Solar Powered Smart Irrigation System: January 2014

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Solar Powered Smart Irrigation System

Conference Paper · January 2014


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4 authors, including:

Harishankar Suresh Vignesh Umasankar

University of North Carolina at Charlotte Northeastern University


Viveknath Thulasi
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences


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Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering.
ISSN 2231-1297, Volume 4, Number 4 (2014), pp. 341-346
© Research India Publications

Solar Powered Smart Irrigation System

S. Harishankar1, R. Sathish Kumar2, Sudharsan K.P,

U. Vignesh and T.Viveknath

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

Amrita University Ettimadai, Coimbatore, India


Cost effective solar power can be the answer for all our energy needs.
Solar powered smart irrigation systems are the answer to the Indian
farmer. This system consists of solar powered water pump along with
an automatic water flow control using a moisture sensor. It is the
proposed solution for the present energy crisis for the Indian farmers.
This system conserves electricity by reducing the usage of grid power
and conserves water by reducing water losses.

Keywords: Smart irrigation; solar power; solar pump; moisture

sensor;energy crisis.

1. Introduction
Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy in the world. Solar power is not
onlyan answer to today’s energy crisis but also an environmental friendly form of
energy. Photovoltaic generation is an efficient approach for using the solar energy.
Solar panels (an array of photovoltaic cells) are nowadays extensively used for running
street lights, for powering water heaters and to meet domestic loads. The cost of solar
panels has been constantly decreasing which encouragesits usage in various sectors.
One of the application of this technology is used in irrigation systems for farming.
Solar powered irrigation system can be a suitable alternative for farmers in the present
state of energy crisis in India. This a green way for energy production which provides
free energy once an initial investment is made.
In this paper we propose an automatic irrigation system using solar power which
drives water pumps to pump water from bore well to a tank and the outlet valve of tank
is automatically regulated using controller and moisture sensor to control the flow rate
of water from the tank to the irrigation field which optimizes the use of water. The
342 R. Sathish Kumar et al

paper is divided into 6 sections discussing the literature survey, proposed solution,
implementation, cost analysis and results and conclusion, references.

2. Literature Survey and Background Study

According to the survey conducted by the Bureau of Electrical Energy in India in 2011
there are around 18 million agricultural pump sets and around 0.5 million new
connections per year is installed with average capacity 5HP. Total annual consumption
in agriculture sector is 131.96 billion KWh (19% of total electricity consumption).As
cited in paper [1] solar powered smart irrigation technique is the future for the farmers
and a solution for energy crisis. So for the proposed solar powered system we are using
techniques analyzed in paper [2] and [4] and modified. Sine PWM technique has been
used for inverter operation for minimum harmonics as given in paper [3] which further
increases the efficiency of the system.The rating of the system was calculated
corresponding to the pump specifications referring to paper [5].

3. The Proposed Solution

In this proposed system we utilize the solar energy from solar panels to automatically
pump water from bore well directly into a ground level storage tank depending on the
intensity of sunlight. While conventional methods include pumping of water from bore
well into a well and from this well onto field using another pump, our system uses only
a single stage energy consumption wherein the water is pumped into a ground level
tank from which a simple valve mechanism controls the flow of water into the field.
This saves substantial amount of energy and efficient use of renewable energy. A valve
is controlled using intelligent algorithm in which it regulates the flow of water into the
field depending upon the moisture requirement of the land. In this system we use a soil
moisture sensor that detects the amount of moisturepresent in the soil and depending
upon the requirement of level of moisture content required for the crop the water flow
is regulated thus, conserving the water by avoiding over flooding of crops.

3.1 System description

Proposed irrigation system mainly consists of two modules- Solar pumping module
and automatic irrigation module. In solar pumping module a solar panel of required
specification is mounted near the pump set.

Fig. 1: Block diagram of solar pumping module.

Solar Powered Smart Irrigation System 343

Then using a control circuit it is used to charge a battery. From the battery using a
converter circuit it gives power to the water pump which is submerged inside the well.
Then the water is pumped into an overhead tank for storing water temporarily before
releasing the water into the field.
In automatic irrigation module the water outlet valve of the tank is electronically
controlled by a soil moisture sensing circuit. The sensor is placed in the field where the
crop is being cultivated. The sensor converts the moisture content in the soil into
equivalent voltage. This is given to a sensing circuit which has a reference voltage that
can be adjusted by the farmer for setting different moisture levels for different crops.
The amount of water needed for soil is proportional to the difference of these two
voltages. A control signal was given to a stepper motor whose rotational angle is
proportional to the difference in voltage. The stepper motor in turns controls the cross-
sectional area of the valve to be opened controlling flow of water. Therefore the
amount of water flowing is proportional to the moisture difference.

Fig. 2: Block diagram of automatic irrigation module.

