CourseOutline Instructions 2014
CourseOutline Instructions 2014
CourseOutline Instructions 2014
Autumn 2014
Total credits: 8 (2L+1T+2P)
[Slot # 14A] Tue (5:00-6:00pm)
Venue: ME201
1. Introduction to Design process; Review of Strength of Materials
2. Materials
3. Steady loading failure
4. Variable loading failure
5. Types of failure in machine components
6. Simple machine parts: Cotter joint, Knuckle joint, Levers, Pressure vessel
7. Lubrication and Bearings
8. Flexible mechanical elements: V-belts, Flat belts, Chain drives, Ropes
9. Gears
10. Shafts, Keys, Couplings, Axles, Spindles
11. Screw fasteners and connections, Welded and Riveted joints
12. Springs
13. Clutches, Brakes, Coupling, Flywheels
14. Power Screws
Text book:
Machine Design: An integrated approach, R.L. Norton; Pearson Education Inc. (India), , 2nd edition, 2000
Design Data for Machine Elements, B.D. Shiwalkar, Denett & Co., 2013
(1) Shigleys Mechanical Engineering Design, R.G. Budynas,, J.K. Nisbett; Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2012
(2) Design of Machine Elements, V.B. Bhandari; McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd., 3rd edition, 2013
(3) Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, M.F. Ashby; Elsevier, 2010
(4) Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, R.C. Juvinall, K.M. Marshek, John Wiley & Sons, 3rd edition, 2000
(5) Design of Machine Elements, C.S. Sharma, K. Purohit, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2013
(6) A Textbook of Machine Design, R.S. Khurmi, J.K. Gupta, Eurasia Publishing House (Pvt.) Ltd., 14th edition, 2012.
Assignments (2)
Quizzes (2)
Mini Project
to appear in the
endsem exam is 80% else "DX" grade will be
Minimum passing marks: 40%
and Endsem exams , Quizzes will be closed book except for Design data book and calculator.
assignments; one before and one after midsem. Submission after due date will be penalized.
dates for Quizzes: # 1 ~ 4th week of August , # 2 ~ 3rd week of September. There will be no re
quiz in any circumstance.
Mini project will be based on a topic suggested by each student group (~ 10 students) and approved by
the instructors. It will involve report, viva and presentation. Topic has to be finalized before the mid-sem.
Lectures will usually cover the necessary theory and instructor will explain the design steps of
components through a problem and problems will be individually solved by students in tutorial session.
The latter problems will be graded.