Pediatric Surgical Handbook PDF
Pediatric Surgical Handbook PDF
Pediatric Surgical Handbook PDF
A. Neonatal Physiologic Characteristics
---1. Water Metabolism
---2. Fluid and Electrolytes Concepts
B. Variations in Individual Newborns
---1. Types of Newborns Infants
---2. Metabolic and Host Defenses
---3. Surgical Response of Newborns
A. Cervical Lymphadenopathy
B. Congenital Torticollis
C. Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
D. Branchial Cleft Fistula
E. Cystic Hygromas
Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction Logical Approach
A. Esophageal Atresia
B. Gastro-Duodenal Anomalies
---1. Gastric Anomalies
---2. Pyloric Stenosis
---3. Duodenal Malformations
C. Malrotation and Volvulus
D. Intestinal Atresia
E. Meconium Ileus
F. Hirschsprung's disease
---1. Total Colonic Aganglionosis
G. Imperforate Anus
H. Duplications
I. Intussusception
J. Appendicitis
K. Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction
L. Bezoars
M. Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia
A. Diaphragmatic Hernias
---1. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (Bochdalek)
---2. Morgagni Hernia
---3. Esophageal Hernias
B. Processus Vaginalis Remnants
---1. Inguinal Hernias
---2. Hydroceles
C. Undescended Testis
D. Umbilical hernias
E. Omphalocele
F. Gastroschisis
Journal Club
A. Neonatal Physiologic Characteristics
1. Water metabolism
Water represents 70 to 80% of the body weight of the normal neonate and
premature baby respectively. Total body water (TBW) varies inversely with fat
content, and prematures have less fat deposits. TBW is distributed into
extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment. The ECF
compartment is one-third the TBW with sodium as principal cation, and
chloride and bicarbonate as anions. The ICF compartment is two-third the
TBW with potassium the principal cation. The Newborn's metabolic rate is high
and extra energy is needed for maintenance of body temperature and growth.
A change in body water occurs upon entrance of the fetus to his new
extrauterine existence. There is a gradual decrease in body water and the
extracellular fluid compartment with a concomitant increase in the intracellular
fluid compartment. This shift is interrupted with a premature birth. The
newborn's body surface area is relatively much greater than the adults and
heat loss is a major factor. Insensible water loss are from the lung (1/3) and
skin (2/3). Transepithelial (skin) water is the major component and decreases
with increase in post-natal age. Insensible water loss is affected by gestational
age, body temperature (radiant warmers), and phototherapy. Neonatal renal
function is generally adequate to meet the needs of the normal full-term infant
but may be limited during periods of stress. Renal characteristics of newborns
are a low glomerular filtration rate and concentration ability (limited urea in
medullary interticium) which makes them less tolerant to dehydration. The
neonate is metabolically active and production of solute to excrete in the urine
is high. The kidney in the newborn can only concentrate to about 400 mOsm/L
initially (500-600 mOsm/L the full-term compared to 1200 mOsm/L for an adult),
and therefore requires 2-4 cc/kg/hr urine production to clear the renal solute
load. The older child needs about 1-2 cc/kg/hr and the adult 0.5-1 cc/kg/hr.
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a) The full-term, full-size infant with a gestational age of 38 weeks and a body
weight greater than 2500 grams (TAGA)- they received adequate intrauterine
nutrition, passed all fetal tasks and their physiologic functions are predictable.
b) The preterm infant with a gestational age below 38 weeks and a birth weight
appropriate for that age (PreTAGA);
c) The small-for-gestational-age infant (SGA) with a gestational age over 38
weeks and a body weight below 2500 grams- has suffered growth retardation
in utero.
d) A combination of (b) and (c), i.e., the preterm infant who is also small for
gestational age.
The characteristic that most significantly affects the survival of the preterm
infant is the immature state of the respiratory system. Between 27 and 28
weeks of gestation (900-1000 grams), anatomic lung development has
progressed to the extent that extrauterine survival is possible. It is only after
30 to 32 weeks of gestation that true alveoli are present. Once there is
adequate lung tissue, the critical factor that decides extrauterine adaptation
and survival of the preterm infant is his capabilities to produce the
phospholipid-rich material, surfactant that lines the respiratory epithelium.
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loss occurs from heat flow from center of the body to the surface and from the
surface to the environment by evaporation, conduction, convection and
radiation. There is an association between hypothermia and mortality in the
NICU's. The surgical neonate is prone to hypothermia. Infant produce heat by
increasing metabolic activity and using brown fat. Below the 35C the newborn
experiences lassitude, depressed respiration, bradycardia, metabolic acidosis,
hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia, elevated BUN and oliguria (neonatal cold injury
syndrome). Factors that precipitate further these problems are: prematurity,
prolonged surgery, and eviscerated bowel (gastroschisis). Practical
considerations to maintain temperature control are the use of humidified and
heated inhalant gases during anesthesia, and during all NICU procedures use
radiant heater with skin thermistor-activated servo-control mechanism. The
newborn's host defenses against infection are generally sufficient to meet the
challenge of most moderate bacterial insults, but may not be able to meet a
major insult. Total complement activity is 50% of adults levels. C3,C4,C5
complex, factor B, and properdin concentration are also low in comparison to
the adult. IgM, since it does not pass the placenta, is absent.
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An enlarged lymph node is the most common neck mass in children. Most are
anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Infection is the usual cause of
enlargement; viral etiology and persist for months. Acute suppurative
submandibular adenitis occur in early childhood (6 mo-3 yrs), is preceded by
pharyngitis or URI, the child develops erythema, swelling and cellulitis, and
management is antibiotics and drainage. Chronic adenitis: persistent node (> 3
wk., tonsillar), solitary, non-tender, mobile and soft. Generally no tx if < 1 cm,
for nodes above 2 cm sizes with rapid growth, clustered, hard or matted do
biopsy. Other causes are: (1) Mycobacterial adenitis- atypical (MAIS complex),
swollen, non-tender, nor-inflamed, positive skin test, excision is curative,
chemotx is of no value. (2) Cat-Scratch adenitis- caused by A. Fellis,
transmitted by kittens, positive complement fixation test, minimally tender,
fluctuant regional nodes, spontaneous resolution. (3) Hodgkin's disease
mostly teenager and young adults, continuing growth, non-tender node,
associated to weight loss, biopsy is diagnostic.
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B. Congenital Torticollis
Congenital muscular torticollis is a disorder characterize by shortening of the
cervical muscles, most commonly the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, and
tilting of the head to the opposite side. This is the result of endomysial fibrosis
of the SCM muscle. There is a relationship between birth position and the side
affected by the contracture. Congenital torticollis causes: plagiocephaly (a
craniofacial deformity), fascial asymmetry (hemihypoplasia), scoliosis and
atrophy of the ipsilateral trapezius muscle if not corrected. Torticollis can
develop at any age, although is more common during the first six months of
life. The SCM muscle can be a fibrous mass, or a palpable tumor 1-3 cm in
diameter within the substance of the muscle is identified by two to three weeks
of age. Management is conservative in most cases using early physiotherapy
exercises' a mean duration of three months to achieve full passive neck range
of motion. The severity of restriction of motion is the strongest predictor of
treatment duration. Those children with failed medical therapy or the
development of fascial hemihypoplasia should undergo surgical transection of
the SCM muscle.
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document that the mass is not ectopic thyroid gland. Diagnosis is physical.
Sonograms will show a cyst between 0.4 and 4 cm in diameter, with variable
sonographic appearance and no correlation with pathological findings of
infection or inflammation. Once infected surgical excision is more difficult and
recurrence will increase. Management is Sistrunk's operation: Excision of cyst
with resection of duct along with the central portion of hyoid bone (a minimum
of 10-15 mm of hyoid bone should be removed) and some muscle surrounding
the proximal ductules (the length of single duct above the hyoid bone spreads
into many ductuli as it approach the foramen cecum). Extensive dissection can
cause pharyngodynia. The greatest opportunity for cure is surgery at initial
non-inflamed presentation. Inadequate excision is a risk factor for further
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E. Cystic Hygroma
Cystic hygroma (CH) is an uncommon congenital lesion of the lymphatic
system appearing as a multilocular fluid filled cavity most commonly in the
back neck region, occasionally associated with extensive involvement of
airway or vital structures. The etiology is intrauterine failure of lymphatics to
communicate with the venous system. Prenatal diagnosis can be done during
the first trimester of pregnancy as a huge neck tumor. Differential diagnosis
includes teratomas, encephalocele, hemangiomas, etc. There is a strong
correlation between prenatal dx and Turner's syndrome (> 50%), structural
defects (Noonan's syndrome) and chromosomic anomalies (13, 18, 21). Early
diagnosis (< 30 wk gestation) is commonly associated to those anomalies,
non-immune hydrops and dismal outcome (fetal death). Spontaneous
regression is less likely but can explain webbed neck of Turner and Noonan's
3. Contrast enema will differentiate the various types of low intestinal obstruction.
a. Microcolon - complete obstruction of the small bowel.
b. Meconium plug syndrome - colon dilated proximal to an intraluminal mass.
c. Hirschsprung's disease - although it may appear to be diagnostic, not reliable in the
d. Small left colon syndrome - colon dilated to the splenic flexure, then becomes narrow.
4. Upper G.I. series - the procedure of choice in diagnosing malrotation of the intestines. In the
past a contrast enema was thought to be the diagnostic test of choice in instances of
malrotation but the cecum and ascending colon can be in normal position in an infant or child
with malrotation of the intestines.
5. Rectal biopsy - a pathologist competent in reading the slides is essential and should not be
taken for granted.
a. Suction biopsy of the rectal mucosa and submucosa- best screening procedure to rule
out Hirschsprung's disease (ganglion cells are present in the submucosa), and is diagnostic in
experienced hands.
b. Full thickness biopsy of the rectal wall may be necessary if the suction biopsy is
non-diagnostic or if the pathologist is unwilling or unable to make the diagnosis of
aganglionosis on a suction biopsy specimen. This procedure is difficult in the small infant and
has been replaced by the suction biopsy in most centers.
c. All newborns who have delayed passage of meconium associated with a suspicious
contrast enema should have a suction biopsy of the rectal mucosa and submucosa. With this
technique, Hirschsprung's disease will be diagnosed early before it is complicated with
enterocolitis. If delayed passage of meconium is "cured" by rectal stimulation(suppository,
thermometer, or finger), it must be kept in mind that the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease
is still a possibility. Whether or not a suction biopsy of the rectum is done before the infant
goes home depends on the clinical setting but the safe course of action is to do the rectal
biopsy before discharge. Parents may not call before the infant gets into trouble with
d. Suction biopsy of the rectum is probably indicated in all cases of so called meconium
plug syndrome or small left colon syndrome. If the suction biopsy is not done, the infant must
be observed for recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms. A breast-fed infant who has
Hirschsprung's disease can "get by" for a prolonged period of time.
6. Concluding comments:
The newborn suspected of having intestinal obstruction should be studied in a logical step
by step manner. It is important that it be definitely established that the infant has a surgical
problem before surgery is performed. This is usually not difficult in instances of complete high
small bowel obstruction or when plain films of the abdomen show calcification and/or a distal
small bowel obstruction with the contrast enema showing a microcolon or a definite
malrotation of the colon (cecum in upper mid-abdomen or left upper quadrant).
When plain films are suggestive of a high small bowel obstruction but there is gas in the
distal small bowel, an upper GI series rather than a contrast enema should be performed. It is
critically important that the diagnosis of malrotation of the intestines be always considered
and ruled out in a neonate with bilious vomiting. Prompt recognition and treatment of
malrotation of the intestines which is often associated with a midgut volvulus avoids the dire
consequences of the problems associated with a massive small bowel resection.
Mistakes are frequently made when the contrast enema is interpreted as normal, meconium
plug syndrome, small left colon syndrome or Hirschsprung's disease. In all of these clinical
situations, a suction biopsy of the rectum is an excellent screening procedure. If ganglion
cells are present, Hirschsprung's disease is ruled out and the infant probably has a
non-surgical diagnosis. If ganglion cells are absent, the next step depends on the clinical
picture and setting. If the pathologist is experienced and confident of the interpretation, the
diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease can be made with confidence. If there is any doubt about
the absence of ganglion cells in the suction biopsy, a full thickness biopsy of the rectum (a
difficult technical procedure requiring a general anesthetic) can be done to settle the issue. If
Hirschsprung's disease is believed to be the problem, it must be diagnosed histologically
before the infant is operated upon because at the time of surgery the site of obstruction may
not be apparent and the abdomen may be closed because no obvious site of obstruction is
Hypothyroidism in the first two to three months of life can mimic Hirschsprung's disease in
surgical closure of the TEF through a right cervical approach. Hint: a small guide-wire
threaded through the fistula during bronchoscopy may be of some help. Working in the
tracheo-esophageal groove can cause injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve with vocal cord
paralysis. Recurrence after closure is rare.aggressive treatment of associated anomalies.
The three most common anastomotic complications are in order of frequency: stricture,
leakage and recurrent TEF. Recurrent TEF after surgical repair for esophageal atresia occurs
in approximately 3-15% of cases. Tension on the anastomoses followed by leakage may lead
to local inflammation with breakage of both suture lines enhancing the chance of recurrent
TEF. Once established, the fistula allows saliva and food into the trachea, hence clinical
suspicion of this diagnosis arises with recurrent respiratory symptoms associated with
feedings after repair of esophageal atresia. Diagnosis is confirmed with cineradiography of the
esophagus or bronchoscopy. A second thoracotomy is very hazardous, but has proved to be
the most effective method to close the recurrent TEF. Either a pleural or pericardial flap will
effectively isolate the suture line. Pericardial flap is easier to mobilize, provides sufficient
tissue to use and serves as template for ingrowth of new mucosa should leakage occur. Other
alternatives are endoscopic diathermy obliteration, laser coagulation, or fibrin glue deposition.
B. Gastro-Duodenal Anomalies
B.1 Gastric Anomalies
Congenital gastric outlet obstruction is extremely rare. It occurs either in the pyloric or antral
region. Antral membranes (web or diaphragm) are thin, soft and pliable, composed of
mucosa/submucosa, and located eccentric 1-3 cm proximal to pyloro-duodenal junction. They
probably represent the developmental product of excess local endodermal proliferation and
redundancy. The diagnosis should rely on history, contrast roentgenology studies and
endoscopic findings. Symptoms are those of recurrent non-bilious vomiting and vary
according to the diameter of aperture of the membrane. There is a slight male predominance
with fair distribution between age groups in children. Associated conditions: pyloric stenosis,
peptic ulcer and cardiac. History of polyhydramnios in the mother. Demonstration of a
radioluscent line perpendicular to the long axis of the antrum is diagnostic of a web.
Endoscopy corroborates the diagnosis. Management can be either surgical or non-surgical.
Surgical Tx is successful in symptomatic pt. and consist of pyloroplasty with incision or
excision of the membrane. Other alternative is endoscopic balloon dilatation or transection of
the web. Non-obtructive webs found incidentally can be managed medically with small curd
formula and antispasmodics. The presence of an abnormally dilated gastric bubble in prenatal
sonography should alert the physician toward the diagnosis of congenital antro-pyloric
B.2 Pyloric Stenosis
Is an abnormality of the pyloric musculature (hypertrophy) causing gastric outlet obstruction
in early infancy. The incidence is 3 per 1000 live births. The etiology is unknown, but
pylorospasm to formula protein cause a work hypertrophy of the muscle. Diagnostic
characteristics are: non-bilious projectile vomiting classically 3-6 weeks of age, palpable
pyloric muscle "olive", contrast studies are not necessary when the pyloric muscle is
palpated, enlarged width and length in ultrasonography. The treatment consist in correction
of hypochloremic alkalosis and state of dehydration and performing a Fredet-Ramstedt
modified pyloromyotomy. Post-operative management consist of: 50% will have one to several
episodes of vomiting, usually can feed and go home in 24-36 hours, initial feeds start 8-12
hours after surgery.
B.3 Duodenal Malformations
Can be intrinsic (Atresia, Stenosis, Webs) or extrinsic (Annular pancreas, Ladd's bands).
Occur distal or proximal to the ampulla of Vater. Most commonly distal to ampulla and
therefore bilious vomiting is present. (Note: Bilious vomiting is surgical until proven otherwise
in a baby).
"Windsock" webs have clinical importance because of their tendency to be confused with
distal duodenal obstruction and because of the frequent occurrence of an anomalous biliary
duct entering along their medial margin. Embryology: The first major event in the
differentiation of the duodenum, hepatobiliary tree, and pancreas occurs at about the third
week in gestation, when the biliary and pancreatic buds form at the junction of the foregut and
the midgut. The duodenum at this time is a solid cord of epithelium, which undergoes
vacuolization followed by recanalization and restitution of the intestinal lumen over 3-4 weeks
of normal development. Failure of recanalization of the second part of the duodenum results in
congenital obstruction of the lumen, often in conjunction with developmental malformation of
the pancreatic anlagen and the terminal part of the biliary tree. In support of this concept is the
high incidence of annular pancreas observed, believed to represent a persistence of the
ventral pancreatic anlage in association with intrinsic duodenal obstruction.
Congenital partial obstruction of the duodenum can be either intrinsic (membrane, web or
pure) or
extrinsic (Ladd's bands, annular pancreas). A significant group (25-33%) is born with Down's
This does not entail a higher risk of early mortality unless associated with cardiac
malformations. Other
associated conditions are malrotation (midgut volvulus is rare due to absent bowel distension
peristalsis), biliary tract anomalies and Meckel's diverticulum. The diagnosis is suggested in
utero by
the double-bubble image on ultrasound. Vomiting is the most frequent presenting symptom.
diagnostic, showing a dilated stomach and first duodenal portion with scanty passage of
material distally. Management varies accordingly to the type of stenosis: Ladd's bands are
lysed. Pure
stenosis is opened longitudinally and closed transversely (Heineke-Mickulicz). Membranous
stenosis is
resected. Successful endoscopic membranectomy of duodenal stenosis has been reported.
Duodeno-duodenostomy is the procedure of choice for annular pancreas. Diaphragms can
rarely be
double. Anastomotic malfunction requiring prolonged intravenous nutrition and
hospitalization has
prompted development of a diamond shape larger stoma. Tapering or plication of the dilated
is another effective method of improving disturbed transit. Other complications after surgery
megaduodenum with blind loop syndrome, biliary reflux, cholestatic jaundice, delayed transit
and bowel
obstruction. Early mortality is associated to prematurity and associated malformations.
follow-up is warranted to identify late problems.
The diagnostic characteristics are: bilious vomiting, history of polyhydramnios in mother,
KUB with classic "Double-bubble" appearance, a microcolon in barium enema study or
Treatment consist in: (1) duodeno-duodenostomy bypass for atresias, annular pancreas, and
some stenosis. (2) duodenoplasty for webs, and stenosis, and (3) lysis of ladd's bands and
Ladd's procedure for malrotation. Associated anomalies are: Down's syndrome (20-30%),
VACTERL syndrome, CNS anomalies and cardiac anomalies.
C. Malrotation and Volvulus
The rotation and normal fixation of the intestinal tract takes place within the first three months
of fetal life. In the earliest stages when the intestinal tract is recognizable as a continuous
tube, the stomach, small intestine, and colon constitute a single tube with its blood supply
arising posteriorly. The midgut portion of this tube, from the second portion of the duodenum
to the mid-transverse colon, lengthens and migrates out into an extension of the abdomen,
which lies at the base of the umbilical cord. Here this loop of bowel undergoes a 270-degree
counterclockwise twist at its neck. In the center of the twisted loop lie the blood vessels that
will become the superior mesenteric artery and vein. After rotation, the small intestine quite
rapidly withdraws into the abdominal cavity, with the duodenum and the proximal jejunum
going first. During this process the duodenojejunal junction goes beneath and to the left of the
base of the superior mesenteric vessels. This leaves the upper intestine, including the
stomach and the duodenum, encircling the superior mesenteric vessels like a horseshoe with
its opening on the left side of the embryo. The small intestine then follows into the abdomen,
and withdrawal of the right half of the colon takes place so that it lies to the left. At the next
step, the cecum and the right colon begin to travel across the top of the superior mesenteric
vessels and then down to the right lower quadrant. The colon now lies draped across the top
of the superior mesenteric vessels, again like a horseshoe, with its opening placed inferiorly.
The duodenojejunal loop is said to attach to the posterior abdominal wall soon after its turn,
whereas the mesenteric attachments of the entire colon and of the remaining small bowel
gradually adhere after they arrive in their normal positions. In malrotation the right colon can
create peritoneal attachments that include and obstruct the third portion of the duodenum
(Ladd's bands).
The diagnostic hallmarks are: bilious vomiting (the deadly vomit), abdominal distension and
metabolic acidosis. A UGIS is more reliable than barium enema, most patients present in first
month of life (neonatal), but may present at any time.
The treatment is immediate operation; volvulus often means strangulation. Needs fluid and
electrolyte replacement. Ladd's procedure consist of: reduce volvulus with a
counterclockwise rotation, place small bowel in right abdomen, lysed ladd's bands, place
large bowel in left abdomen, do an appendectomy. In cases of questionable non-viable bowel
a second look procedure is required.
D. Intestinal Atresias
Intestinal atresias are the product of a late intrauterine mesenteric vascular accident (blood
supply was not received by a portion of bowel) as attested by Louw and Barnard in 1955. They
are equally distributed from the ligament of treitz to the ileocecal junction. Colonic atresias are
very rare. There is proximal bowel dilatation, with distal (unused) micro-bowel. The diagnosis
is suspected with maternal history of polyhydramnios (the higher the atresia), bilious
vomiting, abdominal distension and obstipation. KUB shows "thumb-size" dilated bowel
loops, and barium enema a microcolon of disuse. Louw classified them into: Type I: an
intraluminal diaphragm with seromuscular continuity. Type II: cord-like segment between the
bowel blinds ends. Type IIIA: atresia with complete separation of blind ends and V-shaped
mesenteric defect (see figure), the most commonly found. Type IIIB: jejunal atresia with
extensive mesenteric defect and distal ileum acquiring its blood supply entirely from a single
ileocolic artery. The distal bowel coils itself around the vessel, giving the appearance of an
"apple peel"deformity. Type IV: multiple atresias of the small intestine. After preoperative
stabilization (GI decompression, electrolytes disturbances' correction, antibiotherapy, and
normothermia), treatment consists of exploratory laparotomy, resection of proximal dilated
intestine, and end to oblique anastomosis in distal jejuno-ileal atresias. Tapering jejunoplasty
with anastomosis is preferred in proximal defects.
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E. Meconium Ileus
Meconium ileus is a neonatal intraluminal intestinal obstruction caused by inspissated
meconium blocking the distal ileum. Occurs in 10-15% of all patients with cystic fibrosis, and
85-95% of patients with meconium ileus have cystic fibrosis. The meconium has a reduced
water, abnormal high protein and mucoproteint content, the result of decreased pancreatic
enzyme activity and prolonged small bowel intestinal transit time. Meconium Ileus is classified
into two types: (1) Simple meconium ileus: The distal small bowel (10-30 cm of distal ileum) is
relatively small, measuring less than 2 cm in diameter and contains concretions of gray,
inspissated meconium with the consistency of thick glue or putty. It is often beaklike in
appearance, conforming to the shape of the contained pellets. Proximally, the mid-ileum is
large, measuring up to 7 cm in diameter. It is greatly distended by a mass of extremely thick,
tenacious, dark green or tarry meconium. The unused small colon (microcolon) contains a
small amount of inspissated mucus or grayish meconium. (2) Complicated meconium ileus:
usually occurs during the prenatal period associated to volvulus, atresias, gangrene,
perforation or peritonitis. A cystic mass or atresia of the bowel may occur. The degree of
obstruction varies, may be cured in mild cases by rectal irrigations. Failure to pass meconium,
abdominal distension and vomiting are seen in more severe cases. The diagnosis is
suspected with findings of: multiple loops of dilated small bowel and coarse granular
"soap-bubble" appearance on plain abdominal films. Some cases may show calcifications in
the peritoneum (Meconium peritonitis). The Sweat Test is diagnostic of cystic fibrosis (value
over 60 meq/L of sweat sodium or chloride are diagnostic). This test is not useful in infant
during first weeks of life. Therapy is either: (1) Nonoperative- should be tried first. It consist of
a careful gastrograffin enema after the baby is well-hydrated. Gastrograffin is a hyperosmolar
aqueous solution of meglumine diatrizoate containing 0.1% polysorbate-80 (tween-80, a
wetting agent) and 37% iodine. Its success is due to the high osmolarity (1700 mosm/liter)
which draws fluid into the bowel and softens and loosens the meconium. (2) Surgical therapy
that has included: ileostomy with irrigation, resection with anastomosis, and resection with
ileostomy (Mikulicz, Bishop-Koop, and Santulli). Post-operative management includes: 10%
acetylcysteine p.o., oral feedings (pregestimil), pancreatic enzyme replacement, and
prophylactic pulmonary therapy. Long-term prognosis depends on the degree of severity and
progression of cystic fibrosis pulmonary disease.
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F. Hirschsprung's Disease
Hirschsprung's is the congenital absence of parasympathetic innervation of the distal
intestine. The colon proximal to the aganglionic segment, in an effort to overcome the partial
obstruction, becomes distended and its wall markedly thickened because of muscle
hypertrophy. Occurs 1 in 1000-1500 live births with a 4:1 male predominance. 96% are TAGA.
4% prematures.
The parasympathetic ganglion cell network located between the circular and longitudinal
muscle layers is referred to as Auerbach's plexus, whereas Meissner's plexus is the
submucosal layer of ganglion cells just beneath the muscularis mucosa. In Hirschsprung's
disease, ganglion cells are absent from all layers. That aganglionic segment usually involves
the terminal intestine, i.e. the rectum or rectosigmoid. The aganglionic segment may, however,
include the entire large bowel and even small bowel.
Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is characterized by lack of enteric ganglion cells, hyperplasia
of abnormal nerve fibers and a non-propulsive, non-relaxing segment of bowel. Classically the
etiology is attributed to a failure of cranio-caudal migration of parasympathetic neural crest
cells to the distal bowel. A plausible explanation for the failure of relaxation of the bowel
involved is a deficiency of enteric inhibitory nerves that mediates the relaxation phase of
peristalsis. This nerves are intrinsic to the gut and are classify as non-adrenergic and
non-cholinergic. Nitric oxide (NO) has recently been implicated as the neurotransmitter which
mediates the relaxation of smooth muscle of the GI tract in HD. It's absence in aganglionic
bowel might account for the failure of relaxation during peristalsis. Besides, adhesions
molecules (absent in aganglionic bowel) during early embryogenesis might restrict the
neuro-ectodermal origin involved in the initial contact between nerves and muscle cell
(synaptogenesis) suggesting that developmental anomaly of innervated muscle and absent
NO causes the spasticity characteristic of HD.
Symptoms usually begin at birth, frequently with delayed passage of meconium. Any
newborn who fails to pass meconium in the first 24-48 hours of life should be evaluated for
possible Hirschsprung's disease. In some infants, the presentation is that of complete
intestinal obstruction. Others have relatively few symptoms until several weeks of age, when
the classic symptom of constipation has its onset. Diarrhea is not uncommon but differs from
the usual infantile diarrhea in that it is associated with abdominal distension. Occasionally the
patient will go many years with mild constipation and diagnosis will be delayed.
The diagnosis is first suspected based on history and physical examinations
(characteristically there is no stool in rectum and abdominal distension is painless). Initial
evaluation includes an unprepped barium enema (the first enema should be a barium enema!).
The aganglionic rectum appears of normal caliber or spastic, there is a transition zone and
then dilated colon proximal to the aganglionic segment. 24-hrs delayed films shows poor
emptying with barium throughout the colon, as opposed to the child with psychogenic stool
holding in whom the barium generally collects in the distal rectosigmoid. Rectal suction
biopsy is then performed. This can be done without anesthesia and the submucosal plexus is
examined for ganglion cells. With experience, a good pathologist (should be an expert!), can
identify the presence or absence of ganglion cells in this specimen without a full thickness
biopsy. Difficulty in interpreting the specimen or not enough to include several slides of
submucosa would require a full-thickness biopsy for definitive diagnosis generally done under
general anesthesia. Some centers employ manometry, histochemical studies or special stains
for diagnosis. These special studies are only as good as the person performing them and
interpreting the results.
