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Patient HealthManagement System using e-Health

Monitoring Architecture
Srijani Mukherjee, Koustabh Dolui

Soumya Kanti Datta

Electronics and Communications Engineering

St. Thomas College of Engineering and Technology
Kolkata, India
{doluikoustabh, mukherjeesrijani}

Mobile Communication Department,

Biot, France

Abstract This paper illustrates the design and

implementation of an e-health monitoring networked system. The
architecture for this system is based on smart devices and
wireless sensor networks for real time analysis of various
parameters of patients. This system is aimed at developing a set
of modules which can facilitate the diagnosis for the doctors
through tele-monitoring of patients. It also facilitates continuous
investigation of the patient for emergencies looked over by
attendees and caregivers. A set of medical and environmental
sensors are used to monitor the health as well as the surrounding
of the patient. This sensor data is then relayed to the server using
a smart device or a base station in close proximity. The doctors
and caregivers monitor the patient in real time through the data
received through the server. The medical history of each patient
including medications and medical reports are stored on cloud
for easy access and processing for logistics and prognosis of
future complications. The architecture is so designed for
monitoring a unitary patient privately at home as well as multiple
patients in hospitals and public health care units. Use of
smartphones to relay data over internet reduces the total cost of
the system. We have also considered the privacy and security
aspects of the system keeping the provision for selective authority
for patients and their relatives to access the cloud storage as well
as the possible threats to the system. We have also introduced a
novel set of value added services through this paper which
include Real Time Health Advice and Action (ReTiHA) and
Parent monitoring for people with their family living abroad.
Keywordse-health monitoring; wireless sensor networks;
smart devices; remote health advice.



Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has paved the way for

advancements in various aspects of sensing. These
advancements have been possible with arrival of smart sensing
techniques, smaller transceiver and sensing modules as well as
stronger processing units. Applications of WSNs range from
military applications [1] to global climate monitoring
applications [2] and from applications in underwater networks
[3] to applications in structural health monitoring [4] and
beyond. An important aspect of WSN has been the design of
health monitoring systems centering on wearable sensor
modules for patients. With the ageing population around the
world, research into health monitoring application has gained
prominence over the recent years. Authors of [5] mention use

of microprocessor based applications to compute the data from

sensors to analyze a patient. This data was transmitted over
telephonic networks like the facsimile systems. Since the
computational power of the devices was weak, the
applications were limited to measuring simple parameters.
With further research and stronger processors and
communications systems multiple parameters could be
monitored at once and data could be relayed over the internet
[6]. It has also provided an increased sense of security to
patients suffering from certain diseases.
Our paper is aimed at developing an architecture based on
smart devices and wireless sensor networks to monitor health
of patients in various scenarios. The patients are monitored
using a portable and mobile device which accumulates and
processes data from an array of wearable sensors. This data is
furthermore correlated to data from sensors embedded in the
surrounding environment. The accuracy of the data received
and responsiveness to an impending emergency increases with
the use of higher quantity of sensors or with sensors
possessing stronger sensing and processing capabilities. Hence
the total number of parameters to be monitored has to be
designed keeping mind the balance with cost, complexity and
the reliability of the system.
The proposed e-health monitoring is highly suitable for the
following four scenarios. Firstly patients with unstable
physiologic regulatory systems for e.g. a patient suffering
from respiratory congestion as a result of drug overdose or
anesthesia. The second situation for patients is those with a
suspected life threatening situation, e.g. diagnosis predicting
possibility of a heart attack. Thirdly are patients with a high
risk of developing a life threatening condition (e.g. a baby
born with an abnormality in the heart or lungs). The fourth
type of patients requiring monitoring is those with a critical
physiological state, for e.g. patients with a major trauma or
recovering post accident. Our system is also designed for the
elderly people who require regular monitoring [7] for multiple
instances of the above mentioned cases. This system is aimed
at facilitating accelerated diagnosis of diseases and also
increased efficiency and accuracy in the process. It is also
designed to instill a sense of security in the patient at all times
by providing instantaneous attention for emergencies. In our
architecture for the system, the smart device plays a major role
in processing as well as relaying of data acting as a gateway

hence reducing costs in the process. We have developed this

architecture keeping in mind the prospect of this being used in
rural parts of India, where health care units and hospitals are
not as well equipped as their urban counterparts. In these
regions, this system with mobile sensors and smart devices
can be implemented for prognosis of patients.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
underlying framework and architecture of the system for
monitoring of patients is mentioned in Section II. Section III
illustrates in detail the design of this system. The privacy and
security issues regarding this system are taken into
consideration in Section IV along with countermeasures to
these issues. Section V and VI illustrates a use case and stateof-the-art respectively. We have discussed the prospects of
this system and its applications in the concluding section.


