The Criminal Code of Ethiopia

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Proclamation No.



It is nearly half a century since the 1957 Penal Code entered into
operation. During this period, radical political, economic and social
changes have taken place in Ethiopia. Among the major changes are
the recognition by the Constitution and international agreements
ratified by Ethiopia of the equality between religions, nations,
nationalities and peoples, the democratic rights and freedoms of
citizens and residents, human rights, and most of all, the rights of
social groups like women and children. After all these phenomena have
taken place, it would be inappropriate to allow the continuance of the
enforcement of the 1949 Penal Code.
Another discernible gap in the Penal Code is its failure to properly
address crimes born of advances in technology and the complexities of
modern life. The Penal Code does not incorporate crimes such as the
hijacking of aircraft, computer crimes and money laundering. Besides,
as regards crimes related to corruption and drugs although they are
attracting attention both in legislation and follow-up not only within
national frontiers but also on the regional and international levels, due
to the grave crises they are using, the Penal code does not adequately
deal with such crimes with the degree of seriousness they deserve.
Another point that should not be overlooked is the penal Code's failure
to acknowledge the grave injuries and sufferings caused to women and
children by reason of harmful traditional practices. Surely, the
constitution guarantees respect for the cultures of peoples, but it does
not buttress up those practices scientifically proven to be harmful. It is
also futile to issue a law that does not have the trust and support of the
people for it usually remains impracticable. But it is well recognized in
the philosophy of criminal legislation that the legislature should, by
adopting progressive laws at times, educate and guide the public to
dissociate itself from harmful traditional practices.
Furthermore, it is desirable to adopt a comprehensive code by
assembling the various criminal provisions published in the Negarit
Gazeta in a disintegrated manner. Similarly, since the parallel
application, of the regular Penal Code and the Revised special Penal
Code in respect of similar matters disregards equality among citizens,

the existence of a comprehensive Criminal Code will put an end to such

In order to eliminate the above-mentioned shortcomings and adopt a
comprehensive Criminal code, substantial activities have been
undertaken throughout the entire Country. Discussions have been held
on the draft Criminal Code prepared by the Ministry of Justice and the
Justice and Legal System Research Institute. Legal and medical
professionals, psychiatrists, different institutions of higher education
and professional associations have made significant contributions
through the opinions they gave to the enactment of the law.
Representatives of the people selected from different sectors and
associations have forwarded important views in discussion forums on
the draft laws conducted in Addis Ababa and the regions. It is mainly
on the basis of public opinion that punishments have increased in
respect of crimes like rape and aggravated theft. Moreover, the opinions
of legal scholars and the laws and experiences of foreign countries have
been consulted to enrich the content of the Criminal Code.
Finally, one point that must not be left unmentioned is the matter
concerning the determination of sentence. Since it is essential to
facilitate the method by which Courts can pass similar punishments on
similar cases, some major changes have been made in the provisions of
Provisions of the Penal Code that used to make sentencing complicated
and difficult have been amended. Provisions have been inserted which
enable the Courts to pass the appropriate penalty for each case by
carefully examining from the lightest to the most severe punishment. A
sentencing manual will also be issued to ensure and control the
correctness and uniformity of sentencing.
Another point which must be raised in connection with the
determination of sentence is that the purpose of Criminal Law is to
preserve the peace and security of society. It protects society by
preventing the commission of crimes, and a major means of preventing
the commission of crime is punishment.
Punishment can deter wrongdoers from committing other crimes; it can
also serve as a warning to prospective wrongdoers. Although
imprisonment and death are enforced in respect of certain crimes the
main objective is temporarily or permanently to prevent wrongdoers
from committing further crimes against society. And in such cases with
the exception of the death sentence even criminals sentenced to life
imprisonment can be released on parole before serving the whole term;
in certain crimes convicts can be released on probation without the
pronouncement of sentence or without the enforcement of the sentence
pronounced. This helps wrongdoers to lead a peaceful life and it
indicates the major place, which the Criminal Law has allocated for
their rehabilitation.
The fact that wrongdoers, instead of being made to suffer while in
prison, take vocational training and participate in academic education,
which would benefit them upon their release, reaffirms the great

envisaged by the Criminal Code about the reform of criminals.
It must be noted that, by laying down in the Code express provisions
concerning these cases, it is intended that Courts should, on passing
sentence, take into account the purpose of the law and the different
aims of punishment.
It is hoped that this Criminal Code, which has been revised through all
these persistent efforts, will ensure respect for the order, peace and
security of the State and its peoples as well as respect for the rights
and freedoms of its citizens and inhabitants.
Being convinced that this Code will enable to accelerate the economic
progress of the State, that it will strengthen a steady order of free
market and that it will, above all, contribute towards the promotion of a
fair judicial system, in our country, pursuant to Article 55 (1) of the
Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia it is hereby
proclaimed as follows:
1. Short Title:
This Proclamation may be cited as "The Criminal Code of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 2004."
2. Repeal:
The following proclamations:
a) the Penal Code of the Empire of Ethiopia 1957,and
b) the Revised Special Penal Code of the Provisional Military.
Administration Council 1982, Proclamation No. 214/1982, are
hereby repealed as from the 9th of May, 2005.
3. Special Case:
As provided in Article 3 of this Code, nothing shall affect the
application of special laws and regulations.
4. Effective Date:
This Criminal Code as published in a separate volume of the
Federal Negarit Gazeta under Proclamation No. 414/2004, shall
force as of the 9th of May 2005.
Done at Addis Ababa, this 9th day of May 2005
Girma Wolde Giorgis
President of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia

Article 1.- Object and Purpose.

The purpose of the Criminal Code of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia is to ensure order, peace and the security of
the State, its peoples, and inhabitants for the public good.
It aims at the prevention of crimes by giving due notice of the
crimes and penalties prescribed by law and should this be
ineffective by providing for the punishment of criminals in order
to deter them from committing another crime and make them a
lesson to others, or by providing for their reform and measures to
prevent the commission of further crimes.
Article 2.-

Principle of Legality.

(1) Criminal law specifies the various crimes, and the penalties and
measures applicable to criminals.
(2) The Court may not treat as a crime and punish any act or
omission which is not prohibited by law. The Court may not
impose penalties or measures other than those prescribed by
(3) The Court may not create crimes by analogy,
(4) The above provisions shall not prevent the Court from
interpreting the law. In cases of doubt the Court shall interpret
the law according to its spirit, in accordance with the meaning
intended by the legislature so as to achieve the purpose it has in
(5) Nobody shall be tried or punished again for the same crime for
which he has been already convicted, punished or subjected to
other measures or acquitted by a final decision in accordance
with the law.
Article 3.- Other Penal Legislation.
Nothing in this Code shall affect regulations and special laws of a
criminal nature:
Provided that the general principles embodied in this Code are
applicable to those regulations and laws except as otherwise
expressly provided therein.
Article 4.- Equality Before the Law.
Criminal law applies to all alike without discrimination as
regards persons, social conditions, race, nation, nationality,
social origin, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, property, birth or other status.
No difference in treatment of criminals may be made except as
provided by this Code, which are derived from immunities
sanctioned by public international and constitutional law, or
relate to the gravity of the crime or the degree of guilt, the age,
circumstances or special personal characteristics of the criminal,
and the social danger which he represents.

Section I:-

Conditions as to Time

Article 5.- Non-retrospective Effect of Criminal Law.

(1) If an act, declared to be a crime both under the repealed
legislation and this Code was committed prior to the coming into
force of this Code, it shall be tried in accordance with the
repealed law.
(2) An act declared to be a crime under this Code but not under the
repealed law and committed prior to the coming into force of this
Code is not punishable.
(3) No act shall be tried or punished where it was a crime committed
under the repealed legislation but is not declared so to be under
this Code. If proceedings have been instituted they shall be
Article 6.-

Exception: Application of the More Favourable Law.

Where the criminal is tried for an earlier crime after the coming
into force of this Code, its provisions shall apply if they are more
favourable to him than those in force at the time of the
commission of the crime.
The Court shall decide in each case whether, having regard to all
the relevant provisions, the new law is in fact more favourable.

Article 7.-

Application as to Measures.

Upon the coming into force of this Code measures prescribed in

this Code (Arts. 129-165) shall apply when passing sentence on
crimes committed under the repealed law.
Article 8.-

Application as to Periods of Limitation.

(1) Upon the coming into force of this Code, periods of limitation
applicable to the right to prosecute and to enforce a penalty in
respect of crimes committed under repealed legislation shall be
governed by this Code.
However, the time which elapsed prior to the coming into force
of this Code shall be taken into account.
(2) Wherever the provisions of this Code require official proceedings
to be instituted in respect of crimes committed under repealed
legislation and which under such legislation could be
prosecuted upon private complaint, such right of complaint

shall be barred if not exercised within a period of two years after

the coming into force of this Code.
Article 9.-

Enforcement of Judgments passed under Repealed


Where a sentence has been passed in accordance with the repealed

legislation its enforcement shall be governed by the following principles:
(1) If the Code no longer restrains the act in respect of which the
sentence was passed the punishment shall no longer be
enforceable or shall forthwith cease to have effect.
(2) Where a sentence has been passed for the breach of a criminal
law enacting a prohibition or an obligation limited to a given
period of time for special reasons of a transitory nature, the
expiration of the said period shall not bar the enforcement of the
shall the prosecution be barred by such expiration.
(3) Punishments awarded before or after the coming into force of
this Code shall be enforced as provided in this Code. This shall
also apply to the recovery of fines, the suspension of sentence
and conditional release.
(4) If a prisoner who is undergoing punishment at the time of the
coming into force of this Code is found guilty of an earlier crime
which remained unknown and was punishable by a penalty
entailing loss of liberty the Court shall pass an aggregate
sentence in accordance with the provisions relating to
concurrent, crimes (Art. 186) and shall take into account the
provisions regarding the application of the more favourable law
(Art. 6).
The period of imprisonment undergone in pursuance of the
earlier judgment snail be deducted.
Article 10.Application





The cancellation of entries in the judgment register as well as

reinstatement in the case of judgments given under repealed
legislation shall be governed by this Code.
Section II.-

Conditions as to Place

Sub-section I.Article 11.Case.

Principal Application
Crimes Committed on Ethiopian Territory: Normal

(1) This Code shall apply to any person whether a national or a

foreigner who has committed one of the crimes specified in this
Code on the territory of Ethiopia.
The national territory comprises the land, air and bodies of
water, the extent of which is determined by the Constitution.

(2) Nothing in the provision of sub-article (1) of this Article shall

affect immunities of persons enjoying an official status as
sanctioned by public international law.
(3) If the criminal has taken refuge in a foreign country, his
extradition shall be requested so that he may be tried under
Ethiopian Law.
Article 12.-

Special Case: Delegation.

(1) Where a foreigner who has committed a crime in Ethiopia cannot

be tried or punished, because he has taken refuge in a foreign
country and his extradition cannot be obtained, the Ethiopian
authorities may request that he be tried in the country of refuge.
(2) The accused foreigner cannot be retried in Ethiopia for the same
crime if he has been tried and acquitted in the foreign country by
a judgment which has become final or if he has been granted
pardon or amnesty or if the prosecution or sentence has been
barred by limitation.
(3) Where the criminal has not undergone his punishment or only
undergone part of it in the foreign country, the whole or the
unexpired part thereof shall be enforced in Ethiopia, if he is
apprehended and the enforcement of the penalty is not barred by
limitation under the provisions of this Code.
Should the punishments differ as to their nature or form, such
punishment as is the closest to that imposed in the foreign
country shall be enforced.
Article 13.-

Crimes Committed against Ethiopia Outside

Its Territory.
This Code shall apply to any person who outside Ethiopia has
committed one of the crimes against the State of Ethiopia, its
safety or integrity, its institutions, essential interests or currency
as defined in Book III, Title I, Chapter I, and under Title V of this
Book (Art. 238 -260 and Art. 355-374).

Article 14.- Crimes Committed In a Foreign Country by an

Ethiopian Enjoying Immunity.
(1) Subject to the provision of Article 13, this Code shall apply to a
member of the Ethiopian diplomatic or consular service, an
Ethiopian official or agent who cannot be prosecuted at the
place of commission of the crime by virtue of international
principles of immunity, where he committed in a foreign country
a crime punishable both under the Ethiopian Code and under
the law of the country where it was committed.
(2) Where, according to either the foreign law or this Code, the
crime is punishable upon a formal complaint no proceedings
may be instituted where such complaint has not been lodged.
Article 15.-

Crimes Committed in a .Foreign Country by a

Member of the Defence Forces.

(1) Where a member of the Ethiopian Defence Forces in such

capacity commits a crime against the ordinary law In a foreign
country he shall be subject to the ordinary law and territorial
jurisdiction if he is arrested and tried in the country where the
crime was committed.
If he has taken refuge in Ethiopia, he shall be tried in
accordance with the provision of Article 21 (2) of this Code.
(2) In cases of crimes against international law and specifically
military crimes as defined in Article 269-322, the member of the
Defence Forces shall remain subject to national law, and be tried
provisions of this Code by Ethiopian military courts.
Article 16.-

Effect of Foreign Sentences.

(1) Where a -criminal who is subject to Ethiopia's principal

jurisdiction (Arts. 11,13,14 (1) and 15 (2)) haS been sentenced in
a foreign country, he may be tried and sentenced again on the
same charge in Ethiopia, H he is found in Ethiopia or was
extradited to it.
(2) His discharge or acquittal in a foreign country shall be no bar to
a fresh trial or sentence being passed in Ethiopia in accordance
with this Code.
(3) Where by reason of the crime committed, the criminal has
already been convicted In a foreign country and has undergone
the whole or part of the punishment, the Court shall deduct the
punishment already undergone from the new sentence to be
Sub-section II.Article

Subsidiary Application

International Law or Universal Order.


(1) Any person who has committed outside Ethiopia:

(a) a crime against international law or an international crime
specified in Ethiopian legislation, or an international treaty or a
convention to which Ethiopia has adhered; or
(b) a crime against public health or, morals specified in Articles
525, 599, 635, 636, 640 or 641 of this Code;
shall be liable to trial, in Ethiopia in accordance with the
provisions of this Code and subject to the general conditions
mentioned hereinafter (Arts. 19 and 20(2)) unless a final
judgment has been given after being prosecuted in the foreign
(2) Nothing in this Article shall affect the provisions of Articles 14
and 15(2).
Article 18.-

Other Crimes Committed Outside Ethiopia .

(1) This Code shall also apply to any person who has committed a
crime outside Ethiopia against an Ethiopian national or to any
Ethiopian national who has committed outside Ethiopia a crime
kind than those specified in the foregoing Articles, if the criminal
was not tried in the foreign country for the crime, provided that:
(a) the act to be tried is prohibited by the law of the State where
it was committed and by Ethiopian law; and
(b) it is of sufficient gravity under the latter law to justify
(2) In the case of all other crimes committed outside Ethiopia by a
foreign national, the criminal shall, save as otherwise expressly
provided, failing extradition, be prosecuted and tried only if the
crime is punishable under Ethiopian law with death or with
rigorous imprisonment for not less than ten years.
Article 19.-

Conditions for Subsidiary Application.

(1) This Code shall apply where:

(a) the complaint by the victim or his dependants was lodged when it
is a condition for prosecution under the law of the place of
commission of the crime or under Ethiopian law,
(b) the criminal is within the territory of Ethiopia and has not been
extradited, or extradition to Ethiopia was obtained by reason of the
crime committed; and
(c) the crime was not legally pardoned in the country of commission
and that prosecution is not barred either under the taw of the
where the crime was committed or under Ethiopian law.
(2) The condition specified under sub-article 1 (a) and (c) of this
Article need not necessarily be satisfied as regards the lands of
crimes prowled for under Article 17 and 18(2) of this code.
(3) The prosecution shall consult with the Minister of Justice before
instituting proceedings.
(4) In case of disparity between the punishments prescribed under
this Code and the law of the country of commission, the
punishment to be imposed shall be the one, which is more
favourable to the accused.
Article 20.-

Effect of Foreign Sentences.

(1) In all cases where Ethiopian courts have a subsidiary

jurisdiction only (Arts.15(1), 17 and 18), the criminal cannot be
tried and sentenced in Ethiopia if he was regularly acquitted or
discharged for the same act in a foreign country.
(2) If the criminal was tried and sentenced in a foreign country but
did not undergo his punishment, or served only part of it in the
said country, the punishment, or the remaining part thereof,
enforced according to the forms prescribed by this Code, if it is

not barred by limitation under this Code or the law of We

country of commission. The provisions of Article 12 (3) shall
mutandis to this Article.
Sub-section III.- General Provisions
Article 21.- Extradition.
(1) Any foreigner who commits an ordinary crime outside the
territory of Ethiopia and who takes refuge in Ethiopia may be
extradited in accordance with the provisions of the law, treaties
custom; extradition shall be granted on the application made in
proper form by the State where the crime was committed for the
purpose of trial under the territorial law when the crime does not
directly and principally concern the Ethiopian State (Art. 13).
(2) No Ethiopian national having that status at the time of the
commission of the crime or at the time of the request for his
extradition may be handed over to a foreign country. However,
he shall be tried by Ethiopian courts under Ethiopian law.
(3) In all cases where a crime raises a question of extradition the
request shall be dealt with In accordance with Ethiopian Law
and existing treaties.
Article 22.-

Recognition of Foreign Sentences.

(1) Foreign criminal sentences may be taken into account as

regards antecedents and aggravating circumstances, the
granting or revocation of an order for conditional release,
recidivism and its punishment, the enforcement of safety
measures, incapacities and forfeitures, conditions as to
reinstatement, as well as compensation, restoration of property
and other civil effects and all other legal consequences provided
by this Code.
(2) The foreign sentence shaft not be recognized unless passed by
an ordinary Court and not by a special tribunal for a crime
punishable under this Code and its validity has been recognized
by the appropriate Ethiopian authority.
Such recognition may be made on the basis of a certified extract
from the judgment register of the criminal or of the judgment
pronounced or by means of an official attestation delivered by the
judicial or executive foreign authority, or in any other reliable
Article 23.- Crimes.

(1) A crime is an act, which is prohibited and made punishable by

In this Code, an act consists of the commission of what is
prohibited or the omission of what is prescribed by law.
(2) A crime is only completed when all its legal, material and moral
ingredients are present.
(3) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-article (2) of this Article, a
juridical person shall be criminally liable to punishment under
the conditions laid down in Article 34 of this Code.
(4) A crime is punishable where the Court has found the crime
proved and deserving of punishment.
Article 24.-

Relationship of Cause and Effect.

(1) In all cases where the commission of a crime requires the

achievement of a given result, the crime shall not be deemed to
have been committed unless the result achieved is the
consequence of the act or omission with which the accused
person is charged.
This relationship of cause and effect shall be presumed to exist
when the act within the provisions of the law would, in the
normal course of things, produce the result charged.
(2) Where there are preceding, concurrent or intervening causes,
whether due to the act of a third party or to a natural or
fortuitous event, which are extraneous to the act of the accused,
this relationship of cause and effect shall cease to exist when the
extraneous cause in itself produced the result.
If, in such a case, the act with which the accused person is
charged in itself constitutes a crime he shall be liable to the
punishment specified for such a crime.
(3) Relationship of cause and effect shall be presumed to exist
between each cause specified under sub-article (2) above and the
result achieved, when the result is the cumulative effect of these
causes, even though each cause cannot independently produce
the result.
Article 25.- Place and Time of the Crime.
(1) A crime is committed at the place where and at the time when
the criminal performed or failed to perform the act penalized by
criminal law.
An attempt is committed at the place where and at the time when
the criminal performed or failed to perform the preliminary acts:
which constitute such an attempt.
(2) With regard to non-instantaneous crimes where the act and the
criminal result do not coincide the crime is deemed to have been
committed both at the place of the unlawful act and that of its

Similarly, an attempt is deemed to have been committed both at

the place where the criminal attempted the crime and the place
he intended the result to be produced.
For purposes of prosecution, the jurisdiction of the place where
the result was achieved is subsidiary to that of the place of
(3) When a combination or repetition of criminal acts is an element
of an ordinary or aggravated crime as provided under Article 61,
or when the act is pursued over a period of time, the place where
and the time when the crime is committed shall be the place
where and the time when one of the combined or repeated acts
or part of the acts pursued is committed.
Article 26.-

Preparatory Acts.

Acts which are committed to prepare or make possible a crime,

particularly by procuring the means or creating the conditions
for its commission are not usually punishable, however, such
punishable where:
(a) in themselves they constitute a crime defined by law; or
(b) they expressly constitute a special prime by law owing to their
gravity or the general danger they entail,
Article 27.-


(1) Whoever intentionally begins to commit a crime and does not

pursue or is unable to pursue his criminal activity to its end, or
who pursues his criminal activity to its end without achieving the
result necessary for the completion of the crime shad be guilty of
an attempt.
The crime is deemed to be begun when the act performed dearly
aims, by way of direct consequence, at Ms commission.
(2) An attempted crime is always punishable save as is otherwise
provided by law,
A mere attempt to instigate or assist in a crime does not come
within the provisions of the law unless it is expressly provided to
the contrary.
(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 117, in the case of
an attempted crime the criminal is liable to the punishment
attaching to the crime he intended to commit:
Provided that if circumstances so Justify the Court may reduce
the punishment within the limits provided by law (Art. 179).

Article 28.- Renunciation and Active Repentance.

(1) If a criminal of his own free will renounces the pursuit of his
criminal activity the Court shall reduce the punishment within
the limits provided by law (Art. 179) or without restriction (Art.
so justify. No punishment shall be imposed if the renunciation
was prompted by reasons of honesty or high motives.
(2) If a criminal, having completed his criminal activity, of his own
free will prevents, or contributes to prevent the consequent
result, the Court shall without restriction reduce the punishment
(Art. 180).
(3) This Article shall also apply to an instigator or an accomplice
(Arts. 36 and 37) who of his own free will renounced the pursuit
of his criminal activity or has done everything incumbent upon
him to prevent the commission of the crime:
Article 29.- Crime Impossible of Completion.
When a criminal has attempted to commit a crime by means or
against an object of such nature that the commission of the
crime was absolutely impossible, the Court shall, without
restriction, reduce the punishment (Art. 180).
No punishment shall be imposed when the criminal, from
superstition or owing to the simplicity of his mind acted by using
means or processes, which could in no case have a harmful
The above provisions of this Article shall similarly apply to an
instigator or an accomplice.
Article 30.-

Special Case of Attempt.

When the acts done in an attempt to commit a crime in

themselves constitute a separate crime the punishment attaching
thereto shall be applied.
Article 31.-

Discretionary Power of the Court.

In determining the punishment to be imposed or, where

appropriate, in reducing it within the limits allowed by law, or, in
special cases, in imposing no punishment where an attempt was
abandoned or failed, the Court shall take into account all
relevant circumstances. It shall in particular, take into
consideration the stage reached in the carrying out of the
attempt and the danger it represented, the reasons for which it
failed, the motives which prompted the renunciation or the active
repentance of the criminal, as well as his antecedents and the
danger he represents to society.

Article 32.- Principal Criminal.

(1) Any person shall be regarded as having committed a crime as a
principal criminal and punished as such if:
(a) he actually commits the crime either directly or indirectly, in
particular by means of an animal or a natural force; or
(b) he without performing the criminal act itself fully associates
himself with the commission of the crime and the intended
result; or
(c) he employs an infant or a person who is mentally deficient
or unaware of the circumstances, for the commission of a crime
compels another person to commit a crime.
(2) Where the crime committed goes beyond the intention of the
criminal he shall be tried in accordance with Article 58(3).
(3) Where two or more persons are involved as principal criminals
in the commission of a crime, each shall be liable to the
punishment attaching thereto.
The Court shall take into account the provisions governing the
effect of personal circumstances (Art. 41) and those governing the
award of punishment according to the degree of individual guilt
(Art. 88).
Article 33.-

Participation in Cases of Special Crimes.

An accused person may be prosecuted as a principal criminal

when, by his acts, he fully participated with knowledge and
intent in the commission of a crime which can be committed only
by certain specified persons, in particular by a member of the
Defence Forces in. the case of military crimes, or by a public
servant in respect of crimes against public office, or only by a
male person in the case of rape.
Article 34.-

Participation of a Juridical Person in a Crime.

(1) A juridical person other than the administrative bodies of the

State is punishable as a principal criminal, an instigator or an
accomplice where it is expressly provided by taw.
A juridical person shall be deemed to have committed a crime
and punished as such where one of its officials or employees
commits a crime as a principal criminal, an instigator or an
accomplice in connection with the activity of the juridical person
with the intent of promoting its interest by an unlawful means or
by violating its legal duty or by unduly using the juridical person
as a means.
(2) The juridical person is punishable with fine under sub-article (3)
or sub-article (4) of Article 90 of this Code; and, where
necessary, an additional penalty may be imposed to suspend,
close or wind tip the juridical person.

(3) The punishment of the juridical person shall not exclude the
penalty to be imposed on its officials or employees for their
personal criminal guilt.
(4) For the purpose of this Article "juridical person" means a body
which has governmental or non-governmental, public or private
structure and includes any legally recognized institution or
association set up for commercial, industrial, political, religious
or any other purpose.
Article 35.- Collective Crimes.
Where two or more persons commit a crime in concert, the
person who is proved to have taken no part in the commission of
the crime shall not be punished.
However, where a crime such as conspiracy or brawl is
committed by a group of persons, the person whose presence in
the group is proved shall be exempt from punishment only if he
proves that he has taken no part in the commission of the crime.
Article 36.- Incitement.
(1) Whoever intentionally induces another person whether by
persuasion, promises, money, gifts, and threats or otherwise to
commit a crime shall be regarded as guilty of having incited the
commission of the crime.
(2) The person who incited the commission of a crime shall be liable
to punishment provided the crime was at least attempted.
(3) The punishment to be imposed shall be that provided by law for
the intended crime. It may be reduced within the limits specified
by law if the circumstances of the ease justify such a reduction
(Art. 179).
(4) When the person who committed the crime went beyond what
was intended by the instigator, the latter shall be liable to
punishment only for the crime he intended or could foresee (Art.
The actual criminal shall alone be answerable for the more
serious crime which he committed.
Article 37.- Accomplice.
(1) An accomplice is a person who intentionally assists a principal
criminal either before or during the carrying out of the criminal
design, whether by information, advice, supply of means or
material aid or assistance of any kind whatsoever in the
commission of a crime.
(2) An accomplice in an intentional crime shall always be liable to
(3) The accomplice shall be liable to punishment provided the crime
was at least attempted.

(4) The punishment to be imposed shall be the punishment for the

crime in so far as such crime does not go beyond the
accomplice's intention (Art. 58(3)); The Court may, taking into
circumstances of the case, reduce the punishment in respect to
an accomplice within the limits specified by law (Art. 179).
(5) When the person who committed the crime went beyond what
was intended by the accomplice the latter shall be liable to
punishment only for the crime he intended or could foresee (Art.
The actual criminal shall alone be answerable for the more
serious crime which he committed.
Article 38.-Criminal Conspiracy.
(1) Where two or more persons enter into an agreement to commit a
crime the provisions regarding participation and aggravation of
punishment due to the above-mentioned circumstances are
applicable (Art. 84(1)(d)).
(2) The foregoing provision shall, however, not affect the provisions
contained in the Special Part of this Code relating to conspiracies
against the essential interests of the State and its defence, the
forming of unlawful associations and the participation therein,
as well as to the organization of gangs or associations of
wrongdoers (Art. 257, 274, 300 and 478).
Article 39.- Failure to Report.
(1) Failure to report the preparation, attempt or commission of a
crime or of the person who committed the crime, shall not be
liable to punishment as an act of an accessory after the fact or
an accomplice except in the cases expressly provided by law (Art.
254 and 335).
(2) The provisions regarding the failure to report to the authorities in
the cases specified under Article 443 shall apply.
(3) The above-mentioned obligations are to be construed in a
restricted manner.
Article 40.-

Accessory After the Fact.

Whoever after a crime has been committed assists a criminal

either by hiding him or helping him to escape prosecution or
punishment or by receiving the proceeds of his crime, shall be
punished in accordance with the provisions of the Special Part of
this Code dealing with such acts (Arts. 445, 460 and 682)
Article 41.Circumstances.




In case of, participation whether as principal or secondary

in a crime, each of the participants shall be
punished for his own act, according to the extent of his

participation, his degree of guilt and the danger which his act
and his person represent to society.
Special circumstances or personal incidents or relationships
which have the effect of excluding punishment or justify its
reduction or increase are not transmissible to another person.
They operate to the benefit or the detriment sotely of the person
to whom they attach.
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 32-41, the provisions
of this Chapter shall apply in the case of crimes relating to the
mass media with a view to ensuring freedom of expression while
preventing abuse.
(2) Crimes relating to the mass media are those which are
committed by means of newspapers, books leaflets, journals,
posters, pictures, cinemas, radio or television broadcasting or
any other means of mass media.
(3) The crimes may be committed against the honour of other
persons, public or private safety or any other legal right
protected by criminal law, and are committed where
public through the mass media.
Article 43.- Liability for Crimes Committed through the Mass
(1) Criminal liability for crimes committed through periodicals shall
be as follows:
(a) a person who was registered as editor in chief or deputy
editor when the periodical was published shall be liable;
(b) if no license existed when the periodical was published or if
the editor-in-chief liable under sub-article (1)(a) was no longer
qualified or has otherwise ceased to function as editor-inchief the publisher shall be liable;
(c) the publisher shall likewise be liable in cases in which the
editor-in -chief was appointed merely for the sake of
appearance, or was otherwise manifestly not in a position of
exercising his powers at the time the periodical was
(d) if a deputy acting as chief editor was not longer qualified at
the time the periodical was published, or if his appointment
had otherwise expired, or if he is unable to exercise his
powers the editor-in-chief shall be liable;
(e) where it is impossible to establish the identity of the
publisher at the time of the publication of the periodical, the
printer of the periodical shall be liable in lieu of the publisher;
(f) when a person disseminated a periodical which does not
indicate who the printer was, or if such a statement is known
to the disseminator to be incorrect, and if the identity of the

printer cannot be ascertained, the disseminator is liable in

lieu of the printer;
(g) in case of periodicals published abroad, the importer other
than a person who imports the products for his personal use
or any person who disseminates the press product shall be
(2) Criminal liability for crimes committed through non-periodical
printed matters shall be as follows:
(a) when crime is committed by means of printed matter other
than a periodical the author is liable, provided that he has
been named as the author of the matter. The author shall
not be liable if the matter was published without his
consent or if his name, pen-name, or pseudonym appeared
therein against his wishes;
The question who the author is may be raised in legal
proceedings concerning crimes committed through
publications other than periodicals.
(b) if the author under sub-article (2)(a) of this Article is not
liable for matter which includes or is intended to include
contributions by several authors, and if a responsible
editor had been nominated in a manner prescribed by law,
responsible editor shall be liable;
(c) in the case of printed matter other than printed matter
under sub-article (2)(b) of this Article, the responsible
editor shall be liable only if the author was dead at the
However, the responsible editor is not liable if his name,
pseudonym, or pen-name appeared against his consent;
(d) the responsible editor of printed matter other than a
periodical is taken to be the person who, without knowing
the author, delivers it for printing and publication;
(e) if neither the author nor the responsible editor under subarticle (2)(a), (b)and (c) of this Article is liable, or if he was
dead when the matter was published, the publisher is
the publisher of printed matter other than a periodical is
taken to be the person who has undertaken to print and
publish the writings of another;
(f) if there is no publisher, or the identity of the publisher
cannot be ascertained, the printer of the material is liable
in lieu of the publisher;
(g) the provision of sub-article (2)(f) of this Article shall apply
also in corresponding manner to the liability of a
disseminator of printed matter other than a periodical.
(3) Liability for crimes committed through broadcasting media shall
rest with the person in charge of the programme; failing him, the
licensee shall be liable.
(4) If the person who would have been liable under Article 43 (1), (2)
or (3) at the time of publication has no known place of abode in
Ethiopia, and if his present whereabouts cannot be ascertained

in the prosecution of the case, liability shall pass to the person

next liable after him.
(5) In determining the liability of a person under this Article for the
crime committed through the product of mass media, the content
of the matter shall be deemed to have been inserted, published
disseminated with his full knowledge and consent.
No proof to the contrary may be admitted in such a case.
Article 44.- Special Criminal Liability of the Author, Originator, or
(1) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 43, any person
who, by contributing as author, originator or publisher, to the
product published or diffused through mass media, participates
in the commission of crimes: armed rising or civil war (Art 240),
treason (Arts. 248-250), espionage (Art. 252) attempted
incitement and assistance (Art. 255), provocation and
preparation (Art. 257), crimes against humanity (Arts. 269 274), incitement to disregard military order (Art. 332), disclosure
of military secrets (Art 336), breaches of military and official
secrecy (Arts. 396 and 397), inciting the public through false
rumours (Art 486(b)),
or the deliberate disregard for an
obligation to maintain secrecy specified by law, shall be
criminally liable.
(2) In such a case the provisions
of this Code concerning
participation shall apply to persons who committed the crime as
a principal criminal, an instigator or an accomplice.
Article 45.-

Secrecy of the Identity of a Source.

(1) The editor or publisher of any publication, which is not

periodical, may not be compelled to disclose the name or penname of the author.
(2) The publisher or editor of any publication may not be compelled
to disclose the source of any matter printed in publication.
(3) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-article (2) of this article, the
Court may order the publisher or editor of the publication to
disclose the source of information:
(a) where a crime is committed against the Constitutional
Order, National Defence Force or security of the State
constituting clear and imminent danger, or
(b) in the case of proceedings of a serious crime, where such
source does not have any alternative and is decisive for the
outcome of the case.
Article 46.- Exclusion of Double Liability.
The punishment of one of the parties responsible in the order
fixed by law shall exclude liability to punishment of the other
parties for the same act.
However, no juridical person shall escape criminal liability either
alone or jointly with any criminal listed in the order fixed by law.

Article 47.- Immunity.

The author, publisher or diffuser of a true record or
representation, which is correct in form, of public debates or acts
of a legislative, administrative or judicial authority the diffusion
of which is not expressly prohibited by law or by a specific
decision shall not be liable to punishment.
Section I.Article 48.-

Ordinary Responsibility
Criminal Responsibility and Irresponsibility.

(1) The criminal who is responsible for his acts is alone liable to
punishment under the provisions of criminal law.
(2) A person is not responsible for his acts under the law when,
owing to age, illness, abnormal delay in his development,
deterioration of his mental faculties, one of the causes specified
under Article 49 sub-article 1 or any other similar biological
cause, he was incapable at the time of his act, of understanding
the nature or consequences of his act, or of regulating his
conduct according to such understanding.
(3) The Court may order in respect of an irresponsible person such
suitable measures of treatment or protection as are provided by
law (Arts. 129-131).

Partial Responsibility.

(1) He who owing to one of the causes specified under Article 48

sub-article (2) above, or a derangement or an abnormal or
deficient condition or any other similar biological cause was, at
the time of his act, partially incapable of understanding the
nature or consequences thereof or regulating his conduct
according to such understanding shall be partially liable to the
punishment specified for the crime committed. The court shall
determine the sentence in accordance with Article 180.
(2) In addition to a penalty the Court may order such appropriate
measures of treatment, correction or protection as are provided
by law (Arts. 129-131).
Article 50.- Crimes Committed in a State of Irresponsibility
Caused by Intoxication or Other Similar Conditions.
(1) The provisions excluding or reducing liability to punishment
shall not apply to any person who, in order to commit a crime or

knowing that he could commit a crime, intentionally put himself

into a condition of absolute irresponsibility or of limited
responsibility by means of alcohol or drugs or any other means.
The general provisions of this Code are applicable in such a case.
(2) If a criminal by his own fault has put himself into a condition of
absolute irresponsibility or of limited responsibility while he was
aware, or could or should have been aware, that he was exposing
himself, in such a condition, to the risk of committing a crime,
shall be tried and punished under the ordinary provisions
governing negligence, if the crime committed is punishable on
such a charge (Art. 59).
(3) In the case of a crime which was neither contemplated nor
intended and was committed in a state of absolute
irresponsibility into which the criminal put himself by his own
Article 491 of the Special Part of this Code relating to crimes
against public safety shall apply.
(4) No person shall be liable to punishment where he commits a
crime while in a state of absolute irresponsibility, into which he
has been coerced or for which he has no fault on his part.
Article 51.- Expert Examination in Doubtful Cases.
(1) When there is a doubt as to the responsibility of the accused
person, whether absolute or partial, the Court shall obtain
expert evidence and may order an enquiry to be made as to the
character, antecedents and circumstances of the accused
Such evidence shall be obtained particularly when the accused
person shows signs of a deranged mind or epilepsy, is deaf and
dumb or is suffering from chronic intoxication due to alcohol or
due to drugs.
(2) The expert or experts shall be appointed by the. Court under the
ordinary rules, of procedure. The Court shall define their terms
of reference and the matters to be elucidated.
The expert evidence shall describe the present condition of the
accused person and its effect upon his faculties of judgment and
free determination. It shall, in addition, afford guidance to the
Court as to the expediency and the nature of medical treatment
or safety measures.
(3) On the basis of the expert evidence the Court shall make such
decision as it thinks fit. In reaching its decision it shall be bound
solely by definite scientific findings and not by the appreciation
of the expert as to the legal inferences to be drawn therefrom.
Section II.Article 52.-

Infants and Juvenile Delinquents

Infancy:, Exoneration from Criminal Provisions.

Infants who have not attained the age of nine years shall not be
deemed to be criminally responsible. The provisions of this Code
Shall not apply to them.
Where a crime is committed by an infant, appropriate steps may
be taken by the family, school or guardianship authority.
Article 53.-

Special Provisions Applicable to Young Persons.

(1) Where a crime is committed by young persons between the ages

of nine and fifteen years, the penalties and measures to be
imposed by the courts shall be only those provided in Articles
157-168 of this Code.
Young persons shall not be subject to the ordinary penalties
applicable to adults nor shall they be kept in custody with adult
(2) The provisions of Articles 158-168 of this Code shall not apply
unless the criminal is convicted.
However, where the young person is irresponsible, the provisions
of Articles 129-133 shall apply.
Article 54.- Expert Evidence and Enquiry.
(1) For the purpose of assessing sentence the Court may require
information about the conduct, education, position and
circumstances of the young criminal. It may examine his
parents as well as the representatives of the school,
guardianship authorities and the institutions concerned.
The Court may require from the above-mentioned persons and
institutions the production of any files, particulars, medical and
social reports in their possession concerning the young person
and his family.
(2) The Court before passing penalties or measures may order the
young criminal to be kept under observation in a medical or
educational centre, a home or any other suitable institution.
The Court may require the production of expert evidence
regarding the physical and mental condition of the young
person. The Court shall put such questions as may be
necessary to any expert for the purpose of informing itself as to
the physical and mental state of the young person and inquire
what treatment and measures of an educational, corrective or
protective kind would be most suitable.
(3) In reaching its decision the Court shall be bound solely by
definite scientific findings and not by the appreciation of the
expert as to the legal inferences to be drawn.
Article 55.- Assessment of Sentence.
In assessing the penalties or measures the Court shall take into
account the age, character, degree of mental and moral

development of the young criminal, as well as the educational

value of the penalties or measures to be applied.
The Court may vary its order whenever it is of the opinion that
this will help to achieve better results (Art. 164).
Article 56.-

Criminals Over Fifteen but Under Eighteen

Years of Age.

(1) If at the time of the commission of the crime the criminal was
over fifteen but under eighteen years of age, he shall be tried
under the ordinary provisions of this Code.
(2) The Court may, in assessing sentence, take into account the
circumstances of the case, in particular the age of the criminal,
his incorrigible or dangerous disposition and the likelihood of his
reform, either by applying the general provisions regarding
mitigation of penalties (Art. 179) or by applying one of the special
penalties specified for young persons (Arts. 166-168).
Section I.Article 57.-

Intention, Negligence and Accident

Principle; Criminal Fault and Accident.

(1) No one can be punished for a crime unless he has been found
guilty thereof under the law.
A, person is guilty if, being responsible for his acts, he commits a
crime either Intentionally or by negligence.
(2) No one can be convicted under criminal law for an act penalized
by the law if it was performed or occurred without there being
any guilt on his part, or was caused by force majeure, or
Sub-section 1.- Guilt in Case of a Simple Crime
Article 58.-

Criminal Intention.

(1) A person is deemed to have committed a crime intentionally

(a) he performs an unlawful and punishable act with full
knowledge and intent in order to achieve a given result; or
(b) he being aware, that his act may cause illegal and
punishable consequences, commits the act regardless that
such consequences may follow.
(2) An intentional crime is always punishable save in cases of
justification or excuse expressly provided by law (Arts. 68-81).

(3) No person shall be convicted for what he neither knew of or

Intended, nor for what goes beyond what he intended either
directly or as a possibility, subject to the provisions governing
Article 59.- Criminal Negligence.
(1) A person is. deemed to have committed a criminal act negligently
where be acts:
(a) by imprudence/or in disregard of the possible
consequences of his act while he was aware that his act
with cause illegal and punishable consequences; or
(b) by a criminal tack of foresight or without consideration
while he should or could have been aware that his act
may cause illegal and punishable consequences.
A person is guilty of criminal negligence when, having
regard to his personal circumstances, particularly to
his age, experience, education, occupation and rank, he
fails to take such precautions as might reasonably be
expected in the circumstances of the case.
(2) Crimes committed by negligence are liable to punishment only if
the law so expressly provides by reason of their nature, gravity or
the danger they constitute to society.
The Court shall assess sentence according to the degree of guilt
and the dangerous character of the criminal, and according to
his realization of the possible consequences of his act or his
failure to appreciate such consequences as he ought to have
Sub-section II.- Criminal Guilt in Case of Concurrence and
Article 60.- Concurrent Crimes.
A person commits concurrent crimes:

in cases of material concurrence, when the criminal

successively commits two or more similar or different
crimes, whatever their nature; or
in cases of notional concurrence, when the same criminal
act simultaneously contravenes several criminal provisions
or results in crimes with various material consequences; or
in the case of a criminal act which, though flowing from the
same criminal intention or negligence and violating the
same criminal provision, causes the same harm against the
rights or interests of more than one person.
Article 61.Unity of Guilt and Penalty.
(1) The same criminal act or a combination of criminal acts against
the same legally protected right flowing from a single criminal
intention or negligence, cannot be punished under two or more

concurrent provisions of the same nature if one legal provision

fully covers the criminal acts.
(2) Successive or repeated acts against the same legally protected
right flowing from the same initial criminal intention or
negligence constitute one crime; the criminal shall be punished
for the said crime and not for each of the' successive acts which
constitute it.
Similarly, where the repetition or succession of criminal acts or
the habitual or professional nature of a crime constitutes an
element of an ordinary or aggravated crime, or where the
pursued over a period of time, the criminal shall be regarded as
having committed a single crime and not concurrent material
(3) In cases where the criminal is regarded to have intention to
commit a specific crime, in particular where he committed a
crime on property to obtain unlawful enrichment or he made
counterfeit currency, used it of put it into circulation or executed
document and used it, the subsequent acts performed by the
criminal himself after the commission of the main crime for the
purpose of carrying out his initial criminal scheme shall not
constitute a fresh crime liable to punishment and are merged by
the unity of intention and purpose.
Article 62.- Renewal of Guilt Entailing a Fresh Penalty.
When a criminal having committed a crime as specified in Article
61 commits with renewed criminal intention or negligence
another crime of the same kind, whether against the same
person or the same legally protected right, such crime constitutes
a fresh crime and the Court shall aggravate the sentence on
ground of concurrence as provided in Article 184.
Article 63.- Guilt in Case of Related Crimes.
When a criminal commits a crime with the intention of causing
or facilitating the commission of another punishable crime the
regarding aggravation of penalty in case of
concurrence shall apply (Art. 184), when this has been attempted
unless such crime is declared by law to be an aggravated crime.
Article 64.-

Guilt In Case of Other Concurrent Material Crimes.

Where a criminal successively commits different crimes other

than those specified in Article 82 and 63, the provisions of Article
184 of this Code Shall apply.
Article 65.- Guilt in Case of Notional Concurrence Violating
Different Legal Provisions.

In case of notional concurrence where the act simultaneously

contravenes different legal provisions, the punishment shall be
determined in accordance with Article 187(1).
Article 66.- Guilt in Case of Notional Concurrence Resulting in,
Crimes With Various Material Consequences.
(1) When a given crime implying an injury to persons or property, or
the use or arms, instruments or dangerous means, fire or
explosives, poison or toxic substances, entails an injury whereby
the elements constituting a second crime have materialized,
whether it be bodily injury, injury to health, death of a human
being or the destruction of another person's property, the Court
shall apply the following principles for determining the. guilt and
the penalty:
(a) if the result achieved was intended or foreseen and
accepted by the criminal (Art. 58(1)). When he committed
the first crime, he shall be punished for both the first
crime and the resulting crime and aggravation shall apply
in accordance with the relevant provisions (Arts.184 and
l87 (2)(a)), due regard being had to the combination of the
elements constituting the two intentional crimes;
(b) if an intentional crime results in a crime committed by
negligence (Art. 59(1)) there shall be concurrence between
the intentional act and the resulting crime due to
negligence, and the Court shall increase the penalty
accordingly (Art.187(2)(a));
(c) if the first crime committed by negligence results in
another crime punishable for negligence there shall be
concurrence between the crimes committed by negligence
and the Court shall aggravate the penalty accordingly
(2) Aggravation shall apply in particular where criminal result was
achieved by means endangering public safety, such as arson,
explosion, use of explosives or where communication or public
health are in danger as well as in the case of exposure
persons, maltreatment, brawl, abortion, rape sexual outrages
(Arts. 187(2)(c) and 184).
Article 67.- Guilt in Case of Recidivism.
The Court shall aggravate the penalty on ground recidivism (Art.
188) when a fresh intentional crime the minimum penalty of
which is six months of simple imprisonment has been committed
within five years serving a sentence of imprisonment in whole or
in part or having been remitted by pardon.
Section II.- Lawful Acts, Justifiable Acts and Excuses
Sub-section I.- Lawful Acts
Article 68.-Acts Required or Authorized by Law.

Acts required or authorized by law do not constitute a crime and

are not punishable; in particular:
(a) acts in respect of public, State or military duties done
within the limits permitted by law;
(b) acts reasonably done in exercising the right of correction or
discipline; or
(c) acts done in the exercise of private rights recognized by
law, where the conditions and limits of the exercise of such
rights are not exceeded.
Article 69.- Professional Duty.
An act done in the exercise of a professional duty is not liable to
punishment when it is in accordance with the accepted practice
of the profession and the doer does not commit any grave
professional fault.
Sub-section II.Article 70.-

Justifiable Acts and Excuses

Consent of the Victim.

(1) A crime is not liable to punishment where it is punishable upon

complaint and where it is done with the consent of the victim or
his legal representative.
(2) Without prejudice to the provision of Article 573 this Code, when
any person, having entered into contract of his own free will
without any commercial purposes, donates while alive or causes
to be donated after his death, his body, a part of his body or one
of his organs to another person for person use or to a juridical
person for appropriate and necessary scientific research or
recipient shall not be criminally liable;
Article 71.-Absolute Coercion.
Whoever, without causing greater harm than could have suffered,
commits a crime under absolute coercion which he could not
possibly resist, is not liable to punishment. The person who
exercised the coercion shall answer for the crime (Art. 32(1 )(c).
The Court shall determine the existence of absolute coercion,
taking into account the circumstances the case, in particular the
degree and nature of the coercion as well as the personal
circumstances and the relationship of strength, age or
dependency existing between the person who was subjected to
coercion and the person who exercised it.
Article 72.- Resistible Coercion.
If the coercion was not irresistible and the person concerned was
in a position to resist it or avoid committing the act, the court
shall pass sentence on the criminal (Art. 180).

Article 73.- Responsibility of Person Giving an Order.

In the case of an act committed by a subordinate on the express
order of an administrative or military superior who was
competent so to do, the person who gave the order is responsible
for the crime committed and is liable to punishment, where the
subordinate's act constitutes a crime and did not exceed the
order given (Art. 58(3)).
Article 74.- Responsibility of the Subordinate.
(1) The subordinate shall be liable to punishment if he was aware of
the illegal nature of the order, in particular if he knew that the
order was given without authority or knew the criminal nature of
the act ordered, such as in cases of homicide, arson or any other
grave crime against persons, or national security or property,
essential public interests or international law.
(2) The Court may, without restriction, reduce the penalty when the
person who performed the act ordered was moved by a sense of
duty dictated by discipline or obedience; in particular where the
duty is of a compelling nature the Court shall reduce the
penalty without restriction (Art. 180).
The Court may impose no punishment where, having regard to
all the circumstances and in particular to the stringent
exigencies of State or military discipline, the person concerned
could not discuss the order received and act otherwise than he
(3) In the event of an order being intentionally exceeded, the person
who exceeded the order is alone responsible for the excess.
Article 75.-


An act which is performed to protect from an imminent and

serious danger a legal right belonging to the person who
performed the act or a third party is not liable to punishment if
have been otherwise averted.
No exemption shall apply in the case of a similar act done by a
person having a special professional duty to protect life or health;
however, the Court may reduce the penalty without restriction
(Art. 180).
Article 76.-

Excess of Necessity.

If the abandonment of the threatened right could reasonably

have been required in the circumstances of the case or if the
encroachment upon the third party's rights exceeded what was
necessary or if the doer, by his own fault, placed himself in the
situation involving danger or necessity in which he found
himself, the Court may, without restriction, reduce the penalty
(Art. 180).

Article 77.-

Military State of Necessity.

(1) An act done by an officer of a superior rank in active service to

maintain discipline or secure the requisite obedience in the case
of a military danger and in particular in the case of a mutiny or
in the face of the enemy shall not be punishable if the act was
the only means, in the circumstances, of obtaining obedience.
(2) Where the officer exceeded what was required in the
circumstances the Court shall, without restriction, reduce the
penalty (Art. 180) or, if the circumstances were of a particularly
impelling nature, may impose no punishment.
Article 78.-

Legitimate Defence

An act done in self-defence or the defence of another person

against an unlawful attack or an imminent and unlawful attack
against a legally protected right shall not be punishable if the
attack or imminent attack could not have been otherwise averted
and if the defence was proportionate to the needs of the case.

Article 79.-

Excess in Legitimate Defence.

(1) When a person in repelling an unlawful attack or an imminent

and unlawful attack exceeded the limits of legitimate defence by
using disproportionate means or going beyond the acts
necessary for averting the danger, the Court shall, without
restriction, reduce the penalty (Art. 180).
(2) The Court may impose no punishment when the excess
committed was due to excusable fear, surprise or excitement
caused by the attack.
Article 80.- Mistake of Fact.
(1) Whoever commits a crime under an erroneous appreciation of
the true facts of the situation shall be tried according to such
Where there is no criminal Intention the doer shall not be
punishable. Where he could have avoided the mistake by taking
such precautions as were commanded by his personal position
and the circumstances of the case (Art. 59), he shall be
punishable for negligence in cases where such negligence is
penalized by law.
(2) Mistake as to a fact which constitutes a specified crime shall not
exclude the punishment of the doer for another crime
constituted by the act he performed.
(3) The crime is committed where there is a mistake as to the
identity of the victim or the object of the crime.
Article 81.-

Mistake of Law and Ignorance of Law.

(1) Ignorance or mistake of law is no defence.

(2) The Court shall, without restriction, reduce the punishment (Art.
180) applicable to a person who in good faith believed he had a
right to act and had definite and adequate reasons for holding
erroneous belief.
The Court shall determine the penalty taking into account the
circumstances of the case and, in particular, the circumstances
that led to the error.
(3) In exceptional cases of absolute and justifiable ignorance and
good faith and where criminal intent is not apparent, the Court
may impose no punishment.
Section III.- Extenuating and Aggravating Circumstances
Article 82.-

General Extenuating Circumstances.

(1) The Court shall reduce the penalty, within the limits allowed by
law (Art. 179), in the following cases:
(a) when the criminal who previously of good character acted
without thought or by reason of lack of intelligence,
ignorance or simplicity of mind;
(b) when the criminal was prompted by an honourable and
disinterested motive or by a high religious, moral or civil
(c) when he acted in a state of great material or moral
distress or under the apprehension of a grave threat or a
justified fear, or under the influence of a person to whom
obedience or upon whom he depends;
(d) when he was led into grave temptation by the conduct of
the victim or was carried away by wrath, pain or revolt
caused by a serious provocation or an unjust insult or was
time of the act in a justifiable state of violent emotion or
mental distress;
(e) when he manifested a sincere repentance for his acts after
the crime, in particular by affording succour to his victim,
recognizing his fault or delivering himself up to the
authorities, or by repairing, as far as possible, the injury
caused by his crime, or when he on being charged, admits
every ingredient of the crime stated on the criminal
(2) When the law, In a special provision of the Special Part, has
taken one of these circumstances into consideration as a
constituent element or as a factor of extenuation of a privileged
crime, the Court may not at the same time allow for the same
to reduce the penalty applicable thereto.