The initial treatment requires performing a "leveling" colostomy in the most distal colon
with ganglion cells present. This requires exploration with multiple seromuscular biopsies of
the colon wall to determine the exact extend of the aganglionosis. The colostomy is placed
above the transition zone. Placement of the colostomy in an area of aganglionosis will lead to
persistent obstruction. Once the child has reached an adequate size and age (6-12 months; 20
pounds or more), a formal pull-through procedure is done. Some of this are: Swenson,
Duhamel and Soave procedures. Current preference is for Soave procedure (modified
endorectal pull-through) and consist of resection of the majority of aganglionic bowel except
for the most distal rectum, the mucosa and submucosa of this rectum is excised and the
normally innervated proximal bowel is pulled through the seromuscular coat of retained
rectum and suture immediately above the dentate line. Recently a laparoscopic procedure
without colostomy use is being done earlier in life with promising results.
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F1. Total Colonic Aganglionosis
by: Peter Sacher, MD *
Total colonic aganglionosis (TCA) is found in approx. 2 to 13% of patients with
Hirschsprung's disease (2). There are three critical phases for patients with TCA (15).
The first period comprises the time from birth until correct diagnosis. Patients with TCA
present with a large variety of symptoms. Several authors have outlined the diagnostic
problems in patients with TCA (2,4,18). Atypical symptoms may lead to excessively delayed
diagnosis. Festen et al. report a delay in diagnosis up to 160 days after birth (4). Patients
present with either ileus or symptoms as in typical Hirschsprung's disease but additionally
with recurrent vomiting. In patients presenting with ileus, diagnosis may be delayed for
several weeks because causative factors like volvulus or meconium ileus do not primarily
warrant investigations for aganglionosis. Furthermore, TCA may be associated with other
anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract. Only a few reports of TCA associated with small bowel
atresia and volvulus can be found (3, 7). Lally et al. report anastomotic failure following repair
of ileal atresia due to underlying extensive aganglionosis (11). In cases of midgut volvulus
without malrotation, aganglionosis has to be ruled out. Stringer et al. recently published a
series of seven full-term infants with meconium ileus due to extensive intestinal aganglionosis
(18). Neonatal appendicitis, a very rare disease, may be the leading symptom of TCA.
Therefore, rectal biopsies are mandatory in those cases. Ratta et al. state that lack of
awareness of the condition may lead to delay in diagnosis and inappropriate treatment (15).
Additional to the diagnostic problems due to atypical and heterogenic symptoms,
histochemical examination of rectal biopsies may prove negative or equivocal because
increased acetylcholinesterase activity may not be present in TCA (5,10,12). Furthermore,
there is no typical radiographic pattern (13,17). Plain abdominal radiographs usually suggests
low bowel obstruction whereas barium enema usually does not show pathognomonic
If no mechanical obstruction is found at laparotomy in neonates presenting with ileus, it is
suggested to resect the appendix to rule out TCA. If rectal mucosal biopsies are negative or
equivocal, biopsies should be repeated or a formal sphincterectomy for thorough analysis is
The second period lasts from the raising of stoma to its closure, including the definite
surgical procedure. Failure to thrive and excessive fluid losses have been reported in patients
with ileostomies (2). Post-ileostomy complications, however, have been eliminated after the
importance of oral sodium supplementation to maintain the enteral co-transport system has
been realized (16). In the series of Cass & Myers, ileostomy dysfunction was common with a
20% prolapse rate and 25% rate of persistent excessive losses (2). Interestingly, right
transversostomies may show a good function even in cases of TCA. Therefore, frozen section
biopsies are mandatory when raising a stoma.
The definitive surgical procedure has been debated (2,5,8,9,15). Colonic patch graft
procedures were the first proposals for surgical management of TCA (14). The rational behind
were to use the distinctive resorptive function of part of the aganglionic colon (6). Use of the
right colon has the theoretical advantage of improved water resorption. However the colon
patch procedures have significant complications, e.g., enterocolitis, ulceration of the
aganglionic pouch, perforations and extreme dilatation. Multiple modifications of the
technique have been reported but none were superior (1,8,9,18). Actually, a modified
Duhamel's pull-through procedure seems favorable in the treatment of TCA (2,15).
The third critical phase begins with closure of the stoma. Complications in this period are
predominantly recurrent episodes of sub-ileus and diarrhea or nocturnal incontinence. The
cause for sub-ileus is a raised tone in the residual sphincter. Repeated manual anal dilatations
may be mandatory. The treatment of diarrhea may be managed by diets and/or Loperamide
often in large doses. Side effects of large doses of Loperamide are mental irritability and
Significantly better survival of the patients with TCA nowadays is mainly attributed to more
accurate diagnosis and improved management of infants with ileostomies.
1. Boley SJ: A new approach to total aganglionosis of the colon. Surg Gynecol Obstet 159:481-484, 1984
2. Cass DT, Myers N: Total colonic aganglionosis: 30 years' experience. Pediatr Surg Int 2:68-75, 1987
3. Fekete CN, Ricour C, Martelli H: Total colonic aganglionosis (with or without ileal involvement): A review of 27 cases. J
Pediatr Surg 21:251-254, 1986
4. Festen C: Total colonic aganglionosis: A diagnostic problem. Z Kinderchir 27:330-337, 1979
5. Festen C, Severijner R, v.d. Staak F: Total colonic aganglionosis: Treatment and follow-up. Z Kinderchir 44:153-155, 1989
6. Heath AL, Spitz L, Milla PJ: The absorptive function of colonic aganglionoic intestine: Are the Duhamel and Martin
procedures rational? J Pediatr Surg 20:34-36, 1985
7. Ikeada K, Goto S: Total colonic aganglionosis with or without small bowel involvement: An analysis of 137 patients. J
Pediatr Surg 21:319-322, 1986
8. Kimura K, Nishijima E, Muraji T: A new surgical approach to extensive aganglionosis. J Pediatr Surg 16:840-843, 1981
9. Kimura K, Nishijima E, Muraji T: Extensive aganglionosis: Further experience with the colonic patch graft procedure and
long-term results. J Pediatr Surg 23:52-56, 1988
10. Kurer MH, Lawson JON, Pambakian H: Suction biopsy in Hirschsprung's disease. Arch Dis Child 61:83-84, 1986
11.Lally KP, Chwals WJ, Weitzman JJ: Hirschsprung's disease: A possible cause of anastomotic failure following repair of
intestinal atresia. J Pediatr Surg 27:469-470, 1992
12. Lister J, Tam PKH: Hirschsprung's disease. In: Neonatal Surgery, Hrsg. Lister J, Irving IM, Burrterworth, London,
p.523-546, 1990
13. Louw JH: Total colonic aganglionosis. Can J Surg 21:397-405, 1971
14.Martin L: Surgical management of Hirschsprung's disease involving the small intestine. Arch Surg 97:183-189, 1968
15.Ratta BS, Kiely EM, Spitz L: Improvements in the management of total colonic aganglionosis. Pediatr Surg Int 5:30-36,
16. Sacher P, Hirsig J, Gresser J et al: The importance of oral sodium replacement in ileostomy patients. Progr Pediatr Surg
24:226-231, 1989
17. Swenson O, Sherman JO, Fisher JH: Diagnosis of congenital megacolon: an analysis of 501 patients. J Pediatr Surg
7:587-594, 1973
18. Stringer MD, Brereton RJ, Drake DP: Meconium ileus due to extensive intestinal aganglionosis. J Pediatr Surg
29:501-503, 1994
* Author:
Peter Sacher, MD
Pediatric Surgical Department
University Children's Hospital
Zurich Switzerland
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by: Adrian M. Viens, MS
University of Toronto
Imperforate anus (IA) is a congenital anomaly in which the natural anal opening is
absent. Diagnosis of IA is usually made shortly after birth on routine physical examination.
The incidence of IA is approximately 1 in 4000-5000 live births and it is more common in
males. Its etiology is unknown and it runs equally through all racial, cultural and
socio-economic groups. There is preliminary evidence (> 5 case reports) of the existence of
autosomal inheritance (both dominant and recessive) in patients with anorectal
IA is classified as either "high" or "low" depending on the termination of the distal
rectum. When the rectum ends above the levator muscles the malformations are classified as
high, and when the rectum ends below the levator muscles the malformations are classified as
low. High lesions are more frequent in males, low ones in females. Determination of the level
of the lesion (by abdominal x-ray or perineal ultrasound) is critical for appropriate
management. Children who have IA may also have other congenital anomalies. The acronym
VACTERL describes the associated problems that infants with IA may have: Vertebral defects,
Anal atresia, Cardiac anomalies, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia, Renal
anomalies, and Limb anomalies.
Repair of low IA is relatively simple and is usually treated with perineal anoplasty;
however, repair of high IA is more complex. Patients are initially given a temporary colostomy
and time is given to allow the child to grow. A pull-through operation is completed at a later
date. Independent of the level of the lesion, the goal of the surgery is the creation of adequate
nerve and muscle structures around the rectum and anus to provide the child with the
capacity for bowel control.
MALES: most important decision in the initial management of Imperforate Anus (IA)
male patient during the neonatal period is whether the baby needs a colostomy and/or another
kind of urinary diversion procedure to prevent sepsis or metabolic derangements. Male
patients will benefit from perineal inspection to check for the presence of a fistula (wait 16-24
hours of life before deciding). During this time start antibiotherapy, decompress the GI tract,
do a urinalysis to check for meconium cells, and an ultrasound of abdomen to identify
urological associated anomalies. Perineal signs in low malformations that will NOT need a
colostomy are: meconium in perineum, bucket-handle defect, anal membrane and anal
stenosis. These infants can be managed with a perineal anoplasty during the neonatal period
with an excellent prognosis. Meconium in urine shows the pt has a fistula between the rectum
and the urinary tract. Flat "bottom" or perineum (lack of intergluteal fold), and absence of anal
dimple indicates poor muscles and a rather high malformation needing a colostomy. Patients
with no clinical signs at 24 hours of birth will need a invertogram or cross-table lateral film in
prone position to decide rectal pouch position. Bowel > 1 cm from skin level will need a
colostomy, and bowel < 1 cm from skin can be approach perineally. Those cases with high
defect are initially managed with a totally diverting colostomy. Diverting the fecal stream
reduces the chances of genito-urinary tract contamination and future damage.
FEMALES: most frequent defect in females patient with imperforate anus (IA) is
vestibular fistula, followed by vaginal fistulas. In more than 90% of females cases perineal
inspection will confirm the diagnosis. These infants require a colostomy before final
corrective surgery. The colostomy can be done electively before discharge from the nursery
while the GI tract is decompressed by dilatation of the fistulous tract. A single orifice is
diagnostic of a persistent cloacal defect usually accompany with a small-looking genitalia.
Cloacas are associated to distended vaginas (hydrocolpos) and urologic malformations. This
makes a sonogram of abdomen very important in the initial management of these babies for
screening of obstructive uropathy (hydronephrosis and hydroureter). Hydrocolpos can cause
compressive obstruction of the bladder trigone and interfere with ureteral drainage. Failure to
gain weight and frequents episodes of urinary tract infections shows a poorly drained urologic
system. A colostomy in cloacas is indicated. 10% of babies will not pass meconium and will
develop progressive abdominal distension. Radiological evaluation will be of help along with a
diverting colostomy in this cases. Perineal fistulas can be managed with cutback without
colostomy during the neonatal period.
The most important prognostic characteristic is the severity of the IA. Patients with low
IA have a good probability of having normal stool patterns. Patients with high IA report more
problems such as fecal incontinence and constipation. For patients who cannot maintain
normal bowel function, the use of a special diet, underpants liners, enemas and drugs have
ameliorated their lives. Long-term follow up (with both qualitative and quantitative quality of
life considerations) of these patients is very important. In addition, the use of anal
endosonography and/or manometry can be used as objective measurements of anorectal
pressure and sphincter function.
1- Chen CJ: The treatment of imperforate anus: experience with 108 patients. J Pediatr Surg 34(11):1728-32, 1999.
2- Landau D, Mordechai J, Karplus M, Carmi R: Inheritance of familial congenital isolated anorectal malformations: case
reports and review. Am J Med Genetics 71:280-282, 1997.
3- Rintala RJ, Lindahl HG, Rasanen M: Do children with repaired low anorectal malformations have normal bowel function? J
Pediatr Surg 32(6):823-826, 1997.
4- Pea A: Anorectal malformations. Semin Pediatr Surg 4(1):35-47, 1995
5- Pea A: Management of anorectal malformations during the newborn period. World J Surg 17(3):385-92, 1993
6- Pea A: Posterior sagittal approach for the correction of anorectal malformations. Adv Surg 19:69-100, 1986
7- Pea A: Surgical treatment of high imperforate anus. World J Surg 9(2):236-43, 1985
8- deVries PA, Pea A: Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty. J Pediatr Surg 17(5):638-43, 1982
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H. Duplications
can be
used as a rapid sensitive screening procedure in the initial diagnosis of intussusception.
adverse clinical features that precluded barium reduction can be replaced during gas
Predictors of failure of reduction are: (1) ileocolic intussusception, (2) long duration of
symptoms, (3)
rectal bleeding, and (4) failed reduction at another institution. Air reduction (pneumocolon) is a
effective alternative method since it brings less radiation (shorter flouroscopy time), less
costs and less
morbidity in cases of perforations.
By: Antonio Carlos Sansevero Martins, MD *
The most common cause of emergency laparotomies in all age groups, acute appendicitis
remains a diagnostic challenge, with high perforation rates at laparotomy, and, curiously, high
negative laparotomy rates. With current standard approach and use of antimicrobial
medication the overall mortality is almost zero, and major complications are gradually
Appendiceal lumen obstruction by a fecalith, lymphoid hyperplasia, carcinoid tumor,
anomalous vessels, or intestinal parasites as Ascaris lumbricoides leads to acute increase in
intraluminal pressure with consequent ischemia and mucosal damage. In association with
bacterial proliferation this may lead to gangrene and perforation.
Early diagnosis is the key for success in management of appendicitis, and it is based solely
upon history and physical findings. Image and laboratory studies are of relative value.
Signs and Symptoms
Abdominal pain is the chief complaint of appendicitis. It is usually periumbilical at onset,
colicky due to lumen obstruction and distension (visceral referred pain), and in a few hours
shifts its location to the RLQ changing to a continuous and intense pattern, explained by
parietal irritation caused by the inflamed appendix exudate. Special concern must be given to
patients with initial periumbilical pain who localize it into uncommon sites. One must always
remember that the localized pain in appendicitis is directly related to where it lays, so we can
have flank or back pain in retrocecal appendicitis, dysuria in retro vesical cases, etc. Vomiting,
generally after the pain, is usually present in appendicitis. Bowel habits are generally
unchanged in early cases, but diarrhea can be present initially in up to 10% of cases, usually
associated to pelvic appendicitis.
Physical Examination
Simple examination can predict appendicitis when we see the child walking, bent over his
right hip, and stepping carefully to avoid minimum shaking. The apprehensive little patient lies
on the examining table in a supine position, with a slight flexion of the right leg. When asked
to show the pain site, he points out with a finger. Abdominal examination should be done
gently, divided in quadrants, and beginning distant from the site of complaint. It always helps
if the patient is asked to help in the examination, the surgeon palpating over his hand, to
reduce voluntary guarding. Point tenderness and/or appendiceal masses at RLQ are
diagnostic, but unfortunately, they are not present in a great deal of cases. Peritoneal irritation
signs can be assessed without performing the classic, Blumberg maneuver, just by soft right
heel percussion, or gentle Mc Burney's point finger percussion. In advanced cases with
"wooden abdomen" and clear infectious signs, the diagnosis is obvious.
Image and Laboratory
Image resources are poor in diagnosing appendicitis. Plain abdominal films can show a
fecalith (20%), a dilated and fixed ileal loop (sentinel loop) and indirect signs such as scoliosis,
psoas line and/or pre-peritoneal line blurring. Ultrasound, very good to assess collections, has
gained popularity, as far as more experience has been achieved, and modern devices have
been developed. In some series, its accuracy has been proved in 90% of cases, but it is still an
operator-dependent exam, with a fail in at least 10 to 15% of negative findings, even with color
Doppler scans. No lab test can confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis. Dueholm et al could
predict 100% normal appendices when WBC and C-reactive protein were normal, but no
inverse relation could be proved. The urinalysis is important to assess possible infection or
calculi migration. Massive pyuria usually preannounces urinary infection, but discrete findings
can be due to appendicitis.
Surgical Management
Standard appendectomy through a Babcock-Davis muscle splitting approach is a safe, quick
and efficient technique to manage appendicitis. The stump can be inverted, but nowadays
simple ligation with electrocauterization is the procedure of choice. In complicated cases, with
perforation and peritonitis, exhaustive cavity lavage with saline should be accomplished. No
improvement is shown by cavity antibiotic irrigation. Drainage is controversial and we do not
use drains for appendicitis. Abdominal wall is approximated with Smith-Jones sutures.
Primary skin closure is performed even in advanced cases. Laparoscopic appendectomy has
gained force in the 90's as a minimal invasive technique, easy visualization of the structures
even in difficult sites, e.g., retrocecal appendices, and accurate suction of purulent material
and irrigation of the cavity with very low postoperative complication rates ( less than 1.5%).
Operative time, costs, intraoperative complications such as a bleeding, stump leakage and
visceral puncture are some limitations to be reduced with time and experience. A subgroup of
children (obese, female, athletic) benefit from the use of this surgical technique.
In patients with appendiceal mass or abscess, with no signs of peritonitis or systemic sepsis
"cooling the process" with antibiotic therapy, followed by interval appendectomy (operating
on the patient on an elective basis free from inflammation) can be done with relative security.
Antibiotic Therapy
Prophylactic antibiotic is given one hour before surgery and continued for 24 hours in
uncomplicated appendicitis, and must be continued for at least five to seven days, in cases of
a complication ( perforation, peritonitis, abscess ). Triple combination of ampicillin (200
mg/Kg/day), gentamicin( 5 mg/Kg/day) and clindamycin ( 40 mg/Kg/day) has shown the best
results in treating infection and preventing septic complications.
Major complications as intra abdominal abscesses, small bowel obstruction and sepsis, have
declined to an overall rate of 7%, in well controlled studies. Minor ones such as wound
infection to a rate of less than 2%.
It has been common knowledge that a diagnostic error of 10 to 15% could be acceptable when
compared with the risks of appendicitis, and some series stills carry this unacceptable rate,
with no decrease in the complication rates, compared with other series. In the first 24 hours,
close attention, and short period reexaminations, added to critical interpretation of image and
lab studies will help decrease unnecessary surgery with no increase in complication rates.
Antonio Carlos Sansevero Martins, MD - Pediatric Surgeon - Pediatric Emergency Unit
Coordinator - Pediatric Surgery Resident Program Coordinator - Department of Pediatrics,
Hospital de Clnicas de Uberlandia Universidade Federal de Uberlandia - Minas Gerais - Brasil
1. Cloud DT: Appendicitis. In Aschcraft KW , Holder TM( eds):Pediatric Surgery. W.B. Saunders
Company, Mexico City, pp 470-477, 1993.
2. El Ghoneimi et al: Laparoscopic appendectomy in children: report of 1,379 cases. J Ped
Surg. 29(6):786-789,1994.
3. Gilchrist BF et al: Is there a role for laparoscopic appendectomy in pediatric surgery? J Ped
Surg 27(2):209-214, 1992.
4. Kellnar St, Trammer A, Till H, Lochbhler H: Endoscopic appendectomy in childhood technical aspects. Eur J Pediatr Surg 4: 341-343, 1994
5. Lund DP, Murphy EU: Management of perforated appendicitis in children: a decade of
aggressive treatment. J Ped Surg 29(8):1130-1134, 1994
6. Martins ACS, Abreu N, Oliveira Jr DF et al. Apendicite aguda: experiencia de 7 anos em um
Hospital Universitrio. Presented at theXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia Peditrica.
November, 1995. Vitoria, ES, Brazil.
7. Mosdell DM, Morris DM, Fry DE: Peritoneal cultures and antibiotic therapy in pediatric
perforated appendicitis. Am J Surg 167( March): 313-316, 1994.
8. Putnam TC, Gagliano N, Emmens RW: Appendicitis in children. Surg Gyn Obst 170(June):
527-532, 1990.
9. Quillin SP, Siegel MJ: Appendicitis: efficacy of color Doppler sonography. Radiology 191:
557-560, 1994.
10. Varlet F, Tardieu D, Limonne B, Metafiot H, Cavrier Y: Laparoscopic versus open
appendectomy in children- comparative study of 403 cases.
11. Wang Y, Reen DJ, Puri P: Is a histologically normal appendix following emergency
Bezoars are rare foreign body concretions formed in the stomach and small
bowel composed mainly of hair (tricho), vegetable matter (phyto) or milk curds
(lacto). Most cases are females children, 6-10 years old, with bizarre appetite
(trichophagia) and emotional disturbances. Originally the mass forms in the
stomach and can move to the small bowel by fragmentation, extension or total
translocation. Diagnosis can be confirmed by UGIS, CT-Scan or endoscopy.
The child can develop an asymptomatic palpable abdominal mass, pain,
obstruction or perforation. Other children will reduce intake and develop
weight loss. Predisposing conditions to bezoar formations are: gastric
dymotility and decreased acidity. Management can consist of mechanical or
pulsating jet of water fragmentation via the endoscope, operative extraction,
shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) with subsequent evacuation, or dissolution by
oral ingestion of proteolytic enzymes (papain, acetylcysteine, cellulase). With
ESWL the shock wave pressure needed is less than half used for urolithiasis
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M. Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia
Intestinal Neuronal Dysplasia (IND) is a colonic motility disorder first described in 1971 by
Meier-Ruge associated to characteristic histochemical changes of the bowel wall (hyperplasia
of submucous & myenteric plexus with giant ganglia formation, isolated ganglion cells in
lamina propia and muscularis mucosa, elevation of acetylcholinesterase in parasympathetic
fiber of lamina propia and circular muscle, and myenteric plexus sympathetic hypoplastic
innervation), also known as hyperganglionosis associated to elevated acetylcholinesterase
parasympathetic staining. The condition can occur in an isolated form (either localized to
colon or disseminated throughout the bowel), or associated to other diseases such as
Hirschsprung's (HD), neurofibromatosis, MEN type IIB, and anorectal malformations. It is
estimated that 20-75% of HD cases have IND changes proximal to the aganglionic segment.
Clinically two different types of isolated IND have been described: Type A shows symptoms of
abdominal distension, enterocolitis, bloody stools, intestinal spasticity in imaging studies (Ba
Enema) since birth, is less common and associated with hypoplasia of sympathetic nerves.
Type B is more frequent, symptoms are indistinguishable from that of HD, with chronic
constipation, megacolon, and repeated episodes of bowel obstruction. Management depends
on clinical situation; conservative for minor symptoms until neuronal maturation occurs
around the 4th year of life, colostomy and resectional therapy for life threatening situations.
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capacity; (2) tocolytic therapy in the post-op weeks should proved effective to avoid prenatal
stillbirths; and (3) the procedure should be superior to conventional therapy. Intrauterine
repair has meet with limited success due to herniation of the fetal liver into the chest through
the defect. Disturbance of the umbilical circulation during or after liver reduction causes fetal
death. Positive-pressure ventilation after birth reduces the liver before the baby comes for
surgical repair. Dr. Harrison (USFC Fetal Treatment Center) has devised separate fetal
thoraco-abdominal incisions to deal with this problem ("two-step dance"), reducing or
amputating the left lateral segment of the liver. Another less invasive approach is enlarging
the hypoplastic lungs by reducing the normal egress of fetal lung fluid with controlled tracheal
obstruction called PLUGS (Plug Lung Until it Grows).
Delayed presentation beyond the neonatal period is rare, estimated to occur in 4-6% of cases.
Infants and children will present with either respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms such as:
chronic respiratory tract infection, vomiting, intermittent intestinal obstruction, and feeding
difficulty. Occasionally the child is asymptomatic. The small size of the defect protected by
either the spleen or the liver and the presence of a hernial sac may delay the intestinal
herniation into the chest. A rise intrabdominal pressure by coughing or vomiting transmitted
to any defect of the diaphragm makes visceral herniation more likely. Diagnosis is confirmed
by chest or gastrointestinal contrast imaging. Management consists of immediate surgery
after preop stabilization. Most defects can be closed primarily through an abdominal
approach. Chest-tube placement in the non-hypoplastic lung is of help. Surgical results are
generally excellent. A few deaths have resulted from cardiovascular and respiratory
compromise due to visceral herniation causing mediastinal and pulmonary compression.
A.2 Morgagni Hernias
First described in 1769, Morgagni Hernias (MH) are rare congenital diaphragmatic defects
close to the
anterior midline between the costal and sternal origin of the diaphragm. They occur
retrosternally in the
midline or more commonly on either side (parasternally) of the junction of the embryologic
transversum and thoracic wall (see the figure) representing less than 2% of all diaphragmatic
Almost always asymptomatic, typically present in older children or adults with minimal
symptoms or as incidental finding during routine chest radiography (mass or air-fluid levels).
may develop respiratory symptoms (tachypnea, dyspnea and cyanosis) with distress. Cardiac
tamponade due to protrusion into the pericardial cavity has been reported. The MH defect
contains a
sac with liver, small/ large bowel as content. Associated conditions are: heart defects, trisomy
omphalocele, and Cantrells' pentalogy. US and CT-Scan can demonstrate the defect.
Management is
operative. Trans-abdominal subcostal approach is preferred with reduction of the defect and
suturing of
the diaphragm to undersurface of sternum and posterior rectus sheath. Large defects with
nerve displacement may need a thoracic approach. Results after surgery rely on associated
A.3 Esophageal Hernias
Two types of esophageal hernia recognized are the hiatal and paraesophageal hernia.
Diagnosis is
made radiologically always and in a number of patients endoscopically. The hiatal hernia (HH)
refers to
herniation of the stomach to the chest through the esophageal hiatus. The lower esophageal
also moves. It can consist of a small transitory epiphrenic loculation (minor) up to an
intrathoracic stomach (major). HH generally develops due to a congenital, traumatic or
iatrogenic factor.
Most disappear by the age of two years, but all forms of HH can lead to peptic esophagitis
Gastroesophageal reflux. Repair of HH is determined by the pathology of its associated reflux
failure to thrive, esophagitis, stricture, respiratory symptoms) or the presence of the stomach
in the
thoracic cavity. In the paraesophageal hernia (PH) variety the stomach migrates to the chest
and the
lower esophageal sphincter stays in its normal anatomic position. PH is a frequent problem
antireflux operations in patients without posterior crural repair. Small PH can be observed.
With an
increase in size or appearance of symptoms (reflux, gastric obstruction, bleeding, infarction or
perforation) the PH should be repaired. The incidence of PH has increased with the advent of
laparoscopic fundoplication.
B.1 Inguinal Hernias
A hernia is defined as a protrusion of a portion of an organ or tissue through an abnormal
opening. For groin (inguinal or femoral) hernias, this protrusion is into a hernial sac. Whether
or not the mere presence of a hernial sac (or processus vaginalis) constitutes a hernia is
debated. Inguinal hernias in children are almost exclusively indirect type. Those rare instances
of direct inguinal hernia are caused by previous surgery and floor disruption. An indirect
inguinal hernia protrudes through the internal inguinal ring, within the cremaster fascia,
extending down the spermatic cord for varying distances. The direct hernia protrudes through
the posterior wall of the inguinal canal, i.e., medial to deep inferior epigastric vessels,
destroying or stretching the transversalis fascia. The embryology of indirect inguinal hernia is
as follows: the duct descending to the testicle is a small offshoot of the great peritoneal sac in
the lower abdomen. During the third month of gestation, the processus vaginalis extends
down toward the scrotum and follows the chorda gubernaculum that extends from the testicle
or the retroperitoneum to the scrotum. During the seventh month, the testicle descend into the
scrotum, where the processus vaginalis forms a covering for the testicle and the serous sac in
which it resides. At about the time of birth, the portion of the processus vaginalis between the
testicle and the abdominal cavity
obliterates, leaving a peritoneal cavity separate from the tunica vaginalis that surrounds the
Approximately 1-3% of children have a hernia. For infants born prematurely, the incidence
varies from 3-5%. The typical patient with an inguinal hernia has an intermittent lump or bulge
in the groin, scrotum, or labia noted at times of increased intra-abdominal pressure. A
communicating hydrocele is always associated with a hernia. This hydrocele fluctuates in size
and is usually larger in ambulatory patients at the end of the day. If a loop of bowel becomes
entrapped (incarcerated) in a hernia, the patient develops pain followed by signs of intestinal
obstruction. If not reduced, compromised blood supply (strangulation) leads to perforation
and peritonitis. Most incarcerated hernias in children can be reduced.
