Hirschsprung's Disease - Athigaman
Hirschsprung's Disease - Athigaman
Hirschsprung's Disease - Athigaman
Transition Zone
Normal Bowel
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 2
Enteric Nervous System
Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Vagus Nerve
Enhances peristaltic Activity
Splanchnic Nerves ending in
Coeliac, Lumbar, Hypo gastric
Caudal Hind brain
Enteric Neural Crest
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 4
Development of Enteric Nervous System
Posterior rhombomeres migrate
through Ventero lateral pathway and
anterior path of somites – eg. GIT
Anterior rhombomeres migrate
through dorso lateral pathway and
pharyngeal arches – eg. Thyroid
Migration to bowel is at Vagal,
Truncal and Sacral regions
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 5
Chronology of Development of
Enteric Nervous System
5th month – Mid gut
6.5 month – Caecum
8th month – Migration complete
Arrest of caudal migration leads to
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 6
Genetics of Enteric Nervous System
Neurotrophic factors
GDNF – Glial cell line derived
Neuronotropic factor
Transforming growth factor β
(TGF - β)
Laminin – extra cellular matrix
present in basal lamina of smooth
muscle, presence of which may
inhibit migration by formation of
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 7
Pigmentation abnormalities Syndrome
White fore lock, eye brows, hetero chromia irides
Cranial and Spinal Nerve abnormalities
Inner ear degeneration causing sensori neural
Bowel dysfunction
Hyper, Hypoganglionosis, aganglionosis
Facial abnormalities
Membranous bones of face and palate
Chromosome 2q and identified as PAXm3
Chromosome 3
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 8
Genes Genetics of HD
C RET Proto Oncogene (Receptor
Tyrosine Kinase – Super family) –
Chromosome 10
Endothelin 3 (EDN 3)
Lethal spotted - Chromosome 20
Endothelin B – Receptor - (EDNRB)
Piebald Lethal Dominant Mega colon
(DOM) - Chromosome 13
MASH 1 gene – Catecholaminergic
Deletion Chromosome 2, 10, 13
Partial Trisomy 11, 12
Trisomy 21
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 9
Genetics of Hirschsprung Disease
Increased sibling history (4%)
Unbalanced sex ratio (4:1)
Wardenburg Syndrome
Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
Chromosomal deletions or
rearrangements in 10 or 13
Slide No: 10
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College.
Mucosa Micro Anatomy of Bowel
Epithelium– Columnar & goblet
Lamina Propria
Sub Mucosa
Muscularis Mucosa
Muscular L. or Muscularis
Inner Circular muscle
Inter muscular space
Outer Longitudinal Muscle layer
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 11
Micro Anatomy – Intrinsic Nerves
Sub Mucosal plexus
Sub mucosal plexus lying below muscularis mucosa
Predominantly adrenergic
Henle’s plexus
Close to the surface of the circular muscle
Stach’s plexus – Nervous plexus lying on
the mucosal surface of inner circular
muscular layer
Synonyms: Plexus submucosus extremus
Plexus externus extremus
cells of Cajal which form a mono
layer of specialized epithelial network over
the Stach’s plexus
Auer Bach's Plexus – in the inter muscular
space - Parasympathetic
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 12
Of Bowel
Slow wave paces governing rhythmic
contractions Colonic motility
Caecum and Ascending colon
Purpose is mixing, stasis and absorption
Whereas pace making signals spread ante
grade in stomach and small intestine the here it
is retro grade peristaltic contractions (anti
Slow waves arise in the Interstitial cells of Cajal
Slow waves are ante grade in the distal colon
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 16
Initiation by excitation of sensations
Ano rectal receptors are triggered by mechanical
Distension is a better stimulus than chemical
First: Urge to defaecate
Second: Reflex relaxation of Sphincters
Third: Mass Propulsion
Gastro colic reflex is initiated by entry of food into the
Voluntary actions
Closure of airway
Descent of diaphragm
Contraction of abdominal muscles
Relaxation of the striated anal muscles
Involuntary actions
Peristaltic contractions – Mass
Relaxation of internal sphincter
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 17
Acting on nerves
AcetylCholine Chemical
Substance P
Acting on muscle transmitters
Vaso active Intestinal Peptide (VIP)
in ENS
Secretion, Motility, Blood Flow, Activates NO
Opioids – Met-Enkephalin, Leu Enkephalin
Pancreatic Poly Peptide (PPP)
Non Adrenergic, Non Cholinergic Inhibitory
Neurones (NANC)
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 18
Chemical transmitters in ENS - NANC
Non Adrenergic and Non
Cholinergic Peptidergic Inhibitory
System (NANC)
Controlled predominantly by intra
mural Cholinergics
In the rectum also stimulated by Para
Explains failure of pharmacological
Discerned by Electron Microscopy
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 19
Chemical transmitters in ENS - NO
NO is lipophilic and similar to
Endothelium derived Relaxing
Factor (EDRF)
NO is produced by NANC
NO is synthesised by NO
This requires Nicotianmide
Adenine Di nucleotide
Phosphate Diaphosphorase
(NADPH) and Calcium Slide No: 20
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College.
