1006 June 2010

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June 2010 Newsletter
St Ives Methodist Church
27, The Waits,
St Ives,
PE27 5BY

Minister: Rev Matt Finch

Tel: 01480 462293
Mobile: 07968 692390
Email: matt.finch@simc.co.uk

Sunday Services
Rev Matt Finch
6th June 10:30am
Holy Communion

Simon Oliver
13th June 10:30am
MHA Sunday

Margaret Harris
20th June 10:30am
All Age Worship

27th June 10:30am Michael Benneworth

Rev Matt Finch

4th July 10:30am
Holy Communion

A loop system is in use in this church. In order to

use this please put your hearing aid to the ‘T’
A warm welcome to anyone who is visiting
St Ives Methodist Church for the first time. Please stay for
a free cup of tea or coffee in the church after the service.

Children’s corner
Activities are available at the back of church. Please
feel free to join us at any time during the service.

Church Meetings
St Ives Methodist Church (SIMC) run various groups that meet on
different days of the week. For more details of a specific group’s
events, please pick up a leaflet from the leaflet rack in the
corridor opposite the kitchen.
Day Time Meeting
Mondays Fellowship and Bible
2-4 pm House Group
(alternate weeks) Study
9:30 – Morning Prayers / A special time of
10am Communion reflection

Tuesdays 10- Meet other parents,

Toddlers Group
(in term time) 11:30am have a chat

10 -12 Drop in for a cup of

Tuesdays Open Door
noon tea and a chat

Afternoon Hymns, prayer,

Tuesdays 2 pm
Fellowship various speakers.
Thursdays Rummikub, knitting,
(except last Thurs 2pm-4pm Social Group
dominoes and tea!
in month)
Thursdays Various speakers on
7:30 pm Open Circle
(1st and 3rd) topics of interest

Sundays 7:30 pm Phos Young adults group.

A letter from the Minister...
I listened this morning to the annual Reith Lectures on
Radio Four, they are one of the highlights of the
station’s broadcasting. This year they are delivered by
Prof Martin Rees, President of the Royal Society,
Master of Trinity College and Astronomer Royal. Over
the coming weeks he is speaking about the difficulties
that science faces in a rapidly changing world. I was
struck by similar struggles of science and the church in
21st century Britain, the Internet and the ‘Google Generation’. Scientists, once
respected pillars of society, are now sidelined. Instant answer culture does not
wait for results, those who claim to have truths are held with suspicion. The
Scientist, once able to publish oblique findings, must now learn
communication, as well as scientific theory. As Christians and as the church we
are not alone in working out how to live in and communicate with the
constantly changing world.

Taking a closer look at the church, statistics predict that ‘church going’ will be
at around 2% of the population in 2018, with virtually no-one aged between
20-40. Due to this worrying picture churches, at local and national level, are
encouraging creative, imaginative and yet untried ways of being church. There
is permission and great potential for us as disciples of Jesus to see our new and
varied way of expressing the hope of God!

This thinking has not past us by, in recent weeks, the Circuit Leadership Team
have announced that from September I will be stationed solely in St Ives. The
reason for this brave decision is the great potential for us to reach the 20-40s
generation and find patterns of church and worship for them. The Circuit
leadership believes we could lead the way for other churches to follow in
developing this work and remaining faithful to other aspects of established
patterns of church.

The changes will inevitably bring many questions and please do ask them! The
way ahead is exciting but not completely clear. We will make mistakes but
have many successes to enjoy. To this end, I would invite you to play your part
in thinking and reflecting, and to be gracious in your engaging with and praying
for this great opportunity for us. God has good things for us!

Every blessing,
Matt Finch.
Church Events
All Age Worship
Sunday morning church on 20th June will be an all age worship
service. Musicians supporting our sung worship this month will
include a saxophonist. All are welcome to join us at 10:30am. Do
you have a hidden musical talent that you might be willing to use
occasionally to contribute to our worship? Speak to the
leadership team if you’re interested.

