The Criminal Code of Ethiopia
The Criminal Code of Ethiopia
The Criminal Code of Ethiopia
envisaged by the Criminal Code about the reform of criminals.
It must be noted that, by laying down in the Code express provisions
concerning these cases, it is intended that Courts should, on passing
sentence, take into account the purpose of the law and the different
aims of punishment.
It is hoped that this Criminal Code, which has been revised through all
these persistent efforts, will ensure respect for the order, peace and
security of the State and its peoples as well as respect for the rights
and freedoms of its citizens and inhabitants.
Being convinced that this Code will enable to accelerate the economic
progress of the State, that it will strengthen a steady order of free
market and that it will, above all, contribute towards the promotion of a
fair judicial system, in our country, pursuant to Article 55 (1) of the
Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia it is hereby
proclaimed as follows:
1. Short Title:
This Proclamation may be cited as "The Criminal Code of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 2004."
2. Repeal:
The following proclamations:
a) the Penal Code of the Empire of Ethiopia 1957,and
b) the Revised Special Penal Code of the Provisional Military.
Administration Council 1982, Proclamation No. 214/1982, are
hereby repealed as from the 9th of May, 2005.
3. Special Case:
As provided in Article 3 of this Code, nothing shall affect the
application of special laws and regulations.
4. Effective Date:
This Criminal Code as published in a separate volume of the
Federal Negarit Gazeta under Proclamation No. 414/2004, shall
force as of the 9th of May 2005.
Done at Addis Ababa, this 9th day of May 2005
Girma Wolde Giorgis
President of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia
Principle of Legality.
(1) Criminal law specifies the various crimes, and the penalties and
measures applicable to criminals.
(2) The Court may not treat as a crime and punish any act or
omission which is not prohibited by law. The Court may not
impose penalties or measures other than those prescribed by
(3) The Court may not create crimes by analogy,
(4) The above provisions shall not prevent the Court from
interpreting the law. In cases of doubt the Court shall interpret
the law according to its spirit, in accordance with the meaning
intended by the legislature so as to achieve the purpose it has in
(5) Nobody shall be tried or punished again for the same crime for
which he has been already convicted, punished or subjected to
other measures or acquitted by a final decision in accordance
with the law.
Article 3.- Other Penal Legislation.
Nothing in this Code shall affect regulations and special laws of a
criminal nature:
Provided that the general principles embodied in this Code are
applicable to those regulations and laws except as otherwise
expressly provided therein.
Article 4.- Equality Before the Law.
Criminal law applies to all alike without discrimination as
regards persons, social conditions, race, nation, nationality,
social origin, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, property, birth or other status.
No difference in treatment of criminals may be made except as
provided by this Code, which are derived from immunities
sanctioned by public international and constitutional law, or
relate to the gravity of the crime or the degree of guilt, the age,
circumstances or special personal characteristics of the criminal,
and the social danger which he represents.
Section I:-
Conditions as to Time
Where the criminal is tried for an earlier crime after the coming
into force of this Code, its provisions shall apply if they are more
favourable to him than those in force at the time of the
commission of the crime.
The Court shall decide in each case whether, having regard to all
the relevant provisions, the new law is in fact more favourable.
Article 7.-
Application as to Measures.
(1) Upon the coming into force of this Code, periods of limitation
applicable to the right to prosecute and to enforce a penalty in
respect of crimes committed under repealed legislation shall be
governed by this Code.
However, the time which elapsed prior to the coming into force
of this Code shall be taken into account.
(2) Wherever the provisions of this Code require official proceedings
to be instituted in respect of crimes committed under repealed
legislation and which under such legislation could be
prosecuted upon private complaint, such right of complaint
Conditions as to Place
Principal Application
Crimes Committed on Ethiopian Territory: Normal
Subsidiary Application
International Law or Universal Order.
(1) This Code shall also apply to any person who has committed a
crime outside Ethiopia against an Ethiopian national or to any
Ethiopian national who has committed outside Ethiopia a crime
kind than those specified in the foregoing Articles, if the criminal
was not tried in the foreign country for the crime, provided that:
(a) the act to be tried is prohibited by the law of the State where
it was committed and by Ethiopian law; and
(b) it is of sufficient gravity under the latter law to justify
(2) In the case of all other crimes committed outside Ethiopia by a
foreign national, the criminal shall, save as otherwise expressly
provided, failing extradition, be prosecuted and tried only if the
crime is punishable under Ethiopian law with death or with
rigorous imprisonment for not less than ten years.
Article 19.-
Preparatory Acts.
(3) The punishment of the juridical person shall not exclude the
penalty to be imposed on its officials or employees for their
personal criminal guilt.
(4) For the purpose of this Article "juridical person" means a body
which has governmental or non-governmental, public or private
structure and includes any legally recognized institution or
association set up for commercial, industrial, political, religious
or any other purpose.
Article 35.- Collective Crimes.
Where two or more persons commit a crime in concert, the
person who is proved to have taken no part in the commission of
the crime shall not be punished.
However, where a crime such as conspiracy or brawl is
committed by a group of persons, the person whose presence in
the group is proved shall be exempt from punishment only if he
proves that he has taken no part in the commission of the crime.
Article 36.- Incitement.
(1) Whoever intentionally induces another person whether by
persuasion, promises, money, gifts, and threats or otherwise to
commit a crime shall be regarded as guilty of having incited the
commission of the crime.
(2) The person who incited the commission of a crime shall be liable
to punishment provided the crime was at least attempted.
(3) The punishment to be imposed shall be that provided by law for
the intended crime. It may be reduced within the limits specified
by law if the circumstances of the ease justify such a reduction
(Art. 179).
(4) When the person who committed the crime went beyond what
was intended by the instigator, the latter shall be liable to
punishment only for the crime he intended or could foresee (Art.
The actual criminal shall alone be answerable for the more
serious crime which he committed.
Article 37.- Accomplice.
(1) An accomplice is a person who intentionally assists a principal
criminal either before or during the carrying out of the criminal
design, whether by information, advice, supply of means or
material aid or assistance of any kind whatsoever in the
commission of a crime.
(2) An accomplice in an intentional crime shall always be liable to
(3) The accomplice shall be liable to punishment provided the crime
was at least attempted.
participation, his degree of guilt and the danger which his act
and his person represent to society.
Special circumstances or personal incidents or relationships
which have the effect of excluding punishment or justify its
reduction or increase are not transmissible to another person.
They operate to the benefit or the detriment sotely of the person
to whom they attach.
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 32-41, the provisions
of this Chapter shall apply in the case of crimes relating to the
mass media with a view to ensuring freedom of expression while
preventing abuse.
(2) Crimes relating to the mass media are those which are
committed by means of newspapers, books leaflets, journals,
posters, pictures, cinemas, radio or television broadcasting or
any other means of mass media.
(3) The crimes may be committed against the honour of other
persons, public or private safety or any other legal right
protected by criminal law, and are committed where
public through the mass media.
Article 43.- Liability for Crimes Committed through the Mass
(1) Criminal liability for crimes committed through periodicals shall
be as follows:
(a) a person who was registered as editor in chief or deputy
editor when the periodical was published shall be liable;
(b) if no license existed when the periodical was published or if
the editor-in-chief liable under sub-article (1)(a) was no longer
qualified or has otherwise ceased to function as editor-inchief the publisher shall be liable;
(c) the publisher shall likewise be liable in cases in which the
editor-in -chief was appointed merely for the sake of
appearance, or was otherwise manifestly not in a position of
exercising his powers at the time the periodical was
(d) if a deputy acting as chief editor was not longer qualified at
the time the periodical was published, or if his appointment
had otherwise expired, or if he is unable to exercise his
powers the editor-in-chief shall be liable;
(e) where it is impossible to establish the identity of the
publisher at the time of the publication of the periodical, the
printer of the periodical shall be liable in lieu of the publisher;
(f) when a person disseminated a periodical which does not
indicate who the printer was, or if such a statement is known
to the disseminator to be incorrect, and if the identity of the
Ordinary Responsibility
Criminal Responsibility and Irresponsibility.
(1) The criminal who is responsible for his acts is alone liable to
punishment under the provisions of criminal law.
(2) A person is not responsible for his acts under the law when,
owing to age, illness, abnormal delay in his development,
deterioration of his mental faculties, one of the causes specified
under Article 49 sub-article 1 or any other similar biological
cause, he was incapable at the time of his act, of understanding
the nature or consequences of his act, or of regulating his
conduct according to such understanding.
