Plumbing Plan Tips

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How do I read plumbing blueprints?


Because there are hundreds of symbols that may be used in a plumbing blueprint, it is
necessary for someone who is unfamiliar with plumbing systems to first obtain a guide
to plumbing blueprint symbols. Lists of symbols are available online, and print guides to
plumbing symbols are available for sale or to borrow at many libraries.

In the house-building process, it is the architects who are initially responsible for
drawing up the blueprints, including the plumbing blueprints. For this reason, architects
work closely with plumbers to remain up to speed on changes in plumbing codes and
symbols. Most blueprints are accompanied with a schedule that lists the symbols used
in the print but may not include the definitions of these symbols.
A guide to blueprint symbols makes it easier to identify the symbols in the
accompanying schedule. The schedule also helps identify major plumbing fixtures, such
as sinks, showers, bathtubs and toilets. Knowing the locations of the major fixtures
makes it easier to trace the drain lines and vents throughout the house. It is also
important to know the location of gas, sewer connections and water lines used for
radiant heating so as not to cause damage to pre-existing systems.

How do you read blueprints?


One reads blueprints by learning the meaning of the different symbols and
understanding what section is being depicted on that particular page of the
blueprint. Beginners can be overwhelmed by looking at everything at once, but breaking
the blueprint down into portions makes for easier comprehension.

There are three types of general blueprints, as reported by Construction Knowledge:

elevation view, plan view and section view. Elevation view illustrates a particular vertical
side of the structure from the front, rear or either side. The plan view is drawn as if
looking directly down on the structure and shows the inner components. The section
view is a drawing detailing how something will be constructed by looking at a cutthrough section of the structure.
Symbols are like the words in the language of blueprints. A general blueprint key helps
decipher the many symbols; however, some symbols may differ between architects.
Symbols not only show the location of different elements in the building, but also how
the objects move, such as which way a door may swing.
Blueprints are drawn to an Engineer's Scale. This means that 1 inch is equal to a fixed
ratio in feet. For example, 1 inch may equal 10.4 feet. Another means of scaling, using
inches instead of decimal form, is not uncommon depending on the size of the portion
being illustrated.

What are plumbing blueprints?


Plumbing blueprints are blueprints that specifically pertain to the location of the
plumbing fixtures in a building. The blueprints show the location of gas lines, pipes,
drains and vents as well as the size and number of sinks and toilets.

Plumbing blueprints are required in order to complete the construction of a home or

commercial building, but they can also be of vital importance when repairs and updates
are necessary. Plumbing blueprints are often included in the entire blueprint of the home
but can also be available individually. Knowing the location of gas and water lines both
during and after construction can aid in troubleshooting, should any issues arise.

How do you read mechanical

To read mechanical blueprints, an individual must understand the frame of reference to

which the sheets are being drawn, the naming conventions of every section, the scale
and content of each page, and the symbols used by the specific draftsman. The most
important part of reading a set of blueprints is being able to visualize three-dimensional
structures represented in two-dimensional space.


Blueprints are a set of technical drawings that depict architectural or engineering

designs. Throughout the construction process of any building, workers must read and
understand blueprints to guide them through each step of construction.

Understand the frame of reference

Blueprints typically come in three different styles, the plan, the elevation and the
section. The plan view is a bird's eye view of the structure that shows where everything
will be located. The elevation is a vertical side-view that shows the structure in its
environment and finally the section view shows specifically how one section will be built.
Along with those views, there will also be sheets for plumbing and foundation.

Understand the naming conventions

Each sheet will have a title block with a number and letter sequence. Know which
section goes to which structure. For example, workers building a specific wall will say
they are working on section "F-6".

Identify content and symbols.

It takes practice, but a worker must learn to quickly identify whether they are looking at
a plumbing, elevation, plan or section sheet. Being able to quickly convert the markings
on a blueprint into a three-dimensional idea is a sign of an experienced builder.

How do you create and print a


Create and print a blueprint digitally by using architectural design software such as
Smart Draw or Draw Floor Plan, which allows you to compile and share building layouts.
It is also possible to make a printable blueprint using general design software such as
Adobe Illustrator.


A blueprint is an architectural outline for the construction of a building, such as a house

or commercial property. It contains a full rendering of the exterior and interior of the
building, along with details and information about the measurements and materials
necessary to complete the construction. Many architectural design programs feature
tools that allow you to quickly create areas of the structure such as rooms, bathrooms
and roofs that contain the appropriate symbols for use in the building process. For
example, Smart Draw contains a feature for dragging premade rooms elements onto the
drawing space and connecting them with walls or doors, along with a printing option that
supports standard home printers.
Another option for creating a blueprint is to use a graphic design program such as
Illustrator, as it supports high-resolution vector drawing. This means that you are able to
set a custom document size and freely draw on all spaces in order to create the plan.
Use the line and shape drawing tools to make the outline of the space, then the coloring
tools to fill in the areas.

How are mechanical drawing and
blueprint reading related?


Mechanical drawing and blueprint reading are related in that both types of drawings
instruct workers on how to construct objects. Draftsmen also use similar technical
language, conventions and even software to build each kind of drawing.

Reading blueprints and mechanical drawings requires learning the language and
technical markings that professionals use as a lingua franca. For instance, to begin
reading a blueprint, start with the title block, which displays information such as the
blueprints name and number, location, site and vendor. Title blocks also contain
approvals and a list of references to all drawings related to the main blueprint. Similarly,
a mechanical drawing displays information blocks to list the owner of the drawing, part
numbers and description, as well as information regarding material and finish.
Both blueprints and mechanical drawings comprise very compact sets of symbolic
instructions (more professional shorthand) for completing a project. A blueprints legend
explains the meanings of symbols for doors and windows, for example, and also tells
builders where doors and windows will be in the finished floor plan as well as where
toilets will be located in bathrooms. Blueprints also specify materials for these and other
parts of the build. Likewise, mechanical drawings list a bill of materials, all parts and
materials required to complete a project.
PDF]Reading and Interpreting Construction Drawings Course - pdhsite.c

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