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093 PDF
093 PDF
Xiaokang Huang, Liping Zhu*, Bang Nguyen, Van Tran, Harold Isom
Keywords: Passivation Crack, Metal Profile, Finite Element Modeling, Finite Element Analysis
CS MANTECH Conference, May 13th - 16th, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 323
In the next few sections, we used 3D FEM for the
evaluation of the impact of the three different M2 profiles to TABLE I
the SiN passivation cracks. Since there is a correlation of
SiN crack and thickness established with experiments [4],
we also simulated the correlation of SiN stress and thickness
for both purposes of verifying the model and parameters
used in the simulation and determining the SiN crack
threshold for M2 profile evaluation.
324 CS MANTECH Conference, May 13th - 16th, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
that even with 85 sloped M2 profile, SiN will still crack at from the right angle profile. However, by comparing to the
the corner. There are two reasons for choosing 85 here. crack threshold, these two profiles are still not good enough
One is that a smaller angle gives a larger difference between to fully eliminate the cracks. The only one that has the
the sizes of the top and bottom of M2, which can cause maximum stress lower than the critical crack threshold is the
enclosure concerns in both layout design and wafer process. combination of both the sloped angle and the curving foot
The other one is the limitation of what we can achieve profiles.
CS MANTECH Conference, May 13th - 16th, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 325
In fact, there should be still a limitation of how small of
the slope angle can go and how large the radius of the
curving foot can use. The limitation can come from either
the fabrication capability or the layout design rules. That is
why a slope of 85 and radius of 0.3m are mostly used in
our simulation. The impact of this profile change to the RF
performance requires electrical simulation, which is beyond
the discussion here, but it should be verified.
[2] L. Zhu, et al, Stress Analysis for PSN under Wafer Process, TriQuint
Internal Report, Sept. 2009
326 CS MANTECH Conference, May 13th - 16th, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA