Report On Industrial Training at Eastern Refinery Limited
Report On Industrial Training at Eastern Refinery Limited
Report On Industrial Training at Eastern Refinery Limited
Submitted By:
Asif Iqbal-1202010
Md. Touhidul Islam 1202011
Ummay Hany-1202012
Rifat Hasan Reza-1202013
Mahe Jabeen-1202015
Abdullah Al Masud-1202019
Fahmida Akter-1202044
Nafisa Tasnim-1202047
Ehsan Ibn Solaiman-1202058
Submitted To:
Dr.Nahid Sanzida
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
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We had our training experience from 08.08.2016 to 25.08.2016 at Eastern Refinery Limited. We
are fortunate to have our industrial training experience in such a place where the chemical and
process engineering mostly involve in Bangladesh.
Here in this report we present the experience, knowledge, skills we had during the training period.
The report contains three chapters. The first chapter contains an introduction to Eastern Refinery
Limited, main products of the refinery, the organizational structure. The second chapter contains
the training experience, information on production process and equipment. The third chapter
contains conclusion.
We had a very successful training period and the experience and knowledge we got is valuable for
our future career.
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There are lots of people who have helped us towards the successful completion of our Industrial
Training. First of all we would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility
to complete this training.
We also express our gratitude towards Kamal Uddin Ahmed, Asstt.General Manager,ERL for his
co-operation in the industrial training and also the official staffs, the respective engineers and other
people of the ERL colony for their remarkable help during the training.
Finally we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our parents, for helping us to undertake
this training and make the best use of the immense opportunities available at the refinery.
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This report is aimed at explaining key areas of our training undertaken at Eastern Refinery
Limited. It gives a brief introduction about ERL, an indigenous design company relevant
in the oil industry. It also gives a good representation of the organizational structure and the
interconnectivity of the various Engineering and Services Departments. Effort was made to
explain the refining process of crude oil and operation of different units .Adequate coverage has
been given to the operations and maintenance training we received, as well as the specific type of
work we were engaged in.
PREFACE.................................................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................ix
1. CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................1
1.1 Introduction to Eastern Refinery Limited...........................................................1
1.2 History of Eastern Refinery Limited..................................................................2
1.3 Finance................................................................................................................5
1.4 Organizational Structure ....................................................................................7
1.4.1 ERL organogram...................................................................7
1.4.2 Manpower.................................................................................................8
1.4.3 Departments in the Refinery......................................................................9
1.4.4 What ERL does.........................................................................................10
2. CHAPTER 2 - TRAINING EXPERIENCE ...............................................................12
2.1.1 Crude Oil Assay.................................................................................................12
2.1.2 Physical Facilities of ERL..........15
2.1.3 Processing Units.15
2.1.4 Refinery Process.................................................................................................17
2.1.5 ERL finished Products........................................................................................19
2.2.1 Crude Distillation Unit (CDU)...........................................................................23 Overhead corrosion ..............................................................................30 Desalting ..............................................................................................31 Main Distillation Column ....................................................................32
2.2.2 ERL Catalytic Reformer Unit ............................................................................34
2.2.3 Vacuum Distillation Unit ...................................................................................44
2.2.4 ERL Merox Units................................................................................................52
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3. CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION..................................................................................96
3.1 Learning......................................................................................................96
3.2 Conclusion..................................................................................................97
ABBREVIATIONS ...........................................................................................................ix
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Figure 1.1 ERL Organogram...............................................................................................7
Figure 2.1 Crude Oil Refining Process......................................................................................17
Figure 2.2 Refinery overall process flow diagram ....................................................................18
Figure 2.3 ERL Finished Products.........................19
Figure 2.4 Desalter ....................................................................................................................31
Figure 2.5 Main Distillation Column.........................................................................................32
Figure 2.6 ADU Process Flow Diagram....................................................................................33
Figure-2.7: VDU Process Flow Diagram..49
Figure-2.8: ABP Unit.50
Figure-2.9: Steam Ejector.51
Figure-2.10: ERL Merox-I.55
Figure-2.11: ERL Merox-II56
Figure 2.12 Kerosene Merox Process .......................................................................................57
Figure 2.13 O2R1 Catalyst loading diagram .............................................................................64
Figure 2.14 Rectangular Horizontal Coil Furnace.................................................................... 65
Figure 2.15 Cylindrical Vertical Coil Furnace...........................................................................65
Figure 2.16 Types of Compressors ...........................................................................................67
Figure 2.17 Interior of centrifugal compressor..........................................................................67
Figure 2.18 Reciprocating compressor - cross section............................................................. 68
Figure 2.19 Utilities of the refinery.......................................................................................... 73
Figure 2.20 Water treatment process at the refinery ............................................................... 78
Figure 2.21 Yearly Crude Oil Processing................................................................ 84
Figure 2.22 Medical Center......................................................................................................87
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Table 1.1 Chronological History of Eastern Refinery Limited..................2
Table 1.2 Financial Statements (Year 2014 And 2015).....................................5
Table 1.3 ERL Manpower .........................................................................................8
Table 2.1 Standard Yield pattern of Crudes Processing in ERL...................14
Table 2.2 Processing Units................................................................................15
Table-2.3: ERL Finished Products.19
Table-2.4: Summary of Current Operating Process Parameters ...42
Table-2.5: Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) Yield...43
Table-2.6: ABP Unit Yield....48
Table-2.7 SCP Unit59
Table-2.8: Load Distribution at ERL74
Table-2.9: Power Generation Unit.75
Table-2.10: Steam Production Units..76
Table-2.11: Yearly Crude Oil Processing..83
Table-2.12: Import-Export.86
Table-2.13: Fire Vehicle....94
Project was initially conceived & initiated by the then Pakistani Entrepreneur &
Reputed Person.
Company started implementation of its project as a Joint Venture with Burma Oil
Company (BOC) of UK and signed a turn-key contract with three French Company
ERL was nationalized by the P.O.-27 and No-16 of 1972, and placed under newly
created Bangladesh Minerals, Oil and Gas Corporation (BMOGC).
Petrobangla was created by the Petroleum Act. 1974 and ERL was placed under
Petroleum Corporation Ordinance, 1976 and subsequently ERL was placed under
BPC as subsidiary with 70% of its share. Remaining 30% of share was handed over to
BOC of UK under the procedure of denationalization.
BOC, UK sold their entire 30 % shares to BPC. Since then 100% of share of ERL are
being held by BPC.
A Modern Dolphin Jetty was constructed at RM-7 for handling crude reception and
products export.
Secondary Conversion Plant (SCP), the largest of all projects undertaken by ERL
commissioned for produce additional high value product Diesel from low priced
product Furnace oil
Replacement work of Topping Column which is the heart of Crude oil Processing
Plant successfully completed.
Meeting. Assets & Liabilities of ABP as on 30.06.2002 merged with the Assets &
Liabilities of ERL as on 30.06.2002 accordingly.
Revamping Work of Topping Unit Furnace completed, which is the most essential
component of Crude Oil Processing Plant.
Computerized Auto Tank Gauging System implemented to ensure fault free oil
movement, inventory control and to reduce accidental oil spillage.
Table-1.2: Financial Statements (Year 2014 And 2015)
Operating Fixed Assets
Capital Work-in-Progress
Blocked Assets
Accounts Payable
ADP Loan
Dividend Payable
Employees' Gratuity
Paid up Capital
Capital Reserve
Revenue Reserve
Long Term Loan
Deferred Liabilities
Retained Earnings
ERL has a manpower strength of 703 (officers-199, workers-504) as on April, 2016. The core of
this manpower is formed with well-educated, trained and professionally proficient people. ERL
management has always given utmost importance to the quality of manpower and management
excellence through HRD.
Table-1.3: ERL Manpower
Manpower Present Status (July 2016)
Staff /Worker
Probationary Engineer
Management Professionals
Temporary Officer
Temporary worker
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Under a Processing Agreement with BPC, ERL processes crude oil imported by BPC and delivers
the finished petroleum products to the other subsidiaries of BPC for marketing and distribution.
ERL processes Arabian Light Crude (ALC) and Murban Crude, imported respectively from KSA
and Abu Dhabi and produces 16 petroleum products. ERL also processes natural gas condensate
to the tune of 100,000 MT/Yr as crude mix. ERL's operational and other activities are as follows:
Produces petroleum products by processing Crude Oil and transfer these to other subsidiaries of
BPC (Padma Oil Company Limited (POCL), Jamuna Oil Company Limited (JOCL), Meghna
Petroleum Limited (MPL) and LP Gas Limited) through pipe lines.
Receives imported motor gasoline and diesel in ERL's storage tanks and after necessary blending,
transfers these as MS & HSD to marketing companies.
