spell
cast on an area containing a wichtlein moves the witchlein
back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it
succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save. A wichtlein moving
through stone cannot pick up or carry anything it finds within
the stone; thus, they still spend a great deal of their time

Wichtlein are a race of shy yet helpful fey who primarily dwell in mines,
caves, and other underground locations. Although they prefer not to be
seen, they are well known for warning miners and explorers of coming
dangers, such as cave-ins or approaching monsters. Some communities
believe the wichtlein are bad omens, actually causing the disasters about
which they warn others, but this is just a myth.
Wichtlein are about the size of small halflings, and are occasionally

War Flower to Worg, Dire

Wight, Sword
These wicked and depraved creatures lived and died by the sword, and
now, their dark taint passes through their weapons to tear at your soul.
XP 2,400
LE Medium undead
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15

AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +4

hp 60 (8d8+16 plus 8)
Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +7
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, undead traits

Speed 20 ft. (base 30 ft.)

Melee greatsword +8/+3 (2d6+1 plus energy drain/19–20), or
slam +7 (1d4+1 plus energy drain)

Str 12, Dex 12, Con —, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Blind-Fight, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness,
Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +7, Perception +15, Stealth +12
SQ sword channel
Gear chainmail, greatsword, gold circlet set with a sapphire
(worth 800 gp for the gem, or 1,000 gp for the entire circlet)

Environment any
Organization solitary, or garrison (2–20)
Treasure standard

Sword Channel (Ex) A sword wight’s energy drain ability

functions through melee weapon attacks it makes, in
addition to its slam attacks.

Much like the standard wight, these undead abominations are warped
and twisted caricatures of their former selves. The sword wight bears a
massive greatsword, and the cold touch of the grave courses through the
creature, through the weapon, into the hapless target.

Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded
(© Necromancer Games, 2006)

Tome of Horrors 4
These fey, when young, resemble caterpillars or worms 1/2 in. long
with miniscule elven faces. Once they mature they resemble tiny elves no
larger than a fat housefly, with moth-like wings on their backs. They emit
a beautiful pastel glow, and when doing so at night they appear to be no
more than bobbing globes of soft light.
XP 0
N Fine fey
hp 1 (common witchlights have no combat
capabilities; see the stats below for elder
witchlights and the side bar for further

Witchlights are a race of diminutive fey that are

bred by pixies and other sylvan creatures to provide
illumination and atmosphere to their events. They are born
on midsummer in their larval state. In the autumn they spin
cocoons for themselves in which they ride out the winter, hatching
in early spring in their adult form. As adults, their beating wings
release thousands of spores which, when it comes in contact with flower
pollen and moonlight, germinate into eggs.
Adult witchlights are vulnerable to cold temperatures,
and in all but the warmest climates they die in the
fall when the weather turns chilly.
However, favored witchlights may be cared for
through the harsh winter months; those that survive
become elder witchlights. They increase to 1 HD fey, and gain +1
hit point per year of life until they have reached the maximum possible
for their hit dice. Elder witchlights have an Intelligence score of 2, which
increases to 3 when they reach maximum hit points. The most intelligent
witchlights have limited sentience, capable of understanding the sylvan Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
language to a degree and even speaking a few words of it. Skills Acrobatics +7, Fly +19, Perception +8, Stealth +19
For every point of intelligence an elder witchlight possesses, it gains Languages Sylvan (limited)
one of the following spell-like abilities usable at will: stabilize, dancing
lights, daze, flare, ghost sound, light, prestidigitation, purify food and Environment temperate forest
drink (1/hour only), or virtue. Organization solitary, pair or cloud (4–20), summer swarm
Larval and normal witchlights have no combat abilities, and are worth (20–100)
no XP. Elder witchlights may be worth ad-hoc experience (no more than Treasure standard
CR 1/4) if they have spell-like abilities usable in combat.
Glimmer (Su) Witchlights produce a luminance in their larval
ELDER WITCHLIGHTS CR 1/4 stage equal to a candle in brightness. In their adult and
XP 100 elder stage the light is up to half torchlight intensity (bright
N Fine fey light in a 10 ft. radius). They can change the intensity or
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 extinguish this light as a free action. The glimmer is a steady,
soft glow, and may be silvery-white or just about any color,
AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 18 (+3 Dex, +8 size) though the fey that raise them favor pastel shades. Each
hp 4 (1d6–2) witchlight has its own unique color which it cannot change.
Fort –2; Ref +5; Will +3

Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect)

Witchlight Familiars
Melee none A witchlight may be taken as a familiar through the Improved Familiar
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st) feat. The minimum level to acquire such a familiar is caster level 3. Elder
At will—daze (DC 11), ghost sound (DC 11), virtue (elder #1) witchlights do not gain additional spell-like abilities for having their
dancing lights, flare (DC 11), purify food and drink (1/hour) intelligence raised due to being a familiar.
(elder #2)
daze (DC 11), light, prestidigitation (elder #3)
Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk Reloaded
Str 1, Dex 16, Con 6, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 12
(© Necromancer Games, 2006)
Base Atk +0; CMB –5; CMD 0

War Flower to Worg, Dire

Worg, Dire
A black-furred wolf the size of a horse, this beast has eyes that seem to Organization solitary, pair, or pack (6–11)
glow with a sinister intelligence. Treasure 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items
DIRE WORG CR 6 These creatures are to worgs what dire wolves are to their more ordinary
XP 2,400 kin. They still tend to associate with evil creatures but rarely anything
NE Large magical beast as mundane or insignificant as a goblinoid. Occasionally they serve as
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; mounts for ogres or hill giants. Like their lesser kin, dire worgs typically
Perception +12 hunt in packs, though they don’t limit their fare to herbivores or the sick
and infirm.
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +7 natural, –1 size) Dire worgs often challenge the most powerful member of an animal
hp 68 (8d10+24) pack knowing that if the leader is killed, the rest are usually easy pickings.
Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +4 They have also been known to seek out isolated humanoid settlements and
leave them as little more than smashed buildings and a few well-chewed
Speed 50 ft. and bloody bones.
Melee bite +17 (2d6+13 plus trip) A dire worg has black fur, sometimes with reddish highlights, giving it
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. an almost demonic appearance, and grows to be 10 feet long and 7 feet
high at the shoulder. It weighs 1,200 pounds.
Str 29, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 14 Dire worgs typically attack in packs holding particularly powerful prey
Base Atk +8; CMB +18; CMD 31 (34 vs. trip) at bay until their giant allies or additional worgs arrive. A mated pair of
Feats Improved Natural Attack (bite), Run, Skill Focus dire worgs often has a pack of normal worgs serving them as bush beaters
(Perception), Weapon Focus (bite) to chase prey into the dire worgs’ clutches. Like their lesser cousins, they
Skills Acrobatics +7, Perception +12, Stealth +5, Survival +6; prefer to harry and exhaust tougher prey before moving in with flanking
Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Stealth, +2 Survival and trip attacks.
Languages Common, Giant

Environment temperate forests and plains

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature resembles a mottled-green humanoid, about 6 feet tall,
composed of bark, vines, leaves, and other plant material. Its hand end
in wicked claws and a gaping maw dominates its head. No eyes appear
to be present.
XP 600
N Medium plant
Init +2; Senses blindsight 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +3

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)

hp 22 (4d8+4)
Fort +5; Ref +3; Will +2
Immune plant traits

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4+2), bite +5 (1d6+2)

Str 15, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Alertness, Stealthy
Skills Climb +10, Escape Artist +4, Perception +7, Sense
Motive +3, Stealth +10 (+18 in undergrowth); Racial Modifiers
+8 Stealth in undergrowth
SQ adaptation, tree meld
Languages Sylvan (can’t speak)

Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary, pair, or pack (3–6)
Treasure standard

Adaptation (Su) A xacon can, by touching an earthen,

metal, stone, or wooden item of Small or larger size, can
absorb a portion of the item’s properties. A xacon that
touches a wooden or earthen item (including the ground),
increases its natural armor bonus to +5 (granting the xacon
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15). If the xacon touches a
metal or stone item, its natural armor bonus increases to
+8 (granting the xacon AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18).
This bonus to its natural armor lasts for 1 minute. After using
this ability, the xacon must wait 1d4 rounds before it uses it
Tree Meld (Su) Once per day, a xacon can meld its body
and possessions into a tree. This ability functions similar to a
meld into stone spell with no duration.

Xacons are plant creatures that inhabit thickly wooded forests and
forested hills and mountains. They act as protectors of nature, often times
working with good- or neutral-aligned druids and other forest denizens
when the area comes under attack or defilement by evil-aligned druids,
foresters, and others who destroy the trees and surroundings without care
or recourse.
Xacons make their homes in treetops, using the largest and sturdiest of
the trees to hold their dwellings (small wooden huts). A typical dwelling
holds up to four of these creatures (who may or may not be an interrelated
family). All inhabitants of a single dwelling are adults. No young xacons
have ever been seen. Xacon reproduction methods are unknown but sages
believe they procreate through some form of budding.
Xacons stand 6 feet tall and weigh around 160 pounds. They seem to
converse with others of their own kind through a series of hand signals
and other gestures. They understand Sylvan but cannot speak.
A xacon attacks by slashing and tearing at its foes with its thorny claws.
During battle (or before battle if it is aware of its foes), a xacon contacts a
natural object (such as a large stone or tree) in order to fortify its natural
armor against its foes.

Xacon to Xothotak

This primitive humanoid clutches a spear in its hand. Its skin tone clearing great expanses of trees and undergrowth to build elaborate cities
seems to change colors shifting to match its surroundings. of stone.
Smaller xothotak tribes dwell in crude huts fashioned of timber and
XOTHOTAK CR 1/2 other resources found in the jungles or forests. Such huts are usually
XP 200 built in a circular formation around a great tree or sacred spring. One hut,
Xothotak warrior 1 larger than the others, houses the tribal leader and his family. A sacred hut
N Medium humanoid (xothotak) where the xothotak shaman lives often adjoins or sits nearby. This temple
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2 is considered sacred by all in the tribe. To desecrate it is to bring death
upon oneself.
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 natural) Larger and more advanced xothotak tribes live in what could only be called
hp 7 (1d10+2 plus 1) small cities or towns. Such locations tend to integrate the surrounding land
Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +0 and natural resources into their construction, such as houses or temples built
into the sides of rock formations. These cities seem to have a haphazard and
Speed 30 ft. scattered design about them, the only organized and planned area being the
Melee spear +3 (1d8+3) plazas, temples, and shrines usually found at the center of a xothotak city. Large
open plazas are where the xothotak gather to communicate, trade, buy, worship,
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 9 or sell whatever they can find and whatever they can afford. These plazas are
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14 surrounded by temples, great pyramids dedicated to a plethora of gods, shrines,
Feats Alertness and the palace of the xothotak leader. As one leaves the plaza’s center, smaller
Skills Perception +2, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +9 (+13 when temples and shrines, as well as noble houses can be found encircling those
not moving); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth (+8 when not closest to the plaza. Poor and common houses are found at the outer band of
moving) such a layout.
Languages Xothotak Xothotaks standing still are extremely hard to detect as they can alter
their skin coloration to blend with their surroundings just as a chameleon
Environment warm jungles and forests can. Thus, these humanoids prefer to attack from ambush whenever
Organization solitary, gang (2–4), hunting band (5–12 possible. Traps are sometimes set to injure, maim or capture their prey.
plus 1 leader of 3rd–6th level), or tribe (30–100 plus 150% Xothotak warriors rely on primitive weapons in battle, and rarely if ever
noncombatants, 1 tribal warrior of 3rd level per 10 adults, wear armor. Xothotak shamans rarely enter battle, preferring to use their
1–3 shamans of 3rd–6th level, 1 veteran warrior of 5th level magic to aid those going into battle or tend to those returning from battle.
per 20 adults, plus 1 leader of 8th level) Xothotaks fear arcane magic and do not associate with arcane spellcasters
Treasure standard (leather armor, spear, other treasure) (except to sacrifice such a caster to one of their gods or to serve the caster
as food at an elaborate xothotak feast).
The xothotak are a savage race of cannibals that make their homes deep Xothotaks tend to be warriors, fighters, or barbarians. Xothotaks never
in the jungles and forests, far away from civilized lands. Bands of xothotak take levels in any arcane spellcasting class. Xothotak shamans are always
conduct raids into civilized settlements when food, women, and sacrifices clerics.
are scarce. Captured men, women, and children are beaten, bound, and
forced into slavery for a period of time,
before being sacrificed to one of the
xothotak’s dark gods or served as a meal
Xothotak Characters
at a xothotak banquet. Xothotak bands Xothotaks are defined by their class levels—they do not possess racial
also conduct Hit Dice. All xothotaks have the following racial traits.
raids on other +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, –2 Intelligence, –2
xothotak tribes, Charisma.
often traveling Sneaky: Xothotaks have a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks. This
many miles to bonus increases to +8 when the xothotak isn’t moving. Stealth is always a
attack a tribe. class skill for a xothotak.
Many tribes form Languages: All xothotaks begin play speaking their own native
loose alliances with language. Xothotaks with high Intelligence scores can choose any of the
each other, trading food following bonus languages: Common, Goblinoid, Sylvan, and Orc.
and women when needed
or in abundance; but even
that doesn’t protect one from Below is a listing of some of the Xothotak gods and goddesses:
the other when food is scarce Itlatl — The Creator
or when the gods demand a Xolaca — The Lord of the Sky
sacrifice. Tribes also form alliances Quentzalma — Lord of the Underworld
when the son or daughter of the tribal Atzin — God of Rain and Storms
leader marries into another tribe. Such Ochactl — The Lord of Thunder and Lightning
an alliance is considered sacred, and Ahuaxpin — God of the Hunt
breaking it is believed to bring the wrath Malacihe — Goddess of Marriage and Sexuality
of the gods down on one that betrays such Cahitli — Goddess of Midwives and Fertility
an allegiance.
Xothotak culture and civilization varies
from tribe to tribe, with some living in mud
or wooden huts hidden among the trees,
and larger more advanced tribes building

Tome of Horrors 4
This slavering humanoid has feral eyes and elongated claws. Its tattered
clothes hang loosely on its emaciated frame.
XP 600
CE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +6
Aura putrid stench (10 ft., DC 15)

AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +3 natural)

hp 28 (3d10+12)
Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +3
Immune undead immunities

Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +8 (1d4+4 plus disease)
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d4+6)

Str 19, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 9
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Stealthy, Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Escape Artist +3, Perception +6, Stealth +9
Languages Common

Environment any land and underground

Organization gang (2–5) or pack (6–20)
Treasure standard

Disease (Ex) Filth Fever: Claw—injury; save DC 15 Fort; onset

1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and
1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is
Putrid Stench Aura (Ex) Yhakkor emanate the stench of
death in a 10-foot radius. Those within 10 feet must succeed
on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be nauseated for as long as
they remain in the area and sickened for 1d4+1 minutes
after leaving the area. A creature that makes its save
cannot be affected again by the same yhakkor’s putrid
stench for one day. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Undead Immunities (Ex) Immunity to all mind-affecting
effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and
phantasms); immunity to bleed, death effects, disease,
paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning; not subject to
nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to
damage to its physical ability scores (Constitution, Dexterity,
and Strength), as well as to exhaustion and fatigue effects.

Yhakkor are half-bestial, stunted creatures; the result of foul necromantic

rites merging the essences of ghouls with human slaves. According to lore, these
creatures are named for their creators, dark and foul necromancers from an an-
cient civilization. Yhakkor are usually found in the employ of powerful wizards
and necromancers, while others are found prowling ruins, and other such places.
Yhakkor are slavering humanoid things, with feral eyes and elongated
nail-claws. The rituals used in their creation have drained them of much
intelligence, but greatly increased their strength. Yhakkor might easily
be mistaken for ghouls, but they are not undead and have none of their
weaknesses. They remember little of their former human lives. These un-
savoury creatures prefer a diet of human flesh above all else.
Due to their low intelligence, yhakkor are usually assigned to simple
guard duty or other menial tasks. A strong-minded individual, such as a
wizard, is required to control their chaotic nature. Yhakkor seem to under-
stand Common; it is unknown if they can actually speak it.
In melee, yhakkor gang up on a single opponent and attempt to tear it to
pieces with their knife-like claws. Yhakkor tactics consist of attacking a foe
until it is dead. Combat with yhakkor is always a savage and bloody affair.

Yhakkor to Zombyre

Zombie, Pyre
A rotting corpse walks forward, without the usual hesitation and
stuttering steps. After a few steps, it bursts into flames that lick its entire
body, although it does not seem harmed in the slightest bit.

XP 200
NE Medium undead
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0

AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural)

hp 12 (2d8 plus 3)
Fort +0; Ref +0; Will +3
DR 5/slashing; Immune fire, undead traits

Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +4 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks immolation

Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10

Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats ToughnessB
Special Qualities non-staggered

Immolation (Ex) The pyre zombie may immolate itself 1/day

to cause 2d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 5 ft. radius
for 2 rounds. If a pyre zombie is reduced to 0 hot points, it
immediately explodes for 1d6 points of fire damage in a 10
ft. radius.
Non-Staggered (Ex) Pyre zombies do not gain the staggered
condition as normal zombies.

Pyre zombies are the sad, tortured remains of those who were killed
just before being burned alive. When the soul departed, their body was
taken over by some malignant spirit. The spirit fortified the body from
destruction by the fire, and the undead form escape the pyre to wreak its
vengeance on the living.
Pyre zombies are not harmed by fire, but neither do they seek it out.

Original author James C. Boney
Originally appearing in Dread Saecaroth (© Frog God
Games, 2011)

Tome of Horrors 4
This creature appears to be a rotting corpse, dressed in tattered and life. They do not appear to be bound to the area as some undead are to the
torn clothing. Its form is bloated and drips a constant stream of foul, dark place where they died. Zombyres are most active at night, rarely venturing
water. onto land during the day. Even nighttime excursions rarely see a zombyre
travel more than several hundred feet from the water’s edge. Creatures
ZOMBYRE CR 3 that venture too close to a zombyre pack are attacked and dragged into the
XP 800 water, where the zombyre pack feasts and dines on the remnants of those
NE Medium undead (aquatic, extraplanar) so foolhardy.
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 In battle, groups of zombyres are relentless combatants and generally
Aura nausea (10 ft., DC 14) swarm their opponents, attacking with their powerful fists and diseased
bite. Large packs of zombyres have been known to climb aboard anchored
AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (–1 Dex, +6 natural) ships, pull the seamen overboard, and attack them in the Stygian waters
hp 37 (5d8+10 plus 5) where the zombyres are faster and more at home. Such sailors pulled
Fort +3; Ref +0; Will +7 overboard are often times held under the water and drowned.
Immune undead traits, effects of the River Styx; Resist fire 20
Weaknesses vulnerability to electricity

Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft.

Melee slam +6 (1d8+3 plus grab), bite +6 (1d6+3 plus

Str 17, Dex 8, Con —, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 14

Base Atk +3; CMB +6 (+10 grapple); CMD 15
Feats Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Perception +4, Swim +16
SQ staggered, Stygian healing
Languages Common (can’t speak)

Environment any (River Styx)

Organization solitary, pair, or pack (3–8)
Treasure none

Aura of Nausea (Ex) A zombyre exudes a sickly stench of

death and decay in a 10-foot radius. Creatures entering or
within the area must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or
become nauseated for as long as they remain in the area
plus 1d4 rounds after. Creatures succeeding on their save
are immune to the effects of the aura for one day. The save
DC is Charisma-based.
Disease (Ex) Stygian Sickness: Bite; save DC 14 Fort; onset
1day; frequency 1/day; effect 1d4 Intelligence and 1d2
Constitution damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. Anyone
who dies while infected rises as a zombyre in 2d6 hours. The
save is Charisma-based.
Staggered (Ex) Zombyres have poor reflexes and can only
perform a single move action or standard action each
round. A zombyre can move up to its speed and attack in
the same round as a charge action. This flaw only affects
zombyres when on land; while underwater, in combat, a
zombyre loses this flaw.
Stygian Healing (Su) A zombyre regains 1 hit point each
hour when fully submerged in the River Styx. This healing
cannot restore more hit points than the maximum the
zombyre possesses and it does not restore any lost limbs.

A zombyre is a living creature that drowned in the River Styx, reanimated

by the magic of the Stygian waters for some unknown purpose. It is a
free-willed, semi-intelligent creature appearing much as a normal
zombie, though bloated from its time spent underwater.
Zombyres tend to dwell in packs, loosely organized but
seemingly bound together by some unknown force. Some
sages speculate this happens when a group of individuals all
drown together, such as a group of sailors who perish when
their ship sinks. Zombyres tend to stay within the area
where they drowned; sometimes making their lair in the
very ship that sank beneath the waves and cost them their

Appendix A: Templates
Chosen of Lilith
The Chosen of Lilith are those fallen elves that have gained the favor of
the succubus goddess Lilith. Creatures must be of Chaotic Evil alignment
to be a Chosen of Lilith. Apply the following changes to creatures that
take on this template. All other entries (those not shown here) remain the
same as the base creature.

