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Chaetophobia fear of hair

Ablutophobia fear of bathing, washing,

or cleaning

Chemophobia fear of chemicals

Acousticophobia fear of noise a

branch of phonophobia
Acrophobia fear of heights
Agoraphobia fear of open places
Agraphobia fear of sexual abuse
Agrizoophobia fear of wild animals, a
branch of zoophobia
Agyrophobia fear of crossing the
Aichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed
objects (such as a needle or knife)

Cherophobia fear of happiness

Chiroptophobia fear of bats
Chlorophobia fear of the color green[4]
Chromophobia, chromatophobia fear
of colors
Chronophobia fear of time and time
moving forward
Chrysophobia fear of the color
Cibophobia, sitophobia aversion to
food, synonymous to anorexia nervosa

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Claustrophobia fear of having no

escape and being closed in

Algophobia fear of pain

Cleithrophobia fear of being trapped[5]

Amaxophobia, ochophobia,
motorphobia, hamaxophobia fear of
riding in a car

Climacophobia fear of climbing

Amychophobia fear of being scratched

Anthophobia fear of flowers
Anthropophobia fear of people or the
company of people, a form of social
Antlophobia fear of floods
Aquaphobia fear of water.
Arachnophobia fear of spiders
Astraphobia fear of thunder and
Atelophobia fear of not being good
enough or imperfection[citation needed]
Atychiphobia, kakorrhaphiophobia fear
of failure
Automatonophobia fear of anything
that falsely represents a sentient being

Coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries

Coulrophobia fear of clowns (not
restricted to evil clowns)
Cyanophobia fear of the color blue[4]
Cyberphobia fear of or aversion to
computers and of learning new
Cynophobia fear of dogs
Decidophobia fear of making
Demonophobia, daemonophobia fear
of demons
Dendrophobia see hylophobia
Dentophobia, odontophobia fear of
dentists and dental procedures

Autophobia fear of isolation[3]

Dysmorphophobia, or body dysmorphic

disorder a phobic obsession with a
real or imaginary body defect

Aviophobia, aviatophobia fear of flying

Ecclesiophobia fear of churches

Barophobia fear of gravity

Emetophobia fear of vomiting

Bathmophobia fear of stairs or slopes

Enochlophobia fear of crowds

Ergophobia, ergasiophobia fear of

work or functioning, or a surgeon's fear
of operating
Erotophobia fear of sexual love or
sexual abuse
Erythrophobia, erytophobia,
ereuthophobia fear of the color red, or
fear of blushing
Frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
Gelotophobia fear of being laughed at
Gephyrophobia fear of bridges
Genophobia, coitophobia fear of
sexual intercourse
Gerascophobia fear of growing old or
Gerontophobia fear of growing old, or
a hatred or fear of the elderly

Kinetophobia, kinesophobia fear of
Kleptophobia, cleptophobia fear of
stealing or being stolen
Koinoniphobia fear of rooms or shared
Koumpounophobia fear of buttons
Leukophobia fear of the color white
Lilapsophobia fear of tornadoes or
Mechanophobia fear of machines
Melanophobia fear of the color black
Melissophobia fear of bees
Methyphobia fear of alcohol