Library Van visit

The Good News Library Van will once again be visiting the church
hall on Tuesday 22nd June from 10:30- 11:45 am. Browse through
a selection of Christian Resources whilst enjoying a cup of tea or
coffee. Resources may be borrowed free of charge.

Circle of Light
You are invited to drop in to this monthly Music Therapy session
between 3:30pm and 5:00pm in Small Meeting Room on Tuesday
15th June. If you’d like to know more about this ministry, contact
Peter Shearer on 07879 637607 or search on our website, where
you can also find some of Peter’s music to listen to.

Afternoon Fellowship
The Tuesday Afternoon Fellowship apologise for any confusion
caused from the mistake in the original printed programme. Ruth
Jeffries (nee Horton) will be speaking on June 8th at 2pm and the
programme thereafter will continue as printed Everyone is
welcome to all meetings. Contact Pat Wass (01480) 351462.
Church Family News
Your prayers are particularly asked at this time for many
members of our church family.

Please hold in your hearts this month our elderly members who
are too numerous to mention all by name.

May they always be in our thoughts and prayers, especially those

who are struggling with ill- health and anxiety about their future .

We think especially of Mary Hindley, and for husband John

Hindley awaiting surgery next month.

We also hold in our hearts June Lawrence; Steve Mear; Brian and
Dorothy Suttie; Joyce Foster and for Joyce Davies .

Please also pray for for Connie and Ray Rogers who are both
house-bound and increasingly frail. Connie celebrated her 94th
birthday on June 1st, and Ray will be 88 years old on June 18th.

They are still very much part of our Church family and are always
anxious to hear our Church news.

We also remember Jim Dale and Bill Gurry, who also are
increasingly frail, and are now both 97yrs old.

At this time of year, we also think of our young people

completing exams and courses as the close of the academic year
heads nearer.
Please Pray...
As a church we believe that prayer makes a difference because
God listens and answers.

Please pray for the individuals from our church family named in
this newsletter and hold them in your prayers throughout June.
Please also pray for those not named but whose needs are known
personally to God.

As we consider the particular needs of those senior members of

our church, may we also pray this month for the Methodist
Homes for the Aged charity, and all churches, charities and
organisations working alongside elderly folk who may be
struggling with isolation, exclusion and loss whilst also grappling
with ill-health or failing abilities.

Please give thanks for the opportunities Open Door and our
afternoon social group give to allow folk a chance to get out the
house and socially meet others during the day.

Please also pray for the crucial role pastoral visitors and others
are able to play for those folk who are unable to leave their
homes, and for our continued witness in local care homes in our

If there are any items of family news, or if there is anything that

you would like to be prayed for please write it in the Prayer Book
at the back of the church, let the Leadership Team know or
contact prayer@simc.co.uk .
Methodist Homes Sunday
Sunday 13th June is Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA)
Sunday. Envelopes will be distributed on this date for return over
the following two Sundays. You are invited to give generously to
this worthy cause. Please see the inside back pages of this
newsletter for further information about this charity.

The Black Bin Appeal

The Black Bin appeal is an opportunity to support local families
who are really struggling with the challenges of everyday life.
There are families here, in our area, in and around St Ives,
struggling to feed and clothe themselves. Circumstances can be
difficult and help is not always easy to come by or ask for.

Initially launched during Christmas 2009 and relaunched for

Lent 2010, the annual church meeting announced that this will
become a permanent fixture throughout the year.

The church is being challenged to provide cleaning products, baby

items and personal hygiene items for local families in need, which
will be gratefully distributed by local social services personnel in
the area. If you’d like to contribute, please buy some extra items
with your usual shopping and add them to the Black Bin at church
whenever the building is open

We’re all decent here!

Apologies if a reference to “decent coffee” at cafe church services
in a recent notice in any way implied that other coffee we service
is not decent. ALL of the hot drinks we serve at church each week
are fairtrade, and therefore decent. Please ensure you ask for the
same standards of ‘decency’ in any coffee shop you visit.

