SF 9 New Feature
SF 9 New Feature
SF 9 New Feature
Major Features
Primary Directions (in Dynamic Reports)
Primary Mundane / Primary Zodiacal options
Placidus or Regiomontanus methods for computing directions
New rate keys
Classical or Modern definitions of Converse
Zodiacal Releasings (in Reports, Current Chart, Tabulations)
Graphing financial data in Graphical Ephemeris ("Import Financial Data" button in Ephemeris
Selection screen)
Chart file merging
Lunar gardening calendar
Minor features
Whole Sign (Part of Fortune) House System
Toolbar toggle button to switch between Geocentric and Heliocentric
New, improved icons for the Solar Fire suite of programs, such as the Page Designer and the
New symbols for the following bodies:
Charubel interpretation file added (Charubel.int), as well as one for solar returns (SolReturn.int).
Email features (such as mailing a chart, email registration, email technical support) have been
extended to work with non-MAPI email systems.
Theres an option in the Preferences menu, Misc tab, for email. You can continue to use MAPI
email if its on your system, which is the default, or you can switch to using Mailto. (Some
users were having problems with Outlook with Solar Fire, and this should provide a reasonable
New Wheel Styles (Bizod2, Bizod3, Euro5c, Tri4)
New Chart Files
Horse racing charts 100 charts of well-known jockeys and horses
Over 200 new chart files for Politics, Entertainment, Royalty, and more
Aus2014 expanded selection of Australian charts
Page Designer and Page Browser in Solar Fire heavily revised to make it
easier to work with the wide range of pages available in Solar Fire.
Can Shift-Drag pages in the Page Browser to add them to a second category.
8 New Page Designs from Hank Friedman; loads of information available at a glance.
Eclipse Report heavily revised and updated to match other reports in style (both for viewing and
for printing)
New Background screen (SF9Back.jpg) to celebrate the release of Solar Fire 9
Added an option to display the opposition between the North and South Nodes of the Moon
Automatically using our new glyph for Part of Spirit
While in this mode, when you hover over an existing paran line, or over an intersection
that could be used to generate a paran line, the middle line on the cursor lights up to let
you know you can click. You also get a tooltip indicating the two points involved.
Any operation done with this mouse mode shifts you into a Custom paran mode. This
can be seen on the Select Lines dialog (Charts / Displayed Lines), in the Parans
section. You can click on the other Parans options to undo your custom changes.
You may also save or load custom paran sets (*.paran files), if there are particular parans
you like to work with. (Save and Load buttons are located in the Select Lines dialog.)
New Options / Enable Chart Angles menu item to enable display of a charts Ascendant,
Midheaven, Vertex, and Part of Fortune (normally not displayed in Solar Maps).
Make several more rate keys available in the Preferences / Settings / Progs/Dirns tab:
Solar Birthday Longitude (similar to Keplers key, but longitude instead of right
User-determined rate.
And (also in the Preferences dialog) we added an option for the Classical Converse or the
Modern Converse. These are two different approaches to computing converse primary
directions; the Classical converse is computed by switching the two points being
compared, while the Modern converse (in use since the 19 th century) is computed by
reversing primary motion.
For more information on all of these features, please see the help file article on Primary
Directions in Solar Fire, under Dynamic Time-Based Operations / Using Dynamic Reports and
Time Maps.
Zodiacal Releasings
Zodiacal releasings is a new chart report, found in the Reports menu, Current Chart,
Tabulations, near the bottom of the list.
For background material that explains the use of zodiacal releasings, we recommend
The user interface for Zodiacal Releasings introduces something new the dates in the Level 1, 2,
and 3 releasings are clickable. Each level 1 period generates a set of level 2 periods, and so on; by
clicking on a date in level 1, you get the corresponding list of dates in level 2. In this way you can
zero in easily on a time in a persons life, or look for a particular combination of zodiacal
influences. This feature also offers a Target Date option. If entered, this aligns the releasing
periods with the date given, providing a full description of the influences around that date.
When clicked, it launches a browser entitled Select the CSV file containing your data. The user
can select one file or cancel.
When the user selects a file, the program does some initial analysis to verify that it can make
sense of the data contained within. If it cant, the user is presented with this screen:
If the analysis successful, the user gets a screen that looks like this:
Using the Pick the Date Column button to pick a column with date information (in case
the program has selected the wrong column usually it detects the first one with dates).
Choose a range of rows to use these numbers default to all the rows in the file.
Base the minimum and maximum of the graphing on all columns, or on a particular data
Display the vertical scale option this defaults to checked, and means that there will be
numbers from the financial data posted next to the angles on the Graphic Ephemeris.
Clicking Import sets this data to be used whenever the ephemeris is displayed. The user is then
returned to the Graphic Ephemeris Selection screen, and can click View to see the ephemeris.
The display looks like this:
The financial datas scale is shown on the left from 33 at the 40-degree line up to 126 at the 0degree line.
Note nothing about this process actually requires that the spreadsheet data be financial in
nature. Anything you can put in a spreadsheet over time is available for this feature; some users
have mapped their weight over time, or their childrens height.
You can then add as many files as you like from the left column into the set that will be merged
on the right. The Destination file is indicated in blue at the lower right. You can also browse to
different folders on your computer, such as a folder where you stored backups or a USB drive
containing charts from another computer.
In the picture above, Im combining my Apollo_MyCharts,
Apollo_2008_InnerBelovedClass, and Apollo_2012_VenusTransitClass files together into
the Apollo_AllMyCharts file.
The Merge feature is also now a part of the Import Charts And Settings Utility which can be
used to restore your user files from a backup. Theres a checkbox to automatically Merge chart
files with the same name.
The actual days of the New Moon and Full Moon are considered poor days for any
gardening activity, and more appropriate for ceremony.
The Third Quarter phase of the moon (from third quarter to full) is considered poor for
planting, but good for garden maintenance such as weeding or harvesting.
The other phases of the moon are good for planting and transplanting, and the type of
planting thats most suitable is based on the sign the moon is in. Water signs are good for
leafy vegetables, Earth signs for root crops, Air signs for flowers, and Fire signs for
vegetables or fruits with internal seeds. (This is in line with Rudolf Steiners approach to
Biodynamic agriculture.) Note that the advice is provided based on the position of the
moon at noon; please observe the actual time of ingress of the moon from one sign to the
next for more specific planting timing.