(3) The Court may order in respect of an irresponsible person such
suitable measures of treatment or protection as are provided by
law (Arts. 129-131).
Partial Responsibility.
Infants who have not attained the age of nine years shall not be
deemed to be criminally responsible. The provisions of this Code
Shall not apply to them.
Where a crime is committed by an infant, appropriate steps may
be taken by the family, school or guardianship authority.
Article 53.-
(1) If at the time of the commission of the crime the criminal was
over fifteen but under eighteen years of age, he shall be tried
under the ordinary provisions of this Code.
(2) The Court may, in assessing sentence, take into account the
circumstances of the case, in particular the age of the criminal,
his incorrigible or dangerous disposition and the likelihood of his
reform, either by applying the general provisions regarding
mitigation of penalties (Art. 179) or by applying one of the special
penalties specified for young persons (Arts. 166-168).
Section I.Article 57.-
(1) No one can be punished for a crime unless he has been found
guilty thereof under the law.
A, person is guilty if, being responsible for his acts, he commits a
crime either Intentionally or by negligence.
(2) No one can be convicted under criminal law for an act penalized
by the law if it was performed or occurred without there being
any guilt on his part, or was caused by force majeure, or
Sub-section 1.- Guilt in Case of a Simple Crime
Article 58.-
Criminal Intention.
Excess of Necessity.
Article 77.-
Legitimate Defence
Article 79.-
(1) The Court shall reduce the penalty, within the limits allowed by
law (Art. 179), in the following cases:
(a) when the criminal who previously of good character acted
without thought or by reason of lack of intelligence,
ignorance or simplicity of mind;
(b) when the criminal was prompted by an honourable and
disinterested motive or by a high religious, moral or civil
(c) when he acted in a state of great material or moral
distress or under the apprehension of a grave threat or a
justified fear, or under the influence of a person to whom
obedience or upon whom he depends;
(d) when he was led into grave temptation by the conduct of
the victim or was carried away by wrath, pain or revolt
caused by a serious provocation or an unjust insult or was
time of the act in a justifiable state of violent emotion or
mental distress;
(e) when he manifested a sincere repentance for his acts after
the crime, in particular by affording succour to his victim,
recognizing his fault or delivering himself up to the
authorities, or by repairing, as far as possible, the injury
caused by his crime, or when he on being charged, admits
every ingredient of the crime stated on the criminal
(2) When the law, In a special provision of the Special Part, has
taken one of these circumstances into consideration as a
constituent element or as a factor of extenuation of a privileged
crime, the Court may not at the same time allow for the same
to reduce the penalty applicable thereto.
(2) When the law, in a special provision of the Special Part, has
taken one of the same circumstances into consideration as a
constituent element or as a factor of aggravation of a crime, the
Court may not take this aggravation into account again.
Article 85.- Special Aggravating Circumstances: Concurrence and
In case of concurrence of crimes and recidivism, the penalty shall
be aggravated according to the provisions of Articles 184-188 of
this Code.
Other General
Calculation of Sentence.
(3) Subject to the provisions of the Special Part of Code, the Court
shall carefully examine from lightest to the most severe
determine only the penalty appropriate for each case.
(4) In order to ensure the correctness and uniformity sentencing,
the Federal Supreme Court shall issue a manual relating to
(4) Where only fine is provided for in the Special Part of this Code,
and where the criminal is a juridical person, the fine shall be five
Article 91.-
Where the Special Part of this Code provides for a fine or imprisonment
as an alternative punishment for a crime, and it appears to the Court
that, having regard to the degree of guilt and the circumstances of the
criminal, it is expedient so to do, it may impose both fine and
Article 92.-
Recovery of Fine.
(1) Whenever a fine is not paid forthwith, the Court may require the
criminal to produce such sureties or security as is sufficient to
ensure the payment of the fine within the stated period.
The security or sureties shall be determined having regard to
the circumstances of the case, the condition of the criminal and
the interests of justice.
(2) In default of payment of the fine within the fixed period, the
Court shall give the appropriate order for the surety or security
to be deposited.
(3) When the criminal is unable or deliberately fails to produce
surety or security his property shall be seized and sold in
accordance with the law. The sale of property shall be carried
provision of Article 98(3).
Article 95.-
Sequestration of Property.
Article 100.-
Article 101.-
When the criminal apart from the conditions laid down under
Article 97 of this Code, falls ill during the period of his sentence
of compulsory labour, he shall not be required to do any work
until he recovers.
When the criminal recovers he shall be ordered to resume the
compulsory labour; if he is not able to resume the compulsory
labour he shall be ordered to carry out another work which is
suitable to his health and personal circumstances. Where it is
impossible to give or implement such an order, the Court may
not impose another penalty on the criminal.
Paragraph II.- Penalties Entailing Loss of Liberty
Article 106.-
Simple Imprisonment.
of the sentence of simple imprisonment.
The provisions of this Article shall have effect notwithstanding that no
provision is made in the Special Part for the application of a sentence of
compulsory labour instead of one of simple imprisonment.
Article 108.- Rigorous Imprisonment.
(1) Rigorous imprisonment is a sentence applicable only to crimes of
a very grave nature committed by criminals who are particularly
dangerous to society.
Besides providing for the punishment and for the rehabilitation
of the criminal, this sentence is intended also to provide for a
strict confinement of the criminal and for special protection to
Without prejudice to conditional release, the sentence of rigorous
imprisonment is normally for a period of one to twenty-five years
but where it is expressly so laid down by law it may be for life.
(2) The sentence of rigorous imprisonment shall be served in such
prisons as are appointed for the purpose.
The conditions of enforcement of rigorous imprisonment are
more severe than those of simple imprisonment.
Article 109.- Common Provisions.
The following provisions are common to both forms of imprisonment.
They shall have, as their aim, the achievement of the purpose the
determination of the penalties had in view.
Regulations relating to prisons shall provide for the manner of
execution of sentences, the admission to prison, the segregation of
prisoners, the contact of prisoners with persons outside, the internal
in the prisons, and for the education and spiritual welfare of the
Article 110.-
Punishment of Death
General Principles.
Secondary Punishments
(1) Where the Court considers that an appeal to the honour of the
criminal will have beneficial effects on the criminal and on
society at large, it may in open Court, either during the trial or in
its judgment, caution, admonish or reprimand the criminal. The
Court may also order the Criminal to make a public apology to
the person injured by the crime, or to the persons having rights
from such injured person.
(2) The Court may apply any of the punishments mentioned in this
Article instead of the principal punishment where it is specifically
laid down by law that such punishments apply to minor crimes;
where extenuating circumstances are present (Arts 82 and 83);
or where the law provides for a free mitigation of the punishment
(Art. 180); or where enforcement of a sentence is postponed (Art.
Article 123.-
Deprivation of Rights.
(1) Any deprivation shall have effect from the day on which the
judgment becomes final.
(2) In the case of temporary deprivation the period fixed shall begin
to run from the day of expiry of the term of the principal
sentence or the day on which the principal sentence was
In the case of conditional release from a sentence restrictive of
personal liberty, and where the criminal has been of good
conduct during the period of such release, the deprivation or
suspension of the exercise of rights shall begin to run from the
day of release.
In case of forfeiture of professional rights (Art. 123(C)), the Court
may on trial authorize resumption of activity during the
probation period of the conditional release (Art. 205).
Article 126.- Reinstatement.
Article 134.-
(2) The Court shall at the same time determine the duration of such
detention. Save in exceptional circumstances such as a renewal
of the threats or the obvious persistence of the dangerous
disposition or ill-will of the person concerned, the detention shall
not exceed three months.
The Court may, on application for good reason release the
convicted person under supervision (Art (148) or grant a further
detention for a period of not more than three months, if safety so
total period of detention may in no case exceed six months.
(3) When adequate sureties or guarantees are furnished the prisoner
shall be set free.
Article 137.-
Legal Effect.
(1) The Court shall order the seizure of all articles having been used
or likely to be used for the commission of a crime, or which have
Sub-section II.-
Article 144.- Effect of Non-observance.
(1) Measures prescribing closing down, suspension or prohibition
may be general or limited to a specified time, place or area as
determined in the judgment.
They imply a prohibition of the continuance of the forbidden
activity either by the convicted person or a third party by
whatever name or management.