Chemical transmitters in ENS - NO
NADPH diaphospharase is similar in
staining to NO and can be assessed
NOS & NADPH is used to assess NO
activity which is markedly decreased in
Enzymatic synthesis is prevented by
L-NMMA (N Mono Methyl L Arginine)
L- NNA (N Nitro L Arginine)
L-NAME (Nitro L Arginine Methyl Esther )
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 21
Absence of three types of ganglion cells
Cholinergic neurons
Inter Neurons
NANC Neurons
Cholinergic and adrenergic fibres proliferate in number and
Absence of NANC Nerves
Over production of Acetyl Choline
This leads to Acetyl Cholinesterase excess measured in
Erythrocytes Histological
Thickening of muscle layer
No peptidergic neurons
Findings in
Fewer VIP and Substance P Hirschsprung’s
Higher Nor epinephrine content
Abnormal expression of NCAM
Lack of Glial Fibrillary acid protein
Histology Of Hirschsprung's Disease
v Sub Mucosa
Thickened Nerve
(Note Absence of Ganglion)
Myentric Plexus
Classification of HD based on segment involved
Ultra short Segment
Short Segment
Recto Sigmoid (Classical)
Long Segment
Total Colonic Aganglionosis
Total Intestinal Aganglionosis
Zuelzer Wilson Syndrome
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 24
Neural Pathway
Eye abnormalities
RET expressing gene and
sympathoblasts from somites 5 to 7
contribute to Cervical ganglion as well
as ganglion cells to distal colon
Interruption of bowel by a vascular
accident as in atresia prevents distal
migration of the neural crest cells
through the Vagus.
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 25
Types of Type 1 Type 2 A Type 2 B
MEN Wermer Sipple Froboese
Para thyroids
Pancreas Para thyroids Adrenals
Pituitary Adrenals Mucosa -
Tumours Hyperplasia, Phaeochromocy Phaeochromocy
Adenoma, toma toma
Malignancy: Thyroid ( C Cell Thyroid ( C Cell
Gastrinoma Hyperplasia, Hyperplasia,
Insulinoma MTC) MTC)
Hyper Parathyroid Alimentary
Parathyroidism Hyperplasia Tract
VIP oma
Gene Chromosome 11
Lipoma Chromosome Chromosome
Locus 10 Mega
11 colon
(10q11.2) HD
Anal Sphincter
Achalasia Variants
Smooth Cell Abnormalities
Peri Nuclear Vacuolation
Central Core degeneration
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 27
Intestinal Neuronal Dysplasia
Type A
Entire sympathetic system is aplastic or hypo
Un modulated Para sympathetic leads to
contracted colon
Type B
Hypoplasia of sub mucosal and Myenteric Plexus
Giant ganglion formation
ACE activity is elevated
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 28
Chagas disease – Acquired Mega Colon
Common in endemic areas
Caused by Trypnasoma cruzi
Heart and gut are primarily infected
In the gut Esophagus and colon are
Focal inflammatory lesion leads to
pseudo cyst formation in the walls of the
GIT muscle
Nerves are destroyed by Auto immune /
Neuro toxins
Duhamel’s procedure
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 29
1 in 5000 Incidence of HD
Male : Female = 4:1
Male Preponderance decreases with increasing
Sibling risks
Males 4% and Females 1 %
Long Segment - Higher transmission risk
Brothers 24 % and sons 29 %
Total Colonic Ganglionois – Familial
Incidence 15 to 21 %
Total Intestinal Ganglionois – Familial
Incidence 50 %
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 30
Delayed passage of Meconium
Abdominal distension History
Rectal examination or wash outs cause
passage of Meconium and relief of
Occasionally Diarrhoea
Toxic Mega colon
Adults – 10 cms
Children – 5 cms
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 31
Gen. Examination:-
Mental Retardation
Failure to thrive
Neo nates Presentation
Intestinal obstruction
Distension and constipation
Child Hood
Comfortable in spite of
massive distension
Faecaloma and constipation
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 33
A. Frequency 48 hours
B. Consistency
Over attended child consumes little
solid mostly milk
More retention – Hard scyabalous
Reluctance to go to toilet – faces not
Straining – Anal fissure
Intense pain reflex spasm.
