Fundamental of Aerodynamic 5th Ed

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Fundamental Principles

In fluid statics, the governing equation is the hydrostatic equation:


= -gpdy


For a constant density medium, this integrates to


+ pgh =

Pt + pgh1



= P2 + pgh2

Such equations govern, among other things, the operation of a manometer, and
also lead to Archimedes' principle that the buoyancy force on a body immersed
in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.

edge, and moments about the quarter chord, all per unit span. Also,
calculate the location of the center of pressure.
1.s Consider an airfoil at 12 angle of attack. The normal and axial force
coefficients are 1.2 and 0.03, respectively. Calculate the lift and drag
1.6 Consider an NACA 2412 airfoil (the meaning of the number designations
for standard NACA airfoil shapes is discussed in Chapter 4). The
following is a tabulation of the lift, drag, and moment coefficients about
the quarter chord for this airfoil, as a function of angle of attack.
a (degrees)

- 2.0

1.1 For most gases at standard or near standard conditions, the relationship
among pressure, density, and temperature is given by the perfect gas
equation of state: p = pRT, where R is the specific gas constant. For air
at near standard conditions, R = 287 J/ (kg K). (More details on the
perfect gas equation of state are given in Chapter 7.) Using the above
information, consider the following two cases:
a. At a given point on the wing of a Boeing 727, the pressure and
temperature of the air are 1.9 x 104 N/m 2 and 203 K, respectively.
Calculate the density at this point.

At a point in the test section of a supersonic wind tunnel, the pressure

and density of the air are 50.7 kPa and 0.63 kg/m3, respectively.
Calculate the temperature at this point.
1.2 Starting with Equations (1.7), (1.8), and (1.11), derive in detail
Equations (1.15), (1.16), and (1.17).
1.3 Consider an infinitely thin flat plate of chord c at an angle of attack a in a
supersonic flow. The pressures on the upper and lower surfaces are
different but constant over each surface; that is, Pu (s) = Ct and
p,(s) = c2, where CJ and c2 are constants and c 2 > CJ. Ignoring the shear
stress, calculate the location of the center of pressure.
1.4 Consider an infinitely thin flat plate with a 1 m chord at an angle of attack
of 10 in a supersonic flow. The pressure and shear stress distributions on
the upper and lower surfaces are given by Pu = 4 x 104(x - 1) 2 +
5.4 x 104, Pt = 2 x 104(x - 1)2 + 1.73 x 105 , i'u = 288x- 02 , and
:1 = 73Ix- 02 , respectively, where xis the distance from the leading edge
m meters and p and r are in newtons per square meter. Calculate the
normal and axial forces, the lift and drag, moments about the leading

Aerodynamics: Some Introductory Thoughts



Cm,c / 4



- 0.042
- 0.040
- 0.038
- 0.036
- 0.036
- 0.034
- 0.030
- 0.025

From this table, plot on graph paper the variation of Xcp/c as a function

1.7 The drag on the hull of a ship depends in part on the height of the water
waves produced by the hull. The potential energy associated with these
waves therefore depends on the acceleration of gravity g. Hence, we can
state that the wave drag on the hull is D = f(p 00 , V00 , c , g) where c is a
length scale associated with the hull, say, the maximum width of the hull.
Define the drag coefficient as C O = D / q00 c2 . Also, define a similarity
parameter called the Froude number, Fr= V / .Jgc. Using Buckingham's
pi theorem, prove that Co = f (Fr).
1.8 The shock waves on a vehicle in supersonic flight cause a component of
drag called supersonic wave drag Dw. Define the wave-drag coefficient as
Co,w = Dw/q00 S, where Sis a suitable reference area for the body. In
supersonic flight, the flow is governed in part by its thermodynamic
properties, given by the specific heats at constant pressure c P and at
constant volume Cv. Define the ratio cp/cv = y. Using Buckingham's
pi theorem, show that Co,w = f(M00 , y). Neglect the influence of friction.
1.9 Consider two different flows over geometrically similar airfoil shapes, one
airfoil being twice the size of the other. The flow over the smaller airfoil
has freestream properties given by T00 = 200 K, p00 = 1.23 kg/m3 , and
V00 = 100 mis. The flow over the larger airfoil is described by
T00 = 800 K, p 00 = 1.739 kg/m3 , and V00 = 200 mis. Assume that both,
and a are proportional to T 112 Are the two flows dynamically similar?




Fundamental Principles

1.10 Consider a Lear jet flying at a velocity of 250 mis at an altitude of 10 km,
where the density and temperature are 0.414 kg/m3 and 223 K,
respectively. Consider also a one-fifth scale model of the Lear jet being
tested in a wind tunnel in the laboratory. The pressure in the test section of
the wind tunnel is 1 atm = 1.01 x 105 N/m2 . Calculate the necessary
velocity, temperature, and density of the airflow in the wind-tunnel test
section such that the lift and drag coefficients are the same for the
wind-tunnel model and the actual airplane in flight. Note: The relation
among pressure, density, and temperature is given by the equation of state
described in Problem 1.1.
1.11 AU-tube mercury manometer is used to measure the pressure at a point
on the wing of a wind-tunnel model. One side of the manometer is
connected to the model, and the other side is open to the atmosphere.
Atmospheric pressure and the density of liquid mercury are
1.01 x 105 N/m2 and 1.36 x 104 kg/m3 , respectively. When the
displacement of the two columns of mercury is 20 cm, with the high
column on the model side, what is the pressure on the wing?
1.12 The German Zeppelins of World War I were dirigibles with the following
typical characteristics: volume= 15,000 m3 and maximum diameter=
14.0 m. Consider a Zeppelin flying at a velocity of 30 mis at a standard
altitude of 1000 m (look up the corresponding density in Appendix D).
The Zeppelin is at a small angle of attack such that its lift coefficient is
0.05 (based on the maximum cross-sectional area). The Zeppelin is flying
in straight-and-level flight with no acceleration. Calculate the total weight
of the Zeppelin.
1.13 Consider a circular cylinder in a hypersonic flow, with its axis
perpendicular to the flow. Let <P be the angle measured between radii
drawn to the leading edge (the stagnation point) and to any arbitrary point
on the cylinder. The pressure coefficient distribution along the cylindrical
surface is given by C P = 2 cos 2 <P for O ::: <P ::: 1r / 2 and 3n / 2 ::: ::: 2n
and CP = 0 for 1r / 2 ::: ::: 3n / 2. Calculate the drag coefficient for the
cylinder, based on projected frontal area of the cylinder.
1.14 Derive Archimedes' principle using a body of general shape.
1.15 Consider a light, single-engine, propeller-driven airplane similar to a
Cessna Skylane. The airplane weight is 13000 N and the wing reference
area is 16.533 m2 . The drag coefficient of the airplane CD is a function of
the lift coefficient CL for reasons that are given in Chapter 5; this function
for the given airplane is Cv = 0.025 + 0.054Cz.
a. For steady, level flight at sea level, where the ambient atmospheric
density is 1.225 kg/m3, plot on a graph the variation of CL, CD, and
the lift-to-drag ratio L / D with flight velocity ranging between 21 mis
and 75 mis.
b. Make some observations about the variation of these quantities with


