Bachelor of Science in Criminology Course Syllabus in Introduction To Philippine Criminal Justice System Course Description

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Course Syllabus in Introduction to Philippine Criminal Justice System

Course Description

This course presents the five pillars of criminal justice system in the Philippines – the law enforcement, the prosecution, the
courts, the correction and the community. It discusses also the legislative existence of Katarungang Pambarangay under the Republic
Act No.7160. It also covers their respective functional relationships as well as individual roles in the administration of the justice system in
the solution of crimes.



Activities (TLAs)
1. Demonstrate proficiency 1. Discuss what is 1. Comprehend the  The Concept of  Interactive  Essay
and technical knowledge in the basic concept of law Law and Justice Lecture  Recitation
the fields of criminalistics, principles and and justice;  Several Schools  Facilitated  Quiz
law enforcement ideas about the of Thoughts Discussion  Selected
administration, criminal
sociology, criminal law and
criminal justice 2. Appreciate the about Justice  Discussion Response
procedure, correctional system in the Criminal Justice  Nature Law  Group  Simulation
and security Philippines; System as a  Forms of Law Dynamics
administration, ethics, machinery  Types of Law  Demonstration
community relations and 2. Explain the against the  The Philosophy
defensive tactics. emphasis and crime problem; and concept of
significant of Criminal Justice
2. Create innovative systems each pillar of 3. Identify issues System
in the agency and in the the system; involving  Goals and
implementation of laws,
programs, policies, rules
Philippine CJS , Objectives of
and procedures to address discuss the CJS
the specific needs of the 3. Discuss the concept of  CJS as a
people. importance of village justice system and a
CJS in crime and define the Process
3. Demonstrate willingness to prevention and different key  Stages of the
adopt life-long learning control; terms; Criminal Justice
process for professional Process
growth through 4. Identify the loop 4. Trace the  Terms to
continous education and holes and historical Ponder
research. recommended development of  Republic Act
solution to policing. 7160
4. Internalize the values of some problems;  Brief Historical
love of God, 5. Appreciate the Sitting of Policing
morality,decency and 5. Analyze the role of police in  Policing in the
discipline. objectives of the CJS and Philippines
CJS in the comprehend the  Police as Front
5. Uphold public interest Philippine concept of police Liners
over and above society and discretion and its  Concept of
personal interest and evaluate the importance in Police/Law
maintain the principle respective policing; Enforcement
of superior – responsibility of  Police Roles
subordinate every pillar in 6. Identify and and Functions in
accountability. the explain the the Society
maintenance of powers , roles  Police
peace and and functions of Processes: Major
order in the the PNP and Chain the in the
community. other law CJS
enforcement  Philosophy and
agencies in the concept of Crime
Philippines; Detection and
7. Discuss the Investigation
Philosophy and  Apprehension of
concept of Suspects
prosecution;  Search and
Seizure and the
8. Identify and Case Preparation
explain the  Crime
powers and Prevention
functions as  PNP Order and
well as the Premier Law
duties and Enforcement
responsibilities Agencies in the
of prosecution Philippine CJS
in the Philippine  Prosecution: Its
setting; Conceptual
9. Appreciate the  Overview of the
role of Functions of the
Prosecution in Prosecutor
the CJS and  Provincial City/
comprehend the Chief State
concept of Prosecutor
prosecutorial  Assistant City/
discretion; State Prosecutor
 Duties and
10. Identify the Functions of the
factors Provincial and
hampering the City Prosecutors
effectiveness of  Prosecutorial
the prosecution; Discretion:
Definition and
11. Distinguish Concepts
preliminary  Prosecutorial
investigation Bodies/Offices
from inquest  Factors
procedure and Hampering the
plea Effectiveness of
bargaining , the Prosecution
compare the  Preliminary
contrast Investigation:
affidavit , Concept,
complaint and Purpose and
information. Procedures
 Officers
12. Trace the Authorized to
historical Conduct
development of Preliminary
determining Investigation
guilt of an  Duties of
accused; Investigating
13. Identify and during the
explain the Preliminary
roles and Investigation
functions of the  Appeal Against
in the CJS; Prosecutor’s
14. Identify the Findings
regular and  Inquest
special court in Procedure: A
the Philippines Prosecutor’s Duty
and draw the  Court:
Philippine court Concepts, Terms
composition and Definition
and state their  Court’s
respective Indispensable
powers. Duty
15.  Court: Its Role
15. Demonstrate in CJS
learning the rules  Court: The
of court Power of the
particularly Judiciary
from Rule 116  The Philippine
to Rule 1245; Organization of
the Courts
16. Summarize and  Composition of
discuss the role the Philippine
and function of Courts
correction in  The Regular
the CJS; and Special
Courts in the
17. Identify and Philippines
explain the  Court: The
correctional Litigation
institutions in Process
the Philippines;  Arraignment and
Plea (Rule 116
18. Determine the RoC)
role of the  Motion to Quash
community in (Rule 117 RoC)
the CJS and  Pre-Trial (Rule
identify 118 RoC)
community  Trial (Rule 119
programs for RoC)
crime  Judgment (Rule
prevention. 120 RoC)
 Trial/
(Rule 121 RoC)
 Appeal (Rule
122 RoC)
 Procedure on
the MTC, RTC,
CA, SC (Rule
123-125 RoC)
 Corrections:
Basics Concepts
 Historical
Development of
 Early Forms of
Corrections and
 Corrections: Its
with the other
Pillars of the CJS
 Corrections: Its
Role, Objective
or Purpose
 The
Development of
 Different
Agencies in the
 Community: Its
Role in the CJS
 Community-
Based Crime

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