Music on The Waits

There will be free music on The Waits, opposite the front
entrance of the church on Saturday 26th June from 2:30pm. Peter
Shearer (Piano) and John Davis (Pedal Steel Guitar) will provide
mellow relaxing summer music, whilst across the road from the
front of our church we will be serving free strawberry teas to our
local community. Come and enjoy some free music and have a
chat with some new faces. Please read the article “Giving to the
Town” in this newsletter to understand more about this event.

Weekly Offerings
The weekly offerings received recently have been as follows:
May 2nd £559.06 May 16th £404.76
May 9th £456.41 May 23rd £501.11
Thank you for your continued donations to support our ministry.

Café Services
Thank you to everybody who made last months café service
happen. It was a very enjoyable time and it would not have been
possible without the many hands that helped. Thank you also for
the thoughtful and constructive comments given and received in
love. We will make sure they are taken on board when we plan
our next one. If you would like to be involved in planning future
services please let Rev Matt Finch know.

Gift Day
Sunday 23rd May was our Gift Day, which this year focussed on
the Mission and Ministry of the church. Gift day donations can
continue to be received throughout June. £1611 had already
been received before the end of May. Information booklets and
envelopes are available from the back of the church or from
simc.co.uk/giftday. Donations can also be accepted online. Thank
you for your support of the Mission and Ministry of this church.

Marathon Effort
Due to volcanic ash disruption, John Finch was unable to return
to the UK after a family holiday to take part in the Virgin London
Marathon on 25th April. John received many generous offers of
sponsorship for the children’s charity Whizz Kids. John intends to
take part in the Experian Robin Hood Marathon in Nottingham on
Sunday 12th September as a replacement. Thank you for your

Fancy being a member?

It seems that we are a community that people would like to be a
part of. There has been interest from several people who would
like to become members of the church. It involves a simple
service of welcome and affirmation of faith in God.

If you would like to be a member or have questions about it

please contact Rev Matt Finch or a member of the Leadership
team. We will then set a date over the coming months to receive
people into membership.

Ten Years of Books

Congratulations go to Eric and Nita Charter for their years of
dedicated service, as they both retire from their work as
volunteers for the county’s doorstep library book service. For ten
years, Eric and Nita have delivered hundreds of books to those
with health or mobility problems as doorstep volunteers.
Libraries Doorstep Service volunteers visit many homes once a
month across the county. If you would like to find out more
about getting this free service or becoming a volunteer for it, you
can contact Anne Evans, the co-ordinator, by phoning 01480
375023 or by e-mailing anne.evans@cambridgeshire.gov.uk. Eric
or Nita will be able to confirm to you what a worthwhile service
this is to people who have difficulty visiting the library.

Calling All Gardeners

There are many individuals in our church who have tirelessly
taken responsibility for looking after the flower containers at the
front, side and back of our building, and the weeding and general
maintenance of the pathways and grounds. We are very
appreciative of all those who contribute to this important work,
that helps to give our building an attractive and welcoming

Are you willing to join a small team to keep the outside of the
church looking bright and attractive? Perhaps you could help with
a little spot of weeding once a month? Could you commit to
giving the flowers a quick water every so often? Perhaps you’d
enjoy offering a helping hand once in a while. This need not be an
onerous task and with a few hands can be spread round easily.
Perhaps you’d be willing to co-ordinate a small group of
gardening volunteers? If you think you can help, in any way, no
matter how small it may seem, please let someone on the
leadership team know. Thank you.

Giving to the town

If you forgive me reminiscing, when I was sixteen, my youth
group decided that it was time to give to our local community as
a witness to God generosity and love. So at Christmas time we
went carol singing and rather than asking for money we gave out
mince pies (with optional squirty cream) and a Christmas card.
Despite the initial scepticism, people were touched by the fact
that the church was not asking for something but giving freely. It
was a small act of witness, but that Christmas our service was jam
packed with those who had received a free mince pie and been
serenaded by our carols. People had been challenged to rethink
what they thought of the church.

