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Unit 5 Full Assignment E Strategy

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Task 1
1.1: Explain the benefit of having E-strategy in Value store
1.2: Evaluate the contribution of an e-strategy to the achievement of Value stores
1.3: Discuss how to align an e-strategy with an overarching values stores strategy
Task 2
2.1: Analyse the business factors that underpin the requirement for an e-strategy in
value stores business.

2.2: Discuss the benefits of e-commerce to Value Store

2.3: Develop a plan for an e-strategy that ensures value store to retain its
competitive advantage in a global market
2.4: Specify the technical infrastructure required in an e-strategy plan for Value
Task 3
3.1 Assess the resource requirements for implementing an e-strategy in Value store

3.2: Develop an implementation schedule for Value store

3.3: Assess how existing business system needs to be adapted to accommodate the
requirements of an e-strategy in Value Store
Task 4
4.1: Implement an e-strategy for Value Store
4.2: Develop process to monitor the implementation of e-strategy in value store
4.3: Assess how an e-strategy contributes to ensuring value stores competitive
advantage in a global market.


E-commerce has become one of the most popular tools to gain competitive
advantages over other organizations. It is being used to develop new markets,
interact with customers, communicate with trading partners, and primarily to
increase sales From a consumer and business aspect, electronic commerce can be
classified into two perspectives: business-to-consumer and business-to-business
perspective however, for each perspective of e-commerce, the success or failure of
its implementation is dependent on some key success factors. It is important for
Value Store to consider these critical success factors, which might affect the success
or failure of their own implementation of e-commerce. To enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of Value Store, Value Store has use e-commerce to build their
business; electronic business has been used to carry out business strategies
however the nature of applications is different in terms of characteristics and

E-commerce Internal Factors

Dominant Factors
Top management support &
E-commerce strategic goals
Investment appraisal evaluation
Employees skills & core competence
Empowerment & involvement
Customer centric approach
Cost of implementation

Organisational Factors
Value chain process
Enterprise IT experience
Quality orientation
Organisational culture
Organisational structure
implementation strategy

E-commerce Implementation Success

External Factors

Environmental Factors
Competition intensity
External support
Regulatory issues
Corporate governance

Relative advantage
According to the implementers point of view, these critical factors should be
identified and clearly understood. Otherwise, achieving success with their
implementation will be difficult. Among these important factors, there is a group of
common and a group of specific factors that affect the implementation of businessto-consumer electronic business system. To succeed in the implementation of these
systems, Value Store should recognize these common and specific factors stated in
the graph above so they can deal with their operations.

The main objective of this study is to identify the common and specific success
factors and the implementation of e-commerce in Value Store in addition; the study
will provide the benefits of having e-commerce, evaluate the contribution, analyse
the business factors and discuss the alignment of e-strategy in Value Store.

1.1: Explain the benefit of having E-strategy in Value store

In today fast growing economy more and more companies are looking to have their
business online, having an E-commerce is one of the most important business
decisions a company could make in todays fast moving environment. According to
investorwords (n.d) E-commerce is The buying and selling of products and services
by businesses and consumers through an electronic medium, without using any
paper documents.
There are many different way a company can benefit from having an e-commerce
site for their business, some of the way a company could benefit are listed.
Cost advantage
The online store is available 24/7/365 days of the week, customers can shop at any
time that is convenient to them. The direct cost-of-sale for an order taken from a
web site is lower than through traditional means, as there is no human interaction
during the on-line electronic purchase order process. Also, electronic selling virtually
eliminates processing errors, as well as being faster and more convenient for the
visitor. One of the most tangible positives of ecommerce is the lowered cost. A part
of these lowered costs could be passed on to customers in the form of discounted
Expanded Geographical Reach
Value store can operate without geographical limitation; the business can now reach
customers globally by allowing customers to carry out business without the barriers
of distance on time. This will convert more customers into consumers, while
expending the customer base of the company and building strong brand awareness
and customer loyalty globally. This would not be possible with a physical shop at a
particular location.
Create customer awareness and increase the company visibility in the company
targeted market, hence, creating more value for the company.
Processing time

Reduce the delivery time between payments made and time the item take to reach
the customers, increase responsiveness to the customers, i.e., strengthening the
business relationship between the customers and the shareholders of the business,
hence, increasing the company profitability.
Having an online shop is a big advantage; the company can put more items on
display. This will promote sales and encourage compulsive buying by customers.
The customers can get several brands and products without the hassle, the
company dont have stock all the products it sells, the can use fulfilment centres
and drop shipping companies. This will reduce the cost have stocking large
inventory; hence, the overhead cost will reduce thereby increasing profit and
The benefits of having e-strategy, include reducing the strain on the company
resources resulting in significant cost saving and increase in the level of productivity
and efficiency.

