Unit Iii - Part-A: Course Material (Question Bank)
Unit Iii - Part-A: Course Material (Question Bank)
Unit Iii - Part-A: Course Material (Question Bank)
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An integrated circuit that performs the PCM encoding and decoding functions is
called a Codec (coder/decoder).
10. Define and state the causes of fold over distortion.
The minimum sampling rate (fs) is equal to twice the highest audio input frequency (fa).
If fs is less than two times fa, distortion will result. The distortion is called aliasing or fold over
distortion. The side frequencies from one harmonic fold over into the sideband of another
harmonic. The frequency that folds over is an alias of the input signal hence, the names aliasing
or fold over distortion.
11. Define overload distortion.
If the magnitude of sample exceeds the highest quantization interval, overload
distortion occurs.
12. Define quantization.
Quantization is a process of approximation or rounding off. Assigning PCM codes to
absolute magnitudes is called quantizing.
13. Define dynamic range.
Dynamic range is the ratio of the largest possible magnitude to the smallest possible
magnitude. Mathematically, dynamic range is DR= Vmax / Vmin
14. What is nonuniform or nonlinear encoding?
With voice transmission, low-amplitude signals are more likely to occur than largeamplitude signals. Therefore, if more codes are used for lower amplitude, it would
increase accuracy and fewer codes are used for higher amplitudes, which would increase
quantization error. This type of coding is called nonuniform or nonlinear encoding.
15. What is the advantage and disadvantage of midtread quantization?
Advantage: less idle channel noise
Disadvantage: largest possible magnitude for Qe
16. What is the necessity of companding?
Companding is the process of compression and then expanding. Higher amplitude signals
are compressed prior to transmission and then expanded in the receiver. Companding is themeans
of improving dynamic range of communication systems.
17. What is idle channel noise?
When there is no analog input signal, the only input to PAM sampler is random, thermal
noise. This noise is called idle channel noise.
18. Compare slope overload and granular noise.
Slope overload noise
Granular noise
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a signal
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