The incidence of inguinal hernia (IH) in premature babies (9-11%) is higher than full-term
(3-5%), with a dramatic risk of incarceration (30%). Associated to these episodes of
incarceration are chances of: gonadal infarction (the undescended testes complicated by a
hernia are more vulnerable to vascular compromise and atrophy), bowel obstruction and
strangulation. Symptomatic hernia can complicate the clinical course of babies at NICU ill with
hyaline membrane, sepsis, NEC and other conditions needing ventilatory support. Repair
should be undertaken before hospital discharge to avoid complications. Prematures have:
poorly developed respiratory control center, collapsible rib cage, deficient fatigue-resistant
muscular fibers in the diaphragm that predispose then to potential life-threatening post-op
respiratory complications such as: need of assisted ventilation (most common), apnea and
bradycardia, emesis, cyanosis and re-intubation (due to laryngospasm). Independent risk
factors associated to this complications are (1) history of RDS/bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
(2) history of patent ductus arteriosus, (3) low absolute weight (< 1.5 Kg), and (4) anemia (Hgb
< 10 gm- is associated to a higher incidence of post-op apnea). Postconceptual age (sum of
intra- and extrauterine life) has been cited as the factor having greatest impact on post-op
complications. These observation makes imperative that preemies (with post conceptual age
of less than 45 weeks) be carefully monitored in-hospital for at least 24 hours after surgical
repair of their hernias. Outpatient repair is safer for those prematures above the 60 wk. of
postconceptual age. The very low birth weight infant with symptomatic hernia can benefit from
epidural anesthesia.
At times, the indirect inguinal hernia will extend into the scrotum and can be reduced by
external, gentle pressure. Occasionally, the hernia will present as a bulge in the soft tissue
overlying the internal ring. It is sometimes difficult to demonstrate and the physician must rely
on the patient's history of an intermittent bulge in the groin seen with crying, coughing or
Elective herniorrhaphy at a near convenient time is treatment of choice. Since risk of
incarceration is high in children, repair should be undertaken shortly after diagnosis. Simple
high ligation of the sac is all that is required. Pediatric patients are allowed to return to full
activity immediately after hernia repair. Patients presenting with incarceration should have an
attempt at reduction (possible in greater than 98% with experience), and then admission for
repair during that hospitalization. Bilateral exploration is done routinely by most experienced
pediatric surgeons. Recently the use of groin laparoscopy through the hernial sac permits
visualization of the contralateral side.
Approximately 1% of females with inguinal hernias will have the testicular feminization
syndrome. Testicular feminization syndrome (TFS) is a genetic form of male
pseudohermaphroditism (patient who is genetically 46 XY but has deficient masculinization of
external genitalia) caused by complete or partial resistance of end organs to the peripheral
effects of androgens. This androgenic insensitivity is caused by a mutation of the gene for
androgenic receptor inherited as an X-linked recessive trait. In the complete form the external
genitalia appear to be female with a rudimentary vagina, absent uterus and ovaries. The infant
may present with inguinal hernias that at surgery may contain testes. Axillary/pubic hair is
sparse and primary amenorrhea is present. The incomplete form may represent undervirilized
infertile men. Evaluation should include: karyotype, hormonal assays, pelvic ultrasound,
urethrovaginogram, gonadal biopsy and labial skin bx for androgen receptor assay. This
patients will never menstruate or bear children. Malignant degeneration (germ cell tumors) of
the gonads is increased (22-33%). Early gonadectomy is advised to: decrease the possible
development of malignancy, avoid the latter psychological trauma to the older child, and
eliminate risk of losing the pt during follow-up. Vaginal reconstruction is planned when the
patient wishes to be sexually active. These children develop into very normal appearing
females that are sterile since no female organs are present.
B.2 Hydroceles
A hydrocele is a collection of fluid in the space surrounding the testicle between the layers of
the tunica vaginalis. Hydroceles can be scrotal, of the cord, abdominal, or a combination of the
above. A hydrocele of the cord is the fluid-filled remnant of the processus vaginalis separated
from the tunica vaginalis. A communicating hydrocele is one that communicates with the
peritoneal cavity by way of a narrow opening into a hernial sac. Hydroceles are common in
infants. Some are associated with an inguinal hernia. They are often bilateral, and like hernias,
are more common on the right than the left. Most hydroceles will resolved spontaneously by
1-2 years of age. After this time, elective repair can be performed at any time. Operation is
done through the groin and search made for an associated hernia. Aspiration of a hydrocele
should never be attempted. As a therapeutic measure it is ineffective, and as a diagnostic tool
it is a catastrophe if a loop of bowel is entrapped. A possible exception to this is the
postoperative recurrent hydrocele.
C. Undescended Testis
The undescended testis is a term we use to describe all instances in which the testis cannot
be manually manipulated into the scrotum. The testes form from the medial portion of the
urogenital ridge extending from the diaphragm into the pelvis. In arrested descent, they may
be found from the kidneys to the internal inguinal ring. Rapid descent through the internal
inguinal ring commences at approximately week 28, the left testis preceding the right.
Adequate amounts of male hormones are necessary for descent. The highest levels of male
hormones in the maternal circulation have been demonstrated at week 28. Thus, it appears
that failure of descent may be related to inadequate male hormone levels or to failure of the
end-organ to respond. The undescended testes may be found from the hilum of the kidney to
the external inguinal ring. A patent processus vaginalis or true hernial sac will be present 90%
of the time.
The undescended testis found in 0.28% of males can be palpable (80%; most at inguinal
canal), or
non-palpable (20%). Testes that can be manually brought to the scrotum are retractile and
need no
further treatment. Parents should know the objectives, indications and limitations of an
orchiopexy: that
the testis could not exist (testicular vanishing syndrome), even after descend can atrophy, that
it cannot
be fixed and removal is a therapeutic possibility. To improve spermatogenesis (producing an
number of spermatozoids) surgery should be done before the age of two. Electron microscopy
confirmed an arrest in spermatogenesis (reduced number of spermatogonias and tubular
diameter) in
undescended testis after the first two years of life. Other reasons to pex are: a higher
incidence of
malignancy, trauma and torsion, and future cosmetic and psychological problems in the child.
management is surgical; hormonal (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) treatment has brought
results except bilateral cases. Surgery is limited by the length of the testicular artery. Palpable
have a better prognosis than non-palpable. Laparoscopy can be of help in non-palpable testis
exploration of the absent testis.
D. Umbilical Hernias
by: Adrian M. Viens, MS
University of Toronto
An umbilical hernia is a small defect in the abdominal fascial wall in which fluid or abdominal
contents protrude through the umbilical ring. The presence of a bulge within the umbilicus is
readily palpable and becomes more apparent when the infant cries or during defecation. The
actual size of the umbilical hernia is measured by physical examination of the defect in the
rectus abdominis muscle, and not by the size of the umbilical bulge. The size of the fascial
defect can vary from the width of a fingertip to several centimetres.Embryologically, the cause
of an umbilical hernia is related to the incomplete contraction of the umbilical ring. The
herniation of the umbilicus is a result of the growing alimentary tract that is unable to fit within
the abdominal cavity. Umbilical hernias are more prevalent in females than in males and are
more often seen in patients with African heritage. The increased frequency of umbilical
hernias has also been attributed to premature babies, twins and infants with long umbilical
cords. There is also a frequent association with disorders of mucopolysaccharide metabolism,
especially Hurler's Syndrome (gargoylism).Most umbilical hernias are asymptomatic; the
decision to repair the umbilical hernia in the first years of life is largely cosmetic and is often
performed because of parental request, not because of pain or dysfunction. In the past, some
parents use to tape a coin over the umbilical bulge, however, manual compression does not
have an effect on the fascial defect.Treatment of umbilical hernia is observation. Most
umbilical hernias spontaneously close by age two, with 90% closed by age three and 95%
closed by age five. However, surgical repair is recommended if the hernia has not closed by
the age of five.If a large defects (> 2cm) remains after the age of 2, spontaneously repair in
unlikely and may be closed surgically. The incidence of incarceration (trapped intestinal loop)
is rare, even in larger defects. Females should especially have their umbilical hernia corrected
before pregnancy because of the associated increased intra-abdominal pressure that could
lead to complications. The procedure is simple and incidence of complication such as
infection is extremely rare. The repair is usually done as outpatient surgery under general
1-Skandalakis JE, Gray SW (eds): Embryology for surgeons: the embryological basis for treatment of congenital anomalies 2nd edition. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, pp. 563-67, 1994
2- Skinner MA, Grosfeld JL: Inguinal and umbilical hernia repair in infants and children. Surg Clinics of North Am 73(3):
439-49, 1993
3- Raffensperger JG (ed): Swenson's Pediatric Surgery - 5th edition. Appleton & Lange, Norwalk, Connecticut, pp.195, 1990
4- Moore KL: The developing human - 4th edition. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, pp. 231-34, 279-81, 1988
5-Woods GE: Some observations on umbilical hernias in infants. Arch Dis Child 28:450-62, 1953
6- Evans AG: The comparative incidence of umbilical hernias in colored and white infants. J Natl Med Assoc 33:158-60, 1944
E. Omphalocele
The three most common abdominal wall defect in newborns are umbilical hernia,
gastroschisis and
omphalocele. Omphalocele is a milder form of primary abdominoschisis since during the
folding process the outgrowth at the umbilical ring is insufficient (shortage in apoptotic cell
Bowel and/or viscera remains in the umbilical cord causing a large abdominal wall defect.
Defect may
have liver, spleen, stomach, and bowel in the sac while the abdominal cavity remains
underdeveloped in
size. The sac is composed of chorium, Wharton's jelly and peritoneum. The defect is centrally
and measures 4-10 cm in diameter. A small defect of less than 2 cm with bowel inside is
referred as a
hernia of the umbilical cord. There is a high incidence (30-60%)of associated anomalies in
patients with
omphalocele. Epigastric localized omphalocele are associated with sternal and intracardiac
defects (i.e.,
Pentalogy of Cantrell), and hypogastric omphalocele have a high association with
defects (i.e., Cloacal Exstrophy). All have malrotation. Cardiac, neurogenic, genitourinary,
skeletal and
chromosomal changes and syndromes are the cornerstones of mortality. Antenatal diagnosis
affect management by stimulating search for associated anomalies and changing the site,
mode or
timing of delivery. Cesarean section is warranted in large omphaloceles to avoid liver damage
dystocia. After initial stabilization management requires consideration of the size of defect,
and associated anomalies. Primary closure with correction of the malrotation should be
whenever possible. If this is not possible, then a plastic mesh/silastic chimney is fashioned
around the
defect to cover the intestinal contents and the contents slowly reduced over 5-14 days.
Antibiotics and
nutritional support are mandatory. Manage control centers around sepsis, respiratory status,
liver and
bowel dysfunction from increased intraabdominal pressure.
F. Gastroschisis
Gastroschisis is a congenital evisceration of part of the abdominal content through an
abdominal wall defect found to the right of the umbilicus. The protruding gut is foreshortened,
thickened and covered with a peel. In a few babies (4 to 23%) an intestinal atresia (IA) further
complicates the pathology. IA complicating gastroschisis may be single or multiple and may
involve the
small or large bowel. The IA might be the result of pressure on the bowel from the edge of the
(pinching effect) or an intrauterine vascular accident. Rarely, the orifice may be extremely
leading to gangrene or complete midgut atresia. In either case the morbidity and mortality of
the child is
duplicated with the presence of an IA. Management remains controversial. Alternatives
depend on the
type of closure of the abdominal defect and the severity of the affected bowel. With primary
closure and good-looking bowel primary anastomosis is justified. Placement of a silo calls for
resection performing a second look operation at a later stage to save intestinal length. Angry
dilated bowel prompts for proximal diversion, but the higher the enterostomy the greater the
of fluid losses, electrolyte imbalances, skin excoriation, sepsis and malnutrition. Closure of
the defect
and resection with anastomosis two to four weeks later brings good results. Success or
failure is
related to the length of remaining bowel more than the specific method used.
A. Upper GI bleeding (Neonate)
Initially do an Apt test to determine if blood comes from fetal origin or maternal origin (blood
swallowed by the fetus). If its of fetal origin then consider a coagulation profile (PT,PTT). If this
coagulation profile is normal the possibilities are either stress gastritis or ulcer disease. If the
coagulation profile is abnormal then consider hematologic disease of the newborn and
manage with vitamin K. The apt test is performed by mixing 1 part of vomitus with 5 part H2O,
centrifuge the mixture and remove 5 ml (pink). Then add 1 ml 1% NaOH, wait 2 minutes and if it
remains pinks is fetal blood, if it turns brown-yellow its maternal blood.
B. Lower GI bleeding (Neonate)
Again start with an Apt test, if its positive its maternal swallow blood, if its negative do a PT,
PTT. If the coagulation profile is abnormal give Vit K for hematologic disorder of newborn. If
it's normal do a rectal exam. A fissure could be the cause, if negative then consider either
malrotation or Necrotizing enterocolitis.
B.1 Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
Although the exact pathogenesis of NEC is not known, the most widely held theory is that of
perinatal stress leading to selective circulatory ischemia. The stress includes prematurity,
sepsis, hypoxia, hypothermia, and jaundice. These babies frequently have umbilical artery,
vein catheters, have received exchange transfusions or early feeds with hyperosmolar
formulas. The intestinal mucosal cells are highly sensitive to ischemia and mucosal damage
leads to bacterial invasion of the intestinal wall. Gas-forming organisms produce pneumatosis
intestinalis (air in the bowel wall readily seen on abdominal films). Full-thickness necrosis
leads to perforation, free air and abscess formation. These usually premature infants develop
increased gastric residuals, abdominal distension, bloody stools, acidosis and dropping
platelet count. The abdominal wall becomes reddened and edematous. There may be
persistent masses and signs of peritonitis. Perforation leads to further hypoxia, acidosis and
temperature instability. The acid-base status is monitored for worsening acidosis and hypoxia.
Serial platelet counts are obtained and, with increasing sepsis, the platelet count drops
<50,000, indicating intravascular coagulation and decreased bone marrow production. The
white blood cell count may be high, low or normal and is not generally of help. Serial
abdominal films are obtained to look for evidence of free abdominal air, a worsening picture of
pneumatosis intestinalis, or free portal air. Therapy consist initially of stopping feeds,
instituting nasogastric suctioning and beginning broad-spectrum antibiotics (ampicillin and
gentamycin). Persistent or worsening clinical condition and sepsis or free air on abdominal
films require urgent surgical intervention. Attempts to preserve as much viable bowel as
possible are mandatory to prevent resultant short gut syndrome.
Complicated NEC is the most common neonatal surgical emergency of modern times, has
diverse etiologies, significant mortality and affects mostly premature babies. The use of
primary peritoneal drain (PPD) in the management of NEC dates from 1977. The technique is
used in the very low birth weight premature infant (<1500 gm) with pneumoperitoneum,
metabolic and hemodynamic instability. Consist of a right lower quadrant incision and
placement of a drainage (penrose or catheter) under local anesthesia with subsequent
irrigation performed bedside at the NICU. Initially used as a temporizing measure before
formal laparotomy, some patient went to improvement without the need for further surgery
(almost one-third). They either had an immature (fetal type) healing process or a focal
perforation (not associated to NEC?) which healed spontaneously. Those babies not improved
by PPD either die (20%), go on to laparotomy and half die (20%) or develop complications
(24%). Some suggestion made are: PPD should be an adjunct to preop stabilization, before
placing drain be sure pt has NEC by X-rays, persistent metabolic acidosis means uncontrolled
peritoneal sepsis, do not place drain in pts with inflammatory mass or rapid development of
intraperitoneal fluid, the longer the drainage the higher the need for laparotomy.
C. Upper GI Bleeding (Older Children)
In the initial evaluation a history should be obtained for bleeding disorders, skin lesions, and
aspirin or steroid ingestion. The physical exam for presence of enlarged liver, spleen, masses,
ascites, or evidence of trauma or portal hypertension. Labs such as bleeding studies and
endoscopy, contrast studies if bleeding stops. Common causes of Upper GI bleeding are:
1. Esophagus
(a) Varices- usually presents as severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding in a 2-3 year old who
has previously been healthy except for problems in the neonatal period. This is a result of
extrahepatic portal obstruction (portal vein thrombosis most commonly), with resulting
varices. The bleeding may occur after a period of upper respiratory symptoms and coughing.
Management is initially conservative with sedation and bedrest; surgery ir rarely needed.
(b) Esophagitis- this is a result of persistent gastroesophageal reflux leading to inflammation
and generally slow, chronic loss of blood from the weeping mucosa. Treatment consist of
antacids, frequent small feeds, occasionally medications and if not rapidly improved, then
surgical intervention with a fundoplication of the stomach.
(c) Mallory-Weiss- this is a tear of the distal esophagus and/or gastroesophageal junction
secondary to severe regurgitation. This was thought to be uncommon in children because it
was not looked for by endoscopy. It probably occurs more often than previously thought.
Treatment initially is conservative and, if persistent, oversewing of the tear through an incision
in the stomach will be successful.
(d) Duplication cysts- Rare cause, they are seen on the mesenteric side of the intestine
anywhere from the esophagus to the anus. They bleed when there is ectopic gastric mucosa
present. Total excision is curative.
2. Stomach
(a) Gastric Erosions- managed medically in most cases.
(b) Ulcer- treated medically unless there is persistent hemorraghe, obstruction or perforation.
(c) Hematoma- usually secondary to trauma or bleeding disorders.
3. Duodenum
(a) Duodenitis- associated to acid peptic disease.
(b) Hematobilia- secondary to blunt or penetrating abdominal injury. Occasionally requires
surgical intervention with local repair or ligation of hepatic vessels.
D. Older GI Bleeding (Older Child)
D.1 Anal Fissure
Anal fissure is the most common cause of rectal bleeding in the first two years of life.
Outstretching of
the anal mucocutaneous junction caused by passage of large hard stools during defecation
produces a
superficial tear of the mucosa in the posterior midline. Pain with the next bowel movement
leads to
constipation, hardened stools that continue to produce cyclic problems. Large fissures with
surrounding bruising should warn against child abuse. Crohn's disease and leukemic
infiltration are
other conditions to rule-out. The diagnosis is made after inspection of the anal canal. Chronic
are associated with hypertrophy of the anal papilla or a distal skin tag. Management is directed
the associated constipation with stool softeners and anal dilatations, warm perineal baths to
relax the
internal muscle spasm, and topical analgesics for pain control. If medical therapy fails
excision of the
fissure with lateral sphincterotomy is performed.
D.2 Meckel's Diverticulum
Meckel's diverticulum (MD), the pathologic structure resulting from persistence of the
vitelline duct (yolk stalk), is the most prevalent congenital anomaly of the GI tract. MD can be
the cause
of: gastrointestinal bleeding (most common complication), obstruction, inflammation and
discharge in children and 50% occur within the first two years of life. Diagnosis depends on
presentation. Rectal bleeding from MD is painless, minimal, recurrent, and can be identified
99mTc- pertechnetate scan; contrasts studies are unreliable. Persistent bleeding requires
or laparotomy if the scan is negative. Obstruction secondary to intussusception, herniation or
presents with findings of fulminant, acute small bowel obstruction, is diagnosed by clinical
findings and
contrast enema studies. The MD is seldom diagnosed preop. Diverticulitis or perforation is
indistinguishable from appendicitis. Mucosal polyps or fecal umbilical discharge can be
caused by MD.
Overall, complications of Meckel's are managed by simple diverticulectomy or resection with
anastomosis. Laparoscopy can confirm the diagnosis and allow resection of symptomatic
Removal of asymptomatic Meckel's identified incidentally should be considered if upon
palpation there
is questionable heterotopic (gastric or pancreatic) mucosa (thick and firm consistency)
D.3 Juvenile Polyps
Childhood polyps are usually juvenile (80%). Histology features a cluster of mucoid lobes
by flattened mucussecreting glandular cells (mucous retention polyp), no malignant potential.
Commonly seen in children age 310 with a peak at age 56. As a rule only one polyp is present,
occasionally there are two or three almost always confined to the rectal area (within the reach
of the
finger). Most common complaint is bright painless rectal bleeding. Occasionally the polyp may
through the rectum. Diagnosis is by barium enema, rectal exam, or endoscopy. Removal by
is the treatment of choice. Rarely colotomy and excision are required.
B. Biliary Atresia
Persistent conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (greater than 20% of total or 1.5
mg%) should be urgently evaluated. Initial evaluation should include a
well-taken history and physical exam, partial and total bilirubin determination,
type and blood group, Coomb's test, reticulocyte cell count and a peripheral
smear. Cholestasis means a reduction in bile flow in the liver, which depends
on the biliary excretion of the conjugated portion. Reduce flow causes
retention of biliary lipoproteins that stimulates hypercholesterolemia causing
progressive damage to the hepatic cell, fibrosis, cirrhosis and altered liver
function tests. Biliary Atresia (BA) is the most common cause of persistently
direct (conjugated) hyperbilirubinemia in the first three months of life. It is
characterized by progressive inflammatory obliteration of the extrahepatic bile
ducts, an estimated incidence of one in 15,000 live births, and predominance
of female patients. The disease is the result of an acquired inflammatory
process with gradual degeneration of the epithelium of the extrahepatic biliary
ducts causing luminal obliteration, cholestasis, and biliary cirrhosis. The
timing of the insult after birth suggests a viral etiology obtained
C. Choledochal Cyst
Choledochal cyst is a rare dilatation of the common bile duct, prevalent in
oriental patients (Japan), where >60% of patients are less than 10 years old.
The etiology is related to an abnormal pancreatic-biliary junction (common
channel theory) causing reflux of pancreatic enzymes into the common bile
duct (trypsin and amylase). Symptoms are: abdominal pain, obstructive
jaundice, a palpable abdominal mass, cholangitis, and pancreatitis. Infants
develop jaundice more frequently, causing diagnostic problems with Biliary
Atresia. Older children may show abdominal pain and mass. Jaundice is less
D. Cholelithiasis
With the increase use of sonography in the work-up of abdominal pain,
cholelithiasis is diagnosed more frequent in children. Gallstones occur as
consequence of loss of solubility of bile constituents. Two types are
recognize: cholesterol and bilirubin. Those of cholesterol are caused by
supersaturation of bile (lithogenic) by cholesterol overproduction or bile salt
deficiency. Bilirubin stones occur due to hemolysis (Sickle Cell, thalassemia)
or bacterial infection of bile. Other etiologies include: Ascaris Lumbricoides
infestation, drug-induced (ceftriaxone), ileal resection, TPN. etc. Gallbladder
sludge is a clinical entity that when it persists can be a predisposing factor for
cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) has
become the procedure of choice for the removal of the disease gallbladder of
children. The benefit of this procedure in children is obvious: is safe, effective,
well tolerated, it produces a short hospital stay, early return to activity and
reduced hospital bill. Several technical differences between the pediatric and
adult patient are: lower intrabdominal insufflation pressure, smaller trocar size
and more lateral position of placement. Complications are related to the initial
trocar entrance as vascular and bowel injury, and those related to the
procedure itself; bile duct injury or leak. Three 5 mm ports and one 10 mm
umbilical port is used. Pneumoperitoneum is obtained with Veress needle
insufflation or using direct insertion of blunt trocar and cannula.
Cholangiography before any dissection of the triangle of Calot is advised by
some workers to avoid iatrogenic common bile duct injuries during dissection
due to anomalous anatomy, it also remains the best method to detect common
bile ducts stones. Treatment may consist of: (1) endoscopic sphincterotomy,
(2) opened or laparoscopic choledochotomy, or (3) transcystic
choledochoscopy and stone extraction. Children with hemolytic disorders, i.e.
Sickle cell disease, have a high incidence of cholelithiasis and benefit from LC
with a shorter length of postop stay and reduced morbidity. Acalculous
cholecystitis (AC) is more commonly found in children than adults. Two-third
of cases appear as a complication of other illness: trauma, shock, burns,
sepsis, and operative procedures. Contributing causes mentioned are:
obstruction, congenital tortuosity or narrowing of the cystic duct, decreased
blood flow to the gallbladder, and long-term parenteral nutrition. Males are
more commonly affected than females. Fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
dehydration and marked subhepatic tenderness are the most common
symptoms. Other less common sx are jaundice, and abdominal mass. Labs
show leucocytosis and abnormal liver function tests. Recently (APSA 95), two
distinct forms of this disease have been recognized: acute, with symptom
duration less than one month and chronic, with sx greater than three months.
US is diagnostic by demonstrating hydrops of gallbladder, increase wall
thickness and sludge. HIDA scan with CCK stimulation may help diagnose
chronic cases. In both situations management consist of early
cholecystectomy which can be executed using laparoscopic techniques.
Back to Index
A. Wilms Tumor & Genetics
Wilms tumor (WT) is the most common intra-abdominal malignant tumor in children
affecting more than 400 children annually in the USA. It has a peak incidence at 3.5 years of
age. WT present as a large abdominal or flank mass with abdominal pain, asymptomatic
hematuria, and occasionally fever. Other presentations include malaise, weight loss, anemia,
left varicocele (obstructed left renal vein), and hypertension. Initial evaluation consists of:
Abdominal films, Ultrasound, IVP, urinalysis, Chest-X-rays and Computed Tomography. The
presence of a solid, intrarenal mass causing intrinsic distortion of the calyceal collecting
system is virtually diagnostic of Wilms tumor. Doppler sonography of the renal vein and
inferior vena cava can exclude venous tumor involvement. Metastasis occurs most commonly
to lungs and occasionally to liver. Operation is both for treatment and staging to determine
further therapy.
Following NWTSG recommendation's primary nephrectomy is done for all but the largest
unilateral tumors and further adjuvant therapy is based on the surgical and pathological
findings. Important surgical caveats consist of using a generous transverse incision,
performing a radical nephrectomy, exploring the contralateral kidney, avoiding tumor spillage,
and sampling suspicious lymph nodes. Nodes are biopsied to determine extent of disease. WT
staging by NWTSG consists of:
Stage I- tumor limited to kidney and completely resected.
Stage II- tumor extends beyond the kidney but is completely excised.
Stage III- residual non-hematogenous tumor confined to the abdomen.
Stage IV- hematogenous metastasis.
Stage V- bilateral tumors.
Further treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy depends on staging and histology
(favorable vs. non-favorable) of the tumor. Non-favorable histologic characteristics are:
anaplasia (three times enlarged nucleus, hyperchromatism, mitosis), sarcomatous or rhabdoid
degeneration. The success in managing WT has been remarkable the result of stratification,
registry and study from the NWTSG. Disease-free survival is 95% for Stage I and
approximately 80% for all patients. Prognosis is poor for those children with lymph nodes,
lung and liver metastasis.
WT occurs either sporadic (95%), familial (1-2%) or associated with a syndrome (2%). Such
syndromes predisposing to WT are WAGR (Wilms, aniridia, genitourinary malformation and
mental retardation), Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (gigantism, macroglossia, pancreas cell
hyperplasia, BWS), and Denys-Drash Syndrome (male pseudohermaphrodite, nephropathy
and Wilms tumor, DDS). They tend to occur in younger patients. Sporadic WT is associated in
10% of cases with isolated hemihypertrophy or genitourinary malformations such as
hypospadia, cryptorchidism and renal fusion. Bilateral synchronous kidney tumors are seen in
5-10% of cases. Routine abdominal ultrasound screening every six months up to the age of
eight years is recommended for children at high risk for developing WT such as the
above-mentioned syndromes.
It was originally thought that WT developed after the two-hit mutational model developed
for retinoblastoma: When the first mutation occurs before the union the sperm and egg
(constitutional or germline mutation) the tumor is heritable and individuals are at risk for
multiple tumors. Nonhereditary WT develops as the result of two-postzygotic mutations
(somatic) in a single cell. The two-event hypothesis predicts that susceptible individuals such
as familial cases, those with multifocal disease and those with a congenital anomaly have a
lower median age at diagnosis than sporadic cases. It is now believed that several genes'
mutations are involved in the overall WT pathogenesis.
Loss of whole portions of a chromosome is called loss of heterozygosity (LOH), a
mechanism believed to inactivate a tumor-suppressor gene. WT has been found 50% of the
time to contain LOH at two genetic loci: 11p13 and 11p15. WT will develop in 30% of WAGR
children. Children with the WAGR association shows a deletion in the short arm of
chromosome 11 band 13 (11p13) but a normal 11p15 region. Up to a third of sporadic WT have
changes in the distal part of chromosome 11, a region that includes band p13. The region of
the deletion has been named the WT1 gene, a tumor suppressor gene that also forms a
complex with another known tumor-suppressor, p53. WT1 gene express a regulated
transcription factor of the zinc-finger family proteins restricted to the genitourinary system,
spleen, dorsal mesentery of the intestines, muscles, central nervous system (CNS) and
mesothelium. WT1 is deleted in all WAGR syndromes cases. The important association of WT1
mutation and WAGR syndrome with intralobar nephrogenic rests immediately suggest that
WT1 expression be necessary for the normal differentiation of nephroblasts. Only five to 10%
of sporadic WT have thus far been shown to harbor WT1 mutations. Inactivation of WT1 only
affects organs that express this gene such as the kidney and specific cells of the gonads
(Sertoli cells of the testis and granulosa cells of the ovary). WT1 has been shown to cause the
Denys-Drash syndrome. Most of the mutations described in DDS patients are dominant
missense mutations.
