Project in TLE 7

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Manicuring Kit Case- the case designed to store
manicuring implements.


Filling Implements- the implements used to

contour the nails

1. Emery Boards- flat, wooden sticks with a fine

texture on one side and a coarse texture on the
other side to shape and smoothen the free edge of
the nail.

1. Nail File- (7-8 inches long, thin, and flexible) for

shaping and smoothening the free edge of the nail;
comes in different grits and a variety of colors and
shapes intended for different filing purposes.

2)Trimming Implements- small precision cutting tools

usually made of forged steel.
1. Cuticle Nipper or Cuticle Scissors- used to cut the
cuticle and hangnails.

2. Nail Clippers or Cutter- a small cutting implement

with two cutting edges used to remove the free edge
or trim nails.

3)Cuticle Pusher- used to push and loosen the dead


4)Nail Brush- used to clean the nails and fingertips.

5)Manicuring Stick or Orangewood Stick- used to loosen

the cuticle, and clean the nails.

6)Nail Buffer- used to polish the nail and for shining the
nail surface.

1. Cuticle Solvent- a creamy liquid that contains
potassium hydroxide and glycerine, to soften and
condition the nail area.

2. Enamel Solvent- consist of acetone used to dissolved

old polish applied on the nails.

3. Cuticle Oil- to soften and lubricate the skin around

the nail.

4. Nail Polish- used to color or gloss the nail.

5. Base Coats- a liquid product applied before the nail


6. Top Coats- applied last over the color enamel to keep

them from peeling and chipping.

7. Color Enamels- applied twice over the base coat to

give strength and color to the nail.

8. Absorbent Cotton- used to apply acetone to the nails.

9. Antiseptic- used to apply on minor injuries or tissues

around the nail.

10. Liquid Soap- used for finger bath.

Nails are classified into four
general shapes: square, oval,
pointed, and round. In shaping
the nails, always consult your
patron on what shapes he/she

desires but give consideration to

the type of nails he/she has. For
a short finger, a long oval shape
is best recommended while a
long tapering finger requires a
short curved nail. Typists and
pianist require short rounded
nails to prevent nail breakages.








A beautician can give a perfect nail treatment to
her client if she knows how to use the tools and
equipment correctly.

Proper Way of Handling the Nail Care

1. Cuticle Nipper- hold the cuticle nipper by the
handle. To cut the nails, open the nipper on one side
of the nail, with one of the blades under the nail and
one above. Open the blades on the cuticle youd like
to trim. Place the thumb on the sides of the handle
and the remaining (side of) fingers over the opposite

handle. Do not insert the nail too deeply between the

pairs of the nippers, so as not injure the fingers.

2. Cuticle Nail Pusher- It is held the same as in

writing pencil. Use the dull blade to push back and
loosen the cuticle. Soften the cuticle with cuticle
softener or soak the hands in warm soapy water.
Start at the middle of the nail and more downwards
toward the hands, push down and slide the excess
cuticle and trim. Dont push too hard to avoid
irritating the nail skin.

3. Nail Cutter- Hold the clipper with cutting edges

downward with forefinger and thumb. Steady your
hand and cut the nails. Do not take the hand away
until no skin is stuck in the jaws of the cuticle clipper.

4. Nail File- It is used to gently grind down and shape

the edges of the nail. Hold the file firmly in the right
hand with the thumb underneath for support and
place the fingers on top surface. Avoid filling back
and forth to prevent tearing the nails. Do not file
deep into the corners of the nail, to prevent ingrown

5. Emery Board- It is used just like nail file. When

filing, work in a single direction. Bend the rough
surface of the nail using the fine side of the emery
board. File from the edge or corners towards the
center. Discard emery board after each use.

6. Orangewood stick- It is held as you do a pen. Apply

solvent and wrap with a small strap of cotton around
the end portion of the orangewood stick and work
around the base of the nail. Clean under the free

edge of the nail and sides. Refrain from pushing too

hard so that the root of the nail will not be injured.

7. Nail Brush-insert the ring finger and hold the nail

brush in your hand and place the bristle under each
fingernail. Move the brush from side to side of the
corner the whole nail.

8. Nail Buffer- Put the thumb and ring finger under the
handle while the middle finger is placed on top of the
buffer. Put small amount of powder of the buffer and

buff the nails with downward strokes from the base of

the nail to the free edge of each nail. Buff the nails
until smooth and clear.


1. Foot File- It is designed to be used on the feet for the
gentle and safe removal of dry skin, corns, and calluses.
Start using the coarse side for the removal of damaged
skin while the reverse side can be used for buffing.

2. Callus Remover- Callus is a thick layer of hard dead

skin that forms either on the hands or feet. Apply light
pressure with steady hand on the callus remover and
gently guide over the callus.

3. Pumice Stone- Soak the feet in warm soapy water

and take the stone in one hand and take it lightly with
back and forth motion across rough patches, corns, and
calluses of the feet.

4. Hand and Foot Spa Machine- Set the machine to

the right temperature. Be sure to check the electrical
wiring to prevent scalding.

-These are paraphernalia designed
to protect the client body from
injury, chemicals and accidents.

GLOVES- used to cover the hand.

SMOCK GOWN- a robe worn to
protect the clothes.
MASK- covers the face for hygienic
purposes and protect the face from
chemical exposure.




7B Group 2
Alcuizar, Jeanne Jane
Anescol, Glyzzel Mae
Latido, Yeesha Mariz
Pulao, Jezel
Uy, Ervin


Sir Jay-R Diaz

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