Aerodynamics: Some Introductory Thoughts

1.16 Consider a flat plate at zero angle of attack in a hypersonic flow at Mach
10 at standard sea level conditions. At a point 0.5 m downstream from the

leading edge, the local shear stress at the wall is 282 N/m2 . The gas
temperature at the wall is equal to standard sea level temperature. At this
point, calculate the velocity gradient at the wall normal to the wall.
1.17 Consider the Space Shuttle during its atmospheric entry at the end of a
mission in space. At the altitude where the Shuttle has slowed to Mach 9,
the local heat transfer at a given point on the lower surface of the wing is
0.03 MW/m2 . Calculate the normal temperature gradient in the air at this
point on the wall, assuming the gas temperature at the wall is equal to the
standard sea-level temperature.
t.18 The purpose of this problem is to give you a feel for the magnitude of
Reynolds number appropriate to real airplanes in actual flight.
a. Consider the DC-3 shown in Figure 1.1. The wing root chord length
(distance from the front to the back of the wing where the wing joins
the fuselage) is 4.3 m. Consider the DC-3 flying at 320 kilometers per
hour at sea level. Calculate the Reynolds number for the flow over the
wing root chord. (This is an important number, because as we will see
later, it governs the skin-friction drag over that portion of the wing.)
b. Consider the F-22 shown in Figure 1.5, and also gracing the cover of
this book. The chord length where the wing joins the center body is
6.5 m. Consider the airplane making a high-speed pass at a velocity of
396 mis at sea level (Mach 1.2). Calculate the Reynolds number at the
wing root.
1.19 For the design of their gliders in 1900 and 1901, the Wright brothers used
the Lilienthal Table given in Figure 1.65 for their aerodynamic data. Based
on these data, they chose a design angle of attack of 3 degrees, and made
all their calculations of size, weight, etc., based on this design angle of
attack. Why do you think they chose three degrees?

Hint: From the table, calculate the ratio of lift to drag, UD, at 3 degrees angle of
attack, and compare this with the lift-to-drag ratio at other angles of attack. You
might want to review the design box at the end of Section 1.8, especially Figure
1.36, for the importance of UD.





Fundamental Principles

The velocity potential <I> is defined for irrotationa l flows only, such that
(2. 154)

2.7 The velocity field given in Problem 2.3 is called source flow, which will be

In cartesian coordinate s
u= -


w= -

v= -





In cylindrical coordinate s,
V, = -


1 a<1>
Ve = - -


(2. 157)

In spherical coordinate s,
V, = -


1 a<1>
Ve= - -


1 a<1>
V<1> = - - rsin () act>

(2. 158)

An irrotationa l flow is called a potential flow.

A line of constant <I> is an equipotential line. Equipoten tial lines are perpendicular to streamlines (for two-dimen sio nal irrotationa l flows).





2.1 Consider a body of arbitrary shape. If the pressure distributio n over the






surface of the body is constant, prove that the resultant pressure force on
the body is zero. [Recall that this fact was used in Equation (2.77).]
Consider an airfoil in a wind tunnel (i.e., a wing that spans the entire test
section). Prove that the lift per unit span can be o btained from the pressure
distributio ns on the top and bottom walls of the wind tunnel (i.e., from the
pressure distributio ns o n the walls above and below the airfoil).
Consider a velocity field w here the x and y componen ts of velocity are
given by u = ex/ (x + y ) and u = ey / (x + y2) where e is a constant.
Obtain the equations of the streamline s.
Consider a velocity field where the x and y components of velocity are
given by u = cy / (x + y ) and v = -ex / (x + y ), where c is a constant.
Obtain the equations of the stream lines.
Consider a velocity field where the radial and tangential componen ts of
velocity are V, = 0 and Ve = er , respectively, where c is a constant.
Obtain the equations of the streamline s.
Consider a velocity field where the x and y componen ts of velocity are
given by u = ex and v = -ey, where c is a constant. Obtain the equations
of the streamlines.

Aerodynamics: Some Fundamental Principles and Equations



discussed in Chapter 3. For source flow, calculate:

a. The time rate of change of the volume of a fluid elemen t per unit
b. The vorticity.
Hint: It is simpler to convert the velocity componen ts to polar coordinate s
and deal with a polar coordinate system.
The velocity field given in Problem 2.4 is called vortex flow, which will be
discussed in Chapter 3. For vortex flow, calculate:
a. The time rate of change of the volume of a fl uid element per unit
b. The vorticity.
Hint: Again, for convenienc e use polar coordinates.
Is the flow field given in Problem 2.5 irrotationa l? Prove your answer.
Consider a flow field in polar coordinate s, where the stream function is
given as ,fr = ,fr(r, ()) . Starting with the concept of mass flow between
two streamline s, derive Eq uations (2. 148a and b).
Assuming the velocity field given in Problem 2.6 pertains to an
incompres sible flow, calculate the stream function and velocity potential.
Using your results, show that lines of constant <I> are perpendicu lar to lines
of constant ,fr .
Co nsider a length of pipe bent into a U-shape. The inside di ameter of the
pipe is 0.5 m . Air enters o ne leg of the pipe at a mean velocity of 100 mis
and exits the other leg at the same magnitude of velocity, but moving in
the opposite direction. The pressure of the flow at the inlet and exit is the
ambient pressure of the surr~mndings. Calculate the magnitude and
direction of the force exerted on the pipe by the airflow. The air density
is 1.23 kg/m 3
Consider the subsonic compressib le flow over the wavy wall treated in
Example 2. 1. Derive the equatio n for the velocity potential for this flow as
a fu nction of x and y.
In Example 2. 1, the statement is made that the streamline an infinite
distance above the wall is straight. Prove this statement.




Inviscid, Incompressible Flow


Elementary flows

Surface velocity:

(a) Uniform flow:

<P = V00 x = V00 r cose




(b) Source flow:

= VooY = V00 rsine


= -lnr

1/f =

V, = -




K sine
21t - r -

(3 .87)


1/f = - lnr







Kutta-Joukowski theorem
for a closed two-dimensional body of arbitrary shape, the lift per unit span is
L' = Poo Voof.