(2) Infringements of a prohibition under this Article shall be
punished under Article 459.
Where an establishment or centre has been reopened in violation
of a prohibition it shall be wound up and the assets disposed of
according to law.
Sub-section III.- Measures Entailing a Restriction on Personal
Article 145.- Prohibition from Resorting to Certain Places.
(1) In addition to the penalty the Court may restrain the convicted
person from having access to or remaining in certain places the
resorting to which contributed to the commission of the crime or
may expose the criminal to committing fresh crimes, in
particular public-houses, inns, entertainment halls, markets and
other public places.
(2) The Court shall specify in its judgment the extent and duration
of the restraint which may be from three months to one year.
Article 146.-
the Territory;
Section I.-
Normal Case.
In all cases where the law provides that the Court mitigate the
penalty under this Article, it shall, if it deems the mitigation
justified, pronounce:
(a) instead of capital punishment, rigorous imprisonment from
twenty years to life;
(b) instead of rigorous imprisonment for life, rigorous
imprisonment from ten to twenty years;
(c) instead of rigorous imprisonment for a specified minimum
period, rigorous imprisonment for not less than the general
minimum period of one year;
(d) instead of rigorous imprisonment of at least one year, simple
imprisonment from six months to five years;
(e) instead of simple imprisonment for a specified minimum
period laid down in the Special Part of this Code, simple
imprisonment for not less than the general minimum period of
ten days;
(f) instead of simple imprisonment for not less than the general
minimum period of ten days, compulsory labour or a fine.
Article 180.-
Free Mitigation.
Retrospective Concurrence.
Cumulation of Different
Aggravating Circumstances.
Article 195.-
of Probation.
(1) In choosing either of the two forms of suspension (Arts. 191 and
192), the Court shall give grounds for its decision.
It may not give an order of suspension unless the antecedents,
character and attitude of the accused afford a reasonable
presumption that the suspension will produce good results.
(2) The Court shall fix the probation period imposed upon the
criminal taking into account the gravity of his crime, the risk of a
relapse and his reliability.
The probation period shall be of at least two years and may not
exceed five years.
(3) In such a case the Court shall pronounce the penalty which it
had suspended and order its enforcement or order the
enforcement of the penalty which it has imposed.
If the measure of suspension is cancelled on the ground of a
fresh and intentional crime, subject to the provisions regarding
recidivism (Art. 188), the penalty shall be aggravated by adding
the penalty for the fresh crime to the penalty pronounced or to
be pronounced.
Sub-section II.- Conditional Release
Article201.- Principle.
In all cases where a penalty or measure entailing loss of liberty
provided by this Code is imposed anticipatory conditional release
may be awarded by way of probation at the end of the period of
enforcement provided by law, when the general requirements
therefore are satisfied (Art. 202).
Conditional release must be regarded as a means of reform and
social reinstatement. It must be deserved by the criminal to
whom it is applied and must be awarded only in cases where it
affords a reasonable chance of success.
Article 202.- Conditions for Release.
(1) Where a prisoner has served two-thirds of a sentence of
imprisonment or twenty years in case of life imprisonment, the
Court may, on the recommendation of the management of the
institution or on the petition of the criminal, order conditional
(a) if, during the requisite period of performance of the
penalty or the measure entailing loss of liberty, the
criminal, by his work and conduct, gave tangible proof of
his improvement; and
(b) if he has repaired, as far as he could reasonably be
expected to do, the damage found by the Court or agreed
with the aggrieved party; and
(c) if the character and behaviour of the criminal warrant the
assumption that he will be of good conduct when released
and that the measure will be effective.
(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, conditional release
shall not be granted to persistent recidivists.
Article 203.- Information Concerning Conditional Release.
(1) Prisoners shall be informed upon their conviction and when
entering the institution to which they are committed of the
possibility and conditions of their anticipatory release.
(2) The Director of the institution shall recommend release of the
criminal where the conditions for granting release appear to have
Section I.- Absence of Accuser or Accused
Sub-section I.- Absence of Accusation or Complaint
Article 211.-
(2) The limitation period shall begin to run from the day on which
the criminal first exercised his criminal activity.
If the criminal act was committed repeatedly the period shall
begin to run from the day on which the last act was performed; if
it was pursued over a period of time the period shall begin to run
from the day on which it ceased.
Where achieving a given result is one of the constituents of the
crime the period shall begin to run on the day on which this
result occurred.
Article 220.- Suspension of Period of Limitation.
(1) Limitation shall be temporarily suspended as long as there
subsists a bar in law or in fact.
It shall also be suspended where a charge has been instituted
and the case is undergoing a judicial proceeding, or where the
decision in the criminal case against the defendant cannot be
given until other proceedings have been completed.
Upon removal of the bar the period of limitation shall revive and
continue its course.
(2) In all cases where the law requires the lodging of a complaint for
the institution of a prosecution the absence of this formality
shall not prevent the limitation period from running.
Similarly, any act of the criminal voluntarily done to hinder the
institution or continuation of the prosecution shall not prevent
the limitation period from running.
Article 221.- Interruption of Period of Limitation.
The limitation period shall be interrupted by any order, act or
decision for purposes of search, summons, prosecution or
investigation in relation to the crime or the criminals.
Upon each interruption the whole period of limitation shall begin
to run afresh.
The interrupting act shall be absolute as to its effect; it is
effectual towards all the participants in the crime, whether
known or unknown.
Article 222.- Absolute Limitation.
Whatever the circumstances may be the prosecution and the
criminal action shall be barred in all cases when a period equal
to double the ordinary period of limitation provided by law (Art.
217) has elapsed or, in cases where a special period applies (Art.
218), when such a period has been exceeded by haif.
Sub-section II.- Limitation of Penalties and Measures
of Penalties and
of Penalties and
Section I.-
of the exercise
of Constitutional
or Residence.
The punishments prescribed in this Section shall also apply where one
of the crimes thereunder has been committed to the detriment of a
power in alliance with or associated with Ethiopia, wherever the
of such power provides for reciprocity.
Section III.-
Common Provisions
In all cases in this Chapter for which the taw provides the
alternative of rigorous imprisonment for life or death, the Court
shall pass sentence of death:
where the crime has been committed during or under threat of
internal disturbance, in time of danger of civil or foreign war or
foreign interference, or where martial taw or any officially
recognized state of emergency has been declared; or
where the acts are the a conspiracy brought to fruits
carried out by an organized armed band: or
where the criminal has made use of resources, arms, means or
support furnished from abroad or by foreign political parties of
organizations; or
where the criminal has used bombs, dynamite explosive or other
terrorist methods constituting a public danger.
(b) conspires towards or plans with another, urges the formation of,
or himself forms a band or group, joins such a band or group,
adheres to its schemes or obeys its instructions,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
Article 275.- Dereliction of Duty Towards the Enemy.
Whoever, in time of war and contrary to public international law and
humanitarian conventions:
(a) kills or wounds an enemy who has surrendered or laid down his
arms, or who for any other reason is incapable of defending, or
has ceased to defend, himself; or
(b) mutilates a dead person; or
(c) lays hands on or does violence to a wounded, sick or dead enemy
on the field of battle, with intent to rob or plunder him; or
(d) orders one of the above acts,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment, or,
exceptional gravity, with life imprisonment or death.
Article 279.-
Article 284.-
Unauthorized Wearing
Decorations or Insignia.
Article 331.-
Article 333.-
Disregard of Prohibitions
Military Zones and Objects.
Protecting Specified
(2) Where the same act might come under the provisions of either
this Title or Book IV, Title III of this Code, such as cases of
infringement of service regulations (Art. 293 and 420), receipt of
gains, malversation or maladministration (Arts.306 and 307 or
Arts. 407- 419), breaches of official secrecy (Art. 336 or, 396 and
397), the Court shall decide as to the appropriate provision to
having regard to whether the crime is of a quasi-military nature
or a crime relating to public servants.
Article 343.- Crimes Committed In Breach of Special Legislation.
(1) Where a crime is committed in breach of legislation issued by an
authorized public organ in accordance with the law and duly
published in the Federal Negarit Gazeta or in the legal gazettes
of the regional states, concerning the control or protection of the
fiscal or economic interests of the State, the punishment shall
be determined in accordance with the principles of this Code.
(2) All breaches classed as petty offences or, in default of such
classification, all breaches of mandatory or prohibitive
provisions of this kind where the damage caused by such
breaches does not exceed ten thousand Birr, are punishable as
of this Code regarding petty offences.
