Reiki Your Crystals

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Crystals Grid, Crystals Cleansing, Crystals for Weight

Loss, Manifestation, Distance Healing, and more

Table of Contents
Crystals & Reiki: A Basic Guide...........................................................................4
Using Crystals in Reiki ........................................................................................6
Very Simple Instructions to Cleanse Crystals under the Full Moon ..................9
Reiki Grid (using Crystals) ................................................................................ 10
Aura Sweeping with Crystals ............................................................................. 12
Third Eye, Clear Quartz and Manifestation ...................................................... 14
Crystals for Weight Loss .................................................................................... 16
Infinity Abundance Grid ................................................................................... 19
Psychic Attacks and Crystals .............................................................................22
Archangels, Chakras and Crystals ..................................................................... 25
Distance Healing with Crystals ........................................................................ 28
Disappearing Reiki Stones & Crystals .............................................................. 30
Reiki and Crystals ..............................................................................................32
18 Crystals Cleansing Techniques .....................................................................34
About the Authors .......................................................................................... 37

Crystals & Reiki: A Basic Guide

By Justine Melton
Hi Friends. Today I wanted to discuss with you how simple it can be to add
crystals to your Reiki sessions. I know that a lot of practitioners hold back
from using them because there are so many crystals and a daunting amount of
information to go with each one. Using crystals can be very simple and offer a
great amount of extra healing to your sessions.

Here is a very basic guide to get you started:

1. Cleanse/Charge your crystals. A very basic way to do this is to simply put
the crystals outside directly on the ground under the moonlight. The night of
the full moon or the nights surrounding the full moon are best. Be sure to
bring them back inside in the morning before they have gotten too much sun.
The sunlight can zap the crystals and ruin the wonderful cleansing and charge
they received the night before. A simple way to relate to this is if you have ever
been in the sun for too long. After 20 minutes you feel great. After a few hours
you feel drained!
2. If you feel that a certain chakra needs extra work or that you would just like
to incorporate crystals with each chakra simply pick a crystal from the
matching chakra listed below. There are so many wonderful crystals to choose
from. This is a very basic guide just to get you started!
3. After the client lays down place whatever crystals you want to use on the
corresponding chakra.
4. Perform a normal Reiki session.
5. After the session be sure to cleanse each crystal used before putting them
away and/or using them on the next client. There are two very fast and easy
ways that you can do this. One way is to make the master symbol (or whatever
symbol you feel guided to use) over each crystal. Then make the same symbol
on the palm of your hand and hold the crystal with your hand closed around it

for 5 minutes. During this time imagine that Reiki is cleansing anything
negative from the crystal that was picked up during the session. Another way
is to simply take a bowl of saltwater, add the crystals to it and then make the
master symbol (or whatever symbol you are called to use) over it. Reiki the
bowl of water for 5 minutes and then let the crystals sit in the bowl of water
for about another 20 minutes.
Sometimes you may feel guided to have a client hold a crystal during a
session. This also works great! My Reiki Master gave me a very special stone
one time that was made up of Moonstone, Quartz, and Amethyst. Before I
learned Reiki I suffered from a lot of fear and anxiety. My Reiki Master had
me hold this stone in my hand whenever I started having anxiety and/or fear
and it really helped! After I became a Reiki Master I felt guided to share this
stone with certain clients. I would send it home with a client who I thought
could really use some extra healing and asked them to bring it back in a
months time. It has gone through a handful of clients this way, each one
affirming that holding the stone really helped them to process their feelings
and to heal.
Basic list of what crystal to use with each chakra:
Root Chakra: Tigers Eye, Hematite, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby,
Sacral Chakra: Smoky Quartz, Orange stones, Carnelian, Red Jasper
Solar Plexus: Moonstone, Yellow/Amber, Topaz, Argonite, Malachite
Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz, Green/Emerald, Tourmaline, Pink Calcite
Throat Chakra: Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Aquamarine, Blue/Turquoise
Third Eye Chakra: Quartz, Indigo/Lapis, Lazuli, Sodalite
Crown Chakra: Violet/Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Clear Calcite, Diamond,
Please know that crystals do not have to be and should not be expensive! I got
my first set of basic crystals (one for each chakra) for $10 U.S. dollars. Of
course larger stones and special stones that offer more than one crystal will be
more expensive than a basic small crystal. Purchasing a basic set of crystals is
a great inexpensive way to offer an extra healing property to your Reiki
Wishing you all love and light.

Using Crystals in Reiki

Crystal usage is optional for Reiki and it is not completely essential to
use them for every Reiki Treatment. However, some people integrate
their Reiki practices with crystal healing techniques to enhance the
If you are willing to use crystals in Reiki, you will have to choose a
different crystal for each chakra. It is possible to place crystals near or
on the body. Following crystals are used for different body parts:


Body area



Dark blue or purple (Amethyst)


Light blue or Bluish green (Aquamarine or blue lace agate)


Tourmaline or pink crystal (Rose Quartz)


Chartreuse or Coral Color (Malachite, Peridot or Moonstone)

Solar plexus area

Gold color (Tigers eye or amber)

Abdominal region

Deep colors (Hematite, obsidian or garnet)

Pelvic region

Image by Andy Cardiff

How and Why crystals are incorporated into Reiki?