1.2: Evaluate the contribution of an e-strategy to the achievement of Value stores

Like every business value store objectives and aim is to be the market leader by
cornering their target market, thereby, offering the customers value for money. A
clear Business objectives is necessary with a measurable tool to measure the long
and short term business objectives of the company. For example, value store want
to achieve sales of 10 million in the UK markets in 2012.
Business Objectives
Objectives give value store is to make 10 million this is aclearly a defined target.
Plans can then be made to achieve these targets. It also enables the business to
measure the progress towards to its stated aims.
In-order for a business objective to be effective it must meet the following criterias:
S Specific objectives are aimed at what the business does, e.g. value store might
have an objective of selling 60,000 products during October, an objective specific to
that business.
M - Measurable the business can put a value to the objective, e.g. 100,000 in
sales in the next half year of trading.
A - Agreed by all those concerned in trying to achieve the objective.

R - Realistic the objective should be challenging, but it should also be able to be

achieved by the resources available.
T- Time specific they have a time limit of when the objective should be achieved,
e.g. by the end of the month or year.
The business objectives of value store are as follow
As companies assess the choice of appropriate measures to evaluate e-commerce
initiatives, numerous potential issues arise. Since the choices are different for each
company, because the strategies, structures, and systems are different, substantial
customization is necessary. Senior managers should consider six initial questions
that can lead to the development of appropriate measures for e-commerce
What measurement systems are currently in place and being utilized within the
What are the important criteria to the company and its constituencies and
What does the company desire to accomplish with the e-commerce initiative?
What is the anticipated timeframe associated with the e-commerce program?
Who are the parties involved in implementing the e-commerce project, and who will
be affected by the results?
What critical processes are associated with the successful execution of the ecommerce project?
It is important that a company should have the right system in place to monitor,
analyze and evaluate the success of having e-commerce in a business. The
evaluation is usually financial and none financial.

1.3: Discuss how to align an e-strategy with an overarching values stores strategy
Aligning e-strategy to the business is one of the key components for the success
and the survival of the business. In today fast moving economy businesses have to
implement the right strategies in order to gain a competitive advantage over their
Strategic alignment model (Henderson and Venkatraman, 1999: 476)
Internal factors
Internal factors are controlled by the organization, the internal factors include:

Co-operate Plans/ Business unit plans

Infrastructures refresh and renewal of programmes

Preventative/ routine maintenance programmes

External factors
Every business must identify, analyse and document the external factors that is
likely to affect the success of the business. The external factors can cause serious
financial issues for the organization, these external factors include:


Industry/ professional regulation

Economic trends

Customer trends

Supplier trend and availability of skills.

Understanding the business

Understanding the business is one of the key elements of the alignment process;
managers need to consider the following:




Business unit


I/T has become the backbone of every successful organization, I/T is nothing more
than capturing, processing and distributing information. Managers have to map out
the corporate model by doing so, mangers can determine exactly what the business
does and how they do it. The factors that managers need to identify during the
mapping and documentation process are:

Organisation chart

Flow of authority

Formal and informal process

Market, products, suppliers and share holders.

Acknowledge the culture

According to businesscasestudies (n.d) culture is who we are, what we do, and the
way we do things, the business can only perform at its best if the nature of the
business is matched with the nature of the system. If this is not done correctly the
business is likely to underperform.

The alignment process is not exhausted for this question but in the interest of time
and word limitation only culture and understanding the business was looked at,
there are other factors that should be taken into consideration during the alignment
process which we have not discussed, and these include the following:

Know the IT estate, Discover the value chain

Interpret the context

Determine the change agenda

The technology road map, Plan the work programme

Populate the delivery frame work, achieve the business benefits

2.1: Analyse the business factors that underpin the requirement for an e-strategy in
value stores business.
Businesses today are competing in a global market; most businesses now have an
online presence, reaching customers across the globe. Businesses have to develop
and execute a suitable business model for the company; the purpose of the model is
to define the way the business will deliver value to the customers. According to
(wisegeek, n.d) E-commerce refers to economic activity that occurs online. Ecommerce includes all types of business activity, such as retail shopping, banking,
investing and rentals.
Previous Studies Related to Success Factors of E-strategy, the successful
implementation of e-strategy may involve many factors, these factors can be
categories into three phase, these include, but not limited to the following. Only two
of the following phase will be look at in this question.