4. Implementation
For the implementation of the proposed system we are using a 2 HP water pump and
various modules which are designed and fabricated separately and then finally they are
assembled together to implement the proposed system. Solar energy is harnessed using
solar panel PVL-68 that generates 53W at Nominal Operating Cell Temperature. It is
24V, amorphous silicon type solar cell.
Specification of the solar panel selected:
Array capacity --240Wp
Irradiance – 580 W/m2
Open circuit voltage – 18.1 V
Short circuit current – 3.98 A
Load test on a solar panel have been conducted and its maximum and minimum
values is tabulated.

Table 1: Load test characteristics of solar panel.

S. No Voltage ( in Volts) Current (in Ampere) Irradiance ( W/m2)
1 5.2 1.45 300
2 17.5 2.95 710
344 R. Sathish Kumar et al

4.1 Design of converter and battery specification

An inverter is designed with a DC input of 230V D.C which is generated from 12V
D.C using a boost converter. Sine PWM technique is applied to generate 230V A.C.
The inverter circuit fabricated is shown in Fig. 4. As far as battery is concerned we are
using a battery with 12V, 100Ah capacity for a 2HP pump.

4.2 Moisture sensor module

A moisture sensor is used to sense the level of moisture content present in the
irrigation field. It has a level detection module in which we can set a reference value.
This circuit can be used with analog probes that produce a voltage proportional to soil
moisture such as VG400 probe shown in Fig. 3. The moisture content of the soil is
found by using the soil moisture sensor such as VG400 which produces an equivalent
output voltage proportional to the conductivity between the two probes.

Fig. 3: Soil Moisture Sensor probe.

Fig. 4: Inverter circuit.

4.3 Automatic valve regulation

For an automatic valve control we are using a stepper motor as an actuator control of
the valve whichis connected to theoutlet valve of the tank. With the help of moisture
sensor signaland a controller, a control pulses is given to the driver circuit that excites
the stepper motor. So this way the outlet valve is slowly opened or closed depending
upon the amount of moisture present in the soil of the field. When the soil moisture
content reaches the required value, the valve is fully closed and power to driver circuit
is killed and controller is put into sleep mode for low power consumption. When the
moisture in soil is dried and reach a minimum cut-off value, the controller comes out
of sleep mode and flow of water is regulated. This way the whole system works
Solar Powered Smart Irrigation System 345

Fig. 5: Automatic valve regulation circuit.

5. Cost Analysis
With over nine hundred thousand tube wells being used in every state of India, around
Rs.18 Million of energy is used for pumping water for irrigation. This amount of
money used for electricity can be saved with the help of solar water pump. Annually
the cost of nearly five million kilo watt hour of energy can be spared. That is around
Rs.27 Million per annum can be redeemed which comes around 40% of the total
amount of investment.
Even though the initial investment is high, it can be earned back in 2 and a half
years’ time. If we assume the cost of power is Rs. 1.5 Million per kilo watt hour, Rs.18
Million is used for pumping water alone in a year. By using the solar water pump, we
can save up to 4.8 million KWh of energy annually which saves a lot of energy. The
excess energy can also be given to the grid with small modifications and investments
in the circuit, which can add to the revenue of the farmer.

Table2: Cost analysis.

Component Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost

Solar Panel (1.4m2) 24000 4 Rs.96000
Converter Circuit 400 1 Rs.400
Battery 24V,100Ah 8250 1 Rs.8250
Overall cost Rs.104650

6. Conclusion
By implementing the proposed system there are various benefits for the government
and the farmers. For the government a solution for energy crisis is proposed. By using
the automatic irrigation system it optimizes the usage of water by reducing wastage
and reduce the human intervention for farmers.The excess energy produced using solar
346 R. Sathish Kumar et al

panels can also be given to the grid with small modifications in the system circuit,
which can be a source of the revenue of the farmer, thus encouraging farming in India
and same time giving a solution for energy crisis. Proposed system is easy to
implement and environment friendly solution for irrigating fields. The system was
found to be successful when implemented for bore holes as they pump over the whole
day.Solar pumps also offer clean solutions with no danger of borehole contamination.
The system requires minimal maintenance and attention as they are self starting. To
further enhance the daily pumping rates tracking arrays can be implemented. This
system demonstrates the feasibility and application of using solar PV to provide energy
for the pumping requirements for sprinkler irrigation. Even though there is a high
capital investment required for this system to be implemented, the overall benefits are
high and in long run this system is economical.

7. Acknowledgements
We kindly thank Mr. Rajnikanth and Mr.Sivraj for their esteemed guidance. We also
thank our faculties Prof. V. Radhamani Pillay and Mr. Krishna Prakash sir for their
invaluable support and guidance.

[1] Garg, H.P. 1987. Advances in solar energy technology, Volume 3. Reidel
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[4] Haley, M, and M. D. Dukes. 2007. Evaluation of sensor-based residential
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Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2007. ASABE Paper No. 072251.
[5] Prakash Persada, Nadine Sangsterb, Edward Cumberbatchc,
AneilRamkhalawand andAatmaMaharajh, "Investigating the Feasibility of
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1000 7924 The Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers of
Trinidad and Tobago, Vol.40, No.2, pp.61-65, October/November 2011.

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