Review On Solar Water Pumping System: Swapnali R.Gadekar, Pranita A.Deshpande, Azar R.Inamdar

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Swapnali R.Gadekar1, Pranita A.Deshpande2, Azar R.Inamdar3


Department Of Mechanical Engineering ,Sandip Institute of Technical & Research Center,

Nashik. Savitribai Phule Pune University. (India)

solar energy is one of the most applicable renewable energy source. Because solar energy is the 10,000 times
the current annual energy cosumption in all over world. This solar energy system is the less expensive but high
output efficiency system. The main objective of this system is that study of the photovolatic gnrators &
convertors to use well defined load. The solar power pumping system can be used anywhere but is appropriate
in Rural areas where they facing energy crisis. A solar energy service is the almost zero emission process. In
now a day for better future of the country this solar energy pumping system used to prevention of fuel. Solar
energy is the alternative of grid electricity used by farmers. It is best prevention method for Global warming
which is a biggest challenge for humanity in the 21st century. This paper includes Utilization of solar energy for
driving a solar water pump.

Keywords: Dc motor, solar energy, solar panel, pump, water tank

Solar energy is the light from the sun & hence using various technology implement like Solar Heater, solar
Architecture, Artificial Photosynthesis. Solar energy has the longer term benefits. Solar water pumps are used in
Western Country or regions with abundant sunlight. in those country implement this system because this is cost
effective & dependable method providing water where water resources are spread over long distance [1]. Energy
efficiency is played important in future energy policy. Energy models are used in policy making for energy
demand this are impact on technology & economic environment of the country.[2]. In water pumping system
this method to developed to pump water with minimum effort. [3]. Most of the increasing price of oil based fuel
have reduced to margin to be gained by farmers hence food prices have been prevented energy cost[4].


2.1 Photovolatic Panels:
The solar water pumping system is mainly depending on two components the first one is the photovolatic panels
& smallest element of solar panel is the solar cell. In that solar cell is two or more layer of semiconductors
materials so that produce direct electricity exposed to light. This current directly from the wiring in the panel.
Normally rate voltage & current output from pv panels under peak power condition by normally rating of
manufactures. With the specified temperature usually 25 C (77F) is the maximum power available from the PV
panel at 1000 W/m^2 Individual PV panel is situated in series or parallel to obtain the required voltage or
current to run the pump.

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2.2 Solar (DC) Water Pump:

Other important part of this system is solar water pump. This pump used to design solar water pump efficiently.
Wide ranges size of the pumps are available most pumps are used in live stoke watering yielding 7-15 liters per
minute. Most solar pumps are designed to more efficiently which operates on 12-36 volts DC. Most of this
system pump is used positive displacement pump, that seal water in cavities & force to upward the water.
Centrifugal pumps are used to low lift & high volume system.

2.3 Pump Controller:

The main function of a pump controller in a battery-coupled pumping system is boost the voltage of the battery
to match the output. Without a pump controller, the PV panels operating voltage is dictated by the battery bank
and is reduced from levels, which are achieved by operating the pump directly from the solar panels.

2.4 Battery Solar Coupled System:

Figure 2: Battery-coupled water-pumping systems.

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This system consist of photovolatic panels using Pressure Switch, tank, control regulator, etc. Used this system
when sun is not shining power saved in battery.


In this system consist electricity is directly sent to the pump. This system designed only day time. This is only
depend on sunlight from pump for operating the pump. This pumps works at 100% efficiency with maximum
water flow. Efficiency drop is 25% low light condition. This system is to store extra water in sunny days.

3.1 Advantages:
Most important advantage is that this technology is noiseless.
Low maintance because of lack of moving parts.
This is the non polluting technology.

3.2 Application:
Drinking Water Supply.
Village water supply Purpose.
Irrigation Purpose.


Pumping System

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The output of solar water pumping system depends on accurate size & demand data. Solar power pump can play
a significant role in the inadequate supply of electrical energy. Also Photovolatic pumping systemic very good
alternate of electricity system. In the 21St century big challenges is the Global Warming for humanity therefore
using this renewable energy sources to overcome this problems.

Journal papers:
[1] Christoper W. Sinton, Roy Butler& Richard Winnet (2005) " Guide to Solar water Pumping System in
New York State."
[2] E.Worrell, S.Rameshol (2004) "Advanced in energy forecasting models based on engineering economics."
[3] U.R.S Rentech (1982) "solar photovolatic for irrigation water pumping."
[4] Peter Fraenkel ,(1997) "Water Pumping Devices."

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