Reiki Masters incorporate crystals into their Reiki practice in different ways.
Crystal Grid is a common way to make a pattern and place it under Reiki chair
or table. Crystals need purification before cleansing and after purification,
hold them one by one and make a crystal channel for energy to flow easily.
Level 1 practitioner will focus on channelizing energy through crystal and level
2 practitioners will use symbols, along with crystals for channelization of Reiki
energy. After energy channelization, you can place a particular pattern for the
same. An example for this is Star of David Pattern, which has a layout for

placing crystals with one for foot and one for head. The other four points lie
on shoulder and hip area.
There are different patterns to be experimented with crystal and you will have
to practically see which one works well for you. If you channelize energy
through Reiki and include crystals in your session, it will encourage the
positivity in your approach. It might help you in focusing on your session and
visualizing Reiki from a deeper prospect. If you are expert in crystal
knowledge and know about the issues of your clients, it is feasible to guide
them to choose an appropriate crystal form. Like, amethyst is suggested for
people having anxiety or stress problems.
The usage of crystals in Reiki is a modern concept and people found that these
things complement each other in a right way. If you want to expand your
practice in Reiki, crystals can be a great way for channelizing universal energy
in a right direction.
Healing properties in crystals
It is a known fact that crystals and gems have some sort of treatment
properties. Crystals can channelize the energy into a right direction and
encourage positivity. The healing properties for every color are different and
hence, you can use it according to various problems in body. It is always
required to allow energy flow to go in a direction, where it can serve you in the
best way.
The primary thing used by people is to put clear quartz crystals around your
body to generate energy grid in the body of recipient. It creates a platform to
send Reiki energy to recipient and enhances the power of basic treatment of
procedure. It can also be implemented for distance Reiki sessions through
which the recipients name is written and quartz crystals are spread around it
to leave an impact of Reiki and crystals together. There can be another way to
draw a symbol in front of you and holding crystal in your hands for beginning
distant Reiki. There are many people illustrating desired outcomes with
crystal and reiki impacts. There is a book named Crystal Bible, which
mentions the use of each crystal and its impacts on the body. Some people use
a unique way of combining crystals with Reiki by putting crystals on the body

of recipient. They treat it as a way to balance chakras and channelize energy

into a right direction.
There are different ways for combining healing powers of Reiki and crystals
and you can learn it better by focusing on the methods suiting you the most.

Very Simple Instructions to Cleanse Crystals

under the Full Moon
There are many ways to cleanse crystals, but a lot of healers love to cleanse
them under the full moon. If only we had full moons more often, we wouldn't
need other methods :).
Here are some very simple instructions for cleansing crystals under the full
1. Place crystals under direct moonlight overnight.
2. That's it :)

Easy, right? That's why we love it!

Now, here below are answers to some common questions.


Yes, it will still work, even if there are clouds.

No, you don't need to place them on the ground. You can do it, and it's
probably better, since they'll charge up from the Earth's energy as well,
but you certainly don't have to. A table, windowsill, or roof will work
just as well.
The nights just before and just after the full moon work as well.
You can place them outdoors or indoors, as long as the moonlight can
reach them. Outdoors might be better, but indoors works too.
No, the windows doesn't have to be open if it's indoors. It can be, but it
doesn't have to.
If you're unsure of something... go with your intuition :)

Happy cleansing!

Reiki Grid (using Crystals)

By Sunetra Dasgupta
Reiki Grid is a device which is used to magnify the healing energy. It was
made popular by William Lee Rand. The beautiful thing about the grid is that
its a double whammy where we are using Crystals and Reiki together. Crystals
have their own healing properties and when combined with Reiki they work
much more beautifully giving results faster. It is said that each crystal which is
present on a grid is equivalent to a second or third degree practitioner and
Reiki is continuously flowing through them for 24 hours, so imagine how
powerful a grid can be!

Reiki works and flows through intention, which can be conscious or

unconscious. Most commonly used crystals are Clear Quartz but one may even
use Amethyst. Pink Quartz too is very popular when one is giving healing for
love and relationships. I have used all possible crystals on my Grid, starting
from Clear quartz to Citrine to Lapis Lazuli and they all have given me
wonderful results. Use your intuition regarding which crystals do you want to
place on your grid.
The Quartz crystals have the unique property of absorbing and hold the
intention. Infuse them with Reiki and your intention.
A grid is generally taught in the third degree, for those who have not learnt it,
I am breaking the steps to set up a Reiki grid for everyones benefit.
The grid is hexagon shaped, and you need 6 crystals, since I did not have
pencil shaped crystals I used crystal pebbles and they worked as great as a
pencil shaped one! We also need a crystal pyramid to be placed in the center


