Dincharya PDF
Dincharya PDF
Dincharya PDF
ABSTRACT: Ayurveda gives more emphasis on prevention of diseases than treatment. Therefore it is not only
limited to management and treatment of diseases. Other principles are also described in context to prevention
and dincharya is one of those. Principle of dincharya is basically related with time management. Actually there
are nine karana dravya (responsible factors) behind the creation and manifestation of Universe and these are
panchamahabhuta (space, air, fire, water & earth), mana (mind), atma (soul), kala (time) and disha (directions).
So, time is very important factor and affects every creation of Universe. It is one of the causative factors (i.e.
trividha hetu) in the initiation of diseases. There are various changes which have been occurred by the impact of
time and later on results in manifestation of various diseases. If these changes are terminated by different
activities described under the head of dincharya, diseases are definitely prevented. This is the basic principle
behind dincharya and other charya described according to various time fractions.
Todays a new word has been emerged very rapidly i.e. life-style disorders. This word is basically
concerned with chronic non-communicable diseases which have been taken the form of epidemic in current era.
These diseases can be prevented by following principle of dincharya.
KEY WEORDS: Dincharya, life-style, life-style disorders, chronic non-communicable diseases.
INTRODUCTION: Ayurveda is designed for the maintenance of dhatusamya or health. Emphasis is basically
given on the prevention rather than treatment. Kala or time is the basic factor in the causation and manifestation
of Universe. Therefore it affects all the creations and play very important role in causation of diseases. Basically
it is responsible for the changes in all creations and human is not exception. These changes when occurred in
full extent the diseases are manifested. To cope up this problem various type of activities has been described
according to time fractions known as charya. Among those dincharya is described in context to day means
sunrise to sunset.
Ayurveda is an absolute science of life-style. An ideal life-style has been described for the health
maintenance. This described life-style terminates all the changes which are occurred due to time. For example
defecation at proper time clears the rectum and increases digestive power. If it is not be done according to ideal
regimen various diseases are manifested related with this region like constipation, incomplete evacuation of
bowels, foul smelling flatus, etc.
In current era very much stress found everywhere which disturbs the life-style. This results in various
types of disorders like obesity, diabetes, CHD, etc. These diseases are result of disturbed and deranged life-style
and can only be corrected by intervention through ideal life-style.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Various Ayurvedic classic texts have been used for this study as source
materials. Main Ayurvedic books used are Charak Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Astanga Samgrah, Astanga
Hridya, Bhav Prakash, Swasthavritta samuchchya and available commentaries on it. Apart this relevant modern
medical science books and websites are also been used for this.
described in Ayurveda like1, 2,3,4,5 1. Brahmamuhurta-jagarana (Wake-up just before sun-rise)
2. Darpanena mukhasayavalokana (To see the mirror image of himself)
3. Malotsarga (Defecation and urination)
4. Achamana (Washing of hands)
5. Danta-dhavana (Tooth-brushing)
6. Jihva-nirlekhana (Tongue-cleaning)
7. Sneha gandusha-dharana (Retaining oil in mouth)
8. Mukha-netra prakshalana (Washing of face and eyes)
9. Sugandhita dravya dharana and tambula sevana (Use of mouth freshener and betel leaves)
10. Anjana (Application of collyrium)
11. Nasya (Oily nasal drops)
12. Dhumapana (Inhalation of medicated smoke)
13. Vyayama (Physical exercise)
14. Kshaura-karma (Regular cutting of hair, nail, etc)
15. Abhayanga (Body massage with oil)
16. Sharir-parimarjana (Body cleansing)
17. Snana (Bathing)
18. Vastra-dharana (Dressing)
19. Anulepana (Deodorants, perfumes, face-pack, etc)
20. Gandhamala-dharana (Garlanding)
21. Ratna and abhushana dharana (Use of precious stones and metals in the form of jewellery)
22. Sandhyopasana (Worship and prayer with surya-namaskar)
23. Paduka-chhatra-dandadi dharana (Use of shoes, umbrella, stick, etc)
24. Jivikoparjana upaya (To indulge in occupation)
It is the ideal regimen of dincharya and rarely followed by individuals at present time due to stress
and fast life-style as well as due to some kind of ignorance also. Result is emergence of various diseases and a
new term has come in existence i.e. life-style disorders. It is the epidemic of current era.
