Unit 1 (Pulse Modulation)
Unit 1 (Pulse Modulation)
Unit 1 (Pulse Modulation)
13. For the transmission of normal speech signal in the PCM channel
needs the BW of………….
Speech signals have the maximum frequency of
3.4kHz.Normally 8 bits PCM is used for speed. The transmission
bandwidth of PCM is given as
BT ≥ vW
≥ 8x3.4 kHz
≥ 2.72 kHz
25. What should be the pass band for antialiasing and smoothing
filters used with pulse modulation and demodulation systems?
(i) Antialiasing filter used before sampling. It should band
limit the signal to maximum signal frequency if W Hz.
Hence its pass band should be W Hz.
(ii) Smoothing filter is used after reconstruction or
interpolation. It should successfully pass all the
frequencies of 0 to W Hz and block frequencies greater
than W Hz
29. What is the need for speech coding at low bit rates?
The use of PCM at the standard rate of 64 Kbps demands a
high channel bandwidth for its transmission ,so for certain
applications, bandwidth is at premium, in which case there is a
definite need for speech coding at low bit rates, while maintaining
acceptable fidelity or quality of reproduction.
30. Draw the block diagram of compander? Mention the types of
Block Diagram
Types of companding:
1. µ law companding
2. A law companding
9. From the eye pattern how is the best time for sampling determined?
It is preferable to sample the instant at which eye is open
widest. At this instant, the chances of error are minimum.
17.A message has zero mean value and a peak value of 10V.It is to be
quantized using a step size of 0.1V with one level coinciding to 0V.Find
no. of bits required for encoding the quantized signal.
Step size (δ) = 2xmax/q
Here xmax is peak amplitude of the signal
0.1 =2x10/q
q = 200 levels
Number of bits (v) = loq2q = loq10q/log102 =log200/log2
= 7.643= 8
19. Compare a baseband binary PAM system with that of M ary PAM
S.No Baseband binary PAM M ary PAM
1. There only two levels of There are M levels of
representation. Thus there amplitude of the waveform.
are only two symbols Thus there are M symbols
2. Symbol duration is Tb Symbol duration is Tb log2M
3. For every symbol For every symbol transmitted
transmitted power is less power is more and it varies
and remains constant from symbol to symbol
4. Detection of binary PAM is Detection of M ary PAM is
simple,since there are only complex, since there are on
two amplitude levels multiple amplitude levels
5. Effect of noise is reduced Effect of noise is more
compared to binary PAM.
6. Transmission and receiving Transmission and receiving
circuit is simple circuit is complex.
2. Define ASK.
In ASK, carrier is switched on when binary 1 is to be
transmitted and it is switched off when the binary D is to be
transmitted ASK is also called on off keying.
12. What is the value of maximum signal to noise ratio of the matched
filter? When it becomes maximum?
Maximum signal to noise ratio of the matched filter is the
ratio of energy of the signal to psd of white noise
Ρmax =E/(N0/2)
The maximum value occurs at the end of bit duration Tb.
13. On what factor, the error probability of matched filter depends?
Error probability of the matched filter is given as
Pe = ½ erfc √ (E/N0)
This equation shows that error probability depends only on energy
of the signal. It does not depend upon shape of the signal.
17. Bring out the difference between carrier recovery and clock
9. What is RS code?
There are nonbinary BCH codes.The encoders for RS
codes operate on multiple bits simultaneously. The (n,k) RS code
takes the groups of m bit symbols of the incoming binary data stream.
It takes such k number of symbols in one block. Then the encoder
adds (n-k) redundant symbols to form the codeword of n symbols.
RS code has
Block length: n= 2m-1 symbols
Message size: k symbols
Parity check size: n-k = 2t symbols
Minimum distance: dmin = 2t +1 symbols
11. What are the three codes used for the anti jamming application ?
1. Golay code (24, 12)
2. Expurgated Golay (24, 11)
3. Maximum length shift register code.