Article 344.- Kind and Extent of Penalties.
(1) Where the pertinent legislation makes no explicit reference to a
crime defined in this Code, the Court shall pass sentence of
simple imprisonment or fine, fixed in accordance with the
provisions, and within the general limits, of this Code (Arts. 9092 and Arts.106 and 107).
(2) Where the degree of guilt is of exceptional gravity and the crime
involves large sums of money or value of things, or where the
accused makes a profession of such crimes within the meaning
of Article 90 of this Code, the Court may impose a fine not
exceeding one hundred thousand Birr, in addition to the
forfeiture of the gain derived from the crime.
(3) The general provisions relating to preventive, protective and
prohibitive measures, and those relating to collateral measures
of publicity and information shall be applied wherever the Court
thinks necessary.
Article 345- Collateral Penalties Relating to Taxes and Dues.
(1) Whoever, being duly ordered to pay the taxes or dues prescribed
by law, whether in kind or in cash, and validly assessed by the
competent authority, refuses to pay, though able so to do, taxes
on land, property or different kinds of income, or any other due
or tax whatsoever,
is punishable, without prejudice to the payment of the tax or
due, with simple imprisonment for not less than one year and
(2) Where the refusal is accompanied by threats, violence, or
assault, by the display or use of arms, or by disorder or revolt,
the punishment prescribed by the relevant provisions shall apply
concurrently (Art.85).
Article 350.- Incitement to Refusal to pay Taxes.
(1) Whoever incites another, by acts, gifts, speeches, threats, or in
any other way, to refuse to pay the taxes or dues prescribed by
is punishable with simple imprisonment from one year to three
years and fine.
(2) Where the case is more serious as a result of the spread of the
crime, the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from
three years to ten years and fine.
Where the crime is punishable under a more severe provision,
such as incitement to riot or to the overthrow of authority, the
punishment may be aggravated in accordance with the relevant
provision prescribed for concurrent crimes (Art. 85).
Article 351. Endangering Sources of Revenue.
Article 352.-
(1) Whoever:
(a) falsities any seal of a public institution or a private
organization, or makes use of such seal; or
(b) makes improper use of a genuine seal of such kind,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
(2) Where grave harm is caused by the crime, the criminal is
punishable with rigorous imprisonment from three years to ten
Article 365.- Falsification of Official Marks.
(a) with intent to use them or to cause them to be used as
genuine or unused, makes without lawful authority,
falsifies or counterfeits official marks of origin or identity,
or of certification or warranty, particularly in
connection with customs or transport operations, with
gold, silver or other precious minerals, timber, skins or
other materials or products, or with foodstuffs,
medicaments or articles affecting public health, whether
they be seals, die stamps, rubber stamps, labels or any
other distinguishing mark; or
(b) knowingly uses such false or counterfeit marks genuine or
is punishable with simple imprisonment from three months to
five years.
Article 366.- Falsification of Official Stamps Value.
(1) Whoever:
(a) with intent to use them or to cause them to be used as
genuine or unused, makes without lawful authority, falsifies
stamps of value, in particular officially stamped paper,
postage stamps or receipt stamps; or
(b) after such stamps have been used or cancelled, gives them
the appearance of unused stamps for the purpose of using
is punishable with simple imprisonment for at least three
months, or, where the crime is considered to be grave, with
simple imprisonment not exceeding five years and fine.
(2) In petty cases, especially those of isolated use of used, forged,
falsified or cancelled postage or receipt stamps, the Court may
impose a fine only.
Article 367.- Falsification of Weights and Measures.
Importation, Exportation,
in Trust and Offer.
Purchase, Acceptance
Material Forgery.
Forgery or
(1) Where any of the crimes specified under the preceding provisions
of this Chapter is committed on:
(a) a public register, an official act, an act concerning public
interests; or
(b) an instrument entered into a public register or a
holographic will; or
(c) an instrument or document concerning national defence,
or the Defence Forces or their organization, duties or
the punishment shall
be rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding fifteen years.
(2) Where the crime is committed by a public servant, officially
entrusted with the drawing up, filing, keeping or delivery of
extracts from the registers, instruments, deeds or documents in
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years
to twenty-five years.
In very serious cases, the punishment may extend up to life
Article 380.- Suppression of Instruments.
(1) Whoever, with the intent specified in Article 375 damages, tears,
destroys, suppresses or takes an instrument of which he has
not the right of absolute disposal,
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding two
years, in less serious cases, and with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding five years, in more serious ones.
(2) Where the act has been done to the prejudice of a member of the
criminal's family, a near relative or a person having common
interest or ties of affection with the criminal, or a person
cohabiting with him, proceedings shall be instituted only upon
Article 381.- Suppression of Public or Military Documents.
(1) Where the crime specified under Article 380 above concerns a
public or military instrument, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(2) Where the crime is committed by a public servant, officially
entrusted with the drawing up, registration, keeping, disposal or
delivery of such instrument, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding twenty-five years.
Where the commission of the crime is very grave, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment for life.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment or fine.
(1) Where the forgery or the use of the forged instrument or the act
of causing another to make use of it concerns a bill of exchange,
a cheque, a promissory note, a bank deposit book or other
certificate of deposit in a bank, a credit card, or a document in
an institution of deposit or loan, or a share certificate, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(2) Where the crime specified under Article 380 is committed on
such documents or instruments, the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(3) Where the crime specified under Article 380 is committed
negligently on such documents or instruments, the punishment
shall be simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 383.- True or Certified Copies.
The forgery or suppression of true copies or certified true copies,
which, in law, may be accepted as originals, is punishable under
the relevant provisions of this Chapter.
Article 384.- Falsification and use of False Public Transport
Forged Certificates.
(1) Any member of the Defence Forces, or any person in the service
thereof, who, apart from cases of treason and espionage
punishable under the relevant provisions (Arts. 248-252),
discloses or communicates information, papers or facts which
are secret, or have been secret by order, or are not intended for
publication, which have come to his knowledge in the course of
his duties,
is punishable, even where his duties have ended, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding seven years.
(2) The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
fifteen years:
a) where the crime concerns secret information or document
kept in cipher, or of which the safekeeping had been
expressly entrusted to the accused person, or where the
latter has sworn an explicit oath of secrecy; or
b) Where the damage caused by the crime affects particularly
vital interests.
(3) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be fine or simple imprisonment not exceeding one year in the
case of the simple crime under sub-article (1), or simple
imprisonment not exceeding three years where there is
aggravation under sub-article (2) above.
Article 403.Injure.
Section I.- Corruption Crimes Committed by Public Servants in
Breach of Trust and Good Faith
Article 407.- Abuse of Power.
(1) Any public servant who, with intent to obtain for himself or to
procure for another an undue advantage or to injure the right or
interest of another:
a) misuses his official position or the power proper to his
office, whether by a positive act or by a culpable omission;
b) exceeds the power with which he is officially invested; or
c) performs official acts when he is not, or is no longer,
qualified to do so, especially in the case or in consequence
of incompetence, suspension, transfer, removal from office
or its cessation,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine,
where there is no express provision in this Code concerning
the matter.
(2) Where the purpose of the breach of responsibility or duty
solicited, the amount of the money or gifts received in
consideration, the official capacity or powers of the person
corrupted or the extent of the harm to private, public or State
interests renders the case of particular gravity, the punishment
shall be rigorous imprisonment from seven years to fifteen years
and fine not exceeding fifty thousand Birr.
(3) Where two or more of the circumstances mentioned in subarticle (2) are found concurrently, the punishment shall be
rigorous imprisonment from ten years to twenty-five years and
fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Birr.
Article 408.- Corrupt Practices.
(1) Any public servant who, directly or indirectly, seeks, receives or
exacts a promise of an advantage for himself or another, in
consideration for the performance or omission of an act, in
violation of the duties proper to his office, is punishable with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years and fine not exceeding
twenty thousand Birr.
(2) Where the purpose of the breach of responsibility or duty
solicited, the extent of the advantage received, the official
capacity or powers of the person corrupted or the extent of the
or State interests renders the case of particular gravity, the
(2) According to the gravity of the crime and the rank of the victim,
where the latter has been threatened, coerced or struck by
means of a weapon or other instruments, the punishment shall
be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(3) Where the assault or violence has caused physical injury or
impairment of health on the victim, the relevant provision of
concurrence of crimes shall apply.