(3 .88)

21t _r_

1/f = (d) Vortex flow:


K Cose


21t R


(c) Doublet flow:

Ve = -2V00 sine - - (lift per unit span)


21t e

Fundamentals of Inviscid, Incompressible Flow

Source panel method

This is a numerical method for calculating the nonlifting flow over bodies of
arbitrary shape. Governing equations:


Ve = - -

n).. Ja- (lnr;j) dsj + V

_.:. + I: - 1





cos,B; = 0


= 1, 2, ... , n)

(j ,'1 )

V, =0




Note: All the following problems assume an inviscid, incompressible flow. Also,
standard sea level density and pressure are 1.23 kg/m3 and 1.01 x 105 N/m2 ,

Inviscid flow over a cylinder


(a) Nonlifting (uniform flow and doublet)

3.1 For an irrotational flow, show that Bernoulli's equation holds between any

1/f = (Voor sine) ( 1 - ;:)


where R = radius of cylinder= K / 21t V00

Surface velocity:
v00 = -2V00 sine
Surface pressure coefficient:


C P = 1 - 4 sin2 e


(b) Lifting (uniform flow+ doublet+ vortex)

1/f = (V00 r sine)

(1 - R:)

_!::_ In ..c_


points in the flow, not just along a streamline.

3.2 Consider a venturi with a throat-to-inlet area ratio of 0.8, mounted on the
side of an airplane fuselage. The airplane is in flight at standard sea level.
If the static pressure at the throat is 1.006 x 105 N/m2 , calculate the
velocity of the airplane.
3.3 Consider a venturi with a small hole drilled in the side of the throat. This
hole is connected via a tube to a closed reservoir. The purpose of the
venturi is to create a vacuum in the reservoir when the venturi is placed in
an airstream. (The vacuum is defined as the pressure difference below the
outside ambient pressure.) The venturi has a throat-to-inlet area ratio of
0.85. Calculate the maximum vacuum obtainable in the reservoir when the
venturi is placed in an airstream of 90 mis at standard sea level conditions.
3.4 Consider a low-speed open-circuit subsonic wind tunnel with an
inlet-to-throat area ratio of 12. The tunnel is turned on, and the pressure





Fundamentals of Inviscid, Incompressible Flow

Inviscid, Incompressible Flow

difference between the inlet (the settling chamber) and the test section is
read as a height difference of 10 cm on a U-tube mercury manometer.
(The density of liquid mercury is 1.36 x 104 kg/m 3 .) Calculate the
velocity of the air in the test section.
3.5 Assume that a Pi tot tube is inserted into the test-section flow of the wind
tunnel in Problem 3.4. The tunnel test section is completely sealed from
the outside ambient pressure. Calculate the pressure measured by the Pitot
tube, assuming the static pressure at the tunnel inlet is atmospheric.
3.6 A Pitot tube on an airplane flying at standard sea level reads 1.07 x
105 N/m2 . What is the velocity of the airplane?
3. 7 At a given point on the surface of the wing of the airplane in Problem 3.6,
the flow velocity is 130 mis. Calculate the pressure coefficient at this point.
3.8 Consider a uniform flow with velocity V00 Show that this flow is a
physically possible incompressible flow and that it is irrotational.
3.9 Show that a source flow is a physically possible incompressible flow
everywhere except at the origin. Also show that it is irrotational
3.10 Prove that the velocity potential and the stream function for a uniform
flow, Equations (3.53) and (3.55), respectively, satisfy Laplace's equation.
3.11 Prove that the velocity potential and the stream function for a source flow
Equations (3.67) and (3.72), respectively, satisfy Laplace's equation.
3.12 Consider the flow over a semi-infinite body as discussed in Section 3.11. If
V00 is the velocity of the uniform stream, and the stagnation point is 1 m
upstream of the source:
a. Draw the resulting semi-infinite body to scale on graph paper.
b. Plot the pressure coefficient distribution over the body; that is, plot Cp
versus distance along the centerline of the body.
3.13 Derive Equation (3.81). Hint: Make use of the symmetry of the flow field
shown in Figure 3.18; that is, start with the knowledge that the stagnation
points must lie on the axis aligned with the direction of V00
3.14 Derive the velocity potential for a doublet; that is, derive Equation (3.88).
Hint: The easiest method is to start with Equation (3.87) for the stream
function and extract the velocity potential.
3.15 Consider the nonlifting flow over a circular cylinder. Derive an expression
for the pressure coefficient at an arbitrary point (r , 8) in this flow, and
show that it reduces to Equation (3.101) on the surface of the cylinder.
3.16 Consider the nonlifting flow over a circular cylinder of a given radius,
where V00 = 6 mis. If V' is doubled, that is, V00 = 12 mis, does the shape
of the streamlines change? Explain.
3.17 Consider the lifting flow over a circular cylinder of a given radius and with
a given circulation. If V00 is doubled, keeping the circulation the same,
does the shape of the streamjjnes change? Explain.

.1s The lift on a spinning circular cylinder in a freestream with a velocity of

30 mis and at standard sea level conditions is 6 Nim of span. Calculate the
circulation around the cylinder.

3.19 A typical World War I biplane fighter (such as the French SPAD shown in
Figure 3.50) has a number of vertical interwing struts and diagonal
bracing wires. Assume for a given airplane that the total length for the
vertical struts (summed together) is 7.5 m, and that the struts are
cylindrical with a diameter of 0.05 m. Assume also that the total length
of the bracing wires is 24 m, with a cylindrical diameter of 0.0023 m.
Calculate the drag contributed by these struts and bracing wires when
the airplane is flying at 192 km/h at standard sea level. Compare this
component of drag with the total zero-lift drag for the airplane, for which
the total wing area is 21.4 m2 and the zero-lift drag coefficient is 0.036.
3.20 The Kutta-Joukowski theorem, Equation (3.140), was derived exactly
for the case of the lifting cylinder. In Section 3.16 it is stated without
proof that Equation (3.140) also applies in general to a two-dimensional
body of arbitrary shape. Although this general result can be proven
mathematically, it also can be accepted by making a physical argument as
well. Make this physical argument by drawing a closed curve around the
body where the closed curve is very far away from the body, so far away
that in perspective the body becomes a very small speck in the middle of
the domain enclosed by the closed curve.
3.21 Consider the streamlines over a circular cylinder as sketched at the right of
Figure 3.26. Single out the first three streamlines flowing over the top of
the cylinder. Designate each streamline by its stream function, o/1, o/2, and
,jl3 . The first streamline wets the surface of the cylinder; designate ,jf1 = 0.
The streamline above that is \11 2, and the next one above that is o/3
Assume the streamlines start out in the free stream equally spaced. Hence,
the volume flow rates between the streamlines are the same. The
streamline ,jJ2 passes through the point (l.2R,7t/2) directly above the top
of the cylinder. Calculate the location of the point directly above the top of
the cylinder through which the streamjjne ,jJ3 flows. Comment on the
spacing between the streamlines directly above the top.
3.22 Consider the flow field over a circular cylinder mounted perpendicular to
the flow in the test section of a low-speed subsonic wind tunnel. At
standard sea-level conditions, if the flow velocity at some region of the
flow field exceeds about 400 km/h, compressibility begins to have an
effect in that region. Calculate the velocity of the flow in the test section of
the wind tunnel above which compressibility effects begin to become
important, i.e., above which we can not accurately assume totally
incompressible flow over the cylinder for the wind tunnel tests.
3.23 Prove that the flow field specified in Example 2.1 is not incompressible;
i.e., it is a compressible flow as stated without proof in Example 2.1.