The leadership team has been pondering how we might, as a

church, reach our community in a similar way and believes using
The Waits is a good place to start. We are well aware of the many
faithful folk opening the church on May Bank Holiday and for the
band concerts which we hope will continue and are valued in the
life of the church. However, as different way of connecting with
passers by on June the 26th, two musicians Peter Shearer and a
friend are (free of charge to us) playing live music on the Waits
while the church will give free cream teas to folk who wander by.
The idea has received backing from the Circuit who are giving us
£150 towards the costs from its Mission and Education Fund. It
looks set to be an event that gives to the town and speaks of
God’s generosity and builds a small bridge towards the church.

Lined up for July we have the Open Air service but the canvas is
blank. How about beginning the tradition of a carol service on the
Waits with mince pies? What about Lent and Easter Day? If this
has got your taste buds and imaginations working please let the
leadership team know of ideas that you might have of using the
Waits and giving to the town. Rev Matt Finch

STOP PRESS: Band Concerts

Band Concerts on the Waits will now be taking place this year
during Sunday afternoons in July and August from July 11th to
Aug. 29th. We will be asking for volunteers who could be available
during this period, between 2-4pm, to serve refreshments from
the front of the Church. This is always much appreciated by those
attending the concerts. Please book the dates in your diary now.
Sharing our faith
In this new, hopefully regular section of the newsletter, Sharing
our faith will include testimonies, stories and personal reflections
on faith from across the church family. This month, leadership
steward Wendy Williams, responsible for children and families,
shares with us her personal testimony of faith.

I cannot remember a time when I was not aware of

God’s love for me. As a very small child I knew I had
been given that most precious gift of faith, the love
‘that wilt not let me go’. My faith is something I feel every
minute of every day, it is not something I can rationalise,
intellectualise or even articulate easily and it is certainly not
something I can deny, ignore or set aside. For me prayer is
metaphysical, it is being and knowing rather than language. God
knows exactly what my anxieties and needs are and I offer them
to him with my very being rather than in words and I have never
been abandoned. I am always astonished when I find that God’s
spirit has been at work in my life. Astonished, not because I
doubt him, but because or in spite of all my failings, I am
constantly loved. Loved unconditionally and redeemed by Jesus.
Do I deserve this? Certainly not, I am just eternally
thankful that I have been so blessed with such a
precious gift.
Wendy Williams

Do you have a story or experience you’d like to share with the

church family? Is there a time when you can recall relying on
God’s strength to get you through a difficult situation? Contact
the leadership team if you’d be interested in contributing to a
future Sharing our faith feature.
Church Plaques
How often do you stop and read any of the plaques around the
Church ?
I was reminded of our Church history one recent Tuesday
morning when a couple from Devon came into the Church,
researching the family history of the ladies great, great
grandfather- a William Barton, who lived in Wigan farm on the
Somersham Road.

They knew he had some associations with the St. Ives Wesleyan
Church in the mid 19th century, but didn't even know if the
Church was still in existence.

Brian Suttie recalled that in the boiler area at the front of the
Church there was a plaque to someone by the name of Barton,
and on investigation, imagine their absolute delight to discover it
was the very William Barton that were trying to trace!

He died in 1845 and we assume the plaque must originally have

been placed in the old Chapel, and moved to our present building
at the beginning of the last century. What a special person he
must have been to have such an imposing tribute placed in his
memory, and what a joy for his great, great grand-daughter to
discover this was still in existence.

Do take the trouble sometime to read the plaque (despite it

being in the position it is). We thank God for “All these saints
who from their labours rest.”

Will we be remembered 160 years on for our commitment to

the Church?

Barbara Cooper
Each month the newsletter will include a special feature about one
particular part of our church or church members. For this month we
look at exactly why Methodist Homes Sunday is an important
fundraising day for this 65-year old charity.

Over 12,500 elderly people receive help or support in some way

from Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA). They offer a range of
services meeting the differing needs individuals face in later life.