Operates Asphaltic Bitumen Plant and delivers the produced Bitumen to marketing companies.
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Procures equipment, spares, chemical etc. in order to maintain continuous and smooth operation
of the refinery.
Prepares and executes development projects essential for improvement of refinery operations.
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Crude oils and high-boiling crude oil fractions are composed of many members of a relatively few
homologous series of hydrocarbons. Petroleum is essentially a mixture of hydrocarbons, and even
the non-hydrocarbon elements are generally present as components of complex molecules
predominantly hydrocarbon in character, but containing small quantities of oxygen, sulfur,
nitrogen, vanadium, nickel, and chromium .The hydrocarbons present in crude petroleum are
classified into three general types:
3-and aromatics.
In addition, there is a fourth type, olefins, that is formed during processing by the dehydrogenation
of paraffins and naphthenes.
The paraffin series of hydrocarbons is characterized by the rule that the carbon atoms are
connected by a single bond and the other bonds are saturated with hydrogen atoms. The
general formula for paraffins is CnH2n+2.
The simplest paraffin is methane, CH4, followed by the homologous series of ethane,
propane, normal and isobutane, normal, iso-, and neo-pentane, etc. (Fig.2).When the
number of carbon atoms in the molecule is greater than three, several hydrocarbons may
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exist which contain the same number of carbon and hydrogen atoms but have different
structures. This is because carbon is capable not only of chain formation, but also of
forming single- or double-branched chains which give rise to isomers that have
significantly different properties. For example, the motor octane number of n-octane is 17
and that of isooctane (2, 2, 4-trimethyl pentane) is 100.
Olefins do not naturally occur in crude oils but are formed during the processing. They are
very similar in structure to paraffins but at least two of the carbon atoms are joined by
double bonds. The general formula is CnH2n. Olefins are generally undesirable in finished
products because ;( the double bonds are reactive and the compounds are more easily
oxidized and polymerized to form gums and varnishes).
In gasoline boiling-range fractions, some olefins are desirable because olefins have higher
research octane numbers than paraffin compounds with the same number of carbon atoms.
Olefins containing five carbon atoms have high reaction rates with compounds in the
atmosphere that form pollutants and, even though they have high research octane numbers,
are considered generally undesirable.
Some diolefins (containing two double bonds) are also formed during processing, but they
react very rapidly with olefins to form high-molecular-weight polymers consisting of many
simple unsaturated molecules joined together. Diolefins are very undesirable in products
because they are so reactive they polymerize and form filter and equipment plugging
Naphthenes (Cycloparaffins)
Cycloparaffin hydrocarbons in which all of the available bonds of the carbon atoms are
saturated with hydrogen are called naphthenes. There are many types of naphthenes present
in crude oil, but, except for the lower-molecular-weight compounds such as cyclopentane
and cyclohexane, are generally not handled as individual compounds.
They are classified according to boiling range and their properties determined with the
help of correlation factors such as the KW factor or CI.
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The aromatic series of hydrocarbons is chemically and physically very different from the
paraffins and cycloparaffins (naphthenes). Aromatic hydrocarbons contain a benzene ring
which is unsaturated but very stable and frequently behaves as a saturated compound.
The cyclic hydrocarbons, both naphthenic and aromatic, can add paraffin side chains in
place of some of the hydrogen attached to the ring carbons and forma mixed structure.
These mixed types have many of the chemical and physical characteristics of both of the
parent compounds, but generally are classified according to the parent cyclic compound.
ALC Crude
Murban Crude
LPG (%)
Gasoline (%)
Kerosene (%)
Residue (%)
G+L+C (%)
| 15
Capacity in
Name of unit
1.5 Million
Treatment Units
Name of unit
Capacity in MT/Year
| 16
Ancillary Unit
Name of unit
Capacity in MT/Year
1,100 Drum/Day(8
Hydrogen Plant
Utilities Units
80 MT/Hr
6000 KW
3100 KW
2,85,000 M3/2,42,250 MT
LPG storage
2,80,000 M3
| 17
Crude oil is processed through a single-stage atmospheric pipe-still producing an overhead naphtha
cut, kerosene and gas oil sidestream cuts and bottoms at 350C. Variation of side stream cut points
produces kerosene or aviation fuel and auto diesel or marine diesel in blocked operations. The
naphtha cut is de-ethanized, de-butanised and split with light and heavy virgin naphthas to blend
motor gasoline, while heavy virgin naphtha is also blended to middle distillates and heavy fuel oil
(HFO). Light end fractionalization splits into propane and butane, liquefied petroleum gases,
(LPG) and butane for gasoline blending. The kerosene sidestream is hydrofined and run down to
tankage as dual purpose kero/turbo fuel. Auto diesel oil is produced by blending a part, or all of
the kerosene sidestream. However, as a heavier cut it may also be run down directly to tankage as
marine diesel oil. Atmospheric Pipestill bottom is blended with gas oil, kero and/or heavy virgin
naphtha to produce Bunker C fuel oil. The vacuum Pipestill produces two grades of penetration
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| 19
ERL produces 16 petroleum products including a few non-fuel products, namely, SBP, JBO,
MTT, and BITUMEN. Some of these products are produced only on demand. A brief description
of products are as follows:
Table-2.3: ERL Finished Products
in heaters of refinery.
in dry-cleaning.
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JBO (Jute
Diesel Oil)
| 21
| 22
| 23
The preheated crude oil is warmed up to approx 135-155 degrees C. The crude is mixed with 2-3
% fresh water (from drum B1113) and fed to the Desalter Units (B-1111 and B-1112) for removal
of the in crude oil present natural salts and other contaminants and impurities.
In the desalter the crude oil hydrocarbons and free water phase, but containing salts are separated
chemically with demulsifiers and electrostatically with a 10 KV current. The water is drawn off
for further treatment to the nearby API separators. There is no sour water stripping unit to purify
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this process water. The dry and cleaned crude from the desalter enters the Preflash fractionating
column (B-1101).
The configuration of the crude preheat train has been set to maximize the heat recovery and hence
energy efficiency of the overall facilities. ERLs crude unit does use the exchangers for Refining
and Marketing (Package 6) Assessment of the Refinery preheating in an efficient manner,
however due to the Units location no other heat streams from neighboring high temperature surplus
units, like the Visbreaker, are used in the preheating of the crude oil.
The Preflash fractionation column (B-1101) has no distillation trays and facilitates the first
separation of the gaseous light ends and Light Virgin Naphtha from the heavier components of the
crude oil.
Basis ERL current crude oil diet the preflash distillation generates an overall volume of 20-25%
light ends that does not require further heating in the Crude oil units main furnace and thereby
greatly improves the overall energy use efficiency . The flashed vapors from the preflash column
are directly fed into the crude oil units main distillation tower (C-1101) in the upper section of
the main fractionation column. Light ends vapors from the overhead preflash are then all fed
forward onto a tray in the upper section of the main column.
The flashed vapours from the preflash column could be considered to be rerouted to the stabilizer
(C-1103) to decrease the volumes and pressure in the crude unit column overhead section, allowing
a higher throughput rate and/or increased intake of very light crudes such as the gas condensates.
The crude from the bottoms flow from the preflash column is led via booster pump (p-1102) into
the second section of the preheat train, where the crude gains more heat from residue streams
through contact in exchangers 1109 A and B and reaches a temperature of 200-220 degr C. The
crude oil is then fed into the main Crude oil charge heater (H-1101 AB) and temperature is raised
to approx. 375 degr C.
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Furnace H-1101 is built as two separate fire boxes; radiation zones, each with high temperature
absorbing steel tubing (installed after the Technip tests in 1982), and share one convection section
and chimney stack for the superheated (to maximum 500 C) gases. A light gasoil pumparound is
used to maintain the temperature gradient across the column, exchanges heat with the crude oil
feed and is partly use to heat the reboiler of C-1104.
Furthermore there is a Heavy gasoil stream used as reflux for the bottom of the fractionator.
The configuration of the crude preheat train is designed to maximize the heat recovery and energy
efficiency of the unit. ERLs crude unit does use the exchangers for preheating in an efficient and
effective manner.
Due to its location, no other hot streams from adjacent units like the Visbreaker are utilized for the
Currently ERL furnace outlet temperature is 367 C, which is within the normal range but on the
low side. There seems room for increased overflash inside the main distillation column, necessary
for good fractionation and for an 3-5 % increase in atmospheric distillate or heavy gasoil yield
which would probably benefit the overall performance by a 10 C furnace outlet increase to 375380 C.