Special Mitigating Circumstances:

Affection Relationships,



(1) In addition to the cases specified under various provisions of this

Code to be special mitigating circumstances under Article 180,
.the Court shall without restriction, reduce the punishment (Art.
180) when the criminal acted in a manner contrary to the law
and in particular failed in his duty to report to the authority or
afford it assistance, made a false statement or deposition or
supplied false information or assisted a criminal in escaping
prosecution or the enforcement of a penalty, for the purpose of
not exposing himself, one of his near relatives by blood or
marriage or a person with whom he is connected by specially
close ties of affection, to a criminal penalty, dishonour or grave
The Court shall examine and determine the existence and
adequate nature of the relationships invoked.
(2) If the act with which the accused person is charged was not very
grave and if the ties in question were so close and the
circumstance SQ impelling that they placed him in a moral
dilemma of a particularly harrowing nature the Court may
punishment other than reprimand or warning (Art.122).
(3) Nothing in this Article shall affect the provisions of Ans. 254(4),
335(3) and 682 (4).
Article 84.- General Aggravating Circumstances.
(1) The Court shall increase the penalty as provided by law (Art.
183) in the following cases;
(a) when the criminal acted with treachery, with perfidy, with
a base motive such as envy, hatred, greed, with a
deliberate intent to injure or do wrong, or with special
perversity or cruelty;
(b) when he abused his powers, or functions or the
confidence, or authority vested in him;
(c) when he is particularly dangerous on account of his
antecedents, the habitual or professional nature of his
crime or the means, time, place and circumstances of its
perpetration, in particular if he acted by night or under
cover of disturbances or catastrophes or by using
weapons, dangerous instruments or violence;
(d) when he acted in pursuance of a criminal agreement,
together with others or as a member of a gang organized to
commit crimes and, more particularly, as chief, organizer
(e) when he intentionally assaulted a victim deserving special
protection by reason of his age, state of health, position or
function, in particular a defence less, feeble-minded or
invalid person, a prisoner, a relative, a superior or
inferior, a minister of religion, a representative of a
duly constituted authority, or a public servant in the
discharge of his duties.

(2) When the law, in a special provision of the Special Part, has
taken one of the same circumstances into consideration as a
constituent element or as a factor of aggravation of a crime, the
Court may not take this aggravation into account again.
Article 85.- Special Aggravating Circumstances: Concurrence and
In case of concurrence of crimes and recidivism, the penalty shall
be aggravated according to the provisions of Articles 184-188 of
this Code.


Other General




The Court shall give reasons for applying general extenuating

(Art. 179) or aggravating (Art. 182) circumstances not expressly
provided for in this Code and shall state clearly its reasons for
such application.
Article 87.- Principle.
The penalties and measures provided by this Code must be
applied in accordance with the spirit of this Code and so as to
achieve the purpose it has in view (Art.1).
The penalties and measures shall always be in keeping with the
respect due to human dignity.
Article 88.-

Calculation of Sentence.

(1) The Court shall determine the penalties and measures in

conformity with the provisions of the General Part of this Code
and the special provisions defining crimes and their
(2) The penalty shall be determined according to degree of individual
guilt, taking into account dangerous
of the
antecedents, motive and purpose, his personal circumstances
and standard of education, as well as the gravity of the crime
and the circumstances of its commission.

(3) Subject to the provisions of the Special Part of Code, the Court
shall carefully examine from lightest to the most severe
determine only the penalty appropriate for each case.
(4) In order to ensure the correctness and uniformity sentencing,
the Federal Supreme Court shall issue a manual relating to

Article 89. - Minor Crimes.

In cases of minor crimes the Court may apply provisions of Article 122
relating to reprimands or warning or the provisions of the Law of Petty
Minor crimes are crimes which are punishable with simple
imprisonment not exceeding three months or fine not more than one
thousand Birr.
Section 1.- Principal Punishments
Sub-section I.- Pecuniary Penalties
Paragraph I.- Fine, Confiscation and Sequestration
Article 90.-

Fine; Principles to be Applied When Fine Imposed.

(1) Fine is paid in money, and is forfeited to the State;

subject to any provision of the law to the contrary, it may extend
from ten Birr to ten thousand Birr. However, in the case of a
juridical person fine may extend from one hundred up to five
hundred thousand Birr.
(2) In fixing the amount of the fine, the Court shall take into
consideration the degree of guilt, the financial condition, the
means, the family responsibilities, the occupation and earnings
therefrom, the age and health of the criminal.
(3) When the penalty provided, for by the Special Part of this Code is
only imprisonment and the criminal is a juridical person, the
punishment shall be a fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr for a
crime punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding five
years, a fine of up to twenty thousand Birr for a crime
punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years,
a fine of up to fifty thousand Birr for a crime punishable with
rigorous imprisonment more than five years but not exceeding
ten years, a fine of up to the general maximum laid down in subarticle
(1) for a crime punishable with rigorous imprisonment exceeding
ten years.

(4) Where only fine is provided for in the Special Part of this Code,
and where the criminal is a juridical person, the fine shall be five
Article 91.-

The Imposition of Fine in Addition Imprisonment.

Where the Special Part of this Code provides for a fine or imprisonment
as an alternative punishment for a crime, and it appears to the Court
that, having regard to the degree of guilt and the circumstances of the
criminal, it is expedient so to do, it may impose both fine and
Article 92.-

Motive of Gain as an Aggravating Circumstance.

(1) Without prejudice to any special provision of the prescribing a

higher maximum, where the criminal has acted with a motive of
gain or where he makes a business of crime in a way that he
acquires or tries to acquire a gain whenever a favourable
opportunity presents itself, and where it appears to the Court
that, having regard to the financial condition of, and the profit
made by, the criminal, it is expedient so to do, it may impose a
fine which shall not exceed one hundred thousand Birr.
The fine shall always be in addition to the confiscation of the
profit made.
(2) Notwithstanding that no provision is specifically made in the
Special Part of this Code, where although gain is not an essential
element of a crime, the criminal was motivated by gain in the
commission of such crime, the Court may impose a fine in
addition to imprisonment or measures provided by law.
Article 93.-

Recovery of Fine.

(1) Fine shall be paid forthwith.

(2) Where the criminal cannot pay the fine forthwith, the Court may
allow a period of time for payment; such period may extend,
according to circumstances, from one to six months.
(3) Where, having regard to the circumstances of the criminal, it
appears to the Court that it is expedient so to do, it may direct
the payment of the fine to be made by installments. In fixing the
amount and the date for payment of each installment, the Court
shall take into consideration the actual means of the criminal.
The period of payment shall not exceed three years.
Article 94.-

Steps Taken by the Court When Fine is not Paid


(1) Whenever a fine is not paid forthwith, the Court may require the
criminal to produce such sureties or security as is sufficient to
ensure the payment of the fine within the stated period.
The security or sureties shall be determined having regard to
the circumstances of the case, the condition of the criminal and
the interests of justice.

(2) In default of payment of the fine within the fixed period, the
Court shall give the appropriate order for the surety or security
to be deposited.
(3) When the criminal is unable or deliberately fails to produce
surety or security his property shall be seized and sold in
accordance with the law. The sale of property shall be carried
provision of Article 98(3).
Article 95.-

Conversion of Fine into Labour.

In default of payment of the fine as provided under Articles 93

and 94, the Court shall order the criminal to settle the fine by
doing work for the State or for any public authority.
The Court shall, taking into account the amount of the fine,
determine the period within which the fine is to be settled.
However, the period to be determined shall not exceed two years.
Article 96.-

Conversion of Fine into Compulsory Labour.

Where the criminal is not able to fulfill as required under Articles

93-95, the Court shall order the conversion of the fine into
compulsory labour.
The period of compulsory labour determined by the Court under
this Article shall not exceed two years.
Article 97.-

Suspension of Enforcement of Compulsory Labour.

When fine is converted into compulsory labour the Court may

order the suspension of the enforcement of compulsory labour
where the criminal, apart from the case specified under Article
105, is unable to carry out compulsory labour, by reason of his
poverty, his family obligation, his state of health or for any other
good cause.
Article 98.- Confiscation of Property.
(1) Subject to the following provisions of this Article, where the law
makes provision for confiscation the Court may order the
confiscation of the estate, or part thereof, of the criminal.
(2) Any property which the criminal has acquired, directly or
indirectly, by the commission of the crime for which he was
convicted shall be confiscated.
An order of confiscation may also apply to any property lawfully
acquired by the criminal.
(3) Confiscation shall not affect:
(a) domestic articles normally in use, instruments of trade or
profession and agricultural implements, necessary for the
livelihood of the criminal and his family;
(b) such amount of foodstuffs and of money as are necessary
for the support of the family of the criminal for a period of
not less than six months or for such longer period as the

Court, having regard to the particular circumstances of the

case and for reasons to be given in its judgment, considers
(c) goods, forming part of a family inheritance, of which the
criminal cannot freely dispose by gift, will or in any other
(d) half of the common property with regard to the innocent
spouse of the criminal, as well as the personal goods of the
innocent spouse, children or other persons of which the
criminal has, by law or custom, the charge,
administration, management or power to dispose.
Article 99.-

Sequestration of Property.

Where the criminal has been convicted and sentenced in his

absence for conspiring or engaging in hostile acts against the
constitutional order or the internal and external security of the
State, the Court may in addition to any other penalty order the
sequestration of his property.
The provisions of Article 98(3) shall apply to an order of
Paragraph II.

Other Pecuniary Effects

Article 100.-

Forfeiture to the State.

(1) Any material benefits given or intended to be given to an criminal

to commit a crime shall be forfeited to the State.
If they no longer exist in kind the person who received them
shall refund their value.
(2) Any fruits of a crime shall be forfeited to the State where its
owner or any other claimant is not found within five years
starting from the date of publication of notice having been made
concerning the recovery of the property in accordance with the
usual procedure.
Where the property is likely to be spoiled or become unfit for use
it shall be sold in accordance with the usual procedure and the
money shall be entrusted to a competent authority for a period
not exceeding five years.

Article 101.-

Restitution of Property, Compensation for Damages

and Costs.

Where a crime has caused considerable damage to the injured person

or to those having rights from him, the injured person or the persons
having rights from him shall be entitled to claim that the criminal be
ordered to make good the damage or to make restitution or to pay
damages by way of compensation.
To this end they may join their civil claim with the criminal suit.

Such claim shall be governed by the provisions laid down in the

Criminal Procedure Code.
Article 102.-

Compensation to Injured Party.

(1) Where it appears that compensation will not be paid by the

criminal or those liable on his behalf on account of the
circumstances of the case or their situation, the Court may order
that the proceeds or part of the proceeds of the sale of the
articles distrained, or the sum guaranteed as surety, or a part of
the fine or of the yield of the conversion into work, or confiscated
property be paid to the injured party.
(2) The claim of the injured party who has been compensated shall
be assigned to the State which may enforce it against the person
who caused the damage.
Sub-section II.- Compulsory Labour and Penalties Entailing Loss of
Paragraph I.- Compulsory Labour
Article 103.- Compulsory Labour with Deduction of Wages to the
Benefit of the State.
(1) Where the crime is of minor importance and is punishable with
simple imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, the
Court may, if the criminal is healthy and is not a danger to
society, sentence him to compulsory labour without any
restriction of personal liberty subject however to supervision.
This penalty may extend from one day to six months.
(2) The criminal shall serve his sentence of compulsory labour at the
place where he normally works or is employed or in a public
establishment or on public works.
An amount not exceeding one third of the criminal's wages or
profits shall be deducted and forfeited to the State.
(3) The amount to be deducted, the place where the sentence is to
be served, and the period thereof and the nature of the
supervision shall be stated in the judgment.
Article 104.- Compulsory Labour With Restriction of Personal
(1) Where the circumstances of the case show that it is proper or
necessary so to do, especially where the criminal fails to
discharge his obligation as specified under Article 103(1) above,
or where, with a view to keeping the criminal away from
unfavourable surroundings or undesirable company, it is
expedient so to do, the Court may direct that compulsory labour
shall be subject to restriction of personal liberty.
(2) The nature and the duration of such restriction shall be
determined by the Court according to the circumstances of the

Such restriction may require the criminal to discharge the

compulsory labour by remaining in a particular place of work, or
with a particular employer, or in a particular establishment, or
without leaving his residential area or a restricted area under the
supervision of government officials.
(3) If the criminal fails to comply with any such requirement, he
shall be liable to simple imprisonment for a period equal to any
unfinished period of the sentence of compulsory labour.
Article 105.-

Suspension of Sentence During Illness.

When the criminal apart from the conditions laid down under
Article 97 of this Code, falls ill during the period of his sentence
of compulsory labour, he shall not be required to do any work
until he recovers.
When the criminal recovers he shall be ordered to resume the
compulsory labour; if he is not able to resume the compulsory
labour he shall be ordered to carry out another work which is
suitable to his health and personal circumstances. Where it is
impossible to give or implement such an order, the Court may
not impose another penalty on the criminal.
Paragraph II.- Penalties Entailing Loss of Liberty
Article 106.-

Simple Imprisonment.

(1) Simple imprisonment is a sentence applicable to crimes of a not

very serious nature committed by persons who are not a serious
danger to society.
Without prejudice to conditional release, simple imprisonment
may extend for a period of from ten days to three years.
However, simple imprisonment may extend up to five years
where, owing to the gravity of the crime, it is prescribed in the
Special Part of this Code, or where there are concurrent crimes
punishable with simple imprisonment, or where the criminal has
been punished repeatedly.
The Court shall fix the period of simple imprisonment in its
(2) The sentence of simple imprisonment shall be served in such
prison or in such section thereof as is appointed for the purpose.
Article 107.- Substitution of Compulsory Labour for Simple
Wherever by reason of local administrative difficulties the execution of
a sentence of simple imprisonment is not possible or the carrying out of
such sentence is not conducive to the reform or the rehabilitation of the
criminal, the Court may, in respect of crimes for which the Special Part
of this Code provides for a term of simple imprisonment not exceeding
six months, inflict a sentence of compulsory labour (Art. 103 or 104)

of the sentence of simple imprisonment.
The provisions of this Article shall have effect notwithstanding that no
provision is made in the Special Part for the application of a sentence of
compulsory labour instead of one of simple imprisonment.
Article 108.- Rigorous Imprisonment.
(1) Rigorous imprisonment is a sentence applicable only to crimes of
a very grave nature committed by criminals who are particularly
dangerous to society.
Besides providing for the punishment and for the rehabilitation
of the criminal, this sentence is intended also to provide for a
strict confinement of the criminal and for special protection to
Without prejudice to conditional release, the sentence of rigorous
imprisonment is normally for a period of one to twenty-five years
but where it is expressly so laid down by law it may be for life.
(2) The sentence of rigorous imprisonment shall be served in such
prisons as are appointed for the purpose.
The conditions of enforcement of rigorous imprisonment are
more severe than those of simple imprisonment.
Article 109.- Common Provisions.
The following provisions are common to both forms of imprisonment.
They shall have, as their aim, the achievement of the purpose the
determination of the penalties had in view.
Regulations relating to prisons shall provide for the manner of
execution of sentences, the admission to prison, the segregation of
prisoners, the contact of prisoners with persons outside, the internal
in the prisons, and for the education and spiritual welfare of the
Article 110.-

Separation of Sexes and Segregation.

(1) Prisoners of different sexes shall serve their sentences in

different prisons and, in default of this, prisoners of different
sexes shall be kept in different sections of the same prison and
shall not be allowed to mix with prisoners of the other sex.
(2) Prisoners who are sentenced to rigorous imprisonment or
special confinement shall be kept separate from prisoners under
the age of eighteen years or from adult prisoners who are serving
sentence of simple imprisonment.
(3) Prisoners awaiting judgment or persons detained for civil debts,
or public servants who, by virtue of their official duty, had
contact with prisoners and who are imprisoned for a crime or

detained for civil debt shall be kept separate from prisoners

serving sentence.

Obligation to Do Work and Benefits Accruing Therefrom.

(1) A prisoner serving a sentence with deprivation of personal liberty

shall be under an obligation to do work and such obligation is an
essential element in the sentence.
A prisoner in good health shall be compelled to do such work as
will be assigned by the Director of Prisons. Such work shall be
suitable to the prisoner's ability and shall be of such nature as to
reform and educate the prisoner and to be conducive to his
(2) A prisoner compelled to work shall, if his work and conduct are
satisfactory, be entitled to receive compensation for every day's
The amount of such daily compensation, the manner of keeping
it during the period of imprisonment and the manner of its
payment upon release from imprisonment shall be governed by
regulations relating to prisons.
Article 112.-

Variation of Conditions of Imprisonment.

With a view to ensuring that the sentence has the effect of

reforming the prisoner and of enabling him to resume a normal
social life on his release, the execution of the sentence shall be
carried out in accordance with the following provisions in this
Article and with such other provisions as may be laid down by
regulations relating to prisons:
(1) The prison administration may, whenever it appears necessary
so to do, impose solitary confinement at the beginning or in the
course of the execution of the sentence for a maximum of three
Before imposing solitary confinement the prison administration
shall determine the measure and duration of such confinement
after consultation with a medical doctor and, where necessary, a
(2) The prisoner shall be bound to work either alone or together
with others according to the requirements and conditions
prevailing at the time.
Outside periods of work and during the night, prisoners shall, as
far as possible, be kept isolated.
(3) Good conduct prisoners may be given more favourable treatment
as regards food, access to visitors, nature of work and leisure
and treatment may be further improved with improved conduct
of the prisoner and with the approach of the prisoner's release.
Provided that any improved treatment may be withdrawn or
suspended for a definite or an indefinite period of time in the
case of abuse or persistent misconduct of the prisoner.

Article 113.- Conditional Release before Expiry of Period of

(1) Before the expiry of a sentence of imprisonment, the prisoner
may be released on probation, if his conduct has been
satisfactory and other conditions laid down by law (Art. 202)
have been fulfilled.
Before being released the prisoner may be required to live on
probation in a penitentiary or labour settlement or other similar
(2) The law relating to the execution of sentences and the
regulations relating to prisons shall lay down the conditions and
the manner of putting into effect the provisions of this Article.

Article 114.- Execution of Sentence in the Case of Members of the

Defence Forces.
The foregoing provisions shall be without prejudice to the
execution of sentences with deprivation of personal liberty, in the
case of members of the Defence Forces in which case the
sentence shall be carried into effect in military prisons, camps or
The manner of carrying out such sentences shall be laid down by
Article 115.- Deduction of Period of Remand.
(1) In passing a sentence with deprivation of personal liberty, the
Court shall specify what period of remand shall be deducted
from the period of the sentence:
Provided that no such deduction shall be or a deduction for a
limited period shall be made such remand or a prolongation
thereof is attributable to the criminal.
(2) The conditions of remand and the manner in which it is carried
into effect are governed by the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Article 116.- Period of Time Spent in Hospital Transfer in Case of
(1) If while serving sentence a prisoner has to transferred to a
hospital for treatment, the period spent in hospital shall be
reckoned as part of the sentence.
If the transfer to hospital is due to illness or to any cause
existing before the prisoner started to serve his sentence, the
shall, subject to the provision of sub-article (2) of Article, be
reckoned as part of the sentence.

(2) The period spent in hospital due to illness deliberately caused by

the prisoner or due to admission to hospital by misleading
statement or behaviour of the prisoner shall not be reckoned as
part of the sentence.
(3) If while serving sentence, a prisoner is deemed by experts to be
suffering from some mental disorder or to be irresponsible for his
acts, the sentence shall be suspended and the criminal shall be
transferred to a proper institution for care or treatment.
If the mental disorder or state of irresponsibility of the criminal is
of a permanent nature the remaining period of the sentence shall
not be carried into effect.

Sub-section III.Article 117.-

Punishment of Death

General Principles.

(1) Sentence of death shall be passed only in cases of grave crimes

and on exceptionally dangerous criminals, in the cases
specifically laid down by law as a punishment for completed
crimes and in the absence of any extenuating circumstances. A
sentence shall be passed only on an criminal who, at the time of
the commission of the crime, has attained the age of eighteen
(2) Death sentence shall not be carried out unless confirmed by the
Head of State. It shall not be executed before ascertainment of its
non- remission or non-commutation by pardon or amnesty.
(3) The sentence of death shall not be carried out in public by
hanging or by any other inhuman means. The penalty shall be
executed by a humane means within the precincts of the prison.
The means of execution shall be determined by the executive
body having authority over the Federal or Regional prison
administration concerned.
The execution of the sentence shall be carried out without any
cruelties, mutilations or other physical suffering.
(4) After execution the body shall, upon request, be-handed to his
family. Failing such request, it shall be given a decent burial.
Article 118.-

Treatment of Prisoner Awaiting Execution.

While awaiting the confirmation and the execution of the

sentence the prisoner shall be detained under the same
conditions as a prisoner-serving sentence of rigorous
The director of prisons shall take such steps as may be necessary
for the safety of the prisoner.
Where the prisoner so desires and where it is possible he shall be
given some work to do within his cell.
Article 119.- Cases Where Death Penalty May be Suspended.

Death sentence shall not be carried out on fully or partially

irresponsible or seriously ill person or on a pregnant woman,
while they continue to be in that State.
Article 120.- Commutation of Sentence of Death.
(1) In the case of a woman with child and such child is born alive
and the mother has to nurse such child, the death sentence may
be commuted to rigorous imprisonment for life.
(2) A sentence of death may be commuted or remitted by way of
pardon or amnesty in accordance with the provisions of this
Code (Arts. 229 and 230).
Section II.Article 121.-

Secondary Punishments

Secondary punishments shall not be applied except together with and

subject to a principal punishment. Any such punishments shall apply
only when the Court has expressly so directed.
Any such punishments may be applied whenever the general provisions
of law have been fulfilled notwithstanding that no provision is
specifically made for the application of such punishment in any
In deciding the application of secondary penalties, the Court shall be
guided by their aim and the result they would achieve on the safety and
rehabilitation of the criminal.
Article 122.-

Caution, Reprimand, Admonishment and Apology.

(1) Where the Court considers that an appeal to the honour of the
criminal will have beneficial effects on the criminal and on
society at large, it may in open Court, either during the trial or in
its judgment, caution, admonish or reprimand the criminal. The
Court may also order the Criminal to make a public apology to
the person injured by the crime, or to the persons having rights
from such injured person.
(2) The Court may apply any of the punishments mentioned in this
Article instead of the principal punishment where it is specifically
laid down by law that such punishments apply to minor crimes;
where extenuating circumstances are present (Arts 82 and 83);
or where the law provides for a free mitigation of the punishment
(Art. 180); or where enforcement of a sentence is postponed (Art.
Article 123.-

Deprivation of Rights.

Where the nature of the crime and the circumstances under

which the crime was committed justify such an order, and the

criminal has, by his unlawful act or omission, shown himself

unworthy of the exercise of any of the following rights, the Court
may make an order depriving the criminal of:
(a) his civil rights, particularly the right to vote, to take part in
any election or to be elected to a public office or office of
honour, to be a witness to or a surety in any deed or
document, to be an expert witness or to serve as assessor;
(b) of his family rights, particularly those conferring the rights
of parental authority, of tutorship or of guardianship; or
(c) his rights to exercise a profession, art, trade or to carry on
any industry or commerce for which a license or authority
is required.
Article 124.- Period of Deprivation.
(l) Any deprivation (Art. 123) may be permanent or temporary and
where temporary shall be from six months to five years.
In fixing the period in each case the Court shall take into
consideration the gravity of the crime, the antecedents and
character of the criminal, the danger of a relapse into crime, the
need for, and utility of the deprivation or the probable effect of the
punishment and the interests of society.
(2) A sentence of death or of rigorous imprisonment carries with it the
deprivation of all civil rights. When deciding a sentence of rigorous
imprisonment, the Court shall determine the duration of the
deprivation of civil rights. Subject to the exercise of pardon (Art.
229) and amnesty (Art. 230) or reinstatement (Arts. 232-237) such
deprivation shall be permanent in the case of a sentence of death or
of rigorous imprisonment for life.
Article 125.-

Date from Which Deprivation Shall have Effect.

(1) Any deprivation shall have effect from the day on which the
judgment becomes final.
(2) In the case of temporary deprivation the period fixed shall begin
to run from the day of expiry of the term of the principal
sentence or the day on which the principal sentence was
In the case of conditional release from a sentence restrictive of
personal liberty, and where the criminal has been of good
conduct during the period of such release, the deprivation or
suspension of the exercise of rights shall begin to run from the
day of release.
In case of forfeiture of professional rights (Art. 123(C)), the Court
may on trial authorize resumption of activity during the
probation period of the conditional release (Art. 205).
Article 126.- Reinstatement.

A criminal may be reinstated into the exercise of his rights in the

cases and under the conditions laid down by law (Arts. 232-237).
Article 127.- Dismissal from the Defence Forces and Reduction in
(1) Where the criminal is a member of the Defence Forces and is
convicted by a military court, the Court may in addition order
the reduction in rank of the criminal and his dismissal from the
Defence Forces where his crime shows him to be of a base,
wicked or dangerous disposition.
(2) Such punishment shall be applied after consultation with the
competent military authority.
Nothing in this Article shall prevent the imposition of any other
secondary penalty.
Article 128.- Legal Effect.
Reduction in rank or dismissal from the Defence Forces shall
take effect as provided by military law.
Section I.- Measures Applicable to Irresponsible Persons and
Criminals with a Limited Responsibility
Article 129.- Principle.
After ascertaining on the bases of normal enquiry and expert
examination, (Art. 51) whether the criminal is irresponsible (Art. 48)
or whether he is of a limited responsibility (Art. 49), the Court shall
apply the following provisions having regard to the circumstances and
requirements of the case.
Article 130.- Confinement.
(1) If the criminal, by reason of his condition, is a threat to public
safety or order, or if he proves to be dangerous to the persons
living with him, the Court shall order his confinement in a
suitable institution.
(2) If he is in need of treatment, he shall either be treated in the
institution in which he is confined or be transferred to an
appropriate institution in accordance with Article 131.
Proper provision may be made for his safe custody.

Article 131.- Treatment.

(1) Where a criminal is suffering from a mental disease or
deficiency, deafness and dumbness, epilepsy chronic alcoholism,
narcotic and psychotropic substances, intoxication due to the

abuse of narcotics or any other pathological deficiency and

requires to be treated or placed in a hospital or asylum the
Court shall order his treatment in a suitable institution or
department of an institution.
(2) Where the Court is satisfied that the criminal is not dangerous
and can be treated as an out-patient, it shall order accordingly.
The Court shall then order that the criminal be kept under
proper supervision and control either by the medical expert in
charge of the case or by some other competent authority. An
order made under this Article may be revoked at any time where
it is known that it is unreliable or cannot produce positive result.
Before revoking the order or taking other appropriate measures,
the Court may require from the medical experts or other
competent authority such report as it considers necessary.
Article 132.- Duration of Confinement or Treatment.
(1) The competent administrative authority shall carry out the
Court's decision concerning treatment and confinement.
Treatment and confinement shall be of indefinite duration but
the Court shall review its decision every two years.
As soon as, according to expert opinion, the reason for the
measure has disappeared the administrative authority shall,
the matter to the Court and upon its decision, put an end to the
measure ordered.
(2) Although the cause due to which the measure was ordered is not
fully eliminated, the Court may, at any time during the
enforcement of the treatment or confinement, order the
temporary suspension of such a measure in accordance with the
administrative authority's report where its propriety has been
confirmed by expert opinion.
The Court shall release the criminal to the supervision of a
selected protector for not less than one year and shall in addition
impose such conditions as may be necessary (Art. 205).
(3) Any order made under this Article may at any time be revoked
where public safety or the condition of the released person so
If the probation period is successfully undergone, the release
shall be final.
Article 133.-

Effect of Limited Responsibility upon Penalty.

(1) In the case of criminals of limited responsibility, subject to the

determination of penalty under Article 49, the Court shall when
necessary, after having suspended the sentence temporarily,
order his confinement (Art. 130) or his treatment in a suitable
institution (Art. 131).
(2) Upon termination of the measure ordered the court shall, upon
a report made by the management of the institution or the
responsible protector, decide whether the enforcement of the

penalty is still necessary and determine in accordance with the

provision of Article 116 of this Code whether or not the period of
confinement or treatment should be deducted from the sentence
The Court shall take into account the gravity of the crime
committed, the antecedents and character of the criminal, the
effect the internment or treatment had upon his condition and
the likelihood of his permanent recovery.
(3) No penalty shall be enforced where the Court considers it
inexpedient so to do.



Article 134.-




The general preventive and protective measures provided in this

Chapter may be applied together with the principal penalty or
after the principal penalty has been undergone when, in the
opinion of the Court, the circumstances of the case justify.
All such measures must be specifically ordered by the Court on
such conditions and in all such cases as it deems necessary,
notwithstanding that no provision is made in the Special Part of
this Code for their application.
Sub-section I.- Measures of a Material Nature
Article 135.-

Guarantee of Good Conduct; Principle.

(1) When a convicted person indicates his intention to commit a

further crime or when it is likely that he will commit a further
crime as in a case of declared hostility or threat, the Court may
require him to enter into a recognizance to be of good behaviour
together with a surety or sureties.
(2) The recognizance shall be for a period of from one to five years.
The surety shall be in the form of a personal or monetary
(3) The Court shall determine the duration of the recognizance and
the value of the guarantee according to the nature and gravity of
the threat and having regard to the personal and material
circumstances of the criminal or his guarantors.
The recognizance of the guarantee shall be recorded in the
Article 136.-

Refusal of Recognizance or Guarantee.

(1) If the person by whom the commission of a crime is feared

refuses to enter into the required recognizance or if, by ill-will
or bad faith, he does not name a guarantor or deposit the
required surety within the specified time, the Court shall order
him to be detained until he complies.

(2) The Court shall at the same time determine the duration of such
detention. Save in exceptional circumstances such as a renewal
of the threats or the obvious persistence of the dangerous
disposition or ill-will of the person concerned, the detention shall
not exceed three months.
The Court may, on application for good reason release the
convicted person under supervision (Art (148) or grant a further
detention for a period of not more than three months, if safety so
total period of detention may in no case exceed six months.
(3) When adequate sureties or guarantees are furnished the prisoner
shall be set free.
Article 137.-

Legal Effect.

When the probation period specified in the recognizance has elapsed

without any crime having been committed the guarantee shall be
discharged, the guarantors released and the sums or sureties lodged
returned to their owners. If a crime is committed during the probation
period, the surety shall be forfeited to the State or the guarantor
required to discharge his obligation, without prejudice to the ordinary
and measures to which the criminal is liable for his crime.
Article-138.-Inability to Furnish a Guarantee.
If the person by whom the commission of a crime is feared is through
no fault of his own, unable to furnish the surety or personal guarantee
required, the Court shall order that he be set free and placed under
supervision (Art. 148).
Article 139.- Repetition of the Measure.
(1) The Court may order a person who has entered into a
recognizance to enter into a fresh recognizance where
circumstances particularly fresh threats by, or dangerous
disposition of the criminal justify (Art 135).
(2) However, where the said person has been previously detained for
the maximum period of six months specified in Article 136(2)
second paragraph, he may not be detained again if he refuses to
enter into the fresh recognizance. If a further order is required it
shall be an order of supervision (Art. 148).
Where the nature of the threat falls under the provision of Article
580 nothing shall exclude the prosecution of the doer under the
said Article.
Article 140.-

Seizure of Dangerous Articles.

(1) The Court shall order the seizure of all articles having been used
or likely to be used for the commission of a crime, or which have

been obtained as the result of a crime, when they endanger

public order, safety, health or decency.
It may order that the seized articles be either destroyed,
rendered useless or handed over to a police or a criminological
(2) Interests of innocent third parties shall be protected and
weapons or instruments the possession of which is not forbidden
by law shall be returned to their owner.
Article 141.-

Common Provision: General Preventive Application.

A person may, before prosecution or during trial, be required to

enter into a recognizance to be of good behaviour where such
person behaves or is likely to behave in a manner which
threatens peace or security of the public or a member thereof.
An order for seizure of any dangerous article may where
circumstances so justify be made on any person in accordance
with Article 140 even in cases where such person cannot be
charged or convicted.

Sub-section II.-

Measures Entailing Restrictions on Activities

Article 142.- Suspension and Withdrawal of a License.

In the case of a grave or repeated crime committed by any physical or
juridical person holding an official license entitling him/it to carry out
any profession or activity the Court may, in addition to the penalty
imposed, order the withdrawal of the license for a period of from one
to one year.
In cases of recidivism or of a particularly grave danger the license may
be revoked for good.
Nothing in this Article shall affect the provisions of Article 123(c).
Article 143.- Prohibition and Closing of an Undertaking.
In addition to the penalty imposed upon the criminal the Court may
order that any undertaking or establishment whether commercial,
cultural or political which was utilized to commit or further the
commission of a crime shall cease to function and be closed where the
crime committed is a danger to public security.
The Court may order the winding up of such an undertaking where the
crime committed entails a penalty of rigorous imprisonment exceeding

Article 144.- Effect of Non-observance.
(1) Measures prescribing closing down, suspension or prohibition
may be general or limited to a specified time, place or area as
determined in the judgment.
They imply a prohibition of the continuance of the forbidden
activity either by the convicted person or a third party by
whatever name or management.
(2) Infringements of a prohibition under this Article shall be
punished under Article 459.
Where an establishment or centre has been reopened in violation
of a prohibition it shall be wound up and the assets disposed of
according to law.
Sub-section III.- Measures Entailing a Restriction on Personal
Article 145.- Prohibition from Resorting to Certain Places.
(1) In addition to the penalty the Court may restrain the convicted
person from having access to or remaining in certain places the
resorting to which contributed to the commission of the crime or
may expose the criminal to committing fresh crimes, in
particular public-houses, inns, entertainment halls, markets and
other public places.
(2) The Court shall specify in its judgment the extent and duration
of the restraint which may be from three months to one year.
Article 146.-

Prohibition to Settle Down or Reside in a Place.

(1) Where it becomes necessary for purposes protection as laid

down in Article 145, a similar prohibition may be ordered in
respect of settlement or residence in a town, village or a specified
(2) It shall be of a temporary nature having regard to the gravity of
the crime, the character of the criminal and the circumstances of
the case. A temporary prohibition may be for a period of from
The Court shall give reasons for its decision and shall specify the
territorial area to which the prohibition extends and its duration.
Article 147.- Obligation to Reside in a specified Place or Area.

(1) Where a criminal is likely to cause further disturbance or pursue

a life of crime, the Court may order the criminal to reside in a
specified place or area where the likelihood of his committing
further crimes is lessened.
(2) The Court shall decide the place or locality where the criminal is
to reside and its duration which shall not be less than one year
and more than five years.
(3) An order shall not be made under this Article where an order
under Article 135 will meet the circumstances of the case.
Article 148.- Placing under Supervision.
(1) Where such a measure appears necessary the Court may order
that a convicted person be placed under police supervision.
Except as otherwise expressly provided by law in particular
under Article 138 such a measure shall be ordered only in
respect of a criminal who is proved to be dangerous by the
gravity or repetition of his criminal acts and who was sentenced
to at least a term of simple imprisonment of one year.
(2) The Court shall prescribe the period of supervision, which shall
be from one to five years.
Such supervision must be effected so as not to hinder the person
who is the subject thereof in the exercise or resumption of his
normal activities and living and not to prevent reinstatement.
The person subjected to supervision may be ordered to report
himself either at regular intervals or when summoned so to do.
(3) The Court may in an appropriate case order supervision by a
protector (Art. 208), where such an order appears sufficient
having regard to the circumstances of the case.
Article 149.- Withdrawal of Official Papers.
Where special reasons, relating to supervision or safety require,
the Court may in addition order the temporary retention or
withdrawal of the official papers or passport of the convicted
The reasons for such a measure and its duration shall be stated
in the judgment.
Article 150.-





the Territory;

(1) If the convicted person is an alien and proves to be undesirable

or dangerous the Court may order expulsion from the territory of
the State either temporarily or permanently.
This measure may always be ordered in respect to a convicted
person who has been sentenced to a term of simple

imprisonment of three years or more, or to an irresponsible or

partially responsible criminal recognized by expert opinion as a
danger to public order.
The duration of expulsion shall be specified in the judgment.
(2) The Court shall, prior to its decision, consult the competent
public authority.
Nothing in this Article shall affect the provisions of international
(3) The application of any other measure does not preclude
Article 151.- Enforcement.
(1) The enforcement of an order of expulsion shall be the duty of the
competent public authority and shall be effected in accordance
with the relevant administrative regulations.
(2) In the case of a sentence entailing loss of liberty the order of
expulsion shall be carried out after the sentence has been served
or remitted through pardon or amnesty.
(3) In the case of a criminal whose responsibility is limited and
when circumstances so justify the penalty may be first enforced
and expulsion substituted for the ordinary measures of safety
(Art.130) or treatment (Art.131).
In the case of an irresponsible person expulsion may, if
appropriate in the circumstances of the case, be substituted for
the measures of confinement or treatment.
Article 152.-

Suspension of the Measures by way of Probation.

When a criminal has been sentenced to a penalty entailing loss of

liberty and his conditional release is ordered, the suspension of
the order concerning prohibition from residing in a specified
place, obligatory residence or expulsion may be ordered by the
Court by way of probation and subject to possible revocation, on
such general terms and under such guarantees as are provided
by law (Art. 207).
Article 153.- Penalty in Case of Violation of Safety Provisions.
Infringements of the provisions relating to prohibition from
resorting to certain places, or from residing or settling in the
country, obligatory residence and the obligation to subject
oneself to such supervision as is ordered, as well as prohibition
from entering the territory of the State in case of expulsion, shall
be punished under Articles 459 and 465.

Sub-section IV.Article 154.-

Measures for Purposes of Information

Notification to the Competent Authority.

In every case where the Court pronounces a secondary penalty or

a protective or preventive measure as provided in the foregoing
Sections, it shall notify without delay the administrative, civil,
military or police authority concerned or any other competent
public authority with a view to the enforcement of the decision
and the control of its observation.
It shall, in each case, determine to what extent the decision shall
be made publicly known in order to ensure its efficacy.
Article 155.-Publication of the Judgment.
(1) Whenever the general interest or that of the accused or of the
injured person so requires the Court shall order the publication
of the judgment or parts thereof.
Such publication shall be ordered as a matter of course when it
serves the public interest; it shall be effected only on a written
request by the interested party when it serves private interests.
(2) The Court shall determine the conditions under which the
publications shall take place and their number, according to
usage, the circumstances of the case and expediency.
Publication may be effected by means of posters in a public
place, or through other mass media.
Article 156.- Entry in Judgment Register.
(1) Penalties and measures pronounced in a judgment shall be
entered in the judgment register of the person concerned in
cases where such an entry is required by law and in accordance
with the provisions of the order relating thereto.
These provisions shall also determine the particulars to be
included in the entries and their duration, the extent to which
they may be communicated to other people having a justified
interest therein, as well as the conditions under which they may
be cancelled and the effect thereof in case of reinstatement.
(2) As a general rule, extracts from entry in judgment register are
intended to enable the competent judicial authorities to ascertain
the criminal antecedents of an accused person. They shall not be
communicated to third parties or to offices which are not
entitled to take cognizance thereof, in order not to hinder the
reinstatement of the convicted person.

Section I.-

Period Between Ages of Nine and Fifteen

Sub-section I.- Ordinary Measures.

Article 157.-


In all cases where a crime provided by the criminal law or the

Law of Petty Offences has been committed by a young person
between the ages of nine and fifteen years (Art. 53), the Court
shall order one of the following measures having regard to the
general provisions defining the special purpose to be achieved
(Art. 55) and after having ordered all necessary inquiries for its
information and guidance (Art. 54).
Article 158.- Admission to a Curative Institution.
If the condition of the young criminal requires treatment and
where he is feeble minded, abnormally arrested in his
development, suffering from a mental disease, epileptic or
addicted to drink, abuse of narcotic and psychotropic substances
or other plants with similar effect the Court shall order his
admission to a suitable institution where he shall receive the
medical care required by his condition.
His treatment shall where possible include education and
Article 159.- Supervised Education.
(1) If the young criminal is morally abandoned or is in need of care
and protection or is exposed to the danger of corruption or is
corrupted, measures for his education under supervision shall
be ordered.
He shall be entrusted either to relatives or if he has no relatives
or if these have proved to be incapable of ensuring his education,
to a person (guardian or protector), a reliable person, or
organization for the education and protection of children.
The supervisors mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall
undertake in writing before the Court that they will, under their
responsibility, see to the good behaviour of the young criminal
entrusted to them.
The local supervisory authorities (Art. 208) shall be responsible
for the control of the measure.

(2) Specific conditions such as regular attendance at a school or the

obligation to undergo an apprenticeship for a trade, the
prohibition to associate with certain persons or resort to certain
places, the obligation to appear personally before, or to report on
certain dates to the supervisory authority may be imposed.
Such conditions may, according to their nature and purpose, be
ordered either in respect to the young person or to the persons
who vouch for his good conduct.
(3) A recall or a formal admonition may, if necessary, be sent to
such persons by the supervisory authority or the Court.
The custody and education of an infant may at all times be
withdrawn from the person or organization entrusted therewith if
they prove to be incapable of discharging their trust in a proper
Article 160.- Reprimand; Censure.
(1) When such a course seems appropriate and designed to produce
good results the Court may reprimand the young criminal.
It shall direct his attention to the consequences of his act and
appeal to his sense of duty and his determination to be of good
behaviour in the future.
(2) This measure may be applied alone when the Court deems it
sufficient for the reform of the young criminal, having regard to
his capacity of understanding and the not serious nature of the
crime or the circumstances of its commission.
If expedient, it may be coupled with any other penalty or
Article 161.- School or Home Arrest.
In cases of small gravity or when the young criminal seems likely
to reform, the Court may order that he be kept at school or in his
home during his free hours or holidays and perform a specific
task adapted to his age and his circumstances.
The Court shall determine the duration of the restraint in a
manner appropriate to the circumstances of the case and the
degree of gravity of the crime committed.
It shall order the necessary steps for ensuring strict enforcement
under supervision.
Article 162.- Admission to a Corrective Institution.
The Court may order his admission into a special institution for
the correction and rehabilitation of young criminals, taking into

account the bad character, antecedents or disposition of the

young criminal as well as the gravity of the crime and the
circumstances under which it was committed.
The young criminal shall there receive, under appropriate
discipline, the general, moral and vocational education
(apprenticeship) needed to adapt him to social life and the
exercise of an honest activity.
Article 163.- Duration of the Measures.
(1) Measures for treatment (Art. 158) and supervised education (Art.
159) shall, as a general rule, be applied for such time as is
deemed necessary by the medical or supervisory authority and
may continue in force until the young criminal has come of age
(eighteen years).
They shall cease to be applied when, in the opinion of the
responsible authority, they have achieved their purpose.
(2) The sending to a corrective institution (Art. 162) shall, as a
general rule, be ordered for a period of not less than one year nor
exceeding five years, in no case shall it extend beyond the
coming of age of the young criminal.
The judgment shall fix the duration in each case.
Conditional release by way of probation after detention for one
year may be ordered under such general conditions as are
provided by law (Art. 205) and subject to the application of rules
of conduct and submission of the released criminal to the control
of a protector (Art.208) during the fixed probation period.

Article 164.- Variation of the Measures.

On the recommendation of the management of the institution the
Court may vary an order made under the preceding Articles when
such variation will benefit the young criminal.
Article 165.- Legal Effect of the Measures.
A young person in regard to whom one of the aforesaid curative,
educational or corrective measures has been ordered shall not be
regarded as having been sentenced under criminal law.
Sub-section II.Article 166.-


Where measures under Articles 158-162 have been applied and

have failed the Court may sentence a young criminal to one of
the following penalties, after having ordered such inquiries to be
made as may seem necessary (Art. 54).
Article 167.- Fine.
(1) In cases where the young criminal is capable of paying a fine and
of realizing the reason for its imposition, the Court may sentence
him to a fine, which shall be proportionate to his means and the
gravity of the crime.
A fine may be imposed in addition to any other penalty.
(2) The provisions regarding the substitution of other penalties for
fine and the consequences of non-payment (Art. 94-95) are not
applicable to young criminals.
Should a young criminal deliberately fail to pay the fine within a
reasonable time fixed by the judgment the fine may be converted
into school or home arrest (Art. 161) for such time as shall be
by the Court.
Article 168.- Imprisonment.
(1) When a young criminal has committed a serious crime which is
normally punishable with a term of rigorous imprisonment of
ten years or more or with death the Court may order him to be
(a) either to a corrective institution (Art. 162) where special
measure for safety, segregation or discipline can be applied
to him in the general interest; or
(b) to a penitentiary detention institution if he is incorrigible
and is likely to be a cause of trouble, insecurity or
corruption to others. The principle of segregation shall be
applied in this case (Art.110(2)).
(2) The Court shall determine the period of detention to be
undergone according to the gravity of the act committed and
having regard to the age of the criminal at the time of the crime.
It shall not be for less than one year and may extend to a period
of ten years.
When the criminal was sent to a corrective institution he shall
be transferred to a detention institution if his conduct or the
danger he constitutes renders such a measure necessary, or
attained the age of eighteen years and the sentence passed on
him is for a term extending beyond his majority.

In such a case the Court shall take into account, in determining

the duration of the detention to be undergone, the time spent in
the corrective institution and the results thereby obtained.
(3) Detention shall take place under the regime of simple
imprisonment (Art. 106) and conditional release may be granted
under the usual conditions provided by law (Art. 113) if the
young criminal appears to have reformed.
Sub-section III.- Common Provisions
Article 169.- Petty Cases; Waiving of Penalty for Definite Reasons.
In case of a less serious crime, when six months at least have
elapsed since the crime was committed the Court may order no
measure or penalty if it appears to be no longer necessary or
Such shall be the case in particular when educational or
corrective measures or suitable punishment has already been
imposed by the parental or family authority, or when the young
criminal is of good behaviour and seems to be reformed and no
longer to be exposed to a risk of relapse.

Article 170.- Special Period of Limitation.

(1) When half the ordinary or the special period of limitation (Arts.
217, 218) has expired since the day on which the crime was
committed, the Court may, if circumstances seem to justify such
a decision, renounce imposing any measure or penalty except in
the cases of serious crimes mentioned in Article 168.
(2) In the case of serious crimes mentioned under Article 168, the
general rules governing the limitation of the prosecution and the
sentence shall apply.
Article 171.-

Suspended Sentence and Period of Probation.

The general rules regarding. She suspension of the sentence or of

its enforcement with submission for a specific time to a period of
probation under supervision (Arts. 190-200) shall, as a general
rule, remain applicable to young criminals if the conditions for
the success of such a measure seem to exist and subject to the
rule6 concerning serious crimes as defined In Article 168.
The duration of the period of probation shall be fixed between
one and three years.
Artlcle172.- Effect of Measures and Penalties upon Civil Rights.
The measures and penalties imposed upon a young criminal
shall not result in the loss of his civil rights for the future, save

in exceptional cases where the Court regards it as absolutely

necessary on account of the special gravity of the crime
committed within the meaning of Article 168.
Article 173.-Preventive and Protective Measures of a General
The provisions concerning forfeiture to the State (Art.100), the
seizure of dangerous articles (Art, 140) as well as the prohibition
from resorting to certain places (Art. 1.46) shall be applicable to
young criminals.
The Court may in addition order the expulsion (Art. 150) of an
alien under age who proves to be unamenable to reform and
dangerous for the community, at the end of the period of
corrective detention.
Due notice shall be given to the appropriate public authorities,
guardians or institutions (Art. 154) of all measures taken and
penalties imposed upon young criminals.
Article 174.-

Publication of Judgment and Entry in Judgment


The publication of the judgment in respect to young criminals

shall never be effected through the mass media (Art. 155).
The entry in the Judgment register (Art. 156) of the measures
and penalties affecting them shall be made merely for the
information of the official, administrative or judicial authorities
concerned. In no case shad excerpts from their record be
communicated to third parties.
Article 175.-

Cancellation of Entry and Reinstatement.

On the application of the young criminal or of those having

authority over him the competent authority may order the
cancellation of an entry in his personal Judgment register of
measures or penalties applied to him, except imprisonment,
within two years from their enforcement if the normal conditions
for reinstatement (Arts. 232-237) are fulfilled.
Section II.- Period Between Ages of Fifteen and Eighteen
Article 176.-

Normal Case.

In the case of a crime committed by a young person belonging to

the intermediary age group extending from the end of criminal
minority (15 years) to legal majority (18 years), the Court
applying the ordinary provisions of the law (Art. 56) may reduce
the penalty within the limits it specifies (Art. 179), if the
circumstances of the case seem to justify such a reduction.

In no case may death sentence be passed upon a criminal who

had not attained his eighteenth year of age at the time of
commission of the crime (Art. 117).
In the carrying out of penalties entailing loss of liberty the rule of
segregation until majority (Art. 110(2)) shall be strictly observed.
Article 177.- Special Case.
(1) Where a young criminal's physical or mental development is
considered to be that of a young person below the age of fifteen
or did not commit a serious crime and, according to expert
opinion, still seems amenable to curative, educational or
corrective measures provided in Section I of this Chapter in
respect to young criminals, the Court may by stating its reasons
therefor, instead of mitigating the ordinary penalty in accordance
with the preceding provision, order one of the aforesaid measures
or penalties, in particular his dispatch to a curative or corrective
(2) The curative, educational or corrective measure may under no
circumstances be extended beyond legal majority (Art. 163).
The Court may, before the end of the period, review its order with
a view to deciding what length of the period spent in a corrective
institution is to be considered as part of the penalty where it deems
it necessary, in particular where it is appropriate to order detention
in a penitentiary establishment (Art. 168(2)) upon release from the
corrective institution.
Section I.- Determination
Article 178.- Assessment of the Penalty in Case of Mitigation or
Aggravation Provided by Law.
Apart from ordinary cases of determination of the penalty in
conformity with general principles (Art. 88) and where, by virtue
of the law, a case arises of compulsory or optional mitigation or
aggravation of the penalty the Court shall apply the following
Sub-section I.- Rules Governing Mitigation and Exemption
Article 179.- Ordinary Mitigation.

In all cases where the law provides that the Court mitigate the
penalty under this Article, it shall, if it deems the mitigation
justified, pronounce:
(a) instead of capital punishment, rigorous imprisonment from
twenty years to life;
(b) instead of rigorous imprisonment for life, rigorous
imprisonment from ten to twenty years;
(c) instead of rigorous imprisonment for a specified minimum
period, rigorous imprisonment for not less than the general
minimum period of one year;
(d) instead of rigorous imprisonment of at least one year, simple
imprisonment from six months to five years;
(e) instead of simple imprisonment for a specified minimum
period laid down in the Special Part of this Code, simple
imprisonment for not less than the general minimum period of
ten days;
(f) instead of simple imprisonment for not less than the general
minimum period of ten days, compulsory labour or a fine.
Article 180.-

Free Mitigation.

In cases where the law provides the mitigation without restriction

of the penalty under this Article, whether compulsorily or
optionally, the Court shall have power to determine it in
accordance with the following principles:
The Court shall not be bound by the Kind of penalty provided in
the Special Part of this Code for the crime to be tried, nor by the
minimum which the provision provides; it-may without
restriction impose a sentence for a term shorter than the
minimum period prescribed of substitute a less severe sentence
for the sentence provided; however the Court shall be bound
solely by the -genera} minimum provided in the General Part,
(Arts. 90, 106 and 108) as regards the penalty it imposes,
whatever its nature may be.
Article-181.-Common Provisions.
In exercising its power of mitigation under the conditions and
within the limits provided by law the Court shall always
determine the nature of the sentence in accordance with the
general principles governing criminal guilt (Art. 57).
In case of mitigation, whether ordinary (Art. 179) or free: (Art.
180), reparation of the damage caused (Art. 101) may always be
ordered. The same applies to secondary penalties (Arts,-121-128)
and to the various preventive, corrective and safety measures
(Arts. 134-153) which the Court may deem necessary.
Article 182.- Exemption from and Waiving of Penalty.

The Court may exempt a criminal from any penalty whatever or

waive the penalty in whole or in part, only in such cases as are
expressly provided by law.
Sub-section II.- Rules Governing Aggravation
Article 183.- Ordinary Aggravation.
In general cases of aggravation provided by law (Art. 84) the
Court shall determine the penalty without going beyond the
maximum limit of the penalty specified in the relevant provision
of the Special Part of this Code, taking into account the nature
and the multiplicity of grounds of a aggravation, as well as the
degree of guilt of the criminal.
Article 184.Crimes.