Article 442.- Collective Action.
Where the intimidation, coercion, or violence is the deed of an
unlawful assembly or rioting mob, the relevant provisions (Art.
484 and 488) shall apply concurrently.
Article 443.- Failure to Report a Crime.
(1) Whoever, without good cause:
a) knowing the commission of, or the identity of the
perpetrator of, a crime punishable with death or rigorous
imprisonment for life, fails to report such things to the
competent authorities; or
b) is by law or by the rules of his profession, obliged to notify
the competent authorities in the interests of public security
or public order, of certain crimes or certain grave facts, and
does not do so,
Mutiny of Prisoners.
(1) Whoever, being lawfully confined in any place, takes part jointly
in riots or disturbances with intent:
a) to coerce, by force or intimidation, the governor, an official
or a warder of the institution, or any other person
Breaking of Bounds.
Section II.-
(1) Whoever, of his own free will, takes part in an unlawful assembly
in the course of which violence is done collectively to person or
is punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding one month,
or fine.
(2) The organizers, instigators or ringleaders are punishable with
fine and with simple imprisonment for not less than six months,
or, in grave cases, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
years and fine.
(3) All persons who have individually committed acts of violence
against persons or property are punishable with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding three years, where their act does not
subject to more severe punishment under any other provision of
this Code.
a) disturbs or profanes a funeral procession or funeral
service; or
b) violates or profanes the resting place of a dead person,
degrades or defiles a funeral monument, or profanes or
mutilates a dead person, whether buried or not; or
c) publicly defiles or strikes a human corpse; or
d) carries off, makes away with or scatters a corpse or any
part thereof, or the remains of a dead person,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
Article 494. - Arson.
(1) Whoever maliciously or with the intention of causing danger of
collective injury to persons or property, sets fire to his own
property or to that of another whether it be building or
structures of any kind, crops or agricultural products, forests,
timber or any other object,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(2) Where the crime creates substantial danger, or where the risk of
injury to persons or property is widespread, especially where
public buildings or buildings used by a public service, inhabited
houses or houses used for living in, contractors yards or stock
yards, stores of provisions or inflammable or explosive
substances, forests, mines, oil wells o7 refineries, ships, aircraft
or any other objects particularly susceptible to fire, are affected,
exceeding fifteen years.
Removal or Culpable
Apparatus or Devices.
Whoever intentionally:
a) adulterates fodder 'or natural feeding stuffs, or
manufactures injurious forage or other products, intended
for domestic animals, thereby endangering the tatter's
wealth or life; or
b) imports, exports, stores, sells, offers for sale or distributes
such injurious fodder or other feeding stuffs,
is punishable with simple imprisonment and fine.
(2) Where the crime is committed negligently, the punishment shall
be simple imprisonment not exceeding three years, or fine.
Article 529. - Aggravating Circumstances.
The maximum punishment of deprivation of liberty provided for
in the preceding Articles (Art. 527 and 528) shall be pronounced,
and the fine may be increased up to two hundred thousand Birr,
where the criminal makes a profession of such crimes (Art. 90),
or where his felonious activities relate to large quantities of
goods, and where the damage caused is substantial.
Article 530.- Participation of a Juridical Person.
Any juridical person which participates in one of the crimes
specified in Articles 525 to 529, shall be punishable in
accordance with Article 90 of this Code.
Article 531.- Endangering the Health of Another by Alcoholic
Beverages or Spirituous Liquors.
Unlawful Delivery
(3) Where the victim has returned assault for assault, the Court may
refrain from inflicting any punishment other than a reprimand or
warning for the future on either of the two or both parties.
Article 561.- Endangering the Lives of Pregnant Women and
Children through Harmful Traditional Practices.
(1) Whoever causes the death of a pregnant or a delivering woman
or that of a newly born child as a result of the application of a
harmful traditional practice such as:
a) massaging the abdomen of a pregnant woman, or shaking
a woman in a prolonged labour; or
b) soiling the umbilical cord of a newly-born child with dung
or other similar substances, keeping a newly-born child
out of the sun or feeding it butter, excising the uvula of a
child or taking out milk teeth or preventing the child from
vaccinated; or
c) through the exercise of other traditional practices known
by the medical profession to be harmful, is punishable with
fine or simple imprisonment from three months to one
(2) Where the death was caused by negligence, the relevant
provision of this Code (Art. 543) shall apply.
Article 562.-
Article 564.-
The relevant provision of this Code (Arts. 555 - 560) shall apply to a
person who, by doing violence to a marriage partner or a person
cohabiting in an irregular union, causes grave or common injury to his
/her physical or mental health.
Article 565.- Female Circumcision.
Whoever circumcises a woman of any age,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than three
months, or fine not less than five hundred Birr.
Article 566.- Infibulation of the Female Genitalia.
(1) Whoever infibulates the genitalia of a woman,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from three years to five
(2) Where injury to body or health has resulted due to the act
prescribed in sub-article (1) above, subject to the provision of the
Criminal Code which provides for a more severe penalty, the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years to
ten years.
Article 567.- Bodily Injuries Caused Through Other Harmful
Traditional Practices.
Whoever, apart from the circumstances specified in this Chapter,
inflicts upon another bodily injury or mental impairment through
a harmful traditional practice known for its inhumanity and
ascertained to be harmful by the medical profession,
shall, according to the circumstances of the case, be liable to one
of the penalties prescribed under the provisions of Article 561 or
Article 562 of this Code.
(2) Where the act has caused injury to the life, body, health or
property of another, the relevant provisions of this Code and
those of the infringed traffic regulation shall apply concurrently.
Article 573.- Endangering the Human Body.
(1) Whoever, with intent to obtain money or other advantage:
a) gives while alive his organ or a part of his body to another;
b) enters into a contract with another person or institution to
give his organ or a part of his body after his death,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine.
(2) Whoever, with intent to obtain money or other advantage, takes
away an organ or a part of the body of another with the latter's
consent, shall be punishable:
a) with rigorous imprisonment from five years to ten years,
where the act is committed while the victim is still alive; or
b) with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years, where
the act is committed after the death of the victim.
(3) Whoever takes an organ or part of the body of another by
coercion, fraud, trickery or without the consent of the person
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from ten years to
twenty-five years.
(4) Whoever, apart from the cases specified in the above subarticles, and contrary to law, regulations or rules, carries out
scientific or medical examination, research or experiments on a
person's body by coercing the person or without his consent or
knowledge, or discloses or gives under any conditions to another
person such information obtained in this manner,
is punishable, according to the circumstances of the case, with
simple imprisonment for not less than one year, or with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding ten years.
(5) Where a juridical person commits one of the acts specified in
sub-article (2), (3) or (4) above, it shall be liable to punishment in
accordance with Articles 34 and 90(3) of this Code.
Article 574. - Exposure or Abandonment of Another.
(1) Whoever, having the custody or charge, on no matter what
grounds, of a person incapable of protecting himself, whether on
account of his health, his age, his situation or any other
circumstance, intentionally:
a) exposes him, thereby putting him in imminent danger of
life or health; or
b) abandons him when in like situation, is punishable,
according to the circumstances of the case, with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years, or with simple
(2) The punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
five years where:
a) the crime is committed on the false pretext of mental
illness or dangerous condition of the victim; or
b) the crime persists for more than five days.
(3) Where the crime is committed to compel the government, an
international organization, a natural or a juridical person to do
or to abstain from doing an act, by carrying out threats of
endangering the life, person or liberty of the detainee or of
prolonging his detention,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years
to ten years.
(3) The provisions of this Article shall apply where similar acts axe
committed against Ethiopian men.
Article 599.- Participation of Illegal Associations and Juridical
Persons in Crimes Specified in this Chapter.
(1) Where the injury to liberty, whether by intimidation, trickery,
coercion, abduction, illegal restraint, enslavement, traffic or
exploitation in one of the above forms stated in this Chapter, is
the work of an association or band formed to engage in, or
engaging in, the slave trade, no matter in what form, such band
or association shall be punishable with a fine not exceeding one
hundred thousand Birr and its dissolution shall be ordered.
This penalty is without prejudice to the punishment applicable to
the criminal or criminals on the count of their personal criminal
(2) Where the juridical person has committed the crime it snail
according to the kind and gravity of the crime, be liable to the
punishment proscribed in Article 90 of this Code.