The architecture consists of three major layers which act

as the backbone for our system. We have broadly categorized
the architecture of our system into three layers based on the
functionality of the components being used. Fig. 1 illustrates
the three layers used in our architecture.

Fig. 1. Illustration of the e-Health Monitoring Architecture

A. Perception Layer
The first layer at the bottom of the hierarchy consists of
various types of sensors which collect real time data. These
wearable sensors are embedded in and around the environment
surrounding the patient and in his/her body as well. They can
be broadly classified into two types, viz. medical sensors and
environmental sensors. The medical sensors monitor vital
parameters of the patient whereas the environmental sensors

monitor parameters of the room including room temperature,

oxygen levels and beyond. The data accumulated by the
sensors are relayed to a processing device which attaches
several data like unit, timestamp etc. and thereby creating
metadata. With that, one unique id is attached to each unit data
in order to distinguish which report is for which patient. The
data is sent to the next layer in the hierarchy through Gateway
1. The data is transmitted in the form of Sensor Markup
Language (SenML) [8]. A sample representation of a value
recorded by the sensor in SenML is given by,
{"e":[{"n":"body","v":101.3,"u":"Far", "t": 1753.36084}]};

where 101.3 denotes value of the sensor, u denotes the unit

in Fahrenheit and t denotes time elapsed in seconds i.e. the
timestamp and n denotes the type which in this case is a
body temperature from the patient. The communication
between the sensors and the gateway are conducted through
short range communication systems including Local Area
Network (LAN), ZigBee, Bluetooth or Power Line
Communicator (PLC).

Middleware and APIs layer

This layer is the pivotal layer of the system consisting of
various APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). The
cloud storage stores the medical history of the patient as well
as current records of the monitored parameters. This storage
plays a central role in the emergency response and hospital
monitoring system to correlate the data collected from the
sensors to the stored thresholds for the parametric values. The
cloud storage is instrumental in analyzing an emergency and
declaring a state of emergency for the patient. Whenever a
patient is registered in the system one API creates the profile
for that patient. Another API can also be developed which
would fetch the patient history for a patient who is already
using the system and analyze the report. These APIs support
the profile creation, storage, queries regarding patient history
and other reports synchronizing with the whole system. The
data from the cloud is relayed to the Gateway 2 over UMTS,
optical fibers or over Wi-Fi. The data is then relayed to this
layer for outsourcing applications and services from the
Gateway 2 or E-Health Service Capability module.
C. E-Health Application and Service Layer
The third layer of the system is a terminal layer offering
outsourcing services for the monitored data. This layer offers
E-health Advice services to the patient. This process involves
prescribing medicines or providing suggestions to the patient
correlating to the values of parameters that are being received
from the sensors. Based on the pattern of data from the
previous medical records of the patient, the e-health services
offer advice comparing the previous trends with the current
trend of sensor data. The emergency response system plays the
role of informing the doctors and the caregivers in accordance
with the level of emergency. Depending on the level of
emergency the response team takes required action. The
hospital module monitors the patient remotely from the
location of the patient, if the monitored patient is at home or a
remote location. This module also allows analysis of all
patients under monitoring centrally in the hospital or health
care centre.

The mode of communication between layer 2 and layer 3

is duplex in nature since the data for this service is received
from the cloud storage and the targeted response for the
patient is relayed back to the layer 2 for storage and


In this section we have discussed about the functionality of

the system with emphasis on the operation of sensors, the
types of parameters monitored, process of accumulation and
dissemination of data. We have also taken into consideration
the various services that are offered through this monitoring
system in this section.
A. Sensors and Processing Units
The monitoring system is based on primarily two kinds of
sensors. These sensors are medical sensors which are attached
with the patient to measure vital parameters and the
environmental sensors embedded in and around the various
parts of the room where the patient is present. These values
considered together present the real time situation of the
patient at all times.
1) Medical Sensors:
These sensors are used to analyze the health of the patient
by measuring various bodily parameters. The sensors in the
environment as well as on the patient should be small in size
and as unobtrusive to the patient as possible for acquiring
natural values of the parameters. The sensors include heart
rate monitor, oximeter, blood pressure sensor, ECG module,
and thermometer.
These sensors produce raw values of data which are
wirelessly relayed to a central transceiver unit worn by the
patient. This transceiver unit processes the raw data and
converts it into meaningful metadata [9]. Raw sensor data
contains only values of the parameters measured hence has
little value. Sensor Metadata when added to these values, viz.
type of parameter being monitored, feature of interest,
timestamp and unit of measurement makes these values
2) Environmental Sensors:
These sensors monitor the surrounding of the patient and
ensure that the patient is in healthy living conditions. These
sensors can be embedded in particular rooms for private health
care or in Intensive Care Units in health care centers and
hospitals. Following describe this category of sensors.

