Official Newsletter of Verbum Dei
Official Newsletter of Verbum Dei
Official Newsletter of Verbum Dei
Greetings to all our readers! Its been a long time since our last newsletter, so we are glad
to share with your the journey of Verbum Dei Luzon in this time, hope you enjoy!
A pilgrimage of mercy
On the 23rd of July 2016, members of the Verbum
Dei Missionary Family completed a pilgrimage to the
five Holy Doors of Mercy of the Archdiocese of
Manila. This activity opened the hearts of the
members of the family, filling them with mercy and
inspiring them to answer the call to open the door of
their hearts for all those in need of the love of God. It
was a prayerful and joyful day, full of surprises, for
the pilgrims who enthusiastically participated in the
In July, while on their school break, the community
Spiritual Exercises
As the body needs some physical exercise, so the
soul also needs spiritual exercises! For this reason,
once a year, the Verbum Dei missionaries do a
one month long silent retreat. It is a time of prayer,
of listening to God and allowing the Holy spirit to
mold and shape each missionary and the
community for the year ahead.
If you experienced certain graces and blessings
yourself during this time, it may be because we
were also praying for you! As part of their retreat,
the misioneros received two weeks of reflection in
Tagalog by Amy. Thanks Amy!
The misioneras also enjoyed their time with the
Lord and deepened on the theme We received
the grace of being apostles.
My Big Family!
This August we held a recollection for families. It was a day to deepen on the beauty and
value of the family. The Wee family opened the day with a warm welcome. Then Regner and
Mae, all the way from Mindanao, along with Francis, their 10-month old son, gave us a
formation on the gift of the family. Other inputs included an overview of some threats to
family harmony and happiness. At the same time, the teens had a separate activity with talks
and dynamics given by Lichel, Sherwin, Danilo, Jason and Angelyn. In the closing mass, with
over 150 present, we realized that its true we are part of a bigger family!
True Commitment
Chosen and Trusted, this was the theme of the Disciples
Retreat and Commitment last September 6, 2016 at the
Verbum Dei Missionary House in Pansol. In the morning Sister
Malou Tibayan deepened on what does commitment means in
the lives of a Verbum Dei Disciple. She cited a beautiful quote
from anonymous that says Commitment means staying loyal
to what you said you are going to do long after the mood has
left you. In the afternoon Sister Sarah Abellana talked about
the Rights and Responsibilities of being a Verbum Dei Disciple.
She even made an acronym of the word disciple which goes like this: D-Daily Personal Prayer, IInto Mission. S-Spiritual Exercises-C-Committing with Christ and the Church, I-If possible help
financially, P-Participate in Fraternal Activities, L-Life that is accompanied and for E-Explicit
The day ended with the Holy Mass together with the Renewal of Commitment of Disciples,
Renewal of Commitment of Disciples who has Stable Commitment and Commitment of New
Disciples. It was a fruitful day for the Verbum Dei Family. Once again it is a clear manifestation
that there is a God who is always there for us and whos committed to us first.
The construction of our Apostolate Center is ongoing. For more information about
how to help or in-kind donations please contact Sr. Malou Tibayan (09336270957)
or Sr. Sol Abala (09324290330).