Inviscid, Incompressible Flow

T_he Kutta condition is an observation that for a lifting airfoil of given shape at a
give~ an~Je o~ attack, nature adopts that particular value of circulation around
th~ ~1rfoil which results in the flow leaving smoothly at the trailing edge. If the
tra~l~ng-edge _angle is finite, then the trailing edge is a stagnation point. If the
trailing e??e 1s cusped, the_n the velocities leaving the top and bottom surfaces
at the trrulmg edge are firute and equal in magnitude and direction. In either


(4. 10)

Incompressible Flow over Airfoils

The vortex panel method is an important numerical technique for the solution
of the inviscid, incompressible flow over bodies of arbitrary shape, thickness,
and angle of attack. For panels of constant strength, the governing equations

v cos /3; CX)

y ;; oO
~ ds
I: -'

j= I




= 1,2, . .. , n)


= -Yi - I

which is one way of expressing the Kutta condition for the panels immediately
above and below the trailing edge.

Thin airfoil theory is predicated on the replacement of the airfoil by the mean
ca~ber line. A vortex sheet is placed along the chord line, and its strength
~dJusted. such that, in conjunction with the uniform freestream, the camber
hne becom~~ a streamline of the flow while at the same time satisfying the
Kutta cond1t:Ion. The strength of such a vortex sheet is obtained from the
fundamental equation of thin airfoil theory:

d~ = Voo (a - dxdz)

_I ( y(~)
2rr Jo x - ~

(4. 18)

Results of thin airfoil theory:

Symmetric airfoil

c1 = 2rra.

4.1 Consider the data for the NACA 2412 airfoil given in Figure 4.10.
Calculate the lift and moment about the quarter chord (per unit span)
for this airfoil when the angle of attack is 4 and the freestream is at
standard sea level conditions with a velocity of 15 mis. The chord of the
airfoil is 0.6 m.
4.2 Consider an NACA 2412 airfoil with a 2-m chord in an airstream with a
velocity of 50 mis at standard sea level conditions. If the lift per unit span
is 1353 N, what is the angle of attack?
4.3 Starting with the definition of circulation, derive Kelvin's circulation
theorem, Equation (4.1 1).
4.4 Starting with Equation (4.35), derive Equation (4.36).
4.5 Consider a thin, symmetric airfoil at 1.5 angle of attack. From the results
of thin airfoil theory, calculate the lift coefficient and the moment
coefficient about the leading edge.
4.6 The NACA 4412 airfoil has a mean camber line given by

Lift slope = dc1/ da = 2rr.

The center of pressure and the aerodynamic center are both at the
quarter-chord point.

Cm ,ac

= 0.

Cambered airfoil


= 2rr [a +


-l 11C - (coseo - l )deoJ

rr o dx

Lift slope
dc1/da = 2rr.
3. The aerodynamic center is at the quarter-chord point.
4. The center of pressure varies with the lift coefficient.



Using thin airfoil theory, calculate

(a ) aL=O (b) c1 when a = 3
4.7 For the airfoil given in Problem 4.6, calculate Cm ,c/4 and Xcp/ c when
a = 3.
4.8 Compare the results of Problems 4.6 and 4.7 with experimental data for
the NACA 4412 airfoil, and note the percentage difference between theory
and experiment. (Hint: A good source of experimental airfoil data is
Reference 11.)




Inviscid, Incompressible Flow

4.9 Starting with Equations (4.35) and (4.43), derive Equation (4.62).
4.10 For the NACA 2412 airfoil, the lift coefficient and moment coefficient
about the quarter-chord at - 6 angle of attack are -0.39 and - 0.045,
respectively. At 4 angle of attack, these coefficients are.0.65 and -0.037
respectively. Calculate the location of the aerodynamic center.
4.11 Consider again the NACA 2412 airfoil discussed in Problem 4.10. The
airfoil is flying at a velocity of 60 mis at a standard altitude of 3 km (see
Appendix D). The chord length of the airfoil is 2 m. Calculate the lift per
unit span when the angle of attack is 4.
4.12 For the -airfoil in Problem 4.11, calculate the value of the circulation
around the airfoil.
4.13 In Section 3.15 we studied the case of the lifting fl.ow over a circular
cylinder. In real life, a rotating cylinder in a flow will produce lift; such
real flow fields are shown in the photographs in Figures 3.34(b) and (c).
Here, the viscous shear stress acting between the flow and the surface of
the cylinder drags the flow around in the direction of rotation of the
cylinder. For a cylinder of radius R rotating with an angular velocity w in
an otherwise stationary fluid, the viscous flow solution for the velocity
field obtained from the Navier-Stokes equations (Chapter 15) is
Vo = -r
where V0 is the tangential velocity along the circular streamlines and r is
the radial distance from the center of the cylinder. (See Schlichting,
Boundary-Layer Theory, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1968, page 81.) Note that
Vo varies inversely with r and is of the same form as the inviscid flow
velocity for a point vortex given by Equation (3. 105). If the rotating
cylinder has a radius of 1 m and is flying at the same velocity and altitude
as the airfoil in Problem 4.11 , what must its angular velocity be to produce
the same lift as the airfoil in Problem 4.11? (Note: You can check your
results with the experimental data for lift on rotating cylinders in Hoerner,
Fluid-Dynamic Lift, published by the author, 1975, p. 21-4, Fig. 5.)
4.14 The question is often asked: Can an airfoil fly upside-down? To answer
this, make the following calculation. Consider a positively cambered
airfoil with a zero-lift angle of -3. The lift slope is 0.1 per degree.
(a) Calculate the lift coefficient at an angle of attack of 5. (b) Now
imagine the same airfoil turned upside-down, but at the same 5 angle of
attack as part (a). Calculate its lift coefficient. (c) At what angle of attack
must the upside-down afrfoil be set to generate the same lift as that when it
is right-side-up at a 5 angle of attack?
4.15 The airfoil section of the wing of the British Spitfire of World War II fame
(see Figure 5.19) is an NACA 2213 at the wing root, tapering to an NACA
2205 at the wing tip. The root chord is 2.5 m. The measured profile drag
coefficient of the NACA 2213 airfoil is 0.006 at a Reynolds number of


Incompressible Flow over Airfoils

9 x 106 . Consider the Spitfire cruising at an altitude of 5,400 m. (a) At

what velocity is it flying for the root chord Reynolds number to be
9 x 106 ? (b) At this velocity and altitude, assuming completely turbulent
flow, estimate the skin-friction drag coefficient for the NACA 2213 airfoil,
and compare this with the total profile drag coefficient. Calculate the
percentage of the profile drag coefficient that is due to pressure drag. Note:
Assume that varies as the square root of temperature, as first discussed
in Section 1.8.
4.16 For the conditions given in Problem 4.15, a more reasonable calculation of
the skin friction coefficient would be to assume an initially laminar
boundary layer starting at the leading edge, and then transitioning to a
turbulent boundary layer at some point downstream. Calculate the
skin-friction coefficient for the Spitfire's airfoil described in Problem 4.15,
but this time assuming a critical Reynolds number of 106 for transition.