Gas detection sensors are used to maintain proper

oxygen level.

Temperature sensors are used to report room

temperature. This can be used in a feedback
mechanism to control the temperature of the room.

The bed is equipped with a set of piezoelectric sensor

to detect whether the person is in the bed. The room
can also be embedded with such piezoelectric sensors
to detect motion. These sensors can also be
programmed with a microcontroller to detect a fall or
collapse of the patient.

3) Central Transceiver Unit and Central Base Station

The Central Transceiver Unit is a wearable module and
can be attached to the patient. This is designed to receive the
raw data from the wearable medical sensors through multiple
channels tuned to multiple frequencies. Serialized
transmission of data through one channel may cause delays or
collisions, thus loss in data. Hence multiple channels are used
to ensure that different sensors send their values at different
frequencies separated by an offset value to prevent
interference. This transceiver unit then transfers the processed
metadata values to a central base station in the room using
wireless communication like Zigbee or Bluetooth.
The central base station gathers the values from the
environmental sensors as well and then relays the data to the
layer 2 as mentioned in the architecture in Section II. Hence,
the Central Base Station acts as a gateway for the system
between layer 1 and layer 2 of the architecture. The use of the
central base station can be made cost effective and mobile if a
smart device is used as the gateway being carried at all times
by the patient. The metadata of sensors sent from the base
station to the cloud storage is in the form of eXtensible
Markup Language (XML) which facilitates sharing of SenML
data. The smart device can be also used for local processing of
data to analyze the health condition of the patient. The
communications in this system is depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Communications in Layer 1 of the Architecture

B. Services for the monitoring system

The data acquired from the sensors are stored in a central
database on the cloud. This data is processed in two ways, viz.
on-board processing and on device processing [10].
On-board processing can be carried out on the central
base station preferably a smart device. This allows
immediate detection anomalies and care could be taken
before the patient reaches healthcare institutes.
On-server processing uses the real time metadata
received from the sensors to process them with respect
to data stored in the cloud itself. This type of
processing requires better resources in the form of
memory, throughput and processing time and hence is
more suitable for on server processing than On-device
Based on the processing and storage of data our system
offers a set of services as follows.
1) Hospital Services
Each patient is monitored using the vital parameters from
the sensors embedded on the patient as well as in the
surroundings. The values are further monitored by attendees
present in the health care centre premises. For any anomalies
in the values both visual alarm and audible alarm are

deployed. The caregivers monitor these alarms for each of the

patients and attend the patient with required medication to
address the situation. These services are also available to
patients opting for private monitoring at their residences. In
this case, a caregiver is present on the premises however the
monitoring is done remotely at a hospital. If an alarm is
triggered it alerts both the staff present in the hospital and the
caregiver on premises as well.
2) Cloud Storage Services
In this set of services we offer a unique set of services in
the form of cloud storage. The cloud storage is used to store
medical histories of the patients with a particular database
pertaining to each patient. These records can be used to
correlate the current data received from the sensors for
diagnosis. This pattern recognition process plays a pivotal role
in the services mentioned subsequently.
Cloud Storage can be used to securely store (i) medical
reports, (ii) medical prescriptions along with particular
medicines for which the patient has showed best recovery
patterns and (iii) medicines to which the patient is allergic.
The preferable method of storage for these prescriptions
would be in the form of XML files rather than plain text. This
would allow easier parsing of data and would hence facilitate
the processing on the cloud.
3) Emergency Response Services
Unlike the response from caregivers mentioned in the
Hospitality Services, there are cases in which immediate
attention is required from the caregivers for situations which
may prove to be life threatening. There may be cases in which
the threat may be beyond the scope of the caregivers and
require intervention from the doctors. Fig. 3 illustrates the
block diagram for the emergency response module.

Fig. 3. Block Diagram for Emergency Response Service

The values received in real time from the sensors are sent
to the cloud for storage as well as processing. The database for
each patient stores abnormal values for each parameter
considered. On-server processing is used to compare all these
values to the thresholds in real time. The breaches in threshold
values acquired from the initial stage of processing are then
sent to the Emergency Type Handler. The Emergency Type
Handler then applies predefined logic to determine whether
the breaches are inter-related and pose a greater threat
combined. Based on the kind of threat the Emergency Type
Handler assigns the threat to one of three levels.