The furnace efficiency can only be established by measuring the excess air and temperature of the
burned off gasses in the convection zone of the furnace. Preliminary data supplied by ERL suggest
a 6.5-7% excess air and 430 C flue gas temperature. On basis of these data a refinery furnace
efficiency rating of 78% should be possible.
The furnace is dual fired with Refinery Gas or Natural Gas and liquid Fuel oil. In this main column
the crude oil is separated into its primary constituent products of overheads Liquid Petroleum Gas,
Naphtha, Kerosene, LGO, HGO and crude tower bottoms (Reduced Crude). The overhead vapour,
light ends and Naphtha from the tower are condensed and cooled to approx. 45 degr C through Fin
fans (EM- 1123 A-F) and water cooled via exchanger blocks
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Refining and Marketing (Package 6) Assessment of the Refinery E-1110 A and B, and then
routed to the overhead Reflux drum (B-1102). Note that cooling is more difficult at ERL than for
a colder climate based refinery.
Inside the main fractionation or distillation tower (C-1101), the down flowing reflux liquid
provides main tower tray cooling and partial condensation of the up flowing vapors, thereby
increasing the efficiency of the distillation. The more reflux that is provided, the better is the
tower's separation of the lower boiling from the higher boiling components of the feed. A balance
of heating with a reboiler at the bottom of a column and cooling by condensed reflux at the top of
the column maintains a temperature gradient (or gradual temperature difference) along the height
of the column to provide good conditions for fractionating the feed mixture.
ERLs main fractionation tower has 33 trays and uses a reflux ratio of approx. 1.8-2.1 against 1.
(2.1 is max). Part of the liquids hydrocarbons from Reflux drum B-1102 is partly rerouted back
into the main distillation unit for atmospheric fractionating cooling purposes and partly send onto
the Naphtha stabilization and splitter section for further processing. The reflux ratio is the ratio of
the amount of hydrocarbon moles returned as refluxed liquid to the fractionating column and the
amount of hydrocarbon moles routed as final product rundown, both per same unit of time. ERLs
reflux operation is somewhat low but otherwise in line with normal refining practices.
The reflux drum releases at the top the methane and ethane, both considered to be refinery gas
which can and should be used as burner fuel in the main crude unit furnace or other nearby unit
furnaces. In ERL case the majority of these gasses are used for as fuel in furnaces and some of it
is flared.
The prime objectives of the Stabilization column C1103 are to stabilize light straight run naphtha
and recover saleable LPG components from light hydrocarbon streams drawn from the reflux
drum. In most refineries it is quite common is to see a stabilizer plant to effectively consist of three
distillation towers interlinked in series; a de-ethaniser, a de-propaniser and a de-butanizer column.
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ERL has no need for splitting and purification of propane and butane and therefore there is just a
single de-ethanizer stabilization column (C-1103) where at the top of the column Propane and
Butane are combined as one stream together with any of the remaining Methane and Ethanes. All
gas components enter the (De-ethanizer) reflux drum (B-1103) together with any unstabilized light
naphtha feedstocks. From the top of the drum the methane and ethane is drawn off and used
preferably as burner fuel in the main furnace for heating the crude oil. The surge drum has a water
boot to allow for withdrawal of any free water that settles out. From the reflux drum the liquids
are pumped forward as a reflux back to the stabilizer column for cooling of the top section of the
stabilizer and to obtain a proper split between LPG, naphtha and the lower boiling refinery gases.
The majority of the Gas stream from B1103 is therefore LPG.
The off- gas form the primary source of fuel gas for the furnaces.
The now de-ethanised and free of water LPG is routed via a simple nearby LPG Merox unit (24000
ton/year capacity) for sulphur polishing and from there to the two LPG storage facilities or Spheres
(1200 cbm capacity each) for further distribution to the LPG bottling/ filling plant.
The bottoms product from the Stabilizer (C-1103), called Full Range Naphtha flows under a
pressure differential into the Naphtha Splitter (C-1104).
The Splitter is entirely dedicated to the separation of any still remaining gases in the Full Range
Naphtha (FRN) and to recover the Pentanes C5 and Hexanes C6, together called the Light Naphtha
and usually used as feedstock for Ethylene cracking units and Isomerisation and solvents units.
The Naphtha Splitter tower (C-1104) is a 20-tray fractionation column, which separates the FRN
into a Light Naphtha (LSR) and a Heavy Naphtha (HSR) product. Light naphtha from the splitter
tower overheads is condensed in an air fin fan cooler into the overhead reflux drum (B-1104).
From this overhead drum LSR is provided as reflux to the splitter tower or routed to the light
naphtha storage tanks. Un-condensed vapors are send to the Fuel Gas System and are not thus
recovered by rerouting back into the splitter.
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The splitter tower bottoms is a Heavy Naphtha and forms the feed to the Naphtha Hydrotreater
section and subsequently will become the Catalytic Reformer feedstock.
The Naphtha splitter fractionation tower bottoms are re-boiled by an exchanger circuit which is
heated by the pump around flow from the main distillation unit to provide the desired reheating
duty to effect the proper separation of the light and heavy naphtha.
For ERL the final boiling cut point of the Heavy Naphtha is kept low (145-155 degr C) in order to
maximize the production of (household use) Kerosene. An important side effect is the possible
occurrence of unacceptable low flashpoints and smoke point. Smoke point control is essential for
the production of Jet A1 Aviation fuel (DERD 2494 or Defstan 91) which international
specification cannot be met without strict operating parameters, and Jet A1 fuel is only produced
by ERL on a demand basis.
Jet fuel can be produced at ERL, but this would result in a much lower (estimated 6% less) volume
of Jet Fuel type Kerosene (with cutpoints approx. 180 C-235 C) than it is now for current household
Kerosene SKO grades 1 and 2 production. (With cutpoints approx. 140 C-280 C). If Jet fuel is
produced then the lower boiling portion would then be produced almost entirely as Heavy Naphtha
for which there is no demand as such, nor can it be used as Platformer feedstock with the small
ERL reforming capacity already being filled up entirely.
The Kerosene grades SKO 1 and 2, Light Gasoil (LGO) and Heavy Gasoil (HGO) fractionation
products are pulled as side-streams from the crude tower and steam stripped in their respective
side-stripper columns. (Note: the installed four side stripper vessels are constructed inside a single
tower (C-1102) placed adjacent to the main fractionation column.
Kerosene 1 and 2 and LGO draws from the main fractionation column are mixed with refluxed
Kero and LGO returning from their respective top of the stripper to a tray just above their lower
cutpoint level. The remaining Kerosene and LGO products from the strippers are routed to storage
for final product rundown after heat exchange against incoming crude oil feed in the preheat train.
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ERL today has no Hydrotreater or Hydrodesulphuriser available for removal of sulphur in Diesel
components since sulphur content in Diesel is not regulated nor does it need hydrogenation or
polishing of Kero as all Jet Fuel is imported instead.
The only available very small distillate hydrotreater was rebuild some time ago into a vacuum
gasoil fed Mild Hydrocracker but without the provisions for required pressure increase and is
currently shutdown. Therefore the quality of all distillate products from the C-1102 stripping tower
is determined solely by the parameters set in the reflux from strippers and of course draw off trays
in the main column C-1101. To now there is apparently no need of any additional sulphur removal
equipment, while allowing the desired product specifications to be maintained in this circumstance
by primary distillation only.
The HGO product from its individual side-stripper, is routed via the preheat exchanger for heat
recovery to product rundown and diesel oil blending.
Small steam valves are added to improve the fractionation in each of the four strippers.
The main fractionator bottoms flow of reduced crude oil (RCO) is routed for the bulk of the
output directly to the Visbreaker unit for viscosity reduction / mild thermal cracking to match the
furnace oil viscosity specifications. Alternatively, only for Arab Light crude oil it can also be
routed directly as hot feed to the Vacuum column for the production of Vacuum Gasoil and
Asphalts in the Bitumen blowing unit.
The residue or reduced crude is not passed back into the stripping section via a re-boiler to recover
the maximum of distillates under atmospheric conditions. Most crude oil distillation/fractionation
towers have a re-boiler as it not only optimizes the distillation yield, but also helps preventing the
tower stripping bottom from fouling and prevents unwanted cracking.
Usually a re-boiler can be regarded as heat-exchangers with a minor furnace that are designed to
transfer enough energy back into the reduced crude to bring the liquid at the bottom of the column
back to boiling point.
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The ERL crude distillation unit has a steam injection system in the stripping section bottom of the
main fractionation column. In order to strip all light hydrocarbons from the reduced crude or
atmospheric residue fraction properly, the bottom section of the column is equipped with a set of
4 to 6 stripping trays, which are operated by injecting some stripping steam (1 - 3% on bottom
product) into the bottom of the column. The steam reduces the partial pressure of the hydrocarbons
and thus lowers the required vaporization temperature and more remaining light distillate can be
Chloride with water form HCl and that cause for corrosion. Reactions start at 120oC and accelerate
at 125oC 205oC.