Inviscid, Incompressible Flow


Results from classical lifting-line theory:

Elliptic wing:


w= - -




a - -' - nAR




C0 . ' -



Q= - --


1 + a 0 /nAR


General wing:



n AR


Co; = -L-(l+o)= - -l '

(5.61) and (5.62)


a = -- -- - - --

1 + (ao/n AR)(I

+ r)


For low-aspect-ratio wings, swept wings, and delta wings, lifting-surface theory must be used. In modern aerodynamics, such lifting-surface theory is
implemented by the vortex panel or the vortex lattice techniques.

5.1 Consider a vortex filament of strength r in the shape of a closed circular
loop of radius R. Obtain an expression for the velocity induced at the
center of the loop in terms of r and R .
5.2 Consider the same vortex filament as in Problem 5.1. Consider also a
straight line through the center of the loop, perpendicular to the plane of
the loop. Let A be the distance along this line, measured from the plane of
the loop. Obtain an expression for the velocity at distance A on the line, as
induced by the vortex filament.
The measured lift slope for the NACA 23012 airfoil is 0.1080 degree- ' ,
and a L = O = -1 .3. Consider a finite wing using this airfoil, with AR = 8
and taper ratio = 0.8. Assume that o = r. Calculate the lift and induced
drag coefficients for this wing at a geometric angle of attack = 7.

R rhe Piper Cherokee (a light, single-engine general avia~ion aircraft) ha_s a

wing area of 15.8 m 2 and a wing span of 9.6 m. Its maximum gross weight
is II kN. The wing uses an NACA 65-415 airfoil, which has a lift slope of
0.1033 degree- ' and al= O = - 3. Assumer= 0.12. If the airplane is
cruising at 190 km/h at standard sea level at its maximum gross weight
and is in straight-and-level flight, calculate the geometric angle of attack
of the wing.
Consider the airplane and flight conditions given in Problem 5.4. The span
5.5 efficiency factor e for the complete airplane is generally much less t han
that for the finite wing alone. Assume e = 0.64. Calculate the induced
drag for the airplane in Problem 5.4.
5.6 Consider a finite wing with an aspect ratio of 6. Assume an elliptical lift
distribution. The lift slope for the airfoil section is 0.1/degree. Calculate
and compare the lift slopes for (a) a straight wing, and (b) a swept wing,
with a half-chord line sweep of 45 degrees.
5.7 Repeat Problem 5.6, except for a lower aspect ratio of 3. From a
comparison of the results from these two problems, draw some
conclusions about the effect of wing sweep on the lift slope, and how the
magnitude of this effect is affected by aspect ratio.
5.8 In Problem 1.19 we noted that the Wright brothers, in the design of their
1900 and 1901 gliders, used aerodynamic data from the Lilienthal table
given in Figure 1.65. They chose a design angle of attack of 3 degrees, .
corresponding to a design lift coefficient of 0.546. When they tested therr
gliders at Kill Devil Hills near Kitty Hawk , North Carolina, in 1900 and
190 1, however, they measured only one-third the amount of lift they had
originally calculated on the basis of the Lilienthal table. This led the
Wrights to question the validity of Lilienthal's data, and this cast a pall on
the Lilienthal table that has persisted to the present time. However, in
Reference 62 this author shows that the Lilienthal data are reasonably
valid, and that the Wrights misinterpreted the data in the Lilienthal table in
three respects (see pages 209- 216 of Reference 62). One of these respects
was the difference in aspect ratio. The Wrights' 1900 glider had
rectangular wings with an aspect ratio of 3.5, whereas the data in the
Lilienthal table were taken with a wing with an ogival planform tapering
to a point at the tip and with an aspect ratio of 6.48. The Wrights seemed
not to appreciate the aerodynamic importance of aspect ratio at the time,
and even if they had, there was no existing theory that would have allowed
them to correct the Lilienthal data for their design. (Prandtl's lifting line
theory appeared 18 years later.) Given just the difference in aspect ratio
between the Wrights' glider and the test model used by Lilienthal, what
value of lift coefficient should the Wrights have used instead of the value
of 0.546 they took straight from the table? (Note: There are two other
misinterpretations by the Wrights that resulted in their calculation of lift
being too high; see Reference 62 for details.)


Downwash is constant:

Incompressible Flow over Finite Wings




Inviscid, Incompressible Flow

Consider.the Supermarine Spitfi_re shown in Figure 5.19. The first version

of the Spitfire was the Mk I, which first flew in 1936. Its maximum
velocity is 580 km/h at an altitude of 5.6 km. Its weight is 26.4 kN win
area 1s 22.5 m , and wmg span 1s 10.8 m. It is powered by a supercharged
Merlin engine, which produced 790 kW at 5.6 km. (a) Calculate the
induced drag coefficient of the Spitfire at the flioht
condition of V.max at
5.6 km. (b) What percentage of the total drag coefficient is the induced
drag c~efficient? N_ote: To calculate the total drag, we note that in steady,
level flight of the alfplane, T = D , where Tis the thrust from the
prop~ller. In turn, the thrust is related to the power by the basic mechanical
relati~n T_ Voo = P, where P is the power supplied by the propeller-engine
co~bmation. Because of aerodyna~c losses experienced by the propeller,
P 1s less than the shaft power provided by the engine by a ratio, IJ, defined
as the propeller efficiency. See Chapter 6 of Reference 2 for more details
Q., For this problem, assume the propeller efficiency for the Spitfire is 0.9.
~ If the elliptical wing of the Spitfire in Problem 5.9 were replaced by a
tapered wing with a taper ratio of 0.4, everything else remaining the same
calculate the induced drag coefficient. Compare this value with that
obtained in Problem 5.9. What can you conclude about the relative effect
of planform shape change on the drag of the airplane at high speeds?

C?nsider t~e Spitfir~ in Problem 5.9 on its landing approach at sea level
with a landmg velocity of 112 km/h. Calculate the induced drag
coefficient for this low-speed case. Compare your result with the
high~speed case in Problem 5.9. From this, what can you conclude about
the relative importance of the induced drag coefficient at low speeds
compared to that at high speeds?