A small subset of BWS has a 11p15 duplication or deletion. The region 11p15 has been
designated WT2 gene and is telomeric of WT1. Beckwith- Wiedemann form of WT is also
associated with IGF2, an embryonal growth-inducing gene. This might prove that two
independent loci may be involved in tumor formation. Candidates genes include insulin-like
growth factor II gene (IGFII) and the tumor suppressor gene H19. A substantial fraction of WT
(without LOH at the DNA level) has been found to have altered imprints with resultants over
expression of IGFII and loss of expression of the tumor suppressor H19. IGFII may be
operating like an oncogene by perpetuating nephroblast and may account for the perilobar
rests observed in BWS patients.
A gene for a familial form (FWT1) of the tumor has also been identified in chromosome 17q.
There also might be a gene predisposing to Wilms tumor at chromosome 7p, where
constitutional translocations have been described. Mutation in p53 is associated with tumor
progression, anaplasia and poor prognosis. Most WT are probably caused by somatic
mutations in one or more of the increasing number of WT genes identified.
A few chromosomal regions have seen identified for its role in tumor progression. LOH at
chromosome 16q and chromosome 1p has been implicated in progression to a more
malignant or aggressive type Wilms' tumor with adverse outcome. This occurs in
approximately 20% of patients with WT. These children have a relapse rate three times higher
and a mortality rate twelve times higher than WT without LOH at chromosome 1p. p53 is also
associated with the so called anaplastic unfavorable histology.
Patients with WT and a diploid DNA content (indicating low proliferation) have been found
to have an excellent prognosis. Hyperdiploidy (high mitotic activity) is a poor prognostic
feature of Wilms tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma and Osteosarcoma.
Nephrogenic rests are precursor lesions of WT. Two types are recognized: perilobar
nephrogenic rests (PLNR) limited to the lobar periphery, and intralobar nephrogenic rests
(ILNR) within the lobe, renal sinus or wall of the pelvocaliceal system. The strong association
between ILNR, aniridia and Denys-Drash syndrome where the WT1 zinc finger gene has been
implicated suggests that this locus might be linked to the pathogenesis of ILNR. Also the
association between BWS and some cases of hemihypertrophy with abnormalities of more
distant loci on chromosome 11p raises the possibility that the putative WT2 gene might be
more closely linked to PLNR.
An advantage of genetic testing is that children with sporadic aniridia, hemihypertrophy or
the above discussed syndromes known to be at high risk for developing WT can undergo
screening of the germline DNA. This might identify if they harbor the mutation and need closer
surveillance for tumor development.
B. Neuroblastoma & Genetics
Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumor in infants. More than 500
new cases are diagnosed annually in the United States. Most neuroblastomas (75%) arise in
the retroperitoneum (adrenal gland and paraspinal ganglia), 20% in the posterior mediastinum,
and 5% in the neck or pelvis. NB is a solid, highly vascular tumor with a friable pseudocapsule.
Most children present with an abdominal mass, and one-fourth have hypertension. Other have:
Horner's syndrome, Panda's eyes, anemia, dancing eyes or vaso-intestinal syndrome.
Diagnosis is confirmed with the use of simple X-rays (stipple calcifications), Ultrasound, and
CT-Scan. Work-up should include: bone marrow, bone scan, myelogram (if there is evidence
of intraspinal extension), and plasma/urine tumor markers level: vanillylmandelic acid (VMA),
homovanillic acid ( HVA) and dopamine (DOPA).
Management of NB depends on the stage of disease at diagnosis. Localized tumors are
best managed with surgical therapy. Partially resected or unresectable cases need
chemotherapy a/o radiotherapy after establishing a histologic diagnosis. Independent
variables determining prognosis are age at diagnosis and stage of disease. The Evans
classification for NB staging comprised:
Stage I - tumor confined to an organ of origin.
Stage II - tumor extending beyond an organ of origin, but not crossing the midline. Ipsilateral
lymph nodes may be involved.
Stage III - tumor extending beyond midline. Bilateral lymph nodes may be involved.
Stage IV - remote disease involving skeleton, bone marrow, soft tissue or distant lymph
Stage IVS - same as stage I or II with presence of disease in liver, skin or bone marrow.
Young children with stage I/II have a better outcome. A poor outcome is characteristic of
higher stages, older patients and those with bone cortex metastasis. Other prognostic
variables are: the site of primary tumor development, maturity of tumor, presence of positive
lymph nodes, high levels of ferritin, neuron-specific enolase, and diploid DNA.
Neuroblastoma is a malignant tumor of the postganglionic sympathetic system that
develops from the neural crest: sympathetic ganglion cells and adrenal gland. In vitro three
cell types have been identified:
1- neuroblastic (N-type) cells that are tumorigenic. These cells are responsible for producing
cathecolamines and vasoactive substances which help in diagnosis and follow-up therapy.
2- the Schwannian or substrate-adherent (S-type) cells that are non-tumorigenic, and the
3- intermediate I-cells.
NB can behave seemingly benignly and undergo spontaneous regression, mature into a
benign ganglioneuroma or most commonly progress to kill its host. This disparate behavior is
a manifestation that we are dealing with related tumors with differently genetic and biological
features associated with a spectrum of clinical behaviors.
Conclusive associations with environmental factors have not been proved in NB. Hereditary
factors are important in NB since a few cases exhibit predisposition following a dominant
pattern of inheritance. The most characteristic cytogenetic abnormality of neuroblastoma is
deletion of the short arm of chromosome 1 in locus 36 (1p36) occurring in 50 to 70% of primary
diploid tumors. LOH of the short arm of chromosome 1 is also associated with an unfavorable
outcome, suggesting that a tumor suppression gene may be found in this region. The common
region of deletion or LOH resides at the distal end of the short arm of chromosome 1 from
1p36.2 to 1p36.3. Loss or inactivation of a gene at this site is critical for progression of
neuroblastoma. A few candidate genes from this site have been mapped. LOH in chromosome
14 long arm (14q) has also been identified in 25-50% or neuroblastoma cells studied but no
clinical behavior has been identified with this finding. Gain of chromosome 17 is associated
with more aggressive tumors.
common form found on the muscle masses of the trunk and extremities, and is seen more
frequently in older children and young adults. Alveolar RMS is associated with a poor
prognosis. This unfavorable prognosis is the result of early and wide dissemination, bones
marrow involvement and poor response to chemotherapy.
Clinical findings, diagnostic evaluation and therapy depend upon location of the primary
tumor and are beyond the scope of this review. Head and neck RMS are most common and
occur in the orbit, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, cheek, neck, middle ear, and larynx. Most
are treated by simple biopsy followed by combined therapy or preoperative chemotherapy and
radiation followed by conservative resection. Operations for extremity lesions include wide
local excision to remove as much of gross tumor as possible. The trend in management is
more chemotherapy with conservative surgical therapy. Survival has depended on primary
site, stage of disease, and treatment given.
Most RMS occurs sporadically. Approximately 5% are associated to syndromes such as
Beckwith-Wiedemann with LOH at the 11p15 locus, Li-Fraumeni, the neurofibromatosis-NF1
gene located on 17q11, Basal Cell Nevus, and the Fetal Alcohol syndrome. Other risk factors
in the development of RMS include maternal use of marijuana and cocaine, exposure to
radiation, and maternal history of stillbirth.
Alveolar and embryonal RMS are the most genetically studied sarcomas in children. The
expression of a number of human paired box-containing (PAX) genes has been correlated with
various types of RMS. In alveolar RMS novel fusion genes encoding chimeric fusion proteins
have been identified. The most consistent genetic mutation identified in more than 70% of
alveolar RMS is translocation of chromosomes 2 and 13, t(2;13)q35-37;q14). The PAX3 loci in
chromosome 2 fuses to the FKHR (fork head in rhabdomyosarcoma) domain of chromosome
13 creating a powerful chimeric PAX3-FKHR gene that encodes an 836 amino acid fusion
protein. This information is obtained using reverse transcriptase PCR assays of alveolar RMS
or by protein immunoprecipitation with PAX3 and FKHR antisera. The PAX3-FKHR protein is
an active transcription factor. The t(2;13) activates the oncogenic potential of PAX3 by
dysregulating or exaggerating its normal function in the myogenic lineage and affecting the
cellular activities of growth, differentiation and apoptosis. Another of the reported
translocation is t(1;13)(p36;q14) involving chromosome 1 and 13 in 10% of alveolar RMS. In
this variant, Chromosome 1 locus encoding PAX7 fused to FKHR in chromosome 13 resulting
in another chimeric transcript PAX7-FKHR. PAX7-FKHR tumors tend to occur in younger
patients, are more often in the extremity, are more often localized lesions and are associated
with significantly longer event-free survival. Still, a small subset of alveolar RMS does not
contain either fusion mutation. The PAX3-FKHR and the variant PAX7-FKHR fusions are
associated with distinct clinical phenotypes. Identification of fusion gene status by PCR is a
useful diagnostic tool in differentiating RMS from other round cell tumors.
Embryonal RMS contains frequent allelic loss on chromosome 11 (11p15), a genetic feature
specific for this type of tumor. Allelic loss is manifested by the absence of one of the two
signals in the tumor cells indicating a genetic event such as a chromosome loss, deletion, or
mitotic recombination that eliminates one allele and the surrounding chromosomal region. The
smallest affected region has been localized to chromosomal region 11p15.5. The presence of a
consistent region of allelic loss is often indicative of the presence of a tumor suppressor gene
inactivated in the associated malignancy. The mechanism for inactivation of tumor suppressor
genes is postulated to be a two-hit scenario in which both copies of the gene are sequentially
inactivated: a small point mutation inactivates one of the two alleles, preferably the maternal
side allele, and the allelic loss event inactivate the second allele (the paternal allele). This
leads to over expression of the insulin-like growth factor II gene known to play a role in the
development of embryonal tumors.
Other alterations associated with embryonal RMS are distinct patterns of chromosomal
gains (chromosomes 2,7,8,12,13,17,18, and 19) in contrast with alveolar RMS which shows
genomic amplification of chromosomal region 12q13-15 in 50% of cases. Notably, these
distinct changes predominantly involved chromosomes 2, 12, and 13 in both subtypes.
Additionally embryonal RMS cases shows mutations of members of the RAS gene family, a
second proto-oncogene. Both tumors share alterations in the p53 gene at the germline level
contributing to increase susceptibility to other tumors characteristics of the Li-Fraumeni
syndrome. There is also greater over expression of c-myc in alveolar RMS when compared
with embryonal RMS. All this favors a multi-step origin of RMS tumors generating phenotypic
changes of growth autonomy, abnormal differentiation and motility.
The Li-Fraumeni familial cancer syndrome is manifested by increased susceptibility of
affected relatives to develop a diverse set of malignancies during early childhood. The major
features of the syndrome include breast cancer, osteosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcomas of soft
tissue, glioblastoma, leukemia and adrenal cortical carcinoma. More than one-half of the
cancers overall and nearly one-third of the breast cancers were diagnosed before 30 years of
age. Among females, breast cancer is the most common. Germline mutations within a defined
region of the p53 gene have been found in families with the Li-Fraumeni syndrome.
Persistence of the mutation in the germline suggests a defect in DNA repair in the family
member first affected. Asymptomatic carriers of p53 germline mutation needs closed
evaluation and follow-up for early detection and treatment in case neoplasia develops.
D. Hepatic Tumors: Hepatoblastoma
Hepatoblastoma (HB) is the most common primary malignant neoplasm of the liver in children
seen in males less than four year of age. Diagnostic work-up (US, Scintigraphy, CT-Scan)
objective is
predicting resectability and tumor extension. Diagnostic laparotomy will decide resectability.
associated to this tumor are: alpha-fetoprotein and gamma-glutamyltransferase II. Only
reliable chances
of cure is surgical excision although half are unresectable at dx. Unresectable tumors can be
with preop chemotx. Disadvantages of preop chemotx are: progressive disease, increase
post-op complications, and toxicity. Advantages are: decrease in tumor size, covert
three-fourth cases
into resectable, although extent of surgery is not decreased. Tumor necrosis is more
extensive in pt.
receiving preop chemotx. Osteoid present in tumors after chemotx may represent an inherent
ability of
the tumor to maturate and differentiate. Diploid tumors on DNA flow cytometry show a better
E. Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) is the most common extragonadal germ cell tumor in
neonates with an
incidence of one in 30-40,000 live births. Three-fourth are females. SCT present as a large, firm
or more
commonly cystic masses that arise from the anterior surface of the sacrum or coccyx,
protruding and
forming a large external mass. Histology consist of tissue from the three germ cell layers. SCT
classified as: mature, immature, or malignant (endodermal sinus) and produces alpha-feto
protein (AFP).
Prenatal sonographic diagnostic severity criteria are: tumor size greater than the biparietal
diameter of
the fetus, rapid tumor growth, development of placentomegaly, polyhydramnios and hydrops.
tumors should benefit from cesarean section to avoid dystocia or tumor rupture. Management
consist of
total tumor resection with coccyx (recurrence is associated with leaving coccyx in place).
recurrence of SCT should be regarded as potentially malignant. Malignant or immature SCT
elevated AFP after surgical resection will benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. Survival is 95%
mature/immature tumors, but less than 80% for malignant cases. Follow-up should consist of
meticulous physical exam every 3-6 months for first three years, (2) serial AFP determination,
fecal/urodynamic functional studies. Long term F/U has found a 40% incidence of fecal and
impairment associated to either tumor compression of pelvic structures or surgical trauma.
F. Ovarian Tumors
Ovarian tumors are uncommon childhood malignancies (1%) characterized by recurrence and
resistance to therapy. Aggressive surgery is limited to avoid compromising reproductive
capacity and
endocrine function. Low incidence and need of mulitinodal therapy encourages referral to
dealing with effective cancer therapy.The most common histology is germ cell:
teratoma, and endodermal sinus tumor. This is followed by the sex-cord stroma tumors with a
incidence of malignancy. They can cause feminization (granulosa-theca cell) and
(androblastoma). Other types are: epithelial (older adolescent), lipid-cell, and gonadoblastoma.
tumors present with acute abdominal symptoms (pain) from impending rupture or torsion.
They also
cause painless abdominal enlargement, or hormonal changes. Preop work-up should include:
chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and alpha-fetoprotein ( AFP) levels. Imaging studies:
Ultrasound and
CT-Scan. The most important prognostic factor in malignant tumors is stage of disease at time
diagnosis. Objectives of surgery are: accurate staging (inspection of peritoneal surfaces and
organs, lymph node evaluation), washing and cytology of peritoneal fluid, tumor removal, and
contralateral ovarian biopsy if needed. Chemotherapy consists of: bleomycin, cis-platinum,
vinblastine. Radiotherapy is generally not effective, except in dysgerminoma. Elevation of
markers (AFP or HCG) after therapy signals recurrence.
G. Thyroid Nodules
The need to differentiate malignant from benign thyroid nodules is the most challenging
predicament in management.Present diagnostic work-up consists of ultrasonography (US),
radionuclear scans (RNS) and fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). After reviewing our
ten-year experience with twenty-four pediatric thyroid nodules we found nineteen benign and
five malignant lesions. Benign nodules were soft, movable, solitary and non-tender. Malignant
nodules were found during late adolecence, characterized by localized tenderness, a
multigandular appearance and fixation to adjacent tissues. US and RNS were of limited utility
since malignancy was identified among cystic and hot nodules respectively. Suppressive
thyroid hormone therapy was useless in the few cases tried. FNAB in
eighteen cases did not limit the number of thyroid resections. It showed that the probability
that a
malignant nodule had suspicious or frankly malignant cytology was 60%. The specificity was
90%. This
is the result of a higher number of patients with follicular cell cytology in the aspirate. No
should be made to differentiate follicular adenoma from carcinoma since capsular and
vascular invasion
cannot be adequately assessed by FNAB.The physical exam findings, persistence of the
progressive growth and cosmetic appearance were the main indications for surgery. FNAB is
a safe
procedure that plays a minor role in the decision to withhold surgery. Its greatest strength is
anticipate in case of malignancy that a more radical procedure is probably needed. FNAB, US
and RNS
should not replace clinical judgement or suspicion as the most important determinants in
In spite of presenting with advanced, multicentric and larger tumors children have a better
survival than adults. Populations at risk: past radiation to head and neck, nuclear waste
radiation, MEN II kindred. Clinical presentation is a solitary cervical mass or metastatic lymph
node. Diagnostic work-up should include: sonogram (cystic or solid), thyroid scan (cold or
hot), Fine-needle aspiration cytology(FNA), and Chest-X-Ray (lung metastasis 20% at dx).
Pathology of tumors: papillary (majority, psammomas bodies), follicular (vascular or capsular
invasion), medullary (arise from C-cells, multicentric, locally invasive), anaplastic (rare,
invasive and metastatic). Management is surgical. Complications of surgery increase with
decreasing age of patient: temporary hypoparathyroidism, recurrent nerve injury. Prognostic
factors associated to higher mortality are: non-diploid DNA, psammomas bodies, over 2 cm
diameter nodule, and anaplastic histology. Follow-up for recurrence with serum thyroglobulin
level and radioisotope scans. Adjunctive therapy: thyroid suppression and radio-iodine for
lymph nodes and pulmonary metastasis.
H. Burkitt's Lymphoma
Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) is a highly malignant tumor first described during the late 50's in
African children (jaw), endemic in nature, and composed of undifferentiated lympho-reticular
cells with uniform appearance. The American BL variety is non-endemic, mostly attacks
children between 8-12 years of age, predominantly (>75%) with abdominal disease such as
unexplained mass, pain, or intussusception. The head and neck region follows. The tumor can
appear as a localized, diffuse (multifocal, non-resectable) or metastatic abdominal mass (bone
marrow and CNS). It's considered the fastest growing tumor in humans with a doubling time
around 12-24 hrs. Chemotherapy is the primary treatment modality due to its effectiveness in
rapidly proliferating cells. The role of surgery is to establish the diagnosis (using open
biopsy), stage the tumor, remove localized disease, relieve intestinal obstruction and provide
vascular access. Complete resection whenever possible offers the patient improved survival.
Is more readily accomplished in patients with localized bowel involvement operated on an
emergency basis due to acute abdominal symptoms. The only predictor of event free survival
is extent of abdominal disease at diagnosis. Debulking (cytoreductive) procedures increases
morbidity and delays initiation of chemotherapy worsening prognosis. Extensive tumors
should be managed with minimal procedure and immediate chemotherapy (a/o radiotherapy).
Bone marrow and CNS involvement are ominous prognostic signs.
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B. Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts in fetus and infants are usually follicular in nature and less than
2 cm in size. They are commonly diagnosed between the 28th and 39th wk. of
gestation by sonography. Hypotheses on etiology are: (1) Excessive fetal
gonadotropic activity, (2) enzymatic abnormalities of the theca interna, and (3)
abnormal stimulation by the mother HCG. Obstetric management consists on
observation and vaginal delivery. After birth, diagnostic assessment and
management will depend on the size and sonographic characteristics of the
cyst. Simple anechoic cysts, and those less than 5 cm in size can be observed
for spontaneous resolution. Cyst with fluid debris, clot, septated or solid
(complex nature), and larger than 5 cm should undergo surgical excision due
to the higher incidence of torsion, perforation and hemorrhage associated to
them. Percutaneous aspiration of large simple cysts with follow-up
sonography is a well-accepted therapy, preserving surgery for recurrent or
complicated cases. Surgical therapy is either cystectomy or oophorectomy
that can result in loss of normal ovarian tissue.
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C. Breast Disorders
Most breast disorders in children of either sex are benign. Congenital lesions
are: absent or multiple breast. Transplacental hormonal influence in neonates
may cause hyperplasia of breast tissue with predisposition to infection
(Mastitis neonatorum). Premature hyperplasia (thelarche) in females is the
most common breast lesion in children. It occurs before the age of eight as a
disk-shaped concentric asymptomatic subareolar mass. Remains static until
changes occur in the opposite breast 6-12 mo later. It can regress
spontaneously or stay until puberty arrives. Biopsy may mutilate future breast
development. On the contrary, discrete breast masses in males cause concern
and excision is warranted. Gynecomastia is breast enlargement cause by
hormonal imbalance, usually in obese pre-adolescent boys. If spontaneous
regression does not occur, it can be managed by simple mastectomy. Virginal
hypertrophy is rapid breast enlargement after puberty due to estrogen
sensitivity. If symptomatic, management is reduction mammoplasty.
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The fetal gastrointestinal tract (foregut, midgut and hindgut) undergoes ventral
folding between 24-28 days' gestation. By the 5-6th wk the stomach rotates to
the right and the duodenum occludes by cell proliferation. Recanalization of
the duodenum occurs around the 8th wk. The midgut rotation takes place
during the 6-11th wk and the final peritoneal closure by 10th wk. The fetal GI
tract begins ingestion and absorption of amniotic fluid by the 14th wk. This
fluid contributes to 17% effective nutrition; proximally obstructed gut can
cause growth retardation. Fetal intestinal obstruction is caused by: failure of
recanalization (duodenal atresia), vascular accidents (intestinal atresias),
intrauterine volvulus, intussusception, or intraluminal obstruction (meconium
ileus). Esophageal obstruction causes polyhydramnios, absent visible
stomach and is related to tracheo-esophageal anomalies. Duodenal
obstruction seen as two anechoic cystic masses is associated to aneuploidy
(trisomy 21) and polyhydramnios. Jejuno-ileal obstruction produces dilated
anechoic (fluid-filled) serpentine masses and bowel diameter of 1-2 cm. Large
bowel obstruction is most often caused by meconium ileus, Hirschsprung's
disease or imperforate anus. The colon assumes a large diameter and the
meconium is seen echogenic during sonography. In general the method of
delivery is not changed by the intrauterine diagnosis of intestinal obstruction.
Timing can be affected if there is evidence of worsening intestinal ischemia
(early delivery recommended after fetal lung maturity).
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C. Prenatal CCAM
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation is a lung bud lesion characterize
by dysplasia of respiratory epithelium caused by overgrowth of distal
bronchiolar tissue. Prenatally diagnosed CCAM prognosis depends on the size
of the lung lesion and can cause: mediastinal shift, hypoplasia of normal lung
tissue, polyhydramnios, and fetal hydrops (cardiovascular shunt). Classified in
two types based on ultrasound findings: macrocystic (lobar, > 5 mm cysts,
anechoic, favorable prognosis) and microcystic (diffuse, more solid,
echogenic, lethal). Occurs as an isolated (sporadic) event with a low rate of
recurrence. Survival depends on histology. Hydrops is caused by vena caval
obstruction, heart compression and mediastinal shift. The natural history is
that some will decrease in size, while others disappear. Should be follow with
serial sonograms. Prenatal management for impending fetal hydrops has
consisted of thoraco-amniotic shunts (dislodge, migrate and occlude), and
intra-uterine fetal resection (technically feasible, reverses hydrops, allows lung
growth). Post-natal management consist of lobectomy.
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A. Physiology of the Pneumotperitoneum
The concept behind minimally invasive surgery is that the size of the wound has a direct
correlation with the metabolic and endocrine response to surgical trauma. The greater the
cutting of fascia, muscle and nerve the higher the catecholamine and catabolic response of
the body to surgical trauma.
A potential working space during video-laparoscopic abdominal procedures in children is
established with the help of a carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. The most popular technique
used in children for developing a pneumoperitoneum is the open (Hasson) technique, usually
in children less than two years of age. Closed or percutaneous (Veress needle) technique is
mostly practice in older children and adolescents. Insufflation by either technique will cause
an increase in intrabdominal pressure (IAP). Studies during congenital abdominal wall defects
closure such as gastroschisis and omphalocele has shown that the rise in IAP may cause
decrease venous return, decrease renal perfusion, low splanchnic flow, and increased airway
pressures. In addition, abdominal distension causes pulmonary function abnormalities such
as decreased functional residual capacity, basilar alveolar collapse, and intrapulmonary
shunting of deoxygenated blood. The cardiac afterload will increase, an effect that may be
magnified by hypovolemia.
Hypotension during the establishment of the pneumoperitoneum is a very feared
complication. It could be the result of vascular injury, arrhythmia, insufflating too much carbon
dioxide, impending heart failure, gas embolism or the development of a pneumothorax. We
generally insufflate a three-kilogram baby with ten millimeters of mercury of intra-abdominal
pressure and a 70-kilogram child with a maximum of fifteen mm of Hg.
Increase awareness of the intrinsic effects carbon dioxide insufflation may cause in the
child abdominal cavity is necessary. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the diaphragmatic
surfaces and cause hypercapnia, respiratory acidosis, and pooling of blood in vessels with
decrease cardiac output. This effect is usually controlled by the anesthesiologist increasing
minute ventilation by 10% to 20% to maintain normocapnia. Increase dead space or decrease
functional residual capacity caused by the Tredelenberg position and administration of volatile
anesthetic agents can increment this problem. High risk children where this effect can be
potentiate further are those with pre-existent cardio-respiratory conditions causing increase
dead space, decrease pulmonary compliance and increase pulmonary artery pressure and
resistance. It is estimated that carbon dioxide accumulates primarily in blood and alveoli due
to the decrease muscular components to buffer the excess absorbed gas present in children.
After the procedure, the combination of residual carbon dioxide in the diaphragmatic surface
and water forms carbonic acid that upon absorbtion by the lymphatics produces referred
shoulder pain. There is always a small risk of ventricular dysrhythmia with insufflation of
carbon dioxide in children.
Some contraindications for performing laparoscopy during the pediatric age are: history of
severe cardio-pulmonary conditions, uncorrectable coagulopathy, prematurity, distended
abdomen with air or ascites, and multiple abdominal scars from previous operative
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B. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) has become the procedure of choice for the removal
of the disease gallbladder of children. The benefit of this procedure is obvious: safe, effective,
and well tolerated. It produces a short hospital stay, early return to activity and reduced
hospital bills. Several technical differences between the pediatric and adult patient are: lower
intrabdominal insufflation pressure, smaller trocar size and more lateral position of placement.
Complications are related to the initial trocar entrance as vascular and bowel injury, and those
related to the procedure itself, i.e., bile duct injury or leak. Three 5 mm ports and one 10-mm
umbilical port are used. Pneumoperitoneum is obtained with Veress needle insufflation or
using direct insertion of blunt trocar and cannula. Cholangiography before any dissection of
the triangle of Calot using a Kumar clamp is advised by some workers to avoid iatrogenic
common bile duct (CBD) injuries during dissection due to anomalous anatomy, and the best
method to detect CBD stones. Treatment of CBD stones may consist of:
1- endoscopic sphincterotomy followed by LC,
2- open (conventional) or laparoscopic choledochotomy, or
3- transcystic choledochoscopy and stone extraction.
Children with hemolytic disorders, i.e., Sickle cell disease, have a high incidence of
cholelithiasis and benefit from LC with a shorter length of postop stay and reduced morbidity.
San Pablo Medical Center performed 4439 cholecystectomies from January 1990 to July
1995; 83 (1.8%) of them in children. LC was found superior to the open conventional procedure
reducing the operating time, length of stay, diet resumption, and use of pain medication. The
child is more pleased with his cosmetic results and activities are more promptly established.
We also found that CBD stones can be managed safely with simultaneous endoscopic
papillotomy and costs of LC are further reduced employing re-usable equipment and selective
cholangiographic indications.
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C. Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Semm, a gynecologist, is credited with inventing laparoscopic appendectomy in 1982. With
the arrival of video-endoscopic procedures the role of laparoscopic appendectomy in the
management of acute appendicitis in children has been studied and compared with the
conventional open appendectomy. General advantages of laparoscopic appendectomy
identified are: ease and rapid localization of the appendix, ability to explore and lavage the
entire abdominal cavity, decrease incidence of wound infection, less cutaneous scarring, more
pleasing cosmetically, and a rapid return of intestinal function and full activity. There is
certainly some advantage in doing laparoscopic appendectomy in the obese child, teenage
female with unclear etiology of symptoms, for athletes, children with chronic right lower
quadrant abdominal pain, and cases requiring interval appendectomy. Disadvantages are:
expensive instrumentation, time-consuming and tedious credentialing, and the major benefit
is in the postop period.
