IR Subscription-Form Prepaid

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International Roaming

Serial #


Subscription Form

This part to be filled by subscriber (in English block letters)

0 1

GP Mobile Number

Individual/ Company's Name

2 copies of passport size photograph

Billing Address

User's Name
Date of Birth



Passport No.

Date of Issue


Date of Expiry

Tick () any one

Basic Roaming

SMS Roaming

Please read the instructions carefully and provide the International Credit/Debit Card details before you sign.
For Individual Subscriber (Section 1)

For Corporate/Organization Subscriber

I authorize Grameenphone to Debit my Int'I credit card for amount of

for International Roaming.

I have read the terms and conditions mentioned below (in section 2) and agreed to
comply accordingly.
Signature of the company Authorized Person

Full name of the User

Signature of the User

Company Seal


Bulk IR Registration
The Basic/SMS Roaming has been activated in .. (Number of SIM) as per attached Bulk IR Subscription Form (Form serial No. )
against..(name of the company/organization). I on behalf of company /organization take responsibility of these SIMs for International Roaming
service and here by accept the terms and conditions written in International Roaming subscription form
Signature of the company Authorized Person

Company Seal

IR SMS Pay Pin

NOC of the user

I have read the terms and conditions mentioned below (in section 3) and agreed to
comply accordingly.

I have read the terms and conditions mentioned below (in section 4) and agreed to
comply accordingly.

Signature of the User

Full name of the User

Signature of the User

This part to be filled by Office

Signed Corp/SME code

Approval code

Authorized GP Official's details

POS ................................................................................................................

GP Official's Signature

GP Official's Seal

ID No.

Please preserve this document for future reference

AbyMn Ki `wjjwU fwelZi Rb msiY Kib

For service related query, complaint & assistance: ; For Roaming related queries dial 121 or +8801700100121
Section 1: For Individual Subscriber

Section 2: For Corporate/Organization Subscriber

I hereby declare that for the purpose of availing the service of International
Roaming, I have no objection whatsoever using my personal International Credit
Card with aforesaid number for recharging my prepaid foreign currency account. I
also agree to abide by Bangladesh Banks rules & directives regarding International

I hereby authorize the aforesaid mobile subscription owned by our organization to

its user who is our employee for the purpose of availing International Roaming.
With this I declare that payments will be settled from the International Credit Card
of the user.

Section 3: IR SMS Pay PIN

Section 4: NOC of the user

I also authorize Grameenphone to recharge my prepaid foreign currency account

instructed by SMS (Short Message Services), sent by me by using my International
Credit card number mentioned above.

I hereby declare that for the purpose of availing the service of International
Roaming, I have no objection whatsoever using my personal International Credit
Card with aforesaid number for recharging my prepaid foreign currency account. I
also agree to abide by Bangladesh Banks rules & directives regarding
International Roaming.

International Credit/Debit Card Details

Card No.



Date of Expiry

m / y


kZ I wbqgvejx

1. Any Grameenphone prepaid (Smile, Aapon, Bondhu, Shohoj, Djuice, Spondon, Amontron,
Nishchinto, Business Solutions prepaid, Ekota prepaid) subscriber may be eligible to avail GP
Prepaid International Roaming service, provided he/she has an International Credit Card
(subject to verification of the card) that is valid and accepted by Grameenphone Ltd. And
his/her local prepaid subscription is active. Any directives issued by Bangladesh Bank (please
visit authority regarding International Roaming or standing
instruction will be applicable as default.

