Math A182H Calculus 1 & 2 Honors - Section 20683 T/TH 12:45 - 3:15AM (Room MBCC - 206)

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This honors calculus course will cover single and multivariable calculus including limits, derivatives, integrals, sequences and series. It combines the content of Calculus 1 and 2 into a fast-paced course for well-prepared students.

The course will cover elementary differential and integral calculus including exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, techniques of integrations, sequences and series, and applications.

Your course grade will be based on 4 tests (70% total) and a final exam (30%). Letter grades will be assigned based on percentage scores with A for 90% or higher and F for less than 60%.


Calculus 1 & 2 Honors - Section 20683

T/Th 12:45 - 3:15AM (Room MBCC 206)
Fall 2016



Douglas Lloyd


MBCC 145

Telephone: (714) 4442597 Xt.21316

Office Hours:




Spivak, Calculus 4e, 2008, Publish or Perish.

Thomas, University Calculus Alternate Edition, 2008, Pearson


A scientific calculator is required for this course. Calculators will not be allowed
on the majority of assessments. Ordinary graphing and scientific calculators may
be used when a calculator is permitted. TI-89, Ti-92, and other algebra system
based calculators may not be used in this course.


An in-depth honors level study of elementary differential and integral calculus

which includes exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, techniques
of integrations, sequences and series, and applications. Combines content of
Math A180 and Math A185 with emphasis on theory and challenging problems in
a fast-paced course for well-prepared students with previous calculus


A grade or C or better in Mathematics 180 or higher or Mathematics Placement

Assessment. The prerequisite may be met with a grade of C or better in
Mathematics 140; students only meeting the Math 140 prerequisite are expected
to have taken Trigonometry (Math 120).


1. Use the least upper bound property of the real numbers in order to prove limit,
continuity, and sequence and series theorems.
2. Discuss the uses of Simpson's rule, Taylor's theorems, first order differential
equations and techniques of integration.
3. Prove derivatives and integral theorems.


Your course grade will be based on your percentage on each assignment.

Assignment categories are weighted as follows:

11:00 - 11:30
12:15 - 12:45
12:15 - 12:45
4:00 - 4:30

Final Exam

70% (4 @ 17.5% each)


Once your percentage for the class (call it x) is calculated, grades will be
distributed as follows: x 90% A , 90% x 80% B ,

80% x 70% C , 70% x 60% D , and 60% x F .


You must arrive to class on time. You may be dropped from the class if you are
absent for two consecutive weeks. However, it is your responsibility to officially
drop the class. It is also your responsibility to find out what you have missed if
you are absent.


If you miss an exam contact me immediately. If you have a valid, verifiable

excuse (illness with a note from your doctor, car accident with a police report )
a make-up exam can be arranged. No early final exams will be given. You must
be in class on the day of the final exam.


Your behavior can positively or negatively affect the learning environment.

The following is a list of common imprudent actions that will not be tolerated in
this class:
1. Talking while I am talking or writing on the board. If you have a question,
raise your hand and I will answer your question at an appropriate time.
2. Arriving to class late or leaving early.
3. Using cellular phones or other personal electronic devices in the


The Student Success Center offers free tutoring to OCC students. They
Location: C&L 103. Telephone Number: (714) 895 8904

Academic Accommodation:
Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations are
encouraged to contact the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) as
soon as possible in order to ensure that, if DSPS finds them qualified, such
confidential accommodations are made in a timely fashion. It is the students
responsibility to notify the instructor in advance of the need for accommodation of
a college verified disability,
DSPS Phone (714) 432-5807


Students are expected to read and understand the policy established by

Orange Coast College as outlined in the college catalog. Academic dishonesty
or cheating is defined as an intentional act of fraud in which a student seeks to
claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization from the
student and instructor. This includes assisting other students in acts of
dishonesty or coercing students into acts of dishonesty, whether it is in
coursework or on exams. There is absolutely NO tolerance for cheating in this
class. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated, and any student caught
participating in an act of academic dishonesty will receive a 0 on the
assignment, quiz, or test, and may receive a non-removal grade of F for the
course. Furthermore, the College will be notified of the incident.