Analyzing the results of several series that compare laparoscopic vs. conventional
appendectomy in the management of acute appendicitis we can conclude that laparoscopy
produces no difference with open appendectomy in respect to operating room complications
and postoperative morbidity, has a longer operating and anesthesia time, higher hospital
costs, a shorter length of stay, less postop pain, less pain medication requirement, and
shorter convalescence. One series warned that complicated cases of appendicitis done by
laparoscopy could increase the postoperative infectious rate requiring readmission.
Otherwise, they all favored laparoscopic appendectomy in the management of appendicitis.
Still, unresolved issues in my mind are: Does laparoscopic appendectomy reduce
postoperative adhesions? , Is it necessary to remove a normal looking appendix during a
negative diagnostic laparoscopy performed for acute abdominal pain? , Will the increase
intrabdominal pressure alter the diaphragmatic lymphatic translocation of bacteria favoring
higher septic rates in complicated cases? Experimental evidence in animal models favors
higher rates of systemic sepsis after sequential development of pneumoperitoneum.
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laparoscopic approach. The presence of a patent processus vaginalis may suggest a distal
viable testis.
3- The testis is hypoplastic, atretic, or atrophic (26%), in which case is removed
Exact anatomical localization of the testis by laparoscopy simplifies accurate planning of
operative repair; therefore, is an effective and safe adjunct in the management of the
cryptorchid testis.
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E. Groin Laparoscopy
The issue of contralateral exploration in the pediatric inguinal hernia patient has been hotly
debated. Proponents of routine contralateral exploration cite the high percentage of
contralateral hernia a/o potential hernia found at exploration, the avoidance of the cost of
another hospitalization, psychological trauma and anxiety to the child and parents over a
second operation, and the added risk of anesthesia of a second procedure. Most pediatrics
surgeons habitually explore the contralateral side. They disagree in opinions about
exploration depending upon the primary site of inguinal hernia, age, sex and the use of
herniography or some intra-operative technique to check the contralateral side.
Recently the use of groin laparoscopy permits visualization of the contralateral side. The
technique consists of opening the hernial sac, introducing a 5.5-mm reusable port,
establishing a pneumoperitoneum, and viewing with an angle laparoscope the contralateral
internal inguinal ring to decide the existence of a hernia, which is repaired if present. Requires
no additional incision, avoids risk of vas deferens injury in boys, is rapid, safe and reliable for
evaluating the opposite groin in the pediatric patient with unilateralinguinal hernia. Children
less than two years of age have a higher yield of positive contralateral findings.
Back to Index
F. Laparoscopic Splenectomy
Laparoscopic splenectomy is another safe and technically feasible video-endoscopic
procedures in children. Indications are usually hematological disorders such as Idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura, spherocytosis, and Hodgkin's staging. Technical considerations
of the procedure are based on anatomical facts such as the variability in the splenic blood
supply, the ligaments anchoring the organ and the size of the diseased spleen. Generally the
avascular splenophrenic and colic ligaments are cauterized, the short gastric and hilar vessels
are individually ligated with metallic clips or gastrointestinal staplers, and the spleen is placed
in a plastic bag, fracture or morzelized until it is removed through the navel.
Comparing the laparoscopic procedure with the conventional splenectomy, the advantages
are: improved exposure, decreased pain, improved pulmonary function, shortened
hospitalization, more rapid return to normal activities and excellent cosmetic appearance.
Disadvantages are longer operating time, higher costs and the need to open 5-20% of cases
due to technical uncontrolled hemorrhage, such as bleeding from the splenic artery.
Back to Index
G. Laparoscopic Fundoplication
Fundoplication for the management of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is
another procedure that has evolved recently taking advantage of minimally invasive technique.
Indications for performing either the open or laparoscopic fundoplication is the same, namely:
life threatening GER (asthma, cyanotic spells), chronic aspiration syndromes, chronic
vomiting with failure to thrive, and reflux induced esophageal stricture. Studies comparing the
open versus the laparoscopic technique in the pediatric age have found a reduced mean
hospital and postoperative stay with laparoscopy. The lap procedure seems similar to the
open regarding efficacy and complication rates. Costs are not excessive, they are even lower
if we take into consideration the shorter length of stay. Lower rate of adhesions, pulmonary
and wound complications are another benefit of the lap technique suggested. Percutaneous
B. General Reading
1- Welch KJ, Randolph JG, Ravitch MM, O'Neill JA, Rowe MI: Pediatric Surgery.
4th edition. Chicago. Year Book Medical Publishers. 1986
2- Ashcraft KW, Holder TM: Pediatric Surgery. 2nd edition. Philadelphia. W.B.
Saunders Co. 1993
3- Grosfeld JL: Common Problems in Pediatric Surgery. 1st edition. St Louis.
Mosby Year Book. 1991
4- Ashcraft KW, Holder TM: Pediatric Esophageal Surgery. 1st edition.
Orlando. Grune & Stratton, Inc. 1986
5- Seeds JW, Azizkhan RG: Congenital Malformations: Antenatal Diagnosis,
Perinatal Management and Counseling. 1st edition. Maryland. Aspen
Publishers, Inc. 1990
6- Puri P (ed): Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Mod Probl Paediatr. Basel,
Karger, Vol 24, 1989
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Index /Database
| A|B|C|D|E |F|G | H|I|J |K|L|M|N|O|P| Q |R|S |T|U|V |W|X |Y |Z|
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Acalculous Cholecystitis
Acute Pancreatitis
Adrenal Hemorrhage
Adreno Cortical Carcinoma
Airway Foreign Bodies
Alarming Hemangiomas
Anal Fissures
Annular Pancreas
Askin Tumor
Asymtomatic Malrotation
Baker Cysts
Barrett's Esophagus
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Bilateral Cryptorchidism
Bile Duct Injury
Bile Duct Rhabdomyosarcoma
Bile-Plug Syndrome
Bile Peritonitis
Biliary Atresia
Biliary Hypoplasia
Bladder Rhabdomyosarcoma
Bleeding Nipple
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome
Bone Marrow Transplant - Central Venous Catheters
Bowel Management
Branchial Cleft Fistulas
Breast Rhabdomyosarcoma
Bronchogenic Cysts
Burkitt's Lymphoma
Byler's Disease
Carcinoid Syndrome
Caroli's Disease
Castleman's Disease
Cat Scratch Disease
CDH-Delayed Presentation
Cervical Lymphadenopathy
Central Venous Catheter Sepsis
Christmas Tree Deformity
Choledochal Cyst
Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction
Chylous Ascites
Cloacal Exstrophy
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Intrauterine Repair
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group
Congenital Hydrocele: When to do Surgery?
Congenital Lobar Emphysema
Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma
Congenital Pouch Colon
Congenital Pre-Pyloric Antral Membrane
Congenital Torticollis
Currarino Triad
Cystic Fibrosis Prenatal Diagnosis
Cystic Neuroblastoma
Cystosarcoma Phylloides
Deep Venous Thrombosis in Central Venous Lines
Denys-Drash Syndrome
Dermoids Cysts
Diaphragmatic Eventration
Did You Know...
Dumping Syndrome
Duodenal Stenosis
Echo in CDH
Ectopic Pancreas
Esophageal Atresia and Tracheo-esophageal Fistula
Esophageal Diverticulum
Esophageal Hernias
Esophageal Perforation
Esophageal Polyps
Ewing's Sarcoma
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Fetal Abdominal Wall Defects
Fetal Intestinal Obstruction
Fetal Neuroblastoma
Fibrolamellar Carcinoma
Fibrous Hamartoma
Fournier's Gangrene
Frantz Tumor
Gallbladder Dyskinesia
Gallbladder Disorders
Gallstone Pancreatitis
Gastric Duplication
Gastric Volvulus
Gastric Perforation
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease
Gastroesophageal Reflux and Neurological Impairment
Gastroesophageal Reflux and Respiratory Symptoms
Gastroschisis with Intestinal Atresia
Giant Cystic Meconium Peritonitis
Golytely: How much to give?
Grave's Disease
Groin Laparoscopy for Inguinal Hernias
Henoch-Schnlein Purpura
Hepatic Cysts
Hepatic Cysts: Sclerotherapy
Hepatic Hemangioendothelioma
Heterotaxia Syndrome
Hirschsprung's Associated Enterocolitis
Hirschsprung's Disease
Hirschsprung's Disease: Colostomy?
Juvenile Polyps
Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome
Labial Adhesions in Infants
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy vs Open Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic Fundoplication
Laparoscopic Ladd's Procedure
Laparocopic Pyloromyotomy
Laparoscopic Splenectomy
Laparoscopy for Non-palpable Undescended Testis
Laryngo-Tracheal Clefts
Left Hypoplastic Colon Syndrome
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Liver Focal Nodular Hyperplasia
Lumbar Hernias
Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone
Macklin Effect
Malone Stoma
Manometry in Imperforate Anus
Meckel's Diverticulum
Meconium Ileus
Meconium Ileus-like Syndrome
Meconium Peritonitis
Mediastinal Cysts
Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Megacystis, Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome
Mesenteric Cysts
Mesocolic Hernias
Midline Neck Masses
Mirizzi's Syndrome
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Morgagni Hernias
Mllerian Duct Syndrome
Mllerian Inclusions
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type I
Munchausen by Proxy
Muscle Biopsy
NEC and Primary Peritoneal Drainage
Neck Adenopathy
Neonatal Jaundice
Neonatal Laparoscopy
Neonatal Ovarian Cysts
Neonatal Testicular Torsion
Nephrectomy in Neuroblastoma
Net Address!
Neuroblastoma - Genetics
Neuroblastoma - Stage III
Neuroblastoma - Stage IV
Neurenteric Cysts
Newborn Ostomy
New ECMO System
Nodular fasciitis
Omphalo-Mesenteric Remnants
On Hirschsprung's Disease Etiology
Ovarian Tumors
Overwhelming Post-Splenectomy Infection
Pancreas Development
Pancreas Divisum
Pancreatic Pseudocysts
Pancreatic Trauma
Pectus Carinatum
Perforated Appendicitis
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Physiology of Pneumoperitoneum
Pilonidal Sinus
Postoperative Intussusception
Preauricular Sinus
Preduodenal Portal Vein
Prenatal Congenital Cystic Adenomatous Malformation
Prenatal Choledochal Cyst
Prenatal Cystic Hygroma
Prenatal Inguinal Hernia
Prenatal Ovarian Cysts
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Primary Immunedeficiency
Profile Surgery Section AAP
Pulmonary Sequestration
Pure Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula
Pyloric Stenosis Revisited
Pyriform Sinus
Rhabdomyosarcoma - Genetics
Rectal Duplication
Rectal Prolapse
Recurrent Abdominal Pain
Recurrent Intussuception
Recurrent Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula
RET oncogene
Retroperitoneal Teratomas
Sacrococcygeal Dimples
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
Segmental Volvulus
Septate Gallbladder
Short Bowel Syndrome
Sigmoid Volvulus
Splenic Cysts
Splenic Trauma
Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Surgical Response in Newborns
Testicular Feminization Syndrome
Testicular Teratoma
The Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: Is Contralateral Exploration Justified?
Thymic Cysts
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Nodules: FNAB
Tongue Cysts
Total Colonic Aganglionosis
TPN Induced Cholestatic Jaundice
Trans-Anal Pull-Through Video
Undescended Testis: Early Surgery
Urachal Remnants
Vaginal Agenesis
Vaginal Rhabdomyosarcoma
Vascular Access: Neonates
Water in Neonates
Wound Infections
Wilms Tumor and Hyaluronic Acid
Wilms Genetics
Last updated: March 2001
1- DeCou JM, Bowman LC, Rao BN, Santana VM, Furman WL, Luo X, Lobe TE, Kumar M: Infants with metastatic
neuroblastoma have improved survival with resection of the primary tumor. J Pediatr Surg 30(7): 937-941, 1995
2- La Quaglia MP, Kushner BH, Heller G, Bonilla MA, Lindsley KL, Cheung NKV: Stage 4 neuroblastoma diagnosed at more
than 1 year of age: Gross total resection and clinical outcome. J Pediatr Surg 29(8): 1162-1166, 1994
3- Shamberger RC, Allarde-Segundo A, Kozakewich HPW, Grier HE: Surgical management of stage III and IV neuroblastoma:
Resection before or after chemotherapy? J Pediatr Surg 26(9): 1113-1118, 1991
4- Haase GM, O'Leary MCO, Ramsay NKC, Romansky SG, Stram DO, Seeger RC, Hammond GD: Aggressive surgery
combined with intensive chemotherapy improves survival in poor-risk neuroblastoma. J Pediatr Surg 26(9): 1119-1124
5- Shorter NA, Davidoff AM, Evans AE, Ross AJ 3rd, Zeigler MM, O'Neill,JA Jr: The role of surgery in the management of
stage IV neuroblastoma: a single institution study. Med Pediatr Oncol 24(5):287-91, 1995
6- Tsuchida Y, Yokoyama J, Kaneko M, Uchino J, Iwafuchi M, Makino S, Matsuyama S, Takahashi H, Okabe I, Hashizume K,
et al: Therapeutic significance of surgery in advanced neuroblastoma: a report from the study group of Japan. J Pediatr Surg
27(5):616-22, 1992
Incidental Appendectomy
Removing a normal appendix incidentally during a surgical procedure done for reasons other than abdominal pain is
associated with a small but definite increase in adverse postoperative outcome. In this respect incidental
appendectomy has been found to increase the incidence of postoperative septic complications (wound infection). It
is neither cost-effective as an estimated 36 incidental procedures would be needed to prevent one case of
appendicitis. As any procedure it increases adhesion formation from surgical manipulation in the right lower
quadrant fossa. In potentially contaminated primary procedures the addition of incidental appendectomy does not
increase operative morbidity or mortality. Incidental appendectomy is indicated in procedures where a potential
diagnostic pitfall can occur such as Ladds procedure for malrotation, diagnostic laparoscopy for right quadrant pain
and surgically reduced ileo-colic intussusception.
1- Wen SW, Hernandez R, Naylor CD: Pitfalls in non-randomized outcomes studies. The case of incidental appendectomy with
open cholecystectomy. JAMA 274(21):1687-91, 1995
2- Miranda R, Johnston AD, O'Leary JP: Incidental appendectomy: frequency of pathologic abnormalities. Am Surg
46(6):355-7, 1980
3- Mulvihill S, Goldthorn J, Woolley MM: Incidental appendectomy in infants and children. Risk v rationale. Arch Surg
118(6):714-6, 1983
4- Sugimoto T, Edwards D: Incidence and costs of incidental appendectomy as a preventive measure. Am J Public Health
77(4):471-5, 1987
5- Addiss DG, Shaffer N, Fowler BS, Tauxe RV: The epidemiology of appendicitis and appendectomy in the United States. Am
Currarino Triad
Congenital caudal anomalies that include anorectal malformation, sacral bony abnormality and a presacral mass is
known as the Currarino Triad (CT); an autosomic dominant hereditary syndrome described in 1981 caused by
abnormal separation of neuroectoderm from endoderm. The anorectal malformation associated with CT is stenosis
(or agenesis) of the distal rectum causing intractable constipation (chief complaint of this triad) or intestinal
obstruction. Sacral agenesis and abnormalities of the os sacrum (scimitar sacrum, hemisacrum with preserved first
sacral vertebra) are the most common bony anomalies identified. Most frequently the presacral mass in CT is
reported to be an anterior meningocele, a benign teratoma, enteric, dermoid cyst or a combination. Though prenatal
diagnosis can be made, most cases are diagnosed postnatally in the first decade of life. Routine pelvic x-rays should
be done in all cases of anorectal stenosis. Pelvic ultrasound and x-rays in patients with history of chronic
constipation since early childhood will suggest the diagnosis. MRI is the study of choice detecting the presacral
mass and any anomalies of the spinal canal (tethered cord syndrome caused by the presacral mass). Management
consists of excision of the presacral mass and repair of the anorectal malformation. A gene associated with CT has
been mapped to the terminal portion of the long arm of chromosome 7 (7q36).
1- Kirks DR, Merten DF, Filston HC, Oakes WJ: The Currarino triad: complex of anorectal malformation, sacral bony
abnormality, and presacral mass. Pediatr Radiol 14(4):220-5, 1984
2- Kochling J, Pistor G, Marzhauser Brands S, Nasir R, Lanksch WR: The Currarino syndrome--hereditary transmitted
syndrome of anorectal, sacral and presacral anomalies. Case report and review of the literature. Eur J Pediatr Surg
6(2):114-9, 1996
3- Lee SC, Chun YS, Jung SE, Park KW, Kim WK: Currarino triad: Anorectal malformations, sacral bony abnormality, and
presacral mass - A review of 11 cases. J Pediatr Surg 32(1): 58-61, 1997
4- Gudinchet F, Maeder P, Laurent T, Meyrat B, Schnyder P: Magnetic resonance detection of myelodysplasia in children with
Currarino triad. Pediatr Radiol 27(12):903-7, 1997
5- Zia-ul-Miraj M, Brereton RJ: Currarino's triad: an unusual cause of constipation in children. Pediatr Surg Int 13(5-6):437-9,
6- Samuel M, Hosie G, Holmes K: Currarino triad-Diagnostic dilemma and a combined surgical approach. J Pediatr Surg
35(12):1790-1794, 2000
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Credit will be given to the authors keeping his or her name, institution and
E-mail address on their work.
A list of contributors will appear in the internet homepage.
All works should be send to Dr. H. Lugo-Vicente to the e-mail:
Journal Club
Pediatric Surgery Update ISSN 1089-7739
Last updated: March 2001
Internet, the largest network of connected computers, is becoming the ultimate frontier to
access information for health providers. This review focus on how developments of this
communication technology have become a useful educational resource in Pediatric
Surgery, and describes modest ideas in computer network use.
Internet basic resources are electronic mailing (E-mail), discussion groups, file transfer,
and browsing the World Wide Web (WWW). E-mail brings physicians with common
interest together. Surgeons employ it as a communicating tool. Legal and social
responsibility is bounded with its use. Discussion groups permits debate including
clinical cases, operations, techniques, research, career opportunities, and meetings. File
transfer provides the opportunity of retrieving archives from public libraries. The WWW is
the most resourceful tool due to its friendly interface and ease of navigation.
The average physician needs to know almost nothing on how computers work or where
they came from to navigate through this pandemonium of information. Click and play with
today graphical applications encourage the computer illiterate to connect. Establishing
the connections envelops the need of hardware, software and a service provider.
Future development consists of online journals with new ideas in peer-review and
authentication, telemedicine progression, international chatting, and centralization of
pediatric surgery cyber space information into database or keyword search engines.
INDEX WORDS: pediatrics, surgery, internet
Internet is the largest network of connected computers. More than 30 million computers
exchanging physical links through a standard protocol of communication. A super avenue
of information and transactions (1). The Net is affecting every aspect of life and
dissemination of information relevant to medicine for the health community is not immune
to this technology.
The busy surgeon who invests little time searching the literature could find himself with a
clinical practice that does not keep pace with recent medical advances. Informatics option
to stay updated in the discipline of Pediatric Surgery includes access to printed periodical
publications, regular meetings, congress assistance, digital database storage, and Internet
Text, journals, and books are usually outdated by the time they reach the regular subscriber.
Not to mention cost of subscription, printing and storage capabilities needed. Meeting and
congress dynamic regular sessions can be costly, and access to the full written report is
almost never achieved until print publication of the paper is obtained usually six months to
one year later. Digital databases (i.e., CD-ROM) store large amount of information, but prices
of CD are overwhelming. An additional driver is needed as hardware for reading the stored
material. Information is becoming an unlimited commodity, we can have as much as we
want at no cost, but are limited by our storage capacity (2).
By agreeing to a set of operating protocols, users have developed innovative techniques to
seek out information from different databases accessible via the network along with
methods for sharing documents. Internet provides immediate downloadable information and
dynamic information on every aspect of life. Still the idea that it represents a frustrating
educational event in computing persists. The average person needs to know almost nothing
on how computers work or where they came from to navigate through this network. Click
and play with today graphical applications encourage the computer illiterate to connect.
The purpose of this review is to highlight how newly ways of communication using Internet
navigational technology can be useful educational resources in Pediatric Surgery, and
clarify concepts of network communication for future use by physicians.
History of Internet
After the postwar years military intelligence was searching for strategic forms of
communication in the after-match of a nuclear holocaust, a system that would defeat current
centralized tendencies in communication. The notion of creating several nodes of super
computers that convey each other through standard telephones line was developed.
Sending the information in small packages that would meet at the other end of the line using
a uniform protocol of communication and regrouping (TCP/IP). These nodes would be
created around different parts of the world divided in either top level geographical or
institutional domains like: government (gov), commercial (com), educational, (edu), military
(mil), network resources (net), and other organizations (org).
Scientists were the first to use this system in an effort to consolidate research and establish
electronic communication in the flow of new projects. This created an atmosphere of social
behavior and effective long distance communication as more nodes grew in each country.
Curiously, the initial electronic discussion group developed among scientists was called the
Science-Fiction list (3, 4).
World Wide Web (WWW), the crowning glory of the Internet, is developed in Geneva,
Switzerland in 1989. The WWW provides a user friendly interface with the capacity to send
and receive information through Internet using text, graphics, audio and video utilizing a
protocol of marked language (5). Seen today as the best resource to post information that
can reach and be accessed in almost every corner of the planet.
without precedent. A constant forum for exchange of ideas, difficult cases, consensus on
management, and development of our specialty.
File transfer provides the unique opportunity of retrieving archives from public file libraries.
Free software is also available. Downloading of data into the hard disk of your computer is
very straightforward. Anti-viral programs are available to monitor each access file that can
become part of your system whenever you download them from Internet.
Recent poll of the Pediatric Surgery Internet list server members regarding what resource of
the Net they use most of the time was done. Almost one-fourth (23%) of the list population
(58/246) answered the survey. Electronic mailing (personal and list server/discussion
groups) occupied 83% of resources, web browsing 16%, and long distance computing 1%.
Pediatric surgeons with access to the Net use it mostly as a communication tool. WWW
browsing is slowly developing as a second alternative probably due to absent access to a
web browser connection.
Computer software that help you navigate the web is known as web browser. Web browsers
are in essence a navigational aid for moving around and between the various nodes and
links of the WWW (14). Some web browsers are non-graphic like Lynx, and graphical like:
Mosaic, Netscape, and MS Internet Explorer. Netscape is the most widely used and industry
standard full-features web browser. Latest versions of this software can be downloaded free
from their respective site (URL) in the web (16,17).
Internet service providers (ISP) are either private or universities based. The service provider
will give you access to the Net using a local or toll-free telephone number. Some may
include web space with the monthly rate offer. A university-based ISP usually provides
service for a nominal or none rate. Electronic addresses of such users usually end in the
suffix -edu. Most physicians with Internet access have it through academic affiliation (9)
Once connected, the Net is a pandemonium of information with no central index. The user
will rely on automated index or search engines. Search engines collect database, retrieve
programs, or harvest them (2). A collection of search engines can be found at URL: (The WebCom Power Index). Specific
search engines in the field of medicine will help create an atmosphere of librarian resource.
Editors like Spooner's Ped-Info and Lehmann's Points of Pediatric Interest, have developed
web sites with collection of information specifically oriented toward pediatric content. The
web site has been maintained as a set of WWW pages through which you can link to:
Departments of Pediatrics, professional organizations, pediatric practices, Children
Hospitals, medical and surgical subspecialties, on-line publications, and pediatric software
of interest. Criteria for entry into the database are that the resources must have appeal to
pediatricians, and specific pediatric content. Both web sites allow easy access to pediatric
information on the WWW for health care professionals and parents (18, 19).
The exponential growth of Internet in the disciplines of Pediatric Surgery will cause a
change in patient care, teaching and research. Changes in our specialty will be nurtured
through the international use of information posted in the Net. Main use by contemporary
pediatric surgeons is as a communicating tool using electronic mailing with WWW browsing
slowly growing.
Future developments consist of online journals with new concepts in peer-review and
authentication, telemedicine, international chatting, and centralization of cyber space
information into database or keyword search engines. Marketing is another frontier in the
development of medical informatics technology.
1- Pallen M: Guide to the Internet: Introducing the Internet. BMJ 311: 1422-1424, 1995
2- Thomas P. Copley (September 17, 1996) Make the Link Workshop: Tutorial Number Five
[Online] Available: [September 20, 1996]
3- Johnson Phillip (May 8, 1996) History of the Internet [Online] Available: [September 15, 1996]
4- Sterling Bruce (July 5, 1994) Short History of the Internet [Online] Available: [September 15, 1996]
5- Pallen M: Guide to the Internet: The World Wide Web. BMJ 311: 1552-1556, 1995
6- Christopher U. Lehmann (1996) Point of Pediatric Interest E-mail Discussion Lists [Online]
Available: [September 6, 1996]
7-Tarczy-Hornoch P: NICU-Net: An Electronic Forum for Neonatology. Pediatrics 97(3):
398-399, 1996
8- PEDIATRIC SURGERY Mail List Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: Subscribe PEDSURG-L Human administrator: Thomas V. Whalen,
Professor, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, E-mail:
9- Spooner SA: On-Line Resources for Pediatricians. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 149:
1160-1168, 1995
10- Elliot SJ, Elliot RG: Internet List Servers and Pediatrics: Newly Emerging Legal and
Clinical Practice Issues. Pediatrics 97(3); 399-400, 1996
11- Frisse ME, Kell EA, Metcalfe ES: An Internet Primer: Resources and Responsibilities.
Academic Medicine 69(1): 20-24, 1994
12- De Ville, K.A. Internet Listservers and Pediatrics: Newly Emerging Legal and Clinical
Practice Issues II. Pediatrics 98: 453-454, 1996
13- Lugo-Vicente HL (September 16, 1996) Pediatric Surgery Update [Online] Available: [September 18, 1996]
14- Thomas P. Copley (September 17, 1996) Make the Link Workshop: Tutorial Number Four
[Online] Available: [September 20, 1996]
15- NCSA (September 1996) A Beginner's Guide to HTML [Online] Available: [September 18,
16- Microsoft Corp (1996) Internet Explorer Home [Online] Available: [September 21, 1996]
17- Netscape Communication Corp (1996) Download Netscape Navigator Software [Online]
Available: [September 21,
18- Spooner SA (August 1994) Ped Info a Pediatric Web Server [Online] Available: [September 16, 1996]
19- Lehmann C (1996) Points of Pediatric Interest [Online] Available: [September 22, 1996]
20- Telbelian A (September 1996) NOMC broadcasts live surgery via the Internet [Online]
Available: [September 17, 1996]
21- Li X., Crane N. (May 20, 1996) Bibliographic Formats for Citing Electronic Information
[online]. Available: [September 15, 1996]
22- Aruzen MA: Cyber Citations: Documenting Internet Sources Presents Some Thorny
Problems. Internet World Sept 1996, pag 72-74
23- mIRC Co. Ltd. (1996) Homepage of mIRC [Online] Available: [September 22, 1996]
24- Edlavitch Julius (September 1996) Home Page of International Pediatric Chat [Online]
Available: [September 19, 1996]
25- William Frederick, Moore Mary (August 1995)Telemedicine: Its Place on the Information
Highway [Online] Available: [September
7, 1996]
26- Thomas P. Copley (September 17, 1996) Make the Link Workshop: Tutorial Number Two
[Online] Available: [September 20, 1996]
27- Gravanis MB: Computers and social isolation [Letter to the editor] The Pharos 59 (3): 50,
* Associate Professor in Pediatric Surgery, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine.
Member of SCOT (Section of Computers and Other Technologies) Section of the American
Academy of Pediatrics.
Address reprints request to: Humberto Lugo-Vicente, MD- P.O. Box 10426, Caparra Heights
Station, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0426 Tel. 787 / 786-3495 Fax 787 / 720-6103 E-mail:
Date posted: March 1, 1997
Journal Club
Desmoids Cysts
Inoperable Wilms' Tumor
Ivemark's Syndrome
anesthesia. The right side of the neck and retro auricular area is exposed, prep and draped. A small
transverse incision is done over the EJV at the base of the neck. The Broviac catheter is tunneled to
exit somewhere behind the earlobe. Proximal limb of the catheter is threaded through a venotomy into
the superior vena cava/right atrial junction. Alternatively, if the EJV is non-useful, the incision can be
extended medially and the IJV used instead.
