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Lesson 14: What Time Is It?: Exercise 1 - Vocabulary and Expressions

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Beginner | Conversation Lesson 14

Lesson 14: What Time is it?

Hi! How are you today?
Todays lesson is about W h a t T im e is it ?
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L e sso n 1 4 : W h a t T im e is it?

Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions (Vocabulary and Expressions)

D ire ctio n s : Listen and repeat.

(D ire ctio n s : Listen and repeat.)

Vocabulary and Expressions



I have an appointment at ten o'clock today.

half past...half past...

It's half past two. (= two thirty - 2:30)

a quarter to...a quarter to...

It's a quarter to six. (= five forty five = 5:45)

a quarter after...a quarter after...

It's a quarter after six. (= six fifteen = 6:15)

hurry uphurry up

I should hurry up to catch the bus.

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Beginner | Conversation Lesson 14

Exercise 2 | Dialogue Practice (Dialogue Practice)

D ire ctio n s : Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
(D ire ctio n s : Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.)
Thomas is concerned about something.

T h o m a s : Excuse me. Do you know what time it is?

L in d a : Just a minute. I'll check my watch.

T h o m a s : Sorry for bothering you, I forgot to wear my watch. Is it around h a lf p a s t nine?

L in d a : No, it's a q u a rte r a fte r nine.

T h o m a s : Thanks. I thought I'd be late for my a p p o in tm e n t.

L in d a : What time is your appointment?

T h o m a s : Its at ten o'clock at the office.

L in d a : What time do you have to leave?

T h o m a s : I've got to leave soon, I want to be there at least a q u a rte r to ten o'clock.

L in d a : I guess you'd better h u rry u p . It takes about 20 minutes to get to the office.

T h o m a s : Im going to go now. Bye!

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Beginner | Conversation Lesson 14

C h e c k y o u r u n d e rs ta n d in g : Answer the following questions.

1. Why did Thomas ask Linda about the time?

2. What time was it when they were talking?

3. What time is Thomass appointment?

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Beginner | Conversation Lesson 14

Exercise 3 | Practice Questions (Practice Questions)

D ire ctio n s : Practice answering the questions with your teacher. Choose your favorite answer between A
and B.
(D ire ctio n s : Practice answering the questions with your teacher. Choose your favorite answer between A
and B.)

1. Do you know what time it is?

A. Its 8 o'clock.
B. No, I dont have a watch with me.

2. What time is your appointment?

A. My appointment is at half past eight.
B. It is at seven oclock today.

3. What time will you leave for your flight?

A. I will leave at around a quarter past eight.
B. I have to leave here a quarter to eight.

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Beginner | Conversation Lesson 14

Exercise 4 | Conversation Questions (Conversation Questions)

D ire ctio n s : Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions.
(D ire ctio n s : Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions.)

1. Do you always keep to a schedule in your daily activities? Why?

2. Why is it important to be on time for appointments?

3. In your country, is it impolite to be late? Why?

4. Do you like making your schedule in advance? Why?

5. How do you manage your time?

6. What time is it now?
Please check the Vocabulary below for more words and expressions.

More Vocabulary


a quarter after one (one fifteen)


half past two (It's two thirty)


a quarter to four (three forty five)


twenty after four (four twenty)


twenty to six (five forty)

12:00 PM

noon (twelve o'clock in the afternoon)

12:00 AM

midnight (twelve o'clock at night)

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