Aggravation of Penalty in Case of Concurrent

(1) In case of material concurrence of crimes (Art. 85) the Court

shall determine the penalty on the basis of the general rules set
out hereafter, taking into account, for the assessment of the
sentence, the degree of guilt of the criminal:
(a) where capital punishment or life imprisonment is determined
for one of the concurrent crimes punishable with deprivation of
life or liberty or where the maximum term of imprisonment
provided under the provisions of this General Part (Arts. 106 and
108) is imposed for one of the concurrent crimes punishable
with imprisonment of the same kind, this penalty shall, subject
to the provisions of sub-article 1 (c) and (e) of this Article override
any other penalties that would have been imposed on the other
concurrent crimes.
However if, instead of one of the penalties specified above, a
sentence of imprisonment below the maximum laid down in the
General Part of this Code has been passed for the most serious
crime, the Court shall aggravate the sentence on account of the
other concurrent crimes in accordance with sub-article (1) (b) of
this Article.
(b) in case of two or more concurrent crimes entailing loss of
liberty the appropriate penalty for each crime shall be determined
and added. However, the duration of the total penalty may not go
beyond the general maximum fixed in the General Part of this
Code for the king of penalty applied.
In case of concurrent crimes entailing simple imprisonment and
rigorous imprisonment, simple imprisonment of two years shall,
for purposes of this Article, be deemed to be equivalent to
rigorous imprisonment of one year.
(c) in case of concurrence between a penalty entailing loss of
liberty and a fine the Court may impose both penalties. When

imposing the sentence it shall apply the provision of sub- article

(1)(b) in case of imprisonment, and the provision of sub-article
(1 )(d) in case of fine.
(d) in case of two or more concurrent crimes entailing fine the
appropriate penalty for each fine shall be determined and added.
Without prejudice to cases where the criminal acted for gain
(Art.92), the total amount may not, exceed the general maximum
prescribed in the General Part of this Code.
(e) where the Court orders the forfeiture of the criminal's property
in case of one of the concurrent crimes, it may not impose a fine
on account of the other crime.
(2) Where there exists concurrence of crimes as defined in Article
60(c) of this Code the punishment shad, unless otherwise
provided, be determined in accordance with the provisions of
sub-article (1) of this Article.
(3) Any secondary penalty or preventive, corrective or safety
measure may be applied even though its application is justified
under only one of the relevant provisions or in respect of only
one of the concurrent crimes.
Article 185.- Special Case.
(1) In case of related crimes, when one of them was committed with
the intent of making possible, facilitating or cloaking another
crime, the Court shall aggravate to the maximum permitted by
law the penalty determined under the preceding Articles.
(2) Where such concurrence constitutes a special aggravated crime
such as aggravated murder or robbery according to the Special
Part of this Code, the appropriate provisions shall apply.
Article 186.-

Retrospective Concurrence.

(1) Where it is discovered that another concurrent crime had been

committed before judgment by a criminal while serving or after
having served a sentence for a crime for which he was convicted,
the Court shall assess sentence, so that the criminal is not
punished more severely than if all the crimes had been tried
(2) The Court, taking into account the penalty already imposed,
shall determine the appropriate penalty in accordance with the
preceding Articles.
(3) Where different penalties have been imposed in separate trials
before different Courts or divisions on charges which should
have been tried together the aggregate sentence shall be
accordance with the preceding Articles.
Article187.Aggravation of Penalty in Case of Notional
(1) Where by one and the same act the criminal committed a breach
of several criminal provisions (notional concurrence Article 65),

the Court may aggravate the penalty according to the provisions

of Article 184 particularly where the criminal's deliberate and
calculated disregard for the law or the clear manifestation of the
criminal's bad character so justifies aggravation.
In other cases the Court may only impose the maximum penalty
prescribed by the most severe of the relevant provisions.
(2) In case of notional concurrence resulting in crimes with different
material consequences, the Court shall aggravate the penalty as
(a) where at least one of the concurrent crimes committed by
the criminal is intentional (Art. 66(1 )(a) and (b)), the
penalty shall be determined in accordance with the
provision of Article 184.
(b) where the concurrent crimes are committed negligently
(Art. 66(1)(c), a penalty shall be imposed without exceeding
the maximum penalty prescribed in the Special Part of this
Code for the most serious crime.
(c) where the criminal intentionally committed crimes
endangering public security or interest (Art. 66(2)), the
penalty shall be aggravated in accordance with the
provision of Article 184.
Article 188.- Aggravation in Case of Recidivism.
(1) Where a fresh crime is committed in the circumstances specified
under Article 67 of this Code, the Court shall aggravate the
penalty, and may pass a sentence exceeding the maximum
penalty laid down in the Special Part of this Code for the fresh
It may double the penalty provided in the Special Part of this
Code for the fresh crime or for the most serious fresh crime in
case of concurrence.
(2) Having regard to the nature and multiplicity of crimes, the degree
of guilt and the danger represented by the criminal, the Court
may, without being bound by the maximum penalty provided in
sub-article (1) above, aggravate up to the maximum penalty laid
down in the General Part of this Code for the kind of punishment
Where the criminal is a persistent recidivist the Court shall
aggravate the sentence by going beyond double the penalty
prescribed for the fresh crime.
(3) The penalty to be determined under the provisions of sub-article
(1) or (2) of this Article shall in no case exceed the maximum
penalty prescribed in the General Part of this Code for the kind of
penalty applied (Arts. 106 and 108).

Sub-section III.- Cumulation of Extenuating and Aggravating



Cumulation of Different
Aggravating Circumstances.



In case of different extenuating and aggravating circumstances,

the Court shall determine the penalty as provided below:
(1) In the event of concurrent general aggravating and
extenuating circumstances the Court shall first fix the penalty
having regard to the aggravating circumstances (Art. 183)
and then shall reduce the penalty in light of the extenuating
circumstances (Arts. 179,180).
(2) Where in a case of recidivism the criminal has at the same
time been convicted of concurrent crimes the Court shall first
assess sentence for the concurrent crimes and then increase
it having regard to recidivism.

When there exist different types of aggravating and

extenuating circumstances specified in sub-article (1) and (2)
above, the Court shall first fix the penalty having regard to the
aggravating circumstances and then shall reduce the penalty
in light of the extenuating circumstances.

Section II. Suspension of Penalty

Sub-section I.- Conditional Suspension of Penalty
Article 190.- Principle.
When the Court, having regard to all the circumstances of the case,
considers that conditional suspension of the penalty will promote the
reform and reinstatement of the criminal, it may order conditional
suspension of the sentence as provided hereinafter.
Such an order implies an appeal to the cooperation of the criminal for
his own reform and may at any time be revoked if circumstances show
that it is not justified.
Article 191.- Suspension of Pronouncement of the Penalty;
Suspended Sentence.
When the criminal has no previous conviction and does not appear
dangerous and where his crime is punishable with fine (Art. 90),
compulsory labour (Arts. 103 and 104) or simple imprisonment for not
more than three years (Art. 106), the Court, after having convicted the
criminal, may suspend sentence and place the criminal on probation,
where it is of the opinion that such decision will lead to the reform of
the criminal.
No conviction shall be entered when a criminal is placed on probation
and does not break the conditions of his probation.
Article 192.-

Suspension of Enforcement of the Penalty.

When the Court considers that the criminal, whether previously

sentenced or not (Art.194), shall receive a warning it shall enter a
conviction and pass sentence but may order that the
enforcement of the sentence be suspended for a specified period
of probation. The Court may not, however, suspend the
enforcement of measures (Arts. 127-159).
If the probation is successfully undergone the sentence shall be
remitted, but the conviction entered in the Judgment register
shall remain with all its other consequences.
Article 193.-

Cumulation of Penalties, Divisibility of Suspension.

If there is a cumulation of penalties, in particular when

secondary penalties are imposed, the Court may, for public
securities or general interest, decide not to extend the measure of
suspension to some of the penalties on account of their
preventive nature and the interest attaching to their
Article 194.- Disallowance and Withdrawal of Suspension.
(1) Suspension of the enforcement of a penalty shall not be allowed:
where the criminal has previously already undergone a
sentence of rigorous imprisonment or a sentence of simple
imprisonment for a term exceeding three years and where
he is sentenced again to one of these penalties for the
crime for which he is tried, without prejudice to the
provisions regarding recidivism (Arts. 67 and 188).
where the criminal, having not been sentenced previously,
is sentenced to a term of rigorous imprisonment exceeding
five years for the crime for which he is now tried.
(2) Similarly the Court may revoke the suspension granted:


where, after having been granted a suspension of penalty,

it is discovered that the criminal had committed a crime
and where the nature and extent of the penalty, that
would be imposed for the crime, satisfy the requirement
under sub-article (1)(a) above; or
where the criminal, having been granted suspension of
penalty, intentionally commits a fresh crime during the
period of probation Article 200 (2); or
where the Court is of the opinion that the conditional
suspension in the previous case will not produce good

Article 195.-


Where the Court is of the opinion that previous enquiry is

necessary for the purpose of deciding whether suspension should
be granted, it shall
require information as to antecedents,
character, living and working conditions of the criminal applying
for suspension.

Information may be given by a supervisor or a reliable welfare

worker or an officer of a charitable organization.
Article 196.-




of Probation.

(1) In choosing either of the two forms of suspension (Arts. 191 and
192), the Court shall give grounds for its decision.
It may not give an order of suspension unless the antecedents,
character and attitude of the accused afford a reasonable
presumption that the suspension will produce good results.
(2) The Court shall fix the probation period imposed upon the
criminal taking into account the gravity of his crime, the risk of a
relapse and his reliability.
The probation period shall be of at least two years and may not
exceed five years.

Article 197.- Conditions of the Probation.

(1) Conditional suspension shall follow upon the criminal entering
into a formal undertaking to be of good conduct, to accept the
requirements laid down, as well as to repair, to the fullest extent
possible, the damage caused by the crime or to pay the
indemnity to the injured person (Art. 101) as well as to pay the
judicial costs within the time therefor.
(2) The Court shall require a security for the undertaking. It may
consist in a guarantee of a personal or material nature. It shall
determine it having regard to the circumstances and the
possibilities of the case.
Article 198.- Rules of Conduct to be Imposed upon the Criminal.
(1) The Court shall specify the rules of conduct, protection and
supervision, which appear to it to be necessary.
Such rules may prescribe, in particular, the requirement of
learning a trade, residing, working or living in a particular
place, refraining from consorting with certain people or
consuming alcoholic beverages, remitting to the probationer's
family, guardian or protector part of his earnings, undergoing a
requisite treatment or subjecting himself to any other similar
measure for securing the success of the probation.
(2) Rules of
nature of
reform, in

conduct shall take into account the individual

needs, according to the circumstances and the
the risk run and shall be famed with a view to his
accordance with the provisions of the law.

They must not be inconsistent with the aims of the institution

of suspension, nor prescribe requirements which are
incompatible with the provisions of the law.
(3) The rules of conduct laid down may be varied at the request of
the probationer, his protector, guardian or guarantor, or on the
application of the Attorney General where the necessity is
Article 199.-

Control and Supervision.

(1) Upon granting suspension the Court shall, if it is necessary,

place the criminal under the supervision of a protector,
guardian, probation officer or a charitable organization in general
(Art. 208).
The protector or supervising officer shall keep in touch with the
probationer: he shall visit him at home or at his place of work,
make arrangements for his leisure hours, give him guidance and
facilitate to the best of his ability his readjustment in life and his
The protector or supervising officer shall exercise over the
probationer a regular but unobtrusive control and report at least
every three months and at more frequent intervals when
necessary to the appropriate probation commission.
(2) The organization and the duties of the probation commissions
and probation officers shall be regulated by law.
Article 200.- Effect of Failure of Probation.
(1) If during the period of probation the probationer infringes one of
the rules of conduct imposed upon him, evades supervision or
the authority of the charitable organization to which he is
entrusted, commits a crime by negligence or in any other
manner betrays the confidence placed in him, subject to his
being prosecuted for the crime he negligently committed, a
formal warning shall be addressed to him by the Court.
If necessary, fresh rules of conduct or the extension of the
probation period originally fixed may be imposed within the
limits permitted by law.
(2) If the probationer persists in his attitude or has conduct despite
this formal warning or if he intentionally commits a fresh crime
during the probation period the measure of suspension shall be
revoked by the Court but not before the probationer has been
given an opportunity of being heard.
A second suspension cannot be awarded for a new crime
intentionally committed.

(3) In such a case the Court shall pronounce the penalty which it
had suspended and order its enforcement or order the
enforcement of the penalty which it has imposed.
If the measure of suspension is cancelled on the ground of a
fresh and intentional crime, subject to the provisions regarding
recidivism (Art. 188), the penalty shall be aggravated by adding
the penalty for the fresh crime to the penalty pronounced or to
be pronounced.
Sub-section II.- Conditional Release
Article201.- Principle.
In all cases where a penalty or measure entailing loss of liberty
provided by this Code is imposed anticipatory conditional release
may be awarded by way of probation at the end of the period of
enforcement provided by law, when the general requirements
therefore are satisfied (Art. 202).
Conditional release must be regarded as a means of reform and
social reinstatement. It must be deserved by the criminal to
whom it is applied and must be awarded only in cases where it
affords a reasonable chance of success.
Article 202.- Conditions for Release.
(1) Where a prisoner has served two-thirds of a sentence of
imprisonment or twenty years in case of life imprisonment, the
Court may, on the recommendation of the management of the
institution or on the petition of the criminal, order conditional
(a) if, during the requisite period of performance of the
penalty or the measure entailing loss of liberty, the
criminal, by his work and conduct, gave tangible proof of
his improvement; and
(b) if he has repaired, as far as he could reasonably be
expected to do, the damage found by the Court or agreed
with the aggrieved party; and
(c) if the character and behaviour of the criminal warrant the
assumption that he will be of good conduct when released
and that the measure will be effective.
(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, conditional release
shall not be granted to persistent recidivists.
Article 203.- Information Concerning Conditional Release.
(1) Prisoners shall be informed upon their conviction and when
entering the institution to which they are committed of the
possibility and conditions of their anticipatory release.
(2) The Director of the institution shall recommend release of the
criminal where the conditions for granting release appear to have

been fulfilled or shall submit the petition of the criminal to be

released together with his opinion.
Article 204.- Period of Probation.
Upon ordering conditional release the Court shall fix a period of
probation which unless otherwise ordered, shall expire at the end
of the sentence or the measure which remains to be undergone.
This period shall in no case be of less than two years nor, subject
to any provision to the contrary, of more than five years. In the
case of a criminal sentenced to life imprisonment the period of
probation shall not be less than five years and not more than
seven years.
Article 205.- Rules of Conduct and of Supervision.
(1) Appropriate rules of conduct to be observed by the probationer
during the period of probation shall be laid down in accordance
with the foregoing general provisions (Art. 198).
They shall, in particular, take into account the age and character
of the released prisoner, the risk to which he may be exposed and
the degree of the reliability of his family, employment and social
circumstances upon leaving the institution.
The fulfillment of these conditions shall, as far as possible, be
prepared prior to release with the assistance of the management
of the institution and the protection, guardianship or the
competent public authority.
(2) The released probationer shall, unless otherwise ordered, be
subject to the supervision, direction and guidance of a protector
or charitable organization (Art. 208). However, this measure may
not be passed in cases where it cannot be enforced or where its
enforcement is unnecessary.
Article 206.- Result of Probation.
(1) The requirements for probation and conditions under which it
can be revoked shall be governed by the forgoing general
provisions (Art. 200).
(2) When the conditional release has been revoked the released
person shall be sent back to the institution from which he had
been released.
The time spent in conditional liberty shall not be deducted from
the term of the sentence or duration of the measure still to be
If a fresh crime has meanwhile been committed, subject to the
provisions regarding recidivism (Arts. 67 and 188), the penalty to
be pronounced for the new crime shall be added to the remaining

(3) If the released person is of good behaviour until the expiration of

the period, of probation his release shall be final and his penalty
Article 207.- Effect of Prohibitions and Other Measures.
(1) When, in addition to a penalty entailing toss of liberty, a
prohibition to practice a trade or profession (Art- 123(c)), to
resort to certain places or there to reside, or obligatory residence
has been ordered, the Court may, in the event of conditional
release and upon such release, order by way of probation, the
suspension of the prohibition (Art. 152) if having regard to all the
circumstances it seems desirable.
It shaft be guided by the degree of reform of the released person,
the disappearance or diminution of his dangerous disposition
and the favourable effect that suspension may be expected to
(2) The Court shall so decide after enquiry (if any) and on the
recommendation of the penitentiary authority and the
appropriate supervisory authority and the appropriate
supervisory authorities.
It shall determine the conditions, limitation or guarantees
(security, control, etc.) upon which the attempt at resumption of
normal life shall be conditioned.
(3) When a conditionally released criminal has behaved himself in
accordance with the rules of conduct imposed upon him without
any blame and appears to be reformed such that it is not likely
that he will again commit the crime for which a penalty
restricting liberty or entailing expulsion was imposed, the
additional penalty or measure that was imposed upon him shall
no longer be applied.
Sub-section III.- Supervision by a Charitable Organization
Article 208.- Principle.
Supervision by a charitable organization is an essential feature of
the system aiming at obtaining good results from the
enforcement of penalties and measures and the various methods
whereby such enforcement is carried out.
The placing under the supervision of a charitable organization is
compulsory in all cases where the law so provides. In all other
cases a criminal either conditionally or finally released may at all
times voluntarily have recourse to the help or assistance of such
an organization. The responsible charitable bodies shall be
bound to afford him their assistance.
Article 209.- Purpose and Duties.

(1) The duties of the charitable organizations consist in affording

criminals who have to readjust themselves to life in the
community, either during a period of suspension or after their
conditional or final release from a penalty or a measure entailing
lost of liberty, counsel, guidance and moral and material
assistance with a view to achieving the purpose of reinstatement
which is aimed at, and forestalling a future relapse.
The appointed charitable organization may, in particular, place
the protected
in employment or find for them, or
assist them in finding, work, an employer, lodgings or relief,
direct them as to the proper use of their savings or earnings and,
generally, give them every other support necessary to enable
them to lead an honest life.
(2) It shall exercise regular supervision over them but with such
discretion as is proper so as not to, risk impairing their
rehabilitation, and report to the Court and to the competent
authorities whenever necessary.
Article 210.- Organization.
(1) The aforesaid duties shall be carried out by the association or
groups, of a public or private character, which devote their
activity thereto, with the assistance and under the control of
the State.
They may be entrusted to a qualified protector or probation
officer of unimpeachable morality, to be appointed from
case to case.
Unless otherwise necessary they shall not be entrusted to
police authorities.
(2) The detailed conditions shall be regulated in law concerning
the enforcement of penalties and orders dealing with this

Section I.- Absence of Accuser or Accused
Sub-section I.- Absence of Accusation or Complaint
Article 211.-

Right of Complaint or Accusation in General.

(1) Prosecution with a view to a judgment and the enforcement of

the penalty is a public proceeding and is instituted by the public
in all cases where the law does not otherwise
expressly provide.
(2) Prosecution by the public prosecutor does not exclude the right
of lodging a complaint or accusation to the competent public
Article 212.- Crimes Punishable upon a Formal Complaint.
Where the law in the Special Part of this Code or in any other
legislation that complements criminal law provides that a crime
is punishable upon complaint, no charge shall be instituted
against the criminal unless the injured party or his legal
representative institutes a complaint.
Article 213.- Time within which to Lodge a Complaint.
The complaint must be lodged within three months from the day
when the injured person knew of the criminal act or the criminal.
Upon expiration of this period of time he shall be deemed to have
renounced so doing unless he was materially incapacitated from
acting, and the complaint shall no longer be entertained.
Where a complaint is not made owing to the aforesaid ground,
the period of three months shall run from the day on which the
incapacity ceased to exist.
Sub-section II.-

Death of an Accused or a Convicted Person

Article 214.- Death of the Accused Prior to Conviction.

A prosecution may neither be instituted nor continued where an
accused person dies before the institution of a charge in a court
or before the pronouncement of judgment.
Article 215.- Death of a Convicted Person.
Death of a convicted person after a sentence has been passed
puts an end to the enforcement of the penalties and any
measures pronounced.
Section II.-

Limitation as to Prosecution and Penalties

Sub-section I.- Limitation as to Prosecution

Article 216.- Principle and Effect.
(1) Unless otherwise provided by law, in all criminal cases the
prosecution and the criminal action shall be barred and may no
longer be instituted or brought upon the expiration of the legal
period of time stated below.

Limitation extinguishes the liability to punishment in respect to

any of the participants. As soon as the limitation period has
elapsed neither a conviction nor penalties or measures may be
(2) Even where .the defendant fails to raise the barring of the charge
by a period of limitation the Court or the Prosecutor shall, at any
time, consider the barring of the charge by limitation.
Article 217.- Ordinary Limitation Periods.
(1) The limitation period of a criminal action shall be as follows:
(a) twenty-five years for crimes punishable with death or
rigorous imprisonment for life;
(b) twenty years for crimes punishable with rigorous
imprisonment exceeding ten years but not exceeding
twenty-five years;
(c) fifteen years for crimes punishable with rigorous
imprisonment exceeding five years but not exceeding ten
(d) ten years for crimes punishable with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years;
(e) five years for crimes punishable with simple imprisonment
exceeding one year;
(f) three years for crimes punishable with simple
imprisonment not exceeding one year, or with fine only.
(2) In respect of concurrent crimes:
(a) the period of limitation for one of the crimes shall apply to
all of them where the maximum penalty of each crime is
the same;
(b) the period of limitation for the most serious crime shall
apply to the other crimes where the maximum penalties of
the concurrent crimes are different.
Article 218 Special Periods.
Subject to the provision of Article 213, the period of limitation of
any crime punishable upon complaint shall be two years.
Article 219 Calculation of Periods.
(1) Limitation periods shall be determined on the basis of the
maximum penalty provided by the provision of the Special Part
without regard to the extenuating or aggravating circumstances
involved in the case.
Where the law penalizes the act with several penalties to be
applied either alternatively or concurrently the periods shall be
calculated on the basis of the most severe penalty.

(2) The limitation period shall begin to run from the day on which
the criminal first exercised his criminal activity.
If the criminal act was committed repeatedly the period shall
begin to run from the day on which the last act was performed; if
it was pursued over a period of time the period shall begin to run
from the day on which it ceased.
Where achieving a given result is one of the constituents of the
crime the period shall begin to run on the day on which this
result occurred.
Article 220.- Suspension of Period of Limitation.
(1) Limitation shall be temporarily suspended as long as there
subsists a bar in law or in fact.
It shall also be suspended where a charge has been instituted
and the case is undergoing a judicial proceeding, or where the
decision in the criminal case against the defendant cannot be
given until other proceedings have been completed.
Upon removal of the bar the period of limitation shall revive and
continue its course.
(2) In all cases where the law requires the lodging of a complaint for
the institution of a prosecution the absence of this formality
shall not prevent the limitation period from running.
Similarly, any act of the criminal voluntarily done to hinder the
institution or continuation of the prosecution shall not prevent
the limitation period from running.
Article 221.- Interruption of Period of Limitation.
The limitation period shall be interrupted by any order, act or
decision for purposes of search, summons, prosecution or
investigation in relation to the crime or the criminals.
Upon each interruption the whole period of limitation shall begin
to run afresh.
The interrupting act shall be absolute as to its effect; it is
effectual towards all the participants in the crime, whether
known or unknown.
Article 222.- Absolute Limitation.
Whatever the circumstances may be the prosecution and the
criminal action shall be barred in all cases when a period equal
to double the ordinary period of limitation provided by law (Art.
217) has elapsed or, in cases where a special period applies (Art.
218), when such a period has been exceeded by haif.
Sub-section II.- Limitation of Penalties and Measures

Article 223.- Principle and Effect.

(1) Unless otherwise expressly provided by law, when for any reason
whatsoever the sentence has not been enforced within the period
of time stated below, the right to enforce it shall be extinguished
and the penalty or measure pronounced no longer enforceable
(Arts. 224-228).
The limitation of the principal penalty shall entail the limitation
of any secondary penalties or measures. The limitation of the
principal penalty shall also apply to the confiscation of property
related with the penalty. However, where measures are imposed
without principal penalties the provision of Article 224(d) shall
(2) Limitation must be carried out on their own initiative by all
appropriate judicial or executive authorities.
(3) Despite the non-execution of the sentence passed due to the
expiry of the period of limitation, its entry shall remain in the
judgment register of the criminal.
Article 224.- Ordinary Periods



of Penalties and

(1) The period of limitation of the penalties or measures shall be as

(a) thirty years for a death sentence or a sentence for
rigorous imprisonment for life;
(b) twenty years for a sentence for rigorous imprisonment for
more than ten years;
(c) ten years for a sentence entailing loss of liberty for more
than one year;
(d) five years for all other penalties or measures.
(2) In the event of concurrent penalties, the lighter penalties shall
be barred at the same time as the most severe penalty.
Article 225.- Calculation of the Period.
(1) The period of limitation shall run from the day on which the
judgment, being final, was enforceable or, if the enforcement had
commenced, from the day on which the convict evaded such
When the convict was granted the benefit of a measure of
suspension and such suspension was cancelled, the period shall
start from the day on which the enforcement of the penalty was
(2) Where concurrent penalties have been decided the period of
limitation shall be calculated on the basis of the period of
limitation for the most severe penalty.

Article 226.- Suspension of Period of Limitation of Penalty and

The limitation of the penalty or measure shall be suspended:
(a) whenever penalty or measure cannot be carried out or
continued under the provisions of the law, and as long as
such impediment subsists;
(b) as long as the convict enjoys the benefit of a measure of
suspension or probation or was granted time for payment;
(c) as long as he is imprisoned pursuant to a penalty
entailing loss of liberty or an order of measure,
Article 227.- Interruption of Period of Limitation of Penalty.
Limitation shall be interrupted by any act for the enforcement, or
aiming at the enforcement, of the penalty performed by the
authority responsible for such enforcement.
Article 228.- Absolute Period



of Penalties and

The limitation of the penalty or the measure shall in all circumstances

be final when the ordinary period (Art. 224) is exceeded by one half,
save when, during this period, the criminal showed that he is
committing an intentional crime punishable with at least rigorous
Section III.- Pardon and Amnesty
Article 229.- Pardon.
(1) Unless otherwise provided by law, a sentence may be remitted in
whole or in part or commuted into a penalty of a lesser nature or
gravity by an act of pardon of the competent authority.
Pardon may apply to all penalties and measures, whether
principal or secondary and whatever their gravity, which are
(2) The conditions of pardon shall be governed by the relevant
provisions of public law. The order granting pardon may
determine the conditions to which it is subjected and its scope.
Pardon shall not cancel the sentence the entry of which shall
remain in the judgment register of the criminal and continues to
produce its other effects.
Article 230.- Amnesty.
(1) Unless otherwise provided by law, an amnesty may be granted
in respect to certain crimes or certain classes of criminals, either

absolutely or subject to certain conditions or obligations, by the

appropriate competent authority, when circumstances seem to
indicate that such a measure is expedient.
The conditions of granting amnesty shall be as provided by law.
The law shall specify its purpose, the beneficiaries and its scope.
(2) An amnesty bars or discontinues any prosecution from the
moment of its promulgation.
When a sentence has been passed an amnesty cancels it as well
as all its other consequences under criminal law. The conviction
shall be presumed to be non-existent and the entry deleted from
the judgment register of the criminal.
Article 231.- Civil Reparation and Costs.
(1) Pardon or amnesty shall not affect any civil reparation and the
payment of damages to injured persons.
(2) Unless otherwise provided by the order granting pardon or
amnesty, costs incurred towards the State and which have not
yet been collected shall be regarded as remitted by either
Section IV.- Reinstatement
Article 232.- Principle.
(1) A convict who has undergone his penalty or whose penalty is
barred by limitation or has been remitted by pardon or whose
penalty has been suspended on probation or who has been
released conditionally may, at his request, obtain his
reinstatement and the cancellation of his conviction, if he fulfils
the conditions mentioned hereinafter.
Reinstatement must be deserved and shall never be granted as of
(2) If the convict who satisfies the requirements prescribed by law is
incapable of acting by himself or has died, the request may be
made by his legal representative or a next-of-kin.
Article 233.- Conditions for Reinstatement.
Reinstatement shall be granted by the Court:
(a) if in the cases of a penalty of rigorous imprisonment, a
measure of permanent expulsion or a penalty of general
confiscation of property a period of at least five years has
elapsed since the penalty was undergone or barred by
limitation or since the convict was released because his
penalty was remitted by pardon, or since the penalty was
suspended or since the convict was conditionally released,
where he successfully underwent the period of probation

in case of suspension of penalty or conditional release; in

other cases, the period must be two years at least;
(b) if the sentence has been enforced as regards any
secondary penalties imposed;
(c) if the convicted person has paid the compensation,
damages and costs ordered by the judgment in, so far as it
could be expected from him having regard to
circumstances; and
(d) if during the period specified in sub-article (a) above the
convicted person was always of good behaviour and has
not been convicted of a crime punishable with
The minimum period for the conditions of reinstatement
specified in sub-article (a) above shall apply only as long
as it does not affect the period regarding recidivism as laid
down in Article 67 of this Code.
Article 234.- Special Cases.
(1) When the penalty is barred by limitation reinstatement may not
be ordered before the time at the earliest when the penalty
pronounced would have come to an end if it had been undergone
on the coming into force of the sentence.
(2) When a notably praiseworthy act performed by the, applicant in
the civil, military or social fields so justifies, reinstatement may
be ordered prior to the expiration of the normal period of time.
Article 235.- Effects of Reinstatement.
Reinstatement, since it cancels the sentence, shall produce the
following effects:
(1) the convicted person is relieved, for the future, of any forfeitures of
rights or privileges, incapacities and disqualifications and recovers
the capacity to exercise his civil, family and professional rights;
(2) the sentence shall be deleted from the judgment register and for
the future be presumed to be non-existent;
(3) a reproach referring to an old conviction made either y ill-will or
any other reason shall come under the provisions of criminal law
regarding defamation, and he defences based upon justification or
public interest shall not be admissible.
Article 236.-

Dismissal and Renewal of the Request.

If the Court dismisses the request for reinstatement as

unjustified it cannot be renewed before a period of two years has
Article 237.-

Revocation of the Decision.

Reinstatement shall be revoked and may no longer be granted when

subsequently, within a period of five years, a fresh sentence to capital

punishment or rigorous imprisonment has been imposed upon the

reinstated person by a judgment which is final.



Section I.-

Crimes against The Constitutional Order and the

Internal Security of the State

Sub-section I. - Crimes Against the Constitution or the State


238.- Outrages against the Constitution or the

Constitutional Order.
(1) Whoever, intentionally, by violence, threats, conspiracy or any
other unlawful means:
(a) overthrows, modifies or suspends the Federal or State
Constitution; or
(b) overthrows or changes the order established by the Federal
or State Constitution,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from three years
to twenty-five years.
(2) Where the crime has entailed serious crises against public
security or life, the punishment shall be life imprisonment or

Article 239.- Obstruction


of the exercise

of Constitutional

Whoever, by violence, threats or any other unlawful means,

restrains or
prevents any official or body constituted by the
Federal or State Constitution from exercising their powers or
forces them to give a decision, is punishable with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years.
Article 240.- Armed Rising or Civil War.
(1) Whoever intentionally:

(a) organizes or leads a revolt, mutiny or armed rebellion

against any official or body constituted by a Constitution;
(b) raises civil war, by arming citizens or inhabitants or by
inciting them to take up arms against one another,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from ten years
to twenty-five years.
(2) Where the crime has entailed serious crises against public
security or life, the punishment shall be life imprisonment or
(3) Whoever of his own free will takes part in the movement
mentioned in sub-article (1) of this Article is punishable with
rigorous imprisonment from seven years to twenty years.
(4) Where it is proved that the organizer or participant has caused
injury to life, liberty, person, health or property or has committed
another crime, he shall in addition be liable under the relevant
provision of the law.
Article 241.- Attack on the Political or Territorial Integrity of the
Whoever, by violence or any other unconstitutional means,
directly or indirectly, commits an act designed to destroy the
unity of the peoples, or to destroy the Federation, or to sever part
of the territory or population from the Federation or the State,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from ten years to
twenty-five years, or, in cases of exceptional gravity, life
imprisonment or death.

Article 242.- Violation of Territorial or Political Sovereignty.

Whoever, contrary to the national law, the principles of
international law, rules or treaties:
(a) enters the territory of the State for the purpose of there
engaging in any subversive activity; or
(b) proceeds, within the territory of the State, to perform on
behalf of a foreign power or organization acts which are
within the jurisdiction of the public authorities of Ethiopia,
particularly investigations, searches or judicial inquiries,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in cases of
exceptional gravity, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years.
Article 243.- Unlawful


(1) Whoever intentionally:


or Residence.

(a) departs from, enters into or resides in the territory of the

State in violation of the national law; or
(b) causes any of the acts specified in (a) above to be
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine or with
(2) Whoever, with the intention of obtaining, directly or indirectly,
advantage procures illegal entry of a person, who is not either a
national or a permanent resident of Ethiopia, into the territory of
another State or produces, procures, provides or possesses a
fraudulent travel document or identity card for enabling illegal
entry into the Ethiopia territory of the person or performs an act
that enables him to illegally remain in Ethiopia without
complying with the necessary legal requirements, is punishable
with rigorous imprisonment from five years to ten years.
(3) Where the life or safety of the migrant is endangered or is
subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment as a result of the
crime committed under sub-article (2) of this Article, the person
who committed the crime shall be punishable from five years to
fifteen years of rigorous imprisonment.
(4) The punishment shall be in accordance with Article 90 of this
Code where the assistance in the commission of one of the acts
specified in sub-article (1)(a) of this Article is by a juridical
(5) Where the act is clearly a petty offence, the relevant provisions of
the Code of Petty Offences shall apply.

Sub-section II.Article 244.-

Injuries and Insult to the State

Attacks against the State and National and other

(1) Whoever, by word or by deed or in any other way, abuses,

insults, defames or slanders the State in public,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
months or with a fine not less than five hundred Birr.
The act of defamation, slander, abuse or insult is deemed to be
committed as defined under Articles 613 and 615.
(2) Whoever, maliciously, or with contempt or any other similar
intent, publicly tears down, sets on fire, destroys, injures,
defaces, insults or in any other way abuses an officially
recognized national emblem, such as the flag or insignia of
Federal Ethiopia or the Regional States, is punishable with
simple imprisonment for not less than three months or fine.
Article 245.- Unlawful use of Official Emblems.

Whoever makes unlawful use, for any purpose, of such flags or

insignia as mentioned under Article 244, is punishable with
simple imprisonment or fine.
Section II.-

Crimes against the External Security and Defensive

Power of the State

Article 246.- Attacks on the Independence of the State.

Whoever commits an act intended to:
(a) jeopardize or destroy the independence of the State; or
(b) provoke intervention by a foreign State in the national
affair, calculated to endanger its in dependence; or
(c) initiate hostile acts by a foreign State against the Nation, or
to involve it in a foreign war, hostilities, a blockade or
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
twenty-five years, or, in cases of exceptional gravity, with life
imprisonment or death.
Article 247.- Impairment of the Defensive Power of the State.
Whoever intentionally impairs the defensive power of the State:
(a) by unjustifiable
surrendering, or
sabotaging, or putting out of action any enterprise,
installation or position, any means of production, trade or
transport or any works, establishments, depots,
armaments or resources of a military nature or intended
for the defence of the country; or
(b) by delivering troops to, or by recruiting a citizen of the
State for, or encouraging his enlistment in, the military
service of a foreign power, or by himself entering such
service, if a citizen; or
(c) by publicly instigating refusal to serve, mutiny or
desertion, or by inciting a person liable to military service
to commit any of these crimes; or
(d) by obstructing, impeding or in any other way sabotaging
military measures taken for the purpose of national
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five to twenty-five
years, or, in cases of exceptional gravity, such as in time of war or
danger of war, with life imprisonment or death.
Article 248.- High Treason.
Whoever, enjoying Ethiopian nationality or being officially entrusted
with the protection of Ethiopian national interests:
(a) takes up arms or engages in hostile acts against Ethiopia; or
(b) has dealings with or keeps up a secret correspondence with a
power at war with Ethiopia, or with a person or body acting on
behalf of such power, for the purpose of ensuring or promoting
the enemy's success in any manner whatsoever; or

(c) delivers to the enemy, whether directly or indirectly, an object,

armament, plan, document or resources of any kind used for the
national defence, or aids the enemy by rendering services or
delivering supplies to him,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five to twenty - five
years, or, in cases of exceptional gravity, with life imprisonment or
Article 249.- Treason.
(1) Whoever, enjoying Ethiopian nationality or being officially
entrusted with the protection of Ethiopian national interests:
(a) discloses, delivers, communicates or makes accessible to
the public, to a foreign State, political party, organization,
agent, a secret, a document, negotiations or a decision
which the interests of Ethiopia demand shall not be
divulged; or
(b) while acting as a representative of the State or while
entrusted with the conduct on its behalf of negotiations
with a foreign power, manifestly sacrifices the interests he
is called upon to defend to those of the other power; or
(c) destroys, suppresses, purloins, causes to disappear or
falsifies documents, papers or means of proof relating to
the security, independence or vital interests of the State,
is punishable .with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
(2) In cases of exceptional gravity directly endangering the existence
or independence of the State, the Court may impose rigorous
imprisonment from ten years to twenty-five years.
(3) Where the criminal has acted negligently, the punishment is
simple imprisonment for not less than six months, which may be
increased to five years rigorous imprisonment in cases of
exceptional gravity.
Article 250.- Economic Treason.
(1) Whoever, enjoying Ethiopian nationality, or being officially
entrusted with the protection of Ethiopian national interests:
(a) discloses, delivers, communicates or makes accessible to
the public or abroad economic negotiations, decisions,
facts or documents kept secret in the higher interests of
Ethiopia or in those of national defence; or
(b) discloses or delivers objects, means or other things of such
a nature entrusted to him; or
(c) participates in or subscribes to a loan floated by a country
in a state of war with Ethiopia, is punishable with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years. In more serious
cases, the rigorous imprisonment may extend up to twenty
(2) Where the criminal has acted negligently, the punishment is
simple imprisonment for not less than three months.

Article 251.- Collaboration with the Enemy.

Whoever enjoying Ethiopian nationality or being officially entrusted
with the protection of Ethiopian national interests, in time of war or of
total or partial occupation of the territory of Ethiopia, helps the enemy
with advice or by deed, with the intention of promoting the objective of
the enemy, in particular:
(a) by exercising on his behalf civil or administrative functions in
the judicial, police or prisons services, or in custody, transport
services; or
(b) by denouncing or handing over to him patriots or fugitives
seeking to escape from his restraint; or
(c) by entering any propaganda, publishing or press service
designed to promote the interests of an enemy or occupying
power; or
(d) by engaging, directly or through an Intermediary, in dealings
involving economic collaboration with such enemy or power,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty years,
or in cases of exceptional gravity, with rigorous imprisonment for life or
Article 252.-


(1) Whoever, on behalf of a foreign State, political party or

organization, and to the detriment of Ethiopia or of its
institutions, organizations or nationals:
(a) organizes, engages in or encourages a political, diplomatic,
military or economic intelligence service, or recruits or
employs another person for such service; or
(b) collects, transmits, delivers or makes available information
of this nature which is secret or is not a matter of public
knowledge, to an official service or to a private service or to
its agents,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years, where the espionage is harmful to the State or to the
public interest, or with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
five years where it is harmful to private persons or
(2) Where the information divulged is calculated directly to
endanger the internal or external security of the State, the
punishment is rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty
years. In cases of exceptional gravity, and especially in the case
of political, diplomatic or military espionage carried out in time
of war or danger of war, the criminal is punishable with rigorous
imprisonment for life, or, where the vital interests of Ethiopia are
at stake, with death.
Article 253.- Protection extended to Allied Powers.

The punishments prescribed in this Section shall also apply where one
of the crimes thereunder has been committed to the detriment of a
power in alliance with or associated with Ethiopia, wherever the
of such power provides for reciprocity.
Section III.-

Common Provisions

Article 254.- Indirect Aid and Encouragement.

(1) Whoever, being aware that a crime under Articles 241-246, 252258 has been committed, or attempted or is being prepared, fails
to inform the authorities thereof, or does not to the best of his
ability try to prevent the crime from being carried out and to
bring the criminal to justice, save in cases of force majeure or
manifest impossibility,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
(2) When the crime is committed in time of internal or external
emergency, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years.
(3) Official or professional secrecy cannot be invoked to evade the
obligation to inform the authorities.
(4) Kinship or dose ties of affection with the perpetrator of the crime
cannot be invoked as an excuse in the above-mentioned cases
(Art. 83).
Article 255.- Attempted Incitement and Assistance.
Where the crimes under Articles 238-242,246-252 have not been
attempted, incitement (Art. 36(2)), assistance (Art. 37(3)), or an
attempt to incite or assist (Art. 27(2)), in such crimes,
is punishable with simple imprisonment from one month to five
years, or with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years in
cases where the foreseeable consequences of the activities are
particularly grave.
Article 256.- Material preparation of Subversive Acts.
Whoever, for any of the purposes specified under Articles 238242, 246-252:
(a) recruits, organizes or brings into a country troops, guerillas,
bandits or mercenaries; or
(b) prepares, stores up or imports arms, munitions, provisions,
money Or such material means,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
Article 257.-

Provocation and Preparation.

Whoever, with the object of committing or supporting any of the

acts provided under Articles 238-242,246-252:
(a) publicly provokes them by word of mouth, images or writings; or
(b) conspires towards, plans or urges the formation of, a band or
group with other persons, whether within or outside the country;
(c) joins such band or group, adheres to its schemes or obeys its
instructions; or
(d) enters into relations or establishes- secret communication with a
foreign government, political party, organization or agent; or
(e) launches or disseminates, systematically and with premeditation,
by word of mouth, images or writings, inaccurate, hateful or
information or insinuations calculated to demoralize the public
and to undermine its confidence or its will to resist,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or where the foreseeable
consequences of his activities are particularly grave, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
Article 258.- Aggravation to the Crime.



In all cases in this Chapter for which the taw provides the
alternative of rigorous imprisonment for life or death, the Court
shall pass sentence of death:
where the crime has been committed during or under threat of
internal disturbance, in time of danger of civil or foreign war or
foreign interference, or where martial taw or any officially
recognized state of emergency has been declared; or
where the acts are the a conspiracy brought to fruits
carried out by an organized armed band: or
where the criminal has made use of resources, arms, means or
support furnished from abroad or by foreign political parties of
organizations; or
where the criminal has used bombs, dynamite explosive or other
terrorist methods constituting a public danger.

Article 259.- Additional penalties and measures.



In all cases punishable under this Chapter with rigorous

imprisonment, the Court may also impose a fine not
exceeding one hundred thousand Birr where the criminal
exercises or has been given an authorized power or
leadership assignment, or where he has acted for motives of
Where a foreign national has been sentenced to rigorous
imprisonment for five years or more, his expulsion on
completion of his sentence shall be ordered.
In all cases of treason, espionage or transmission of secrets,
the material, correspondence or documents connected with
the crime shall be confiscated.

Article 260.- Confiscation of Property.

Whoever being an Ethiopian national, or being officially entrusted
with the protection of Ethiopian national interests is found guilty
and convicted of any one of the crimes under Articles 238, 240
and 241, or 246- 251 and 252(2) of this Chapter, the Court may,
in addition to the principal penalty, order the confiscation of the
criminal's property within the limits specified by law (Art, 98).
Article 261.- Hostile Acts Against a Foreign State.
Whoever, within the territory of Ethiopia and at the risk of
endangering peaceful relations with foreign countries:
(a) attempts to disturb, by subversive activities, by slander, by
malicious propaganda or by violence, the internal political order
or security of a foreign State; or
(b) infringes a governmental decision, duly published in the
Federal Negarit Gazeta or officially declared by other means,
purpose of safeguarding Ethiopia's neutrality during a foreign
war; or
(c) provokes, undertakes or encourages acts hostile to a foreign
belligerent power,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for at least three months,
or, in cases of exceptional gravity, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years.
Article 262.- Outrages against Foreign Heads of State, Representatives
and Other Persons Enjoying Protections under
International Law.
(1) Whoever, within the territory of the State of Ethiopia makes an
attack on or endangers the life, liberty or security of head of
State or Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representative
of a foreign state or his family accompanying him or any official
or agent of international organization or any other person
enjoying protections from any attack under international Law; or
endangers his official premise, private accommodations or means
of transport; or utters a threat to commit one of the acts
specified above;
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten

(2) Where the death of persons specified in sub-article (1) above

ensued during the commission of a crime, the relevant provisions
relating to homicide shall apply.
Article 263.- Violation of Foreign Sovereignty.
Whoever, contrary to public international law, for the purpose of
engaging in unlawful, subversive or dangerous activities:
(a) enters the territory of a foreign State; or
(b) improperly performs on the territory of such State acts falling
within the jurisdiction of the public authorities,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in more serious cases,
with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three years.
Article 264.- Insults to Foreign States.
(1) Whoever in any way publicly abuses, insults, defames or
slanders by word of mouth or by deed, a foreign State, either
directly or in the person of its Head, of one of its constituted
authorities, of one of its accredited diplomatic representatives or
of one of its official representatives or delegates in the territory of
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) In grave cases, especially in a case of slander, simple
imprisonment shall be for not less than three months.
Article 265.- Insults to the Official Emblems of Foreign States.
Whoever, out of ill-will, hatred, contempt or improper motives
tears down, destroys, defaces, insults or in any other way abuses
the emblems of sovereignty of a foreign State with which Ethiopia
maintains peaceful relations, particularly its insignia or national
flag publicly hoisted by an official representative of such State,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 266.- Insults to inter- State Institutions.
Whoever publicly insults the representatives or the official
emblems of an inter- State institution or organization of which
Ethiopia is a member, is liable to the punishment provided for
under Article 265.
Article 267.- Reciprocity.
The provisions relating to crimes against foreign States laid down
in this Chapter shall apply only to States whose legislation grants
reciprocal protective treatment to Ethiopia.
Nothing in this Article shall affect the provision of Article 253.

Article 268.- Condition of Prosecution.

Prosecution for a crime under this Chapter can only be instituted
where a complaint is lodged by the concerned State or
organization and on the approval of the Federal Minister of
Article 269.-


Whoever, in time of war or in time of peace, with intent to

destroy, in whole or in part, a nation, nationality, ethnical, racial,
national, colour, religious or political group, organizes, orders or
engages in:
(a) killing, bodily harm or serious injury to the physical or mental
health of members of the group, in any way whatsoever or
causing them to disappear; or
(b) measures to prevent the propagation or continued survival of its
members or their progeny; or
(c) the compulsory movement or dispersion of peoples or children or
their placing under living conditions calculated to result in their
death or disappearance,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to twentyfive years, or, in more serious cases, with life imprisonment or
Article 270.- War Crimes against the Civilian Population.
Whoever, in time of war, armed conflict or occupation organizes,
orders or engages in, against the civilian population and in
violation of the rules of pubic international law and of
international humanitarian conventions:
(a) killings, torture or inhuman treatment, biological experiments, or
arty other involving dire suffering or bodily harm, or to mental or
physical health; or
(b) wilful reduction to starvation, destitution or general ruination
debasement of currency; or
(c) the compulsory movement or dispersion of population, its
systematic deportation, transfer detention in concentration
camps or forced labour camps; or
(d) forcible enlistment in the enemy's defence forces, intelligence
services or administration; or
(e) denationalization or forcible religious conversion; or

(f) compulsion to acts of prostitution, debauchery or rape; or

(g) measures of intimidation or terror, the taking of hostages or the
imposition of collective punishments or reprisals; or
(h) the confiscation of estates, the destruction or appropriation of
property, the imposition of unlawful or arbitrary taxes or levies,
or of taxes or levies disproportionate to the requirements or strict
military necessity; or
(i) the confiscation, destruction, removal, rendering useless or
appropriation of property such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas
for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water
installations and supplies and irrigation works, health centres,
schools; or
(j) the destruction, removal, attack, rendering useless or
appropriation of the historical monuments, works of art, or
places of worship or using them in support of military effort; or
(k) withholding the provision of clothing, bedding, means of shelter,
medical supplies and other supplies essential to the survival of
the civilian population of the occupied territory; or
(l) attacking, displacing, causing to disappear or mistreating
persons who, before the beginning of hostilities, were considered
as stateless persons or refugees under the relevant international
instruments, or under the national legislation of the State of
refuge or State of residence; or
(m) recruiting children who have not attained the age of eighteen
years as members of defence forces to take part in armed
conflict; or
(n) using any means or method of combat against the natural
environment to cause widespread, long term and severe damage
and thereby to prejudice the health or survival of the population;
(o) attacking dams, dykes, and nuclear electrical generating
stations, if their attack causes the release of dangerous forces
severe losses among the civilian population; or
(p) passing of sentences and carrying out of executions
previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted Court
which affords ail the judicial guarantees,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to twentyfive years, or, in more serious cases, with life imprisonment or
Article 271.-

War Crimes against Wounded, Sick Shipwrecked

Persons or Medical Services.

(1) Whoever, in the circumstances defined at organizes, orders or

engages in:
(a) killings, torture, withholding medical care attention
required by their condition or inhuman treatment or other
acts entailing direct suffering or physical or mental injury
to wounded, sick or shipwrecked persons, or to members
of the medical or first aid service; or
(b) the destruction, rendering unserviceable appropriation of
supplies, installations, transport materials or stores

belonging to the medical or first aid services, in a manner

which is unlawful arbitrary or disproportionate to the
requirements of strict military necessity; or
(c) compelling persons engaged in medical, religious and
journalistic activities to perform acts or to carry out work
contrary to or to refrain from acts required by their
respective professional rules and ethics or other rules
designed for the benefit of the wounded, sick or civilian
is punishable in accordance with Article 270.
(2) For the purpose of sub-article (1):
(a) "wounded" and "sick" means persons, whether military or
civilian, who, because of trauma, disease or other physical
or mental disorder or disability, are in need of medical
assistance or care and who refrain from any act of
hostility. These terms also cover maternity cases, newly
born babies and other persons who may be in need of
immediate medical assistance or care, such as the infirm
or expectant mothers, and who refrain from any act of
(b) "shipwrecked" means persons, whether military or civilian,
who are in peril at sea or in other waters or in the air as a
result of misfortune affecting them or the vessel or aircraft
carrying them and who refrain from any act of hostility.
Article 272.-

War Crimes against Prisoners and Interned Persons.

Whoever, in the circumstances defined above:

(a) organizes, orders or engages in killings, acts of torture or
inhuman treatment or acts entailing dire suffering or injury to
prisoners of war or interned persons; or
(b) compels such persons to enlist in the enemy's defence forces or
intelligence or administrative services,
is punishable in accordance with Article 270.
Article 273.- Pillage, Piracy and Looting.
Whoever organizes, orders or engages in looting, piracy, pillage,
economic spoliation or the unlawful destruction or removal of
property on the pretext of military necessity,
is punishable in accordance with Article 270.
Article 274.- Provocation and Preparation.
Whoever, with the object of committing, permitting or supporting
any of the crimes provided for in the preceding Articles:
(a) publicly provokes or encourages, by word of mouth, images or
writings; or

(b) conspires towards or plans with another, urges the formation of,
or himself forms a band or group, joins such a band or group,
adheres to its schemes or obeys its instructions,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
Article 275.- Dereliction of Duty Towards the Enemy.
Whoever, in time of war and contrary to public international law and
humanitarian conventions:
(a) kills or wounds an enemy who has surrendered or laid down his
arms, or who for any other reason is incapable of defending, or
has ceased to defend, himself; or
(b) mutilates a dead person; or
(c) lays hands on or does violence to a wounded, sick or dead enemy
on the field of battle, with intent to rob or plunder him; or
(d) orders one of the above acts,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment, or,
exceptional gravity, with life imprisonment or death.




Article 276.- Use of Illegal Means of Combat.

Whoever uses, or orders to be used, against the enemy any
means or method of combat expressly forbidden by Ethiopian law
or international conventions to which Ethiopia is a party,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
months; or, if the crime is grave, with rigorous imprisonment
from five years to twenty-five years; or, in the gravest cases, with
life imprisonment or death.
277.- Breach of Armistice or Peace Treaty.
Whoever, having been officially informed of an armistice or peace
treaty duly conducted and contrary to the orders given,
continues hostilities, or in any other way knowingly infringes one
of the agreed conditions,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in more serious
cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
Article 278.- Franc Tireurs.
Whoever, not being a member of an armed force or auxiliaries
recognized by the Ethiopian government authorities, engages, in
time of war and contrary to public international law, in hostile
acts against the Ethiopian Defence Force, its services or its lines
or means of communication or transport,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
twenty-five years, or, in cases of exceptional gravity, with life
imprisonment or death.

Article 279.-

Maltreatment of, or Dereliction of Duty towards.

Wounded, Sick or Prisoners.