Submitted: 04/21/97
Last updated: March 2001
Pediatric Surgery Update
Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery
University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine
Associate Director - Department of Pediatric Surgery
University Pediatric Hospital, Medical Science Campus, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Chief- Section of Pediatric Surgery
San Pablo Medical Center, Bayamn, Puerto Rico
Curriculum Vitae
Weekly Schedule
Suite 309, Santa Cruz Medical Bldg
Santa Cruz # 73
Bayamon, Puerto Rico 00961
P.O. Box 10426
Caparra Heights Station
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922-0426
Private office (787) 786-3495
University Children Hosp (787) 777-3535 Ext 7242 and 7240
Fax (787) 720-6103
Last updated: March 2001
Neuronal intestinal dysplasia (NID), first described by Meier-Ruge in 1971, is a poorly
understood colonic motility disorder of neuronal structure in the bowel wall (3). NID is
characterized by several histochemical and pathological findings such as:
1- hyperplasia of submucous and myenteric plexus with formation of giant ganglia,
2- isolated ganglion cells in the mucosal lamina propia and between muscle layers of
muscularis mucosa,
3- moderate elevation of acetylcholinesterase in the parasympathetic fibers of mucosal lamina
propia and circular muscle, and
4- hypoplastic or aplastic myenteric plexus sympathetic innervation (4,5).
The most characteristic alteration identified is acetylcholinesterase elevation of
parasympathetic fibers, and the less reliable diagnostic feature, the giant ganglion cells. Not
all patients demonstrate the whole spectrum of histological traits depicted above.
The etiology of NID has eluded us. The development of NID in previously normal bowel, the
association with other intestinal malformations, and the clinical heterogeneity of this patients
suggest that NID is a reaction of the neural intestinal system caused by congenital obstructive
factors or inflammatory disease (6). Major histocompatibility complex II expression has been
found markedly elevated in Hirschsprung's Disease (HD) and NID cases (normally nerve tissue
is deficient of the antigen). This has lent support that the bowel may be highly susceptible to
an abnormal response of immune origin (7).
Initially described as a localized and disseminated form of disease, Fadda in 1983 re-classify it
into two types ( A and B), with a common clinical feature in both: chronic constipation and
megacolon (8). In type A the disease is confined to the colon causing a functional bowel
obstruction with acute onset. Symptoms are present since birth and comprise: constipation,
ulcerative colitis, painful straining, and bloody stools. Contrast studies of the colon display
rigid, spastic segmental contraction of bowel, ulcer, erosions, and no peristalsis. Manometric
studies will show absent recto-inhibitory reflex (4,5,8,9,10). Histologically there is aplasia or
hypoplasia of myenteric sympathetic innervation and increase acetylcholinesterase activity in
lamina propia, circular muscle and muscularis mucosa (5,9). Ganglion cells are present,
excluding the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease (HD).
Type B NID is more common, symptoms commence around six month of life, there is
constipation and adynamic distal bowel with megacolon undistinguishable from
Hirschsprung's disease. Histology is characterized by dysplastic parasympathetic submucous
plexus with giant ganglion cells and hyperplasia, elevated acetylcholinesterase levels, and
isolated ganglia in lamina propia (5,8,9,10). This type is more commonly found associated to
HD, anorectal malformations, MEN IIB syndrome and CIPO (8). Manometry shows that these
patients have non-proportional relaxation of the internal anal sphincter, anorectal
hyperexcitability, and increase amplitude of anorectal fluctuations (11).
NID and HD
It is estimated that isolated NID is eight time rarer, and affects longer segments of bowel than
Hirschsprung's Disease (HD) (5,12). Both disease process have been reported in 20-75% of
patients (10). This has shifted the attention to patients with HD who persists with clinical
problems after adequate pull-through resection.
HD is characterized by lack of enteric ganglion cells, hyperplasia of abnormal nerve fibers and
a non-propulsive, non-relaxing segment of bowel. Classically the etiology is attributed to a
failure in cranio-caudal migration of parasympathetic neural crest cells to the distal bowel.
Factors leading to failure of differentiation after migration of neural crest cells could be
responsible for HD complex etiology. A plausible explanation for the failure of relaxation of the
bowel involved is a deficiency of enteric inhibitory nerves that mediates the relaxation phase
of peristalsis. This nerves are intrinsic to the gut and are classified as non-adrenergic and
non-cholinergic. Nitric oxide (NO) has recently been implicated as the neurotransmitter that
mediates the relaxation of smooth muscle of the GI tract in HD. It's absence in aganglionic
bowel might account for the failure of relaxation during peristalsis. Besides, adhesions
molecules (absent in aganglionic bowel) during early embryogenesis might restrict the
neuro-ectodermal origin involved in the initial contact between nerves and muscle cell
(synaptogenesis) suggesting that developmental anomaly of innervated muscle and absent
NO causes the spasticity characteristic of HD (1,2,7,13,14.,15). Initial management consist of
leveling colostomy in ganglionic bowel with later pull-through surgery.
Patients with symptoms of obstruction (constipation, enterocolitis) persisting after surgery for
HD could be hastened by: mechanical (anastomotic stricture) reasons, functional (NID,
residual aganglionosis) problems, and infectious etiology (C. Difficile) (16). Sonographic
follow-up analysis of colonic motility in patient with HD and NID after corrective surgery for HD
shows that with time the dysmotility changes of the ganglionic NID colon improves (17).
Retrospectives studies evaluating the influence of retained NID colon in patients with repaired
HD have identified that the NID segment of bowel can be preserved without increasing the risk
of morbidity or mortality to them (18). The actual incidence of NID associated with HD could be
explored by monitoring the histological findings of the proximal bowel during initial colostomy
construction. Biopsy of this colostomy segment should warned us of the presence of NID
hallmarks are: absent strictures, absent, decreased or disorganized intestinal motility, and
dilated small/large bowel loops. Associated conditions identified in 10-30% of patients are
bladder dysfunction (megacystis) and neurological problems. Histologic pattern portrayed:
myenteric plexus hyperplasia, glial cell hyperplasia, and small ganglion cells
(hypoganglionosis) (19,20,21). Management is primary supportive: intestinal decompression
(NG), long-term TPN and antibiotic prophylaxis (22,23). Motility agents are unsuccessful.
Venting gastrostomy with home parenteral nutrition has shortened the high hospitalization
rate associated to this disease process24. A similar condition can be seen in early fed
prematures due to immaturity of intestinal motility.
NID accounts for 30% of patients with CIPO symptoms as attested by histologic sections (25).
It is illogical to relate symptoms of dysmotility to submucous plexus changes seen on biopsy,
and almost entirely ignore the myenteric plexus that is ultimately concerned with colonic
motor activity.
Management of NID
Management has switched from a more aggressive attitude to a more conservative approach.
Repeated bouts of obstructive episodes have been an indication for colostomy, and more
serious symptoms have ended with resection (5). The indications for surgery in NID cannot be
sustained alone on the histochemical picture of the biopsy specimen, but on the clinical
situation of the patient, since NID is best a histopathologic condition rather than an unique
clinico-pathological entity (26,27,28).
Type A NID with its acute fulminant course during the neonatal period has an unfavorable
progression with early indications for surgery. Colostomy is reserved for neonatal obstruction
with associated severe enterocolitis. It is probable that many sick infants will show a clinical
picture similar to severe necrotizing enterocolitis before being diagnosed the condition. A
word of caution should be exerted against extensive colonic resections for this disease
process. This could impair colonic water absorption, stool consistency and may overwhelm
fecal incontinence problems (28).
Type B NID runs a more chronic path and management is more conservative. There is clinical
evidence gathered that the colonic motility disturbance associated matures and improves by
the fourth year of life of the child (5,10). If problems persists beyond the fourth year of life
more aggressive management is warranted. In general patients can be managed with saline
colonic irrigations, TPN, high dose lactulose, and paraffin oil until clinical improvement and
normalization of biopsy results are obtained (28,29). Prokinetic agents (cisapride) can be of
help in some groups of patients, with the addition of neostigmine in clinically resistant
cases16. Surgery is rarely deemed necessary in this subgroup of patients.
Neuronal intestinal dysplasia is a poorly understood colonic motility disorder with
characteristic histopathological findings and clinical presentation. It is often associated with
Hirschsprung's disease and can constitute a cause of failure of clinical improvement after
adequate resectional pull-through surgery. Other conditions associated with NID are: CIPO,
anorectal malformations and MEN II syndrome patients.
To increase the diagnostic yield of NID the pathologist should be aware and use
histochemistry evaluation of the rectal biopsy specimen in patients with history of
constipation or unexplained bouts of diarrhea. Adequate sampling of the temporary proximal
colostomy done to HD patients should be examined for NID pathological changes.
Treatment has centered around the clinical picture with most cases managed medically with
prokinetic agents, colonic irrigations, and bowel cathartics until improvement and
normalization of histology occur. There is evidence of progressive maturation of the enteric
nervous system with time. Surgery is indicated for patients with severe clinical deterioration
after failed medical management.
1- Molenar JC, Tibboel D, van der Kamp AWM, et al: Diagnosis of Innervation-Related Motility
Disorders of the Gut and Basic Aspects of Enteric Nervous System Development. Prog Pediatr
Surg 24:173-185, 1989
2- Meier-Ruge W: Classification of malformations of colorectal innervation. Verh Dtsch Ges
Pathol 75:384-385, 1991
3- Meier-Ruge W: Ueber ein Erkrankungsbild des Kolos mit Hirschsprung-Symptomatik. Verh
Dtsch Ges Pathol 55:506, 1971
4- Scharli AF, Meier-Ruge W: Localized and Disseminated Forms of Neuronal Intestinal
Dysplasia Mimicking Hirschsprung's Disease. J Pediatr Surg 16(2):164-170, 1981
5- Munakata K, Okabe MI, Sueoka H: Clinical and Histologic Studies of Neuronal Intestinal
Dysplasia. J Pediatr Surg 20(3):231-235, 1985
6- Sacher P, Briner J, Hanimann B: Is neuronal intestinal dysplasia (NID) a primary disease or a
secondary phenomenon? Eur J Pediatr Surg 3(4):228-230, 1993
7- Hirobe S, Doody DP, Ryan DP, et al: Ectopic Class II Major Histocompatibility Antigens in
Hirschsprung's Disease and Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia. J Pediatr Surg 27(3):357-363, 1992
8- Rintala R, Rapola J, Louhimo I: Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia. Prog Pediatr Surg 24:186-192,
9- Fadda B, Maier WA, Meier-Ruge W, et al: Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia: Critical 10-years'
analysis of Clinical and Biopsy Results. Z Kinderchir 38(5):305-311, 1983
10- Pistor G: Functional Colonic Ultrasonography: Normal Findings of Colonic Motility and
Follow-Up in Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia. Prog Pediatr Surg 24:155-164, 1989
11- Krebs C, Silva MC, Parra MA: Anorectal Electromanometry in the Diagnosis of Neuronal
Intestinal Dysplasia in Childhood. Eur J Pediatr Surg 1(1):40-44, 1991
12- Briner J, Oswald HW, Hirsig J, et al: Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia- Clinical and
Histochemical Findings and its association with Hirschsprung's Disease. Z Kinderchir
41(5):282-286, 1986
13- Robey SS, Kuhajda FP, Yardley JH: Immunoperoxidase Stains of Ganglion Cells and
Abnormal Mucosal Nerve Proliferations in Hirschsprung's Disease. Human Pathol
19(4):432-437, 1988
14- Gittes GK, Kim J, Yu G, et al: Severe Constipation with Diffuse Intestinal Myenteric
Hyperganglionosis. J Pediatr Surg 28(12):1630-1632, 1993
15- Cuffari C, Rubin SZ, Krantis A: Routine Use of the Nitric Oxide Stain in the Differential
Diagnosis of Hirschsprung's Disease. J Pediatr Surg 28(9):1202-1204, 1993
16- Moore SW, Millar AJW, Cywes S: Long-Term Clinical, Manometric, and Histological
Evaluation of Obstructive Symptoms in the Postoperative Hirschsprung's Patient. J Pediatr
Surg 29(1):106-111, 1994
17- Pistor G, Hofman- von Kap-herr S: Functional Colon Sonography in Neuronal Intestinal
Dysplasia. Fortschr Med 102(14):397-400, 1984
18- Hanimann B, Inderbitzin D, Briner J, et al: Clinical Relevance of Hirschsprung-associated
Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia. Eur J Pediatr Surg 2(3):147-149, 1992
19- Bindl L, Emons D, Haverkamp F, et al: Megacystis Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperistalsis
Syndrome: A Neuropathy? Z Kinderchir 44(4):249-252, 1989
20- Gil-Vernet JM, Casasa JM, Boix-Ochoa J, et al: Intestinal dysmotility pseudo obstruction.
Cirugia Pediatrica 5(2):87-95, 1992
21- Peck SN, Altschuler SM: Pseudo-obstruction in Children. Gastroenterol Nursing
14(4):184-188, 1992
22- Fonkalsrud EW, Pitt HA, Berquist WE, et al: Surgical Management of Chronic Intestinal
Pseudo-obstruction in Infancy and Childhood. Prog Pediatr Surg 24:221-225, 1989
23- Ament ME, Vargas J: Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction
Syndromes in Infancy and Childhood. Arquivos de Gatroenterologia 25(3):157-165, 1988
24- Pitt HA, Mann LL, Berquist WE, et al: Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction. Management
with Total parenteral nutrition and a venting enterostomy. Arch Surg 120(5):614-618, 1985
25- Milla PJ, Smith VV: Intestinal Neuronal Dysplasia. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 17:356-357,
26- Schofield DE, Yunis EJ: Intestinal Neuronal Dysplasia. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr
12:182-189, 1991
27- Scharli AF: Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia. Pediatr Surg Int 7(1):2-7, 1992
28- Koletzko S, Ballauff A, Hadziselimovic F, et al: Is Histological Diagnosis of Neuronal
Intestinal Dysplasia Related to Clinical and Manometric Findings in Constipated Children?
Results of a Pilot Study. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 17:59-65, 1993
29- Simpser E, Kahn E, Kenigsberg K, et al: Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia: Quantitative
Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Management. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 12(1):61-64, 1991
*Associate Professor in Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Puerto Rico,
School of Medicine, and Universidad Central del Caribe, School of Medicine.
Address reprints to: Humberto L. Lugo-Vicente, MD- P.O. Box 10426, Caparra Heights Station,
San Juan PR 00922-0426. Tel (787) 786-3495 Fax (787) 720-6103 E-mail:
Published in: Boletin Asociacin Medica de Puerto Rico 87(3-4): 60-63, 1995
surgical care has come forth. Where do we stand today in therapy?, What
causes this terrible disease?, and What should be the guidelines in
management of the cholestatic infants? are some issues reviewed in this
This condition is the most common cause of persistently direct (conjugated)
hyperbilirubinemia in the first three months of life. Kasai portenterostomy and
liver transplantation battle hand in hand to become today's leading therapy.
One thing is for sure, results after portoenterostomy are decided by the
promptness of the initial work-up and referral to surgery. More than 80% of BA
babies have satisfactory bile flow after hepatic-portoenterostomy if the
procedure is done before their 8th week of life. It's certain, we must view
newborns with persistent cholestasis as urgent cases that need immediate
assessment and management of their condition.
Biliary atresia is characterized by progressive inflammatory obliteration of the
extrahepatic bile ducts, an estimated incidence of one in 15,000 live births, and
predominance of female patients (1). The first comprehensive paper was
written by J. Thompson of Edimburg in 1882. J.B. Holmes in 1916 classified
cases as correctable (10-15%), and non-correctable (85-90%) depending on the
pathologic structures identified at the porta hepatis area, and Dr. William Ladd
in 1928 ventures into the first successful bile-enteric anastomosis (2). In 1959
Kasai and Suzuki described a new procedure for biliary atresia that
transformed management during the following 30 years (3). By 1980 most
infants with biliary atresia were managed with the Kasai procedure.
Etio-pathological Considerations
Although much has been written of BA, its pathogenesis remains speculative.
The original theory of an embryogenic accident that settled in occlusion of the
extrahepatic biliary tree, was challenged by the absence of jaundice at birth,
and histologic evidence of patent biliary ducts that progressively disappeared
during the first months of life (4). Findings in the obstetric history of older
parents, high use of drugs, associated illness, and fetal loss suggested the
possibility of exposure to a noxious agent during the reproductive processn
The disease is the result of an acquired inflammatory process with gradual
degeneration of the epithelium of the extrahepatic biliary ducts causing
luminal obliteration, cholestasis, and biliary cirrhosis (6). The timing of the
insult after birth suggests a viral etiology obtained transplacentally; Reovirus
type 3 has been implicated (7). Up to 68% of infants with BA show antibodies
to Reovirus type 3 in serum, although no viral particle has been isolated (8).
Oral and intraperitoneal administration of reovirus to experimental animals
causes hepatitis and biliary tract inflammation with fibrosis similar to BA
Almost 20% of patients have associated anomalies such as: polysplenia,
malrotation, situs inversus, preduodenal portal vein and absent inferior vena
cava. This raises the possibility of a genetic mutation and the hypothesis of
laterality with defective development of one side of the body when compared
with the contralateral image side (11,12).
Histopathology is distinguished by an inflammatory process in several
dynamic stages with progressive destruction, scar formation, and chronic
granulation tissue of bile ducts (13). The pathologist cannot be categoric in the
diagnosis of BA, since liver changes are compatible with an extrahepatic
mechanical obstruction. Two changes merits mention: portal tract interlobular
ducts proliferation, and cholestatic histology. Other findings are: giant cell
transformation, focal hepatic cell necrosis, interlobular space and portal tract
fibrosis. Conditions displaying a similar histology are: alfa-1-antitrypsin
deficiency, Alagille's syndrome (hypoplasia of bile ducts), and TPN induced
cholestasis. Immunohistochemistry of the portal ducts can show the presence
of the epithelial membrane antigen in large ducts, changes specific for BA
Three types of microscopic biliary structures have been identified in the most
proximal aspect of the extrahepatic remnant removed surgically near the area
of the porta hepatis. These are: bile ducts with a mean diameter of 500 and
bile in the lumen, collecting ductules of biliary glands with a mean diameter of
250 , and biliary glands without bile and a mean diameter of 100 (15).
Postoperative biliary flow after Kasai correlates with the presence and size of
bile ducts and collecting ductules exclusively (15,16,17,18). Electron
microscopy can exhibit canalicular biliary membrane filaments whose volume
and appearance correlates with adequate bile flow (19). The degree of hepatic
fibrosis associated also relates with post-op biliary flow. Kasai
portoenterostomy relies on the realization that the microscopic structures in
the porta hepatis will act as micro-conduits of bile as an internal biliary fistula
is created with a segment of bowel. All will eventually merged into one or two
BA classification is based on findings upon operative cholangiography and the
macroscopically specimen morphology as shown inFigure 1 (percent's are
obtained from the National Biliary Atresia Registry (20)).
Medical management of BA is uniformly fatal.
Kasai portoenterostomy has decreased the mortality of BA during the last 30
years. The procedure done before the first 6-8 weeks of life will yield biliary
flow in 75-80% of infants.
Kasai procedure consists of removing the obliterated extrahepatic biliary
Without surgical management survival of infants with BA is 8-12 months, most
dying of irreversible liver failure.
Results of portoenterostomy are associated to a group of prognostic factors
studied (seeTable 3). The two most important factors are: age at surgery and
histologic liver changes (46,47). Other factors are: caucasian race,
morphologic type of BA, size of ductal structures at porta hepatis, postop bile
flow, degree of hepatic fibrosis, surgical technique used, type of surgical
reconstruction, incidence of cholangitis, and development of symptomatic
portal hypertension (20,26).
Age at surgery is probably the most determinant factor of survival after Kasai
procedure. Ideally it should be done before 60 days of life. The presence of bile
ducts in the extrahepatic remnant and the degree of liver fibrosis correlates
with the age of the patient. The older the patient the lesser the possibility of
findings adequate size ducts and the worst the hepatic fibrosis. The degree of
hepatic fibrosis and degeneration of intrahepatic ducts correlates directly with
prognosis irrespective of the size of the ductal micro-structures identified in
the porta hepatis area (47,48).
General results of Japanese series fare better when compared to Occident.
This is attributed to a racial influence associated. Caucasian race has a worst
prognosis than oriental children (20). Morphologically those patient with
patent distal extrahepatic ducts and a gallbladder Kasai constructed do better.
This is the result of a more physiologic conduit, a reduced number of
cholangitis episodes, and a low level inflammatory process (49).
The type of surgical reconstruction has no relationship to survival. Continual
attacks of cholangitis will progress to hepatic fibrosis and irreversible damage
Persistent jaundice in the newborn must be managed urgently. A diagnosis
should be established early in the life of the child and Kasai portoenterostomy
offered to those infants before their eighth week of life. This will allow that
more than one-third of BA children survive this terrible disease.
Hepatic transplantation is reserved for those patients with failed
portoenterostomy, progressive liver failure or late-referral to surgery. Liver
transplant indications should include patients with bilirubin levels above 10
mg%, low albumin levels, weight loss and uncontrolled ascites.
1- Shim KT, Kasai M, Spence MA: Race and biliary atresia. In Kasai M, Shiraki
K (eds): Cholestasis in Infancy. Tokyo Press, 1980, pp 5-10
2- Hays DM, Kimura K: Biliary Atresia: New Concepts of Management. Curr
Probl Surg 18(9):541-608, 1981
3- Kasai M, Suzuki S: A new operation for noncorrectable biliary atresiahepatic portoenterostomy. Shujutsu 13:733-739, 1959
4- Schmeling DJ, Strauch ED, Hoffman MA: Epidemiological and Experimental
Observations of Biliary Atresia. In Hoffman MA (ed): Current Controversies in
Biliary Atresia. R.G. Landes Co, 1992, pp 15-27
5- Silveira TR, Salzano FM, Howard ER: The relative importance of familial,
reproductive and environmental factors in biliary atresia: etiological
implications and effect on patient survival. Braz J Med Biol Res 25(7):673-681,
6- Landing BH: Considerations of the pathogenesis of neonatal hepatitis,
biliary atresia, choledochal cyst- the concept of infantile obstructive
cholangiography. Prog Pediatr Surg 6:113-139, 1974
7- Morecki R, Glaser JH, Horwitz MS. Etiology of biliary atresia: the role of Reo
From the 1950's until the present, the issue of contralateral exploration in the
pediatric inguinal hernia patient has been fairly hotly debated. Proponents of
routine contralateral exploration cite the high percentage of contralateral
hernia a/o potential hernia (patent processus vaginalis) found at routine
exploration, the avoidance of the cost of a second hospitalization,
psychological trauma and anxiety to the child and parents over a second
operation, the added risk of anesthesia of a second procedure, and the
possibility of development of an incarcerated hernia at a later date (1).
Opponents of routine contralateral exploration states that many needless
procedures are performed to avoid the development of only a few clinical
hernias, that operation lengthened by the contralateral exploration may
augment the risks and cite the increase risk of damage to the cord or gonad by
the procedure itself (2).
A survey by Rowe and Marchildson in 1981, showed that 80% of pediatrics
surgeons habitually explore the contralateral side in male patients, and 90% do
so in females patients (3). Surgeons disagree in opinions about exploration
depending upon the primary site of hernia, age, sex and the utilization of
herniography or some intra-operative technique to check the contralateral
With such a broad variance of opinions regarding routine contralateral
exploration we decided to study our experience and examined 161 successive
patients who underwent bilateral hernia repair by the author during a 30
months period.
The medical charts of all infants and children who underwent consecutive repair of inguinal
hernias by the same surgeon (HLV) from July 1985 to December 1987 at the Ramon Ruiz Arnau
University Hospital (HURRA) and Hospital San Pablo (HSP), were retrospectively reviewed.
During this period 248 patients were identified, 87 who underwent a unilateral procedure and
161 patients with bilateral inguinal procedures. This last groups of patients comprise the study
group. The charts were reviewed for sex, age at operation, gestational age, diagnostic
characteristic, associated conditions, pre- and postoperative complications, findings during
surgery, and outcome.
The findings during surgery were then compared in the sex, gestational age and age at
operation subgroups to decide the effect that this variable had on the results using chi-square
analysis. A p < 0.01 was considered significant.
The surgical procedure was performed under general endotracheal anesthesia using 3.5x
magnifying loupes. A bilateral transverse inguinal crease incision was done and scarpa's
fascia opened. The external spermatic ring was identified and without opening the external
oblique fascia the cord was brought forth to the wound area. The hernia sac or processus
vaginalis was carefully dissected free from the cord structures and ligated high with silk 000.
No further dissection attempts were done if an obliterated processus vaginalis was identified.
All specimens were submitted for pathological exam. Scarpa's reaproximated with
polyglycolic acid 0000 suture and skin approximated with subcuticular chromic catgut 0000
There were 161 patients who underwent bilateral inguinal exploration and repair, 81 patients
came from HURRA and 80 from HSP. Males were 89 and females 72 for a 1.2:1 ratio.
Age at operation is shown inTable 1, showing that almost two-thirds (61%) were infants
younger than two years of age, generally the population of children referred to a pediatric
surgeon. In only 110 pts. of the study group we could retrieve the data on gestational age; 89
pts (81%) were at term and 21 (19%) were premature babies.
Table 2 displays the initial clinical mode of presentation of the patients, 69 pts presented with
a right inguinal hernia (RIH), 47 with a left inguinal hernia (LIH), and 45 pts with bilateral
inguinal hernias (BIH). Males and females were fairly distributed between the group.
Table 3 shows the associated conditions: 25% of our patients had past history of some kind of
airway disease process, most commonly bronchial asthma. All cases with undescended testis
were pexed concomitantly. None of the umbilical hernias underwent simultaneous repair. A
group of 25 patients (16%), suffered an episode of incarceration preop, all were successfully
reduced manually and repaired promptly, their mean age was 4.2 mo. No patient suffered from
strangulation or testicular edema. At that time 102 (63%) procedures were done as one day
surgery, and 59 (37%) as outpatient and the mean operating time was 20+/-8 minutes.
Operative findings during surgery were recorded as a hernia sac (HS), a patent processus
vaginalis (PPV), or an obliterated processus vaginalis (OPV). In that group of patients with an
initial diagnosis of BIH we found 85 (95%) hernias, 4 (4%) PPV and 1 (1%) OPV, they will not be
considered further. Those patients with a unilateral (RIH or LIH) hernia are shown inTable 4. A
positive finding (either a hernial sac or a patent processus vaginalis) was identified in 74% RIH
and 72% LIH patients when the contralateral side was explored. All hernias were of the indirect
The postop complications are listed inTable 5, the most common were two patients with
residual scrotal hydrocele that resolved spontaneously six months after surgery. A premature
infant with a postconceptual age of 46 weeks had an episode of apnea in the immediate
postop period, requiring mechanical ventilation for one day. Another patient needed inhalation
therapy for a postintubation croup condition. We did not find testicular damage or hernia
recurrence after a mean follow-up of six years, neither a wound infection was recorded. There
was no mortality reported in the present study.
When the contralateral findings during surgery were compared and analyzed within the three
subgroups of patients (sex, gestational age and age at operation), we found that females had a
higher probability of having positive findings than males, as seen inTable 6. No difference was
obtained whether the patients had history of prematurity or not. Those infants younger than
two months also had the highest probability of having positive findings. We also obtained
statistic significance in patients above the two years old, probably the result of the higher
frequency of females over males in these subgroups of patients.
If routine contralateral exploration of the unilateral pediatric hernia is to prevail is because it
has a high yield of positive findings (HS and PPV), a low complications rate and can be
expeditiously accomplished (4).
From this study, there is a high percentage of positive contralateral operative findings (72% in
our series), and a very low incidence of significant morbidity following contralateral repair.
Our data favors a strong reasoning to justify routine contralateral exploration of infants and
children with unilateral hernia by pediatric surgeons. We agree with McGregor et al (5), that we
live in a litigious society and gonadal morbidity whether related to the hernia operation or not
can eventually result in litigation. There are still a large proportion of infant and child hernia
operations that are not performed by pediatric surgeon and perhaps we should highlight that
education, confidence, and informed consent is the hallmark of our recommendations. It
should be noted that the bilateral procedures took a mean time of 20 minutes. Time should not
be spent in tedious dissections of the cord structures so as to increase the yield of PPV
identified, this could certainly be a factor in the past experience of other surgeon with regards
to gonadal or vas deferens trauma. Nowadays most cases are done as outpatients
Previous reports have shown a higher incidence of positive contralateral findings in young
infants, females, prematures, and when the presenting hernia is on the left side (6,7,8). Our
data confirms that young infants and females do have a higher yield of positive findings (92%
and 94% respectively). We could not demonstrate that prematurity or left-sided hernias were
associated with a higher positive rate (64% and 68% respectively) as substantiated by our
statistical analysis. The older children group (2-5 y/o and >6 y/o) with a higher positive yield
could be biased since females were represented most commonly. As other authors have
stated, the major benefit of contralateral exploration of the pediatric hernia is that it allows
discovery and elimination of a patent processus vaginalis so that an indirect inguinal hernia
cannot develop (2).