Identify the business opportunity


Select the technology infrastructure


Implement the electronic business solution

Business Trends
Enterprise Collaboration

Being an electronic business means collaboration with Internet-enabled trading

partners. To succeed in the digital environment, the electronic business must
understand and include changes to its core trade processes and strategy plan.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

In the electronic business world, the customers expect seamless integration
between sales and service, demanding customer service before, during, and after
the sale, in a consistent and reliable manner. They demand flexible and convenient
product and service delivery. To succeed, the electronic business must ensure
quality and consistency in all aspects of the customer relationship.

Identifying Return on Investment

Becoming an electronic business represents a huge amount of investment.
Measurement and proactive control of the electronic business is important for
survival. The measurement of return on investment is vital to understanding its
future direction.

Organization Trends
Running an electronic business means that the organizations must focus on what
they do best. It relies on developing product, brand and market share. To achieve
higher profit in a global market, the electronic business must specialize.

Skill Management

The capability of any company to form high-performing teams to deliver results is

one of the critical success factors. The Internet enables electronic business to utilize
the resources of external organizations and project teams to truly become the
virtual enterprise.
Process Visibility

By utilizing information to provide process visibility, customers and employees have

access to every stage of the product or service life cycle. When a production
process is visible, customers may inspect and interact with all aspects of the
product as it moves through the cycle. Aspects include specification information,
pricing, and material availability.

The Learning Organization

Electronic business demands a culture of continuous innovation. To sustain growth
and quality of service, the organization must drive an environment of continual
learning amongst its employees.

2.2: Discuss the benefits of e-commerce to Value Store

Power Point Slide attached

2.3: Develop a plan for an e-strategy that ensures value store to retain its
competitive advantage in a global market
In order for business to gain and maintain competitive advantage over their
competitors they need to use the right tool or tools that best fit the organization
nature of business. The tool that will be looked at in this question is Porters five
force theory, according to Porter (1980, 1985) and Porter and Millar (1985), a firm
develops its business strategies in order to obtain competitive advantage (i.e.,
increase profits) over its competitors. It does this by responding to five primary

The threat of new entrants

Rivalry among existing firms within an industry,

The threat of substitute products/services,

The bargaining power of suppliers
The bargaining power of buyers

Value store can use the porters five force to develop and enter the market where
there is less competition and where the market is fragile, for example, value store
may choose powerful buyers and sell them products that is less vulnerable to
substitute. The company position itself to be less vulnerable to competitors while
exploiting its competitive advantage, example Primark Primark has dominated the
market with its low cost products making it hard for other business to compete in
the same market.
Companies can also achieve competitive advantage by establishing barriers to
deter new entrants from entering in the same market by creating unique capital
intensive resources that new companies cannot easily replicate, example, EBay and
Companies also increase bargaining power over their customers and suppliers by
increasing the customers switching cost and reducing their own cost for switching
suppliers. The five force model provides a strong base for developing business
strategies that will generate opportunities, reducing cost while maintain a strong
competitive market advantage.
According to Porter (2001) reemphasized the importance of analyzing the five
competitive forces in developing strategies for competitive advantage: Although
some have argued that todays rapid pace of technological change makes industry
analysis less valuable, the opposite is true. Analyzing the forces illuminates an
industrys fundamental attractiveness, exposes the underlying drivers of average
industry profitability, and provides Insight into how profitability will evolve in the

Strategies for Competitive Advantage in E- Commerce

Existing Firms


(e.g., Bundling)
Niche Products or


Expansion into a
Related Product Line
(e.g., Price Lining
and Smart Pricing)

Cost Leadership

Products or Services
Promotion Strategy
Brand Appeal

Based on
Experiences and

Strategic Alliances

Threat of

(e.g., Bundling)
Niche Products or

Price Discrimination
(e.g., Price Lining
and Smart Pricing)

Cost Leadership

Products or Services

Bargaining Power
of Suppliers

Products or Services
Outsourcing or
Strategic Alliances
Bargaining Power
of Buyers