For Level III emergency, a message/alarm is sent with

vital parameters and threshold breaches only to the

For a Level II emergency, a message/alarm is sent in a

similar manner but to both the patients doctors and

For a Level I Emergency or emergency with the

maximum threat, the system sends a call with a
recorded message of the threat and breached
parameters to both doctors and caregivers.

Based on these alerts the patient is immediately attended

by the doctors or the caregivers in an attempt to bring the
patient back to a normal state with required treatment and
4) Real Time Health Advice and Action (ReTiHA)
This service is designed to operate when the Emergency
Response System fails to arrive or the patient is unattended
even though a level I emergency is disseminated. If the
monitoring system in the On-Server processing determines
further deterioration of the patient as a result of further
breaches in thresholds, this service is triggered.
In this service the On-Server program executes a pattern
recognition program to determine whether such an emergency
has been reported earlier in the records. If such a pattern is
found matching the current pattern of parameters, the onServer program checks with the prescribed history as to which
medicine was applied to cure the patient in such a situation. If
such a suitable medication is found, the On-server program
suggests the medication to the patient through the central
reporting system. The medication can then be applied by a
relative present in the bedside or by the care giver. This is
particularly useful and applicable to patients with a chronic
disease requiring similar yet vital medications on emergency
and for patients on private monitoring where emergency
response might be delayed.
5) Parent Monitoring Services:
With the ageing population worldwide and opportunities to
work abroad, it is a common situation in which the parents
stay away from their working off-springs. In cases of sudden
health disorders and medical emergencies the off-springs are
often deprived of the information regarding the emergency
due to a delay in communication. To bridge this gap between
working professionals and their parents we have designed this
This is designed as a value-added service in which the offsprings receive continuous updates of the vital parameters of
their parents and are updated on the emergencies through
alerts similar to that of a caregiver. To implement this service
we can send these updates through a smart phone application.
This smart device application will be equipped with an API
which can received updates from Layer 2 of the architecture.
For e.g. the date and time for the next appointment with the
doctor or change in prescribed medicines can be relayed
through this application. The location of the parent can be also
monitored by using a wearable GPS device or by localizing
the parent using beacon nodes [11].



In this section we have discussed about the various

security threats to this e-health monitoring system. As the
system is concerned with the condition of human health and
prescriptions are made online by the doctor, we need to
consider rigid security measures.
This is required in order to secure the patients health and
to assure whether the patient is receiving proper medical
guidance. If the patients profile is compromised or a
prescription is uploaded by any unauthorized person other
than the doctor, this can have a deleterious effect on the
patient. Hence the following aspects of end-to-end security are
to be considered to ensure that there are no loopholes in the
security of the system.
A. Confidentiality
It is a necessity to keep the health record of the patient
confidential such that the privacy of the patient is ensured.
While the health record is sent and received between the
doctor and the patient, no other person can be allowed to
eavesdrop on this exchange in an unauthorized manner. In our
architecture, we have kept a provision for some trusted people
(family members) to access the patient profile. The system
allows these trusted people to access the database with a
private key shared and approved by the patient. The data can
be processed using 8-bit or 16-bit microprocessor, after which
RSA-256 is used to secure all data. The timestamp ensure the
freshness of the data. These data are sent to the cloud from
devices through HTTPS connection to obviate any kind of
security threats regarding confidentiality.
B. Integrity
Integrity assures accuracy of data throughout the process.
The data should never be made available to an unauthorized
person as he/she may tamper the data, leaving the patient
vulnerable to wrong diagnosis. Secure hash algorithm (SHA-1
or the latest version of it) is used in this system to ensure
message integrity. The timestamp is also checked to know the
freshness of the data. If the data is not fresh it has to be
discarded as the condition of health of a patient may change
within a second.
C. Authenticity
The identity of both the doctor and patient requires
validation in order to ensure authenticity of the system. In this
case digital signatures can be used as a symbol of validation
through which we can assure that the person is real and is truly
who he/she is claiming to be. Digital Signature is one of the
most trusted processes of ensuring authenticity in this case.
D. Non Repudiation
Often we come across some incidents of medical
negligence in hospitals and clinics. Non Repudiation is one of
those principles of the security system which ensures integrity
and authenticity of data. If a message is sent, the sender cannot
deny that he/she has sent the data. Similarly the receiver
cannot deny the fact that the data has been received. In our
system non repudiation is necessary to ensure that the doctor

himself/herself is receiving the medical data and not getting it

done by someone else. If non repudiation is assured the doctor
should always be responsible for each of his responses through
the system. The digital signature will ensure the doctor
receives the data and takes action accordingly as the
permission of writing prescription will be for the doctor only.