Creating a Chosen of Lilith

“Chosen of Lilith” is an acquired template that can be added to any
living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature), provided it has
gained the favor of the goddess Lilith. The Chosen of Lilith retains all
the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
CR: Same as the base creature + 2.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Type: The creature’s type changes to Outsider. Do not recalculate
BAB, saves, or skill ranks.
Senses: The Chosen gain darkvision 60 ft.
Armor Class: The Chosen gain a +5 natural armor bonus or the base
creature’s natural armor bonus, whichever is better.
Hit Dice: Change all of the creature’s racial Hit Dice to d10s. All Hit
Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged.
Defensive Abilities: The Chosen of Lilith gain DR 10/cold iron and good;
Resistance to acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10, fire 5; Immunity fallen harpy
special abilities, poison; SR 15.
Special Attacks: The Chosen of Lilith gain the special attacks described
below. Save DCs are equal to 10 + 1/2 the Chosen’s HD + Cha modifier
unless otherwise noted.
Command Fallen Harpies (Su) Chosen of Lilith may command fallen
harpies as a free action when within a one-mile radius of any fallen
harpies This is a supernatural ability granted to the chosen of Lilith by
the succubus goddess.
Energy Drain, kiss (Ex) Any Chosen of Lilith may drain a victim’s
energy with a single kiss. This is most often done by first charming the
victim, but need not be. Otherwise she must succeed in a grapple against
the opponent, provoking an attack of opportunity. The kiss bestows one hp 121 (8d8+24 plus 6d10+18 plus 6)
negative level on the victim, and acts as a suggestion spell, asking the Fort +14; Ref +6; Will +12; +14 vs. fear
victim to kiss her again. The victim is allowed a DC 20 Will save to Defensive abilities bravery 2; DR 10/cold iron and good;
negate the suggestion, and a DC 20 Fortitude save to remove a negative Immunities fallen harpy special abilities, poison, sleep; Resist
level bestowed with a kiss. acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10 fire 5; SR 15
Spell-Like Abilities: Constant—tongues; 3/day—suggestion (DC 16); 1/
day—summon (level 6, 1 succubus 30%) Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.
Abilities: Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6. Melee +2 shock greatsword +19/+14/+9 (2d6+9/17–20)
Feats: Base creature gains the Augment Summoning and Persuasive feats Special Attacks channel negative energy (4d6, DC 18, 7/
if she did not have them already. day), command fallen harpies, death’s embrace, energy
drain (kiss), scythe of evil (4 rounds, 1/day), weapon training
(heavy blades +1)
Vladimir, Chosen of Lilith Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; melee touch +15.
ranged touch+14):
Vladimer appears as a beautiful man with large bat wings, covered in 7/day—bleeding touch (1d6 bleed, 4 rounds), touch of evil
scars. Whether these are battle scars, or self-inflicted, is difficult to determine. (sickened, 4 rounds)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; melee touch +15. ranged
XP 76,800 Constant—tongues
Male fallen elf cleric 8/fighter 6 3/day—suggestion (DC 17)
CE Medium Outsider (chaotic, evil) 1/day—summon (level 6, 1 succubus 30%)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 Spells Prepared (CL 8th; melee touch +15, ranged touch+14):
4th—cure critical wounds, dimensional anchor, dismissal (DC
AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+9 armor, +2 Dex, +5 natural) 18), unholy blightD (DC 18)

Tome of Horrors 4
3rd—bestow curse (DC 17), dispel magic, invisibility purge,
magic circle against goodD, searing light Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
2nd—aid, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, desecrate, Melee longsword +14/+9/+4 (1d8) or 2 talons +9/+4 (1d6)
death knellD (DC 16) Special Attacks captivating song (DC 23), wail of insanity
1st—command (DC 15), detect good, divine favor, doom (DC 21)
(DC 15), cause fearD (DC 15), summon monster I
0 (at will)—bleed, detect magic, light, read magic Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18
D domain spell; Domains Death, Evil Base Atk +14; CMB +14; CMD 29
Feats Ability Focus (captivating song), Dodge, Flyby Attack,
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 18 Great Fortitude, Hover, Skill Focus (bluff), Skill Focus (perform)
Base Atk +12; CMB +15; CMD 27 Skills Bluff +22, Fly +18, Intimidate +18, Perception +15,
Feats Augment SummoningB, Cleave, Combat Casting, Perform (song) +18
Critical Focus, Dazzling Display, Improved Critical, SQ commanded by the Chosen of Lilith
Improved Vital Strike, PersuasiveB, Power Attack, Skill Focus Languages common
(Intimidate), Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Gear Longswords
Weapon Specialization (greatsword)
Skills Diplomacy +14, Fly +7, Intimidate +15, Knowledge Environment temperate forest
(religion) +13, Perception +6, Sense Motive +13 Organization solitary, pair or flight (4–12)
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, tongues, telepathy Treasure none
100 ft.
SQ armor training 1 Captivating Song (Su) When fallen harpies sing all within
Gear +2 shock greatsword, +3 elven chain, castle keys a 300 foot spread must succeed on a DC 19 Will save or
become captivated. Those succeeding cannot be affected
Environment Novgorod (temperate forest) by the same fallen harpy’s song for another 24 hours.
Organization solitary Those that become captivated move in the most direct
Treasure standard (+2 shock greatsword, +3 elven chain, route toward the fallen harpy. If the path leads through a
castle keys, other treasure) dangerous area the character is allowed a second save.
Wail of Insanity (Su) Fallen harpies can let loose a wail of
Command Fallen Harpies (Sp) Vladimir may command insanity once per day. All within a 100 foot spread of the
fallen harpies as a free action when within a one-mile radius fallen harpy must succeed on a DC 21 Will save or become
of any fallen harpies. This is a supernatural ability granted to insane, as described under the insanity spell.
the chosen of Lilith by the succubus goddess. Commanded by the Chosen of Lilith (Sp) Any chosen of
Energy Drain, Kiss (Su) As a chosen of Lilith, Vladimir Lilith can command fallen harpies when within a one-mile
may drain a victim’s energy with a single kiss. This is most radius of any such creatures. The fallen harpies are under
often done by first charming the victim, but need not the complete command of the chosen, and thus implicitly
be. Otherwise he must succeed in a grapple against the follow all of their orders.
opponent, provoking an attack of opportunity. The kiss
bestows one negative level on the victim, and acts as a Like standard harpies, the fallen harpy has a captivating song ability
suggestion spell, asking the victim to kiss him again. The that it uses to lure its victims. Unlike standard harpies, fallen harpies have
victim is allowed a DC 17 Will save to negate the suggestion, no claw attacks, and so are often equipped with longswords by their fallen
and a DC 17 Fortitude save to remove a negative level elf keepers.
bestowed with a kiss.
Immune to Effects of Fallen Harpies (Ex) Vladimir is immune
to the wail of insanity and captivating song of all fallen

Fallen Harpy
Fallen harpies were once fallen elves that sought
power through service to the goddess Lilith. For
one reason or another, Lilith spurned the favors
of these followers, and transformed them into
creatures doomed to serve the other fallen elves
as slaves. The creatures still retain the beauty of the
fallen elves, and interestingly enough, oftentimes grow
more beautiful. Their beauty is no doubt a mask for their
inherent evil, and the creatures often tempt victims with their
beauty and harmonious songs.

XP 12,800
CE Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15

AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge,

+1 natural)
hp 91 (14d10+14)
Fort +7; Ref +13; Will +10

Appendix A: Templates

Wild-eyed and insane, a crazed creature is slightly more than a wild

Creating a Crazed creature

“Crazed” is an acquired template that can be added to any living, corporeal
creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or greater (hereafter referred to as
the “base creature.” Normally, when a creature is reduced to 0 Wisdom, it
falls unconscious; within the confines of levels Rappan Athuk, however,
such creatures instead gain this template. A crazed creature retains all the
abilities of the base creature, except it cannot cast spells or use spell-like
abilities, nor can it make use of ranged weapons of any kind.
A crazed creature cannot easily be cured of its insanity. In order to
cure a crazed creature, it must first be targeted with a heal spell followed
immediately with a remove curse spell. At that point, the curse is broken,
and creatures loses the crazed template; it has a Wisdom score of 1,
making it susceptible to suffering the curse again the next day.

CR: Same as the base creature.

Immune: A crazed creature is immune to all mind-affecting effects—
including those that would otherwise be beneficial, such as the spells aid
and bless.
Melee Attacks: A crazed creature gains a bite attack, if it didn’t already
have one. This attack is a primary natural attack, or can be used as a
secondary natural attack if the creature opts to attack with manufactured
If the base creature gains a bite attack from this template the damage is
given on Table 3–1: Natural Attacks by Size in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Bestiary as if the base creature was one size category smaller.
Special Attacks: A crazed creature gains the following special attack.
Disease (Ex) Filth fever: Bite—injury; save Fortitude DC 12; onset
1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage;
cure 2 consecutive saves.
Abilities: A crazed creature has a –2 racial modifier to Charisma and a
Wisdom score of 0. Treat the creature’s Wisdom as being 1 (–5 modifier) Melee handaxe +5 (1d4+1/x3) and bite +0 (1d3 plus
for all abilities and effects, such as Will save and skill modifiers. disease)
SQ: Add the following special quality to the base creature: Special Attacks disease, rogue talent (surprise attack),
Insane (Ex) A crazed creature’s mind is shattered. A crazed creature no sneak attack +2d6
longer desires magical trinkets such as weapons, armor, or wondrous
items. Instead, it seeks only to take trophies from those it kills, such as Str 12, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 0, Cha 4
teeth or ears. It leaves behind anything of actual value. Typically a crazed Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19
creature possesses one weapon and ratty leather or hide armor. Feats Agile Maneuvers, Dodge
Skills Acrobatics +12, Climb +10, Disable Device +10, Escape
Artist +12, Ride +13, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +20, Swim
Crazed Goblin Scout +8; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
SQ insane, rogue talent (ledge walker), trapfinding (+2)
A wild-eyed goblin rushes out from the darkness, drooling and
Gear leather armor, handaxe, ear trophies
gibbering the entire time!
CRAZED GOBLIN SCOUT CR 3 Environment Rappan Athuk (level 9B and 9C)
Organization solitary or gaggle (2–20)
XP 800
Treasure none
Male or female crazed goblin rogue 4 (Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Bestiary, “Goblin”)
Disease (Ex) Filth Fever: Bite—Injury; save DC 12 Fort; onset
NE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception –5
1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Insane (Ex) A crazed creature’s mind is shattered. A
AC 19, touch 17, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +5 Dex, +1 dodge,
crazed creature no longer desires magical trinkets such as
+1 size)
weapons, armor, or wondrous items. Instead, it seeks only
hp 29 (4d8+4 plus 4)
to take trophies from those it kills, such as teeth or ears. It
Fort +2; Ref +9; Will –4
leaves behind anything of actual value. Typically, a crazed
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge;
creature possesses one weapon and ratty leather or hide
Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed 30 ft.

Tome of Horrors 4
Crystalline Creature
Crystalline creatures are those that have been exposed to the petrifying
effects of the Demiplane of Crystal, and rather than petrify and be absorbed
by the plane, actually survive the process and changed form.
Crystalline Scorpion
This massive scorpion appears to be constructed from opaque crystal.

Creating a Crystalline Creature CRYSTALLINE SCORPION CR 4

XP 1,200
“Crystalline Creature” is an acquired template that can be added to N Large outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar)
any corporeal living creature. A crystalline creature retains all the base Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4
creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1. AC 19, touch 8, flat-footed 19 (–1 Dex, +11 natural, –1 size)
Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider. It gains the earth, elemental hp 42 (5d8+20)
and extraplanar subtypes if it did not already have them. Do not recalculate Fort +8; Ref +0; Will +1
HD, BAB, saves, or skill ranks. DR 5/magic; Immune blindness, light-based effects,
Senses: A crystalline creature has darkvision 60 ft. polymorph; Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Armor Class: A crystalline creature gains a +4 natural armor bonus. This Weaknesses vulnerable to sonic
stacks with any existing natural armor bonus the base creature possesses.
Immune blindness, light-based attacks, and polymorph; Resist cold 10, Speed 40 ft.
electricity 10; DR 5/magic (if HD 11 or less) or DR 10/magic (if HD 12 Melee 2 claws +7 (1d6+5 plus grab), sting +7 (1d6+5 plus
or more). poison)
Weakness: A crystalline creature gains the following weakness. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Vulnerable to Sonic (Ex) A crystalline creature takes half again as much Special Attacks constrict (1d6+5)
damage (+50%) from sonic-based attacks, regardless of whether a saving
throw is allowed or if the save is a success or failure. Str 21, Dex 8, Con 18, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Speed: A crystalline creature’s base speed (all forms of movement) is Base Atk +3; CMB +9 (+13 grapple); CMD 18 (30 vs. trip)
reduced by 10 ft. (to a minimum of 20 ft.). A creature whose speed is Skills Climb +9, Perception +4, Stealth –1; Racial Modifiers +4
already 20 ft. or less does not further reduce its speed. Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Special Attacks: A crystalline creature gains the following special attacks.
Spell-Like Abilities (Su) A crystalline creature with a Charisma score Environment any (Elemental Plane of Earth)
of 8 or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities set by its Organization solitary
Hit Dice. Unless otherwise noted, each is usable 1/day. CL equals the Treasure none
creature’s Hit Dice (or the CL of the base creature’s spell-like abilities,
whichever is higher). Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save DC 18 Fort; frequency 1/round
for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Strength damage; cure 1 save. The
Crystalline Creature Special Attacks save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

HD Spell-Like Abilities
1–4 color spray
5–8 rainbow pattern
9–12 prismatic spray
13+ scintillating pattern

Ability Scores: A crystalline creature gains a +2 bonus to Strength

and a +2 bonus to Constitution. A crystalline creature receives a –4
penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 8).

Appendix A: Templates
be grappled before the crystalline succubus can use this
Crystalline Succubus ability. The crystalline succubus’s kiss bestows one negative
level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell,
Tiny horns, bat-like wings, and a sinuous tail betray the demonic asking the victim to accept another act of passion from
nature of this alluring woman who appears to be made of finely polished the crystalline succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC
and translucent crystal. 22 Will save to negate the suggestion. The DC is 22 for the
Fortitude save to remove a negative level. These save DCs
CRYSTALLINE SUCCUBUS CR 8 are Charisma-based.
XP 4,800 Profane Gift (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, a
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, earth, elemental, evil, crystalline succubus may grant a profane gift to a willing
extraplanar) humanoid creature by touching it for 1 full round. The
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good; Perception +21 target gains a +2 profane bonus to an ability score of his
choice. A single creature may have no more than one
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21 (+2 Dex, +11 natural) profane gift from a crystalline succubus at a time. As long
hp 92 (8d10+48) as the profane gift persists, the crystalline succubus can
Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +10 communicate telepathically with the target across any
DR 10/cold iron or good, 5/magic; Immune blindness, distance (and may use her suggestion spell-like ability
electricity, fire, light-based effects, poison, polymorph; Resist through it). A profane gift is removed by dispel evil or
acid 10, cold 10; SR 18 dispel chaos. The crystalline succubus can remove it as
Weaknesses vulnerable to sonic well as a free action (causing 2d6 Charisma drain to the
victim, no save).
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks energy drain, profane gift
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; melee touch +10, ranged touch
Constant—detect good, tongues
At will—charm monster (DC 22), detect thoughts (DC
20), ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only),
suggestion (DC 21), greater teleport (self plus 50
lbs. of objects only), vampiric touch
1/day— color spray (DC 19), dominate person
(DC 23), rainbow pattern (DC 22), summon
(level 3, babau 50%)

Str 15, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 14,
Cha 27
Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 22
Feats Agile Maneuvers,
Combat Reflexes, Iron Will,
Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +27, Diplomacy
+19, Disguise +19,
Escape Artist +9, Fly
+12, Intimidate +16,
Knowledge (local)
+15, Perception +21,
Sense Motive +13,
Stealth +12; Racial
Modifiers +8 Bluff, +8
Languages Abyssal,
Celestial, Common,
Draconic; tongues,
telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape
(alter self, Small or
Medium humanoid)

Environment any
(Elemental Plane of
Organization solitary, pair, or harem
Treasure double standard

Energy Drain (Su) A crystalline succubus drains

energy from a mortal she lures into an act of
passion, such as a kiss. An unwilling victim must

Tome of Horrors 4
Death Knight
Creating a Death Knight
“Death knight” is an acquired template that can be applied to any lawful
humanoid or monstrous humanoid with 5 or more Hit Dice (referred to
hereafter as the base creature). A death knight retains all the base creature’s
statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Special Note: A paladin that rises as a death knight trades its paladin
class levels for anti-paladin class levels on a one-for-one basis (see the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Games Advanced Player’s Guide, “Antipaladin“).
Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +2
Alignment: A death knight is always lawful evil, unless it was a paladin
before its transformation. Death knights who were paladins in life return
as depraved monsters, and are always chaotic evil.
Type: The creature’s type changes to undead, and it gains the augmented
subtype. Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, saves, or skill ranks.
Senses: A death knight gains darkvision 60 ft.
Aura A death night emanates the following aura.
Fear Aura (Su) Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 10-foot radius that look
at the death knight must succeed on a Will save or become frightened.
Creatures with 5 HD or more must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for
a number of rounds equal to the death knight’s Hit Dice. A creature that
successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same death knight’s aura
for one day. This is a mind-affecting fear effect and is Charisma-based.
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor improves by +4.
Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected.
As undead, a death knight uses its Charisma modifier to determine bonus
hit points (instead of Constitution).
Defensive Abilities: A death knight gains channel resistance +4, damage
resistance 15/bludgeoning and magic, spell resistance equal to 15 + the
death knight’s adjusted CR, and immunity to cold and electricity (in
addition to those granted by its undead traits).
Special Attacks: A death knight gains the special attacks described below.
Save DCs are Charisma-based unless otherwise noted.
Command Undead (Su) A death knight can, as a standard action, attempt
to control an undead creature within 60 feet. The undead must succeed on
a Will save or fall under command of the death knight. For unintelligent
undead, this command is permanent. Intelligent undead can make a new
save once a week to break the control. A creature that successfully saves
cannot be affected again by the same death knight’s command undead for
one day. A death knight may control a number of undead whose Hit Dice
total no more than twice the death knight’s own Hit Dice. It can release
commanded undead at any time in order to command another undead. A
death knight cannot command an undead that’s Hit Dice is higher than
its own.
Infuse Weapon (Su) A death knight can channel negative energy through
its weapon. A number of times per day equal to 3 + its Charisma modifier,
a death knight can deal extra damage on a successful weapon attack. This
damage is negative energy damage and is equal to1d6 points of damage
plus 1d6 points of damage for every two Hit Dice the death knight has
beyond the first (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). A successful Will save
reduces the damage by half.
Spell-Like Abilities At will—darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect
magic, and see invisibility; 1/day—animate dead, blasphemy, protection
from good, plus the death knight’s choice of symbol of pain or symbol of
fear, to be selected when the template is applied. The death knight’s caster
level is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Special Qualities: A death knight gains the following special quality.
Undead Mount (Su) A death knight loses the base creature’s special Skills: Death knights gain a +8 racial bonus to Intimidate and Perception
mount (if it had one) and gains the service of an undead mount (see below checks. A death knight always treats Intimidate and Perception as class
for statistics). A death knight of 10th level or higher gains the service of skills. Otherwise, skills are the same as the base creature.
a grave mount (see the grave mount entry) instead. If a death knight’s Feats: Death knights gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
mount is destroyed, it can summon a new one after one week.
Ability Scores: A death knight gains +4 Strength, +2 Wisdom, and +4
Charisma. As an undead creature, a death knight has no Constitution score.

Appendix A: Templates
Doomed to devastate the world they once cherished and sought to
Death Knight protect, death knights are the result of damning curses visited upon once
noble knights who fell from grace at the moment of death. A lifetime
This knight, dressed in cold black armor and wielding a shining silver of duty and loyalty becomes forfeit as the undead creature, rising from
sword, stands silent and motionless. its grave within days of being laid to rest, is driven by an intense desire
to annihilate all life and bring as much harm as it can muster to any
DEATH KNIGHT CR 10 within reach. It is the tragedy of the death knight that most remain
XP 12,800 conscious and aware of their actions within unlife, forever grieving for
Human death knight cavalier 9 (Pathfinder Roleplaying their actions, past and present, yet unable to withstand the compulsion to
Game Advanced Player’s Guide, “Cavalier”) destroy.
LE Medium undead (augmented human) They retain all the fighting skills they learned in their former life and,
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16 melded with the powers of the undead, a death knight can prove to be a
Aura fear (10 ft., DC 18) fearsome foe as it swings its weapon with consummate ease, ignoring the
puny strikes of its enemies whilst staring into their eyes with orbs of dull
AC 28, touch 11, flat-footed 27 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +4 crimson that betray nothing but pure evil.
natural, +3 shield)
hp 99 (9d10+36 plus 9)
Fort +10; Ref +5; Will +5 XP 600
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 15/ N Large undead
bludgeoning and magic; Immune cold, electricity, undead Init +8; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
traits; SR 26
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +4 natural,
Speed 20 ft. (30 ft. unarmored) –1 size)
Melee +1 longsword +16/+11 (1d8+6/19–20) hp 27 (5d8+5)
Special Attacks cavalier’s charge, challenge 3/day, Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +4
command undead, infuse weapon (7/day, 5d6 negative Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune undead traits
energy; DC 18 Will half), steal glory
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th): Speed 50 ft.
At will—darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, Melee bite +7 (1d4+5), 2 hooves +2 (1d6+2)
see invisibility Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
1/day—animate dead, blasphemy (DC 21), protection from
good (DC 15), symbol of pain (DC 19) Str 21, Dex 19, Con —, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 13
Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 23 (27 vs. trip)
Str 20, Dex 14, Con—, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 18 Feats Armor Proficiency (Light), Endurance, Improved
Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 25 Initiative, RunB
Feats Cleave, Dazzling DisplayB, Great Cleave, Iron Will, Skills Intimidate +5, Perception +9
Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Shatter SQ link, tricks (combat trained; attack, come, defend, down,
DefensesB, ToughnessB, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus guard, heel, stay, seek)
Skills Diplomacy +12, Handle Animal +16, Intimidate +19, Environment any
Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge Organization solitary
(religion) +9, Perception +16, Ride +8 (+14 own mount); Treasure none (leather barding)
Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate, +8 Perception
Languages Common
SQ banner, braggart (order of the cockatrice), greater
tactician, expert trainer

Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure standard (+1 full plate armor, +1 heavy steel shield,
+1 longsword, other treasure)

Tome of Horrors 4
Fallen Elf
Fallen elves have elven features, and generally have black or dark hair
and blue or green eyes. The fallen elves have an unearthly beauty and
glow about them, and many have small horns protruding from their heads
due to their many dealings with the succubus goddess and her demonic

The fallen elves are the ancestors of Vargoth and the faction of
elves that were driven from Caer Myrridon long ago. For millen-
nia they have dwelled within Harwood Forest, where they have
built a thriving metropolis (Novgorod) and several smaller
surrounding settlements, all in relative seclusion to the out-
side world.

Creating a Fallen Elf

“Fallen Elf” is an acquired template that can be added
to any living creature with the elf subtype (referred to
hereafter as the base creature), provided it is native to the Novgorod area.
A Fallen Elf retains all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities
except as noted here.
CR: Same as the base creature.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Abilities: Dex +2, Con –2, Cha +2.
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic,
Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, and Sylvan.

Ivan the Warmaster

With a body forged on the anvil of war and tempered with pure evil,
Ivan is an impressive sight. Highly toned and fluid of movement, not a
single wasted motion is detected in his arrogant stride.
XP 102,400
Male fallen elf fighter 17
CN Medium humanoid elf)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9

AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+9 armor, +4 Dex, +1

dodge) Specialization (longsword), Greater Weapon Specialization
hp 183 (17d10+68 plus 17) (light mace), Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Mobility,
Fort +16; Ref +11; Will +7; +9 vs. enchantment, +11 vs. fear Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Rend,
Defensive Abilities bravery +4; Immunities sleep Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (light mace), Weapon Focus
(longsword), Weapon Specialization (light mace), Weapon
Speed 30 ft. Specialization (longsword)
Melee +2 longsword +27/+22/+17/+12 (1d8+14/19–20) and Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +15, Intimidate +12, Perception +9
+2 light mace +26/+21/+16 (1d6+13) Languages Common, Elven
Special Attacks two weapon rend (1d10+6) , weapon SQ armor training 4
training (heavy blades +4, hammers +3, crossbows +2, Gear +3 elven chain, +2 longsword, +2 light mace, belt of
close +1) mighty constitution +2, cloak of resistance +2

Str 18, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12 Environment Novgorod (temperate forest)
Base Atk +17; CMB +21; CMD 36 Organization solitary
Feats Critical Focus, Dodge, Double Slice, Greater Two Treasure standard (+3 elven chain, +2 longsword, +2 light
Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Focus (longsword), mace, amulet of health +2, cloak of resistance +2, other
Greater Weapon Focus (light mace), Greater Weapon treasure)

Appendix A: Templates

A fleshewn is a macabre construct made from corpses. Virtually any
corporeal living creature can be fashioned into whatever the creator
desires. Normally, these constructs are built to guard treasure or act as
servants. Fleshewns retain a semblance of their former self, but other
creatures’ features may be grafted to their new form.

