Update Software On A CX300 series/CX500 series/CX700/CX3 Series Array
Update Software On A CX300 series/CX500 series/CX700/CX3 Series Array
Update Software On A CX300 series/CX500 series/CX700/CX3 Series Array
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9/22/2016 3:32 PM
Last saved by boykot
NOTE: FRUMON code packages are rebootless packages which are loaded using the Hot Fix
Wizard, which is part of Unisphere Service Manager. This procedure will also step you through
that process if necessary.
As part of the order, enablers will ship on individual CDs with the array. The FLARE bundles or
other array-based software can also be obtained from the CLARiiON Information section of the
EMC Services Partner Web via Powerlink.
.1 Enablers are shipped to the customer when the customer purchases the product and
should be available on-site during the installation.
.2 For EMC internal and ASP partners only:
Enablers are located on the EMC Services Partner Website, which is accessible from
Powerlink. From the EMC Services Partner website:
Option 1. Select the button for the applicable platform (CLARiiON or VNX), then
Array Based Enablers
Option 2. Select the Software button. Then select (a) Array Based Enablers or (b)
Licensed Software, then Download Enablers.
A table is shown that lists the enablers, OE version supported, whether a reboot is
required, and any applicable notes. Clicking the enabler allows you to download it.
.3 For all other partners:
If you are an EMC implementation partner seeking enabler files for
implementation/installation at your customer's sites then please contact your EMC
Partner relationship manager for guidance on the correct resource and channel from
which to obtain enablers. The enabler is shipped as part of the order on a DVD and
should be available at the customer site.
If your customer is seeking an enabler for an EMC software product, please have them
contact their EMC sales account manager. The sales representative should have
placed an order for the corresponding software. The enabler is shipped as part of the
order on a DVD.
Note: If the patch you are installing contains a new version of FRUMON code, you must wait
until the FRUMON code update is complete before you commit the new FLARE code. Do not
commit the code until the FRUMON update has completed. Write cache must not be reenabled, hot spares must not be rebound, and host I/O must not be allowed until the FRUMON
code update has been confirmed.
Are you updating from Release 14? (If you are updating from Release 16 or higher, all updates
are online.)
If no, go to the next step.
If yes, this update MAY be an offline NDU depending on the version you are upgrading from.
See the offline/online tables earlier in this procedure which will tell you if this upgrade should
be offline.
Is this an off-line update?
If no, go to the next step.
If yes, refer to the ATA section at the end of this document (module upndu050) which is
part of this procedure. Once that section is complete, return here to continue the NDU
b. RecommendedAction:
a. DisableWILsanddeallocateWILLUNs.
b. Removeandreaddsecondaryimageswithsyncrequired
c. ThenreallocateWILLUNsandreenableWILs.
Are you upgrading from a version of FLARE lower than Release 19?
If yes, then you must use Navisphere Service Taskbar to perform the update. Go to the step
labeled Updating from FLARE versions below Release 19 (NST)
If no, then you can use Unisphere Service Manager to perform the update. Go to the step
labeled Updating from FLARE version Release 19 and later (USM)
Updating from FLARE versions below Release 19 (NST)
After loading the NST to a windows server/laptop with access to both SPs from the customers
LAN, or with a connection to one of the Service LAN ports (CX3-Series only), start the NST.
.a Select the Software Assistant option.
.b Select Install Software (Step 2).
.c A Connection window is displayed.
CX-Series or CX3-Series: If using the customers LAN, type in the IP address of one of
CAUTION: This option must only be used if all hosts are off-line.
.i Any software pre-staged on the SPs is shown for selection. You can choose this or select
others to install instead, which will open a page that will require you to browse to where you
have stored the FLARE bundle.
.j From this point on, follow the steps presented by the Wizard.
.k Investigate any warnings and errors before proceeding with the NDU.
Rules Checking
.a The Software Assistant Event Log rule may report that it cannot access the event log and
issue a warning. This problem will occur when a storage system is set up with incorrect
zoning and SAN Copy or MirrorView/A is enabled. It will not be seen in any case when a
The Software Assistant steps you through some post update tasks, which include:
Committing the FLARE just loaded.
Note that Software Assistant will not commit the new FLARE code until FRUMON updates
have completed. The LCCs in any attached DAE chassis will automatically perform
FRUMON code updates immediately after the FLARE update is complete. Do not commit
the code until the FRUMON update has completed.
To verify that the FRUMON code has been applied either:
Perform a getcrus command to determine the version of ATA LCC/BCC FRUMON
-or In Navisphere Manager, expand the arrays navigation tree to show the elements under
Physical > DAE-ATA > LCC or BCC.
Right-click on the icon for either SP As or SP Bs ATA LCCs/BCCs and select Resume
from the pop-up menu.