Whoever, in violation of the rules of pubic international law,

maltreats a sick or wounded person, or a prisoner of war or war
internee, or uses violence against him, or prevents him from
exercising or makes it impossible for him to exercise, the right
guaranteed to him by such rules, or issues orders to the same
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment nor exceeding five
Article 280.- Denial of Justice.
Whoever, in time of war or occupation and in violation of the
rules of public international law, deprives a civilian, a wounded
person, a prisoner or an internee, of his right to be tried
according to law guaranteeing him human treatment and the free
exercise of his right to defend himself, or orders such deprival,
is punishable with simple imprisonment from three years to five
Article 281.- Hostile Acts against International Humanitarian
(1) Whoever intentionally and in time of peace:
(a) indulges in hostile acts against or threats or insults to
persons belonging to the International Red Cross or Red
Crescent or to corresponding humanitarian relief
organizations or to the representatives of those
organizations or to persons placed under their protection;
(b) destroys or damages material, installations or depots
belonging to those organizations,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in cases of
exceptional gravity, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
five years.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of war, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment from one year to five years.
Article 282.- Abuse of Emblems and Insignia of International
Humanitarian Organizations.
Whoever intentionally:
(a) bears, flies or uses without due authorization the emblems or
insignia of one of the international humanitarian organizations
mentioned above; or

(b) abuses such emblems or insignia or any other protective device

recognized in public international law, in particular the white
flag, with intent to prepare or to commit hostile acts,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in cases of exceptional
gravity, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
Article 283.- Hostile Acts against the Bearer of a Flag of Truce.
Whoever maltreats, threatens, insults or unjustifiably detains an
enemy bearing a flag of truce, or an enemy negotiator, or any
person accompanying him, is punishable with simple
Section I.-

Breaches of Liability to Serve

Article 284.-

Refusal to Perform Military Service.

(1) Whoever, with intent to evade recruitment or military service,

which he is legally bound to perform, fails to obey an
enlistment or mobilization order duly served by personal
summons, by placard or by public announcement,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
Article 285.- Failure to Comply With a Calling-up Order.
(1) Whoever, without seeking to evade recruitment or liability to
military service, fails to obey a calling-up notice, in particular for
an examination for recruitment, for an inspection, for training,
or in respect of any other military obligation,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of war, emergency, natural
disaster or epidemic,
the punishment is rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
Article 286.- Intentionally Contracted Unfitness.

(1) Whoever, by maiming or any other voluntary process injurious to

his body or health, renders himself, by his own act or that of
another, totally or partly unfit for service, be it permanently or
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
(2) Whoever, for the purpose described above and with the consent
of the interested party, renders the latter by any such act, totally
or partly unfit for service,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(3) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war,
the punishment is rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
Article 287.- Fraudulent Evasion of Service.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who, with intent to evade
military service, be it permanently or temporarily, employs
means intended to deceive the competent civil or military
authority, in particular by using false certificate or document,
making a false declaration or by feigning an illness or infirmity,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment is rigorous imprisonment
not exceeding ten years.
Article 288.- Desertion.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who with intent to evade
military service, quits his unit, post or military duties without
proper authority, or fails to return to them after being absent
with leave,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the criminal is punishable with rigorous
imprisonment from five years to twenty-five years, or, in the
gravest cases, with life imprisonment or death.
Article 289.- Absence without leave.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who, without intent to evade

a) leaves his military unit or evades his military duty without

proper authority or force majeure; or
b) overstays, except in case of force majeure, a period of leave
granted to him, is punishable with simple imprisonment
exceeding one year.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of war, the punishment
shall be simple imprisonment not exceeding three years.
Article 290.- Voluntary Failure to Rejoin the Defence Forces.
Any member of the Defence Forces who, in time of war:
(a) having been separated from his unit, fails to rejoin it, or to
join the nearest body of friendly troops; or
(b) having been taken prisoner, fails upon regaining his
freedom to report to a military unit or military authority or
to return to the ranks, is punishable with simple
imprisonment, or, where his failure is intentional and
permanent, with rigorous imprisonment from three years
to ten years.
Section II.- Abuse of Military Authority
Article 291.- Unlawful Exemption from Service.
(1) Whoever, in abuse of his commission or of the military authority
conferred upon him, exempts from service a person who is
legally under a liability to perform it,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for at least six months.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment is rigorous imprisonment
not exceeding ten years.
Article 292.- Threats or Violence against an Inferior.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who threatens a person
subject to his orders or of lower rank, assaults him, or treats
him in a degrading manner,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
(2) Where the crime is committed with cruelty or violence, weapon
or other dangerous instrument, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment not exceeding five years.

Section III.- Breaches of Military Duty

Sub-section I.- Crimes Endangering Good Service Regulations

Article 293.- Infringement of General Service Regulations.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who intentionally fails to
comply with general service orders or regulations other than
disciplinary cases (Art. 791),
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war,
the criminal is punishable
exceeding five years.


simple imprisonment not

(3) Where the crime is due to negligence, the criminal shall be

subject to disciplinary punishment in time of peace; in time of
war or other grave circumstances he is punishable with simple
imprisonment not exceeding one year.
Article 294.- Incomplete or inaccurate official statements.
(1) Whoever, being required by his commission or military duties to
draw up an official report or declaration, or to fill up a service
(a) intentionally alters or conceals the facts or the truth,
leaves blank any detail or figure which his signature is
intended to certify, is punishable with simple
imprisonment from two years to five years.
(b) refuses, to draw up or to submit a minute, report or
declaration he is required to render, is punishable with
simple imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding three years.
(3) Any member of the Defence Forces who makes a false statement
or withholds the truth from the competent authority, with the
object of obtaining or prolonging leave, is punishable with simple
(4) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, or is likely to have serious consequences,
the punishment shall be simple imprisonment not exceeding five
Article 295.- Drunkenness on Active Duty.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who:
(a) repeatedly gets drunk while under arms; or
(b) being drunk, disturbs discipline or causes a public

is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three

(2) Where the drunken person threatens another with his weapon,
or otherwise behaves in a dangerous manner, he is punishable
with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
Article 296.- Want of Discipline.
Any member of the Defence Forces who:
(a) absents himself without proper authority from barracks,
camps or military quarters, or is found without proper
order or authority in a place forbidden to him, or outside
the bounds laid down for him; or
(b) takes part in a quarrel or brawl, or in disturbances, or
refuses to obey an order to desist issued to him by a
superior officer; or
(c) misbehaves or disobeys orders in a hospital, in sickquarters or else-where at the risk of complicating or
aggravating his condition or of causing his treatment to be
prolonged; or
(d) in any other way, by word of mouth, gesture or deed,
disturbs good order or military discipline,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
Article 297.-

Insults or Threats to, or Assaults upon, a Person of

Superior or Equal Rank.

(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who insults, threatens or

molests a person of superior or equal rank or assaults him,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) Where the crime is committed with violence or done by the use of
a weapon, an instrument or a dangerous object, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(3) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years in respect of a crime
under sub-article (1), or rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
ten years in respect of a crime under sub-article (2).
Article 298.- Insubordination.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who intentionally fails to
carry out, or refuses to obey, an order relating to his duties
commanding officer or the competent military authorities, either
to him personally or to the unit of which he is a member, be it by
word of mouth, in writing, by sign or in any other way,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five

(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general

mobilization or war, and where the refusal to obey is definite, the
punishment is rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
(3) Where the crime is of exceptional gravity and is committed in the
face of the enemy, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment for life or death.
Article 299.- Mutiny.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who, in concert with other
members, in an unlawful assembly or by any other method,
takes part in a seditious movement leading to insubordination
or revolt, or to threats, violence or assault on or against a
superior officer or a military authority,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
(2) Where the mutiny is raised in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment from five years to twenty-five years, or, in cases of
exceptional gravity, life imprisonment or death.
(3) The ringleaders or organizers shall be sentenced to exemplary
punishment (Art. 84(1) (d)), within the limits of these
Article 300.- Conspiracy or Concert to Raise a Mutiny.
(1) Whoever conspires or joins with others for the purpose of
preparing a mutiny or seditious movement,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment, or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment from three years to twenty years.
Article 301.- Incitement and Assistance.
In cases of mutiny in time of emergency, general mobilization or
war, incitement (Art. 36(2)), assistance (Art. 37(3)) or an attempt
to incite or assist (Art. 27(2)); is punishable with simple
Article 302.- Crimes against Guards, Sentries or Patrols.
Insults, threats, assaults, acts of violence, insubordination or
mutiny against a military guard, security, or a patrol on duty are
punishable under Article 298.
Sub-section II.- Crimes against Guard Duty or Instructions

Article 303.- Breaches of Guard Duty.

(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who:
(a) intentionally or negligently renders himself incapable of
discharging his duties as a guard, be it by drunkenness or
otherwise; or
(b) without proper authority, abandons his post, or quits it
before being regularly relieved,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
(3) Where the crime is committed intentionally in the face of the
enemy, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five
years to twenty-five years; or, in grave cases, imprisonment for
life or death.
Article 304.- Infringement of Military Instructions.
(1) Whoever acts contrary to the instructions issued to a guard,
sentry, patrol, escort or to any person with similar duties,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) The punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than
six months where the crime is committed:
(a) when the guard is mounted over a power station supplying
electric power or light, dams, weirs, sluices, dykes, jetties,
port installations, major protective works, or bridges,
viaducts or crossings of vital importance; or
(b) where it is mounted over an arsenal, locomotives or
motorized vehicles, an anchorage, a depot or park
containing equipment, or a dump of weapons, ammunition,
explosives, fuel or provisions; or
(c) in a dangerous zone or while the criminal is on frontier
guard duties.
(3) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
Article 305.- Disclosure or Alteration of Instructions.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces, while on active service, but
without committing treason:

(a) gives countersigns, passwords or secret instructions to

any person not entitled to receive them; or
(b) knowingly gives to another entitled to receive them
countersigns, passwords or secret instructions other
than those which he has himself received; or
(c) fails to give a message which he is required to transfer,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment shall be:
(a) simple imprisonment not exceeding five years, in the case
of negligence; and
(b) rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty years, in the
case of intentional infringement.
Sub-section III.-

Crimes against Honesty

Article 306.- Misuse or Waste of Material.

(1) Whoever improperly uses, lends or pawns arms, munitions,
equipment, material or instruments, vehicles, animals, or any
other object entrusted or handed over to him, or to which he has
access by reason of his duty or military status,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven
years, or, where the case is not serious, with simple
imprisonment for not less than three months.
(2) Whoever alienates, makes away with, loses, abandons, damages,
wastes, or destroys any of the objects specified above under subarticle (1), is punishable, where no other provision of this Code
applies, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years,
even where his military status or functions have ended.
(3) Where the instrument or object against which the crime is
committed is essential for security of the State, the punishment
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty-five
(4) Where the crime is committed in time of war, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years to twenty-five
years, or, in grave cases, imprisonment for life.
Article 307.- Malversation or Receipt of ill-gotten gains.

Whoever, being entrusted with the supervision or guarding,

management, procurement or distribution of provisions, money,
material, fuel or any other property:
(a) uses them unlawfully, or undervalues them in any manner
whatsoever; or
(b) receives or solicits any benefit therefrom, or in any way has
an improper interest in the purchase, sale or distribution

of any provision, supplies, equipment, goods, or other

delivered to a garrison, camp, canteen, barracks or other
military establishment,
is punishable, where the act does not come under another
provision of this Code such as breach of trust, fraudulent
administration, corruption, extortion or the like, with simple
imprisonment, or, in more serious cases, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.

Where the crime is committed in time of war, the punishment

shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty years.

Section IV.- Crimes against the Safety, Morale or Power of the

Defence Forces
Article 308.- Failure to report Danger.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who fails to inform his
commanding officer or the military command of an event or fact
of which he is aware and which manifestly calls for immediate
military measures,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years.
(3) Failure to report a danger or plan of mutiny or desertion is
punishable under the relevant provision (Art. 335).
Article 309.- Failure to take Essential Security Measures.
(1) A commanding officer or any other person in service of the
Defence Forces who intentionally fails, during military exercise
or any other service circumstances, to take on his own initiative
precautionary or security measures necessary safeguard the
lives or health of persons or animals, or to maintain in good
order or to ensure the safety of the depots, installations, works,
resources or other objects, for which he is responsible, thereby
hazarding them,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of case, with
simple imprisonment, or with rigor imprisonment not exceeding
five years.
(2) Where the criminal has acted negligently, and where the crime
appears to justify more than a mere disciplinary penalty, the
punishment shall be simple imprisonment not exceeding one

(3) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general

mobilization or war, the punishment shall be;
(a) in the case of an intentional failure, rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding seven years, or, rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years, where the crime
resulted in grave damage; or
(b) in the case of negligent failure, simple imprisonment not
exceeding three years.
Article 310.- Raising a False Alarm.
(1) Whoever, on the march or in camp, in the field or in barracks, on a
warship or on an aerodrome, or in any other place, intentionally
raises a false alarm especially by drawing or discharging his
firearm by beating a drum, sounding a bugle, by signals, shouts,
gestures, or in any other way,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of emergency, general
mobilization or war, and where it is not punishable more severely
under another provision of this Code, the criminal is punishable
with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall be
simple imprisonment not exceeding one year for the act under subarticle (1), and simple imprisonment not exceeding two years
for the act under sub- article (2).
Article 311.- Demoralization of the Defence Forces.
(1) Any member or military commander of the Defence Forces who,
during a time other than those specified under sub-article (2) of
this Article, demoralizes the troops by his behaviour, in
particular by giving ground (running away) contrary to orders, by
throwing away arms, equipment or munitions, by spreading fear
or causing disorder or confusion, or by failing to take the steps
required of him to prevent or remedy such developments,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twentyfive years.
(2) Where the crime is committed in time of battle or immediately
before or after battle, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment for not less than five years.
(3) Where the crime and its consequences are of particular gravity,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment for life or death,
according to the circumstances of the case.
Article 312.- Cowardice.
Any member of the Defence Forces who, in the face of the enemy
and from cowardice:
(a) refuses to take up arms or to use them; or
(b) hides, runs away or abandons his post without orders to that
effect; or

(c) incites his comrades or subordinates to hide, run away, or

abandon their post without orders to that effect,
is punishable with a minimum of five years to twenty-five years
of rigorous imprisonment, or, in the gravest cases, with life
imprisonment or death.
Article 313.- Capitulation.
Any commanding officer or member of the Defence Forces who:
(a) in battle or in the face of the enemy lays down his arms,
raises a flag of truce or dispatches a bearer thereof, hauls
down his flag, or surrenders with his men without having
done everything that the exigencies of military duty require
of him; or
(b) abandons, leaves, scuttles or surrenders his ship, his
aircraft, his armoured fighting vehicle or any other
instrument of war for which he is responsible, without
having done everything in his power to save it; or
(c) surrenders a fortress, a town, port or aerodrome, a
garrison, a post or a fortified position, without having
exhausted all possible means of defence,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for life or with
Article 314.- Abandonment of Means of War Intact.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces or any commanding officer
who, in time of war, abandons to the enemy, without having
done everything in his power to destroy them or put them out of
commission, a depot, an establishment, a military camp or
installation, munitions, arms, other means of war, bridges,
viaducts, railways or any other object of importance to the
national defence,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty
years, or, in the gravest cases, with rigorous imprisonment for
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment form six months to five years.
Article 315.- Improper use of Enemy Uniform or Arms.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who improperly wears or
makes use of the uniform, insignia or arms of the enemy in a
way that creates confusion or causes damage,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
(2) Where the crime is committed particularly in time of war, and the
act has caused serious confusion or damage, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years.

Article 316.- Abandonment of a Wounded or Killed Member.

(1) Any member of the Defence Forces who leaves or abandons and
thereby cause the capture by the enemy of his wounded or dead
comrades in the battle field,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(2) Any medical personnel of the Defence Forces who, contrary to
his duties or responsibilities, fails to give proper medical
treatment to the wounded comrade in the battle field, thereby
causing death or grave harm to the wounded, shall be punished
in accordance with sub-article (1) hereof.
(3) Where the crime results in creating serious damage to the
country's interest or to the morale of the Defence Forces, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment for life or death.
Article 317.- Crime Committed against the Possessions of a
Wounded or Killed Member.
Any member of the Defence Forces who, with the intent to gain
unlawful enrichment, takes public or any other property from a
member wounded or killed in the battle field,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
Section V.- Common Provisions
Article 318.- Crimes Committed by Civilians or by Members of the
Without prejudice to the liability for crimes against public
international law under the provisions of the preceding Title II
(Arts. 269-283), the provisions of Articles 284-317 shall apply to
any civilian or member of the militia who is on a combat duty
within the country or abroad.
Nonetheless, the Court may not aggravate the punishment as in
the case of a member of the Defence Forces, for the same crime
committed under similar circumstances.
Article 319.- Crimes Committed by Prisoners of War or Military
(1) Without prejudice to the liability for crimes against public
international law under the provisions of the preceding Title II,
a prisoner of war or military internee who is on Ethiopian
territory or is dependent upon the Ethiopian military or civilian
authorities, is subject to the provisions of this Title for any

military crime he may commit, with the exception of pecuniary

penalties and ordinary disciplinary punishments.
(2) The ordinary punishments of this Code shall apply when the
criminal commits non-military crimes.
Article 320.- Breaches of Military Duty Committed by Officers or
Commanding Officers.
In all cases of breach of liability to perform military service, of
breach of military order or discipline, of service or of military
obligations in general, an officer or commanding officer,
irrespective of rank, shall be subject to exemplary and drastic
punishment, according to his degree of guilt, within the limits of
the punishments provided under this Code.
Article 321.-

Additional Penalties in Grave Cases.

In all cases punishable with rigorous imprisonment or death, the

Court may order the payment of a fine not exceeding fifty
thousand Birr in the case of a commanding officer, or not
exceeding twenty-five thousand Birr in other cases, where the
criminal has acted for gain.
The Court may, in addition, order dismissal from the Defence
Forces or reduction in rank, where the criminal has shown
himself unworthy to serve or unworthy of his rank.
Article 322.- Disciplinary Penalties Excepted.
Any member of the Defence Forces who infringes the military laws,
regulations or directives and standing orders, shall be subject to
disciplinary punishment according to the military regulations (Art. 792
(1)), where the crime is so minor that it entails no criminal liability.
Section 1. - Crimes against Members of the Defence
Forces on Active Duty
Article 323.- Compelling breaches of duty.
Whoever, by the use of threats or violence, compels a member of
the Defence Forces to execute his duty improperly or prevents
him from executing a duty he is bound to perform,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 324.- Attack on a Member of the Defence Forces while on
Active Duty.

(1) Whoever, without provocation, threatens, attacks or assaults a

member of the Defence Forces in the execution of his duties,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
(2) Where the criminal is armed and threatens the victim with a
weapon, or uses physical violence, he is punishable with simple
imprisonment from six months to three years.
Where the attack results in serious bodily harm or in death, the
general provisions concerning assessment of sentence in such
cases shall apply (Art. 66).
Article 325.- Aggravated Cases.
Where a crime under Article 323 or 324 is committed:
(a) against a guard on duty, a sentry, a patrol or member of
the military police or other military authority in the
execution of his duty; or
(b) against an officer or commanding officer recognizable
by his functions or by his badges rank,
the criminal is punishable with simple imprisonment for at
least three months in the case of threat or unarmed attack
which has done no injury to the victims person or health,
and for at least six months in the case of armed or violent
Section II.- Crimes against the Defence Forces And their Auxiliary
Article 326.- Breach of Legal or Contractual Obligations.
(1) Whoever intentionally:
(a) fails, without proper cause, to comply with a legal
obligation to hand over or deliver animals, vehicles,
provisions or any other supplies necessary to the military
service or to the Defence Forces; or
(b) fails to perform his contractual obligations towards the
Defence Forces or their services, be they in respect to
deliveries or supplies of provisions, equipment, material or
of any other objects, or in respect to installations,
public works of any kind; or
(c) in general, performs the tasks, services or deliveries
incumbent upon him, supervises them, or takes or makes
delivery of them without abiding by his contractual
obligations or without due care with resultant delay or
default harmful to the Defence Forces,

is punishable with simple imprisonment, or fine. In more

serious cases the criminal is punishable with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment or fine, according to the gravity of the
(3) Where a juridical person commits the crime it shall be
punishable in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 of this
Article 327.- Sabotage.
(1) Whoever intentionally:
(a) destroys, damages or renders unfit for use installations,
material, equipment or any other object used by the
Defence Forces; or
(b) prevents an official or an authority from carrying on his or
its activities on behalf of the Defence Forces, or disturbs or
endangers such activities,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment or fine.
(3) Acts intended to impair the defensive power of the State are
punishable under Article 247.
Article 328.-

Traffic in Military Material.

Whoever intentionally or unlawfully lends, pledges, receives on

loan or in pledge objects requisitioned, utilized or sequestrated
by the administrative services of the Defence Forces,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(1) Whoever sells materials, acquires, or fully consumes or makes
away with, destroys, or puts out of commission, the objects
mentioned in sub-article (1) above,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for at feast six months.
(2) In grave cases, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment
not exceeding five years.
(3) Where a juridical person commits the crime it shall be
punishable in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 of this
Article 329.- Unauthorized manufacture of, and traffic in, Military
Uniforms, Insignia or Decorations.
(1) Whoever without authority manufactures, stores, offers or sells,
buys or acquires in any other manner, military uniforms,
insignia or decorations,

is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.

(2) Where a juridical person commits the crime it shall be
punishable in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 of this


Unauthorized Wearing
Decorations or Insignia.




Whoever without authority wears a military uniform, decorations

or insignia,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or with fine not exceeding five hundred Birr.

Article 331.-

Disregard of Military Measures.

(1) Whoever contravenes regulations, orders, or instructions issued

by the Government or by the competent civil or military authority
on grounds of military necessity or to safeguard military
is punishable, where he is not punishable under any other
provision of this Code, with simple imprisonment not exceeding
one year, or with fine not exceeding five hundred Birr.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding six months, or fine not
exceeding three hundred Birr.
Article 332.- Incitement to Disregard Military Orders.
(1) Whoever incites, be it in public or not, anyone to disregard
military orders, to acts of indiscipline or to breaches of military
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Whoever organizes a band, a movement or an illegal assembly to
these ends, or takes part in its organization, or subscribes to its
schemes, or adheres to it or contributes to such activities,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, where the act could
have caused grave danger, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years.
(3) Where a juridical person commits the crime it shall be
punishable in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 of this

Article 333.-

Disregard of Prohibitions
Military Zones and Objects.

Protecting Specified

Whoever, without authority, or unlawfully:

(1) enters an establishment, a work or any other site, access to
which is forbidden by the military authorities or on military
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) makes, takes, prepares, reproduces, publishes or communicates
to another or others an account, sketch, photograph or any
representation whatsoever of such establishment, work or site,
the installation, equipment or other objects therein,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
Article 334.- Falsification or Suppression of General Orders or
(1) Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 379 and 381,
whoever intentionally:
(a) forges, falsifies, destroys or makes away with an order to
report for enlistment or for military service, a military
delivery order or an instruction of any kind intended for
citizens liable to military service, or relating to the
interests or needs of the Defence Forces; or
(b) makes use of such forged or falsified order or instruction,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in the gravest cases,
with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding six months or fine.
Article 335.- Failure to report Crimes Against the Defence Forces
and Breaches of Military Obligations.
(1) Whoever, being aware of plans to commit or of the commission of
mutiny or desertion, fails, except in cases of force majeure, to
report them to the authorities or makes no attempt to prevent
their commission or to cause the criminal to be arrested,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, where the crime of
mutiny or desertion is at least attempted, or in serious cases,
imprisonment not exceeding three years.
(2) Official or professional secrecy is no defence to a charge under
this Article. In time of emergency, general mobilization or war,
kinship or close ties of affection cannot serve as special
mitigating circumstances (Art. 83).
(3) Failure to report treason or espionage is punishable under the
provisions of this Code on security of the State and protection of
the national Defence Forces (Art. 254).

Article 336.- Disclosure of Military Secrets.

(1) Whoever, in cases other than those of treason and espionage more
severely punishable under Articles 248-252 of this Code,
communicates or delivers to an unauthorized person or to the
general public documents or information of any kind which are not
a matter of common knowledge and which by their nature are
military secrets,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for not less than five
(2) Where the crime relates to documents or information of a restricted
kind, or where it is committed by a person closely acquainted with
them, or where the crime has or might have consequences of
exceptional gravity,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment for not less than
ten years.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall be
simple imprisonment not exceeding one year for the act under subarticle and not exceeding three years for the act under sub-article
Article 337.- False or Tendentious Information.
Whoever, when troops have been mobilized or are on active duty,
puts forth or disseminates information which he knows to be
inaccurate or tendentious, with intent to obstruct or thwart
measures ordered in the military interest, to impede or endanger
movements or operations of the Defence Forces, to incite troops
to indiscipline or insubordination, or to foment disorder and
spread alarm among the population,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years, or, in grave cases, with rigorous imprisonment up to life.
Section III.- Common Provisions
Article 338.- Aggravation of Punishment in Cases of State of
Emergency or War.
(1) Where any of the crimes punishable under the preceding two
sections, committed against a member of the Defence Forces on
active duty, against the Defence Forces or their auxiliary
services, or against military interests, is done in time of
emergency, general mobilization or war, and where no specific
provision prescribes a more severe punishment, the criminal is
punishable as follows:
(a) instead of simple imprisonment, rigorous imprisonment
not exceeding five years;

(b) where rigorous imprisonment is prescribed, rigorous

imprisonment not exceeding double the prescribed
maximum, without prejudice to the maximum period
specified in the General Part of this Code.
In the cases of failure to report plans to commit or the
commission of mutiny or desertion (Art. 335), rigorous
imprisonment shall not exceed ten years.
(2) Where the crime committed negligently is punishable, the Court
may impose punishment as follows:

instead of simple imprisonment not exceeding three

rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three
years; or
(b) instead of simple imprisonment not exceeding five years,
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(3) Where the Court imposes a fine, it may double the maximum
amount laid down in the relevant provision of this Code.
Article 339.-Crimes Committed for Gain.
In all cases punishable with rigorous imprisonment and when
the criminal has acted for gain, the Court may in addition impose
a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr, having regard to
the gravity of the crime and the criminal's financial resources,
Article 340.- Principle of Application.
The provisions of the two preceding Chapters (Art. 284-337) shall
apply where any of the crimes specified therein has been
committed by a member of the Police or against a member of the
Police on active duty and where it does not come under any other
special provision of the law.
Article 341.- Special Circumstances.
When applying to the Police the provisions relating to the military (Art.
284-337), the Court shall take into account the special duties and
organization of the Police.
Article 342.- The Application of the Provisions Regarding Public
Servants on the Police.
(1) Apart from the cases mentioned hereinbefore which relate to
crimes committed against the organization, duties and security
of the Police the provisions of this Code relating to public
servants shall apply to the members of the Police (Arts. 402426).

(2) Where the same act might come under the provisions of either
this Title or Book IV, Title III of this Code, such as cases of
infringement of service regulations (Art. 293 and 420), receipt of
gains, malversation or maladministration (Arts.306 and 307 or
Arts. 407- 419), breaches of official secrecy (Art. 336 or, 396 and
397), the Court shall decide as to the appropriate provision to
having regard to whether the crime is of a quasi-military nature
or a crime relating to public servants.
Article 343.- Crimes Committed In Breach of Special Legislation.
(1) Where a crime is committed in breach of legislation issued by an
authorized public organ in accordance with the law and duly
published in the Federal Negarit Gazeta or in the legal gazettes
of the regional states, concerning the control or protection of the
fiscal or economic interests of the State, the punishment shall
be determined in accordance with the principles of this Code.
(2) All breaches classed as petty offences or, in default of such
classification, all breaches of mandatory or prohibitive
provisions of this kind where the damage caused by such
breaches does not exceed ten thousand Birr, are punishable as
of this Code regarding petty offences.
Article 344.- Kind and Extent of Penalties.
(1) Where the pertinent legislation makes no explicit reference to a
crime defined in this Code, the Court shall pass sentence of
simple imprisonment or fine, fixed in accordance with the
provisions, and within the general limits, of this Code (Arts. 9092 and Arts.106 and 107).
(2) Where the degree of guilt is of exceptional gravity and the crime
involves large sums of money or value of things, or where the
accused makes a profession of such crimes within the meaning
of Article 90 of this Code, the Court may impose a fine not
exceeding one hundred thousand Birr, in addition to the
forfeiture of the gain derived from the crime.
(3) The general provisions relating to preventive, protective and
prohibitive measures, and those relating to collateral measures
of publicity and information shall be applied wherever the Court
thinks necessary.
Article 345- Collateral Penalties Relating to Taxes and Dues.

The punishment prescribed for breaches of laws on taxes and

other dues shall not prevent the application of penalties that may
be imposed in accordance with the appropriate legislation on
taxes and dues not paid within the proper time.
Article 346.Exchange.








Whoever, apart from cases coming under the provisions relating

to crimes against currency (Title V below), buys, imports or
exports, accepts in trust, deposits, exchanges, sells or offers for
sale without authorization or contrary to laws, regulations or
rules, gold or any currency, whether national or foreign, the
dealings with or rates of which are subject to limitation,
restriction or measures of control or protection,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years, and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr, without
prejudice to the confiscation of the subject matter of the crime.
Article 347.- Illicit Traffic in Precious Minerals.
Whoever violates, as defined in the preceding Article, provisions
or regulations on forbidden or unlawful traffic in precious
minerals such as gold, platinum, uranium or any other similar
minerals, as well as in precious stones,
is punishable under Article 346.
Article 348.- Dealings Endangering the Credit of the State's
Whoever, with the object of damaging the, credit of the State's
finance, or knowingly running the risk of damaging it:
(a) causes or incites the withdrawal of funds from banks or
from other institutions legally bound to make payment
into banks, to bring about a fall of value in the national
currency; or brings about a depreciation, through
widespread selling, in the value of bonds or securities; or
(b) obstructs subscription to or the purchase of such funds,
bonds or securities;
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years, and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr; or where the
crime has caused or could cause a serious consequence, with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty years.
Article 349.- Unlawful Refusal to Pay Public Taxes or Dues.

(1) Whoever, being duly ordered to pay the taxes or dues prescribed
by law, whether in kind or in cash, and validly assessed by the
competent authority, refuses to pay, though able so to do, taxes
on land, property or different kinds of income, or any other due
or tax whatsoever,
is punishable, without prejudice to the payment of the tax or
due, with simple imprisonment for not less than one year and
(2) Where the refusal is accompanied by threats, violence, or
assault, by the display or use of arms, or by disorder or revolt,
the punishment prescribed by the relevant provisions shall apply
concurrently (Art.85).
Article 350.- Incitement to Refusal to pay Taxes.
(1) Whoever incites another, by acts, gifts, speeches, threats, or in
any other way, to refuse to pay the taxes or dues prescribed by
is punishable with simple imprisonment from one year to three
years and fine.
(2) Where the case is more serious as a result of the spread of the
crime, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from
three years to ten years and fine.
Where the crime is punishable under a more severe provision,
such as incitement to riot or to the overthrow of authority, the
punishment may be aggravated in accordance with the relevant
provision prescribed for concurrent crimes (Art. 85).
Article 351. Endangering Sources of Revenue.

Whoever, with intent to save himself or another, whether an

individual or a juridical person, from the payment in full or in
part of dues, taxes charges due to the Government in
accordance with the law:


knowingly supplies to the competent authorities false

information about the property, capital or income subject
to taxation, or about any other relevant circumstances in
connection with the assessment of the taxes or dues; or
in any other way, be it by fraud concealment, or false
returns or fictitious operations, or by any other means
knowingly misleads such authorities,

is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten

years and fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.

Any official or employee of an authority who improperly

prevents the payment of taxes or dues, or reduces the amount

is punishable for abuse of authority (Art. 407).


Where the criminal has acted in circumstances, which

constitute another crime, in particular misrepresentation or
forgery, the provisions regarding these crimes shall apply
concurrently (Art. 85).

Article 352.-


(1) Whoever intentionally:


brings into or takes out of Ethiopia, without paying the

duty or taxes fixed by law goods, property, objects or
things produced by a factory or by handicraft;
(b) accepts for sale, stores or offers goods or property,
knowing that they are introduced into the country
in the illegal manner specified in (a) above; or
(c) circulates, domestically manufactured objects or
products that are restricted from circulation unless the
taxes due on them are paid,
is punishable with fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr, or with
simple imprisonment, in addition to the forfeiture of the objects,
means, and the fruits of the crime, subject to the rights of third
parties in good faith who have no part whatsoever in the crime
(Art. 140).
(2) Where the crime is committed by threats, violence, fraud or in
group, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years, in addition to the forfeiture of the object.
(3) Evasion of customs duty of an isolated character comes within
the scope of the provisions relating to petty offences (Art- 784).

Article 353.- Crimes against the National Economy and State

(1) Whoever, apart from the cases especially specified above or petty
infringements punishable under the Code of Petty Offences (Art.
784-790), intentionally violates the provisions concerning:
(a) the importation, exportation, storage or transport of
objects, products or materials subject to prohibition,
license, control or duties; or
(b) the exploitation of natural resources of the country,
whether of the soil, of the sub-soil or their products, of
electric power, water, forests, minerals, game or wild
animals; or
(c) the exploitation of wild animals or their products, or the
hunting or killing of such animals; or
(d) the settlement or execution of other activities in restricted
forests, in parks or in reserved areas; or

(e) a monopoly whether granted by way of concession or

controlled by the State; or
(f) the organization of State banks or State undertakings, or
the granting of concessions, or the operation and
supervision of
banks or undertakings, whether
or factories establishments of any kind,
is punishable, where the crime does not come under a specific
provision prescribing a more severe penalty, with simple
imprisonment or fine, in addition to the forfeiture of the subject
matter of the crime and the withdrawal of any license and work
certificate, and the suspension or closing down of any business.
(2) Whoever violates laws issued regarding the collection,
transportation, transference, exportation, importation or
exploitation of genetic resources,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine from ten
thousand to thirty thousand Birr.
(3) Whoever, contrary to law, hunts or kills endemic animals; or
possesses, collects, transports, transfers or exports endemic
animals or plants or their products,
Is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case,
with simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twelve years and fine from
ten thousand to one hundred thousand Birr.
(4) Where one of the acts in this Article is committed negligently,
the punishment shall be fine not exceeding five thousand Birr,
or, according to the circumstances and gravity of the case,
simple imprisonment not exceeding six months.
Article 354.- Aggravation to the Crime.
(1) The fine shall not exceed two hundred thousand Birr, and the
punishment of deprivation of liberty shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years, in addition to the
forfeiture of the subject matter of the crime, in the case of
trafficking, speculation or illicit dealings, of contraband or of
other crimes involving large amounts of money, or where the
criminal has made a profession of such trafficking or prohibited
(2) Where the crime specified in sub-article (1) is committed by a
juridical person, it is punishable in accordance with Article 90
of this Code.


Article 355.-General Provision Concerning Juridical Person
Where the conditions of Article 34 of this Code are found satisfied
in respect of crimes specified from Articles 356 to 374 of this
Title, a juridical person as well, besides individuals, shall be
liable to punishment.
Article 356.- Making.
Whoever, in Ethiopia or abroad, makes without lawful authority
or counterfeits currencies used as legal tender, bonds or security
documents with intent to utter them as genuine,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for at least five years.
Article 357.- Forgery.
Whoever, in Ethiopia or abroad, forges, by alteration,
overprinting, dyeing or any other means, currencies used as legal
tender, bonds or security documents with intent to utter them at
a value greater than their current value,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
Article 358.- Debasing.
Whoever, in Ethiopia or abroad, by mechanical, physical or
chemical process, or by any other means, debases legal
currencies, with intent to utter them at their full value,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
Article 359.- Importation, Exportation, Acquisition, Acceptance in
Trust or Offer.
Whoever, with intent to utter them or to cause them to be uttered
as genuine or at their current value, imports, exports, acquires or
procures, accepts in trust or offers counterfeit or debased
currencies, bonds or security documents,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
Article 360.-

Presumption of Intent to Utter.

In respect of the crimes specified under Articles 356- 359, the

acts shall be presumed to have been done with the intent to
Article 361.- Uttering.
(1) Whoever intentionally:
(a) utters as genuine or as having greater value than their
current value, in Ethiopia or aboard, counterfeit or forged
currencies, bonds or security documents, is punishable
with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(b) utters debased currencies at their full value, is punishable
with simple imprisonment not exceeding five years or fine.
(2) Where the criminal has received the currencies, bonds or
security documents as genuine, or against payment of their
current value, and having discovered their falseness or
debasement, has returned them to circulation only in order to
avoid loss, the punishment shall be:
(a) simple imprisonment in the case of counterfeit or forged
currencies, bonds or security documents; or
(b) fine in the case of debased currencies.
Article 362.- Petty Cases.
In petty cases, where small sums only are involved, the
punishment in respect of the crimes specified under Articles 356361 shall be simple imprisonment.
Article 363.- Falsification or Improper use of the Seals of the
(1) Whoever:
(a) falsifies or counterfeits the seal of the Government or of a
Government Department, intended to be affixed to
Government papers, or makes use of such falsified or
counterfeit seal; or
(b) makes improper use of a genuine seal, is punishable with
rigorous imprisonment from three years to ten years.
(2) Where the crime has caused grave harm to national interests or
rights, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment form five
years to twenty years.
Article 364.- Falsification and Improper use of other Public or
Private Seals.

(1) Whoever:
(a) falsities any seal of a public institution or a private
organization, or makes use of such seal; or
(b) makes improper use of a genuine seal of such kind,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
(2) Where grave harm is caused by the crime, the criminal is
punishable with rigorous imprisonment from three years to ten
Article 365.- Falsification of Official Marks.
(a) with intent to use them or to cause them to be used as
genuine or unused, makes without lawful authority,
falsifies or counterfeits official marks of origin or identity,
or of certification or warranty, particularly in
connection with customs or transport operations, with
gold, silver or other precious minerals, timber, skins or
other materials or products, or with foodstuffs,
medicaments or articles affecting public health, whether
they be seals, die stamps, rubber stamps, labels or any
other distinguishing mark; or
(b) knowingly uses such false or counterfeit marks genuine or
is punishable with simple imprisonment from three months to
five years.
Article 366.- Falsification of Official Stamps Value.
(1) Whoever:
(a) with intent to use them or to cause them to be used as
genuine or unused, makes without lawful authority, falsifies
stamps of value, in particular officially stamped paper,
postage stamps or receipt stamps; or
(b) after such stamps have been used or cancelled, gives them
the appearance of unused stamps for the purpose of using
is punishable with simple imprisonment for at least three
months, or, where the crime is considered to be grave, with
simple imprisonment not exceeding five years and fine.
(2) In petty cases, especially those of isolated use of used, forged,
falsified or cancelled postage or receipt stamps, the Court may
impose a fine only.
Article 367.- Falsification of Weights and Measures.

(1) Whoever, with intent to deceive another:

(a) falsifies weights, balances, measures or other instruments
intended for use in commerce or trade; or
(b) unlawfully affixes thereto a mark or imprint denoting official
certification or warranty, or forges such marks; or
(c) intentionally makes use of such forged or falsified
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
(2) In petty cases, the Court may pass sentence of simple
imprisonment not exceeding three years or fine.


Importation, Exportation,
in Trust and Offer.

Purchase, Acceptance

Whoever exports, imports, purchases, acquires or procures, or

accepts in trust, sells or offers for sale or donates, stamps,
stamped paper, marks, official weights or measures which he
knows to be forged or falsified,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine, or in grave
cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding two years.
Article 369.- Counterfeiting without intent to defraud.
(1) Whoever, without intent to defraud:
(a) counterfeits
advertisement, or with the intention of uttering them as
facsimiles, currencies, bank notes, bonds or security
documents, or official stamps or postage stamps that they
create, or tend to create, risk of confusion; or
(b) imports, exports, accepts in trust, offers for sale or donates
or utters such counterfeits or imitations,
is punishable with fine, or where the risk of confusion or fraud is
particularly great, wife simple imprisonment not exceeding three
(2) Reproduction for official scientific or information purposes is not
a crime.
Article 370.- Endangering of the Currency, Bonds or Security
Documents, or Official Marks, Stamps or Seals.
Whoever, without the express order or permission of the
competent authority or institution:
(a) sets up, procures, imports, exports, offers or hands over to
another, machinery, moulds, dies, paper, metal or other

objects or materials used for making or manufacturing

currency, bonds or security documents, official marks,
stamps, official titles or seals; or
(b) accepts, executes or causes to be executed, or delivers or
causes to be delivered, orders for currencies, bonds, or
security documents, official marks, stamps, official, titles
or seals,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 371.- Machinery and Means of Falsification.
(1) Whoever, with the object of making Unlawful use of them,
makes procures, keeps or offers machinery, moulds or dies,
paper, metal or any other means for counterfeiting or forging
currencies, bank notes, bonds or security documents, official
marks, stamps, official titles or seals,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for at least six months
and fine.
(2) Where, however, such machinery and means are intended for
counterfeiting or falsifying the national currency, the seal of the
State or of any other public authority, the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
Article 372.- Mitigating Circumstances,
(1) The Court may without restriction mitigate the punishment (Art.
180) or in special circumstances, exempt from punishment any
person taking part in the commission of any of the crimes under
this Title who:
(a) destroys of his own accord machinery and means of
counterfeiting before any use whatsoever has been made
of them; or
(b) prevents uttering, use or damage before the crime has
come to the knowledge of the public authorities; or
(c) reveals the existence or preparation of the crime or
enables the criminal to be brought to justice.
(2) The Court may, whether a penalty has beer imposed or not,
make an order requiring the criminal to enter into a recognizance
good behavior (Art. 135) or an order restricting his personal
liberty (Art. 145-150) where it is suspected that he may cause
danger in the future.
(3) The Court may reduce the penalty in accordance with the rules
on ordinary mitigation (Art. 179) where the making,
counterfeiting, forging, debasing or falsification provided in the
two preceding chapters is so small or so obvious as not to
constitute a serious danger to the interests of the State or to the

Article 373.- Special Aggravating Circumstances.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the General Part of this
Code concerning aggravation of punishment (Art. 84(1)(d)), and
seizure of articles (Art. 140), and where the crime is inspired by
motives of gain, the punishment shall be fine not exceeding one
hundred thousand Birr.
The fine may not exceed two hundred fifty thousand Birr, where
the crime of counterfeiting is committed.
Article 374.- Protection of the Interests of Foreign Sates.
The provisions of this Title shall apply equally to the various
charges in respect of crimes committed on Ethiopian territory
against the official currencies, bonds or security documents,
bank notes, seals, stamps, marks, weights or measuring
instruments of foreign countries, where there is a convention
directed to this end or where reciprocal arrangements have been
made with a foreign country.
Falsification, Forgery And Suppression Of Instruments
Article 375.-

Material Forgery.

Whoever, with intent to injure the rights or interests of another,

or to obtain for himself or to procure for another any undue right
or advantage:
(a) falsely executes an instrument, such as a writing, a deed
or any document or material means constituting proof of,
or capable of proving, a fact material, or susceptible of
becoming material, to legal proceedings; or
(b) makes use of the sign manual, signature, mark or stamp
of another to make a false instrument; or
(c) counterfeits an instrument, especially by changing his
handwriting, by affixing to the instrument a false
signature, mark or stamp, or by signing it in a false
capacity purporting to certify its authorship; or
(d) falsifies an instrument, especially by modifying, deleting,
adding or altering, in whole or in part, the name or
signature of its author or the terms, figure, facts or
material details it contains,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
months, or, in more serious cases, with rigorous imprisonment
not exceeding ten years.
Article 376. Intangible Forgery.

Whoever, with the intent specified in Article 375, falsely inserts

or causes to be inserted in an instrument, while it is being drawn
up, a fact possessing or susceptible of assuming legal
is punishable under Article 375.
Article 377.- Specified Cases.
Whoever, with the intent specified in Article 375:
(a) deceives a third party about the contents of an instrument
so that he affixes his signature thereto in the belief that he
is signing another instrument, or an instrument of other
content; or
(b) delivers an instrument in the name of a person without
that person's consent, or in the name of a non-existent
is punishable under Article 375.
Article 378- Use of Forged Instruments.
Whoever knowingly makes use of a forged or falsified instrument,
is punishable under Article 375.
Article 379.Documents.

Forgery or






(1) Where any of the crimes specified under the preceding provisions
of this Chapter is committed on:
(a) a public register, an official act, an act concerning public
interests; or
(b) an instrument entered into a public register or a
holographic will; or
(c) an instrument or document concerning national defence,
or the Defence Forces or their organization, duties or
the punishment shall
be rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding fifteen years.
(2) Where the crime is committed by a public servant, officially
entrusted with the drawing up, filing, keeping or delivery of
extracts from the registers, instruments, deeds or documents in
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years
to twenty-five years.
In very serious cases, the punishment may extend up to life
Article 380.- Suppression of Instruments.

(1) Whoever, with the intent specified in Article 375 damages, tears,
destroys, suppresses or takes an instrument of which he has
not the right of absolute disposal,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding two
years, in less serious cases, and with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years, in more serious ones.
(2) Where the act has been done to the prejudice of a member of the
criminal's family, a near relative or a person having common
interest or ties of affection with the criminal, or a person
cohabiting with him, proceedings shall be instituted only upon
Article 381.- Suppression of Public or Military Documents.
(1) Where the crime specified under Article 380 above concerns a
public or military instrument, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(2) Where the crime is committed by a public servant, officially
entrusted with the drawing up, registration, keeping, disposal or
delivery of such instrument, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding twenty-five years.
Where the commission of the crime is very grave, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment for life.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment or fine.

382.- Falsification or Suppression of

Instruments or Negotiable Securities.


(1) Where the forgery or the use of the forged instrument or the act
of causing another to make use of it concerns a bill of exchange,
a cheque, a promissory note, a bank deposit book or other
certificate of deposit in a bank, a credit card, or a document in
an institution of deposit or loan, or a share certificate, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(2) Where the crime specified under Article 380 is committed on
such documents or instruments, the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(3) Where the crime specified under Article 380 is committed
negligently on such documents or instruments, the punishment
shall be simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 383.- True or Certified Copies.
The forgery or suppression of true copies or certified true copies,
which, in law, may be accepted as originals, is punishable under
the relevant provisions of this Chapter.
Article 384.- Falsification and use of False Public Transport

(1) Whoever, with intent to injure the rights or interests of another,

or to procure for himself or another an undue advantage:
(a) makes without lawful authority, falsifies or counterfeits,
vouchers, passes or tickets for transport, whether by land
, by sea or by air, or for persons, animals, objects or
goods; or
(b) after genuine tickets, vouchers or passes have been used,
cancelled or punched, gives them the appearance of valid
tickets, vouchers of passes in order to use them or to
cause them to be used anew,
is punishable with simple imprisonment and fine.
(2) Whoever knowingly makes use of such falsified or used tickets,
vouchers or passes as if genuine,
is punishable with fine, or, according to the circumstances of the
case, with simple imprisonment not exceeding three months.
Article 385.-

Forged Certificates.

(1) Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining for himself or procuring

for another an advantage or betterment:
(a) falsifies or counterfeits documents evidencing legitimate
rights, personal papers, certificates or testimonials, no
matter what their object, or knowingly hands such a
paper to another to make unlawful use of it; or
(b) knowingly makes use of paper thus falsified or
counterfeited, or of a genuine paper not intended for his
use or not relating to himself,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Simple imprisonment shall not exceed one year in cases
involving private certificates or testimonials, and shall not be
less than three months in the case of official papers, such as
identity cards or birth certificates, certificates of destitution, of
good conduct or of fitness or unfitness, or of extracts from
public registers or rolls.
(2) Where the crime is committed by a public servant entrusted
with the drawing up, filing, keeping or delivery of such papers,
but without the intent of injuring the rights of another (Art.
375), the punishment shall be simple imprisonment from six
months to five years or fine or both.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
Article 386.Certification.






Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining for himself or procuring for

another an advantage or betterment:
(a) induces, by deceit, a public servant or any other person
authorized to verify or establish a fact of legal significance,
to certify falsely the authenticity of a date, document or
signature, the truth of a copy, or any other similar fact; or
(b) knowingly makes use of an attestation thus obtained to
deceive another,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 387.-

Issuing False Medical Certificate.

(1) Any doctor, dentist, pharmacist, veterinary surgeon, midwife or

other person entitled professionally to issue certificates of a
medical nature who makes out a certificate which is untrue and
calculated to procure an unlawful advantage for, or to injure the
legitimate interests of, another person, knowing that such
certificate will be used,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine, without
prejudice to secondary professional penalties (Art.123(c)) in the
event of repetition of the crime.
(2) Where the false certificate has been issued for a consideration, a
promise of a consideration, or other benefit, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine
not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(3) Where the person who has made the false medical certificate is a
public servant, and has acted in his official capacity, the
punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than three
years, or, where the case is serious, rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years in respect of a crime under sub-article (1);
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years and fine not
exceeding one hundred thousand Birr in respect of a crime
under sub-article (2).
(4) Whoever knowingly makes use of a false certificate to deceive
another, is punishable with the penalty prescribed under subarticle (1) of this Article.
Article 388.- Concurrent Crimes.
Where a person has obtained and used a false testimonial or a
false certificate, or a genuine certificate not relating to himself or
not intended for his use, with the intention of thereby committing
a further crime, such as, in particular, breach of trust or
fraudulent misrepresentation, and where such further crime has
at least been attempted,
the Court shall determine the sentence in the light of the general
rule relating to aggravation of the penalty in case of concurrence
(Art. 66).
Article 389.- False Declaration and Entries.

(1) Any employer, hotelier or innkeeper, or other person required by

law to keep a register or list of individuals or activities subject to
the control of the authorities, who intentionally:
(a) enters, or causes or permits to be entered, names, dates
or personal or material details which are untrue; or
(b) omits to enter them or to cause them to be entered in
accordance with the facts,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Where the criminal has acted for pecuniary consideration, the
punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than one
year and fine.
Article 390.- Instruments and Means of Falsification.
(1) Whoever, with intent to make unlawful use thereof, makes,
procures or possesses, delivers or offers for sale or gift any
material, means or instrument intended for the counterfeiting of
official papers, certificates, diplomas or documents,
is punishable with rigorous exceeding five years and fine.
(2) Whoever, of his own accord, destroys such material means or
instrument before any use whatsoever has been made of them
may be exempted from any punishment.
Article 391 .-

Falsification and Adulteration.

Whoever, with intent to deceive another, falsifies, counterfeits,

adulterates or alters goods,
is punishable with rigorous exceeding seven years and fine.
Article 392.- Uttering.
(1) Whoever, with intent to deceive another, offers, sells or utters
falsified, counterfeit, adulterated or altered goods as genuine,
unadulterated or intact, shall be liable to the punishment
prescribed under Article 391 above.
(2) Negligence is punishable with fine not exceeding ten thousand
8irr in the gravest cases where it was the duty of the criminal,
especially as a tradesman, to exercise particular circumspection
or care.
Article 393.- Importation, Exportation, Acquisition and Storing of

Whoever imports, exports, acquires or procures or accepts for

storage falsified, counterfeited, altered or adulterated goods, for
the purpose of deceiving another, or knowing that they are
intended to deceive,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven
years and fine.
Article 394.- Aggravation and Collateral Penalties.
(1) Where the criminal had made a profession of the abovementioned crime, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment from five years to ten years, and a fine not less
than five thousand Birr, according to the gravity of the case.
(2) Nothing shall affect confiscation of the goods and publication of
the sentence.
Article 395.- Falsification and Adulteration Injurious to Health.
Nothing shall affect the provisions relating to the manufacture,
adulteration and sale of noxious or damaged foodstuffs, goods and
other products capable of injuring health (Art. 527), which shall be
applied where appropriate.
Article 396.-

Breaches of Military Secrecy.

(1) Any member of the Defence Forces, or any person in the service
thereof, who, apart from cases of treason and espionage
punishable under the relevant provisions (Arts. 248-252),
discloses or communicates information, papers or facts which
are secret, or have been secret by order, or are not intended for
publication, which have come to his knowledge in the course of
his duties,
is punishable, even where his duties have ended, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
(2) The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
fifteen years:
a) where the crime concerns secret information or document
kept in cipher, or of which the safekeeping had been
expressly entrusted to the accused person, or where the
latter has sworn an explicit oath of secrecy; or
b) Where the damage caused by the crime affects particularly
vital interests.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be fine or simple imprisonment not exceeding one year in the
case of the simple crime under sub-article (1), or simple
imprisonment not exceeding three years where there is
aggravation under sub-article (2) above.

Article 397.- Breaches of Official Secrecy.