The creator of a fleshewn must be evil and able to cast 8th-level spells.
A fleshewn costs 10,000 gp per HD and a manual of the golems (flesh) is
required. While several creatures may be used to fashion a fleshewn, only
the base creature retains its abilities. Additional parts are simply grotesque
additions. Fleshewns cannot speak but obey their creator to the best of their
ability. They can be given fairly complex instructions, up to 4 or 5 sentences.

Creating a Fleshewn
“Fleshewn” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal
once-living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creatureA fleshewn
has the base creature’s statistics and special
abilities except as noted:
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature –1.
Alignment: Always Neutral.
Size: Usually the same as the base creature, but
can be up to one size category larger depending
on how it was constructed.
Type: The creature’s type changes to It retains
any subtype except for alignment subtypes (such as
good) and subtypes that indicate kind. It does not
gain the augmented subtype. It uses all the base
creature’s statistics and special abilities except as
noted here.
Armor Class: A fleshewn retains the base
creature’s natural armor bonus only.
Hit Dice: All Hit Dice change to d10s. A
fleshewn gains bonus hit points based on size as
other constructs.
Defensive Abilities: A fleshewn gains DR
5/adamantine and gains all of a constructs
immunities and the following.
Immunity to Magic (Ex) Certain spells and effects
function differently against a fleshewn. An attack
that deals electricity damage heals 1 point of
damage for every 3 points of damage the
attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of
healing would cause the fleshewn to exceed
its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as Environment: Any
temporary hit points. For example, a fleshewn hit by a lightning bolt heals Organization: Solitary
3 points of damage if the attack would have dealt 11 points of damage. A Treasure: None.
fleshewn gets no saving throw against attacks that deal electricity damage,
but is otherwise immune to electricity damage.
Speed: The fleshewn is similar to an animated object of the appropriate Construction
size. Fleshewns move at a base of 30 ft. Fleshewns with two legs (or a The largest portion of a fleshewn must come from the base creature.
similar means of movement) have a +10 ft. speed bonus. Multiple legs The corpses used must be recently deceased. Assembly requires anatomy
(tables, chairs) have a +20 foot bonus. Wheeled fleshewns have a +40 foot tomes worth 5,000 gp are required to complete the task. Skill checks (DC
bonus. Other fleshewns can float, climb or fly (clumsy maneuverability) at 20 + fleshewn HD) from Craft (leatherworking), Knowledge (alchemy),
half their normal land speed. and the appropriate Knowledge skill for the base creature type (arcana for
Melee: A flehewn retains all natural weapons. If the base creature had no dragons and magical beasts, dungeoneering for aberrations and ooes, etc.)
natural weapons, it gains a slam attack. A fleshewn cannot use weapons are required when constructing a fleshewn.
or items. A fleshewn maintains the base creature’s natural attacks but all
its natural attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming FLESHEWN
damage reduction. CL 18th; Price 20,000 gp
Abilities:A fleshewn’s Dex and Wis become 11 and its Cha becomes 1. A
fleshewn has no Int or Con score. CONSTRUCTION
Skills: A fleshewn loses all skills. Requirements Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate
Feats: A fleshewn loses all feats. dead, gentle repose, mending, major item, geas/quest, limited
wish, caster must be at least 18th level; Cost 10,000 gp.

Tome of Horrors 4
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+9)
Fleshewn Troll Throne Str 23, Dex 11, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Fleshewn troll thrones are large bone chairs covered in the taut flesh Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 23
of a troll. The chairs “arms” can attack, and the chair can move to carry
anyone sitting on it. A tooth-filled maw is hidden under a cushion. Environment Any
Organization solitary
N Large construct
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Regeneration (Ex) Fire and acid deal normal damage to
Perception +0 a troll throne. If the throne loses a feature, it regrows in 3d6
minutes. The construct can reattach the severed member
AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14 (+5 natural, –1 size) instantly by holding it to the stump.
hp 63 (6d10+30); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +2 A troll throne fleshewn is a large throne made of stretched and taut
DR 5/adamantine; Immune construct immunities (+30 hp), troll skin covering a bone structure. The legs (or arms at the creator’s
magic discretion) have the claw attacks of the base troll creature. The troll
throne can carry a seated individual by following simple commands.
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +6 (1d8+6), 2 claws +6 (1d6+6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Guardian Beast Template

Elves of the thick forests have been in the world for longer than even race the guardian beast serves.
they can recall. Their long-time presence, stewardship of the land and Organization: Same as base animal or as proscribed by the community or
druidic connections have brought them into close contact with the animals race the guardian beast serves.
of the forest — so close in fact, that many of the animals now serve the Treasure: Usually none; animals rarely have treasures as it is, and
elves as a free-willed act. These creatures are bound to elven communities guardian beasts have priorities other than hoarding goods.
by mystic energies generated by the living forest, and can communicate
telepathically with elves and fey creatures. This makes them ideal sentries
and messengers, and they help secure the elven forest nation against
outside threats.
Guardian Bear
Watching from the deep shadows of the dense forest is a large brown
bear. Its eyes have a spark of intelligence.
Creating a Guardian Beast GUARDIAN BEAR CR 5
“Guardian Beast” is an acquired template that can be added to any XP 1,600
animal (referred to hereafter as the “base animal”). A guardian beast uses N Large magical beast (augmented animal)
the base animal’s statistics and special abilities, except as noted here. Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6
Alignment: Usually neutral.
Challenge Rating: Same as base animal +1. AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, –1 size)
Type: Animals with this template have their type changed to magical hp 47 (5d10+20)
beast and gain the augmented subtype. Do not recalculate base attack, Fort +8; Ref +5; Will +2; +4 vs. enchantment spells and effects
saves, or skill points. DR 5/cold iron, magic; Immune magic sleep effects; SR 10
Hit Dice: Increase all Hit Dice to d10.
Saves: Guardian beasts get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Speed 40 ft.
enchantment spells and effects. Melee 2 claws +7 (1d6+5 plus grab), bite +7 (1d6+5)
Defensive Abilities: A guardian beast gains immunity to magic sleep Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
effects and SR equal to the base animal’s HD + 5. It also gains DR; the
amount and type depends on its Hit Dice. Str 21, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +9 (+13 grapple); CMD 20 (24 vs. trip)
HD DR Feats Endurance, Run, Skill Focus (Survival)
1–5 5/cold iron Skills Perception +6, Survival +5, Swim +14; Racial
6–10 5/cold iron, magic Modifiers +4 Swim
11+ 10/cold iron Languages telepathy 100 ft. (elves and fey only); empathy
100 ft. (half-elves)
Special Qualities: A guardian beast retains all the special qualities of the
base animal and also gains the following. Environment cold forests
Telepathy (Su) A guardian beast can communicate telepathically with Organization solitary or pair
any humanoid with the elf subtype and creatures of the fey type at will Treasure none
within 100 ft. Full-blooded elves as well as fey creatures, can understand
the creature to the full extent of its intelligence. Half-elves can only The strength, speed and guile of the brown bear are traits that elf
receive empathic sensations (fear, hunger, curiosity, etc.) regardless of the barbarians admire and emulate. Thus the bear is often an important for
creature’s intellect. them, and elven druids favor its form when altering their own shape for
Abilities: Intelligence +1 per Hit Die. meditation, travel or battle. Many brown bears manifest the telepathic
Environment: Same as base animal or as proscribed by the community or link and become guardian creatures after witnessing the ferocity of elven

Appendix A: Templates
berserkers in battle. An interloper venturing into the elven forest nation is corrupted guardian beast uses the base creature’s statistics and special
likely to be met by a guardian bear whose task is to assess the vitality of abilities, except as noted here.
the foreigner and report the worth of their opponent to elven scouts nearby. Channelege Rating: Same as base creature +2
On the rare occasions that raiders appear in groups, the guardian bear is Defensives Abilities: As the base guardian beast, except that its SR
favored as combat support of the elves, accompanying their berserkers increases by +5, and it gains the following.
into confrontation. Guardian bears look no different than regular brown Hide from Elves and Fey (Su) Elves and fey cannot easily see, hear,
bears, except that the look of bemused curiosity that so many bears have or smell a corrupted guardian beast. Even extraordinary or supernatural
is replaced by one of keen intelligence. When encountered, they merely sensory capabilities, such as blindsense, blindsight, scent, and tremorsense,
watch until the outsider moves on or the bear grows bored. cannot detect or locate the corrupted guardian beast. Elves receive a DC
20 Will save to see, hear or sense the creatures. On a failed save, the
elf or fey cannot sense the corrupted guardian beast. The elf or fey can

Corrupted Guardian Beast attempt Perception checks to locate the corrupted guardian beast, and
may make attacks against it in accordance with the rules for invisibility
(50% miss chance). Due to their mixed blood, half-elves must only pass
If an elven enclave falls to evil forces, corrupting the lands the elves a DC 15 Will save to see, hear or sense the creatures. Even if this save is
once kept pure, so too are the guardian beasts corrupted. Just as loyal passed, the creature appears insubstantial or is only visible intermittently,
guardian beasts may communicate at will with the elves and their fey and is treated as having concealment (20% miss chance). This ability is
allies, the corrupted guardians may hide from elves and fey at will, compromised by direct sunlight (not magical or otherwise synthesized
making them brutally effective hunters and turning the elves’ forest home light). In sunlight, a corrupted guardian beats is wholly visible to all
into a killing ground. viewers, elven or otherwise.
Sunlight Vulnerability (Ex) In natural sunlight, but not a daylight spell,

Creating a Corrupted Guardian Beast

a corrupted guardian beast loses its DR and its hide from elves and fey
ability. A corrupted guardian beast has a –2 penalty to skill checks, saves,
and attack rolls while in natural sunlight.
“Corrupted Guardian Beast” is an acquired template that can be added Skills: Corrupted guardian beasts have a +8 racial bonus on Stealth
to any guardian beast (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). A checks.

Tome of Horrors 4
Meat Puppet
Meat puppets are boneless, skinless corpses reanimated after being creature, but as with armor is only 5% likely to be encountered with a
exposed to necromantic energies. weapon in hand. Its slam attacks deal damage based on the meat puppet’s
size, but as if it were one size category larger than its actual size (see
Table 3-1: Natural Attacks by Size in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Creating a Meat Puppet Bestiary). It retains any extraordinary special abilities that improve its
melee or ranged attacks.
“Meat puppet” is an acquired template that can be added to any Special Attacks: A meat puppet retains none of the base creature’s special
corporeal creature (other than an undead) that had a skeletal system at attacks. However, it gains the grab and constrict special attacks.
one point, but had its bones extracted or completely crushed (referred to Special Qualities: A meat puppet loses most special qualities of the base creature.
hereafter as the base creature). Abilities: Str +6, Dex +4. A meat puppet has no Constitution score, its
Challenge Rating: This depends on the creature’s new total number of Intelligence changes to 3, its Wisdom and Charisma change to 14.
Hit Dice, as follows: Skills: A meat puppet does not retain the skills of the base creature, but
HD CR HD CR it has 1 skill rank per Hit Die. The following are class skills for a meat
4 or less 4 18–20 12 puppet: Climb, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge
6–7 5 21–24 14 (religion), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Stealth.
8–11 6 25–27 16 Feats: A meat puppet gains feats normally based on its Hit Dice, but
12–14 8 28 or higher 18 loses all feats possessed by the base creature. A meat puppet also gains
15–17 10 Toughness as a bonus feat.
Environment: Any land and underground.
Alignment: Always neutral evil. Organization: Any.
Type: The creature’s type changes to undead. It retains any subtype Treasure: 5% chance of standard goods.
except for alignment subtypes (such as good) and subtypes that indicate
kind. It does not gain the augmented subtype. It uses all the base creature’s HUMAN MEAT PUPPET CR 4
statistics and special abilities except as noted here. XP 1,200
Senses: Meat puppets have darkvision out to 60 ft. NE Medium undead
Armor Class: A meat puppet has no bones to reinforce its body, and Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
has only half the base creature’s natural armor bonus (round down). It
tends to shed any possessions it had in life, and so is only 5% likely to be AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge)
encountered wearing any armor it once had. hp30 (4d8+8 plus 4); regeneration 4 (cold iron or good)
Hit Dice: Drop HD gained from class levels (minimum of 1) and change Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +6
racial HD to d8s. Meat Puppets gain a number of additional HD as noted Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 5/slashing or
on the following table. piercing; Immune undead traits


Tiny or smaller +1 HD Melee 2 slams +6 (1d6+3 plus grab)
Small or Medium +3 HD Special Attacks constrict (1d6+3)
Large +5 HD
Huge +7 HD Str 17, Dex 14, Con —, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 14
Gargantuan +11 HD Base Atk +3; CMB +6 (+10 to grapple); CMD 19
Colossal +15 HD Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, ToughnessB
Skills Perception +9
Meat Puppets use their Charisma modifiers to determine bonus hit points
(instead of Constitution). Environment any
Defensive Abilities: Meat puppets lose their defensive abilities and Organization solitary or abattoir (2–8)
gain all of the qualities and immunities granted by the undead type. Treasure none
Meat puppets gain channel resistance +4, DR 5/slashing or piercing, and
regeneration (cold iron or good) which heals 1 hp per round per Hit Die. OTYUGH MEAT PUPPET CR 8
Speed: The base creature loses fly and burrow speeds, but retains land, XP 4,800
swim, and climb speeds, if any. NE Large undead
Attacks: A meat puppet loses all of the base creature’s natural attacks Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17
and gains 2 slam attacks, or one slam attack for every natural attack it
lost (whichever is greater). It retains all weapon proficiencies of the base AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 9 (+1 Dex, –1 size)

Appendix A: Templates
hp 82 (11d8+22 plus 11); regeneration 12 (cold iron or good) Base Atk +8; CMB +16 (+20 to grapple); CMD 29 (31 vs. trip)
Fort +5; Ref +7; Will +9 Feats Dodge, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative,
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR 5/slashing or Improved Natural Attack (slam), Lightning Reflexes,
piercing; Immune undead traits ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Perception +16
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 3 slams +15 (2d6+7/19–20 plus grab) Environment any
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+7) Organization solitary or abattoir (2–8)
Treasure none
Str 24, Dex 14, Con —, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 14

Minikin (Miniature Creature)

Minikins are smaller versions of normal creatures, made so through
experimental magic. They are always smaller than their true counterparts
and rarely associate with them. Minikins tend to congregate and associate
with others of their own kind.

Creating a Minikin
“Minikin” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any
corporeal living animal or vermin of Diminutive size or larger (referred
to hereafter as the base creature). A minikin retains all the base creature’s
statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Challenge Rating Decrease the base creature’s CR by 2, plus an additional
–1 for every 3 HD it loses when applying this template.
Size Decrease the base creature’s size by one category.
Hit Dice Reduce the base creature’s Hit Dice by one-half (minimum 1).
Armor Class Reduce the creature’s natural armor bonus by –2 (minimum
Hit Points Recalculate the creature’s hit points based on its decreased
Hit Dice.
Saves Recalculate the creature’s saving throws based on its decreased Hit
Dice. A minikin gains a +1 racial bonus on all saves.
Speed Reduce the creature’s speed (all forms of movement) by 10 ft. (to Base Atk +1; CMB +4 (+8 grapple); CMD 16
a minimum of 10 ft.) Feats Endurance, RunB, Skill Focus (Survival)B, ToughnessB
Attacks A minikin retains all the attacks of the base creature. Recalculate Skills Perception +5, Survival +5, Swim +7; Racial Modifiers +4
its attack bonus based on its new BAB and size. Swim
Space/Reach Recalculate the creature’s space and reach based on its new size.
Damage Decrease damage for all attacks by 1 step. Environment cold forests
Ability Scores –4 Strength, –4 Constitution, +2 Dexterity Organization solitary or pair
Base Attack/CMB/CMD Recalculate the creature’s BAB based on its Treasure none
decreased Hit Dice. Recalculate its CMB and CMD based on its new BAB
Feats Feats remain unchanged. Feats above what a creature would XP 1,600
normally have based on the minikin’s reduced Hit Dice are treated as N Large animal
bonus feats. A minikin gains Toughness as a bonus feat (if it doesn’t Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +17
already possess it). If the creature’s new Dexterity score exceeds its new
Strength score, it also gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat (if it doesn’t AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
already possess it). hp 59 (7d8+21 plus 7)
Skills Recalculate the creature’s skills (if it had any) based on its reduced Fort +9; Ref +8; Will +6
Hit Dice.
Organization solitary, pair, and double any other listed. Speed 30 ft.
Melee gore +15 (2d6+10), slam +14 (1d10+10)
MINIKIN GRIZZLY BEAR CR 1 Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
XP 600 Special Attacks trample (2d6+15, DC 23)
N Medium animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5 Str 30, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +5; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip)
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) Feats Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Iron Will,
hp 16 (2d8+4 plus 3) Iron Will, Power AttackB, Skill Focus (Perception)B, ToughnessB,
Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +2 Weapon Focus (gore)B
Skills Perception +17
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d4+3 plus grab), bite +4 (1d4+3) Environment cold or temperate forests and plains
Organization solitary, pair, or herd (12–60)
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Treasure none

Tome of Horrors 4
The creature looks like a twisted humanoid with features from everything 8 Tiger Feet Pounce and rake attack. Rake
natural—a bit of shaggy fur, some scales, fingers that resemble gnarled damage as a claw attack, but
roots and the cold and viscous eyes of a snake. It moves like a reasonable at one size category higher.
being however and wields its weapons with confidence and proficiency. 9 Sharp Senses +4 to Perception checks
10 Reroll Twice —
The reborn are the most devoted servants of the Tree That Sees who
have been given the gift of transformation. To become a reborn one must REPTILIAN FEATURES (1D10):
spend three days buried by the Tree That Sees’ roots. There he dies and Roll Reptile Effect
then is reborn in the likeness of the Twisted Deity. 1 Tongue Acts as a whip that cannot be
The reborn fight like normal members of their race except that they are dropped
utterly fearless and far more savage. 2 Turtle Shell +8 armor bonus, base speed 10 ft.
3 Hypnotic Eyes Can cast hypnotism 3/day like a
sorcerer of the reborn’s level
Creating a Reborn 4 Poisonous Bite Bite plus poison, (Bite–injury; save
Fortitude , frequency 1/round
“Reborn” is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid for 6 rounds, effect 1d6 Str, cure
creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A reborn uses all the 1 save) Poison DCi s Constitution-
base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. based. Treat bite as two size
Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +1. categories smaller for purposes
Alignment: The base creature’s alignment changes to chaotic, retaining of damage.
its good/neutral/evil axis. 5 Snake tail Amphibious, speed 20 ft., swim
Size and Type: The base creature’s size changes according to its total HD: speed 20 ft. constrict medium or
1–4 Medium or as base creature, whichever is larger, 5–8 Large or as base smaller creatures for 1d6 point of
creature, whichever is larger, 9+ Huge or as base creature, whichever is damage
larger. 6 Frog Eyes +4 to Perception checks
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor class, if any, increases 7 Salamander Skin Fire resistance 15
by +2. 8 Crocodile Bite Bite attack. Treat as one size
Defensive Abilities: The base creature gains fast healing 5 if it didn’t category larger for purposes of
already have it. damage.
Abilities: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4 9 Spit Acid 10-foot line of acid once per 1d4
Feats: The reborn gain Alertness, Athletic, Power Attack, and Weapon rounds for 2d4 points of damage,
Finesse even if the base creature doesn’t have the base perquisites for Reflex DC 13 half
these feats. 10 Reroll twice —
Skills: The reborn gain a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks and a
racial bonus equal to their HD in Knowledge (history). Reborn always PLANT FEATURES (1D10):
treat Climb, Knowledge (history), Perception, and Swim as class skills. Roll Feature Effect
Special Qualities: Random feature. Every reborn gains a random feature 1 Vines Gain slam attack with the grab
of an animal, a reptile or a plant when it is created and another every 4 special ability
levels after that. Most reborn have feature of only one type and stick to 2 Barkskin +4 natural armor
their kind but powerful or lucky reborn often have features of various 3 Sticky Sap Sticky Sap (Ex) Anyone who
types. Roll on the table below for every reborn encountered. Any natural makes a melee attack against
attack gained by the reborn inflicts damage as specified in Table 3-1: the reborn must succeed on
Natural Attacks by Size in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary a DC 15 Reflex save or the
unless otherwise noted. attacker’s weapon sticks to
the reborn and is yanked out
TYPE (1D3): of the wielder’s grasp. The
Roll Type weapon can be retrieved
1 Animal with a successful touch attack
2 Reptile (provoking an attack of
3 Plant opportunity) followed by a DC 15
Strength check as a free action.
ANIMALISTIC FEATURES (1D10): 4 Poisonous Spores Poisonous Spores (Ex) When
Roll Feature Effect damaged for the first time all
1 Wings Fly 30 ft. (poor) non-plants within 15-foot radius
2 Muzzle/Beak Bite attack. Treat reborn as one must succeed on a DC 15 fort
size category larger for purposes save or be nauseated for 1d6
of damage. rounds.
3 Claws/Talons 2 claw attacks 5 Roots Speed is 10 ft. lower, can cast
4 Tough Hide +4 natural armor entangle 3/day as a druid of the
5 Horns Gore 1d6 points of damage reborn’s level
6 Hooves Gain Endurance and Run as 6 Leaves +8 to Stealth checks in forested
bonus feats, speed 40 ft. areas
7 Ape Nimbleness +8 to Acrobatics and 7 Barbs Unarmed attacks against the
Climb checks reborn inflict 1d4 points of
damage on the attacker

Appendix A: Templates
8 Plant Anatomy Plant traits as if the reborn was of
the plant type
9 Flowers Can cast color spray 3/day as a
sorcerer of the reborn’s level
10 Reroll twice —

Environment: any forest (Hollow Mountain)

Organization: any
Treasure: none

Plant Reborn
These elves look like topiary versions of normal demi-humans; leaves
and twigs jut from their armor, and the creaking of their clubs is mimicked
by the straining of their roots to gain stability.
XP 800
Male and female reborn elf ranger 3
CE Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14

AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +3 Dex)

hp 33 (3d10+9 plus 3); fast healing 5
Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +1; +2 vs. enchantment
Immune fear, sleep

Speed 20 ft.
Melee greatclub +8 (1d10+7)
Special Attacks favored enemy humanoids +2 (humans),
two-weapon combat style

Str 21, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 11, Cha 3
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats AlertnessB, AthleticB, Blind-Fight, EnduranceB,
Diehard, Power AttackB, Two-Weapon FightingB, Weapon
Skills Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (prehistory) +5,
Perception +13, Stealth +5, Survival +6; Racial Modifiers
+3 Knowledge (prehistory), +6 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to
identify properties of magic
Languages Elven
SQ favored terrain +2
(forests), track +1, wild
empathy –1
Combat Gear wooden
breastplate, greatclub

Environment: any forest

(Hollow Mountain)
Organization: any
Treasure: none

Fanatic (Ex) Plant reborn are immune to fear

(magical or otherwise) and intimidation.
Random Feature (Ex) Plant reborn one random
plant feature.