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 36
Chronology About 6 months Since birth
Abdominal Distension Not `so common Present
Soiling Common Not present – Super
Diarrhoea No Diarrhoea Entero Colitis
Stool in ampulla Common Unusual
Defaecation Painful No pain
Passes stool in Semi standing Normal posture
Obstructive Symptoms Rare Common
Stool retentive behaviour Common Rare
General Condition Good Emaciation
Anal Fissure Present Never
Per Rectal Examination Loaded from anal Empty
verge (refer next slide)
1. Not fully continent - Fill 1. Super Continent - No Soiling
and spill - Soiling present 2. Fissures absent
2. Fissures - Present 3. PR: Rectum empty, Wall
3. PR: Rectum dilated from collapsed, and griping of
anal verge, Wall dilated, finger present ( Faecal
and facaloma present from matter may be evacuated on
anal verge. Peri anal removing the finger ). If the
excoriations seen. HD is short tip of finger may
enter capricious rectum with
PlainX rays
Barium Enema
Ano rectal Manometry
Rectal Biopsy
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 46
Abnormally increased contraction of the upper anal canal with rectal
distension and absence of the relaxation curve in HD
Normal Hirschsprung’s
Anorectal Manometry
Ano Rectal Pressure profile (ARPP)
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 49
Investigations - Histological
Haematoxylin Eosin
Enzyme histo chemical staining
Rapid Acetyl cholinesterase reaction
Lactic Dehydrogenase reaction (LDH)
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 50
Investigations - Histological
Absence of ganglion cells in the sub
mucosa and Myentric plexus
Increase in Acetyl Choline Esterase
activity (AchE) in the Para
sympathetic Nerve fibres of lamina
propria, Mucosa, Muscularis
Mucosa and circular muscle
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 51
Immuno Histo chemical studies
Neuronal markers
Neuron Specific Enolase Tyrosine hydroxylase
(NSE) Dopamine Beta hydroxylase
Protein Gene product (PGP) Vaso active Intestinal poly
Neuro Peptide Y (NPY) peptide (VIP)
Neuro Filament Protein (NFP) Peptide HI ( (PHI)
S 100 Proteins Substance P (SP)
Neuronal Micro Tubule Enkephalin
Associated Protein (MAP) Gastrin releasing peptide
Synaptophysin Protein (GRP)
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Calcitonin gene related
Chromogranins peptide (CGRP)
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 52
Investigations - Histological
Neuronal Markers for ENS
NADPH Diaphophorase
Neural Cell Adhesion
Molecule (NCAM)
Nerve Growth Factor
Receptor (NGF)
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 53
Investigations – Electron
Confirms Microscopical features
Histopathology of aganglionic intestine is
not exclusively confined to nervous
HD includes also disorders in connective
tissue components evidenced by
increased deposition of collagen
Pathology may not be entirely due to
Neural crest cells but may also include
micro environmental abnormalities
intrinsic to the colonic wall
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 54
Full thickness
While this may give adequate tissue to the
pathologist the risk of perforation of colon does
Fibrosis may hinder future pull through surgeries
Mucosal Biopsy
forceps with three suction cups to take
biopsy at three levels
First biopsy level is 3 cms above dentate line
(At the dentate line the columnar mucosa gets
converted to squamous, & the ganglion cells would be
absent normally)
The second biopsy would represent the
transition zone
The Third biopsy should represent the proximal
dilated normal colon
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 55
Aims at removal of diseased segment partially or
in Toto in three staged procedures
Colostomy, Definitive procedure, Colostomy
Single staged procedures
Duhamel, Swenson, Soave
Two stage procedures – Transition
zone colostomy
No LaprotomyTreatment
Endo anal
Perineal One Stage Operative Pull Through - Department of Paediatric Surgery Slide No: 56
First Stage in conventional treatment of HD
Second Stage in conventional treatment of HD
Swenson’s Duhamel’s
Recto Sigmoidectomy Retro Rectal Pull Through
Excision of afflicted
segment in Toto or
partially by
Endo Rectal Pull Through
Third Stage in conventional treatment of HD
Transition zone colostomy
Number of Surgery reduced to two
Maximum amount of colon for absorption