(1) MvgxYdvbi hKvb wccBW (vBj, Avcb, ez, mnR, wWRym, `b, AvgY, wbw,
weRbm mwjDkbm wccBW I GKZv wccBW) MvnK wRwc wccBW BUvibvkbvj ivwgs mvwfm
eenvi KiZ cvieb hv`i KvQ ea BUvibvkbvj wWU KvW AvQ hv MvgxYdvb wjt Gi KvQ
MnYhvM Ges hv`i gvevBj mshvM wej ev ivwgs PvR msv KviY KLbB wewQb Kiv nqwb|
GQvov memgqi RbB, BUvibvkbvj ivwgs welq evsjv`k evsK KZK cYxZ me aibi
bxwZgvjv ev ZvrwYK wb`kbv chvR ne (wevwiZ RvbZ wfwRU Kib
(2) G^wm, dib wgkb, `vZv msv, wbw` dib dvg, wewbqvMKvix BZvw` msvjvI GB
BUvibvkbvj ivwgs mvwfm wbZ cvie| (wfwRU Kib
(3) evsjv`k AevbiZ KUbwZK wgkbi MvnKiv evsjv`k evsKi dib GP UvbRKkb
bxwZgvjv Gi Aaxb BUvibvkbvj ivwgs mvwfm eenvi KiZ cvib|
(4) AvRvwZK ivwgs myweav cvwKvj MvnKi eZgvb jvKvj (evsjv`kx UvKv) wccBW
GKvDUi Dci GKwU wccBW e`wkK gy`v GKvDU _vKZ ne|
(5) ivwgs-G _vKvKvjxb Kj ciY, MnY ev Ab hKvb eenviKvjxb mevi MvnKi
MvgxYdvb KZK wbavwiZ Uvwid e`wkK gy`v GKvDU _K cwikva KiZ ne| GB gg,
MvnKK Zvi AvRvwZK wWU KvW A_ev e`wkK gy`v GKvDUi (hvM weewPZ nj) gvag
ZvK wccBW e`wkK gy`v GKvDU PvR/wiPvR KiZ ne|
(6) hw` MvnKi jvKvj evsjv`kx UvKv wccBW GKvDU vqxfve mvb
AhvM/wewQb/gqv`vxY ej weewPZ nq m wccBW e`wkK gy`v GKvDUi evj
eenvihvM ej weewPZ ne bv|
(7) MvnK`iK wewagvZveK miKvi KZK AvivwcZ Uv, jfx, fvU, mviPvR I Abvb PvR
(hw` _vK) c`vb KiZ ne|
(8) MvnK/eenviKvix`iK evsjv`k evsK KZK AvivwcZ e`wkK gy`v wbqY AvBb gb PjZ
(9) nvg bUIqvK, wfwRUW bUIqvK Ges/ev AvRvwZK mvwKU Kvb hvwK wUi KviY mev
`vb me bv nj Zb MvgxYdvb `vqx _vKe bv| Z`mI wRwc mevP mev c`vb mP
(10) MvgxYdvb Kvb KviY `kvbv ewZiK mKj mev c`vb A_ev Pvjy ivLZ A^xKwZ Rvbvbv
I mev c`vb wewQb Kivi AwaKvi msiY Ki| GQvovI MvgxYdvb Zvi mKj kZ I wbqgvejx,
mev, Uvwid/g~j, wekl Ki MvgxYdvb AvRvwZK ivwgs myweavi chvR mKj Uvwid,
Kvb KviY `kvbv ewZiK cwieZb KiZ cvie|
(11) AvRvwZK ivwgs wej cwikva cwqv (wccBW GvKvDU PvwRs/wiPvwRs Gi )
