The Lorax Analysis Questions
The Lorax Analysis Questions
The Lorax Analysis Questions
The Lorax is a story about a man who abused the environment and about what he learned. This
is a cautionary tale about the environment, but hardly the first book where Theodore Geisel (Dr.
Seuss) commented on social and political issues. It, along with many of his books, can be
passed off as stories for children; but in fact, it is often one of the first times we as humans are
taught to think critically about the world, our place in it, and the affect we have on each other and our
Please answer these questions honestly and with thoughtful reflection. They may seem geared toward a younger
audience but, just like the story itself, hold meaning for people of all ages.
On a separate sheet of paper (hand written or typed), write your answers to the following
prompts. Answers can be 2-3 sentences long and should reflect the general ideas, but need
not answer every question proposed.
1) What is an example of a modern day Thneed that you currently have (or desperately want!)?
2) What was the land of the Lorax like before the Once-ler arrived? Did it seem like someplace you'd like to
live? What parts of your own environment would you be sad to see go?
3) What kind of person is the Once-ler? Why won't he listen to the Lorax? The Lorax says to the Once-ler,
"You are crazy with greed." Why does the Lorax say that? Do you agree or disagree?
4) Why does the Lorax speak for the trees? Why is it important for natural resources to have a voice?
5) How does the Once-ler's Thneed business hurt the land of the Lorax? What happens to the Swomeeswans, the Brown Bar-ba-loots, and the Humming-fish? How could things have been different if the
Once-ler listened to the Lorax?
6) What do you think the boy hearing the story will do with the Truffula seed that the Once-ler tosses to
him? What would you do if you were the boy?
7) Do you think the Lorax and his friends will come back if new Truffula Trees grow? Is it possible to
rehabilitate a devastated ecosystem just by replanting trees?
8) The Once-ler says, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's
not." What does the Once-ler mean? Can one person make a difference? Can you? What are some
things you can do to better your own environment?
Read and respond to the prompts in the next sections. You can continue your answers on
the same document as the first 8 questions.
Other Problems
The Lorax features environmental problems. The examples you provided above are environmental problems. But
not all problems in the world are environmental. There are political problems, social problems, health problems,
economic problems, educational problems, religious problems, etc. Consider the following examples. Cigarette
smoking threatens the status of human health; its a problem. Drunken drivers place themselves and others at
risk; that's a problem. Unemployed, homeless people are common in American cities; thats a problem. The
point is this: problems of all kinds arise when the status of someone or something is at risk.
9) Please describe at least two non-environmental problems that you know about.
Issue Components
The Event
The Environmental
The Environmental
The Players
The Lorax
All environmental issues (and all other issues) contain players who have opposing positions. The article, "Over Six
Million Sold" below has been adapted to provide more practice in identifying problems, issues, players, and their
positions. This issue will deal with packaging and solid waste.
Over Six Million Sold
After school today you might stop at the local fast food franchise for a quick burger and cola. The girl behind the
counter grabs a burger from the shelf and puts it in a bag. She sets the bag in a cardboard tray along with the
cola so that you can easily carry it to a table. At the table you take the foam sandwich box from the bag and
remove the sandwich. Because of the insulated foam, the burger is still warm although it was made twenty
minutes ago. A foam or waxed paper cup helps keep the cola cold. Aren't synthetic products like styrofoam and
plastics great? Or are they? Have you ever thought about the amount of packaging needed for that fast food
meal? Have you ever thought about what happens to all that packaging after it has been placed in the garbage?