CaCl2 + 2H2O
NaCl is stable up to 425oC. The maximum temperature in column is 360oC. So NaCl will not cause
overhead corrosion.
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| 32
| 33
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The naphtha from the Crude Distillation unit Naphtha Splitter bottoms is pumped and mixed with
Hydrogen rich gas (from the Platformer High Pressure Separator) and are preheated in heat
exchangers with the Reactors rundown effluent. Hydrotreating is an exothermic reaction,where
heat is produced from the reactants.
The hydrogen + naphtha mixture reactor inlet temperature is raised in the hydrotreater furnace (F1201) to a temperature required; for most units approx. 350 degr C, and at ERL currently around
325 degr C. The mixture flows to the reactor which is filled with a cobalt or nickel molybdenium
catalyst where the hydrotreating reactions take place. (Mainly sulphur, nitrogen and metals
Because of its undesired high olefin content, the Visbreaker heavier naphtha may well be combined
with the Heavy Naphtha from the Crude Unit Naphtha splitter. More unstable
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Visbreaker naphtha is preferably first compressed by the Hydrotreater Compressor together with
the Platformers hydrogen rich gas to saturate the olefins, and then passed downward with the virgin
Naphtha from the crude unit through the Platformer separators hydrogen rich gas and then onto
the catalyst in the Naphtha Hydrotreater Reactor for removal of impurities.
The hydrotreated treated naphtha runs down into the Naphtha Hydrotreater Separator where the
gasses are removed and dewatered, and then countercurrently contacted with Platformer Separator
Off-Gas in the Stripper-Absorber (C-1201) to strip traces of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and
hydrogen chloride from the treated naphtha to make this treated naphtha suitable as Platformer
charge. The stripped hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and hydrogen chloride remain in the hydrogenrich gas stream through the Naphtha Hydrotreatment reaction stages, and are finally separated in
the strippers reflux overhead drum (B-1202). The reflux drum separates the refinery gasses and
liquids are rerouted back in the top of the stripper-absorber column.
The Stripper-Absorber serves a two-fold purpose: to strip the undesirable contaminants from the
naphtha, and in addition, the naphtha absorbs light hydrocarbons from the Platformer Separator
Off-Gas, thereby permitting return of these light hydrocarbons to the Platformer.
The Naphtha Hydrotreater Stripper bottoms are re-boiled in furnace F-1202 and rerouted back into
the stripper to improve the final removal of all light gasses including any LPG and refinery gas.
ERL could add the Visbreaker Naphtha to the overall Naphtha stream to maximize the Platformer
feed stream.
The Reformer Reactor Section consists principally of: Feed Heater F-1205; Feed (Inter) heaters F1203, and F -1204; Reactors R-1202, R-1204, R-1203, Product Separator B-1201 and heat
exchangers and the Reformate Stabiliser or Stripper Absorber with reflux overhead condenser and
a bottom stream reboiler.
In the Reactor Section, hydrogen-rich Recycle Gas and the hydrotreated naphtha charge are
brought to reaction temperature and pressure of 488o C and 435 psig (approx. 30 bar), respectively,
and passed over the platinum catalyst in the three Reactors. The reactions occur in each of the
Reactors, and after the third reactor phase the cooled platformate effluent is discharged into
Product Separator (D-1201). The gas fraction which separates in the Product Separator consists
| 37
principally of the hydrogen produced during the reactions in the Reactors, along with the Recycle
Gas. This gas from the Product Separator passes to the suction side of the Recycle Gas Compressor
immediately behind the Separator. The liquid fraction in the Product Separator consists of the
reformed naphtha (reformate) and light hydrocarbons like
LPG and some other olefinic and aromatic hydrocarbons produced during the reactions in the
Reactors. This Separator liquid is discharged to the Platformer Stabilizer Section, which works
almost identical as the Stabilizer described in the Crude Unit. With the relative high temperature
of around 500 degr. C there is a water cooled exchanger to reduce the temperature of the flow into
the stabilizer overhead reflux drum. The liquids are then rerouted back to the stabilizer as reflux.
The Stabilizer Section consists of Stabilizer (C-1202) and associated pumps, heat exchangers, and
vessels. The Stabilizer receives the Separator liquid, and separates this liquid into reformate and
light hydrocarbons by fractionation. The Stabilizer may be operated as a De-butanizing operation
(Separating C4 and lighter hydrocarbons from the reformate), or could be operated to include and
remove some of the C6 aromatics like Benzene from the Reformate.
The light hydrocarbons separated from the reformate pass from the Stabilizer Section as Stabilizer
Off-Gas, while the stabilized reformate is send as rundown stream to storage. ERL apparently does
not recover the (unsaturated) LPG that is a major part of the gas that is separated in the stabilizer
and its condensor, but uses all gas as burner fuel gas in the furnaces. This needs further examination
| 38
The mass balance for the ERL Platformer.Hydrotreater is 85 % Platformate and 15% Gas+losses
against 100% of Naphtha feedstock. This reformate recovery percentage compares well with other
similar semi regenerative Platformer units in Europe and Asia, however it is the much lower octane
of 88-89 RON which does not compare well. Also the ERL treatment of the 15 % mixture of LPG,
Hydrogen and refinery gasses as a potential burner fuel after the partly used stream as recycle Gas
should be reviewed for better recovery of the LPG from the Separator or from the Stabilizer.
Most refineries have replaced their semi regenerative reformers with more modern continuous
regenerating Platformers, which allow a high octane of well over 103 RON, combined with
moderate severity which improves reformate yields to 91-92% and no downtime for regeneration.
ERL has a semi-regenerative Platformer and is designed for moderate severity, in ERL case an
operating pressure of approx. 30-35 kg/cm2. As a result the catalyst regeneration cycle is well over
one year and could be stretched to even 3-4 years, which is a very long operating period, compared
to other more severely operated (50 kg/cm2) semiregenerative Platformers.
The disadvantage is a relative low Octane of the Platformate of 88 to 89 RON, and does not allow
ERL to produce the standard 95 RON unleaded gasolines. ERL may review the unit capabilities
whether to increase operating pressure to 50 kg/cm2 to produce a higher octane such as a 98 RON
grade that will make a finished 95 unleaded gasoline grade in a blend with some surplus light
naphtha and even some butane. However higher operating severity will cause the regeneration stop
periods to increase, as expected a 10-14 day catalyst regeneration stop every 7-9 months.
Economics may suggest the right operation for ERL given its current Reformer by comparing the
lost regeneration days production against extra expenses to buy the currently purchased 95
gasoline with that of 88-90 octane gasoline which ERL produces now for its MS grade.
The evaluation is based on an increase in pressure to 50 kg/cm2 in the Reactors, with an operating
temperature around 500 degr C. The expected Research Octane number (RON) will rise from
current 88-90 RON at todays conditions at 30-35 kg /cm2 to an expected 98 or higher RON at
higher severity.
Reformate output yield are expected to remain around 85-86% wt as higher severity pressure also
improves the conversion of naphthenes into aromatics instead of forming propylene and butylene
and refinery gasses. A 98 RON reformate can then be blended with light Naphtha and Butane
(depending on volatily or Reed Vapour Pressure maximum specification) to produce a 95 unleaded
Gasoline grade.
| 39
The name Platforming implies Platinum reforming. The Platforming process can be
described as following conversion.
Platforming reactions
Platinum/ Rhenium
Bimetallic catalyst
High aromatic
(High octane)
2. Isomerization
4. Hydrocracking (exothermic)
| 40
| 41
| 42
| 43
Actual realized yields on the Crude Oil Distillation Unit during recent runs:
These yields are a reflection of a good performing distillation operation. Note the relative small
volume of Heavy Naphtha and corresponding large volumes of (here called; light) Kerosenes.
| 44
| 45
The objective here is to produce bitumen and the light vacuum gasoil (LVGO) is a byproduct and
is used as blending component in Diesel. Despite the high sulfur, high pour point and cloud point
of Vacuum Gasoil, a significant volume can be blended into the Diesel pool as Bangladesh climate
does not require these cold property limits in the diesel specification. Heavy Vacuum Gasoil
(HVGO) was the designated feedstock for the now shut Mild Hydrocracking Unit, but now goes
into the fuel oil pool.