AvRvwZK ivwgs mvwfmi MvnK nevi mgq Ges cieZxZ GB cwqv Kvb cwieZb nj MvnKK
Zv Rvbvbv ne| wccBW AvRvwZK ivwgs mvwfmi PvwRs/wiPvwRs cwqvq evsjv`k evsKi
e`wkK gy`v wewagvjv Ges mswk AvRvwZK wWU KvW c`vbKvix evsK/KZci c` mvwfm
Abyhvqx cYqb Kiv nqQ| MvgxYdvb cYxZ I cvwcZ GB wej cwikva cwqv AvRvwZK ivwgs
mvwfmi MvnKiv gb PjZ eva _vKeb|
(12) wccBW AvRvwZK ivwgs MvnKK AvRvwZK ivwgs mev msv cwikvai Zvi
wccBW e`wkK gy`v GvKvDU PvwRs/wiPvwRs Kivi Rb e`wkK gy`v GKvDUi AbyKj chv
evj ivLZ ne|
(13) MvgxYdvb wbivcvi ^v_ MvnK`i AvRvwZK wWU KvWi Aev, evjv Ges hKvb
cwigvY UvKv cixv-wbixv Kivi AwaKvi msiY Ki|
(14) wfwRwUs bUIqvK ivwgs myweav cvevi Rb h_vchy nvmU evQvB Kivi `vwqZ
AvRvwZK ivwgs MvnK`i| MvnKiv wRwc cqU Ae mj&m nZ G mK wevwiZ Z_ cZ
(15) MvnKi dvb nvwiq Mj, Pzwi nj A_ev cZviYvg~jK KvR eeZ nj MvgxYdvb `vqx
_vKe bv| dvb nvwiq Mj A_ev Pzwi nq hvevi mv_ mv_ MvnKK Zvi GKvDU AvBwW, gvevBj
b^i Ges h_vh_ ^vi (mvewckb dgi Abyic) mn wjwLZfve dv Ki H dvb wMZ/evi
Kivi Rb wjwLZfve Abyiva KiZ ne|
(16) MvgxYdvbi wccBW AvRvwZK ivwgs AvwcKkb dg, MvgxYdvb AvwcKkb (Ave`b)
dgi cwic~iK wnme cwiMwYZ ne| Dfq dgi mKj kZ I wbqgvejx wccBW AvRvwZK ivwgs
mvwfm eenviKvix`i chvR ne|
(17) ^vi hvPvBqi ciB aygv AvRvwZK ivwgs myweav Pvjy ne| g~j MvnK Kwci m_
^vii cv_Ki KviY ivwgs myweav Pvjy bv nj MvgxYdvb `vqx _vKe bv|
(18) GB MvnK KwcwU msiY Kivi Rb wccBW AvRvwZK ivwgs MvnK`i wekl fve Abyiva
Kiv hvQ| Kvb KviY nvwiq Mj wbKU _vbvq mvaviY Wvqix (wRwW) `vqic~eK cieZx hKvb
mev MnYi D wRwWi Kwc MvgxYdvbK c`vb KiZ ne|
(19) h mKj `vq-`vwqZi K_v cwivifve GBLvb ewYZ njv Gjv Qvov Ab Kvb `vq-`vwqZ
MvgxYdvbi Dci eZve bv|
(20) wccBW ivwgs MvnK wewUAviwm, evsjv`k evsK Ges Abvb wbqYKvix msv KZK
AvivwcZ mKj wbqgbxwZ Ges AvBb gb PjZ eva _vKe|
(21) MvgxYdvb Dci ewYZ hKvb kZ I wbqgvejx cwieZb/cwieab/wMZ/evwZj/mshvM Kivi
AwaKvi msiY Ki|