Globophobia fear of balloons

Monophobia fear of being alone or

isolated or of one's self

Glossophobia fear of speaking in

public or of trying to speak

Musophobia, murophobia, suriphobia

fear of mice or rats

Gymnophobia fear of nudity

Myrmecophobia fear of ants

Gynophobia fear of women

Mysophobia fear of germs,

contamination or dirt

Halitophobia fear of bad breath
Haphephobia fear of being touched

Necrophobia fear of death or the dead

Heliophobia fear of the sun or sunlight

Neophobia, cainophobia, cainotophobia,

centophobia, kainolophobia,
kainophobia fear of newness, novelty

Hemophobia, haemophobia fear of


Nomophobia fear of being out of

mobile phone contact

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia fear
of the number 666

Nosocomephobia fear of hospitals

Harpaxophobia fear of being robbed

Hoplophobia fear of firearms

Nosophobia fear of contracting a


Hylophobia, dendrophobia fear of

trees, forests or wood

Nostophobia, ecophobia fear of

returning home

Hypnophobia, somniphobia fear of


Nyctophobia, achluophobia, lygophobia,

scotophobia fear of darkness

Ichthyophobia fear of fish, including

fear of eating fish, or fear of dead fish

Obesophobia fear of obesity

Oikophobia fear of home surroundings

and household appliances

Siderodromophobia fear of trains or


Omphalophobia fear of navels

Sociophobia fear of people or social


Oneirophobia fear of dreams

Ophthalmophobia fear of being stared
Osmophobia, olfactophobia fear of
Panphobia fear of everything or
constant fear of an unknown cause
Pediophobia fear of dolls (a branch of
automatonophobia: fear of humanoid
Phagophobia fear of swallowing

Spectrophobia fear of mirrors

Stasiphobia fear of standing or
Stygiophobia, stigiophobia, hadephobia
fear of Hell
Taphophobia, taphephobia fear of the
grave, or fear of being placed in a grave
while still alive
Technophobia fear of advanced
technology (see also Luddite)

Pharmacophobia fear of medications

Telephone phobia fear or reluctance of

making or taking telephone calls

Phasmophobia fear of ghosts or


Tetraphobia fear of the number 4

Philophobia fear of love

Thalassophobia fear of the sea, or

fear of being in the ocean

Phobophobia fear of fear itself or of

having a phobia

Thanatophobia fear of dying

Phonophobia fear of loud sounds or

Pogonophobia fear of beards
Pornophobia fear of pornography
Porphyrophobia fear of the color
Prosophobia fear of progress
Pupaphobia fear of puppets
Pyrophobia fear of fire
Radiophobia fear of radioactivity or Xrays
Sanguivoriphobia fear of vampires
Scriptophobia fear of writing in public
or of trying to write
Scopophobia fear of being looked at
or stared at
Sesquipedalophobia fear of long

Theophobia fear of religion or gods

Thermophobia fear of heat
Tokophobia fear of childbirth or
Toxiphobia fear of being poisoned
Traumatophobia a synonym for injury
phobia: fear of having an injury
Triskaidekaphobia, terdekaphobia fear
of the number
Trypanophobia, belonephobia,
enetophobia fear of needles or
Trypophobia fear of holes or textures
with a pattern of holes
Turophobia fear of cheese
Uranophobia, ouranophobia fear of
Workplace phobia fear of the

Ichthyophobia fear/dislike of fish

Xanthophobia fear of the color yellow

Mottephobia fear/dislike of butterflies

or moths

Xenophobia fear of strangers,

foreigners, or aliens
Xylophobia, hylophobia, ylophobia
fear of trees, forests or wood
Animal phobias
Agrizoophobia fear of wild animals
Ailurophobia fear/dislike of cats
Apiphobia fear/dislike of bees (also
known as melissophobia, from the
Greek melissa "bee")

Murophobia fear/dislike of mice or rats

Ophidiophobia fear/dislike of snakes
Ornithophobia fear/dislike of birds
Ranidaphobia fear/dislike of frogs
Scoleciphobia fear of worms
Selachophobia fear of sharks
Zoophobia fear of animals
Non-psychological conditions

Arachnophobia fear/dislike of spiders

and other arachnids

Bibliophobia fear or hatred of books,

as a cultural phenomenon

Batrachophobia fear/dislike of frogs

and other amphibians

Hoplophobia a political term for fear of

weapons, specifically firearms

Chiroptophobia fear/dislike of bats

Lipophobia avoidance of fats in food)

Cynophobia fear/dislike of dogs

Osmophobia hypersensitivity to smells

causing aversion to odors

Entomophobia fear/dislike of insects

Equinophobia, hippophobia
fear/dislike of horses
Herpetophobia fear/dislike of reptiles
or amphibians

Phonophobia hypersensitivity to sound

causing aversion to sounds
Photophobia hypersensitivity to light
causing aversion to light

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