(1) Public servants (Art. 402) who disclose information, documents
or facts which are secret within the meaning of Article 396 and
which have come to their knowledge in the course of their duties,
are punishable with simple imprisonment or fine, whether the
disclosure was made during the period of their employment,
office or duties or after termination thereof.
(2) Where there is aggravation due to the criminal's special
obligation to maintain secrecy or special position of trust, or to
the gravity of the damage caused by the breach of duty, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be fine not exceeding one thousand Birr, or simple imprisonment
not exceeding one year in the case of the simple crime under
sub-article (1), or simple imprisonment not exceeding three years
in the case of the crime under sub-article (2), hereinabove.
Article 398.- Authorized Disclosure.
Disclosure in the interest of the public before a Court of justice
or a competent Court of inquiry is not punishable where it is
made with the written consent of the competent civil,
administrative or military authority.
Article 399.- Breaches of Professional Secrecy.
(1) Ministers of religion of whatever belief, advocates, legal advisers,
attorneys, arbitrators, experts, jurors, translators and
interpreters, notaries, directors, managers, inspectors or
companies or undertakings pledged to secrecy under the
provisions of the Civil and Commercial Codes, and doctors,
dentists, pharmacists, midwives, nurses and auxiliary medical
personnel, who disclose a secret which has come to their
knowledge in the course of their professional duties, whether or
not such duties have ended at the moment of disclosure,
are punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment or
(2) Students, probationers or apprentices who disclose a secret
which they have learned in the course of their professional
training are liable to the punishment prescribed under subarticle (1) above.
(3) Where the breach is committed negligently, it is punishable,
upon complaint, with fine not exceeding one thousand Birr or
simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
Article 400.- Authorized Disclosure.

(1) Any disclosure shall not be punishable:

(a) where it is made with the express consent of the person
interested in keeping the secret;
(b) where, at the suggestion or request of the possessor of the
secret, the competent higher professional or supervisory
body has given its written permission for disclosure;
(c) where it is made following an express decision of a Court
of justice in a specific case; or
(d) where special provisions of the law permit or impose the
duty, in the interests of public order, to give evidence
before a Court of justice or to inform a public authority.
(2) Where disclosure is expressly ordered by law, by a Court of
justice or by the competent authority, the possessor of the
secret cannot invoke his professional obligation to maintain
The secrecy of religious confession is at all times inviolable.
Article 401.- Disclosure of Scientific, Industrial or Trade Secrets.
(1) Whoever, in violation of his legal, contractual or occupational
obligation, discloses an economic, scientific or technological
development or information, industrial or trade or scientific secret
or scientific method of its application, to a person to whom he is
not expected so to do, with intent to cause prejudice to its owner
or the possessor, or to derive an advantage from it for himself or
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,
and fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr.
(2) Where a scientific secret vital to national defence is disclosed, the
special provisions specified under Article 396 shall apply.
Article 402.- Definitions.
(1) "Public servant" means any person who temporarily or
permanently performs functions being employed by, or
appointed, assigned or elected to, a public office or a public
(2) "Public office" means any office fully or partially financed by
government budget, and which performs the functions of the
Federal or Regional Governments.
(3) "Public enterprise" means a Federal or Regional Government
enterprise or share company, in which the Government has total
or partial share as an owner.
(4) In this Title, unless the context requires otherwise, "advantage"


a) any gift, loan, fee, reward or commission consisting of

money, or of any valuable security or of other property or
interest in property;
b) any office, employment or contract;
c) any payment, remission, discharge or liquidation of any
loan, obligation or other liability, whether in whole or in
d) any service or favour, including protection from any
penalty or disability, incurred or apprehended or from
any action of an administrative, civil or criminal nature,
or not already instituted;
e) the exercise of, or forbearance from the exercise of, any
right, duty or obligation;
f) any other advantage or service other than those listed
above and not assessable in terms of money; and
g) any offer, undertaking or promise of any advantage within
the meaning of any of the preceding paragraphs from (a) to
"Undue advantage" means an improper benefit or a benefit
obtained through improper means.

Article 403.Injure.

Presumption of Intent to Obtain Advantage or to

Unless evidence is produced to the contrary, where it is proved

that the material element (the act) has been committed as
defined in a particular Article providing for a crime of corruption
perpetrated to obtain or procure undue advantage or to cause
injury, such act shall be presumed to have been committed with
intent to obtain for oneself or to procure for another an undue
advantage or to injure the right or interest of a third person.
Article 404.- Principle
Any public servant who commits one of the crimes specified in
this Title shall be liable to the punishments prescribed
(1) Where the act which a public servant has done or omitted to do
in the discharge of his duties, and in respect to which he is
charged, comes within the scope of ordinary criminal law, but
there is aggravation due to the criminal's public position and the
breach of the special responsibility upon him by virtue of the
trust placed in him, the relevant provisions of the other titles of
this Code shall apply.
(2) Any public servant who, with intent to obtain for himself or to
procure for another an undue advantage or to injure the right of
another, directly or indirectly, accepts or solicits an undue
advantage by improperly performing his responsibility or duty; or
who, in any other way, misuses the responsibility or public trust

vested in him to procure an undue advantage for himself or

another; or
Any person who, with intent to obtain for himself or to procure
for another an undue advantage or to injure the right of another,
promises, offers, gives or agrees to give an undue advantage to a
public servant; or
Any person who gives, or any public servant who accepts, an
undue advantage in consideration for an act of public office
properly performed or to be performed,
shall be deemed to have committed crimes of corruption specified
in this Chapter, and be liable to the punishments prescribed in
the provisions below.
(3) In addition to the crimes specified in Chapter II Section I and
Chapter III Section I of this Title the crimes of corruption also
include corrupt electoral practices (Art. 468), forgery or
falsification of public or military documents (Art. 479),
aggravated breach of trust (Art, 676(1)), and the commission of
and aiding in money laundering
684), aggravated
fraudulent misrepresentation committed by a public servant
(Art.696 (a)).
(4) Any public servant shall, in addition to the punishment under
the provision infringed, forfeit the profit, money or property
unlawfully obtained, or pay its equivalent value where the profit
or property is not found.
Article 405.-

The Concurrent Application of Administrative

Penalties and Compensation.

conviction or acquittal under the provisions of this Chapter shall

not exclude liability for damages and/or administrative penalties.
Article 406.- Exemption from Prosecution.
(1) Whoever, having taken part in a corruption crime, supplies vital
information on the crime committed and the role of participants
therein, before the matter is taken to Court, may be exempted
by the competent organ from prosecution in accordance with
this Criminal Code.
(2) Special procedures shall be laid down in the Criminal Procedure
Code concerning the assessment of the vitality of the
information and the conditions for exemption from prosecution
of the person who has disclosed the crime.
(3) The bribe, gift or valuable thing a person has given in
consideration for service he has lawfully obtained or is entitled
to obtain shall be restored to him out of the property forfeited to
the State on account of the crime, where he has disclosed his

Section I.- Corruption Crimes Committed by Public Servants in
Breach of Trust and Good Faith
Article 407.- Abuse of Power.
(1) Any public servant who, with intent to obtain for himself or to
procure for another an undue advantage or to injure the right or
interest of another:
a) misuses his official position or the power proper to his
office, whether by a positive act or by a culpable omission;
b) exceeds the power with which he is officially invested; or
c) performs official acts when he is not, or is no longer,
qualified to do so, especially in the case or in consequence
of incompetence, suspension, transfer, removal from office
or its cessation,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine,
where there is no express provision in this Code concerning
the matter.
(2) Where the purpose of the breach of responsibility or duty
solicited, the amount of the money or gifts received in
consideration, the official capacity or powers of the person
corrupted or the extent of the harm to private, public or State
interests renders the case of particular gravity, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment from seven years to fifteen years
and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(3) Where two or more of the circumstances mentioned in subarticle (2) are found concurrently, the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment from ten years to twenty-five years and
fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
Article 408.- Corrupt Practices.
(1) Any public servant who, directly or indirectly, seeks, receives or
exacts a promise of an advantage for himself or another, in
consideration for the performance or omission of an act, in
violation of the duties proper to his office, is punishable with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine not exceeding
twenty thousand Birr.
(2) Where the purpose of the breach of responsibility or duty
solicited, the extent of the advantage received, the official
capacity or powers of the person corrupted or the extent of the
or State interests renders the case of particular gravity, the

punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from seven years

to fifteen years and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(3) Where two or more of the circumstances mentioned in subarticle (2) above are present concurrently, the punishment shall
be rigorous imprisonment from ten years to twenty-five years
and fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
(4) Any public servant who, in the manner specified under subarticle (1) of this Article, and in respect of a duty connected with
international trade, solicits, accepts or agrees to accept an
advantage or a gift from any foreign State, person or
organization, including a transnational corporation,
shall, according to the circumstance of the case, be liable to one
of the punishments prescribed in the three sub-articles
Article 409.- Acceptance of Undue Advantages.
(1) Any public servant who, for the performance of an act proper to
his office, solicits or obtains an advantage or exacts a promise
before or after the performance of such an act,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding seven years and fine not exceeding
ten thousand Birr.
(2) Where the extent of the advantage received or the official
capacity or powers of the person corrupted renders the case of
particular gravity, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment from five years to fifteen years and fine not
exceeding thirty thousand Birr.
(3) Where the crime is committed in respect of a duty connected
with international trade, the punishment prescribed in the subarticles herein above shall be applicable, according to the
circumstances of the case.
Article 410.- Corruption Committed by Arbitrators and Other
(1) Any conciliator, arbitrator, juror, trustee or liquidator, translator
or interpreter engaged by the public authorities in their
technical capacity, or expert testifying before or giving his
opinion to judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings, who solicits or
accepts an advantage or gift from a person interested in the
matter, in consideration for the performance or omission of an
act in violation of the duties proper to his office,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
one of the penalties prescribed under the first three sub-articles
of Article 408.
(2) Whenever one of the persons mentioned under sub- article (1)
solicits or accepts an advantage or gift, before or after

performing an act proper to his office or duty, he shall,

according to the circumstances of the case, be liable to one of
the penalties prescribed under the first two sub-articles of
Article 409 of this Code.
Article 411.- Maladministration.
(1) Any public servant who, with intent to obtain for himself or to
procure for another an undue advantage, and by using his power
or responsibility:
a) improperly takes or ensures for himself, by concluding a
contract or by devising other means, an interest in a
business or other undertaking, a sale or a purchase, or any
other transaction related with his duty; or
b) concludes a supply or public works contract or any other
transaction at a price higher than that fixed by the
competent authority; or
c) in general, by any means, injures the public interests
entrusted to his charge and which it is his duty to protect,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(2) Where the purpose of the breach of responsibility or duty
solicited, the extent of the advantage received, the official
capacity or powers of the person corrupted or the extent of the
harm to private, public or State interests renders the case of
particular gravity, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment from seven years to fifteen years and fine not
exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
(3) Where two or more of the circumstances mentioned in subarticle (2) above are present concurrently, the punishment shall
be rigorous imprisonment from ten years to twenty-five years
and fine not exceeding two hundred thousand Birr.
(4) The punishment shall be simple imprisonment, or rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years and fine, where the
criminal, without intent to obtain an advantage for himself or to
procure the same for another:
a) has caused a contract to be concluded, relating to a
business or other undertaking, a purchase or sale, or any
transaction concerning his department, between his office
and an organization in which he himself or his close
relative or a person with whom he has a bond of affection
is an interested party or a shareholder, or with a charitable
which he is a founder or a member; or
b) has purchased certain property or taken part in an
auction, while prohibited by law or regulations from so
doing, in his own name or in the name of, or together with,
another person.

"Relative" means a person who is related to the criminal, in

accordance with the relevant law, by consanguinity or by
Article 412.- Unlawful Disposal of Object in Charge.
(1) Any public servant who, without lawful authority but without
intent to appropriate:
(a) opens or permits to be opened, takes or permits to be
taken, communicates or hands over to another a packet,
envelope or document, securities, or any other object
whatsoever received on deposit or under seal; or
(b) makes use of such objects, or authorized another to
make use of them,
is punishable with fine not exceeding seven thousand Birr or
simple imprisonment not exceeding five years, where the act
does not fall under a provision prescribing a more severe
(2) Where the crime had been committed for purposes of
speculation, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years and fine.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
Article 413.- Appropriation and Misappropriation in the Discharge
of Duties.
(1) Any public servant who with intent to obtain for himself or to
procure for another an undue material advantage;
a) appropriates to himself objects, legal instruments,
securities, cash, chattels or any consumable thing
whatsoever in the course of a search, seizure or process of
confiscation, public auction, sequestration or distrait, or
during any other similar procedure; or
b) misappropriates such objects or securities which have
been entrusted to him or which have come into his hands
by virtue of or in the course of his duties,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine.
2) Where the extent of advantage obtained, the official capacity or
powers of the person corrupted or the extent of the harm to
private, public or State interest renders the case of particular
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from seven years
to fifteen years and fine not exceeding thirty thousand Birr

(3) Where two or more of the circumstances mentioned in sub-article

(2) are present concurrently,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from ten years to
twenty-five years and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
Article 414.- Traffic in Official Influence.
(1) Any public servant who solicits or accepts a gift or other
advantage to procure for another, through the exercise of the
influence, real or pretended, he enjoys by reason of his being a
public servant:
a) a situation, an office, employment, declaration, reward or
favour within the dispensation of the competent authority;
b) contracts, deals, undertakings, orders or other benefits
resulting from agreements concluded with the public
authorities or with an administration placed under his
control or direction; or
c) in general, an advantage or a favourable decision on the
part of a public authority or administration.
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine not exceeding
thirty thousand Birr.
(2) Where the purpose of the breach of responsibility or duty
solicited, the extent of the advantage received, the official
capacity or powers of the person corrupted or the extent of the
harm to private, public or State interests renders the case of
particular gravity, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment from seven years to fifteen years and fine not
exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(3) Where two or more of the circumstances mentioned in subarticle (2) above are present concurrently, the punishment shall
be rigorous imprisonment from ten years to twenty-five years
and fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
Article 415.- Illegal Collection or Disbursement.
(1) Any public servant who, with intent to obtain an undue
advantage for himself:
a) collects or orders the collection of taxes, dues,
miscellaneous revenues or incomes, wages, salaries,
compensation or other expenses, which he knows not to be
due or to be in excess of what is legally due; or
b) hands over or pays less than is due, while consigning or
disbursing any object or money,

is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with

simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine not
exceeding fifteen thousand Birr.
(2) Where the crime is committed under one of the circumstances
specified in sub-article (2) of Article 414 above, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment from seven years to fifteen years
and fine not exceeding thirty thousand Birr.
(3) Where the crime is committed under the circumstances
specified in Article 414 above, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment from ten years to twenty-five years and fine not
exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(4) Where the crime is committed negligently, it is punishable with
simple imprisonment and fine.
Article 416:- Undue Delay of Matters.
Any public servant who, with intent to obtain an advantage,
directly or indirectly, from any person interested in a matter
brought to his attention by reason of his responsibility or duty, or
to benefit or injure any party interested in such matter, fails,
without good cause, to decide on or delays the matter or abuses
the interested party contrary to law, manuals or accepted office
shall, apart from the cases penalized as petty offer be
punishable, according to the circumstances of case, with fine or
simple imprisonment, or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years.
Article 417.- Taking Things of Value without or with Inadequate
(1) Any public servant who, without proper cause receives a thing of
value without or with inadequate consideration,
is punishable with simple imprisonment exceeding five years.
(2) Where the declaration or registration of property, financial status
or gifts received is required by law or regulations, failure to do so
shall be punishable as prescribed under sub-article (1) of this
Receiving a valuable gift considered by national or local culture
or custom as a common manifestation of affection, or obtaining a
gift from a close relative by consanguinity or affinity or by a close
does not constitute a crime under this Article.
Article 418.- Granting and Approving License Improperly.
Any public servant who intentionally grants or approves a
business license or work permit to an ineligible person or to a

person not legally entitled to obtain such license or permit, or

improperly grants or permits a place where things are to be done,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years.
Article 419.- Possession of Unexplained Property.
(1) Any public servant, being or having been in a public office, who:
a) maintains a standard of living above that which is
commensurate with the official income from his
present or past employment or other means; or
b) is in control of pecuniary resources or property
disproportionate to the official income from his
present or past employment or other means,
shall, unless he gives a satisfactory explanation to the
Court .is to how he was able to maintain such a
standard of living or how such pecuniary resources or
property came under his control, be punished, without
prejudice to the confiscation of the property or the
restitution to the third party, with simple
imprisonment or fine, or in serious cases, with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years and
(2) Where the Court, during proceeding under sub-article (l)(b), is
satisfied that there is reason to believe that any person, owing to
his closeness to the accused or other circumstances, was holding
pecuniary resource or property in trust for or otherwise on behalf
of the accused, such resources or property shall, in the absence
of evidence to the contrary, ho presumed to have been under the
control of the accused.
Section II.- Crimes Committed in Breach of Official Duties
Article 420.- Crimes Committed in Dereliction of Duty.
(1) Any public servant who fails to carry out his duties in a proper
manner and to the prejudice of State, public or private interest,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one thousand Birr or
simple imprisonment not exceeding six months.
(2) Where substantial damage has resulted from the crime, both
simple imprisonment and fine may be increased up to the
general legal maximum.
Article 421.- Unlawful Striking.
Any public servant who, in breach of his professional or statutory
obligations, goes on strike of his own free will, or urges others to

is punishable under Article 420.

Article 422.- Abuse of the Right of Search or Seizure.
(1) Any public servant who, without legal authority, executes acts of
search, seizure or sequestration of a person's property,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven
(2) Any public servant who, even when lawfully authorized to carry
out searches or to effect seizure, enters another person's house
premises by using excessive force, or who executes acts of
search, seizure or sequestration other than those authorized by
law or without due regard for the conditions and forms thereby
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years and fine.
Article 423.- Unlawful Arrest or Detention.
Any public servant who, contrary to law or in disregard of the
forms and safeguards prescribed by law, arrests, detains or
otherwise deprives another of his freedom,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years and fine.
Article 424.- Use of Improper Methods.
(1) Any public servant charged with the arrest, custody,
supervision, escort or interrogation of a person who is under
suspicion, under arrest, summoned to appear before a Court of
justice, detained or serving a sentence, who, in the performance
of his duties, improperly induces or gives a promise, threatens
or treats the person concerned in an improper or brutal manner,
or in a manner which is incompatible with human dignity or his
office, especially by the use of blows, cruelty or physical or
mental torture, be it to obtain a statement or a confession, or to
any other similar end, or to make him give a testimony in a
favourable manner,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine, or in serious
cases, with rigorous imprisonment nor exceeding ten years and
Nothing in this Article shall affect the concurrent application of
the relevant provision where the act constitutes an additional

(2) Where the crime is committed by the order of an official, such

official shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding fifteen years and fine.
Article 425.- Unlawful Release and Aiding to Escape.
(1) Any public servant who:
(a) contrary to the law or instructions given to him, releases a
person entrusted to his custody under lawful arrest or
imprisonment; or
(b) causes, permits or aids any such person to escape,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
years and fine not exceeding three thousand Birr.
(2) Where the circumstances or the means used for the escape or
improper release, the damage caused by it, the seriousness of the
grounds on which the detention was ordered, or the dangerous
character of the person detained renders the case of exceptional
gravity, the fine may be increased up to the maximum prescribed
by law and the punishment of deprivation of liberty shall be
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be fine not exceeding one thousand five hundred Birr and simple
imprisonment not exceeding one year.
Article 426.-

Release of Prisoners of War, or Military Internees

and Aiding to Escape.

(1) Any public servant who, contrary to law or instructions, releases

or aids to escape prisoners of war or military internees under his
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding two years.
Section I.- Crimes of Corruption Committed by Third Parties in
Connection with Public Office
Article 427.- Soliciting of Corrupt practices.
(1) Whoever, with intent to procure a public servant to perform or
omit an act in violation of the duty proper to his office, gives or
offers an advantage or gift to such public servant,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment, or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding seven years and fine not exceeding fifteen thousand

(2) Whoever gives or offers an advantage or gift to official or

employee of a foreign State international organization, with
intent to procure him to perform or omit an act related to
international trade in violation of his official duties,
is punishable as provided under sub-article (1).
(3) Where the advantage or gift offered by the criminal is
considerable, or where the act has caused substantial damage to
interests, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from
five years to fifteen years and fine not exceeding fifty thousand
(4) Any person who, in consideration for the performance by a
public servant of an act proper to his office, gives or offers him
an advantage or a gift before or after the performance of such an
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
fine, or simple imprisonment, or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years.
(5) Where the crimes specified in the preceding sub-articles are
committed by a juridical person, the punishment shall be fine as
provided under Article 90 (3).
(6) In Addition to the punishment laid down under this Article, the
Court may give an order depriving the criminal, permanently or
temporarily, of his right to take part in any contract or
transaction with the State.
Article 428.- Giving Things of Value Without or With Inadequate
Whoever, in the circumstances specified under Article 417,
offers, gives or agrees to give to any public servant or to any other
person related to him, anything of value without or with an
inadequate consideration,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding five years.
Article 429.- Acting as a go-between.
Whoever, even without receiving any consideration for himself,
accepts money, a valuable thing, a service or some other benefit
from another with a view to giving it as bribe to a public servant
or who lends his banking account by acting as a go-between,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment, or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years and fine.
Article 430.- Use of Pretended Authority.

Whoever, promising to perform certain things, solicits or accepts

an undue advantage or gift from another:
a) by pretending to be still on active duty while he has been
suspended, transferred, removed or dismissed from
or has quitted his public office; or
b) by entertaining the belief of becoming a public servant in
the future; or
c) by holding himself on to be a public servant,
is punishable according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment, or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years.
Article 431.- Traffic in Private Influence.
Whoever, not being a public servant and not being liable to the
special provision (Art 414), seeks, exacts a promise or receives
sums of money, gifts, presents or other advantages in
consideration for exercising his influence, real or pretended, to
procure for another any privilege, benefit or advantage which can
only be granted by a public servant,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than one
year or fine not less than two thousand Birr.
Section II.- Crimes Committed by Third Parties Against the
Performance of Public Duty
Article 432.proclamations.






Whoever, without authority or a right so to do, intentionally

removes, damages, destroys or renders illegible notices,
proclamations or decisions publicly exhibited by the authorities,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
months or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
Article 433.- Engaging in an activity without or beyond the scope
of a license.
Whoever performs any activity, in respect of which a license is
required by law or regulations, without obtaining such license or
by exceeding the limits of his license,
is punishable according to the circumstance of the case with
simple imprisonment or fine; or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years and fine.
Article 434.- Infraction of the Rules Concerning Compulsory

(1) Whoever intentionally fails within the time-limits fixed by law to

make to the competent authorities a declaration required to
ensure the due entry in the official registers of marriages or
deaths, of property or commercial or other transactions, of facts
or certified statements relating to the status of individuals to real
estate transactions, to the establishment or operation of
companies or to any other like obligation,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
months or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
(2) Where the failure to make such declaration is habitual or
repeated, or is in defiance of an order or summons issued by the
competent authority, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment not exceeding six months, or fine not exceeding
two thousand Birr.
(3) Nothing in this Article shall affect the special provision regarding
the failure to register the birth or an infant (Art. 656).
Article 435.- Breach of Prohibition to publish Official Debates or
Whoever, not being entitled or expressly authorized so to do,
publishes in whole or in part deeds, reports, instructions,
deliberations or decisions of a public authority, the content of
which is required to be kept secret by law or by virtue of an
express decision of the competent authority,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
years or fine.
Article 436.- Arbitrary Action.
Whoever, without authority or contrary to the law:
(a) seizes, against the will of the possessor, a chattel or pledge
he has handed over to him, or which is the subject of legal
proceedings; or
(b) seizes a chattel belonging to his debtor in order to obtain a
payment due to him; or
(c) in general, arbitrarily exercise a right which he does not
possess or which he may not lawfully exercise, is
punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one
year, or fine not exceeding five thousand Birr.
Article 437.- Usurpation of Powers.
(1) Whoever, for an unlawful purpose or to obtain for himself or to
procure for another, an advantage, arrogates to himself the
power, the insignia, the rank of a commission or an authority, or
the power to issue official orders of any kind,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,
or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.

(2) Where the crime is committed to abuse another or to cause him

to suffer an injury, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment or fine.
Article 438.- Obstruction of Government Functions and Breaches
of the Duty to Co-operate.
Whoever, having been requested by a public servant in
accordance with law or a Court order given in connection with
public office refuses to appear and provide statements, to give
proper responses, to produce documents or to have them
inspected, or to have different houses, places or things searched,
or fails in general to co-operate in an investigation or in any other
way obstructs public office,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding five years
or fine.
Article 439.- Breaking of Seals and Misappropriation of Objects.
Whoever intentionally and without lawful authority:
(a) removes, damages or breaks an official seal mark, or sign
affixed for the purpose of identifying, closing, preserving or
protecting an object, a writing or a document, or for
prohibiting access to any place, or nullifies the effect of
such seal, mark or sign in any way; or
(b) purloins, misappropriates, damages or destroys objects,
writings or documents seized, sequestrated or placed
in the hands of or entrusted to the care or safekeeping of
the public authorities or of a third party,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
five years, or fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr.
Article 440.- Resisting Authority.
(1) Whoever, without proper cause:

offers resistance to a public servant in the exercise of his

official duties; or
(b) fails, when summoned to do so by a public servant in the
exercise of his duties, to quit an unlawful assembly or a
prohibited place, or to take part in measures to combat a
public damage, caused by a conflagration, floods or any
other like happening; or
(c) fails to obey a lawful decision of a competent authority
duly notified to him under pain of the penalty prescribed
in this Article,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one
year or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.

(2) Where the resistance to authority or disobedience is

accompanied by
force, intimidation, violence or assault, the
provisions of Article 441 shall apply.
Article 441.- Violence and Coercion.
(1) Whoever:


by use of threats, coercion or violence, prevents a public

servant from performing an act which it is his duty to
perform, or forces him to perform such an act or an act
which he is not supposed to do; or
strikes a public servant or his assistants or uses violence
or any other act of coercion against him, is punishable
with simple imprisonment not exceeding three years, or
fine not exceeding five thousand Birr.

(2) According to the gravity of the crime and the rank of the victim,
where the latter has been threatened, coerced or struck by
means of a weapon or other instruments, the punishment shall
be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(3) Where the assault or violence has caused physical injury or
impairment of health on the victim, the relevant provision of
concurrence of crimes shall apply.
Article 442.- Collective Action.
Where the intimidation, coercion, or violence is the deed of an
unlawful assembly or rioting mob, the relevant provisions (Art.
484 and 488) shall apply concurrently.

Article 443.- Failure to Report a Crime.
(1) Whoever, without good cause:
a) knowing the commission of, or the identity of the
perpetrator of, a crime punishable with death or rigorous
imprisonment for life, fails to report such things to the
competent authorities; or
b) is by law or by the rules of his profession, obliged to notify
the competent authorities in the interests of public security
or public order, of certain crimes or certain grave facts, and
does not do so,

is punishable with fine not exceeding one thousand Birr, or

simple imprisonment not exceeding six months.
(2) Nothing in this Article shall affect the provisions of Articles 254
and 335.
Article 444.- Crimes against Whistleblowers or Witnesses.
(1) Whoever assaults, suppresses or harms any person who gives
information or evidence to justice authorities or is a witness in
criminal cases,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Where the crime has entailed grave harm to the body or health
of the victim or his death, the relevant provision concerning
such matters shall apply concurrently.
Article 445.- Harbouring and Aiding.
Whoever knowingly saves from prosecution a person who has
fallen under a provision of criminal law, whether by warning him
or hiding him, by concealing or destroying the traces or
instruments of his crime, by misleading the investigation, or in
any other way,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 446.- Misleading Justice.
a) falsely notifies the authorities of a crime which has not
been committed, or falsely accuses himself of a crime
which he has not committed; or
b) knowingly gives the authorities inaccurate information
in relation to criminal investigation or proceedings,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
Article 447.- False Denunciation or Accusation.
(a) denounces to the authorities as the perpetrator of a crime
a person he knows to be innocent; or
(b) has in any other way, especially by feigning a crime or
making an anonymous or inaccurate denunciation,
intrigued with the object of causing such proceedings to be
taken against an innocent person,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years and fine. However, where the false denunciation or
accusation has resulted in a more severe punishment he
himself shall be sentenced to the punishment which he has
caused to be wrongfully inflicted upon the innocent person.

Article 448.- Refusal to Aid Justice.

(1) Any person who had been lawfully summoned to appear in
judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings as an accused person,
witness, expert, interpreter, assessor or juror; or ordered to
produce or send an accused person or evidence:
(a) fails or refuses to appear without sufficient cause; or
(b) fails to produce or send the accused person or evidence; or
(c) having appeared, refuses, contrary to law, to answer
questions or to obey orders,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding two
months, or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
(2) Where the criminal pleads a false excuse for the crime committed
under sub-article (1), he shall be punished with simple
imprisonment not exceeding three months and fine.
(3) Where such person has fraudulently obtained exemption from
the obligation placed upon him, simple imprisonment may be
increased up to the general maximum prescribed by law, subject
to the application of more severe specific provisions under which
may fall, especially those concerning the use of false certificate
or forgery.
(4) Where the crime is committed before a Court or a quasi-judicial
organ, the punishment prescribed above may be imposed
Article 449.- Contempt of Court.
(1) Whoever, in the course of a judicial inquiry, proceeding or
(a) in any manner insults, holds up to ridicule, threatens or
disturbs the Court or a judge in the discharge of his duty;
(b) in any other manner disturbs the activities of the Court,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,
or fine not exceeding three thousand Birr.
The Court may deal with the crime summarily.
(2) Where the crime is not committed in open Court but while the
is carrying out his duties, the punishment shall be
simple imprisonment not exceeding six months, or fine not
exceeding one thousand Birr.
(3) Where the crime is committed in open Court or during judicial
proceedings with violence or coercion, the relevant provision
shall apply concurrently (Art. 441).
Article 450.- Breach of Secrecy of Proceedings.

(1) Whoever, without lawful authority or excuse, discloses facts,

whether secret or declared secret by the Court hearing the case,
which have come to his knowledge in the course of the
proceedings at which he was present,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
moths, or fine not exceeding five hundred Birr.
(2) Where the disclosure is committed in violation of official or
professional secrecy, the relevant provisions shall apply (Art.
397and 399).
Article 451.- Publication of Inaccurate or Forbidden Reports of
(1) Whoever publishes information, a note, a precis or a report which
is inaccurate or distorted concerning judicial cases which are
adjourned, proceeding or pending,
is punishable with fine not exceeding five hundred Birr, or, in
more serious cases, especially those likely to perturb public
to cause injury to another, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding six months.
(2) Publication forbidden by law or by order of the Court is
punishable under the relevant special provision (Art. 435).
Where the publication is unlawful, inaccurate and intentional,
the Court shall increase the sentence in accordance with the
provisions relating to concurrence (Art. 184).
Article 452. - False Statements by a Party.

Any party to proceedings before a judicial or quasi-judicial

tribunal who being required to speak the truth, knowingly
statement relating to facts material to the issue to be decided
by the tribunal,
is punishable, even where the result sought is not achieved,
with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year, or, where
the false statement has been made in the course of criminal
proceedings and is likely to cause injustice, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding three years.


Where the party has been sworn or affirmed to speak the

truth, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years, particularly where the result sought has
been in whole or in part achieved.


Mere inaccurate allegations by a party in defence of his

interests are not subject to these provisions.

Article 453. - False Testimony, Opinion or Translation.

(1) Whoever being a witness in judicial or quasi- judicial
proceedings knowingly makes or gives a false statement or
expert opinion, or hides the truth whether to the advantage or
the prejudice of any party thereto,
is punishable, even where the result sought is not achieved,
with simple imprisonment, or, in the more serious cases, with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(2) Where a witness has been sworn or affirmed to speak the truth,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
ten years, particularly where the result sought has been in
whole or in part achieved.
Where, however, in a criminal case, the accused person has
been wrongly convicted or has incurred rigorous imprisonment of
more than ten years in consequence of the witness's act, the
witness may himself be sentenced to the punishment which he
has caused to be wrongfully inflicted.
(3) Any translator or interpreter who falsely translates or interprets
anything in connection with such proceedings and the
translation or the interpretation relates to facts material to the
issue to be decided by the tribunal, shall be liable to the
punishments under sub-article (1) or sub-article (2) above,
according to the circumstances.
(4) Where due to its discovery, the false testimony, opinion,
translation or interpretation is incapable of influencing the
decision of the tribunal, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment not exceeding two years.
Article 454.- Correction or Withdrawal.
Where the criminal has of his own free will corrected or
withdrawn his false testimony, opinion, translation or
interpretation before it has taken effect, and provided that the
proceedings affected have not been finally concluded, the Court
may without restriction mitigate the punishment incurred (Art.
The Court may, according to the circumstances of the case,
impose no other punishment than a reprimand accompanied by
a warning for the future, where the crime is not serious, and
where the correction or withdrawal is prompted by honesty.
Article 455.- Provocation and Suborning.
(1) Whoever, by gifts, promises, threats, trickery or deceit, misuse of
his personal influence or any other means, induces another to
make a false accusation, to give false testimony or to make a

false report, application or translation before the concerned

organ in judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings,
is punishable, even where the act solicited has not been
performed, with simple imprisonment, unless he is punishable
for incitement in accordance with the provisions of the General
Part (Art. 35).
(2) Whoever, by violence, intimidation or by promising or offering or
giving undue advantage causes another to make false accusation
or give false testimony or obstructs, through interference, the
giving of testimony or the production of evidence in relation to a
crime punishable with rigorous imprisonment for more than two
years or obstructs law enforcement officials or public servants
while exercising their official duties in relation to the same crime,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven
Article 456. - Misrepresentation in Proceedings.
Whoever, apart from the cases provided for above, in the course
of judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings, and with intent to
deceive the tribunal, to obstruct proof or to pervert the course of
justice with the object of securing a material or moral advantage,
or of influencing, favourably or adversely, the decision of the
a) conceals, purloins, destroys, damages or renders wholly or
party unusable an instrument of title belonging to another,
a document in the case, or any exhibit or proof of guilt
whatsoever; or
b) hides, modifies, damages or alters the state of places
things or persons,
is punishable, where the crime does not come under a more
severe provision of this Code, with simple imprisonment, or in
serious cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
seven years.
Article 457.- Tendentious Publications intended to pervert the
Course of Justice.
Whoever, in any manner whatsoever, publishes or spreads news,
a note, a precis, a criticism, a report or a pamphlet which is
inaccurate, or known to be tendentious, or which distorts the
facts, and which has been draw up for the purpose of influencing
a judicial decision in a case being or to be tried, whether by
informing the accused person or his accomplices or by acting
upon the feelings of the judge, jurors, witnesses, experts or
officers of the Court generally,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one thousand Birr, or
simple imprisonment not exceeding six months.

Article 458.- Betrayal of Interests.

(1) Any advocate, attorney, procurator or legal advisor, who
knowingly, in litigation of any kind before any judicial or quasijudicial tribunal, betrays the legal interests he has been
instructed to defend, officially or by personal brief, whether by
sacrificing the interests of the party for whom he appears or by
acting simultaneously for both parties to the same case,
is punishable with simple imprisonment and fine.
(2) Where the accused person has acted in concert with the
opposing party, simple imprisonment shall be for not less than
one year; where he has acted for gain, or to procure material
advantage, the fine shall not exceed one hundred thousand Birr.
Where the crime is to the prejudice of a person charged with a
crime punishable with death or rigorous imprisonment for life,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
ten years.
(3) Where the crime specified under sub-article (1) is committed
negligently, the punishment shall be simple imprisonment not
exceeding three months, or fine not exceeding five thousand
Article 459.- Non-observance of Secondary Penalties and
Preventive Measures.
Whoever, having been sentenced to one of the secondary
penalties or forfeitures provided for in Article 123, or to one of the
preventive measures provided for in Articles 141 to 154,
knowingly breaks the prohibition or obligation imposed upon him
by law,
is punishable, where no other provision prescribes a more severe
punishment (Art. 465), with a fine not exceeding one hundred
Birr, or, in more serious cases, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding one month.
Article 460. - Obstruction of Execution of Sentence.
Whoever, in any manner, saves a person from the execution of the
punishments or measures to which he has been sentenced by a Court,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 461.- Escape of Prisoner.

(1) Whoever, being lawfully detained or imprisoned, escapes from a

place where he is under custody,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
(2) Where the crime is committed by doing threats or violence
towards persons, or by damaging property, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding three years.
(3) Where the criminal has been or is to be convicted for the first
crime, the relevant provisions on concurrence of crimes or
recidivism shall apply.
Article 462. - Procuring of, and aiding to, Escape.
(1) Whoever, not being a public servant (Art. 402), procures or
facilitates, by violence, coercion, intimidation, trickery, misuse of
his personal influence or any other means, the escape of a
person under lawful arrest or imprisonment,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) The punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than
three months, and in more serious cases, rigorous imprisonment
not exceeding seven years:
a) where the escape has been accomplished, attempted or
promoted by a number of persons acting together, or with
the aid of instruments or weapons; or
b) where the assistance is rendered to a person, whether a
civilian or a member of the Defence Forces, sentenced to
rigorous imprisonment for twenty years at least.
(3) Where the criminals have had recourse to riot, or has done
violence to persons or property, corrupted public employees or
prison officers or committed any other concurrent crimes to
achieve their ends, the provisions relating to increase of sentence
in cases of concurrence (Art. 62 and 63) shall apply.
Article 463.-

Escape of Prisoners of War and Military Internees

and Aiding them to Escape.

Without prejudice to Article 426, the provisions of Articles 461

and 462 shall apply also, in identical circumstances, to prisoners
of war and military internees detained in camps or institutions
set aside for them, even where they are not there confined in
consequence of judicial sentence or decision.
Article 464.-

Mutiny of Prisoners.

(1) Whoever, being lawfully confined in any place, takes part jointly
in riots or disturbances with intent:
a) to coerce, by force or intimidation, the governor, an official
or a warder of the institution, or any other person

responsible for its administration or for supervision, to

perform or to refrain from performing, any act contrary to
their duty; or
b) to attack any of the above persons while in the discharge of
their duties; or
c) to escape by means of violence to persons or property,
is punishable with simple imprisonment from three months to
five years, in addition to the sentence being served or to be
(2) The person who has organized or directed the mutiny is
a) with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years where
no act of coercion or violence has been committed; or
b) where acts of coercion or violence have been committed,
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years,
subject to the application of more
(3) Where acts of violence or injuries have been done to persons or
property, the general provisions relating to increase of sentence
in the case of a combination of, or of concurrent, crimes (Arts. 62
and 63) shall be applicable.
Article 465. -

Breaking of Bounds.

Whoever, having been sentenced to obligatory residence in a

certain place, or having been prohibited from residing or
sojourning in a certain place, or expulsion, breaks the
prohibition imposed upon him,
is punishable, except where there is force majeure, with simple
imprisonment not exceeding one year, without prejudice to an
increase, where appropriate, of the measures of restriction of
liberty he has infringed.
The term of the sentence is not deducted from that of the
measure of restriction of liberty.
Article 466. - Disturbance and Prevention of Electoral Meetings
and Proceedings.
(1) Whoever in any way improperly prevents, disturbs, obstructs or
interrupts authorized civic or electoral meetings, or polling or
elections duly held under the supervision of competent
authorities, is punishable with simple imprisonment not
exceeding one year, and fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.

(2) Where violence is used against persons or property, or where

brawls or riotous disturbances are fomented, the relevant
provisions apply concurrently.
Article 467.- Interference with the Exercise of the Right of Voting
or Election.
(1) Whoever by intimidation, coercion, abuse of power or violence,
by fraud, especially by changing names, by concealing or
withholding a notice or summons, or by any other trick or
a) prevents a person from exercising his legitimate right to
vote or to be elected; or
b) secures by such means his undertaking to exercise, or
induces him to exercise, his right in a particular way, or to
abstain from exercising it, is punishable with simple
imprisonment not exceeding one year, or fine.
(2) Whoever does a wrong or an injury to another who has exercised
his right in a particular way, or has abstained from exercising it,
in pursuance of his admitted right to use it as he wishes, is liable
to the same punishments.
Article 468. -

Corrupt Electoral Practices.

(1) Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises or grants a sum of

money, or any other advantage whatsoever to an individual, in
order to persuade him to exercise his right to vote or to be
elected in a particular way or to abstain from exercising it,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years, and fine.
(2) Whoever possessing the right to vote or to be elected, accepts or
agrees to accept a sum of money or any other advantage, in
consideration of exercising his right, or exercising it in a
particular way, or of abstaining from exercising it, is liable to the
same punishments.
Article 469.- Unfair Practices.
(1) Any candidate who, contrary to law or directives, directly or
indirectly, collects or receives money from an individual, group or
organization, for expenses in connection with his election, or fails
to observe the accounting rules of electoral expenses, or
intentionally declares a lesser amount than his actual electoral
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year, or

(2) Whoever, without obtaining the consent of the candidate, raises

or grants money, or contributes in any way to cover the election
expenses of a candidate, is liable to the same punishments.
(3) Whoever, directly or through an intermediary, fraudulently
secures, abuses or misappropriates votes:
a) with the help of false news or rumours circulated by word
of mouth or by correspondence, by pamphlets or placards,
or by the press, the radio or any other medium of publicity;
b) with the help of any other fraudulent, irregular or
dishonest practices,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,
or fine not exceeding five thousand Birr.
Article 470. - Fraudulent Registration.
(1) Whoever:
a) causes himself to be entered on an electoral list or register
under a false name or title or in a false capacity, or without
disclosing an incapacity recognized by law; or
b) causes himself to be entered on two or more lists at one
and the same time, or improperly accepts or causes to be
issued more than one election or voting card; or
c) improperly causes third persons, whether living, missing,
deceased or fictitious, to be registered, or receives cards in
their name,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,
or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
(2) Where the crime specified under sub-article (1) is committed by a
candidate, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding two years, or fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr.
Article 471. - Fraudulent Elections.
Whoever, during official elections of any kind, falsifies the true
result thereof by acts done before, during or after the
proceedings, especially:
a) by counterfeiting, falsifying, altering or defacing, or by
retaining, destroying or making away with electoral
registers, completed electoral lists or deposited ballot
papers; or
b) by voting more than once in the same election; or
c) by adding ballot papers to the ballot boxes, or removing
them therefrom, or by causing or permitting to vote
improperly, in any manner whatsoever,
constituency, unqualified, disqualified, deceased or nonexistent persons, or by depositing or knowingly permitting

to be deposited in the ballot boxes invalid, falsified or

counterfeit ballot papers; or
d) by incorrectly counting or deliberately omitting votes,
ballot papers, names or signatures, by reading out names
or signatures other than those written down or by
recording in the summary of proceedings or the official
return a result other than the true one; or
e) by withholding, concealing, altering or destroying electoral
returns or documents, or by improperly handing them over
to persons not qualified to receive them,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 472.- Concurrence of Crimes.
Where the fraud or falsification is carried out by means of
intangible or material forgery (Arts. 375 and 376) the relevant
provision applies concurrently.
Article 473. - Breach of Secrecy of the Ballot.
a) by any unlawful means succeeds in discovering the way in
which an elector has exercised his right or cast his vote; or
b) having fortuitously learned of such a fact, intentionally
makes it public and spreads it, whether by word of mouth,
by way of the press or otherwise,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 474. - Removal or Destruction of Ballot Papers or Boxes.
(1) Whoever removes, makes away with or destroys ballot boxes
containing votes or marked ballot papers not yet counted or the
votes or ballot papers contained therein, in whole or in part,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed by more than one person or is
accompanied by violence, the punishment is rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years, without prejudice to
increase of sentence with respect to chiefs or ringleaders (Art. 84
(3) Acts of violence or coercion against a polling station or electoral
or polling officers are punishable in accordance with the
provisions of Articles 440 to 442.

Article 475.- Additional Penalties.

Where an electoral crime is punished by imprisonment, the Court

shall at all times order temporary deprivation of civic rights for a
definite period (Art. 123(a)).
Article 476. - Aggravating Circumstances.
Where the person charged with a crime under this Title is a
public servant or an official member or scrutinizer of an electoral
or polling station, simple imprisonment shall be from one month
up to one and a half times the punishment generally prescribed,
where the act does not come under a specific provision such as
that relating to abuse of powers (Art. 407) or that relating to
breach of official secrecy (Art 397).
In more serious cases, or where the crime is repeated, the Court
may add fine to the punishment of imprisonment.
Article 477.- Dangerous Vagrancy.
(1) Whoever, having no fixed abode or occupation and no regular or
visible means of support, and being able-bodied, habitually and
of set purpose leads a life of vagrancy or disorderly behavior, or
lives by his wits thereby constituting a threat to public security,
is punishable with compulsory labour with restriction of
personal liberty (Art. 104), or with simple imprisonment not
exceeding six months.
(2) Where the criminal is found in possession of weapons or
instruments fitted by their nature to the commission of a crime,
the punishment shall be simple imprisonment, without prejudice
to the application of the provisions concerning concurrence
where the criminal has used threats or coercion, or has
committed violence or assault against individuals.
(3) The preventive measures of restriction of liberty (Arts. 144 to
149) may be ordered, to accompany the penal sentence, wherever
the circumstances indicate that they are appropriate.
Article 478. - Conspiracy.
(1) Whoever conspires with one or more persons for the purpose of
preparing or committing serious crimes against public security

or his heath, the person or property, or persuades another to

join such conspiracy,
is punishable, provided that the crime materialises, with
simple imprisonment for not less than six months, and fine.
For the purpose of this Article, "serious crimes" are crimes which
are punishable with rigorous imprisonment for five years or more
(2) Where the conspirators are numerous, or where they are armed
or possess instruments or means fitted by their nature for the
commission of a crime, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment for not less than one year, and fine.
(3) Where the dangerous nature of the conspiracy has been
demonstrated by the commission of a serious crime, whether
against life or person, public safety or property, by the
commission of a series of crimes, whether or not of the same
kind, or by acts, such as traffic in arms, narcotic substances or
persons, the Court shall pronounce the maximum sentence
provided by law, taking into consideration the provisions
relating to concurrence (Art. 62 and 63).
Article 479. - Harbouring and Assisting of Evil-doers.
(1) Whoever, apart from the cases of accomplices punishable under
the provisions thereto (Art. 37):
a) knowingly, and not being under duress, harbours,
comforts, assists or shelters evil-doers who are members of
bands or associations formed to commit crimes against the
community, individuals or property, or provides a meeting
place for such evil-doers,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than
six months, and fine.
b) knowing the existence, plans, whereabouts or meeting
places of such gangs or associations, and not being
compelled to do so by intimidation or otherwise, omits to
notify the competent authorities thereof,
is punishable with simple imprisonment and fine.
(2) Simple imprisonment shall be for not less than one year where
the band is dangerous, or where the harbouring and comforting
are habitual.
(3) Whoever, apart from the cases punishable for complicity under
the provisions of this Code (Art.37), by any means, directly or
indirectly collects money or any other property, or provides or
offers such property to a criminal, knowing that the property is
to be used in full or in part:

(a) for the commission of the crime indicated under Article

262(1) or (2), Article 481 (2) or (3), Article 499 (2), or Article
585 (3), or
(b) for committing any other act intended to cause death or
serious bodily injury to a civilian or any other person not
taking an active part in the hostilities or to cause serious
damage to property in a situation of armed conflict, where
purpose of such act is to intimidate a population or to
compel a government or an international organization to
do or abstain from doing an act;
is punishable, whether the property is actually put in use or
not, with rigorous imprisonment from five years to ten years.
(4) Whoever, apart from the cases punishable for complicity under
the provisions of this Code (Art. 37) makes any contribution for
the commission of a crime indicated under the provisions of
Article 262 (1) or (2), Article 481 (2) or (3), Article 499(2),or
Article 585(3) or sub-article (3) of this Article by a group, or for
implementing the illegal aim of a group, or recruits other
persons for the commission of the same crime mentioned above,
or provides any other support including weapons, fraudulent
travel documents or identity cards knowing that such support is
to be used for the commission of one of these crimes,
is punishable with the penalty indicated under sub-article ; of this
Article 480- Public Provocation to or Defence of a Crime.
Whoever publicly, by word of mouth, writing, image, gesture or
a) provokes others to commit acts of violence or grave crimes
against the community, individuals or property; or
b) defends or praises such crime or its perpetrator; or
c) launches an appeal or starts a collection for the payment of
pecuniary punishments pronounced by due process of law,
with the intention of making common cause with the
convicted person or of upholding his deed, or who
knowingly takes part in such activities,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine .
Article 481.- Prohibited Traffic in Arms.
(1) Whoever, apart from crimes against the security of the State (Art.
a) makes, imports, exports or transports, acquires, receives,
stores or ides, offers for sale, puts into circulation or
distributes, without special authorization or contrary to
law, weapons, explosives or munitions of any kind, with
the intent of trafficking; or

b) without indulging in trafficking, knowingly sells, delivers or

hands over arms to suspect or dangerous persons,
is punishable with fine and rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
five years, or, in serious cases, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years, without prejudice to confiscation of the
specified materials.
(2) In cases where the crime committed involves: possessing,
receiving, using, altering, transferring, distributing, disposing of,
stealing or fraudulently obtaining a nuclear material which
endangers or which is likely to endanger the life, body or
property of persons or natural resources or the environment or
committing an act, through violence or threat, that constitutes
demand for the material; or carrying out a threat to commit one
of these acts;
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment form five years
to ten years.
(3) In cases where the crime is committed by manufacturing or
assembling firearms, their parts and components or ammunition
from parts and components illicitly trafficked without securing a
license or authorization from the competent authority of the state
where the manufacture or assembly takes place or without
making the firearms in accordance with the law;
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years
to twelve years.
(4) Where the crime is committed for gain or where the criminal has
made a profession of such acts, he shall be punished with
rigorous imprisonment from five years to fifteen years.
(5) Nothing shall affect the application of laws issued concerning the
making, carrying or use of weapons entailing penalties under
petty offences (Art. 808 and 809).

Section II.-

Crimes Calculated or Likely to Provoke Public


Article 482.- Forbidden Societies and Meetings.

(1) Whoever:
a) knowingly takes part in a society, band, meeting or
assembly forbidden, either generally or from time to time
by law, by government or by the competent authority; or
b) knowingly places houses, premises or land at the disposal
of such a society, band, meetings or assemblies, whether
for consideration or free of charge,
is punishable with a fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.

(2) Ringleaders, organizers or commanders of the crime are

punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
Article 483. - Secret Societies and Armed Bands.
Any person who is involved in the commission of the crime
defined under Article 479 by unlawful societies whose activities
and meetings are secret, or by unlawful armed societies or bands
established especially for military training or shooting, or
ostensibly sporting in character,
is punishable with simple imprisonment and fine.
The punishment to be imposed on the ringleaders, organizers or
active members of such societies or bands shall be simple
imprisonment for not less than six months, and fine not less
than one thousand Birr.
Article 484. - Forbidden Assemblies.
(1) Whoever, of his own free will, takes part, on the public highways
or in a public place, in assemblies forbidden by law,
is punishable with fine not exceeding two thousand Birr.
(2) Ringleaders, organizers or commanders of such crime are
punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding two years.
(3) Anyone who, knowingly takes part in an armed assembly, is
punishable with simple imprisonment from three months to five
(4) Where the crime is committed as specified in sub-article (3)
above, a ringleader, an organizer, a commander or a person who
has carried weapons;
is punishable with simple imprisonment from one year to five
(5) Where a juridical person organizes or commands an assembly
forbidden by law, the punishment shall be a fine not exceeding
ten thousand Birr.
Article 485.-

Alarming the Public.

(1) Whoever spreads alarm among the public:

a) by threat of danger to the community, or to the life, health
or property of individuals, especially that of invasion,
assassination, fire, devastation or pillage; or
b) by deliberately spreading false rumours concerning
such happenings or general disturbances, or imminent
catastrophe or calamity;
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
years, or fine.

(2) In more serious cases, likely to cause, or having caused, serious

disturbances or disorder, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding three years, subject to the
application, as appropriate, of more severe specific provisions.
Article 486.- Inciting the Public through False Rumours.
Whoever, apart from crimes against the security of the State (Arts. 240,
257 (e) and 261 (a)):
a) starts or spreads false rumours, suspicions or false
charges against the Government or the public authorities
or their activities, thereby disturbing or inflaming public
opinion, or creating a danger of public disturbances; or
b) by whatever accusation or any other means foments
dissension, arouses hatred, or stirs up acts of violence or
political, racial or religious disturbances,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine, or, in serious
cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three years.
Article 487.- Seditious Demonstrations.
a) makes, utters, distributes or cries out seditious or
threatening remarks or displays images or drawings of a
seditious or threatening nature in any public place or
meeting; or
b) publicly incites or provokes others to disobey orders issued
by a lawful authority or to disobey laws or regulations duly
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or fine not exceeding five hundred Birr.
Article 488.-


(1) Whoever, of his own free will, takes part in an unlawful assembly
in the course of which violence is done collectively to person or
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one month,
or fine.
(2) The organizers, instigators or ringleaders are punishable with
fine and with simple imprisonment for not less than six months,
or, in grave cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years and fine.
(3) All persons who have individually committed acts of violence
against persons or property are punishable with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding three years, where their act does not
subject to more severe punishment under any other provision of
this Code.