The design of the Vacuum unit reflects this objective. A modern Vacuum Unit is characterized by
a relatively short but wide diameter column which allows maximum retrieval of deep vacuum
distilled distillates. ERLs vacuum tower is built as a small capacity unit relative to the Crude unit,
with a tall but small diameter column, typically designed for a proper split between bituminous
residue and Vacuum distillates. The small diameter of the unit will also limit the potential for
higher throughputs and unlikely to be able to realize a deep vacuum of 10 to 20 mm Hg inside all
sections of the fractionation column. Medium pressure steam is superheated in the charge furnace
convection section for use as stripping steam in the main vacuum distillation column as well as in
steam injection.
The column has some packed trays instead of all valves which will improve the distillation, reduce
pressure drop and compensates for the missing side strippers.
The Vacuum itself on the main vacuum fractionation column is generated by a conventional
(multiple-stage) steam ejector system. Each stage contains steam ejectors with motive force
derived from medium pressure steam. The first stage ejectors draw the column overhead vapors
into a pre-condenser exchanger, where they are partially condensed against cooling water.
Condensates from the pre condenser flow down into the overhead condenser vessel.
Residual vapors from the barometric condenser vessel are drawn by the next stage ejectors and
exhausted to atmosphere. A circulating stream of sour condensed water, is drawn from the
overheads condenser vessel, is further cooled against cooling water and enters the top of the
barometric condenser vessel to suppress vapor release. The barometric condenser vessel also
drains into the overheads condenser vessel. In the overheads condenser vessel small quantities of
| 46
hydrocarbons are collected as a slop oil and routed back to storage. Sour waters from the steam
ejectors condensates are pumped to the API separator /treatment area.
Residual off-gas vapor from the overhead condenser vessel is routed to the flare or separate
incineration furnace.
Vacuum distillation increases the relative volatility of the two key components inside the Residual
Oil from the crude unit; Vacuum Gasoil and Vacuum Residue, which latter is the feedstock for the
Bitumen blowing unit.
The higher the relative volatility, the more separable are the two components and this requires
fewer stages in a distillation column in order to effect the same separation between the overhead
and bottoms products. Lower pressures increase relative volatilities. The two product streams;
Light and Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil are withdrawn from the main vacuum fractionation tower and
flows through heat exchangers and water coolers to storage. The LVGO is preferably routed to
diesel oil blending and the HVGO is routed to the fuel oil blending product rundown. The Light
Vacuum Gas Oil stream is drawn from the upper section of the main vacuum tower and could be
used as a pump around with exchanger cooling reflux for distillation control, however ERL does
not need such quality control. The main vacuum fractionation column bottoms are pumped to the
nearby Bitumen blowing facility.
In general, the refinery bitumen production cannot meet Bangladesh road paving quality
requirements by just straight run vacuum distillation alone. Most countries have formulated a
variety of bitumen grades with often stringent quality specifications, depending on climate and
intensity of road use. The specifications are mainly expressed as narrow ranges for penetration and
softening point. These special grades are manufactured at ERL by blowing air through the hot
liquid Vacuum Residue in the Air Blowing column (capacity 70.000 ton/year).
By blowing, the asphaltenes in the vacuum residue are partially dehydrogenated (oxidised) and
form larger chains of asphaltenic molecules via polymerisation and a condensation mechanism.
Blowing will yield a harder and more brittle bitumen (lower penetration, higher softening point).
The bitumen blowing process requires a dedicated feedstock quality. In ERLs case the residues
from Arabian Light crude.
| 47
The blowing process is carried out continuously in the blowing column. The liquid level in the
blowing column is kept constant by means of an internal draw-off pipe. This makes it possible to
set the compressed air-to-feed ratio (and thus the product quality) by controlling both air supply
and feed supply rate. The feed to the blowing unit (approximately 210 0C), enters the column just
below the liquid level and flows downward in the column and then upward through the draw-off
pipe. Air is blown through the molten mass (280-300 0C) via an air distributor in the bottom of
the column. The bitumen and air flow are countercurrent, so that air, low in oxygen, meets the
fresh feed first. This, together with the mixing effect of the air bubbles jetting through the molten
mass, will minimize the temperature effects of the exothermic oxidation reactions: local
overheating and cracking of bituminous material. At ERL this seems very well under control as
there were no signs of fouling of the Bitumen unit at all. The blown bitumen is withdrawn
continuously from the bottom of the blowing tower and pumped to heated storage through
feed/product heat exchangers.
At the top of the tower any gasses and small liquid streams that have formed are drawn off and
neutralized in a small incinerator furnace.
| 48
These yields are perfectly in line with what can be expected based on the Arab Light crude oil
assay. Note that Murban crude is not a suitable crude oil to produce feedstocks for Lubricant oil
and Bitumen.
| 49
| 50
| 51
For bitumen manufacturing the long residue product has to be made heavier. Under atmospheric
conditions, it is hard to reach the desired quality as temperature would then have to be increased
above cracking conditions. To avoid cracking the distillation is carried out under vacuum. The
vapor leaving the top of the column is sucked by the steam ejectors which keeps necessary vacuum
inside the column. The thermal balance of the column is ensured by two pumps- around.
1. Steam chest
2. Jet nozzle
3. Suction chamber
4. Diffuser inlet
5. Diffuser throat
6. Diffuser outlet
The pressurized steam is supplied in steam chest and expanded through jet nozzle and suction fluid
is entered into the suction chamber due to pressure difference between the column and the suction
chamber. Then it creates a vacuum in the column.
| 52
The conventional Merox process for the removal of mercaptans i.e., sweetening of jet fuel or
kerosene or Naphtha is a one-step process. The mercaptan oxidation reaction takes place in an
alkaline (caustic soda) environment as the feedstock jet fuel or kerosene, is mixed with compressed
air. At ERL the Kero and Naphtha from the crude unit are first prewashed in a prewash drum with
caustic soda to remove any unwanted hydrogen sulphides that will interfere with the actual Merox
Following the prewash the jet fuel or kerosene feedstock enters the Merox reactor from the caustic
prewash vessel at the top along with injected caustic soda and with compressed air, and flows
through a fixed bed of catalyst in the reactor vessel. The Merox reactor is a vertical vessel filled
with catalyst that consists of charcoal granules that have been impregnated with a metal carbon
catalyst. (UOP). It leaves the bottom of the reactor into a separator. Here the Caustic Soda is
recovered through gravity settlement and returned to the top of the reactor.
The treated product is removed and further washed in water to remove all remaining caustic soda.
The caustic solution remains in the caustic settler so that the vessel contains a reservoir for the
supply of caustic that is intermittently pumped back into the reactor to maintain the alkaline
| 53
Product is then dried in a salt filter and finally treated via a clay filter to remove all other impurities.
The ERL the LPG Merox Unit is a two-step process contrary to the Kero Merox and has an
Extraction and a Caustic Regeneration section. The Extraction Section removes the mercaptans
from the LPG stream through extraction with a circulating caustic solution forming sodium
mercaptides. The Caustic Regeneration Section regenerates the caustic by heating and oxidizing
the product into disulfides, which are then removed prior to returning the regenerated caustic
solution for another extraction cycle to the extraction reactor.
ERLs Kero Merox capacities is not sufficient to treat all produced Kerosene. At present about
35% of the stream can be treated, but Kero from the current crude oil slate does not contain a high
level of mercaptans and the blended finished product will be marketable.
The Naphtha Merox is just about sufficient to treat the Light Naphtha stream, which currently is
exported. However increase in volumes of Condensate may require additional capacity to be build.
The LPG Merox has sufficient capacity to treat at present all ERL produced LPG (approx. 14000
ton year). This Merox is important as mercaptans tend to occur more in LPG than in other light
liquid products.
D) Regeneration section
| 54
| 55
| 56
| 57
| 58
| 59
Corresponding test runs on similar qualities atmospheric residue and applied to thermal cracking
operations are slightly different but results are similar as for the above ERL results. Results on
Visbreaker conversion improve dramatically if the feedstock is 100% Vacuum or Short Residue
(with all Vacuum Gasoils removed). The Visbreaker cracking process with Vacuum Reside
feedstock will not cause instability and will produce slightly less distillate and Naphtha but stable
Fuel oil with somewhat higher viscosity that will need to be corrected with some Visbreaker gasoil
| 60
or other low viscosity diluents. The conversion yield on Short (=Vacuum) residue is almost
identical as on Long residue, but there is the advantage from the uplift of the Vacuum Unit
recovered Vacuum Gasoil instead of all being atmospheric residue. These are substantial gains
with a yield of approx50% Vac Gasoil from Long residue. However this kind of operation is not
relevant for ERL as there is not the required Vacuum Distillation capacity to operate in this way.