Products or Services
Promotion Strategy

Brand Appeal
Based on

Experiences and

Outsourcing or
Strategic Alliances

2.4: Specify the technical infrastructure required in an e-strategy plan for Value
Every company is online in todays fast moving economy, and deciding the right
ecommerce platform is one of the most important business decisions a company
will make. To plan appropriately for an e-commerce site, the company will have to
determine what they want to accomplish from the business perspective, identifying
the type of content to be placed on the website, and selecting the right hardware
and software for the platform.
This question will discuss the technical infrastructure required in an e-strategy plan
for Value store.
Value store have to decide what software to use during the development process
and whether or not to build the website in-house. If the company choose to build
their website in-house this will be a very cost effective approach as it will save them
cost of using a management provider. In-order to set up an in-house website the
company would have to decide the type of server to use and how the networking
system will flow throughout the organization.
A website will require the following infrastructure:




The hardware requirements for an e-commerce website depend on a lot of different
factors, such as, number of transactions per second; number of hits per second;
number of queries per second; number of queries done by RDBMS per second;
number of pages served per second involving all of the above parameters.
Depending on the size of the company on the nature of the business the company
will have to think about having a back-up system. If the number of hit to the website
is low and depending on the needs of the business the website can be hosted on a
single machine. For a high traffic website like Amazon multiple servers and back
severs are needed just in case one server is down.
The following is a list of hardware required to start an online store:

Web servers

Security servers

Application servers

Database servers

Network connectivity devices

This list is not exhausted.

Several software are available free on the Internet that can be used to build ecommerce site. Some examples are Apache Web Server, Apache-Jserv Servlet
Engine, Linux Operating System, mySQL database, postgresql etc. Many of these
open source software may not be adequate for high-traffic sites.
The operating system organizes and controls the hardware of any computer. It is the
first program runs on a computer it provides abstract services to user application.

Windows, Linux, Unix (Solaris, BSD, IBM etc), OS/390, VMS, Be, Mac OS, QNX,
VxWorks open source.


The component of a web server is hardware and software in-order for value store to
decide what hardware and software to use the company have to decide what is the
expectation of the website. The market is divided into web server and internet
Apache HTTP server
Microsoft internet information server
Netscape enterprise server

The graph below is attempting to illustrate the basic functions of a web server


Network infrastructure is a group of computer system linked together by various

part of telecommunication architecture, infrastructure refers to the computer to
routers, cable, wireless access point, switches, network protocols etc.

According to wisegeek (n.d) Infrastructures can be either open or closed, such as

the open architecture of the Internet or the closed architecture of a private intranet.
They can operate over wired or wireless network connections, or a combination of

The graph below will attempt to explain more about how the network architecture

3.1 Assess the resource requirements for implementing an e-strategy in Value store

Power Point Slide attached

3.2: Develop an implementation schedule for Value store

The above Gantt chart was created using smart sheet, the chart shows the design
and implementation process, these process are listed below.
Feasibility studies
According to Investopedia (n.d) Feasibility studies is the ability to complete a project
successfully, taking into account legal, economic, technological, scheduling and
other factors. This is where value store do their ground work to find out the benefits
and drawback of having an e-commerce site.
Planning is where Value store I/T specialist think and organise the required activities
required to reach the company goals and objectives. Planning can be broken down
into three stages these are:
(1) Defining the mission and building of vision
(2) Defining and setting objectives
(3) Developing and implementing of the plan process.
Analysis is the forecasting benefits and cost of having an e-commerce website, ecommerce offer competitive advantage for the business. The main benefits of
having a web base business is, the site is open 24hours for business without the
overhead cost that comes with having a physical shop.
Prototyping is a prototype of the website, at this stage the testing and final design
will be implemented.
Implementation and Audit

According to BusinessDictionary (n.d) defines an audit implementation as "Periodic,

independent and documented examination and verification of activities, records,
processes and other elements of a quality system to determine their conformity
with the requirements of a quality standard.
Site Marketing
Website marketing, also known as internet marketing or e-marketing, is nothing
more than the marketing of products and services offered by the company.
Marketing will drive traffic to the website and reach customers and potential
customers across the globe. Marketing must be done before and after the launching
of the website.
The launching stage involves moving the site from a development server toward
live launch. Revisit each of the aforementioned areas again for a final test to
confirm that everything works, the brand message is conveyed and the navigation
is seamless and properly leads someone to making a purchasing decision.
In today fast moving economy people are conducting more business on the internet;
companies are now selling their products and services online. E-commerce
management is how the company conduct business online in accordance to best
business practise abiding by both international and national laws.