and a crystal wand to charge it. The wand is a jumbo crystal which has to have
a point. Any wand will do except metal.
Grid Set Up process
1. Soak the crystals in rock salt water for 24-48 hours. Wash them in running
cold water. Do not touch the crystals when soaking; trust me when I say do
not touch as all the impurities from the crystals get absorbed in the salt water
and touching them can make you fall sick, I have learnt it the hard way, you
should not! Please remember not to soak the crystals in any metal container as
the chemical properties of the crystal can get altered.
2. Once the crystals are washed take them out on a paper or a cloth towel and
dry them. Bless the crystals with any prayer or by giving Reiki to them for 2-3
minutes each.
3. Charge the crystals by attuning them i.e. draw all the symbols over each
crystal with the intention that they manifest for the highest and greatest good.
4. Place photos of people or intention slips anywhere in the grid. The grid will
continuously keep sending Reiki to all your intentions.
5. Charge the grid with an affirmation I Charge Charge Charge this Grid Grid
Grid with Reiki Reiki Reiki to heal heal heal".
Make pie shaped movements as mentioned in the diagram above.


Aura Sweeping with Crystals

By Rinku Patel
In one of my previous article I had given multiple ways of quick aura cleansing
techniques. Here is the link if you want to refer 11 Quick Aura Cleansing
Techniques. Today I will show you another way to heal your aura using
crystals. Lately, most of my articles are related to crystals, I am so obsessed
with crystals.
Select and cleanse your crystal. Draw Cho Ku Rei on crystal and rotate coned
fingers seven times over it anti-clockwise saying Cleanse. Next draw Cho Ku
Rei again over your crystal and rotate coned fingers seven times over it
clockwise saying Purify. Now draw other symbols that you are attuned to
over crystal (Let your intuition guide you which symbols to draw). Program
your crystal for aura healing and charge it for a minute with Reiki.

Image by Antranias

Now hold your crystal in your dominant hand. Rotate the crystal in large
sweeping motions around your aura for 7 times in clockwise direction. Make
sure you cover your aura from above your head till toe. Best way to perform
this method is to sit somewhere comfortably and continue.
The best crystals for aura healing are:
Aura Cleanser - For general cleansing, use Lapis Lazuli or Black
Aura Moods - To improve your aura mood, use Rutilated Quartz.
Aura Protection - Labradorite is the best stone for protecting your aura.
Aura Alignment - To align your aura layers, use Citrine.
Aura Booster - To energize your aura, use Sugilite.
Aura Holes - To heal your aura holes, use Amethyst.
Auric Tears - To heal auric tears, use Green Tourmaline.
Aura Repair - For general aura repair, use Carnelian.


Aura Negativity - To ward off negativity from aura, use Smoky Quartz.
Aura Strengthening - To strengthening the aura, use Magnetite.
These are just few crystals mentioned above. You can also wear and carry
these stones with you for your aura protection. You can use crystal
water/crystal elixirs too.


Third Eye, Clear Quartz and Manifestation

By Haripriya Suraj
Manifestation that happens from the third eye center is indeed powerful. If
you can hold an image of your heartfelt desires in your third eye, you achieve
the power to move Earth and Sky to bring about its fruition. One of the
crystals associated with the third eye chakra is clear quartz. The energy of
clear quartz in conjunction with the power of the third eye can make you a
Master Manifestor.

Image by maf04

It is important to remember that this will only help you manifest those desires
that stem from your higher self and help you with your lifes purpose. It will
not work for ego based desires or desires that lack clarity.
The Technique
* Ensure your clear quartz crystal has been cleansed and cleared of all
negative energies.
* Hold it between your palms and give it Reiki for as long as you feel guided
* Lie down and draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol on your third eye. Masters must
also draw the Master symbol. If you are not attuned to symbols yet, you can
just give Reiki to your third eye chakra for a minute or so.
* Place the crystal on your third eye.
* Close your eyes and form a clear image of your desire in your third eye. Feel
the love, joy, and everything else that you would feel if this image were a
reality. If you are not a visual person, you dont have to worry. Just feeling
these emotions works just as well.
* Stay with this image and feeling for a minute or two.


* If limiting thoughts come up just release them with a long out breath.
Request your guides and angels to heal these blocks to manifestation. Then
get back to focusing on the image.
* If you wish to work on more than one desire, release the first image and
allow the next image to form in your third eye. Feel your emotions and stay
with this image for a while. Then move to the next one and so on.
* Angel lovers can also call on Archangel Raziel and request him to bless the
process. Raziels energy helps with manifestation work.
* Once done, remove the crystal. Draw another power symbol over your third
eye to seal the process.
* Express your gratitude and get up feeling great!
This technique is best done in the morning. It can help you start off the day on
a positive note. In addition to visualising your desires, you can also visualise
an awesome day ahead that is filled with joy, surprises, opportunities, health,
peace and all things good. Enjoy manifesting!