Tome of Horrors 4
Refracted Creature
Refracted creatures are native to a strange demiplane that is a bizarre Languages: All refracted creatures speak Common.
reflection of the Material Plane. They resemble their normal counterparts Treasure: As the base creature or standard, whichever is better.
whose form seems to ripple and bend making their location difficult to
discern. Refracted creatures often find their way onto the Material Plane
as a result of a failed teleport spell, but occasionally they slip through Refracted Dire Shark
natural rifts between dimensions.
This giant shark’s form appears to shimmer and ripple just as the
water surrounding it, making it difficult to discern its true location.
Creating a Refracted Creature REFRACTED DIRE SHARK CR 11
XP 12,800
“Refracted Creature” is an inherited template that can be added to any
N Gargantuan magical beast (augmented animal,
animal, referred to hereafter as the base creature. A refracted creature
retains all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here.
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., keen scent, low-light vision;
Challenge Rating: As base creature +2.
Perception +25
Alignment: The base creature’s alignment shifts one step towards evil on
the good/evil alignment axis.
AC 26, touch 9, flat-footed 23 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +17
Type: The base creature’s type changes to magical beast. It gains the
natural, –4 size)
augmented subtype. Do not recalculate BAB, saves, or skill ranks.
hp 127 (15d10+45)
Refracted creatures on the Material Plane have the extraplanar subtype.
Fort +14; Ref +13; Will +8
Senses: As the base creature, plus darkvision 60 feet.
Defensive Abilities displacement, evasion
Armor Class: A refracted creature’s natural armor bonus increases by +2.
Hit Dice: The base creature’s racial Hit Dice change to d10s.
Speed swim 60 ft.
Defensive Abilities: A refracted creature retains all of the base creature’s
Melee bite +17 (4d10+15/19–20 plus grab)
defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the following.
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Displacement (Su) Even when visible, the refracted
Special Attacks refraction, swallow whole (2d6+15 damage,
creature appears to be about 2 feet away from its true
AC 18, 12 hp)
location. The creature benefits from a 50% miss chance
as if it had total concealment. Unlike actual total
Str 30, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10
concealment, displacement does not prevent enemies from
Base Atk +11; CMB +25 (+29 grapple); CMD 38
targeting the creature normally. True seeing reveals its true
Feats Bleeding Critical, Critical Focus, DodgeB,
location and negates the miss chance.
Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Improved
Evasion (Ex) A refracted creature can avoid even magical
Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, MobilityB, Skill
and unusual attacks with great agility. If it makes a successful
Focus (Perception)
Reflex save against an attack that normally deals half
Skills Perception +25, Stealth –2, Swim +18;
damage on a successful save, it instead takes no
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth
damage. A helpless refracted creature does not
Languages Common
gain the benefit of evasion.
Special Attacks: A refracted creature
Environment any oceans
retains the special attacks of the base
Organization solitary
creature, and gains the following.
Treasure standard
Refraction (Su) At will, a refracted
creature can cause any of its attacks
to emanate from a point a short
distance from its body, effectively
increasing its reach by 10 ft. A
refracted creature capable of
making ranged attacks can
effectively reduce the
overall range to its
target by 10 ft. as
Ability Scores:
+4 Int
Feats: A
creature gains
Dodge and
Mobility as
bonus feats.
Skills: A refracted creature
gains a +8 racial bonus on
Stealth checks. This bonus
does not stack with any
other racial bonus to

Appendix A: Templates

Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Refracted Tiger Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +10, 1d8+6),
This tiger resembles a normal tiger as if viewed through a mirror. Its
form seems slightly disjointed and its location is hard to pinpoint. Str 23, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD 24 (28 vs. trip)
REFREACTED TIGER CR 6 Feats DodgeB, Improved Initiative, MobilityB, Skill Focus
XP 2,400 (Perception), Weapon Focus (claw)
NE Large magical beast (augmented animal, extraplanar) Skills Acrobatics +10, Perception +8, Stealth +11 (+15 in tall
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; grass), Swim +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +8 Stealth
Perception +8 (+12 in tall grass)
Languages Common
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +5
natural, –1 size) Environment any forests
hp 51 (6d10+18) Organization solitary or pair
Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +3 Treasure standard
Defensive Abilities displacement, evasion

Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d8+6 plus grab), bite +9 (2d6+6 plus grab)

Tome of Horrors 4
Shades are creatures of shadowstuff. A mortal either chooses to infuse
its body with the essence of shadows or it is cursed by some powerful Shade
entity for a slight against it. On the Plane of Molten Skies and within the The dusky figure almost melds into the gloom of the room.
City of Brass, shades are known as afya.
XP 12,800
Creating a Shade Human shade sorcerer 11
CE Medium outsider (augmented human)
“Shade” is an inherited template that can be added to any living Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness;
corporeal humanoid that has at least 5 HD, referred to hereafter as Perception +5
the base creature. A shade retains all the base creature’s statistics
and abilities except as noted here. AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2
Challenge Rating Same as the base creature +1 hp 74 (11d6+22 plus 11); fast healing 5
Alignment Any non-good Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +11; +4 on saves vs. poison
Type The creature’s type changes to outsider. It gains Resist electricity 10; SR 22
the augmented and extraplanar subtypes. Do not Weakness light blindness
recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill ranks.
Senses A shade gains darkvision 60 ft, if the base Speed 50 ft.
creature doesn’t already have it. A shade also Melee shortspear +6 (1d6+3)
gains the ability to see in darkness. It can see Ranged light crossbow +7
perfectly in darkness of any kind, including (1d8+2/19–20)
that created by deeper darkness. Special Attacks abyssal claws
Armor Class A shade gains a +2 (2 claws +8, 1d6+2 plus 1d6
deflection bonus to its AC. It loses this fire, usable 6 rounds per day),
bonus in areas of bright light or normal shadow images
light. Spells Known (CL 11th; melee
Hit Dice The base creature’s racial Hit touch +6, ranged touch+7):
Dice change to d10s. 5th (4/day)—cone of cold
Defensive Abilities A shade retains all of the base creature’s (DC 19), dismissal (DC 19),
defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the dominate person (DC 19)
following: 4th (6/day)—bestow curse (DC 18), crushing despair
Fast Healing (Su) A shade gains fast healing 5. It loses its fast (DC 18), ice storm, stoneskin
healing in areas of bright light or normal light. 3rd (7/day)—deep slumber (DC 17), dispel magic,
Spell Resistance (Ex) A shade gains SR equal to the creature’s lightning bolt (DC 17), protection from energy (DC 17),
CR + 11. It loses its spell resistance in areas of bright light or normal rage
light. 2nd (7/day)—blur (DC 16), bull’s strength, darkness, detect
Shadowy Resolve (Ex) A shade gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws. It thoughts (DC 16), shatter (DC 16), web (DC 16)
loses these bonuses in areas of bright light or normal light. 1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 15), cause fear (DC 15),
Weakness A shade gains light blindness. If exposed to bright light, it is charm person (DC 15), chill touch (DC 15), feather fall (DC
blinded for 1 round, and dazzled as long as it remains in areas of bright 15), hypnotism (DC 15)
light or normal light. 0 (at will)—arcane mark, bleed (DC 14), daze (DC 14),
Speed All forms of movement the base creature possesses increases by detect magic, flare (DC 14), mage hand, open/close (DC
+20 feet. It loses this bonus in areas of bright light or normal light. 14), read magic, resistance (DC 14)
Attacks A shade gains a +2 racial bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls. Bloodline Abyssal
It loses these bonuses in areas of bright light or normal light.
Special Abilities A shade retains all of the base creature’s special attacks Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 19
and special abilities. It also gains the following. Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 19
Shadow Images (Sp) A number of times per day equal to the shade’s Feats Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Dodge, Empower
Charisma modifier, it can create an effect identical to a mirror image spell Spell, Eschew MaterialsB, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
(CL equals the shade’s Hit Dice). This ability can only be used in areas of Maximize Spell, Toughness
dim light or darkness. Skills Bluff +18, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +15,
Shadow Stride (Sp) Once per day, a shade of 9 Hit Dice or more can Knowledge (planes) +10, Perception +5, Spellcraft +15,
use teleport without error to reach any shadowy area on the same plane. Stealth +2 (+10 in dim light, +14 in darkness), Use Magical
Alternately, it can use plane shift once per day to reach the Plane of Shadow. Device +12; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in dim light (+12 in
Shadow Walk (Sp) Once per day, a shade of 9 Hit Dice or more can darkness)
create an effect identical to a shadow walk spell (CL equals the shade’s SQ shadowy resolve, shadow stride, shadow walk
Hit Dice). This ability transports only the shade and non-living objects it Languages Common
is carrying.
Abilities +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma. It loses these Environment any
bonuses in areas of bright light or normal light. Organization solitary
Skills A shade gains a +8 racial bonus to Stealth checks in areas of dim Treasure standard (shortspear, light crossbow, 30 bolts, other
light. This bonus increases to +12 in areas of total darkness. Stealth and treasure)
Knowledge (the planes) are always class skills for a shade.

Appendix A: Templates

In his eternal war against the gods, Orcus, the Prince of take a –4 penalty to all saves and skill and ability checks for 1d4
Demons, discovered a way to sever the connection between rounds. Divine casters are particularly disturbed. They must
living beings and their divine creators. He learned that succeed on a caster level check (20 + spell level) to cast a
by stripping the soul of a humanoid while leaving the divine spell while under the effect of abyssal stare or the
body alive and intact, he could create a soulless creature spell is lost. Creatures affected by the abyssal stare gaze
beholden only to him and outside the influence of the are immune to other uses of the stare for 24 hours. This
divine. is a mind-affecting, fear effect.
A soulless creature becomes a being without Abilities: +2 Con, –2 Wis, +4 Cha.
connection to the divine or living creatures. Flensed Feats: A soulless gains Ability Focus (abyssal stare) as
of all distinctions of alignment, the soulless embrace a bonus feat.
true amorality, characterized by acts of depravity and Skills: A soulless gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate.
destruction. The soulless creature takes no pleasure in All other skills are the same as the base creature.
this behavior, they are disturbingly without expression or Special Qualities: The soulless creature gains the
emotion, but engage in it as an automaton. following special quality:
Though a soulless shares some characteristics with the Bound Soul (Ex) The soul of a soulless creature resides
undead, they remain alive and fully sentient creatures. in a special prison in the Abyss. This soul cannot return
They eat, breathe, and sleep. The absence of an animating to the base creature without the permission of Orcus. A
spark means a soulless lacks the natural fears and desires soulless creature cannot be raised or resurrected, nor do
of normal humanoids and some of their vulnerabilities, these spells have any effect on a soulless creature.
but they also have no final energy to cling to when the Divine Exclusion (Ex) The soulless creature
body is severely damaged. has no connection to the divine. A
The stripped soul ends up in an Abyssal soulless creature cannot take
prison where Orcus can subject it to further levels in any divine class, cast
experiments or employ it in some other divine spells, or use magic items
hideous plan. constructed with spells found only
on a divine caster’s spell list. Previous
levels in a divine class are not lost, however any
Creating a abilities associated with those levels are lost.
Vessel of Orcus (Su) By manipulating an imprisoned soul
Soulless Orcus can possess a soulless creature, enabling the demon lord
to see and hear through the soulless creature’s body.
“Soulless” is an acquired template that can be added to any living
corporeal humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid (referred to
hereafter as the base creature), provided it possesses a soul separate from XP 4,800
its physical body. A soulless retains all the base creature’s statistics and N Large humanoid (giant)
special abilities except as noted here. Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5
CR: Same as base creature +1.
Alignment: Neutral AC 21, touch 8, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, –1 Dex, +9 natural,
Senses: A soulless gains darkvision 60 ft. –1 size)
Armor Class: A soulless has a +2 natural armor bonus or the base hp 95 (10d8+50)
creature’s natural armor bonus, whichever is better. Fort +12; Ref +2; Will +2
Defensive Abilities: A soulless possesses no connection to the divine and Defensive Abilities rock catching; Immune critical hits, fear,
also lacks the vulnerabilities of other corporeal creatures. As such it is positive and negative energy, soul-affecting magic
gains the following immunities: Weaknesses soulless
Immune to Critical Hits (Ex) The disconnection between a soulless
creature’s physical and immaterial forms turns it into a semi-automaton Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
and immune to precision damage. Melee greatclub +14/+9 (2d8+10) or 2 slams +13 (1d8+7)
Immune to Fear (Ex) A soulless creature has already confronted the Ranged rock +6 (1d8+10)
black infinity that lies beyond the mortal coil. It does not fear anything. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Immune to Positive and Negative Energy (Ex) This includes effects Special Attacks abyssal stare (DC 17), rock throwing (120 ft.)
linked to positive and negative energy such cure and inflict spells, ability
and level damage and drain and abilities that modify or alter a cleric’s Str 25, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 11
channel energy ability. Base Atk +7; CMB +15; CMD 24
Immune to Soul Magic (Ex) The soulless creature is immune to all types Feats Ability Focus (abyssal stare)B, Cleave, Intimidating
of magic that manipulate or affect the soul such as magic jar or soul bind. Prowess, Martial Weapon Proficiency (greatclub), Power
Weaknesses: The soulless gain the following weakness: Attack, Weapon Focus (greatclub)
Soulless (Ex) The soulless have no innate desire to remain alive. A Skills Climb +10, Intimidate +18, Perception +5; Racial
soulless creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points is destroyed in the way Modifiers +4 Intimidate
of an undead creature. Languages Giant
Special Attacks: The soulless retains all of the base creature’s special SQ bound soul, divine exclusion, vessel of Orcus
attacks and gains those described here.
Abyssal Stare (Su) As a standard action a soulless creature can stare into Ecology any land
the eyes of another living being within 30 feet and force it to confront the Organization solitary, gang (2–5), band (6–8), raiding party
infinite, empty void beyond death. Targets who fail a Will save (DC 10 (9–12 plus 1d4 zombie dire wolves)
+1/2 soulless HD + Charisma modifier) waver in their will to survive and Treasure standard (hide armor, greatclub, other treasure)

Tome of Horrors 4
Vapor Creature
Along the border between the Planes of Water and Air lies a chill realm has one or more of these
of rain and mist. Legends speak widely of the creatures of this plane, special qualities, use
wispy, grey-blue versions of worldly beasts that slip in from the fog to prey the better value.
on the weak and unwary, then fade back into the mists without a trace. The Vaporous Form
monsters that these myths refer to are the vapor creatures, inhabitants of (Su) As a
the foggy planar fringe and regular visitors to any land plagued by mist standard action,
and rain. once per day, a
These creatures have adapted to reap the greatest benefit from the heavy vapor creature
precipitation that always shrouds their forested home. Vapor creatures are can assume a
indiscernible from their normal counterparts and are often mistaken for grayish, misty
such creatures. These creatures are highly intelligent (compared to the form. Its general
normal creatures they resemble) and their cunning and wits often show body shape and
themselves in battle or interaction with other creatures. Vapor creatures size remains the
are no more or less aggressive than the creatures they resemble. same and it takes
on a wispy, translucent
appearance. It can spend up
Creating a Vapor Creature to 1 hour per day in vaporous
form, spent in 1-minute
“Vapor Creature” is an inherited template that can be applied to increments. In smoke form,
any corporeal animal, fey, humanoid (giant), magical beast or vermin the vapor creature acts as
(hereafter referred to as the “base creature”). It retains any elemental type if under the effects of a
modifiers except “cold” A vapor creature uses the base creature’s statistics gaseous form spell.
and special abilities except as noted below. Abilities: Same as base
CR: Same as the base creature’s +1. creature. Vapor creatures
Alignment: Same as base creature; through their ties to the ebb and flow have a +1 per Hit Die
of weather patterns and the shapelessness of the vapors that comprise bonus to Intelligence
them, enigmatic vapor creatures tend towards neutrality, asceticism and due to their planar
abstention from the affairs of their fellows. origins and superior
Size and Type: Animals and vermin become magical beasts, but otherwise learning ability, and a +1
the creature’s type is unchanged. Animals and vermin gain the augmented bonus to Charisma due to their
subtype because their type changes. stoic self-sufficiency.
Defensive Abilities: A vapor creature loses any resistances to cold but Skills: Same as the base creature.
otherwise retains all the defensive abilities of the base creature and also Vapor creatures have a +8 racial
gains the following. bonus on Stealth checks in areas of
Fast Healing (Ex) As they are composed in part of water vapor, vapor smoke, fog, mist, or vapor.
creatures may use it to knit their wounds and gain fast healing 2. They heal Environment: Same as the base
only if in a body of mist or fog large enough to completely engulf their creature.
body, or if touching a body of water. If the base creature already has fast Organization: Same as the base
healing, they do not stack — they overlap. For example, a base creature creature. Vapor creatures are
with fast healing 5 that takes this template now has fast healing 5 and frequently encountered
fast healing 2. It follows the normal rules for its fast healing 5 ability and singly, due to their frosty
follows the rules above for fast healing gained from this template (that is, personalities and preference
it would still only heal 2 points of damage when touching fog or water, for inhospitable lair locations.
not 7 points of damage). A vapor creature may also be found leading a
Fire Resistance (Ex) Due to their watery nature and the thin layer of group of its base creature.
vapor that shrouds them at all times, vapor creatures have fire resistance Treasure: Same as base creature.
5. If the base creature already has fire resistance, use its original value or
this one, whichever is higher.
Weaknesses: A vapor creature gains the following weakness:
Fomor-Kin (Vapor-Ogre)
Stomping out of the mist is a warty, blue-skinned ogre with shaggy
Cold Susceptibility (Ex) A vapor creature in vaporous form is sensitive
white hair.
to low temperatures that affect the evaporated state of vapor in the air
around them. A cold-based effect or attack freezes the vapor creature’s FOMOR-KIN (VAPOR OGRE) CR 4
form causing it to function as if affected by a slow spell for 3 rounds.
XP 1,200
Special Attacks: A vapor creature retains all the special attacks of the
CE Large humanoid (giant)
base creature and also gains the special attack listed below.
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +7
Death Throes (Ex) When a vapor creature is slain, its body bursts
and releases a nauseating cloud of grayish-green vapor that fills a 10-
AC 17, touch 8, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, –1 Dex, +5 natural,
foot radius. This cloud acts as a stinking cloud spell (caster level 5th).
–1 size)
Affected creatures must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2
hp 30 (4d8+8 plus 4); fast healing 2 (mist or fog)
the vaporous creature’s HD + the vapor creature’s Constitution modifier)
Fort +6; Ref +0; Will +3
or be nauseated as long as they remain within the cloud and for 1d4+1
Resist fire 5
rounds after they leave. A creature that makes its save but remains in the
Weakness cold susceptibility
cloud must continue to save each round.
Special Qualities: A vapor creature retains all the special qualities of the
Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. base)
base creature and also gains the following. If the base creature already
Melee greatclub +7 (2d8+7)

Appendix A: Templates
Ranged javelin +1 (1d8+5) Environment temperate hills
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–4), or family (5–16)
Special Attacks death throes (DC 14) Treasure standard (hide armor, greatclub, 4 javelins, other
Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 18 The fomor-kin are oversized humanoid marauders of windswept moors
Feats Iron Will, Toughness and boggy highlands. Their reign over extensive and inhospitable terrain
Skills Climb +10, Intimidate +4, Perception +7, Stealth –5 (+3 in is often uncontested by other creatures due to the limited visibility. They
fog or mist); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in areas of fog or mist raid for food along the edges of the moors, striking out at humanoid
Languages Giant settlements and disappearing back into the drifting mist and rain. Fomor-
SQ vaporous form kin can be sighted loping along through the fog with a long, uneven gait,
providing ample bed-time story material for willful children.

Winged Creature
A winged creature is one that is nearly identical to its land-bound Attacks: Creatures of Large size or larger gain a wing attack as a
counterpart but which possesses wings capable of flight. The type of secondary attack. Use the table below to determine the damage of that
wings that a winged creature has is generally based on its alignment, the attack.
usual being that good creatures have feathered wings, neutral creatures
have insect-like wings, and evil creatures have bat-like wings. This is not SIZE DAMAGE
a strict rule, however, especially as regards insect wings; some can be like Large 1d4
those of a butterfly, others like those of a dragonfly. Huge 1d6
Winged creatures bear a strong resemblance to other creatures and are Gargantuan 1d8
often mistaken as such. A winged horse is likely to be called a pegasus, Colossal 2d6
although it possesses none of the magical abilities or intelligence of a
pegasus. Winged elves or humans might be mistaken for celestials. Abilities: +2 Dexterity, –2 Strength. Winged creatures have lighter, more
nimble frames, and most of their body strength is in their wings rather
than sheer physical power.
Creating a Winged Creature Feats: A winged creature gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
Skills: Fly is always a class skill for a winged creature. It can reassign
“Winged” is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal some of its skill ranks to the Fly skill when this template is applied.
creature that is not an elemental or an ooze and that does not already have

Winged Ape
a fly speed (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). It uses all the
special abilities and ability scores of the base creature, except as noted
Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +1 A large pair of brown feathered wings grows from this great ape’s back.
Type: An animal with this template changes to a magical beast. Do not
recalculate Hit Dice, BAB, saves, or skill ranks. An animal that changes WINGED APE CR 3
to a magical beast gains the augmented subtype. XP 800
Armor Class: Flying creatures are more lightly-built than their normal N Large
counterparts. Decrease the base creature’s natural armor bonus (if any) by 2. magical beast
Speed: A winged creature gains a fly speed equal to its land speed + 10 (augmented
feet per size category larger or smaller than Medium. A winged creature’s animal)
maneuverability is based on its Dexterity and size. Init +3; Senses low-
light vision, scent;
5 or lower clumsy
6–8 poor AC 13, touch 12, flat-
9–12 average footed 10 (+3 Dex, +1
13–16 good natural, –1 size)
17 or higher perfect hp 19 (3d8+6)
Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +2
Modify the winged creature’s maneuverability based on its size. Use
the table below. Adjusting by “+1 step” moves the winged creature’s Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 40 ft.
maneuverability one step up the chart (average to good, for example). (good)
Adjusting by “–1 step” moves the creature’s maneuverability one step Melee 2 slams +4 (1d6+1), wings –1
down the chart (average to poor, for example). (1d4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Tiny or smaller +2 steps Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 2, Wis
Small +1 step 12, Cha 7
Medium +0 Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17
Large/Huge –1 step Feats Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon
Gargantuan –2 steps FinesseB
Colossal –4 steps Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +13, Fly +5, Perception +8

Environment warm forests

Tome of Horrors 4
Organization solitary, pair, or wing (3–12)
Treasure none

Winged Ogre
Large, bat-like wings flap on this lean ogre’s back, carrying it through
the air with surprising speed.

XP 1,200
CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-
light vision; Perception +4

AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15

(+4 armor, +2 natural, –1 size)
hp 30 (4d8+8 plus 4)
Fort +6; Ref +1; Will +3

Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. base), fly 40 ft.

