Unit Iii - Part-A: Course Material (Question Bank)

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Course Material (Question Bank)



1. State the sampling theorem for band-limited signals of finite energy.
If a finite energy signal g(t) contains no frequency higher than W Hz, it is completely
determined by specifying its ordinates at a sequence of points spaced
1/2W seconds apart.
2. What are the advantages of digital transmission?
i. The advantage of digital transmission over analog transmission is noise immunity. Digital
pulses are less susceptible than analog signals to variations caused by noise.
ii. Digital signals are better suited to processing and multiplexing than analog signals.
iii. Digital transmission systems are more noise resistant than the analog transmission systems.
iv. Digital systems are better suited to evaluate error performance.
3. What are the disadvantages of digital transmission?
i. The transmission of digitally encoded analog signals requires significantly more bandwidth than
simply transmitting the original analog signal.
ii. Analog signal must be converted to digital codes prior to transmission and converted back to
analog form at the receiver, thus necessitating additional encoding and decoding circuitry.
4. Define pulse code modulation.
In pulse code modulation, analog signal is sampled and converted to fixed length, serial
binary number for transmission. The binary number varies according to the amplitude of the analog
5. What is the purpose of the sample and hold circuit?
The sample and hold circuit periodically samples the analog input signal and converts
those samples to a multilevel PAM signal.
6. What is the Nyquist sampling rate?
Nyquist sampling rate states that, the minimum sampling rate is equal to twice the highest
audio input frequency.
7. What is the principle of pulse modulation?
Pulse modulation consists essentially of sampling analog information signal and
then converting those discrete pulses and transporting the pulses from a source to a destination over
a physical transmission medium.
8. List the four predominant methods of pulse modulation.
i. Pulse width modulation (PWM)
ii. Pulse position modulation (PPM)
iii. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)
iv. Pulse duration modulation (PDM)
9. What is codec?
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Course Material (Question Bank)


An integrated circuit that performs the PCM encoding and decoding functions is
called a Codec (coder/decoder).
10. Define and state the causes of fold over distortion.
The minimum sampling rate (fs) is equal to twice the highest audio input frequency (fa).
If fs is less than two times fa, distortion will result. The distortion is called aliasing or fold over
distortion. The side frequencies from one harmonic fold over into the sideband of another
harmonic. The frequency that folds over is an alias of the input signal hence, the names aliasing
or fold over distortion.
11. Define overload distortion.
If the magnitude of sample exceeds the highest quantization interval, overload
distortion occurs.
12. Define quantization.
Quantization is a process of approximation or rounding off. Assigning PCM codes to
absolute magnitudes is called quantizing.
13. Define dynamic range.
Dynamic range is the ratio of the largest possible magnitude to the smallest possible
magnitude. Mathematically, dynamic range is DR= Vmax / Vmin
14. What is nonuniform or nonlinear encoding?
With voice transmission, low-amplitude signals are more likely to occur than largeamplitude signals. Therefore, if more codes are used for lower amplitude, it would
increase accuracy and fewer codes are used for higher amplitudes, which would increase
quantization error. This type of coding is called nonuniform or nonlinear encoding.
15. What is the advantage and disadvantage of midtread quantization?
Advantage: less idle channel noise
Disadvantage: largest possible magnitude for Qe
16. What is the necessity of companding?
Companding is the process of compression and then expanding. Higher amplitude signals
are compressed prior to transmission and then expanded in the receiver. Companding is themeans
of improving dynamic range of communication systems.
17. What is idle channel noise?
When there is no analog input signal, the only input to PAM sampler is random, thermal
noise. This noise is called idle channel noise.
18. Compare slope overload and granular noise.
Slope overload noise

Granular noise

1. Slope of analog signal is greater Original input signal has relatively

than delta modulator can maintain
constant amplitude and the reconstructed
signal has variations that were not present in
CS6304- Analog & Digital Communicationthe
2. Caused when step- size is small.
2. Caused when step -size is large.


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19. Give the concept of delta modulation PCM.

Rather than transmit a coded representation of the sample, only single bit is transmitted, which
indicates whether the sample is larger or smaller than the previous sample.
20. What is ISI and give its causes.
The ringing tails of several pulses have overlapped, thus interfering with major pulse
lobe. This interference is commonly called as intersymbol interference or ISI. The four
primary causes of ISI are
i.Timing inaccuracies
ii. Insufficient bandwidth
iii. Amplitude distortion
iv.Phase distortion
21. What is an eye pattern?
The performance of a digital transmission system can be measured by displaying
the received signal on an oscilloscope and triggering the time base at data rate. Thus, all
waveform combinations are superimposed over adjacent signaling intervals. Such a display is
called eye pattern or eye diagram.
22. List the significance of eye pattern.
It used to determine the effects of degradations introduced into pulses as they travel to the
regenerator. It discloses any noise or errors in line equalization. It also gives the amount of ISI
23. Define quantization error?
Quantization is the value of which equals the difference between the
output and input values of quantizer.
24. What is nyquist rate?
The minimum sampling rate of 2W sample per second for
bandwidth of W hertz is called the nyquist rate.

a signal

25. What is PAM?

PAM is the pulse amplitude modulation. In pulse amplitude modulation,
the amplitude of a carrier consisting of a periodic train of rectangular pulses is
varied in proportion to sample values of a message signal.
26. What do you mean by slope overload distortion in delta modulation?
Slope of analog signal is greater than delta modulator can maintain. Caused when the
step size is small

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27. Define Data

Information is the knowledge or intelligence that can be processed, organized and stored is
called data.
28. What is ISO?
ISO is International Organization for standardization. It creates set of rules and standards for
graphics, document exchange and related technologies.
29. Define DTE?
DTE is the Data communication equipment used at the stations to adapt the digital signals to analog
signals from the computers and terminals to a form suitable for transmission
30. Define DCE?
DCE is the Data communication Equipment that converts digital signal to analog signal and interfaces
the DTE to the analog transmission medium.
31. Define Serial by bit?
There is a single transmission line and only one bit can be transmitted at a time is called serial by bit.
32. Define Full duplex?
Transmissions are possible in both directions but they must be within the same two stations.
33. What is mean by error detection?
Error detection is the process of monitoring the received data and determining when the transmission
error has occurred.
1. Explain PCM with a neat block diagram.
2. Explain PCM sampling with necessary diagrams and circuits. Write a note on aliasing and
3. What is companding? Explain in detail Analog and digital companding.
4. With a neat block diagram explain Delta modulation. How slope over and granular noise can
be minimized and discuss in detail about Adaptive delta modulation.
5. With a neat block diagram explain DPCM transmitter and receiver.
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6. Write notes on ISI and eye pattern.

7. Explain the types of data communication codes?
1.Baudot code
2.ASCII code
3.EBCDIC code
4.Bar code
8. Explain Data communication hardware in detail?
Line control unit
UART transmitter & receiver
USRT transmitter & receiver

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