Crystals for Weight Loss

By Rinku Patel
Are you one of those who want to lose weight but you are big foodie and no
time to exercise? Or are you one of those who hardly eats anything but still
gain weight? Are you the one who has a poor metabolism? Havent we all tried
diet plans, slimming pills, detoxification programs and what not? Let us make
weight loss a little easier with Crystals and Reiki.
I am listing few crystal that will help with weight loss. First and foremost thing
to do is cleanse your crystal. Draw Cho Ku Rei on crystal and rotate coned
fingers seven times over it anti-clockwise saying CLEANSE. Next draw Cho
Ku Rei again over your crystal and rotate coned fingers seven times over it
clockwise saying PURIFY. Now draw other symbols that you are attuned to
over crystal (Let your intuition guide you which symbols to draw). Program
your crystal for weight loss and give Reiki for about 5 minutes.
Below are some crystals, which help with weight loss:
Amethyst - Reduces craving. Extremely helpful when you are trying to
control appetite. Great for addictive eating disorder.
Blue Apatite - The healing properties of this stone contradicts its name.
Apatite suppresses your appetite so it is a great stone to work with when you
are preparing for a weight loss plan.
Bloodstone - Stimulates detoxification, helps elevate metabolism.
Carnelian - When you want to munch in-between meals, make sure you have
carnelian in your palms. It helps detoxify body and improve general health.
Citrine - Eliminates what you do not need- physically or emotionally.
Improves digestion.
Clear Topaz - Improves metabolism and burn more calories.
Goldstone - It helps you to hold on to your diet goals.
Iolite - Helps detoxify the liver and release fats deposited throughout the
body. (Especially love-handles)


Kyanite - Wear it around throat chakra to boost your immune system. It

increases will power, hence assist in resisting snacking and munching. Also
used for people who are chronically over-weight.
Rose quartz - Brings self-love. It helps with emotional detoxification hence
reduces eating disorder.
Seraphinite - It creates detoxification process in the body which helps with
losing weight.
Sodalite - Helps to reach balance and boost metabolism.
Sunstone - Suppress hunger and improves metabolism.
Tigere eye - Improves digestion and speed up metabolism.
Yellow Apatite - The vibrations of yellow apatite helps remove stagnant
energies from solar plexus chakra when placed over the chakra. It removes the
anger that is deep-rooted in the cells and tissues.

Supreme combo for weight loss - Apatite, Seraphinite and

Weight Loss on physical, mental and emotional level Apatite, Amethyst and Carnelian.

The above stones have more healing properties but I have only pointed how it
helps with weight loss.
How to use these stones for weight loss:

Make crystal water with single stone or combination.

Carry it with you in pocket, purse or bag.
Wear it as a pendant, necklace or bracelet.
Put it under your pillow.
Meditate with the stone.
Make a crystal grid for weight loss.
Keep a bowl of crystals beside your fridge.
While eating, hold your crystal in palm and state that your body will
only accept what is needed at this time and discharge anything that is
not needed.


Combination of Crystals and Reiki, along with nutritional diet and exercise
manifests weight loss way quicker.


Infinity Abundance Grid

By Rinku Patel
Here, abundance doesnt mean only money. Abundance means anything
abundantly, whatever you desire - be it money, love, protection, peace or
Money, a single word, which helps us achieve and fulfil our goals and wishes
along with your hard work and luck. Money doesnt grow on tree but we can
try things that attracts more money in our lives. Yes, I totally and fully agree
that money is not everything in life, money cannot buy love and peace. But as
the saying goes Better to cry in a Ferrari than under a bridge.
Again, wanting money doesnt mean you go and dupe people. Hurting anyone
for monetary issues is a strict no-no. I prefer working with crystals to bring
and attract more money to life.
Love, a single word, without which survival becomes impossible. Love in any
form is necessity, not just amongst the partners. Love for peace and humanity,
love towards elderly, love for orphans, love for animals and pets It is a
feeling that flows freely, it cannot be forced on anyone or from anyone. So,
what do you do when you are in a relation and love has vanished, that old
passion is gone? You cant force anyone to love you back. Here again crystal
helps, to bring in love, luck and old passion back.
As I always say, crystals and Reiki when combined brings magical and
amazing desire. Working with crystal grid is the sure way towards manifesting
your goals and desires. There are different types of grid layouts which you can
work with. Today I will show you infinity abundance grid. Here by abundance,
I do not mean only money. This infinity abundance grid is about Abundance
of money, Abundance of love, Abundance of peace, depending on the crystals
you use. This is a very simple and non-fancy grid which you can make easily.
For Money you need:
1. 6 Citrine tumbles (or any money stones)
2. 6 Clear Quartz tumbles
3. 1 pyramid/sphere/cluster (Money stone)


4. 1 wand to connect and charge the crystals

For Love you need:
1. 6 Rose Quartz tumbles
2. 6 Green aventurine tumbles (any love stone)
3. 1 pyramid/sphere/cluster (love stone)
4. 1 wand
For protection you need:
1. 6 Black Tourmaline tumbles
2. 6 Smoky Quartz (any protection stone)
3. 1 pyramid/sphere/cluster (protection stone)
4. 1 wand
Select crystals as per your requirement. You can use any wand to charge and
connect the grid.