Article 600.-
Section I.- Injury to Sexual Liberty and Chastity
Article 620.- Rape.
(1) Whoever compels a woman to submit to sexual intercourse
outside wedlock, whether by the use of violence or grave
intimidation, or after having rendered her unconscious or
incapable of resistance,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment from five years to
fifteen years.
(2) Where the crime is committed:
a) on a young woman between thirteen and eighteen years of
age; or
b) on an inmate of an alms-house or asylum or any
establishment of health, education, correction, detention or
internment which is under the direction, supervision or
authority of the accused person, or on anyone who is
under the supervision or control of or dependant upon
him; or
c) on a woman incapable of understanding the nature or
consequences of the act, or of resisting the act, due to oldage, physical or mental illness, depression or any other
reason; or
d) by a number of men acting in concert, or by subjecting the
victim to act of cruelty or sadism,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five
years to twenty years.
(3) Where the rape has caused grave physical or mental injury or
death, the punishment shall be life imprisonment.
(4) Where the rape is related to illegal restraint or abduction of the
victim, or where communicable disease has been transmitted to
her, the relevant provisions of this Code shall apply
Article 621.- Compelling a Man to Sexual Intercourse.
(2) A woman who causes a male minor under the age of thirteen
years, to perform sexual intercourse with her,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
(3) Whoever performs an act corresponding to the sexual act or any
other indecent act upon a minor, of the opposite sex who is
under age of thirteen years, induces him to perform such an act,
or deliberately performs such an act in his presence,
is punishable with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten
(4) Where the victim is the pupil, apprentice, domestic servant or
ward of the criminal, or a child entrusted to his custody or care,
or in any other way directly dependant upon or subordinate to
a) in respect of the crime prescribed in sub-article (1) above
the punishment shall be more severe on such a person
than when it is committed by other persons;
b) in respect of the crime prescribed in sub-article (2) above
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from
three years to fifteen years.
c) in respect of the crime prescribed in sub-article (3) above
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from
three years to fifteen years.
(5) Where the sexual outrage has caused grave bodily or mental
injury to or death of the victim, the punishment shall be rigorous
imprisonment for life.
Article 628.- Other Grounds Aggravating the Crime.
In all cases involving rape or sexual outrage (Arts. 620-627), the
punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment from five years to
twenty-five years, where the relevant provision does not prescribe
a more severe penalty:
a) where the victim becomes pregnant; or
b) where the criminal transmits to the victim a venereal
disease with which he knows himself to be infected; or
c) where the victim is driven to suicide by distress, anxiety,
shame or despair.
Article 629.- Homosexual and other Indecent Acts.
Whoever performs with another person of the same sex a
homosexual act, or any other indecent act, is punishable with
simple imprisonment.
(2) Where the criminal has knowingly performed the act in the
presence of a minor, the punishment shall be simple
imprisonment from six months to five years.
Article 640.-
(1) Whoever:
a) makes, imports or exports, transports, receives, possesses,
displays in public, offers for sale or hires, distributes or
posters, films or other objects which are obscene or grossly
indecent, or in any other way traffics or trades in them; or
b) advertises, indicates or makes known, by any means, how
or from whom such objects may be procured or circulated,
either directly or indirectly,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than six
months, and fine, without prejudice to the forfeiture and
destruction of the incriminating material.
(2) Simple imprisonment shall be for not less than one year, and the
fine shall not exceed ten thousand Birr, where the criminal:
a) habitually engages in or carries on such traffic;
b) knowingly exhibits, hands over or delivers such objects to a
minor; or
c) for this purpose displays a simulation of sexual intercourse
by minors or exhibits their genitals,
Article 641.- Obscene or Indecent Performances.
The punishments specified in the preceding Article are applicable
to anyone who organizes or gives public auditions or
performances, in a theatre or in a cinema, by projection or by
radio or television broadcast, by video, or in any other way,
which are obscene or grossly indecent.
Article 642.- Lawful Works.
Works or objects purely artistic, literary or scientific in character,
which are not calculated to inflame erotic feelings or lust, are not
held to be obscene or indecent.
Article 643.- Indecent Publicity and Advertisements.
(1) Whoever displays in public indecent or immoral objects,
products or works,
is punishable with simple imprisonment for not less than one
month, and fine.
(2) Whoever sends by any means such things to persons not having
solicited them or having no professional interest in them,
and Substitution
of Infants.
(1) Whoever suppresses or falsifies a fact to be entered into the
register of the civil status of another, especially by registering or
causing to be registered a false declaration concerning the
identity or birth of an infant,
is punishable with simple imprisonment.
(2) In cases entailing or likely to entail grave foreseeable
consequences, especially in the case of registration by
substituting one infant for another,
the punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
Article 658.- Failure to Maintain.
Whoever, without good cause:
Article 692.- Fraudulent Misrepresentation.
(1) Whoever, with intent to obtain for himself or to procure for a
third person an unlawful enrichment, fraudulently causes a
person to act in a manner prejudicial to his rights in property, or
those of a third person, whether such acts are of commission or
omission, either by misleading statements, or by misrepresenting
his status or situation or by concealing facts which he had a
duty to reveal, or by taking advantage of the person's erroneous
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or, according to the gravity of
the case, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years, and fine.
(2) Petty deceit in order to obtain an unjustifiable enrichment, such
as filching and the fraudulent obtaining of benefits is liable to
the punishments regarding petty offences (Art. 858 and 859).
Article 693.- Drawing of Cheque without Cover.
(1) Whoever intentionally draws a cheque without cover or knows
that there will not be full cover at the time of presentment for
is punishable with simple imprisonment, or according to the
gravity of the case, with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding ten
years, and fine.
(2) Where the act is committed negligently, the punishment shall be
fine, or simple imprisonment not exceeding one year.
Fraudulent Manipulation
Misrepresentation by Forgery.
the Commission of
Computer Crimes.
Whoever, with intent to further the commission of one of the acts
specified in the preceding three Articles, imports, produces, sells,
offers for sale, distributes, buys, receives or possesses
instruments, secret Codes or passwords,
is punishable with simple imprisonment or fine or both.
Article 710.- Other Crimes.
Where one of the other crimes provided for under this Code is
committed by means of a computer, the relevant provision shall
Article 711.- Concurrence of Crimes.
Article 717.- Attack on Another's Credit.
(1) Whoever, maliciously or with intent to cause damage, seriously injures
or compromises the credit of another by statements or imputations he
knows to be false,
is punishable, upon complaint, with a fine of not less than one
thousand Birr, or simple imprisonment for not less than three months.
(2) The provisions regarding calumny (Art. 613(3)) may not be applied
concurrently with the provisions of this Article.
Article 718.- Harmful False Information.
Whoever, being in a position to know the state of affairs of an undertaking, a
commercial firm or a cooperative, whether as founder, member, manager,
director, attorney, member of a board of directors or audit, or a liquidator,
intentionally gives or causes to be given essential and untrue information,
whether in notices to the public, or in proposals or reports to a general
is punishable, upon complaint, with a fine of not less than one thousand
Birr, or simple imprisonment for not less than three months.
Article 719.-
Unfair Competition.
(3) A third party who has committed such acts to the prejudice of the
creditors shall be punishable with simple imprisonment not exceeding
three years.
(4) Where the acts of the criminal amount to fraud, the relevant provisions
shall apply concurrently.
Article 728.- Fraud In Execution.
(1) A debtor subject to proceedings by way of execution against whom a
declaration of default has been delivered, and who with intent to
prejudice his creditors has reduced his assets, whether materially or
fictitiously as provided in Article 727,
shall be punishable with simple imprisonment, or, in grave cases, with
rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five years.
(2) A third party who has so acted to the prejudice of the creditors shall
punishable with simple imprisonment.
Unjustifiable Preference.
Article 734.- Reference to General Principles.
Except in cases where the provisions of this Book state otherwise, the
principles and rules of the general part of the Criminal Code shall apply to
petty offences, due regard being had to the spirit and nature of the law (Art. 3.
Par. 2).
Article 735.- Petty Offences.
A person commits a petty offence when he infringes the mandatory or
prohibitive provisions of a law or regulation issued by a competent authority or
when he commits a minor offence which is not punishable under the Criminal
Law, and such infringement or minor offence is subject to punishment under
the provisions below (Arts. 746-775).
Article 736.-
Application as to Offence.