(50 ft. base) (poor)
Melee greatclub +6 (2d8+6), wings +1
Ranged javelin +2 (1d8+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 18
Feats Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Climb +5, Fly –4, Perception +4
Languages Giant

Environment temperate or cold hills

Organization solitary, pair, wing (3–4), or family (5–16)
Treasure standard (hide armor, greatclub, 4 javelins,
other treasure)

Appendix A: Templates

Zombie, Hungry
Hungry zombies are variants of standard zombies as found in Melee slam +5 (1d6+6 plus grab)
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. Special Attacks grab and bite
In most respects hungry zombies appear to be otherwise normal
zombies, however they have a spark of savage intelligence. Str 19, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10
Adventurers who mistake hungry zombies for normal zombies Base Atk +1; CMB +5 (+9 grapple); CMD 15
are in for a horrifying surprise: the hungry zombies are undead Feats ToughnessB
creatures that crave the flesh of the living. They rise from SQ staggered
the grave and hunt day and night, ever seeking victims to
satiate their eternal hunger. Hungry zombies do not eat Environment any
other undead, only freshly-slain corpses. Organization any
Treasure none

Creating a Hungry Zombie Zombies are the animated corpses of dead

creatures, forced into foul unlife via necromantic
Hungry zombies have all the qualities and abilities of a magic like animate dead. While the most commonly
standard zombie except as noted here. encountered zombies are slow and tough, others
Challenge Rating: Increase the zombie’s CR by +1. possess a variety of traits, allowing them to spread
Defensive Abilities: A hungry zombie does not gain DR disease or move with increased speed.
5/slashing. Instead it gains DR 10/— (if HD 3 or less) Zombies are unthinking automatons, and
or DR 20/— (if HD 4 or more). can do little more than follow orders. When
Weaknesses: The hungry zombie gains the following left unattended, zombies tend to mill about
weakness. in search of living creatures to slaughter
Head Shot (Ex) Any attack that targets a hungry and devour. Zombies attack until destroyed,
zombie’s head bypasses its damage reduction entirely. having no regard for their own safety.
See the sidebar for rules on called shots.
Attacks: A hungry zombie gains a bite attack that deals damage
based on the zombie’s size if it didn’t already have one.


Fine 1
Diminutive 1d2
Tiny 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6

Special Attacks: A hungry zombie gains the grab special attack with its
slam attack. It also gains the following special attack.
Grab and Bite (Ex): A hungry zombie that succeeds on a grapple check
automatically bites its opponent as an immediate action in the round it
establishes the grapple.
Ability Scores: As a standard zombie, except its Strength is increased
by +2.
Making Called Shots
Hungry Human Zombie A called shot is an attack aimed at a particular part of the body,
in the hope of gaining some extra effect from the attack. The
smaller or better guarded the area, the more difficult the called
This rotting humanoid is dressed in tattered and ragged clothing. It
shot. A called shot is a single attack made as a full-round action,
shambles forward with an uneven gait.
and thus can’t be combined with a charge, feats like Vital Strike,
HUMAN ZOMBIE CR 1 or multiple attacks with a full-attack action. A called shot to the
head is a tricky shot and takes a –5 penalty on the attack roll.
XP 200
Range and Reach: Called shots work best at close range.
NE Medium undead
Melee called shots are at a –2 penalty if the target isn’t adjacent to
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
its attacker. For called shots made at range, all range penalties due
to range increment are doubled, with a minimum penalty of –2 for
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural)
any called shot against a target that’s not within 30 feet.
hp 12 (2d8+3)
Critical Hits and Critical Threats: A called shot has the
Fort +0; Ref +0; Will +3
normal chance for a critical hit, and inflicts an extra effect if
DR 10/—; Immune undead traits
one is confirmed. A critical hit to the head deals 1d6 points of
Weaknesses head shot
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage (randomly determine
Speed 30 ft.

Tome of Horrors 4

Appendix B: Universal Monster Rules

The following rules are standard and are referenced (but not repeated) in Breath Weapon (Su) Some creatures can exhale a cone, line, or cloud
monster stat blocks. Each rule includes a format guide for how it appears of energy or other magical effects. A breath weapon attack usually deals
in a monster’s listing and its location in the stat block. damage and is often based on some type of energy. Breath weapons allow
a Reflex save for half damage (DC 10 + 1/2 the breathing creature’s racial
Ability Damage and Drain (Ex or Su) Some attacks or special abilities HD + the breathing creature’s Con modifier; the exact DC is given in the
cause ability damage or drain, reducing the designated ability score by the creature’s descriptive text). A creature is immune to its own breath weapon
listed amount. Ability damage can be healed naturally. Ability drain is unless otherwise noted. Some breath weapons allow a Fortitude save or a
permanent and can only be restored through magic. Format: 1d4 Str drain; Will save instead of a Reflex save. Each breath weapon also includes notes
Location: Special Attacks or individual attacks. on how often it can be used, even if this number is limited in times per
day. Format: breath weapon (60-ft. cone, 8d6 fire damage, Reflex DC 20
All-Around Vision (Ex) The creature sees in all directions at once. It for half, usable every 1d4 rounds); Location: Special Attacks; if the breath
cannot be flanked. Format: all-around vision; Location: Defensive Abilities. is more complicated than damage, it also appears under Special Abilities
with its own entry.
Amorphous (Ex) The creature’s body is malleable and shapeless. It is
immune to precision damage (like sneak attacks) and critical hits. Format: Burn (Ex) A creature with the burn special attack deals fire damage in
amorphous; Location: Defensive Abilities. addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. A creature affected
by the burn ability must also succeed at a Reflex save or catch fire, taking
Amphibious (Ex) Creatures with this special quality have the aquatic the listed damage at the start of its turn for an additional 1d4 rounds (DC
subtype, but they can survive indefinitely on land. Format: amphibious; 10 + 1/2 the attacking creature’s racial HD + the attacking creature’s
Location: SQ. Con modifier). A burning creature can attempt a new save as a full-round
action. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save.
Attach (Ex) The creature automatically latches onto its target when it Creatures that hit the monster with natural weapons or unarmed attacks
successfully makes the listed attack. The creature is considered grappling, take fire damage as though hit by the monster’s burn attack and must make
but the target is not. The target can attack or grapple the creature as normal, a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire (see page 444 of the Pathfinder
or break the attach with a successful grapple or Escape Artist check. Most RPG Core Rulebook). Format: burn (2d6, DC 15); Location: Special
creatures with this ability have a racial bonus to maintain a grapple (listed Attacks and individual attacks.
in its CMB entry). Format: attach; Location: individual attacks.
Capsize (Ex) A creature with this special quality can attempt to capsize
Bleed (Ex) A creature with this ability causes wounds that continue a boat or a ship by ramming it as a charge attack and making a combat
to bleed, dealing the listed damage each round at the start of the affected maneuver check. The DC of this check is 25, or the result of the captain’s
creature’s turn. This bleeding can be stopped by a successful DC 15 Heal Profession (sailor) check, whichever is higher. For each size category
skill check or through the application of any magical healing. The amount the ship is larger than the creature attempting to capsize it, the creature
of damage each round is determined in the creature’s entry. Format: bleed attempting to capsize the ship takes a cumulative –10 penalty on its
(2d6); Location: Special Attacks and individual attacks. combat maneuver check. Format: capsize; Location: special attacks.

Blindsense (Ex) Using nonvisual senses, such as acute smell or hearing, Change Shape (Su) A creature with this special quality has the ability to
a creature with blindsense notices things it cannot see. The creature assume the appearance of a specific creature or type of creature (usually a
usually does not need to make Perception checks to pinpoint the location humanoid), but retains most of its own physical qualities. The creature cannot
of a creature within range of its blindsense ability, provided that it has line change shape to a form more than one size category smaller or larger than
of effect to that creature. Any opponent the creature cannot see still has its original form. This ability functions as a polymorph spell, the type of
total concealment from the creature with blindsense, and the creature still which is listed in the creature’s description, but the creature does not adjust its
has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. ability scores (although it gains any other abilities of the creature it mimics).
Visibility still affects the movement of a creature with blindsense. A Unless otherwise stated, it can remain in an alternate form indefinitely. Some
creature with blindsense is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class creatures, such as lycanthropes, can transform into unique forms with special
against attacks from creatures it cannot see. Format: blindsense 60 ft.; modifiers and abilities. These creatures do adjust their ability scores, as noted
Location: Senses. in their descriptions. Format: change shape (wolf; beast form I); Location:
SQ, and in Special Abilities for creatures with a unique listing.
Blindsight (Ex) This ability is similar to blindsense, but is far more
discerning. Using nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, keen Channel Resistance (Ex) A creature with this special quality (usually
smell, acute hearing, or echolocation, a creature with blindsight maneuvers an undead) is less easily affected by channeled negative or positive
and fights as well as a sighted creature. Invisibility, darkness, and most energy. The creature adds the listed bonus on saves made to resist the
kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though the creature must have line of effects of channel energy, including effects that rely on the use of channel
effect to a creature or object to discern that creature or object. The ability’s energy (such as the Command Undead feat). Format: channel resistance
range is specified in the creature’s descriptive text. The creature usually +4; Location: Defensive Abilities.
does not need to make Perception checks to notice creatures within this
range. Unless noted otherwise, blindsight is continuous, and the creature Compression (Ex) The creature can move through an area as small
need do nothing to use it. Some forms of blindsight, however, must be as one-quarter its space without squeezing or one-eighth its space when
triggered as a free action. If so, this is noted in the creature’s description. If squeezing. Format: compression; Location: SQ.
a creature must trigger its blindsight ability, the creature gains the benefits
of blindsight only during its turn. Format: blindsight 60 ft.; Location: Constrict (Ex) A creature with this special attack can crush an opponent,
Senses. dealing bludgeoning damage, when it makes a successful grapple check
(in addition to any other effects caused by a successful check, including
Blood Drain (Ex) The creature drains blood at the end of its turn if it additional damage). The amount of damage is given in the creature’s entry
grapples a foe, inflicting Constitution damage. Format: blood drain (1d2 and is typically equal to the amount of damage caused by the creature’s
Constitution); Location: Special Attacks. melee attack. Format: constrict (1d8+6); Location: Special Attacks.

Appendix B: Universal Monster Rules
Construct Traits (Ex) Constructs are immune to death effects, disease, Distraction (Ex) A creature with this ability can nauseate the creatures
mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and that it damages. Any living creature that takes damage from a creature
morale effects), necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and with the distraction ability is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (DC
any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works 10 + the 1/2 creature’s HD + the creature’s Con modifier) negates the
on objects, or is harmless). Constructs are not subject to nonlethal effect. Format: distraction (DC 14); Location: Special Attacks.
damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy
drain. Constructs are not at risk of death from massive damage. Format: Earth Glide (Ex) When the creature burrows, it can pass through stone,
construct traits; Location: Immune. dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims
through water. If protected against fire damage, it can even glide through lava.
Curse (Su) A creature with this ability bestows a curse upon its Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple
enemies. The effects of the curse, including its save, frequency, and cure, or other sign of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing
are included in the creature’s description. If a curse allows a saving throw, the burrowing creature flings it back 30 feet, stunning it for 1 round unless
it is usually a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the cursing creature’s racial HD + the it succeeds at a DC 15 Fortitude save. Format: earth glide; Location: Speed.
creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive
text). Curses can be removed through remove curse and similar effects. Energy Drain (Su) This attack saps a living opponent’s vital energy and
Format: Curse Name (Su) Slam—contact; save DC 14 Will, frequency 1 happens automatically when a melee or ranged attack hits. Each successful
day, effect 1d4 Str drain; Location: Special Attacks and individual attacks. energy drain bestows one or more negative levels (the creature’s description
specifies how many). If an attack that includes an energy drain scores a critical
Damage Reduction (Ex or Su) A creature with this special quality hit, it bestows twice the listed number of negative levels. Unless otherwise
ignores damage from most weapons and natural attacks. Wounds heal specified in the creature’s description, a draining creature gains 5 temporary
immediately, or the weapon bounces off harmlessly (in either case, the hit points for each negative level it bestows on an opponent. These temporary
opponent knows the attack was ineffective). The creature takes normal hit points last for a maximum of 1 hour. Negative levels remain until 24
damage from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell- hours have passed or until they are removed with a spell such as restoration.
like abilities, and supernatural abilities. A certain kind of weapon can If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected
sometimes damage the creature normally, as noted below. creature must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the draining creature’s
The entry indicates the amount of damage ignored (usually 5 to 15 racial HD + the draining creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the
points) and the type of weapon that negates the ability. creature’s descriptive text). On a success, the negative level goes away with
Some monsters are vulnerable to piercing, bludgeoning, or slashing no harm to the creature. On a failure, the negative level becomes permanent.
damage. Others are vulnerable to certain materials, such as adamantine, A separate saving throw is required for each negative level. Format: energy
alchemical silver, or cold-forged iron. Attacks from weapons that are not drain (2 levels, DC 18); Location: Special Attacks and individual attacks.
of the correct type or made of the correct material have their damage
reduced, although a high enhancement bonus can overcome some forms Engulf (Ex) The creature can engulf creatures in its path as part of a
of damage reduction. standard action. It cannot make other attacks during a round in which it
Some monsters are vulnerable to magic weapons. Any weapon with engulfs. The creature merely has to move over its opponents, affecting as
at least a +1 magical enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls many as it can cover. Targeted creatures can make attacks of opportunity
overcomes the damage reduction of these monsters. Such creatures’ against the creature, but if they do so, they are not entitled to a saving
natural weapons (but not their attacks with weapons) are treated as magic throw against the engulf attack. Those who do not attempt attacks of
weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. opportunity can attempt a Reflex save to avoid being engulfed—on a
A few very powerful monsters are vulnerable only to epic weapons— success, they are pushed back or aside (target’s choice) as the creature
that is, magic weapons with at least a +6 enhancement bonus. Such moves forward. Engulfed opponents gain the pinned condition, are in
creatures’ natural weapons are also treated as epic weapons for the purpose danger of suffocating, are trapped within the creature’s body until they
of overcoming damage reduction. are no longer pinned, and may be subject to other special attacks from the
Some monsters are vulnerable to good-, evil-, chaotic-, or lawful- creature. The save DC is Strength-based. Format: engulf (DC 12, 1d6 acid
aligned weapons, such as from an align weapon spell or the holy magical and paralysis); Location: Special Attacks.
weapon property. A creature with an alignment subtype (chaotic, evil,
good, or lawful) can overcome this type of damage reduction with its Entrap (Ex or Su) The creature has an ability that restricts another
natural weapons and weapons it wields as if the weapons or natural creature’s movement, usually with a physical attack such as ice, mud, lava,
weapons had an alignment (or alignments) that matched the subtype(s) or webs. The target of an entrap attack must make a Fortitude save or become
of the creature. entangled for the listed duration. If a target is already entangled by this
When a damage reduction entry has a dash (—) after the slash, no ability, a second entrap attack means the target must make a Fortitude save
weapon negates the damage reduction. or become helpless for the listed duration. The save DCs are Constitution-
A few creatures are harmed by more than one kind of weapon, such as based. A target made helpless by this ability is conscious but can take no
“cold iron or magic.” A weapon that deals damage of either of these types physical actions (except attempting to break free) until the entrapping
overcomes this damage reduction. material is removed. The target can use spells with only verbal components
A few other creatures require combinations of different types of attacks or spell-like abilities if it can make a DC 20 concentration check. An
to overcome their damage reduction (such as “magic and silver”), and a entangled creature can make a Strength check (at the same DC as the entrap
weapon must be both types to overcome this type of damage reduction. A saving throw DC) as a full-round action to break free; the DC for a helpless
weapon that is only one type is still subject to damage reduction. creature is +5 greater than the saving throw DC. Destroying the entrapping
Format: DR 5/silver; Location: Defensive Abilities. material frees the creature. Format: entrap (DC 13, 1d10 minutes, hardness
5, hp 10); Location: special attacks and individual attacks.
Disease (Ex or Su) A creature with this ability causes disease in those
it contacts. The effects of the disease, including its save, frequency, Fast Healing (Ex) A creature with fast healing regains hit points at an
and cure, are included in the creature’s description. The saving throw exceptional rate, usually 1 or more hit points per round, as given in the
to negate the disease is usually a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 the infecting creature’s entry. Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural
creature’s racial HD + the creature’s Con modifier; the exact DC is healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst,
given in the creature’s descriptive text). Disease can be removed or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
through remove disease and similar effects. Format: Disease Name (Ex) Unless otherwise stated, it does not allow lost body parts to be reattached.
Bite—injury; save DC 15 Fort, onset 1d3 days, frequency 1 day, effect Fast healing continues to function (even at negative hit points) until a
1 Con damage, cure 2 consecutive saves; Location: Special Attacks and creature dies, at which point the effects of fast healing end immediately.
individual attacks. Format: fast healing 5; Location: hp.

Tome of Horrors 4
Fast Swallow (Ex) The creature can use its swallow whole ability as throw but can try to avoid this as described above. Thus, it is possible for
a free action at any time during its turn, not just at the start of its turn. an opponent to save against a creature’s gaze twice during the same round,
Format: fast swallow; Location: Special Attacks. once before the opponent’s action and once during the creature’s turn.
Gaze attacks can affect ethereal opponents. A creature is immune to
Fear (Su or Sp) Fear attacks can have various effects. the gaze attacks of others of its kind unless otherwise noted. Allies of a
Fear Aura (Su) The use of this ability is a free action. The aura can creature with a gaze attack might be affected; these allies are considered
freeze an opponent (as in the case of a mummy’s despair) or function like to be averting their eyes from the creature with the gaze attack, and have
the fear spell. Other effects are possible. A fear aura is an area effect. The a 50% chance to not need to make a saving throw against the gaze attack
descriptive text gives the size and kind of the area. each round. The creature can also veil its eyes, thus negating its gaze
Fear Cone (Sp) and Ray (Su) These effects usually work like the fear ability.
spell. If a fear effect allows a saving throw, it is a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Format: gaze; Location: Special Attacks.
the fearsome creature’s racial HD + the creature’s Cha modifier; the exact
DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). All fear attacks are mind- Grab (Ex) If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated
affecting fear effects. attack (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals normal damage and
Format: fear aura (30 ft., DC 17); Location: Aura. attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack
Format: fear cone (50 ft., DC 19); Location: Special Attacks. of opportunity. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple
normally, or simply to use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold
Ferocity (Ex) A creature with ferocity remains conscious and can the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its
continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The creature is still combat maneuver check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not
staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. The creature still dies when its gain the grappled condition itself. A successful hold does not deal any
hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score. extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If
Format: ferocity; Location: Defensive Abilities. the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes
during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the
Flight (Ex, Sp, or Su) A creature with this ability can cease or resume attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as
flight as a free action. If the creature has wings, flight is an extraordinary well (the amount is given in the creature’s descriptive text).
ability. Otherwise, it is spell-like or supernatural, and it is ineffective in Creatures with grab receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks
an antimagic field; the creature loses its ability to fly for as long as the made to start and maintain a grapple.
antimagic effect persists. Format: fly 30 ft. (average); Location: Speed. Unless otherwise noted, grab works only against opponents no larger
than the same size category as the creature. If the creature can use grab on
Freeze (Ex) The creature can hold itself so still it appears to be an sizes other than the default, this is noted in the creature’s Special Attacks
inanimate object of the appropriate shape (a statue, patch of fungus, and line.
so on). The creature can take 20 on its Stealth check to hide in plain sight Format: grab; Location: individual attacks.
as this kind of inanimate object. Format: freeze; Location: SQ. Format: grab (Colossal); Location: Special Attacks.

Frightful Presence (Ex) This special quality makes a creature’s very Heat (Ex) The creature generates so much heat that its mere touch
presence unsettling to foes. Activating this ability is a free action that is deals additional fire damage. The creature’s metallic melee weapons also
usually part of an attack or charge. Opponents within range who witness conduct this heat. Format: heat (1d6 fire); Location: Special Attacks.
the action may become frightened or shaken. The range is usually 30 feet,
and the duration is usually 5d6 rounds. This ability affects only opponents Hold Breath (Ex) The creature can hold its breath for a number of
with fewer Hit Dice than the creature has. An opponent can resist the minutes equal to 6 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
effects with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the frightful creature’s Format: hold breath; Location: SQ.
racial HD + the frightful creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in
the creature’s descriptive text). On a failed save, the opponent is shaken, Immunity (Ex or Su) A creature with immunities takes no damage
or panicked if it has 4 Hit Dice or fewer. An opponent that succeeds at the from listed sources. Immunities can also apply to afflictions, conditions,
saving throw is immune to that same creature’s frightful presence for 24 spells (based on school, level, or save type), and other effects. A creature
hours. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect. Format: frightful that is immune does not suffer from these effects, or any secondary effects
presence (60 ft., DC 21); Location: Aura. that are triggered due to an immune effect. Format: Immune acid, fire,
paralysis; Location: Defensive Abilities.
Gaze (Su) A gaze attack takes effect when foes look at the attacking
creature’s eyes. The attack can have any sort of effect; petrification, death, Incorporeal (Ex) An incorporeal creature has no physical body. It
and charm are common. The typical range is 30 feet. The type of saving can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons or
throw for a gaze attack is usually a Will or Fortitude save (DC 10 + the creatures that strike as magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or
1/2 gazing creature’s racial HD + the gazing creature’s Cha modifier; supernatural abilities. It is immune to all nonmagical attack forms. Even
the exact DC is given in the creature’s text). A successful saving throw when hit by spells or magic weapons, it takes only half damage from a
negates the effect. A monster’s gaze attack is described in abbreviated corporeal source. Although it is not a magical attack, holy water affects
form in its description. Each opponent within range of a gaze attack must incorporeal undead. Corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage
attempt a saving throw each round at the beginning of his or her turn in the only have a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal creature (except for
initiative order. Opponents can avoid the need to make the saving throw channel energy). Force spells and effects, such as from a magic missile,
by not looking at the creature, in one of two ways. affect an incorporeal creature normally.
Averting Eyes: The opponent avoids looking at the creature’s face, An incorporeal creature has no natural armor bonus but has a deflection
instead looking at its body, watching its shadow, tracking it in a reflective bonus equal to its Charisma bonus (minimum +1, even if the creature’s
surface, etc. Each round, the opponent has a 50% chance to avoid having Charisma score does not normally provide a bonus).
to make a saving throw against the gaze attack. The creature with the gaze An incorporeal creature can enter or pass through solid objects, but
attack, however, gains concealment from that opponent. must remain adjacent to the object’s exterior, and so cannot pass entirely
Wearing a Blindfold: The foe cannot see the creature at all (also possible through an object whose space is larger than its own. It can sense the
to achieve by turning one’s back on the creature or shutting one’s eyes) presence of creatures or objects within a square adjacent to its current
and does not have to make saving throws against the gaze. However, the location, but enemies have total concealment (50% miss chance) from an
creature with the gaze attack gains total concealment from the opponent. incorporeal creature that is inside an object. In order to see beyond the
A creature with a gaze attack can actively gaze as an attack action by object it is in and attack normally, the incorporeal creature must emerge.
choosing a target within range. That opponent must attempt a saving An incorporeal creature inside an object has total cover, but when it