Assures colostomy is in normal functioning colon
Pelvic Colostomy is preferable to Transverse
colostomy with its due morbidity
Does away with the benefits of protective colostomy
during the definitive procedure
Length of colon mobilized and removed may be
longer as it includes the colostomy and hence the
pull through would include a longer length of gap to
be bridged
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 60
Surgical procedures available for HD
Biopsy – Rectal, Mucosal
Colostomy, Ileostomy
Rehbein, State – Largely given up
Ultra short: Sphincterotomy
Short: Extended Myomectomy
Total Colonic Ganglionosis
Martin Duhamel's – extended side to side
Kimura Stringel
Extended Myotomy and Myomectomy
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 61
Pre operative preparation
Rectal irrigation twice a day for 3 days or longer
Rectal irrigation fluid:-
Antibiotics and Metronidazole – Cipro, Neomycin,
Phosphatic Saline Enema
Always saline is used as dilutant
Evacuation Enema is alternated
Oral Ante grade Enemas - Peglyte
Liquid diet for 3 days
Injection Vitamin K for three days
Now TPN is being recommended with Nil oral
Oral antibiotics
Short pre operative
Usually it is started three days pre operatively
IV Antibiotics – One hour before Surgery
Ryle’s tube from previous night
Electrolyte estimations before surgery
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 62
All procedures are preceded by full
rectal manual dilatation which in
the author’s view off sets the most
common post operative
complication in the long term –
Constipation which is claimed to
be due to:-
Anal Sphincter Achalasia
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 63
Recto Sigmoidectomy
Operative steps
Access to abdomen and pelvis by lithotomy and appropriate
draping - Trendelenburg position with arms in hyper abduction
Catheterisation with Foley’s, Infant feeding tubes
If colostomy is transitional it is undone and the proximal end
closed with purse string and the surgery proceeds
Hockey stick, Left Para Median, Pffannenstiel
After opening the abdomen the bladder is kept out of the
field by retractors, (Denise Brown self retracting), and stay
First, the retro rectal space has to be mobilised and this is the easiest.
Ligation of the superior Haemorrhoidal Artery and vein may aid the
reduction of blood loss. Care is taken to stick close to the bowel as the
pre sacral plexus of veins can cause torrential haemorrhage. The
mobilisation is done close to the bowel to avoid injury to adjacent pelvic
The lateral sides are then mobilised. The Middle Rectal vessels may
come in the way and may require ligation. Dissection is kept close to the
bowel muscular wall and all vessels are electro coagulated under direct
vision. Usually the bleeding during this dissection stops with packing
and patient waiting as shown in the diagram.
Iliac Ureter
Dentate line
The bowel which is inside the everted, intussuscepted colon is mobilized through
the incision and pulled out through the ant. incision. The pulled through bowel is
cut (Any bleeding from the cut edges is coagulated and this augurs that the
mobilised segment has its blood supply intact), and the proximal segment pulled
again until the marker stitches are visualized. Torsion is ruled out by proper
alignment of the marker stitches. The Sero muscular layer of suturing is done
between the inner side of the everted cuff and the outer side of the pulled through
colon just .5 cms above the proposed site of section.
The ant. incision of
the outer layer of the
everted rectum is cut
through all around.
Already the sero
muscular layer of the
Perineal Anastomosis
has been completed
at this stage. We
usually prefer a 2
layer interrupted,
suturing technique
with silk. Vicryl is the
now recommended
material. Stay
stitches at 12, 3, 6,
and 9 ‘O’clock
position may help in
proper alignment
especially when there
is bowel wall
The two cut edges of the everted Ano Rectal cuff and the pulled through
bowel are sutured with through and through interrupted stitches all
around with Vicryl or silk as in the diagram.
Disparity may be met with because of the size of the proximal dilated
bowel. This is corrected during the suturing if minimal and also by
making the cut in the Ano rectum oblique. The Anastomosis is
completed meticulously and then returned to the abdomen.