We conclude by establishing some criteria to justify routine contralateral exploration of the
pediatric hernia: the surgeon should be experienced in child surgical care, associated
conditions should not increase the surgical risks significantly, time-consuming dissections of
the cord structures should be discouraged and the operating time should be kept to a
A special thanks to Professor Iris Parrilla of the Family Medicine Department, Universidad
Central del Caribe, School of Medicine for her assistant in the statistical analysis of the data.
1. Sparkman RS: Bilateral exploration of inguinal hernia in juvenile patients, ,Surgery 51; 393,
2. Rowe MI, Lloyd DA: Inguinal Hernia, In Welch KG, Randolph JG, Ravitch MM, O'neill JA,
Rowe MI, (eds): Pediatric Surgery. Chicago: Yearbook, l986, pp779-793
3. Rowe MI, Marchildson MB: Inguinal hernia and hydrocele in infants and children. Surg Clinic
North Amer 61: 1137, l981
4. Menton JP, Clatworthy HW: Incidence of patency of the processus vaginalis. Ohio State Med
J 53:530-532, l961
5. Mc Gregor DB, Halverson K, Mc Vay CB: The unilateral pediatric inguinal hernia: Should the
contralateral side be explored? J Ped Surg 15(3):313-317, l980
6. Gilbert M, Clatworthy HW: Bilateral operations for inguinal hernias and hydroceles in
infancy and childhood. Am J Surg 97:255, 1959
7. Bock JE, Sobye JW: Frequency of contralateral inguinal hernia in children.Acta Chir Scand
136:707, l970
8. Recorta FJ, Grosfeld JL: Inguinal hernia repair in the perinatal period and early infancy:
Clinical considerations J Ped Surg 19(6):832-837, l984
found in the stomach and small bowel. They have been known for centuries
and nowadays continues to be a challenging therapeutic dilemma for surgeons
and gastroenterologists alike.
The identification, therapy, and long-term management of patients with
bezoars depend on accurate classification and knowledge on the
pathophysiology of formation. Four types of bezoars have been described
based on their composition: phytobezoars, trichobezoars, lactobezoars, and
miscellaneous (1).
We describe a case of a gastric trichobezoar in a pediatric patient managed
successfully with surgery.
An 11-year old white girl, 6th grade student, was admitted on September 4, 1994 to the
University Pediatric Hospital complaining of a sensation of fullness at the epigastrium, vague
feeling of epigastric distress, nausea and anorexia. One day before admission a plain
abdominal film done at the Local Health Center showed a large radiopaque image filling the
stomach and suggesting an intra-abdominal tumor. The patient was transferred to our
supra-tertiary institution for further evaluation and management. Computerized Abdominal
Tomography using oral and intravenous contrast material showed a large gastric bezoar
(seeFigure 1). Further questioning of the child revealed epigastric complains for months and
she confirmed "eating hair when nervous". The family and social history uncovered that her
mother was a psychiatry patient and the father an alcoholic with frequent domestic fights,
claiming the child responsible for the household crisis. Furthermore the mother menaced the
child by telling her "she was going to kill her". Psychiatry evaluation revealed a depressed,
frightened, neglected child that relieved her anxiety by eating her hair (trichophagia).
Physical examination revealed a skinny girl with pale conjunctiva. A large, firm, oval shaped,
non-tender and mobile mass was palpable at the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. The
mass extended from the distal margin of the left rib cage to approximately 2 cm above the
navel. On the right side the mass was palpable beyond the midline to the right nipple line.
There was no guarding, rigidity or tenderness. No alopecia was noted in the child. The rest of
the physical examination was essentially negative.
Laboratory work-up upon admission exhibited a mild hypochromic microcytic anemia
(hemoglobin 11.9 gm/dl, and hematocrit 35.6%). Normal coagulation profile, urinalysis,
electrolytes, amylase, lipase, and liver function tests. A plain chest film was normal.
The upper gastrointestinal series displayed a large intraluminal space occupying mass lesion
with a honeycomb appearance that filled the stomach contour with extension into the proximal
duodenum (seeFigure 2).
Upper endoscopy showed a normal esophageal mucosa. The stomach contained a very large,
black, hairy ball extending through the pylorus. The gastric mucosa appeared normal without
evidence of ulceration. A significant foul, nauseating smell was noted. Biopsy confirmed the
hair-nature of the bezoar.
Although fragmentation with Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy was considered, the
huge size of the bezoar along with the proximal extension to the duodenum contraindicated its
use and no further attempt was done. The child was taken to the operating room and the
bezoar removed without difficulty using an anterior longitudinal gastrotomy incision. The
mass had the shape of the stomach and proximal part of the duodenum, a brilliant surface and
a putrefactive odor (seeFigure 3). The gastric mucosa was normal and not adhered to the
Oral feedings were resume on the 6th postoperative day. The child discharged home after
adequate psychiatry assessment and therapy.
The word 'bezoar', comes either from the Arabic word "bedzehr", or the Persian word
"padzhar", meaning protecting against a poison or an antidote (2,3). In ancient times the solid
mass occasionally found in the stomach of a goat or an antelope was thought to have magical
healing powers and even rejuvenating properties (4). Medicinal qualities and omens of good
luck were also attributed to bezoars (2). In modern medicine, however, the concretion found in
the stomach and intestine of humans and referred by the term bezoar is known to be
associated not with such positive effects, but with significant morbidity and even mortality (5).
In children four types have been described based on their composition:
1- phytobezoars composed mainly of vegetable or fruit fiber,
2- trichobezoars, comprise mainly of hair,
3- lactobezoars made of milk curd, and
4- miscellaneous (medicational or food bolus) bezoars (5,6).
Phytobezoars are the most common type of bezoars. They consist of vegetable material and
indigestible cellulose fiber (7). Persimmons seed and other fruit products are frequent
reported factors in their formation. Most develop in adults patients with impaired digestion
and previous gastric surgery causing dysmotility disorders such as post-gastrectomy cases
for peptic ulcer disease. Ailments other than gastric surgery that has been noted to cause
impaired gastric emptying includes: diabetic gastroparesis, myotonic dystrophy, and
autovagotomy secondary to tumor invasion (8). When associated with gastric surgery the
stomach exhibits a diminished ability to digest, produce acid, pepsin activity, and
mechanically reduce food (9).
The classically described bezoar, usually involving psychologically disturbed individuals is
the trichobezoar or "hair-ball" bezoar. The trichobezoar is a concretion of hair found in the
alimentary tract of animals, especially ruminants, and occasionally in man. Over the centuries
these bezoars have been associated with children and emotionally disturbed adult females
who ingest hair (trichophagia), carpet, rope, string, etc. The classic pediatric case is that of a
partially bald child with a mass in the stomach (3). Hair strand become retained and attached
in the folds of the gastric mucosa because the friction surface is insufficient for propulsion by
peristalsis (10).
Trichobezoar are seen almost exclusively in female children, 6-10 years old, with bizarre
appetite (trichophagia) and emotional disturbances (1). They may produce multiple clinical
manifestations such as: large firm movable epigastric mass, fullness, bloating, regurgitation,
nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, hematemesis, and tiredness (2). Originally the mass
develops in the stomach and can move to the small bowel by fragmentation of a portion,
extension or total translocation (3). Many patients complain of early satiety, and weight loss.
Other children will reduce intake and develop failure to thrive. If untreated, chronic obstruction
may result in death from malnutrition or other complication such as ulceration, hemorrhage or
perforation. Symptoms are intermittent and absent for many years. Rapunzel syndrome is
ascribed to those gastric bezoars that have a tail-like extension of twisted hair reaching the
ileocecal valve (2).
Lactobezoars have been noted during the last two decades, corresponding to the period of
improved neonatal salvage. These bezoars are described in low birth weight neonates fed a
highly concentrated formula. Milk products like casein congeal forming the lactobezoar (11).
There is a miscellaneous group of bezoars consisting of medications glues, antiacids, and
food bolus. Food bolus that are incompletely chewed contain nuts and fiber or are trapped in
narrow gastric segments (12).
Bezoars are diagnosed in most cases by conventional radiological examination, i.e. plain
abdominal films, upper gastrointestinal series, ultrasonography, or computerized abdominal
tomography (13). When an upper gastrointestinal series is performed with the use of barium,
an intragastric mass with a honey-comb like surface around which the contrast medium flows
may readily be observed, as seen in our experience. Gastric endoscopy is one of the most
sensitive means to diagnosed bezoars, will confirm the diagnosis and determine their nature.
Also, is utilized to obtain biopsy specimen to confirm their composition (2,14).
Bezoars can be managed by various means, depending on their underlying nature and
location. Prior to 1959 the prevailing therapy for gastric or intestinal bezoars was surgical
excision. This carried a high morbidity and mortality. Emergency laparotomy may still be
necessary if the bezoar is associated with acute intestinal obstruction. Currently, non-surgical
techniques of management of gastric bezoars may include: dissolution, suction, lavage,
mechanical endoscopic fragmentation using pulsating jet of water, and fragmentation with
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) (15,16,17). With ESWL the shock wave needed
is half than required by urolithiasis cases (17). Intragastric administration of enzymes (papase,
pancrelipase, and cellulase) or drugs (metoclopramide, tagamet, bicarbonate, acetylcysteine)
has also been reported in the literature (18,19). If those methods fail, gastrotomy and manual
removal is the only means of reliving the patient. Large bezoars will generally need surgery for
removal (20).
Besides dissolution or removal, treatment should focus on prevention of recurrence, since
elimination of the mass will not alter the conditions contributing to bezoar formation.
Psychiatry follow-up may be necessary to reduce the frequency of recurrence.
In summary, the accepted therapies for patients with gastric bezoars include:1- observation, 2medical dissolution, 3- fragmentation, and 4- laparotomy with gastrostomy. The treatment
modality will depend on the type of bezoar involved. Treatment should not only focus on
resolution of the established mass, but also prevention of recurrence, since the underlying
condition contributing to bezoar formation will not be altered by elimination of the mass.
1-Debakey M, Ochsner A: Bezoars and Concretions- A Comprehensive Review of the
Literature with an Analysis of 303 Collected Cases and a Presentation of 8 additional cases.
Surgery 4:934-963, 1938; 5:132-160, 1939
2-Deslypere JP, Praet M, Verdonk G: An Unusual Case of the Trichobezoar. The Rapunzel
Syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 77(7):467-470, 1982
3-Sharma V, Sharma ID: Intestinal Trichobezoar with Perforation in a Child. J Pediatr Surg
27(4):518-519, 1992
4-Budd DC, Mc Crany ML: Gastric Phytobezoar: Still postgastrectomy syndrome Ann Surg
44(2):104-107, 1978
5-Andrus C, Ponsky J: Bezoars: Classification, Pathophysiology, and Treatment. Am J
Gastroenterol 83:476-478, 1988
6-Rao PLNG, Mitra SK, Pathak IC: Trichobezoars in Children. Int Surg 66:63-65, 1981
7-Stanten A, Peters HE: Enzymatic Dissolution of Phytobezoars. Am J Surg 130:259-261, 1975
8-Goldstein SS, Lewis TH, Roth Stein R: Intestinal Obstruction Due to Bezoars Am J
Gastroenterol 79:313-318, 1984
9-Kirks DR, Szemes GC: Autovagotomy and Gastric Bezoar. Gastroenterol 61:96-97, 1971
10-Reisfeld R, Dammert W, Simpson JS: Trichobezoar: An Uncommon Pediatric Problem. Can
J Surg 21(3):251-252, 1978
11-Usmani SS, Levenbrown J: Lactobezoar in a full-term breast-fed infant Am J Gatroenter
84(6):647-649, 1989
12-Henke TA, Stillworthy RE Bin Stadt DU et al: Medication Bezoar in 2 Neonates. Am J Diseas
Child 136:72-73, 1982
13-Newman B, Girdany BR: Gastric trichobezoars-Sonographic and Computed Tomographic
Appearance Ped Radiol 20(7):526-527, 1990
14-Dietrich ND, Gau FE: Postgastrectomy Bezoars; endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment. Ann
Surg 170:432-435, 1985
15-McKechnie JC: Gastroscopic Removal of a Phytobezoar. Gatroenterol 62(5):1047-1050,
16-Lange V: Gastric Phytobezoar: An Endoscopic Technique for Removal. Endoscopy
18:195-196, 1986
17-Benes T, Chmel J, Jodl J, et al: Treatment of a Gastric Bezoar by Extracorporeal Shock
Wave Lithotripsy. Endoscopy 23:346-348, 1991
18-Pollard HB, Block GE: Rapid Dissolution of Phytobezoar by Cellulase Enzyme. Am J
An important medical technological progress of this century corresponds to the application of
minimal invasive surgical techniques in adults and children. Laparoscopic surgery is causing
an impact in the results of many procedures done during the pediatric age.
Within this review we explore the development of laparoscopic abdominal surgery in children
along with basic physiology and complications of establishing a potential working space
(pneumoperitoneum). Indications, results, and where we are headed in the management of
various of the most common surgical conditions of children are issues discussed.
Laparoscopic surgery has proven safe, efficient, technically feasible and well tolerated in most
children. Produces early return to activities, reduced hospital stay, less hospital bills, and
better cosmetic results when compared to open (conventional) procedures.
For almost 150 year's physician has struggle to develop techniques of minimal invasive
surgery. Unfortunately, the medium, optics and instrumentation of earlier times were archaic.
Development of the fiber optic transmission of light in 1928, the rod-shaped lens of Hopkins in
the early 60's and video improvement during the late 70's renew interest in accessing the body
cavities by minimally invasive technique using the laparoscope. Our fellow physicians, the
gynecologists dominated this field for ten years (1).
The revolution occurred in France in 1987, this time Province of Lyon, when the gallbladder of
a lady is removed successfully using laparoscopic technique. Since then, the rest has been
evolution (2).
Pediatric laparoscopy grew slowly and lag behind. The reason is that children usually do well
and procedures are of short duration. The optics is of paramount importance when the
abdominal cavity is small, and instrumentation should be tailored to body size. We wanted to
see how general surgeons did before applying this technique in children. Credentialing
became very tedious and time consuming if we consider that two cholecystectomies are done
in children for every 100 performed by general surgeons in adults (3). Other Pediatric
surgeons thought of this as a Nintendo game or making a ship in a bottle.
The concept behind minimally invasive surgery is that the size of the wound has a direct
correlation with the metabolic and endocrine response to surgical trauma. The greater the
cutting of fascia, muscle and nerve the higher the catecholamine and catabolic response of
the body to surgical trauma.
A potential working space during video-laparoscopic abdominal procedures in children is
established with the help of a carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. The most popular technique
used in children for developing a pneumoperitoneum is the open (Hasson) technique, usually
in children less than two years of age (4). Closed or percutaneous (Veress needle) technique
is mostly practice in older children and adolescents (5, 6). Insufflation by either technique will
cause an increase in intrabdominal pressure (IAP). Studies during congenital abdominal wall
defects closure such as gastroschisis and omphalocele has shown that the rise in IAP may
cause decrease venous return, decrease renal perfusion, low splanchnic flow, and increased
airway pressures (7). In addition, abdominal distension causes pulmonary function
abnormalities such as decreased functional residual capacity, basilar alveolar collapse, and
intrapulmonary shunting of deoxygenated blood. The cardiac afterload will increase, an effect
that may be magnified by hypovolemia.
Hypotension during the establishment of the pneumoperitoneum is a very feared complication.
It could be the result of vascular injury, arrhythmia, insufflating too much carbon dioxide,
impending heart failure, gas embolism or the development of a pneumothorax (8, 9). We
generally insufflate a three-kilogram baby with ten millimeters of mercury of intra-abdominal
pressure and a 70-kilogram child with a maximum of fifteen mm of Hg as can be appreciated
in Graph 1.
Increase awareness of the intrinsic effects carbon dioxide insufflation may cause in the child
abdominal cavity is necessary. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the diaphragmatic surfaces and
cause hypercapnia, respiratory acidosis, and pooling of blood in vessels with decrease
cardiac output. This effect is usually controlled by the anesthesiologist increasing minute
ventilation by 10% to 20% to maintain normocapnia. Increase dead space or decrease
functional residual capacity caused by the Tredelenberg position and administration of volatile
anesthetic agents can increment this problem. High risk children where this effect can be
potentiate further are those with pre-existent cardio-respiratory conditions causing increase
dead space, decrease pulmonary compliance and increase pulmonary artery pressure and
resistance. It is estimated that carbon dioxide accumulates primarily in blood and alveoli due
to the decrease muscular components to buffer the excess absorbed gas present in children
(10). After the procedure, the combination of residual carbon dioxide in the diaphragmatic
surface and water forms carbonic acid that upon absorbtion by the lymphatics produces
referred shoulder pain. There is always a small risk of ventricular dysrhythmia with insufflation
of carbon dioxide in children (3, 11, 12).
Some contraindications for performing laparoscopy during the pediatric age are: history of
severe cardio-pulmonary conditions, uncorrectable coagulopathy, prematurity, distended
abdomen with air or ascites, and multiple abdominal scars from previous operative
procedures (12).
We have already gone through Four Congress of Endosurgery in Children, and what has been
the impact? The indications from either diagnostic or therapeutic laparoscopy has grown fairly
as can be gathered from Table 1.
I have managed to gather the results of some of the most common laparoscopic procedures
done in children and will discuss them. These are: cholecystectomy, appendectomy, groin
laparoscopy, in pursuit of the non-palpable undescended testis, splenectomy, and
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) has become the procedure of choice for the removal of
the disease gallbladder of children. The benefit of this procedure is obvious: safe, effective,
and well tolerated. It produces a short hospital stay, early return to activity and reduced
hospital bills (3). Several technical differences between the pediatric and adult patient are:
lower intrabdominal insufflation pressure, smaller trocar size and more lateral position of
placement. Complications are related to the initial trocar entrance as vascular and bowel
injury, and those related to the procedure itself, i.e., bile duct injury or leak. Three 5 mm ports
and one 10-mm umbilical port are used. Pneumoperitoneum is obtained with Veress needle
insufflation or using direct insertion of blunt trocar and cannula. Cholangiography before any
dissection of the triangle of Calot using a Kumar clamp is advised by some workers to avoid
iatrogenic common bile duct (CBD) injuries during dissection due to anomalous anatomy, and
the best method to detect CBD stones (13).
Treatment of CBD stones may consist of:
1- endoscopic sphincterotomy followed by LC,
2- open (conventional) or laparoscopic choledochotomy, or
3- transcystic choledochoscopy and stone extraction.
Children with hemolytic disorders, i.e., Sickle cell disease, have a high incidence of
cholelithiasis and benefit from LC with a shorter length of postop stay and reduced morbidity
From April 1992 to 1995 Avils, Mas & Lugo managed to do 40 cholecystectomies at the
University Pediatric Hospital. Twenty-four were done laparoscopically with one conversion
and 16 open as can be seen in Table 2 (14).
San Pablo Medical Center performed 4439 cholecystectomies from January 1990 to July 1995;
83 (1.8%) of them in children (Table 3).
Both series stress the issue that LC is superior to the open conventional procedure reducing
the operating time, length of stay, diet resumption, and use of pain medication. The child is
more pleased with his cosmetic results and activities are more promptly established. We also
found that CBD stones can be managed safely with simultaneous endoscopic papillotomy and
costs of LC are further reduced employing re-usable equipment and selective
cholangiographic indications (3).
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Semm, a gynecologist, is credited with inventing laparoscopic appendectomy in 1982. With the
arrival of video-endoscopic procedures the role of laparoscopic appendectomy in the
management of acute appendicitis in children has been studied and compared with the
conventional open appendectomy. General advantages of laparoscopic appendectomy
identified are: ease and rapid localization of the appendix, ability to explore and lavage the
entire abdominal cavity, decrease incidence of wound infection, less cutaneous scarring, more
pleasing cosmetically, and a rapid return of intestinal function and full activity. There is
certainly some advantage in doing laparoscopic appendectomy in the obese child, teenage
female with unclear etiology of symptoms, for athletes, children with chronic right lower
quadrant abdominal pain, and cases requiring interval appendectomy (15). Disadvantages are:
expensive instrumentation, time-consuming and tedious credentialing, and the major benefit
is in the postop period.
Analyzing the results of several series that compare laparoscopic vs. conventional
appendectomy in the management of acute appendicitis we can conclude that laparoscopy
produces no difference with open appendectomy in respect to operating room complications
and postoperative morbidity, has a longer operating and anesthesia time, higher hospital
costs, a shorter length of stay, less postop pain, less pain medication requirement, and
shorter convalescence. One series warned that complicated cases of appendicitis done by
laparoscopy could increase the postoperative infectious rate requiring readmission.
Otherwise, they all favored laparoscopic appendectomy in the management of appendicitis
Still, unresolved issues in my mind are: Does laparoscopic appendectomy reduce
postoperative adhesions? , Is it necessary to remove a normal looking appendix during a
negative diagnostic laparoscopy performed for acute abdominal pain? , Will the increase
intrabdominal pressure alter the diaphragmatic lymphatic translocation of bacteria favoring
higher septic rates in complicated cases? Experimental evidence in animal models favors
higher rates of systemic sepsis after sequential development of pneumoperitoneum (20).
Groin Laparoscopy
The issue of contralateral exploration in the pediatric inguinal hernia patient has been hotly
debated. Proponents of routine contralateral exploration cite the high percentage of
contralateral hernia a/o potential hernia found at exploration, the avoidance of the cost of
another hospitalization, psychological trauma and anxiety to the child and parents over a
second operation, and the added risk of anesthesia of a second procedure. Most pediatrics
surgeons habitually explore the contralateral side. They disagree in opinions about
exploration depending upon the primary site of inguinal hernia, age, sex and the use of
herniography or some intra-operative technique to check the contralateral side (21).
Recently the use of groin laparoscopy permits visualization of the contralateral side. The
technique consists of opening the hernial sac, introducing a 5.5-mm reusable port,
establishing a pneumoperitoneum, and viewing with an angle laparoscope the contralateral
internal inguinal ring to decide the existence of a hernia, which is repaired if present. Requires
no additional incision, avoids risk of vas deferens injury in boys, is rapid, safe and reliable for
evaluating the opposite groin in the pediatric patient with unilateralinguinal hernia. Children
less than two years of age have a higher yield of positive contralateral findings (12,22,23).
Diagnostic Laparoscopy for the Non-palpable Undescended Testis
The undescended testis identified in 0.28% of males can be palpable (80%) or non-palpable
(20%). It is difficult to determine either location or absence of the non-palpable undescended
testis by clinical examination. Imaging studies (Ultrasound, CT Scan, Magnetic resonance,
gonadal venography) are not reliable in proving its absence. Diagnostic laparoscopy is reliable
in finding the non-palpable undescended testis or proving its absence. Furthermore it can be
combine to provide surgical management. After reviewing several series (12, 24-36), with
non-palpable undescended testes managed by laparoscopy the following three findings were
1- The testis is present; in either an intra-abdominal (38%) or inguinal position (12%).
Intrabdominal testes can be managed by first stage laparoscopic internal spermatic vessel
clipping and cutting (Stephen-Fowler's), followed by second stage vas-based standard
orchiopexy six to nine months later. Inguinal testes are managed by standard inguinal
2- The testis is absent (vanishing testicular syndrome) as proven by blind ending vas and
testicular vessels (36%). These children are spare an exploration. If the vas and vessels exit
the internal ring, inguinal exploration is indicated to remove any testicular remnant as
histologic evidence, although I have found useful removing the testicular remnant by the
laparoscopic approach. The presence of a patent processus vaginalis may suggest a distal
viable testis.
3- The testis is hypoplastic, atretic, or atrophic (26%), in which case is removed
Exact anatomical localization of the testis by laparoscopy simplifies accurate planning of
operative repair; therefore, is an effective and safe adjunct in the management of the
cryptorchid testis.
Laparoscopic Splenectomy
Laparoscopic splenectomy is another safe and technically feasible video-endoscopic
procedures in children. Indications are usually hematological disorders such as Idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura, spherocytosis, and Hodgkin's staging. Technical considerations
of the procedure are based on anatomical facts such as the variability in the splenic blood
supply, the ligaments anchoring the organ and the size of the diseased spleen. Generally the
avascular splenophrenic and colic ligaments are cauterized, the short gastric and hilar vessels
are individually ligated with metallic clips or gastrointestinal staplers, and the spleen is placed
in a plastic bag, fracture or morzelized until it is removed through the navel.
Comparing the laparoscopic procedure with the conventional splenectomy, the advantages
are: improved exposure, decreased pain, improved pulmonary function, shortened
hospitalization, more rapid return to normal activities and excellent cosmetic appearance.
Disadvantages are longer operating time, higher costs and the need to open 5-20% of cases
due to technical uncontrolled hemorrhage, such as bleeding from the splenic artery (37, 38).
Laparoscopic Fundoplication
Fundoplication for the management of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is another
procedure that has evolved recently taking advantage of minimally invasive technique.
Indications for performing either the open or laparoscopic fundoplication is the same, namely:
life threatening GER (asthma, cyanotic spells), chronic aspiration syndromes, chronic
vomiting with failure to thrive, and reflux induced esophageal stricture. Studies comparing the
open versus the laparoscopic technique in the pediatric age have found a reduced mean
hospital and postoperative stay with laparoscopy.
The lap procedure seems similar to the open regarding efficacy and complication rates. Costs
are not excessive, they are even lower if we take into consideration the shorter length of stay.
Lower rate of adhesions, pulmonary and wound complications are another benefit of the lap
technique suggested. Percutaneous laparoscopic gastrostomy can be done concomitantly for
those neurologically impeded children refer with feeding problems and GER (39-43).
Whether to do a complete (Nissen) or partial (Toupee, Thal, or Boix-Ochoa) wrap relies on the
experience of the surgeon with the open procedure. He should continue to do whatever
procedure he used to perform using open surgery. Long-terms results of complications or
recurrence of GER after laparoscopic fundoplication are still pending publication.
Video-Laparoscopic procedures are safe and efficient, technically feasible and well tolerated
by children. Opening a child is not a complication. The future of pediatric laparoscopy may
involve the use of intrauterine therapeutic fetoscopy.
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42- Weerts JM, Dallemagne B, Hamoir E, et al: Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication: detailed
analysis of 132 patients. Surg Laparosc Endosc 3(5): 359-364, 1993
43- Lobe TE: Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in paediatric patient. Gaslini 27(1): 73-79,
To those great masters that taught me minimally invasive surgical techniques:
Thom Lobe, Keith Georgeson, Douglas Olsen, Zoltan Czabo, Manuel Daz-Vargas, and Manuel
Internet, the largest network of connected computers, is becoming the ultimate frontier to
access information for health providers. This review focus on how developments of this
communication technology have become a useful educational resource in Pediatric
Surgery, and describes modest ideas in computer network use.
Internet basic resources are electronic mailing (E-mail), discussion groups, file transfer,
and browsing the World Wide Web (WWW). E-mail brings physicians with common
interest together. Surgeons employ it as a communicating tool. Legal and social
responsibility is bounded with its use. Discussion groups permits debate including
clinical cases, operations, techniques, research, career opportunities, and meetings. File
transfer provides the opportunity of retrieving archives from public libraries. The WWW is
the most resourceful tool due to its friendly interface and ease of navigation.
The average physician needs to know almost nothing on how computers work or where
they came from to navigate through this pandemonium of information. Click and play with
today graphical applications encourage the computer illiterate to connect. Establishing
the connections envelops the need of hardware, software and a service provider.
Future development consists of online journals with new ideas in peer-review and
authentication, telemedicine progression, international chatting, and centralization of
pediatric surgery cyber space information into database or keyword search engines.
INDEX WORDS: pediatrics, surgery, internet
Internet is the largest network of connected computers. More than 30 million computers
exchanging physical links through a standard protocol of communication. A super avenue
of information and transactions (1). The Net is affecting every aspect of life and
dissemination of information relevant to medicine for the health community is not immune
to this technology.
The busy surgeon who invests little time searching the literature could find himself with a
clinical practice that does not keep pace with recent medical advances. Informatics option
to stay updated in the discipline of Pediatric Surgery includes access to printed periodical
publications, regular meetings, congress assistance, digital database storage, and Internet
Text, journals, and books are usually outdated by the time they reach the regular subscriber.