In this section, we have discussed a few of the real life

applications of our system. There are many real life scenarios,
where the system can prove to be efficient and useful. We
have mentioned two of such cases and the systems function in
the same.
A. Doctor Finder
This architecture can support storage of regional databases
from which the information about a patient can be fetched
based on his/her location. The details about the availability of
doctors in that area will be stored in the database. It will
contain all details like doctors name, field of specialization,
address of the clinic, timings of appointments, fee of the
doctor and availability of appointment. The database has to be
updated regularly, so that, whenever the patient feels unwell,
he/she can have an appointment through the system, choosing
preferred doctor from the suggested list of doctors by the
system. This will help a patient to go to nearby doctors for
emergency and minor check up instead of going to the
A patient can use a smart phone application which
connects to the database with location information and
category of doctor needed by a patient. The system can give
the patients the details about the available doctors in that
particular locality.
B. Location information for Emergency Response Team
A smart phone can also report the location of the patient to
the Emergency Response Team (ERT). This is helpful for
people having trouble with their health while not being at
home. Even when there is no one to help the patient, the
mobile application will send every necessary piece of
information as well as the current location of the patient to the
ERT which is nearby to the patient according to the
information from the database. This will trigger the ERT to
come and take action as soon as possible.


Health Care Systems have vastly improved over the recent

past with the introduction of devices compatible with digital
signal processing; better image processing techniques,
introduction of MEMS based sensors facilitating diagnosis of
various diseases. With the advent of better health care
technologies research on monitoring systems have been
extensive in the past few years. Various publications on this
research area are based on different aspects of health
monitoring including data collection from sensors, data
dissemination methods and protocols, processing of sensor
data as well as security and privacy of these systems. The
research can also be classified according to the nature of

application whether in a private scenario, for elderly patients

or for monitoring in a health care centre. These proposed
methods and their implementations have facilitated health care
systems in multiple aspects in more ways than one.
Existing literature [12] has mentioned monitoring systems
based on Wireless Sensor Networks with unobtrusive sensors
embedded on the patient who does not restrict his activities
and body movements. The architecture used is multi-tiered
with ad-hoc self managing sensors to reduce operational costs.
A.Triantafyllidis et al [13] mentions use of reconfigurable and
decentralized sensors for monitoring which will henceforth
allow easy addition and deletion of sensors for new patients to
the system. The authors of [14] have proposed a whole
architecture for collection and dissemination of medical sensor
data based on SNMP and Code Blue Agents. Hairong Yan et
al [15] takes into consideration the localization of the patient
using Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) with respect
to beacon nodes whose positions are fixed and predefined. The
use of video to monitor the patient in addition to the existing
architecture is mentioned in literature [16]. The video is
triggered when values of sensors breach a certain given
threshold. Wan-Young Chung et al. [17] puts forward the idea
of using a mobile device in the communication layer to
receive data from the sensor networks when the threshold is
reached. The mobile device is used to perform minor
computations and relay the data to the management layer. An
Android device used to analyze ECG signals from a mobile
monitoring terminal is also mentioned in existing literature
Mara de los Angeles Cosio Leon, in her paper [19] studies
the privacy and security issues of privacy and security in a
WSN based monitoring system. The paper considers the
privacy aspect of when recording from the microphone or
capturing video is to be considered inappropriate and when it
is necessary by defining a filter for the same. This paper also
considers active and passive attacks to the system along with
key management schemes to ensure safe end to end
Even though a lot of research has been conducted on ehealth monitoring systems, we have proposed a set of novel
services based on the monitoring system. ReTiHA will require
immense research and testing before implementation, however
it paves a new path for remote health monitoring systems. We
have also proposed other novel services in the form of Parent
Monitoring system and the Emergency Response Services.
The use of SenML in our system ensures organized
transmission of sensor metadata. The medical data and history
acquired for the patients are personal in nature. Hence our
system ensures security of the highest order for the medical
data on cloud storage. With further research in this aspect, our
system can change the way we currently look at remote health
monitoring services.

Michael Winkler, Michael Street, Klaus-Dieter Tuchs, Konrad Wrona,

Wireless Sensor Networks for Military Purposes in Autonomous

















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