-or From the Navisphere Service Taskbar Toolbar, select Tools, Disk Enclosure Firmware
(FRUMON) Status.
The LCCs requiring update and their update status (details available) are displayed.
Check that the FRUMON code versions shown are as expected.
Re-enabling statistics logging if the wizard had you turn it off (if it was enabled prior to the
Follow the directions given by the utility, including the steps to send the updated system
storage information.
Note: If you do not have Internet connectivity at the time of the upgrade, the file can be
uploaded after the activity by using the Register Storage System utility found under Hardware
Registration in the NST task bar. Select Register storage system from saved data and
Using Software Assistant, install the Recovery Image for the FLARE version you have just
-or In Navisphere Manager, expand the arrays navigation tree to show the elements under
Physical > DAE-ATA > LCC or BCC.
Right-click on the icon for either SP As or SP Bs ATA LCCs/BCCs and select Resume
from the pop-up menu.
-or From the Navisphere Service Taskbar Toolbar, select Tools, Disk Enclosure Firmware
(FRUMON) Status.
The LCCs requiring update and their update status (details available) are displayed.
Check that the FRUMON code versions shown are as expected.
Note: If any of the ATA LCCs/BCCs does not update to the new version, then repeat this
update step (i.e. reload the rebootless package).
.i View the event logs of both SPs to ensure there are no unexpected events that could signal
a problem.
Running USM:
.a When you have loaded USM on a windows server/laptop with access to both SPs from the
customers LAN: (You cannot use the Service LAN port to perform the upgrade since USM
cannot retrieve diagnostic data)
.b Log into the storage system to be updated using the IP address of one of the SPs.
The only confirmation that this option has been selected is the final screen
before the NDU process begins.
If you are not sure what option you selected, click on the Enable Off-line
Upgrade box again, and repeat the confirmation step.
USM versions and later: the check-box selection will be displayed as
Rules Checking
.a The Event Log rule may report that it cannot access the event log and issue a warning.
This problem will occur when a storage system is set up with incorrect zoning and SAN
Copy or MirrorView/A is enabled. It will not be seen in any case when a storage system
zoning is correctly configured. This will not prevent the NDU from occurring, but the
message issued does not reflect that a possible zoning configuration error could be the
cause. See EMC Knowledgebase article emc148512 for more information.
.b If the Event Log rule takes a long time to complete or an NDU using CLI times out and
returns a failure message: see Knowledgebase solution emc213189 Event log rule takes a
long time to complete when Software Assistant (SA) rules are run
.c If the Rules step appears to hang (takes 20 minutes or longer), it may be that a large event
log is causing the delay. You can perform the following steps:
.a Restart CIMOM this will fail all the rules that have not yet returned so that you can exit
the wizard.
.b Copy off the event logs or run SPCollects to preserve the event log information.
.c Clear the event logs.
If these steps do not resolve the issue, restart CIMOM and use CLI to perform the upgrade.
.d Processor Utilization rule may report that the utilization is too high to proceed.
Did you load the utility above?
If no, perform the following steps in the stated order and rerun the rules after each step:
The USM will take you through some post update tasks, which include:
Committing the FLARE just loaded.
Note that the new FLARE code will not be committed until FRUMON updates have
completed. The LCCs in any attached DAE chassis will automatically perform FRUMON
code updates immediately after the FLARE update is complete. Do not commit the code
until the FRUMON update has completed.
To verify that the FRUMON code has been applied either:
Perform a getcrus command to determine the version of ATA LCC/BCC FRUMON code
Using USM, install the Recovery Image for the FLARE version you have just installed.
This NDU is rebootless.
It does not matter if this has already been loaded; reloading this image will not cause a
After the NDU
View the event logs of both SPs to ensure there are no unexpected events that could signal a
problem that occurred during or immediately after the NDU
Restart all stopped SAN Copy sessions and any other replication software activities that were
stopped prior to this code load
If host operating systems are running native multipath software ask the customer to verify that
LUNs are trespassed back to their default SP owner.
Note: Sancopy source LUNs must be listed to their default owner SP or a Sancopy operation
will fail.
Upgrade remote support to the latest available ESRS IP Client for CLARiiON software
package. Re-run the CPG for remote support upgrade procedures choosing the appropriate
remote support configuration type that is implemented at this customer site.
Using Navisphere Release Notes and the CLARiiON activity Guide (CAG), check that all host
based and array-based software is at an acceptable/compatible revision. If not, then update as
Confirm that there are no array faults (note that the SPS units may still be charging based upon
the SP reboots; this is normal). Write cache will automatically re-enable if it was enabled prior
to the NDU as soon as one SPS is fully charged and ready
Confirm that the cache settings are set properly. If new replication software (layered
applications) is being added, cache settings may not be able to be set as they were previously
Were you instructed earlier to manually disable and zero write cache?