Beech Bracketing
Beech Bracketing
Beech Bracketing
Bracketing in
Ian Beech BA (Hons), RMN, RGN, PGCE, is Senior Lecturer in Nursing,
University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd.
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Phenomenology revisited
waters of methodology as a novice researcher. As such I hope that it
may provide others with assistance, points for debate or areas of
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Phenomenology revisited
Ashworth is alluding to Kvales (9) essential tension between
bracketing and fore-knowledge of the phenomenon and in so doing
Ashworth provides us with some indication of where that tension lies.
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Phenomenology revisited
mean that the psychologist can put aside any notion that the subject
exists. For to interview someone in the research context while putting
aside a belief in the existence of that person would be, as Fouch
states, absurd: Epoch, which will apply equally to the psychologists
subject and to her experiences, will mean, obviously, not a suspension
of the certainty that the subject exists, but that she is precisely as she
appears to him to be.
In defence of bracketing
If bracketing in empirical work fails to achieve the transcendental ideal
of Husserl why should it remain an important principle in empirical
research? The importance, argued by Merleau-Ponty (14), is that the
phenomenological reduction allows us to enter the life-world of
another. We are required to bracket our preconceptions concerning
scientific explanations of the world out there. For example, in my
research on helpfulness in the relationship between mental health
nurses and people in care, the life-worlds of the people being
interviewed may, in some circumstances, lack a great deal of
consensus with the life-worlds of the majority of people in society, that
is, the interviewees may be considered to be deluded or having
hallucinations. By bracketing presuppositions about the in touchness
with reality of mentally-ill people we can consider the life-worlds of
those people unencumbered by scientific theories about paranoid
delusions and hallucinations, and also by our own experiences of
nursing people with mental illnesses.
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Phenomenology revisited
In the phenomenological sense we have a consciousness of the thing
researched, that is, an intentionality towards it. While remaining
attuned to it, we need to bracket our previous experiences and
knowledge of that thing. For example, in my own research I have
experience of working with people considered to be depressed using
cognitive techniques. The results that I have experienced appear to me
to help people. However, I must bracket this assumption if a person in
care is describing to me his/her experiences of undergoing cognitive
therapy. This I believe to be the essential tension to which Kvale (9)
Giorgi (16) discusses a further problem for the researcher in
phenomenology. If the researcher is attempting to be
presuppositionless in approach, to what extent can the
phenomenological method itself be bracketed? The answer to this
question is that the researcher should be phenomenological in general
approach. By this Giorgi means that general phenomenological
approaches to data are adopted. These are:
Imaginative variation of meaning the refusal to accept the first
meaning that emerges from the data until all possible meanings have
been explored. It would be contrary to phenomenological method here
to make any assumptions about the persons account being the truth, it
is a truth
Intuition of structures the researcher attempts to grasp the
psychological meanings for the person by utilising the
presuppositionless entry to the persons life-world that bracketing has
Coupled with the phenomenological approach is a
presuppositionless approach to method so that a rigid menu of
methodological steps for the research does not bind the researcher. The
researcher must also accept the possibility that the thing being
researched may not have any relevance to the life-world of the
interviewee or may have a totally different meaning in one persons
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Phenomenology revisited
talking about a game. We look at context, the rules of the game and the
qualitative nature of the action on the fields of play in order to discover
the meaning of the word to the two people. Rather like the later
Wittgenstein (17) we might say that the meaning of the word lies in its
use within varying specific contexts. Consider the language games that
are occurring when someone from Wigan and someone from Cardiff
meet. Before meaningful dialogue may proceed they need to establish
a common understanding of rugby by recourse to the detail and
context of the game in question. They may then proceed to have a
meaningful dialogue. However, once the two people return to Wigan
and Cardiff they can return to their local use of the word rugby
without any problem. Similarly, if a philosopher and a psychologist
use the word bracketing they need to know the context and the action
to which they refer in order to establish a common understanding, a
shared meaning of the word. Yet they can return to their own fields of
study and carry on with their use of the word as they have previously
used it. As long as the researcher is explicit about the process of
bracketing so that others can observe and understand the rules of the
game then the researcher can legitimately use the word. Confusion
arises when there is an assumption on the part of the writer that there
is a shared meaning between the philosopher and the psychologist. In
other words the common understanding should not be assumed. Its
basis should be made explicit rather than deemed implicit.