Article 489.- Leniency; Submission.

Those who have taken part in a forbidden meeting,
demonstration, unlawful assembly or collective intimidation, and
who subsequently withdrew, either of their own accord or when
called upon to do so by the authorities, without having
themselves done violence or incited others to do so, may be
exempted from punishment, after a reprimand or solemn
warning for the future, as appropriate (Art. 122).
Article 490. - Disturbances of Meetings or Assemblies.
(1) Whoever, by word of mouth, by threats, violence or force, or in
any other way, unlawfully invades or disturbs, hinders or
disperses a meeting or any assembly duly authorized by law,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr,
(2) Where the crime relates to a meeting or an assembly of a public
authority, to an official board or commission, or to the conduct
of elections, public auctions or any other lawful public activity,
whether political, administrative, executive or judicial,
simple imprisonment shall be for not less than three months, and
fine shall be for not less than five hundred Birr.
Article 491.- Disturbances Resulting from Acts Committed in
a State of Culpable Irresponsibility.
Whoever, being deliberately or through criminal negligence in a
state of complete irresponsibility due to drunkenness,
intoxication or any other cause, commits, while in such a state,
an act normally punishable with imprisonment for at least one
is punishable with fine or with simple imprisonment not
exceeding one year, according to the degree of danger or gravity
of the act committed.
Article 492.- Outrage on Religious Peace and Feeling.
Whoever publicly:
a) prevents the solemnization of, or disturbs or scoffs at, an
authorized religious ceremony or office; or
b) profanes a place, image or object used for religious
is punishable with fine not exceeding one thousand Birr, or with
simple imprisonment not exceeding two years.
Article 493.- Outrage on the Repose and Dignity of the Dead.

a) disturbs or profanes a funeral procession or funeral
service; or
b) violates or profanes the resting place of a dead person,
degrades or defiles a funeral monument, or profanes or
mutilates a dead person, whether buried or not; or
c) publicly defiles or strikes a human corpse; or
d) carries off, makes away with or scatters a corpse or any
part thereof, or the remains of a dead person,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 494. - Arson.
(1) Whoever maliciously or with the intention of causing danger of
collective injury to persons or property, sets fire to his own
property or to that of another whether it be building or
structures of any kind, crops or agricultural products, forests,
timber or any other object,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(2) Where the crime creates substantial danger, or where the risk of
injury to persons or property is widespread, especially where
public buildings or buildings used by a public service, inhabited
houses or houses used for living in, contractors yards or stock
yards, stores of provisions or inflammable or explosive
substances, forests, mines, oil wells o7 refineries, ships, aircraft
or any other objects particularly susceptible to fire, are affected,
exceeding fifteen years.


rigorous imprisonment not

Article 495. - Provocation of Natural Disaster.

Whoever maliciously causes a flood or submergence, a landslide,
a fall of rock or earth, a collapse or any other like catastrophe,
thereby deliberately creating a danger to person or property,
is punishable under Article 494.
Article 496. Damage to Installations or Protective Works.

Whoever maliciously damages or destroys electrical or hydraulic

installations, or works providing protection against natural
forces, especially culverts, dams, reservoirs, dykes, sluices gates
or jetties, thereby deliberately creating a danger to person or
is punishable under Article 494.
Article 497. - Explosions.
Whoever maliciously causes gas, oil, petrol, gunpowder, dynamite
or any other similar dangerous substance to explode, thereby
creating a danger to person or property,
is punishable under Article 494.
Article 498.- Crimes Resulting from Negligence.
Where the criminal has committed any of the crimes specified in
Articles 494 to 497 negligently, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment or fine, according to the gravity of the crime.
The Court shall pass sentence of simple imprisonment where the
criminal has gravely endangered persons or property.
Article 499.- Danger caused by the use of Explosive, Inflammable
or Poisonous Substances,
(1) Whoever, with intent to endanger public safety, knowingly
exposes to danger the life, health, person or property of another,
by means of explosives, of substances which are spontaneously
combustible or highly inflammable or of poisonous gases,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
Where the criminal has exposed property only to minor damage,
the punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than
six months.
(2) The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years
to fifteen years in cases where the crime has been committed by
placing, discharging or detonating an explosive or an incendiary
weapon, which is designed to cause or is capable of causing
death or serious bodily injury or substantial damage to property
through the release or dissemination of biological agents or toxin
against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a
public transportation system or infrastructure facility with the
intent to cause death or serious bodily injury or extensive
destruction of such place or system where such destruction can
result or is likely to result in major economic loss.

(3) Whoever, knowingly but without intent to endanger public

safety, endangers in like manner the life, person, health or
property of another, is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(4) Whoever, in the manner specified under sub-article (1),
negligently endangers the life, person, health or property of
another, is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(5) In less serious cases under sub-article (2) or (3), the Court may
substitute for simple imprisonment punishment of compulsory
labour, or Impose a fine.


- Illicit Making, Acquisition, Concealment or

Transport of Explosive, Inflammable or Poisonous

(1) Whoever makes explosives, incendiary or poisonous substances,

knowing that they are intended for unlawful use,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than six
months, or, in serious cases, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years.
(2) Whoever, knowing that another wishes to make unlawful use of
such substances mentioned in sub-article (1), furnishes him
with means or instructions for making them,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than six
months, or, in serious cases, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding seven years.
(3) Whoever, knowing that they are intended for unlawful use,
imports, acquires or procures explosive, incendiary or poisonous
substances or the materials used in their manufacture, hands
them over to or receives them from another, or stores, conceals
or transports them whether for consideration or free of charge,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than six
months, or, in serious cases, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years.
Article 501.- Culpable Infringement of Building Rules.
(1) Whoever, in supervising or carrying out the erection of a building
or a demolition of any kind, infringes the rules laid down by law
or disregards normal safety measures based on building practice
and thereby endangers public safety or the life, health or person
of others, or the safety of the property of another,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
months, and fine.

(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall

be simple imprisonment not exceeding one year, or fine.


Removal or Culpable
Apparatus or Devices.




(1) Whoever intentionally:(a) destroys,

renders unserviceable or
puts out of commission a device intended to prevent accidents
in any undertaking, factory, mine or any other working ;or
b) omits to install any safety measures required by law or by the
order of a competent authority and thereby endangers the
safety of another,
is punishable with simple imprisonment and fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,- or fine not
exceeding five thousand Birr.
Article 503. - Failure to Give Warning of Grave Public Danger.
Whoever, where it is possible for him to do so without risk to
himself or others, fails to warn the competent authority or
responsible departments, or fails to take the measures necessary
to prevent or to put out a fire, an explosion, a flood or any other
accident likely to endanger life, health or property,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,
or fine.
Article 504.- Reserved Cases.
Nothing in this Chapter shall affect the provisions regarding
destruction or sabotage of installations serving the national
defence or sabotage of military installations (Arts. 247(a), 308,
309 and 327(a)).
Article 505.- Damage to Services and Installations of Public
(1) Whoever intentionally prevents, disturbs or interferes with the
efficient working:
a) of a public service, or of a service operated in the public
interest, of land or inland waterway, sea or air transport or

communications, including auxiliary repair, overhaul,

maintenance or construction services; or
b) of installations, establishments or services intended either
for postal, telegraph and telephone communications or
telecommunications in general, light, gas, power or heat,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine, or, in serious
cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(2) Where the crime is committed by a person having a legal or
contractual obligation, and particularly where work or
obligations have been suspended otherwise than as the result of
force majeure or as provided by law or by agreement, the
punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than three
months and fine, or, in grave cases, with rigorous imprisonment
not exceeding seven years.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be fine not exceeding one thousand Birr, or, in more serious
cases, simple imprisonment not exceeding six months.
Article 506.- Grave Endangering or Sabotage of Communications or
(1) Whoever intentionally paralyses, sabotages or endangers public
transport, whether by road or rail, by water or in the air, at risk
of causing a collision, a derailment, a shipwreck or any other
accident likely to endanger the person or property, especially:

by damaging, displacing, destroying or rendering

unserviceable bridges, dykes or jetties, installations, or
control, protection, signaling or transport equipment,
instruments or devices; or
b) by erecting or setting up obstacles, or by engaging in
dangerous works or activities on roads, railways, channels
established lines of communication; or
c) by giving false instructions, signs or signals; or
d) by failing his duty or failing to carry out the operating
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
(2) Where the crime specified under sub-article (1) is committed
negligently, the punishment shall be simple imprisonment or
(3) Rigorous imprisonment shall not exceed ten years where, by his
act, the criminal has knowingly:
a) committed breach of a contractual or professional obligation
incumbent upon him; or

b) endangered the life, person or health of others or created a

risk of substantial material damage.
(4) In case of negligent discharge of a specific professional or
contractual duty, the punishment shall be simple imprisonment
for not less than one month.
(5) Where the crime is committed by destroying or damaging air or
navigation facilities or equipment or interferes with their
operation, the result of which is likely to endanger the safety of
the aircraft in flight or the ship in navigation, the criminal is
rigorous imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty-five years.
(6) Where the crime under sub-article (5) is committed negligently,
the punishment shall be from five years to fifteen years of
rigorous imprisonment.
Article 507. - Unlawful Seizure or Control of an Aircraft.
(1) Whoever, by violence or threats thereof or by any other form of
intimidation, by deceit or by any other unlawful means
intentionally seizes or exercises control of a fixed platform on a
continental shelf or an aircraft in flight or landing in an airport
or a ship on navigation or harbouring on a port,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from fifteen to twentyfive years.
(2) For the purpose of this and the following four Articles:
a) "an aircraft in service" refers to the period starting from the
time of the preflight preparation of the aircraft by ground
personnel or by the crew for a specific flight until twentyfour hours after any landing; but it shall not, in any event,
be less than the entire period during which the aircraft is
in flight as defined in sub-article (1) of this Article.
b) "an aircraft in flight" refers to the period from the moment
when all the external doors of an aircraft are closed
following embarkation until the moment when any such
door is opened for disembarkation; and includes, in case of
forced landing, the time until the aircraft as well as the
persons and property on board are released.
Article 508.- Endangering Fixed Platform on a Continental Shelf
or an Aircraft or a Ship.
(1) Whoever intentionally and unlawfully performs an act of
violence against a person in a fixed platform on a continental
shelf or an aircraft in flight or landing in an airport or a ship on
navigation or harbouring on a port, which act is likely to
endanger the safety of the platform, the aircraft or the ship,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from fifteen years to
twenty-five years.

(2) Whoever negligently performs an act of violence against a person

in a fixed platform on a continental shelf or in an aircraft in
flight or landing in an airport or a ship on navigation or
harbouring on a port; which act is likely to endanger the safety
of the platform, the aircraft or the ship,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
Article 509. - Damage to Fixed Platform, an Aircraft or a Ship.
(1) Whoever intentionally and unlawfully destroys or damages a
fixed platform on a continental shelf, an aircraft or ship in
service or an aircraft in flight or landing in an airport, a ship on
navigation or harbouring on a port, or causes damage to one of
these objects, which is capable of endangering the safety of flight
or navigation,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from fifteen years to
twenty-five years.
(2) Whoever negligently destroys or damages a fixed platform on a
continental shelf, an aircraft or ship in service or an aircraft in
flight or landing in an airport, a ship on navigation or
harbouring on a port, or causes damage to one of these objects,
which is capable of endangering the safety of flight or
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
Article 510. - Misuse of Signals and Alarms.
(1) Whoever maliciously or without good cause, and with the
intention of stopping or disturbing communications, gives an
alarm signal or sends out a call for help, either customary or
agreed upon by international agreement, sets off a warning or
safety device, or makes improper use of the telecommunication
danger call.
is punishable with simple imprisonment and fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed by communicating information
known to be false thereby endangering the safety of an aircraft
in flight or the safe navigation of a ship, the punishment shall
fifteen years to twenty-five years of rigorous imprisonment.
(3) Where the act under sub-article (2) is committed negligently, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
Article 511.- Unlawful Consignment of Dangerous Goods.

(1) Whoever, with intent to cause danger, puts or causes to be put,

consigns or causes to be consigned, substances which are
inflammable, explosive or directly poisonous, corrosive or
harmful on contact or by reason of their emanations, or goes on
board with such substances, on a public transport on land, sea
or air,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
(2) Whoever intentionally places or causes to be placed on a fixed
platform on the continental shelf or on an aircraft or a ship, by
any means whatsoever, a device or a substance which is likely
a) endanger the safety of the fixed platform;
b) destroy the aircraft in service or render it incapable of
flight or endanger its safety in flight; or
c) destroy the ship or cause damage to it or its cargo or
endanger its safety in navigation;
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
(3) Whoever, contrary to the regulations and directions issued to
ensure the safety of traffic, but without intent to endanger or
injure, commits any one of the acts specified under sub-article
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven
(4) Any person who has been entrusted with the prevention and
control of crimes against public transport on land, sea or air,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years, where substances which are capable of endangering such
transportation or their establishments are found loaded or
consigned as a result of his failure to discharge his duty.
(5) Where the act under sub-article (2) is committed negligently, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
Article 512.-Grave Cases.
(1) Where the intentional commission of any of the crimes specified
under Articles 505 to 511 has caused loss of life, injury to body
or impairment of health,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from ten years
twenty-five years, or, in more serious cases, with rigorous
imprisonment for life or death.

(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall

be rigorous imprisonment from five years to fifteen years.
Article 513.-

Participation of a Juridical Person in a Crime.

Any juridical person which participates in the commission of one

of the crimes in this Chapter as provided in Article 34 shall be
punishable in accordance with Article 90 of this Code.


Crimes Committed by Spreading

Polluting the Environment



Article 514. - Spreading of Human Diseases.

(1) Whoever intentionally spreads or transmits a communicable
human disease,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(2) Where the criminal:
a) has spread or transmitted a disease which can cause grave
injury or death, out of hatred or envy, with malice or with a
base motive; or
b) without even the particular intent specified in sub-article
(a) of this Article has spread or transmitted a disease which
can cause grave injury or death; or
c) has transmitted an epidemic,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
twenty years, or in grave cases, with rigorous imprisonment
for life or death.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 515. - Spreading of Animal Diseases.
(1) Whoever intentionally spreads an animal disease among
domestic animals or poultry, bees, game, fish or wild animals
the species of which are protected by law,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Where the criminal:

a) has acted maliciously; or

b) has intentionally caused substantial damage,
the punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than
three months.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding six months or fine.
Article 516.- Propagation of an Agricultural or Forest Parasite.
Whoever, intentionally or by negligence, propagates a parasite or
germ harmful to agricultural or forest crops,
is punishable under Article 515 above.
Article 517.- Contamination of Water.
(1) Whoever intentionally contaminates by means of substances
harmful to health drinking water serving the needs of man or
is punishable, according to the circumstances and the extent of
the damage, with fine or simple imprisonment for not less than
one month, or, in more serious cases, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
(2) In cases of intentional poisoning of wells or cisterns, springs,
water holes, rivers or lakes,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
fifteen years.
(3) Where the crime under sub-article (1) or (2) above is committed
negligently, it is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, if less
serious, with fine.
Article 518. - Contamination of Pastureland.

Whoever intentionally contaminates pastureland or fields with

poisonous or harmful substances so as to endanger the life or
health of animals,
is punishable with fine or simple imprisonment, or, in serious
cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years.


Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall

be simple imprisonment not exceeding six months, or fine.

Article 519. - Environmental Pollution.

(1) Whoever, in breach of the relevant law, discharges pollutants
into the environment,

is punishable with fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr, or with

rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(2) Where the pollution has resulted in serious consequences on the
health or life of persons or on the environment, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(3) Where the act of the criminal has infringed a criminal provision
entailing a more severe penalty, the provisions on concurrence of
crimes shall apply.
Article 520. - Mismanagement of Hazardous Wastes and other
a) fails to manage hazardous wastes or materials in
accordance with the relevant laws; or
b) fails to label hazardous wastes or materials; or
c) unlawfully transfers hazardous wastes or materials,
is punishable with fine not exceeding five thousand Birr, or
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three years, or with both.
Article 521.- Acts Contrary to Environmental Impact Assessment.
Whoever, without obtaining authorization from the competent
authority, implements a project on which an environmental impact
assessment is required by law, or makes false statements concerning
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
Article 522. - Infringement of Preventive and Protective Public
Health Measures.
(1) Whoever intentionally disregards the measures prescribed by law
for the prevention, limit or arrest of a communicable human
is punishable with .simple imprisonment not exceeding two
years, or fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding six months, or fine not
exceeding three thousand Birr.
(3) In cases of intentional infringement of rules for preventing,
limiting or arresting the spread of an animal disease, or of
agricultural or forest parasites or germs, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding one year, or fine.
(4) Where the crime under sub-article (3) is committed negligently,
the punishment shall be simple imprisonment not exceeding
three months, or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
Article 523.- Creation of Distress or Famine.

(1) Whoever intentionally, directly or indirectly, creates within the

country a grave state of misery, want or famine, epidemic or
epizootic disease or distress, especially by improperly hiding or
hoarding, destroying or preventing the transport or distribution
of grain, foodstuffs or provisions, or remedies or products
necessary to the life or health of man or domestic animals,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
(2) Whoever, in time of such distress, fails to fulfil, or to fulfil
properly, without justification of force majeure, the obligations or
liabilities incumbent upon him, whether as a purveyor,
middleman, sub-contractor, carrier or agent, or in any other
capacity, in respect to the delivery or handing over of provisions,
remedies or any other products to be used to prevent, limit or
arrest the distress,
is punishable under sub-article (1).
(3) Where the crime is committed for gain, the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty years, and fine not
exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
Article 524.- Participation of a Juridical Person.
A juridical person which participates in one of the crimes in this
Section, shall be publishable in accordance with Article 90 of this

II.- Crimes Committed Through Production and

Distribution of Substances Hazardous to Human and
Animal Health

Article 525.- Producing, Making, Trafficking in or Using Poisonous

or Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances.
(1) Whoever, without special authorization and with the intent of
a) plants, produces or makes, transforms or manufactures
poisonous, narcotic or psychotropic plants or substances;
b) possesses, imports, exports, transports, stores, brokers,
purchases, offers for sale, distributes, utters, hands over or
procures for another, one of the substances listed in (a)
above; or
c) makes, possesses imports or exports means used for
producing, composing or manufacturing one of the
substances listed in (a) above; or
d) furnishes, leases or permits a house, premise or land
under his ownership or possession, for the making,

composition, production sale or distribution of one of

the substances listed in (a) above,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for not less than five
years, and fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment for not less than
ten years, and fine not exceeding two hundred thousand Birr:
a) where the crime is committed by a member of a band or
association organized nationally or internationally for the
trafficking in such substances or committing crimes, or by
a person who makes a profession of such unlawful activity;
b) where the criminal, for gain, with base motive or for any
other improper motive, knowingly furnishes the forbidden
substances; or permits access to his premises for the
taking of such substances; or where the user is an infant
or a young person or a mentally deficient person or a drug
addict; or
c) where the criminal employs children or a person with
mental illness as a means for the commission of the crime;
d) where the crime is committed in prisons, in schools, on the
premises of institutions for social service, or in places
where children or young students engage in educational,
sporting or other social activities; or
e) where the criminal has been previously convicted for a
similar crime.
(3) Whoever possesses, transports, stores or hands over poisonous
or narcotic or psychotropic drugs or plants, which he knows to
have been procured through or intended for the commission of
one of the crimes specified in sub-article (1) or (2) of this Article,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for not less than five
years, and fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
(4) Whoever:
a) plants, buys, receives, makes, possesses, sells or delivers
one of the substances mentioned in sub-article (1) above,
to be privately used by himself or another; or
b) uses or causes to be used one of these substances without
medical prescription or in any other unlawful manner,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
seven years, and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(5) Any person who, intending to use narcotic or psychotropic
substances for unlawful purposes, fraudulently causes a
medical practitioner to give him a medical prescription, or
transfers a prescription obtained lawfully or unlawfully to an
unauthorized third person, or any medical practitioner who

intentionally makes out an unlawful prescription for narcotic or

psychotropic substances,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years, and fine.
(6) Nothing shall affect the provisions of this Code relating to
seizure of dangerous articles (Art. 140) and the commission and
aiding in money laundering (Art. 684).
Article 526.- Doping.
(1) Whoever intentionally:
a) produces, imports, sells, keeps professionally or distributes
harmful manufactured substances prohibited by law,
which help to achieve physical and psychological
superiority in sports by temporarily boosting the physical
fitness acquired by nature and through training; or
b) makes use of or causes to be used unlawfully the
substances mentioned in (a) above,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine, or where the
act has caused grave injury, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years.
(2) Whoever, with intent to employ a legally authorized drug for the
purpose specified in sub-article (1), prescribes, gives or makes
use of it improperly or outside the purpose for which it has been
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(3) Where one of the acts specified in sub-article (1) or (2) above is
committed negligently, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment not exceeding three months, or fine not exceeding
five thousand Birr.
Article 527.- Manufacture, Adulteration and Sale of Injurious
Damaged Products or Foodstuffs.


(1) Whoever intentionally:

a) manufactures food, provisions, foodstuffs or products unfit
for human consumption or goods which contain injurious
or damaged ingredients, or who adulterates food or goods
in such a way as to endanger public health; or
b) stores, offers for sale, exports, imports, receives or
distributes such injurious products,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than six
months, or, in serious cases, with rigorous imprisonment for not
less than five years and fine.
(2) The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment for not less than
seven years, where the criminal:

a) has special duties of supervision or control in an

undertaking of public interest belonging to the State, or let
out to concession by the State; or
b) deliberately manufactures, adulterates, sells or distributes
remedies, medicaments, dietetic products or tonics, not
poisonous in themselves and procurable without a
prescription, the defective manufacture or adulteration of
which can have dangerous effects.
3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding six months, or fine.
Article 528.-

Manufacture, Adulteration and Sale of Fodder and

Products Injurious to Live-Stock.

Whoever intentionally:
a) adulterates fodder 'or natural feeding stuffs, or
manufactures injurious forage or other products, intended
for domestic animals, thereby endangering the tatter's
wealth or life; or
b) imports, exports, stores, sells, offers for sale or distributes
such injurious fodder or other feeding stuffs,
is punishable with simple imprisonment and fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding three years, or fine.
Article 529. - Aggravating Circumstances.
The maximum punishment of deprivation of liberty provided for
in the preceding Articles (Art. 527 and 528) shall be pronounced,
and the fine may be increased up to two hundred thousand Birr,
where the criminal makes a profession of such crimes (Art. 90),
or where his felonious activities relate to large quantities of
goods, and where the damage caused is substantial.
Article 530.- Participation of a Juridical Person.
Any juridical person which participates in one of the crimes
specified in Articles 525 to 529, shall be punishable in
accordance with Article 90 of this Code.
Article 531.- Endangering the Health of Another by Alcoholic
Beverages or Spirituous Liquors.

Whoever endangers the health of another, intentionally and

unscrupulously, by administering or serving, or by causing or
permitting to be administered or served, to minors or to
consumption thereof, alcoholic beverages or spirituous liquors
of such kind or in such quantity as to make their injurious
effect certain or probable,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one
year, and fine.


Where the crime is committed repeatedly, the punishment shall

be simple imprisonment for not less than six months, without
prejudice to prohibition of professional practice.
Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment
shall be simple imprisonment not exceeding three months.

Article 532.- Endangering by Mental Means or Practices.

Whoever intentionally endangers the health of another by
inducing in him a state of hypnosis, trance or catelepsy, or any
other change or suspension of his conscious faculties,
is punishable under Article 531.
Article 533. Endangering by Philtres, Spells or Similar Means.
Whoever, knowing the danger which they imply, prepares, gives,
sells distributes or administers to another a potion, powder,
philtre or any other product or ingredient susceptible of
impairing his health,
is punishable under Article 531.
Article 534. - Aggravated Cases.
(1) Where the criminal makes a profession of the practices defined
in Articles 532 and 533, he is punishable with simple
imprisonment for not less than one year, and fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed against the will of the victim, the
special provision regarding deprivation of powers of decision
(Art. 583) shall be applied concurrently.
Article 535.- Unlawful Exercise of the Medical or Public Health
(1) Whoever, having
professional qualifications
prescribed and controlled by the competent authority nor the
authorization to set up in official practice required under the
relevant regulations or by exceeding his authorization, makes a
practice of treating sick persons in no matter what form, or does
so for remuneration, whether it be by consultations, treatment,
the sale of remedies or any other medical or curative activity or
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,
or with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years and fine.

(2) A person who treats live-stock under the circumstances provided

in sub-article (1) above, is punishable with simple imprisonment
or fine.
(3) Whoever manufactures, offers for sale, sells, distributes or puts
on use drugs or medical instruments:
a) the safety, efficacy and quality of which is not ascertained
and duly authorized by the appropriate organ; or
b) which are counterfeited or adulterated; or which have
misleading labels written on, affixed to or enclosed with,
their packaging; or
c) that have expired; or
d) which are prohibited, spoiled, faked, contaminated
or, for any other reason, ascertained to be harmful to the
health of the person using them,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for not less than
five years, and fine from twenty thousand to fifty thousand
(4) Casual advice, aid or services rendered in cases of urgency or in
an emergency, or out of kindness or devotion and free of charge,
or the delivery in such conditions of proven and innocuous
traditional remedies, are not punishable.
(5) Nothing in this Article shall prevent the practice of a system of
therapeutics according to indigenous methods by persons
recognized by the local community to which they belong, to be
duly trained in such practice, provided that no such person
shall be authorized to practice except amongst the local
community to which he belongs and in such a manner as is
neither dangerous nor injurious to the person, health or life.


Unlawful Delivery





Any doctor, pharmacist, dentist, veterinary surgeon or nurse, or

any other person authorized to give medical care with the help of
poisonous, narcotic or psychotropic substances or substances
entailing grave danger to health, or to keep or sell such
substances, who makes use of them or delivers them to the
public without special authority and apart from the cases
permitted in normal curative practice,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
years and fine, or, in serious cases, with rigorous imprisonment
not exceeding seven years and fine.
Where the criminal has committed the crime for gain, he shall be
punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
Article 537.- Refusal to Provide Medical Assistance.

(1) Any doctor, pharmacist, dentist, veterinary surgeon, midwife or

nurse, or any other person lawfully entitled to render
professional attention and care, who, contrary to his duty and
without just cause refuses to provide his services in a case of
serious need, whether from indifference, selfishness, cupidity,
hatred or contempt or any other similar motive,
is punishable with fine, or, where the crime is repeated, with
simple imprisonment not exceeding six months.
(2) Nothing shall affect the more severe provision (Art. 575(2))
punishing failure to lend aid to a person in grave and imminent
peril of his life, person or health.
Section I.- Homicide and its Forms
Article 538. - Principle.
(1) Whoever causes the death of a human being intentionally or by
negligence, no matter what the weapon or means used, commits
(2) The punishment to be imposed upon the person who is guilty of
intentional or negligent homicide shall be determined according
to the following provisions depending on whether the homicide
is simple or aggravated.
(3) Any person who committed homicide, whether intentionally or
negligently, shall be punished by lawful judicial process and in
accordance with decisions rendered thereby.
Article 539.- Aggravated Homicide.
(1) Whoever intentionally commits homicide:
a) with such premeditation, motive, weapon or means, in
such conditions of commission, or in any other aggravating
general (Art. 84) or other circumstances duly established
(Art. 86), as to show that he is exceptionally cruel,
abominable or dangerous; or
b) as a member of a band organized for carrying out homicide
or armed robbery; or
c) to further another crime or to conceal a crime already

is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for life, or death.

(2) Death sentence shall be passed where the criminal has
committed homicide in the circumstances specified under subarticle (1) above while serving a sentence of rigorous
imprisonment for life.
Article 540.- Ordinary Homicide.
Whoever intentionally commits homicide neither in aggravating
circumstances as in Article 539, nor in extenuating
circumstances as in Article 541,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
twenty years.
Article 541.- Extenuated Homicide.
Whoever intentionally commits homicide:
a) by exceeding the limits of necessity (Art. 75), or of
legitimate defence (Art. 78); or
b) following gross provocation, under the shock of surprise or
under the influence of violent emotion or intense passion
made understandable and in some degree excusable by the
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding five
Article 542. - Instigating or Aiding another to commit Suicide.
(1) Whoever instigates another to commit suicide, or aids him to do
is punishable with simple imprisonment where the suicide is
attempted, and with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years where it is consummated.
(2) Where the person who has been instigated or aided to commit
suicide had not attained the age of majority, or had no capacity
because of mental illness or senility, the punishment to be
imposed upon the instigator or assistant shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years, where the suicide is
attempted, and rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years,
where it is consummated.
Article 543.- Homicide by Negligence.
(1) Whoever negligently causes the death of another in
circumstances other than those specified in sub-article (2) and
(3) of this Article,

is punishable with simple imprisonment from six months to

three years, or with fine from two thousand to four thousand
(2) Where the negligent homicide is committed by a person, such as
a doctor or driver, who has a professional or other duty to
protect the life, health or safety of another, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment from one year to five years and fine
from three thousand to six thousand Birr.
(3) The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five year
to fifteen years and fine from ten thousand to fifteen thousand
Birr where the criminal has negligently caused the death of two
or more persons or where he has deliberately infringed express
rules and regulations disregarding that such consequences may
even where he has put himself in a state of irresponsibility by
taking drugs or alcohol.
Article 544. - Infanticide.
(1) A mother who intentionally kids her infant while she is in labour
or white still suffering from the direct effect thereof,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment.
Where the crime is attempted, the Court shall mitigate the
punishment (Art. 180) if no injury has been done to the intent.
(2) A mother who kills her child, either intentionally or by
negligence, in circumstances other than those specified under
sub-article (1) of this Article shall be tried according to the
relevant provisions of this Code regarding homicide.
(3) Another person, being a principal, an instigator or an accomplice
in the crime committed under sub-article (1) of this Article, is
excluded from the benefits of extenuation, and is punishable
under the general provisions relating to homicide, according to
the circumstances and the degree of his guilt.
Section.- II Crimes against Life Unborn; Abortion
Article 545. - Principle.
(1) The intentional termination of a pregnancy, at whatever stage or
however effected, is punishable according to the following
provisions, except as otherwise provided under Article 551.
(2) The nature and extent of the punishment given for intentional
abortion shall be determined according to whether it is procured
by the pregnant woman herself or by another, and in the latter
according to whether or not the pregnant woman gave her

Article 546. - Abortion Procured by the Pregnant Woman.

(1) A pregnant woman who intentionally procures her own abortion
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) Any other person who procured for her the means of, or aids her
in the abortion, shall be punishable as a principal criminal or an
accomplice, with simple imprisonment.
Article 547. - Abortion Procured by Another.
(1) Whoever contrary to the law performs an abortion on another, or
assists in the commission of the crime, is punishable with
simple imprisonment.
(2) Rigorous imprisonment shall be from three years to ten years,
where the intervention was effected against the will of the
pregnant woman, or where she was incapable of giving her
consent, or where such consent was extorted by threat, coercion
or deceit, or where she was incapable of realizing the
significance of her actions.
(3) A pregnant woman who consents to an act of abortion except as
is otherwise permitted by law,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
Article 548. - Aggravated Cases.
Where abortion is performed apart from the circumstances
provided by law the punishment shall be aggravated as follows:
(1) in cases where the criminal has acted for gain, or made a
profession of abortion (Art. 92), he is punishable with fine in
addition to the penalties prescribed in Article 547 above;
(2) in cases where the crime is committed by a person who has no
proper medical profession, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment for not less than one year, and fine;
(3) in cases where the crime is committed by a professional, in
particular, by a doctor, pharmacist, midwife, or nurse practising
his profession, the Court shall, in addition to simple
imprisonment and fine, order prohibition of practice, either for a
limited period, or, where the crime is repeatedly committed, for
life (Art. 123).
Article 549. -

Attempt to Procure an Abortion on a Non-Pregnant


The general provisions relating to crimes impossible of

completion (Art. 29) shall apply in the case of attempt to procure
an abortion on a woman wrongly supposed to be pregnant.
Article 550. - Extenuating Circumstances.
Subject to the provision of Article 551 below, the Court shall
mitigate the punishment under Article 180, where the pregnancy
has been terminated on account of an extreme poverty.

Article 551.-Cases where Terminating Pregnancy is Allowed by

(1) Termination of pregnancy by a recognized medical institution
within the period permitted by the profession is not punishable
a) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or
b) the continuance of the pregnancy endangers the life of the
mother or the child or the health of the mother or where
the birth of the child is a risk to the life or health of the
mother; or
c) where the child has an incurable and serious deformity; or
d) where the pregnant woman, owing to a physical or mental
deficiency she suffers from or her minority, is physically as
well as mentally unfit to bring up the child.
(2) In the case of grave and imminent danger which can be averted
only by an immediate intervention, an act of terminating
pregnancy in accordance with the provision of Article 75 of this
Code is not punishable.
Article 552.- Procedure of Terminating Pregnancy and the
penalty of Violating the Procedure.
(1) The Ministry of Health shall shortly issue a directive whereby
pregnancy may be terminated under the conditions specified in
Article 551 above, in a manner which does not affect the interest
of pregnant women.
(2) In the case of terminating pregnancy in accordance with subarticle (1) (a) of Article 551 the mere statement by the woman is
adequate to prove that her pregnancy is the result of rape or
(3) Any person who violated the directive mentioned in sub-article
(1) above, is punishable with fine not exceeding one thousand
Birr, or simple imprisonment not exceeding three months.
Article 553. - Principle.
(1) Whoever intentionally or by negligence causes bodily injury to
another or impairs his health, by whatever means or in any
manner, is punishable in accordance with the provisions of this
These provisions embrace all manner of bodily assaults, blows,
wounds, maiming, injuries or harm, and all damage to the
physical or mental health of an individual.

(2) Compensation to the injured party is determined by the Court in

light of the gravity of the injury and the position of the parties, in
accordance with the general provisions of this Code (Art. 101).
Article 554. - Expert Assessment In Case of Doubtful Cases.
Where there is doubt as to the nature of a case, its consequences
or its gravity, the Court may call for an expert forensic medical
assessment to assist in deciding the case.
Article 555.- Grave Wilful Injury.
Whoever intentionally:
a) wounds a person so as to endanger his life or to
permanently jeopardize his physical or mental health; or
b) maims his body or one of his essential limbs or organs, or
disables them, or gravely and conspicuously disfigures
him; or
c) in any other way inflicts upon another an injury or disease
of a serious nature,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case and the
gravity of the injury, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
fifteen years, or with simple imprisonment for not less than one
Article 556. - Common Wilful Injury.
(1) Whoever causes another to suffer an injury to body or health
other than those specified in Article 555 above,
is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding one year, or with fine.
(2) The crime is punishable, upon accusation, with simple
imprisonment from six months to three years where:
a) the criminal has used poison, a lethal weapon or any other
instrument capable of inflicting injuries; or
b) the criminal has inflicted the injuries in breach of a duty,
professional or other; or
c) the victim is weak, sick or incapable of defending himself.
Article 557. - Extenuating Circumstances.
(1) Whoever intentionally does injury to the person or health of
a) by exceeding the limits of necessity (Art. 75), or legitimate
defence (Art. 78); or
b) following gross provocation, or under the shock or
influence of a surprise, an emotion or a passion made
understandable and in some degree excusable by the
circumstances; or

c) at the request or with the consent of the victim who is

capable of realizing his action and its consequences, where
the injury is forbidden by law or offends public decency,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding two years,
or fine not exceeding four thousand Birr.
(2) In the case provided for in sub-article (1)(c), simple imprisonment
shall not exceed four years where the victim, due to age, mental
or other conditions, was partially or completely incapable of
realizing the consequences of his request or consent.
Article 558. - Consequences not Intended by the Criminal.
Whoever has caused grave injury through criminal negligence,
although his intention was to inflict common injury,
is punishable with simple imprisonment from six months to three
Article 559. - Injuries Caused by Negligence.
(1) Whoever, by criminal negligence, causes another to suffer
common injury to person or to health,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
(2) The punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than
six months, and a fine of not less than one thousand Birr, where
the injury inflicted is of the same kind as the one stated in
Article 555, or where it was caused by a person like a doctor or
driver, who had a special duty to safeguard the body or health of
(3) The crime is punishable upon accusation, where the injury is
grave, and upon complaint, where it is common. The extent of
the injury shall be determined in accordance with Articles 555
Article 560.- Assaults.
(1) Whoever assaults another or does him violence without causing
bodily injury or impairment of health,
is punishable, upon complaint, with a fine not exceeding three
hundred Bjrr, or, in serious cases, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding three months.
Simple bruises, swellings or transient aches and pains are not
held to be injuries to person or health.
(2) Minor crimes that do not come under sub-article (1) of this
Article are punishable in accordance with the provision of Article
840 of the Code of Petty Offences.

(3) Where the victim has returned assault for assault, the Court may
refrain from inflicting any punishment other than a reprimand or
warning for the future on either of the two or both parties.
Article 561.- Endangering the Lives of Pregnant Women and
Children through Harmful Traditional Practices.
(1) Whoever causes the death of a pregnant or a delivering woman
or that of a newly born child as a result of the application of a
harmful traditional practice such as:
a) massaging the abdomen of a pregnant woman, or shaking
a woman in a prolonged labour; or
b) soiling the umbilical cord of a newly-born child with dung
or other similar substances, keeping a newly-born child
out of the sun or feeding it butter, excising the uvula of a
child or taking out milk teeth or preventing the child from
vaccinated; or
c) through the exercise of other traditional practices known
by the medical profession to be harmful, is punishable with
fine or simple imprisonment from three months to one
(2) Where the death was caused by negligence, the relevant
provision of this Code (Art. 543) shall apply.
Article 562.-

Causing Bodily Injury to Pregnant Women and

Children Through Harmful Traditional Practices

(1) Whoever causes bodily injury or mental impairment to a

pregnant or delivering woman or to a newly-born child as a
result of the application of a harmful traditional practice such
a) massaging the abdomen of a pregnant woman, or shaking
a woman in a prolonged labour; or
b) soiling the umbilical cord of a newly-born child with dung
or other similar substances, keeping a newly-born child
out of the sun or feeding it butter, excising the uvula of a
child or taking out milk teeth or preventing the child from
vaccinated; or
c) through the exercise of other traditional practices known
by the medical profession to be harmful,
is punishable with fine or simple imprisonment not exceeding
six months.

(2) Where the injury to body, mind or health was caused by

negligence, the relevant provision of this Code (Art. 559) shall
Article 563.- Discretion of the Court.
In respect of the crimes specified under Articles 561 and 562, the
Court, taking into account the age, education, experience or
social status of the criminal, may give him only a warning
instead of fine or a penalty entailing loss of liberty.

Article 564.-

Violence Against a Marriage Partner or a Person

Cohabiting in an Irregular Union.

The relevant provision of this Code (Arts. 555 - 560) shall apply to a
person who, by doing violence to a marriage partner or a person
cohabiting in an irregular union, causes grave or common injury to his
/her physical or mental health.
Article 565.- Female Circumcision.
Whoever circumcises a woman of any age,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
months, or fine not less than five hundred Birr.
Article 566.- Infibulation of the Female Genitalia.
(1) Whoever infibulates the genitalia of a woman,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from three years to five
(2) Where injury to body or health has resulted due to the act
prescribed in sub-article (1) above, subject to the provision of the
Criminal Code which provides for a more severe penalty, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years to
ten years.
Article 567.- Bodily Injuries Caused Through Other Harmful
Traditional Practices.
Whoever, apart from the circumstances specified in this Chapter,
inflicts upon another bodily injury or mental impairment through
a harmful traditional practice known for its inhumanity and
ascertained to be harmful by the medical profession,
shall, according to the circumstances of the case, be liable to one
of the penalties prescribed under the provisions of Article 561 or
Article 562 of this Code.

Article 568.- Transmission of Disease Through Harmful Traditional

Where the victim has contracted a communicable disease as a
result of one of the harmful traditional practices specified in the
above provisions, the penalties prescribed in this Code
concerning the spread of communicable diseases shall apply
Article 569.- Participation in Harmful Traditional Practices.
A parent or any other person who participates in the commission
of one of the crimes specified in this Chapter,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
months, or fine not exceeding five hundred Birr.
Article 570.- Incitement Against the Enforcement of Provisions
Prohibiting Harmful Traditional Practices.
Any person who publicly or otherwise incites or provokes another
to disregard the provisions of this Code prohibiting harmful
traditional practices, or organizes a movement to promote such
end, or takes part in such a movement, or subscribes to its
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
months, or fine not less than five hundred Birr, or both.
Article 571. - Exposure of the Life of Another.
Whoever intentionally puts another in imminent danger of death,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three years, or with simple
imprisonment for not less than three months.
Article 572.- Exposing to Danger through the Violation of Traffic
(1) Any driver or pedestrian who exposes to danger the life, body,
health or property of another by negligently violating traffic
is punishable with simple imprisonment from one month to three
years, or fine not less than one hundred Birr, or both.

(2) Where the act has caused injury to the life, body, health or
property of another, the relevant provisions of this Code and
those of the infringed traffic regulation shall apply concurrently.
Article 573.- Endangering the Human Body.
(1) Whoever, with intent to obtain money or other advantage:
a) gives while alive his organ or a part of his body to another;
b) enters into a contract with another person or institution to
give his organ or a part of his body after his death,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Whoever, with intent to obtain money or other advantage, takes
away an organ or a part of the body of another with the latter's
consent, shall be punishable:
a) with rigorous imprisonment from five years to ten years,
where the act is committed while the victim is still alive; or
b) with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years, where
the act is committed after the death of the victim.
(3) Whoever takes an organ or part of the body of another by
coercion, fraud, trickery or without the consent of the person
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from ten years to
twenty-five years.
(4) Whoever, apart from the cases specified in the above subarticles, and contrary to law, regulations or rules, carries out
scientific or medical examination, research or experiments on a
person's body by coercing the person or without his consent or
knowledge, or discloses or gives under any conditions to another
person such information obtained in this manner,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(5) Where a juridical person commits one of the acts specified in
sub-article (2), (3) or (4) above, it shall be liable to punishment in
accordance with Articles 34 and 90(3) of this Code.
Article 574. - Exposure or Abandonment of Another.
(1) Whoever, having the custody or charge, on no matter what
grounds, of a person incapable of protecting himself, whether on
account of his health, his age, his situation or any other
circumstance, intentionally:
a) exposes him, thereby putting him in imminent danger of
life or health; or
b) abandons him when in like situation, is punishable,
according to the circumstances of the case, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years, or with simple

imprisonment for not less than six months, without

prejudice to the deprivation of the criminal's family rights
where necessary.
(2) Where the crime is committed against an infant, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
Article 575 .- Failure to Lend Aid to Another.
(1) Whoever intentionally leaves without help a person in imminent
and grave peril of his life, person or health, when he could have
lent him assistance, direct or indirect, without risk to himself or
to third parties,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or fine.
(2) Simple imprisonment shall be in addition to fine, and shall be
from one month to two years, where:
a) the victim has been injured by the criminal himself, no
matter in what circumstances or by whatever means; or
b) the criminal was under an obligation, professional or
contractual, medical, maritime or other, to go to the
victim's aid or to lend him assistance.
Article 576.- Maltreatment of Minors.
(1) Whoever, having the custody or charge of a minor, ill-treats,
neglects, over tasks or beats him for any reason or in any
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
(2) Where the crime causes grave injury to the health, well-being,
education or physical or psychological development of the minor,
the punishment shall be, in addition to the deprivation of family
rights of the criminal, simple imprisonment for not less than one
(3) The taking, by parents or other persons having similar
responsibilities, of a disciplinary measure that does not
contravene the law, for purposes of proper upbringing, is not
subject to this provision (Art. 68).
Article 577.- Brawls.
(1) Whoever, without confining himself to repelling attack, to
defending himself or others, or to separating the combatants,
takes part in any brawl or fight of not less than three persons,

from which injury to the person or health, or the death, of one of

those present or damage to property, may ensue,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
(2) Whoever takes part in a brawl and is found to be carrying, or
makes use of, a weapon or instrument capable of causing
wounds or death, or any other similar weapon,
is punishable with simple imprisonment from one month to one
year, where no injury has ensued.
(3) Where anyone has been wounded or killed on account of the
attendant circumstances of the brawl, especially because of the
hatred, state of excitement or drunkenness of the opposing
sides, or because they were armed or were provided with
instruments, stones or any other objects capable of wounding or
causing death, the punishment shall be increased up to the
general legal maximum.
(4) In such cases, where those who have caused the injury or death
can be discovered, they shall be punishable under the relevant
provisions concurrently (Art. 66).
Article 578.- Duels.
(1) Whoever takes part in a duel, that is to say in an armed combat
involving deadly weapons regulated in advance by tradition or
custom, such as to endanger the life, person or health of the
is punishable, whether or not bodily injury has been sustained,
with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Where precautions have been taken to eliminate risk of death,
simple imprisonment shall not exceed one year, or the fine shall
not exceed two thousand Birr.
(3) Where the combat was to last until the death of one of the
combatants, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment,
which shall not exceed ten years, where death actually ensued.
(4) An adversary who, knowingly, infringes the special rules or
usages of combat and, by this deceit, wounds or kills the other
combatant, shall be punished in accordance with the general
provisions of this Code governing homicide or bodily injuries.
Article 579.- Duelling: Challenge, Incitement and Aiding.
(1) Whoever challenges another to a duel, transmits such challenge
or accepts it,
is punishable with fine, or where the duel is fought, with simple
imprisonment not exceeding one year.

(2) Where the crime is repeated, the punishment shall be simple

imprisonment not exceeding three months.
(3) Where one of the adversaries withdraws from the contest, or
prevents it, of his own accord, the Court may exempt him, or
both parties, from punishment.
(4) Whoever incites another to fight a duel with a third person,
whether by intimidation, by encouragement, by showing
contempt or otherwise,
is punishable with fine, or, where the duel is fought, with simple
imprisonment not exceeding one year.
(5) The seconds, witnesses, members of the Court of honour,
helpers or doctors, appointed to ensure the regularity of the
proceeding or to remedy their consequences, are not liable to
punishment unless they have encouraged or incited the
adversaries to fight. The provisions relating to complicity do not
apply to them.
Article 580.- Intimidation.
Whoever threatens another with danger or injury so serious as to
induce in him a state of alarm or agitation,
is punishable, upon complaint, with fine not exceeding five
Birr, or with simple imprisonment not exceeding six
Nothing in this Article shall prevent the Court from ordering the
convicted person to enter a recognizance to be of good behaviour
(Art. 135).
Article 581.- Threat of Accusation or Disgrace.
Whoever threatens to lodges a complaint or an accusation or to
disclose a fact such as to injure the honour or reputation of
either the victim or a third party tied to him by blood, marriage
or affection, and thereby induces such other person to submit to
a condition or demand contrary to morality, is punishable, upon
complaint, under the preceding Article (Art. 580).
Article 582.- Coercion.
Whoever resorts to violence or to threats of a serious injury to the
victim or to a third party tied to him by blood, marriage or
affection within the meaning of the preceding Article, or by
interfering in any other unlawful or improper way with the liberty
of action of another, compels him to do a thing or to permit it to

be done, or to refrain from doing it or from permitting it to be

is punishable, where the crime does not come under a more
severe specific provision, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding three years, or fine.
Article 583.-

Deprivation of Powers of Decision.

(1) Whoever deprives another against his will of his conscious

faculties or of his freedom of decision or action, whether by
hypnotic suggestion, by the administration of alcohol, or narcotic
or psychotropic substances, or by any other means,
is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) According to the circumstances of the case, this Article may be
applied concurrently with other relevant provisions (Arts. 532534).
Article 584.- Combination of Crimes.
Where the intimidation, violence, coercion or deprivation of
freedom of decision has been used in the commission of, or for
the purpose of committing, a crime of which such behavior is an
ingredient, such as robbery, extortion, blackmail or rape, the
relevant provision is applicable.
Article 585.- Illegal Restraint.
(1) Whoever, contrary to law or without lawful order, arrests,
confines or detains or otherwise restrains the freedom of

punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three

(2) The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
five years where:
a) the crime is committed on the false pretext of mental
illness or dangerous condition of the victim; or
b) the crime persists for more than five days.
(3) Where the crime is committed to compel the government, an
international organization, a natural or a juridical person to do
or to abstain from doing an act, by carrying out threats of
endangering the life, person or liberty of the detainee or of
prolonging his detention,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years
to ten years.

(4) Where the crime under sub-article (1) or (2) is committed by a

public servant or official, the special provision of this Code (Art.
423) shall apply.
Article 586.- Abduction of Another.
Whoever abducts another by violence, or commits such an act
after having obtained his consent by intimidation or violence,
trickery or deceit,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven
Article 587.- Abduction of a Woman.
(1) Whoever with intent to marry a woman abducts her by violence,
or commits such an act after having obtained her consent by
intimidation, threat, trickery or deceit,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from three years to ten
(2) Where the act of abduction is accompanied by rape, the
perpetrator shall be liable to the punishment prescribed for rape
in this Code.
(3) The conclusion of a marriage between the abductor and the
abducted subsequent to the abduction shall not preclude
criminal liability.
(4) Nothing shall affect the right of the victim to claim compensation
under civil law for the moral and material damage she may have
sustained as a result of the abduction.
Article 588.- Abduction of an Unconscious or Defenceless Woman.
Whoever knowing her conditions, intentionally carries off an
insane, feeble-minded or retarded woman, one not fully
conscious, or one who is incapable or has been rendered
incapable of defending herself or of offering resistance,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
Article 589.- Abduction of a Minor.
(1) Whoever abducts another by violence, or commits such an act
after having obtained his consent by intimidation or violence,
trickery or deceit,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
(2) Whoever knowing his conditions, intentionally carries off an
insane, feeble-minded or retarded minor, one not fully conscious,
or one who is incapable or has been rendered incapable of
defending himself or of offering resistance,

is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from seven years to

twenty years.
(3) Whoever carries off, abducts or improperly detains an infant or a
young person in order to deprive his parents or lawful guardians
of his custody,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
(4) Where the criminal returns the minor to his parents or lawful
guardians within thirty days, and where none of the aggravating
circumstances specified in the following Article has obtained, the
punishment shall be simple imprisonment not exceeding one

Article 590.- Aggravation to the Crime.

(1) Where the intimidation, the coercion, the deprivation of powers
of decision, the illegal restraint or the abduction is committed:
a) with intent to take unfair advantage of the victim, or to
allow another to take advantage of him, or to use him for
debauchery or prostitution; or
b) to exploit him or to hold him to ransom; or
c) in conditions which are specially cruel,
the crime is aggravated, and the punishment shall be in
accordance with the following provisions.
(2) The Court shall pass sentence:
a) of simple imprisonment from three months to five years in
the case of intimidation or coercion (Art. 580 to 582);
b) of rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years where
there has been deprivation of powers of decision or illegal
restraint (Art. 583 and 585);
c) of rigorous imprisonment from five years to fifteen years in
the case of simple abduction (Art. 586 and 587);
d) of rigorous imprisonment from seven years to twenty years
in the case of the abduction of an unconscious or
defenceless woman (Art. 588); and
e) of rigorous imprisonment from ten years to twenty-five
years in the case of the abduction of a minor (Art. 589).
Article 591.-

Substitution of an Infant for Another and Taking

Away of an Infant belonging to Another.

(1) Whoever intentionally:

a) substitutes an infant for another; or
b) takes away, claiming to be his, an infant who was not born
of him,

is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven

(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall be
simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
Article 592.- Failure to Produce a Minor.
Whoever having the custody of a minor refuses to hand him over
to the person or institution entitled to his custody either by law
or by virtue of a Court order,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one year,
or fine.
Article 593.- Ascendants; Special Case.
Where the criminal who abducts (Art. 589) or fails to produce a
minor (Art. 592) is the father or mother, natural or adoptive, or
an ascendant of such minor, and where he has acted with the
sole intent to secure custody of the child, or from noble motives,
the punishment shall be, upon complaint, simple imprisonment
not exceeding three months, or fine not exceeding five hundred
Article 594.- Aggravated Cases.
Where the crime under Article 592 or 593 has been committed for the
purpose of removing the child to a distance and transplanting him to
an environment foreign to his religious convictions or to his deepest
the punishment shall be simple imprisonment not exceeding five years,
or fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr.
Article 595.- Political Abduction.
(1) Whoever, after having abducted another for a political reason, by
intimidation, trickery, violence or coercion, with the intention of
endangering his life, person, health or freedom:
a) persuades him into leaving the country in order to hand
him over to an authority, an organization, a group or a
political party; or
b) hands him over to a local group or political party, or
c) causes him to be isolated from the public within the
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
(2) Whoever orders or organizes such abduction is punishable with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding twenty years.