Not to mention cost of subscription, printing and storage capabilities needed. Meeting and
congress dynamic regular sessions can be costly, and access to the full written report is
almost never achieved until print publication of the paper is obtained usually six months to
one year later. Digital databases (i.e., CD-ROM) store large amount of information, but prices
of CD are overwhelming. An additional driver is needed as hardware for reading the stored
material. Information is becoming an unlimited commodity, we can have as much as we
want at no cost, but are limited by our storage capacity (2).
By agreeing to a set of operating protocols, users have developed innovative techniques to
seek out information from different databases accessible via the network along with
methods for sharing documents. Internet provides immediate downloadable information and
dynamic information on every aspect of life. Still the idea that it represents a frustrating
educational event in computing persists. The average person needs to know almost nothing
on how computers work or where they came from to navigate through this network. Click
and play with today graphical applications encourage the computer illiterate to connect.
The purpose of this review is to highlight how newly ways of communication using Internet
navigational technology can be useful educational resources in Pediatric Surgery, and
clarify concepts of network communication for future use by physicians.
History of Internet
After the postwar years military intelligence was searching for strategic forms of
communication in the after-match of a nuclear holocaust, a system that would defeat current
centralized tendencies in communication. The notion of creating several nodes of super
computers that convey each other through standard telephones line was developed.
Sending the information in small packages that would meet at the other end of the line using
a uniform protocol of communication and regrouping (TCP/IP). These nodes would be
created around different parts of the world divided in either top level geographical or
institutional domains like: government (gov), commercial (com), educational, (edu), military
(mil), network resources (net), and other organizations (org).
Scientists were the first to use this system in an effort to consolidate research and establish
electronic communication in the flow of new projects. This created an atmosphere of social
behavior and effective long distance communication as more nodes grew in each country.
Curiously, the initial electronic discussion group developed among scientists was called the
Science-Fiction list (3, 4).
World Wide Web (WWW), the crowning glory of the Internet, is developed in Geneva,
Switzerland in 1989. The WWW provides a user friendly interface with the capacity to send
and receive information through Internet using text, graphics, audio and video utilizing a
protocol of marked language (5). Seen today as the best resource to post information that
can reach and be accessed in almost every corner of the planet.
node in very distant geographical zones. The message is stored by the internet service
provider (ISP) until the electronic box owner retrieves the message. You do not have to pay
extra for e-mailing, and is global in scope. Files can be attached to messages up to half a
megabyte in size (a megabyte represents one million characters).
News groups and list servers with discussion interest have developed both in pediatrics and
surgery. Messages posted by authors to the list or discussion group are automatically
mailed to all subscribers. Posting growth to such lists includes United States, Central and
South America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Australasia to mention a few. List servers
for different surgery and pediatric sub-specialties exist: NICU-Net, PICU-Net, cardiology,
gastroenterology, neurology, emergency medicine, critical care, Pediatric pain, etc. (6, 7).
A popular list among Pediatric Surgeons worldwide is called the Pediatric Surgery List.
Originally developed by Thomas Whalen for topics discussion that includes clinical cases,
operations, techniques, research, career opportunities, and meetings. Intended for pediatric
surgeons and interested general surgeons and residents (8). Although the list is in
embryological phase, growth will inevitably create a medium of international discussion
without precedent. A constant forum for exchange of ideas, difficult cases, consensus on
management, and development of our specialty.
File transfer provides the unique opportunity of retrieving archives from public file libraries.
Free software is also available. Downloading of data into the hard disk of your computer is
very straightforward. Anti-viral programs are available to monitor each access file that can
become part of your system whenever you download them from Internet.
Recent poll of the Pediatric Surgery Internet list server members regarding what resource of
the Net they use most of the time was done. Almost one-fourth (23%) of the list population
(58/246) answered the survey. Electronic mailing (personal and list server/discussion
groups) occupied 83% of resources, web browsing 16%, and long distance computing 1%.
Pediatric surgeons with access to the Net use it mostly as a communication tool. WWW
browsing is slowly developing as a second alternative probably due to absent access to a
web browser connection.
unknown online patient ask yourself: Is he your patient behind the monitor? Have you
examined him or review his past medical record? Will my answer be used as possible legal
evidence in case this is unintended? The potential for abuse while looking at this
information will always exist.
Disclaimers notice stating the medico-legal responsibility behind frequent response to
complex medical problems are being asked for to list server administrators (12). This if a
response from some member commentator triggers a change in diagnosis or therapy in a
given discussion case that causes ultimate damage to the patient involved. The
commentator cannot be held responsible of his answer in as much as he had no clear
physician-patient relationship, was not paid for this service, or had the opportunity to
examine the patient or his medical charts. The disclaimer should include that particular
consultation or advice was not the idea of the answer, reliance on this comments should not
be done, and printed versions of the E-mail should not appear in any patient medical record
Web editors can be downloaded from different suppliers in the Net. Some are free but most
can be obtained as shareware to try them for a limited period. For a list of HTML editing
tools or programs available the reader is referred to URL:
The exponential growth of Internet in the disciplines of Pediatric Surgery will cause a
change in patient care, teaching and research. Changes in our specialty will be nurtured
through the international use of information posted in the Net. Main use by contemporary
pediatric surgeons is as a communicating tool using electronic mailing with WWW browsing
slowly growing.
Future developments consist of online journals with new concepts in peer-review and
authentication, telemedicine, international chatting, and centralization of cyber space
information into database or keyword search engines. Marketing is another frontier in the
development of medical informatics technology.
1- Pallen M: Guide to the Internet: Introducing the Internet. BMJ 311: 1422-1424, 1995
2- Thomas P. Copley (September 17, 1996) Make the Link Workshop: Tutorial Number Five
[Online] Available: [September 20, 1996]
3- Johnson Phillip (May 8, 1996) History of the Internet [Online] Available: [September 15, 1996]
4- Sterling Bruce (July 5, 1994) Short History of the Internet [Online] Available: [September 15, 1996]
5- Pallen M: Guide to the Internet: The World Wide Web. BMJ 311: 1552-1556, 1995
6- Christopher U. Lehmann (1996) Point of Pediatric Interest E-mail Discussion Lists [Online]
Available: [September 6, 1996]
7-Tarczy-Hornoch P: NICU-Net: An Electronic Forum for Neonatology. Pediatrics 97(3):
398-399, 1996
8- PEDIATRIC SURGERY Mail List Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: Subscribe PEDSURG-L Human administrator: Thomas V. Whalen,
Professor, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, E-mail:
9- Spooner SA: On-Line Resources for Pediatricians. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 149:
1160-1168, 1995
10- Elliot SJ, Elliot RG: Internet List Servers and Pediatrics: Newly Emerging Legal and
Clinical Practice Issues. Pediatrics 97(3); 399-400, 1996
11- Frisse ME, Kell EA, Metcalfe ES: An Internet Primer: Resources and Responsibilities.
Academic Medicine 69(1): 20-24, 1994
12- De Ville, K.A. Internet Listservers and Pediatrics: Newly Emerging Legal and Clinical
Practice Issues II. Pediatrics 98: 453-454, 1996
13- Lugo-Vicente HL (September 16, 1996) Pediatric Surgery Update [Online] Available: [September 18, 1996]
14- Thomas P. Copley (September 17, 1996) Make the Link Workshop: Tutorial Number Four
[Online] Available: [September 20, 1996]
15- NCSA (September 1996) A Beginner's Guide to HTML [Online] Available: [September 18,
16- Microsoft Corp (1996) Internet Explorer Home [Online] Available: [September 21, 1996]
17- Netscape Communication Corp (1996) Download Netscape Navigator Software [Online]
Available: [September 21,
18- Spooner SA (August 1994) Ped Info a Pediatric Web Server [Online] Available: [September 16, 1996]
19- Lehmann C (1996) Points of Pediatric Interest [Online] Available: [September 22, 1996]
20- Telbelian A (September 1996) NOMC broadcasts live surgery via the Internet [Online]
Available: [September 17, 1996]
21- Li X., Crane N. (May 20, 1996) Bibliographic Formats for Citing Electronic Information
[online]. Available: [September 15, 1996]
22- Aruzen MA: Cyber Citations: Documenting Internet Sources Presents Some Thorny
Problems. Internet World Sept 1996, pag 72-74
23- mIRC Co. Ltd. (1996) Homepage of mIRC [Online] Available: [September 22, 1996]
24- Edlavitch Julius (September 1996) Home Page of International Pediatric Chat [Online]
radiological examination of the thorax or after developing symptoms from the associated
atelectasis (4).
This paper discusses two patients managed at our hospital for bronchial rupture after
delayed diagnosis.
Two patients were referred to the emergency room of the Hospital Carlos Chagas with
lobar atelectasis and history of blunt thoracic trauma.
The first patient is a six-year-old boy with history of a motor vehicle accident. In the initial
evaluation at the emergency room he had moderate thoracic pain and dyspnea. A left clavicle
fracture and left lung contusion were diagnosed. Stayed in the hospital under medical
observation for five days and was sent home with no symptoms of respiratory distress.
Progressively develop exercise dyspnea and forty days later during chest x-ray examination
total opacification of the left hemithorax is observed. Bronchoscopic examination confirmed
the diagnosis of complete rupture of the left main bronchus.
The second patient is a five-year-old girl admitted with mild fever, cough and dyspnea.
The chest x-ray examination reveals opacity of the right hemithorax (Fig. 1). History reveals
she sustained thoracic trauma after a television set fell over her chest two years previously.
Since then, two admissions to different hospitals with diagnosis of pneumonia were reported.
A thoracic CT-Scan revealed total atelectasis of the left lung (Fig. 2). Total rupture of the left
main bronchus was detected during bronchoscopic examination.
Resection of the bronchial scar with bronchial anastomosis using absorbable synthetic
5-0 sutures resulted in progressive recovery of the affected lung of both patients (Fig. 3). They
are both now free of symptoms, four years and eighteen months after surgery respectively.
Although prompt diagnosis and management of bronchial rupture secondary to blunt
thoracic trauma is desirable, delayed surgical reconstruction of the main bronchus may be
achieved without gross compromise of lung function (10). Frequently a "silent" rupture of the
main bronchus may be misdiagnosed. Those cases demonstrates mild symptoms of
respiratory insufficiency after trauma, and no pneumothorax or rib fractures at the
radiological examination of the chest. Days or even years may go by before the diagnosis is
made. Partial or total lung atelectasis and extensive infiltrates in lung parenchyma diagnosed
during routine radiological examination may be suspicious of bronchial rupture after history of
trauma. Thoracic CT-Scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging may help in diagnosis (11,12). With
suspicion of bronchial rupture, bronchoscopy confirms the diagnosis (2,7,13,14). Both
patients had their diagnosis confirmed after fiberoptic bronchial examination which is of
paramount importance in patients suffering blunt trauma having symptoms of respiratory
distress, pleural air leaks, lobar atelectasis or persistent pneumothorax (7,9).
Immediate surgical correction of bronchial rupture could reduce the incidence of late
complications such as secondary tissue infection and persistent bronchial stenosis ( 9, 15). In
children, atelectatic lungs heal within a few weeks after bronchial reconstruction if no
secondary infection is present (15). Bronchial reconstruction must always be attempted. Lung
resection is restricted to those patients with tissue necrosis secondary to infection (9). Our
two patients with delayed diagnosis of bronchial rupture had no symptoms of infection. They
were successfully managed with resection of the bronchial scar and anastomosis of the main
bronchus with absorbable synthetic sutures. After uneventful surgical recovery they had
follow-up bronchoscopic examination six moths later with total permeability of the main
bronchus, a chest x-ray with good ventilation of the affected lung and minimal elevation of the
diaphragmatic dome.
1.Hartley C, Morrit GN: Bronchial rupture secondary to blunt chest trauma. Thorax 48:183-184,
2. Goh SH, Tan SM, Chui P, Low BY: Traumatic bronchial rupture - A case report. Ann Acad
Med Singapore 24: 883-886, 1995
3. Baumgartner F, Sheppard B, de Virgilio C, Esrig B, Harrier D, Nelson RJ, Robertson, JN:
Tracheal and main bronchial disruptions after blunt chest trauma: presentation and
management. Ann Thor Surg 50:569-574, 1990
4. Frimpong-Boateng K, Amoah AGB: Delayed diagnosis and repair of total bronchial rupture:
A report of two cases. East Afr Med J 74:114-115, 1994
5. Roux P, Fisher RM: Chest injuries in children: na analysis of 100 cases of blunt chest
trauma from motor vehicles accidents. J Pediatr Surg 27:551-555, 1992
6. Lin MY, Wu MH, Chan CS, Lai WW, Chou NS, Tseng YL: Bronchial rupture by blunt chest
trauma. Ann Emerg Med 25:412-415, 1995
7. Amauchi W, Birolini D, Branco PD, de Oliveira MR: Injuries to the tracheobronchial tree in
closed trauma. Thorax 38: 923-928, 1983
8. Sirbu H, Herse B, Schorn B, Httermann U, Dlichau H: Successful surgery after complete
disruption of the right bronchial system. Thorac Cardiovasc Surgeon 43: 239-141, 1995
9. Jones WS, Mavroudis C, Richardson JD, Gray LA Jr, Howe WR: Management of
tracheobronchial disruption resulting from blunt trauma. Surgery 95: 319-323, 1984
10. Taskinen SO, Salo J, Haltunen PE, Sovijarvi AR: Tracheobronchial rupture due to blunt
chest trauma: a follow-up study. Ann Thor Surg 48: 846-849, 1989
11. Huson H, Sais CJ, Amendola MA: Diagnosis of bronchial rupture with MR imaging. J Magn
Reson Imaging 3: 919-920, 1993
12. Wan YL, Tsai KT, Yeow KM, Tan CF, Wong HF: CT findings of bronchial transection. Am J
Emerg Med 15:176-177, 1997
13.Parat S, Bidat E, Chevallier B, Lacombe P, Azoulay R, Legardere B, Bouledroua MS: Late
diagnosis of a bronchial fracture after thoracic injury. Ann Pediatr (Paris) 36:205-207, 1989
14. Rossbach MM, Johnson SB, Gomez MA, Sako EY, Miller OL, Calhoonn JN: Management of
major thacheobronchial injuries: a 28-year experience. Ann Thorac Surg 65:182-186, 1998
15. Gaebler C, Mueller M, Schramm W, Eckesberger F, Vecsei V: Tracheobronchial ruptures in
children. Am J Emerg Med 14: 279-284, 1996
Figure 1 - Radiological examination of the thorax with massive atelectasis on the left lung after thoracic trauma two
years before.
Figure 2 - A CT scan of the same patient showing the trachea (arrowhead) and an amputated left main bronchus
Figure 3 - Radiological examination done two months after surgery with good ventilation of the left lung.
Journal Club
Vol 01
No 01 July 1993
No 02 August 1993
No 03 September 1993
No 04 October 1993
No 05 November 1993
No 06 December 1993
Vol 02
No 01 January 1994
No 02 February 1994
No 03 March 1994
No 04 April 1994
No 05 May 1994
No 06 June 1994
Vol 03
No 01 July 1994
No 02 August 1994
No 03 September 1994
No 04 October 1994
No 05 November 1994
No 06 December 1994
Vol 04
No 01 January 1995
No 02 February 1995
No 03 March 1995
No 04 April 1995
No 05 May 1995
No 06 June 1995
Vol 05
No 01 July 1995
No 02 August 1995
No 03 September 1995
No 04 October 1995
No 05 November 1995
No 06 December 1995
Vol 06
No 01 January 1996
No 02 February 1996
No 03 March 1996
No 04 April 1996
No 05 May 1996
No 06 June 1996
Vol 07
No 01 July 1996
No 02 August 1996
No 03 September 1996
No 04 October 1996
No 05 November 1996
No 06 December 1996
Vol 08
No 01 January 1997
No 02 February 1997
No 03 March 1997
No 04 April 1997
No 05 May 1997
No 06 June 1997
Vol 09
No 01 July 1997
No 02 August 1997
No 03 September 1997
No 04 October 1997
No 05 November 1997
No 06 December
Vol 10
No 01 January 1998
No 02 February 1998
No 03 March 1998
No 04 April 1998
No 05 May 1998
No 06 June 1998
Vol 11
No 01 July 1998
No 02 August 1998
No 03 September 1998
No 04 October 1998
No 05 November 1998
No 06 December 1998
Vol 12
No 01 January 1999
No 02 February 1999
No 03 March 1999
No 04 April 1999
No 05 May 1999
No 06 June 1999
Vol 13
No 01 July 1999
No 02 August 1999
No 03 September 1999
No 04 October 1999
No 05 November 1999
No 06 December 1999
Vol 14
No 01 January 2000
No 02 February 2000
No 03 March 2000
No 04 April 2000
No 05 May 2000
No 06 June 2000
Vol 15
No 01 July 2000
No 02 August 2000
No 03 September 2000
No 04 October 2000
No 05 November 2000
No 06 December 2000
Vol 16
No 01 January 2001
No 02 February 2001
No 03 March 2001
No 04 April 2001
No 05 May 2001
No 06 June 2001
Journal Club
Last updated: March 2001
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Journal Club
Section of Burns
Dr Albert Surez-Director/Associate Professor
Section of Ophtalmology
Dr Townsend- Director/Professor
Section of Orthopedics
Dr Fernndez-Filiberty- Director/Professor
Section of Urology
Dr Antonio Puras- Director/Associate Professor
Journal Club
American Pediatric Surgical Nurse Association
Ask the Pediatric Surgeon...
Browsing the New Riders' WWW Yellow Pages...
CHERUBS - The Association of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Research, Advocacy,
and Support
DIRECTORIO GLOBAL NET - Directory of Links with Latin American Web Sites
DIRECTORIO MEDICO.NET- Medical directory of Puerto Rico physicians
DEPARTMENT OF ANESTHESIA at the University of Puerto Rico
DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY - Hospital Clnico de la Pontificia
Universidad Catlica de Chile
Edu-News:Free Online News Magazine About Education Worldwide
ELECTRONIC GASTROPED - Electronic Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Nutrition and Liver Diseases
E-MAIL Discussion Lists - Just browse in and SUBSCRIBE to the e-mail list of your
FACULTAD DE MEDICINA - Universidad de Chile (Faculty of Medicine,
University of Chile) - Incluye Libro "Ciruga Laparoscpica Avanzada", editado por Alfredo Seplveda y
Carlos Lizana.
Health Communication Network...the health information specialists
Health On the Net Foundation - Non-profit organization build to support the
international health and medical community on the Internet
HEALTHwindowsas your health information portal
HEALTHwindows for KIDS ! - your guide to the best health and wellness
information on the Internet
Home Page del Hospital General de Nios "Dr. Pedro de Elizalde" - Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Hospital Infantil Pequeo Prncipe - Rua Desembargador Motta, 1070 Curitiba Paran - Brasil
Interactive Medical Student Lounge - An Excellent site for Medical Students...
International Pediatric Chat - Join the International Pediatric Chat Channel from
KIDSGROWTH.COM -The Online Leader in Child Advocacy & Pediatric Practice
Medical and Scientific Information Online - Designed to be a resource for basic
clinical and research information
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY TODAY - Official Web Site of the Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine.
OBSTETRIC/GYNECOLOGY in HUMACAO - reproductive medicine
Pediatric Bulletin - Bi-monthly newsletter of Issues in Pediatrics edited by: Myrna
Nieves, MD, FAAP
the Net
SAN PABLO HEALTH SYSTEM - The San Pablo Medical Center Home Page
SCOT Section of the AAP - Section on Computers and Other Technologies of the
American Academy of Pediatrics
SECTION ON SURGERY of the American Academy of Pediatrics
THE WORLD OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY - Homepage of Christopher A. Gitzelmann
UAB Division of Pediatric Surgery - University of Alabama- Division of Pediatric
Surgery Web Page intended for Physicians and Housestaff with interest in the Surgical
Care of Children.
Welcome to PUERTO RICO
Western Medical Waste & Environmental Services, Inc.
Wine.Com- the best wines online (One of my favorite site...)
Yahoo! A Search Engine - Excellent to Search the NET!
ZonaMD- access to Puerto Rico physicians in the Net
Last updated: March 2001
Journal Club
Obergul, Tyrol, AUSTRIA
Contact: Prof. Dr. Ernst Horcher - General Hospital Vienna - University Hospital - Clinical
Department of Pediatric Surgery - Whringer Grtel 18-20 -A-1090 Wien -AUSTRIA Tel: +43/1/
40400-6836 Fax: +43/1/ 40400-6838 e-mail:
February 14-18: 51st Annual Meeting -American College of Surgeons - Puerto Rico Chapter
Contact: Maritza Negroni & Associates Meeting Planners - 10-17 Cordoba Street Torrimar
Guaynabo, PR 00966. Tel (787) 783-0027 / (787) 782-8436. Fax (787) 793-0516.
Coimbatore, INDIA
Contact: Dr Ramkumar Ragupathy - Organizing Secretary - 81 Valluvar Street, Sivananda
Colony, Coimbatore, 641 012. India E-mail:
MARCH 2001
sponsored by IPEG (International Pediatric Endosurgery Group).
Contact: IPEG Registrar - 2716 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 2030, Santa Monica, CA
90405 USA. Tel:(310) - 314-2500. Fax: (310) - 314-2535. Email:
APRIL 2001
April 4-8: 34th Annual Meeting, Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons and XIth Council
Meeting, World Federation of Association of Pediatric Surgeons
Kyoto, JAPAN
Contact: Professor Takeshi Miyano, department of Pediatric Surgery, Juntendo University
School of Medicine, 2-1-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-8421, Japan. Fax: 81-3-5802-2033;
April 26-28: 2nd World Congress of the Pediatric Thoracic Disciplines
Contact: Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Pediatric Surgery Department, Bornova 35100
Izmir TURKEY , Fax: +90 232 375 12 88 , E-mail:
MAY 2001
May 3-5: IVth European Congress of Pediatric Surgery
Budapest, HUNGARY
Contact: Andrew B. Pintr, Department of Pediatric Surgery, 7623 Pcs, Hungary. Tel:
00-36-72-310-144; Fax: 00-36-72-314-937; E-mail:
May 8-11:V Brasilian Congress of Endosurgery (with a section of Pediatric Endosurgery)
Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL
Contact: Dr. Gladys Mariani - Pediatric Surgery Section Coordinator. Fax:55 21 4302010 or
55 21 4306496.
May 20-23: American Pediatric Surgical Association - 32nd Annual Meeting
Naples, Florida, USA
Contact: APSA Meeting Manager, The Sherwood Group, 60 Revere Dr., Suite 500,
Northbrooks, IL 60062. Tel (847) 480-9576; Fax (847) 480-9282.
JUNE 2001
June 11-15: PEDIATRIA 2001 - XXIV Congreso Nacional de Pediatria , V Congreso Nacional
de Cirugia Pediatrica , V Congreso Nacinal de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal y Pediatrica, III
Congreso Internacional " La salud del Nio menor de 5 aos" y el II Congreso " La salud del
nio caribeo en los inicios del sigloXXI.
Habana, CUBA
Contact: Profesor Dr. Enzo Dueas Telefono (537)55-2559/55-2560 Fax (537) 55-2558 e-mail
Lic. Zosima L opez Telefonos:(537)28-5199 y 22-6011 al 19
ext1510 Fax (537) 28-7996 / 28-3470 /22-8382
JULY 2001
July 18-21: British Association of Pediatric Surgeons - 48th Annual International Congress
Contact: Honorary Secretary Mr. L Rangecroft, BAPS Office, Royal College of Surgeons of
England, 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC29 3PH, England.
September 9-14: The 23rd International Congress of Pediatrics, (The IPA World Congress of
Pediatrics) and The 2nd International Congress on Pediatric Nursing
Beijing, CHINA
Contact: Mr. Joe Jia - Congress Coordinator, Secretariat - 23rd International Congress of
Pediatrics (23rd ICP) - C/o Foreign Relations Dept., Chinese Medical Association - 42 Dongsi
Xidajie, Beijing 100710, China. Tel: (86 10) 65250394 / 65134885, Fax: (86 10) 65123754 /
September 19-21: 2001 Annual Meeting of Egyptian Pediatric Surgical Association (EPSA)
Cairo, EGYPT
Contact: Prof Alaa Hamza, Secretary of EPSA , E-mail:
October 5-6: 14th International Symposium on Pediatric Surgical Research
Conference aimed at gathering people interested in any field of research related to pediatric
surgical disease. Free papers and lectures. Deadline for abstracts: June, 1st, 2001
Madrid, SPAIN
Contact: Prof. Dr. Juan A. Tovar, Hospital Universitario La Paz, P.Castellana 261 28046
MADRID. Tel: +34 91 727 70 19, Fax: +34 91 727 70 33 , e-mail:
Montevideo, URUGUAY
Contact: Dr Alex Acosta
November 13-16: CIRENDOSC-2001: 1st Cuban Congress and International Workshop in
Endoscopic Surgery
Habana, CUBA
Contact: Prof. Julin Ruiz Torres - President Organizing Committee, Dr. Rafael Torres Pea Promotional Coordinator, Centro de Ciruga Endoscpica - Hospital Universitario "General
Calixto Garca" Calle G y 27, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Tel: (53-7) 33-4190, 55-2161,
55-2162 Fax: (53-7) 33-3319, 33-4190 E-mail:
February 13-16: 52nd Annual Meeting - American College of Surgeons - Puerto Rico Chapter
Contact: Maritza Negroni & Associates Meeting Planners - 10-17 Cordoba Street Torrimar
Guaynabo, PR 00966. Tel (787) 783-0027 / (787) 782-8436. Fax (787) 793-0516.
Last updated: January 2001
Journal Club
Type: VSH
"Primary Trans-Anal (Incision-less) Endorectal Pull-Through for Hirschsprung's Disease in a Newborn"
3 week-old TAGA baby girl born with constipation and painless abdominal distension.
Barium enema shows a transitional zone in recto-sigmoid colon (see figure 1 above).
Suction rectal biopsy demonstrated no ganglion cells. Rectal irrigation's until 4 kg of weight.
Single stage trans-anal modified endorectal pull-though (Soave-Boley) done without abdominal incision. Duration of
procedure - 90 minutes. Send home one day after surgery. Doing well.
Technique in Detail
Diagnosis of HD is made with the help of clinical manifestations, barium enemas findings and suction rectal biopsy. This technique pertains to cases with classic
recto-sigmoid aganglionosis although we believe long-segments cases can also be managed similarly.
The child receives oral electrolyte solution and bowel cleansing the day before surgery. Preoperative prophylaxis with broad-spectrum antibiotics is used. In a
modified lithotomy position the abdomino-perineal area is prepared and draped. The anus is gently dilated manually. Stay sutures placed around the ano-cutaneous
junction permits eversion of the entrance of the anus. Alternatively you can use a circumferential retractor system (1). Around one centimeter above the pectinate line the
area is infiltrated with an epinephrine-saline 1:200,000 solution. Multiple fine silk traction sutures are placed circumferentially in the mucosa where the dissection will
commence. Using sharp dissection with small curved scissors separation of the submucosa layer from the circular internal sphincteric fibers is performed bringing forth
the mucosa-submucosa tube of tissue. Needle tip cauterization of small vessels may be needed.
Once the dissection goes smoothly the submucosal plane meets the peritoneal reflection. The transanal submucosal dissection is extended above the extra
muscular plane (2). At this point the bowel wall is opened in its most anterior portion and entrance into the peritoneal cavity is obtained. The seromuscular coat is cut
circumferentially and the bowel can be mobilized into the perineal area further by coagulating the vessels and ligamentous attachments near the bowel wall. Once the
transitional zone has reached without tension to the anocutaneous junction a piece of bowel wall is send for frozen section confirmation of ganglion cells. The bowel is
amputated and a single layer colo-anal anastomosis using polyvycryl 0000 alternated with 00000 interrupted sutures is done.
No postoperative bowel decompression is needed (NG). After two hours in recovery room the child is sent to the ward and po fluid liquids are given six hours after
surgery. Prophylactic antibiotics are completed for no more than twenty-four after surgery. Once bowel function returns (generally twelve to eighteen hours later) the child
is sent home. Two weeks after surgery a rectal exam is done.
1- Saltzman DA, Telander MJ, Brennon WS, Telander RL: Transanal Mucosectomy: A Modification of the Soave Procedure for Hirschsprung's Disease. J Pediatr Surg
31(9): 1272-1275, 1996
2- Georgeson KE, Fuenfer MM, Hardin WD: Primary Laparoscopic Pull-Through for Hirscsprung's Disease in Infants and Children. J Pediatr Surg 30(7): 1017-1022, 1995
Ivn Figueroa-Otero, MD FACS FAAP
Humberto Lugo-Vicente, MD FACS FAAP
Section of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine and the University
Pediatric Hospital, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Journal Club
Last updated: March 2001
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