The state of New York has recently spent a great deal of time talking about trash. There is a lot of concern about
the amount of garbage produced. In New York State, trash must be taken to approved landfills where it is
covered with dirt and allowed to decay. But New York, like many other states, is running out of space to bury its
waste. The problem is complicated by the fact that some trash, like plastic and foam containers, breaks down so
slowly that it will be around for a long time. And, landowners are increasingly reluctant to approve land near
them to be used for new landfills. They have a "NIMBY" attitude: Not In My Backyard. Community officials in one
New York town believe that part of the answer to the trash problem is to decrease the amount of foam and
plastic food packaging containers in their solid waste. For this reason they have banned the use of all foam
containers in their town. Food vendors and store owners are upset. Many of the food products they buy are
already prepackaged in foam cartons and boxes. They don't know how to deal with the problem because they
cannot force the food manufacturers to make special packaging arrangements for food shipped just to their
The Lorax Analysis Questions - 3
stores. Owners of small businesses believe they will lose money because they can't use the plastic containers
they already have on hand. Consumers will probably have to pay higher prices because of this ban on plastics,
and burgers won't be as warm after 20 minutes on the shelf. Environmentalists think that the community
officials did the right thing for several reasons. Plastics and foam are made from petroleum, a limited natural
resource. Cutting back on plastic and foam containers should save this fossil fuel for other more important uses.
They also believe that using less of this type of packaging will result in less solid waste. Because of this, existing
landfills will last longer and fewer new landfills will be needed. Finally, many environmentalists believe that
certain foam and plastic products might be harmful to wildlife. The ban would help reduce those types of risks.
12) What is the environmental problem stated in the article "Over Six Million Sold" ?
13) What is the environmental issue in the article?
14) Identify three players in the article and summarize their positions regarding the issue.
Beliefs and Values
You have become familiar with a number of new terms and their definitions. A problem is a situation or
condition in which something or someone is at risk or threatened. An issue is a problem about which two or more
people or groups of people disagree. Players are those persons or groups who have a role in an issue or its
solution. A position is the stand or posture taken by the player in regard to the issue or its solution. A belief is an
idea that a person holds. The person thinks or believes that the idea is true. In reality, it might or might not be,
but the person believes that it is. Often a persons beliefs are strongly related to his or her values. Values are
specific ideas which help an individual decide what is important or worthy. A value is the comparative worth a
person places on something. Each individual has personal values which develop in response to past experiences.
These values might involve money, status, beauty, religion, or a number or other characteristics. A skilled
observer can identify a players values by carefully listening to a players belief statements and analyzing them.
Read the following two statements about recycling.
A. I recycle soda cans because I am really annoyed by all the unsightly litter on streets and highways.
B. Its easier for me to just pitch soda cans out the car window. Let someone else pick them up!
Statement A reflects an aesthetic value. The individual seems to be concerned about the physical appearance of
the environment.
Statement B reflects an egocentric value. The individual is concerned about his or her personal comfort and
By analyzing what players say and do, you can get an idea about what values the players are using to make
decisions in an issue. Issues arise because different people think different things are important. Lets practice
identifying the values reflected in a players beliefs statements. Below is a list of value descriptors. Read through
them and then continue on.
Value Descriptors
The descriptions below attempt to name and define values that might be held by individuals. These definitions,
as well as the list itself, are incomplete.*
Political: the activities, function, and policies of governments and their agents.
Economic: the use and exchange of money and materials.
Religious: the use of belief systems based on faith or dogma.
Ecological: the maintenance of the integrity of natural systems.
Scientific: concerning empirical research; knowledge gained by systematic study.
Cultural: pertaining to the continuation or preservation of human knowledge, beliefs, values, art, customs, etc.
Educational: concerning the accumulation, use, and communication of know ledge.
Aesthetic: the appreciation of form, composition, and color through the senses.
Social: pertaining to shared human empathy, feelings, and status.
Recreational: pertaining to leisure activities.
Egocentric: pertaining to a focus on individual self-satisfaction and fulfillment.
Ethnocentric: pertaining to a focus on the fulfillment of ethnic/cultural goals.
Health: the maintenance of positive human physiological conditions.
Ethical/Moral: pertaining to present and future responsibilities, fights and wrongs, and ethical standards.
Belief Statements in The Lorax
Again, lets return to The Lorax. Statements made by the Once-ler and the Lorax have been supplied below and
should give you an idea about what the player thinks is in important or worthy. Use the "Value Descriptors" list
as a guide to identify the value reflected in each of the statements. Remember, interpreting values is a tricky
business, and therefore, your interpretation might not be absolute or precise. Just be sure you can explain your
Use the following sentence starter to format your answers:
The value here is_____ because
What the Once-ler said