Lesson 14: What Time Is It?: Exercise 1 - Vocabulary and Expressions
Lesson 14: What Time Is It?: Exercise 1 - Vocabulary and Expressions
Lesson 14: What Time Is It?: Exercise 1 - Vocabulary and Expressions
L e sso n 1 4 : W h a t T im e is it?
Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions (Vocabulary and Expressions)
D ire ctio n s : Listen and repeat.
hurry uphurry up
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Copyright since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved.
1. Why did Thomas ask Linda about the time?
2. What time was it when they were talking?
3. What time is Thomass appointment?
Copyright since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved.
A. Its 8 o'clock.
B. No, I dont have a watch with me.
2. What time is your appointment?
A. My appointment is at half past eight.
B. It is at seven oclock today.
3. What time will you leave for your flight?
A. I will leave at around a quarter past eight.
B. I have to leave here a quarter to eight.
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2. Why is it important to be on time for appointments?
3. In your country, is it impolite to be late? Why?
4. Do you like making your schedule in advance? Why?
5. How do you manage your time?
6. What time is it now?
Please check the Vocabulary below for more words and expressions.
More Vocabulary
12:00 PM
12:00 AM
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