Appendix B: Universal Monster Rules
attacks a creature outside the object it only has cover, so a creature outside unarmed strikes just like humans do.
with a readied action could strike at it as it attacks. An incorporeal creature Format: bite +5 (1d6+1), 2 claws +5 (1d4+2), 4 tentacles +0 (1d4+1);
cannot pass through a force effect. Location: Melee and Ranged.
An incorporeal creature’s attacks pass through (ignore) natural armor,
armor, and shields, although deflection bonuses and force effects (such as Negative Energy Affinity (Ex) The creature is alive, but is treated as
mage armor) work normally against it. Incorporeal creatures pass through undead for all effects that affect undead differently than living creatures,
and operate in water as easily as they do in air. Incorporeal creatures such as cure spells and channeled energy. Format: negative energy
cannot fall or take falling damage. Incorporeal creatures cannot make trip affinity; Location: Defensive Abilities.
or grapple attacks, nor can they be tripped or grappled. In fact, they cannot
take any physical action that would move or manipulate an opponent or No Breath (Ex) The monster does not breathe, and is immune to
its equipment, nor are they subject to such actions. Incorporeal creatures effects that require breathing (such as inhaled poison). This does not give
have no weight and do not set off traps that are triggered by weight. immunity to cloud or gas attacks that do not require breathing. Format: no
An incorporeal creature moves silently and cannot be heard with breath; Location: SQ.
Perception checks if it doesn’t wish to be. It has no Strength score, so its
Dexterity modifier applies to its melee attacks, ranged attacks, and CMB. Paralysis (Ex or Su) This special attack renders the victim immobile.
Nonvisual senses, such as scent and blindsight, are either ineffective or Paralyzed creatures cannot move, speak, or take any physical actions.
only partly effective with regard to incorporeal creatures. Incorporeal The creature is rooted to the spot, frozen and helpless. Paralysis works
creatures have an innate sense of direction and can move at full speed on the body, and a character can usually resist it with a Fortitude saving
even when they cannot see. throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the paralyzing creature’s racial HD + the paralyzing
Format: incorporeal; Location: Defensive Abilities. creature’s Con modifier; the DC is given in the creature’s description).
Unlike hold person and similar effects, a paralysis effect does not allow a
Jet (Ex) The creature can swim backward as a full-round action at the new save each round. A winged creature flying in the air at the time that
listed speed. It must move in a straight line while jetting, and does not it is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can’t swim and
provoke attacks of opportunity when it does so. Format: jet (200 ft.); may drown. The duration of the paralysis varies and is included in the
Location: Speed. creature’s description. Format: paralysis (1d4 rounds, DC 18); Location:
Special Attacks and individual attacks.
Keen Scent (Ex) The creature can notice other creatures by scent in a
180-foot radius underwater and can detect blood in the water at ranges of Plant Traits (Ex) Plants are immune to all mind-affecting effects
up to a mile. Format: keen senses; Location: Senses. (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms), paralysis,
poison, polymorph, sleep, and stun. Format: plant traits; Location: Immune.
Lifesense (Su) The creature notices and locates living creatures within
60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability. Format: lifesense; Poison (Ex or Su) A creature with this ability can poison those it
Location: Senses. attacks. The effects of the poison, including its save, frequency, and cure,
are included in the creature’s description. The saving throw to resist a
Light Blindness (Ex) Creatures with light blindness are blinded for poison is usually a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 the poisoning creature’s racial
1 round if exposed to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spell. HD + the creature’s Con modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s
Such creatures are dazzled as long as they remain in areas of bright light. descriptive text). Poisons can be removed through neutralize poison and
Format: light blindness; Location: Weaknesses. similar effects. Format: Poison Name (Ex) Sting—injury; save DC 22
Fort, frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, effect 1d4 Con, cure 2 consecutive
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Creatures with light sensitivity are dazzled in saves; Location: Special Attacks and individual attacks.
areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. Format:
Weaknesses light sensitivity; Location: Weaknesses. Pounce (Ex) When a creature with this special attack makes a charge,
it can make a full attack (including rake attacks if the creature also has the
Multiweapon Mastery (Ex) The creature never takes penalties on its rake ability). Format: pounce; Location: Special Attacks.
attack rolls when fighting with multiple weapons. Format: multiweapon
mastery; Location: Special Attacks. Powerful Charge (Ex) When a creature with this special attack makes
a charge, its attack deals extra damage in addition to the normal benefits
Natural Attacks Most creatures possess one or more natural attacks and hazards of a charge. The attack and amount of damage from the attack
(attacks made without a weapon). These attacks fall into one of two is given in the creature’s description. Format: powerful charge (gore,
categories: primary or secondary attacks. Primary attacks are made using 4d8+24); Location: Special Attacks.
the creature’s full base attack bonus and add the creature’s full Strength
bonus on damage rolls. Secondary attacks are made using the creature’s Pull (Ex) A creature with this ability can choose to make a free combat
base attack bonus –5 and add only 1/2 the creature’s Strength bonus maneuver check with a successful attack. If successful, this check pulls
on damage rolls. If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always an opponent closer. The distance pulled is set by this ability. The type
made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the of attack that causes the pull and the distance pulled are included in the
creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls. This increase does not apply if creature’s description. This ability only works on creatures of a size equal
the creature has multiple attacks but only takes one. If a creature has only to or smaller than the pulling creature. Creatures pulled in this way do not
one type of attack, but has multiple attacks per round, that attack is treated provoke attacks of opportunity and stop if the pull would move them into
as a primary attack, regardless of its type. a solid object or creature. Format: pull (tentacle, 5 ft.); Location: Special
Some creatures treat one or more of their attacks differently, such Attacks and individual attacks.
as dragons, which always receive 1-1/2 times their Strength bonus on
damage rolls with their bite attack. These exceptions are noted in the Push (Ex) A creature with the push ability can choose to make a free combat
creature’s description. maneuver check with a particular successful attack (often a slam attack). If
Creatures with natural attacks and attacks made with weapons can use successful, this check pushes an opponent directly away as with a bull rush,
both as part of a full-attack action (although often a creature must forgo but the distance moved is set by this ability. The type of attack that causes the
one natural attack for each weapon clutched in that limb, be it a claw, push and the distance pushed are included in the creature’s description. This
tentacle, or slam). Such creatures attack with their weapons normally but ability only works on creatures of a size equal to or smaller than the pushing
treat all of their available natural attacks as secondary attacks during that creature. Creatures pushed in this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity
attack, regardless of the attack’s original type. and stop if the push would move them into a solid object or creature. Format:
Some creatures do not have natural attacks. These creatures can make push (slam, 10 ft.); Location: Special Attacks and individual attacks.

Tome of Horrors 4
Rake (Ex) A creature with this special attack gains extra natural attacks detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as
under certain conditions, typically when it grapples its foe. In addition skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range.
to the options available to all grapplers, a monster with the rake ability When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not
gains two free claw attacks that it can use only against a grappled foe. The revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can
bonus and damage caused by these attacks is included in the creature’s take a move action to note the direction of the scent. When the creature is
description. A monster with the rake ability must begin its turn already within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source’s location.
grappling to use its rake—it can’t begin a grapple and rake in the same A creature with the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a
turn. Format: rake (2 claws +8, 1d4+2); Location: Special Attacks. Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a
fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC
Regeneration (Ex) A creature with this ability is difficult to kill. increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the
Creatures with regeneration heal damage at a fixed rate, as with fast number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail
healing, but they cannot die as long as their regeneration is still functioning is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for
(although creatures with regeneration still fall unconscious when their hit the Survival skill. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface
points are below 0). Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, cause conditions and poor visibility.
a creature’s regeneration to stop functioning on the round following the Format: scent; Location: Senses.
attack. During this round, the creature does not heal any damage and can
die normally. The creature’s descriptive text describes the types of damage See in Darkness (Su) The creature can see perfectly in darkness of any
that cause the regeneration to cease functioning. kind, including that created by deeper darkness. Format: see in darkness;
Attack forms that don’t deal hit point damage are not healed by Location: Senses.
regeneration. Regeneration also does not restore hit points lost from
starvation, thirst, or suffocation. Regenerating creatures can regrow lost Sound Mimicry (Ex) The creature perfectly imitates certain sounds
portions of their bodies and can reattach severed limbs or body parts if or even specific voices. The creature makes a Bluff check opposed by the
they are brought together within 1 hour of severing. Severed parts that are listener’s Sense Motive check to recognize the mimicry, although if the
not reattached wither and die normally. listener isn’t familiar with the person or type of creatures mimicked, it
A creature must have a Constitution score to have the regeneration takes a –8 penalty on its Sense Motive check. The creature has a +8 racial
ability. bonus on its Bluff check to mimic sounds (including accents and speech
Format: regeneration 5 (fire, acid); Location: hp. patterns, if a voice mimic) it has listened to for at least 10 minutes. The
creature cannot duplicate the effects of magical abilities (such as bardic
Rend (Ex) If it hits with two or more natural attacks in 1 round, a performance or a harpy’s captivating song), though it may be able to
creature with the rend special attack can cause tremendous damage by mimic the sound of those abilities. This ability does not allow the creature
latching onto the opponent’s body and tearing flesh. This attack deals to speak or understand languages it doesn’t know. Format: sound mimicry
an additional amount of damage, but no more than once per round. The (voices); Location: SQ.
type of attacks that must hit and the additional damage are included in
the creature’s description. The additional damage is usually equal to Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) Spell-like abilities are magical and work just
the damage caused by one of the attacks plus 1-1/2 times the creature’s like spells (though they are not spells and so have no verbal, somatic,
Strength bonus. Format: rend (2 claws, 1d8+9); Location: Special Attacks. focus, or material components). They go away in an antimagic field and
are subject to spell resistance if the spell the ability is based on would be
Resistance (Ex) A creature with this special quality ignores some subject to spell resistance.
damage of the indicated type each time it takes damage of that kind A spell-like ability usually has a limit on how often it can be used.
(commonly acid, cold, electricity, or fire). The entry indicates the amount A constant spell-like ability or one that can be used at will has no use
and type of damage ignored. Format: Resist acid 10; Location: Defensive limit; unless otherwise stated, a creature can only use a constant spell-
Abilities. like ability on itself. Reactivating a constant spell-like ability is a swift
action. Using all other spell-like abilities is a standard action unless noted
Rock Catching (Ex) The creature (which must be of at least Large size) otherwise, and doing so provokes attacks of opportunity. It is possible
can catch Small, Medium, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). to make a concentration check to use a spell-like ability defensively and
Once per round, a creature that would normally be hit by a rock can make avoid provoking an attack of opportunity, just as when casting a spell. A
a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, spell-like ability can be disrupted just as a spell can be. Spell-like abilities
20 for a Medium one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile provides cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled.
a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount.) The For creatures with spell-like abilities, a designated caster level defines
creature must be aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching how difficult it is to dispel their spell-like effects and to define any level-
attempt. Format: rock catching; Location: Defensive Abilities. dependent variables (such as range and duration) the abilities might have.
The creature’s caster level never affects which spell-like abilities the
Rock Throwing (Ex) This creature is an accomplished rock thrower creature has; sometimes the given caster level is lower than the level a
and has a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown rocks. The creature spellcasting character would need to cast the spell of the same name. If
can hurl rocks up to two categories smaller than its size; for example, a no caster level is specified, the caster level is equal to the creature’s Hit
Large hill giant can hurl Small rocks. A “rock” is any large, bulky, and Dice. The saving throw (if any) against a spell-like ability is 10 + the level
relatively regularly shaped object made of any material with a hardness of the spell the ability resembles or duplicates + the creature’s Charisma
of at least 5. The creature can hurl the rock up to five range increments. modifier.
The size of the range increment varies with the creature. Damage from Some spell-like abilities duplicate spells that work differently when
a thrown rock is generally twice the creature’s base slam damage plus cast by characters of different classes. A monster’s spell-like abilities are
1-1/2 times its Strength bonus. Format: rock throwing (120 ft.); Location: presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not
Special Attacks (damage is listed in Ranged attack). a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and
ranger, in that order.
Scent (Ex) This special quality allows a creature to detect approaching Format: At will—burning hands (DC 13); Location: Spell-Like
enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with Abilities.
the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar
sights. Spell Resistance (Ex) A creature with spell resistance can avoid the
The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If effects of spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it. To determine
the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it whether a spell or spell-like ability works against a creature with spell
drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be resistance, the caster must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level).

Appendix B: Universal Monster Rules
If the result equals or exceeds the creature’s spell resistance, the spell Trample (Ex) As a full-round action, a creature with the trample ability
works normally, although the creature is still allowed a saving throw if can attempt to overrun any creature that is at least one size category
the spell would normally permit one. Format: SR 18; Location: Defensive smaller than itself. This works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but
Abilities. the trampling creature does not need to make a check—it merely has to
move over opponents in its path. Targets of a trample take an amount of
Split (Ex) The creature splits into two identical copies of itself if subject damage equal to the trampling creature’s slam damage + 1-1/2 times its
to certain attacks or effects. Each copy has half the original’s current hit Strength modifier. Targets of a trample can make an attack of opportunity,
points (rounded down). A creature reduced below the listed hit points but at a –4 penalty. If targets forgo an attack of opportunity, they can
cannot be further split and can be killed normally. Format: split (piercing attempt to avoid the trampling creature and receive a Reflex save to take
and slashing, 10 hp); Location: Defensive Abilities. half damage. The save DC against a creature’s trample attack is 10 + 1/2
the creature’s HD + the creature’s Strength modifier (the exact DC is
Stench (Ex) A creature with the stench special ability secretes an given in the creature’s descriptive text). A trampling creature can only
oily chemical that nearly every other creature finds offensive. All living deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how
creatures (except those with this ability) within 30 feet must succeed at a many times its movement takes it over a target creature. Format: trample
Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the stench creature’s racial HD + the stench (2d6+9, DC 20); Location: Special Attacks.
creature’s Con modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive
text) or be sickened. The duration of the sickened condition is given in Tremorsense (Ex) A creature with tremorsense is sensitive to vibrations
the creature’s descriptive text. Creatures that successfully save cannot in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that
be affected by the same creature’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison is in contact with the ground. Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can also
or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. sense the location of creatures moving through water. The ability’s range
Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant is specified in the creature’s descriptive text. Format: tremorsense 60 ft.;
to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws. Format: Location: Senses.
stench (DC 15, 10 rounds); Location: Aura.
Trip (Ex) A creature with the trip special attack can attempt to trip its
Summon (Sp) A creature with the summon ability can summon other opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if it
specific creatures of its kind much as though casting a summon monster hits with the specified attack. If the attempt fails, the creature is not tripped
spell, but it usually has only a limited chance of success (as specified in return. Format: trip; Location: individual attacks.
in the creature’s entry). Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the
summons. Summoned creatures automatically return from whence they Undead Traits (Ex) Undead are immune to death effects, disease,
came after 1 hour. A creature that is summoned in this way cannot use any mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, phantasms,
spells or spell-like abilities that require material components costing more and patterns), paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires
than 1 gp unless those components are supplied, nor can it use its own a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
summon ability for 1 hour. An appropriate spell level is given for each Undead are not subject to ability drain, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
summoning ability for the purposes of Will saves, caster level checks, Undead are immune to damage or penalties to their physical ability
and concentration checks. No experience points are awarded for defeating scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and
summoned monsters. Format: 1/day—summon (level 6, 1 pairaka 60%); exhaustion effects. Undead are not at risk of death from massive damage.
Location: Spell-Like Abilities. Format: undead traits; Location: Immune.

Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex) If the creature is in sunlight (but not in Undersized Weapons (Ex) The creature uses manufactured weapons
an area of daylight or similar spells), it cannot attack and is staggered. as if it were one size category smaller than the creature’s actual size.
Format: sunlight powerlessness; Location: Weaknesses. Format: undersized weapons; Location: SQ.

Swallow Whole (Ex) If a creature with this special attack begins its Vulnerabilities (Ex or Su) A creature with vulnerabilities takes half
turn with an opponent grappled in its mouth (see Grab), it can attempt a again as much damage (+50%) from a specific energy type, regardless
new combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). of whether a saving throw is allowed or whether the save is a success or
If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. failure. Creatures with a vulnerability that is not an energy type instead
Unless otherwise noted, the opponent can be up to one size category take a –4 penalty on saves against spells and effects that cause or use
smaller than the swallowing creature. Being swallowed causes the target the listed vulnerability (such as spells with the light descriptor). Some
to take damage each round. The amount and type of damage varies and creatures might suffer additional effects, as noted in their descriptions.
is given in the swallowing creature’s statistics. A swallowed creature Format: vulnerability to fire; Location: Weaknesses.
keeps the grappled condition, while the creature that did the swallowing
does not. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light Water Breathing (Ex) A creature with this special ability can breathe
slashing or piercing weapon (the amount of cutting damage required to underwater indefinitely. It can freely use any breath weapon, spells, or
get free is equal to 1/10 the creature’s total hit points), or it can just try other abilities while submerged. Format: water breathing; Location: SQ.
to escape the grapple. The Armor Class of the interior of a creature that
swallows whole is normally 10 + 1/2 its natural armor bonus, with no Water Dependency (Ex) A creature with this special ability can survive
modifiers for size or Dexterity. If a swallowed creature cuts its way out, out of water for 1 minute per point of Constitution. Beyond this limit, this
the swallowing creature cannot use swallow whole again until the damage creature runs the risk of suffocation, as if it were drowning. Format: water
is healed. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it dependency; Location: SQ.
back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again.
Format: swallow whole (5d6 acid damage, AC 15, 18 hp); Location: Web (Ex) Creatures with the web ability can use webs to support
Special Attacks. themselves and up to one additional creature of the same size. In addition,
such creatures can throw a web up to eight times per day. This is similar
Telepathy (Su) The creature can mentally communicate with any other to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range
creature within a certain range (specified in the creature’s entry, usually increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to one size
100 feet) that has a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures category larger than the web spinner. An entangled target can escape with
at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation a successful Escape Artist check or burst the web with a Strength check.
with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously Both are standard actions with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the creature’s Hit
speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time. Format: Dice + the creature’s Constitution modifier. Attempts to burst a web by
telepathy 100 ft.; Location: Languages. those caught in it take a –4 penalty.

Tome of Horrors 4
Web spinners can create sheets of sticky webbing up to three times
their size. They usually position these sheets to snare flying creatures
but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must
succeed at a DC 20 Perception check to notice a web; otherwise they
stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack.
Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped
creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot-
square section of web has a number of hit points equal to the Hit Dice of
the creature that created it and DR 5/—. A creature can move across its
own web at its climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creatures
touching its web. Format: web (+8 ranged, DC 16, 5 hp); Location:
Special Attacks.

Whirlwind (Su) Some creatures can transform themselves into

whirlwinds and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD they
have. If the creature has a fly speed, it can continue to fly at that same
speed while in whirlwind form; otherwise it gains a fly speed equal to its
base land speed (average maneuverability) while in whirlwind form.
The whirlwind is always 5 feet wide at its base, but its height and
width at the top vary from creature to creature (minimum 10 feet high).
A whirlwind’s width at its peak is always equal to half its height. The
creature controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet high.
The whirlwind form does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if
the creature enters the space another creature occupies. Another creature
might be caught in the whirlwind if it touches or enters the whirlwind, or
if the whirlwind moves into or through the creature’s space. A creature in
whirlwind form cannot make its normal attacks and does not threaten the
area around it.
A creature that comes in contact with the whirlwind must succeed at
a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the monster’s HD + the monster’s Strength
modifier) or take damage as if it were hit by the whirlwind creature’s
slam attack. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up
bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the
indicated damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex
save each round on its turn to escape the whirlwind. The creature still
takes damage that round but can leave if the save is successful.
Creatures trapped in the whirlwind cannot move except to go where the
whirlwind carries them or to escape the whirlwind. Trapped creatures can
otherwise act normally, but must succeed at a concentration check (DC 15
+ spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4
penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The whirlwind can
have only as many creatures trapped inside at one time as will fit inside the
whirlwind’s volume. As a free action, the whirlwind can eject any carried
creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them in its space.
If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud
of debris. This cloud is centered on the creature and has a diameter equal
to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud obscures all vision, including
darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while
those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud of
debris must succeed at a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast
a spell.
Format: whirlwind (3/day, 10–30 ft. high, 1d6+6 damage, DC 15);
Location: Special Attacks.

Appendix C: New Monster Feats
This appendix details new feats available and typically used by monsters. Quicken Breath Weapon (Combat)
Several monsters detailed within this book make use of these feats. The creature’s breath weapon recharges quicker.
Prerequisites: Con 15, breath weapon attack
Crush (Combat) Benefit: The creature can reduce the amount of time required to recharge
The creature can deal damage by jumping, falling, or landing on its foes. its breath weapon. This feat reduces the time by 1 round if the recharge
Prerequisites: Huge or larger size time is in rounds, such as a dragon’s breath. This cannot reduce the
Benefit: The creature can fly, jump, or fall on foes as a standard action, recharge time below 1 round. If the recharge time is in hours, minutes,
using its whole body to crush them. Crush attacks are effective only days, etc., the recharge time is halved. (Thus, a creature that can use its
against opponents three or more size categories smaller than the creature. breath weapon once per day can now use it twice a day.) If the creature has
A crush attack affects as many opponents as fit in the creature’s space. multiple breath weapons, it affects them all.
Opponents in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 +
1/2 creature’s Hit Dice + Str modifier) or be pinned, automatically taking Swim-By Attack (Combat)
bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the creature moves off The creature can move before and after it makes an attack while swimming.
them. If the creature chooses to maintain the pin, it must succeed at a Prerequisites: Swim speed
combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take damage from the Benefit: When swimming, the creature can take a move action and another
crush each round if they don’t escape. A crush attack deals the indicated standard action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a
damage plus 1-1/2 times the creature’s Strength bonus. second move action during a round it makes a swim-by attack.
Normal: Without this feat, the creature takes a standard action either
SIZE CRUSH DAMAGE before or after its move.
Huge 2d8
Gargantuan 4d6 Uncontrolled Rage (Combat)
Colossal 4d8 The creature flies into a rage when struck for damage.
Prerequisites: Con 17
Greater Flyby Attack (Combat) Benefit: When the creature is struck by a single attack that deals an amount
The creature can make an attack against each opponent before and after it of damage equal to half of its hit points (minimum 20 points of damage) or
moves while flying. more and it doesn’t kill it outright, it must make a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Fly speed, Flyby Attack, base attack bonus +8 If the saving throw succeeds, the creature flies into an uncontrolled rage
Benefit: When making a flyby attack and flying in a straight line, the and gains the following: +2 morale bonus on all Strength and Constitution
creature can make a single attack at its highest attack bonus against each checks, and on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will saves, a –2 penalty
opponent within reach at any point during the move. The creature makes to AC, and bonus hit points equal to 2 hit points per Hit Dice. These bonus
a separate attack roll against each opponent, and does not provoke attacks hit points disappear when the rage ends. While in a rage, the creature
of opportunity from a targeted opponent. cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except
Normal: Without this feat, the creature makes a single attack during a Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience
flyby attack. and concentration. This rage lasts until the end of the encounter at which
point the creature is fatigued for 10 minutes.
Improved Multiattack (Combat)
This creature is particularly skilled at making attacks with its natural Virulent Poison
weapons. The creature’s poison is harder to overcome.
Prerequisites: Three or more natural attacks, Multiattack, base attack Prerequisites: Poison attack
bonus +8 Benefit: Increase the number of saves required to overcome the creature’s
Benefit: The creature’s secondary attacks with natural weapons do not poison by one. Thus, a creature whose poison requires two saves to end
take a penalty. the effects now requires three saves.
Normal: Without this feat, the creature’s secondary attacks with natural
weapons take a –5 penalty (or a –2 penalty with the Multiattack feat).