3.3: Assess how existing business system need to be adapted to accommodate the
requirements of an e-strategy in Value Store
The internet has contributed to the change in how companies do their business;
more people are now turning to the internet for just about everything they need.
Traditionally businesses use to trade from a brick shop incurring large overhead cost
and they were not able to compete with their competitors effectively.
Organizations operate in industries with different limitations, opportunities and
strategies. The structure adopted by any organization should fit the purpose of the
organization while accomplishing its intended goals. Businesses have used the
traditional business model since the Industrial Revolution. This model systematizes
key areas within the business around an organizational design intended to optimize
Strategy before e-commerce
The concept of e-commence has just arrived in Value Store; therefore there is a
strong need to understand the concept of e-commerce in its real sense. E-

commerce is more than Internet, software and hardware or other technologies. In

fact, it is all about the way of conduction of any business with technologies. Ecommerce is a true modern business strategy-the web or other technologies has not
changed the fundamental of business, but only expanded its scope.

To be successful online the Traditional rules of business still apply and should be
used within e-commerce, which should be integrated with traditional business
processes and must be seen as technology helping to make the business more
effective, efficient and easy to use
E-commerce can be more than technology, and if used as a strategic tool; it can
provide organizational benefits though gains in productivity, market share or even
bottom-line profitability.

Before Value Store can successfully integrate e-strategy in its existing business
system, the company need to consider the following question.

Can the brand of the business attract customers to the website?

What are the savings in transaction cost?

What value added service and technologies can be used to encourage


What is required relationship between offline and online activities?

How to minimize the conflicts with traditional value chain partners?

How to establish the appropriate internal incentives for the online businesses
to flourish without damaging the existing business system?

(Slywotzk, 2000), revealed that adoption of e-commerce is necessity for the future
business. In fact, it is a change and it is adoptable.

Changes required

The coordination of data online

Automated system for customers order process

Marketing the products online, instead of the traditional way of marketing

Method of Payment, payment collected online instead of the traditional way,

hence a process company and a merchant bank is required.
Value Store must consider the way how the customers will use the website and the
benefits e-commerce will have to the organization. All these factors must be
considered before e-commerce can be successfully integrated into Value Store.

4.1: Implement an e-strategy for Value Store

The implementation process of an e-commerce must be clear and concise this can
be broken down into three primary factors, these are:
(1) Planning
(2) Execution
(3) Control
The planning phase involved setting down the requirement required for the
successful implementation of an e-commerce site. The requirements involves
content, search and landing page, planning can be broken down in to three phases,
these include the following:

Information architecture



At the architecture stage the I/T team has to think about the navigation and layout
of the website. The company have to think about what the customers want and how
best they can satisfy the wants of the customers. The website has to be user
friendly and the navigation process should be hassle free for the customers, once
the company has considered and resolved these issues the site will be able to

perform better, therefore more customers will be encouraged to shop on the

website, hence, the value and profitability will increase.
Having a well made professionally design website is very important to the success
of the company. If the site does not project the style, image and attractiveness the
customers may not be please and therefore will be reluctant to shop on the website
or even worse not shop at all. A bad looking website will not gain the customers
trust but will only make the customers to think the site will not be able to live up to
their expectation.
According to Levy (2009) Construction nuts and bolts behind any solid, reliable eCommerce website, including client and server-side applications (front end and back
end programming), quality assurance testing, integration of third party tools and
other solutions that will make your e-Commerce website scalable as it continues to
Execution plan is basically putting the plan into process to achieve the final
outcome of the project implementation.
Customers are concern about how their details are handled online, e-commerce
technology is becoming more advance and it has changed the way companies of
today do business. To gain the customers acceptance and trust value store must
achieve and exceed customers expectations, while building trust and confidence.
Establishing control in e-commerce requires the value store to expand the
traditional view of internal control to encompass the activities of customers,
suppliers and other outside users of the website. Control can be defined as the
mechanism consists of rules, compliance, monitoring and enforcement.