(1) In accordance with the principle of legality (Art. 2 (1 to 4)), petty offences
by the provisions of this Code or by a special provision are alone liable to
Principal Penalties
(1) Arrest is the only penalty involving deprivation of liberty which may be
imposed in the case of petty offences.
The duration of such arrest shall be of one day at least and of three
months at most, subject to cases of recidivism (Art. 769) and cases where
special provisions of the law provide a higher maximum.
The Court shall determine the penalty taking into account the degree of
guilt of the petty offender (Art. 88) without going below the special
minimum or beyond the special maximum where such periods are fixed
by law.
(2) The provisions on conditional release (Arts. 201-207) shall not apply to
Article 748.- Enforcement of Ordinary Arrest.
(1) Ordinary arrest shall be undergone in special premises for detention
attached to Courts or police stations. Convicts shall be separated
according to sex.
No person sentenced to arrest shall be detained in penitentiary or corrective
institutions nor confined with prisoners sentenced for crimes to
imprisonment (Art. 746 (1)).
(2) A person sentenced to arrest shall not be compelled to work nor be
entitled to remuneration (Art. 111).
He may receive food, mail and visitors from outside to the extent
compatible with the tranquility and general good order of the place of
Article 749.- Arrest in a Home or an Establishment.
(1) When personal or local conditions seem to justify such a measure the
Court may order that arrest shall, subject to adequate control or
safeguards, be undergone either in the home of the person sentenced or
in the home of a reliable person or in a lay or religious community
designed for the purpose.
(2) Permission to leave home may, apart from cases of force majeure, be
granted exceptionally and by decision of the Court only for the
performance of religious duties, the consultation of a physician, or for
appearing before a judicial authority, and then only for such time as is
strictly necessary.
A person sentenced to home arrest shall provide for his own up-keep.
Article 750.-
(1) Arrest imposed upon members of the Defence Forces by reason of failure
to discharge their military duties (Art. 792) shall be determined in
accordance with military regulations and undergone under military
discipline and control in the premises used for this purpose.
(2) Young persons sentenced to arrest shall undergo their punishment
either by school or home arrest under the conditions provided for their
case (Art. 161) or, when this is impracticable, under the supervision of
an institution, a charitable organization or a reliable person appointed
by the Court.
Arrest in their case may be served at different times: Provided that no
period of arrest shall be for less than three hours and the total period
shall not exceed fifteen days.
Article 751 .-Compulsory Labour in Substitution for Arrest.
(1) In cases where the penalty of arrest can be pronounced the Court may, if
the circumstances or the conditions of enforcement so justify, replace
this penalty by a term of compulsory labour of equivalent duration, with
or without restriction upon liberty, coupled with a deduction from the
petty offender's earnings for the benefit of the State (Art. 103 and 104).
The duration and the amount of money to be deducted shall be fixed by
the Court in its judgment.
(2) These provisions shall not apply to members of the Defence Forces on
active service, nor to young persons.
Article 752.- Fine; Ordinary Case.
(1) Fine may be between one Birr and three hundred Birr, except in cases of
recidivism (Art. 769) and where the law provides a higher maximum.
Where the petty offender acted for gain the fine may be increased to five
hundred Birr, without prejudice to aggravation in cases of recidivism.
In determining the fine the Court shall take into account the financial
state of the petty offender, as well as the gravity of the petty offence and
the degree of guilt (Art. 90).
(2) A fine may be imposed in addition to arrest, where circumstances
justify, in particular where the law provides these penalties as
alternative penalties or where the petty offender acted for gain (Arts. 91
and 92).
(3) The Court may grant the convicted person time for payment not
exceeding three months (Art. 93), and may allow payment by
instalments. When circumstances so justify, the Court may extend the
period up to a maximum period of one year.
A person sentenced to pay a fine may be permitted to pay the fine by
performing work of an equivalent monetary value (Art. 95).
(4) The penalty shall be only fine in respect of a juridical person. Subject to
the provisions of Articles 768 and 770, fine may be between ten Birr and
0ne thousand and two hundred Birr.
Article 753.- Conversion of Fine into Compulsory Labour.
(1) In the event of non-payment of the fine within the fixed period of time,
the Court shall order the conversion of the fine, or of such part of the
fine as remained unpaid, into compulsory work performed
freely or with restriction on liberty, together with a deduction for the
benefit of the State.
(2) The Court shall determine the duration of the compensatory term on the
basis of the relevant general provisions (Arts. 96 and 103).
Article 754.- Recovery of Fine; Special Case of Members of the Defence
Forces or Young Persons.
(1) Where a member of the Defence Forces has committed an offence under
the ordinary law the Court may, to recover a fine or part thereof, order
that deductions be made for a specified period from the member's pay to
cover the fine or part thereof remaining unpaid.
The deduction may not exceed a quarter of the member's pay except with
his consent. It shall be fixed by the Court in consultation with the
responsible military authority of the convicted person.
(2) In the case of a young petty offender the fine shall be fixed by the Court
within appropriate limits, taking into special account the gravity of the
petty offence, his material circumstances and the degree of need for the
warning constituted by the penalty.
Where the young petty offender intentionally fails to pay the fine the Court
shall convert the fine into arrest for young persons on such conditions as it
considers appropriate in the circumstances.
Article 755.- Reparation of the Damage.
Nothing shall affect the reparation of the moral or material compensation for
the damage caused by the offence to the injured party (Arts. 101 and 102),
where the circumstances of the case justify.
Section II.-
Secondary Penalties
(1) Entry in the judgment register (Art. 156) shall be ordered in respect of
sentences for petty offences which are final, so that the Courts may be
fully informed of the antecedents of an accused person.
Fine may not exceed five thousand Birr in respect of a juridical person.
(2) In the case of notional concurrence, the Court may increase the penalty
as provided by the general rule (Art. 187).
Article 769.-
(1) Recidivism shall not be taken into account where at the time of the new
petty offence to be tried, a period of one year has elapsed since the
penalty imposed for the previous petty offence whatever its nature was
enforced in whole or in part or remitted by pardon or limitation.
(2) In the case of recidivism the Court shall not be bound by the ordinary
maximum of the penalty prescribed for the new petty offence. When
and, in particular, in cases of persistent repetition of the same offence it
may impose a penalty up to double the legal maximum provided for the
various penalties (Arts. 747 and 752).
Article 770.-
When there is at the same time concurrence of petty offences and recidivism
the fines shall be fixed in accordance with the two preceding provisions.
However, arrest may not exceed two years, and fine may not
exceed two thousand four hundred Birr in the case of physical persons, and
ten thousand Birr in respect of juridical persons.
Article 771.-
Conditions as to Complaint
Article 776.- General Provisions regarding Petty Offences not expressly
covered under this Title.
Whoever, save in the cases specially provided in this Title, contravenes
the law, regulations, orders, directives or measures lawfully issued by
the appropriate authority with a view to protecting, maintaining or
a) the credit of the State, the currency, and public confidence; or
b) public order, peace, tranquility, safety, health and decency; or
c) the freedom, regularity and safety of means of communication by
land, air, river or sea, as well as postal, telephonic and telegraphic
correspondence and communications; or
d) generally, in regard to fiscal, customs, economic, food, health
forestry or policy matters,
shall, if his act is
Criminal Code or of
to be determined
hereinbefore (Article
Section II.-
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Arts. 343-345), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives issued by
the competent authority regarding:
(a) the sources of the national income, in particular taxes, customs,
post and telegraph, hunting and fishing rights, the use of the
natural resources of the soil or sub-soil, or any other similar rights
or sources of income; or
(b) the collection of official dues in respect of stamp and placarding
duty, registrations, transfers of ownership and other fiscal charges
of the same nature,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 785.- Violations of Provisions Dealing with Illicit Traffic in Gold,
or Currencies.
Whoever apart from the cases specified in Article 346 of the Criminal
Code, violates laws, regulations or directives, issued concerning gold or
currency, whether national or foreign, the dealings or rates of which are
subject to limitation, restriction or measures of control or protection,
is punishable with fine not exceeding three hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding three months.
Article 786.- Violation of Provisions on Precious Metals.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
347), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives on the treatment,
control, acquisition or sale of precious metals and minerals,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 787.- Violation of Provisions Regarding Negotiable Instruments.