Note that Vacuum Gasoil has a (varying but approximated) value of Gasoil *80% on the
international markets or even better value if the Vacuum Gasoil is fed and cracked to good quality
low sulfur Diesel in a Mild Hydrocracking unit. Therefore Visbreaker (and Vacuum Unit)
economics would have significantly improved if ERL could take all atmospheric Resid through a
Larger Vacuum Distillation unit and either sell the Vacuum Gasoil to the international markets in
Singapore, Japan and China, or process on the ERL refinery site in a Mild Hydrocracker. The
Vacuum Residue is then a much more suitable feedstock than the current Long residue for a
Visbreaker or Thermal Cracker.
| 61
of 57000 ton per year. Vacuum Gasoil needs approx. 5-7% wt. hydrogen per 100% feed to fully
saturate the partly napthenic and aromatic vacuum gasoil feed structure into more paraffinic
hydrocarbons. Hydrocracking reduces also the gravity of the hydrocarbon feedstock, it removes
impurities like sulfur, metals, nitrogen and improves stability, colour, cetane, smell and cold
properties like pour point. Refining and Marketing (Package 6) Assessment of the Refinery The
feedstock to a mild hydrocracker should be a light to medium Vacuum Gasoil (possibly in ERL
case combined with 20% Visbreaker Gasoil) with typical gravity of 0.875-0.895 and relatively
moderate impurities (as an approximation; less than 1600 ppm Nitrogen, 1.5%sulphur, less than
10 ppm metals) However The Mild Hydrocracker reactor unit has been kept shut. Only the section
with the units fractionator column and stripper are currently in operation to handle the distillation
of Natural Gas Condensate from the PetroBangla Gas fields.
| 62
the Diesel. The fractionator overhead vapor is partially condensed by cooling water. The light
Refining and Marketing (Package 6) Assessment of the Refinery gases from the reflux drum are
sent to the fuel gas system. Part of the unstable naphtha from the reflux drum is sent as the reflux
to the fractionator; the rest is sent to storage or to the visbreaker Naphtha stabilizer. The gas oil
drawn as side stream is sent to the gas oil stripper. The stripped gas oil is cooled and sent to storage.
The Mild Hydrocracked residue is stripped by steam in the fractionator bottom section. After
cooling the MHC residue is sent to storage. The sour water from the fractionator overhead drum
is sent to the sour water stripper. The sour water overhead gas is sent to the reactor feed heater
stack for disposal Apparently ERL decided to stop the Mild Hydrocracking operation some years
ago. Reasons must have been the limited possibilities of the rebuild unit to provide the right
operating conditions for Mild Hydrocracking; temperature to be over 400 degr C and pressures in
the region of 60-80 kg/cm2.Revamping a reactor section would have involved replacing or
strengthening the skin of the reactor vessel to withstand higher pressures. If only moderate increase
in pressure was possible than the expected output yield converted into Diesel is only 30 % or even
less. ERL may well consider to return the Mild Hydrocracker back into Hydrodesulphurization of
Visbreaker gasoil supplemented with some Crude unit gasoil to maximum capacity. Alternatively
the heavier gasoil stream from the Crude Unit, the last distillate stream at 375degr C may well be
a better feedstock than the Vacuum Gasoil. ERL currently operates only the MHC fractionator for
the Nat Gas Condensate. The condensate will be splitted in LPG, Naphtha, Kero and some Gasoil,
in a similar fractionation process like in the crude oil unit. However the fractions will not have the
exact cut points as the MHC fractionator is likely not equipped with sufficient trays, height, full
reflux and strippers to allow a proper distillation of the Nat Gas condensates. Also the unit is very
small and not build for high volumes of light Naphtha and can as aconsequence likely run less than
100 tons of condensate per day. ERL may consider to review a procedure where up to 8 % of the
condensate is directly spiked before the preheater section of the crude unit into the Arab Light and
Murban crude and routed for processing in a normal way to the Crude Unit. This is equivalent to
approx. 250 tons per dayof Nat Gas Condensate. The Crude unit should be able to accept this light
condensate mixed with the crude as the Crude Unit preflash drum and the main distillation tower
overhead condensors, reflux drum, fin fan coolers and other reflux systems are all well designed
in volume handling and pressure capacity to take a higher load. Pressure in the top of the column
would likely become critical at 3-3.5 kg/cm2 which is not reached with current operation. The
| 63
advantage is a much better separation of Condensate fractions, and incorporation of the flow in the
mainstream for further processing steps. However ERL could run in the above suggested setup
approx. 100.000 ton/year of Nat Gas Condesate. This puts a limit then to the currently 170.000200.000 tons of condensate being produced by Petrobangla and made available to ERL. Note that
current use of the Hydrotreater Stabilization + Stripper section is a practical solution to refine light
condensates, but the operation does not give better economics in energy use, fractionation and
overall ease in handling condensates will be limited in current operation. Inclusion in the crude
feed to the CDU as discussed is a far better alternative.
| 64
One of the most important process units that I learnt was reactors. Figure 2.7 shows the reactor
arrangement in naphtha unifining unit. The feed enters at the top and passed down over a Co/Mo
catalyst bed.
| 65
Furnace is equipment which generates heat and it is used to heat process fluid. There are two types
of furnaces that use in CPC refinery. They are cylindrical vertical coil furnace and rectangular
horizontal coil furnace.
| 66
2.3.4 PUMPS
Pumps are used to give energy to a fluid to move it through pipelines or to raise it to a higher level.
The most common pumps used in the refinery are centrifugal pumps and reciprocating type pumps.
| 67
| 68
Reciprocating compressor
Boiler is a fired chamber in which heat changes water into steam under pressure. There are two
types of boilers. One is fire tube boilers and other type is water tube boilers. In CPC refinery there
are water tube boilers.
The water circulates through the tubes and the hot combustion gases flow through the furnace. The
hot gases contact the tubes and transfer heat to the water. Economizer and preheater are very
important parts of the boiler. Economizer increases the capacity and efficiency of a boiler by
recovering heat from the flue gas.
| 69
Petroleum product specifications generally include vapor pressure limits to ensure products of
suitable volatility performance.
| 70
The freezing point is the lowest temperature at which the fuel remains free of solid HC crystals
that can restrict the flow of fuel through filters if present in the fuel system of aircraft. The
temperature of fuel in the aircraft tank normally falls during flight depending on its speed, altitude
and flight duration. Freezing point should be lower than the minimum operational tank
Octane number test Knock characteristics of motor fuels by the research method
Knock characteristics of motor gasoline intended for use in spark-ignition engines. The research
method octane number correlates with full-scale spark-ignited engine antiknock performance at
low speed. This test method is used to ensure proper matching of fuel antiknock quality and engine
Distillation test
| 71
Silica Test
Silica concentration is an important fact in steam generation and cooling water system. Silica and
silicate scales make troubles in high pressure steam turbine blades. Silica forms deposits in cooling
water systems when solubility limits are exceeded.
Hardness Test
Calcium and Magnesium salts are the common salts that cause for hardness in water. They cause
scaling in tubes and pipes. This leads for failures and loss of efficiency due to clogging and heat
| 72
Flare system.
| 73
| 74
ERL has three main suppliers of electricity on site. There is the Diesel generator for just power
generation. The unit is run at its optimum level of around 1.2 MW. The most recent generator build
in 2001 is a 3 MW capacity Chinese design conventional Natural Gas fired Steam Turbine
Generator (STG-2). A second similar unit of also 3 MW capacity of Japanese design was built in
1987. Both units are the main consumer of natural gas at ERL with one unit run to balance the
power requirement. Both units also provide process steam. All Natural Gas is purchased.
| 75
The STG units have an efficiency of approx. 32 % (power + steam supply) which for these
conventional unit designs is a typical and to be expected result. The 2001 unit is apparently slightly
less efficient than the older STG. The Diesel unit is at 33-34% efficiency, which is also in normal
Of course these are conventional build steam turbine units and lack the latest technology such as
in combined heat and power (CHP) or cogeneration facilities where efficiencies of 65-75% on gas
and distillate fired systems can be achieved, and the cost of very reliable power generation would
be more than halved due to these efficiencies.
Although the nameplate capacity is unlikely to be met for 100% today, due to the age of the
facilities, ERL can continue its 3.8 MWh power generation operation should one of the units go
into a (in) voluntary shutdown. Maintenance to the units is carried out as routine and preventive
and increased loads should not cause a major breakdown. However although the total MWh
capacity is hardly adequate and leaves no spare capacity in case of addition of extra electricity
demand at ERL in future projects.