Maximize Spell-Like Ability

One of the creature’s spell-like abilities has the maximum possible effect.
Prerequisites: Spell-like ability at caster level 6th or higher.
Benefit: Choose one of the creature’s spell-like abilities, subject to the
restrictions below. The creature can use that ability as a maximized spell-
like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable
only once or twice per day). When a creature uses a maximized spell-like
ability all variable, numeric effects of a spell-like ability modified by this
feat are maximized. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected.
Spell-like abilities without random variables are not affected.
The creature can only select a spell-like ability duplicating a spell with a
level less than or equal to 1/2 its caster level (round down) – 3.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, the
creature can apply it to a different spell-like ability.

Tome of Horrors 4

Appendix D: Creature Types

Each creature has a single type. Some creatures also have one or more feats. Constructs do not have any class skills, regardless of their
subtypes. Types and subtypes are explained below. Intelligence scores.
Traits: A construct possesses the following traits (unless otherwise
noted in a creature’s entry).
Aberration • No Constitution score. Any DCs or other Statistics that rely on
An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien a Constitution score treat a construct as having a score of 10 (no
mindset, or any combination of the three. An aberration has the bonus or penalty).
following features.
• Low-light vision
• d8 Hit Die • Darkvision 60 feet
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium • Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions,
progression) morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
• Good Will Saves • Immunity to bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy effects,
• Skill points equal to 4 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
The following are class skills for aberrations: Acrobatics, Climb,
Escape Artist, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (pick one), Perception,
• Cannot heal damage on its own, but often can be repaired via
exposure to a certain kind of effect (see the creature’s description
Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, and Swim. for details) or through the use of the Craft Construct feat.
Traits: An aberration possesses the following traits (unless otherwise Constructs can also be healed through spells such as make whole.
noted in a creature’s entry).t A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from
• Darkvision 60 feet that quality.
• Proficient with its natural weapons. If generally humanoid in form, • Not subject to ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion,
proficient with all simple weapons and any weapon it is described energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
as using.
• Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the
• Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Aberrations
not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor.
• Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed
when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
Aberrations are proficient with shields if they are proficient with
any form of armor.
• A construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
• A construct is hard to destroy, and gains bonus hit points based on
• Aberrations breathe, eat, and sleep. size, as shown on the following table.
• Proficient with its natural weapons only, unless generally
Animal humanoid in form, in which case proficient with any weapon
An animal is a living, nonhuman creature, usually a vertebrate with no mentioned in its entry.
magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture. Animals • Proficient with no armor.
usually have additional information on how they can serve as companions. • Constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep.
An animal has the following features (unless otherwise noted).
• d8 Hit Die Dragon
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium A dragon is a reptile-like creature, usually winged, with magical or
progression) unusual abilities. A dragon has the following features.
• Good Fortitude and Reflex saves • d12 Hit Die
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. • Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast progression).
The following are class skills for animals: Acrobatics, Climb, Fly,
Perception, Stealth, and Swim.
• Good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saves.
Traits: An animal possesses the following traits (unless otherwise
• Skill points equal to 6 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. The
following are class skills for dragons: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft,
noted in a creature’s entry). Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics,
• Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (no creature with an Intelligence score Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and
of 3 or higher can be an animal) Use Magic Device.
• Low-light vision Traits: A dragon possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted
• Alignment: Always neutral in a creature’s entry).
• Treasure: None • Darkvision 60 feet and low-light vision
• Proficient with its natural weapons only. A noncombative • Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis effects
herbivore treats its natural weapons as secondary attacks. Such
attacks are made with a –5 penalty on the creature’s attack rolls,
• Proficient with its natural weapons only unless humanoid in form
(or capable of assuming humanoid form), in which case proficient
and the animal receives only 1/2 its Strength modifier as a damage with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
• Proficient with no armor.
• Proficient with no armor unless trained for war. • Dragons breathe, eat, and sleep.
• Animals breathe, eat, and sleep.

Construct Fey
A fey is a creature with supernatural abilities and connections to nature
A construct is an animated object or artificially created creature. A or to some other force or place. Fey are usually human-shaped. A fey has
construct has the following features. the following features.
• d10 Hit Die • d6 Hit Die
• Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast progression) • Base attack bonus equal to 1/2 total Hit Dice (slow progression)
• No good saving throws • Good Reflex and Will Saves
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. • Skill points equal to 6 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. The
However, most constructs are mindless and gain no skill points or

Appendix D: Creature Types
following are class skills for fey: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft,
Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (geography), Monstrous Humanoid
Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Monstrous humanoids are similar to humanoids, but with monstrous
Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, Use Magic Device. or animalistic features. They often have magical abilities as well. A
Traits: A fey possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in monstrous humanoid has the following features.
a creature’s entry). • d10 Hit Die
• Low-light vision • Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast progression)
• Proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in • Good Reflex and Will Saves
its entry. • Skill points equal to 4 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. The
• Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) following are class skills for monstrous humanoids: Climb, Craft,
it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Fey not Fly, Intimidate, Perception, Ride, Stealth, Survival, and Swim.
indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Fey are Traits: A monstrous humanoid possesses the following traits (unless
proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor. otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
• Fey breathe, eat, and sleep. • Darkvision 60 feet
• Proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in
its entry.
Humanoid • Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy)
A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a human- it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Monstrous
like torso, arms, and a head. Humanoids have few or no supernatural humanoids not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with
or extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well- armor. Monstrous humanoids are proficient with shields if they are
developed societies. They are usually Small or Medium (with the proficient with any form of armor.
exception of giants). Every humanoid creature also has a specific subtype • Monstrous humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.
to match its race, such as human, dark folk, or goblinoid.
Humanoids with 1 Hit Die exchange the features of their humanoid
Hit Die for the class features of a PC or NPC class. Humanoids of this Ooze
sort are typically presented as 1st-level warriors, which mean they have An ooze is an amorphous or mutable creature, usually mindless. An
average combat ability and poor saving throws. Humanoids with more ooze has the following features.
than 1 Hit Die (such as giants) are the only humanoids that make use of • d8 Hit Die
the features of the humanoid type. A humanoid has the following features • Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium progression)
(unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry). • No good saving throws.
• d8 Hit Die, or by character class • Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die.
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium progression) However, most oozes are mindless and gain no skill points or feats.
• One good save, usually Reflex Oozes do not have any class skills.
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die Traits: An ooze possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted
or by character class. The following are class skills for humanoids in a creature’s entry).
without a character class: Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, • Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-
Profession, Ride, and Survival. Humanoids with both a character affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and
class and racial HD add these skills to their list of class skills. morale effects). An ooze with an Intelligence score loses this trait.
Traits: A humanoid possesses the following traits (unless otherwise • Blind (but have the blindsight special quality), with immunity to
noted in a creature’s entry). gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that
• Proficient with all simple weapons, or by character class. rely on sight.
• Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it • Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and
is described as wearing, or by character class. If a humanoid does stunning.
not have a class and wears armor, it is proficient with that type of • Some oozes have the ability to deal acid damage to objects.
armor and all lighter types. Humanoids not indicated as wearing • Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take additional
armor are not proficient with armor. Humanoids are proficient with damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack.
shields if they are proficient with any form of armor. • Proficient with its natural weapons only.
• Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep. • Proficient with no armor.
• Oozes eat and breathe, but do not sleep.
Magical Beast
Magical Beasts are similar to animals but can have Intelligence scores Outsider
higher than 2 (in which case the creature knows at least one language, An outsider is at least partially composed of the essence (but not
but can’t necessarily speak). Magical Beasts usually have supernatural or necessarily the material) of some plane other than the Material Plane.
extraordinary abilities, but are sometimes merely bizarre in appearance or Some creatures start out as some other type and become outsiders when
habits. A magical beast has the following features. they attain a higher (or lower) state of spiritual existence. An outsider has
• d10 Hit Die the following features.
• Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast progression) • d10 Hit Dice
• Good Fortitude and Reflex saves • Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast progression)
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. The • Two good saving throws, usually Reflex and Will.
following are class skills for magical beasts: Acrobatics, Climb, • Skill points equal to 6 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. The
Fly, Perception, Stealth, Swim. following are class skills for outsiders: Bluff, Craft, Knowledge
Traits: A magical beast possesses the following traits (unless otherwise (planes), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth. Due to their varied
noted in a creature’s entry). nature, outsiders also receive 4 additional class skills determined by
• Darkvision 60 feet the creature’s theme.
• Low-light vision Traits: An outsider possesses the following traits (unless otherwise
• Proficient with its natural weapons only. noted in a creature’s entry).
• Proficient with no armor. • Darkvision 60 feet
• Magical beasts breathe, eat, and sleep. • Unlike most living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual
nature—its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain,

Tome of Horrors 4
no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as regardless of the creature’s Intelligence score.
raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection, don’t work on an outsider. • Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the
It takes a different magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, effect also works on objects or is harmless).
miracle, or true resurrection to restore it to life. An outsider with • Not at risk of death from massive damage, but is immediately
the native subtype can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points.
other living creatures can be. • Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities.
• Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and any weapons Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures.
mentioned in its entry. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures
• Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it they were before becoming undead.
is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Outsiders not • Proficient with its natural weapons, all simple weapons, and any
indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Outsiders weapons mentioned in its entry.
are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of • Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy)
armor. it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Undead not
• Outsiders breathe, but do not need to eat or sleep (although they can indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Undead
do so if they wish). Native outsiders breathe, eat, and sleep. are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of
Plant • Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.
This type comprises vegetable creatures. Note that regular plants, such
as one finds growing in gardens and fields, lack Intelligence, Wisdom, Vermin
and Charisma scores; even though plants are alive, they are objects, not This type includes insects, arachnids, other arthropods, worms, and
creatures. A plant creature has the following features. similar invertebrates. Vermin have the following features.
• d8 Hit Die • d8 Hit Die
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium progression) • Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium progression)
• Good Fortitude saves • Good Fortitude saves
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. • Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. Most
Some plant creatures, however, are mindless and gain no skill vermin, however, are mindless and gain no skill points or feats.
points or feats. The following are class skills for plants: Perception Vermin have no class skills.
and Stealth. Traits: Vermin possess the following traits (unless otherwise noted in
Traits: A plant creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise a creature’s entry).
noted in a creature’s entry). • Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-
• Low-light vision affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns,
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, and phantasms). Mindless creatures have no feats or skills. A
morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). vermin-like creature with an Intelligence score is usually either an
• Immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and animal or a magical beast, depending on its other abilities.
stunning. • Darkvision 60 feet.
• Proficient with its natural weapons only. • Proficient with its natural weapons only.
• Not proficient with armor. • Proficient with no armor.
• Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep. • Vermin breathe, eat, and sleep.

Undead Creature Subtypes

Undead are once-living creatures animated by spiritual or supernatural
forces. An undead creature has the following features.
Some creatures have one or more subtypes. Subtypes add additional
• d8 Hit Die abilities and qualities to a creature. These are detailed below.
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium progression)
• Good Will Saves Acid Subtype
• Skill points equal to 4 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. This subtype is usually used for outsiders with a connection to the
Many undead, however, are mindless and gain no skill points or
Quasi-Elemental Plane of Acid. Acid creatures always have swim speeds
feats. The following are class skills for undead: Climb, Disguise,
and treat Swim as a class skill. An acid creature possesses the following
Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion),
traits (unless otherwise noted in the creature’s entry).
Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Stealth.
Traits: An undead creature possesses the following traits (unless • Immunity to acid
otherwise noted in a creature’s entry). • Vulnerability to Water (Ex) A significant amount of water, such as
that created by a create water spell, the contents of a large bucket,
• No Constitution score. Undead use their Charisma score in place or a blow from a water elemental, that strikes an acid creature
of their Constitution score when calculating hit points, Fortitude
forces the creature to make a DC 20 Fortitude save to avoid being
saves, and any special ability that relies on Constitution (such as
staggered for 2d4 rounds. An acid creature that is immersed in water
when calculating a breath weapon’s DC).
must make a DC 20 Fortitude save each round (this DC increases
• Darkvision 60 feet. by +1 each subsequent round) or take 1d6 points of damage each
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, round until the water is gone.
morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
• Immunity to bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep Air Subtype
effects, and stunning.
This subtype is usually used for outsiders with a connection to the
• Not subject to nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Elemental Planes of Air. Air creatures always have fly speeds and usually
Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Constitution,
Dexterity, and Strength), as well as to exhaustion and fatigue have perfect maneuverability. Air creatures treat Fly as a class skill.
• Cannot heal damage on its own if it has no Intelligence score, Angel Subtype
although it can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) Angels are a race of celestials, or good outsiders, native to the good-
can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works aligned outer planes. An angel possesses the following traits (unless
otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

Appendix D: Creature Types
• Darkvision 60 feet and low-light vision. much damage as normal from electricity attacks.
• Immunity to acid, cold, and petrification. • Swift Reactions (Ex) Clockwork constructs generally react much
• Resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10. more swiftly than other constructs. They gain Improved Initiative
• +4 racial bonus on saves against poison. and Lightning Reflexes as bonus feats, and gain a +2 dodge bonus
• Protective Aura (Su) Against attacks made or effects created by evil to AC.
creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 • Difficult to Create (Ex) The time and gp cost required to create
resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the a clockwork is 150% of normal. Construction requirements in
angel. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil effect individual clockwork monster entries are already increased.
and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet
(caster level equals angel’s HD). The defensive benefits from the Cold Subtype
circle are not included in an angel’s statistics block. A creature with the cold subtype has immunity to cold and vulnerability
• Truespeech (Su) All angels can speak with any creature that has to fire.
a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level equal to
angel’s Hit Dice). This ability is always active. Daemon Subtype
Daemons are neutral evil outsiders that eat souls and thrive on disaster
Aquatic Subtype and ruin. Daemons inhabit the planes of Gehenna and Hades. Daemons
These creatures always have swim speeds and can move in water have the following traits (unless otherwise noted)
without making Swim checks. An aquatic creature can breathe water. It • Immunity to acid, death effects, disease, and poison.
cannot breathe air unless it has the amphibious special quality. Aquatic • Resistance to cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10.
creatures always treat Swim as a class skill. • Summon (Sp) Daemons share the ability to summon others of
their kind, typically another of their type or a small number of less
Archon Subtype powerful daemons.
Archons are a race of celestials, or good outsiders, native to lawful • Telepathy.
good-aligned outer planes. An archon possesses the following traits • Except where otherwise noted, daemons speak Abyssal, Draconic,
(unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry). and Infernal.
• Darkvision 60 feet and low-light vision.
• Aura of Menace (Su) A righteous aura surrounds archons that fight Demodand Subtype
or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an Demodands are chaotic evil outsiders who stalk the Abyss. Unless
archon must succeed on a Will save to resist its effects. The save otherwise noted in a creature’s entry, demodands possess the following
DC varies with the type of archon, is Charisma-based, and includes traits.
a +2 racial bonus. Those who fail take a –2 penalty on attacks, AC, • Immunity to acid and poison.
and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the archon that • Resistance to fire 10 and cold 10.
generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect • Summon (Sp) Demodands share the ability to summon others of
cannot be affected again by the same archon’s aura for 24 hours. their kind, typically another of their type or a small number of less
• Immunity to electricity and petrification. powerful demodands.
• +4 racial bonus on saves against poison. • Faith-Stealing Strike (Su) When a demodand’s natural attack or
• Teleport (Sp) Archons can use greater teleport at will, as the spell melee weapon damages a creature capable of casting divine spells,
(caster level 14th), except that the creature can transport only itself that creature must make a Will saving throw or be unable to cast
and up to 50 pounds of carried objects. any divine spells for 1 round. Once a creature makes this save,
• Truespeech (Su) All archons can speak with any creature that has a it is immune to further faith-stealing strikes from that particular
language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This demodand for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
ability is always active. • Heretical Soul (Ex) All demodands gain a +4 bonus on saving
throws against divine spells. In addition, any attempts to scry on a
Augmented Subtype demodand using divine magic automatically fail. The caster can see
A creature receives this subtype when something (usually a template) the scryed area normally, but the demodand simply does not appear.
changes its original type. Some creatures (those with an inherited • Except when otherwise noted, demodands speak Abyssal, Celestial,
template) are born with this subtype; others acquire it when they take on and Common.
an acquired template. The augmented subtype is always paired with the • A demodand’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields,
creature’s original type. are treated as chaotic and evil for the purpose of resolving damage
Chaotic Subtype
This subtype is usually applied to outsiders native to the chaotic- Demon Subtype
aligned Outer Planes. Most creatures that have this subtype also have Demons are chaotic evil outsiders that call the Abyss their home.
chaotic alignments; however, if their alignments change, they still retain Demons possess a particular suite of traits (unless otherwise noted in a
the subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment affects a creature with creature’s entry) as summarized here.
this subtype as if the creature had a chaotic alignment, no matter what • Immunity to electricity and poison.
its alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to • Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10.
its actual alignment. A creature with the chaotic subtype overcomes • Summon (Sp) Demons share the ability to summon others of their
damage reduction as if its natural weapons and any weapons it wields are kind, typically another of their type or a small number of less
chaotically aligned. powerful demons.
• Telepathy.
Clockwork Subtype • Except where otherwise noted, demons speak Abyssal, Celestial,
Clockworks are constructs created through a fusion of magic and and Draconic.
technology. They have the following traits unless otherwise noted. • A demon’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, is
• Winding (Ex) Clockwork constructs must be wound with special treated as chaotic and evil for the purpose of resolving damage
keys in order to function. As a general rule, a fully wound reduction
clockwork can remain active for 1 day per Hit Die, but shorter or
longer durations are possible. Devil Subtype
• Vulnerable to Electricity (Ex) Clockwork constructs take 150% as Devils are lawful evil outsiders that hail from the plane of Hell. Devils

Tome of Horrors 4
possess a particular suite of traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s Extraplanar Subtype
entry). This subtype is applied to any creature when it is on a plane other
• Immunity to fire and poison. than its native plane. A creature that travels the planes can gain or lose
• Resistance to acid 10 and cold 10. this subtype as it goes from plane to plane. Monster entries assume that
• See in Darkness (Su) Some devils can see perfectly in darkness of encounters with creatures take place on the Material Plane, and every
any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell. creature whose native plane is not the Material Plane has the extraplanar
• Summon (Sp) Devils share the ability to summon others of their subtype (but would not have it when on its home plane). Every extraplanar
kind, typically another of their type or a small number of less- creature in this book has a home plane mentioned in its description.
powerful devils. creatures not labeled as extraplanar are natives of the Material Plane, and
• Telepathy. they gain the extraplanar subtype if they leave the Material Plane. No
• Except when otherwise noted, devils speak Celestial, Draconic, and creature has the extraplanar subtype when it is on a transitive plane, such
Infernal. as the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, or the Plane of Shadow.
• A devil’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are
treated as lawful and evil for the purpose of resolving damage
Fire Subtype
A creature with the fire subtype has immunity to fire and vulnerability
to cold.
Dwarf Subtype
This subtype is applied to dwarves and creatures related to dwarves.
Creatures with the dwarf subtype have darkvision 60 feet.
Fungus Subtype
This subtype is applied to plant creatures that are primary composed
of fungi. It distinguishes common plant creatures like treants from other
Earth Subtype plant creatures such as shriekers and ascomoids.
This subtype is usually used for outsiders with a connection to the
Elemental Planes of Earth. Earth creatures usually have burrow speeds,
and most earth creatures can burrow through solid rock. Earth creatures
Giant Subtype
A giant is a humanoid creature of great strength, usually of at least
with a burrow speed possess tremorsense.
Large size. Giants have a number of racial Hit Dice and never substitute
such Hit Dice for class levels like some humanoids. Giants have low-light
Elemental Subtype vision, and treat Intimidate and Perception as class skills.
An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical
elements: air, earth, fire, or water. An elemental has the following features.
Gnome Subtype
• Immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. This subtype is applied to gnomes and creatures related to gnomes.
• Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take additional Creatures with the gnome subtype have low-light vision.
damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack.
• Proficient with natural weapons only, unless generally humanoid Goblinoid Subtype
in form, in which case proficient with all simple weapons and any
weapons mentioned in its entry. Goblinoids are stealthy humanoids who live by hunting and raiding and
who all speak Goblin. Goblinoids treat Stealth as a class skill.
• Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy)
it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Elementals
not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Good Subtype
Elementals are proficient with shields if they are proficient with This subtype is usually applied to outsiders native to the good-aligned
any form of armor. Outer Planes. Most creatures that have this subtype also have good
• Elementals do not breathe, eat, or sleep. alignments; however, if their alignments change, they still retain the
subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment affects a creature with
Electricity Subtype this subtype as if the creature has a good alignment, no matter what its
This subtype is usually used for outsiders with a connection to the alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to its
Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning. They have the following traits unless actual alignment. A creature with the good subtype overcomes damage
otherwise noted. reduction as if its natural weapons and any weapons it wields are good-
• Electricity creatures always have fly speeds and usually have
perfect maneuverability. Electricity creatures treat the Fly skill as a
class skill. Halfling Subtype
• Immunity to electricity. This subtype is applied to halflings and creatures related to halflings.
• Vulnerability to water (Ex) Unless otherwise noted in the creature’s
description, a water-based effect or spell deals 1d4 points of damage Human Subtype
per spell level to a creature with this subtype. The creature usually This subtype is applied to humans and creatures related to humans.
receives a save (Fortitude or Reflex) for half damage.
Incorporeal Subtype
Elf Subtype An incorporeal creature has no physical body. An incorporeal creature
This subtype is applied to elves and creatures related to elves. Creatures is immune to critical hits and precision-based damage (such as sneak
with the elf subtype have low-light vision. attack damage) unless the attacks are made using a weapon with the ghost
touch special weapon quality. In addition, creatures with the incorporeal
Evil Subtype subtype gain the incorporeal special quality.
This subtype is usually applied to Outsiders native to the evil-aligned
Outer Planes. Evil Outsiders are also called fiends. Most creatures that Lawful Subtype
have this subtype also have evil alignments; however, if their alignments This subtype is usually applied to outsiders native to the lawful-
change, they still retain the subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment aligned Outer Planes. Most creatures that have this subtype also have
affects a creature with this subtype as if the creature has an evil alignment, lawful alignments; however, if their alignments change, they still retain
no matter what its alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects the subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment affects a creature with
according to its actual alignment. A creature with the evil subtype this subtype as if the creature had a lawful alignment, no matter what its
overcomes damage reduction as if its natural weapons and any weapons it alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to its
wields are evil-aligned. actual alignment. A creature with the lawful subtype overcomes damage