Pathology due to disturbed dincharya- It can be discussed under following points1. Gross level- Most of the procedures involved in dincharya are cleansing and evacuating procedures like
defecation, urination, tooth-brushing, etc. If waste products, (which are accumulated in a day during
various metabolic reactions), are not removed from the body timely, then they starts to vitiate their
accumulating anatomical structures. As well as retained waste products may get infected and
communicate various diseases.
2. Subtle level- Retained waste product disturbs the whole physiology related with particular system.
Among those digestive system is very important because low digestive power results in production of
ama (intermediate products due to incomplete digestion and metabolism) which blocks the channels of
body and paves the way for further pathogenesis.
3. Mental level- There are various procedures involved in dincharya directly affects the mind of individual
like to see the mirror image of himself, sandhyopasana, etc. These procedures increase the satva level in
mind and thus maintain mental health of individual.
4. Agantuja (diseases due to external causes like accidents) level- There is various diseases which are not
initiated by inside the body i.e. without the vitiation of tridosha. Disturbed dincharya also generate these
diseases like sun burn can be resulted if a person is not using umbrella while going outside in sun rays,
external injuries of feet may be resulted if good quality of shoes are not being used, etc.
Diseases due to disturbed dincharya- Following diseases can be manifested due to disturbed life-style6 1. Obesity
2. Hypertension and stroke
3. Diabetes mellitus
4. Coronary heart disease
5. Dyslipidaemia
6. Cancer
7. Various types of arthritis
emergence of epidemic due to life-style disorders both communicable and non-communicable. Although
modern medical science has been very much developed with latest technologies and antibiotics, etc. and
prevalence of communicable diseases has also been reduced very much. Still some communicable diseases are
great challenge for medical science like tuberculosis. Even some diseases are only preventable like AIDS,
hepatitis B, etc. On the other hand non-communicable diseases are emerging very rapidly both in developed and
developing countries. Cardiovascular diseases and cancer are at present the leading causes of death in developed
countries e.g. Europe and North America accounting for 70-75 percent of total deaths7. The prevalence of noncommunicable diseases has been increased in recent some years in India also due to blindly following of
western culture. Two important reasons for emergence of non-communicable diseases are accepted; one is
increasing life expectancy and second is rapid changes in life-style and behavioral patterns of people. Life-style
changes and stress factor are included among the six key sets of risk factors responsible for the major share of
adult non-communicable diseases8. This trend of present time cannot be changed as it is demand of this era but
life-style can be modified by simple interventions through procedures of dincharya. Dincharya prevents both
types of diseases mentioned above. In the case of communicable diseases it not only prevents the
communication of diseases but also strengthen the immunity of the individual. On the other hand in the case of
non-communicable diseases it maintains the agni (digestive power) and thus metabolism. This results in
removal of toxins from the channels and proper nutrition of all the cells and tissues. This fact not only maintains
homeostasis of each cell but also slow down the decaying and degenerative changes carried out in every cell
due to time. All these positive things can be achieved by very low expense. There is only need of time
management according to individuals own current life-style. Even modern medical science also recommends
this fact that people should go close to their traditional life-style patterns. Healthy habits should be included in
life-style even in busy schedule also, if a person want to be healthy forever. Few examples are1. Early go to bed and early wake-up.
2. Daily physical exercise.
3. Daily oil massage including scalp, ear and feet as well as bathing.
4. Daily use of oily nasal drops.
5. Maintenance of body hygiene.
6. Daily prayer and meditation.
7. Take nutritious and balanced diet.
8. Proper dressing.
9. Use of gems and jewellery.
10. Use deodorants and perfumes.
3. Susruta, Susruta Samhita, Ayurvedatatvasandipika Hindi Commentry by Kaviraj Dr. Ambikadutt Sastri,
2001, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Samsthana, Varanasi, Chikitsasthan, page 105-110.
4. Vagbhat, Astang Samgrah, Saroj Hindi Commentry by Dr Ravidutta Tripathi, 1996, Chaukhamba
Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, page no. 36-63.
5. Vagbatt, Astang Hridya, Vidvanamanoranjini Hindi Commentry by Pt. Kashinath Sastri, edited by Dr.
Indradev Tripathi and Dr Srikant Tripathi, 1994, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, Sutrasthana, page no.
6. K. Park, Parks Textbook of Preventive and social medicine, 19th edition, Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers,
Jabalpur, 2008, page no. 301.
7. K. Park, Parks Textbook of Preventive and social medicine, 19th edition, Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers,
Jabalpur, 2008, page no. 301.
8. K. Park, Parks Textbook of Preventive and social medicine, 19th edition, Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers,
Jabalpur, 2008, page no. 301.