The Roman Catholic Church and Islam
The Roman Catholic Church and Islam
The Roman Catholic Church and Islam
f The Church ha.. not only the final authority in cases of conscience
and in c a m of social justice, but she h w the right t o call to the aid
of the service of God the sword of the temporal power. Cf., the solemn
institution of the military religious orders and the formula for t h e
consecration of new knights in the " Pontifical Romain " (Dom GrCa).
Six let.tera by Gregory MI.for the defence of the Greek empire, written in 1074.
9 As supreme head, the Pope had broken the truce concluded by
the King of Hungary with the Sultan Murad 11. to the detriment of
the Christian sects in the Balkans. But the king w.23 defeated and
killed a t Vanla.
under Heraclius after the captivity in Babylon) of the true Qoss thus
shown to the world at the very moment when I~lrtmdenied the Atonement by the Cross.
$ Pointed out by Margoliouth, The Early Development of Mohumm e d c c n h , 1914.
8 Besides systematic persecutions ; prohibitions of Chriutians
from practiHing any other trades than those of bankers and physicians
(edicte of Motawakkil, Muqtedir).
held at raxmoni.
community, and are obliged to exile theinselves (if they are not killed
before) ; they cannot found families in the same place.
t On his college for oriental studies (Mallorea) and his controversial books, see Littrb and HaurGsu, Audrt!, and Zwemers
$ Life, by M y Herbert ; Montpellier and Pau, 1889.
0 One of them, 8t. Pius V., sought by private correspondence to
win back the renegade Lucchiali (Ilj Ali), one of the commandants of
the Turkish fleet before Lepanto.
Let us examine in particular the work on Mohammedan territory of the latest of Catholic orders, the
White Fathers. The order was founded under the name
of " The African Missionary Society " at Mnison-Carde
(near Algiers), by Mgr. Lavigerie, cardinal archbishop of
Algiers and approved b? Pius TX., and a t its head
is Mgr. Livinhnc (assisted by the Rev. F. Voillard).
They took upon them the spiritual welfare of the infidels
living on the Moslem territory, which, through the
conquest of Algiers, had become French.
Work for the conversion of their Moslem brethren
of the colonies of their mother-country is, indeed, an imperative duty iipon the Catholics of every nation. Mgr.
Lavigerie had concentrated his activity on the Maghreb
and on the Sahara, where he had hoped to establish a
miMary religious order, the A
d Brothers (of the
Beit Allah, Biskra). Forty years have passed, and we
see that the efforts of the White Fathers, turned aside
by unforseen obstacles, have flanked Islam instead of
making a frontal attack. They are working to conquer
the principal negro races for Christ before the threatening
propaganda of Islam has reached them. Their finest
missions are in the region of the great equatorial lakes,
which Islam was near conquering by converting the
kings of Uganda and by the wars of Tippo-Tib. The
White Fathers have now a threefold field of work* :-
I. Great Lakes :
(1) Northern Nyanza (Uganda) : 30 stations (one preliminary and 1 secondary seminary).
(2) Southern Nyanza : 14 stations.
(3) Ounyayembe : 9 stations.
(4) Tanganika: 13 stations (one primary and one
secondary seminary).
(5) Upper Congo: 11 stations.
(6) Kivou: 15 stations.
(7) Nyassa: 5 stations.
( 8 ) Bangouolo: 7 stations.
11. Jerusalem. Greek Catholic seminary of St. Anne :
24 tutors and 104 pupils.
111. Algeria and Sudan.
(1) Missions in Kabylia and in Aurhs.
(2) Mission districts in the Sahara and in the Sudan,
including the mission prefecture of Ghardaia.
It is only in this third sphere of activity, Kabylia,
A d s and Ghardaia, that the stations of the White
Fathers have been founded in the midst of Islam.* We
shall, therefore, study this one only.
It is divided into six sections (on Musulman territory) :
(a) Section of the Chelif : 2 stations : St. Cyprian and
St. Monica of the Attafs: 7 missionaries, 21 sisters, 290
(b) Section of Kabylia : 7 stations : Beni-Mengalet,
Beni-Yenni, Taymount-Azouz, Ouadhias, Beni Ismail,
Ighil Ali, Kerrata: 39 missionaries, 41 sisters, 11 catechists, 689 converts.
(c) Section of Aurks : 3 stations: Arris, Medina,
Djemaa-Sahridj : 9 missionaries, 19 sisters, 14 converts.
( d ) Section of Tunisia : 1 station, St. Joseph of
Thibor (between El Kef and Beja), 30 converts.
( e ) Prefecture of Ghardaia : 3 stations, Ouargla,
Ghardaia : 8 missionaries, 11 sisters.
(f)Tassili of the Touareg Ahaggar : 1 station,
TamaiQBset, hermitage of an independent priest affiliated
to the order, the Rev. Father Charles de JBsus (Charles
Foucauld, 2.c.