Article 596.- Enslavement.

(1) Whoever:
a) forcibly enslaves another, sells, alienates, pledges or buys
him, or trades or traffics in or exploits him in any manner;
b) keeps or maintains another in a condition of slavery, even
in a disguised form, is punishable with rigorous
imprisonment from five years to twenty years, and fine not
exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(2) Whoever, in order to deliver him at his place of destination,
carries off or transports a person found in situations stated
above, whether by land, by sea or by air, or conducts or aids
such traffic,
is liable to the punishment under sub-article (1)above.
(3) Where the crime is committed against children, women, feebleminded or sick persons, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment from ten years to twenty years.
Article 597.- Trafficking in Women and Children.
(1) Whoever by violence, threat, deceit, fraud, kidnapping or by the
giving of money or other advantage to the person having control
over a woman or a child, recruits, receives, hides, transports,
exports or imports a woman or a minor for the purpose of forced
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
twenty years, and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(2) Whoever knowingly carries off, or transports, whether by land,
by sea or by air, the victim mentioned in sub-article (1), with the
purpose stated therein, or conducts, or aids such traffic,
is liable to the penalty prescribed under sub-article (1) above.
Article 598.-

Unlawful Sending of Ethiopians for Work Abroad.

(1) Whoever, without having obtained a license or by any other

unlawful means, sends an Ethiopian woman for work abroad,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to ten
years, and fine not exceeding twenty-five thousand Birr.
(2) Where the Ethiopian woman sent abroad, owing to the act
mentioned above, suffers an injury to her human rights, or to
her life, body or psychological make-up, the sender shall be
punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to twenty
years, and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.

(3) The provisions of this Article shall apply where similar acts axe
committed against Ethiopian men.
Article 599.- Participation of Illegal Associations and Juridical
Persons in Crimes Specified in this Chapter.
(1) Where the injury to liberty, whether by intimidation, trickery,
coercion, abduction, illegal restraint, enslavement, traffic or
exploitation in one of the above forms stated in this Chapter, is
the work of an association or band formed to engage in, or
engaging in, the slave trade, no matter in what form, such band
or association shall be punishable with a fine not exceeding one
hundred thousand Birr and its dissolution shall be ordered.
This penalty is without prejudice to the punishment applicable to
the criminal or criminals on the count of their personal criminal
(2) Where the juridical person has committed the crime it snail
according to the kind and gravity of the crime, be liable to the
punishment proscribed in Article 90 of this Code.
Article 600.-

Default of Supervision or Control.

(1) An official at any level of the governmental hierarchy who fails to

take the appropriate measure expected of him for the control or
prevention of traffic in or exploitation of slaves or related
activities, within his jurisdiction,
is punishable with a fine which, according to the gravity of the
case, may be increased up to the special maximum prescribed
under Articles 596-599.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the fine shall not
exceed ten thousand Birr.
Article 601.- Restraint of the Free Exercise of Civil Rights.
(1) Whoever by intimidation, violence, fraud or any other unlawful
a) prevents a person from exercising his civil rights granted
by the Constitution or other laws, especially his right as a
parent or a guardian, his right to bring a legal action or to
appear before the Courts; or
b) compels him to exercise such rights in a particular way,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding
three years, or fine.
(2) The restraint of the free exercise of political rights especially the
right of voting and election,

is punishable under the special provision of this Code (Art. 467).

Article 602.- Violation of the Right of Freedom of Movement.
(1) Whoever, not being authorized by law so to do, prevents another
from moving freely within the territory of Ethiopia,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Where the criminal is a public servant, he shall be punishable
under the relevant prolusion of this Code (Art. 407).
Article 603.- Violation of the Right of Freedom to Work
(1) Whoever, by intimidation, violence, fraud or any other unlawful
means, compels another:
a) to accept a particular employment or particular conditions
of employment, or to refuse or withhold his labour, with
the object of imposing on an employer by force the
acceptance or modification of terms of employment; or
b) to join a group or association having as its aim the objects
mentioned in (a), or anyone who prevents another from
freely leaving such a group or association,
is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment for not
less Than three months, or fine.
(2) Where the person or persons causing intimidation or violence were
carrying Weapons or other instruments; or where the prevention or
coercion is the work of a large group, the punishment of imprisonment
prescribed under sub-article (1) shall be imposed in combination with
Article 604.- Violation of Privacy of Domicile or Restricted Areas.
(1) Whoever, in contravention of the law:
a) enters, against the wishes of the lawful occupant, a house,
premises, boat or any other place used for living in, or a
restricted area abutting on a house or dwelling, or a garden
or any other private property; or
b) forcibly enters without permission the premises, offices,
storehouse or yards of an undertaking, company or body
corporate, even though not inhabited; or
c) having entered without opposition from or with the
permission of the lawful occupant, remains there when
called upon by him to leave,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
years, or fine.
(2) Where the violation is committed by a public servant who is not
authorized to take such action, or who does so in violation of
legal safeguards and formalities, the special provision (Art. 422)
shall apply.

Article 605.- Aggravation to the Crime.

Where the crime is committed;
a) by carrying weapons, making use of threats or resorting to
violence; or
b) by a group of persons acting in common; or
c) between the hours of six PM and six AM, unless otherwise
authorized by law; or
d) by a person holding himself on to be a public servant or
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
five years.
Article 606.- Violation of the Privacy of Correspondence or
(1) Whoever, without lawful authority:
a) deliberately learns about the contents of or opens a
business or private closed or open letter, envelope or
correspondence, or accesses electronic, telegram, telephone
or telecommunication correspondence, commercial or
private closed letter or envelope, or a packet, a sealed
parcel or any consignment, which is not his; or
b) having learned of certain facts by opening, even by mistake
or negligence, such a closed envelope or parcel not
addressed to him, divulges such facts or derives a gain
is punishable, upon complaint, with a fine not exceeding one
thousand Birr, or according to the circumstances of the case,
with simple imprisonment not exceeding three months.
(2) Whoever intentionally and unlawfully intercepts, destroys,
retains or diverts from their true destination such
correspondence or packages, is punishable upon accusation with
simple imprisonment not exceeding six months, where his act
does not constitute a specific crime punishable more severely.
(3) Nothing shall affect the provisions relating to breach of official
secrecy, unlawful disposal of objects in charge and appropriation
and misappropriation in the discharge of duties by public
servants (Arts.397, 412 and 413).
Article 607.- Principle.
(1) Crimes against honour or reputation, committed in one of the
forms specified in the following Articles, are punishable no

matter what the rank or social status of the criminal or of the

injured party.
They may be committed against individuals, or juridical persons.
In the case of individuals, they may be committed equally against
living persons, deceased persons or against persons declared
(2) In determining the punishment for the different crimes, the
Court shall take into account the gravity of the crime, the
position of the injured party and the extent of the publicity or
circulation involved in the crime.
Article 608.- Means of Commission.
Injury to honour, direct or indirect, can be committed whether by
word of mouth or by sound, in writing, by image, drawing, sign
behaviour or gesture or by any other means or other way
Indirect means of crime or circulation by any process of
recording reproduction, emission, communication or projection,
graphical, visual or aural, rank with natural and direct means.

Article 60S.- Punishment to be imposed where the Crime is

Committed by Juridical Persons.
(1) The punishment to be imposed shall be a fine where the crime is
committed by a juridical person.
(2) The penalty to be inflicted upon the juridical person under subarticle (1) shall not prevent the punishment of its directors,
managers, inspectors, agents, proxies or members who are
proved to have committed a crime of the same kind personally.
Article 610.- Compensation.
(1) Damages for the material or moral injury done to the injured
party, shall be fixed by the Court in accordance with the general
provisions (Art. 101), having regard to the gravity and extent of
the crime and to the positions of the criminal and the injured
(2) The moral reparation ordered by the Court, especially in the
form of publication of the judgment, of a part thereof or of its
operative part (Art. 155), shall be determined in the light of the
same considerations, and shall be adapted to the degree of
protection called for in each specific case.
Article 611.- Immunity.

Members of the constitutionally established legislature, executive

or judiciary are not susceptible to legal proceedings on the
ground of injury to honour done by information or statements,
correct as to form, given or made by them in conformity with
their duties and in the regular discharge of their duties.
Article 612.- Non-Punishable Comment and Averments
The following are not punishable as injury to honour:
a) considered opinions and well-founded criticism, couched in
proper and moderate terms, concerning personal aptitudes
or artistic, literary, scientific, professional or social
activities, creations or productions; or
b) averments, statements or comments uttered or repeated by
a public servant or by an advocate or attorney, by an
expert or witness, by a journalist or by any other person
acting in good faith in the discharge of his duties,
especially by way of investigations, reports or depositions,
in the defence before court or before the administrative
authorities, or by way of authorized public information
service, where the alleged facts are germane to and remain
within the confines thereof and where they are not uttered
with express intent to discredit.
Article 613.- Defamation and Calumny.
(1) Whoever, addressing a third party, imputes to another, with the
intent to injure his honour or reputation, an act, a fact or a
conduct, where the allegation accords with the truth,
is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding six months, or fine.
Statements made concerning a crime of which a person has been
found guilty, has duly served the sentence or has been granted
pardon or amnesty, with intent to injure his honour or
reputation, shall be considered as defamation and are
punishable under the preceding Article.
(2) Where the defamatory imputations or allegations constituting the
injury to honour or reputation are false and are uttered or
spread with knowledge of their falsity, the criminal is punishable
upon complaint, for calumny with simple imprisonment for not
less than one month, and fine.
(3) Where the criminal has acted with deliberate intent to ruin the
victim's reputation,
he shall be punished, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment
for not less than three months, and fine.

(4) Where the imputation or allegation is false and made negligently,

it is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding one year, or fine.
(5) False accusation or denunciation to the authorities is punishable
under the special provision (Art. 447), and is not liable to any
concurrent penalty.
Article 614.-

Truthful Assertions and safeguarding of Higher

Interest Excepted.

(1) A person charged with defamation cannot in general plead in

defence that he acted without intent to injure, or that he
confined himself to repeating even though not believing them,
allegations emanating from another, or that it was a matter of
common knowledge, or that he uttered suspicions or
(2) Where the criminal commits the act by uttering or expressing the
truth, or having sufficient ground to believe that it is true, he
shall not be liable to punishment if he can prove that
a) he did not have the intention to injure the honour or
reputation of another; or
b) he acted in the public interest or he was actuated by a
higher interest or moral aim.
(3) Where the criminal is convicted of calumny, he may in no case
exculpate himself by invoking public or higher interest.
Article 615.- Insulting Behaviour and Outrage.
Except m cases where it is punishable as a petty offence (Art.
844), anyone directly addressing the victim, or referring to him,
offends him in his honour by insult or injury, or outrages him by
gesture or in any other manner,
is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment not
exceeding three months, or fine not exceeding three hundred
Article 616.- Provocation and Retaliation
(1) The Court may impose no punishment where a person charged
with insulting behaviour or outrage has been provoked or carried
away by an attitude, conduct or acts, even towards a third party,
which are manifestly so shocking, offensive or reprehensible as
to make his act excusable.

(2) Where the injured party has at once replied to an insult or

outrage in kind, the Court may, according to the circumstances,
exempt from punishment both criminate or one of them.
Article 617.-

Withdrawal and Repentance.

(1) Where, during proceedings, a person charged with an injury to

honour withdraws his allegations and expresses his regrets,
either in writing or orally before the Court, the Court may
mitigate the penalty (Art. 179).
(2) The Court shall in all cases deliver formal attestation of the
withdrawal to the interested party, for all appropriate purposes.
Article 618.- Special Cases Aggravating the Crime.
(1) Where the defamation or calumny, insult or outrage, has been
deliberately committed against a public servant in the discharge
of his official duty, or in relation thereto, the criminal is
punishable, upon complaint:
a) with simple imprisonment not exceeding six months, and
fine not exceeding one thousand Birr in cases of insult or
b) with simple imprisonment from one month to one year,
and fine in cases of defamation; or
c) with simple imprisonment for not less than three months,
and fine in cases of calumny; or
d) with simple imprisonment for not less than six months,
and fine, in cases of deliberate act to ruin the victim's
(2) Nothing in this Article shall affect the special provisions relating
to injury to the honour of the State (Art. 244), to insults to
foreign States and inter-State institutions (Art. 264 and 266), to
insults to a military superior (Art. 297) and to contempt of Court
Article 619.- Proceedings in Respect of Injury to the Honour of
Absent or Deceased Persons.
(1) Where any of the injuries to honour punishable under this
Chapter relates to a deceased person or to a person legally
declared absent, the right to lodge a complaint lies exclusively
with his descendants, natural or adopted, and with his spouse,
or, in their default, with his ascendants, natural or legal, and
with his brothers and sisters.
(2) Limitation of the action, in respect of injury to private honour, is
regulated by the general provisions.
Where the allegations constituting the injury to the memory of
the person affected refer to a public activity of any kind which
has passed into the historical, artistic, literary or scientific

domain, the complaint shall not be admissible if, at the time

when the incriminating act is committed, at least thirty years
have passed since the death of the injured person or since he
was legally declared absent.

Section I.- Injury to Sexual Liberty and Chastity
Article 620.- Rape.
(1) Whoever compels a woman to submit to sexual intercourse
outside wedlock, whether by the use of violence or grave
intimidation, or after having rendered her unconscious or
incapable of resistance,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
(2) Where the crime is committed:
a) on a young woman between thirteen and eighteen years of
age; or
b) on an inmate of an alms-house or asylum or any
establishment of health, education, correction, detention or
internment which is under the direction, supervision or
authority of the accused person, or on anyone who is
under the supervision or control of or dependant upon
him; or
c) on a woman incapable of understanding the nature or
consequences of the act, or of resisting the act, due to oldage, physical or mental illness, depression or any other
reason; or
d) by a number of men acting in concert, or by subjecting the
victim to act of cruelty or sadism,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five
years to twenty years.
(3) Where the rape has caused grave physical or mental injury or
death, the punishment shall be life imprisonment.
(4) Where the rape is related to illegal restraint or abduction of the
victim, or where communicable disease has been transmitted to
her, the relevant provisions of this Code shall apply
Article 621.- Compelling a Man to Sexual Intercourse.

A woman who compels a man to sexual intercourse with herself,

is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
Article 622.- Sexual Outrages Accompanied by Violence.
Whoever, by the use of violence or grave intimidation, or after
having in any other way rendered his victim incapable of offering
resistance, compels a person of the opposite sex, to perform or to
submit to an act corresponding to the sexual act, or any other
indecent act,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than one
year, or rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
Article 623.- Sexual Outrages on Unconscious or Deluded. Persons,
or on Persons Incapable of Resisting.
Whoever, knowing of his victim's incapacity, but without using
violence or intimidation, performs sexual intercourse, or commits
a like or any other indecent act, with an idiot, with a feebleminded or retarded, insane or unconscious person, or with a
person who is for any other reason incapable of understanding
the nature or consequences of the act,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years.
Article 624.- Sexual Outrages on Persons in Hospital, Interned or
Under Detention.
Whoever, by taking advantage of his position, office or state, has
sexual intercourse or performs an act corresponding to the
sexual act or any other indecent act with an inmate of a hospital,
an alms-house or an asylum, or any establishment of education,
correction, internment or detention, who is under his direction,
supervision or authority,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years.
Article 625.- Taking Advantage of the Distress or Dependence of a
Whoever, apart from the cases specified in the preceding Article,
procures from a woman sexual intercourse or any other indecent
act by taking advantage of her material or mental distress or of
the authority he exercises over her by virtue of his position,
function or capacity as protector, teacher, master or employer, or
by virtue of any other like relationship,

is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment.

Article 626.- Sexual Outrages on Minors between the Ages
ofThirteen and Eighteen Years.
(1) Whoever performs sexual intercourse with a minor of the
opposite sex, who is between the ages of thirteen and eighteen
years, or causes her to perform such an act with her,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from three years to
fifteen years.
(2) A woman who causes a male minor between the ages of thirteen
and eighteen years, to perform sexual intercourse with her,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven
(3) Whoever performs an act corresponding to the sexual act or any
other indecent act upon a minor, of the opposite sex who is
between the ages of thirteen and eighteen years, induces him to
perform such an act, or deliberately performs such an act in his
is punishable with simple imprisonment not less than three
months or with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(4) Where the victim is the pupil, apprentice, domestic servant or
ward of the criminal, or a child entrusted to his custody or care,
or in any other way directly dependant upon or subordinate to
him, the punishment shall be:
a) with rigorous imprisonment from five years to twenty years
in respect of the crime specified in sub-article" (1) above;
b) with rigorous imprisonment from three years to ten years
in respect of the crime specified in sub-article (2) above; or
c) with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years in
respect of the crime specified in sub-article (3) above.
(5) Where the sexual outrage has caused grave bodily or mental
injury to or death of the victim, the relevant provision of this
Code shall apply concurrently.

Article 627.- Sexual Outrages Committed on Infants.

(1) Whoever performs sexual intercourse with a minor of the
opposite sex, who is under the age of thirteen years, or causes
her to perform such an act with her,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from thirteen years to
twenty-five years.

(2) A woman who causes a male minor under the age of thirteen
years, to perform sexual intercourse with her,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(3) Whoever performs an act corresponding to the sexual act or any
other indecent act upon a minor, of the opposite sex who is
under age of thirteen years, induces him to perform such an act,
or deliberately performs such an act in his presence,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not

exceeding ten

(4) Where the victim is the pupil, apprentice, domestic servant or
ward of the criminal, or a child entrusted to his custody or care,
or in any other way directly dependant upon or subordinate to
a) in respect of the crime prescribed in sub-article (1) above
the punishment shall be more severe on such a person
than when it is committed by other persons;
b) in respect of the crime prescribed in sub-article (2) above
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from
three years to fifteen years.
c) in respect of the crime prescribed in sub-article (3) above
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from
three years to fifteen years.
(5) Where the sexual outrage has caused grave bodily or mental
injury to or death of the victim, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment for life.
Article 628.- Other Grounds Aggravating the Crime.
In all cases involving rape or sexual outrage (Arts. 620-627), the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years to
twenty-five years, where the relevant provision does not prescribe
a more severe penalty:
a) where the victim becomes pregnant; or
b) where the criminal transmits to the victim a venereal
disease with which he knows himself to be infected; or
c) where the victim is driven to suicide by distress, anxiety,
shame or despair.
Article 629.- Homosexual and other Indecent Acts.
Whoever performs with another person of the same sex a
homosexual act, or any other indecent act, is punishable with
simple imprisonment.

Article 630.- General Aggravation to the Crime.

(1) The punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than
one year, or, in grave cases, rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years, where the criminal:
a) takes unfair advantage of the material or mental distress of
another or of the authority he exercises over another by
virtue of his position, office or capacity as guardian, tutor,
protector, teacher, master or employer, or by virtue of any
other like relationship, to cause such other person to
perform or to submit to such an act; or
b) makes a profession of such activities within the meaning of
the law (Art. 92).
(2) The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from three
years to fifteen years, where:
a) the criminal uses violence, intimidation or coercion,
trickery or fraud, or takes unfair advantage of the victim's
inability to offer resistance or to defend himself or of his
feeble-mindedness or unconsciousness; or
b) the criminal subjects his victim to acts of cruelty or
sadism, or transmits to him a venereal disease with which
he knows himself to be infected; or
c) the victim is driven to suicide by distress, shame or
Article 631.- Homosexual and Other Indecent Acts Performed on
(1) Whoever performs a homosexual act on a minor, is punishable:
a) with rigorous imprisonment from three years to fifteen
years, where the victim is between the ages of thirteen and
eighteen years; or
b) with rigorous imprisonment from fifteen years to twentyfive years, where the victim is below thirteen years of age.
(2) A woman who performs a homosexual act on a female minor, is
punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(3) Whoever performs any other indecent act on a minor of the same
sex, is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(4) Where the victim is the pupil, apprentice, domestic servant or
ward of the criminal, or a child entrusted to his custody or care,
or in any other way directly dependant upon or subordinate to
a) in the case of sub-article (1) the punishment to , be
imposed upon such criminal shall be more severe than
when the crime is committed by another person;
b) b) in the case of sub-article (2) the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment from three years to ten years;

c) in the case of sub-article (3) the punishment shall be

simple imprisonment for not less than six months.
(5) Where the sexual outrage has caused death or grave physical or
mental injury upon the victim, or where the victim is driven to
suicide by distress, shame or despair, the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment for life.
Article 632.- Participation of a Juridical Person in Sexual Outrages
Committed on Minors.
Where an official or employee of a juridical person or any other
person commits one of the crimes in the provision of Articles
626-628 and 631 on a minor living in an institution established
for the purpose of upbringing, educating, training or in any other
way taking care of children, and where
operation or
administration of such juridical person has created a
favourable condition for the commission of such crimes, or where
the crime is committed because the juridical person has not
provided sufficient safeguard, the juridical person shall be
punishable in accordance with Article 90 of this Code according
to the kind and gravity of each crime.
Article 633.- Sexual Intercourse with an Animal.
Whoever performs sexual intercourse
punishable with simple imprisonment.






Article 634.- Habitual Exploitation for Pecuniary Gain.
Whoever, for gain, makes a profession of or lives by procuring or
on the prostitution or immorality of another, or maintains, as a
landlord or keeper, a brothel, is punishable with simple
imprisonment and fine.
Article 635.- Traffic in Women and Minors.
Whoever, for gain, or to gratify the passions of another:
a) traffics in women or minors, whether by seducing them, by
enticing them, or by procuring them or otherwise inducing
them to engage in prostitution, even with their consent; or
b) keeps such a person in a brothel to let him out to
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years, and fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr, subject to the
application of more severe provisions, especially where there is
concurrent illegal restraint.
Article 636.- Aggravation to the Crime.

In cases of professional procuring or traffic in persons, rigorous

imprisonment shall be from three years to ten years, and the fine
shall not exceed twenty thousand Birr where:
a) the victim is a minor; or
b) the victim is the wife or a descendant criminal, his adopted
child or the child of his spouse, his brother or his sister, or
his ward, or where the victim has been entrusted, on any
ground whatsoever, to his custody or care; or
c) the criminal has taken unfair advantage of the material or
mental distress of his victim, or of his position as protector,
employer, teacher, landlord or creditor, or of any other like
situation; or
d) the criminal has made use of trickery, fraud, violence,
intimidation, coercion, or where he has misused his
authority over the victim; or
e) the victim is intended for a professional procurer, or has
been taken abroad or where the victim's whereabouts or
place of abode cannot be established; or
f) the victim has been driven to suicide by shame, distress or
Article 637.- Organization of Traffic in Women and Minors.
Whoever makes arrangements or provisions of any kind for the
procurement of or traffic in women or minors,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or according to the
circumstances of the case, especially where a professional
procurer is involved or where the arrangements are fully made
and intended to apply to many victims, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding three years, and a fine which shall
be not less than five hundred Birr in grave cases.
Article 638.-

Criminal Liability of a Juridical Person.

Where a juridical person takes part in the crimes specified in this

Section, it shall be punishable in accordance with Article 90(3) of
this Code, depending on the nature of the crime and the
circumstances of the case.
Article 639.- Public Indecency and Outrages against Morals.
(1) Whoever, in a public place or in sight of the public, deliberately
performs the sexual act or any other obscene act or gesture
grossly offensive to decency or morals,
is punishable with simple imprisonment from three months to
one year, or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.

(2) Where the criminal has knowingly performed the act in the
presence of a minor, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment from six months to five years.
Article 640.-

Obscene or Indecent Publications.

(1) Whoever:
a) makes, imports or exports, transports, receives, possesses,
displays in public, offers for sale or hires, distributes or
posters, films or other objects which are obscene or grossly
indecent, or in any other way traffics or trades in them; or
b) advertises, indicates or makes known, by any means, how
or from whom such objects may be procured or circulated,
either directly or indirectly,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than six
months, and fine, without prejudice to the forfeiture and
destruction of the incriminating material.
(2) Simple imprisonment shall be for not less than one year, and the
fine shall not exceed ten thousand Birr, where the criminal:
a) habitually engages in or carries on such traffic;
b) knowingly exhibits, hands over or delivers such objects to a
minor; or
c) for this purpose displays a simulation of sexual intercourse
by minors or exhibits their genitals,
Article 641.- Obscene or Indecent Performances.
The punishments specified in the preceding Article are applicable
to anyone who organizes or gives public auditions or
performances, in a theatre or in a cinema, by projection or by
radio or television broadcast, by video, or in any other way,
which are obscene or grossly indecent.
Article 642.- Lawful Works.
Works or objects purely artistic, literary or scientific in character,
which are not calculated to inflame erotic feelings or lust, are not
held to be obscene or indecent.
Article 643.- Indecent Publicity and Advertisements.
(1) Whoever displays in public indecent or immoral objects,
products or works,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than one
month, and fine.
(2) Whoever sends by any means such things to persons not having
solicited them or having no professional interest in them,

is punishable, upon complaint, with a fine not exceeding five

hundred Birr, or with simple imprisonment.

Article 644.- Protection of Minors.

Whoever, for gain or to provoke:
a) publicly displays by video, or in a shop window, in a booth
or in any other place visible from without, writings, images
or objects such as to stimulate unduly, to pervert or to
misdirect the sexual instinct, or to arouse or to stimulate
unduly brutal or bloodthirsty instincts, or anti-social
feelings or feelings which are inimical to the family spirit,
in minors; or
b) knowingly offers, lends, gives or sells such objects, images
or writings to a minor,
is punishable with simple imprisonment from six months to three
years, and fine, without prejudice to the forfeiture of the
incriminating material where appropriate.
Article 645.- Criminal Liability of a Juridical Person.
Where a juridical person takes part in the crimes specified in this
Section, it shall be punishable in accordance with Article 90(3) of this
Code, depending on the nature of the crime and the circumstances of
Article 646.- Fraud and Deceit in Marriage.
(1) Whoever intentionally, in contracting or in order to contract a
marriage, conceals from his spouse a fact that would annul or
invalidate the marriage on one of the grounds specified by law,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding two
years, or fine not exceeding five thousand Birr.
(2) Whoever procures a marriage by means of intentional
misrepresentation, error, fraud or deceit in respect of his

is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment not

exceeding one year, or fine not exceeding one thousand Birr.
Article 647.- Solemnizing or Contracting an Unlawful Marriage.
(1) Whoever intentionally solemnizes a marriage forbidden by law,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three years, or
fine not exceeding five thousand Birr.
(2) Whoever contracts, permits or becomes a witness to a marriage
forbidden by law,
is punishable under the provisions of sub-article (1) of this Article.
(3) Where the crime specified under sub-article (1) or (2) of this
Article is committed negligently, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment not exceeding three months, or fine.
Article 648.- Early Marriage.
Whoever concludes marriage with a minor apart from
circumstances permitted by relevant Family Code is punishable
a) rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three years, where
the age of the victim is thirteen years or above; or
b) rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years, where
the age of the victim is below thirteen years.
Article 649.- Where Solemnization or Conclusion of an Unlawful
Marriage is not Punishable.
No proceedings may be instituted under Article 646 or 647, unless the
marriage has been annulled.
Article 650.- Bigamy.
(1) Whoever, being tied by the bond of a valid marriage,
intentionally contracts another marriage before the first union
has been dissolved or annulled,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in grave cases, and
especially where the criminal has knowingly misled his partner in the
second union as to his true state, with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years.

(2) Any unmarried person who marries another he knows to be tied

by the bond of an existing marriage, is punishable with simple
(3) Limitation of criminal proceedings is suspended until such time
as one of the two marriages shall have been dissolved or
Article 651.- Exception.
The preceding Article shall not apply where bigamy is committed in
conformity with religious or traditional practices recognized by law.
Article 652.- Adultery.
(1) A spouse bound by a union recognized under civil law who
commits adultery,
is punishable, upon complaint by the injured spouse, with simple
imprisonment or fine.
The same punishment shall apply to the partner who commits
adultery with a person whom he knows to have a valid marriage.
Where the complainant has provoked the adultery consented to
it, condoned it or derived profit from it no proceedings shall
(2) The Court may mitigate the punishment (Art. 180) where, at the
time at which the adultery was committed, the two spouses had
already ceased to cohabit.
(3) Where the criminal installs a concubine in the conjugal home
while not divorced or abandoned by his spouse, simple
imprisonment shall be for not less than three months.
Article 653.- Death of Complainant.
Where the injured party dies before lodging his complaint, the
criminal shall not be subject to criminal liability.
Where criminal proceedings have been instituted upon complaint
and where the criminal has been sentenced to imprisonment, the
Court may, whether the victim has died or not, order the
termination of the punishment of deprivation of liberty by a
decision stating the reasons thereof, where the circumstances,
especially the convicted person's liabilities as head of a family or
as the person supporting it, justify such a course.
Article 654.- Incest.

Performance of the sexual act, intentionally, between persons whose

marriage is forbidden by the relevant law on the grounds of blood
is punishable, according to the circumstances, and without
prejudice to the deprivation of family rights of the criminal, with
simple imprisonment for not less than three months, or with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three years.
Article 655.- Indecent Behavior between Relatives.
Acts corresponding to the sexual act or other indecent acts between
persons related by blood, are punishable with simple imprisonment not
exceeding six months.
Article 656.- Omission to Register the Birth of an Infant or to
Report its Abandonment.
(1) Whoever fails to declare the birth of an infant, as prescribed by
law, to the officer of civil status,
is punishable with a fine not exceeding five hundred Birr, or
simple imprisonment not exceeding one month.
(2) Whoever, finding a newborn infant abandoned, fails to report it
to the appropriate authority, is liable to the same punishment.
Article 657.-




and Substitution

of Infants.
(1) Whoever suppresses or falsifies a fact to be entered into the
register of the civil status of another, especially by registering or
causing to be registered a false declaration concerning the
identity or birth of an infant,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) In cases entailing or likely to entail grave foreseeable
consequences, especially in the case of registration by
substituting one infant for another,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
Article 658.- Failure to Maintain.
Whoever, without good cause:

a) refuses or omits to provide maintenance which he owes, by

virtue of law, to entitled persons, even to a spouse who
brought action for divorce, until such divorce is
pronounced; or
b) fails to meet the financial obligations he has incurred, by
virtue of law or formal undertaking, towards a woman
whom he has made pregnant out of wedlock, or towards a
person with whom he has lived in an irregular union,
is punishable, upon complaint, with fine, or with simple
imprisonment not exceeding six months.
Article 659.- Failure to Bring up.
(1) A parent or other person exercising the authority of guardian or
tutor, who, for gain or in dereliction of his duty;
a) grossly neglects the children under his charge and
abandons them without due care and attention or to moral
or physical danger; or
b) entrusts a child for a long time to a person, an organization
or an institution with whom or where he knows, or could
have foreseen, that it will be reduced to physical or moral
destitution, or will be physically or psychologically
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine. In grave
cases, the Court may in addition deprive the criminal of his
family rights.
(2) Where the child has suffered injury, whether foreseen or
calculated, whether by abuse of the right to administer
chastisement or through ill-treatment, the relevant provision in
this Code shall apply concurrently (Art. 63).
Article 660.- Concurrence of Crimes.
(1) In cases where crimes against the institution of marriage (Arts.
648, 649 or 652), and those against kinship (Art. 654), are
committed simultaneously, the relevant provisions shall apply
(2) Where crime against sexual liberty (Arts. 620 and 621, 623 626, 628 and 639) is committed simultaneously with the crime
against kinship (Art. 654), the
apply concurrently.
(3) In cases where a crime of indecent behaviour between relatives
(Art, 655), is committed simultaneously with a crime against
chastity (Arts. 622 - 625, 627 and 628, 629-631, and 639), the
relevant provisions shall apply concurrently.
Article 661.- Criminal Liability of a Minor.

(1) Where the victim to sexual outrage, to an act against chastity or

to an unnatural carnal crime is a minor, he shall not be liable to
punishment. Appropriate measures for his proper upbringing
and protection may be applied.
(2) The general provisions of this Code (Arts. 52-56) shall apply to a
minor who commits a crime against other persons.
Article 662.- Principles.
(1) Any interference with property and economic rights or rights
capable of being calculated in money forming a part of the
property of another shall be punished in accordance with the
following provisions, except where the interference is of such
minor importance as to be subject to the provisions and
sanctions regarding petty offences.
(2) State, public and private properties are protected under this
Damage to rights in property within the meaning of this Code is
constituted by any injury or prejudice suffered in comparison
with the normal situation in the absence of the crime.
Article 663.- Presumption of Unlawful or Unjustifiable Enrichment.
(1) Where the law requires, in order that there be a crime, that the
criminal shall have acted with intent to obtain for himself or to
procure for a third person an unlawful enrichment, there is a
presumption that the act was done in order to obtain or procure
a benefit or an unjustifiable advantage.
(2) In such event, the crime is completed torn the time when such
special intent, joined to the material elements, is proved,
notwithstanding that the intended enrichment has not taken
place. Repayment or the making good of the damage, even if
unsolicited, after such time, does not vitiate the crime, but the
Court may take account thereof in determining the sentence
(Art. 79 (e)).
Article 664.- Proceedings in the Event of a Crime within the

(1) Except in the cases of crimes involving violence or coercion, such

as robbery, extortion or blackmail, where a crime has been
a) between an ascendant and a descendant, natural or
adoptive, between spouses not separated, between a stepparent and step-child while the marriage exists, between
siblings of the whole blood or of the half blood; or
b) b) by relatives living with the victim, proceedings may only
be taken upon the complaint of the victim.
(2) The absence of a complaint by the victim shall not act as a bar to
proceedings against participants in a crime not covered by the
personal relations as defined above (Art. 41).

Article 692.- Fraudulent Misrepresentation.
(1) Whoever, with intent to obtain for himself or to procure for a
third person an unlawful enrichment, fraudulently causes a
person to act in a manner prejudicial to his rights in property, or
those of a third person, whether such acts are of commission or
omission, either by misleading statements, or by misrepresenting
his status or situation or by concealing facts which he had a
duty to reveal, or by taking advantage of the person's erroneous
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, according to the gravity of
the case, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years, and fine.
(2) Petty deceit in order to obtain an unjustifiable enrichment, such
as filching and the fraudulent obtaining of benefits is liable to
the punishments regarding petty offences (Art. 858 and 859).
Article 693.- Drawing of Cheque without Cover.
(1) Whoever intentionally draws a cheque without cover or knows
that there will not be full cover at the time of presentment for
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or according to the
gravity of the case, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years, and fine.
(2) Where the act is committed negligently, the punishment shall be
fine, or simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.



Fraudulent Manipulation




Whoever, through the facility of a stock exchange market or other

market, with intent to create a false or misleading appearance of
active public trading in a security or with respect to the market
price of a security:
a) effects a transaction in the security that involves no change
in the beneficial ownership thereof; or
b) enters an order for the purchase of the security, knowing
that the security has been purchased by the same or
different persons at substantially the same size, at
substantially the same time, at substantially the same
price, or an order for such purchase of the security has
been or will be entered by or for the same or different
persons; or
c) enters an order for the sale of the security, knowing that
the security has been sold by the same or different persons
at substantially the same size, at substantially the same
time, at substantially the same price or an order for such
sale of the security has been or will be entered by or for the
same or different persons,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in serious cases,
with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
Article 695.- Gaming in Stocks or Merchandise.
Whoever, with intent to make gain or profit by the rise or fall in price of
the stock goods or merchandise of a registered or unregistered
company or other undertaking, whether in or outside the country,
makes or signs any contract, oral or written, purporting to be for the
sale or purchase of shares of stocks, goods or merchandise, without the
bona fide intention of acquiring or selling such things,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in serious cases,
with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
Article 696.- Aggravated Fraudulent is representation.
The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding fifteen
years, and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr:
a) where (he criminal enjoys a position of trust as defined in
Article 676(1) and (2)(a); or
b) where the criminal issues an offer for public subscription,
or sells for himself, for his own organization or for an
organization in which he is a shareholder shares,
debentures, bonds or security of any kind in an
association, banking or commercial organization, stock
market or industrial firm; or
c) where
administrations or services.

Article 697.- Other Crimes.

Where there is a crime, other than those mentioned above, defined in a
proclamation or regulation relating to shares, merchandise,
documents, bonds or securities of any kind,
the punishment shall, unless otherwise be provided, simple
imprisonment, or, in serious cases, rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years.
Article 698.- Fraudulent Acts Relating to Insurance.
(1) Whoever, with intent to obtain for himself or to procure for a
third person an unlawful enrichment, deceives an insurance
a) by creating the risk insured; or
b) by concealing, misrepresenting, affirming or falsely
declaring a fact relating to the amount, duration or
beneficiaries of the insurance, in a manner affecting the
interest stated in the contract, or
c) in any other way commits a fraudulent act in connection
with insurance activity,
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in more serious
cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years, and
fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(2) Where a juridical person commits the crime it shall be
punishable in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 of this
Article 699.-

Misrepresentation by Forgery.

Where there is misrepresentation, of any kind, committed by means of

a forgery, the relevant provisions shall apply concurrently.
Article 700.- Misrepresentation by Fraudulent Exploitation of
Public Credulity.
(1) Whoever, for gain, deceives another by means such as invoking
spirits, magic or sorcery, consulting horoscopes or astrology, by
interpretation of dreams, soothsaying, chirography, divining or
by any other means of exploiting human credulity,
is punishable, upon complaint, with fine, or in the event of repetition of
the crime, with simple imprisonment, or, in serious cases, with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years, where the case does
not fall under the provisions regarding petty offences (Art. 861).

(2) Where the deceit is committed in the manner stipulated under

Article 692, the punishment prescribed under the specified
provision shall apply.
Article 701.-

Other Fraudulent Acts.

(1) Whoever collects money or material things by falsely claiming to

have contracted a serious disease or deficiency, or alleging to
have sustained grave physical or psychological injury or
pecuniary or other material loss, or by using any other
fraudulent means appealing to the compassionate feelings of
others, is punishable, according to the circumstances of the
case, with simple imprisonment and fine, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years and fine.
(2) Whoever employs another as a means of obtaining advantage
through beggary by misrepresenting to the public that the said
person is in one of the predicaments specified in the above subarticle, and collects money or other material things from
individuals or the public on the pretext of supporting the person,
shall be liable to the punishment prescribed in sub-article (1)
(3) Whoever, by inflicting injury upon another, employs him for the
purpose specified in sub-article (2) above,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from three years to ten
years, and fine.
Nothing in this sub-article shall prevent the concurrent
application of the provisions on causing injuries to persons (Art,
548 and 549).
(4) Whoever collects with or without authorization by law or by the
competent authority, any money or other material things from
individuals or the public for political, religious, cultural, social,
humanitarian or other purpose, and improperly disposes of such
things in whole or in part outside the purpose for which they are
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years, and fine not exceeding thirty thousand Birr, without
prejudice to the provisions of Article 862 of this Code
concerning Unauthorized Collection.
(5) Where a juridical person participates in the commission of one of
the crimes specified under sub-article (2), (3), or (4) of this
Article, it shall be punishable in accordance with Article 90 of
this Code.
Article 702.- Mismanagement of Private Interests.
(1) Whoever, being legally or contractually bound to watch over or to
manage the property rights of another, intentionally causes
prejudice to such property interest he watches over or to the
service he renders to the undertaking he works for by misusing
his powers or by failing in his duties,

is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.

(2) Where the act is committed negligently, the punishment shall be
fine, or simple imprisonment not exceeding six months.
(3) Where the criminal has committed the crime with intent to
obtain for himself or to procure for another a benefit in property,
the punishment shall be simple imprisonment for not less than
one year, and a fine not exceeding thirty thousand Birr.
Article 703.- Aggravated Cases.
(1) Where the crime has been committed:
a) by a tutor, an advocate, a notary, a banker, a curator or a
liquidator, or by any other person invested with an official
status, or deserving a special confidence; or
b) against State or public property,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years, and fine not exceeding fifty thousand
(2) Where the criminal solicits or accepts any kind of advantage from
another in consideration for the performance or omission of an
act in violation of his responsibility or duty, he shall be
punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than one year,
or rigorous imprisonment not exceeding seven years and fine not
exceeding twenty thousand Birr.
In grave cases, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment
for not less than five years, and fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand Birr.
(3) Any person who, for the performance of an act proper to his
responsibility or duty, solicits or obtains an advantage or exacts
a promise before or after the performance of such an act,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years and fine not exceeding ten
thousand Birr.
(4) In the case of fraudulent mismanagement of State interests,
corrupt practices or acceptance of undue advantage committed
by a public servant or official, the special provisions (Arts. 409,
410 and 412) shall apply.
Article 704.- Incitement to Speculation.
(1) Whoever, with intent to obtain for himself or to procure for a
third person a benefit in property, takes advantage of the
carelessness, the confidence or the manifest business
inexperience of a person in order to incite himto speculate,
whether on securities or goods, while he knew that the

transaction was flagrantly not in proportion to the holding of the

speculator and would expose him to serious risk,
is punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, it shall be punishable
with fine.
Article 705.-

Incitement of Incapable Persons to carry out

Prejudicial Assignments.

(1) Whoever, with the intent specified in Article 704, takes

advantage of the carelessness, confidence or inexperience of a
minor or a person who is legally incapable,
a) in order to obtain a grant, promise or guarantee in his own
favour or in favour of a third person, of sums of money,
loans, acknowledgements of debt or other benefits in
property; or
b) in general, to obtain or avoid an assignment so as to
prejudice his property or that of a third person, is
punishable, upon complaint, with simple imprisonment
or fine.
(2) Whoever, with a similar intent, obtains such a promise, claim or
guarantee and sets it up against or assigns it to another, is liable
to the same punishments.
Section II.- Computer Crimes
Article 706.- Access, Taking or Using Computer Services without
(1) Whoever, without authorization, accesses a computer, computer
system or computer network, is punishable with fine.
(2) Whoever, without authorization, accesses a computer, computer
system or computer network, and intentionally takes or uses or
causes to be used data or computer services,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine, or in serious
cases, with rigorous imprisonment for not more than five years
and fine not exceeding twenty thousand Birr.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding three months, or fine not
exceeding two thousand Birr.
Article 707.- Causing Damage to Data.
(1) Whoever, without authorization,
a computer,
computer system or computer network and intentionally causes
damage by adding, altering, deleting or destroying data,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
months, or fine.

(2) Where the crime is committed:

(a) in order to devise or execute any scheme or artifice to steal,
defraud, deceive or extort or wrongfully control or obtain
computer services or any data; or
(b) in serious cases even in the absence of the scheme
provided for under sub-article 2 (a),
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment for not more than
five years, and fine not exceeding twenty thousand Birr.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall'
be simple imprisonment not exceeding three months, or fine not
exceeding two thousand Birr.
Article 708.- Disrupting the Use of Computer Services by an
Authorized User.
(1) Whoever, without authorization, accesses a computer, computer
system or computer network, and intentionally disrupts the use
of the computer by an authorized user,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
years or fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding three months, or fine not
exceeding two thousand Birr.
Article 709.- Acts




the Commission of

Computer Crimes.
Whoever, with intent to further the commission of one of the acts
specified in the preceding three Articles, imports, produces, sells,
offers for sale, distributes, buys, receives or possesses
instruments, secret Codes or passwords,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine or both.
Article 710.- Other Crimes.
Where one of the other crimes provided for under this Code is
committed by means of a computer, the relevant provision shall
Article 711.- Concurrence of Crimes.

Where any crime committed by means of a computer, has resulted in

the commission of another crime punishable under this Code, the
relevant provision shall apply concurrently.
Section III.- Crimes involving Moral or Material Intimidation
Article 712.- Usury.
(1) Whoever, by exploiting a person's reduced circumstances or
dependency, material difficulties, or carelessness, inexperience,
weak character or mind:
a) lends him money at a rate exceeding the official
rate; or
b) obtains a promise or assignment of benefits in
property in exchange for pecuniary or other
consideration, which is in evident disproportion,
shall be punishable, according to the gravity of the case, with
simple imprisonment, or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years, and fine.
(2) Whoever, with a similar intent, acquires an usurious claim and
sets it up against or assigns it to another, shall be liable to the
same punishments.
Article 713.- Extortion.
Whoever, in cases not amounting to robbery (Art. 670), uses violence or
grave threats against a person, or in any other manner renders such
person unable to resist, in order to obtain for himself or to procure to a
third party an unjustifiable benefit in property, whether by an
assignment of funds or securities, documents or writing, executing or
evidencing the transaction, disposition or discharge, or any other
similar benefit,
shall be punishable, according to the gravity of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than three months, or with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years, and fine.
Article 714.- Blackmail.
Whoever causes a person to purchase silence to the detriment of
his estate or that of another, by threatening to publish, divulge or
denounce a fact, even if true, the knowledge of which is
damaging to himself or to a third party with whom the victim has
close ties of relationship or affection,
shall be liable to the penalties specified in the preceding Article
Article 715.- Aggravated Cases.

The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding

ten years and fine not exceeding ten thousand Birr, where a
person accused of usury, extortion or blackmail,
a) wrongfully exercises a profession, duty or trade for which
he has received a license or permission from the public
authorities; or
b) commits the crime against infants or young persons, or
persons who are of feeble mind, or incapable of
understanding; or
c) having so foreseen, has induced his victim to ruin or
suicide by his acts or their repetition.
Article 716.- Participation of a Juridical Person in a Crime.
(1) Where a juridical person takes part in the commission of one of
the crimes specified in this Title in the manner provided under
Article 34 of this Code, it shall be punishable, depending on the
nature of the crime, in accordance with the provisions of Article
(2) Where the manager, attorney, member, administrator or member
of the controlling or winding-up authority of a juridical person
takes part in the commission of a crime according to sub-article
(1) above due to his position in its management, he shall be
punishable in accordance with the relevant provisions of this
(3) Nothing in this Article shall affect the provisions of Article 143.

Article 717.- Attack on Another's Credit.
(1) Whoever, maliciously or with intent to cause damage, seriously injures
or compromises the credit of another by statements or imputations he
knows to be false,
is punishable, upon complaint, with a fine of not less than one
thousand Birr, or simple imprisonment for not less than three months.
(2) The provisions regarding calumny (Art. 613(3)) may not be applied
concurrently with the provisions of this Article.
Article 718.- Harmful False Information.
Whoever, being in a position to know the state of affairs of an undertaking, a
commercial firm or a cooperative, whether as founder, member, manager,
director, attorney, member of a board of directors or audit, or a liquidator,
intentionally gives or causes to be given essential and untrue information,
whether in notices to the public, or in proposals or reports to a general
is punishable, upon complaint, with a fine of not less than one thousand
Birr, or simple imprisonment for not less than three months.
Article 719.-

Unfair Competition.

Whoever intentionally commits against another, an abuse of economic

competition by means of direct or any other process contrary to the rules of
good faith in business, in particular:
(a) by discrediting another, his goods or dealings, his
activities of business or by making untrue or false
statements as to his own goods, dealings, activities or
business in order to derive a benefit therefrom
against his competitors; or
(b) by taking measures such as to create confusion with the
goods, dealings or products or with the activities or
business of another; or


(c) by using inaccurate or false styles, distinctive signs,

marks or professional titles in order to induce a belief as
to his particular status or capacity; or
(d) by granting or offering undue benefits to the servants,
agents or assistants of another, in order to induce them to
fail in their duties or obligations in their work or to induce
them to discover or reveal any secret of manufacture,
organization or working; or
(e) by revealing or taking advantage of such secrets
obtained or revealed in any other manner contrary to good
is punishable, upon complaint, with a fine of not less than one
thousand Birr, or simple imprisonment for not less than three
Article 720.- Infringement of Marks, Declarations of Origin, Designs or
(1) Whoever intentionally:
a) infringes, imitates or passes off, in such manner as to deceive the
public, another's mark or distinctive signs or declarations of origin
on any produce or goods or their packing, whether commercial,
industrial or agricultural; or
b) sells or offers for sale, imports or exports, distributes or places on
the market produce or goods under a mark which he knows to be
infringed, imitated, passed off or improperly affixed; or
c) refuses to declare the origin of produce or goods in his possession
under such marks,
shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(2) Whoever unlawfully so acts with respect to intellectual property rights,
particularly industrial designs or models, or patented inventions or
processes, duly registered and protected by existing laws or agreements,
national or international, shall be liable to the same punishments.
(3) Where the act mentioned under sub-article (1) or (2) is committed
negligently, the punishment shall be simple imprisonment not exceeding
five years.
Article 721.-

Infringement of Rights Relating to Literary, Artistic or

Creative Works.


(1) Whoever, apart from cases punishable more severely by another

provision of the this Code, intentionally violates laws, regulations or
rules issued in relation to rights on literary, artistic or creative works,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(2) Where the act is committed negligently, the punishment shall be
simple imprisonment not exceeding five years.
Article 722.- Right of Complaint.
Where the crimes in this Chapter are punishable upon complaint, only the
person or professional association injured shall have the right to make the
Article 723 .- Aggravated Cases.
Where one of the crimes provided in this Chapter is committed to further the
commission of fraudulent misrepresentation, the punishment provided for the
latter shall apply concurrently.
Article 724.- Related Sanctions.
Apart from the penal sanction and any civil claim, the Court shall order
the confiscation of the objects, goods or works which are infringements
as well as of the proceeds of sale or performance.
The judgment shall be given the necessary publicity by the Court.
Article 725.- Fraudulent Insolvency.
Whoever intentionally conceals the fact that he is insolvent and contracts
an obligation knowing that he is unable or unwilling to execute it,
shall be punishable, upon complaint, with a fine not exceeding fifty
thousand Birr, or with simple imprisonment.


Article 726.- Irregular Bankruptcy.

(1) A debtor who has caused his own insolvency or who has intentionally
aggravated it by acting with culpable lack of foresight, or with gross
negligence or mismanagement, in the exercise of his profession,
whether by failing to keep proper books or accounts, by incurring
excessive expenditure or by hazardous speculation or in any other
manner, shall be punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) Where the act is committed negligently, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment not exceeding six months, or fine not exceeding five
thousand Birr.
(3) Proceedings may be taken against a debtor not registered in the
commercial registry only upon a complaint by the creditor, to be
brought within three months from the delivery of the declaration of
(4) A creditor who caused a debtor to act with lack of foresight or
negligence, resulting in insolvency, or who acted towards him with
usury, may not bring a complaint against such debtor.
Article 727.- Fraudulent Bankruptcy.
(1) A debtor adjudged bankrupt who has intentionally disposed of his assets
to the prejudice of his creditors,
a) either materially, whether by assigning or by destroying, damaging,
depreciating or rendering useless certain property forming a part of
such assets; or
b) fictitiously, whether by removing or concealing property, by relying
on or recognizing non-existent debts or claims or by inciting a
third party to make fictitious claims, or in any other manner
pretending that his estate is less than it is in fact, in particular by
means of incorrect accounting, falsified correspondence or a false
balance sheet,
shall be punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than six
(2) In serious cases where the damage was of particular gravity or was
imposed upon the Defence Forces, or a public undertaking or service,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding eight


(3) A third party who has committed such acts to the prejudice of the
creditors shall be punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding
three years.
(4) Where the acts of the criminal amount to fraud, the relevant provisions
shall apply concurrently.
Article 728.- Fraud In Execution.
(1) A debtor subject to proceedings by way of execution against whom a
declaration of default has been delivered, and who with intent to
prejudice his creditors has reduced his assets, whether materially or
fictitiously as provided in Article 727,
shall be punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in grave cases, with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(2) A third party who has so acted to the prejudice of the creditors shall
punishable with simple imprisonment.


Article 729.- Misappropriation or Destruction of Property Subject to

Pledge or Lien.
(1) Any debtor who, with intent to obtain for himself or to procure for a third
person a benefit, or, to cause damage to his creditor, removes, assigns,
damages, depreciates or renders useless his property, whether movable
or immovable, and which was held by the creditor by way of pledge,
usufruct or lien,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than one year.
(2) Any third person who so acts with the same intent to the prejudice of the
creditors is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three
years, or fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
Article 730.- Misappropriation or Destruction of Property Subject to a
(1) Whoever, to the prejudice of his creditors, improperly appropriates or
uses property under seizure or sequestration, listed in a bankruptcy, or


in a document evidencing a lien, or destroys, damages, depreciates or

renders such property useless, is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) A third person who so acts to the prejudice of the creditors,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(3) Where the acts punished under this Article are performed solely to the
detriment of the creditors, Article 439 of this Code may not be applied
Article 731.-

Unjustifiable Preference.