How to Make a Grid:

1. Assemble all the cleansed crystals. Hold one set of crystals in palm, draw
CKR over it and rotate clockwise seven times saying purify purify
purify. Place another palm over crystals and let Reiki flow for 5-10
minutes. This is the time when you put your intentions into crystals. While
charging crystals with Reiki, think of your intention, such as abundant
money, abundant love, abundant protection or whatever. Do the same with
all sets of crystals.
2. Take an A4 size paper and draw a big infinity symbol. You can take a
readymade printout too. On four corners of the paper, draw the power
symbol to seal the energy.


3. Place the pyramid/sphere/cluster at the center of the symbol where two

lines of 8 intersects.
4. Place citrine and clear quartz or rose quartz and green aventurine or black
tourmaline and smoky quartz tumbles alternatively as shown in pic.
5. Take a wand, rotate over pyramid thrice saying connect connect
6. Now, starting from the top middle stone, rotate wand clockwise thrice over
each stone saying connect connect connect. (You can start with any
stone, not necessarily the topmost)
7. Once you complete the full infinity connect cycle, bring the wand back to
pyramid, rotate thrice and say activate activate activate.
8. Now make a Reiki infused Chi Ball and place it over the grid with the
intention to keep it charged for next 7 days. Place a Chi Ball every week. In
between, if needed, cleanse your crystals and reset your grid.
And I am sorry, the grid pic is not tidy. My Pari(dog) stepped on it while I was
arranging it. She too loves crystals.


Psychic Attacks and Crystals

By Rinku Patel
Previously I had written series about crystals which included Crystals for
Money, Crystals for Weight Loss, Crystals for Relationships and Crystals for
Pets. I dont know how I missed one of the most important categories crystals to protect from psychic attacks.
Psychic attacks occur when negative and evil energies are directed towards
you with deliberate or undeliberate intentions. It is extremely important to
protect ourselves and our loved ones from psychic attacks, psychic vampires
and all sort of evil eyes.
What are the symptoms of being psychically attacked?
Irritation all the time
Frequent mood swings
Anger for no reason
Sudden fatigue
Sudden nightmares
Lack of focus and concentration
Easily influenced by others
Feels threatened
Stays in fear
Falls sick frequently
Less immunity than before
Sudden change in character
Lack of clarity in the thinking
Sudden energy loss
Sudden depression
Obsessive negative thoughts
Hearing weird voices
Ongoing bad luck
Crying for no reason
Sudden goosebumps for no reason


Bruises on body parts after sleeping
And more..
Today, I will list few common crystals that protect your physical as well as
auric body from psychic attacks. These stones has other healing properties too
of course.
Amethyst is an all-purpose stone. As a protection stone, it protects against
witchcraft, dark energies, black magic and evil eyes. It is also considered one
of the best stone to carry during travelling.
Protects against entities and all forms of harmful spirits and provides total
psychic protection.
Black Tourmaline
Very powerful stone against psychic attacks and ward off dark and negative
energies. It is one of the stone that can also transmute negative energies to
Black Obsidian/ Black Onyx
Psychic defense; Blocks negative influences.
Protects from injuries, ward off harmful spirits, and blocks others attempts to
read your thoughts.
Returns negative energy backs to its origin.
Tigers eye
Protects against unwanted energy forms (negative thoughts and spirits).
Clear Quartz
Transmutes negative to positive.


Black Kyanite
Destroys negativity and attacks coming towards you.
Lapis Lazuli
Creates protective shield, returns psychic attacks to sender.
Acts as a guard against psychic attacks.
Powerful shield against dark energies and all kind of psychic forces.
Grey Jasper
Powerful protection stone in general, strong protection against black magic.
Protects against anger and eliminates negative personality trait.
These are just few common crystals listed above. There are of course many
more crystals that work against psychic attacks.
How to use
Make crystal water with single stone or combination (Note: check
crystals properties before putting in water. Some crystals are toxic)
Spray crystal water on your aura.
Carry it with you in pocket, purse or bag.
Wear it as a pendant, necklace or bracelet.
Put it under your pillow.
Write your wish on paper invoking symbols and wrap it around your
Meditate with the stone.
Make a crystal grid for protection.
Place anywhere in the house or work place.
Stay safe and protected!


Archangels, Chakras and Crystals

By Sunetra Dasgupta
There are total of 15 archangels known to us. Each Archangel has their own
purpose, but they help us in all situations when called upon with a pure heart.
Like Crystals there are Archangels associated with each Chakra, and every
Archangel has an affinity to a certain crystal! We can call upon the Archangels
by shouting out their name thrice or connecting to them with the help of
Distance Symbol HSZSN or using the crystal associated with the Archangel.
1. Root Chakra
The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Sandalphon. His main
role is to carry our prayers to God, so they may get answered. He is also
associated with music and we might feel his presence more when we listen to
music, sing or play an instrument. So next time we want to balance our root
chakra we can just put on some music, call upon Sandalphon and get our
Chakra balanced :-) . His Crystal affinity is Turquoise.
2. Sacral Chakra
The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Chamuel. He also
helps in love, confidence and career matters. His Crystal affinity is Rose
Quartz or Fluorite.
3. Solar Plexus
The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Uriel. He is
considered as one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual
information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle. We
do not even realize that our prayers have been answered till we have a brilliant
idea hitting us :-) . His Crystal affinity is Amber.
4. Heart Chakra
The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Raphael. He is
associated with all forms of healing in living beings. He is also associated with