Younger patient’s are not catheterised
Crede’s Manoeuvre is used
Three or four Trocar sites
3 m.m. or 5 m.m. 30 degree scopes
Scope placed just below liver edge and the right
of the falciform ligament
Supra pubic Trocar to provide pelvic retraction
and hold the colon
Other two Trocars are placed lateral to the rectus
at level of umbilicus
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 83
Leak Complications
Bowel Control
Entero Colitis
Rectal Stricture
Association of Down’s has totally
unsatisfactory results
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 84
Faecal stasis and mechanical dilatation
Infectious aetiology
Loss of mucosal defense mechanism
Increased prostaglandin activity
Alteration in Mucin content
Alterations in Neuro Endocrine Cell
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 85
Duhamel’s Procedure
Retro rectal and trans anal pull
No anterior dissection
Chances of lesser injury to Posterior vesical plexus
Hence theoretically the incontinence and impotence should be lesser
Relatively safer procedure
The anterior rectum is left behind
Morbidity of the clamps in the post operative period if used
Residual pouch irrespective of level of Ana. could lead to problems
Stages: First: Closure of rectum.
Second: Preparation of retro rectal space
Third: Endo anal incision
Fourth: Retro Rectal pull through
Duhamel’s Procedure
Retro rectal and trans anal pull
The suturing is completed all around and the septum in between the
pulled through bowel and excluded rectum marked with stay stitches.
Here we see the septum well delineated between the excluded rectum
anteriorally and the pulled through bowel posteriorally. The retractor and
catheter are seen in the anterior part of the excluded rectum.
Two Kocher’s clamps are inserted with one blade in the excluded rectum
and the other in the pulled through portion of the colon. The bases of the
clamps are held apart so that they lie at the lateral angles of the colonic
suture. Their points meet in an inverted V at the apex of the Rectal pouch
at the highest possible level.
The position of the clamps is checked by the asst. by direct intra
abdominal palpation and visualisation. The opening in the stump of the
Excluded rectum is closed in the abdomen by silk in 2 layers, forming the
The Kocher’s forceps are locked depriving the septum in between of its blood
supply and allowing it to necrotize, effectively forming an Anastomosis. The two
Kocher’s are tied with gauze and allowed to protrude through the anus and
allowed to fall of naturally.
While the Kocher’s clamps serve admirably, they cause morbidity to the
patient who has the instrument locked in the anus and the legs tied
together for about a week. The Endo Linear stapler with cutter forms an
excellent alternative. This forms the Anastomosis and divides the
septum in between immediately completing the procedure on the table.
The only off set would be the recurring price.
Linear Stapler
with cutter
The Linear stapler shown with two layers of clips which are
stapled on either side of the groove in the centre. The central
groove is then cut with the device effectively completing the
procedure expeditiously.
Modification’s of Duhamel’s:-
1956 Duhamel - Ano Cutaneous Junction
High incidence of anal incontinence and prolapse due to complete division of the internal
1959 Grob - 2 to 2.5 cms above the muco cutaneous junction
High incidence of constipation with formation of faecaloma
1960 Duhamel’s modification of Duhamel - 1 cms above the anal margin
Familial Polyposis
Ulcerative Colitis
1955 – Romauldi proposed it
1961 – Soave used it for ARM with fistula and HD
Hirschsprung's Disease - Dept. of Paed. Surgery, Madurai Medical College. Slide No: 106
Procaine Hydrochloride 0.5 is injected between the layers, above the peritoneal
reflection. Longitudinal Sero muscular incision is made on the anterior wall.
Incision is widened with blunt dissection. The borders of the Sero muscular layer
are held apart with Allis.
The mucosal tube is now freed completely all around. It is progressively carried
downward, taking care not to cause any perforation, in the mucosa or Sero
muscular layer. A combination of blunt and sharp dissection is performed as
appropriate. Dissection is easier on the posterior surface than anteriorally. The
dissection is carried proximally to 1 cms above the dentate line. This is checked
by bi digital examination. Bleeding is arrested by electro coagulation and
Malecot’s catheter is introduced into the lumen of the rectal mucosal cylinder and
a strong ligature tied behind the head in the mucosal tube at the proximal end.
Gentle traction pulls out the mucosal tube and everts it causing intussusception.
The outer mucosal tube is cut 1cm from the Ano cutaneous junction. The inner
tube is pulled till the marker stitches in the Normal bowel are seen, and the bowel
is cut flush at this level.
Everted anal mucosa
Marker stitch
Levator Ani
•Total Colonic Aganglionosis
(Side to side
Staged Kimura Stringel Operation – First Stage:
Ganglionated small intestine is patched to
Aganglionated bowel.
Staged Kimura Stringel Operation – Second Stage:
Right colon mesentery is divided and the composite
intestine that is vascularised by the small bowel
mesentery is prepared for pull through