Any debtor who, having been adjudged bankrupt or having given a

declaration of default, and knowing himself to be insolvent, has preferred
certain of his creditors to the prejudice of the others, in particular:
a) by paying debts not due or by paying debts at maturity other than
in cash or by the customary securities; or
b) by giving on his own account security for a debt when not bound
so to do; or
c) in any other similar manner,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three years.
Article 732.- Purchase of Votes.
(1) Any debtor who, in order to obtain a favourable vote of one of his
creditors or a composition by the Court, grants or promises particular
a) to that creditor or to his representative in a general meeting; or
b) to a member of the administration or winding-up in a bankruptcy,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding three years.
(2) A third person who so acts in favour of the debtor, or any person who
with the same intent causes such an advantage to be granted or
promised to him, is liable to the same punishments.
Article 733.- Fraudulent Composition.
(1) Any debtor who, in order to obtain a scheme of arrangement or the
ratification of a composition by the Court, misleads his creditors, the
commissioner in bankruptcy or the competent authority, as to his


financial position, in particular by means of incorrect or falsified

accounts, correspondence or a balance sheet,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) A third person who so acts in favour of the debtor is liable to the same

Article 734.- Reference to General Principles.
Except in cases where the provisions of this Book state otherwise, the
principles and rules of the general part of the Criminal Code shall apply to
petty offences, due regard being had to the spirit and nature of the law (Art. 3.
Par. 2).
Article 735.- Petty Offences.
A person commits a petty offence when he infringes the mandatory or
prohibitive provisions of a law or regulation issued by a competent authority or
when he commits a minor offence which is not punishable under the Criminal
Law, and such infringement or minor offence is subject to punishment under
the provisions below (Arts. 746-775).
Article 736.-

Application as to Offence.

(1) In accordance with the principle of legality (Art. 2 (1 to 4)), petty offences
by the provisions of this Code or by a special provision are alone liable to


punishment and the penalties applicable shall be those which are

expressly prescribed in respect thereof.
Such provisions are enforceable only if the act does not fall under an
express provision imposing a more severe penalty.
One and the same act cannot be punished both under the provisions of
the Criminal Code and the Code of Petty Offences (Art. 2(5)).
(2) Petty offences shall always be punished under the provisions in force at
the time of their commission, and there shall be no retrospective effect
as to their application (Art. 5).
Upon the coming into force of this Code, its provisions shall apply
to all petty offences mentioned in the Special Part of this Code.
Article 737.- Equality before the Law.
The provisions relating to petty offences shall apply to all petty offenders
alike without discrimination (Art. 4).
Article 738.- Application as to Place.
(1) Petty offences shall be deemed to have been committed at the place
where the offender acted or had the legal obligation to act (Art. 25).
They shall be governed as a rule by the principle of territoriality
(Art. 11).
(2) Petty offences committed in Ethiopia shall always be tried in accordance
with Ethiopian law when the petty offender is in Ethiopia. They shall give
(Art. 21).
(3) Petty offences committed in a foreign country by an Ethiopian or against
an Ethiopian subject (Art. 18) shall not be punished in Ethiopia:
Petty offences committed in a foreign country by an Ethiopian enjoying
immunity (Art. 14) shall not be punished in Ethiopia.
(4) Petty offences of a purely military character provided by Ethiopian
military law (Art. 792) shall always be tried by the military authority and


punished according to Ethiopian law whether they were committed in

Ethiopia or in a foreign country.
If, however, the doer was already tried for the same act by a foreign
Court a fresh penalty may be dispensed with.
Article 739.- Foreign Sentences.
Convictions or sentences passed on petty offences by a foreign Court shall not
be taken into consideration for the assessment of sentence as regards crimes
or petty offences tried by Ethiopian Courts (Art. 22).
Article 740.- Punishable Acts and Persons.
(1) In the matter of petty offences preparatory acts and attempts shall not
be punishable.
(2) Likewise, incitement, complicity and being accessory after the fact are
not liable to punishment. The petty offender (Art. 32) shall alone be
(3) In the matter of petty offences a juridical person is not punishable for
incitement or complicity; it is punishable only when its official or
employee violates laws, regulations or directives as a petty offender in
accordance with Article 32 of this Code.
(4) The provisions relating to petty offences shall apply also to young
persons within the meaning of the Criminal Code (Arts. 52-55).
(5) The relevant provisions of the Criminal Code relating to crimes
committed through mass media (Arts. 42- 47) are applicable to petty
Article 741.- Conditions for Liability to Punishment.

The provisions of the Criminal Code concerning criminal responsibility

and irresponsibility (Arts. 48-50) shall apply to petty offences.
Any person shall be punishable whether he contravened the law
intentionally or negligently (Arts. 57 - 59) save in cases where the law
expressly exempts from liability to punishment in respect of an act
committed by negligence.



Responsibility and liability to punishment for petty offences shall

always be individual Arts. 41 and 88).

Article 742.- Measures for Purposes of Clarification.

Measures for the taking of expert advice and the carrying out of enquiries
provided in respect to ordinary crimes (Arts. 51 and 54) shall be ordered only if
questions as to the petty offender's responsibility cannot otherwise be decided
by the Court.
Article 743.- Justification and Excuses.
(1) The provisions governing lawful acts (Art. 68), the performance of a legal,
official or professional duty (Art. 69), consent of the victim (Art. 70),
absolute coercion (Art. 71), necessity (Art. 75) and self- defence (Art. 78),
shall apply to petty offences.
In cases of resistible coercion or excess of necessity or self-defence the
petty offender shall be punishable but the Court shall reduce the penalty
within the limits authorized by law (Art. 766).
(2) In the case of a hierarchical order the subordinate shall not be
punishable if he obeyed a person of higher rank acting within his
authority and did not exceed the order received. The person who gave
the order shall be fully responsible therefor (Art. 73).
The subordinate shall be responsible for any conscious and
excess in the performance of the order received.


Article 744.- Mistake.

(1) He who committed a petty offence may not plead as justification
ignorance of the law or a mistake as to right (Art. 81).
(2) If he acted under a proven mistake of fact which excluded knowledge or
intention to commit an offence he shall not be liable to punishment (Art.
Article 745.- Extenuating and Aggravating Circumstances.


(1) Where a person guilty of a petty offence acted in extenuating

circumstances as provided by the Criminal Code (Art. 82 and 83), the
Court may take such circumstances into account by reducing the
penalty or altering its nature as provided hereafter (Art. 766).
(2) Where the petty offender acted in aggravating circumstances as
provided by the Criminal Code (Arts. 84 and 85) the Court shall increase
the penalty as provided hereafter (Art. 767-770).
(3) Where there exists a combination of extenuating and aggravating
circumstances, the Court shall have due regard to both in determining
the penalty (Art. 189).
Section I.Article 746.-

Principal Penalties

Exclusion of Ordinary Criminal Penalties.

(1) Petty offences shall not be punished with rigorous or simple

imprisonment prescribed for ordinary crimes. Petty offences differ from
ordinary crimes by reason of the different penalties they merit.
(2) The only penalties which may be imposed for petty offences are those
specified in the following provisions subject to the special forms of
young persons.
(3) In cases where protective or therapeutic measures should be prescribed
in the general interest, in particular in respect to irresponsible persons
(Arts. 130 and 131), the Court shall inform the competent
administrative authority (Art. 154).
Article 747.-


(1) Arrest is the only penalty involving deprivation of liberty which may be
imposed in the case of petty offences.
The duration of such arrest shall be of one day at least and of three
months at most, subject to cases of recidivism (Art. 769) and cases where
special provisions of the law provide a higher maximum.


The Court shall determine the penalty taking into account the degree of
guilt of the petty offender (Art. 88) without going below the special
minimum or beyond the special maximum where such periods are fixed
by law.
(2) The provisions on conditional release (Arts. 201-207) shall not apply to
Article 748.- Enforcement of Ordinary Arrest.
(1) Ordinary arrest shall be undergone in special premises for detention
attached to Courts or police stations. Convicts shall be separated
according to sex.
No person sentenced to arrest shall be detained in penitentiary or corrective
institutions nor confined with prisoners sentenced for crimes to
imprisonment (Art. 746 (1)).
(2) A person sentenced to arrest shall not be compelled to work nor be
entitled to remuneration (Art. 111).
He may receive food, mail and visitors from outside to the extent
compatible with the tranquility and general good order of the place of
Article 749.- Arrest in a Home or an Establishment.
(1) When personal or local conditions seem to justify such a measure the
Court may order that arrest shall, subject to adequate control or
safeguards, be undergone either in the home of the person sentenced or
in the home of a reliable person or in a lay or religious community
designed for the purpose.
(2) Permission to leave home may, apart from cases of force majeure, be
granted exceptionally and by decision of the Court only for the
performance of religious duties, the consultation of a physician, or for
appearing before a judicial authority, and then only for such time as is
strictly necessary.
A person sentenced to home arrest shall provide for his own up-keep.


Article 750.-

Special Method of Enforcement in case of Members of the

Defence Forces and Young Offenders.

(1) Arrest imposed upon members of the Defence Forces by reason of failure
to discharge their military duties (Art. 792) shall be determined in
accordance with military regulations and undergone under military
discipline and control in the premises used for this purpose.
(2) Young persons sentenced to arrest shall undergo their punishment
either by school or home arrest under the conditions provided for their
case (Art. 161) or, when this is impracticable, under the supervision of
an institution, a charitable organization or a reliable person appointed
by the Court.
Arrest in their case may be served at different times: Provided that no
period of arrest shall be for less than three hours and the total period
shall not exceed fifteen days.
Article 751 .-Compulsory Labour in Substitution for Arrest.
(1) In cases where the penalty of arrest can be pronounced the Court may, if
the circumstances or the conditions of enforcement so justify, replace
this penalty by a term of compulsory labour of equivalent duration, with
or without restriction upon liberty, coupled with a deduction from the
petty offender's earnings for the benefit of the State (Art. 103 and 104).
The duration and the amount of money to be deducted shall be fixed by
the Court in its judgment.
(2) These provisions shall not apply to members of the Defence Forces on
active service, nor to young persons.
Article 752.- Fine; Ordinary Case.
(1) Fine may be between one Birr and three hundred Birr, except in cases of
recidivism (Art. 769) and where the law provides a higher maximum.
Where the petty offender acted for gain the fine may be increased to five
hundred Birr, without prejudice to aggravation in cases of recidivism.


In determining the fine the Court shall take into account the financial
state of the petty offender, as well as the gravity of the petty offence and
the degree of guilt (Art. 90).
(2) A fine may be imposed in addition to arrest, where circumstances
justify, in particular where the law provides these penalties as
alternative penalties or where the petty offender acted for gain (Arts. 91
and 92).
(3) The Court may grant the convicted person time for payment not
exceeding three months (Art. 93), and may allow payment by
instalments. When circumstances so justify, the Court may extend the
period up to a maximum period of one year.
A person sentenced to pay a fine may be permitted to pay the fine by
performing work of an equivalent monetary value (Art. 95).
(4) The penalty shall be only fine in respect of a juridical person. Subject to
the provisions of Articles 768 and 770, fine may be between ten Birr and
0ne thousand and two hundred Birr.
Article 753.- Conversion of Fine into Compulsory Labour.
(1) In the event of non-payment of the fine within the fixed period of time,
the Court shall order the conversion of the fine, or of such part of the
fine as remained unpaid, into compulsory work performed
freely or with restriction on liberty, together with a deduction for the
benefit of the State.
(2) The Court shall determine the duration of the compensatory term on the
basis of the relevant general provisions (Arts. 96 and 103).
Article 754.- Recovery of Fine; Special Case of Members of the Defence
Forces or Young Persons.
(1) Where a member of the Defence Forces has committed an offence under
the ordinary law the Court may, to recover a fine or part thereof, order
that deductions be made for a specified period from the member's pay to
cover the fine or part thereof remaining unpaid.
The deduction may not exceed a quarter of the member's pay except with
his consent. It shall be fixed by the Court in consultation with the
responsible military authority of the convicted person.


(2) In the case of a young petty offender the fine shall be fixed by the Court
within appropriate limits, taking into special account the gravity of the
petty offence, his material circumstances and the degree of need for the
warning constituted by the penalty.
Where the young petty offender intentionally fails to pay the fine the Court
shall convert the fine into arrest for young persons on such conditions as it
considers appropriate in the circumstances.
Article 755.- Reparation of the Damage.
Nothing shall affect the reparation of the moral or material compensation for
the damage caused by the offence to the injured party (Arts. 101 and 102),
where the circumstances of the case justify.
Section II.-

Secondary Penalties

Article 756.- Warning and Reproof.

(1) A warning, reproof, reprimand or the making of amends (Art. 122) may
be imposed by the Court in addition to a penalty of arrest, compulsory
work or fine.
(2) The Court may substitute the above mentioned penalty for the principal
penalty in the case of extenuating circumstances or minor offences.
Article 757.- Exclusion of Forfeiture of Rights.
(1) In case of petty offences forfeiture of civic or family rights or rights to
discharge an office or exercise of profession (Art. 123) may not be
(2) No order may be made for reduction in rank and exclusion from the
Defence Forces (Art. 127) on a solider who has committed a petty
Section III.- Safety Measures
Article 758.- Guarantee of Good Conduct.
(1) A guarantee for good behaviour (Art. 134) can only be ordered in cases of
repeated petty offences against public order or tranquility, or the safety


of persons or things, and only where the commission of further offences

is probable.
The guarantee shall not exceed one year.
(2) Where an petty offender who is able to provide guarantee refuses to
provide one, arrest (Art. 748) for a period not exceeding fifteen days, or,
where the petty offender is a soldier military arrest (Art. 750) shall be
This period cannot be extended.
Article 759.- Confiscation and Forfeiture to the State.
(1) Confiscation of objects or material means endangering security, order,
health or decency, or intended to facilitate, or to be used for the
commission of an offence, or which have been used for the commission
of an offence (Art. 140) may be ordered by the Court if such confiscation
appears to be justified in addition to the principal penalty.
It may be ordered as a preventive measure where public safety so
requires (Art. 141).
(2) The Court may order forfeiture to the State of such objects and means
(Art. 100).
Article 760.- Prohibition of Undertakings and Suspension of a Work
Withdrawal of a license (Art. 142), closing of an establishment or suspension of
its activity (Art. 143), whether total or partial, may be ordered only as a
connected with the use of a license or the management of an establishment.
In no case may these measures be imposed for a period exceeding six months.
The Court shall determine their duration and scope.
Article 761.- Principal Cases Where Confiscation and Suspension are


The measures of confiscation to the State, withdrawal of a license, suspension

or closing of an establishment shall be ordered in cases of:
(a) fiscal or administrative matters (Arts. 784-791);
(b) press and publication matters (Arts. 804 and 812);
(c) control of firearms and ammunition, fire, explosive or dangerous
substances (Arts. 808 and 829);
(d) control of inns and places of entertainment (Arts. 820 and 821);
(e) control of public health such as unlawful making or sale of toxic ^
or narcotic substances, drugs and medicines, alcohol, beverages,
food stuffs or goods in general (Arts. 818 and 831-834).
Article 762.- Prohibitions and Restrictions upon Liberty Affecting Persons.
(1) A prohibition from resorting to certain places conducive to the
commission of an offence or further petty offences (Art. 145) may be
ordered by the Court in cases where such prohibition appears
to be justified, in particular where there has been recidivism or where
recidivism is likely.
The duration of such prohibition shall be fixed in the judgment, and in
any case shall not exceed a maximum period of six months.
(2) Other measures restrictive of personal liberty, such ,as prohibition to
reside in a place, obligatory residence, placing under supervision,
withdrawal of official papers or expulsion (Arts. 146-150) may not be
ordered in respect to a person who committed a petty offence.
Article 763.- Notice to the Authority Concerned and Publication.
(1) Notice shall be given by the Court to the competent authority (Art. 154)
whenever such a notice seems to be justified.
(2) Judgments shall be published (Art. 155) when a public or private
interest so requires.
Article 764.-

Entry into the Register of Judgments.

(1) Entry in the judgment register (Art. 156) shall be ordered in respect of
sentences for petty offences which are final, so that the Courts may be
fully informed of the antecedents of an accused person.


(2) Such communications are subject to the provisions regarding crimes

(Art. 156).
Article 765.- Exclusion of Suspension and Conditional Release.
The provisions concerning the suspension of the pronouncement of sentence or
the enforcement of the penalty as well as those regarding conditional release
(Arts. 190-200) shall not apply to petty offences by reason of their formal
nature and the fact that the punishment imposed should be uniformly and
rapidly enforced.
Article 766.- Extenuation of the Penalty.
(1) Where circumstances warrant a reduction of the penalty (Art. 745(1))
the Court may, instead of arrest, impose compulsory work or a fine. It
shall be bound by the ordinary minimum provided by law. The extent or
amount shall be determined according to the degree of guilt of the petty
(2) In cases of minor gravity, where the offence committed appears trifling,
and notably in cases of a first offence or mere imprudence, the Court
may confine itself to inflicting a reproof, a reprimand, or a warning for
the future.
Article 767.-

Ordinary Aggravation of the Penalty.

In the case of general aggravating circumstances (Art 745(2) the penalty

shall be fixed in a more severe manner within the limits
provided by law (Art. 183).
Article 768.-

Aggravation in case of Concurrence.

(1) In case of material concurrence of petty offences the particular penalties

determined for each of them shall be added and pronounced. The
aggregate penalty may exceed the ordinary maximum penalty fixed in
Article 747 or 752. However, the penalty of arrest may not exceed one
year and fine may not exceed Birrone thousand and two hundred Birr.


Fine may not exceed five thousand Birr in respect of a juridical person.
(2) In the case of notional concurrence, the Court may increase the penalty
as provided by the general rule (Art. 187).
Article 769.-

Aggravation in Case of Recidivism.

(1) Recidivism shall not be taken into account where at the time of the new
petty offence to be tried, a period of one year has elapsed since the
penalty imposed for the previous petty offence whatever its nature was
enforced in whole or in part or remitted by pardon or limitation.
(2) In the case of recidivism the Court shall not be bound by the ordinary
maximum of the penalty prescribed for the new petty offence. When
and, in particular, in cases of persistent repetition of the same offence it
may impose a penalty up to double the legal maximum provided for the
various penalties (Arts. 747 and 752).
Article 770.-

Concurrence and Recidivism.

When there is at the same time concurrence of petty offences and recidivism
the fines shall be fixed in accordance with the two preceding provisions.
However, arrest may not exceed two years, and fine may not
exceed two thousand four hundred Birr in the case of physical persons, and
ten thousand Birr in respect of juridical persons.
Article 771.-


(1) The prosecution of violations of the provisions of this Code or of special

laws or regulations shall be governed by the following directives:
(a) petty offences against the person of another, his freedom or
honour, or against private property, shall be prosecuted and
punished only on a complaint lodged by the injured party, his
representative or those having rights from him, duly authorized by


(b) breaches of laws, orders, regulations and directives of

administrative or executive authorities shall be prosecuted and
punished on complaint by the Authority concerned.
(c) other breaches shall be prosecuted ex officio by the public
prosecutor in accordance with the directives of Criminal Procedure.
(2) The prosecution of purely military petty offences shall be governed by
Military Law.
Article 772.-

Conditions as to Complaint

Where the law requires that a complaint be lodged as a condition

precedent to the prosecution of a petty offence (Art. 771) the general
provisions governing conditions, time-limit and right to lodge such a
complaint shall apply (Arts. 211-213).
Article 773.-


In the case of petty offences of any nature whatsoever the right to

prosecution shall be statute-barred after one year, and the sentence
passed after two years.
The general provisions relating to the beginning, suspension,
interruption and absolute end of the limitation periods (Arts. 219 - 222
and 225 - 228) shall apply.
Article 774.-

Pardon and Amnesty.

Penalties imposed in respect of petty offences may be cancelled by a

pardon or an amnesty on the usual conditions laid down in the Criminal
Code (Arts. 229-231).
Article 775.-


An offender who is sentenced to a penalty shall as of right be reinstated

after one year has elapsed since the penalty was undergone in whole or
in part or barred by limitation, or remitted by pardon.


Article 776.- General Provisions regarding Petty Offences not expressly
covered under this Title.
Whoever, save in the cases specially provided in this Title, contravenes
the law, regulations, orders, directives or measures lawfully issued by
the appropriate authority with a view to protecting, maintaining or
a) the credit of the State, the currency, and public confidence; or
b) public order, peace, tranquility, safety, health and decency; or
c) the freedom, regularity and safety of means of communication by
land, air, river or sea, as well as postal, telephonic and telegraphic
correspondence and communications; or
d) generally, in regard to fiscal, customs, economic, food, health
forestry or policy matters,
shall, if his act is
Criminal Code or of
to be determined
hereinbefore (Article

not punishable under a specific provision of the

special legislation, be punishable with fine or arrest
in accordance with the directives laid down
747 and 752).

Article 777.- General Provision regarding Participation of a Juridical

Person in Petty Offences under this Title.
(1) A juridical person shall be regarded a petty offender and punished in
accordance with Article 752 and 768-770, where its official or employee
violates one of the provisions in this Title by infringing laws, regulations
or directives as a petty offender (Arts. 32 and 34) in connection with the
activity of the juridical person with the intent of promoting its interest by
an unlawful means or by violating its legal duty or by unduly using the
juridical person as a means.
(2) Where the manager, attorney, member, administrator or member of
the controlling or winding-up authority of a juridical person takes part in


the commission of a petty offence according to sub-article (1) above due

to his position in its management, he shall be punishable in accordance
with the relevant provisions of this Title.
Section I.- Petty Offences against Public Credit and Confidence
Article 778.- Refusal of Legal Tender.
Whoever without lawful excuse refuses to accept national money or
currency, whether in coins or notes, at the value for which they are legal
tender, is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 779.- Failure to Report the Possession of Counterfeit Money.
Whoever having received spurious, counterfeit or debased coinage or
notes does not report the fact to the appropriate public authority or hand
them over to such authority, indicating the origin thereof if he knows it,
as soon as may be after he has become aware of their spurious nature or
is punishable with fine or arrest.

Article 780.- Use of Illicit Weights and Measures.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
(a) makes use in his relations with third parties of seals weights or
measures which were not officially controlled or which are not in
conformity with the relevant laws, regulations or directives; or
(b) generally, contravenes the laws, regulations or directives issued
for the stamping, control and use of official weights and measures,
is punishable with fine or arrest without prejudice to confiscation when
Article 781.- Use of Expired or Falsified Transport Titles.


Whoever makes use, as if it were genuine or still valid, of a public

transport ticket or voucher which is falsified, has expired or has already
been used, is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 782.- Fraudulent Securing and Use of Degrees and Certificates.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
385), with a view to securing an undue moral or material advantage:
(a) commits a fraud in official examinations, competitions or
entries for the purpose of obtaining a license or a certificate of
professional capacity, a diploma or a degree, a post or employment
in a public office or department; or
(b) avails himself of a certificate, diploma or degree which he does not
possess or to which he is not entitled,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 783.- Unlawful Making of, Trafficking in, and Wearing of, Civilian
Decorations and Insignia.
(a) without authorization makes or falsifies civilian decorations,
medals or insignia, stores, distributes, sells or offers them for sale;
(b) uses or wears decorations, medals or insignia to which he is not
is punishable with fine or arrest without prejudice to confiscation.

Section II.-

Petty Offences of a Fiscal, Administrative or Financial Nature

Article 784.- Violation of Provisions Dealing with Fiscal Rights.


Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Arts. 343-345), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives issued by
the competent authority regarding:
(a) the sources of the national income, in particular taxes, customs,
post and telegraph, hunting and fishing rights, the use of the
natural resources of the soil or sub-soil, or any other similar rights
or sources of income; or
(b) the collection of official dues in respect of stamp and placarding
duty, registrations, transfers of ownership and other fiscal charges
of the same nature,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 785.- Violations of Provisions Dealing with Illicit Traffic in Gold,
or Currencies.
Whoever apart from the cases specified in Article 346 of the Criminal
Code, violates laws, regulations or directives, issued concerning gold or
currency, whether national or foreign, the dealings or rates of which are
subject to limitation, restriction or measures of control or protection,
is punishable with fine not exceeding three hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding three months.
Article 786.- Violation of Provisions on Precious Metals.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
347), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives on the treatment,
control, acquisition or sale of precious metals and minerals,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 787.- Violation of Provisions Regarding Negotiable Instruments.
Whoever, contravenes the laws, regulations or directives regarding
negotiable instruments, cheques, bills of exchange, as well as shares or
bonds of commercial or industrial companies,
is punishable with fine or arrest.


Article 788.- Violation of Provisions Concerning Savings and Banks.

Whoever contravenes the laws, regulations or directives concerning the
creation, opening, management and control of banking establishments or
companies, or funds for the granting of loans or credit or any other
public or private offices issuing invitations to the public for the deposit of funds
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 789.- Violation of Provisions Regarding Lotteries, Gambling and
(1) Whoever:
(a) Publicly organizes for profit lotteries, professional betting or
gambling without having obtained an authorization from the
competent authority; or
(b) without authorization organizes for profit in a public place or a place
open to the public or in a private club gambling or betting or any
participates in such games or betting; or
(c) in any other way contravenes the relevant laws, regulations or
is punishable with fine or arrest.
(2) Lotteries and games of chance permitted by law and organized for public
or charitable purposes are not punishable.
Article 790.- Violation of Provisions on Price Control.
(a) sells metals, goods, products or objects of any nature whatsoever,
whether subject to a monopoly or not, at a price higher than the
price fixed in an official pricelist and duly published; or
(b) demands a higher price than prescribed or authorized by law, in
particular in regard to leases or any other kind of rents; or
(c) in any other way contravenes the relevant laws, regulations or
directives, is punishable with fine or arrest.


Article 791.- Violation



Regarding Organization,

Exercise and Control of Trades and Professions.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code,
contravenes the laws, regulations or directives regarding the licensing,
qualifications, registration, exercise or control of commercial and
industrial undertakings, artisans, professional persons, temporary or
seasonal employments, or professional associations and societies of any
is punishable with fine or arrest.

Article 792.-

Determining Military Contraventions.

Breaches of military duties and crimes against military discipline, other than
those mentioned in the provisions of the Criminal Code dealing with military
crimes (Art. 284-325) are specified in the Orders and Regulations issued by the
Article 793.-

Military Disciplinary Penalties.

(1) A member of the Defence Forces of any rank or any other person in the
service of the Defence Forces, a prisoner or a military internee who has
been guilty of a military petty offence shall be punished by the authority
under which he serves with the disciplinary penalties provided by the
appropriate Defence Forces Regulations.
(2) As regards ordinary crimes committed by them, the said persons shall be
liable to the ordinary provisions and penalties, with the exceptions











Article 794.- Contraventions against the Defence Forces.

Any criminal activity directed against a member of the Defence Forces or
against the Defence Forces or the Auxiliary Services and any violation of
orders, directives or regulations issued by the appropriate military authority
Code shall be deemed to be petty offences against members of the Defence
Forces and shall be punishable with fine or arrest on the usual conditions.
Article 795.- Application to the Police.
(1) The same principles shall apply as regards the punishment of the
violation of orders, directives or regulations regarding the duties of the
Police and the security which they are entitled to while on duty.
(2) Nothing in this Article shall affect the provisions regarding the acts
performed by members of the Police acting in the capacity of public

Section I.- Petty Offences against the Duties of a Public Office
Article 796.- Misuse of Authority in the discharge of a Public Office.


Any public servant who, apart from the cases punishable under the
Criminal Code (Art. 407), exceeds the authority conferred upon him or
misuses such authority,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding three months.
Article 797.- Misuse of the Right of Constraint
Any public servant lawfully empowered to effect a house search, a
seizure or a sequestration, the application or removal of seals, or to effect
a personal search or inspection, an arrest, a detention or placing under
supervision, an interrogatory or any other similar act who, apart from
the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Arts. 422-424), misuses
his authority, in particular by having recourse to vexatious, offensive,
indiscreet or incorrect methods,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 798.-

Lack of Honesty.

Any public servant who, apart from the cases punishable under the
Criminal Code (Arts. 411-419), takes undue advantage of his position to
commit dishonest acts.
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 799.- Undue Favouring.
Any public servant who, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal
Code (Art, 408,409 and 414), unduly favours, for a motive of personal interest,
a person having recourse to his office, or placed under his authority, or for
whose care and custody he is responsible,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding three months.
Article 800.- Careless handing over of Official Papers.
Any public servant who:
(a) issues or causes to be issued or handed over a passport, an
identity card, a permit, an extract from a judgment register, a


certificate of good conduct or as to poverty, or in general any

document or official attestation of a personal nature, to an
unknown person without having previously ascertained by all
identity of the said person and his right to receive the document or
instrument in question; or
(b) allows a person freely to use such a document or instrument
true holder thereof, nor has the right to use it,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding three months.
Article 801.-Cases of Minor Importance; Disciplinary Punishments.
In the case of petty offences committed by a public servant in the
discharge of his official duties, the Court may, when the offence appears
to it merely to justify disciplinary measures, waive the penalty provided
by this Code and, on stating the reasons for its decision, refer the petty
offender to the administrative authority to which he reports so that it
may impose such punishment as it deems appropriate.
Section II. - Petty Offences against a Public Authority
Article 802.-

Damage to Official Publications.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
432), removes, lacerates, impairs, obliterates, intentionally damages or
soils official notices or placards publicly posted up,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding fifteen days.
Article 803.- Failure to Make Compulsory Official Statements or Entries.
(1) Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
434) or a special provision, omits or fails to make, within the time limits
prescribed by law or regulations, an official statement or entry of any
nature whatsoever which he is bound to make,


is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding fifteen days.

(2) Nothing in this Article shall affect the special provisions dealing with
compulsory professional declarations in health matters (Art. 835).
Article 804.-

Undue Publications.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Arts. 435 and 451), contravenes any official directives, regulations or
orders prohibiting the disclosure of acts, deliberations or decisions of an
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 805.-

Abuse of Right.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art. 436),
knowingly continues to exercise a right which he has lost by law or has
whether permanently or temporarily, by the declaration of a judicial authority,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 806.- Refusal to Lend Assistance to a Public Authority.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
440), on being duly requested or summoned by a representative of a
public authority acting in the discharge of his official duties to lend him
indispensable help or assistance, with a view in particular to preventing
a breach of the peace, the commission of a petty offence or the escape of
a petty offender, refuses so to do without any reason of force majeure or
the risk of a serious danger to his person or property,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding one month.
Article 807.- Refusal to Obey an Injunction.


(1) A person who, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Art. 440), on being duly requested or ordered by a public servant acting
in the discharge of his duties, refuses:
(a) to supply his name or identity, his occupation, residence, address
or any other particular relating to his personal status, or gives
inaccurate information in respect thereto; or
(b) to stop or move on, to free a public thoroughfare, to allow his
papers, luggage or any suspicious things he carries about him to
be examined, or to comply with any other order of a similar nature,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding one month.
(2) Whoever gives inaccurate information in respect to the particulars
specified in sub-article 1(a) of this Article is liable to the same
Section I.- Offence against Public Safety
Article 808.- Control of Arms and Ammunition.
Whoever, apart from the cases of traffic punishable under the Criminal Code
(Art. 481):
(a) contravenes the laws, regulations or directives concerning the
making and declaration, the trade in, possession or delivery,
control or use of fire arms or other weapons and ammunition; or
(b) knowingly sells or delivers to persons not entitled to receive them,
and in particular to infants or young persons, arms or
ammunition or allows them to dispose of them without
supervision, is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 809.- Carrying and Use of Prohibited Arms.
Whoever is found carrying in a public place an arm which he was not
authorized to acquire o entitled to carry, or makes use of an arm, even
though authorized, at a time when or in a place where such use is


is punishable with tine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding eight days.
Article 810.-

Control of Aliens.

Whoever, apart from the cases specified in Article 243 of the Criminal
Code, contravenes the laws, regulations or directives and regulations
concerning the transit, declaration, residence, establishment of aliens or
their control,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 811.- Unauthorized Change or Assumption of Another Name.
(1) Whoever with the intention of concealing his identity or of evading
control by a competent authority unlawfully assumes a fictitious
surname, changes his true name, adds another name thereto or
assumes the name of another, is punishable with fine or arrest.
(2) The lawful use of a professional, literary or other pseudonym or of a
recognized nick-name does not fall under this Article.
Section II.-

Petty Offences against Public Peace, Tranquillity and Order

Article 812.- Breaches Against Laws Concerning the Mass Media and
Whoever contravenes the laws, regulations or directives concerning the
printing, publication, deposit, sale, distribution or control of printed
documents, public advertisement, posters, or notices transmitted
through the radio, television, the Internet or other public media,
is punishable with fine or arrest.

Article 813,- Alarming



or Publications.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
485 and 486), announces, spreads, publishes or reports to the


authorities false, exaggerated or biased news intended to or capable of

perturbing public order or tranquility,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 814.-

False Alarm.

Whoever, by knowingly launching or addressing them unwarranted

summons for help, or by conveying them false communications, sets in
(a) the services of public authorities or public relief departments,
transportation, hospitalization or rescue services, police, fire
brigade or other similar services; or
(b) physicians or persons exercising a therapeutic activity,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding fifteen days.
Article 815.-

Disturbance of Work or Rest of Others.

(1) Whoever disturbs the work, rest or tranquillity of others, in particular

by brawls and wrangles, shouts, songs, vociferations or uproars,
signals, calls or the ringing of bells, or by the abuse of noisy
instruments, apparatus, machines or other noise-producing articles,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr.
(2) If the noise or disturbance is caused at night as defined in the police
regulations or by custom, or is willfully caused in the vicinity of
hospitals, schools or similar institutions or, generally, if it is caused in a
deliberately wicked or mischievous manner,
the Court may impose a fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 816.- Blasphemous or Scandalous Utterances or Attitudes.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Arts
492 and 493), in a public place or in a place open to the public or that
can be viewed by the public, by gestures or words scoffs at religion or
expresses himself in a manner which is blasphemous, scandalous or


grossly offensive to the feelings or convictions of others or towards the

Divine Being or the religious symbols, rites or religious personages,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 817.- Observance of Official Holidays.
Whoever contravenes the laws, regulations or directives concerning
compulsory holidays,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding eight days.
Article 818.- Measures against Alcoholism.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code:
(a) contravenes the laws, orders or regulations concerning the
manufacture of and trade in alcohol and distilled beverages; or
(b) sells, buys or consumes alcohol in a public establishment outside
the lawful hours; or
(c) sells, offers, serves or allows to be served in a public place alcohol
in substantial quantities to infants or young persons, persons
who are irresponsible, or are manifestly drunk or dangerous; or
(d) intentionally induces another to become inebriated, inebriates
a place open to the public or that can be viewed by
the public,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 819- Causing Public Scandal while Drunk or Intoxicated.
Whoever, being drunk or intoxicated, causes scandal or disorder or
utters threats in a public place,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding eight days without prejudice to safety measures of an
administrative nature that may seem justified.
Article 820.- Supervision of Inns.


The owner, manager or keeper who contravenes the laws, regulations or

directives concerning inns, eating-houses, hotels and public houses, in
particular as regards:
(a) the right to run such an establishment and the requirements and
safeguards applying thereto; or
(b) the opening and closing hours or any other law, regulation, or rule
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 821.- Supervision of Theatrical Performances and Entertainments.
The owner, organizer, director, manager or agent who contravenes the laws,
entertainments of any kind whatsoever, in particular in regard to:
(a) the permission to organize or offer them to the public or
the conditions of their management and safeguards
relating thereto other than those specified in Article 826;
(b) censorship and the prior requirements imposed in
the interests of decency, public order or the protection of
infants and young persons; or
(c) opening or closing times or authorized time of
performance, or any other law regulation or measure of
supervision applying to places or establishments used for
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 822.-

Scandalous Treatment of animals.

A person shall be punishable with fine or arrest if:

(a) in a public place or a place open to the public or which can be
viewed by the public, and without justification, he commits acts of
cruelty towards animals or inflicts upon them ill-treatment or
revolting violence or brutality; or
(b) he organizes shows or entertainments in which animals are
treated with cruelty, are mutilated or killed, whether it be fights


between animals or with animals, shooting of captive animals or

other petty offences of a similar kind.
Section III.- Petty Offences against Public Security
Article 823.- Petty Offences against other persons' Safety.
Whoever endangers the safety of another person:
(a) by setting against him dogs or dangerous animals or by not
restraining them to the best of his ability; or
(b) by throwing at him stones, hard or cutting objects or
any other things or substances capable of causing
harm, wounds or injury; or
(c) by placing or setting, without previously obtaining permission
traps, alarm appliances or any other dangerous devices,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest
not exceeding one month.
Article 824.- Failure to Exercise Proper Supervision over dangerous
Persons or animals.
(a) contravenes the laws, regulations or directives or fails to take the
necessary precautions, concerning the custody of or supervision
over lunatics, irresponsible persons, as well as dangerous or
ferocious animals' or
(b) intentionally omits to warn the competent authority of the escape
or running away of such persons or animals,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding one month.
Article 825.-

Control of Traffic at Night.

Whoever fails to comply with orders issued by local authorities regarding

curfew and the prohibition or restriction of traffic at night without permission,


is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not exceeding
one month.
Article 826.-

Supervision of Buildings.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
501), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives relating to:
(a) the erection, upkeep, repair or demolition of buildings of any kind
whatsoever, whether public or private; or
(b) the safety of public places, halls, places or installations used for
theatrical performances and entertainments or the holding of
meetings, or premises for habitation, trade of industry,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 827.-

Control of Streets and Public Places.

Whoever impairs public safety, in particular;

(a) by depositing, suspending, unloading or throwing at a crossing or
a public place or a place accessible to the public materials,
garbage, refuse, objects or things of any nature whatsoever
capable of causing an appreciable risk or nuisance without
observing the relevant directives or taking the necessary
precaution; or
(b) by neglecting to place a warning, notice, or light the materials or
objects thus exposed or deposited, or the excavations, erections or
works affected in such a place, or by removing or interfering with,
without necessity or adequate reasons, lights placed in the
interests of the public,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 828.-

Endangering Safety of Communications.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Arts. 505-513), contravenes the laws regulations or directives relating to
the licensing, conditions and supervision of the traffic of pedestrians,
animals or vehicles of all kinds, as well as the declaration, equipment,
upkeep and use of the latter, is punishable with fine or arrest.


Article 829.- Control of Fire, Explosive and Dangerous Substances.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Arts. 494-500):
(a) contravenes the preventive, protective and safety laws,
regulations or directives concerning fires and fire control, in
particular in relation to installation, whether electric or other,
insulate, maintain and repair chimneys, furnaces, boilers or
apparatus in which fire is used; or
(b) contravenes
prohibiting against exploding in certain places, or
lighted balloons or
against making
similar use of explosive or inflamed materials; or
(c) contravenes
transport, sale, purchase or use of oils and petroleum and their
derivatives, gunpowder and all explosive, inflammable, toxic,
corrosive or dangerous substances,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 830.- Control of Public Health and Salubrity.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Arts. 514524), contravenes thedirectives or regulations regarding:
(a) the cleanliness, salubrity and hygiene of water and water
installation, public places and establishments, houses and
habitations, factories, plants and industrial and commercial
premises; or
(b) (b) the prevention, declaration, prophylactic treatment and
control of diseases, in particular mental and contagious
diseases, epidemics and epizootic diseases;



the prevention, limit, arrest or the control in general

of environmental pollution,

is punishable with fine or arrest.

Article 831.- Control of Toxic Substances and Drugs.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Art. 525):
(a) grows, manufacturers or prepares, sells, offers for sale, delivers or
gives without lawful permission or an express medical
prescription, where such are required, plants, substances,
medicines or products which are narcotic, toxic, poisonous,
noxious or dangerous for the health; or
(b) in defiance of directives prescribed by law or the directives dictated
by common prudence willfully sells, offers for sale or delivers such
substances or products, even when their delivery is not expressly
prohibited without an authorization, to persons who are
irresponsible, to infants or young persons, sick persons who are
irresponsible, to infants or young persons, sick persons or
individuals for whom they are manifestly dangerous or unsuitable;
(c) keeps or handles such substances or products without taking the
precaution required by official or professional regulations, custom
or the dictates of common prudence, in particular when there is a
risk of mistake or confusion; or
(d) fails to warn other persons of the danger of poisoning or
intoxication known to him, when it is his duty and he is able to do
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 832.- Rendering another Person Unconscious or Stupefied.
(1) A person shall be punishable with fine or arrest when, apart from the
cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Arts. 532 and 533), he
subjects another person to a treatment or practices of any nature
whatsoever abolishing or altering the faculties of consciousness or free
determination without being authorized so to do by his professional
status and in conformity with generally accepted medical or
pharmaceutical practice.


(2) Medical experiments or hypnotic passes or exercises in hypnotism or

transmission of thoughts or conduct from a distance duly authorized
and carried out by way of mere entertainment shall not e punishable.
Article 833.- Control of Foodstuffs, Beverages and other Commodities.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art. 527
and 528), contravenes the laws regulations or directives regarding:
(a) the permission for the keeping or sale, the transport,
preservation, sale and control of foodstuffs, meat, milk,
beverages, whether alcoholic or not, commodities and fodder;
the opening and closing, running and control of market
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 834.-

Regulation of the Medical and Therapeutic Professions and

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Arts. 535
and 536), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives regarding:
(a) the permission to practice, and the practice of, the medical,
pharmaceutical and veterinary professions and auxiliary
professions of any kind whatsoever including physiotherapy,
natural therapeutics and chiropractic; or
(b) the sale or delivery of drugs and medicines; or
(c) the opening, declaration, management or running of places or
establishments for cures, whether for outdoor or in-door patients,
of any nature whatsoever,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 835.- Failure to Make Compulsory Notifications.
Physicians, dentists, chemists, midwives, veterinary-surgeons and all
persons officially authorized to attend patients, who fail to bring to the
notice of the competent authority facts which, under law, they are
obliged to notify, in particular with a view to preventing the spread of


contagious diseases, drug-addiction, or epizootics, or activities of a

criminal nature or dangerous for the community as a whole,
are punishable with fine not exceeding five hundred Birr, or in more
serious cases or cases of recidivism, with arrest.
Article 836.- Failure to Afford Attendance.
Physicians, chemists, veterinary-surgeons, midwives or any other person
authorized to practice a therapeutic profession who, apart from the cases
punishable under the Criminal Code (Art. 537 and 575), fail without
lawful cause to attend professionally shall be liable to the penalties
stipulated in the preceding Article, when such failure to act entails a
danger or a risk for another person.
Article 837.- Regulation of Burials and Cremations.
Whoever contravenes the laws, regulations or directives regarding the
exposure of the dead, burials and cremations,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 838.- General Provision Regarding Petty Offences not Covered
Under this Title.
Whoever, apart from the cases provided by this Code, contravenes the
laws, regulations, orders, directives or measures issued for the protection
of persons or property,
shall be punishable with fine or arrest to be fixed in accordance with the
general provisions of this Code, if his act is not otherwise punishable
under the Criminal Code or special legislation.


Article 839.- General Provision Regarding Participation of a Juridical

Person in Petty Offences Under this Title.
(1) A juridical person shall be deemed a petty offender and punished in
accordance with Article 752 and 768-770, where its official or employee
violates one of the provisions in this Title by infringing laws, regulations
or directives as a petty offender (Arts. 32 and 34) in connection with the
activity of the juridical person with the intent of promoting its interest by
an unlawful means or by violating its legal duty or by unduly using the
juridical person as a means.
(2) Where the manager, attorney, member, administrator or member of
the controlling or winding-up authority of a juridical person takes part in
the commission of a petty offence according to sub-article (1) above due
to his position in its management, he shall be punishable in accordance
with the relevant provisions of this Title.

Section I.- Petty Offences Relating to the Protection of Persons.
Article 840.- Assault and Minor Acts of Violence.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Art. 560 (1)):
(a) commits an assault or minor acts of violence against another
person, without striking or wounding the said person, or
(b) deliberately or negligently throws at another person filth or an
object or liquid likely to inconvenience or soil him,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding eight days.
Article 841.- Concealment of a Corpse.


(a) has hidden, buried, drowned, cremated or caused to disappear in any

other manner a still-born child or a child alleged to have been still born,
or human corpse, without notifying the fact to the competent authority,
or has failed to notify to the said authority of the discovery of a corpse;
(b) having wounded or killed another in self defence or in a state of
necessity, failed to notify the fact forthwith to the competent authority,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 842.- Petty Offences against Personal Liberty.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art. 585),
causes an infant, or young person, an irresponsible or mentally deficient
person, or a person placed under his authority either by law or otherwise, to be
admitted to or detained in a public or private institution, or admits to or
detains such an institution contrary to the regulations or safeguards laid down
by law,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 843.- Infringement of the Right to Private Secrecy.
Whoever, in cases of minor importance or cases of negligence not deserving to
be punished under the Criminal Code (Art. 606), violates the right to the
matters for whatever motive,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding fifteen days.
Article 844.- Slight Petty Offences against Honour.
In cases of slight insult or offensive behaviour not deserving to be punished
under the Criminal Code (Art. 615), in particular in the absence of publicity or
when the significance of the insult or offensive behavior was not understood by
the Court shall impose a fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding eight days, subject to the general provisions relating to exemption
from penalty in cases of retaliation or retractation.


Section II.-

Petty Offences against Morality

Article 845.- Petty Offences against Decency and Morality.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
639-641), intentionally offends morality or decency in a public place or a
place within the view of the public,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 846.-

Immoral Soliciting and Debauchery.

Whoever in the street or in a public place or in a place accessible to the

(a) with an intent contrary to decency or morality molests a person who is
not soliciting; or
(b) by improper soliciting incites another person to sexual intercourse or to
committing an act contrary to decency or acts of debauchery of any kind
whatsoever; or
(c) by engaging in prostitution or debauchery, is a nuisance to the occupiers
of the dwelling or the inhabitants of the neighbourhood,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 847.-

Advertising for Debauchery.

Whoever, with a view to encouraging debauchery or satisfying the sexual

urge of others, publicly advertises by any means that debauchery may be
enjoyed in a particular place,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 848.-

Publicity relating to Abortion.

Whoever, apart from the cases permitted by law, advertises or offers for
sale means or product designed to cause abortion, or publicly offers his
services to perform abortion,
is punishable with fine or arrest.


Section I-

Protection of the National Wealth

Article 849.- Protection of Historical, Artistic and Natural Riches.

Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code,
contravenes the laws, regulations or directives:
(a) protecting the national historical, archaeological and artistic wealth or
the natural sites, springs or riches of any nature whatsoever; or
(b) rendering compulsory the declaration of the discovery of historical,
archeological, geographical or natural riches of national interest, or
prohibiting, limiting or controlling the trade in, or export of, antiquities
nature whatsoever; or
(c) punishing anyone who impairs the value, defaces or places in jeopardy
an historical or archaeological monument, a natural site or a specifically
protected place,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 850.-

Protection of the Flora and Fauna.

Whoever contravenes the laws, regulations or directives for the protection and
safeguard of the national arborescent species, flora and fauna,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Section II.- Petty Offences against Property
Article 851.- Protection of Public and Private Property.


Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art. 685687), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives protecting public or
private property and in particular:
(a) removes, without due authorization, from a public or private place,
earth, stones, wood, sand or materials, grass, hedge, plants or seeds; or
(b) enters or goes over without being entitled thereto, in any season
whatever, enclosed or sown land, or land bearing crops or fruit, or
causes or allows his cattle or his mounts to go over such land or pasture
thereon; or
(c) unlawfully enters reserved hunting or fishing land,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 852.-

Petty Theft.

(1) Whoever, prompted by need or desire or by lack of conscience, takes a

thing of small value belonging to another for his immediate consumption
or use,
is punishable with fine not exceeding fifty Birr or arrest not exceeding
fifteen days.
The Court may impose no punishment when the petty offender was
urged by hardship or need duly proven.
(2) A petty theft committed to the prejudice of an ascendant, a descendant
or a spouse not legally separated shall not be punishable.
(3) According to the circumstances of the case. custom and the object of the
theft, the Court shall appreciate whether the stolen thing must be
intention to secure an illicit enrichment, which is the constituent
element of theft (Art.665) ,must not be admitted.
Article 853.- Pilfering and Gleaning.
Whoever in any season of the year:
(a) without leave takes or gathers in order to eat them on the spot, fruit,
berries, grains, vegetables and other agricultural or horticultural
products belonging to another person; or


(b) gleans, rakes or picks in fields, orchards or lane owned by another and
from which crops have not yet been fully gathered, or does such acts at
any time comprised between sunset and sunrise,
is punishable under the proceeding Article.
Article 854.- Unjustified



Suspicious Articles.

Whoever is found in possession of keys, hooks, pincers instruments or

weapons, or securities, articles or objects the origin of which he cannot
explain satisfactorily or the use of which he cannot justify,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding fifteen days.
Article 855.- Failure to Notify the Competent Authority and Concealment
of Property.
Whoever omits to notify the competent authority, as soon as circumstances
and material conditions enable him so to do,
(a) upon his finding an object mislaid or lost by another person, or a
treasure (Art. 680); or
(b) upon acquiring or receiving in any capacity whatsoever objects of any
nature originating, without his knowledge, from a theft or another
felonious origin of which he subsequently suspected, knew or
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 856.- Defacement or Depreciation of Another Person's Property.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
689 and 690(1)), defaces or depreciates another person's property,
whether by inadequate maintenance of houses, buildings or walls for the
upkeep of which he is responsible, by works effected on another person's
land, by its obstruction or the obstruction of its ways of access, by the
discharge thereon of materials or objects, by the diversion or defective
excessive speed or loading of vehicles or beasts of draught or burden or


mounts, by the unskillful or careless use of arms or instruments, or by

any other fault or negligence of which he may be guilty, is punishable
with fine or arrest.
Article 857.-

Damage to Public Monuments.

Whoever, apart from the case of substantial damage to property

punishable under the Criminal Code (Art. 690 (2)), soils or defaces
monuments, buildings statues or other objects intended for public use or
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Section III.- Petty Offences against Property in General
Article 858.- Malicious Injury to Another Person's Interests.
Whoever, without any intent to secure an illicit enrichment, causes
another person to do acts detrimental to his proprietary interests or
those of a third party by resorting to deceptive or fraudulent methods
whether out of malice, intent to injure or for any other reason,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 859.-


Whoever, knowing that he is unable to pay, orders or obtains foodstuffs,

beverages, accommodation or benefits of any kind whatsoever in
establishments such as boarding houses, eating houses, inns or hotels
catering for the public,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month
Article 860.-

Fraudulent obtaining of other Benefits.

Whoever fraudulently obtains without payment benefits which he knew to

be obtainable only against remuneration, in particular:
(a) conveyance by public or private means of transport of any kind
whatsoever, on land, by air or by water; or
(b) admittance to a show, entertainment, performance, exhibition or any
other similar function organized for profit; or
(c) obtaining goods supplied by a vending machine,


is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.

Article 861.- Quackery.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
(a) obtains money by taking advantage of the credulity of others by soothsaying in any form whatsoever, by calling upon spirits, by indicating
means for finding a treasure, or in any similar manner; or
(b) publicly offers, by advertising or otherwise, to resort to such practices
for gain,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 862.-

Unauthorized Collections.

Whoever publicly collects funds or appeals for money without being

authorized so to do by law or the competent authority,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
This Article shall not apply to collection made in buildings dedicated to
the practice of religion, or in private, professional sporting or other clubs,
societies or circles, in particular if made for purposes of charity or
Article 863.- Breach of the Provisions Concerning the Keeping of Books
and Account.
Whoever, in violation of a duty resulting from law, a regulation or articles
of association, fails or neglects to keep regularly and in good order books
and accounts, or to keep his correspondence, invoices and other
business papers for the prescribed time,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding one month.
Article 864.- Resistance to Compulsory Execution.
A debtor or a third party who, apart from the cases punishable under the
Criminal Code (Art. 728-730), disobeys an express and legitimate injunction


addressed to him by the prosecuting or liquidation authority, in particular

as to his duty:
(a) of announcing, declaring or producing objects forming part of the assets,
even though they are no longer in his possession, or credits, claims,
debts, mortgages or any other obligations of the same kind; or
(b) of answering a regular summons to be heard or appear in the presence
of other, attend a meeting, participate in a vote, or exercise any other
activity prescribed by the legal provisions relating to proceedings for debt
or compulsory execution.
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding eight days.
Article 865.- Violation of Regulations regarding the Merchant Service.
Whoever contravenes the laws, regulations or directives regarding the
merchant service relating to:
(a) security measures imposed upon the captain, the officers or the crew of
a ship in respect of the signaling, inspection, revision or control of he
ship; or
(b) the keeping of logbooks, registers or other documents; or
(c) the carrying of freight, cargo, mail or passengers, embarkation and
disembarkation, loading and unloading, or movement at sea and in
ports; or
(d) hygiene or health,
is punishable with fine or arrest, if no other provision of the Criminal Code
or of special legislation is applicable.


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