travel. We can call upon him for safety and protection when embarking on a
journey. His crystal affinity is Malachite.
5. Throat Chakra
The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Michael. He is
considered as the leader of all the Archangels. He is charge of protecting us
physically, emotionally and spiritually. He also helps us in cutting chords
which bind us to our past memories and people, thus making moving on
easier. His Crystal affinity is Sugalite.
6. Third Eye Chakra
The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Gabriel. She helps us
with creativity, communicating, guiding others and nurturing our inner self.
Her Crystal affinity is Citrine.
7. Crown Chakra
The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Zadkiel. He helps us
in gaining clarity, forgiving and new ideas. Also helps us in emotional healing.
He with his flame can turn negative vibrations to positive vibrations. His
Crystal affinity is Lapis Lazuli.
This method is very useful when we feel too restless to meditate; we can call
upon the Archangels to balance our Chakras or also when we are healing
someone else. If one wants to combine Archangel and the Crystals they might
think, since different Archangels are associated with different Chakras and
their affinity to the crystals does not match with the traditional crystals
associated with our Chakras, it might create havoc in our body. But from my
personal experience I can vouch that only thing that can happen to us is, our
Chakras will get balanced much faster :-) . There will be no adverse effect on
our body; we will just have an extra spring in each step, making our life joyful.



Distance Healing with Crystals

By Rinku Patel
We are not unknown to amazing beauty and healing properties of crystals.
Most of us are habituated with crystal grids for distant healing and
manifestation. Not many are aware that even single stone can be programmed
for distant healing. Though crystal grid is more favorable as there are pencils
placed that directs energy towards the main middle stone. Anyways, let me
guide you how to program a crystal to send distant healing without any grid.


Method 1
Pick a cleansed crystal that resonates with your issue. Hold it in nondominant palm and draw HSZSN intoning its name thrice. Now connect the
crystal to the person or the situation. Draw CKR and SHK and give Reiki to
the crystal with your intention for about 10 minutes. Place the crystal
somewhere safe or carry with you always. Yes, it is that very simple. Suppose,
you want to manifest a wish, which doesnt include any person or particular
situation, draw all the symbols on your stone and give Reiki visualizing or
imagining your wish coming true.
Method 2
Pick a cleansed crystal. Take it half an inch away from your third eye. Ask
source energy to fill you with divine white light. Beam white light into crystal
from your third eye. Draw symbols with this white light with your third eye on
the crystal. State your intention and hold your thought for 68 seconds,
visualizing the outcome. Place the crystal somewhere safe or carry with
you. "Hold the thought for just 17 seconds and Law of Attraction


kicks in. Hold a thought for 68 seconds and things move;

manifestation has begun" - Abraham Hicks.
Method 3
Write your intention on a piece of paper, draw symbols and fold the chit. Place
a cleansed and programmed crystal over it. Thats it!
Try not to pick very tiny tumbles. You can use multiple stones for single issue
if they are tiny tumbles.
I have listed below some common issues and related crystals. These are in no
means only crystals related to issues, there are many more crystals. Also,
crystals have multiple healing properties so each can be used for different
issues too.
Stress/Worry - Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Citrine, Smoky Quartz,
Carnelian, Selenite.
Money/Career - Citrine, Green Aventurine, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Sunstone,
Smoky quartz, Jade, Moonstone, Carnelian.
Heart/Emotions - Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Moonstone, Ruby.
Weight loss - Tigers Eye, Gold Quartz, Yellow Aventurine, Apatite,
Bloodstone, Citrine, Kyanite, Amethyst.
Grounding - Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Camel Agate, Hematite, Kyanite,
Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Bloodstone, Carnelian.
Protection - Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Tigers Eye, Grey Jasper, Mica
Agate, Selenite, Kyanite.
Listed above are just basic issues and basic easily available crystals. Pick any
as per your issue and program it for use.


Disappearing Reiki Stones & Crystals

By Justine Melton
I have received a lot of questions lately regarding stones/crystals
disappearing. This especially seems to be a problem with the stones that have
been infused with Reiki. One of the biggest questions I get is, Help! My
special stone that I infused with Reiki has disappeared. I have looked
everywhere for it. I dont feel its a coincidence. Whats going on?! If this has
happened to you, you are not alone and are not crazy! Reiki stones have an
interesting way of disappearing.