ERL calculates the cost per generated KWh to be around 4 Taka, based on a Gas purchase price
of 5.86 Taka per Ncbm Nat Gas. It should be noted here that international gas price levels are
considerably higher than the ERL purchase price and have been around 16 aka/Ncbm, without any
transport cost taken into account. (Based on the US Henry Hub futures natgas prices for 20052010). This is 3 times as much as the local Bangladesh price. (Calc; 6.3 USD/ mmBTU at 70 Taka1 USD equals 15.60 Tk/cbm)
| 76
ERL requires between 200 and 250 ton steam per day from dedicated steam providing boilers for
its processing facilities. 250 ton per day is a low quantity for a refinery like ERL. Expected steam
requirement for an ERL type refinery would be approx. 340 ton/day, based on the standard
configuration and use per unit. One explanation is the ambient climate situation (30-35 degr C) in
Chittagong and another the relative short distances between steam producer and steam consumer
ERL has 2 dedicated boilers (1 water tube and one fire tube) for generation of medium pressure
steam at the rate of 400-500 MT/day for process use.
ERL has some spare capacity and will have enough steam if one of the boilers is in shutdown, and
usually runs with one boiler and one on standby mode.
All units are (purchased) Natural Gas fired and of conventional design. Efficiencies are expected
at less than 80% for the dedicated boilers given age and limited use of waste heat except preheat
the feedwater to 60 degr C.
One ton of steam requires at this efficiency approx. 67 cbm gas to be burned.
ERL may consider to convert its least efficient boilers with a fuel fired capable burner. Although
Nat Gas is cheaper than liquid fuel in Bangladesh, these Boilers should be able to run on the very
heavy cheap sludge like the tar from the Vacuum unit, Visbreaker and API separator slops.
| 77
Salt levels in the Chittagong ground waters have recently reached ERL units unacceptable levels
(1100 ppm NaCl) causing corrosion in pipes and vessels.
To produce demineralized water, ERL treats ground water in a recently added Reverse Osmosis
(RO) unit followed by and Ion-exchange unit. Demiwater capacity of 50 Mts/hour is more than
adequate for power boilers and process boilers.
RO process unit is commissioned in 2009 and in use since then. It is a filtration method that
removes many types of large molecules such as salt and other ions from solutions by applying
pressure to the solution when it is on one side of a selective membrane filter. The result is that the
solute with salt and impurities is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure
water is allowed to pass to the other side. This process requires that a high pressure be exerted on
the high concentration side of the membrane, usually 1217 kg/cm2 or even higher in case of salt
concentrations over 1000ppm. The ERL unit is built in 2 units of 20 tube stacks with inside the
filters. To clear the filters there is a monthly programmed backwash pressure applied to push all
impurities out of the tubes. The process is efficient and requires only pressurized water beside
routine maintenance of the filters. ERL advises a cost of 57 Taka per cbm clean water. For its
cooling water ERL uses either groundwater or dedicated rainwater reservoirs nearby. ERL recycles
its cooling water continuously. Make up water supply is less than 30 cbm/hour. Total cooling water
requirement is supported by 3 water pumps with a capacity of 70 cbm/hour. ERL has two cooling
block facilities both based on mechanical draft. These are concrete blocks of cooling towers with
a natural and forced draft caused by a fan at the discharge end which pulls air through the tower.
The fan induces hot moist air out to the discharge. This produces low entering and high exiting air
velocities, reducing the possibility of recirculation in which discharged air flows back into the air
intake. It is an efficient system, although there is no use for the rest heat from the cooling towers
in a 30-35 degrees C climate. Cooling water is used in the reflux and stripper streams and fin fan
overhead cooling in CDU,Vacuum unit and Visbreaker fractionating towers. The process is cheap,
(approx. 1 Taka/cbm) simple and after the towers are build they require only some maintenance of
the fans which are robust. ERL has sufficient cooling capacity to serve the whole refinery and has
surplus if required.
| 78
| 79
gravity difference between the oil and the wastewater. Based on that design criterion, most of the
suspended solids will settle to the bottom of the separator as a sediment layer, the oil will rise to
top of the separator, and the wastewater will be the middle layer between the oil on top and the
solids on the bottom. Typically, the oil layer is skimmed off and subsequently re-processed or
disposed of, and the bottom sediment layer is removed by a chain and scraper and a small sludge
pump. In ERL case the sludge is sold to locals as a burner fuel. The remaining water layer is
apparently sent to the river without further treatment. ERL may consider applying some type of
biological treatment unit for removal of undesirable dissolved oil and other chemical compounds.
However due to the small size of the refinery the amount of such waste is very small, or considered
not a danger to the environment.
2.5.7 FLARE
ERL like any other refinery requires a flare to eliminate waste gas and burn any unwanted gasses
that are the result of stripped gas/ liquids in overhead condensers and other separators. It is also
the safety outlet for fast removal of hydrocarbons from units that need to be rapidly shut in a
controlled procedure. The flare act as safety systems for non-waste gas and any disposable material
is released via a knock out drum and pressure relief valve when needed to ease the strain on any
processing equipment. The flare stack is at the edge of the refinery site, well away from storage
tanks and processing facilities and has a pilot burner with piezo element for re-ignition. There is
no real capacity constraint.
| 80
ERL recognized a need for extra hydrogen to complement the Platformer generated hydrogen for
use in the Mild Hydrocracker Unit. The hydrogen production facility was built as a steam methane
reformer and is part of the ERL Secondary Conversion Project completed in 1995.Capacity as per
ERL indication is rated at 790 ton/year (1.08 million cubic feet/day).This is small for an industrial
hydrogen plant, but matches the required hydrogen for the onsite mild hydrocracker unit. Both
units have been shut down for some time now. ERL keeps the hydrogen unit in very good condition
and can be expected to return in operation at short notice if required. (On basis of a visual
superficial inspection)Hydrogen units are relative expensive to build due to the required
construction parameters for the reactor and will, with routine maintenance, remain in service for a
very long time. The ERL steam reforming plant consists of four basic sections:
The first part is the feedstock pretreatment where sulfur and other contaminants are
Natural gas and/ or refinery methane gas is first compressed to about 20 kg/cm2. The feed
gas is then preheated to 350 degr C with the reformers effluent gas and hydrotreated to
convert the various sulfur compounds (such as mercaptans, di sulfides) to hydrogen
sulfide.The feed gas is then passed through the three small desulfurization reactors,
containing a zinc/aluminium oxide catalyst, which adsorbs the hydrogen sulfide. Lowsulfur feeds like Natural Gas may not require this hydrotreating step.
The second process is the steam methane reformer itself.
The sulfur-free gas is mixed with a fixed amount of superheated steam (750-900 degr C)
which converts the feedstock and the added high pressure steam to a syngas (a mixture
ofhydrogen and carbon monoxide). The steam-to-hydrocarbon ratio is kept within a range
of 3 to 1 to prevent forming of coke on the nickel based reforming catalyst. The reforming
reactions are highly endothermic, additional heat which is supplied by Natural Gas fired
burners around the with catalyst filled vertical reactors is required to maintain the reaction
| 81
temperature as the mixture flows down through the ERL units 6 catalyst-filled reformer
The third section is the syngas effluent heat recovery and the carbon monoxide (CO) shift
reactor to increase the hydrogen yield.
Effluent gas containing carbon monoxide CO and steam H2O is passed over the hot gas
shift catalyst, where the water-shift gas reaction occurs. Additional hydrogen H2 is
generated from the carbon monoxide being converted to carbon dioxide CO2 byproduct as
the effluent gas flows down through the fixed catalyst shift reactor containing a metal based
oxide catalyst. The water-shift reaction is exothermic, which results in a temperature
increase across the reactors, and the heat is transferred via the heat exchanger of the unit.
The final section is to purify the raw hydrogen which still contains carbon oxides. The ERL
unit employs a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit to achieve the final product purity.
This PSA process produces a hydrogen stream of 99.9% purity. It separates carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide and unconverted hydrocarbons from hydrogen. The impurities
are collected via adsorption where the adsorbers are rotated through a higher-pressure
section, followed by a pressure reduction, which allows the contaminants to be released
from the adsorber. The hydrogen gas passes through the adsorber as almost-pure hydrogen.
The contaminants flow into a fuel gas surge drum and send to the flare. Altogether this is
a unit built with the latest technologies in hydrogen production and if required for future
hydrogen it should be expected to start operation without major costs or time
| 82
More than 140 no of tests, related with petroleum & petroleum products
We also provide technical support to others for operation of any kind of laboratory apparatus and
testing of petroleum products.
For better output, there are nine different laboratories here at Q.C. These are Jet Petroleum Lab.,
General Lab., Bitumen Lab., Water analysis and Inorganic Lab., Special Lab-1, Special Lab-2,
CFR Lab., Dark Room, Chromatograph Room.