They currently serve 3,000 older people in residential, nursing

and special dementia care homes, and another 1,500 older
people in sheltered housing and housing with care. A further
8,000 people are reached through community projects.
Their services for older people are:
- Founded on love, compassion and respect
- Well-managed and professional
- Focussed on nurturing spiritual and physical well-being
They have strong values based on their Christian heritage. Their
strategy is to continue the provision of more quality services for
older people, developing a range of care, housing and support
into the future.
MHA began their work in 1943. A group of Methodists had a
vision improve the lives of isolated older people. This led to the
first home in 1945 offering care and support to 12 older people,
meeting their needs regardless of their faith.

The MHA aim is to provide the full range of support relevant to

the needs of older people, from companionship to intensive 24
hour nursing care.
The MHA treat and value each person as a unique individual.
They recognise that relationships, faith, circumstances and
background make us who we are. Listening to personal stories
and reminiscences brings a privileged insight into the lives of
older people.

In response to the needs of today’s older people the MHA are:

• Building new projects whilst redeveloping or extending some of
their older homes and schemes;
• Expanding their chaplaincy support;
• Encouraging older people to live life to the full through their
‘Seize the Day’ opportunity;
• Supporting end of life care with their Final Lap training;
• Developing further personalised activities and interests;
• Extending therapy services such as aromatherapy, reflexology and
music therapy.

Methodist Homes Sunday remains a traditional way that MHA

receives much of its support – with churches across the country
praying for the work of MHA and many individuals choosing to
make a financial contribution through the MHA envelope
distributed at churches on this particular Sunday.

Donations to MHA can be made using the envelopes distributed on

Sunday 13th June (also at the back of church), or by visiting their
website www.mha.org.uk or by speaking to Brian Suttie.

Do you have a notice or prayer for the next newsletter?

Email: info@simc.co.uk
Telephone: 01480 389623
Write in the purple notice book at the back of the church.
Deadline for the next issue: 11am Tuesday 29th June.
Next issue available Sunday 4th July.
Sun 6th 7:30pm Phos
Mon 7th 10:00am House Group (3 Clare Court)
Tues 8th 09:30 Communion – Rev Matt Finch
Tues 8th 10- 11:30am Parents and Toddlers
Tues 8th 10 – 12noon Open Door
Tues 8th 2pm Afternoon Fellowship – Ruth Jeffries
Thurs 10th 2pm-4pm Social Group
Thurs 10th 7:30pm Open Circle – Hilary Ritchie

Sun 13th 7:30pm Phos

Tues 15th 9:30am Communion – Rev Matt Finch
Tues 15th 10- 11:30am Parents and Toddlers
Tues 15th 10 – 12 noon Open Door
Tues 15th 2pm-3:30pm Afternoon Fellowship - Rev Chris Giles
Tues 15th 3:30pm-5pm Circle of Light Music Therapy drop-in
Thurs 17th 2pm-4pm Social Group
Thurs 17th 7pm Open Circle Annual Dinner – Slepe Hall

Sun 20th 7:30pm Phos

Mon 21st 2pm House Group (3 Clare Court)
Tues 22nd 9:30am Communion/Prayers – Rev Chris Giles
Tues 22nd 10 – 11:30am Parents and Toddlers
Tues 22nd 10 – 12 noon Open Door
Tues 22nd 10:30-11:45am Good News Library Van Visit
Tues 22nd 2:00pm Afternoon Fellowship – Pat Cole
Sat 26th 2:30pm-5pm Music on The Waits with Cream Teas

Sun 27th 7:30pm Phos

Mon 28th 2:00pm House Group (3 Clare Court)
Tues 29th 9:30am Communion/Prayers – Rev Vivien
Tues 29th 10 – 11:30am Parents and Toddlers
Tues 29th 10 – 12 noon Open Door
Tues 29th 2pm Afternoon Fellowship - Outing
Thurs 1st 2-4pm Social Group

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