Whoever, contravenes the laws, regulations or directives regarding
negotiable instruments, cheques, bills of exchange, as well as shares or
bonds of commercial or industrial companies,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Regarding Organization,
Article 792.-
Breaches of military duties and crimes against military discipline, other than
those mentioned in the provisions of the Criminal Code dealing with military
crimes (Art. 284-325) are specified in the Orders and Regulations issued by the
Article 793.-
(1) A member of the Defence Forces of any rank or any other person in the
service of the Defence Forces, a prisoner or a military internee who has
been guilty of a military petty offence shall be punished by the authority
under which he serves with the disciplinary penalties provided by the
appropriate Defence Forces Regulations.
(2) As regards ordinary crimes committed by them, the said persons shall be
liable to the ordinary provisions and penalties, with the exceptions
Section I.- Petty Offences against the Duties of a Public Office
Article 796.- Misuse of Authority in the discharge of a Public Office.
Any public servant who, apart from the cases punishable under the
Criminal Code (Art. 407), exceeds the authority conferred upon him or
misuses such authority,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding three months.
Article 797.- Misuse of the Right of Constraint
Any public servant lawfully empowered to effect a house search, a
seizure or a sequestration, the application or removal of seals, or to effect
a personal search or inspection, an arrest, a detention or placing under
supervision, an interrogatory or any other similar act who, apart from
the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Arts. 422-424), misuses
his authority, in particular by having recourse to vexatious, offensive,
indiscreet or incorrect methods,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 798.-
Lack of Honesty.
Any public servant who, apart from the cases punishable under the
Criminal Code (Arts. 411-419), takes undue advantage of his position to
commit dishonest acts.
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 799.- Undue Favouring.
Any public servant who, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal
Code (Art, 408,409 and 414), unduly favours, for a motive of personal interest,
a person having recourse to his office, or placed under his authority, or for
whose care and custody he is responsible,
is punishable with fine or arrest not exceeding three months.
Article 800.- Careless handing over of Official Papers.
Any public servant who:
(a) issues or causes to be issued or handed over a passport, an
identity card, a permit, an extract from a judgment register, a
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
432), removes, lacerates, impairs, obliterates, intentionally damages or
soils official notices or placards publicly posted up,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding fifteen days.
Article 803.- Failure to Make Compulsory Official Statements or Entries.
(1) Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
434) or a special provision, omits or fails to make, within the time limits
prescribed by law or regulations, an official statement or entry of any
nature whatsoever which he is bound to make,
Undue Publications.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Arts. 435 and 451), contravenes any official directives, regulations or
orders prohibiting the disclosure of acts, deliberations or decisions of an
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 805.-
Abuse of Right.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art. 436),
knowingly continues to exercise a right which he has lost by law or has
whether permanently or temporarily, by the declaration of a judicial authority,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 806.- Refusal to Lend Assistance to a Public Authority.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
440), on being duly requested or summoned by a representative of a
public authority acting in the discharge of his official duties to lend him
indispensable help or assistance, with a view in particular to preventing
a breach of the peace, the commission of a petty offence or the escape of
a petty offender, refuses so to do without any reason of force majeure or
the risk of a serious danger to his person or property,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding one month.
Article 807.- Refusal to Obey an Injunction.
(1) A person who, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Art. 440), on being duly requested or ordered by a public servant acting
in the discharge of his duties, refuses:
(a) to supply his name or identity, his occupation, residence, address
or any other particular relating to his personal status, or gives
inaccurate information in respect thereto; or
(b) to stop or move on, to free a public thoroughfare, to allow his
papers, luggage or any suspicious things he carries about him to
be examined, or to comply with any other order of a similar nature,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding one month.
(2) Whoever gives inaccurate information in respect to the particulars
specified in sub-article 1(a) of this Article is liable to the same
Section I.- Offence against Public Safety
Article 808.- Control of Arms and Ammunition.
Whoever, apart from the cases of traffic punishable under the Criminal Code
(Art. 481):
(a) contravenes the laws, regulations or directives concerning the
making and declaration, the trade in, possession or delivery,
control or use of fire arms or other weapons and ammunition; or
(b) knowingly sells or delivers to persons not entitled to receive them,
and in particular to infants or young persons, arms or
ammunition or allows them to dispose of them without
supervision, is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 809.- Carrying and Use of Prohibited Arms.
Whoever is found carrying in a public place an arm which he was not
authorized to acquire o entitled to carry, or makes use of an arm, even
though authorized, at a time when or in a place where such use is
is punishable with tine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding eight days.
Article 810.-
Control of Aliens.
Whoever, apart from the cases specified in Article 243 of the Criminal
Code, contravenes the laws, regulations or directives and regulations
concerning the transit, declaration, residence, establishment of aliens or
their control,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 811.- Unauthorized Change or Assumption of Another Name.
(1) Whoever with the intention of concealing his identity or of evading
control by a competent authority unlawfully assumes a fictitious
surname, changes his true name, adds another name thereto or
assumes the name of another, is punishable with fine or arrest.
(2) The lawful use of a professional, literary or other pseudonym or of a
recognized nick-name does not fall under this Article.
Section II.-
Article 812.- Breaches Against Laws Concerning the Mass Media and
Whoever contravenes the laws, regulations or directives concerning the
printing, publication, deposit, sale, distribution or control of printed
documents, public advertisement, posters, or notices transmitted
through the radio, television, the Internet or other public media,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
or Publications.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
485 and 486), announces, spreads, publishes or reports to the
False Alarm.
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not exceeding
one month.
Article 826.-
Supervision of Buildings.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art.
501), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives relating to:
(a) the erection, upkeep, repair or demolition of buildings of any kind
whatsoever, whether public or private; or
(b) the safety of public places, halls, places or installations used for
theatrical performances and entertainments or the holding of
meetings, or premises for habitation, trade of industry,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 827.-
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Arts. 505-513), contravenes the laws regulations or directives relating to
the licensing, conditions and supervision of the traffic of pedestrians,
animals or vehicles of all kinds, as well as the declaration, equipment,
upkeep and use of the latter, is punishable with fine or arrest.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Arts. 535
and 536), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives regarding:
(a) the permission to practice, and the practice of, the medical,
pharmaceutical and veterinary professions and auxiliary
professions of any kind whatsoever including physiotherapy,
natural therapeutics and chiropractic; or
(b) the sale or delivery of drugs and medicines; or
(c) the opening, declaration, management or running of places or
establishments for cures, whether for outdoor or in-door patients,
of any nature whatsoever,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 835.- Failure to Make Compulsory Notifications.
Physicians, dentists, chemists, midwives, veterinary-surgeons and all
persons officially authorized to attend patients, who fail to bring to the
notice of the competent authority facts which, under law, they are
obliged to notify, in particular with a view to preventing the spread of
Section I.- Petty Offences Relating to the Protection of Persons.
Article 840.- Assault and Minor Acts of Violence.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code
(Art. 560 (1)):
(a) commits an assault or minor acts of violence against another
person, without striking or wounding the said person, or
(b) deliberately or negligently throws at another person filth or an
object or liquid likely to inconvenience or soil him,
is punishable with fine not exceeding one hundred Birr or arrest not
exceeding eight days.
Article 841.- Concealment of a Corpse.
Section II.-
Whoever, apart from the cases permitted by law, advertises or offers for
sale means or product designed to cause abortion, or publicly offers his
services to perform abortion,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Section I-
Whoever contravenes the laws, regulations or directives for the protection and
safeguard of the national arborescent species, flora and fauna,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Section II.- Petty Offences against Property
Article 851.- Protection of Public and Private Property.
Whoever, apart from the cases punishable under the Criminal Code (Art. 685687), contravenes the laws, regulations or directives protecting public or
private property and in particular:
(a) removes, without due authorization, from a public or private place,
earth, stones, wood, sand or materials, grass, hedge, plants or seeds; or
(b) enters or goes over without being entitled thereto, in any season
whatever, enclosed or sown land, or land bearing crops or fruit, or
causes or allows his cattle or his mounts to go over such land or pasture
thereon; or
(c) unlawfully enters reserved hunting or fishing land,
is punishable with fine or arrest.
Article 852.-
Petty Theft.
(b) gleans, rakes or picks in fields, orchards or lane owned by another and
from which crops have not yet been fully gathered, or does such acts at
any time comprised between sunset and sunrise,
is punishable under the proceeding Article.
Article 854.- Unjustified
Suspicious Articles.
Unauthorized Collections.