Important apparatus of Q.C. department are:
CFR Engine, TBP Apparatus, Reduced Pressure Apparatus, Sulfur Apparatus (Lamp, High
temperature method, Lab-X, Raney-Ni). Bomb-calorimeter, Rotatory Evaporator, Karl-Fischer
Apparatus, Micro-separator etc.
| 83
The significant aspects of the company's operational activities during the year are presented
below along with those of the preceding year for comparison.
Name of Products
Others Included
(MTT, Jet A1, SBPS,
| 84
| 85
A) Imports
B) Exports
Import Operation
Crude oil is procured mainly from KSA(Arabian Light Crude Oil) and
UAE (Murban Crude oil).Generally the contract of 12-14 lac Mtons of
crude oil procurement is done for one year where 6-7 lac MTons ALC
and 6-7 lac MTons Murban
Main Grades
1) ALC (Arabian Light Crude Oil)
Supplier: ARAMCO (Arabian Americal Oil Co.), KSA.
| 86
Table-2.12: Import-Export
IMPORT (Figures are in M.Ton)
Name of Products
| 87
ERL has a strong commitment for maintaining clean, pollution free and healthy environment for
its employees as well as the surrounding locations. It pursues the policy of good house-keeping
and steady & safe operation of its various units and plants within design parameters.
Since long, ERL has discontinued the use of any toxic chemical for water treatment. It has proven
incinerator system in operation for incinerating the obnoxious off-gases. All sorts of off-gases are
released to atmosphere only in their final oxidized form.
ERL is also working on a program of monitoring hydrogen sulfide leakage. Use of Leaded
chemicals (TEL TML) for augmenting octane rating of MS/HOBC has also been reduced from 1%
to 0.5%. To its already existing well-designed oily water and rainy water separation system, ERL,
of late, has put into operation, additional recovery systems similar to API separator system at the
down-most end so that effluent water meets the safe limit of oil droplets carryover.
| 88
2.9.2 SAFETY
Fire and Safety department continuing their effort to assure safe operation of the refinery
facilities. This support aimed at maintaining the highest standards of safety for equipment and
properties. It also intended to protect the environment and combat pollution at its source. The
company insists on upgrading safety standards, protecting the employees as well as the
contractor workers occupational health and the environment.
ERL's safety policy is based on sound principles and includes compliance and applicable
national and international safety legislation, industry standards and best practices, managing
safety with the same value as all business operations and promoting a safe working
environment within the company. Our goal is a healthy, safe and clean environment for our
employees and the people of Bangladesh. ERL takes pride in adhering to best industry
practices both in terms of results and effectiveness in order to ensure the safety and health of
its employees, contractors, suppliers and outside community. We inform employees through
ongoing dialogue about all aspects of operations that could materially affect them, our
performance and progress to our goals. We trust, respect and support each other, promoting
teamwork to successfully achieve our objectives. We believe that off-the-job safety is a critical
indicator of safety behavior and should be managed and addressed properly.
| 89
Management of hazard is the foundation of ERL safety management system and is a
continuous process. We intend to reduce the total hazard of our operation by implementing the
recommendations of our investigations and studies. All new processes are designed to increase
safety margins and achieve inherent process safety management. Emergency Preparedness
plans and safety regulations are maintained and practiced all over the refinery to protect
workers, contractors, public and the environment in the event of an incident.
| 90
Following are the few rules which have been formulated to ensure personal safety:
All persons engaged in various phases of plant operation, maintenance and inspection should
wear the recommended personnel protective gears.
Minimum requirement is SAFETY HELMET and SAFETY SHOE while engaged in any
outdoor work in Red ribbon zone.
No personnel shall be engaged by any department to do the following work (cold work / hot
work) without WRITTEN CLEARANCE from Safety department.
In addition to formal safety regulations, there is an emergency preparedness plan to fix
responsibilities and establish procedures for handling an emergency.
Vessel opening
Vehicle entry
Height climbing
Road cutting
| 91
Cable joining.
Open Fire
Sand blasting
Visitors of the age groups of 16 years or below shall not be allowed entry in to the red ribbon
zone under any circumstances.
Generally visitors shall not be allowed to go inside the Restricted Area of the plant. They may
however, on special permission, be allowed to visit the plant only up to the peripheral roads,
or in special cases up to the Control Room and the Laboratory, accompanied by shift in
charge/shift Engineer.
Group visitors not exceeding 20 (Twenty) in numbers in a group may be allowed to visit the
plant and each group must be accompanied by a guide deployed by the competent area
authority (not below the Rank of Manger) with necessary security escort.
| 92
No visitor shall be allowed to visit the plant beyond general office hours. If circumstances
arise where visitors need to visit the plant beyond this general office hours, in that case,
permission of CEO (Managing Director) must be obtained.
The visitors usually of defense forces who need to visit and stay unattended within the ERL
premises for few days (e. g. Defense personnel for their exercise) must have prior clearance
from the safety and security Department with due approval from CEO (Managing Director) so
as to ensure that basic safety and security rules are not violated.
The design philosophy adopted here assumed that there will be only one fire in the plant or
Tank Farm but that a second fire could occur shortly after the first has been extinguished.
The system is basically designed in accordance the recommendation of the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) Code.
Refinery has three fire water ponds as water reservoir. Present Water Reserve Capacity of ERL
is 29000 M3. This water reserve is maintained steady for using in case of any fire hazard. In
case of low pond level raw water make-up is taken.
| 93
In fire pump station at Fire Station there are six (06) water pumps of different capacity; three
are motor driven and three are diesel engine driven.
Fire water network extends from fire station to furthest corners of Refinery covering whole of
the Red Ribbon Safely Area. Fire water ring in loop form with about 96 Nos. of hydrant and
10 Nos. of monitor are provided all over the Plant and Tank Farm Area. This fire water ring
line is maintained in a pressurized condition by using one Jockey pump. Network is always
kept pressurized.
General philosophy of the firefighting operation is that of control and containment with ultimate
extinction. For efficient and rapid extinction of fire, ERL equipped with following fire vehicle.
| 94
Foam Tender 1
Foam Tender 2
All persons to be employed in Refinery under Engineering Division, Production Division and
Security Sub-division, undergo appropriate fire & safety training course. These are compulsory
and shall be followed by a refresher's course within six months of the individuals employment
in ERL
A group of persons drawn from various categories of officers, executives & employees who
are under the age of 40 form Auxiliary Fire Fighting Team and a fixed strength are maintained
through regular induction and retirement process.
Auxiliary Fire Fighting Team are given detailed training in firefighting and safety aspects of
ERL. Refreshers course are arranged at regular interval to keep the Auxiliary fire Fighting
Team fit and updated to enable them tackle emergencies.
| 95
Besides Auxiliary Fire Fighting Team, the regular members of F & S Dept. are kept fit and alert
through a monitored regular fire drill at plant and at fire training ground.
Firefighting equipment and facilities are to be kept in best operating condition and be proven
through monitored and regular operation.
List of eligible members of Auxiliary Fire Fighting Team are updated regularly to
accommodate induction & retirement.
The Fire & Safety Training Scheme are organized through ERL Training Centre and executed
in association with Fire & Safety Department.
| 96
We have gained knowledge by this training in various aspects as an engineer, as we had firsthand
experience in ERL. Training here, enhanced our cognition, as the employee has explained, with
commitment, all the doubts and question that arise in our mind.
This chance thrown at us, was a boon as we had only seen that real about all the equipment seen
in the industry, which now, we are able to distinguish well enough. This was not possible with
books knowledge. We heartily thanks all employees of ERL to have help us all throughout our
| 97
We were lucky enough to select ERL as our Industrial Training place. After completing our
training experience we realized that ERL is a very important place for industrial training, especially
for Chemical and Process undergraduates as we could learn lot of new things that one would never
be able to learn at our university academic environment. Also we were able to practice what we
learnt at the university as theory. So we suggest that it will be a great opportunity if more
undergraduates can be selected for industrial training at ERL.
We learnt about compressors, reactors and columns. The heat exchangers were under maintenance.
So we were able to learn all the configuration of the Heat Exchanger very well.
Other than these special opportunities we learnt about the whole processes of all processing units
in the refinery. The engineers and operators were very friendly and they helped us to learn the
Finally we can say that we completed our Industrial training period successfully, we got lots of
experience and guidance for our future career.
1. ERL manuals
2., Petroleum Refining Engineering Website.
4. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering by Dennis C. Prieve, Pittsburg.
5., Chemical Engineering Website
6. Petroleum Refining by James H. Gary, Colorado
| 98
Heat Exchanger
Low Pressure
High Pressure
Medium Pressure
| xi