When I first learned Reiki I was introduced to stones and the healing
properties they contained. My Reiki Master encouraged me to study different
types of natural healing remedies so that I could offer myself and others the
best healing energy possible. At that time I started researching stones and
crystals and started combining their healing energy with my Reiki sessions.
One of the most fascinating things I learned was that stones and crystals
(especially those infused with Reiki) have a way of suddenly disappearing and
sometimes reappearing. They do not disappear to anger you or cause you
stress or harm. Their energy is quite amazing. They in fact know when they
are no longer needed by you and will go where they like! It took me about a
year before I accepted that this was really happening. It happened to myself
and others so often that I finally did my own case study on it.
Below you will see the reasons that I have found that stones and
crystals like to move on or reappear.
Stones/crystals have a mind of their own. If they do not feel
energetically matched to you they will move on!


Some stones get along better than others. Their energy will naturally
repel or attract other stones like a magnet. Moonstone for example
prefers to hangout alone.
The healing energy they contain is all knowing like Reiki. This energy
knows when it is no longer needed and in fact where it is needed. Do
not be surprised if a stone feels its time with you is complete. It will
suddenly disappear.
Stones and crystals may want to be kept in other areas of your home.
You may notice that a certain stone keeps appearing in one area of your
home even though you are positive you keep putting it away in another
Out of nowhere a stone may make an entrance back into your life when
called to do so.
You may be getting help from the other side with what stones suddenly
enter and exit your life.
Stones and crystals offer huge benefits when combined with Reiki. The
important thing to remember is that the more powerful healing energy they
offer (especially those infused with Reiki) the more you may notice them
moving around or disappearing. Have some fun, dont take things too
seriously and just enjoy the beautiful healing properties they can add to your
Reiki practice.
Wishing you love and light.


Reiki and Crystals

By Taryn Walker
While traditional Reiki doesn't involve crystals, over the years many
practitioners discovered that crystals work beautifully with Reiki. This is why
youll often see crystal healing taught by Reiki teachers.
There are many ways to use crystals during a Reiki session. Here are a few
guidelines based on my own experience with crystal healing.

Image by Leland Green...

1. When choosing crystals, let yourself be guided by your intuition. Youll

know which crystals are right for you or the person youre working with.
Always trust your gut feeling. If youre not able to fully trust your intuition
become knowledgeable on which crystals are beneficial according to the
chakra system you use. This will give you a crystal for each chakra, thereby
covering the different vibratory levels of a person. Clear quartz is a good
default crystal that can be used generally.
2. Get to know your crystals by holding them while meditating and tapping
into their wisdom. Use the distance symbol to connect with a particular crystal
and notice the unique qualities of the crystal by the sensations you feel and the
insights you receive during meditation.
3. Before and after a crystal healing session clear your crystals simply by
holding them one by one in your left hand and drawing the power symbol over
them with your right hand, offering each crystal the opportunity to connect
with Reiki, just as you would with a person.
4. Never use crystals during a Reiki session without prior consent from the
receiver. Always talk about what the session involves and show the person the
crystals youll be using. Sometimes a client has an intuitive aversion to a


crystal and this should be respected. You can even let the person receiving
healing choose their crystals for the session.
5. During the session crystals can be placed on particular areas of the body,
such as over an organ or on the chakras. Let the receivers response to Reiki
guide your placement of crystals. Removing a crystal is also intuitive but is
often guided by a noticeable response from the receiver such as a big sigh.
6. The distance symbol can be used throughout the session to facilitate a










mental/emotional healing symbol can also be used over the crystals just like
in an ordinary Reiki session. As always with Reiki dont try to do anything.
Simply establish the connection to Reiki, place crystals as needed and let the
person respond naturally. That response is felt as the different sensations in
your hands, which helps to guide the experience.
Stay connected to your crystals by meditating with them often. Honour them
by keeping them in a special place such as on a sacred altar or in comfortable
pouches. Let yourself be humbled by what they have to teach.


18 Crystals Cleansing Techniques

By Rinku Patel
Crystal healing and Reiki both are two different healing modalities and yet
both go together hand in hand. When Reiki and crystals are combined for
healing, the result is magnificent. Having crystals along while healing with
Reiki energy is like having an extra pair of hands.
Since learning Reiki, I have developed a great liking towards. I have to strictly
stop myself from purchasing any and every crystal I come across. Some
crystals resonates with me so well as if they are just meant for me. Just
holding some crystals in palms starts vibration in third eye. Having bought
lots of crystals, next thing is to take care of them.

Image by Arenamontanus

Cleansing crystal is the most important thing to do before a healing session,

setting a grid or programming for any other use. Those who are new to
crystals may start wondering why crystals need cleansing. I asked hubby to
give me his crystal pendant to cleanse. He said, no its ok, it is not dirty.
Actually crystal tends to absorb the energies around them. To diffuse the
accumulated negative energy, we need to cleanse crystals. Cleansing removes
all the previous programming too. So once cleansed, charge and program your
Let us explore few crystal cleansing methods here:
Note: I would suggest using Reiki symbols and Reiki flow for every cleansing
method. Reiki all the cleansing material used: salt, water, container, candle
Salt Water: Add salt to water and soak crystals for few hours in salt water.
Not all crystals resonate with salt and water, so check before soaking crystals.