Class Schedule

Aug 30

f f df

, Peano, Th 7.1 (1/2)1, Sp 2
(1/3), Sp 3, Sp 9 (1/4)
Sep 6



, Th 7.2 (1/2), Th 7.4 (1/3), Sp 1, Sp 2

(3/3), Sp 5 (2/3), Sp 9 (3/4)
Sep 13
Th 7.3 (2/2), Th 7.4 (3/3), Sp 6

Sep 1

Pkn C kn

, binomial,


, Peano,


, Th 7.1

(2/2), Sp 2 (2/3), Sp 5 (1/3), Sp 9 (2/4)

Sep 8
Th 7.2 (2/2), Th 7.3 (1/2), Th 7.4 (2/3), Sp 5 (3/3), Sp 9
(4/4), Sp 10 (1/4)
Sep 15
Exam 1
Sp 8 (1/6), Sp 13 (1/6)

Sep 20
Th 6.1, Th 8.1 (1/2), Sp 10 (2/4), Sp 12 (1/3), Sp
13 (2/6)

Sep 22
Th 8.1 (2/2), Th 9.1 (1/2), Sp 7 (1/3), Sp 10 (3/4), Sp 12

Sep 27
Th 8.2 (1/2), Th 9.1 (2/2), Sp 7 (2/3), Sp 10
(4/4), Sp 12 (3/3)

Sep 29
Th 8.2 (2/2), Th 9.2 (1/2), Sp 7 (3/3), Sp 11 (1/6), Sp 14

Oct 4
Th 9.2 (2/2), Sp 11 (2/6)

Oct 6
Exam 2
Th 6.3, Th 9.3 (1/2), Sp 19 #1

Oct 11
Th 8.3 (1/2), Th 9.3 (2/2), Sp 8 (2/6), Sp 11
(3/6), Sp 14 (2/4)

Oct 13
Th 7.6 (1/2), Th 8.3 (2/2), Th 9.4 (1/2), Sp 8 (3/6), Sp 11
(4/6), Sp 14 (3/4)

Oct 18
Th 7.6 (2/2), Th 8.4 (1/3), Th 9.4 (2/2), Sp 8
(4/6), Sp 11 (5/6), Sp 14 (4/4)

Oct 20
Th 7.7 (1/2), Th 8.4 (2/3), Sp 8 (5/6), Sp 11 (6/6), Sp 18

Oct 25
Th 7.7 (2/2), Th 8.4 (3/3), Sp 8 (6/6), Sp 18 (2/2)

Oct 27
Exam 3
Sp 15 (1/2), Sp 19 #2


Nov 1
Th 6.4 (1/3), Th 9.5 (1/2), Th 10.1 (1/2), Ecc
(1/3), Sp 13 (review), Sp 15 (2/2), Sp 22 (1/3)

Nov 3
Th 6.4 (2/3), Th 9.5 (2/2), Th 10.1 (2/2), Sp 13 (3/6), Sp
22 (2/3), Ecc (2/3)


Nov 8
Th 6.4 (3/3), Th 9.6 (1/2), Th 10.2 (1/2), Sp 13
(4/6), Sp 22 (3/3), Ecc (3/3)

Nov 10
Th 9.6 (2/2), Th 10.2 (2/2), Th 10.3 (1/2), Sp 13 (5/6), Sp


Nov 15
Th 10.3 (2/2), Sp 13 (6/6), Sp 20 (2/4)

Nov 17
Exam 4
Th 9.7, Sp 19 #3, DE: Sep.


Nov 22
Th 9.8 (1/2), Th 10.5 (1/2), MVT Int., Sp 19 #4,
Sp 20 (3/4), Sp 23 (1/4), DE

Nov 24
No Class


Nov 29
Th 8.7 (1/2), Th 9.8 (2/2), Th 10.5 (2/3), DE:
F.O.L., Sp 19 #5, Sp 23 (2/4), FTC I

Dec 1
Th 8.6, Th 8.7 (2/2), Th 10.5 (3/3), Th 10.6 (1/2), Sp 19
#6, Sp 23 (3/4), Sp 24 (1/3)


Dec 6
Th 9.9 (1/2), Th 10.6 (2/2), Sp 19 #8, Sp 20
(4/4), Sp 23 (4/4), Sp 24 (2/3)

Dec 8
Th 9.9 (2/2), Th 9.10, Sp 24 (3/3), FTC II

Dec 13

Dec 15
Final Exam



All dates and information contained in this syllabus are tentative and
subject to change at my discretion. Changes will be discussed in class;
therefore it is your responsibility to be aware of the changes.

1 Th 7.1 (1/2) = Thomas Section 7.1 part 1 of 2 and Sp 2 = Spivak Chapter 2.

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