Grid Templates
Grid Templates
Grid Templates
Printable Crystal Grid
(Updated Version 3)
This file, text, graphics and photos are all Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini
This document is offered as a free gift only to readers of the book Crystal Grids Power by Ethan
Lazzerini. These templates and file are only available on the website Please notify
the author if you got it elsewhere. For full instructions see the accompanying book, Crystal Grids
Power, available on Amazon.
How To Use The Crystal Grid Templates
This file was designed to be used with the Crystal Grids featured in my bestselling book Crystal Grids Power
by Ethan Lazzerini. I do not recommend using these templates without reading my book first. The book
explains everything you need to know about the grids, like a series of lessons. Please do not be tempted to skip
forward in the book to get to a crystal grid you want to use. You will be missing valuable information...
All the pages of this PDF can be printed on standard A4 Card or Paper in black and white. I recommend using
card so that the template is more durable and can be used again. You may even want to get them laminated so
they can be used for many years to come.
You can print off just the template you need or the whole booklet. All the Crystal Grid Templates have a code
letter and page number for easy identification. Please see the instructions for each Crystal Grid in the book to
know which template you will need.
Once you have printed off your chosen Crystal Grid Template, you can remove the bottom half of the page by
cutting along the dotted line with some scissors. If you want, you could even go over the shapes in the template
with a metallic gold or silver pen.
TIP: If you’re going to keep a grid template for future use, write the code letter on the back of it so you know
which one it is.
There are full colour photos of some of the finished crystal grids in the book on my blog and social media pages
(Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook). I have included a few on the following pages for you as examples with
some added notes.
Happy gridding,
P.S. If you create a crystal grid from my book, I would love to see it. Please share a photo of it on Instagram
and let me know!
Here, I have used a Copper Flower of Life base for this grid to enhance the energies of the crystals.
The printable template has been cut to shape and the lines traced with a gold pen. An Amazonite Heart was
chosen here as the Central Stone to further support the healing process.
This grid was placed on a carved wooden Flower of Life base. The Crystal Points form the eight-pointed star.
A good example of how most grids can be made without a template. The heart shaped Central Stone works well
here. Six Rose Quartz Tumble Stones have also been added to the original grid for extra power.
An etched wood crystal grid base that incorporates Metatron’s Cube is used here.
No template was used here. The three Citrines were substituted with Pyrite Pyramids, which help manifesting.