4.2: Develop process to monitor the implementation of e-strategy in value

E-commerce relies on its Internet resources being always available. Every case of
downtime means lost visitors, hence, lost customers. To reduce resources
downtime, they should be constantly monitored. To operate smoothly, all the ecommerce services must be available 24/7 and must function as expected. What's

also important is these services interaction: it should not be broken; otherwise the
whole business comes to a halt.
Value Store, payment processor/billing, customers Helpdesk and so on - all these
services must be not only visible to the person monitoring the system; they should
also interact with one another without interruptions. E-commerce services are often
hosted weather internally or externally. The more services e-commerce business
uses, the harder it is to detect the points of failures, the more cryptic are possible
Monitoring includes but not limited to the following:
Site Functionality
The functionality of the website should be constantly monitored to prevent any
down time or page errors, Value Store constantly adding new products and pages to
their store, and want those items to sell therefore customers must have the ability
to purchase items online 24/7
Similar to functionality, the performance of Value Store website is monumental in
keeping customers buying. No online shopper wants to wait 3-5 minutes for their
desired item to load so they can add it to their shopping cart. If the online store
does not perform, the customer wont buy. Value Store need monitoring tools that
take into account page analytics, so they may be able to add the necessary speed
requirements based on past and current traffic to the site.
Value Store need to take into account the repercussions of site failures, and monitor
the site properly to avoid and quickly address any problems.
The checkout process need to be closely monitored even if the speed is adequate, a
broken or non-functioning checkout will ruin a sale. In this case, a $500 sale is the
same as a $25. A broken checkout will affect both sales the same. Online monitoring
is clearly important in this regard.
When it comes on to monitoring there are several areas of an ecommerce site that
requires monitoring. Value store need to monitor the site security, risk, functionality,
infrastructure, customer behaviour and so on. The monitoring process of an ecommerce site is endless and requires continuous monitoring.

4.3: Assess how an e-strategy contributes to ensuring value stores competitive

advantage in a global market.
What is competitive advantage? According to Businessdictionary (n.d) A superiority
gained by an organization when it can provide the same value as its competitors
but at a lower price, or can charge higher prices by providing greater value through
differentiation. Competitive advantage results from matching core competencies to
the opportunities.
Prior to the internet small and medium business were not able to compete globally,
only large companies were able to afford the huge overhead cost associated with
operating overseas. Example coca-cola and Pepsi, they were able to afford factories,
warehouses and distribution centres, leaving smaller businesses behind.
The development of the internet technology has dramatically reduce the overhead
cost associated with operating abroad and change the way how businesses do
business, the internet technology has revolutionized the business industry by
allowing all size business to compete globally.
To analyse the contribution e-strategy has made to capture and maintain value
store competitive advantage in the global market, the 6cs will be look at.
Conducting business online has given value store immediate exposure to customers
globally. The business will remain opened 24/7 without the cost associated with
having a physical shop.
Competitive advantage
The internet has give value store global access; they are able to compete with big
organization without the geographical barriers.
An e-commerce site will no doubt reduce value store overhead while increasing their
profit without compromising the company products and services.
Communication represents one of the biggest expenses in time and dollars for most
business operators but with e-commerce communications allowing companies to
work faster and in new ways, without the Hugh over head cost and the extensive
paper work.

E-commerce gives value store greater flexibility, increased productivity and control
over y the business. The company has improved control over inventory and order
processing, information can be supplied to customers within seconds, they can
quickly update pricing and stock data as things change, and best of all transactions
can be processed faster to expedite billing.
Customer service
An e-commerce site spells service improvements for value store customers and that
means increased customer satisfaction and for value store e-commerce is the best
way to gather, tracking and targeting new customers.

The internet has become one of the major channels for trading and selling
products. The internet is a cost effective way of selling products while gaining
worldwide presence, electronic shopping generate new business opportunities for
both the business and the customers. Customers are able to compare prices across
the internet with just the click of a button; this could not be achieved with a physical
shop. The internet makes it possible for customers to shop within their budget and it
allow business to build and maintain good business relationship with customers and
other businesses.
Website design is very important to companies who have an online presence like
Value Store having a good design will help promote products while serving and
exceeding customers expectation. Every website must be design to provide the
user with an easy navigation, easy retrieval of data and necessary feedback.
A good shopping cart must be user friendly and convenient for the customers to
view contents, adding and removing items as they see fit. This report provide an
insight on the design, implementation and the benefits of having an ecommerce site
in Value Store


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