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Phenomenology revisited
which she suggests attempting to quiet ones own thoughts by being
aware of them. In many ways this approach is out of sympathy with
our normal thought processes and more in tune with the meditative
processes of some Eastern religions such as Buddhism (15). The
reason for the process is to lead the researcher to the point of being
able to just see rather than to interpret according to his/her
After each interview takes place the information available to the
researcher increases. Consequently, the process of reflection and
quieting of the mind must be carried out prior to all interviews. This
could be aided by adopting the following strategies. An interview diary
can be held that records significant points from each interview along
with personal feelings and reflections on the interview. This
information is reflected on and incorporated into the total information
to be bracketed. It is important to ensure that interviews are not too
close together in time so that this unconsidered data is allowed to
become present to the interviewer, so allowing it to be bracketed.
Immediately before the time of the interview the interviewer may
require time to reflect on the process of unknowing. I suggest, for
example, that listening to the radio or a music tape in the car on the
way to the interview would be a hindrance to this process since it can
detract from the ability of the interviewer to reflect.
Forewarned is fore-armed?
At this point it may be worth considering whether or not to inform the
interviewee beforehand about the nature of the proposed interview, that
is, the questions to be addressed. Crotty (7) is firm on this and
considers that there should be a bracketing of the phenomenon by the
people interviewed and those interviewing. This leads to the
conclusion that, for Crotty, bracketing by all in the research process is
necessary if not essential in phenomenological research. However, in
my view we are interested in the lived experience of the person as that
person experiences the phenomenon in question and so should not
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Phenomenology revisited
main prize of a higher degree or a good research assessment exercise
(RAE) rating, showing scant respect for individuals as people. In terms
of undertaking qualitative research of the phenomenological bent, this
would be contrary to the attempts we claim we make to enter their lifeworlds. In order to be truly phenomenological in a nursing sense, we
must show absolute respect for the people interviewed. In so doing we
must inform them of what it is we intend to do in our research.
Why not inform people? As far as I can ascertain, the only counterargument to giving people prior warning is that people may reflect on
their experiences and develop their particular self-presentations
concerning the phenomenon under investigation. In other words, in
objective terms, they may lie. Hagan (20) considers self-presentation
and lying to be less of a problem than loss of meaning. If a nurse, for
example presents a story in an interview about how she or he carries
out numerous actions that she or he sees as helpful and then the
researcher subsequently finds that s/he spends an entire shift of duty
reading a tabloid newspaper, we might wish to say that objectively the
nurse lied. However, Hagans point is that if the meaning of
helpfulness for that nurse is that she or he carries out actions X, Y and
Z, then helpfulness holds a particular meaning for him or her
irrespective of whether she or he does what is helpful.
While informing people beforehand of the nature of the
interview may result in their failure to bracket, this is not as important
as the need to ensure their willing compliance and the need to allow
meaning to show through. Indeed in our quest for peoples meaning
of experiences, I consider it is essential to pre-inform them of the
nature of the study, as we require people to tell us the meaning of
their experience, not a story that they have arrived at by bracketing
their experiences.
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Phenomenology revisited
OK. Have there been any training issues involved in making the jump
from being encouraged to be non-reflective to being reflective? Or has
it been a personal development?
This example is one that remains very strong in my memory. I can
remember condemning myself silently as soon as the question passed my
lips. The issue of training was something that I had discussed with a
nurse academic during the period of formulating my research ideas and
had obviously escaped into this interview arena in a non-reflective,
unbracketed moment. In this example the issue of training could have
been explored more fully by asking the nurse to comment further on
being non-reflective in practice rather than by raising the issue of training.
In conclusion it remains clear that bracketing is an important
methodological principle on which to base the search for and analysis
of the data of phenomenological research. While the process may not
be the exact process envisaged by Husserl, it allows the empirical
researcher to enter the life-world of the other person. Bracketing
however is not a simple process to carry out and requires constant
reflection and vigilance by the researcher. I have indicated examples to
show the process being performed satisfactorily but also where it
might break down.
It has been my intention in this piece to provide a subject for
discussion for those who, like me, embark on phenomenological
research, rather than a prescription for practice.
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