Appendix D: Creature Types
reduction as if its natural weapons and any weapons it wields are lawful- number of creatures (including single-target spells such as
aligned. disintegrate), with the exception of mind-affecting effects (charms,
compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms) if the swarm
Native Subtype has an Intelligence score and a hive mind. A swarm takes half again
This subtype is applied only to outsiders. These creatures have mortal as much damage (+50%) from spells or effects that affect an area,
ancestors or a strong connection to the Material Plane and can be raised, such as splash weapons and many evocation spells.
reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be. Creatures • Swarms made up of Diminutive or Fine creatures are susceptible
with this subtype are native to the Material Plane. Unlike true outsiders, to high winds, such as those created by a gust of wind spell. For
native outsiders need to eat and sleep. purposes of determining the effects of wind on a swarm, treat the
swarm as a creature of the same size as its constituent creatures.
Orc Subtype A swarm rendered unconscious by means of nonlethal damage
This subtype is applied to orcs and creatures related to orcs, such as becomes disorganized and dispersed, and does not reform until its
half-orcs. creatures with the orc subtype have darkvision 60 feet and light hit points exceed its nonlethal damage.
sensitivity (half-orcs do not have light sensitivity). • Swarm Attacks: creatures with the swarm subtype don’t make
standard melee attacks. Instead, they deal automatic damage to any
Reptilian Subtype creature whose space they occupy at the end of their move, with no
These creatures are scaly and usually cold-blooded. The reptilian attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not subject to a miss chance
subtype is only used to describe a set of humanoid races, not all animals for concealment or cover. A swarm’s stat block has “swarm” in the
and monsters that are true reptiles. Melee entries, with no attack bonus given.
• The amount of damage a swarm deals is based on its Hit Dice, as
Shapechanger Subtype shown on Table: Swarm Damage by Size.
A shapechanger has the supernatural ability to assume one or more • A swarm’s attacks are nonmagical, unless the swarm’s description
alternate forms. Many magical effects allow some kind of shapeshifting, states otherwise. Damage reduction sufficient to reduce a swarm
and not every creature that can change shape has the shapechanger attack’s damage to 0, being incorporeal, or other Special Abilities
subtype. A shapechanger possesses the following traits (unless otherwise usually give a creature immunity (or at least resistance) to damage
noted in a creature’s entry). from a swarm. Some swarms also have acid, blood drain, poison, or
• Proficient with its natural weapons, with simple weapons, and with other special attacks in addition to normal damage.
any weapons mentioned in the creature’s description. • Swarms do not threaten creatures, and do not make attacks of
• Proficient with any armor mentioned in the creature’s description, opportunity with their swarm attack. However, they distract foes
as well as all lighter forms. If no form of armor is mentioned, whose squares they occupy, as described below.
the shapechanger is not proficient with armor. A shapechanger is • Swarms possess the distraction ability. Spellcasting or concentrating
proficient with shields if it is proficient with any type of armor. on spells within the area of a swarm requires a caster level check
(DC 20 + spell level). Using skills that involve patience and
Swarm Subtype concentration requires a DC 20 Will save.
A swarm is a collection of Fine, Diminutive, or Tiny creatures that acts
as a single creature. A swarm has the characteristics of its type, except as Time Subtype
noted here. A swarm has a single pool of Hit Dice and hit points, a single This subtype is applied to creatures (usually outsiders) with a connection
initiative modifier, a single speed, and a single Armor Class. A swarm to the Plane of Time. These creatures often exist outside the normal flow
makes saving throws as a single creature. A single swarm occupies a square of time and sometimes age differently, sometimes not aging at all and
(if it is made up of nonflying creatures) or a cube (of flying creatures) 10 other times actually aging backwards. They possess the following traits
feet on a side, but its reach is 0 feet, like its component creatures. In order unless otherwise noted.
to attack, it moves into an opponent’s space, which provokes an attack • Immunity to time-related spells and effects (such as time stop or
of opportunity. A swarm can occupy the same space as a creature of any those that affect aging).
size, since it crawls all over its prey. A swarm can move through squares • Foresight (Su) Time creatures can see a few seconds into the future.
occupied by enemies and vice versa without impediment, although the This ability prevents a creature from being surprised, caught flat-
swarm provokes an attack of opportunity if it does so. A swarm can move footed, or flanked. It also grants the creature an insight bonus to AC
through cracks or holes large enough for its component creatures. equal to its Wisdom bonus. This ability can be negated, but can be
• A swarm of Tiny creatures consists of 300 nonflying creatures or restarted as a free action on the creature’s next turn.
1,000 flying creatures. A swarm of Diminutive creatures consists
of 1,500 nonflying creatures or 5,000 flying creatures. A swarm Water Subtype
of Fine creatures consists of 10,000 creatures, whether they are This subtype is usually used for Outsiders with a connection to the
flying or not. Swarms of nonflying creatures include many more Elemental Planes of Water. Creatures with the water subtype always have
creatures than could normally fit in a 10-foot square based on their swim speeds and can move in water without making Swim checks. A
normal space, because creatures in a swarm are packed tightly water creature can breathe underwater and can usually breathe air as well.
together and generally crawl over each other and their prey when Water creatures treat the Swim skill as a class skill.
moving or attacking. Larger swarms are represented by multiples of
single swarms. The area occupied by a large swarm is completely
shapeable, though the swarm usually remains in contiguous squares.
• Swarm Traits: A swarm has no clear front or back and no discernible
anatomy, so it is not subject to critical hits or flanking. A swarm made
up of Tiny creatures takes half damage from slashing and piercing
weapons. A swarm composed of Fine or Diminutive creatures is
immune to all weapon damage. Reducing a swarm to 0 hit points
or less causes it to break up, though damage taken until that point
does not degrade its ability to attack or resist attack. Swarms are
never staggered or reduced to a dying state by damage. Also, they
cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed, and they cannot grapple
an opponent.
• A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific
Tome of Horrors 4

Appendix D: Monsters by Type

Listed below are all of the monsters in Tome of Horrors 4, sorted by type. leonine, peg powler, proto-creature, scorpionfolk, tombotu, yhakkor
Ooze ebon ooze, gelatinous emperor, jolly jelly, lightning bladder, living
Aberration addath, blood orchid, bone crawler, chuul-ttaen, crawling monolith, sewer sludge, spawn of Jubilex
offspring, crimson death, ghaggurath, gibbering abomination, gibbering Outsider astral spider, daochyn, ebony horse, fisherman, seraph genie,
orb, lesser gibbering orb, ha-naga, kulgreer, neomimic, nithu, thought shade, Stygian spawn, voltar
eater, uddoth Outsider (Acid) acid weird
(Air) smoke elemental, storm drake Outsider (Air) greater weird, ice salamander, smoke elemental, smoke
Animal dinosaurs, dire fox, dire mastiff, dire stag, fire fish, giant flying weird, Susir (elemental lord)
piranha, giant forest lizard, Rhianna horse, lamprey swarm, minikins, Outsider (chaotic) ciratto demon, crystalline succubus, demonic mist,
northlands aurochs, piranha swarm, slitherrat, spire monkey, spirit toad, kytha demon, pestilenzi demon, tatarux demon
swordtooth shark Outsider (cold) frost weird, ice salamander
(Aquatic) argos, boobrie, brine drake, burrowing lamprey, chuul-ttaen, Outsider (demon) crystalline succubus, kytha demon, pestilenzi demon
fire fish, finback sea serpent, fire eel, fisherman, giant flying piranha, Outsider (devil) Dantalion (Duke of Hell)
kulgreer, lamprey swarm, peg powler, piranha swarm, sewer sludge, Outsider (earth) crysolax, crystalline scorpion, crystalline succubus,
Stygian spawn, swordtooth shark, talorani, water leaper, zombyre greater weird, mud weird, Onyst (elemental lord), salt elemental, stone
(Augmented) feral vampire spawn, refracted dire shark, shade, refracted treant
tiger, winged ape Outsider (electricity) voltar
(Chaotic) gelatinous emperor Outsider (evil) ciratto demon, crystalline succubus, Dantalion (Duke of
(Cold) algidarch, frost drakeling, frost dwarf, glacial haunt, jotun Hell), demonic mist, fisherman, kytha demon, pestilenzi demon, Stygian
Construct amalgamation, amber skeleton, battlehulk, bladecoin swarm, spawn, tatarux demon
bronze minotaur, crystalline golem, necromantic golem, ossuary golem, Outsider (fire) cinder knight, greater weird, Inder (elemental lord),
pestilential cadaver, petrified horror, philosopher golem, skiff golem, magma weird, seraph genie, smoke elemental
sojourner of the sea, stone idols, sword spider Outsider (lawful) Dantalion (Duke of Hell), fisherman
(Demon) ciratto demon, kytha demon, tatarux demon Outsider (native) defender globe, ebony horse, fisherman, stone treant,
(Devil) Dantalion (Duke of Hell) wood elemental
Dragon brine drake, flame drakeling, frost drakeling, gray dragon, storm Outsider (water) daochyn, greater weird, ice salamander, Lypso
drake, vile drake (elemental lord), ooze weird
(Dwarf) frost dwarf Plant algant (plant guardian), banyant (plant guardian), bloodsoaker
(Earth) spitting gargoyle vine, cactant (plant guardian), deadly mandrake, dreadweed, emberleaf,
(Elemental) cinder knight, crysolax, crystalline scorpion, crystalline fountain fungus, fungus man, plantoid, plantoid servitor, rakewood, razor
succubus, elemental lords, greater weird, salt elemental, smoke elemental, treant, serpent creeper, sirine flower, war flower, xacon
stone treant, wood elemental (Reptilian) chike, death’s head inphidian, gray scale inphidian
(Evil) gelatinous emperor (Sciurian) sciruian
(Extraplanar) bloodsoaker vine, cinder knight, ciratto demon, cobalt (Shapechanger) baboonwere, sealwere, werewolverine (lycanthrope),
viper, crystalline scorpion, crystalline succubus, daochyn, Dantalion undead mimic
(Duke of Hell), demonic mist, ebony horse, elemental lords, flayed angel, (Swarm) black rot (living disease), bladecoin swarm, bone swarm,
gelatinous emperor, ghirru, greater weird, grimshrike, hellwidow, ice devouring mist, festering lung (living disease), lamprey swarm, piranha
salamander, kytha demon, plantoid, refracted dire shark, refracted tiger, swarm, silverfish swarm, skeletal swarm, sparksting swarm, stirge swarm
salt elemental, seraph genie, skiff golem, smoke elemental, spawn of (Talorani) talorani
Jubilex, Stygian spawn, tatarux demon, voltar, zombyre Template crystalline creature, death knight, hungry zombie, miniature
Fey conshee, dobie, domovoi, elder witchlights, hag nymph, hedon, jynx, creature, refracted creature, shade, winged creature
kapre, niserie, wichtlein, valeany Undead aswang, asp mummy, lesser banshee, bone delver, bone swarm,
(Fire) burning ghat, char shambler, fire crab (small and medium), fire fish, burning ghat, cimota, dark custodian, death knight, death naga, devouring
flame drakeling, ghirru mist, ekimmu, feral vampire spawn, flayed angel, galley beggar, ghirru,
(Giant) algidarch, black troll, coral giant, crag giant, fachan, jotun, river ghoul monkey, glacial haunt, gloom haunt, grave mount, grey spirit,
troll, winged ogre grimshrike, zombie horde, hooded horror, hungry zombie, kamarupa,
(Good) battlehulk knight gaunt, lurker wraith, impaled spirit (shattered soul), mordnaissant,
Humanoid algidarch, black troll, chike, crag giant, fachan, frost dwarf, necro-phantom, oozeanderthal, rat-ghoul, screamer, shadow dire bear,
coral giant, jotun, korog technician, korog scientist, lupin, river troll, skeletal swarm, skin feaster, skull child, soul knight, spider lich, sword
sciruian, talorani, winged ogre, xothotak wight, undead mimic, undead mount, undead troll, zombyre
(Incorporeal) lesser banshee, shadow dire bear, dark custodian, ekimmu, Vermin albino cave spider, bloodworm, elven wasp, festering lung (living
galley beggar, gloom haunt, grey spirit, impaled spirit (shattered soul), disease), fire crab (small and medium), giant funnel-web spider, giant
kamarupa, screamer, silverfish, ravager beetle, silverfish swarm, stench beetle
(Korog) korog technician, korog scientist (Water) daochyn, gray dragon, niserie, vile drake
(Lupin) lupin (Xothotak) xothotak
Magical Beast baboonwere, blaze boa, boarfolk, boobrie, burrowing
lamprey, carrion claw, cavern crawler, char shambler, cobalt viper,
deathstroke serpent, dimensional slug, dracohydra, dromosphinx, dune
horror, edon, finback sea serpent, fire eel, firebird, hellwidow, leviathan,
lava lizard, lightning lamprey, malkeen, narwhal, noble steed, ommoth,
refracted dire shark, ravager, ravager spawn, refracted tiger, sealwere,
shadow hunter, shadow wing, shard spider, sparksting swarm, stirge
swarm, water leaper, winged ape
Monstrous Humanoid argos, baba yaga, borsin, bucentaur, death’s head
inphidian, spitting gargoyle, gray scale inphidian, gribbon, grimlock,

Appendix E: Monsters by Challenge Rating
Listed below are all of the monsters in Tome of Horrors 4, sorted by CR. CR 8 astral spider, crystalline succubus, dreadweed, dromosphinx,
firebird, fountain fungus, galley beggar, greater salt elemental, greater
CR 1/4 elder witchlights, spire monkey weird, hellwidow, hooded horror, lava lizard, necromantic golem, proto-
creature, seraph genie, shadow hunter, shadow wing, silverfish swarm,
CR 1/3 conshee, podokesaurus skeletal swarm, uddoth, vile drake

CR 1/2 albino cave spider, euparkeria, small fire crab, gribbon, small salt CR 9 banyant (plant guardian), blood orchid grand savant, bloodsoaker
elemental, oozeanderthal, sciruian, stench beetle, talorani, xothotak vine, brine drake, chuul-ttaen, high cimota, coral giant, dark custodian,
ghirru, gray dragon, greater smoke elemental, kytha demon, philosopher
CR 1 edon, fire fish, frost dwarf, grimlock, ghoul monkey, hungry zombie, golem, rakewood, shard spider
Rhianna horse, rat-ghoul, small smoke elemental
CR 10 baba yaga, boarfolk, crimson death, devouring mist, dimensional
CR 2 baboonwere, bone delver, burrowing lamprey, chike, deadly slug, dracohydra, elder salt elemental, festering lung (living disease), gray
mandrake, dire fox, medium fire crab, flame drakeling, fungus man, giant dragon, hag nymph, lurker wraith, impaled spider lich, shadow dire bear,
flying piranha, giant silverfish, glacial haunt, gray dragon, jynx, kapre, spirit (shattered soul), stone idol sphinx, sword spider
lightning lamprey, lupin, medium salt elemental, minikin grizzly bear,
plantoid servitor, ravager beetle, sealwere, shadow hunter hatchling, skin CR 11 bronze minotaur, char shambler, cinder knight, crag giant, death
feaster, thought eater, undead horse mount, water leaper, xacon, yhakkor knight, elder smoke elemental, lesser gibbering orb, ossuary golem, gray
dragon, jotun, razor treant, refracted dire shark, skiff golem, stone idol
CR 3 argos, borsin, burning ghat, defender globe, pestilenzi demon, shedu
dire mastiff, dire stag, frost drakeling, hedon, knight gaunt, medium
smoke elemental, necro-phantom, peg powler, sewer sludge, sirine CR 12 bone crawler, death naga, deathstroke serpent, giant proto-creature,
flower, slitherrat, swordtooth shark, wichtlein, valeany, werewolverine korog scientist, shade sorcerer
(lycanthrope), winged ape, zombyre
CR 13 lesser banshee, battlehulk, dune horror, gibbering abomination,
CR 4 bloodworm, bone swarm, cavern crawler, cimota, cobalt viper, gray dragon, living monolith, Stygian spawn, tatarux demon
crystalline scorpion, dobie, domovoi, emberleaf, elven wasp, fungus
man king, grave mount, gray dragon, grimshrike, large salt elemental, CR 14 gray dragon, zombie horde
korog technician, leonine, narwhal, noble steed, piranha swarm, plantoid,
screamer, serpent creeper, skull child, sparksting swarm, voltar, war CR 15 crysolax, finback sea serpent, fisherman, gray dragon, petrified
flower, weirds, winged ogre horror, sojourner of the sea, spirit toad

CR 5 algidarch, blood orchid, boobrie, crawling offspring, daochyn, CR 16 addath, black rot (living disease), ciratto demon, flayed angel, gray
death’s head inphidian, demonic mist, fire eel, spitting gargoyle, giant dragon, ha-naga, kulgreer, stone treant, wood elemental
forest lizard, gloom haunt, crystalline golem, grey spirit, ice salamander,
jolly jelly, lamprey swarm, large smoke elemental, lightning bladder, CR 17 gelatinous emperor
minikin mastodon, neomimic, ommoth, river troll, scorpionfolk, stone
idol gargoyle, tombotu CR 18 ghaggurath, gray dragon

CR 6 amber skeleton, asp mummy, aswang, bladecoin swarm, blaze CR 19 leviathan

boa, blood orchid savant, bucentaur, cactant (plant guardian), carrion
claw, guardian cimota, cobalt viper, ebon ooze, ebony horse, fachan, CR 20 amalgamtion, ravager spawn
feral vampire spawn, giant funnel web spider, gray dragon, gray scale
inphidian, huge salt elemental, malkeen, nithu, nothosaurus, refracted CR 23 elemental lords
tiger, soul knight, spawn of Jubilex, stirge swarm, stone idol frog, sword
wight, undead mimic, undead troll CR 24 Dantalion (Duke of Hell), elemental lords

CR 7 algant (plant guardian), black troll, giant cobalt viper, ekimmu, CR 27 gibbering orb
gorgosaurus, gray dragon, huge smoke elemental, kamarupa, mordnaissant,
niserie, northlands aurochs, pestilential cadaver, storm drake CR 30 ravager

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Tome of Horrors 4
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of this agreement. Pathfi nder Adventure Path #43: The Haunting of Harrowstone. © 2011, Paizo
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indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny, © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
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added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other Aberrations, © 2003, Necromancer Games, Inc; Author Casey Christofferson.
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Content you Distribute. The Eamonvale Incursion Copyright 2007 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Nathan Douglas
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an Paul, with Jack Barger.
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use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis

Legal Appendix
Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR. Games, Inc.
Creature Collection Copynght 2000, Clark Peterson. Crucible of Freya Copyright 2000 Clark Peterson and Bill Webb, Necromancer Games, Inc.
Creature Collection Revised Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Demons and Devils Copyright 2000 Clark Peterson and Bill Webb, Necromancer Games, Inc.
Relics & Rituals Copyright 2001, Clark Peterson Tomb of Abysthor Copyright 2001, Necromancer Games, Inc., Authors Clark Peterson and
Creature Collection 2: Dark Menagerie Copyrght 2001, WhneWolf Publishing Bill Webb.
Mithril: City of the Golem Copyright 2001, White Wolf Publiching, Inc Rappan Athuk Reloaded Copyright 2006 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Bill Webb,
Hollowfaust: City of the Necromancers Copyright 2001, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Clark Peterson, WDB Kenower, Casey Christofferson, and Greg Raglund; based on the
The Wise & the Wicked Copyright 2001, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. original creation of Bill Webb.
The Divine and the Defeated Copyright 2001, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Rappan Athuk—The Dungeon of Graves: The Upper Levels Copyright 2000 Clark Peterson
Burok Torn: City Under Siege Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. and Bill Webb, Necromancer Games, Inc.
Vigil Watch: Warrens of the Ratmen Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Rappan Athuk II—The Dungeon of Graves: The Middle Levels Copyright 2001 Bill Webb
Secrets and Societies Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. and Clark Peterson, Necromancer Games, Inc.
Wilderness & Wasteland Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Rappan Athuk III—The Dungeon of Graves: The Lower Levels Copyright 2002
Scarred Lands Camapaign Setting: Ghelspad, Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Necromancer Games, Inc., Authors Bill Webb, W.D.B. Kenower and Clark Peterson.
Relics & Rituals 2: Lost Lore Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene;
Serpent in the Fold: Serpent Amphora Cycle, Book I Copyright2002, White Wolf Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan
Publishing, Inc. Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson,
Calastia: Throne of the Black Dragon Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Bill Webb and Monte Cook.
Scarred Lands Gazetteer: Termana Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Wilderlands of High Fantasy Player’s Guide Copyright 2003, Necromancer Games, Inc. and
The Serpend and the Scepter: Serpent Amphora Cycle, Book II, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Judges Guild; Authors Bob Bledsaw and Clark Peterson based on original material by Bob
Hornsaw: Forest of Blood Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Bledsaw, Bill Owen and Bryan Hinnen.
The Penumbral Dragon Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Necropolis, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc; Authors Gary Gygax, Scott Greene,
Shelzar: City of Sins Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Clark Peterson and Bill Webb; based on oiginal material by Gary Gygax.
The Serpent Citadel: Serpent Amphora Cycle, Book III, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. The Slumbering Tsar Saga- Copyright 2012 Bill Webb and Greg Vaughan, Frog God Games
Blood Bayou Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. The Black Monastery- Copyright 2011 Bill Webb and Mark R. Shipley, Frog God Games
Player’s Guide to Wizards, Bards & Sorcerers Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Splinters of Faith, Copyright 2010, Author Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness.
Player’s Guide to Fighters and Barbarians Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. The Fane of the Fallen, Copyright 2010, Author William Loran Christensen.
Player’s Guide to Clerics and Druids Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc, The Hollow Mountain, Copyright 2011, Author Uri Kurlianchik.
Player’s Guide to Rangers and Rogues Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing The Northlands Saga: Vengeance of the Long Serpent, Copyright 2010, Frog God Games,
Scarred Lands Campaign Setting: Termana Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing Author Kenneth Spencer.
Vigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaatthi Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing The Northlands Saga: Beyond the Wailing Mountains, Copyright 2011, Frog God Games,
The Faithful and the Forsaken Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing Author Kenneth Spencer.
Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary Copyright 2003, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. The Northlands Saga: The Curse of Sven Oakenfist, Copyright 2011, Frog God Games,
Advanced Bestiary Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Matthew Sernett Author Kenneth Spencer.
The Book of Taverns Copuright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc; Author Chris Jones One Night Stands: Jungle Ruins of Madaro-Shanti, Copyright 2010, Frog God Games,
Arms and Armor Copyright 2001, Bastion Press, Inc. Author Scott Casper.
Bard’s Gate Copyright 2006 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Clark Peterson, Casey One Night Stands: Spire of Iron and Crystal, Copyright 2011, Frog God Games, Author
Christofferson and Shane Glodoski based on original material created by Clark Peterson and Scott Casper.
Bill Webb. One Night Stands: Dread Saecaroth, Copyright 2012, Frog God Games, Author James C.
The Wizard’s Amulet Copyright 2000-2002, Clark Peterson and Bill Webb Necromancer Boney

Tome of Horrors 4

Tome of Horrors 4

Tome of Horrors 4


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