Incompressible Flow
Treat nature in terms of the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, all in perspective.
Paul Cezanne, 1890



We go three-dimenl,ional in thi), chapter. For ~uch a

huge and complex subject. this chapter is mercifully
~hort. It ha'> only three objective~. This fin,t is to see
what happen~ w hen the circular cylinder ~tudied in
Chapter 3 morphs into a l>phere-how do we modif) the theory to account for the three-dimensional
flow ove r a sphere. and how are the results changed
from tho,e for a circular cylinder? The second is to

demonstrate a general phenomenon in aerodynamics

known as the three-dimemio11al relieFi11g effect. The
third is to briefly examine the aerodynamic flow over a
complete three-dimen~ional flight vehicle. Achieving
these objectives i~ important: they will further open
your mind to the wonderl> of aerodynamics. Read on.
and enjoy.

To this point in our aerodynamic discussions, we have been working mainl y in
a two-dimensional world; the flows over the bodies treated in Chapter 3 and the
airfoils in C hapter 4 involved only two dimensions in a single plane-so-called
planar flows. In Chapter 5, the analyses of a finite wing were carried out in the
plane of the wing, in spite of the fact that the detailed flow over a finite wing is truly
three-dimensional. The relative simplicity of dealing with two dimensions (i.e.,
having only two independent variables) is self-evident and is the reason why a
large bulk of aerodynamic theory deals with two-dimensional flows. Fortunately,




Inviscid, Compressible Flow



pV dS+


p(f : V)dV

(7 .43)

D(e+V 2 /2)
=pq -V pV+p(f V)


~:the flow is steady and adiabatic, Equations (7.43) and (7.44) can be replaced

ho = h


+ -2

= const

Equation of state (perfect gas):

p =pRT


Internal energy (calorically perfect gas):

(7 .6a)

Total te~pe~a~re To and total enthalpy ho are defined as the properties that
would exist 1f (m our imagination) we slowed the fluid element at a poi t th
flow to zero velocity adiabatically. Similarly, total pressure Po and totatd~:sit e
~o are define~ as the properties that would exist if (in our imagination) w~
s owed the fluid ele_ment at a point in the flow to zero velocity isentropicall If
~!e~e~l flow_field 1s a?iab~tic, ho is ~onstant throughout the flow; in contra~-. if
o field 1s nonadiabattc, h 0 vanes from one point to another Similar! 1f
general fl~w field is isentropic, Po and Po are constant throughout th / m contrast, 1f the flow field is nonisentropic, Po and Po vary from one p:in~:~

s:ock waves ~e very thin regions in a supersonic flow across which the
P ess~re, density, temperature, and entropy increase; the Mach number, flow
velocity, and total pressure decrease; and the total enthalpy stays the same.

Noted: All problems deal with calorically perfect air as the gas, unless otherwise
note . Also, recall that 1 atm = 1.01 x 10s N/m2.

7.1 T~e ~emperature and pressure at the stagnation point of a high-speed

mI~sile are 518.9 Kand 7.8 atm, respectively. Calculate the density at this

Compressible Flow: Some Preliminary Aspects

7.2 Calculate Cp, Cv, e, and h for

a. The stagnation point conditions given in Problem 7 .1
b. Air at standard sea level conditions
(If you do not remember what standard sea level conditions are, find them
in an appropriate reference, such as Reference 2.)

7.3 Just upstream of a shock wave, the air temperature and pressure are 288 K
and 1 atm, respectively; just downstream of the wave, the air temperature
and pressure are 690 K and 8.656 atm, respectively. Calculate the changes
in enthalpy, internal energy, and entropy across the wave.
7.4 Consider the isentropic flow over an airfoil. The freestream conditions are
T = 245 Kand p 00 = 4.35 x 104 N/m2. At a point on the airfoil, the
pressure is 3.6 x 104 N/m2. Calculate the density at this point.
7.5 Consider the isentropic flow through a supersonic wind-tunnel nozzle. The
reservoir properties are To = 500 K and p 0 = 10 atrn. If p = l atm at the
nozzle exit, calculate the exit temperature and density.
7.6 Consider air at a pressure of 0.2 atm. Calculate the values of r r and r 5
Express your answer in SI units.
7.7 Consider a point in a flow where the velocity and temperature are 400 mis
and 267 K, respectively. Calculate the total enthalpy at this point.
7.8 In the reservoir of a supersonic wind tunnel, the velocity is negligible, and
the temperature is 1000 K. The temperature at the nozzle exit is 600 K.
Assuming adiabatic flow through the nozzle, calculate the velocity at the

= 0.819 kg/m3,
and V = 300 mis. At a point on the airfoil surface, the pressure is
0.5 atm. Assuming isentropic flow, calculate the velocity at that point.
7.10 Calculate the percentage error obtained if Problem 7 .9 is solved using
(incorrectly) the incompressible Bernoulli equation.
7.11 Repeat Problem 7.9, considering a point on the airfoil surface where the
7.9 An airfoil is in a freestream where p00 = 0.61 atm, p00

pressure is 0.3 atm.

7.12 Repeat Problem 7 .10, considering the flow of Problem 7 .11.
7.13 Bernoulli's equation, Equation (3.13), (3.14), or (3.15), was derived in
Chapter 3 from Newton's second law; it is fundamentally a statement that
force= mass x acceleration. However, the terms in Bernoulli's equation
have dimensions of energy per unit volume (check it out), which prompt
some argument that Bernoulli's equation is an energy equation for
incompressible flow. If this is so, then it should be derivable from the
energy equation for compressible flow discussed in the present chapter.
Starting with Equation (7 .53) for inviscid, adiabatic compressible flow,
make the appropriate assumptions for an incompressible flow and see
what you need to do to obtain Bernoulli's equation.




Invisc id, Compressible Flow




-= -=


S2 -




+ l)M f

2 + (y - l)Mf

= 1 + ~(M21 y +1


I+ ~(M21 -1)] 2+ (yy



l)M f

+ ])M?


8.1 Consider air at a temperature of 230 K. Calculate the speed of sound.

8.2 The temperature in the reservoir of a supersonic wind tunnel is 288 K. In


the test section, the flow velocity is 420 mis. Calculate the test-section
Mach number. Assume the tunnel flow is adiabatic.
8.3 At a given point in a flow, T = 300 K, p = l.2 atm, and V = 250 mis. At
this point, calculate the corresponding values of p0 , To, p*, T *, and M *.


= cP In { [1+ ~ ( M t - l)] 2+ (y - l)Mf}

y +1
(y + l)Mf

8.4 At a given point in a flow, T = 389 K, p = l.6 atm, and V = 900 mis. At
this point, calculate the corresponding values of p 0 , To, p*, T *, and M *.
8.5 Consider the isentropic flow through a supersonic nozzle. If the
test-section conditions are given by p = l atm, T = 230 K, and M = 2,

- Rln

[1 + ~(Mt-1)]
Po,2 =


e -(s2-s,) / R



The normal shock properties are tabulated versus M 1 in Appendix B.