2. Embassies, Foreign missions, donor agencies, particular foreign firms, investors etc. will
also qualify for prepaid International Roaming service. Any directives issued by Bangladesh
Bank (please visit authority regarding International Roaming or
standing instruction will be applicable as default.
3. Diplomatic Mission (in Bangladesh) subscribers with designated Convertible BDT accounts
maintained under Bangladesh Banks "GUIDELINES FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE
TRANSACTIONS", for updated information of Foreign Exchange guidelines, visit
4. For availing Prepaid International Roaming service, the subscriber will have a Prepaid
Foreign Currency account in addition to his/her existing local BDT Prepaid subscription
5. For making/receiving calls or for using any other services within the visited network while
roaming the subscriber will have to pay in foreign currency as per the tariff fixed by
Grameenphone. In this regard, the subscriber will have to charge/re-charge his prepaid
Foreign currency account using his/her International Credit Card /via FC accounts (if qualify).
6. The balance of the Prepaid Foreign currency account will not be carried forward if the
subscribers local Prepaid subscription account (Local BDT account) is deleted/permanently
7. The subscriber shall have to pay Government Taxes, Levies, VAT, Surcharges and other
charges (if any) applicable according to the Bangladesh Government's Rules & Regulations.
8. The subscriber/user shall abide by the Bangladesh Bank's Foreign Exchange regulations.
9. If for any technical problem or any other problem occurring at the home network, visited
network and/or in the International circuit it is not possible to render International Roaming
service, GP shall not be liable for it. Though GP would strive to render best possible service.
10. Grameenphone reserves the right to refuse providing or continuing service, terminate
service. Nevertheless, Grameenphone reserves the right to change the terms and conditions,
all tariffs applicable to Grameenphone Prepaid outgoing roaming facility without assigning
any reason whatsoever.
11. The payment procedure (charging/re-charging of Prepaid account) of the Prepaid
International Roaming service shall be communicated to the subscriber by GP while
subscribing and as on when any changes are made to these procedures. The Prepaid
International Roaming charging/re-charging procedure, as implemented, are as per
Bangladesh Bank Foreign Exchange Regulations and service offered by the concerned
International Credit Card/Foreign currency account(s) (if qualify) issuing Banks/Authorities.
The payment procedure (charging/re-charging of Prepaid account), as determined and
communicated to the subscribers by GP, shall be binding upon them.
12. The Prepaid International Roaming subscriber shall have to keep sufficient balance in
his/her card account for charging/re-charging of his/her prepaid foreign currency account
for payment of International Roaming service.
13. Grameenphone has the right to check the subscriber's International Credit Card status,
International Credit Card balance.
14. The Prepaid International Roaming subscriber shall be responsible for selecting the
appropriate handset for using International Roaming facility in the visiting network.
Subscribers can have additional information on this from GP Point of Sales.
15. If a subscription is lost or stolen, Grameenphone will not be responsible for the lost or
stolen phone or any subsequent fraudulent use of the mobile phone/SIM card. In case of lost
SIM, the subscriber must immediately fax a written request GP entailing account ID, Mobile
number and signature as on the subscription form to suspend/bar his/her subscription.
16. GP Prepaid International Roaming Application form will be considered as a
supplementary document of Grameenphone's application form. All terms and conditions of
both shall therefore be applicable to the user of Prepaid International Roaming service.
17. Prepaid International Roaming service will be activated subject to signature verification.
GP will not be liable if the Prepaid International Roaming service is not activated due to
mismatch of signature with the original subscription form.
18. Prepaid International Roaming subscribers are requested to preserve this form, if it is lost
in any way, the subscriber must lodge a GD (General Diary) with the concerned Police Station
and communicate the same to GP for future reference and availing customer service.
19. Responsibilities of GP are explicitly stated in this document as above and GP takes no
other responsibilities besides this.
20. The Prepaid International Roaming subscriber is under obligations to follow the Rules &
Regulations of BTRC. Bangladesh Bank and other related Regulatory Bodies.
21. GP has the sole right to amend/suspend/modify/cancel/add any terms & conditions
stated above.
EDGE/GPRS based service will be charged according to roaming tariff and customers
should be aware of this. Before leaving for roaming, the subscriber should check it

EDGE/GPRS wfwK mvwfmjvi Rb ivwgs Uvwid Abyhvqx PvR chvR ne Ges MvnKK G evcvi AekB

mPZb _vKZ ne| ivwgs-G hvIqvi AvM MvnKK AekB GwU `L wbZ ne|

I have read the above terms and conditions which are duly acknowledged and signed by me.


Subscribers Signature/MvnKi ^vi Stamp/Seal (If company) v/wmj (Kvvwbi )


Seller's Signature and Seal/weZvi ^vi Ges wmj

IR Prepaid Form/ October'12

Full name of the subscriber:

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