Dry Salt: Place your crystals in a bowl of dry sea salt/rock salt/Himalayan
salt. Make sure there are no left over salt particles once you are done
Running water: Hold your crystal under a tap, stream or any form of fresh
running water. Imagine all the accumulated negative energy flowing away
with running water.
Earth: Place your crystals back to its original cradle. Bury your crystals in
your garden, planter or backyard. Alternatively, gather some soil in a
container and bury your crystal. After removing, wipe it clean and make sure
no soil particles are left.
Breathe: Hold your crystal in your palm and blow forcefully on your crystal.
Imagine you are blowing a white light over crystals. Keep blowing till you feel
your crystal is shiny or simply blow thrice with the intention to cleanse.
Flame: Just rotate your crystal 7 times over a candle flame to cleanse it. You
can even pass your crystal quickly through flame.
Moon/Sun: This is one of the simplest and safest methods. Simply leave
your crystals out in sunlight or moon light. Not all crystals resonate with
sunlight so please check crystals properties before placing in sunlight.
Smudging: Use sage or incense stick to cleanse the crystal. Simply pass your
crystal through sage/incense stick smoke.
Reiki only: Hold crystal in palm and draw CKR. Give Reiki with the
intention to remove negative energy from the crystal.
Bell or Singing Bowl: The vibration of the bell or the singing bowl has the
power to cleanse your crystals. Just play the sound of bell/singing bowl near
the crystals.
Selenite: Selenite is considered as Universal Stone Cleaner. It does not
need cleansing. Simply place your crystal over a selenite cluster or place


selenite over your crystal. Alternatively, put all crystals in a box and program
your selenite to cleanse all crystals in the box.
Beach: Going to a beach? Take your crystal along and cleanse with sea water.
Pendulum: Program your pendulum to cleanse the crystal and hold it over
your crystal.
Third Eye: Direct white light on your crystals with your third eye with the
set intention.
Crystal Clusters/Geode: Some crystals ( citrine, carnelian, selenite)
doesnt need frequent cleansing. They can be used to cleanse other crystals
too. Simply place your crystals on the geode or cluster.
Plants: Lay your crystal besides your favorite flower or plant. Plants have the
natural ability to transmute negative energy to positive energy.
Pyramid dome: The shape of a pyramid itself is very powerful. Place your
crystals under the pyramid dome. Pyramid dome neutralizes the accumulated
negative energy of crystals when placed inside the dome.
Flower essence: Soak flower petals of any flower in water for few hours. Fill
this water in a spray bottle and spray on crystals.
Again, for any of the above method, cleansing done with invoking symbols and
infusing Reiki will optimize cleansing, charging and programing.


About the Authors

Rinku Patel is a Reiki Usui Master, Karmic Reiki healer,
Kundalini Reiki, Angel Reiki Healer, Crystal Healing,
Dowsing, Soulmate Reiki and Angel card Reading. Chi Ball
and Psychic surgery are her personal favorite tools. Classes
and Healing: Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Kundalini Reiki,
Angelic Reiki, Soulmate Reiki, Crystal healing, Angel card
reading and Dowsing. Rinku can be reached via her email
address and on
Facebook at
Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive
Counselor. Reiki came into her life a few years ago and
changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring
Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way.
Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient,
Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts
with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session
for the clients highest good. Justine believes that love is the
greatest healing energy. She has founded a holistic healing
association called Amore Holistic Health Group where
people can go and choose from a variety of different healing
Sunetra Dasgupta is a Reiki Teacher. She is emotionally
attached to Reiki as she feels, when she was nowhere, Reiki
came to rescue her. She heals and teaches Traditional (Usui)
Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Soulmate Reiki, Fusion
Reiki, Wagle Reiki, Angel Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Lavender
Flame Reiki, Magnified Healing, Akashic Records, Access
Consciousness, Aura Brushing, Cord Cutting,
Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, EFT, Psychic Surgery,
Angel and Tarot Card Reading. She is also an Angel
whisperer. She lives in India and can be followed on her
Reiki Page: Soniele Daniel Reiki
Haripriya is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer, and Spiritual
Teacher. She was drawn to Reiki right from her childhood
and Reiki went on to become part of her lifes purpose. Reiki
is her constant companion from which she derives peace
and contentment. After reaping the fruits of Reiki practice in
her life, she was inspired to spread the joy of Reiki. She is
the founder of Aananda Holistic Center where she conducts
as well as teaches Reiki and Angel Healing. Haripriya
resides in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at and at Aananda Holistic
Center on Facebook.


Taryn Walker is a travelling Reiki Master Teacher who

wishes to inspire people to realise that they are miraculous!
She believes that Reiki can reveal our natural ability to heal
ourselves and this empowers us to take responsibility for
our lives. She works a lot with distant Reiki and loves the
way it allows people to experience the illusion of separation.
Taryn is grateful for being able to connect with her Reiki
clients even while travelling. She usually lives on a little
island in Thailand, where she practices and teaches Reiki,
but finds home wherever she is. Taryn enjoys yoga, nature,
creating art, cooking and finding magic in ordinary
places. Follow her here:,, and


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