For a calorically perfect gas, the total temperature is constant across a normal
shock wave:

To,2 = To.,
However, there is a loss in total pressure across the wave:


Po.2 < Po,1


For subsonic and supersonic compressible flow, the freestream Mach number
is determined by the ratio of Pi tot pressure to freestream static pressure. However, the equations are different:

Subsonic flow:


Supersonic fiow: Po,2


= _ 2_

[(Po.,) (y Y- 1

(y + l) M t ]
4 yMf- 2(y - 1)


Normal Shock Waves and Related Topics

l )/ y _

y/(y- l )




l -y +2yMf


calculate the reservoir pressure and temperature.

Consider the isentropic flow over an airfoil. The freestream conditions
correspond to a standard altitude of 3 km and M 00 = 0.82. At a given
point on the airfoil, M = 1.0. Calculate p and T at this point. (Note: You
will have to use the standard atmosphere table in Appendix E for this
The flow just upstream of a normal shock wave is given by p 1 = 1 atm,
T1 = 288 K, and M 1 = 2.6. Calculate the following properties just
downstream of the shock: P2, T2, P2, M2, Po,2, To,2, and the change in
entropy across the shock.
The pressure upstream of a normal shock wave is 1 atm. The pressure
and temperature downstream of the wave are 10.33 atm and 772 K,
respectively. Calculate the Mach number and temperature upstream of the
wave and the total temperature and total pressure downstream of the wave.
The entropy increase across a normal shock wave is 199.5 Jl(kg K). What
is the upstream Mach number?
The flow just upstream of a normal shock wave is given by
p 1 = 8.62 x 104 Nlm2, T1 = 267 K , and M 1 = 3.1. Calculate the velocity
and M* behind the shock.
Consider a flow with a pressure and temperature of 1 atm and 288 K. A
P itot tube is inserted into this flow and measures a pressure of 1.555 atm.
What is the velocity of the flow?
Consider a flow with a pressure and temperature of 1.01 x 105 N/m and
288 K, respectively. A Pitot tube is inserted into this flow and measures a
pressure of 3.6815 x 105 Nlm 2 . What is the velocity of this flow?
Repeat Problems 8.11 and 8.12 using (incorrectly) Bernoulli's equation
for incompressible flow. Calculate the percent error induced by using
Bernoulli's equation.
Derive the Rayleigh Pitot tube formula, Equation (8.80).
On March 16, 1990, an Air Force SR-71 set a new continental speed
record, averaging a velocity of 3380 km/h at an altitude of 24 km.








Inviscid, Compr essible Flow

Calcu late the tempe rature at a stagnation point on the vehicl
the flow
In the test sectio n of a supersonic wind tunnel
reads a pressure of 1: 13 atm. A static pressure measu
pressure tap on the sidewall o~ the test section) yields O.
the Mach numb er of the flow m the test
the moo
When the Apollo comm and modu le returned to earth from
Using the r:~~;ts
entere d the earth' s atmos phere at a Mach numb er of 36.
the ratio of
fro~ the presen t chapt er
sp~c1fic heats equal to 1.4,
pomt of the Apoll o
temperature is 300 K.
as it entered
The stagnation tempe rature on the Apollo vehicl
ted in
the atmosphere was 11 ,000 K, a much different
Prob_lem 8.17 for the case of a calori cally
ons that
spec1fi_c h~ats equal t~ 1.4. The differe nce is due
occur m ~If at_these high tempe rature s-diss ociati
anaJ~ses m this book assuming a caloricaJJy perfec
flows. However
specific h~ats ~e not valid for such chemically reacting
gas results are '
as an ~ngm eenng appro ximat ion, the caloric
ic heats a
somet imes appli~d with a lower value of
effects 'of hi h
so-cal led "effective gamm a," in order to
in this g
tempe rature chemi cally reacting flows.
yield a
proble m, calculate the value of the effective
tempe rature ?f 11,00 0 K at the stagnation
tempe rature
isentropic flow.
Prove that the total pressu re is constant throughout an


Obliq ue Sh ock an d
Expa nsi on Waves
shock wave is extrem ely
In the case of air (and the same is true for all gases) the
are still applic able for
thin so that calculations based on one-dimensional.flow
g through it, even
determining the chang es in velocity and density on passin
sion, provided that
when the rest of the flow system
only the velocity compo nent norma l to the wave is consid

G. I. Taylor and J. W. Maccoll, 1934

for hypers onic airplane:,. T he perform ance of such
Tai..e a look at Figure 9. 1. What you ,ee b the
e ngine~ depend ~ in part on the nature of the oblique
co 1puted wave pallem -both shock and expan~ion
wave pattern~ both upstrea m of and ins ide the en~ , es-ge nerated by a generi c super-, onic transp ort
gi ne. The material in thi !, c hapter is vital to you if
config uration flying at Mach 1.7 at an ahillld e of
you are interes ted in designing ,upers onic and hyperin
l.1 km. All the\c waves are obliqu e 10 the flow,
~onic wind tunne ls. where the oblique wave patte rn:,
co tra,1to the norma l shock wave\ discw, \ed in Chapcreated by mode b in the tunne l and in the diffuser
te r 8. The present c hapter is a ll about obliqu e shock
down~ tream of the model!> affect the perfor mance
and ex pansio n waves.
the tunne l. In fact, the materia l in this c hapter b
The material in thi~ chapte r i:. vita l to a funda- of
vital to a w hole ho:,t of applica tion, in ~uper-,onic
me ntal under~ tanding of \ uper~o ni c flow. Moreo ver,
it 1, vital to you if you a re inte rested in de~ign ing
By now you get the me~~ age-th e material in
an econom
thi s chapte r is simply \i tal to your 1-tudy of superahle supers onic transpo rt. The shod. wave~ in Fig1,onic flows. It is the bread and butler of such flow!..
u c 9.1 create the major ~ource of drag {wave drag) on
So lay out the bread, ~pread it with butler. and consume
the: a irplane . and the waves. when they propag ate to
thi ~ c hapter. And on top of everyth ing ebe. learning
the ground . cause the muc h discu~sed ~onic boom:
oblique :,hock and expans ion waves is excitin g.
1 he materi al in this chapte r i~ abo , ita l to you if about
thi ~.
Mjet engine!> I predict that you are going to e njoy
, l U are intere!>ted in design ing SCRA





Inviscid, Compressible Flow


For a given convergent-divergent duct, there is only one possible isentropic

flow solution for supersonic flow; in contrast, there are an infinite number of
subsonic isentropic solutions, each one associated with a different pressure
ratio across the nozzle, pol Pe = Pol p s.

The results of this chapter are highlighted below:

Quasi-one-dimensional flow is an approximation to the actual threedimensional flow in a variable-area duct; this approximation assumes that
p = p(x), u = u(x), T = T(x) , etc., although the area varies as A = A(x).
Thus, we can visualize the quasi-one-dimensional results as giving the mean
properties at a given station, averaged over the cross section. The quasi-onedimensional flow assumption gives reasonable results for many internal flow
problems; it is a "workhorse" in the everyday application of compressible flow.
The governing equations for this are







The area velocity relation


- = (M 2 A



Compressible Flow through Nozzles, Diffusers, and Wind Tunnels


tells us that

1. To accelerate (decelerate) a subsonic flow, the area must decrease

2. To accelerate (decelerate) a supersonic flow, the area must increase
3. Sonic flow can only occur at a throat or minimum area of the flow.

In a supersonic wind tunnel, the ratio of second throat area to first throat area
should be approximately

A1,1 Po.2
If A,, 2 is reduced much below this value, the diffuser will choke and the tunnel
will unstart.

10.1 The reservoir pressure and temperature for a convergent-divergent nozzle
are 5 atm and 289 K, respectively. The flow is expanded isentropically to
supersonic speed at the nozzle exit. If the exit-to-throat area ratio is 2.193,
calculate the following properties at the exit: Me, Pe, Te, Pe, Ue, Po,e , To,e
10.2 A flow is isentropically expanded to supersonic speeds in a
convergent-divergent nozzle. The reservoir and exit pressures are 1 and
0.3143 atm, respectively. What is the value of Ae I A*?
10.3 A Pitot tube inserted at the exit of a supersonic nozzle reads
8.92 x 104 N/m2 . If the reservoir pressure is 2.02 x 105 N/m2, calculate
the area ratio AeI A* of the nozzle.
10.4 For the nozzle flow given in Problem 10.1, the throat area is 25 cm2
Calculate the mass flow through the nozzle.
10.5 A closed-form expression for the mass flow through a choked nozzle is

m= - -


The isentropic flow of a calorically perfect gas through a nozzle is governed

by the relation

y-1 z)] Cy+ t)/Cy -t )
A ) 2- 1 [ 2
- - - 1+ - -M
( -A*
y +1


This tells us that the Mach number in a duct is governed by the ratio of local
duct area to the sonic throat area; moreover, for a given area ratio, there are
two values of Mach number that satisfy Equation (10.32)-a subsonic value
and a supersonic value.




(y+ l)/(y- 1)

Derive this expression.

10.6 Repeat Problem 10.4, using the formula derived in Prob. 10.5, and check
your answer from Prob. 10.4.
10.7 A convergent-divergent nozzle with an exit-to-throat area ratio of 1.616
has exit and reservoir pressures equal to 0.947 and 1.0 atm, respectively.
Assuming isentropic flow through the nozzle, calculate the Mach number
and pressure at the throat.
10.8 For the flow in Problem 10.7, calculate the mass flow through the nozzle,
assuming that the reservoir temperature is 288 K and the throat area is
0.3 m2




Inviscid, Compressible Flow

10.9 Consider a convergent-divergent nozzle with an exit-to-throat area ratio

of 1.53. The reservoir pressure is 1 atm. Assuming isentropic flow, except
for the possibility of a normal shock wave inside the nozzle, calculate the
exit Mach number when the exit pressure Pe is .
(a) 0.94 atm (b) 0.886 atm (c) 0.75 atm (d) 0.154 atm
10.10 A 20 half-angle wedge is mounted at 0 angle of attack in the test
section of a supersonic wind tunnel. When the tunnel is operating, the
wave angle from the wedge leading edge is measured to be 41. 8. What
is the exit-to-throat area ratio of the tunnel nozzle?
10.11 The nozzle of a supersonic wind tunnel has an exit-to-throat area ratio
of 6.79. When the tunnel is running, a Pitot tube mounted in the test
section measures 1.448 atm. What is the reservoir pressure for the
10.12 We wish to design a supersonic wind tunnel that produces a Mach 2.8
flow at standard sea level conditions in the test section and has a mass
flow of air equal to 14.5 kg/s. Calculate the necessary reservoir pressure
and temperature, the nozzle throat and exit areas, and the diffuser throat
10.13 Consider a rocket engine burning hydrogen and oxygen. The total mass
flow of the propellant plus oxidizer into the combustion chamber is
287.2 kg/s. The combustion chamber temperature is 3600 K. Assume
that the combustion chamber is a low-velocity reservoir for the rocket
engine. If the area of the rocket nozzle throat is 0.2 m 2 , calculate the
combustion chamber (reservoir) pressure. Assume that the gas that flows
through the engine has a ratio of specific heats, y = 1.2, and a molecular
weight of 16.
10.14 For supersonic and hypersonic wind tunnels, a diffuser efficiency, T/D,
can be defined as the ratio of the total pressures at the diffuser exit and
nozzle reservoir, divided by the total pressure ratio across a normal shock
at the test-section Mach number. This is a measure of the efficiency of
the diffuser relative to normal shock pressure recovery. Consider a
supersonic wind tunnel designed for a test-section Mach number of 3.0
which exhausts directly to the atmosphere. The diffuser efficiency is 1.2.
Calculate the minimum reservoir pressure necessary for running the
10.15 Return to Problem 9.18, where the average Mach number across the
two-dimensional flow in a duct was calculated, and where e for the upper
wall was 3. Assuming quasi-one-dimensional flow, calculate the Mach
number at the location AB in the duct.
10.16 Return to Problem 9.19, where the average Mach number across the
two-dimensional flow in a duct was calculated, and where e for the upper
wall was 30 . Assuming quasi-one-dimensional flow, calculate the Mach
number at the location AB in the duct.


Compressible Flow through Nozzles, Diffusers, and Wind Tunnels

t0.17 A horizontal flow initially at Mach 1 flows over a downward-sloping

expansion corner, thus creating a centered Prandtl-Meyer expansion
wave. The streamlines that enter the head of the expansion wave curve
smoothly and continuously downward through the expansion fan, and
emerge parallel to the downward sloping surface downstream of the tail
of the wave, as shown in Figure 9.2b. Imagine a polar coordinate system
r, <t> with its origin at the expansion corner (the vertex of the PrandtlMeyer expansion wave), with r the usual radial distance along a ray from
the origin and <t> the polar angle of r measured from the horizontal.
Because the upstream flow is at Mach 1, the head of the expansion fan is
a Mach wave perpendicular to the free stream. Consider a given
streamline entering the expansion wave at the point (r, <t>) = (r* , n /2).
Construct a method for calculating the shape of this streamline as a
function of r and <t> through the expansion fan. Note: To solve this
problem, material from both Chapters 9 and 10 is required.
10.18 Consider a centered expansion wave where M 1 = 1.0 and M2 = 1.6.
Using the method developed in Problem 10.17, plot to scale a streamline
that passes through the expansion wave.


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